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Brian donald trump and his support behind a bill to reform how criminals are penalized. These members have reached a bipartisan agreement. Did i hear the word bipartisan . Country musics biggest night. Entertainer of the year goes to keith urban. God bless you all, thank you. Forevermore it sure feel like winners, the 15th day of november, 2018. The good news is it is cold here and soon we will have rain on the west coast in a few days. That will help with the fires a little bit. Cutting into janice deans time. Ainsley the first time. In the Northern Plains to the midwest. A lot going on. Speaking of down south, james mattis, secretary of defense on the southern border. Helping to augment the work of Border Patrol. And and he met some of the 55,000 troops supporting our Border Patrol. Anybody who thinks this is a big show in the big stunned, i dont think you mentioned general mattis yesterday. That sort of thing. Concentrate on what your Company Commander, Battalion Commander tells you. When the secretary decided Border Patrol needed help, not because i rented a suit. You dont care if you are male or female, we dont care where you go to church. There is trouble out there, you keep the faith, trouble looms and you go towards the trouble to help. He said just do your job, dont listen to the noise, dont listen to folks in new york and hollywood, doing news reports because you guys are doing your job. And they are not getting combat pay. And jeff flake, like you said, it is a stunt. Brian he will say anything to make the president look bad on his way out. We did this 100 years ago, in 1916, always did this, when times of trouble you put your troops on the border. Not be arresting people, supporting Border Patrol. Allowing Border Patrol to do what they can do. Pete the secretary of defense in texas and yesterday on the program we told you how hundreds of migrants arriving in the tijuana area. Close to 800 have arrived, they were set up so migrants waiting to apply for asylum or trying to figure out what they are doing in the New York Times. If they get caught they will be deported. Some of the images from wednesday where they are looking to the United States. Ainsley the razor wire forms large rails like an accordion. And the migrant workers, in the Border Patrol agent. The problem for tijuana, they are camped out in tijuana. Scores of people in the shoulders, not hundreds and not thousands and they are looking at thousands of people in the worry is, all sorts of violence as a potential. All those people going to tijuana and they are going what are we going to endorse with the mexican government, can you give us 4 million for two months. Havent heard back from the mexican government. General general boykin was on, so many veterans in need, that need quality tests. Theres people in america that are desperate needs. You got to keep that in mind, got to respect the law, understand what is going on at the border and there were people in dire need that are paying tax dollars for american services, 4 million check that could be going for americans. Is a grandfather of 6 otherwise a grandfather teach my grandchildren to respect laws, a spectacle like this, flaunting the fact they are breaking our laws. Meanwhile, i will be speaker. Pete nancy pelosi after a night of drinking . Dont know about the drinking part. Brian of problem for the former speaker. Theres a group of House Democrats who say they have enough votes to block her from getting the job. A list circulating with 17 names on it, members of congress pledging to vote against her when they do vote for the next speaker on january 3rd and five more. She needs 218 people to say we want her. They have 229. That means if she loses 22, she will be in trouble. Jillian congressmans of molten says no one else has come out because they dont want to alienate nancy pelosi supporters. Once it is clear they have enough votes to block her from becoming speaker someone will step to the plate. The one who wants to cover my and get things done, Kathleen Rice, put herself in that category. Shes against nancy pelosi, socalled never nancy movement. I find this amazing. At a time in which nancy pelosi whether you love her or hate her she helped deliver the house, kept everything together, formulated the resistance. You might say she is effective. The guy who gets renewed all the time is senator schumer. What did he do . All he did his rant and rave and not cut deals with the president and he gets red carpet treatment to the leadership. Pete Chuck Schumer will keep his job, Mitch Mcconnell will keep his job, Steve Scalise was selected as House Minority whip. Kevin mccarthy beat jim jordan substantially, 15943, for House Minority leader. And talking yesterday he says he was talking about nancy pelosi but keep in mind republicans like the idea of nancy pelosi as speaker because they have been very effective in demonizing her in close house races where there are a lot of moderates and if they put her up and use her as a pinata it is helpful. Rob Steve Scalise thinks nancy pelosi deserves it. I think they deserve nancy pelosi as speaker but i dont want to see it. I went through 2 and half years of nancy pelosi as speaker and came in not long after kevin and she was speaker, you saw what she did to the country, they rammed through obamacare with the famous you got to pass the bill to find out what is in it. Brian if there is a rival, mister ryan has run against her in the past, you figure he would like to try that again. Nobody has come forward and said if you dont vote for her vote for me. Jillian they have a few days to get the list in order and get a letter out. Pete this era of hashtag me too is a time to oust, historic revisiting of the female speaker . Is that the time for democrats to have that type of optic . To go to seth molson or tim ryan . Brian on the republican side, lynn cheney, House Republican conference chair. Number 3 republican spot in the house and she will be joining us later today. Speaking of later today, today is deadline day in florida. Counties have a number of hours to finish recounts, the heated battle over the u. S. Senate seat stirring even more controversy. Pete lets call it election season. And counties making progress. Issues are piling up for others. Ainsley Griff Jenkins is in Broward County, good morning. They were able to gets in sleep knowing they didnt have many more votes to count this morning. Reporter good morning. Look behind me. Look at this video. The staffers celebrating because they are almost done. Only 80 plus ballots were damaged and had to be duplicated. They are preparing for an anticipated hand recount involving 30,000 over and under votes. In Palm Beach County they wont make it. The election supervisor was in, quote, prayer mode. Lawsuits playing out today whether she might get an extension. No question how that may affect the rest of the entire state. We will find out. More questions remain. Problems continue to plague Broward County. The election supervisor, yesterday the secretary of state sent a letter to the Us Attorneys Office about affidavits for vote by mail ballots in four counties. They will returned in before the election but could be turned in two days after, causing problems. Snipes said she caught them, do not accept those ballots but did not tell the secretary of state. A crime to alter anything like this. Should you still be reporting it . Even if they werent successful. Reporter they will get the recount done in broward but these problems remain. We will find out if that happens. Brian the supervisor in Palm Beach County says shes in prayer mode, praying they are able to get at least one of the recounts done by 3 00 this afternoon. Pete jeb bush said senator nelson stopped the lawsuit, the meaning your entire career by the way you seem to be going out. Pete we will keep you posted on that, 6 11 in new york city. Jillian joins us with a story. Jillian at least 39 people confirmed dead as wildfires burn across california. The fire fueled by wind scorching 150 acres near los angeles and brandnew drone video shows the devastation caused by the camp fire, 88 homes completely destroyed in the town of paradise. Interior secretary ryan think he touring the devastation with jerry brown. He says it is the worst he has ever seen. Michael avenatti, attorney for stormie daniels, denies Domestic Violence allegations. I have never struck a woman. I never will strike a woman. I am looking forward to a full investigation at which point i have confidence that i will be fully exonerated. Jillian he was arrested after an alleged confrontation at his los angeles apartment with an unidentified woman. The cma awards rocking nashville, brad paisley and Carrie Underwood praised for leaving politics out of the show. Just started snoring in the front row stop recording ainsley she wasnt sleeping, Christie Bolton was accepting the most awards of the night including vocalist of the year. Nikki urban pulled off the Biggest Surprise taking home entertainer of the year. Fun had by all. Love you so much. Rob there were no politics in that. I admire the outfit for winning entertainer of the year. Used to get yelled at when i left the house. Thank you very much. The media are buzzing over a possible white house shakeup including the president s top staff but are these changes to the cabinet that unusual . Our next guest have a History Lesson for all of us. 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And the president has pledged to end price gouging by Drug Companies. We will no longer accept the inflated prices being charged to our seniors. Protect seniors, not drug company profits. Hi susan hs honey . I respect that. But that cough looks pretty bad. Try this new robitussin honey. The real honey you love. Plus the powerful cough relief you need. Mind if i root through your trash . New robitussin honey. Because its never just a cough. Pete the Mainstream Media going crazy over staff changes that the west wing is new reports suggest Homeland Security secretary Kirstjen Neilsen and john kelly could be on the way out. When you take a look at the second year of the Ford Administration donald trump made the same number of cabinet changes as president clinton. Only two more than president obama. Do we just love the palace intrigue . Is the president getting too much scrutiny in this area . When i went to work on white house senior staff in 1989 before you were born, at the time they told the average length of stay on white house senior staff was 1. 5 years, reagan had four chiefs of staff, so did bill clinton. Barack obama had five. George w. Bush had five. Secretaries of the treasury. Jimmy carter, who was only an office for four years, had six acting secretaries of state. This is very common. You change the staff depending on what new things need to be accomplished in the white house, constantly changing. Brian of the eight that left, six cabinet officials, six a resigned, two are promoted. They were just moved, one from cia to secretary of state, kelly with homeland it is chief of staff. It doesnt show chaos. It is logical to think a businessman who never held political office, who wasnt in washington insider would have to rotate people out to get the people he wanted, to figure out who likes him and who can do the job. Sadly there is a big difference. That is absolutely right. It is not necessarily that the person leaving did a bad job at all but new things he wants to accomplish and new people with skills who have them to do. I will say this, the lobby of trump, very healthy, comments and speaking up for herself. You may know all about the world and be the smartest person on earth about the world, you are not smart enough to figure out you need to treat the president s wife and her staff, the president s. A, soninlaw and staff with respect, you are not smart enough to work in the white house. Very impressed with milania trump. Brian she pushed out john boltons deputy because of the way he treated her staff on the africa trip and the way she treated evidence and not worthy of the white house and for those people who dont think milania has the president s back, you have never been around those two. This is about the president getting loyalty around him and she has great instincts. Appreciate your perspective. Coming up straight ahead, one Top Democrats as people in Trump Country are telling them this. They trump, some think we like what he is doing. We went congress to make them accountable. Brian Jason Chaffetz reacting to the larger comingss comments. Deadline day in florida, democrats may have sent faulty ballots. Katherine harris certified the 2000 result, shes here to react next, dont move. I am a family man. I am a techie dad. