Rockefeller center they are going to light the Christmas Tree. Ainsley if you are a tourist et come on down if you live here get out of way. Traffic and lots of streets closed. Take the subway today. Steve indeed. Thank you for joining us on this very busy wednesday. Ainsley thanks. Great to be back. Steve we start with a fox news alert. Big win for republicans. Ainsley thats right that lady right there. The senator in mississippi Cindy Hyde Smith beating out mike enis i in mississippis Runoff Election. Brian Jonathan Serrie live in jackson, mississippi to break it all down. This wasnt as close as many thought. Yeah, brian, steve,and ainsley. It was a comfortable victory although somewhat closer than you might expect in a deeply red state. Cindy hide smith waste nothing time saying she is going to go back to washington this morning and get right back to work. Take a look at the race board you can see the marginal. Hide smith made goffs during gat were made as racially sensitive. Praises President Trumps support for bringing her to victivictory. Being on that maga wagon. Make America Great again bus. We have persevered and gottennen through things. We were successful today. President trump tweeted his congratulations to the senator saying we are all very proud of you and hide smiths opponent added his congratulations as well. She has my prayers as she goes to washington to unite our very divided mississippi. And she has my prayers and my willingness to help her to do it. This runoff settles the final senate race of the Midterm Elections and so once the new congress is sworn in, the balance of power in the senate will be 53 republicans to 47 democrats. Back to you guys. Steve all right, Jonathan Serrie live in jackson, mississippi. The republicans, even though that is a reliable red state, the republicans werent taking any chances. They sent over 100 operatives in mississippi to turn out the vote. Spent 3 million on Television Advertising to bash mr. Espy and, of course, the president of the United States showed up in the state for two rallies the day people did the voting. Ainsley went by President Trump for nearly 20 . That state does love the president or did go out to the polls to vote for him. I was very impressed with espys concession speech. That was very nice. Saying they were going to Work Together. Brian senator smith has two more years later on Thad Cochrans term because is he not doing well physically. I would love to see her go right to the black community because it looks like the black and white issue was on display. If you were black you voted for espy. If you didnt, you voted for smith. I would love to see her go right into the black community and say lets start heeling this rift in mississippi. Steve whats going on south of our border in mexico. The mayor of tijuana says they only have enough money to fund the migrant shelter for two more days. And, in fact, on monday, schools near the border were shut down over a safety concerns because of what happened over the weekend where hundreds of people raced toward the burden. Ainsley about 10,000 expecting to be there when all the numbers are totaled. Going to Work Together to keep Asylum Seekers in mexico as they are waiting for asylum to come through or paperwork to come through. Mike pompeo is going to sit down with the mental coforeign minister on sunday because the president elect goes into office on saturday. So they will meet together on sunday and then that foreign minister is also going to talk with other people in the administration on monday. Brian if you are like us they have an election. They have to wait some time to stand up a government. Dealing with nate nieto and outgoing government. It looks like the Trump Administration getting along with the new administration a little bit better. I think its astounding too that the migrants have a list of demands that Griff Jenkins was able to acquire. One acceleration process of applying for asylum and end to the manipulative deportations. Wait a second, you have demands in order for you to come into the country . That seems to me a little bit the world spinning on its head. Steve remember, it was a couple weeks ago the president said by executive order he would change the rules and say if you wanted to claim asylum, you had to go through a port of entry. An official port like san ysidro down in california. Well now the Trump Administration is going to appeal, remember that ninth circuit judge, he said that is unconstitutional. You dont have to go through a port. You can just touch the land and you can make an asylum claim. Apparently the doj says the temporary restraining order which the judge issued last 30 days says that that undermines the president s authority. And when it comes to asylum, keep in mind, if you simply want to come into the country to make money or to be reunited with your family, that is not an accurate and lawful asylum claim. Buck sexton was on with tucker last night and had a lot to say about this. Its a scam and people know its a scam based on the percentage of individuals in the past who have come and tried to claim asylum in this way and the fact that theyre being coached to lie. This is a form of fraud. When you say that im in imminent fear of my life because people along the way have said this is what you have to say to get into the asylum process you can later be adjudicated you are lying to people in a vast majority of these cases. By the way if just being from honduras that you are from such asylum then the whole country would qualify for asylum. Brines brian thats a great point and Kirstjen Nielsen did a great job breaking it down with hannity last night as well. If you want to come here and work, i would love to have expedited system to have people get background checks. People in the Farming Community need help and great way to establish yourself here and begin the process of becoming an american citizen. There has got to be part of Immigration Reform and stuff thats not going to be ideological battle. Thats one of them. One of the parts we can get on the same page. I was listening to some of the interviews griff did last night. I just wants a job. I understanding thats not good enough for asylum. Might be something we need here. Put them in a different line. Steve change the law. Ainsley system is broken. We need Immigration Reform. The president doesnt want people to be able to go through between ports. He wants to know who is coming in because of criminal issues. That is a factor here. We want our kids and families to be safe. Yeah, its really heartbreaking when you see the families there at the border that are trying to have a better life for their kids. Look at those dan bongino says if you dont want tear gas in your face then dont storm the border. Steve you can see in some of those images, see them throwing rocks and bottles at the Border Patrol. After that they used pepper spray and tear gas and there has been great media outrage over it. But, when you look at the numbers and the number of times that customs and Border Patrol during the Obama Administration used similar things, similar tactics, it is astounding. 26 times in 2012. 27 times in 13. 15 in 14. 8 in 15 and 3 times in 2018. Ainsley more than 80 times. Over the weekend they used it to push back what they refer to as assaultive migrants on sunday. All right. So they used this tactic for years, right . And, yet, when you look at Media Research center did coverage of the caravan over the last couple of days, how many times did they mention the fact that they used them during the Obama Administration . Zero. On the nightly newses. Brian senator graham was on with sean last night. I understanding whats going on at the border. This is nonlethal action to control what is happening in and out of our country. Listen. How long does it take to you figure this out. When it comes to obama, when he uses tear gas he is protecting the country. The narrative is that trump is a cruel, heartless [bleep] only works if he uses tear gas on kids. And it undercuts the argument if the Obama Administration used tear gas to protect our border from being overrun. The question for the country is what do you say to the people who shot the canisters. I stand behind the men and women on the border standing between us and people who want to cross illegally. When you are slamming the tear gas, you are slamming the people we put on the border to protect us and thats what disgusts me the most. Ainsley criticism of tear gas is criticism of our Law Enforcement. They are just doing their job. This is a procedure and he said its nonlethal. This is just the way the system is set up. Brian i also want to add to this on the subplot of the whole border battle is the president saying i want 5 billion to build a wall this reaffirms is both sides tend to realize that storming of the border on sunday hurt the migrants cause big time. Chuck schumer says im looking to give 1. 6 billion in addition for Border Security. The president wants 5 billion. Im wondering if democrats realize okay, im two years away from another elections or a year before we really have to dig in on this. Maybe they see its not advantage holding out doing nothing. Maybe they could sit and talk and maybe get 3 billion for the wall . The house is already approved. Chuck schumer is saying you know what . The president was talking to the the Washington Post yesterday. He said, you know what . Maybe ive got a plan b. Maybe we will just use troops. Maybe we will use razor wire down there. It seems to be effective in california. Brian the house at 5 and senate at 1. 6. They know they are in lame duck session. Maybe they could play ball. Maybe get together in Conference Community real quick and do it. Ainsley you are thinking 3 billion . Brian can we work something out . We can start beginning to compromise on something instead of just getting in line oh, maybe this advantage can get me another vote on election day in two years . Steve the president was suggesting that he would go to the mat force a partial government shut down by december 7th if he didnt get the wall money. But now he is talking about a plan b. So i think he sees the writing on the wall, no pun intended. He is not going to get any more money from the democrats. So maybe he is going to have to go to the backup plan. Brian 1. 6 can keep you busy for ear year. Then did you go back next year and get another 2. Ainsley now you 1. 6. I thought you wanted the 3 . Brian i would Say Something in order to get something done rather than sit there and shut down the government and hear all these speeches and get people enraged again. Ainsley a little bit is better. Brian im done with this. Ainsley okay. Hand it over to jillian who has more headlines. Jillian whatever brian does. Brian i want something. Jillian how about this . Investigation is underway after active shooter alert turns out to be a false alarm. One hour of chaos unfolding in Walter Reed Medical Center in maryland. Locking themselves in rooms to save their lives. Someone was planning a future drill and accidently activated the system. The words exercise or drill were not included in text and email alerts. Today lawmakers will be brifd on the murder of saudi columnist jamal khashoggi. Secretary of state mike pompeo and 70s secretary james mattis will talk to senators behind closed doors before they vote on u. S. Support for saudi arabias war in yemen. Several saudi agents fails the Death Penalty after khashoggi was murdered and dismembered at the kingdoms consulate in istanbul last month. Also happening today, House Democrats will meet behind closed doors to elect new leadership. Minority leader nancy pelosi expected to win the nomination for house speaker. She wont officially get the title until january 3rd when a public floor vote takes place. More than a dozen democrats have vowed to vote against her. A look at your headlines. I will send it back to you. Steve she wins. Ainsley shell win. Definitely. Steve meanwhile President Trump said he may cancel his meeting in the g20 summit over tensions over ukraine. How should deal with ukraine and russia . Dan hoffman served as cia station chief in moscow. He has a pretty good idea. Brian thats a good picture of him. Ainsley the scientist who created the first gene edited babies . He just made a big announcement overnight when everything i ever do i do for you and la la la la la what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. The greatest wish of all. Is one that brings us together. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with 0 down, 0 due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Only at your lincoln dealer. This. United states will pay a huge price i russia will pay. Steve the president is supposed to meet with putin at the g20 this week. Now is reportedly thinking about canceling is that a good idea. Daniel hoffman is a former cia station chief and served in moscow and joins us now. Daniel, what the russians did and putin did with those ukrainian ships, that was no mistake, was it . That wasnt an accident. No. He knows the g20 summit is around the corner and looking for a fight which i think he believes he can win. Steve okay. He thinks he can win. The question is what does the United States do . Should the president of the United States talk to putin . Should he cancel the trip . What should he do . Yeah. I would encourage the president to meet with putin and hold him publicly accountable for russias nefarious, this latest incident of russias latest aggression against ukraine. We know from the Obama Administrations experience when you talk to russia and dont have any counter measures, it only encourages russias further aggression. We need to do other things as well. It starts with that public overt rebuke of putin. I think the president could deliver that strongly. Steve yeah. You say nothing threatens putins regime more than ukraine. A democratic neighbor with a bright Economic Future and russian speaking population. He doesnt like them right over there next to him. Putin called the collapse of the soviet union the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. Nothing squares him more like a country like ukraine committed to democracy. Thats inspiration a beacon of hope to putins own opponent who dont enjoy civil liberties. Steve you see this as a true test of the president s power internationally. If he plays this right its a good thing obviously but there is peril in it, isnt there . I think there is a lot the United States can do. We need to bring along our nato allies okay consider a nato deployment to the black and seas to support ukraine. We could deliver Maritime Assistance and other weapons. We could even declare russian officials persona nongraduate that. Need to take the lead with our allies. Steve the key is for the president to go and talked to him. Daniel hoffman station chief in russia, daniel, thank you. Thank you. Steve what do you think about that friends foxnews. Com. One state thought legalizing marijuana was a good idea but its getting so bad pot smokers are flooding the streets. We will tell you where that is. Plus, bill and Hillary Clinton kicking off new speaking tour. But there werent a lot of people to see them reportedly. Tomi lahren says it might as well just be a Trump Campaign ad. She is going to join us next to explain. Over the last 24 hours, you finished preparing him for college. In 24 hours, youll send him off thinking youve done everything for his well being. But meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. While meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. Like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. Meningitis b strikes quickly. Be quick to talk to your teens doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. so shark invented duo clean. 