In our tax code. If i could say it as simple as possible, i would say that this tax reform conversation is about keep your money. I think the president is giving us the kind of leadership we need to get this country back on the right track. It will be the largest reduction in terms of dollars of any plan ever in the history of the country. Its going to be something very special. Money, money, money money money, money, money money. Steve welcome to season 20 of the apprentice. Brian yeah, really. Steve isnt this the same song . Brian i believe it is. Focus would be a little bit later on the money is who gets to keep it when you get it, do you just give it to the governments or do you keep it yourself and is that considered a tax break when you keep your own money . Steve i guess the audio guy is actually programming the show because we are going to be talking about the president of the United States as he unveiled his tax plan yesterday. First, on the way in to the big tax plan announcement, our own pete hegseth said excuse me, mr. President , can i have a word with you sure, pete, i have got like three or four questions. The first question was about National Anthem protest what did he say. You have certainly started a conservation about the nfl. Important. Your critics say its been a distraction. You say its critical. You talk about words like patriotism and citizenship. Why it important to you. Im doing a lot. We passed over 50 pieces of legislation. We have a Supreme Court judge. We have a much stronger military. We have strong borders now. Were going to get the wall. Were going to get all the things that we said. And now we are going as you said you know today is the big day. We are announcing the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country. There has been no distraction. But the nfl cannot disrespect our country. They cannot disrespect our flag or our National Anthem. And they cant have people sitting down or kneeling down during our National Anthem and i saw this a year ago with kaepernick i said is is a terrible thi. I thought it was terrible. And then it builds up a little bit and little bit more. And see whats happening and you see more and more and more. I came out and made a statement in alabama the other day. I said i think its very disrespectful to our country and world has picked it up. Guess what . Most people agree with me. The nfl is in a box. They have to do something about it. They are disrespecting and when i say they, n a way it is they because they can stop it. They have rules for everything. You cant dance in the end zone. You cant wear the pink socks relative to Breast Cancer which one of the players they have rules for everything. Why arent they honoring this country by enforcing a rule thats been in existence for a long time. So the nfl and the players really have to do the honor of the country. Its for the honor of the country. They have to respect our country. They have to respect our flag and our anthem. Pete what prompted that in alabama. I have so many friends that are owners. They are in a box. I have spoken to a couple of them. They say we are in a situation where we have to do something. I think theyre afraid of their players you want to know the truth. I think its disgraceful. And they have got to be tough and they have got to be smart. Because you look at the ratings. The ratings have gone way down. The stadiums i have seen a couple stadiums over the last few weeks theyre losing there are a lot of empty seats. I couldnt even believe it. When it comes to the respect of our nation, when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag, they have no choice. You have to have people stand with respect. Brian right now the tv ratings are down year to year and last year was down. Keep in mind the most Popular League in the country. They are down 11 . You wonder whats going to happen we see all those things happening on social media where people burning their paraphernalia. I never remember that happening. Maybe if your team lost four days in a row they will have bags over their head but now they will show up. People feeling they have to make a choice, patriotism or football. Thats where we are at right now. Abby president said most of the country agrees with me. New fox news poll last knight said 55 percent said its inappropriate to be dealing during the National Anthem. I love these interviews with President Trump because is he off script and gives us a sense of conversations that he has behind closed doors look, i have talked to some these owners, they tell pee they are in a tough position. Steve they are in a box. Abby they are afraid, he thinks, of the players. Thats not a comment you would hear from a president ever. He lets us know the important conversations that we need to hear more about. Steve donald trump being donald trump. The next big question mark in the nfl is what are they going to do tonight at the packers, bears game at green basement the fans have been asked to lock farms moment of unification. Thats what the packers are going to do. Apparently they dont know what the bears are going to do. The cowboys are going to stand at the next game and so will the patriots. Brian come winter time packers fans so cold because they are cold and want to hug each other. If you know whats going to happen this weekend outside thursday night game which should be a good one and on the surface should be rated high. Looks as though one team will be standing and thats the new england patriots. They already decided that even though 14 took knees last week. They are all going to be standing this week. Steve good. Brian it was about 12 players. After the president talked it was many more. We will see how this goes from here on in. You know, you had the running back on buffalo stretching out during the National Anthem. Steve lets talk about what is going on in a high school in a suburban high school. The staff put together a display and apparently what it was supposed to do was talk about First Amendment rights. It was recreation of dred scotts proper ray to display a u. S. Flag display. It featured a flag on the ground which they did back in 1989 at the Art Institute of chicago. So they are recreating that. But they made it look like a door mat and this has some people furious what are you doing if you wanted to recreate something from 1989, there are pictures of it. Just show the picture. Dont actually put a flag on the ground. You are not supposed to do that. Abby here is a letter coming in from the principal the new York Community high school said this is no tway meant to disrespect the flag, the military or the government. Rather it was used for students to reconcile their feelings about Current Issues and whether First Amendment rights are protected. They are trying to defend that decision. As you said, you should never use the flagging in that manner. Steve it should never touch the ground. Abby absolutely not. Brian other thing pete talked to the president about was about his tax plan. They have did something very smart. They have got the house, the white house, and the senate together. It took a little bit of extra time. Finally they said this is a plan we can get behind. No one gets everything. This is just between republicans. Unlike healthcare where they were going at each other from day one the president called the house plan kind of mean and the senate plan never got off the ground. This time they are all on the same page. There are certain things that every president loves more than something else, Foreign Policy was bush 41s main thing. But, when it comes to taxes, you could see the president s eyes light up. This is all about the economy. This is his main thing. Abby you hear it in his voice. This seems to be the issue he has been most passionate about. He has been most passionate about since Day One Campaign trail. He was out in indianapolis promoting this new tax plan. Here is some of that. Its time for washington to learn from the wisdom of indiana. We need washington to promote american jobs instead of obstructing them. Were going to cut taxes for the middle class, make the tax code simpler and more fairer for every day americans. And we are going to bring back the jobs and wealth that have left our country and most people thought left our country for good. We want tax reform that is progrowth, projobs, proworker, profamily and, yes, tax reform that is proamerican. Steve so lets take a look at some of the details. It reduces the number of tax brackets from 7 down to 3. And they will be 12, 25 and 35. Cuts the Corporate Tax rate to 20. The president said yesterday on the way to the chopper he wanted 15 but the republicans talked him into it. Doubles the standard deduction from 12 to 24,000. Eliminates the estate tax, death tax. Increases child tax credit. Abby democrats saying this is more money into rich peoples pockets. Brian helps rich households . No, people who have farms, the father dies, next thing you know you have the huge estate tax you have to sell the farm or break it up. I dont think thats called rich. Its called working. Talk about lowering rates for companies. Those Companies Hire people. If they have more money they hire more people. They possibly grow. There is a theory to it my hope is that the American People and talk show hosts looking to juice up ratings will say okay, wait a second. Lets not make this a cartoon. This is something you have to take a deep breath, talk to people that know. Which we he will be doing every day as much as we can and see how it will effect you. Abby that is wishful thinking, brian. I was going through the paper and i couldnt find one positive article about tax reform when people want tax reform. Steve we have Grover Norquist. He is the authority on it he says this will turbo charge the economy. We will have the balance of petes interview with the president. And, as if that is not enough, the trump exclusive interview coming up. We exclusively have jillian mele with the news. Jillian good morning, guys. One more wake up until the weekend. Something forward to look forward to. Abby hey, hey. I will be here all weekend long. Jillian oopsys, i will shut my mouth. Get you caught up on headlines. A teenager charged with murder accused of stabbing another student in the middle of a classroom. Pulled a switchblade on two boys at their new York City High School killing a 15yearold and leaving a 16yearold fighting for his life. A witness tells the New York Post he launched his attack when one of the victims threw a pen at him during history class. Telling reporters he was bull idea as police loaded him into a cop car. Critical supplies are ready and waiting at puerto ricos main airport. But devastation on the island is keeping it from getting to the people who need it most. Only 20 of Truck Drivers are back on the job after Hurricane Maria. In addition, many roads are blocked and gas is still in short supply. Take a look at satellite map released by nsa showing the scope of devastation on the island. Nearly all of puerto rico covered in red and yellow scares marking destruction. Fox news correspondent at large will give us a look from san juan at 8 15. Steve geraldo. Gin. Jillian Geraldo Rivera, there you go. Hugh hefner has died. Playboy making the announcement on twitter just hours ago with a quote from hefner. Life is too short to be living somebody elses dream. Just in time because we are going to have a swinging party tonight. We hope you come in and join us. Time flies when you are having fun. Hefner published the first issue of playboy in 1953. Now iconic nude portrait of marilyn monroe. A symbol of the sexual revolution will forever being be remembered for breaking down barriers and bringal building a unique American Dream. He died from Natural Causes at his home. He leaves behind his wife crystal and four children. Hugh hefner was 91 years old. Abby he was a legend. Steve he left esquire magazine because they only offered him a 5 a week raise. He left and started his own. Brian it was enough for me. Steve reality windsor blaming fox news, the shows you are watching on this channel. We are not kidding. You will hear her excuse. Brian does anybody remember why taking a knee became a thing. Lawrence jones reality check for the nfl. Thats now. Steve hi, lawrence. Good morning. Scream and shout and let it out and we singing oh, thats really attached. Thats why i rent from national. Where i get the control to choose any car in the aisle i want, not some car they choose for me. Which makes me one smooth operator. Ah still a little tender. vo go national. Go like a pro. Can i get some help. Watch his head. Im so happy. Whatever they went through, they went through together. Welcome guys. Life well planned. See what a Raymond James Financial Advisor can do for you. Whentrust the brand doctors trust for themselves. Nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. And all day all night protection. When it comes to frequent heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. Brian protesters originally rooted in black lives matter we understand. The Washington Post found this we want to share. Black shootings down 2015. Over 70 2016 also were armed with guns or knives at the time of the shooting. The question then raised is this do these protesters in the nfl really know why they are taking a knee and has it been blunted by the fact they are doing it during the National Anthem . Here to weigh in is host of the blaze lawrence jones. You saw those stats. If there is one there is too many. If its without being threatening a cop. What do you think about this . Well, its obvious that there is a disconnect between the community and the police. And i think we can talk about that issue separately about Police Brutality in the cases where they exist. But you cant generalize all cops and say they are all pigs like Colin Kaepernick did who was the leader of this movement. It would be like. Brian that was son his socks. That was on his socks and thats what