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Ainsley some quick headlines, mike pence and russian president Vladimir Putin shaking hands in singapore. The world leaders, before the Vice President heads to Papua New Guinea for a news conference. Pence is standing in for donald from. A live look at parliament where teresa may is making her case for a new brexit plan. He claimed support for the draft is in national interest, two brexit officials calling it quits over the deal, among several critics of the plan that will allow britain to the part from the eu. Pete and ballot drama in the sunshine state, the state department asking federal prosecutors to look at allegations democrat sent out faulty mail in ballots to voters in four counties. The forms a greatly stating voters could return them three days after the election despite the fact they were actually do the day before on november 5th. Here to react katherine harris, former florida secretary of state in the 2000 election recount, certifies George Washington won the vote in florida. What is going on in florida . Looks like it is deja vu all over again. Rodney dangerfield. This was always going to happen. We passed election laws that are the model for the nation. This is not a matter of laws that will work, it is a matter of people exercising those laws. Brian a lot of criticism of brenda snipes, supervisor in Broward County. What do you make of that . She has a history that is not a very positive one. She is a supervisor of elections which means shes a constitutional officer elected by the county. They have autonomy in the only person who can remove them is the governor, not the secretary of state. Brian Governor Scott has had the chance here. Obviously it will be difficult for him to do so now since pete given the fact we are hearing this story, this time and that, we question the integrity of what is going on. It is not a problem. The exercise of the rule of law that prohibit the arbitrary use of power and focus on existing welldefined laws. If someone isnt doing that. Pete does politics come into play . I cant answer that. Im not there on the ground. What we are really focused on is trying to protect the law, you have to live with yourself the rest of your life. We protected al gores legal rights. Everyone else was working on political liability and at the end this have harbor act was rule of law. Pete as people watch how these officials executed the election, they have the signature match thing, the judge that i will give you two days to break this out. The machines dont work and one of the fellows who is a very tight race told us i went to bed, i was 5000 ahead and got up the next day they found tens of thousands of new ballots. That is ridiculous. What i think is important is as long as they follow the law, you have the court change, politicians change it and arbitrarily change these laws there are unintended consequences. The Florida Supreme Court refused to grant a statement after recounts, consequently we had an equal protection under the law and we won because they only tried to focus on recounting the democrat ballot, extending the time. Palm beach, the Florida Supreme Court said you must certify on sunday and wanted to extend the deadline, an hour or two and they were very specific on when the deadline was over. If they start extending deadlines palm beach in an hour, 3 hours, 3 weeks and never finished counting. Pete it looks as if they will finish counting by 3 00 this afternoon in one recount race. People say what can we do to fix this . Florida is a purple state. We will always have elections, just have to have people elected that will follow the law. Secretary of state for the great state of florida, and coming up, hundreds of troops looking to fortify the southern border but one of Donald Trumps biggest critics had this to stay. You cant call it anything but a stunned. Pete Jason Chaffetz says it is no stunned at all and he will join us next. Remember this couple, the homeless veteran at the center of ago fund me controversy. A major twist nobody saw coming. We will tell you about that. Happy birthday to chad kroger,. Heres the nickel back song. Goodbye goodbye the one i was looking for favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. The cold and flu fightings. Machine. You put in your machine. Press the button to brew up powerful relief. To defeat your toughest cold and flu symptoms fast. New theraflu powerpods. Press. Sip. Relief. The greatest wish of all. Is one that brings us together. The lincoln wish list event is here. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with 0 down, 0 due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Only at your lincoln dealer. And a complimentary first months payment. [announcer] powerful cleaning. Thats what you expect from shark, and our newest robot vacuum is no exception. From floors to carpets, it tackles all kinds of debris, even pet hair, with ease. But what about cleaning above the floor . Thats why we created the shark ion robot cleaning system, our innovative robot vacuum paired with a builtin powerful shark handheld. The shark ion robot cleaning system. One dock, two sharks. Cleaning on a whole new level. bright percussive music hand out the window in the wind Ainsley Keith urban taking the stage, thanking his wife and kids. Pete born in australia. They came to america and Jason Chaffetz can here to meet us today. Im ready to talk about keith urban. That shirt get that off. You cant go out like that. That is what we all aspire to. Not for now. Showing off the tattoo. Jeff flake, you saw on the border yesterday, he talked to the troops, gave them pep talks, dont listen to the media or the noise, just do your job. He was saying it is all political stunned. Listen to this. You cant call it anything but a stunned. It is unfortunate that they will be away from family during the holidays coming up and we dont know what for. We dont know where the caravan, if it makes it north, is going to come. It could be handled by civilians we have in terms of Border Patrol and others. I dont know what i can tell the mother then shouldnt be doing this. Pete he says it is a stunned. If you are in Border Patrol and have the United States military helping you with communication, putting up other barriers, you are feeling good about it. We have a surge of people coming north that said they would come to this country potentially illegally, the president has the political guts to do the right thing and match that by making sure we have the proper resources, not overrun at the border. Im proud of the president. He is doing exactly the right thing and what general mattis told the troops is exactly right, go out and do your job and make sure you have the backs of the Border Patrol. A lot of these Border Patrol agents have to go out by themselves. They are expected to round of 20 people by themselves. In the middle of the night. To have the military down there general mattis is not subjected to politics or hyperbole, the mission is absolutely legal and reviewed by the permit of justice lawyers, a moral and ethical issue to support our Border Patrol. We dont know. We seem to be getting at a caravan coming in san diego, they are in texas. We dont know where they are coming but they look at this is one of the most honorable areas. If you look at what general mattis said we dont do stunts and he put that to bed, we dont do stunts. If you go to the detention facility in arizona you will find people are represented for 100 countries. We dont know who these people are and cant let them come across the border. It happens every day but they are there. Lets talk about your former job with congress. There will be an election on the democrat side, figure out who will be their leader, nancy pelosi wants to be speaker of the house, i will be speaker, she said yesterday. 17 numbers of congress on the democrat side put their names on a letter and there are five others for a total of 22 members of congress. They are going to try to stop her. Will they be effective . They have so far. If nancy pelosi has the votes today they would be voting today on whether she was going to be speaker. The week you come back is when you have leadership election and democrats had to delay that because of chaos. They are trying to put in the old leadership. Nancy pelosi raised more money than anybody in the history of the United States congress, house or senate. No mistake why shes at the top of the food chain. Follow the money and that is why nancy pelosi thinks she is going to be the speaker and deserves to be speaker but theres the underclass that says we want to change here. The reason maybe we dont hear anyone else, you have clyburn in his 70s and steny hoyer in his 70s. There is no air apparent. When Kevin Mccarthy had turbulence people reached paul ryan on the president ial run, Steve Scalise is waiting. Joe mccarthy falters. With the next generation of leaders, the inside baseball story . Are they afraid to step forward . Ryan seems to be depressed forgetting his 60 votes and challenging pelosi. And decades there has been no challenge to any leadership in decades. The house of representatives nancy pelosi rules with an iron fist. They despise each other, they hate each other, shes not willing to step aside and let him step up. It is an undercurrent that is so prevalent in the house. Anyone talking about how that works knows there is this class but younger people have got to get organized but they dont dare turn off the money machine which is nancy pelosi. If theres a challenger to her the problem is they will wind up in the next congress with a lousy assignment. You can go sit on one committee in the back row and do nothing. Democrats do it different than republicans. Republicans have term limits. You can only be a chairman for six years, democrats, all based on seniority. Who has been sitting there longest. Lets look at what Elijah Cummings said yesterday about donald trump. Even in Trump Country, if you look at the results of this election they are saying we like trump, some people say we like what he is doing, we Want Congress to make them accountable. We went you to make them accountable. That is what they said to us. They want government to work for them. We got to do both. We got to address the issues on a daily basis, what they go through every day. There is another thing happening. I want us to return to a culture of normalcy. What do you think of the comments he made . There is a degree of accountability that has to be put in place. I believe in oversight no matter who is the president. But you cant do what the democrats are doing, presuppose the conclusion, already told you what the results are going to be. Now going to get the tax returns to prove it or get this that is not the way it works but i went four years looking at hillary clinton. We didnt start an investigation into the Inspector General provided evidence of classified information in an unclassified setting. Democrats and others what they are saying, they told you the conclusion, now they got to find some evidence. That is so fundamentally wrong. The bipartisan legislation, criminal Justice Reform, when van jones is praising the president that might be the template to cool down everything. The best bipartisan work, when i was in the Judiciary Committee and had votes on both sides, particularly upstanding. If it could happen when Jeff Sessions left, no coincidence the attorney general, especially the president s support of it and hope the president garnered 60 votes. Pete time for some news, jillian joins us. Jillian good morning. And americans death on a cruise ship is being investigated as a possible murder. News outlets in the caribbean reporting the woman fell from the upper deck of the princess cruise ship after struggling with a man seen choking her. The ship is expected to return to Fort Lauderdale this weekend. A College Basketball player banned from campus after this nasty cheap shot, pittsburgh state elbowing a nickel state player on the case in massachusetts, that player finished the game and is okay. Police are investigating. This story, and alleged scam from the start. A couple and the homeless veteran accused of making up a viral heartwarming story to cash and according to nbc 10 in philadelphia. The couple claims the veteran spent his last 20 to pay for the womans guest, when she ran out in new jersey they started a go fund be for him and raised 400,000. There will be an update this afternoon. If that is true that is something. The latest information is they made it all up. Jillian allegedly. I worked there for years. Janice dean is out in the a lot of trying to make things meet. How are you guys . There is a noreaster coming. Where are you from . Indiana. I am don. You know each other . You know each other now. We have a noreaster coming. You know about that . We have the potential for a lot of ice in indiana. And ice storm warning in effect. All of this coming to the northeast. If you dont have to travel today i advise against it across new york this afternoon and overnight. Wants to say hi to anyone at home . Hi, everybody at home. Pete i hear theres a noreaster coming. Ainsley doctor Sebastian Gorka coming up and Michelle Malcolm will join us live. Brian a bipartisan Prison Reform plan to give former inmates a Second Chance. Judge Andrew Napolitano says it is true. We will expand on it. [ slurping ] act your age. Get your own insurance. [ child babbling ] aah oh act your age. Get your own insurance. Today im thrilled to announce my support for this bipartisan bill that will make our communities safer and give former inmates a Second Chance at life after they have served their time. These members reached a bipartisan agreement. Did you hear the word bipartisan . Ainsley donald trump ready to reach across the aisle backing Prison Reform giving exinmates a Second Chance. Brian here is judge Andrew Napolitano. Looking at your notes, thousands of people from jaywalking to murder and a lot of times your hands are tied is a judge. Judge napolitano in the old system, in most states and the federal system it is a minimum mandatory sentence meaning the judge has very little discretion. The judge is checking a box on a spreadsheet, adding and