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A town holds emergency meeting after pot smokers flood the streets and clog traffic. Its been a nightmare. Im talking hundreds of cars a day. Ainsley pot shop is only one of two of expense sears selling Recreational Marijuana in the state of massachusetts. The state just started allowing pot sales this month and officials expect the crowd to die down once more store licenses are approved. Dont expect this bag to be claimed. U. S. Customs agents find a suitcase filled with 1. 3 million worth of cocaine at new yorks jfk airport. The 38 bricks weighing more than 100 pounds arrived on a flight from ecuador. Steve somebody put that on a plane . Holy cow. Meanwhile, are bill and Hillary Clinton losing their touch . The clintons kicked off 13 city speaking tour 19,000 seat arena they started in reportedly more than half empty as they took the stage to react to the midterms and, of course, attack the current president. I think it does lay the ground work for the house of representatives, holding the Trump Administration accountable, which is way overdue. Require republicans who are of goodwill and dont want to make america a single homogenous authoritarian country we have a chance to have a debate again now. Ainsley here to react is fox nation host tomi lahren. The venue can hold 19,000, where the hockey the maple leafs play they sold 3300 seats. Your reaction. Im surprised that many people showed up. I cant imagine how anyone would spend their hard earned money to hear bill and Hillary Clinton complain about election loss over and over and over again. But, of course, in true bill and hillary style, they couldnt help but attack President Trump proving, once again, the most interesting thing about bill and hillary is donald trump. So, i think if i were donald trump, i would take that as a huge victory. Brian unbelievable. Thats the size of an indoor soccer crowd and they took their act to canada to get the crowd. So you have 3300. Thats embarrassing we did hear earlier reports that tickets were 700 each. You wouldnt mind if it was going to a charity. Ainsley very last minute there was one ticket being sold for 6. 55. Brian brian still couldnt fill it up. Its amazing. And only reason that i gold to see Something Like that would be i still cant understand how bill and hillary have gotten away with all the things that they have gotten away with popular tv show how to get away murder. I would go and listen to their tips and tricks on Something Like that. Listen to them talk about politics and the job that trump is doing oh no, not interested. I would rather watch paint dry. Steve keep in mind, tomi, she won the popular vote. Have you heard that a million times. There is some suggestion she might actually run again. Oh, please, hillary, please, please run again. We all need the entertainment. I think donald trump needs the entertainment as well. So, please, hillary, if you are listening, which she may be, please run again. We are all dying to see that train wreck once again. Brian lets talk about fox nation. A launch yesterday. Everyone is talking about it. You are playing a huge role in it in particular, some of the programming thats now online if you download the app. And get for 60 a month or 5. 99. A special available today, right . Some things coming up people are going to want to be part of. Those of you not familiar with fox nation sign up now and get a free trial. I promise you, sign up get your free trial and be hooked and watch us all the time. I would encourage everyone to go check that out immediately. Ainsley some specials going to be airing. Here is a clip of chapter 1 on fox nation. Calm la in the Morning Police chief found that car. Senator kennedy what have you done its been 10 hours and you havent told anybody. Watch part one of chappaquiddick on the fox news channel. See a sneak peek on fox nation now. All worried about protecting career. Steve there you go. Get a sneak peek of the documentary it looks terrific. Tomi, tell people about what you do for fox nation. Well, i have my first and final thoughts so coming up at 9 30 a. M. Eastern on the fox nation app. And streaming service, you can watch my first thoughts and then at 6 00 p. M. Eastern i have my final thoughts. Yawngsd that well be doing a lot of sit down interviews and specials. In fact, next week i have something very exciting that im going to be going to do that i cant talk about yet but its going to be on fox nation. Everyone subscribe. Go check it out because this sex exclusive content and its wonderful for the fox news fans that watch you guys every morning. Now they can watch you on their phones and apps on demand. Steve cant beat that for more information go to foxnation. Com. Thank you for joining us on this very busy wednesday. Ainsley thanks, tomi. Brian you have a couple features rolling out too . Steve cooking with doocy. Brian how many have you done . Steve i have done four or five because the cookbook came out a month or two ago. I go to the homes of the rich and famous. Brian whether they want you to or not . Steve and they make me dinner and we watch. Ainsley learn more about them and Favorite Recipes and what their houses look like. Steve thats right. All at foxnation. Com. Brian very cool. Im paying for it. One member of the caravan determined to cross the border even though he is a criminal. Are you worried that if you go illegally and they catch you, they will put you back in jail. But i got no choice because i have got to work for a living. Brian Griff Jenkins is live with the caravan next. Ainsley trip of biblical proportions where life size replica of noahs ark is about to set sale wow i dare you to managing my type 2 diabetes wasnt my top priority. Until i held her. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. Once daily tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. Tresiba® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. I found my tresiba® reason. Find yours. Ask your Diabetes Care specialist about tresiba®. Hi susan hs honey . I respect that. But that cough looks pretty bad. Try this new robitussin honey. The real honey you love. Plus the powerful cough relief you need. Mind if i root through your trash . New robitussin honey. Because its never just a cough. Steve all right. Tensions are rising continue to rise on the southern border in california. City of tijuana, the officials are now pleading for help as thousands of migrants wait to enter the United States. The question is when. Brian one migrant with a criminal past now tells fox news is he coming in illegally. Ainsley Griff Jenkins is live in tijuana with more on that plan. Griff . Griff good morning guys, louisluis has arrest record for assault. They are getting tired, reckless. Sick because they thought it would be a lot easier to get into the United States. Luis says he is going to go whether its illegal or not. Listen. Any way is the same because i dont go i dont go to the other side to do something bad. I go to work. And work is work here, there, and anywhere. Griff some aiding this caravan selfdeported yesterday and another hundred were deported by mexico after sundays melee, however, there are 200 more arrived here overnight officials tell us and some thousand or more may be coming from mexicali. The delegate that runs this area says that he believes the organizers of this the caravan are to blame. He says its a cost that tijuanaese people cannot afford. Listen. We need help. This is very costly. Its costing us around 30,000 to 40,000 a day to keep these people here. Those funds have to come from some place and its municipal funds. Griff migrants by the way held a bit of a press conference yesterday and had a list of demands. We will go into that a little bit later. Among that they want to end deportations and speed up the asylum process. We will bring that to you in a little bit. Guys. Steve i read their demands. They have many griff, i heard a number of migrants at the encampment behind you are getting from u frustrated. You cant walk in and demand asylum. Now there is going to be a little timeout period. They are thinking about applying for asylum now in mexico many of them, right . Griff thats right. Mexico has offered temporary asylum and temporary jobs, in some cases up to two years. But they dont want that because they say the jobs are too low paying and they want to get to the United States. Many of them have family there. And they are not deterred of by the fact that the Administration Secretary nielsen says that over 90 of them wont even qualify for asylum. Steve . Brian its all coming to a head because more are coming in their own caravans right behind this one. Ainsley griff, mexico is offering asylum to everyone . Griff i think not everyone. Because we will go a little bit more into that delegate morano because he said just like the Trump Administration he told me we are worried about whether or not they were, in his words delinquents into their criminal past. He says if they want to come here without a record and they want to work, they will offer them possible temporary arrangements, but if they have a problem with their past history, the mexican officials here in tijuana want them gone as well. We will bring that to you in the next hour. Steve Griff Jenkins live in tijuana. Thank you very much. Brian no one wants jillian gone. Jillian no, we dont. Ainsley we need you. Jillian thank you i love you guys right back. Lets get you caught up on your headlines. The chinese scientist behind the first edited babies claims another is on the way. A man claims a second woman is pregnant with a child that will be resistant to h. I. V. And aids. First gene edited babies a pair of twin girls were just born this month. Many Scientists Say his work is unethical and could harm other genes. Gene editing is ban in the u. S. Protesting a visit by ivanka trump and apple ceo tim cook. High School Students also walked out of class complaining about the ipads apple donated to the low income Idaho School District because they reduce interactions with teachers. A group protested the Trump Administration outside the school. Others showed support. How do you stop a bad guy with a gun . A college in michigan says use a hockey puck. Hockey coach for my kids when they were growing up. I remember getting hit in the head with a hockey puck once and it really hurts it fits well into briefcase or backpack. It doesnt roll around when you are taking out your books. Ainsley 800 pucks have been sent to the university. Potential active shooter. Another 1700 will go to students. And take a look at this. A life size replica of noahs ark preparing to set sail. It only makes sense to take gods ship to gods land. Only problem 2500ton ship doesnt have a motor and needs to be pulled by tug boats it will cost the builder over a Million Dollars to make the trip. Pretty cool to look at. Doesnt seem like it makes a lot of sense. Steve the original didnt have a motor. Jillian very true. Ainsley there is one in the United States that you can take your kids to and visit. Isnt it in your neck of the woods in pennsylvania. Ainsley kentucky im being told. Two and take your kids and have a life experience. Brian there is a movie out they found noahs ar ark. Ainsley rainbow is gods promise. God said i will never send a flood again. Every time we see the rainbow its gods promise. Steve down right cold today. Janice i like that transition. We could see a few snowflakes in the new york city area. Lets take a look at chilly maps. Cold far south as florida. Freeze advisories for parts of northern florida and the gulf coast. There are your temperatures. Thats the wind chill. Single digits, teens, feels like 29 here in new york. Theres the snow. Were not talking about a big storm system. Mainly lake effect snow. But we could actually see some of those snowflakes reach toward the new york city area. Past 24 hours for the west coast. Going to provide a lot of much needed rain for parts of california, including southern california. But a lot of rain could mean the potential for flooding and mud slides and debris flows. This is a couple of systems that are going to move. In big snow path for parts of the sierra that will move across the central u. S. Bringing potential. Tracking on thursday and friday. Can i come back inside now . Brian please, no. Ainsley brian said no. Brian she doesnt listen to me. Steve she is inside now. President trump threatening cut the subsidies for General Motors and gearing up for. What impact will this have on the economy . Well crunch numbers coming up. Brian talking trade. One of the biggest car events of the year. We are getting a sneak peek at cars that havent been seen