he interpreted like calling all black folks criminals. How would black people feel if the police did that to us. I have a proposition for my conservatives. Instead of always telling the liberals when you are you going to mention blackonblack crime . This should be something we take on about improving the lives of the community. Taking on this fight of crime in the community. That way when the left tries to attack us, we have a record of going into the community and saying, you know what . This is our fight. Brian here is the numbers on homicide victims and black op. Black crime 781 went up in 2016. Look how high knows numbers are and you say should we worry about the 233 yes . Should would he be more worried about the 7 or 8,000 . Absolutely. You should be concerned about both of them. When you say you care about black lives and only focus on one aspect of black lives, you lose credibility. Thats the problem with this movement. We have rahm emanuel who wants to take a knee and all the other mayors in these cities want to take a knee. They have this issue of crime. But they dont want to take a knee for that then it becomes problematic. Like i said, conservatives, we can turn this around on them. We can actually go and do the work. They dont have a record of improving the communities. We can do that. Brian do you know what . President trump should do that. And i have been brian jim browns program in the inner city. Here is the problem. He doesnt need just them. I have been asking the president do this. His new plan for black america tore go to the cities. He likes rallies. Go to the community himself. Talk with the people. I guarantee you a different response than the media shows. Brian you know, this his oneonone skills are without pier. Yes. Brian he does this thing called listening rather than talking. Exactly. He connects with people. Brian i have news for you take some revive written. You are on outnumbered at noon and i need you on your a game. Got you at 5. Brian more on President Trumps tax reform plan. More details coming out. More importantly, what it means for you. This is fox friends, im glad you are dressed. Its for the middle income people. Its for working people and for jobs. Pete mr. President , the healthcare bill went down in the senate. What about this plan makes you feel confident that it wont if you have moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns, and your symptoms have left you with the same view, it may be time for a different perspective. If other treatments havent worked well enough, ask your doctor about entyvio, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio works by focusing right in the gitract to help control damaging inflammation and is clinically proven to begin helping many patients achieve both symptom relief as well as remission. Infusion and serious allergic reactions can happen during or after treatment. Entyvio may increase risk of infection, which can be serious. While not reported with entyvio, pml, a rare, serious brain infection caused by a virus may be possible. Tell your doctor if you have an infection, experience frequent infections, or have flulike symptoms, or sores. Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Steve right now we have quick thursday Morning Headlines for you. The white house will admit 45,000 refugees next year. That is the lowest number of refugees in nearly four decades and less than half of the cap set by president obama. The decision comes just a week after President Trump announced new travel restrictions for 8 countries that you can see right there in yellow. Border patrol agents find a house packed with illegals near the border of texas and mexico. Agents led to the house after busting three people for smuggling illegals in a vehicle. And thats some of the news. And now entertainment. Abby thank you, steve. In the new movie controversial friendship once buried by the empire is now being told on the big screen. What can he be talking about. Where did the man go. Real frent. I would like a mango. India. So have one sent. Brian victoria and abdul worth the price of a tickets and how much are tickets. Kevin mccarthy is here to review a couple of movies to justify his expense report. This is true. Brian you love this stuff. You love this movie. I do. Its an honor to be here by the way victoria and abdul is coming out in new york and lay and opens up everywhere else in theaters. This is julie. She played this role in a movie 20 years ago mrs. Brown. Steve queen victoria. The idea behind this victim in steven feers directed this movie queen. Forest foster jenkins, idea unlikely friendship she has with indian clerk. Steve true story. True story sent to england to present a ceremonial coin and they became friends towards the end of Queen Victorias life. Beautiful story that combines comedy and drama. I love judy. This is interesting. Food plays a big character in this film. Abby food . You saw her eating chicken in last clip. Scenes where she is eating food over and over and over again. I wanted to know as an actress when you have to do a scene like that are you eating all day. I was shocked to learn how many eggs she consumed in one scene. Watch this. I am genuinely curious about the eating scene at the end of the movie. I want to know did you have to sit there and eat all day. What if they have 20 cakes and same piece of chicken. Not the same piece. A different piece. Oh, no. Not just one peels of chicken. 20 pieces of chicken. When she is eating egg in bed, that scene took all morning and our props man campbell. I assume you interested in hearing how many eggs have you eaten . I said how many . He said just 11. Brian 11 eggs. Abby thats a lot of eggs. Thats insane. The film i gave a 4 out of 5. Fantastic in the film it has comedy, it was has drama it drags a little bit in the middle. She is so great in the film. If you havent seen mrs. Brown, do back and watch that from 1997 and you will see the character arc now. Abby another true story tom cruise. This is twa pilot asked to be part of the cia. And he became a drug runner for the cartel in the 1980s. True story about a gentleman named barry seal and doug lieman directed the movie swingers, edge of tomorrow, two phenomenal films. Cruise is so great in this film. The energy he has is comedic. There is action in the film. He does all of his own stunts. He flies all of his own planes. And that becomes a very immersive thing for the audience whether you have your leading actor really doing that stunt work. He recently hurt himself on Mission Impossible 6. Abby strained his ankle. We saw him do that with Mission Impossible 6. He does his own i stunts. Creates an environment you believe whats happening. A story whole time you are watching it you are thinking how the heck is this true . Steve such a big star. How many stars for this . I gave it 4 out of 5. If you have any questions about movies tweet me at Kevin Mccarthy tv. Little tease next week im reviewing second Favorite Movie of the year number one is did you know kirk. Second one is coming out next friday. Brian did you know kirk forgot dialogue. That was the beauty of it. Abby brian, it makes you think. Brian i like people who talk to each other. I love did you know kirk so much. Brian we know they escape. Steve kevin, as you know brians Favorite Movie is fred claus. Brian also here comes the boom. Fred claus i actually enjoyed. Fred claus is actually pretty funny. Abby how much are tickets these days. I max ticket in new york could be 21. Abby date night. Brian save money go to a yankee game. Its unbreeivel. Steve thats why you are here to tell us whether or not to invest. I love being in the studio. Its an absolute honor. Its absolutely beautiful studio. Radio city music hall is right behind us. How cool is that . Steve guy mccarthy is going to be with us. I get a lot of his hate tweets. What are you talking about . Its not me. I respond to them and give them movie reviews. Brian ask that Kevin Mccarthy the same questions we ask you. I love that i will take his questions next time. Steve how many stars he gives President Trumps tax plan. Kevin, thank you. I look forward to watching that. Steve coming up on this thursday, more pete hegseth exclusive standup interview with the president just before his tax reform speech. Pete joins us live from indianapolis next. Abby looking forward to that states accused of leaking top secret documents. Now she blames fox news. Brian because we havent been blamed enough. For everything. Happy birthday to Karen Fairchild she is from little big town. She is 48 years old and very nice. Take me down take me down take me down to the Little White Church take me down i have so many friends that are owners, they are in a beings bo. I have spoken to a couple of them. They said we are in a situation where we have to do something. I think they are afraid of their players, you want to know the truth. And i think its disgraceful. And they have got to be tough. And they have got to be smart because you look at the ratings. The ratings have gone way down. The stadiums are. I have seen a couple of stadiums over the last few weeks. There are a lot of empty seats. I couldnt even believe it. Steve they dont show the empty seats and they dont show the people booing either. There was an article in the sporting news that talked about how one columnist spoken to some people at a stadium we were told the camera operators were told dont show the people booing because its bad for business, essentially. Brian all right. Its already starting. Starting the at youth level stopping playing the National Anthem. Abby the band was kneeling. Pete you got great sound from yesterday. Steve good morning. Pete thanks for having me. You played other sound on the nfl at the top of the show as well. This is a president doubling down on this issue, believing its a cultural clash worth having. That patriotism has eroded in our country and that the nfl is a signal of that we also had a chance to talk with him on a number of issues. He was there for release of his tax reform plan. Also, why did the Healthcare Plan go down . Did they want to give it another go . Does that include working with chuck and nancy . We asked him all those questions and this is what he had to say. Pete mr. President we are here in indiana you are going to launch your tax reform plan in front of this crowd. Who is your tax plan intended to help . Really we say the working people. The middle class, the people that really havent been treated right, pete, havent been treated right. Also its going to be for businesses where they are going to bring in jobs. This is a tax plan for jobs and growth. Growth for our country. It will be the largest reduction in terms of dollars of any plan ever in the history of the country. And its going to be something very special. But its really for the middle income people. And its for the working people and its for jobs. Pete are there any rates or brackets that are nonnegotiable . Yeah. The 20 is nonnegative yable. I wanted to do it 15 . This is for business. I wanted to do it 15 . You look at china, china is 15 . Other countries are at higher. Right now we are the highest taxed nation in the world. When i finish the plan, we will be among the lower tax, which is very good. I would like to be the lowest. You cant be the lowest there are some that are ridiculous. I wanted to be at 156789 in fact, i was going to start at 15 and maybe negotiate up to 20, but the numbers really work at 20. We are putting it in at 20 but we are not going to negotiate. Pete mr. President , the healthcare bill went down this week in the senate. What about this plan makes you feel confident it wont meet the same fate. Healthcare didnt go down. We have the votes. Reconciliation is a disaster. It ends on friday. We dont have enough time. We have one senator a yes vote. Great person is he in the hospital. We cant do it by friday. We have the votes. We will do it some time at the beginning of the year but prior to the election in november. Pete do you still have confidence in Mitch Mcconnell. I do. Look, i have dealt with mitch for a long time i think he has to get rid of the filibuster rule. Its a disaster for the Republican Party because it means you needs 60 votes on most pieces of legislation and you are not going to get. There are 270 bills right now sitting before the senate. You are not going to get them approved because you are not going to get 8 democrats. They want to keep this horrible filibuster rule which says basically you need 60. So that means you need 8 democrats to get something approved. You are not going to get that so they have to get rid of the filibuster rule. Otherwise, they are just making a mistake. But, no, i have confidence. Look, i really like all of these people. I think terrific people. What im going to do is we do have the votes for healthcare. But the filibuster, you know, if you look at what is going on with respect to timing, we have only until friday for reconciliation. So were going into next year. In the meantime, im going to start negotiating with democrats and we will sees what. Pete do you feel like when you start negotiating with democrats, do you feel like you can trust Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. Its not a question of trust. First of all, i have a nice relationship with them. Its not really trust. If we can do a great bipartisan healthcare bill im okay with that we have the the votes to get it done. You cant go do it when somebody is in the hospital. When you have 52 votes and you need 51, its, you know, its very hard to get because you always have somebody and some cases they will want to grandstand. A lot of bad things happen. We have the votes but we dont have the time because its friday, literally friday it ends at a certain time on friday. We will bring it into a few months from now. We will vote it its block grants. Its going to be great healthcare. In the meantime i have that little period of time. I will negotiate with the democrats. If we can come up with a fantastic healthcare bill thats okay for me. Good for both parties bipartisan. Pete guys, he was in great spirits. I feel like is he talking on an issue he wants to be talking about in tax reform as a businessman. He has wanted to for a long time so he and his crew certainly in high spirits when he took the stage in indiana. Brian after all the problems in healthcare sadly not a big deal when it fails. Used to it failing. This was somewhat of a surprise that this got so much momentum but in the big picture i dont know what he means when he says he has the votes one guy in a hospital. I dont know what that means. Do you . Pete he seems to think that given time, that they will come arranged. And with the wind of tax reform they can get a win and move into it. Steve also as a businessman, the Business Model of just working with republicans has not worked. He has made it very clear he will have to do wheeling and dealing with democrats. Abby on healthcare and tax reform. Pete, one thing he said is a red line 20 on Corporate Tax. I started 1520 give myself wiggle room and im not budging on 20. Pete he said that again in the speech. 