subtracting numbers and the bottom line number tells you where the person should go to jail and for how long they should go away. There is no greater obstacle to justice and sentencing than minimum mandatory sentences and this gets rid of minimum mandatory sentences. Politically it is a winwin situation. Talk about the politics in a minute but the optics of sending someone to jail who does not belong, whose crime was not violence, who deserves Second Chance and the judge being denied power to do that, i remember a case whereas a joke a canceled a copper plastic bag filled with soap powder pretending was cocaine. The cop thought it was cocaine, that he was making a big hit, it was just so proud. The case, lets return the 50 and put the get on probation for a year. It was reversed by the Appellate Court because requires 3 years in jail and the Appellate Court was the first time i had to resentenced. Now that the attorney general Jeff Sessions dropped out he was against Prison Reform. Judge Napolitano Jason made a great point. Old line traditional prosecutors like Jeff Sessions hate this. And bill clinton. Judge napolitano they think it is too soft on people. Judges need the opportunity to evaluate. Van jones of all people came out and praised the president. He says this. More importantly, dozens of groups representing formerly incarcerated people support the bill, people finally come together to do the right thing, and how many will give donald trump credit . I will. Judge napolitano the president was joking when he said bipartisan. Talk about bipartisan, van jones, mike lee, cory booker, this is an unbelievable unification of both needles of the ideological spectrum to do the right thing. It couldnt happen under barack obama. Probably wouldnt happen if Jeff Sessions were attorney general. Thank you very much. Judge napolitano prison makes everybody worse and a lot of people dont belong there. Democrats won the house last tuesday. Who is nancy pelosi giving credit to . Thank you for saving america, reverend sharpton, thank you for saving america. [laughter] brian Michelle Malcolm will want to react, back in a moment. The United States Postal Service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. With one notable exception. No politics on stage at the Country Music awards, focusing on the music after the opening. The show with a touching tribute to those who lost their lives in thousand oaks, california last week. Carly shimkus has the reaction. A lot happened during the cma awards yesterday. They started with a touching tribute honoring lives lost last week and lighthearted moments but not one single mention of politics, no mention of donald trump or hillary clinton, they kept it lighthearted the whole time. The show did manage to make news when Carrie Underwood revealed certain baby detail fans were dying to know. Take a look. Member last time when i revealed the gender of your baby . Tonight we will reveal something even more exciting, who the father is. Donald junior . Im not making the same mistake. Reporter willy, meaning shes having a little baby boy, her second baby boy. Because shows us a political these days the fact they didnt mention politics was noticeable. Pete ted cruz was locked in a battle with beto orourke in texas, ted cruz won. Millions of people in texas. They ran into each other at the airport yesterday. Can you believe this . They are smiling. And their heads are going. The one person i didnt want to see. There are some very interesting details, one of the witnesses, the one closest to ted cruz on the lefthand side, she tweet toed about this and said beto orourke shook his hand and congratulated him on the win and they had a conversation about politics and how both sides can work together. Pete he keeps his congressional seat. He is still in congress. I dont think so. It is statebystate. Todd we will see if you gearing up. He almost won in texas. Brian was the one word we are not supposed to use . Apparently it is toxic. Toxic is the Oxford English dictionarys word of the year. Pete im a websters guy anyway. She will be raking in those royalties. Pete thank you very much. Defense secretary mattis sending a message to the border as the first caravan arrived at the border, we will hear from him next. Pete congresswoman liz cheney, number 3 in the house, Michelle Malcolm will have an opinion on it. Doctor Sebastian Gorka will be here with the big announcements for his own career. A lot about drama. We also know that you can avoid drama by getting an annual checkup. So go, know, and take control of your health. It could save your life. Cigna. Together, all the way. It could save your life. Acidic foods can your enamel is very precious. Wear away your enamel. Your tooth is going to look yellower, more dull. I recommend pronamel because it helps protect and strengthen your enamel. Its pro enamel. Its the positive thing. New ballot drama on deadline day in Florida Democrats may have is sent out faulty ballots to four counties. It is the exercise of the rule are of law. The the exercise of rule of law is to product arbitrary use of power. Secretary of defense down on southern border yesterday. All sorts of the things in the news just concentrate what your battalion comangder tells you. You read all of that stuff youll go nuts. A dozen are speaking out to stop nancy pelosi from becoming speaker. Nancy pelosi rules with an iron fist she and sawyer they hate each other shes not willing to let him step pup behind a how criminal ares are penalized. They have reached a bipartisan agreement. Did i hear the word bipartisan . [laughter] that is a great song if you have a little one do a dance party before you go to bed at night. [laughter] when dont we have a dance party . They are winding down. Listen it is kind of a stormy day here in new york city today. Janice said theres a noreaster headed our way so a good day so sit back, relax enjoy the news. Soup and watch us. [laughter] soup and cable. Thats right. Urge you to please get dressed weve been up for at least an hour. Straight ahead deadline day and hours away from issue ifing recount as heated it ballot in u. S. Senate seat in florida is stirring more controversy if it wasnt why put it bold in prompletter . Counties are still scrambling as others appear to be making progress. Griff jenkins is live where theyve had some problems but griff right now machines are turned off. Are they done . Theyre almost done theyre so close guys. Look at this video from shortly after midnight celebrating theyve done all but 80 or so damage to ballots yet. They have to approve them and run them this morning an theyre pretty much done and preparing for antidepressanted hand recount but up in Palm Beach County not lookly going to make it. Election supervisor there Suzanne Booker in prayer modes for that to happen. But recounts arent only thing were watching. Were watching half a dozen lawsuits or more. One that might give long beach an extension another a judge citing with bill nelson attorneys ruling that 4,000 ballots rejected because of signature screpts will have until saturday now to fix it and could be potentially counted. We with expect Governor Scott to appeal that. Many of these lawsuits playing out in tallahassee today as they try to get that count down here in broward up in palm beach. Guys. Thats right griff thank you very much. 8 00 today. So mismatch signature thing its uncertain how big that could be. Because apparently it impacts 4,000 ballots in 45 counties. That mean when you register to vote you sign a form and then when you actually vote you sign your ballot comparing the signatures. Exactly when you went they said we have to see something that has your signature on it to make sure. So it could impact 4,000 ballots 45 counties but there are 22 other counties that it is uncertain so it could be thousands were talking about. Dges as you see whats happening in georgia too with governors race hipght says if there wasnt such corruption would have won the election. Is that a responsible thing to a. People were on president because hes pointing out in Broward County about the problem with the signaturings and using provisional ballots as actual ballot thats legitimate that was a legitimate question. All about soundbite. Whatever he said. Just to throw out by the way illegitimate win for brian kemp is irresponsible. Howard dean did it last week. Stacey abrams dpght have enough votes to win but refusing to compete. J she wants to get to 50 to have another runoff. Shes not going to get there. Big issues of the caravan parts of it have arrived in tijuana. South of san diego, right now apparently 800 migrants are there, and theyre expecting thousands in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, in texas, our secretary of Defense James Mattis was there he addressed troops who were helping Border Patrol and he said this about what theyre seeing in the news as he walked alongside secretary of Homeland Security neil son they stop for a moment. Spoke to troops. He said this. All sorts of stuff in the news and that sort of thing you just concentrate on what your Company Commander job about your battalion comangder tells you. Now when secretary decide that her Border Patrol needed help she came to us not because me. I had to rent a suit for dinner because of you. What you are every day. Prchg dont care if youre male or female or go to church or if you go to church we just care if theres trouble out there will you keep the faith will you write for the brand when trouble looms do you go towards trouble to help your buddies . They september about 55 6500 troops theyre living in tents theyre eating mre this is what our military does to protect our country and that border wall they put the quire which is razor wire large rolls so looks like a accordion. Youre leaving out most important thing according to jeff flake. All of that is just a stungt. That reaction a stunt for the election, jason was on our catch a half an hour ago and he disagrees with the the soon to be former senator of arizona. You go become to look at what general mattis said he said we dont do stunt i think he put that to bed said we dont do stunts if you go to elivelihood detention facility as i have in arizona youre going to find there are people represented for more than 100 countries we dont know who those people are. We have a surge of people coming north said theyre going to come into the country potentially illegally. The president has the political guts to do the right thing. And match that by making sure that we have the proper resources so were not overrun at the border. And worry is that on the mexican side of tijuana theres so many migrants heading their way they dont know how to take care of them apparently starting yesterday they started to use a sports stadium to have some of them. Half of the shelter are already filled and theyve got how many thousands still on the way. But mexico seems to have changed tactics midstream. One minute we stop at the border well that didnt work out. Next minute were going to provide them transportation well we changed our mind a little bit now even though theyre still few hundred miles away now they dont seem to be intent on blocking them theyre going to be coming up to border soon. I actually dont know how Border Patrol and a the military even though we have the is going to stop this from being just an overwhelming clash. Well that was violence aside i hope no violence happens but all of these people need basic needs what do we do . Thats on mexican side then they will one at a time and the migrants are actually organizing who is going to apply for asylum it is going to take a long time and only 2500 people on a waiting list and thats not include the caravan but to wait their turn. Some will make a claim of the asylum and up to the federal government. Of the United States to determine whether or not they get in. So thats down on border lets now go to d. C. Because the democrats just took the house. People are wondering who is going to be the leader many suspect nancy pelosi theres no one throwing their hat in ring yet that run 79s to run against her for this. But weve just learned never nancy house democrat, they want new leadership. They plan to release this signed letter. Theyve gathered enough support they say to deny her being the speaker because she needs 218 votes. So you might have to wait two weeks to find out who next speaker is and if you ask nancy pelosi shes already got votes but she doesnt among people on this list that 17 of them that stand out are Kathleen Rice in new york and seth, a military veteran, and tim ryan who got 60 plus votes if im not right last time to challenge her from minority leadership. But nobody is beginning to step up to challenge her before the vote. And we have jason on about a half an hour ago and he said if she had sheeted votes right now they would have had the election yesterday. The republican he is their elections, and Steve Scalise tim mccarthy all won positions on the republican side. But keep in mind, as he said she has been, nancy pelosi has been so effective making money going out into the districts of the various members helping them get reelected many of them are making calls on her behalf now. Shelfs look they owe her the job because shes wanted it. You know, so many people have said retired she goes no someday is ill be speaker she thinks it is a day unfortunately for her members of congress on democrat side 22 of them. Which could be just enough to keep her from the job. Wondering how long shell have money thing in her pocket when you see Mike Bloomberg turn so many seats for democrats tom steyer personally along with george, theyre putting money directly into districts. I think theyre more powerful than nancy pelosi. They might be able to get freedom from nancy. Shortly if they wanted it. Didnt work in texas, though, with beto orourke what they did in congress. Democrats made real inroads in congress and congressional seats. 