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Ridiculous, playing with dolls or trucks uses your imagination skills. Its pretend and its fun, not damaging to selfesteam. Fox friends starts right now. Have a great day everyone. Good morning to you and to your family. It is tuesday, june 21st, the first full day of summer and im ainsley earhardt. We start with a fox news alert. Donald trump targeted by an illegal immigrant. That suspect still hereafter overstaying his visa. Accused of trying to assassinate the nominee with a cops gun. And the feds backtrack on the orlando terrorist 911 calls, release the whole transcript including radical language. They were going to put it out redacted and then put it out as it actually happened. Why . You we report and you decide. A terrifying sight. A bouncy house goes flying. Oh oh, my whoa does anyone stake these things in. The house blowing away in the middle of a pittsburgh day party. The one thing that saved everybodys life. That story coming your way. Keep in mind, even for those kids, your mornings are better with friends. Oh, look at that. Good morning. Today is the first full day of summer. That means some refer to it as the longest day of the year. All the days are the same length, just the most sunshine. Today to celebrate, ritas italian ice, they brought one of their delivery vehicles along with a push cart and were going to push it through the streets of new york city delivering some cool deliciousness to folks on this, the first full day of summer. That guy is lucky right there and gets the first one. We are so glad they are here. Have you had italian ice before . Ive never had italian ice before. And you are italian you flip it on the back side, you get it loose enough, you scrape off the bottom, the best part of the italian ice is the bottom of the italian ice. Every italian knows it. They also have a delicious creamy custard. Its the first full long day of summer but we also have a huge show. Look at all the people that are going to be on our show today. You have donald trump, Corey Lewandoski, governor Mike Huckabee, Laura Ingraham and dana loesch. Meanwhile, donald trump targeted. An illegal immigrant accused of trying to assassinate the president ial candidate. The wannabe assassin attempting to steal a gun before leading out in handcuffs. Its a wild story. 19yearold Michael Sanford was arrested saturday after telling police he was trying to kill donald trump and even more shocking details coming to light this morning. Sanford who came to the United States from the United Kingdom was arrested at the rally in vegas after police say he tried to grab an officers gun. According to court documents, he told police he drove from california to kill the Presumptive Republican nominee. Sanford faced a federal judge in las vegas yesterday and during his arraignment his public defender admitted he was living in the United States illegally in his car after overstaying his visa. His only form of i. D. , a u. K. Driver license and sanford is unemployed and living out of his car and also has as pergers indroem, a form of autism. We know he does not have a criminal record or any known diagnosis of men mental illness. The headline is the guy is here illegally. He overstayed his visa. Hes been sleeping in his car. Donald trump shocked the world knocking out 16 republican contenders to getd the nomination. Since that time, 40plus days ago, hes been wallowing. Ever since indiana, hes not pivoted to the general election. Hillary clinton, her machine has and yesterday, the fallout happens, Corey Lewandoski who got most of the credit for leading donald trump to victory was ousted. According to one newsroom, mr. Lewandoski, pictured left there, was fired yesterday at a meeting attended by Donald Trumps adult children. According to a reports, he was leaking stories. Donald trump has been referring to corey as a good man, very talented and sim says as he did last night on oreilly were going in a different direction. Hes a good man. Weve had great success. Ive got more primary votes than anybody in the history of the Republican Party by a tremendous amount. Not by a little bit. I think corey is terrific. I watched him before. He was terrific before me. He said i was a talented person. Hes a talented person. Hes a good guy. Both of them are speaking very positively with each other. They came up with an agreement saying lets be friends, shake on this and move on. How exactly it happened. Im curious was it a boardroom and donald trump says you are fired like we see on the tv . You think baron was involved in this decision. I dont know. Paul manafort takes over full charge. They are on a hiring spree. They have 1. 