Putin, now the media is he is coreiating President Trump for. You cant make this up. They asked me why like to debate this gentleman . I said no, if we were in high school i would take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. Baby why dont you meet me in the middle. Ainsley never played that one, i like it. Brian i just wrote it and had her sing it. Steve its been ainsley because you are the one in the middle. Ainsley back where it all started. Brian back where it started. Go through ainsleys life next hour. Steve involves a shovel for the fourth time we have had another big noreaster. Airports shut down. Ainsley how did you get home . Steve i dont know. Thanks to Delta Airlines they flew one plane last night at 1 11 00. Thank you, im here. Ainsley we have got to get steve back. America is counting on him. You did a great job in austin. Steve such a powerful story. Thats where we start morning. Ainsley lets begin with this fox news alert. Of the confession of a maniac. We now know the austin bomber left behind a chilling video admitting to the deadly attacks. Brian 23. His name is mark conditt, revealing details about each and every one of the seven bombs. Steve todd piro is live in the palmers home in pflugerville, texas, which was evacuated four blocks each way was yesterday. Now people are back home. Todd, whats the latest . Steve, ainsley and brian, good morning to you. The street where we are on right now is one of two scenes of intense investigation. The first, of course, being where the bomber blew himself up there in round rock. Take a look over my right shoulder. Can you see the atf truck. The boarded up home of the bomber. In and around that area Law Enforcement securing the scene. But, by the time the day was done yesterday, authorities had already found, of course a lot of the bomb material and that confession tape. I know everybody is interested in a motive and understanding why and we are never going to be able to put a ration behind these acts. He does not at all mention anything about terrorism. Nor does he mention anything about hate. But, instead, it is the outcry of a very challenged young man. In the 25 minute cell phone confession 23yearold Marc Anthony Conditt also listed future targets he was intending to blow up before he was stopped. Police said all seven of his bombs have been found suggesting there was no further threat from conditt but, adding that the community should still remain vigilant. I went into that community to speak to neighbors about the bomber and this absolutely terrifying ordeal. I seen him a few times and waived. The other guy seemed like a cool dude the dad. I only saw the kid once. Er time since the first day that this incident has came to austin. This is the first bombing we have had. Its affecting my income. Buff, you know, i would rather affect my income than affect my life. Todd steve, anxiously, brian, this is not the only area on edge. There was a report of a suspicious package in los angeles from an austin address. But the bomb squad there checked it out and everything is okay. Back to you. Steve that is good news. Todd, live in pflugerville, thank you very much. During one of those press briefings, one of the atf guys was talking about what incredible Law Enforcement effort went into finding him. He said remember when the guy took off from the red roof inn and then went to the ditch on the frontage road and stopped and the police then, this guy says we literally had Austin Police officers running toward a vehicle that had an explosive device in it that detonated. That is unbelievable courage. Those are heroes. Ainsley they really are we are learning more about his family, too. His dad lived in colorado in the mid to late 1980s, his grandmother lived there and his aunt lived there someone went up to the aunts door and talked to her. Knocked on her door and this is what she had to say. This is just a horrible, horrible thing. You never know. Its just awful and im so sorry that everybody is dealing with this. The family is devastated and broken at the news that our family could be involved in such an awful way. We had no idea of the darkness that mark must have been in. Right now, our prayers are for the families who have lost loved ones. Our prayers are for those impacted in any way. Our prayers are for the soul of our mark. We are grieving and we are in shock. Brain brian he was described by some people as extremely bright. She said she went on to say that christmas they basically sat around her table. No indications of this. He was jobless. One room is where all the bomb making material evidently was not throughout the house. They questioned two roommates. Holding one roommate. One was exonerated. Ainsley sniffed around for bomb making material they didnt find anything suspicious. Home schooled as a kid Austin Community college for two years but did not graduate. Steve 25 minute confession video that they were quoting in that report of todds, apparently he made it between 9 00 and 11 00 on tuesday night as the police were closing in. He thought he would explain how he built the bombs and how he targeted people, which he didnt. And they will release the contents once the investigation is complete. Brian thought is he put his phone on when he left the hotel that was it, it was over. Who knows what he was thinking. Six minutes after the top of the hour. The president of the United States noted that Vladimir Putin basically ran unopposed and told his own legitimate opponent if he ran he would go to jail. He didnt. Vladimir putin had a sham election which is caught on video actually having people jam in the ballot box where he got 70 of the vote. Like president obama, the president of the United States called up and congratulated president putin on the win. Should he have congrats lathe you had, obviously, i dont think congratulations is the right word for a sham election, but the president is defending his move. Steve he is. Ainsley first, lets play for you what the media said about it, listen. Its not just what President Trump said during that phone call with Vladimir Putin. It is also what he did not say that has some in his own party angry this morning. This would be like j. Edgar hoover of the director of the fbi calling al capone to congratulate him on a bank robbery. President trump went out of his way to praise putin and not bring up extraordinarily important and controversial topics. Its just the latest in what is obviously a long pattern of behavior by this president. The president often congratulates leaders who are not democratically elected. He often gives autocratic dictators congratulations. Donald trump thought the first president to make a mistake about Vladimir Putin. The other ones changed their course. We will see if he ever. President trump to this day has said nastier things publicly about me, don lemon, chuck todd, meryl streep and the cast of hamilton than he has of former kgb operative and human rights oppressor is Vladimir Putin. Steve now through a leak from the west wing, apparentsly the president got a briefing book. And right across the top in big bold letters it says do not congratulate. Also, call him on the fact that a british spy or a spy and his daughter were poisoned in great britain. But the president was briefed orally that day. Probably didnt look at the briefing book. But, nonetheless, somebody inside the west wing and mark meadows from the Freedom Caucus yesterday suggested that it was somebody from the president s own National Security team, who is trying to embarrass him leaked that to the the Washington Post u. Ainsley someone said if thats the case that could be illegal, definite lay fireable offense. Steve criminal. Ainsley marco rubio said i didnt like that he congratulate. What disturbs me even more because its dangerous as far as National Security is concerned someone in his inner circle is allergic this information and releasing it. Brian what bothers me most is Vladimir Putin misinterprets all the fact that we look past these things and look at it as weakness. If you look at what happened over the last 12 years with the last two president s. Meanwhiles, the president tweeted this out i called president putin of russia to congratulate him on russian victory in the past obama did. The fake news is crazed because they want me to excoriate him. They are wrong. Getting along with russia and others is a good thing not a bad thing. Just to finish this up. The thing about the president he actually is a significantly tougher than the other prior president on russia. Look, h he has armed the ukrainians and hit the oligarch list. Wecht along with sanctions. Three days ago he condemned them for the poison attacks in britain. Look at his actions, not past his words. Hopefully there is a grand plan. Steve lets look at the actions of barack obama. He did exactly the same thing. He also, if the Mainstream Media is going to call President Trump on i cant believe you picked up the phone and congratulations you won. Look at the things that the president of the United States by the name of barack obama did in 2012. He congratulated him. Ainsley yeah. He congratulated also the islamic brotherhood candidate when he won egypts president ial election in 2012. He broke three decades of precedent in 2013 when he congratulated the winner of the iranian president ial election. And then congratulated turkeys president erdogan in 2014 the guy who said there is no such thing as moderate islam. Brian erdogan has done despicable things with that country as a nato ally. Consolidated power and jailed the media. For him to call him. Says he gets along with great that was abhorrent. Steve president obama called putin to congratulate him like they are he is coreiating donald trump. I was in an airplane so i missed all the coverage. Was that on any of the other channels . Just curious. Ainsley probably not. Steve just cure yussments. Ainsley curious. Ainsley what do you think . Do you think he should have made that call . Are you upset with the leakers . Send us your emails and well read them in the show. Brian little bit later talking to the speaker of the house huge budget to go over. How are we spending it . Something to break down. Steve behind us, we have got the weather it sex stream and she is going to tell us about it. Jillian that is right. Starting with that extreme weather. My goodness. Did you get the snow . Powerful noreaster blasting the east coast with snow taking aim at new england today. Meantime millions are cleaning up after more than a foot of snow fell in some places causing hundreds of crashes. The storm blamed for at least two deaths and tens of thousands of power outages. More than 4,000 flights have been cancelled so far with another rough travel day expected today. Janice, we will hav will have a. Moment the selfdriving uber hit and killed a woman in arizona. Video showing dark road and seemingly appearing out of nowhere. Inside the car operator and excon raffaele vazquez repeatedly looking down and suddenly shocked before the crash. Both women were not impaired. Uber has suspended selfdriving car program. The house could vote on a massive spending bill to avoid a government shut down as early as today. Republican leaders unveiling the 1. 3 trilliondollar plan wednesday night. The 2232 page bill includes money for defense spending and the border wall but does not provide a fix for daca. The president backs the bill. Congressman jim jordan and sean duffy along with House Speaker paul ryan will join us later this morning to talk more about the plan. Thats a look at your headlines. I will send it back to you on the couch. Brian all right, jillian, thanks. Steve in the budget there is zero for the trump wall because it specifies. The language is none of the money can be used for a concrete wall. Which is what the president has asked for. Thank you jillian. Ainsley 13 minutes after the top of the hour. Remember the High School Teacher caught on camera going on disgusting antimilitary rant . They are not like high level bankers, theyre not academic people. They are not intellectual people. Theyre the lowest of the low. Ainsley this morning a big update on his future and we think you are going to like it. Brian we are paying for than 650 billion in taxes every year and dont know it how is it possible. The author exposing it all is going to join us next. Image in the air next chapter copdso to breathe better,athe. I go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. 