100 sure that she is confidence that shell become the speaker of the house but she has people making calls for her and makes me wongder is she all that confident. Andrew qoa know making calls kerry and al gore saying vote for her. If she had the votes right now too close to call. Thats why theyre waiting until november 28th to have that vote. All right 7 10 here in new york city. Good morning jillian. Good morning you know unfortunately still following devastation out california. Fox report 59 people confirmed dead California Wildfires sierra fire scorched 150 acres east of l. A. Brand new drone video shows devastation caused by the camp fire in the north just look at that. Everything is just charred. 8800 home it is destroyed it in the town of paradise. Interior secretary brian touring devastation with governor jerry brown saying it is the worst hes ever seen. We will have a live rot from california in just a few minutes. Also breaking right now, saudi arabia recommending the Death Penalty for five suspects charged in the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi top prosecutor said they plan to kill the columnist three days before murdering him at the saudi consulate in turkey. Prosecutor also claims khashoggi died from overdose of a sedative that his body was chopped up. Now to weather a powerful noreaster packed with snow headed towards the northeast. That storm already being blamed for deadly bus crash in mississippi. Two people kilted an Dozens Injured after Police Say Driver lost control and flipped on an icy highway. 110 million americans along the east coast now bracing first of wintry blast for season and janice dean has that. History is made, a come now the first ever to complete the Army Special Forces 24 days survival skills test. A Spokesman Says this is just beginning for her shes been invitessed to tick a Qualification Course and next step towards becoming green bray. Military is not revealing her identity, though, but still going to be awesome. Congratulations. All right thank you very much. 12 minutes after the hour you heard defense secretary mattis give a pep talk does the show of force the right move for america dr. Sebastian is coming up. Plus she was just elect as newest senator from state of arizona but Kyrsten Sinema is already breaking some promises. Why shes feeling the heat from her own party. Youre watching fox and friends live from new york city. Snow is watching if youre waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. Its time to get out of line with upmc. At upmc, livingdonor transplants put you first. So you dont die waiting. Upmc does more livingdonor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. Find out more and get out of line today. Whoooo. Tripadvisor makes finding your Perfect Hotel. Relaxing just enter your destination and dates. Tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To find the hotel you want for the lowest price. Dates. Deals. Done raining and youre cold and youre in a position where people are showing a lack of rpght for each other el where and you and your tome are holding strong. You know, nothing can shake it. Nothing can shake it. There you youve got jim mattis rallying troops in southern texas as that caravan of migrants arrives in mexico just south of san diego scaling fences and taunting authority as you can see right there. Here to qaig in Fox News National security strategist and former Deputy Assistant to president dont j. Trump joins us from washington area. Good morning to you, sir. Pmpleg good morning, steve. Well according to senator jeff flake sepgding troops down to southern border that was a stunt all for the election it was a pulse to the president. What do you think . Are we talking about jeff irrelevant, flake. Why doesnt this guy just, you know, heses more lame duck than had the house of representatives right now. Fourstar marine corps. Legend dont do political stunts and he said so in public, this is something weve done dozens and dozens of times before including under Obama Administration this is a military support thats a civilian authorities when youve got 7,000, 10,000, 12,000 Illegal Immigrants coming to the border, then our cbp agent as custom and Border Patrol need support and this is a very, or very mission. Down in washington the that john f. Kelly might be again and chief of staff sound like the secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen may be going and one of the reasons for that is president is frustrated that more has not been done on our southern beard and with immigration and stuff like that. I guess thats just what you get when you have a businessman who is used to getting things done results oriented two years in, and you know, he would like see more in the win column. Yeah. I dont have much time for these intrigue stories i think theyve been talking about you know general kelly leaving the white house since the day he began. We constantly have these stories regards to cabinet members swapping out or leaving thats absolutely powerful, of course, two years into any administration. But youre absolutely right having worked for the man during the campaign, and in the white house, donald trump is about results. And you will be measured whether you are a deputy like i was in system or secretary you will be measured by your results. And one of the important things is Immigration Reform and building the wall. Others theres a story out that apparently president was talking on the phone a couple of days ago with Prime Minister Great Britain troughs may she called it congratulate him on results from the election. And then he said hey, whats taken so long with brexit . Among other things and now theres news that apparently her cabinet is going to support her on some sort of breaking exit plan over there. Yes. Shes in trouble, steve. The brits have been waiting two years since the referendum for the government of troughs theresa may two actually get it going she had the checkers plan thats been redrafted as a result of the new one, shes had two minister and two secretaries resign. Shes in trouble because this is not what the british people voted for. So she might have a vote of no confidence in the next few hours. Her own exit on the britain exit. [laughter] all right thank you very much. Sebastian joining us from a snowy d. C. Thank you, sir meanwhile trump backing plan for criminal Justice Reform. Theres bipartisan bill that will make our community safer. And give former inmates Second Chance at life after they have served their time. Well pastor darell scott was in the room and he says great things are just around corner hes going to join us live. Plus democrats just won house. Nancy pelosi is giving credit to reverend Al Sharpton Michelle is going to have a lot to say about that. Stick arranged shes coming up in ten minutes. Oughs hi susan honey . I respect that. But that cough looks pretty bad. Try this new robitussin honey. The real honey you love. Plus the powerful cough relief you need. Mind if i root through your trash . New robitussin honey. Because its never just a cough. The Pressure Cooker that crisps. Its the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one. With tendercrisp technology, food will be juicy on the inside, crispy on the outside. upbeat drumming the ninja foodi, the Pressure Cooker that crisps. The ninja foodi, ever since darrells family started using gain flings, their laundry smells more amazing than ever. [darrells wife] uh, honey, isnt that the dogs towel . [dog sfx] hey, mi towel, su towel. More gain scent plus oxi boost and febreze makes gain flings our best gain ever. Gain. Seriously good scent. [ready forngs ] christmas . No, its way too early to be annoyed by christmas. You just need some holiday spirit thats it this feud just went mobile. With xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. And with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. Youre about to find out you dont even know where i live. Hello see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. A guy just dropped this off. Hehehehe. 7 24 here in new york city on november 15th heres some headlines, day three of Drug Cartel King el chapo trial in new york, car peel member testify against Joaquin Guzman to telling how he made massive profits by smuggling tons of coke into the u. S. And jury getting video tour and alleged drug tunnel between mexico to arizona. El chapo has pleaded as, you know, not guilty. A man facing up to 20 years in frizz for attempting to join isis and helping suspected terrorist. Adamsan knee trying to board a plane through turkey at new york jfk airport. He was posing as a nurse on a humanitarian mission when he was caught. All right. Brian ainsley. Steve making a big push for criminal Justice Reform endorsing First Step Act. First, it will provide new incentives for low risk inmates to learn the skills they need to find employment. Second, this legislation will allow federal inmates to be placed closer to their Home Communities in order to help facilitate family visitation. Its a bipartisan bill and it will change had the guidelines for prison sentencing. Pastor of new Spirit Revival Center and ceo of the National Diversity coalition darrell jot joined president in support of that bill and hen joins us now we saw you right behind the president. Tell us about this bill and why you were behind it why you support it. J well first of all, Jared Kushner has been working very, very tirelessly on this bill for over a year and a rally to face a community to get behind it. Ive been working with them been in several meetings regarding Prison Reform, and the president has advocated very strongly and private for prisoners as with theyre looking at this as a rgt toen segment of america that they are american citizens, and buzz they have made mistakes and committed courtroom, doesnt mean they should have all of their rights strip sod theyre advocating for reduction and sentences Early Release in some cases for nonviolence offenses that 1994 cln ton crime billion that had africanamericans is something that is being overhauled, and the president they feel very, very strongly about this. Ive known president for several years when i remember when i first met him him and i discuss those that plagued them and he believe depressed housing and depressed living conditions, underemployment contradicted to crime so in trying to reduce this to try to create conditions that are conducive for prisoners to return and become functioning members of society. You know donald trump who is getting awards from reverend jackson for what he was doing for urban communities that donald trump. Right, that donald trump. Ben scott tell you major role too some of the things that are in this bill that has to get passed is eliminate stacking regulation, judges reduce are mandatory minimums for nonviolent criminals change three strike share penalty from life in prison to 25 years. Well i thought a striking is jones, and others like him saying this, more importantly dozens of groups represent aring formally incars nateed people support the bill due to many Law Enforcement groups. People finally coming together to do the right thing. Character test for us progressives how many will give donald trump any credit . I will. What does ma mean do you think to the president . Well hats off to jones for being man enough and to be a man of conviction enough to speak out regardless of how popular it may make him to appear to whatever his base may be. But hes absolutely right. This was a total bipartisan effort. Its a colorless effort, and notice it. He brought this up, they didnt do this before the midterms as a way to get votes. That shows sincerity of it right there the fact theyre bringing out now and punishing through and we need everyone to contact to senator, do what you can to help get this bill pushed through. Because it is very important for america as a whole listen ive got friends and family members who are all impacted by clinton crime bill and by the equities in the criminal Justice System and so this is a way to right the wrongs. Of prier administrations. 