until now asterisk, asterisk. We are live at the Los Angeles Auto Show life is a highway i want to ride it all night long [tires squealing] fight both fast tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums tums chewy bites with gas relief still fresh. Unstopables inwash scent booster downy unstopables who doesni do. Ve a deal . Check out the united explorer card. Savin on this savin on this savin in here. Rewarded learn more at the explorer card dot com. Ainsley good morning and welcome back. Quick headlines now. Listen up if you want free coffee. Starbucks bringing back its starbucks for life contest and its worth a latte money. Get it . [laughter] im so cheesy. Nearly 57,000 to be exact to enter. Just buy something with your starbucks loyalty account. The contest ends on december 31st. And why not grab a doughnut with that coffee. Krispy kreme whipping up ugly inspired sweets just in time for christmas. Chain bringing back santa belly doughnut and adding a pepper mint mocha to its menu. Brian . Brian President Trump tweeting very disappointed with ceo for closing plants in ohio, michigan and maryland. Nothing being closed in mexico and china. The u. S. Saved g. M. And this is the thanks we get . We are now looking at cutting all g. M. Subsidies. So how will this impact the economy . Peter morici is an economist and business professor at the maryland and International Economist now. I understand the president s sentiment. Are you okay with him putting his hand in the free market. Im okay with him credit sizing General Motors. I think criticism is due. They used the president s tariff as sort of a cover. When that tariff on steel, 200 on a 35,000 car. Whats more, General Motors gets a 25 tariff protection on trucks and suvs. And baier is moving all of that under that umbrella. You didnt see her talking about that did you . Brian no we didnt. They got a huge Corporate Tax cut, didnt they . Wasnt the thought was that the american industry would start bringing industry home because our Corporate Tax rate was now competitive . Absolutely. There is no reason why we shouldnt be selling cars in china that are made here. Now, the president has to open up the Chinese Market and, you know, i guess thats the next stage. But abandoning the american worker, she says that americans arent buying sedans. Do you see toyota getting out of the sedan business . They make money on sedans. They know how to make sedans now. The problem with ms. Barra she heads a company that doesnt make competitive sedans. To blame the president or to say that some far off notion like electric cars and electric vehicles is going to be where the future is, thats true but were not going to be switching out of the internal Combustion Engine or abandoning sedans any time soon. Brian especially when it pushes the trucks that america seems to love with gas prices so low. I want to move on peter we could talk about that for a while and well at other points. The president is going to be sitting down with china and world is guy rating because these two behemoth and monster economies are locking horns right now. The New York Times says today the president sees the rising Interest Rate and gyrations in our market and may be looking to do a deal. Is china ready . Do you believe the u. S. Is ready . I think the United States is always ready for a real deal. Free trade at heart and so is mr. Trump. China is not ready for a deal. President xi thinks china is on a path. Americans are whiners. If he bike cycles mr. Trump he will get to the president and be okay. The fact is democrats while they dont say much about this. Quite supportive of this policy. President clinton said the very same things during the campaign. I doubt that a democratic president would treat them any better. This said, mr. Trump has to get a lot tougher on china. Most of his tariffs are 10 . They depreciated their currency by more than seven. Despite what the wall street journal says, despite what they say, its had very little affect on General Motors or any other company in the United States. Brian so we might after january 1st, we might up the percentage of tariffs on china. China is like hey, listen, i hope you back off that this is going to be interesting stare down or handshaking taking place next week. I think the Global Market would love for the u. S. And china to make some real progress. Is there a chance that chinas slowing stock market and the problems that they are having domestically might make them pliable now . I dont believe so. I dont think china is under enough stress. Now, we put on a 25 tariff. And then do some of the things that secretary mnuchin has been knicksing. You know, the president was quite correct to criticize him. He has been leaning against this all along. When he spoke to me, he expressed great skepticism that the trade deficit mattered at all. At all. That was very disappointing that conversation. My feeling is that we need to not only put on the 25 tariff but we need to do. So other things. For example ban dtes exports for 5 g into the United States. Its a National Security threat. And start to put on much tougher sanctions on Chinese Investment here. They can buy just about whatever they want in this country. But we can only invest in what they permit us to invest and only if chinese actors have control. Brian you want hour of the Robert Lighthizer taking the lead tougher on trade than Steven Mnuchin who never wanted this fight to begin with we will see hot president is listening to in this battle. Peter, thanks so much. Lighthizer is the man. Brian all right. Nice way to end. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. Republican leaders sitting down with the president to get the border wall guilt. How did it go. Congresswoman liz cheney highest ranking woman in the house on the republican side joininjoining us next hour. Sneak peek at brand new cars that havent been seen until now. They are not even up yet in los angeles today, 97 of employers agree that skills like teamwork, attention to detail, and Customer Service are critical to business success. The kind of skills, that work for you. Now you can, with shipsticks. Com no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. Sending your own clubs ahead with shipsticks. Com makes it fast easy to get to your golf destination. With just a few clicks or a phone call, well pick up and deliver your clubs ontime, guaranteed, for as low as 39. 99. Shipsticks. Com saves you time and money. Make it simple. Make it ship sticks. Steve welcome back. Ainsley 2018 Los Angeles Auto Show kicks off this week opening to the public this friday. But, we just couldnt wait. We wanted to show a little sneak peek. Steve this is a sneak peek of this weeks hottest cars. Car expert mike caudill from the auto show. Tell us about that car because we have been talking about it. This is one of the hottest cars guys here at the l. A. Auto show. This is an American Car Company and theyre launching here. Its actually called the rivien. Truck version and sports utility version. Here is what is super cool. First ever 400 mpg range electric offroad adventure vehicle. So you get everything for the off road with this week. I have got to show you guys this. One of my favorite features with this vehicle called the gear tunnel. Pull your snowboard out of the side. Super functional. Five passenger vehicle. Suv will be a seven passenger vehicle. And it is clean. Under 70,000. Autonomous and electric will all be part of this vehicle as well. Toyota carolla here at the l. A. Auto show as well. First time Toyota Carolla hybrid version vehicle. 50 miles per gallon. Come with toyotas safety. Adaptive cruise control. Pedestrian warning low light big feature at the show as well. Nissan in the middle of the night i gout a press release on this. Just announced the new 220 nissan maxima. Going for performance and sport. This was a j. D. Powers quality number one in quality vehicle in the large sedan segment last year. New exterior, new interior, you saw that platinum on the back there a minute ago it is stunning with that baseball glove interior. All right. Moving onto the next vehicle at the show. Kia sol six trim levels. Ed version is one theyre talking about at the show. Charge it up to 80 in less than an hour. They also have a gt version that is a sport vehicle as well. I love the exterior, longer wheelbase for a taller person like myself in this vehicle. That price point will be in that 20,000 category. If you want a glimpse at the future. Number one question i get is r. When are Autonomous Vehicles coming to market this is it right here. Vision i next the exterior is very different on this vehicle and a glimpse of what bmws will look like in the future. They are bringing this to market they say in 2020. Dual doors open. Steering wheel under the dashboard to make this vehicle fully autonomous as well. Level 4 autonomy which is as close as can you get to actual hands free driving with a vehicle. All right. We will close it out with this. Mondays biggest news here at the show the Hyundai Genesis g70. This is the g70. Entry level version in the performance car category. Motor trend car of the year named the yen sis g20. Its top vehicle. This will be a 40,000 vehicle in the marketplace hot for consumers. Big motor under the hood. Great car here at the l. A. Auto show. So much news. So little time. Steve no kidding. Great stuff. Ainsley i want the rivian. The suv can you order it now but dont get it until 2020. Clean. Goes 0 to 60 in three minutes. In seconds. Three seconds. Brian rather not wait three minutes. Ainsley 3 seconds. Steve senator marco aruba, dr. Oz and Jerry Falwell. Busy show. Stay right there. Smarter sleep. To help you shed those sugar cookies, get a running start on the holidays, and take it all in with the patience of a saint. And now, save up to 500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. The Pressure Cooker that crisps. Its the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one so in as little as 30 minutes it will be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and on your table. The ninja foodi, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. man odont. Go. Down. Oh, no iaaaaballooned your car. E. Call meeeee burke a flyby ballooning. Seen it, covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum youve handed me your votes. Have you handed me a victory. Im not going to let you down recommendation cindy hide smith will now become the first woman ever elected senator out of mississippi. The doj now vowing to appeal a judges ruling, blocking President Trumps asylum ban. The government of mexico offered everyone asylum. They also offered work permits. But they have turned it down. Jerome corsi saying special counsel advisors lied to them under oath. You cant give them what they are looking for with their narrative. They blow you up and charge with you cries. Clearly mueller is not getting what he wants. Two of the most famous Christmas Trees in the world getting lit tonight. Rockefeller Christmas Tree in new york city and the national Christmas Tree ceremony near the white house. Rock in the u. S. A. R. O. C. K. In the u. S. A. Rocking in the u. S. A. Steve live from the number one cable morning news show in the u. S. A. Is fox friends for this wednesday morning. Thank you very much for joining us. Ainsley hour two begins. Having fun. Flying by. Brian joel mellencamp married someone famous. Steve if they are famous why dont you know . Brian i think he is happy though. He just got married. Does anyone know . Ainsley pretty sure he is married to someone. Brian meg ryan. Ainsley he married meg ryan . Brian i think its going to work out. Ainsley they are still together . Brian yeah. They just got married. Ainsley they just got married. I didnt know that. Steve i didnt either. Thats why they call this a news show. Ainsley can we talk about something we do have information about and have some details . The caravan chaos down at the border unfolds. President trump forced to appeal a judges order blocking his asylum ban. Steve comes as one migrant apparent whether i a criminal past tells fox news he is still coming to the United States illegally. Brian Griff Jenkins is in tijuana with the latest. Griff luis got into a fight in the u. S. , got deported and now he is part of the caravan. One of the 5800 in this encampment behind me. They are frustrated, tired, in many cases sick. They thought it was going to be easier to get into america. Luis says he is going to come any way he can. Legal or not. Listen. Any way is the same because i dont go i dont go to the other side to do something bad. I go to work. And work is work. Here, there, and anywhere. Griff lets talk about the numbers. Some 80 of this group selfdeported and the mexican officials deported another 100. 