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But hate to remind you tax day in the middle of next month and we all know what taxes come directly out of our paychecks. We can see that what about the other ways the government is soaking you and taking money out of our wallets and putting it in theirs . Ainsley brand new book called how do i tax thee a field guy to the Great American rip off. Kristin how the government hides fees and how you can take action against it. Kristin tate joins us now. We are giving a lot of people anxiety this morning. Steve we pay enough. Ainsley our taxes are due in a few weeks and look at our paychecks. Its just ridiculous. You are saying there are all these hidden fees and we are paying as a Collaborative Group we are paying 650 billion in hidden taxes a year. 50 of our income. Taxation is a hot political topic. When we have these National Dialogue about taxes we tend to focus on income taxes. People dont realize income taxes make up less than half of our tax burden. Hidden taxes are embedded in every cost tax appearing and bill. Balloon the cost of plane tickets to restaurant meals to utility bills. We end up paying 650 billion a year in hidden taxes. But whats really incredible is that the resulting tax revenue is often squandered and not even spent in a way that makes our country, city and state a better place. I wrote how do i tax thee because i think hidden taxes need to be a part of the discussion. Steve absolutely. Here are some of the things you dont think about. On your cell phone bill you are taxed over 120 a year. Every electric bill inflated by 27 in taxes. Taxes inflate the average cable bill by 10 . Actually i think that one is okay since we are on cable tv. [laughter] its really incredible and a lot of these bills are regressive. They hurt poor people more than people well to do. Because Everybody Needs to pay electric bills. Everybody needs to pay a cell phone bill. 95 of americans own a cell phone today. For somebody making six figures a few hundred extra dollars every few months doesnt mean much. Steve sneaky. Hidden taxes violate the principle of taxation is taxes should be visible to the people who pay them. Ainsley what can we do, kristin. A lot of this is just being aware of hidden taxes. Because most of these are implemented on the state and city level. As we know where these stealth taxes exist, they are actually pretty easy to get rid of. Again, most of them are implemented on the local level, we can hold our politicians accountable. In my book i give people tangible ways to demand accountable. The three pillars of a successful taxation system are thrift, transparency and fairness. Steve lets see what happens. Kristin, congratulations on the book. Thank you so much. Steve how do i tax thee. Ainsley they always find a way. Steve supposed to be picked up by ice but slipped out of jail before agents got there. Growing manhunt for that person. Ainsley fresh off the push to end the Opioid Crisis. One community rocked by the drug epidemic. Some of their stories you are going to hear next. Wonderful people came to me with tears in their eyes and they said, mr. Priest, we should have told you. I said told me, what . What are you talking about . They said rob does heroin. Zach talk to me. Its for the house. I got a job. Its okay. Dad took care of us. I cant believe its head and shoulders. I thought it was just for like dandruff. The new formula intensely moisturizes your hair and scalp and keeps you up to 100 flake free. And now, try new head and shoulders conditioner. Brian quick headlines. Overnight the house passing a bill giving patients terminal illnesses a right to try drug finally. Not yet approved by the f. D. A. Can you believe they held this up . The measure was backed by President Trump and the house voted on it last week. It fell short. Now, the measure has a good chance of becoming law as it heads to the senate which approved a similar proposal last year. And, the special election for pennsylvanias 18th district over. Republican rick saccone conceding the race to democratic conor lamb. The election carried on for more than a week after initial results were too close to call. And it was close. Steve difference of 700. This week President Trump unveiled a plan to fight the Opioid Crisis in this nation and delivered some tough talk to drug dealers. We dont get tough on the drug dealers, were wasting our time. Just remember that. We are wasting our time. And that toughness includes the death penalty. Brian ainsley visited town hall and saw firsthand how one community is tackling the epidemic in their own backyard. Ainsley thats right. We went out to east meadow which is close to where brian lived in Nassau County. Its the county, if you drive out on long island, goes through queens. And before you get to the hamptons, which is a different county in between a lot of families from new york city live out there. The dads, moms, working the city. The kids grow up out there. This is a major problem in our country. Opioids and kids are getting addicted. Its really affecting more kids than adults even though a lot of adults have back surgeries and take one opioid and then they are hooked. Watch this. This is what is happening out in east mode dough. Themode meadow. We talked to. So leaders in that community and talked to some parents who have lost their children. I worry that like every father. I feel like listening to you my kids are fine. There are not enough programs. We need to get into the schools. When you see a drug deal on your block because i know a lot of people here have seen it, right on our front lawns. I, too, have been to many funerals of many children have helped friends bury their kids from drug overdose. Im going to tel tell you about my son rob. He was a member of this Fire Department. He served this community. Rob died on april 10th, 2012. And we got him to the hospital and while they were still working on him in the emergency room, two of his friends who were also members of this Fire Department went on to be a cop and firearm and wonderful people came to me with tears in their ice and they said, mr. Priest, we should have told you. I said told me, what . What are you talking about . They said rob does heroin. You never even saw signs that your son was doing drugs, right . We saw some signs that we made excuses for. We wanted to believe it wouldnt happen in our house. Ainsley was he hanging out with the wrong crowd . How was he introduced to heroin . You know, i dont know. And i dont think were ever going to know. Im sure it was through friends. The thing that i will tell you is we are a middle class family, religious. Two parent household. This thing crosses every line. It crosses racial lines. It crosses religious lines. It crosses economic lines. We just dont know how long my son was doing heroin. And he had told his friends he was going to stop. And i think he wanted to stop. And what we found is it just gets ahold of you. And he just did it one more time. And that was the last time. Ainsley whats your message to people watching . My message is get out of your head the idea that it cant happen to you. Ainsley you think that you have a good kid. You probably do have a good kid, but there are so many adults. So many parents who have no idea that their kid was using, that their kid was an addict. This is every day middle class america. Its not a poor mans drug u its not a rich mans drug. Its a drug. Ainsley tell me about the problem in Nassau County and why you wanted to have this town hall . We have a serious Opioid Epidemic here in Nassau County. And its in every community. So the commissioner has targeted certain communities where we are seeing a lot of arrests, targeting them by looking at, you know, in realtime reporting where there are overdoses. Overlaying that with where there are larcenies connected with drug use. Go in with e, backed up by education, awareness, diversification and treatment. Its not just a singular approach where you go and try to arrest yourself out of a problem. We are not doing that we are going in. We are doing enforcement to get them into treatment and then not walking away from the problem. We are coming back in 60 days to show them a result. Ainsley what did you think of the president s plan that he announced in new hampshire. Failure is not an option. Addiction is not our future. I think his remarks really highlight that there is a serious Opioid Epidemic not only in our county but all over the country, and hes looking for solutions and i cant blame him for that. In 35 years in Law Enforcement you realize that once a drug user, a drug seller is out of business, there is always someone to take his place. Its a supply and demand. Its a business. You can take the drug sellers out, but there is going to be someone to replace them as long as have you people that are using. We are going to go after the users, hopefully we can eliminate the dealers. Ainsley now, they have this overdose detection mapping system in place in this county and its great because they have seen the overdoses go down in that community. And a lot of people, the leaders in that community said i know yall are mad at me. All of the neighbors were calling me saying why are you making us look bad, we have great community. He said because im trying to save lives. Hats off to this yowrge just cos group of individuals in that area trying to bring awareness and save lives so other families dont have to experience what mr. Priest did. If there are three or more drug overdoses in a 24hour period. They are alerted and they realize there must be a bad batch of heroin out there. They alert the community do not do this drug. Then they also are connecting all the larcenies with they have this mapping system that if there are a lot of larcenies in one area, they realize thats connected to the drug problem, too. Because people are breaking into cars so they can support their drug habit. And then also there is a court system where they will try to they put you in a Rehab Facility or some sort of treatment, they dont let the press know if you have been arrested. Because they are trying to protect these individuals, get them into treatment and help them so that they dont end up in prison for the rest of their life, or even worse dying. Steve step in the right direction. Impacts some people in some people in communities. Thats why the president is taking it on head on. Brian 29 minutes before the top of the hour. The president just responded to get this the former president of the United States joe biden after he said this. They asked me why like to debate this gentleman . I said no, if we were in high school i would take him outside the gym and beat the hell out of him. Brian he wasnt packing off. Congressman sean duffy here to react to that and more. As well as the budget. So much barking and noise and yelling. Our role is to take three steps back and discern what really matters. The most important thing that we do. We are looking out for the forgotten men and women in this country. They are going to get a straight shooter no, holds barred. Im not going to cut people slack. Viewers expect that. Fox is the one place which defends people. We have voice. We wont be silent. Who crolts my voice . Noble. Ill stand by you. Mvo with everything that is going on around us and in the nation, we need to Work Together. We need to do it more often to help people that need help. Ill stand by you. Shes noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. Karen shes single. And high levels of humiliation in her daughter. In just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kids discomfort. Osteo biflex. Made to move. vo do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Do not go gentle into that good night. Keep on rocking in the free world. Steve particular to come. Free. Steve tick tock. 1 day, 17 hours, and 24 minutes. In other words midnight tomorrow night. Lets bring in congressman sean duffy. He joins us from statuary hall. Is he not wearing a necktie. Connell graduate legs, congressman. Effective this weekend you have your wife back because she has been cohosting fox Friends Weekend and Abby Huntsman is coming back. She has been and its great to have her home but thanks for being so nice to her. She has enjoyed her time on fox friends. Steve she is very talented. You are a lucky guy. Ainsley lets talk about the omnibus spending bill midnight tomorrow night government shut down is that going to happen . I dont think we have a shut down. Have you a lot of the members of congress upset about whats happening. Sso you know how the budget works. Pass bail. Break this up 12 bills. We did that in the house. Sent it to the senate. And the senate is so dysfunctional they didnt do any appropriations. What happens is you have to pile all this money into one bill. We have had less than 24 hours to review this thing. Its 2200 pages. And we have to vote on it the problem is there is really good spending in here. We increase funding for our military. We give our troops a pay raise. We help with v. A. Spending. We dress opioids, we sent out money for the wall. All good stuff. But, man, we are 21 trillion in debt. And we are spending way too much money. So you put, you know, guys like me in a hard place where you want to vote for the good stuff but you dont want to bad for the bad stuff. You have to take it or leave it thats what were left with today. I think it will probably pass the house and we will see what happens over in the senate a rot of us are unhappy with this process. Brian no one is reading 2200 pages in 2 hours. I think what bothers me most is the wall funding. Its 1. 6 billion. Think thats not close to enough. Not only that they make you use the current technology. You are not allowed to you use a solid wall where a solid wall. Not allowed to you build it higher. All those prototypes. That ends up being just a big facade because this is pure politics. The polling shows america wants a legitimate barrier. They do. Brian and this seems to be a shot at donald trump and his agenda. Thats got to bother you. So, two things. One its not the 25 billion that donald trump asked for. But were over a billion dollars in wall funding. And thats only from today until the end of september. So thats plenty of money to continue construction. The problem is, in the senate, you need democrat votes. And so democrats get to put their fingerprints on this bill. They dont like donald trump. They will dont like Border Security. They want an open border. So they push back on what donald trump ran on. Which is Border Security and building a wall. And you know what . Its listen, its a dysfunctional process. By the way paul ryan has commissioned a group of house and Senate Democrats and republicans to work through new reforms to this budget and spending process. Because this is insane. Steve its ridiculous. How do you get feedback from the American People. How do you get feedback from constituents to say i love this and hate that and vote for or against it they will cant even weigh in. Steve its not wall funding. Its funding for a fence effectively. According to the stuff i read from pbs. See through. Have you got to be able to see through it. Steve its a fence. You mention the democrats, congressman. Here is what is pulling to me. We learned this past week that apparently this is being negotiated just by four people. The leaders from the house and the senate on both sides. And while the president was saying lets do something with daca in there. He didnt get his wall funding and the democrats didnt push for daca. Im shocked at that this would have been their opportunity. Come november, what are they going to tell the people . You are not shocked by that because, listen, democrats dont want a daca fix. Donald trump offered 1. 