2700 faith lead reverse supporting this. For the folks at home that are watching and they think if you did a crime, you should do the time. Why is that a problem . We dont mind if a punishment fits the crime. What we do mind is when a punishment exceeds the crime excessive punishment has been earmark in our criminal Justice System especially for nonviolent offenses i know people who are doing hard time for nonviolent offenses that crime committed at themselves to really use treatment, with rehab, with counseling whatever. You know, theyre going to jail doesnt help the problem. It doesnt involve it at all. Part of this is too transitioning into society. When you get back so as you take sides or woman has been in prison for 20 years the in society, what do they know . Except for 20 years apart time doing the seam thing. One last question for you. People say let trump be trump but is letting trump be trump doing deals like this . Yes, it is. Listen, hes a president for the people, and you know, people can say what they want to about him. But he has america at his heart. Hes the best interest of america in his heart of all race. Of people hes not color struck. Hes actually colorblind, and so let him do what he does let him make deals and right wrongs hes a great listen we are a heart for poem, and when they come before him when i was in Prison Reform over a year ago i mean this, nobody advocated for strongly for prisoners than donald trump did. Let him do him. Talk to you on radio in a little while. Congratulations. Thank you pastor. God bless you straight ahead democrats won the house so who was nancy pelosi given the credit to . Thank you for saving america. Reverend sharpton thank you for saving america. You bet Michelle Malcolm has something to say about that. I think she agrees. Shes up next. Maybe she does building a better bank starts with looking at something old, and saying, really . 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Tell your doctor if you have an infection experience frequent infections or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio®. If your uc or crohns treatment isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio®. Entyvio®. Relief and remission within reach. Thank you for helping take back america. People all over the place are call me writing, and airports here theyre thanking for savings america. I give those thanks to you. Thank you for saving america. Reverend sharpton, thank you for saving america. [applause] okay. Michelle will want to qaig in on this shes a host of michelle on cr tv. Michelle now we know with the election last week, that democrats took over, the house and reverend al sharpton helped save america. [laughter] who knew that it was who knew that midterm were a referendum on al sharpton. I am not shocked, of course, of the die rir of the mouth that comes out of nancy pelosi. But it tells you something about how out of touch the leadership of the Democrat Party is still kissing ring of the god father of racial hoaxes. Someone who has been a a racially divisive charl ton not to mention a financial charl ton owing millions in backed tacks and someone who was such an extreme and marginal figure who has stoked the rhetoric against cops for decades now, and has no constituency. What is nancy pelosi thinking . I mean, i joked that it is diary of the mouth but clearly this is calculated. I think that at the same time that she has to elay revolt thats whatting from the progressive slank, that this is what its really about. It is the worst kind of pandering from nancy pelosi. Well i thought ill tell you what shes thinking shes the next speaker she said shes 100 confident but then you have a group within house, never nancy group, and they have pinned this letter that theyre suppose to be releasing. They say theyve gathered enough support to deny her the speakership. She 218 votes and 17 of them to oppose her an trying to get more to oppose her as well. Yeah. Ainsley it is interesting. And a this is that revolt that im talking about, this new generation, of course, which she has praised of these far leftest that are actually her worst enemy. I mean, ive been saying for years that nancy pelosi is, you know, one of the most gob smackingly corrupt of the beltway swamp creatures. And anyone who was truly progressive would see that. I mean shes one of the wealthiest members of congress and why is that . Its because of the perks of incomp city and power and gavel shes been able to wield when democrats come into power for last 20, 25, 30 years and i think theyre finally seeing that and maybe some of the Progressive Leftists want to walk the walk and the talk of of their socialist policies extreme policies hold democrats to a party speak to their fire on that. Im going to pop the popcorn and watch never nancys and nancys go at it. That could be part of a deal well see if that works meanwhile senator jeff flake among president critics is saying i will not pass a single judge unless the president agrees to excuse me Mitch Mcconnell agrees to prevent president from removing Robert Mueller nobody is talking about removing Robert Mueller but its in the back stretch and Lindsey Graham said what is this about . Heres senator jeff flake on another issue saying that pulling troops at the border is nothing but a stunt. I think you cant call it anything but a stunt here and its unfortunate that theyre away from family. During the holidays coming up, and we just dont know what really for we dont know where the caravan makes it north is going to come. I think it could be handled by civilians that we have there in terms of Border Patrol and others. So i dont know what i can tell them other than shouldnt be doing this. Stunt [laughter] yeah. Well when it comes to political stunts, jeff flake is really the poor mans evel knievel okay, and this is somebody who has been an open borders toll for so long that he has lost touch not only with arizona voters but the rest of america. It really is the paramount duty of the federal government to protect our borders. Well lets see what happens. All right michelle lots to talk about today. Thank you very much. We did. Thanks michelle. Hand it over to jillian with more stories for us. So much to talk including this story that following michael attorney for Stormy Daniels denying allegations i have never struck a woman. I never will strike a come. I am looking forward to a full investigation at which point i am confident that i will be fully exonerated. He posted bail last night he was arrested after alleged confrontation at his los angeles apartment with an unidentified woman. Newly elected senator Kyrsten Sinema under fire slammed over her support for party leader chuck shiewm tear in june some vowed not to vote for schumer but he was just leblghted elected as majority leader without election a day after sinema photographed on capitol hill. New meaning to hair of the dog, a sneaky pup is caught hepping itself to owners, someone snapping hilarious picture in ireland saying the dog checked that coast was clear before taking another swig. [laughter] that is so cute. This is hilarious many years ago my dog accidentally got into a drink at a party at my house and all rightly drank a whole drank the whole drink he was like they dont have tolerance for it. I know. If yowment all four legs and youre still staggering that says a lot. [laughter] thanks jillian. Take your dogs a lot. A lot. All right janice is hop hoing outside because theres a noreaster coming already snowing in d. C. We have beautiful pictures from d. C. Right now. And youre all from florida. Enches yeah. Are you excited for the snow . Absolutely. Absolutely. You are. We like snow. I like your hat. Thank you i like a mad rush are but it feel like it. Stick around with this forecast for me. Take a look at this noreaster here it is. Heres whats happening across portion ohio valley and atlantic and unfortunate part is that we have with an ice storm unfolding across portions of indiana and ohio. Sew that pink stuff there that is not good news. Ice on the roadways on powerlines. And thats going to be treacherous for driving interior sections are where were going to see jackpot of snow yes this is early for this kind of snow in some cases we could see over a foot interior section of pennsylvania and new york along the coast it will start off in some cases of snow and then it will turn into rain event in any case it is going to be a messy next 12 to 24 hours across northeast. For us country looks pretty good. You want to say hi to anybody at home . Hi to my husband, george. Hi george, my daughters here and valerie. My friends at mcdonalds. Okay. All right. Friends at mcdonalds fantastic can they bring us their food . I hope so. Back inside Steve Ainsley and so cute. Theyre all from florida, and three of us are actually going to go to florida this weekend. [laughter] the weather is beginning to be lousy. Different places. We are going down to florida to sign copies of the happy cook book im glad you asked tomorrow night, friday at 7 p. M. Ill be working at books a million at Orange Park Mall and brian has been there a number of times. Then on saturday, 3 00 in the afternoon barnes noble Colonial Plaza mall in orlando, and been there too. It is great and sunday, were at the brns and noble in Palm Beach Gardens at 1 00. If youre not in florida you can get your copy of the happy cook bock at amazon brns and noble, walmart, wherever you buy your books. This is why books are great because you have to show people especially the office that you put effort in and you give them a signed book that shows you waited online for them thats saying something youre special to me. What a great Christmas Present everyone loves cook books if youre like me i have to look at it and a recipe, im not a great chef like my moll is but what had i love about your cook book it highlights family and pictures and has pictures of what the dish is supposed to look like. Thats right and it has got your mothers dishes are your pride and joy. Classes well all be down in florida this weekend. Mean wool coming up straight ahead 17 minutes to the top of the hour. 60 People Killed in raging wildfires is there any relief in sight live on the ground, coming up next. Plus medicare for all is that a good idea nicole diagnosis, straight ahead. We should understand everyone, all should receive the health care they need. I campaigned on hard commitments of medicare for all clatter feeling unsure . Oh. nervous yelp what if you had some help . Introducing the new 2019 ford edge with the confidence of ford copilot360 tm technology. The most available Driver Assist technology in its class. the new 2019 ford edge. whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. Your Perfect Hotel room for the perfect price all right were back with fox news alert and get this, now 59 people confirmed dead as wildfires continue to burn across california. The sierra fire scorched nearly 150 acres east of los angeles. Jeff paul is live in malibu and california where some evacuated residents are returning home to to nothing left. Jeff. Reporter yeah thats right, and there is some relief this morning as some of those Wind Warnings begin to die down here in southern california. But the damages from these fires like the woolsey fire here remain far and woidz and further north from the camp fire, those damages might be even worse. The camp fire now has burned more than 140,000 acres and a fire just north of sacramento the death toll now rising to 56 and it could rise higher with even 100 people still unaccounted for the devastation there is so bad theyre bringing in dna labs to help identify victims now secretary of the the interior ryan toured some of the damages with governor jerry brown and says it is some of the worst fire damage hes ever seen. It was a combat veteran of iraq unfortunately it was very much like a city thats been hit by buster bombs and bombed out over a period of time complete devastation. I think in paradise alone now further south, the woolsey fire in ventura and in Los Angeles County likely claiming its third victory according to authorities there investigating that. The fire has burned close to or more than 100,000 acres of land but fortunately is now more than contained now they are starting to allow some people to return back to certain spots and ventura and in Los Angeles County but other spots are not allowing people to return until they get some of those services restored and make it safe when they do so. Become to you guys in the studio. In in cases nothing left to go home to. Jeff thank you very much live from malibu. Well it is a key part of the left new platform. We should understand everyone, all should receive the health care they need. I campaigned on hard commitmes of medicare for all. But is it really a good idea dr. Nicole sapphire on that, coming up next. Dy made one to help americas seniors pay less for their prescriptions. But now, Drug Companies are lobbying congress, trying to force seniors to pay more so they can boost profits. But a deal is a deal. And the president has pledged to end price gouging by Drug Companies. We will no longer accept the inflated prices being charged to our seniors. Protect seniors, not drug company profits. Yeah, ive had some prettyeer. Prestigious jobs over the years. News producer, executive transport manager, and a beverage distribution supervisor. Now im a director at a Security Software firm. Wow, youve been at it a long time. Thing is, i like working. What if my Retirement Plan is i dont want to retire . Then lets not create a Retirement Plan. Lets create a plan for whats next. I like that. Get a plan thats right for you. Td ameritrade. Snots understand everyone, all should receive the health care they need. I campaigned on hard commitments of medicare for all. To pend International Disgrace of the United States, our great nation being the only major country the on earth not to guarantee health care to all of our people. There is as youve just seen a growing push to have medicare for all across the country. The Progressive Left pushing to expand to government run program. But our next guest says it is a bad idea. Joining us now fox news medical contradict tore dr. Nicole sapphire you understand the sentiment poem want to get access but is this the right way . Access does not help insurance but it is a different concept and it is popular and past decade since the Affordable Care act weve seen premiums go up 140 . 