15 is where he wants to be. He realizes how pay for it. 20 where they will land. Brian did he tell you how much money pete hegseth fortune you can keep . Pete he said pete, you are in trouble. We have a special tax bracket just for you. Brian hegseth bracket. Steve last president told you could keep your doctor if you liked him. Pete thats right. Steve thank you for going out to the capital of indianapolis. Abby thank you, pete. We will see you soon. Go to jillian for headlines. Jillian good thursday morning to you and to you at home as well. Fbi warning about a new potentially deadly terror weapon. The director says its not a question of if but when they will arrive in the u. S. I think we do know that terrorist organizations have an interest in using drones. We have seen that overseas already with some growing frequency. And i think the expectation is its coming here imminently. Jillian Counter Terror agencies think the drones could be used to drop small explosives or spread toxic gases. Fbi directors chris wray says he has about 2,000 open terror cases right now both domestic and isis related. The university of utah taking a page out of uc berkeleys playbook. Two people arrested after several fights broke out over the right to free speech. Protesters flooding the campus trying to shut down conservative speaker ben shapiros appearance. Counter protesters also showed up slamming the hypocrisy. Im here to protect free speech. I think its unconstitutional. I think they are a bunch of babies. The university shelling out over 25,000 to increase security for the event. We finally know how leaker reality winner smuggled classified documents out of the nsa. She says she stuffed them into her panty hose. She wasnt trying to be like infamous nsa leaker Edward Snowden and she didnt like her workplace because fox news was always on their tvs telling investigators, quote just at least for god sake put al jazeera on or a slide show of peoples pets. I have tried everything to get that changed. End quote. So, there have you it. Brian isnt that what al jazeera does it brian. Abby i dont think they are still in business at least on american tv. Steve she has been in jail for a while. Brian i would love to see pet photos. Steve i have them on my phone. Brian see that during the break. Another game tonight will the Green Bay Packers stand or sit . What are they asking their fans to do . It will fascinate you. Abby why congress is about to put pressure on the former National Security advisor. Judge Andrew Napolitano here next with what they are looking for now. Brian unmasked judge napolitano. Steve d. C. Lawmakers obama aid surveillance scandal. Among them susan rice accused of unmasking Trump Campaign associates encoded intel reports as Samantha Power our u. N. Ambassador sought to unmask 260 million americans. Here to break it down fox news senior judicial analyst judge Andrew Napolitano. One of most significant things you said Samantha Power our u. N. Ambassador. Which is the job she had ted. Steve why does the u. N. Ambassador need town mask americans names. 64,000 question. When the Intelligence Community gathers raw data it could be copies of key strokes on a computer or it could be the digital version of the telephone call. It doesnt have an identifier in there. So you and i are talking and has the words we say but it doesnt say doocy or napolitano. Unmasking is adding the names so that you know who is having the conversation. So, unmasking can only be done for legitimate National Security purposes. Susan rice had a top National Security clearance because she was the president s National Security advisor. So she can do all the unmasking shes. But she cant pass it on to someone who doesnt have a security clearance. So, we know, for example, that within a day of her receiving unmavericked material, conversations showing her hot people were that were talking, a transcript of a conversation between general flynn who was in trump tower and ambassador kiss lee ache in d. C. Showed up in the Washington Post. Fast forward to today we now have learned that Samantha Power, president obamas last u. N. Ambassador, who has nothing to do with National Security, who doesnt have the National Security clearance, who isnt entitled to unmasking received unmasking over 260 times. Question, to whom did she pass it on . Steve sure. Why did they give it to her when under her Job Description she is a diplomat she is not entitled to National Security. How can she get it. Steve we dont know whether susan rice passed this onto the New York Post. Somebody wound up with this stuff there is a possibility she said hmmm thats interesting. What do you want to do with that assistant . We dont know what the assistant did. At this point this goes to the larger point of d. C. Is now investigating this. It looks like this could turn into a criminal probe. Thats what i have been arguing. I commend the Senate Intelligence committee for looking at this. Quite frankly, chris wray, the director of the fbi should be looking at this. Because there are potential felonies here. Somehow top secret information, yet again, we saw this happen with Hillary Clinton, in the Obama Administration got into the hands of people who werent entitled to it and from there it made its way to the press. Steve clearly all these leaks were intended to sand bag the Trump Administration just as they were getting started. These are all leaks of people involved with president elect donald trump in trump tower from the time he was elected until the time he was inaugurated last year and early this year. Steve can you imagine had that happened on george w. s watch as incoming president obama. No, i cant imagine the bush people doing that there would have been unbelievable uproar. More than there is today. Steve judge, thank you. One Football Program has a solution to the anthem outrage. Just cancel the anthem all together. Were going to tell you where that is janice dean is inside the most luxurious truck a person can buy in the United States. A big reveal. Its from ford coming up next. Steve my dad used to have one of these. Ford motor is celebrating 100 years of trucks by releasing what could be one of the most expensive off the Assembly Line trucks built. Exclusive reveal of this pickup Marketing Manager for ford super deuteronomy brian ranceford. Remember when cars were this simple. Holy cow. 100 years celebrating building ford trucks. This is the first version of f series. This is a 1950 model. But that series actually started in 1948. We have been building trucks for 1 yurex years and f series for 70. Steve f150 is how ford makes their money. Ford series line up ford f150 is a large part of it. Steve go over to can mr. Kilmeade and the future. Brian that would cost me a lot of the money now what if i wanted it buy it then . 600. A little more than 600. Brian we are about to pull what off . Ford first super duty limited. Brian this is janice. She is also a new model. Janice look at this baby. Brian what makes this 100,000 . This is the most luxurious technologically advanced super duty we have ever built. Its got more than 16 class exclusive features and premium amenities that we have never seen before. Janice it massages me, too. Massaging seats. You have to talk about camel back leather seat. Unique camel back two tone leather surface. Soft leather touching material throughout the truck. Brian brian what i see, too, is about safety. Got 360 camera option. A line alarm. We have up to seven different cameras that you can get on super duty. Many of these customers toe tow and ability to see behind trailers and beside is important luxury trucks have been popular last 10 to 12 years. Leader in that portion of the segment. Brian cab comes down. Power tailgate. Ranges 8,000 f250 limited up to 87,000 for f450. If you get it fully loaded get into the mid 90,000 customer see it as a value they expect all the amenities. Brian there is high end customer. Tell me about the success of the f. Best selling truck for 40 years. F150 has been a huge part of it. Relead and innovate with technology and advancements like this. Expanding our lineup with the super duty version. We think there is a huge opportunity for it. Brian right now there was a time when people said we are moving away from you can interests. As americans, janice backs me up on this we love big cars. Janice we love our trucks. Trucks are america. Trucks are absolutely america. Have bee leader for four years. We are looking forward to being a leader. Brian thank you so much. Brian, thank you congratulations. Corner stone of the president s campaign. Watch. We are building a wall on the southern border, which is absolutely necessary. Believe me, we have to close down our government. Were building that wall. Brian now republicans looking to put a major downtown on that wall. Details ahead. Plus more on petes exclusive interview with President Trump in indiana. You are watching fox friends. Glad youre dressed. New roads and bridges. New mass transit. New business friendly environment. New lower taxes. And new University Partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. Learn more at esd. Ny. Gov when youre clocking out. Sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. There. I can also help with this. Does your bed do that . Oh. I dont actually talk. Though im smart enough to. Im the new sleep number 360 smart bed. Lets meet at a sleep number store. And her new mobile wedding business. Tte at first, getting paid was tough. Until she got quickbooks. Now she sends invoices, sees when theyve been viewed andtadahpaid twice as fast for free. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Were here today in indiana to announce our framework to deliver historic tax relief to the American People. This is about economic growth. Its about bigger paychecks about more jobs. About a fairness system in our tax code. If i could say it as simple as possible. I would say that this tax reform conversation is about keep your money. [laughter] we will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our wealth, we will bring back our Great American dreams. President trump so important to him. When it comes to the respect of our nation when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag. They have no choice. You have to have people stand with respect. Only in america dreaming in red, white, and blue. Steve thats the trump background as President Trump took the stage yesterday in indianapolis to announce the framework for his tax cuts. Its aimed at the middle class. But, according to Grover Norquist who is going to be joining us shortly its going to turbo charge the economy if it went through as it is right now. Abby four beautiful words yesterday made in the u. S. A. Thats what its all about. Trying to get more jobs back in this country. Forgotten man. For the person who doesnt get fought for. That farmer we talked about the estate tax. Liberals just saying thats more money in the pockets of the rich. He had great examples of folks that were farmers going to go to them. On the surface the critics will pay how are we paying for these tax cuts . Where is the revenue coming from. Betting on American People. If given more money they will put it back then. Thats where the dynamic scoring goes in to this. Steve you could hear in the background as the president was walking up, hail to the chief russells and flourishes in the background. Talk about another song National Anthem. Pete seeing seth beforpete hegsl interview with him before he took the stage. Polling thats been done do say you should stand for the anthem. The president talks about how the nfl is in a box and how in fact he feels the owners are actually afraid of their own players. Pete have you certainly started a National Conversation this week on the nfl. You say the nfl situation is a very important situation. Your critics say its been a distraction. But you say its critical. You talk about words like patriotism and citizenship. Why is this an important issue for you. Not a distraction at you will. We have a much stronger military. We have strong borders. So there has been no disrespect how our country, cannot disrespect our flag and National Anthem. And they cant have people sitting National Anthem. And you saw this a year ago with kaepernick. I said this is a terrible thing. I thought it was terrible. Builds up a little bit and little bit more all of a sudden you see more and more. Spoke to our country. And the world has picked it up. Most people agree with me. And the nfl is in a box. They have to do something about it. They are disrespecting, when i say they, in a way it is they because they can stop it. They have rules for everything. You cant dance in the end zone. You cant wear the pink sox relative to Breast Cancer. Which one of the players they have