8 million daca people to get protection under his plan. There is only 700,000, 800,000 in the program right now. So a million more kids would be protected if democrats cared about daca kids, they would work with the president and republicans. What they want is a political issue. They want to use this against republicans to try to turn out votes. Thats all this is about. This is about politics. Not about people it doesnt surprise me in the least bit. And you pointed out earlier, america supports the president s plan. They want a daca fix. They want they want Border Security. They want to end chain migration. So, this doesnt make sense to me why democrats are being so abstinent on this issue. Ainsley joe biden was down in miami and speaking about the nationwide movement against sexual assault. He was encouraging violence. Talking about what he would do to the president. Listen to this. When a guy who h headed up grab a woman anywhere and she likes it they asked me why like to debate this gentleman and i said no, if we were in high school i would take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. Brian you heard that right . How do you feel about that . I thought that love trumps hate, guys . Whats up with that. Promoting violence from crazy uncle joe . Here is the problem with joe biden. As a sitting Vice President , he had a chance to run for president. But he was frightened away by Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton . He didnt have the backbone to run for president. Now is he going to come and say im a tough guy im going to take on donald trump. I would bet on donald trump whether they are back in high school or today to take out joe biden. But this is ridiculous. You cant win the debate. You go to violence. And this is what the democrats playbook is they sit there and applaud go, joe, you are so tough. Its ridiculous. Steve the president is not quoting you but close. Crazy uncle joe. He said i would love to roll back michael j. Fox and back to the future and what happens back in the stadium with those two guys. Donald trump is a big guy. They are not winning the debate right now. Had historic losses in the democratic party. Instead of talking about ideas and issues that drive a political agenda and motivate people, this is what they resort to. And, you know what . What we do is talk about ideas and middle class. Middle income people. Thats why we are winning elections and thats why democrats will continue to lose. Brian he is trying to get the female vote from the president. And that seems to be the democratic playbook. Steve okay. Go read your 2,000 page omnibus, would you . God help me. Brian jillian, we dont know your budget. We were just talking budget. Do you have anything else on your mind . Jillian no. I got nothing. Im listening to this conversation. Its very enlightening. Brian would you read me something . Jillian yes. Escape jail moments before ice agencies were supposed to pick him up. Investigators in Harris County say he somehow slipped out while waiting for agents in the inmate release area. He was originally booked in the jail for theft and trespassing. You remember this guy, a California High School history teacher caught on camera going on antimilitary rant. A bunch of dumb, think about it who you know. Stupid uncle louie or whatever. They are dumb. They are not like high level bankers, their not intellectually people. Theyre the freaking lowest of our low. Jillian this morning Gregory Salcido is out of a job. The School Board Voting unanimously to fire him after those comments sparked nationwide backlash. The student who recorded the video will join us with his reaction in the next hour to make sure you stay tuned for that. Steve all right. Very good. Thank you very much. Ainsley brand new terrifying video capturing the moment that pedestrian bridge in florida collapsed to cars below. Steve oh my goodness. Ainsley we will show you what happens next. Steve not just marched in a ms. Andrew mccabe parking mayhem in washington. And he is not the only one. Judge napolitano heard about the mayhem and he quickly put on a suit and rode over here. Good morning. Here i am [ engine revving ] [ engine revving ] when you drop a 603horsepower v8 biturbo engine into one of mercedesbenzs finest luxury sedans, what do you get . You get out of the way. 0to60 in 3. 3 seconds. The mercedesamg e63 s sedan. Whatever it takes, wherever i have to go. Im beating this. Breast Cancer Treatment is continuing to evolve. Ctca is definitely on the cusp of those changes. We really focus on taking the time with each individual patient so they can choose the treatment appropriate for them. I empower women with choices. Its not just picking a surgeon. Its picking the care team, and feeling secure where you are. Visit cancercenter. Com breast Appointments Available now. Brian ncaa tournament continues into second week. The hardwood isnt the only place for march madness so to speak. Steve washington, d. C. Is embroiled in own mayhem over Andrew Mccabes use of that antitrump dossier to justify the spying on innocent americans. Ainsley here to break down this washington march madness bracket is fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. Im laughing because i wrote this column. I write in my column for thursdays on foxnews. Com and elsewhere. You know part of writing a column is a catchy title. Steve sure. I called it march madness washington style. And our wonderful producers loved it when they saw that and they came up with. Brian a bracket. They came up with a bracket. Steve lets go to the big wall. I dont seville nova anywhere there. Tell us what we are looking at. You have fisa court it meets in secret. Steve you are starting on the left. Im starting on the left. Nobody to challenge what the government submits. No one to say to mccabe or comey, wait a minute, this is a piece of political clap trap written by the democrats and submitting it as if it were evidence. Thats been going on for 40 years. The fisa court has granted 99. 9 of government surveillance requests go over on the other side. You see the antitrump political dossier funded by the democrats. You see Andrew Mccabe and his leagues using this dossier as the basis for a fisa application. And you see the transfer. Were talking about this during the break of fisa, which was written to protect americans from being spied on. The first word in fisa the first word is foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. Its now been turned 180 degrees on its head to spy on americans. Did Andrew Mccabe cause this to happen . No. It happened over 40 years. He is part of the culture that accepted it as the norm and utilized it. James comey did, republicans did. Democrats did. Leads to a crissments. Steve your championship bracket. Constitutional crisis occurs when one branch of government is going after another. Or when one branch of government is going after itself. Brian like when mccabe goes after sessions . Like mccabe goes after sessions or mueller goes after trump. They are all in the same branch of government. Or if donald trump exercises his constitutional authority, and directs Rod Rosenstein to fire bob mueller, then the congress will go after donald trump. Thats a constitutional crisis. I hope and pray that i am wrong and constitutional crisis is not coming. They are bred in secret when we dont know what the courts are doing. Ainsley so by spying on americans its unconstitutional. Absolutely. Ainsley theyre breaking the law. They have been doing it for 48 years. For 40 years since 1978. It started very, very gradually. As i said mccabe didnt start this but he and the others took advantage of it when they went to the fisa court in october of 16, with that piece of garbage that was the dossier. They knew that the court was going to grants the warrant. Ainsley because they always do. They grant 99. 9 of the warrants because no one is there. Brian he says mueller should be fired because its dividing the whole country. Im not in favor of firing mueller but the president has the authority tto do it. Steve indeed. Thank you very much. Brian meanwhile straight ahead. We have telling you about the California City that vowed to break away from the states sanctuary laws, right . Other cities want to do the same thing. Well tell you about it. Steve u. S. House set to vote on 1. 3 trilliondollar spending ghispending bill this afternoon. Congressman jim jordan says hes going to vote no. Its time for the sleep number spring clearance event on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . Its the last chance for clearance savings up to 800 on our most popular beds. Ends saturday. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Real cheese people are theyre hot and cold. Big and bold. But they would never make a sandwich with pasteurized process cheese food. Sargento slices are 100 real, natural cheese. Sargento, were real cheese people. Brian speaking of mark penn who does these great analysis and of course he worked with the clintons for years on what the Americans Care and dont care about. Do you know overwhelmingly americans want a Strong Border enforcement and they are against sanctuary cities in the country . Democrats and republicans. Ainsley one of the big reasons the president won because he wanted to build that wall and not have sanctuary cities. Steve one of the developments is california has become sanctuary state. Folks in the town of lois al lot like they couldnt cooperate with ice. They voted on monday night 4 to 1 not to follow the suggestion by the state that they dont cooperate and so now we are learning that apparently a number of others, Southern California counties and communities are contacting them and saying hey, how do we opt out of this crazy sanctuary state, sanctuary city business because we dont like it. Ainsley thats right. The commissioner of orange county, michelle steele, she said or the supervisor, not commissioner and the mayor said they thank los almitos for standing up. And then the mayor in one of these places in one of these towns, the town of alicio, the mayor had this to say. It makes us less safe. That is the problem. We have got to start pushing back on this stuff or we are going to ruin this state completely. Thats whats got to happen in illinois and across the country. People have got to stop being victims to the victims that are running the states who have an agenda. It doesnt match with their local agenda. Who the heck wants illegals being paid and taking money out of the coffers so your kids suffer. And they are buried in debt in california anyway. Steve remember we told you about the oakland mayor who warned anybody in this country illegally, i heard there is going to be an ice raid coming up in a couple of days. Well, thomas homan running the Ice Department right now, he said yesterday at a hearing that some of the people who ran away, three of those people who they were going to pick up have gone out and reoffended. So, thats all bad regarding sanctuary cities. Ainsley they were criminals and warned by this mayor. Steve she gave them the hey, run. Ainsley wonderful for these communities to stand um for how state legislatures feel. Dana loesch and House Speaker paul ryan and jim jordan all going to join us. Steve busy show. You wouldnt believe whats in this kiester. A farmers market. A fire truck. Even a marching band. 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Huge honor for one of the oldest surviving world war ii veteran. 99yearold sydney walton and his son meeting president george h. W. Bush at a rodeo. I say have a nice day steve bon jovi singing from across the river in new jersey. Its not starting out as a nice day in new york city. We still have had flurries. We had a noreaster, but you are with us so its a great day. I walked out this morning and said its still snowing. Steve still going. Brian my dogs were very happy about it hear from them a little bit later. It turns out they prefer that environment. Steve always wearing a if you are coat. Ainsley roll around in the snow. Brian tackle each other. Steve they are dogs. Brian i did tape it i was a little stunned and so were they taken aback about the 2232 page omnibus bill coming down the pike its going to be the biggest spending bill we have ever had. It is a compromise bill between production and republicd democrats. Leadership went over and explained why its still good for republicans. Ainsley government will shut down on friday night. We have thwe count down clock. One day, 16 hours and 57 minutes. Brian third one if it does. Steve the president was entertaining vetoing it. Because it doesnt have any money for his wall in it. Keep in mind, there is 1. 6 billion for border barriers. There is specific language that will not allow for a solid concrete wall. And so, the president wanted 25 billion for the wall in security. They are going to get 641 million for border barriers not to be used to build a concrete wall. Brian brian here is the thing. He wanted 60 miles. He knows he couldnt get it all without the daca deal of 25 billion. He got 33 miles. Using 640 million, not the 1. 6 to build the barrier. But its going to be the existing technology, that to me is pure politics. What do you care if you are a congresswoman in san francisco, what it looks like in texas . Steve they dont want to make it a wall. Its all about a wall. Brian symbolism because thats what the president wants. Ainsley president says got 1. 