200 for some families as well as the deductible just doubling and people it is unaffable and now you also have physicians leaving the Affordable Care act so these networks are becoming even more restrictive. And so whats going to happen, theyre talking about medicare for all and everyone keeps saying we dont know how were going to fund it but we want to do it and all of the analysis has said 33 trillion and doubling income tax Corporate Tax that wont even be enough to where do we get these funds are we taking away from fema, immigration, Border Control and come from somewhere. Dr. Sapphire if youre an american and no Health Care Coverage and you dont have anything and youre looking dont care what price is but you want to be healthy. I agree everyone should have access to Quality Health care if i l firmly believe that. I think in a mixed private and public system we can did that. That is how we have thrived you have to reign in Health Care Costs youre going to 80 of hospitals will become negative. In theyre not going to be profitable and you see people closing doctors are going to continue to pull out and thats going to be affect our health care. So the health care that people have right now is going to get worse. Because we know what happens. Weve seen it in england weve seen it in canada where we have over 4 Million People in england on wait lists just to get treatments or to see specialist it is an average of ten weeks to see a specialist in canada and United States it has three weeks. Thats why they come here. We have the best cancer care, stroke, heart attack, diabetes because people can get treatment they want here. But what we have to do is we need to make sure that people continue to have access to this. And those that cant afford health care that they are able to have direct access to primary care and have our robust medicare program. Medicare benefit . Our Elderly Population but medicare also is incorporated with our private insurance market. It is not 100 government run. Thats why our seniors love medicare because they also have private plans as well. Someone gets spluts on supplements on top of that . Some Prescription Drugs longterm care facilities they require medicaid for that. And medicaid our government run program. For the poor for those that disabled. Last time government got involved we wound up with Affordable Care act my daughters got obamacare and she cant afford to use it. It is expensive and she cant find a doctor anywhere. Smg that was weak attempt and it is not working with and we do need to reign in Health Care Costs. Absolutely. That were on nonsustainable path but this not the way to do. Joe manchin saying why isnt trump doing that trump care fix is obama something to be fixed . Health care can be fixed im not going to say Affordable Care act can be fixed because once you start taking things about it is no longer Affordable Care act so were putting ourselfves in accident boss lets just Fix Health Care theres lots of ways to do. My dad was in military and tricare helped my mother so much these diabetes and had a stroke and it has been wonderful. Tricare is a Great Program Veterans Health system in itself has its own flaws that also need to be remedied a bit. Lets see what new congress say. All right thank you for making that call. Media going after First Lady Melania Trump clashing with white house staffer. But shes not only first lady to use her power. Why is media suddenly upset. And trump economy has people feeling luke a million bucks. In fact, number of millionaires in United States surging. Charles paine breaks down those numbers an eye opener hes coming up in the next hour. Brian new pool lot drama that florida. Democrats may have sent out faulty ballots in four counties. In the exercise of the rule of law, the exercise of rule of law supposed to prohibit arbitrary use of power. Steve james mattis was down on the southern border yesterday. Our cpb agents need support. Ainsley we learned never nancy House Democrats want new nancy pelosi. Nancy pelosi is one of the most gobsmackingly corrupt of the beltway swamp creatures. Anyone who is truly progressive would see that. Im thrilled to announce my support for this bipartisan swap bill that will give former inmates a Second Chance at life after they served their time. He has the best interests of americans in his heart of all race. Entertainer of the year goes to, keith urban. God bless Country Music. God bless you all. Thank you. Brian the most popular brand of music in america right now is country. Ainsley im telling you if you not gone to concert lately, get tickets to keith urban. That is why he won entertainer of the year. Everyone is on his feet in the concert. He comes out in the middle of the arena. Steve before we started this segment, brian said to ted the camera guy, make sure you just focus on me. Ted being a joker decided to ainsley if you ask for the camera to focus on you wont get it. All about brian. Brian talk about scared straight. I learned my lesson. I will never do that again. Brian put bringing an break up with a girl in a song. Ainsley and the bible. Brian your dog has to pass away suddenly. Steve last nights festivities at Country Music awards were great and nonpolitical. Ainsley Carrie Underwood says she is having a boy. Steve well see the highlights a little later on. Lets talk about the story weve been talking about for the last couple weeks. The caravan, parts of it arrived at southern border, south of san diego. In tijuana where they are encamped right now. There were, 800 arrived since sunday. It is the end of the struggle trying to get to the United States. Now that theyre hundreds of yards away from it, theyre considering their options. According to the New York Times this mornings, some will apply for asylum. Some are going to illegally cross and take their chances hope they get away with it. Others will probably stay in mexico. Ainsley look at pictures now they put the barbed wire. Yesterday we had video of them hanging on the wall. Some jumping over. When Border Patrol officers would approach them. They would run back over to the mexico side. They cut that concertina wire on there. Brian hundreds got out of the caravan and the bus, ran to the shelter, to the treated for colds and other ailments. General mattis was in another part of the border, mcallen, texas, he something we dont agree with. Dont watch the news. Listen to me. There is all sorts of stuff in the news and that sort of thing. You just concentrate on what your Company Commander, your italian commander tells you. When the secretary decided her Border Patrol needed help, she came to us not because of me. I had to rent a suit to come down here, because of you. Because what you are every day. In the army we dont care if youre male or female. We dont care if you go to church or where you go to church or anything like that. We care when there is trouble out there, you keep the faith, you ride for the brand. When trouble looms you go toward the trouble to help your buddies. Steve there he is supporting the troops who are supporting the Border Patrol. We had Sebastian Gorka, who worked for the white house a little while. He looked what the secretary of defense is doing down there as a man on a mission. Watch. A fourstar marine corps legends like secretary mattis dont do political stunts. In fact secretary mattis said so in public. This is something weve done dozens and dozens before under previous administrations including the Obama Administration. This is military support to civilian authorities. When you have got 7,000, 10,000, 12,000, Illegal Immigrants coming to the border, then our cpb agents, customs and Border Patrol need support and this is a very righteous mission. Brian Border Patrol people that want to cross, coyotes, they know our laws better than we do, they get the message. When donald trump was first hired, got the job, he would crack down on the border, he slowed down. When it came clear congress wasnt going to act, everything sped up again. When those men and women go to the border, word gets out we have military at border. That message will go out to honduras and guatemala. That presence will help. Steve with the caravans, it is cheaper, safer than hiring a coyote. If youre in honduras, guatemala, it costs you 8, 10,000 hiring a coyote to smuggle you. Theyre banking on United States of america will let them in legally via asylum or they can make some sort of a dash across the border to melt into american society. Brian it will come down to what happens when they get here. How theyre treated when they get here. Im sure they are treated with great decore up, they cannot be put head of everybody else coming into the country the right way. If you cheat, 15,000 will be coming the next week. Ainsley matter of how you do all the paperwork and hear stories, so many of them, thousands coming through. They know what to say apparently. They told them what words they have to say. Steve if they need asylum, stay tuned. Today is deadline today in florida. Election workers put on, as you see in the live reports, they put on blue surgical gloves as they campaign the ballots. Brian we hope they do. The deadline to finish counting them hours away, at 3 00 today, as there are heated battle over the u. S. Senate seat in florida. It is spilling over into the courtroom. Ainsley gretchen is down in Broward County where Election Officials say theyre almost done. What are they doing . Reporter put on blue gloves to look at duplication of ballots that wouldnt go in the machine. There are only 384. 300 from election day. They match up with the one damaged. That is why theyre wearing gloves, purportedly. They have taken a break now. They run those they will be done. Up in Palm Beach County though, they will not make the deadline. Were getting reports they have all about thrown in the towel because of machines and the deadlines that are pressing on them. Let me give you a little bit of news on the lawsuit. We reported to you in the last hour, that a judge walker, a federal judge has sided with nelson attorneys ruling that as many 4,000 voters had ballots rejected because of signature discrepancies. They have until saturday to fix it. Potentially have it counted. Just now were learning that Governor Scotts lawyers will appeal that issuing this statement to fox news moments ago, quote, we are immediately appealing this baseless decision. We are confident well prevail in the 11th circuit. Lets be clear bill nelsons highpriced washington lawyers to argue against a process they previously argued for. So that playing out not only the recounts but also the lawsuits playing out here all across the state. One of bill nelsons lawsuits by the way asked for a recount in all 67 of floridas counties that might benefit palm beach. Well find out later today. Brian right now the governors race is so far apart, 36,000 votes. They dont need a hand recount. So could we have a winner named sooner than the senate seat . Reporter thats a great question. Once they get the second numbers in. And if in the governors race between desantis and gillum that is not less than the. 25, the quarter percentage point separating them in total ballots out of eight million cast, they will not have to have a hand recount. We are headed likely underflorida statute for certification. That race would be done with. Were looking senate, local here, very tight race in the agriculture commissioner. Steve Griff Jenkins live in florida on the latest. It comes down to the number. At 3 00, this afternoon, remember those thousands of ballots mysteriously showed up. Brian 75,000. Steve make they would make a difference. In the senate race, 12,000, 13,000. Brian if you have a rent a car, check the hatch. They found it in a rent a car. Why would anybody be suspicious. Steve i think there was empty, provisional ballots. Ainsley one was found at a school. Steve live right here on fox at 3 00. You will see the news live on fox with jillian. Jillian good morning were following a fox news alert. Saudi arabia claiming the Death Penalty for five suspects charged in the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi. They plan to killed the columnist thee days before murdering him at the saudi consulate in turkey. His body was chopped up after he overdosed on a sedative. They claim the Saudi Crown Prince did not know about the plot. An americans death on a cruise ship is being investigated as a possible murder. Local news outlets in aruba reporting the woman fell from the upper deck of the royal princess cruise ship after struggling with a man seen choking her. Princess crews confirmed her death. The ship is expected to return to Fort Lauderdale this weekend. Extreme weather take you to a live look in washington, d. C. Where heavy snow is falling as a powerful noreaster moves up the east coast. I cant believe it is that time. It is blamed for a deadly bus crash in mississippi. Two People Killed, Dozens Injured of at driver lost control and flipped on icy highway. The storm impacting travel. The airlines canceling nearly 200 flights. Cma awards rocking nashville. Brad paisley, Carrie Underwood leave politics off the table. But there was some big baby news. Remember last time i accidentally revealed the gender of your baby. Tonight well reveal something even more exciting, who the father is. Im not making mistake. Keith or nicole. Garth or willie. Jillian i love them. Underwood revealing she is having a boy. Congratulations. Chris