rules for everything. Why arent they honoring this country by enforcing a rule thats been in existence for a long time in the nfl and the players really have to do the honor of the country. Its for the honor of the country. They have to respect our country. They have to respect our flag and our anthem. Pete what prompted that in alabama . I have so many friends thatre owners. And they are in a box. I mean, i have spoken to a couple of them. They say we are in a situation. We have to do something. I think they are afraid of their players you want to know the truth. Disgraceful. Got to be smart because you look at the ratings. The ratings are going way down. The stadiums are, i have seen a couple of stadiums over the last few weeks. They are. There is a lot of empty seats. I couldnt even belie believe i. When it comes to the respect our nation and respect of our anthem and our flag, they have no choice. You have to have people stand with respect. Steve indeed. Brian question is what is going to happen tonight. Looks like the packers are asking them fans to join, in locking arms and standing up. Patriots according to danny, outstanding wide receiver say they look like they will be standing up. I cant see it being worse than last week. Im wondering if taking a step back, if im a coach, this is my Worst Nightmare because all i care about is winning games to keep my job and keep my family fed because its such brutal business. And all you are getting is questions about standing up. National anthem things that happen before the game. I wonder definitely affecting. Abby in a box. Owners i have had conversations behind closed doors with some of these owners. As you said, steve, he think are afraid of these uchingt not an issue want to be dealing with they want to focus on football. Bad for business if people dont stand. Fans start not watching the game or buying the products that are advertised. You mentioned during the packers bears game tonight. The packers fans have been asked to lock arms in what they call a moment of unification. The question is so who are you unified with . Are you with the players . Are you with the protesters . Are you with the president . Standing 100 percent beats kneeling. Abby president said i think most of the country is with me. According to a fox news poll that came out last night 55 of the American People say they feel its inappropriate when players take a knee during the National Anthem. Brian number was lower before the president brought it up. The president said aye had it. I want this to end right now. A lot of people weigh in and say i didnt vote for the president. Therefore im going to be on the other side of that issue. One thing is clear. Its taking an infection and getting to the bottom of it one way or another that infection is either going to expand or going to be cured. Because this is a nightmare for the sponsors. Making fans choose between their team, a day like a three hours away from your problems. Just to focus on what your family fun is. You are making everybody talk about what they are going to be doing on sundays. Cte with the head injuries. There are worse scenarios. Steve we have a fan this sunday we know what theyre not going to be doing. Not wearing memorabilia from their team because they burned it also, apparently down in texas at cypress texas the youth football league. They have looked at this. They have been worried about whether or not people would stand or take a knee during the National Anthem. So do you know what they have decided to could in the neament will nNational Anthem wo longer be allowed at the youth game. They are afraid the anthem has become too politically decisive. Players are saying you are making a big deal out of nothing. Abby this is what the problem is and president was hitting at. We have got to stand up as much as we can for that flag and National Anthem. Thats what this country is all with ultimately this is what we are seeing in response. Lets not play the National Anthem anymore or fly the American Flag. What do we stand for. Steve just play the game. Brian i predicted this a year ago and we have seen. This i thought the worst thing was last wednesday, not last friday. Saw the video of the third graders taking a knee. Next generation might be happy about one thing. Taxes might be less. Parents might have more. President came out with the framework for a tax plan there are reports that he wasnt nearly as pleased as he seemed yesterday. When it first came out. You know, his financial team, team with the house of representatives, ways and means and others and budget in senate. And they come out with one plan with one voice and they seem to be at this point on the same page. Steve if you are wondering hot winners and losers are, the wall street journal breaks it down pretty good today. The winners are people who do not take deductions. This is good for you because they have doubled the standard deduction. Also, brian mentioned the large estate taxes if its greater than 5. 5 million. It also appeals the estate tax. Now the losers are people who live in high tax states. Where they pay state and local property taxes and sales taxes because right now can you deduct them. In new york, california, new jersey, connecticut, they are very, very high. So, those are the state representatives in washington. You are going to hear the loudest saying you cant do that we are already deducting that you cant go ahead and knock the knees out from underneath us. Abby we talked to the president about this. Te hegseth did. We are still waiting for a number of details. People keep saying the dil is in the details. Thats very real. When you think about the three brackets exist from 7 brax to 3. How does that line up with income. How do you define what the middle class is . We asked Kellyanne Conway about that. They are still trying to figure it out. How do you pay down the debt . I think we are at 20 trillion right now. Went up 10 trillion under the obama years. A lot of republicans care about that. How do you balance tax cuts without increasing the debt. Brian 1. 5 trillion will go to the debt. They have incentives to bring offshore investments back. Family can really feel. Talk to Grover Norquist in just two minutes. Right now headline headlines heh jillian. Jillian we do begin with a fox news alert right now. Hugh hefner the hollywood icon to built playboy empire has died. A quote from hef himself. Life is too short to be living somebody elses dream. You arrived just in time because were going to have a swinging party tonight. We hope you come in and join us. How time flies when you are having fun. With just 10,000 hefner published the first issue of playboy in 1953. Now iconic nude portrait of marilyn monroe. He died of Natural Causes at Los Angeles Home surrounded by loved ones. Hugh hefner was 91 years old. President trump call in to check in on motorcycle cop hurt during his trip to indianapolis. Robert turner broke his ankle when he crashed his bike escorting the president around the city. The commander in chief later speaking to turner on the phone from air force one wishing him a quick recovery and thanking him for his service. Its unclear what caused the crash. Well, this is an amazing story. A rookie Houston Texas player giving first nfl paycheck to three women who lost their cars and homes during hurricane harvey. Whats you all do for us every day and never complain, i appreciate you all. Hopefully that will get you back on your feet and anything else you all need. Im always here to help. Jillian quarterback Desean Watson donating 27,000 to a couldve tiara in houston. Everything going on in the nfl thats amazing. Brian thats the way 95 of the players are. They are rearly good guys. Steve other story is getting 100 hers of the headline, unfortunately. Democrat says the president s tax cut plan is all about helping the rich. Next guest says the plan will actually help the economy. Who is right . Grover norquist joins us live next. Abby plus, former first lady 34eu67 shell obama attacking women who voted for President Trump. The controversial comments making some headlines this morning. We have got those for you coming up next. Always there to remind me always something there to remind me Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin Kevin kevin trusted advice for life. Kevin, hows your mom . Life well planned. See what a Raymond James Financial Advisor can do for you. Patients they ask me all of the time. I tell them the thickness of your enamel determines essentially how white your teeth are going to be. The strength of your teeth needs to be there in order for that whiteness to last. I would definitely recommend pronamel strong and bright to my patients to keep their enamel strong, help to keep stains away, and polish their enamel. Theyre going to get whiter, brighter teeth. This is a really great product for my patients. Under this plan, the wealthiest americans and wealthiest corporations make out like bandits while middle americans are left holding the bag. What has been released today makes a total mockery out of the president s pledge that he wanted tax relief to be for the working class and it wouldnt be for the wealthy. Its a swindle of the American People selling the same blueprint the failed trickle down bush tax cuts for the rich did that did not create jobs and only increased the deficit. Steve there you have a trio of democrats blasting the president s tax reform plan. Nothing more than tax cuts for the rich but is it really that. Abby joining us president for americans of tax reform Grover Norquist. Grover, great to have you on on a day like today. How are you doing . Im doing very well. Those three statements were written not only before this tax plan was put forward, but those are the same statements they put out when reagan cut taxes and when bush cut taxes and they would have said the same thing when john f. Kennedy cut taxes. At some point the democrats have got to acknowledge that their policy of higher taxes have slowed and hurt the economy. And we need to get tax rates down to be competitive internationally. Steve i know, grover, you spoke to the Vice President yesterday in anticipation of this tax cut and tax reform bill. But you say the plan, with the administration is this is just phase one. This is going to be one tax cut. And tax reform phase. But there are going to be more during the administration. Well, certainly. We had a tax cut every year that we had a republican president and a Republican Congress under bush. Republican states like florida and texas and North Carolina you have a tax cut every year. With trump, as long as there is a Republican House and astronaut, there will be a tax cut every year. This is going to be a larger one. Its going to be dramatic. And it is. But well go into next year and the year after that and there will be things that we werent able to fit into this tax bill that will get into the next one. Abby you say this will turbo charge the economy. The president on the stump yesterday saying this is about the forgotten man and farmer that cant afford to keep his land and business. This is about bringing jobs back to the u. S. Looking at this bigger picture, grover, who is this tax plan best for . Who is it worse for . Its best for the person who, for the last 8 years, didnt have a job. Because we were growing at 2 a year and we had lousy job numbers. The winners of this are the millions of americans who will get a job because were bringing trillions of dollars overseas back to the United States. Were reducing taxes on businesses. So they can invest in people. And making people more productive. Rather than sending the money to washington, d. C. The biggest winner is the guy who had no job and now makes 30,000 or 40,000 or 50,000 a year. It benefits every american because every single american will see a tax rate reduction. Steve okay, grover, you know everybody in washington, d. C. From your expert analysis, are there democrats who are going to get on board with this . There is not a single democrat in the house or the senate who will vote for this bill if their vote matters. Now, once we have 51 votes in the senate, there may be three or four democrats who are terrified of losing in the 2018 election. That they would throw a vote. In but they would not be the 50th or 51st vote which means their vote doesnt matter because its just pretending. There will be no meekful democrat votes for the bill. Abby try going home to constituents and say i didnt support tax reform. Thats going to be tough for places in West Virginia like joe manchin a very conservative state. Steve thank you very much. Good to be with you. Steve straight ahead, have you seen violence erupt on College Campuses as students protest conservative speakers. Liberals are getting attacked too. Abby lifelontoo. Be a conservats protest conservative speakers. Steve their targeting was supposed to be Allen Dershowitz at Columbia University last night. What happened . Well Allen Dershowitz joins us. Who invited to you columbia and what were you going to talk about. Group of proisrael students invited me to talk about the Peace Process in the middle east. They said they were going to disrupt my speech and prevent me from speaking alleges they have done other speeches at columbia and elsewhere. But we acted preemptively and that is i went public. And i disclosed what they were planning to do. So they chickened out last night. What happened was they protested outside. They came inside but they just put little leaflets on the seats. Brian what you are holding here. They left and wouldnt listen to me. I invited them to come back. Can you ask me the hardest questions. I will stay as long as you want. I will answer every hard question. In fact, only hard questions you get to go first. You get to say whatever you want. They wouldnt engage me. They only want to protest. At least they didnt disrupt so the event went forward. Everybody was happy. Brian professor, protests are nothing new