6 billion to start wall and southern border. Rest will be forthcoming. Most importantly got 700 billion to rebuild our military, 716 billion next year. Most ever. Had to waste money on dem give aways in order to take care of military pay increase and new equipment. I love that about it the military is going to get a pay increase. Brian 18 less than the levels than obama took over from george bush. We have to rebuild the military because it is drip dry. Thats what the president sacrificed. He sacrificed for now the temporary the wall that he wanted for the military he needs. Mattis got what he wanted. Steve heres the thing. They are actually giving in this omnibus only going to fund the government through september, they are giving the president more money than he asked for. Thats one of the reasons guys like jim jordan and mark meadows from the house Freedom Caucus. They are going to vote no because they go look, we were sent to washington to actually drain the swamp. This is completely inflating everything. Were also going to have paul ryan with us. Is he one of four people who negotiated this. There are a lot of rank and file members of the house of representatives who are steamed. Its like why did we go to washington if our leaders are going to just do a behind closed doors. Brian do you know why . Because. Steve better be a good reason. Brian 60 votes in the senate. Some republicans will not vote. They need democratic votes. If paul ryan had his way, it would be a dramatically different bill. He needs democratic votes to get it through the senate and he needs democratic votes to get it through the house. Steve 435 members of congress if four people are going to do it. Brian change the rules. Steve yeah. Get rid of the filibuster. Brian yeah. But you do that and if the democrats get the astronaut in january, they wont like that. Steve absolutely. Thats the way it works. Ainsley talk to these leaders and find out what they dont like about this and how it will effect you if the government does shut down on friday night. The president picked up the phone and called Vladimir Putin to congratulate him when he won the election, the election that was rigid. The Mainstream Media had a major problem with that even though president obama did it as well. Listen to this. Its not just what President Trump said during that phone call with Vladimir Putin. It is also what he did not say that has some in his own party angry this morning. This would be like j. Edgar hoover of the director of the fbi calling al capone to congratulate him on a bank robbery. President trump went out of his way to praise putin and not bring up extraordinarily important and controversial topics. Its just the latest in what is obviously a long pattern of behavior by this president. The president often congratulates leaders who are not democratically elected. He often gives autocratic dictators congratulations. Donald trump not the first president to make a mistake about Vladimir Putin. The other ones changed their course. We will see if he ever can. President trump to this day has said nastier things publicly about me, don lemon, chuck todd, mayoral veep and thmayoralstreep than ht of hamilton than he has the oppressor Vladimir Putin. Steve here is a new wrinkle to it. Somebody apparently in the National Security apparatus of the white house leaked to the the Washington Post one of the confidential top secret briefing papers. At the top of it said mr. President when you are on the phone do not congratulate. Whatever do you do not congratulate. Also, bring up that whole you poisoned a spy and his daughter business in great britain. But, heres the thing. The president obviously, doesnt appear, read that thing because apparently that day he was briefed by somebody in person. But, now, its like who inside the west wing is leaking to the the Washington Post . Ainsley marco rubio said i dont like the fact that he called to congratulate. But whats worse, whats more of an offense because it puts american lives in danger when these briefings are leaked to the press. Brian the president tweeted this. I called president putin to congratulate him on his election win, quote, this is in brackets, in past obama called him office, the Fake News Media crazed because they wanted me to excoriate him. They are wrong. Getting along with russia, and others, is a good thing not a bad thing. In theory he is right. And we know that there is other people on the left that say you have got to have relations with kings and queens and dictators, regardless of how they win or lose. So far what we are seeing with Vladimir Putin, when you take the missiles out and say thats a show of respect. When you say here is a reset button, what you get is georgia, crimea annexed. What you get is the ukraine being tortured. Have you them enter into syria and oversee the execution of hundreds, tens of thousands of innocent people in syria. Vladimir putin only understands force. Now, what the president does and gets little credit for, nor does he want it, it doesnt seem, he has gone on hard with sanctions. And if you listen to trey gowdy on sunday. They say why is he so nice to Vladimir Putin . He goes did you see what he did . He has the oligarchs list. He is arming the ukrainians. He has gone at them hard. But he hasnt gone at them hard publicly. Sooner or later he is going it realize that Vladimir Putin will do only understanding one thing. Thats force. He has got to be encircled and his economy has got to be starved. Steve here is the thing. You saw the montage with members of the media with their hair on fire about the fact that the president called and congratulated Vladimir Putin as ainsley touched on for just a moment. President obama, when he was president did exactly the same thing congratulate putin on his elections. Ainsley president obama congratulated also the islamic brotherhood candidate when he won in egypt in 2012. He also broke three decades of precedent in 2013 to congratulate the winner of the iranian president ial election and congratulated president erdogan in 2014. Steve i dont remember anybodys hair on fire about that, just saying. Brian it wasnt. Doesnt mean it was right. A week ago when he killed two expats in the u. K. Poisoned 12 people overall. Its going to happen in new york city. If we have russians Walking Around then what are we going to do. Steve its just the hypocrisy is stunning. More on this in a little bit because we have got to get to this. 7 10 in new york city. We start with a fox news alert. Maniac. That young man right there, the austin bomber left behind a chilling 25minute video admitting that he did it. Ainsley now his family is speaking out. Brian todd piro live near the bombers home in pflugerville, texas. Etodd . Todd good morning to all of you, steve, ainsley and brian. Take a look over my shoulder, can you see the house, the atf truck is in front of the boarded up house. Inside that home is where authorities yesterday found a lot of bomb material on the bombers cell phone that confession. I know everybody is interested in a motive understanding why. We are never going to be able to put a ration behind that he does not at all mention anything about terrorism. Nor does he mention anything about hate. But, instead, it is the outcry of a very challenged young man. Todd in the 25 minute cell phone confession Marc Anthony Conditt also listed future targets he was intending to blow up. Police said all seven of his bombs have been found suggest nothing further threat adding the community should still remain vigilant. Meantime his family put out a statement that they were in grief and in shock and had, quote no idea of the darkness that mark must have been in. His aunt spoke to reporters. This is just a horrible, horrible thing. You never know its just awful and im so sorry that everybody is dealing with this. He was at my christmas table. He was a great kid. He was smart. He was loving. He was kind. I have no idea who this person is. Todd to find out more, we spoke to neighbors about the bomber and terrifying ordeal. I have seen his dad a few times i saw the kid once. He was quiet to himself. He seemed like a cool dude, the dad did. The other guy i only saw him once. Actually is just started of working for a Company Called delivery express. Every time i opened up the bake of the truck i was worried. Since this incident came to austin. First bombing we have had. Its affecting my income. But, you know, i would rather affect my income than affect my life. Todd overnight, there was also a call of a suspicious package in los angeles with an austin address. But, bomb squad went out there, checked it out it is not a big deal. Guys, back to you. Steve so maybe they know where all of them are todd, thank you very much. Live report from texas. Ainsley thank you, todd. We have been telling you about convicted cop killer set to go free in just weeks for good behavior. This morning new effort to keep them locked um. Brian this morningy is driving the internet ba than bananas. Can you tell why . Next chapter brian congress racing to avoid a third government shut down with the house poised to vote on a 1. 3 trilliondollar spending bill. But conservatives in many cases not happy, including our next guest. He is steamed. I just talked to him. G. O. P. Congressman of ohio jim jordan. Congressman, why arent you happy with this bill specifically . Is it the price tag or what we are spending it on . Well, both. I mean, and its not even close to what we told the American People we were going to do. Its not just conservatives who dont like this bill. The American People when they find out whats in it. Thats going to take a while. We just got it 12 hours ago. We will vote on it in a few hours and its 2200 pages that fund sanctuary cities. Funds planned parenthood. Restricts Second Amendment and grows the 1. 3. Lead to trilliondollar deficit. I dont think the American People said lets put republicans in control of congress to do a bill like this. This may be the worst bill i have seen in my time in congress. The worst bills our leadership has ever allowed to you come to the floor. Brian they are doing it not because they want to do it but because they have to compromise with democrats who have a totally different feeling about spending than do you. Brian, American People didnt elect democrats to control the United States congress. They elected republicans. I dont think we told voters when they gave us the privilege to come here and serve and continue to Fund Planned Parenthood and restrict Second Amendment liberties. Let some bureaucrat take away Second Amendment rights and court of law. Not going to fund this gateway earmarked boondoggle project and not fund the border wall. The one thing we dont fund is the one issue we all campaigned on a Border Security wall and that is not in the legislation. So it cant get any worse than this bill. We should stop. We should go back to the drawing board. We have to do a shortterm funding bill, do that. But go back and do something consistent with what the voters elected us to do. Brian you know general mattis said suffering with funding bills. Give everything mattis wanted. 80 billion. Get up to the level he was before president Obama Took Office and its been stripped dry. You are happy with the defense levels just not happy with the other levels. Of course. Thats what the American People elected us to do. They want our troops to get the pay raise they deserve and the military the best they are to continue to be the best and have what they need to defend this country. They dont want us to grow government. They dont want us to Fund Planned Parenthood. They dont want us to restrict their Second Amendment liberties. They dont want to give money for the gateway tunnel and not give money for the border wall . They dont want those things. We were so close to winning this. Brian you are right. It wasnt shut down before and it was daca against this and you guys won that. If this is pure spending president and g. O. P. Look like they cant govern. 60 votes in the senate and they are not going to change that. Final. Have the debate. Take the debate to the American People and say we are going to fund our troops. In fact, we are ready to do this. Chuck schumer shut the government down a couple months ago. A couple weeks later we sent him a bill to fund the troops the entire year and gave them the pay raise they needed and held the line on everything else. Instead of having that debate and win the debate. After Chuck Schumer embarrassed. We did what washington always does. We increased spending for everything. And now we are taking that increased spending levels that were set a few weeks ago and funding things like planned parenthood, continuing to fund obamacare. Continuing to use money to take away peoples Second Amendment liberties without getting their day in court that should never happen in this country and thats why thibill is so bad. You will see lots of conservatives vote against it. Its not what the American People want. Brian 10 seconds. Why is the president supporting it. Its the only bill they put in front of him. Put a good bill in front of the president he would support that too. I know he would. Lets not bring the worst bill i have seen in my 10 years in congress to the floor of the house today. Pit something good in fronts of the president consistent with what the American People elected us to do. Brian congressman jim jordan not going to be signing this omnibus bill. Congressman, thanks for joining us this morning. You bet. Brian 10 minutes before the top bottom of the hour. 10 Service Members killed Helicopter Crash last week near the syrian border. Next guest help the families of those two fallen heroes. You can find out how to help in a moment. You know whats awesome . Gigspeed internet. You know whats not awesome . When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. Jillian good thursday morning. Welcome back. Starting with extreme weather. Did you feel it . Right now the powerful noreaster is blasting parts of new york with snow for the second straight day. Take a look at the images. The storm now headed up to new england. That snow causing hundreds of crashes along the east coast, leading to at least two deaths. More than 4,000 flights have been cancelled so far. Another rough travel day expected today. Fears of a trade war looming as China Threatens to retaliate if the president imposes new tariffs. The president is expected to announce tariffs on alleging beijing property theft. The tariffs could amount to 30 billion. China now says it will, quote, take all measures to defend its rights and interests. Thats a look at your headlines. Send it downstairs. Ainsley . Ainsley all right. Thanks so much. Seven u. S. Service members. Look at these faces. They were killed fighting for you when their helicopter went down last week near the syrian border. Among the victims was christopher raguso, he is the one on the end. Here are individual pictures of him. He was a 13year Fire Department or new york city firefighter. He was a veteran serving our country. This was going to be his last tour of duty as a National Guard flight edges near. And he leaves behind a wife, a Breast Cancer survivor and two young children. 