200 have arrived arrived here overnight with some 2,000 possibly coming from mexicali. Thats why tijuana officials such as delegate romano blames the organizers for giving migrants force hope. They cant afford it costs some 30,000 a day. He like america is worried about the pasts whether or not it involves criminal pasts in guys like luis. Listen. Thats what were worried about. We need to investigate who is in the country and what they want to do here. If they want to work, they are welcome. If not, they have to go back home. Griff yesterday we got an actual list of demands from these migrants here saying they want to speed up the asylum process. They want to end depoor depoor nations. They want to human rights they want the incoming mexican president to make it easier for them to get into america. Guys . Steve thats right. Griff, the tent city behind you is temporary. The city of tijuana, which apparently only has enough money to run that for two more days without raising taxes or getting money from the federal government down in mexico, they could ask them to leave, the migrants at any time, right . Griff of course. And it is really an issue. I talked to tough word to pronounce. Thats what you talk to the people in tijuana. They will talk to you off camera. Listen, this is something we worry about because we know its eventually going to start affecting city services. Its going to effect their possible raising of taxes. Press conference with the mayor yesterday, this was a hot topic and we are going to try to talk, perhaps, with the mayor a little later today because at the end of the day, this false promises that were made by organizers to this caravan that traveled some 3,000 miles here to the end of the line and being stopped from entering the u. S. , it is the people of tijuana who are ultimately bearing this brunt at the very moment. Steve all right. Griff jenkins live in tijuana. Ainsley we are trying to work with mexico. Mike pompeo is going to sit down with the foreign minister for mexico representing mexico on sunday. The election took place, the new president takes office on saturday. So our mike pompeo is going to meet with their foreign minister on sunday. Then he is also going to meet with other people in our administration on monday. So hopefully we can come to an agreement. Brian Homeland Security secretary getting tougher by the day Kirstjen Nielsen says listen we know we have a problem we border with and without these caravans but these caravans have a special challenge. We believe about 10,000 ultimately. There is between 8 and 10,000 now. But you are exactly right. The government of mexico offered everyone asylum. They also offered work permits. Thats why this caravan is very different than ones we have seen in the past. Not only is it violent but to the extent that it claims that its members would like to seek asylum. They they have been offered asylum but they turned it down in mexico. Steve big question is what happens next . Because tijuana is strapped. They are running out of money. The people in the migrant tent city and tarp city there, they are getting frustrated. The federal government here in the United States cracking down. Ainsley people thought in the lame duck session that more money would go to the wall and that could happen. They are negotiating that right now. The president says he has a plan b. Down on the border they put the razor wire on top of the walls. They shut down the ports of entry. If they are hearing reports of people trying to storm our border. They are trying to do whatever they can. Brian like looks like Chuck Schumer 1. 6. President wants 5. Maybe there is a deal to be made there. Maybe so. Other major story is the Mueller Probe is in high gear. We thought they did go dark for the most part leading up to the election. Election is over and man, are they in high gear. There is a sense, according to axios, there is a series of indictments that could be coming down real quick. They evidently worked their way through the vacation the mueller people. One of the big stories yesterday was the report out of the guardian that Paul Manafort met three separate times with Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in london. Theres a problem with that there is no verification of it. And the manafort camp pushed back big time and Julian Assange through his lawyer said a Million Dollars to the editor of the guardian or anybody else that can prove we met. I have never met Paul Manafort. Ainsley manafort said the same thing. In his statement he said this story is totally false and deliberately libel columbus libelous. He is threatel action. Steve refer the wikileaks thing supposedly he met with manafort at the embassy one of the months when those thousands of dnc email were revealed. Also the New York Times talk a little bit about how Paul Manaforts lawyer actually spoke with the trump team about the Mueller Probe. Its not illegal but Kevin Downing talked to the president s lawyers is he mr. Manaforts lawyer after mr. Manafort agreed to cooperate with mr. Mueller. Nau the speculation manafort wants a pardon from the president. Brian the problem is some of those charges are state charges which the president couldnt pardon him from. But they are talking and its as steve said, its somewhat unusual. But i could see how it could benefit both sides to know does it have anything to do with the fact that Paul Manaforts deal has blown up as the mueller people have said we dont think he is telling us the truth. So therefore the deal is rescinded. Is he now, believe it or not, in solitary confinement as he awaits sentencing. Ainsley all right. So thats the Julian Assange. Thats the Paul Manafort side of this. Then there is also jerome corsi. He was on with tucker carlson. He said he was investigate you had by Robert Muellers team and they accused him of lying under oath. Then they charged him with a crime because he couldnt give them what they wanted. Listen. The special prosecutors blow you up. They do this what i call perjury trap. Completely rigged and its politically driven by clinton operatives who have an agenda. If you cant give them what they are looking for to fill their narrative, they blow you up and charge with you a crime. Brian what jerome corsi said was i turned over my twitter account and emails and Text Messages. I sat down with the probe forever. They came back to me and said how come you didnt tell me about this email okay i forgot about it. I will tell you about this email. I would amend my statement. He amends the statement. He thought he was clear. And now it looks as though he was aprochingsd with a plea bargain that he is going to be charged with he went with tucker last night. The most damning communication seems to be this from roger stone to corsey. Word is Julian Assange plans more two more dumps. This was in august of 2016. One shortly after im back october 2nd. The impact planned to be very damaging. The question is are new communication with Julian Assange . Is Julian Assange in communication with russia . Is jerome corsi in communication with the president . That seems to be what mueller is trying to circle and that seems to be where roger stone comes in because roger stone is talking to jerome corsey. The question is do they talk to the president . And if they werent talking to the president , is this political gossip as roger stone says or. Steve right. Brian does Robert Mueller think he has something . Steve mr. Corsi says he has no communication with Julian Assange flatly. Robert mueller not getting exactly what he is looking for. This is pretty rare when it comes to criminal cases overall. Its not rare when it comes to Robert Mueller. You know, he already has had problems with witnesses who have been involved in plea agreements. One stage or the other. Usually these are witnesses who are desperate for deals and really would not risk ticking off a prosecutor. So, clearly mueller is not getting what he wants. The question is he getting enough to get him where he wants to go . Steve and then there is that lead piercing noise. Brian which martha insists on using. I dont know why. Steve there is some suggestion that ecuador may be preparing to turn mr. Assange over to the United States. Mueller will perhaps get his hands on him if thats true. Ainsley jillian has new headlines for us. Jillian overnight cindy hide smithyde smith wins run off election. She defeated mike espy by a wide marginal. The win gives republicans a 5347 majority in the senate. We have a live report from jackson, mississippi later this hour. President trump may cancel his meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin over rising tensions with ukraine. The president telling the Washington Post, quote i dont like that aggression. Former cia station chief Daniel Hoffman who served in moscow says the president should keep the meeting. I would encourage the president to meet with putin and hold him publicly accountable for russias nefarious, this latest instance of russias nefarious aggression against ukraine. We know from the Obama Administrations experience when you talk to russia and dont have any counter measures, it only encourages russias further aggression. Jillian this week, Russian Forces seized three Ukrainian Navy ships claiming they illegally entered russian waters. First mars and now the moon. Nasa expected to reveal plans for return trip to the moon. The last time american astronauts made the journey was back in 1972. The Space Agency Says the new mission involves partnering with american companies. We will get more information at a News Conference tomorrow. Nasa just successfully landed the insight oe inrover. Steve that was animation. Brian meg ryan and John Mellencamp not married yet but they are engaged. Ainsley did he dropped cougar. Brian someone says he is john cougar mellencamp. Ainsley best wishes. You are not supposed to say congratulations to a married couple . Steve i didnt know that. Ainsley im not superstitious. I dont know why im saying this. Brian straight ahead. Republican leaders sitting down with President Trump to work out a deal to get the border wall built. How did it go . Liz cheney was in the room. She will join us next. Ainsley outrage in one community where a veteran wakes up and finds his trump 2020 flag destroyed. Lfwashed. Add downy to keep your collars from stretching. Unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and strengthen fibers. So, next time dont halfwash it. Downy and its done. Over the last 24 hours, you finished preparing him for college. In 24 hours, youll send him off thinking youve done everything for his well being. But meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. While meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. Like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. Meningitis b strikes quickly. Be quick to talk to your teens doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. Ainsley democrats are gearing up for shut down show down over President Trumps border wall refusing to budge over 5 billion price tag. Steve some republicans met with the president yesterday for a deal before funding runs out next week. Liz cheney was in that meeting and she is here to tell us what she can. Good morning, congresswoman. Good morning, guys. Great to be with you. Steve we know that the house has passed a bill. 5 billion. Then you have got that other chamber, the senate and have you Chuck Schumer saying you know, we think 1. 6 billion is enough money and thats not enough for the president , is it . No, its not enough for the country. The president has been very clear. We have got to have 5 billion for Border Security. Obviously the wall is a part of that and, you know, the democrats have got a very tough situation there. Because you see whats happening at the border. You see the extent to which have you got this caravan of people that, you know, the democrats would like people to believe that they are legitimate Asylum Seekers. Legitimate Asylum Seekers dont attack border guards. They dont throw rocks and bricks and rush the border. You have a situation where every day on the news now we are seeing how crucially important it is that we make sure that we believe up security on our border. And the president is not willing to give on this. He has been very 23eur78 and fid get the 5 billion. Ainsley president is firm on 5 billion. Tells the Washington Post is he considering a plan b for the wall. Did he talk about that in the meeting . Did he say what his plan b would be . No. The plan is we have got to get 5 billion for the wall. We are in a situation now where we have actually provided funding for our military. We have provided funding for labor and hhs and same appropriations bill. Thats been completed and signed. And the president has been clear that he is willing to shut down the government if we dont get this 5 billion. And, you know, the democrats as i said, they are in a tough spot. They want to abolish ice. They want to have open borders. The American People are watching the kind of crime that that would result n terms of the people flooding across our border. And the president is exactly right. The House Republicans are with him. We have got to make sure that we secure the border. Steve exit question. 30 seconds. So the president did say yesterday he is willing to shut down the government over this . He did. And he said that publicly as well. Buff its crucially important one of the most sacred obligations we all have in elected officials and that he has to protect this nation to secure the border. Is he going to make sure that gets done. Steve all right. Ainsley congresswoman, thanks so much for being with us. Thank you, guys. Great to be with you. Ainsley you are welcome. One city wants to give addicts a safe place to do their drugs. Is that a good idea . Steve brenda sniption could snd be walking away with a major payday. That story is coming up i want to reach out and grab you abracadabra abracadabra over 100 years ago, we were talking about the model t. Now here we are talking about winning the most jd power iqs and appeal awards. Talking about Driverassist Technology talking about cars that talk and listen. Talking about the highest Customer Loyalty in the country. But thats enough talking. Seriously. That was a lot of talking. Back to building brian time now for news by the numbers. We start off appropriately with number one. Top baby names are out for 2018. Number one is sophia. If you had your number on sophia. Collect the money. Top choice for girls. Boys jackson. According toll baby center. Now we go to 277,000. Thats how much a North Carolina woman won on a scratch off ticket that she did not want. She says the gas station clerk gave her the number 777 ticket instead of the one she asked for. It all worked out for in the end. Finally, 6foot 4 inches. Thats the size of the utterly giant cow. Its name is knickers. He is the laughing stock weighing in at 3,000 pounds. Because of that he is steering clear of the slaughter house in australia i cant. He is just too big. Steve good job moooving across the floor, brian. Brian. Denver wants to give people a place to do drugs. After Overdose Deaths reaching 200 last year alone. The city council approving a privately funded private program for supervisorsed injection site which state lawmakers still need to approve. It would be the first u. S. City to have such an injection site. So, is it a good idea . Thats what it all comes down to this morning. Here now and attorney and director of Public Policy for the james Dobson Family institute. We have jenna ellis and Democratic Political analyst jason nichols. Good morning to both of you. Good morning. Good morning, steve. Steve