we have seen the videos from the 60s and 70s and you say you are used to it. Something different about this they dont want to win the argument they want to make a scene. Has nothing to do with the argument. I had a plan. If they were going to disrupt me and boo i was going to start out by making first a propalestinian statement saying i support a palestinian state. They would go boo, boo. I would say see it, has nothing to do when w. What im saying its just an attempt to shouted me down. I may have an opportunity to do this because i have also been invited to speak at berkeley. Berkeley said i cant speak there because im, quote, a high visibility person. Steve which is true. If you are high visibilities, you have to give 8 weeks in the unless you are invited by amendment did. Now here is the trick, department invite antiisrael speakers all the time so they dont have to go through 8 week thing. They dont invite proisrael speakers. We have 8 week barrier whereas antiisrael speakers dont have 8 week barrier. Im going to sue berkeley if they dont allow me to speak. They make me wait 8 weeks and allow antiisrael speakers to come in three or four days that is a lawsuit. Steve that is breaking news. You are going are a them because the First Amendment doesnt have 8 week written into it. Berkeley university taxpayer money. They are bound by the First Amendment. They cant impose one rule on proisrael speakers and one rule on antiisrael speakers. One rule on conservatives and one on liberals. What is the desks of high profile . Would they actually turn down President Trump if he said i want to speak there in a week. Would they turn down a famous actor, a liberal, progressive actor . I dont think so. They have to have a single standard and were going to hold them in it. If they dont abide by it were going to take them to court. Abby good for you, good for you for standing up for free speech. We lost sight of what that means. You pay 800,000 to protect a speaker on the campus now. The students are upset. Students are being are aing. They are telling me that theyre being denied the opportunity to listen to speakers that they want to hear. Brian finally, do you know what bothers me most . Your topic. The fact that being proisrael gets this type of anger in america bothers me to no end. At a Major University in the city of morning. If you are a proisrael speaker treated differently than antiisrael speaker. Im not going to let berkeley get away with that Public University have to comply with the First Amendment. We will win that suit. Steve you just heard it Allen Dershowitz suing berkeley. If. Steve book out trumped up, a great read. Abby good to see you. Stay tuned for that one. Coming up, this football fan so fired up about players taking a knee, he burned his steelers jacket in protest. Well, that man is going to join us live straight ahead. Brian plus, as republicans fail to repeal obamacare, will the republicans tur republn president turn to democrats for healthcare reform. What the president told pete hegseth about working with chuck and nancy. We can live forever its fine by me i have so many friends that are owners. And theyre in a box. I mean, i have spoken to a couple of them. They say we are in a situation where we have to do something. I think they are afraid of their players you want to know the truth. And i think its disgraceful. And they have got to be tough. And they have got to be smart because you look at the ratings, the ratings have gone way down. The stadiums are, i have seen a couple of stadiums over the last few weeks, they are losing there are a lot of empty seats. I couldnt even believe it. Steve donald trump know as lot of the owners of envelope teams so for him to reveal that to our own pete hegseth. He has had those conversations. It sounds like the owners just dont know what the players are going to do next. Brian the problem is they let this thing get out of control. If they cracked down a year and a half ago they probably wouldnt be in a box because so many other times there has been examples of this where players get out of line and they crack down. I remember with the new york giants they had joe morris walk around and fine players if their socks werent high enough, wearing the wrong cleats, didnt have their helmet. They got fines. They literally got tickets. Abby pete hecksets has been down in indianapolis and he was able to get that interview with the president. Strong insight behind closed doors. Conversations that had been going on between the president and the head of the nfl. He said he spoke to some of these owners. Brian to your point almost like the broken windows theory of policing the sidelines. If you dont do the small stuff then the egg big stuff gets away from you. In this case thats very much the case. The president was willing to triple and quadruple down on this. Issue of civic culture whether or not we honor our country and the flag. So he was it was not difficult to get him to comment at length on this issue because he is truly passionate about it he was there in indiana to talk about his new tax reform, what he calls the single largest tax cut in american history. We also had a chance to ask him about healthcare going down as well as all the other issues facing him including Mitch Mcconnell whether he has confidence in him. This is what he had to say behind the scenes, behind the stage before he went and spoke about tax reform. Mr. President , were here in indiana and you are going to launch your tax reform plan in front of this crowd. Who your tax reform plan intended to help. Working people. Middle class. People that havent been treated fairly for a long time have not been treated right. Also, its going to be for businesses where they are going to employ jobs. Where they are going to bring in jobs. Its for jobs. This is a tax plan for jobs and growth. Growth for our country. It will be the largest reduction in terms of dollars of any plan ever in the history of the country. And its going to be something very special. But its really for the middle income people and its for the working people and its for jobs. Pete are there any rates or brackets that are nonnegotiable . Yeah, the 20 is nonnegotiable. I wanted to do it 5 . This is for business. I wanted to do it 15 . If you look at china, china is 15 . Other countries are at higher. I mean, we are the highest taxed nation in the world. When i finish the plan, we will be among the lower taxed, which is very good. I would like to be the lowest. You cant be the lowest. There are some that are ridiculous. I want it to be at 15. In fact, i was going to start at 15 and maybe negotiate it up to 20. But the numbers really work at 20. So we are putting n at 20 but we are not going to negotiate. Pete president , the healthcare bill this week went down in the senate. What about this plans make you feel confident it wont meet the same fate. The Healthcare Plan didnt go down. We have the votes but reconciliation is a disaster. As you know it ends on friday. We dont have enough time. We have one senator a yes vote. A great person. He is in the hospital. Is he a yes vote. We cant do it by friday. We have the votes. We will do it sometime at the beginning of the year but prior to the election in november. Pete do you still have confidence in Mitch Mcconnell . I do. I mean, look, i have dealt with mitch for a long time. I think he has to get rid of the filibuster rule. Its a disaster for the Republican Party because it means you need 60 votes on most pieces of legislation and you are not going to get it there are 270 bills right now sitting before the senate. You are not going to get them approved because you are not going to get 8 democrats. They want to keep this horrible filibuster rule, which says, basically, you need 60. So that means you need 8 democrats to get something approved, and youre not going to get that so they have to get rid of the filibuster rule, otherwise, its they are just making a mistake. But, no, i have confidence in look, i really like all of these people. I have think they are terrific people. What im going to do is we do have the votes for healthcare, but the filibuster, you know, if you look at what is going on with respect to timing, we have only until friday for reconciliation. We are going into next year. In the meantime, im going to start negotiating with democrats and well see what happens. Pete do you feel like when you start negotiating with democrats, do you feel like you can trust Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi. Its not an issue of trust. Phil, i have a nice relationship with them. Its not really trust. If we can do a great healthcare bill bipartisan im okay with that. Pete, we have the votes to get it done. You cant do it when somebody is in the hospital. You know, when you have 5 votes, and you need 51 its very hard to get. Some cases think want to grand stand. A lot of bad things happen. But we have the votes but we dont have the time because its friday. I mean, literally friday it ends at a certain time on friday. So we will bring it in to a few months from now. We will vote it its block grants. Its going to be great healthcare but in the meantime i have that little period of time, i will negotiate with the democrats if we can come up with a fantastic healthcare bill, thats okay for me. Good for both parties bipartisan. Pete brian, in the last hour you asked who that senator is hospitalized. Thad cochran. He had a yiewrge logical test or treatment a while back and recovering at his home in mississippi. So not able to be in washington u. Brian i dont understand, pete, they didnt even have 50 votes. So thad cochran could have been running a triathlon. They dont have the numbers in the senate. Pete yeah. I think he is moving on to an issue that he feels like republicans can unite around in the hopes this wins brings the opportunity for another. Of course as he has often done talks about the filibuster rule and how thats problematic. Abby also, pete, working with democrats. The classic art of the deal. He said, look, if it comes to getting a deal done we will do what we have to do even if that means getting democrats on board with healthcare and now with tax reform. That question came on the heels of the reports that the reports he could be signing an executive order that allows states to us to buy healthcare across state lines which has long been a free market aspect how you solve this. A deal coupled with that. I pressed him on does it have to be repealed . He said it didnt have to be repealed but thats ultimately what he would like to do. Brian nobody thinks it doesnt need to be fixed. Steve whats interesting is if the president is able Via Executive order buy merck across state lines that is so different than what we heard from the leaders in the Republican Party. They said that would be in phase ii. The first part was what they were going to vote on this year and then phase ii but it turns out maybe the president with a pen and a phone can do phase ii by himself. Pete too many phases to keep track of for sure. A lot of it sounds like excuses from the swamp when it comes down to it. Abby great work out there. See you next hour. Pete thanks, appreciate it. Steve 19 minutes before the top of the hour. Jillian starts with headlines. Good morning to you guys and to you at home as well. Police forced to shoot and kill a murder suspect when he opens fire from feet away. We do want to warn you the video is graphic. Get your hands up. [gunfire] he fired. [groaning] im hit. Im hit. On on body camera video showing the suspect falling to the ground in a shootout with sacramento police. Officer also shot in bullet proof vest falling to the floor. He will be okay. That suspect was wanted for killing his exgirlfriend and her daughter. Michelle obama is criticizing women who didnt vote for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 elections. The former first lady telling an audience at a marketing conference in boston, quote any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice. Many of us said that guy, he is better for me. His voice is more true to me. Well, to me that just says you dont like your voice. The former first lady adding she does hope President Trump succeeds in office. Get ready to dance because the super bowl halftime favorite could be returning to the stage. I cant stop the feeling just, dance, dance, dance i cant stop the feeling so just dance, dance, dance. Jillian Justin Timberlake is reportedly finalizing a deal to perform at the big game in minneapolis next year. Its been 13 years since his super bowl performance with Janet Jackson. Who could forget when he ripped off part of her costume . Im sure she is going to be the surprise guest. Jillian do you believe its been 13 years . Steve people always remember Janet Jackson but you forget about the guy standing next to her. No one can forget j. T. Abby he has been kind of quiet. Brian Jackson Jimmy fall lodge. Cast. I hate to blow halftime. Abby and. Brian brian all i want to do is dance, dance, dance. Steve Justin Timberlake is very talented entertainer. That would be a great show. Brian almost as entertaining as our next guest. Abby a flag put on the floor of a high school. Principal defending it saying it is not disrespect,art. Brian president picked a fight with the nfl and players over the nf American Flag and family. Crisis management expert Ari Fleischer here right now. 