5 years old and 6 years old. The tunnel to Towers Foundation has already pledged to help pay off their mortgage. And now the organization is stepping up to help the family of another one of those fallen heroes. This man right here. Technical sergeant deshon briggs who also leaves behind a wife and two children. The chairman and ceo of the steven tunnel to Towers Foundation is frank tiller. You know him. He is on our show a lot. The fatherinlaw of fallen lieutenant chris raguso. Thank you both, gentlemen, for being with us. Thank you for having us. Ainsley im sorry for your loss. Thank you. How is your daughter doing and how are the children. She is doing well. She has the support of brothers and sister and mom and friends. She is getting along. They are taking carol of the kids. The kids actually have a normal life. They are going to school. Hopefully they wont be too their minds are being, you know, busy. They are busy. They are playing. So, they are getting along. They are doing well. We are pulling together as a family and. Ainsley chris was like a son to you. Chris was unbelievable. Chris was a role model to me. Its strange to say. Im almost twice his age. And i looked up to him. Obviously i wouldnt tell him that. But he i looked up to him. He was a great, great man. He was a great father. He was a great provider. And great all around guy. He cared about people. Thats all he wanted to do was help people. He loved his family. And it went down to the hurricane down in texas down in puerto rico. And he saved countless lives. And overseas he was on a rescue helicopter and i cant imagine how many soldiers he rescue you had. Ainsley the kind of man every father wants their daughter to marry. Absolutely. Unbelievable role model and man. Again, i would have never had said this to him but i was very, very proud of him. And he knew i was proud of him. I looked up to him just the response from the Fire Department, and just from the air force is just overwhelming. Like i said, every time these gentlemen open their mouths they Say Something to me, my jaw drops because i cant believe the outpouring of brotherhood of these organizations and it is just amazing. Ainsley you told me you said by frank stepping in and his organization paying for your daughters mortgage, its one last thing she has to worry about when she is going through this terrible time. Frank, you want to bless another family. We showed the pictures of the gentlemen who lost their life fighting for our country. You lost your own brother who was running through the tunnel to the towers. He was part of new york city Fire Department as well you started this organization and now you will pay off the mortgage of someone else who lost their life. Why are you doing this. Im doing this right thing to do as americans. If somebody is going to go overseas and protect our country and protect our home turf its the right thing to do. Point blank. Thats it. Its the right thing to do. We are at 275,000 right now that we raised. We have a goal of 700,000. I know fox is lined it. Ainsley you are going to get it today. Our viewers are amazing. You need 700,000. Both mortgages and both had young kids. A 1yearold and 2yearold deshon briggs had. His grandfather raised him. Ainsley here is his family. Look how beautiful they are. Your heart breaks. His grand father who raised him, father is in the hospital. He had a heart attack. The stress and the unbelievable strain that this puts on families when the bread winner is gospel, its more than that its the person its the man of the family that protects our country. When they kiss their families goodbye and they dont come home, its our responsibility as americans. Ainsley tell us what deshon briggs was like. That picture leaves behind two little ones. Now, for all accounts. I just found out. It was such a tight knit family in the air force and stuff like that. Christopher was an ordained minister. And i didnt even know this either until a couple of months ago. He actually married deshon. Ainsley no way. And rebecca. I couldnt believe it. There is such a tight tight knit family. Even in the air force. Ainsley what didnt your soninlaw do . He was mainster and firefighter. He was unbelievable. Volunteer firefighter. Ainsley and fought for our country. Great father and great husband and great son. I said this in a speech over at the Fire Department i dont consider him my soninlaw. I consider my son as my other soninlaws which are great also. I wanted to get the word out that i dont want i want people in america to understand that these men leave their families to serve us and protect us. We live the way we live because of them. My heart goes out to all of these families who lost their lives. Ainsley what is your daughters name. My daughters name is caramela. Ainsley what is deshons wife. Rebecca. Ainsley these pray for these two ladies and future of their children. And god will continue to bless their lives. Go to our website. Find a link there to tunnel to towers. Its foxandfriends. Com. Please give money to pay off the mortgages of these two families. God bless you. Thank you. Fox is pushing it tunnels to tower. Org. Ainsley thank you. We have more fox friends after this. Baby boomers, heres something you should know. Theres a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most dont even know it. A virus thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. Hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. Left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. The only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us, its time to get tested. Its the only way to know for sure. One seconds of this country believes right. The other believes it to be wrong. Thats where the fight is here. We must act out of faith, not fear. Ready, fire. Reload. Fire. Steve the series, legends lies is back on the Fox News Channel for a third season. The subject this weekend one of the stories from the civil war. Ainsley its the battle of fort sumpter in south carolina. Many people think of that as the beginning of the civil war. Actually, it starts much earlier with that with the raid at harpers ferry. Brian this year i have a chance to host the series. It is phenomenal. So unbelievable and informative. In fact, our next guest joined me in dissecting the first incident of the First Episode which airs this weekend. David adjunct professor at university. Welcome. Thank you. Brian this is important time especially as we debate whats going on with the statues and go back to the civil war. What does it mean to you this point in American History . We are a nation thats divided. There was a time when we were even more divided than we are now. That is the lead up to the civil war. Steve if it wasnt fort sumpter you feel it was in harpers ferry, west virginia. Without question. The war doesnt start with fort sumpter or bull run. The blood shed starts with bleeding kansas, john brown which leads us into the raid on harpers family. Ainsley tell us about john brown. He was was a radical abolitionist. Believed slavery was wrong and believed in racial equality. All things we can agree on. Where he takes it a step farther he decides to engage in violence against civilians acts that we would consider terrorist acts and guerrilla activity in the cause of justice. Brian you do a great job telling the story. Here is a clip from this weekend. Here is john brown meeting somebody that you know you will know his name. You see that my army doesnt rescue me. No. I confess, the uniform is borrowed. Im an actor by trade. [laughter] here to gawk at me. Hang the trader of john brown. I am no trader. Brian that is John Wilkes Booth. Talk about that. This is amazing moment. We try to make the connection between these figures that we have heard about from high school on forward and show that here we have John Wilkes Booth. He is this actor. Who just decides he is going to see the hanging of john brown. He winds up into meeting john brown. While we dont know exactly what they said. You get a sense that john brown must have planted a seed in John Wilkes Booth head that one man using an act of violence can shape history. Brian shows you how abhorrent to so many people that slavery was and they were willing to die for it and john brown was the first example. And killed for it interesting dynamic is john browns relationship with frederick douglass. Just as committed obviously to the antislave cause. He didnt take that step farther into initiating silence against civilians in order to pursue justice. Ainsley thank you so much for bringing history to loaf for us. Can you watch brian legends and lies airs sunday 8 and 11 00 p. M. Eastern time on the Fox News Channel beginning this sunday. Its back. Steve all right. Now its time for news. Lets go on over there. There is jillian. Jillian thats right. Good morning to you guys and to you at home as well. Brand new video showing the moment a bridge comes crumbling down on to traffic in miami. Just take a look. This dash camera footage showing the horrifying point of view of drivers near Florida International university. That is frightening. Can you see people getting out of their cars, trying to help those trapped under the rubble six people killed. Cause of the crash still unknown. Workers were adjusting attention rod when it fell. New York City Police union wants to block the release of a convicted cop killer. Her man bell granted parole after spending nearly 45 years in prison for the murders of two nypd officers. Bell lured officers joseph and Waverly Jones into a new york Housing Project and killed them. The Police Union Says the officers families never had the chance to object his release. A man constantly bull idea as a kid finally gets a chance to confront one of his tormenters three decades later. Unbelievably bull idea. One day at lunch i had my head shoved in the urinal. I had nobody, lance, you were the one that shoved my head in the urge. Urinal. Greg barrett speaking out at School Board Meeting in texas. He believed he was teased for last name gay. His accused bully is the superintendent who denies the allegation. Take a look at your screen. This face right here is driving the internet bananas. A monkey looking like a human showing shocked and horrified expressions to visitors at a zoo. We cant verify that its real. Regardless, it is pretty funny to watch. It has been seen more than a million times. Oh, in just one day. What do you think . Steve unbelievable. I like the way you said we cant say whether or not its true. Cant verify it. Jillian we cant. Steve thats the internet. Jillian still fun to watch. Steve human eyes. Ainsley that square face. Interesting. Brian talk about human, thats janice dean is also very human. And she is outside where its not nearly as bad. Janice its not that bad. We got close to two feet of snow in parts of new york. Hi, how are you . Im from new york here. Janice you are from new york. Yes, im going to work, yes. Janice where do you work . I work across the street like two blocks from here. Janice im so glad you got through the noreaster, congratulations. Lets take a look at snow totals, all right . We did get over 19 inches bayshore, new york, that is on long island and by the way my son just found out he has another snow day today. And do you know what he said to sean, my husband he . Said i dont want another day off mom and dad. I want to go learn. Incredible. Lets take a look. I think i brought the wrong clicker out my friends. Oh my gosh. But i will tell you the snow is moving out of new england but we do have a lot of delays at the airports and cancellations. Also want to make mention that we have another storm system moving in the west coast that is going to bring flooding rain fall. My apologies for the maps. Steve at love weather. Give you heads up and run in and hit the space bar. Janice you are good at that part of your resume. Isnt that amazing he wants to go learn. Steve thank you, janice very much. Remember the High School Teacher out in california caught on camera, cell phone cameras going on this disgusting antimilitary rant. They are not like high level bankers, they are not academic people. Theyre not intellectual people. Theyre the lowest of our low. Steve update on the teacher. He just got fired. The students on that video here to react on exclusive interview next. Ainsley dana loesch and House Speaker paul ryan are here to react. They are coming up next. Steve what a show. There is so much barking. The noise, the yelling. Our role is to take three steps back and discern what really matters. The most important thing that we do, we are looking out for the forgotten men and women in this country. They are going to get a straight shooter, no holds barred. Im not going to cut people slack. The viewers expect that. Fox is the one place where defend peoples. Whoyo controls my voice . Nobody. 