stapleton winning the most, including vocalist of the year. Keith urban pulled off the nights Biggest Surprise, entertainer of the year. She always looks fabulous. Always looks beautiful. Love her. Steve does a great job. That is why they keep coming back. Brian i talking about nicole kid man because she married ainsley she is always beautiful. She is stunning. Brian no longer married to tome cruise. Steve that is the way it works. Ainsley married to the winner, keith urban. Brian the video is shock. College basketball player gets knocked out. I cant believe it. That players punishment is just revealed. Ainsley liz cheney holds the same role her father did three decades ago. Well ask her. [sneezing] you dont want to cancel your plans. [sneezing] cancel your cold. The 1pill power of new advil multisymptom cold flu knocks out your worst symptoms. Cancel your cold, not your plans. New advil multisymptom cold flu. Introducing the new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . Steve House Republicans yesterday elected congresswoman liz cheney as their new conference chair. The post putting her in charge of the communications strategy. Ainsley getting special advice on her responsibilities from her father dick cheney who held the role three decades ago. Brian who held the secretary of defense and Vice President of the United States. What does this mean to you . This is tremendous honor to be elected by my colleagues. Were at a crucial moment. I think this is a hinge point of history for our nation. We have such huge momentum with the trump economy and the jobs weve seen with the improvements weve seen to our National Security. We absolutely cannot let the democrats in the house stop that momentum and turn us around. Well fight every day to get our majority back. Steve speaking of the democrats in the house, looks like nancy pelosi is having a tough shred, a tough slog, a bunch of never nancys say we wont let you be speaker again. She says she has the votes. Well watch what happens here. There is not auspicious members to conduct a sitin Nancy Pelosis office. Im sure that minority leader pelosi likes the new energy that is coming in. The problem most of that energy happens to be socialist. That is not recipe of success for the nation, certainly for her party. Ainsley really cool youre holding the same position your dad did three decades ago. Was his advice for this role . Thanks, ainsley. It was really special. He was there are to the election. It was a very special moment. Ive watched him of course throughout his career. He has been somebody that has shown me about how important it is to have the courage of your convictions. I did, i said, dad, what is the biggest advice for this position . He said, liz, dont screw it up. Do your best. Steve great advice for everything. Exactly. Brian what is the first laid different the United States coming out, youve seen some dynamics up close and personal, coming out get rid of this deputy National Security advisor. She is bad for the white house. Not worthy of the being in the white house, 24 hours later she is gone . I have a tremendous amount of respect for mrs. Trump. She is doing a wonderful job representing us all over the globe. I think she plays a very Important Role both in terms of what she is doing in the east wing but also in terms of the support she is giving the president and so i certainly wouldnt take anything she says lightly. And i just think she is a wonderful representative for us as a nation. Brian mirra ricardo she ousted, moved her to another place. This is show of strength for a first lady. Have you ever seen anything like it . It is always a mistake to underestimate first ladies. Let me say it raises a whole range of issues with respect to the National Security. Weve already seen in the house, likely incoming chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Says he will be very focused in terms of making sure we cut the size of nuclear forces, we cut our strategic forces. Another example why we make sure we stay on the pact President Trump has put us on in terms of insuring we are providing resources necessary for our men and women to protect all of us. Ainsley what about the wall funding, what can we expect . I think that will be crucial. We have got the continuing resolution is going to expire december 7th. I think well make sure, do everything we can in the lame duck, to get that funding in there. I think democrats, the more that the American People see them stand up and explain why they dont want to secure our border, why they want to abolish i. C. E. , why they want to leave us in a situation where were completely vulnerable, i think more the American People will say, wait a minute, we dont want this. We want having republicans control in the house. Brian you have control for a few more weeks. Congratulations on your elevation. Steve dont screw it up. I will do my best. Ainsley thanks for joining us. An urgent thanksgiving warning one week before the holiday. What you need to know before you go out to buy your turkey. Brian the trump economy has people feeling like a million bucks. The number of millionaires in the u. S. Is surging. Charles payne is [inaudible] a moment of joy. A source of inspiration. An act of kindness. An old friend. A new beginning. Some welcome relief. Or a cause for celebration. Whats inside . [laughter] possibilities. What we deliver by delivering. [ready forngs ] christmas . No, its way too early to be annoyed by christmas. You just need some holiday spirit thats it this feud just went mobile. With xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. And with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. Youre about to find out you dont even know where i live. Hello see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. A guy just dropped this off. Hehehehe. Brian all right, kill the music. No more christmas music, here is why were playing it time for news by the numbers. 39,000, total cost of every item in the song, 12 days of christmas, according to pnc bank. Which says items like a partridge is pricier this year. Have you ever tried to buy a partridge . The lines go out the door. 370 bucks how much the can pay for new clothing selling hoodies and jackets tshirtses, an can be purchased tomorrow in one kfc restaurant in new york city online. Walk to the final spot which should be right around here. Okay. 200 bucks. That is how much some are dishing out for designer turkeys. The feisty acres farm on long island, new york, selling the organic birds for 10 times the cost of a supermarket turkey. One chef claims, quote, you can taste the bird lived a good life. I dont know if that is a slogan i should end with. Steve . Ainsley no, brian. Brian sorry, ainsley. Ainsley First Lady Melania Trump getting criticize of a clashing with a white house advisor. Melania takes no engagement in the white house, yet is stepping forward to say i want a deputy security advisor removed from office. This is an indicator after dysfunctional white house. Why is she dragging all this drama out. Why is she dragging us into this. Seems like a soap opera over there. She wants in be in the middle. According to story ricardo wanted melania to sit in the middle section of the plane and melania wanted to jump out of it. Ainsley is the media criticism really warranted. We have the daily signal kelsey heartness. Is the media treating her fairly. She asked for dismissal of the deputy National Security advisor. The media is overreacting but it is not unusual for some first lady to have some sort of say who is working at the white house. Of course they have their husbands ear, what happens we have more transparency. We know what is going on in the white house. I thought everybody wanted more of that. What needs to be said melania has a staff, half the size of former first Lady Michelle obama. So if this story involves the treatment of her staffers it should be no surprise she is pushing back and wants them to be treated fairly. Ainsley some double standards, if this was a man calling for as youter of someone, maybe it would be reported differently. The networks are bashing her. We dont know the real story. Clearly she has a reason, right . Right. Think theyre jumping to conclusions. We find out the i hope the full story behind this. If this advisor was involved in the mistreatment of any of her staffers or involved in leaking any stories to the press i think melania has a right to say, you know, i dont think that i want her working here. Ainsley other first ladies they used their influence within the white house walls, right . Right. It is hypocritical because i thought we live in a time right now were about female empowerment. Melania trump has gotten no credit for what she does. You know, she isnt, she just doesnt support her husband across the board, everything he does. She is independent and she speaks her mind and you would think that media on the left and some of the feminist was support her but instead she has become a punching bag among many of the latenight comedy hosts. Ironically many of them are men. Ainsley listen to this. This is one of the headlines. Uk express Melania Trump snubbed Michelle Obama. First lady ignored predecessors offer for help. Well the obamas havent exactly, they have been critical of this administration. So why would she call Michelle Obama and ask for advice . What is wrong with that . She doesnt want advice from Michelle Obama, is that a big deal . I dont think its a big deal. Melania trump knows what she is doing. She is a role model in her role as first lady as was Michelle Obama i would argue but that doesnt mean that melania needs to follow in michelles footsteps and do what she did and follow her advice. Melania is capable of representing the white house to the country and the entire world. Ainsley i know they talked right after the inauguration, or before the inauguration and she did get advice from the obamas and they were saying nice things. Thanks so much for being with us, kelsey. We appreciate it. Thank you for having me. President trump took a major bipartisan step forward towards rewriting our countrys sentencing laws. Some of the major changes proposed coming up next when were live from the white house. This woman hit the lottery jackpot, winning hundreds of millions of dollars, but what she is doing with that money might inspire you this morning. Well tell you her story. Whoooo. Heres a trip tip when you Search Hotels on tripadvisor. Enter your destination and the dates of your stay. Tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To find the best deal on the right hotel for you. If youre waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. Its time to get out of line with upmc. At upmc, livingdonor transplants put you first. So you dont die waiting. Upmc does more livingdonor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. Find out more and get out of line today. [narrator] meet sharks newest robot vacuum. It powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. One dock, two sharks. The shark ion robot cleaning system. Working together with my administration over the last two years these members have reached a bipartisan agreement. Did i hear the word bipartisan . [laughter]. There you go. Did i hear, did i hear that word . [applause] steve i herd the word. The president cracking a joke as republicans, and democrats, actually came together in the same room and in congress to try to get something done. Ainsley thats right. The house passing that criminal Justice Reform bill giving the inmates a Second Chance. Brian you see democrats and republicans highfiving. Kevin corke is this true . Reporter imagine that, right . What this is designed to do reform the federal prison system. More important it is designed to help inmates after release. As you know recidivism is a major problem. Republicans and democrats are working together to make something happen. The president would like to sign this into law. It is called the firststep act and broadens Employment Opportunities for inmates. It expands compassionate release programs for those who are terminally ill. It would do away with the socalled threestrike provision requires mandatory life sentences for third time drug offenders, making the sentence 25 years instead. Americans from across the political spectrum can unite around Prison Reform legislation that will reduce crime, while giving our fellow citizens a chance at redemption. Reporter the First Step Act has been cosponsored by a republican from georgia, doug collins, and a democrat from new york, hakeem jeffries. It passed overwhelmingly in the house back in may. The white house will hope the senate sees its way to the president s desk. He would like this signed into law by the end of the year. I should point this out, guys, i make phone calls every morning, i sort of get a read for the day. This is really interesting, i asked a white house official about it. He said simply it is not a black issue, it is not a white issue. Its a people issue. Thats why the president wants to make sure this gets over the hurdle and is signed into law. Brian they think they can do it, kevin . They think there is enough time to do it . It is up to Mitch Mcconnell to get the 60 votes he should have them, right . Reporter he should have them. Whether youre democrat or republican, this is something everybody can agree on. This needs to happen. The levers of reform you may take issue with or quibble over but there are real people here who steve kevin corke on the north lawn where it is snowing. Reporter it is. Ainsley it is beautiful. Brian first criminal justice, then immigration, next thing you know everything will be compromised, well keep moving forward. Steve would you check him for . Brian jillian could be coming together in washington . Jillian i think compromise and everything willing beautiful. Brian thats what im thinking. Ainsley christmas is around corner. Jillian at least 59 people confirmed dead in the California Wildfires. The sierra fire scorching nearly 150 acres east of l. A. Brand new drone video, look at this, showing the devastation caused by the camp fire in the north. 