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Ask your doctor about victoza®. President trump doubling down yesterday on the growing nfl controversy. Here to react is former White House Press secretary under george w. Bush Communications Expert Fleischer Communications if you have a crisis you call Ari Fleischer. I thought but right away when the president made remarks. This is going to be huge on sunday. If i hire you if the nfl hired Ari Fleischer help them through, this Racial Injustice, patriotism, wrapping up in the flag, disrespecting the flag, international persona. How do we solve this . The nfl has gone through two phases of this. First phase was internal. Trying to have unit with the players. Thats why you saw the owners lock arms with players amazingly. United the owners with plafers more than anything else. Here is the problem for the nfl. They need to diest indicate la. Donald trump will win this fight. Thats why the nfl has to figure out a way to have fewer players every week to take a to me. Otherwise the nfl is going to stay in hot water. Brian they say they have brought the donald trump, the president of the United States has brought players and owners together. Thats a good thing. The commissioner said i have never been prouder of my league. Now bring them behind the scenes when the door close. Thats my point. Inpersonal termly thats what happens with the nfl. Created a whole lot more kneelers. The fans and response sores dont like it. Most americans dont like it. Forget donald trump for a minute. Everybody believes almost everybody for the National Anthem place your hand over your later and take off your hat. Thats how we are raised most people are in this country. Interesting stat. Only 12 of nfl players didnt stand for the National Anthem. 88 did. Still after all this fuss 88 of players wanted to stand for the National Anthem. Ari, what do you do . The president said they are in a box. Future of the league is really going to the bottom line is going to pay a price and ultimately the players. Time heals all wounds. Brian dont talk about it anymore. Tell the players you made your point. You took your knee. You really need tond stavment thats the point. Brian union too though. Union is going to support it like i said 88, 12. There is a bigger group of players who dont want to deal with this issue. They want to play football and also want to respect the flag. Thats the fight donald trump is picking. I will say i dont think these players werent sobs, i wish the president hadnt used those remarks. The president is right about the broad issue. These guys are thoughtful e they are trying to figure things out. I dont like the fact they decided to take a knee. I think its wrong and disrespectful. They are struggling with something about race and trying to figure tut t. Out. They are not sobs. They are struggling. Brian thats what a lot of people started focusing on. Not looking at Racial Injustice looking at the flag. They want you to focus on Racial Injustice. It feels as though they picked the wrong issue and the man who started it Collin Kaepernick right now is without a job. Cant have it both ways cant take advantage of the publicity of the National Anthem and no say its not about the National Anthem. This one was free next one will cost us. Pete hegseth goes one on one with our President Trump. Football fans so inspired up about taking a knee. He burned his steelers jacket. Is he not the only one as ari nods and said thats part of the ramifications. Thats the fallout what so proudly we hailed as the twilights esurance does insurance a smarter way. Which saves money. They offer paperless billing and automatic payments. Which saves paper. Which saves money. They offer home and auto coverage, so you can bundle your policies. Which saves hassle. Which saves money. 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Joining us now is veteran arvin gibson. Thank you for your service. Why did you burn your merchandise . Well, thank you. The primary reason that i did it the first time was they ruined one of americas favorite sunday afternoon past times. Steve okay. Brian go ahead, im sorry, sir. Go ahead. Then they showed a lot of disrespect for all of our Fallen Soldiers and our wounded veterans. Folks sacrificed a lot just their ability to express their opinion, it is disrespectful of the flag and the family. Steve so have you been a fan, arvin since 1966 of the steelers . Yes. Steve you say now you are done, right . Im done. It will take a lot of work to gain my respect. Brian Ben Roethlisberger the quarterback of your Favorite Team says he feels bad about the way he handled it. I sense he is going to be doing Something Different than staying in the locker room like the whole team did. If they do that and this thing starts to calm down, you might goack . I dont know. I will have to take a wait and see attitude on that. Abby arvin, do you have a message for these nfl players that have decided to take a knee during the National Anthem . If you were able to sit in a room and speak to them what would you say . I would simply say if you have an issue, go to the source, sit down and have an open minded conversation and resolve the problem. Its an attack against not only our nation and what we have stood for over the years but its an attack against our military. Attack against christianity and attack against christian beliefs and our god. This thing should not be going on like this. Steve well, if, are arvin you are not going to be watching the Pittsburgh Steelers on sundays what are you going to be doing on sunday afternoons. My wife and i resolved that problem sunday. We decided to make ourselves a good cup of coffee, sit on the rear deck and i saharan maded heserenaded her with my gr music. Abby sounds like a great sunday. Steve thank you for joining us and thank you for your service. Abby arvin, thank you. Brian see if my wife wants me to play the clarinet this sunday. Abby your wife would rather you stay watching football as long as possible. Steve is tax reform do or die for the Republican Party . We will talk to Kevin Mccarthy about that next hour. Abby arvin gibson is not the only fan lost. Dan bongino says he isnt either. Are you fired up about, this dan . Where i come from vin Kevin Kevin Kevin trusted advice for life. Kevin, hows your mom . Life well planned. See what a Raymond James Financial Advisor can do for you. Everything i did circled smaround that cigarette when i started taking the chantix that urge just slowly diminished and it was a great and empowering feeling. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is. Agitation, depressed mood or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. 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Say it as simple as possible i would say this tax reform conversation is about hashtag, keep yo money. We will bring back our johnson. We will bring back our wealth. We will bring back our Great American dreams. President trump doubling down why the National Anthem is so important to him. The nfl can not disrespect our country. You have to tell the players, you made your point, you took your knee. Really need to stand. When it comes to the respect of our nation, when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag, they have no choice. You have to have people stand with respect. Steve i think of all the people we talked to about the anthem protest, alvin we talked to from pittsburgh. That is good sound bite. Now that he is no longer supporting his Pittsburgh Steelers, on sunday afternoon, get a big pot of coffee, go out on the back deck with his wife and serenade her. Abby alvin gibbs, said i spent so much of my life. I cant do it anymore. What do you do with your sundays . Spend the time with me wife or the porch. Brian that song by the cars. I thought the cars would be around forever. Who knew they would stop after two albums. Steve i hope you held on to it. It is collectors item. Abby how old were you when you got your second album. Brian im not sure. There was sam goodys, you remember that . Steve pete hegseth, actually stood up with the president yesterday before he went out to address the nation regarding his tax cut plan. Here is pete talking to the about the nfl and the box, the president says, theyre now in. You certainly started a National Conversation this week, mr. President , on the nfl you say the nfl situation is a very important situation. Your critics say it has been a distraction. You say it is critical talking about patriotism and citizenship. Why is this an important issue . Its important. It is not a distraction at all. We have passed 50 pieces leslation. We have Supreme Court judge. We h maveh stronger military. Well get the wall and all the things we said. Today is the big day, were announcing biggest tax cuts in history of our country. There has been no distraction but the nfl can not disrespect our country. They can not disrespect our flag, or our National Anthem. And they cant have people sitting down or kneeling down during our National Anthem. And i saw this a year ago with kaepernick. This is terrible thing. I thought it was terrible. Then builds up a little bit and little bit more. You see what has been happening. All of sudden you see more and more. I came out, made a statement in alabama the other day. I said it is disrespectful to our country and the world. Guess what . Most people agree with me. The nfl is in a box. They have to do something about it. Theyre disrespecting, when i say they, in a way it is they can stop it. They have rules for everything. You cant dance in the end zone. You cant wear pink socks relative to Breast Cancer, they have rules for everything. Why arent they honoring this country by enforcing a rule that has been in existence for a long time . So the nfl, and the players really have to do the honor of the country. It is for honor of the country, they have to respect our country. They have to respect our flag and our anthem. What prompted that in alabama . I have so many friend that are owners. Theyre in a box. We are in a situation where we have to do something. I think theyre afraid of their players you want to know the truth. I think it is disgraceful. They have to be tough and they have to be smart. Because you look at ratings. The ratings are going way down. The stadiums, i have seen a couple stadiums over the last few weeks, there are a lot of empty seats. I couldnt even believe it. But when it comes to the respect of our nation, when it comes to the respect of our anthem and our flag, they have no choice. You have to have people stand with respect. Ste you will hear the balance of petes interview with the president in 20 minutes. Meantime, dan bongino, former secret service guy and former new york city podcast and the renegade republican. I stole it from obama. Abby you have been a police officer. Youve been a secret Service Agent serving the president of the United States. Yeah. Abby as were having debate in the country about the kneeling, how fire i had up are you . Where do you fall . Im absolutely disgraced. It is really ravens went overseas to play the game in london stuck it in my craw. I get it, let me be crystal clear. This is not about anybodys big right to protest. You absolutely have the right to do it. Whether you have the right to do on nfl field which is private enterprise is totally different story. Brian which you dont. Up to the eagan. If you did something on fox they didnt approve of they have the right to let you go or not. What bothers me about the manner which they do it. Totally disinagainstous, for them to say we didnt mean to disrespect the flag. Why did you give up for god save the queen. When you ask them, i guarranty we didnt want to disrespect the united kingdom. It was okay to disrespect us. You liars. Total fraud. Brian starspangled banner was written in baltimore. The flag still there at for the mchenry. Against a country we fought to get our freedom from, we stood and salute their National Anthem while disrespecting our National Anthem. What about the fact that there is, some say there is Racial Injustice in this country and they want to make the country better . The country had color barrier in major sports. That changed, right . We used, black and whitewater fountains. That changed. Why cant we go the next step . This is courageous to stand up and do it. Well listen, i dont think anybody the question the country has a scared history with race. That is obviously from slavery to jim crow. That is conversation we should all have. You shouldnt be judge by the color of your skin, that is the clear as day. The problem with the protest, it is exact opposite. People are not talking about race. Theyre talking about disrespecting the American Flag. Steve dan, doesnt that mean the president is winning this argument . I know sometimes, people, protrump supporters saying he is doing 4d chess when he was not. This time he was. This is between just move. You do not disrespect the American Flag. Brian 85 of public to approve and donald trump needs 51. That is the key. He won. This is big win for him. Steve illinois, your Community High school. Want to show you, this was a staffcreated project on the First Amendment rights. What they decided to do was they decided to feature the flag on the ground of the chicago Art Institute back in 1989. That was then. This is now. So some teachers there in english and social Science Department did this. So people are furious. You kw, youre never supposed to have the f touchhe ground. Some students look, if youre basing it on something historical where there are photographs exist, show us the picture. Dont actually put it on the ground like a doormat. Abby the principal has a statement, saying this is just art, dan. Lets respect that. It is art. Meanwhile, it is perfectly goes to show the point i made for a while in my own commentary. The only safe place in america commentarywise, will not be boycotted or kicked out of polite circles is antiamericanism. Remember the statue of the virgin mary and urine. If you put a picture of cops as pigs in the capitol, that is all safe. Minute you Say Something god forbid, like donald trump said, you are kneeling before our nations flag. Get up you sobs. For eight years conservatives are racist, misogynists, any kind of phobe, for eight years, were supposed to be offended after being under assault for eight years because donald trump used a vulgar term to describe people disrespecting our flag. Give me a break. Abby do you think he was right to use those terms. Damn right he is right. This