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You know, i feel really happy and im glad that they did the right decision of firing this teacher. Ainsley victor, why did it take so long . Im not sure, you know. I just let them do what they had to do and the outcome was great. Brian trevor, so far, i think that you said before that victor, you know, was worried about some backlash because he came out and put that row recording out because he was outraged by the teacher and what he was saying. Has victor got mostly support . Have you felt some backlash . Thank you for having us on your show, i appreciate the question. Of course we know from the beginning victor and his family have received threats. But, we actually are really happy with the result. The school did an investigation. They have 200plus page report indicating that mr. Salcido has been engaging in similar conduct for a number of years. The report that they produced contains many accounts from several students. I havent seen the report. But i was told by somebody whom i trust that seen it that the evidence in it is supportive of mr. Quin quinonez. His practice to target students. In victors case he went after him because of his connection in the military. Also evidence that he went after students based on their religion, gender, and potentially even race and national origin. So, as an attorney, that really interests me. Ainsley victor, you were wearing a marines tshirt in class that day. Thats when you started recording it your dad and two uncles are marines. Why did you decide to videotape that . You know, i was wearing a sweatshirt of the marine corps. I began to record it because this is not the first time he has gone on a military rant. When i let my dad know, he told me you let me know the next time he goes on another rant like that. So, instead of telling him, i decided to record it. And he allows us to have our phones out. So i took advantage to record it. I never meant more this to go viral or anything i mental it for my father. Brian when he was a Council Member he defended himself and his comments and his believes. In fact, here is he will Rancho Unified School District said his comments do not reflect what we stand for, who we are. The classroom should never be a place where students feel that they are picked at, bull idea and intimidated. Your family, victor, must be proud of you. And they really are. And so is my uncle louie. So are her friends. Ainsley talked to producers last night and said couple kids talking about at school today saying he shouldnt have been fired . Whats your response to them . You know, my response to them is pretty much its your opinion. You believe what you want to believe. But im not going to let a bully pick on other students or just hurt people. Why . Because its wrong. Nobody deserves to be hurt. No matter how are. Brian trevor, we are glad you took the case and victor, glad you spoke up. Thanks so much. Thank you for having us. Ainsley i know you live in california, but the Juvenile Court of this country does support what our military is doing and what your dad and your two uncles have sacrificed for awful to us have our freedoms. Thank you so much. God bless you both. Thank you. Appreciate it. Ainsley you are welcome. The house is gearing up to vote on a massive spending bill this afternoon. Will it get enough support to pass . Will ask the speaker of the house paul ryan in the next hour. Brian and want to teach you how to raise a boy. A former Army Drill Sergeant who runs his business on freedom, bacon and wisconsiny. He might have had all three already today. He will sound off. Before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, lucy could only imagine enjoying a slice of pizza. Now its as easy as pie. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . For allday, allnight protection. My healthy routine helps me feel my best. So i add activia yogurt to my day. With its billions of live and active probiotics, activia may help support my digestive health, so i can take on my day. Activia. Now in probiotic dailies. Brian all right, manliness used to be celebrated. Now not so much. New york magazines recent cover looks like this. Its called how to raise a boy. It discusses the hardship of parenting a male in our current world, which is earth. Ainsley but is the problem that we are no longer trying to raise men . Steve lets talk to former Army Drill Sergeant dan alerik. He runs his business on freedom, bacon and whiskey. He joins us now from austin, texas. Dan, good morning to you. Ainsley good morning. Good morning, thanks for having me here. Steve we are all parents here. Its hard to raise a child. What did you make of this article . You know, it was very interesting. You know, its one of the great things about america is you get to have your own opinion and basically run your own life. Thats great. When you saw that article, this was exciting for me. All i know is that my family and i know the other people that i know have a chance to basically be the football team, be the chess team. All competitive nature went out the window. America was built on winners and winning. Thats how we started our nation. Thats what got us here. His opinion was built on making everything, you know, fair game or whatever. Was built on the shoulders of generations of people that sacrificed, you know, fighting wars. Steve here is an excerpt from the article from new york magazine. Ainsley it says how am i supposed to feel about my childrens success when i know deep down of my heart of hearts that the world around them would be a better place if more children like them won fewer of the spoils. I want equality and fair Playing Field and more opportunities for people who havent had them in centuries past. Your reaction . Well, i mean, Everyone Wants a fair Playing Field there is a difference between do we both walk away and were all winners after the Football Game or do i need a referee to make sure nobody is cheating . There is a big difference between the two. We are not here to raise boys. We are here to raise men. Thats my our commission as fathers is to teach them to do the right thing and be good men. Thats a hard task. Brian right. It involves more than just hey, lets all win today. Lets go out there and win. That got us to land on the moon. That won world war ii. Brian dan, the thing is you are not going to win every time but you got to compete. Go to go there and compete but you also should have compassion. You dont want to go to the other extreme and have bullying, right . Absolutely. There is a difference between being kind and just being a pushover. So, absolutely. If you have a good man, if you are raising a good man, he has to be kind. He has to be polite to others. Thats your commission. Your job as a father is to teach that. Brian thanks so much for saying pushover because you scared me for a second. Steve dan joining us today from austin, texas. Thank you so much. Ainsley thank you so much. And thank you for serving our country in the army. Thank you. Brian thanks for having whiskey before the show we know you did. Dana loesch, speaker of the house paul ryan both here. Thats what they look like in pictures side by side i cant remember peninsula trail . You wont find that on a map. Ill take you there. Take this left. If you listen real hard you can hear the whales. Oop. You hear that . vo our Subaru Outback lets us see the world. Sometimes in ways we never imagined. avo get 0 apr financing on allnew 2018 Subaru Outback models. Feel the clarity of nondrowsy claritin 24 hour relief when allergies occur. Day after day, after day. Because life should have more wishes and less worries. Feel the clarity and live claritin clear. Ainsley we now know the austin bomber left behind a chilling video admitting to the deadly attacks and now his family is speaking out night is just awful. Im so sorry that everybodys dealing with this. Brian congress racing to avoid a third Government Shutdown with the house poised to vote on 1. 3 trillion spending bill. This may have been the worst bill i have seen in congress. The worst bill our leadership allowed to come to the floor. Ainsley the teacher that slammed our nations heroes is out of a job. Im glad they did the right decision. Steve members of media with their hair on fire that the president called president putin. President obama when he was president is exactly same thing. They asked me if i would like to debate the gentleman. I said no. If i were in high school i would take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. Were promoting violence from crazy uncle joe . Brian got news for you blackeyed peas, we got started already. We are finishing up. Ainsley a lot of people are just waking up around the country. Steve were getting this hour started. Thanks for joining us live from new york city. Down in the nations capitol they have a day 1 2 to go ahead and pass the gigantic omnibus spending bill. One day and 50 hours and 50 minutes. That is 1. 3 trillion, right . It would only fund the government through september. Do you realize this is the second largest spending bill in history. The number one was president obamas stimulus. Number two was this. When you take a look at the extravagant spending in this why there are many members of congress on the republican side who say look, there is stuff i like in there, it has gone hogwild, i cant vote for it. Ainsley the people like it, the way they get everything they want in the bill, make it 200 pages, and give it to the lawmakers 24 hours before they vote, expecting them to do it knowing they dont have time. Brian leadership worked it out. It didnt go through the ordinary process but necessary process. They went to make sure President Trump is on board. President is not happy about the border situation. He is getting 1. 6 billion. He wanted enough for 60 miles to get it started. He knows he will not finish it without 25 billion. He is gets 660 million for the wall and existing technology will be replaced in the certain areas that need it most. But it is not the 25 billion. They tried to do that. They werent able to work it out with the talk at that swamp. Ainsley the president tweeted about it. Got 1. 6 billion for the border wall. Rest will be forthcoming, got 700 billion to rei would about the military. 716 next year. Had to waste money on dem giveaways in order to take care military pay increase and new equipment. Brian that is what paul ryan went to bat for. And the for the Opioid Epidemic. The guys who fight, they need a raise. Democrats are not willing to do any of that without getting some of their own stuff. Steve a number of republicans are mad that the bill was negotiated by nancy and chuck and mitch and paul. That is pretty much it. They did it to exclusion of the house Freedom Caucus. I was told by somebody close to the president yesterday he was going to veto this bill as it was because there was not 25 billion for the wall. He has made it very clear. He wants the wall. Jim jordan who is in the house Freedom Caucus, he was on with brian just about 55 minutes ago and as he has looked as much as he can, keep in mind it is 2200 pages, he says this thing stinks this may be the worst bill ive seen in my time in congress. The worst bill that the leadership allowed come to the florida. American people didnt elect democrats to run the congress. They elected congress. That we would continue to Fund Planned Parenthood and restrict Second Amendment liberties, let some bureaucrats take away your Second Amendment rights, not court of law. That we would approve the gateway boondoggle project and no not fund the border wall. A lot of conservatives will not vote for it. Brian if paul ryan had his way it would not look like this. He need ad compromise, to fund the border wall and fund the military. That is what he explained to the president yesterday. Could he have gotten a bad deal. Freedom caucus, even if you think the Freedom Caucus agree with them 110 you have to get people in the other party totally different from you theirs. That is what he got. Paul ryan will explain that. Steve he will be with us at 8 45. What jim jordan said, he made a pretty good case. There are politicians who say things to get elected to go to washington. We said we would try to cut the fat and thats what we ran on. So if were going to be in washington, were not going there become part of the swamp. They wanted to actually drain it. It will be interesting to see how many republicans vote against it. A number of democrats in there, considering to mr. Jordan they get pretty much they want. Brian you need 60. You will lose conservatives because of jim jordan is saying, you need 60 votes in the senate. You have to give in. I will say this explained to me, if john mccain didnt put thumbs down on repeal and replace, would be a lot more easier to negotiate. So much money is earmarked for nondiscretionary spending dealing with this small part of the budget. The rest is all automatic payments out of our wallets. Steve there are some other things for instance. John cornyns fix nics is in this regarding guns and background checks. That is good republicans say. Brian not jim jordan. He does not like that. Steve the problem jim jordan has with this, they were promised, the republicans were promised by house leadership if they were going to have that, they would also have the concealed carry reciprocity bill that passed house a while back, that would be in there. It is not in there even though the leadership said it would be. That is why theyre steamed. Ainsley they will have to compromise come to some sort of agreement on this. Steve work it out. Ainsley moving on, former Vice President joe biden was speaking in miami in front of a young group. They were talking about terrible sexual abuse is. That is the topic of this forum down in south florida. Well the former Vice President stands up biden said this about our current president. When a guy who ended Upcoming National leader said i can grab a woman anywhere she likes they asked me. No, i said were in high school i would take him behind the gym and pound him. Ainsley i dont want to debate him. I want want to bee him up. Steve joe biden said he would beat up trump thumb in 2016. The president of the United States taking on the former Vice President. He tweeted, crazy joe biden is asking like a tough guy. Actually he is weak mentally and physically. He threatens me second time with physical assault. He doesnt know me would go down fast and hard crying all the way. Dont threaten people, joe. Potus tweets. Brian 74 years old, i would take him if i was in High School Take him behind the shed. Why arent people critical of that . This is why sylvia says. Why is it okay for mr. Biden to be a bully. If you dont have positive input step away from the limelight. Ainsley biden says he could successfully assault trump he is media hero for 24 hours. When trump does it opposite reaction. Double standard . Steve yep. One more from mattie. Biden acts tough now. Where was this when he was in office and allowed us to get punched around like any other country. Why didnt he take russia behind the woodshed . Brian how about china . If you read Peter Schweizers book, i wonder how his son hunter got a lot of sweetheart deals in the other country after he left. I dont know who he wants to take behind the woodshed, they had a pretty easy time, china, over eight years he was in charge. Ainsley made a lot of money because of that. Jillian has headlines. Good morning. Jillian good morning. Lets start with the extreme weather a lot of northeast