8800 homes destroyed in the town of paradise. Interior secretary ryan seen key toured the devastation with governor jerry brown, saying it is the worst he has ever seen. You might think twice of handling raw turkey on thanksgiving. Health officials are urging the fda to identify turkey brands linked to a salmonella outbreak. 164 people have gotten sick in 35 states. Half had to be hospitalized. One person died in california. You can buy the 200dollar turkey brian thought about earlier. Basketball player was banned from campus. Kewan platt elbow ad player. That player, is okay. Police are investigating. Brand new Lottery Winner giving back to our countrys heroes. Lynn revealed on the Ellen Degeneres show, that she is donating 500,000 to the Travis Mills Foundation that helps wounded vets. Very important to me we never forget the sacrifices that our soldiers and their families make for our country. Jillian west was inspired by her dad and brothers who served in the military. The single mother of three from iowa won 343 million in the Powerball Jackpot last month. Isnt that incredible. Steve sharing the wealth. Single mom, that is sweet. Now she doesnt have to worry about college. Steve doesnt have to worry about anything. Ainsley so generous of her. We love our veterans. Steve moment ago we saw kevin corke on the north lawn of the white house where it is snowing. Janice, the storm is heading our way. Janice it is but not here yet. Where are you from . Fargo, north dakota. Janice that is nothing for her. I want to wish my wife a speedy recovery. Janice love it. How old are you . 16 years old. Janice going to get into trouble . Yeah. Janice who do you want to say hi to . All our friends in illinois and iowa. Janice who do you have a crush on . Brian kilmeade. Janice would you like him to come out and say hi . I would accept a hug. Janice hug from brian kilmeade. What we all wish for. Brian janice, it is a little cold. Janice he says its a little cold. She says come on brian. Brian make as sprint to give us a hulk. In new york, were not reporting, that is how cold it is. 16 in boston. That storm kevin corke was in d. C. , that is coming up the coast. Unfortunately we have messy, messy commute for parts of the ohio valley where there is a ice storm. We will have massive travel delays across the northeast. By tomorrow it will be out of here. Across the northeast this is what were dealing with a little early for thanks giving. Say hi to everybody at home, everybody. Is it. I hi, everybody. Janice will accept a hug from me . There you go. Youre off the hook, brian. Brian i will be running into the warmth over the weekend on saturday. Going to vero beach at the book center. I will be there at noon, signing andrew jackson, miracle of new orleans. Third week on bestseller list. Thankthank you, america and cana and some people in south america. Ainsley if you go out there, get a hug, take his sad vice, get dressed. Brian i will be wearing a tank top. It is like summer. Orlando, the rest ainsley never good idea for a man to wear a tank top. Most of us would agree. Brian i cannot wait to ask Charles Payne that question. Steve he is coming up in a minute. First a College Student under fire, facing calls to resign from her Student Government position because of an offensive phrase she used in a Facebook Post. They said it was offensive. She will talk to us live about what the phrase was and you will be the judge. Ainsley the trump economy has people feeling like a million bucks. The number of millionaires in the u. S. Is surging. Charles payne breaks down the numbers next. Steve what about a tank top . Jillian good morning to you, welcome back. Some quick headlines now. How about this . A couple and homeless veteran accused of making up a viral heartwarming story to cash in. We told but the story a while ago. According to nbc 10 news in philadelphia. The couple initially claims the veteran spent his last 20 to help the stranded woman pay for gas in new jersey. The cowell then raised more than 400,000 through gofundme for that veteran. There will be an update on the case later today. Former political rivals senator ted cruz and beto orourke booked on the same flight to d. C. A passenger says orourke walked over to cruz and congratulated him on his big win. Online battle brewing over the least popular emoji. A twitter bot tracks emoji use every hour. It actually posts update. Right now the least used emoji input symbol for latin capital letters. So who would ever thought that was a thing. But it is. Steve never used that. Apparently neither has anybody else. Meanwhile americans are cashing in on the trump economy with 878,000 new millionaires to prove it in the last year alone. Ainsley Charles Payne, host of making money on the Fox Business Network is here to weigh in on this. This is great news. It is great news. This came out a month ago from credit suisse. This is what they do, theyre on the the hunt for new clients. They scour the entire planet. Probably no other organization has a better global view of this. Almost 900,000 new, millionaire household net worths up, the average now, the average american household, 391,000. By far and away largest in the world. Europe is at 144,000. China at 47,000. So heres the great thing, we grew faster than any other place in the world also in the last year. Steve so what is happening in the United States economywise for these individuals so that they are able to amass so much money that they havent been able to do in the past . Gets back to the notion that same tide lifts all ships. When you see economic prosperity, this is normally shared prosperity. We shouldnt be upset if someone is making more. If somebody already made five Million Dollars a year theyre making 10, god bless them. If i went from 50 grand to 75 grand, i should feel bless as well. Our economy has been unleashed, unlocked. It was moored in fear. It was afraid and worried. Regulations have been removed, taxes have come down and we have seven million job openings. We never that before in the history of this country. Brian what we need right now to find out why the market is going up and down, so erratic. You do that for a living. A lot of people point to the world economy. China struggles, europe struggles, and they are taking us down. They are. Walmart came, walmart earnings, revenue a little bit less than what wall street expected, that was all international, that was all international. If the dollar wasnt so strong the International Business would be 30 billion, instead it was 28 billion. The bottom Line American business for walmart this morning, through the roof. Everything is phenomenal, better than a year ago. Youre right, we saw gdp declines in germany, japan. China is slowing down. We are concerned that the weak Global Economy could start to hurt our economy. Right now we are head and shoulders the number one economy in the world. Ainsley walmart is about to do much better because christmas is around the corner. Toys r us are closed. People will go my 5yearold granddaughter, her birthday was a month ago. I went to target, half the store was toys r us now. I know. Steve with about the criticism, president would get so many new millionaires, helping the rich get richer. Look at most of the surveys, particularly optimism, bottom 1 3 of americans are the most optimistic right now. The top 1 3 are worried about hey, dont disrupt the Global Economy, mr. President. The bottom 1 3 are seeing gains. They also feel the most optimistic about this economy. They have a chance right now. They are working, two or three years ago they never thought they would get a job again. Brian g20, i hope china and the u. S. Sits down, so much matters and work out a trade. They are sitting down. China made overtures yesterday, that were okay and step in right direction. It has to be resolved in the the right way because this is the last chance we have to make it right. Brian charles, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Brian a College Student under fire facing calls to resign from her Student Government position. Why . Because of offensive phrase she used on facebook. She joins us live to talk about what that phrase was next. Steve lets check in with sandra smith with preview of coming attractions. Steve, ainsley, brian, good thursday morning to you. Well have the latest on the california wildfire situation that so far killed 59 people statewide. Brand new drone video showing the complete devastation in some areas. Plus deadline day for the florida recount. Well have latest on the ground in lauderhill. Coming up a family searching for answers after theyre 27yearold son was murdered while vacationing in mexico with friends. Kayla myers parents join us as they continue to search for answers. Alan dershowitz, senator John Barrasso and more. Join us live at the top of the hour. All mask, no mess. Olay hydrating facial mist. For hydration on the go. And our breakthrough brightening eye cream. Boosted with vitamin c. Get your new beauty fix. Only by olay. Steve a kansas College Student is faces backlash over this Facebook Post listing reasons she supported kris kobach who ran for governor last week. Ainsley mikaela todd posted that kobach would put kansas first, not illegal aliens. Millions of spent on Public Welfare for illegal aliens in kansas hurts kansas taxpayers every single day. The phrase illegal aliens outraged Student Diversity officials demanding that she resign as the Student Government Vice President. Steve where does it stand, mikaela todd joins us from topeka, kansas, victor raw state university. Why did you use the term and are you surprised at reaction . In fact i was very shocked by reaction from my Facebook Post. When i posted that i was very excited about saying who i supported. I on the wanted to encourage other people to vote for cobach. Why i thought he was best candidate for kansas i took what his platform was. How i would help our Education System and how he would support Second Amendment rights and prolife advocacy. I talked about immigration. I used the term illegal alien what he used in his platform and a legal term. Its a legal term used in the federal government. It is used her in kansas. It is also used in universities around the country and including epmporia state. Ainsley some of the groups want to you resign. Do you plan to do that . I do not. I am sticking to my, to what i believe n i also had a lot of students come out and support me in this when people were attacking me. And these students are a lot like me. They are conservative students and they havent felt like they have been able to voice what they believe in here at emporia state. I feel like backing down would do them a disservice. Theyre able to use this as a platform to voice their beliefs also and i dont think using that term, since i was using it in the legal sense i wasnt trying to be derogatory, due humanizing for anybody. I apologized. It was never my intent to hurt anybody. I never want to inflict pain on other people. Steve here is what emporia state university, the University Encourages Student Government to study the issue and determine appropriate next steps. Associated Student Government has resources at its disposal to make an informed decision. So what are they going to do . Well, the administration at emporia state is taking a hands off approach to this. They believe its a student issue. It is. It is involving students and involving Student Government. As Student Government we have thible to make this decision. We do have power as the representatives for the students to discuss this and make the decision on our own. And i think what senators have realized with these actions that we can make, there are consequences which is, why i think, this is just a really good learning experience for everybody involved. Ainsley youre learning about politics at a very early age. Youre getting a taste of it. Yeah. Ainsley stay true to who you are. Thanks so much for being with us. Thank you. Ainsley youre welcome. Steve well step aside. More fox friends in two minutes. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. 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Be back here tomorrow. Sandra fox news alert out of california. A deadly and devastating situation getting worse as were learning 59 people have been killed by wildfires across the state. Good morning, everyone, im sandra smith live inside americas newsroom. Jon im jon scott. Brandnew video showing the sheer scope of the damage from the camp fire, the most destructive in california history. That fire larger than the city of atlanta as it burns entire communities off the map. Sandra the flames consuming 8,000 homes, trapping untold numbers of people whose relatives now cant reach them. Emergency officials facing a grim task. Today we brought

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