is first president in a long time, gave doublebarreled middle finger to the left. Im not listening to this crap anymore. Abby how does the country heal, dan . Seeps there is even bigger divide between blacks and whites having this conversation . How do we come back together . How do we respect the flag and National Anthem together as one . Abby, i wish there was a great utopian world answer for this but there is not. Far left, not all democrats, i want to be clear, far left is antiamerican imperialist empire attitude. What is middle ground on that . If youre willing to accept this is the greatest country and there is no middle ground. Brian it all figures into the war on history, war on our own National History with monuments and statues. I want to end what will happen tonight. We understand the packers are asking fans to join them locking arms, but standing up for the anthem. Is dan bongino is okay with that . I think that is strong move. Patriotic. Factors fans own the team. That is team is particularly precarious position. You really dont want to upset them. I think it is a good move. Accepting that this isatriotic country that accepts ameri for all the flaws, is the right move. Standing lock in arms. Steve suggest unification, but unify about what . Unified in standing. Steve not kneeling . Not in universal sign of disrespect towards the greatest country on earth. That is unacceptable. Abby will you be watching . No, im boycotting the nfl. I will be honest. Steve 40 minutes he will be downstairs with us and well do cooking with the bonginos. Meet my wife. She is a little nervous. Abby dan is not doing the cooking. His wife is doing the cooking. My wife is great though. Abby dan, thank you so much. See you soon. Steve 11 minutes after top of the hour. Jillian is there with the headlines. Jillian eagles locked in arms with police and military. We expect to see it tonight. Fox news alert, hugh hefner, the hollywood icon who built the playboy empire has died. Jenny mccarthy tweeting, resting in peace, hef. Thanks for changing so many peoples lives, especially mine. I hope you made you proud. Rob lowe said, quote, i had a number of great conversations with hugh hefner. A interesting man. What end of an era. Hefner published the first playboy in 1953 with the iconic portrait of marilyn monroe. He died had his Los Angeles Home surrounded by loved ones. Hugh hefner was 91 years old. Two people were arrested after several fights broke out over the right to free speech. Protesters flooding the campus, trying to shut down conservative speaker ben shapiros appearance. Counterprotesters showed up, slamming the hypocrisy. Im here to protect free speech. I think it is unconstitutional. I think theyre they are a bunch of babies the. Jillian the university shelled out 25,000 to increase security for the event. That is quick look at headlines. Steve jillian, thank you so much. Fox news alert. Puerto ricans waiting for supplies being rushed to the hurricaneravaged island. Geraldo rivera is there with the latest. Abby a reality winner is blaming fox news. You have to hear this one. Well be back. Shawn evans its 6 am. 40 million americans are waking up to a gillette shave. And at our factory in boston, 1,200 workers are starting their day building on over a hundred years of heritage, craftsmanship and innovation. Today were bringing you americas number one shave at lower prices every day. Putting money back in the pockets of millions of americans. As one of those workers, im proud to bring you gillette quality for less, because nobody can beat the men and women of gillette. Gillette the best a man can get. Steve we have a fox news alert for you right now. U. S. Military and white house ramping up recovery and relief efforts on the island of puerto rico after Hurricane Maria devastated it. Brian moments ago press secretary Sarah Sanders huckabee, tweeted this out. At rikard corossellos. Jones act will be waved for puerto rico. What does that mean. Abby it requires everything from u. S. Ports carried on ships built, owned by americans. Brian Geraldo Rivera is live from san juan. What is happening today . What are the challenges today . First of all bravo of the president for suspension of the jones act. That can get bulk relief in here which is critically necessary. They need it on the huge scale to help out what is happening. Im at one of the zombie condos line the strip. So many highrise buildings without electrical power, water. 12 stories, 15 stories high. No elevators. No way to flush the toilet. You have need gallons of water to bring it up there to flush. That is the part of the crisis in puerto rico. The fleet is on the job. The uss cursage, the navy, United States marines whatever they can bear to help out the cause. This hospital is one of the targets of the navy, navy concern. The Memorial Hospital in a important eastern town that was devastated. We toured it, absolutely devastated by Hurricane Maria which followed hurricane irma. Here is how the ships doctors assistant, lieutenant bryson assessed the damage at the hospital. Floor has still about two inches water, standing water in there of four days. There is evidence of mold on the ceiling and the walls. We generally didnt want t stay longer than we had to, it is not a healthy environment to stay in. No way they can see patients in there at this point. One of the real problems was the emergency generator was out. So a team of seabees and u. S. Marines worked hard on the generator, the emergency generator to get it going. Finally they had some success. I cant even express the joy. Im speechless, except that i want to make sure that everybody who is listening to us, knows how grateful, how thankful we are for everything, every person, every resource, everybody who we know working around the clock to help us. Help we need. We are getting up. We havent closed our doors. And we just are so grateful, thank you, thank you, thank you, america. The church was founded by the United Church of christ 100 years ago. That is a food place for your generosity. Go to the church of your faith, the churches are really on the ground. They are honest, and you can donate through your church, that will help out here in puerto rico, this devastating crisis. Steve good advice. Geraldo, thank you very much, live from san juan. Brian we know the president will be there on tuesday. Coming up next House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy live on the tax reform and budget. Choicehotels. Com. Badda book. Badda boom. Thats it . He means book direct at choicehotels. 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Liver problems can occur with entyvio. If your uc or crohns medication isnt working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about entyvio. Entyvio. Relief and remission within reach. Think the lack of action in washington is the houses fault. Listen. We passed 337 bills in the house as of this week. You have different administration. This is more than obama at same tim morehan bush, more than cnton, more than h. W. Bush. More bills passed house this year under donald trump at this time than obama and both bushes and clinton. The challenge we have is this chart. 274 of them are still being, are still in the senate. What can they do about it . Joining us House Majority leader Kevin Mccarthy. Congressman, i dont know if you saw it last night, you feel as though the house is working. The senate isnt it, because they need the 60 for the most part. How do you get through this . We continue to do our job in the house. Think what weve been able to achieve, number of bills. More so than any modern congress you had in the first year of a new presidency. 16 Human Trafficking bills. 16 congressional review acts. 14 signed in the law. In history of america only one other congress ever done one of those. Reforming va. Repealing, replacing obamacare, we moved that out. And other thing that we did, we did all 12 of the appropriation bills. Last time a republican majority did that the iphone wasnt invented. Brian gotcha. Were doing our work. We need a little help on the other chamber. Brian are you concerned at all when judge moore wins that senate runoff, they say he is more populist than traditional conservative . Do you think republicans will be fighting within themselves come, come the midterms in a year . I never get concerned. I celebrate when a republican wins an election. That is exciting. You know, we are a party that can work and move this country forward. Look what we just unveiled yesterday. A new tax plan, one that is fairer. Lets americans keep more what they en. Brings the lowest rate for small business, the lowest it haeen in 80 years. That is what creates new jobs. That is what we have to continue to work on. Brian democrats saying you give way too much to the rich. Getting rid of estate tax helps rich households. They dont like the fact you lowered rates for major companies. What is your answer to that . First of all, why do want double taxation . Talk to christie when she had to do when her father was farmer died in an accident. She had to borrow money to pay for a farm they already had because the American Government said they needed to tax them on that . What do you think about lowering and letting america be more competitive . You know the last eight years under barack obama, if you take his very best growth year, that is actually lower than the worst year under bill clinton. We have got to get america moving again. And that means a tax code that can be competitive. Today American Companies that are competitive around the world, are tax code forces them to take the money to invest in another country, instead of bringing it back to america and investing here. The most important part, think of all the days you spend trying to fill out your tax code. You will now do your tax return in minutes. Because it will be on a postcard. Brian right. It is fair, it is simple. It is an american plan. Brian so i understand the house and senate got together with the white house and, this is a unified production. However, where, what is the next step in the process . When people say get this done before december, are they being practical . Theyre being practical, especially in the house. You know, we just spent a retreat yesterday five hours walking through this entire conference. Brian right. You heard the president talk to the American People. And what youre going to find first, the first phase is getting the budget done. I Just Announced next week well move the budget. That is the first phase getting tax reform, that starts the process for reconciliation. Ways and means will start taking up the tax bill, move that through the house on to the senate. Brn right. I have to give a lot of credit tsideo pre trump. He has brought both houses together. Worked out differences. Put a tax plan for all of america. Brian i know he feels like he can work with you. However you got to work. You have to stop with the days off on the calendar. Your a leader in the house, start putting, you have to start rolling up sleeves and putting in sevenday work weeks, stop days off, dont you agree . You can make that happen. If you find, we have more work days . Here than average in congress. More bills passed this congress than before. But i agree with you, we need to work as much as we can to get all the work done. I will keep us in long as it takes to make sure we get taxes done this year. Brian i pride myself as problem solver. I want to do this right now. I want to bring in to my left, the other Kevin Mccarthy. You have the same name but very different interests and expertise. Youre the lawmaker. He is not. The movie guy. It hasnt stopped tweets coming, should be going to you, vice versa. I get a lot of people upset with me some of his reviews on some of these movies. We need to sit down, together, review a movie and review the tax code. Lets do it together. See a few of these tweets, see if we get to the bottom of this. Go ahead. Ie been getting a lot of your tweets, mr. Mccarthy. This says, quote, realdonaldtrump, real Kevin Mccarthy tv. 85 of americans wanted obamacare fixed, not replaced. They put at lawrence. I respond to your tweets with movie reviews. Since they said lawrence, give them recommendation of lawrence of arabia. I you mentioned lawrence, i wanted to give you a response to lawrence of arabia. That is what ive been doing. By the way, mr. Mccarthy you respond to one of the people that tweeted to but the commentary. They said nothing to be sorry about, but i find everything Kevin Mccarthy tv reports to be much more informative than gop leader ever said. You responded with, Kevin Mccarthy tv has great movie reviews. I appreciate the final thought, kevin. If you saw coach caliparis tweet yesterday, he came out to the Charity Basketball game. There is picture of him sitting on the sidelines. Im sitting with my good friend Kevin Mccarthy, explaining why he is not in the game. Brian appreciate it. You can go home now. I see you soon. Watch a movie at the white house together sometime. Come on. Brian thanks, guys. Meanwhile still ahead, more on pete hegseths exclusive interview with president of the United States. That story is next. Now that we solved that problem. Ork . Todd. Hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game fist pump your real bikes all fixed. Man, you guys are good well, we are the numberone motorcycle insurer in the country. Wait. You have a real motorcycle . And real insurance, with 24hour customer support. Arcade game wipeout oh well. I retire as champion. Game hog champion. I have so many friend that are owners. And theyre in a box. I spoken to a couple of them. They say we are in a situation where we have to do something. I think theyre afraid of their players you want to know the truth . I think it is disgraceful. They have to be tough and smart. You look at ratings. Ratings going way down. The stadiums, i have seen a couple stadiums over the last few weeks, they are, there are a lot of