has been dealing with the last 24 hours. The powerful noreaster is blasting parts of new york with snow for the second straight day. The storm headed up to new england. The snow causing hundreds of crashes along the east coast leading to at least two deaths. More than 4,000 flights canceled. Today expect another rough travel day. Keep that in mind. Mark zuckerberg breaking his silence about facebooks data mining scandal involving 50 million americans. Investigating how the Political Research firm. Brian Cambridge Analytica was able to exploit the social media giant. This was a major breach of trust and im really sorry this happened. We need to make sure there arent any other Cambridge Analyticas out there or folks who have improperly accessed data. Were going to go now and investigate every act that has access to a large amount of information. Jillian zuckerberg is willing to testify before congress. Fears of a trade war looming as china vows to retaliate if President Trump approves new tariffs. The president is expected to announce tariffs on chinese imports today, aimed penalizing beijing for intellectual property theft and violating trade agreements. The tariffs could almost to at least 30 billion. China now says, it will quote, take all measures to defend its rights and interests. Entertainer known for playing bozo the clown has died. Bozo, bozo, always laughs, never frowns, bozo, bozo the clown. Billy, im glad you made it here to the bozo big top today. Jillian that is frank. The first person to ever play the iconic character taking on the role for 11 years on the hit show, bozo the clown. He remembered as an active philanthropist with heart of gold. The 89yearold passed away in his boston home from heart disease. Steve i remember that show. Ainsley the grand prize game. You never watched it . You had to throw a ball in the bucket you got the grand prize game. Brian i made a big mistake as a kid. Steve whats that . Brian i bought the box, bozo box as a costume. Dont lose the bozo label when the halloween is over. People enjoyed that for a long time. Steve need a mask. Brian sorry he is dead. But im not a big bozo guy. Jillian you were then. Brian i was for halloween. Tough to shake. Ainsley do you remember his friends name . Brian i dont even remember the 70s because of that. Ainsley do you remember his friends name the other clown . Cookie. Steve you get a point right there. 8 12 here in new york city. President trump expected to send lethal drones to more allies for their defense. Our next guest says used the thrown against terrorists. He says its a smart move. He will explain yet. Brian Major League Baseball released 4th of july caps. The only problem, can you catch it . Or where well go next. We the people who are Better Together than we are alone. Are unstoppable. Welcome to the entirely new expedition. My doctor recommended i switch to miralax. On, stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. Miralax is different. It works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. Unblocking your system naturally. Miralax. On the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. Does your bed do that . Its the last chance for clearance savings up to 800 on our most popular beds. Ends saturday. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Steve will there be more eyes in the skies for our allies . That guy right there, President Trump, expected to boost exports of drones to more of our allies but u. S. Official telling fox news, quote, many countries want drones but it is faster and cheaper to get them from russia and china. Potus, president wants us to compete. A repeat complaint from allies and partners especially in the middle east . How does it work . The author of drone warrior is joins us in washington. He is special operations intel analyst. He knows everything about drones. He says, you think this is a good idea on the part of donald trump dont you . Yes i do. This is value of having a Business Savvy president in office. Trump wants to us compete. This plan will bring billions of dollars to the economy and boost allies abilities in war on terror. For years the state department had akay i can export controls when it comes to Drone Technology put in place by previous administrations for a different time. Meanwhile the Chinese Government is building knockoff of our predator drones and selling them to the highest bidder. That is problem embarrassing from a competition standpoint we havent done something to fix that. Steve right. Let me ask you this, why would we want to give to our allies our supersecret Drone Technology . Right, so let me be clear. This isnt the lamborghini of tech that we v these are things that somewhat outdated at least to our military forces but are still highly capable. Steve youre saying this is the pacer, the pacer drone . Absolutely but still very, very lethal. You should see the stuff we have in our arsenal. In the end it is about competition. This is much more about drones were dealing with here. This is the fact of the competitive advantage. If we lose the competitive advantage for the rest of world. We had the leverage for so long. Our allies will try to buy these from other countries. So why not us . Steve why not have American Companies make the money. Exactly. Steve you were talking about a story during the break trying to get Drone Technology for africa, right . This goes back to the archaic export drone systems for a difficult time. I remember going into state Department Meetings getting boeing drones, outdated, exported for wildlife conservation, had to sit in bunch meetings where they told me you couldnt do that there are many other cases to use drones other than war. The fact of the matter they wouldnt let us export the technology at the time. I love the plan. It is great for the economy. It will be huge. It is long overdue. Its a fantastic plan. Steve exit question, how does this happen . Can the president make the call or does it have to go through congress . It will go through number of different authorities. Theyre looking at current authorities to figure out how to revamp some of that in order to prioritize it. One of the priority countries is actually south korea. When you think about it, theyre staring down the face of north korea. They want the best technology and that only benefits us. Theyre prioritizing countries like that and nato partners. Hopefully well see something in the coming months because these allies are asking for this for years. Steve there is money to be made. Why not . You know him at the author of drone warrior. Bret, thank you very much. Thank you,. Steve steve what do you think about that . Let us know. The dana loesch has a message for them coming up. Fresh off President Trumps push to end the Opioid Crisis. Ainsley visited one community rocked by the epidemic. You will hear some of their stories next. We are a middle class family, religious. Twoparent household. My message is, get out of your head the idea that it cant happen to you. Steve were back with a fox news alert and the confession after maniac. That austin bomber left behind a chilling 25minute video where he admits he did it. Now his family is speaking out. Brian todd piro is live near the bombers home in pluegerville, texas, where we, he has the latest. Hey, todd. Reporter hey, guys, good morning to you. Right now as the sun starts to come up a little bit more activity outside of the bombers home. Inside the home authorities found a lot of bombmaking material on his phone, that confession. I know everybody is interested in a motive and understanding why and we are never going to be able to put a ration behind these acts. He does not at all mention anything about terrorism. Nor does he mention anything about hate. But instead it is the outcry of a very challenged young man. Reporter in the 25minute cell phone confession, 23yearold mark Anthony Conditt listed future targets he was intending to blow up. Police said all seven of his bombs have been found suggesting no further threat but adding that the community should still remain vigilant. Meantime his family pout a statement that they were in grief and in shock and no idea that the darkness mark must have been in. His aunt spoke to reporters. This is just a horrible, horrible thing. You never know. It is just awful. And im so sorry that everybodys dealing with this. I mean he was at my christmas table. He was a great kid. He was smart. He was loving. He was kind. I have no idea who this person is. Reporter overnight there was also a call for a suspicious package in los angeles with an austin address but bomb squad officials went over and determined it was nothing. Guys, back to you. Steve todd piro live in pluegerville, not far from austin. Thank you very much. Theyre still trying to filling out. Brian this week President Trump unveiled a 6 billiondollar plan, earlier in the week and to fight the Opioid Crisis and delivered some tough talk to drug dealers. If we dont get tough on the drug dealers were wasting our time, just remember that, were wasting our time. And that toughness includes the death penalty. [applause] ainsley this week i visited a town hall and saw firsthand how one community is tackling the epidemic in their own backyard. Take a look. I worry that like every father listening to you, my kids are fine. There are not enough programs. We need to get into schools. When you see a drug deal on your block, i know a lot of people here have seen it, right on our front lawn. I do have been to many funerals of many children have had, helped friends bury their kids from drug overdose. I will tell you about my, our son rob. He was a member of this Fire Department. He served his community. Rob died on april 10th, 2012. We got him to the hospital. While they were still working on him in the emergency room, two of his friends also members of this Fire Department went on to be a cop and fireman, theyre wonderful people, came to me with tears in their eyes. They said, mr. Priest, we should have told you. I said told me what . What are you talking about . Rob does heroin. You never even saw signs that your son was doing drugs, right . We saw signs that we made excuses for. We wanted to believe it wouldnt happen in our house. Ainsley was he hanging out in the wrong crowd . How was he introduced to heroin . I dent know. I dont think were ever going to know. Im sure it was through friends. The thing that i will tell you, we are a middle class family, religious. Twoparent household. This thing crosses every line. It crosses racial lines. It crosses religious lines. It crosses economic lines. We just dont know how long my son was doing heroin. And he had told his friends he was going stop. I think he wanted to stop. What we found, it just gets ahold of you, he just did it one more time. That was the last time. What is your message to people watching . My message is, get out of your head the idea that it cant happen to you. You think you have a good kid. You probably do have a good kid. There are some adults, so many parents who had no idea their kid was using. That their kid was an addict. This is everyday middle class america. This is not a poor mans drug, or a rich mans drug. Its a problem. Ainsley tell me about the problem and why in Nassau County you wanted to have this town hall . We have a serious problem in Nassau County and it is in every community. The sheriff is targets communities where you see a lot of arrests. Real time reporting where there are oh doses. Overlaying that where there are larcenies connected with drug use. We go in with enforcement, backed up by education, awarenesss diversion and treatment. Not just a singular approach where you try to arrest yourself out of a problem. Were not doing that were going in with doing enforcement to get them into treatment. Were not walking away from the problem. Were coming back in 60 days to show them a result. Ainsley what did you think of the president s plan he announced in new hampshire. Failure is not an option. Addiction is not our future . I think his remarks really highlight there is a serious Opioid Epidemic not only in our county, but all over the country. He is looking for solutions. I cant blame him for that. In 35 years of Law Enforcement a drug user, seller is out of business, there is always someone to take his place. It is supply and demand. Its a is about. You can take the drug sellers out but there will be someone to replace them as long as you have people using. If we go after the users, hopefully we eliminate the dealers. Ainsley more people die because of drug overdoses than they do car accidents, if you can believe it. Steve over 100 people every day in the United States. Ainsley it is just heartbreaking. Brian 29 minutes after the hour. He was supposed to be picked up by i. C. E. But slipped out of jail right before agents got there. This morning there is a manhunt out for him. Ainsley the left is slamming President Trump for his call congratulating president putin. Dana loesch has a message for them next. They appear out of nowhere. My secret visitors. Hallucinations and delusions. The unknown parts of living with parkinsons. What plots they unfold, but only in my mind. Over 50 of people with parkinsons will experience hallucinations or delusions during the course of their disease. If your loved one is experiencing these symptoms, talk to your parkinsons specialist. There are Treatment Options that can help. My visitors should be the ones i want to see. Not just what President Trump said during that phone call with vladmir putin. It is also said what he did not say that has some in his own party angry this morning. This would be like j. Edgar hoover as director of fbi calling al capone to congratulate him on a bank robbery. President trump went out of his way to praise putin and not bring up extraordinarily important and controversial topics. President trump to this day has said nazier things publicly about me, don lemon, chuck todd, meryl streep and the cast of hamilton than he has kgb operative, current human rights oppressor, vladmir putin. Steve my goodness. That is the reaction from the made i cant after the president called president of russia after his not surprising win. Vladmir putin is a bad guy. You