jason, lets start with you. You think this is a good idea, why . I do. Think we all across the board know that drugs are a Public Health problem and not a criminal one. This will be a way to stop overdose related deaths. These supervised injection sites will also clean up our environment and make it so that there arent needles in public bathrooms and in public parks and on the streets. You know, im from the Baltimore Area and can i remember going to the park and seeing needles on the ground which were very unsafe. This also will help some of the other issues in terms of the spike of hiv and hepatitis from needle sharing. This actually gives us a lot of advantages and will make things better for our society. Steve jenna, your point of view . Yeah, this isnt innovative. Its absurd. We all definitely want to help treat addiction and Mental Health but supervising and facilitating drug use is absolutely the inappropriate way. While we may want to do all of the wonderful things that jason just stated but statistics in colorado actually show that most crime is drugrelated and since 2012 in colorado specifically the crime rate has gone up, felony filings have gone up 46 since 2013 when the drug laws were actually minimized and penalties were minimized and there have been double the rate of filings in general. There is absolutely no reason to believe that if we have a safe injection site where there is not even exexemption where kids couldnt be brought to this site that would actually help treat addiction when there is no reciprocal responsibility on the addicts part to actually take advantage of any of those programs. They can go and shoot up without having any criminal responsibility or liability. Steve jason, whats your main concern . I know you think by and large its a good idea. Whats your main concern about this program . So, well, number one, i just want to say that there have been 75 studies that have shown that the sites are not linked to an increase in crime or drug use. So i think that thats absolutely false. My main concern, to be honest, i have lost friends to overdose and i honestly dont have any concerns. The medical community is 100 percent behind. This people who actually have a background in this. So, i think that this will actually be a good thing for our society and cleaning things up so that people dont get sick and die. We have had you know, even President Trump has shown his own concern with the overdoses in our country. So i think this is a good step. Steve jenna, youve got to admit the intent of trying to, you know, prevent Overdose Deaths, that is admirable. Because its an epidemic in this country. Oh, of course. The Opioid Epidemic is absolutely a crisis in america. But creating a safe space where people can legally go and commit a criminal activity outside of the zone of criminal responsibility is not the way to treat addiction or Mental Health. And the statistics. Can you get treatment. Jason just cited. But treatment has always been in the context of drug court, probation, or some other responsibility that attaches to greater penalties for addicts when they are actually willing to get help. And it hasnt worked. It has helped. In studies and i used to be a prosecutor and defense attorney here in colorado. Drug court absolutely works. And thats only because of the threat of higher penalty. And so this type of safe space to allow people to come is not going to prevent this and there is no they have done this in canada. They have done it in australia. Its actually lowered the amount of overdose related deaths. And thats what we are trying to do is save lives. Well, in the end and minimizing drugs in colorado has not worked. Steve jenna ellis, you get the final word. Jason nicoles you got the first word so thanks for joining us live today. Thanks steve, thanks, jenna. Thank you, steve. Steve what do you think about this friends foxnews. Com and we are also on facebook. Senator marco rubio is going to be joining us. Tammy bruce. We have dr. Oz and Jerry Falwell jr. All here live. Plus, this guy brings a whole new meaning to, yep, couch surfing. Thats him on the roof of a vehicle holding on to a couch. If thats moving up then im moving out im moving earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. Look out, baby here i come steve brian today is the day tell americans eat leftovers. Ainsley let us know. You are right. Steve apparently they have identified the area where the bad romaine is from. Brian california . Steve dr. Oz has the complete ainsley is romaine in the mixed lettuce. Steve some of it. Ainsley i dont really know what does romaine look like . I dont know all the different lettuces . Brian its dark. Steve its turgid. Firm. Brian i took my familys iceberg lettuce. Ainsley stock has gone up on iceberg. Crunchy good with blue with bleu cheese. Brian i love all roughage. Jillian on that note, ivanka trump is speaking out for the first time about her private email controversy. The first daughter and president ial advisor says it is nothing like what happened with Hillary Clinton. In my case, all of my emails are on the white house server. There is no intent to circumvent. And there were mass deletions after a subpoena was issued. My emails have not been deleted. Nor was there anything of substance, nothing confidential that was within them. Jillian Good Morning America interview airs today. A veteran wakes up and finds. This his trump 2020 flag burned and in pieces on his front porch. There was fear in my mind. Its not right. You know, i should be able to come and go as i want. We should be able to sleep at night on our own property. So there is fear. Jillian gus klein says someone ripped it off his flag pole at his home and then set it on fire. Police are investigating. Despite being at the center of voter drama, brenda snipes is walking away with 130,000 pension. That means shell receive 11,000 a month according to the sun sentinel. Sniption resigned as Broward County election supervisor as incidents of voter fraud and problem with the recount process earlier this month. And this brings a whole new meaning to couch surfing. Just stop what you are doing and watch this. This is not real. But it is. I feel like ainsley this should be under the category of dont try this ever. A man holding on top of a couch on top of a moving suv in ohio. Riding on top of vehicles like that is i will illegal. Dont do it. I dont understand the whole situation here. They obviously forgot the cables that you need to strap it down. Steve didnt do it. Anxiously was just looking at some romaine lettuce. I described it wrong it should be described as sturdy. Ainsley sometimes they cut off the ends. Brian sturdy food often the best. Steve indeed. Janice dean joins us with Something Special outside. Janice Something Special our crowd outside. How are you guys . Oh my gosh look at this beautiful crowd that came. Are you all from somewhere thats warm . No. Yes. Janice no . Its cold. We are all snuggled together, right . Yes. Janice you have a big anniversary coming up. How many years. 69. Bill what are your names. Bill and arlene duncan. Janice where are you from. Washington, d. C. Marine corps gave us a good start. Janice cold outside. We are going to huddle together and all hug each other. It is 36 right now in new york city. But with the wind chill it feels even colder than that. 15 in minneapolis. Teens and Single Digits with the wind chill. Heres your forecast today. So we could see a little bit of lakeeffect snow across the great lakes and northeast and then we are dealing with potential for a storm system to move in to california bringing more rain and heavy snow. Thats a good news situation but it could bring some flooding and debris flow. Watching that news story. And back inside. Wave, everybody. Wave to steve, ainsley and brian. Steve there you go. Janice, back in august, you talked to the marine corps toys for tots train how its being cancelled in upstate new york and there you can see one of the images. We have some big news, dont we . Janice big news. I got an email from bruce, the railroad engineer who has crewed this train for almost all of its existence through the effort of the marine corps, the employees, the private citizens, the corporate donors the 2018 toys for tots train is back up and running. [cheers and applause] yes, indeed. He told me it was fox friends, the fans, and all of the people that wrote to them that really made a difference. So, thank you, were so excited and hopefully i will get to go out there and see what toys for tots this year. Ainsley back and running. Glad they did the right thing. Steve getting the word out. Thank you, j. D. [cheers] brian President Trump is on to crack down Border Security. How should Congress Respond to the caravan crisis . Senator marco rubio is the son of immigrants. He joins us live. That will be next. Ainsley plus, what happens when a guy stealing Security Cameras gets caught on Security Camera . Stick around. Shaking my head like a billy goat going to rock going to rock going to rock the boat if your moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio® may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. Pml, a rare, serious, potentially fatal brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. Jillian good morning to you. Quick headlines caught on camera. Take a look at this. Real live grinch caught on surveillance video. You can see the man trying to take Christmas Decorations from a home in florida. The family confront the him and he drove away without any loot. This guy caught on Security Camera literally stealing Security Cameras. Police say he swiped hundreds of dollars worth of items from a best buy in florida. He is still on the run. Ainsley . Ainsley all right. Thank you so much. Jillian. Well, the suburbs might not be as progressive as some democrats would like. Thats according to a new piece in the New York Times called the suburbans are changing. But not in all the ways liberals hope. So, it is a mistake to think suburban voters are embracing the democrats message. Joining us to weigh in on this is Fox News Contributor and president of the independent womens voice is tammy bruce. Good morning. Good morning, my pleasure. Ainsley what were the highlights when you read this article. It was interesting. I agree with some and disagree with other parts. Something did happen in the midterm. Its not about like a big party change. Responding to perhaps other aspects. My argument is sorry just ran up here. Steve i know. In the morning. Brian this is why this whole proposal miss of this story is so powerful because if republicans are going to try to take a message away from the memoirs and correct it in two years they lost the suburbs. And they have the Rural Community and have they truly lost the suburbs and why . That was a mistake. This is the message. I consider it a shot across the bough. What happened is they gave the republicans the house and the senate and the white house. Promises were made about obamacare as an example which did not materialize. Steve repeal and replace. Repeal and replace obamacare. We watched that play out in public. That didnt happen that was a major issue. I contend women in particular are voting now on the issues. They are not voting on whether or not they like donald trump. Can i tell you that right now is he a known entity. They understand him. They are voting on being betrayed. They are sending a message that we want something to change and the g. O. P. , thats the lesson that they clern and they have to adapt to it. Steve take a look at some of the headlines after the midterms. The u. S. A. Today said the suburbs turned on republicans and trump. Midterm Election Results prove it cnbc had the headline suburban revolt led to democrats House Majority win. These healthy neighborhoods delivered democrats to House Majority. Yes. Technically all of that is true. Steve absolutely. I think have you got a great point as the president said when he was still running, put me in the big chair and then if i have got a republican congress, both houses, we are going to get stuff done. We believed what we all believed. Remember, at the beginning, he thought they had a plan to repeal and replace obamacare. Because we were all told that and as was he. He thought i think it was pruitt, everybody was already going to be ready. Was going to implement this thing. I believe he was a surprised as we were that this was something that in fact, they never really intended to do. They never expected to get the white house. This is a message for the republicans and also for the president. It is important the president was elected for a reason but also to talk to those women that this is now. Brian women in particular. Women in particular because they are not voting based, i contend, on Party Loyalty now. Its about communication is expanded to such a degree that were voting whether you are in the urban area or in the suburbs whats best for the family. It is about the economy. But healthcare impacts the economy. So does, of course, the nature of how we relate to each other. So when it comes to the media, the hostility that we saw with the democrats, but, at the same time, if you are going to send a message to someone about, all right, look, lets get this right. We know what we need to do. They trust that the president will get things done. But they also know that, in fact, there is going to have to be a message thats sent. Brian dont you also think that the president s tone when he tweeted out horse face Stormy Daniels and was kind of abrupt there women vote went away aberration if they were ticked off. We learned about him as a moderated himself a great deal. If were talking about tone. Watching people being chased outside of restaurants. Watching women of the g. O. P. In particular being attacked as either being traitors or not real women or abandoning their gender, these or as nazis, that is equally as ugly and, in fact, personally dangerous. When the wives of Television Hosts have to need a pantry to avoid a mob in front of their home. No matter who they are, that is, of course, appalling to the American People. I think the president , he understands the nature of tone. But he was also elected. We know he is an unusual guy. And we want his job to be able to be done. But we now know that congress has to be a part of it. So, my point is the g. O. P. Has to do better. They have to, in fact, not take certain groups for granted. The communication has to be for women. Not on, quote womens issues. All issues are womens issues, right . Its about recognizing that betrayal now is an issue. And if people are not going to be voting necessarily on a party line, then theyre voting on a line for america that were partisans for the country. The democrats should keep this in mind. What happened with kavanaugh was appalling. And if they think thats going to continue, american women will reject that as well. Thats why the republicans kept the senate. Right . This is iswe want action. The president is a man of action. He is the one to follow. And i think that were going to see that play out in the next two years. Brian tammy bruce, thanks so much. My pleasure. Steve coming up, President Trump is vowing to crack down on Border Security. What does Congress Need to do to make that happen . Tammy was just talking about that. Senator marco rubio is live, and hes next. Before nexium 24hr mark could only imagine. A peaceful night sleep without frequent heartburn waking him up. Now that dream is a reality. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . Brian President Trump vowing to crack down on Border Security as dhs estimates we can currently expect 10,000 migrants at our doorstep in a matter of weeks. What does Congress Need to do . Florida g. O. P. Senator marco rubio is all over this. Worked hard on Immigration Reform. Some type of compromise. Senator, what do you think this weekends surge at our border does for this issue . Hopefully it makes people pay nor attention to the catastrophe that we have on our hands with regard to all of this. Lets begin with a simple predicate. We are a nation that has always welcomed immigrants. We continue to welcome immigrants. We want to welcome immigrants into the United States. There has to be a process for immigration. A process that controls the number of people, who they are. We know more about them. The place they enter. How many people every year. There has to be a process for. That is like there is for charity or anything. There has to be a process for people to access generosity. Whats happening on the border is a deliberate effort to test that system and to sort of create a crisis around it. And i think what you saw this weekend, look, i saw the images. I dont want to see images of kids being hit with tear gas and women and people running from that. No one likes those images. What they didnt take pictures of is the hundreds and hundreds of people not women and not children who were throwing rocks and bolts at Law Enforcement authorities and by the way they werent just attacking u. S. Border security. They were also attaching mexican authorities on the other side. Im not saying thats everybody there im saying thats enough people there that warranted the response that you saw to get control of the situation. So what we need to do now is physical barriers on the border that allow us to control the flow of traffic. We also need by the way, one of the best things we can do, if possible, and we have to reexamine what we are doing about it now is help countries like honduras and guatemala deal with the reasons why people are leaving in the first place. Thats the ultimate Border Security. In the shortterm we have to have physical structures that protect our border and funnel traffic in a way that Border Security and authorities can track it better and control it better. Brian senator, just to get clarification for people who look at those images and take Different Things from it not unique. Just video there 2012 the president Obama Administration used tear gas 26 times at the border. 2013, 27 times. 2014, 15 times. Now you have a situation where the numbers line up here in 2018. So its not new. So if democrats and republicans really know this and dont want to play politics with this, what can we expect in this lame duck session . The president wants 5 billion for the wall. Schumer says i have 1. 6. Im looking to put for the wall. Whats the reality . What can you come together on . Yeah. The thing is people view this as oh if you take half that should be enough. You need to be enough to finish it i have a house for sale i can only sell you second floor. Having a partial wall is not enough. This is a project thats designed to slow traffic. You want to cut off areas where people can cross so they can only cross in certain places and then you can monitor those places. If the wall is not built all 800 miles, if you dont have the entire system in place, none of it works. Not one of those things where can you get half of it half of it is is good as none of it people allowed to come in to make sure they are entering through points of entry that we can monitor from everything from Human Trafficking and drugs and contra band and vice versa. Its actually safer for everybody. That is the purpose of the wall. Thats the reason why we have all those little barricades and stuff at tsa so people have to walk through a line and you can monitor people when they walk through the line at the airport. Its a very similar concept. I guess you are not very hopeful of getting something done with a lame duck session and what could be a hostile house to what you want to do. You also care a lot about whats happening in china as the president goes and sits down with president xi shortly. You hope the president brings up religious freedom over there they are cracking down big time especially on muslims, correct . Yes, in the uighur region. They are cracking down on them in a way we havent seen in a long time. Could be up over a million people. Hundreds of thousands in basically concentration canks. Detention camps jailing people because of their religion. You know whats realline been outrageous about this all over the world, even many of the muslim countries have been silent about it because china has apparently bought their silence. Its an outrage. I want the president to raise that i also want the president to raise the broader issues of our relationship with china. They are cheating and their stealing of American Intellectual property. Their unfair trade practices. And i hope we dont make the first offer because xi has made it a career allowing a dead lock situation he sits back and lets the other side offer first so you can negotiate against yourself. Brian thank you so much. Appreciate it look forward to seeing what happens g20. The greatest wish of all. Is one that brings us together. The lincoln wish list event is here. Only at your lincoln dealer. Caravan chaos down at the border unfolds. President trump forced to appeal a judges order blocking his asylum ban. We will not tolerate illegal or violent entry into our country. The democrats would like people to believe theyre legitimate asylumseekers. But legitimate asylumseekers dont attack border guards. You handed me your vote. You handed me your victory. I will not let you down. Cindy hydesmith is the first woman ever elected a senator out of mississippi. Denver wants to give people a place to do drugs with supervised injection sites. This is absurd. Facilitating drug use is inappropriate way. This giant cow. Knickers he is the laughingstock weighing 3,000 pounds. He is steering clear of the slaughterhouse. He is just too big. Steve [inaudible]. Exempt maybe move on over here. Hour three of fox friends live from midtown manhattan. Here is Rockefeller Center they like the big christmas. Brian bring down the christmas for a second. Ainsley right. Brian fox news alert. Brand new video showing a new group of migrants hopping out of a truck in tijuana. Ainsley as more migrants alive at the border are h, one man with criminal past tell fox news that he is coming in illegally. Steve Griff Jenkins is live in tijuana. Griff, more migrants heading to tijuana. Just arrived. They say theyre running out of money to handle folks. Reporter exactly. Look, the numbers game is going the wrong way and the bank account is running low. Look at this video. Just moments ago, right where im standing a truck pulled up, 57 migrants got out coming from mex callly. Were told 200 came from overnight. Who is running this operation, this is his district, tells me in total there were 6062 migrants of which 3877 were men. 1127 women and 1058 were children. But look, theyre all tired. Theyre all frustrated. Theyre running out of patience. Why one migrant from guatemala who has an arrest record in the u. S. He is going illegal or illegally over there regardless. Listen. Any way is the same because i dont, i dont go to the other side to do something bad. I go to work. And work is work. Here there, there, anywhere. Reporter he mentioned the cost. Costing more than 30,000 a day for marino to run the tent city operation behind me. He blames the organizers for selling false promises to these migrants. Listen. The leaders that were promising them the Great American dream arent coming through. So theyre noticing that. So they know theyre going to be better back home. Reporter now the migrants issuing a list of demands. They want to end deportations to speed up asylum process. They want the new mexican president coming in on saturday to do something regardless. This is bad situation and numbers are growing, guys. Steve as we sue from the truck. Griff, thank you very much. In local papers, they had press conference in tijuana how theyre running out of money to get two days worth of money to sustain the shelter area. They say the, local officials they will not raise taxes tomorrow to pay for the problem today. So theyre looking to the federal government in mexico for help, or else, you know, it is unclear what is going to happen to all those people. Ainsley many of the mexicans are saying they are unhappy. We talked to residents living in tijuana, thousands are flooding their streets. They dont want them there. Mike pompeo meets with the Mexican Foreign minister on sunday to talk about all that. They will meet with the rest of the administration on monday to come to a resolution. Brian Kirstjen Nielsen, Homeland Security secretary and they are ready for the surge. Which were prepared last time. We will be prepared for any additional migrants. The president made quite clear we will not tolerate illegal oy violent entry into our country. He talked about it for a month in advance as caravans making their way up. He raised awareness. He called in the military. Called in constantine wire. And we will not allow illegal entry into our country. Steve we saw hundreds of migrants running toward the u. S. Border, there apparently was a hole in the wall. There is a hole. I think self dozen, maybe three dozen or four dozen migrants got through. They were later arrested and sounds like they were deported. That makes the case the president was talking all along, need a border wall. So far it sounds like the house appropriated 5 billion. You need the senate. Over on the senate side, Chuck Schumer said i think 1. 6 billion we suggested already is plenty. Mitch mcconnell said yesterday he is willing to work with congress and the democrats to get the 5 billion but the president at the same time has made it very clear if he doesnt get the money, there is going to be a problem. Ainsley i will shut doesnt government. He talks about plan b. He told the Washington Post he is considering plan b for the wall. We need democrats vetos have a wall. If we dont get it, will i get it done another way . I might get it done another way. There are other potential ways i can do it. You saw what we did with the military coming in with the barbed wire and fencing, various other things. Brian here is list cheney earlier on our show. Plan is, weve got to get 5 billion for the wall. The president has been clear, he is willing to shut down the government if we dont get this 5 billion. The democrats, as i said, theyre in a tough spot. They want to abolish i. C. E. They want open borders. The American People are watching the kind of crime that would result in terms of people flooding across our border. Ainsley the president sat, was in closeddoor session, in a meeting with a lot of these leaders in the house, these congressman and women. She was in the meeting. She doubled down saying i will shut down the government if need be. Brian marco rubio said 1. 