empty seats. I couldnt even believe it. Steve one thing the president feels he is getting good news, according to number of polls, majority of americans feel as the president does, people should stand when they play things that anthem. Abby pete hegseth getting exclusive interview with President Trump. You were at the event. Spoke to him before he came out on stage. Spoke to him about the nfl and tax reform. Very strong opinions and words on that. A lot of enthusiasm on him. He is quadrupling down on coents about the anthem and players kneeling. This is about our civic life. How fruitful it is we have common bond standing for National Anthem, loving our country. This is right before he gave what could be historic tax reform in indiana. We caught him beforehand backstage. I never seen as much energy surrounding the president. Chief of staff john kelly was there, gary cohn, stephen miller, they were all there. There was excitement and anticipation this is issue are certainly galvanized on. Certainly the president is enthusiastic about tax code, reforming tax code, obamacare, is that really dead. Is he willing to work with democrats . Is he confident with Mitch Mcconnell . That is what he had to say. Mr. President were here in indiana. You will launch the tax reform plan in front of this crowd. Who is your tax plan intended to help . Really the working people. We say the working people, middle class, the people have not been treated right, pete, have not been treated right for a long time. Also, it is going to be for businesses where theyre going to employ jobs, where they bring in jobs. It is for jobs. This is a tax plan for jobs and growth. Growth for our country. It will be the largest reduction in terms of dollars of any plan ever in the history of the country. And it is going to be something very special. It is really for the middle income people and it is for the working people and it is for jobs. Are there any rates or brackets nonnegotble . The 20 is nonnegotiable. I wanted to do it at 15 . This is for business. If you look at china, china is at 15 . Other countries are higher. Right now were highest taxed nation in the world. When i finish the plan, well be among the lower taxed which is very good. I would like to be the lowest. You cant be the lowest. Some are ridiculous. I wanted to be at 15. In fact i was going to start at 15, maybe negotiate up to 20. But numbers really work at 20. Were putting at 20. Well not negotiate. Mr. President , Health Care Bill this week went down in the senate. What about this plan makes you feel confident it wont meet the same fate . Pete, Health Care Bill it didnt go down. We have the votes but reconciliation is disaster. It end as you know on friday. We dont have enough time. We have one senator a yes vote, great person but he is in the hospital. And he is a yes vote. So we cant do it by friday. So we have the votes. We will do it sometime at the beginning of the year, but prior to the election in november. You still have confidence in Mitch Mcconnell . I do. I have dealt with mitch a long time. I think he has to get rid of the filibuster rule. That is disaster for Republican Party. That means you need 60 votes on most legislation. You will not get it. There are 270 bills before you get the senate. You will not get them approved. Because you need eight democrats. It wants to keep the horrible filibuster read which means you need 60. That means you need 8 democrats to get something approved. You will not get that. They have to get rid of filibuster rule, otherwise they are making a mistake. I have confidence, look, i really like all of thighs people. I think theyre terrific people. What im going to do, we do have the votes for health care but the filibuster, if you look what is going on with respect to timing, we have only friday until reconciliation. Were going into next year. Meantime i will start negotiating with democrats, well see what happens. Do you feel like, when you start negotiating with democrats do you feel like you can trust Chuck Schumer panel approximately . It is not question of trust. I have a nice relationship. It is not really trust. If we do a great Health Care Bill, bipartisan im okay with that. Even if it is not repeal . We have the votes to get it done. You cant do it with somebody in the hospital. When you have 52 votes, and you need 51, it is very hard to get and you always have sebody. Ine cases they want to grandstand. A lot of bad things happen. We have the votes but we dont have time because it is friday. It is literally friday it end at a certain time on friday. Well bring it into a few months from now. Well vote it. It is block grants. It will be great health care. But meantime i have that little period of time. I will negotiate with the democrats. If we can come up with a fantastic Health Care Bill, that is okay with me. Good for both party the. Bipartisan. As you can see the president generous with Mitch Mcconnell at this time. I think ability to get tax reform done will ultimately determine whether or not he continues to have confidence in the majority leader. A big Headline Health care, a lot of people say it is dead. The president is convinced it is not over yet. May not be full repeal, republican or democrat this law need to change. Everyone agrees to that. He will likely sign an executive order that allows people to buy Health Insurance across state lines. That is something they wanted for a long time. They can do that, tax reform, go to repeal and replace. He is hopeful momentum will be there by that time. Steve thanks for flying out to indianapolis. Abby come back. I need you for the weekend. Nice work out there. Steve thank you, sir. You heard President Trump say his new tax plan is for jobs and growth. Bob massi why the plan is classy for the American Dream coming up next. Brian protected president obama as u. S. Secret Service Agent but this morning dan bongino is here with his family. Cooking with friends. Abby surrounded by beautiful ladies. Patrick woke up with a sore back. But hes got work to do. So he took aleve this morning. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. 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We do know terrists organizations have interest in using drones. Weve seen that overseas already with some growing frequency. And i think expectation is it is coming here imminently. Counterterror agencies think drones could be used to drop small explosives or spread toxic gases. Fbi director chris wray says he has 2000 open terror cases right now, both domestic and isis related. Reality winner says she such a classified document out of the nsa by tucking it into her panty hose according to an interview with fbi. She told agents up set with the job playing fox news on tv. For god sake, put al jazeera a slide show of peoples pets. I tried everything to get things changed. Abby. Abby i dont think al jazeera is still in business. Well take the compliment. This has one main concept in mind, proamerican. We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our wealth. For every citizen across this land abby here to explain how this tax plan is good for the American Dream, the host of the property man, fox news legal analyst, bob massi. Great to have you here. Were waiti for numbe of details on this tax plan. What you heard yesterday from the president. What are your initial thoughts . Well, my initial thoughts is listening to the interviews this morning pete did with the president which was great. Mccarthy, my biggest concern, abby, this acrimony still exists and can we get it done . That is what i think most people are frustrated. I love the idea. I brief that it will work. I think there has to be compromises. We all agree with that. The key word is compromise. That is where i think most of us are frustrated. Will it happen. That is the crucial issue. Abby well the president said hopes that this can be a bipartisan bill they can get some democrats on board. Yeah. Abby we already her, no surprise from people like senator Chuck Schumer says there is no direct evidence reducing the Corporate Tax will actually create jobs. Here is some of what he said. They get their rate cut from 35 all the way to 20 . Now will this result in hiring workers . The track record says no. They are flush with money already. There is no, proof, no real belief, no real argument, that theyre going to take this new money and put it into creating jobs. Abby really, bob . Cant you go back recently as reagan years to figure that one out . Of course. You know, you cant make this up, man. God bless him, you cant make it up. The bottom line, im sure if the senator had his own business, oh, no, leave it at 35 , dont reduce it to 20 , because i dont want to make more anyone any and invest it. Of course it will trickle down. Businesses want to grow. The other thing is this. Assume, abby, they dont invest it necessarily in growth of business all the time. You know what they do invest it in . They investn real estate . They put money in 401 k s. Th increase they use the money for all kind of reasons but to suggest, more money businesses dont want to grow, it is typical. It is the same old story. One thing about emthis, theyre not creative. Abby what about growth . That is something youre talking about. We think about the American Dream. Something the president spoke to yesterday. Young people, young families trying to get their start, trying to buy the first home. Give their young kids a good life, what will this tax plan mean for them . I want young couples with families, god bless you when you have your child, get all benefits as young couples. Very difficult for young people today. They have the student loan issues. I would love to see something in the tax plan. I dont know if it is even there, where somebody gets hired, employer does something to pay off Student Loans for their employees maybe they get a tax benefit. These kids are coming out with too many Student Loans. We have to have young people grow and invest. The future is in young couples, young people in america. Abby better for everything. This is a tease. The property man airs friday 8 30 p. M. On friday. Bob, great to have you with us. We look forward to seeing you later this weekend. Thank you very much. Still ahead, dan bongino and family cooking with friends. That is up next. Abby, good morning to you. Tax reform. You are just talking about it, can this group sell it, big issue after the Health Care Deal. Apparently the Health Care Deal is rising from the dead. The president thinks some well explain why. What will the nfl do if anything before sunday . Well watch that. Top secret nsa report stuffed into panty hose. The rest of that story when we see you in ten minutes. Top of the hour here on americas newsroom. See you there. Its not a quick fix. Its my decision to make beauty last. Roc® retinol, started visibly reducing my fine lines and wrinkles in one week. And the longer i use it, the better it works. Retinol correxion® from roc. Methods, not miracles. ™ abby were so excited for this. He traveled world as secret Service Agent. He also kept the city safe as an nypd officer. Steve today he is here with his beautiful family and he is cooking with friends. With dan bongino, his wife paula and daughters isabelle right here and amelia. Abby good morning. Brian round of applause for the bonginos. Abby this is beautiful family, dan. I see why youre always happy. I married up. Steve we hear about your mother. She is the absolute best, my mom. Steve what do you admire so much about her mother . She came here with American Dream from columbia, down south. She came here and just wanted to work. She wanted to be a part of american fabric. Work her butt off. Now she is prosperous middle class american woman. She is so proud of her story. Only time i almost cracked up on the air was telling her story. Steve the family slept with one bedroom room. Tell my mother law, they would she would hear my motherinlaws stomach because they were hungry. Brian Great Success story. Tell us why our stomachs are rumbling now . What are we making. These are healthy eplinadas. My wife is terrified to tell the story. You tell the story. You say you love yr grand so much. Do you know it . Actually, he i was down south in argentina working with jenna bush and secret service. Brian name dropper. Total name dropper right there. There was bodega on the corner where we were. I would eat nothing overseas other than Peanut Butter and protein bars. Abby one of those guys. Im one of those guys. Im done, if i eat another drop of natural Peanut Butter i will go crazy. I walk into the store and says try these epinadas. I didnt know what they were but i fell in love. Paula grew up in colombia and i said can you make these. Brian tell us what youre making. Brown sirloin and tomatoes and red peppers. Put them in . We need potatoes. Amelia, throw that in. Steve all this stuff is included. Her teacher is watching today. Got to be wellbehaved. Onions and garlic. Abby look how beautiful that looks. Go for it. Well mix this in. Steve magic of television. Wind up like this. Well give the recipe on fox friends. Com. Stay with us until after the break. Its delicious. How many can he eat . 10, sometimes more. More details about this family on the after the show show on fox friends. Com. Bill good morning, everybody. President trump wasting no time putting on a fullcourt press over tax reform. He says this plan can remake the American Economy and lead to a, quote, middle class miracle. So here we go. Next debate right front and center. Im bill hemmer, good morning and welcome to americas newsroom. Shannon another busy day. Im shannon bream. Republicans releasing their framework for their tax overhaul calling for cuts in tax rates as well as trying to simplify the very complicated tax code to get it to an easy formula to get americas economy moving again. President trumpwe are going to cut taxefor th middle class, ke e

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