cant call him up and congratulate him, even though barack obama did exactly the same thing in 2012 but they didnt mention that, did they . Brian yeah so, should very called him and congratulated him . No. Should he have called him . Yeah. Vladmir putin is evil person who goes out of the his way to stomp on people he doesnt like and kill those who turn on him like expats that he murdered up to 12 in britain. So, they wanted to sterner message sent. But for those who say the president doesnt send a stern message are not watching actions. Sanctions on the oligarchs. The sanctions on the country. The way he is arming the Ukrainian Government with real weapons not blankets like the previous president. That sends a strong message. He said they were guilty of doing that the week before, but calling them up and speaking to him is questionable. Ainsley did vladmir putin, did he rig the election . Talking about his election. Was it a sham election . Yes, it was, it was. Does the president of the United States traditionally call president s from other countries to congratulate them . Yes. So they can work with them for future business dealings. Steve surely. Ainsley look at barack obama, you mentioned that. Look at his record. He congratulated the islamic brotherhood candidate back if 2012 on winning egypts president ial election. He broke three decade of precedent in 2013 to congratulate the winner of the iranian president ial election. Congratulated turkeys president erdogan back in 2014. Same guy who said there was no such thing as moderate islam. Steve here is the thing, one. Reasons we know the president was not supposed to congratulate president putin was the fact that somebody in the west wing, they do believe somebody from the National Security apparatus, leaked to the Washington Post classified documents. That is criminal and it is fireable. Brian but you also know what is dividing this country right now, russia meddled in the election. With the finger pointed across the aisle, it created 18 months of turbulence. We found out what they did, that made it worse than other thing. Steve it is hop pick chrissie. Hypocrisy. They should have called obama on it. Brian that is what makes it so along with the poisoning in britain. Steve by the way mr. Obama did the same thing. But never mind. 22 minutes before the top of the hour. Jillian has a developing manhunt. Jillian is a story were following all morn moving. The manhunt is intensifying . Texas for an inmate escaped jail moments before isis agents were supposed to pick him up. Manuel soto somehow slipped out waiting for agents in the release area. He was originally booked for theft and trespassing. Incredible video of two ohio Police Officers saving a two month girl choking on milk. The heartstopping moments caught on the officers body cameras. [inaudible]. She is breathing. [sirens] jillian the officers pulled over after seeing the baby girls panicked mother stopped in middle of track. God was watching over them she said. Great end to the story. There is a minor problem here on the baseball caps. The caps says we the people, harmless, right . Washington nationals pitcher sean doolittle, that is from the constitution. The 4th of july celebrates the declaration of independence. He goes on to say, whatever, patriotic, go with it. The u. S. Constitution was not drafted until 1787. The declaration of independence was adopted in 176. Tunnels to Tower Foundation hoping to raise 700,000 to pay off mortgages of two fallen servicemembers. Lieutenant christopher raguso, Staff Sergeant sean brings two of seven soldiers killed in a crash. The frank of the tunnel to Towers Foundation explains the donations impacts. The unbelievable strain that this puts on families when the breadwinner is gone, when they kiss their families goodbye, they dont come home, it is our responsibility as americans. Jillian if you would like to help out, and donate, head to foxandfriends. Com. Ainsley please go donate. What a great organization. To pay off the mortgages. Can you imagine if someone did that for you. These men lost their lives fighting for our countries. Their families deserve it. Steve thank you very much. Straight ahead the u. S. House of representatives gearing up to vote on a massive spending bill this afternoon. Will it get enough votes to pass . Well talk to speaker ryan. He is live from d. C. Next. Ainsley plus you know their hits like elvira. Country music legends the oak ridge boys are here to perform a song off their new album. Allergies with sinus congestion and pressure . You wont find relief here. Go to the pharmacy counter for powerful claritind. While the leading allergy spray relieves 6 symptoms. Claritind relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. Claritind relieves more. My digestive system used to make me feel sluggish. But those days are over. Now, i take metamucil every day. It naturally traps and removes the waste that weighs me down. So i feel. Lighter. Try metamucil and begin to feel what lighter feels like. Take the 2week challenge and see the difference metamucil can make. Begin to feel what lighter feels like. Available at walmart and walmart. Com steve later today in that building right there, the u. S. House of representatives is set to vote on a 1. 3 trillion spending bill to fund the government through sent and some conservatives like congressman jim jordan who was with us earlier are ready to vote no. This may be the worst bill i have seen in my time in congress. The American People didnt elect democrats to control the United States congress. They elected republicans. I dont think we told the voters we were running for job, gave us privilege to serve we would continue to fun planned parenthood. This gateway earmark boondoggle project and not fund the border wall . You will see a lot of conservatives vote against it because it is not what the American People want. Brian Speaker Paul Ryan has a different view. He says no bill this size is perfect. Jump ahead to get into your mind. You believe jim jordan is wrong. This is not the worth bill ever. Why is he wrong, mr. Speaker . Good to see you. He is wrong. Jim has never voted for any of these bills. I dont expect him to do anytime in the future. It doesnt fund gateway and funds the wall. You know how long the funding bill lasts . Six months. This is not a 10year bill, six months. What we did in this bill we funded in the next six months exactly the budget requests the administration asked us for the border. Funny we pass the house passed all these bills back in september. We passed them with republican only votes. This has the exact same funding for the border in this bill we funded back in september with all republican votes. So it is kind of interesting people are saying Different Things now. But heres the point. The administration asked for 74 miles of border wall funding. We did 100 in this bill. We actually exceeded what the administration asked us for for the border. Here is the deal on the border. We asked the Border Patrol, what do you need on the border . What they tell us is, the conditions on the browned determine what kind wall they wanted, different places. For instance, they warrant concrete barrier with a fence on top, earth behind it, Rio Grande Valley so it doesnt get washed ain floods. In the desert they want to see through it so we did that. We asked the Border Patrol, what do you need . Here is the resources this is 1. 8 billion. This is what the president asked for. Ainsley the president said he wants all the funding in place, then he will build entire thing . We want to get it going. We dont want to wait until a multiyear is passed. This sort pa of the process, i hate, the senate has a filibuster. The reason coming up to the deadline government stopping funding is because of the senate filibuster. We Fund Government one year at a time. That is how the budget proses is work. Well fund the wall one year at time, next six months. On gateway, there was a earmark for gateway, all the mass transit funds wig cities get, they wrote it such a way new york would only get the money. We repealed the language. That is not in here anymore. We took that language out. The administration, the president gets to decide mass transit money. I want to clear up the misinformation. Brian 1. 6 billion, the 1. 6 billion is the total s that wrong . I only heard 650 million goes toward the wall. 1. 6 for the entire border also you need fences. You need cameras. You need electronic devices. You need aerial devices to be able to police it. In the mountainous areas you cant build a wall over a mountain. You need cameras and drones up there. It is a border wall system that the Border Patrol tells us they need. We fund their request, based on what they say they need to secure the border. Different kinds of wall based on different kinds of conditions on the ground. That is it what we fund. Steve not the wall that the president inspected prototype . No, there is bunch those. There are more than one based on different conditions. In a river valley you dont want a standup wall that washed away in a flood. We have one that stand up to flood with a levy with a fence on top. Steve ultimately, mr. Speaker, the president said i need 18, 20 billion for the wall. That is over number of years. This is 1. 6 over the next six months. Steve some suggested maybe with the omnibus spending bill they might get the wall and the daca provisions as well. Right. Steve we heard earlier in the week apparently behind closed doors you guys were negotiating with the democrats. Thats right. Steve to go ahead provide relief for these daca kids. But apparently the democrats were not interested, which shocks me. Thats right. So we, president , i, other leaders in the house and senate offered that to the democrats and said no. Well do multiyear funding for the wall for multiyear relief from the daca kids. They walked away. They wouldnt take that. There isnt a daca solution here. We have the wall in here for the next six months. By the way we fund the president s Opioid Campaign to combat opioid abuse. The president asked us to put fix nics to plug loopholes, which the nra supports, the School Safety issue is in here. We have, biggest increase in the military in the 15 years. Biggest pay raise for men and women in uniform is eight years. Ainsley thats wonderful. We need to rebuild the military. We lost two f a18 pilots. We lost four times as many people in training accidents than combat. Why . Obama shortchanged the military. This is the trump jim mattis budget for military. That is the biggest victory what were doing for our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines for our veterans. This fixes that massive problem. This funds the wall, fixes the military, fight opioids, does the things we said and does not fund gateway. Gives donald trump the decision on gateway. Steve mr. Speaker you have a busy day. You need a bunch of yeses. Take care, guys. Steve step aside. Oak ridge boys coming up. Elvira, elvira ainsley is a great song. We all grew up listening to that they have sold millions of records worldwide. Won five grammys. Are undike tease to the grand ole opry and the Country Music hall of fame. The oak ridge boys are back, with a new album, quote 17th avenue revival how many albums . Too many to count. We havent put one in couple of years. This is new direction. Lou cobb, one of the young producers, produces jason stapleton. Jason wanted old rock and roll attitude reflecting gospel roots and black gospel. Mold it all together into Something Like weve never done before. Ainsley the oak ridge boys. Take it away. All right. There is a brand new star up in heaven tonight shining down on us, glorious and bright im going to miss you every day, but i know that youre all right, theres a brand new star up in heaven tonight theres a peace in my heart finally moving on, a calm in my conscience that sings my song no longer will you struggle, no longer will you fight, theres the brand new star up in heaven tonight let the loved shine down, let of love shine down, let the love shine down. Let the love shine down im going to miss you every day, but i know youre all all right, there is a brand new star up in heaven tonight theres a break in the clouds, the sun is shining through, speaks to my soul, in a voice that sounds like you when i lay my head down and gently close my eyes, there is a brand new star up in heaven tonight let the love shine down, let the love shine down, let the love shine down, let the love shine down, let the love shine down im going to miss you every day but i know that you are all right, theres brand new star up in heaven tonight let the love shine down, let the love shine down, let the love shine down, let the love shine down im going to miss you every day, but i know that youre all right, theres a brand new star up in heaven tonight im going to miss you every day, but i know that youre all right, theres a brand new star up in heaven tonight theres a brand new star up in heaven tonight [cheering] this is bad, especially if you need to get to a bathroom a lot. Used to be me, before urinozinc with the ingredients in the special formula that can help you with your problem day and night, and supports a healthy, normal prostate. Urinozinc, the number one Prostate Health brand. All right. Tomorrow, the countdown will be on whether or not congress can pass the omnibus appropriations bill. We will somewhere the very latest. Tomorrows friday. Yay. We have a huge show coming your way and the latest on the austin bombing. Thank you very much for joining us. Well do an after the showshow in five seconds. See you back on the couch on friday. Dont forget to donate. Bill thank you. Breaking news new revelations in the suspect in the texas bombings. Were now learning mark Anthony Conditt recorded a cell phone video before he killed himself with one of his own homemade bombs. Investigators describing it as a confession. Good morning, welcome to thursday. Im bill hemmer live inside americas newsroom. Sandra im sandra smith. Despite the video theres no clear motive leaving many dead and others wounded. The confession shows the 23yearold going into detail about his

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