6 is not enough. We need the five billion. You cant build part of it. I sense we can build part of it, easier to ask for 3 instead of five. If people see results it could help the political momentum. He is working on comprehensive immigration. Other big story, Robert Mueller and the probe is hitting warp speed. Do you think it is coming to a close . Really depends what perspective youre coming from. This story broke in the middle of radio show yesterday, i assume, 10 00, the guardian in england break as story, Paul Manafort with known links to ukraine and russia, sat down three separate times with Julian Assange in the he he can dorian embassy in london. Something he and his legal team pushed back on. Steve Julian Assange is head of wikileaks. Wikileaks released thousands emails stolen from the dnc in sum of 2016. Including occurring to the report of the guardian, that he met with mr. Manafort including the month he was hired by President Trump, candidate trump. The question is, was there collusion with that meeting . The problem with the story, both manafort and assange, pictured right there say it never happened. Ainsley theyre denying it. Paul manafort released a statement, said the story is totally false and deliberately libelous. I have never met with Julian Assange or anyone connected to him. He is threatening legal retall yanks as well. Manafort, they say his plea deal blew up. Unexplainably he is in solitary confinement if he is danger in society. To the point he has to sit there and stare at a wall. Ainsley has been for years without his family. Brian staring at a wall. He doesnt have a deal. His attorneys are talking to President Trumps attorneys which is not illegal but noteworthy today. Paul manafort on one side. His deal blew up. On the other side george papandreou. He did his 14 days. He tried to get out of his deal because he was not happy with the new revelations came out about his situation he did not know about. He changed legal teams. Jerome corsi was offered a deal, im not taking it because im not going to lie. Who is jerome corsi . The guy with info wars, who had Text Messages that reveal he was in contact with Julian Assange. Ainsley conservative author. Brian a conservative also is friends with roger stone. Their communication has the Mueller Probe very interested. Steve alleged communication. Brian with mr. Stone we know were talking. What mr. Corsi was saying, he went in first meeting with muellers team, what is the deal with this email. He goes, i dont remember. Go home. Came back the next day. Okay i would like to amend my testimony. I do remember it and it had to do with this. Then he was cooperating with the mueller team. Then the mueller team asked him about one other thing. He would not agree to it because he said it was wrong. Here he is is last night with tucker. Special prosecutors blow you up. They do this, what i call perjury traps, completely rigged, and politically driven by clinton operatives who have an agenda. If you cant give them what theyre looking for to fill Nariman Behravesh tiff, they blow you fill their narrative, they blow you up and charge with you a crime. Steve he is suggesting because he didnt remember the email the first day, now mueller is suggesting a perjury charge. And he will not agree to that. Brian here is the communication that he has to explain himself. Word is Julian Assange plans two more dumps. He reportedly said in an august 2016 email. One shortly after i am back october 2nd. Impacted plan to be very damaging. Stone told his friend corsi to get in touch with assange about the forthcoming email. They have no contact, never been in contact with Julian Assange. He is talking to each other like there is contact with Julian Assange. Ainsley corsi says i never talked to him. And i not friend with him. Brian somebody is not telling the truth. Is it their problem . Or try toe establish a tie with President Trump. President trump trying to run for president he dealing with jerome corsi or roger stone. Ainsley doesnt necessarily mean someone is not telling the truth. Stone telling corsi, get in touch with sang. Maybe he is assuming he knows sang. Corsi is saying i dont know him. Someone would write me, get in touch with x, y and z, i might write back and say i dont know how to get in touch with them. Steve ultimately it is looking into collusion. We dont know if there is any collusion. According to mr. Corsi he got caught telling something to the feds he later amended, charging him with. Ainsley all under investigation. Talking Julian Assange. Jillian. Jillian talk about senator cindy hydesmith because she wins mississippis Runoff Election. The first woman ever elected to congress in the state. She defeated democratic challenger mike espy to give republicans a 5347 majority in the senate. Well have a live report from mississippi later this hour. Ivanka trump speaking first time about her email controversy. The first daughter says it is nothing like what happened with Hillary Clinton . In my case all my emails are on the white house server. There are no intent to circumvent. My emails have not been deleted nor is there anything of substance. Nothing confidential within them. Ainsley Good Morning America interview aired this morning. A town holds an emergency meeting after pot smokers flood the streets to clog traffic. The pot shop is one of only two dispensaries in massachusetts. The state started allowing recreational pot sales this month. Officials expect the crowd to die down once more licenses are approved. Back to the headlines. Steve supply and demand. Thank you, jillian. 10,000 migrants could soon be at our southern border, where do we go from here . Kansas secretary of state chris kobach helped draft the president S Immigration policy he joins us live next. Ainsley she was the star of the ncaa basketball tournament. Now sister jean is being honored like a champ. Steve thats great. Not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The Pressure Cooker that crisps. Its the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one so in as little as 30 minutes it will be crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and on your table. The ninja foodi, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. Steve brand new video this morning as you can see right there, giving a first look of a Brand New Group of migrants getting out after truck in tijuana, mexico. The department of Homeland Security warns we can expect 10,000 migrants at our doorstep in our southern border. Kansas secretary of state chris kobach helped draft the president s original immigration plan. He joins us from topeka to weigh in. Chris, good morning to you. I dont think the migrants helped their cause by rushing the border over the weekend. What do you think . They certainly didnt. They made the case for building the wall as quickly and completely as possible and they also show this is a very real danger that there will be additional attempts to rush the border. Look, President Trump has done the right thing by agreeing with mexico to keep the asylumseekers on the mexican side of the border. They will realize when nine out of 10 do not get asylum, maybe higher than 90 fail to get asylum, they will say, hey, maybe we should rush the border or sneak across. Thousands of aliens poised to come into the United States. Well see this crisis getting bigger, not subsiding. What do you make of the fact it was a couple weeks ago a judge, socalled obama judge as the president referred to him out in the ninth circuit, he said that the president s executive decision where only asylum claims processed at the ports would be valid. Now the judge put that on temporary retraining order. Now the department of justice is saying, hey, higher courts look at this because that is not appropriate. Who will win in court . The Trump Administration will absolutely win. There is no question this judge got it wrong. It was a ridiculous opinion that he issued. It does show how politicized some distribute court judges are. What he did in addition to ruling the wrong way he created additional incentive, because his ruling says, hey, dont worry about it, cross illegally you can still make asylum claim if they ever catch you. Again we have all these forces conspiring to make the problem worse. That is why i recently suggested we should use the Power Congress created back in 1996 to allow president to deputize state and local police if there is mass influx. We should do that now. Steve interesting. There are rumors that department of Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen could be out. They need a replacement. Your name has been mentioned as a replacement. What can you tell us about that . If there is a vacancy and the president asks me to serve the country i would certainly considered it and be honored to do so right now the key we have to be focused on this, congress, president , state and local authorities who can help, have the opportunity to do so because the crisis is right here, right now. Steve chris kobach in kansas. Thank you very much. Thank you. Steve how do you stop a bad guy with a gun . A former hockey coach has an idea. Hockey pucks. He is making changes at one college in michigan. Plus the ban on romaine lettuce may be lifted but is salad safe to eat again . Dr. Oz i make as studio call. My fleet. [ beeping ] and an eye out for danger. With active brake assist. If i built a van, id make it available in diesel and gas. And id build it right here, in south carolina. Introducing the all new sprinter starting at 33,790. Built in the usa. Mercedesbenz. Vans. Born to run. Brian quick headlines right now. A little boy steals the show from the pope at the vatican. Watch this. This child walking on to the podium, wandering around as the pope laughed. He said a prayer for the boy when his mother revealed he is mute and cannot speak. Ainsley oh. So sweet. Yes. Brian mother june gets her bling. Getting final four rings after the miracle run at the tournament last year. She is the teams chaplin. She became a march madness celebrity. Ainsley romaine lettuce ban has been lifted after a massive e. Coli outbreak spread across dozens of states. Steve Health Officials say some lettuce is now safe to eat but there are still a few things to watch out for. Brian so is it safe to eat lettuce again . If so what kind. Dr. Mehmet oz is host of the dr. Oz show. Can you eat lettuce again. You could eat lots of lettuce. You couldnt eat romaine for a while. The romaine is grown in areas with livestock. Irgation gets contaminated from the livestock. Handlers get e. Coli 157. Dangerous kind that can lead to diarrhea and food poisoning, put you in the hospital. Cdc before thanksgiving said were done, no more romaine. Part of the problem. This is the big deal Many Companies do not write where their lettuce cops from. Not all lettuce from the same place. 90 from california. Summer months of and fall comes from the central valley. That lettuce was tainted. Lettuce along the Imperial Valley from arizona, this for example, i bought last night. Says very clearly salinas, california which is in the central valley. The store shouldnt have been selling this. Steve this could have e. Coli. That is why i brought it for you. Your staff brought some. This is from refrigerator. I eaten some of this. I ate it before the cdc pulled it off the market. You can eat other kinds of lettuce. Could have the entire thanksgiving period. Ainsley if we go to the Grocery Store and see romaine on the shelves how do we know it is the if good lettuce not the ones from last week . I went a bunch a stores. I have dont think we have in this part of the country clean romaine yet. If you see made in arizona, southern california, Imperial Valley, that is fine. They have to put, this is the new change. The fda is asking everybody to write on cdc, write on the packaging where the lettuce comes from. That lettuce is safe to buy. It will be fine. If it is hydrouponnic, or gone inside it is okay. You can eat iceberg lettuce. Baby arugula i have over here. Brian this is iceberg, right . Iceberg. Brian darker green, next to you. Spinach is next to you. That is dark. You can eat that. Cook lettuce which a lot of cultures do. Steve cook lettuce . You kill off all the bugs. Put lettuce in dishes, doesnt have only eat it with salad dressing. One of our biggest crops, we cannot throw away the romaine. We need better solutions. We have too many events happening. It is healthy product. I talk about it on the show for that reason. Using modern technology identify if there is one crop, one batch went bad. Dont eat the batch. Dont get rid of it all in the country. Steve how would you know if you have a bad batch . Food poisoning type symptoms, vomiting, bad diarrhea. Steve it happens a day or two later. It will start a day later. Always the problem with food poisoning. We way underreport problems with the foot supply in this country. We have significant amounts already we find. It takes ernest viewers, fox viewers tend to be that, paying attention going on in your life. What just happened yesterday might be the cause of it. Dont write it off to bad pasta. Ainsley when i heard about the story i thought about that, polio like, dont eat lettuce, it will cause this, not as serious what is happening with the children. What is the latest on that, poliolike symptoms . We now had many more cases than we ever had imagined. Seems to occur every two years. That makes us think it is probably some virus comes and goes like a flu. We dont know what is causing it. Presents with upper respiratory symptoms. Kids becoming weak. Smile is off. Cant move an arm. Start walking weirdly. Often end up in icu. Thank you fully we have wonderful supportive care. It runs the course as muscles recover. Kids are not at risk from dying or suffocation or other problems. Scary to all of us in Public Health, we dont know what is causing it. Ainsley will they ever go back to baseline . They go back to baseline. Theyre fine when they recover. A bunch of kid in bits purge hospitalized. It kids in pittsburgh. Brian couple days romaine is edible . By tomorrow i think. Steve for health news check into the dr. Oz show. Dr. Oz and his daughter daphne, helped do one of the fox nation shoots. They were so wellorganized. Daphne and dr. Oz cooked chile. Ainsley we saw the promo. Steve is behind trying to pour the bottle. Daphne is on the show. We have a series called the dish. We do every wednesday afternoon. Come tune in. Ainsley she started here as an inturn. I have the evidence. Ainsley all right. Thank you so much for being here. In just a few hours, First Lady Melania Trump will discuss americas Opioid Crisis at a town hall taking place at Liberty University. The president of that great school, Jerry Falwell, jr. , says it is the biggest threat to our countrys future. He talks about it next. Steve one homeowner tries to shoot a man breaking into his house. Guess what. It is not the first time to answer. He comes into view. Bland, the nine millimeter is real loud inside of the house. He brought this on himself. Building a better bank starts with looking at something old, and saying, really . So capital one is building something completely new. Capital one cafes. Inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. And savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. Because thats how it should be. You can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. Seriously, 5 minutes. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . We were talking about the model t. Now here we are talking about winning the most jd power iqs and appeal awards. Talking about Driverassist Technology talking about cars that talk and listen. Talking about the highest Customer Loyalty in the country. But thats enough talking. Seriously. That was a lot of talking. Back to building brian glad youre still with us. Melania trump is lending her voice to the war on drugs as the Trump Administration continues to fight to end the Opioid Epidemic. Steve the first lady will attend a summit at Liberty University alongside with Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and health and Human Services secretary alex azar. Ainsley here with more is Liberty University president Jerry Falwell, jr. Thank you so much for being with us. Good morning. Glad to be here. Ainsley we appreciate you putting such a focus and emphasis on this issue. You have said the it is the single biggest threat. What makes you say that . In the 90s bad trade deals that were signed sent 70,000 factories oh seas. All those jobs with those factories. Now, excuse my scratchy voice. Now that the president is bringing the jobs back, employers are having a hard time finding employees who can pass drug tests. It is just, it is an epidemic that is sort of, it is really a threat to our future industrial might and our workforce and its, at liberty we a few years ago purchased naloxone. I may not be pronouncing that, the antidote for opioid overdose. We have been urging other universities to follow suit. So far the response has been slow and we hope that this event this morning will help encourage some other universities to follow, follow what we did. We havent had a big problem here but we want to keep it that way. Brian you want this to be a Informational Forum or do you want Liberty University to be somewhat of a hub to help the administration get the word out about all the money theyre pouring into these programs . Well we, first of all, melania trump, this will be the first time that im told that she has done a town hall like this, taking questions. So i really think that will have a big impact. I think we want to be a hub to encourage other universities to create the type of atmosphere that weve created here at liberty that discourages drug, illegal drug use and discourages, offers positive alternatives and, i take the worst day of the year to get a scratchy throat. Steve it is going around. Jerry, when you look at the numbers, they are jawdropping, number of fatal drug overdoses in the United States, screen right shows you what it was in 2016. 63,000. Predicted total for last year, 2017, 72,000. 10,000 more than that. It is like a jetliner going down every day. Between 100 and 200 per day. And it is, magnitude of that. Silent, people dont hear about it, because theyre spread out all over the country. It is just, it is a situation thats, if an outside force were causing this many deaths in the United States every day the military would be engaged. It would be, it would be all hands on deck. But it is just a silent killer. And young people have such easy access to heroin. As easy as they did to a sixpack of beer a generation ago. It is a tragedy, really is. A lot of people would be here today who have had family members who have been affected by this. Brian jerry, right now, out of, right, out of the Overdose Deaths 66 are due to opioid overdose. If you could tackle this, make huge progress. Jerry fallwell thanks so much. Sorry, couldnt hear you. Brian it is okay. I guess the rest of the country. He was thanking you. Steve by the way, jerrys wife becky apparently invited the first lady. Texted her asked if she would appear. She will. Ainsley she has her phone number youre saying . Steve apparently so. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. Jillian joins us. Jillian good morning, oj same sons former manager make as shocking claim about the 1994 murder of simpsons exwife. His upcoming documentary will prove simpsons involvement in the death of Nicole Brown Simpson and ron goldman. He claims that the former football star had and a accomplice. He was acquitted the murders and released this year for Armed Robbery charges. A man killing an intruder breaking into his home. He comes into view, bland, boy that nine millimeter is real loud inside of the house. I thought my life was in danger. I shot him. And i will do it again. He brought this on himself. I have no sympathy. Jillian this isnt the first time this happened to charles sweeney. Five years ago he shot another suspect who did the exact same thing. That incident was not deadly. Homeowners in oklahoma can protect themselves if they feel threatened. How do you stop a bad guy with a gun . A school in michigan says use a hockey puck. The police chief at Oakland University suggesting the idea. Coached for my kids when they were growing up. I remember getting hit in the head with a hockey puck once. It really hurt. It fits well into your briefcase or backpack. Doesnt roll around taking out your books. Jillian 800 pucks have been sent to faculty members in case of active shooter. 700 go to students. Watch out for this guy. The root of Grocery Store drama in the uk. Fights are sprouting over all these new kevin the carrot toys. One shopper describes the carrot chaos, worse than black friday. Watch out for kevin. Ainsley kevin the carrot. All right. Add that to the list. Steve 20 minutes before the top. Hour. Janice dean. Janice ainsley what is so funny . These ladies came up, are we on tv . Where are you from . Fairfield, connecticut. Seattle. St. Louis missouri. Pennsylvania. Minnesota. Louisiana. Janice how much i appreciate you guys. I love you too. If it wasnt for you i wouldnt be here. Looks at the maps, i love it, i love you guys. Here are the temperatures, its cold, but we are warm with all of the friends that have come out today. Feels a little cooler in chicago. With the windchill were into singledigits and teen. Were dealing with winter across portions of the great lakes, upstate new york and new england. We have potential for storm system to move into the west. Could see fluries for lighting of Christmas Tree happening later on this evening. Traffic will be snarled up in midtown manhattan. The west coast deals with potential for rain and mountain snow. Im so glad you guys are here. Want to say hi to anybody at home . Our kids back home in minnesota . Janice where are the kid . One is in school and the others is with grandma, grandpa. Jungle jane from indiana. He. Janice high is a woman after my heart. I love the viewers coming out on 48th and 6th. This is the favorite part of my job. Steve some drop by on 48th and sixth avenue. Brian used to do satellite photos. Now all changed. Republican cindy hydesmith making history in mississippi. She won the Runoff Election. Were live there next. Steve you know the beach boys classic, little st. Nick, mike love has a new christmas album. As you can see he is live coming up. Ainsley welcome back. Quick headlines now. Amazon wants to help you cut costs but not on shipping, on health care. According to the wall street journal the online giant is planning to sell a software that combs through medical records suggesting the cheapest treatments in hospitals for patients. It is unclear when it will come out. And check those cabinets. There is a major pet food recall that could make your dog really sick. Sunshine mills pulling several items off shelves for having too much vitamind. It includes chicken and rice, sportsman pride, large breed and triumph chicken and rice. Answererly. Thank you so much, jillian. Attorney towing a fox news alert. A big win for republicans. Brian senator cindy hydesmith beating democratic challenger mike espy in the Runoff Election in mississippi. Steve Jonathan Serrie is in mississippi to break it all down. She thanked the president for showing up the day before to say vote for her. Reporter she did indeed. She showed up at two rallies before the election and said he was a major factor in her win last night. She plans to fly to washington first thing this morning to get right back to work. The republican defeated Democrat Mike Espy by a comfortable margin. Although the race was closer than some might have expected in this deeplyred state. Hydesmith, who made some gaffs during the campaign dimed by some as racially insensitive used her victory speech as a platform for bringing mississippians together. Its a special place to live and i want everybody to know, no matter who you voted for today, im going to always represent every mississippian. I will work very hard, do my very best to make mississippi very proud of your u. S. Senator. Reporter hydesmith had much praise for President Trump and the impact that he had on the race in that speech. President trump tweeted his congratulations to the senator saying, quote, we are all very proud of you. Hydesmiths opponent added his congratulations as well. She has my prayers that she goes to washington to unite a very divided mississippi. And, she has my prayers and my willingness to help her to do that. Reporter steve, ainsley, brian, believe it or not this settles the final senate race of this Midterm Election cycle. So when the new congress is sworn in the balance of power will be 53 republicans to 47 democrats. Ainsley that was the last one. Brian says it is not election day, it is election season. Brian were done, exactly. Steve jonathan, live in jackson. Thanks very much. Ainsley thanks, jonathan. You love his songs with the beach boys. Now mike love is spreading some christmas cheer with a brand new album. He will join us live. Brian first like to talk to bill hemmer. I promised him i would. How are we doing . Ainsley were good. How are you doing . You things are popping, arent they, guys . President has bottom line on the wall. Ivanka trump explains the emails. Gm in the white house crosshairs. Is there movement on the manafort front. Putin defends himself. A great lineup to sort through all of this. Ron johnson, alberto gonzales, ant did i mccarthy, maria bartiromo. Join me and sandra at top of the hour. Americas newsroom, nine to noon. The United StatesPostal Service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. With one notable exception. Oh, theres no place likargh e this ones a pretty big tree. Ahh im trying. [ glass shattering ] yippiekiyay. [ laughter ] mom. Steve we look at some of our christmas lights, listening to beach boys cofounder, lead singer mike love is returning to us about the true reason for the season, with his brand new christmas album. Ainsley so cool. Includes some favorite beach boys christmas classics and brand new songs. Brian guess who is here the mike love on the couch. Mike are you pumped up for the season . Do you feel like it is christmas . The beach boys started in my living room where i grew up, with grand piano, organ, harp. Two sisters played the harp. One of them played on the new album, as well as doing in my room and catch a wave on earlier efforts. Maureen love. Hi, maureen. Steve how hard is it to cut a christmas album, may, june, Something Like that . Ainsley good question. Yeah. Steve you have to be in the Christmas Spirit to sing a christmas song. The original beach boys christmas al up about, we had a tree, they made up a beautiful Christmas Tree in july on capitol records, we decorated the tree. My son, brian, did album cover for reason for the season. Anyway, my son brian got the picture of the album cover, i wish i had the lp to show it. It is so beautiful. It is the northern lights, an island off of norway. Aurora borealis. That is my son brian, photo. I said what is wrong with going to polynesia. Ainsley that is special. 54 years since you released your first christmas album. What made you want to release one from this year . The reason for the season who i came up with sam holland who is a Great Produce ir. There is so much commerciality and all that, i wanted to make it a gentle reminder it is essentially a christian holiday. About the birth of jesus a long time ago. Steve indeed. We heard with the archival video, the beach boys singing, little st. Nick. Thats right. You recorded that for this album. People asked me i recorded it because i could. Steve its a classic. Im a lead singer on that classic and this version. It is fun. I have nothing wrong with all the cultural celebrations aspects. I wanted to do a little gentle reminder essentially jesus preached love. I think love is so much desperately needed in the world today. Brian you came up through a turbulent time. In the 60s, you started oh, boy. Brian 2018 were really at each others throats. In the 60s, we were coming apart it seems. This is true. There is always been divisiveness and everything. I think its a good thing to remind people all the saints, even buddha said, love is the only thing that can conquer hate. Brian pat benatar, said love is a battlefield. It certainly can be and has been in our personal lives from time to time. However ainsley want to elaborate on that . No, i dont. But i think essentially its a reminder that its a christian holiday and, you know, we utessed to Christmas Carol around the neighborhood. This album has the, you know, the creative offerings of my children, haley, christian, brian and amba. Theyre all singing with me on this. Brian nice. Christmas carols. Brian makes it even better. Ainsley you got them all involved. I would lovetor my daughter to be musically inclined. Im not. How do we do that . Brian teach them the obo. Harp apparently. Harp is beautiful. Ainsley i dont have room in my apartment for a harp. An irish harp. Steve mike, thank you so much. The brand new album, is reason for the season. Mike love of the beach boys. Ainsley congratulations. Download his music. Well have fun, fun, fun blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. Tresiba® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. I found my tresiba® reason. Find yours. Ask your Diabetes Care specialist about tresiba®. [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. Mike love from the beach boys will join us in the after the show show and spill the beans what it was like going around the world with the beach boys but its on fox nation only. Download it. Have a great day. Bill good morning. Everybody. Fox news alert. Two hours from now President Trumps National Security team will go to congress and the stories there are significant. The entire senate will be briefed on critical Foreign Policy issues that face the u. S. Defense secretary james mattis will be there, secretary of state mike pompeo. One key player missing is the c. I. A. Director gina haspel. Some of these senators arent happy about that. It goes down at 11 00 a. M. Eastern time. More on that inside americas newsroom. First another big victory for President Trump and the gop. Senator cindy hydesmith cementing her place