3 million. They got to find a way also to counter a huge Hillary Clinton wbr id wbr4060 push to delegitimatize donald trump and that same push was used by barack obama to delegitimatize mitt romney and it worked. Corey lewandoski was saying b trump can be himself. Let trump be trump and Paul Manafort was coming in and saying you need to be more president ial. Donald trump has not changed so much. He was on oreilly last night talking about Elizabeth Warren and oreilly asked him if he had any regrets. Listen. You regret calling her pocahontas . I do regret calling her pocahontas because i think its a tremendous insult to pocahontas. To pocahontas, i would like to apologize to you. If pocahontas is watching. They made some changes in the trump pain campaign. Keep in mind, they are rebooting a floundering campaign. Paul manafort has been there since april 7th. How many changes are there going to be . Were going to talk to donald trump less than an hour from now . If they go on this way, they are going right into oblivion. Election day is four months off. 1 4 of the voters have not decided. Look at that time democrats, they are including platform planks to ban fracking and a carbon tax out there. If donald trump just stays on message, he can win on that. And maybe on terror. Yesterday, i think you picked up the outrage on this couch and amongst our guests when the transcripts were released yesterday of omar mateen coming out, discussing three separate phone calls with the hostage negotiators during the attack. They said yeah, were going to release some of the transcripts but were not going to release anything that refers to islamic extremism. This is the redacted. They released this early in the morning. Later in the day, you can see words omitted. Use your imagination. Whats interesting about this is they would say he would talk about god and then it would say in arabic. He actually said allah. Unbelievable. He was shifting between english and arabic in the phone calls. They translated everything into english. Even though he said allah. They said god. The president is trying to make it about guns. Because they did this, everyone is talking about it. Its bringing more attention to it. What are you doing in this makes no sense. Before they did that, they sent Loretta Lynch in susan rice type fashion, go out and trumpet the fact that americans cant wbrid wbr5860 handle this guy who pledged allegiance to al baghdadi and to isis, and then the fbi says you got to release all of that. Just the fact that what lynch did echos what susan rice did, where she was pushing the false narrative. Look, remember that, back in the day . Its the same graphic, just a different person within the administration. The interesting thing about this is Loretta Lynch when she was in new york city, she never did anything this dumb. Rudy giuliani said this. Somebody at the white house made her do that. They destroyed two careers. Susan rices credibility forever linked with benghazi. When your boss says you have to do, clearly thats what you are doing. Or you resign. The rumor is if james comey says this is what we should do and somebody tells him were not going to do that, were going to do this, is he going to resign . The big question when Loretta Lynch was asked have you talk to the president about the Hillary Clinton email thing . She said absolutely not, that would be inappropriate. Do you believe that . Uhhuh. Its 10 minutes after the top of the hour. I believe its time for news with heather nauert. Heather are you about ready . Good morning. How are you guys . A couple of News Headlines i want to bring you overnight. Overnight, instead the senate shooting down four gun control votes. Two of the four measures thought to strengthen background checks, and all of this would keep those from those on terror watch lists from buying guns. Some extreme weather to bring you now. The southwest engulfed in flames with wild fires raging in three states. Two new fires sparking in los angeles forcing hundreds of families from their homes. Those fires have been made worse by the recordbreaking heat wave. Las vegas, phoenix, and sections of l. A. All under excessive heat warnings. At least four people have died in the sweltering temperatures. Please be careful and check on your neighbors. Chaos on a Roller Coaster. Car slamming into an empty car where people get on the Roller Coaster. Its the zippin pipennin Roller Coaster. When we were going over the last hill, the car didnt stop or slow down at all and i seen the other car, it was supposed to stop and there was a loud bang. The car hit the worker. He went over the front seat. He got out and they laid him down. Officials say this is the first accident. Inspectors expect to take a close look at each car. Parents, we have a problem with princess. What . Yep. The p. C. Police is issuing an urgent warning if your girls are playing with the disney dolls they better stop right now. Okay. That is a fox news alert. And more on the firing of Trumps Campaign manager, Corey Lewandoski. What will it mean for the race Going Forward . Governor Mike Huckabee is next. Hes got an idea. Hes next on fox friends. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing thats life. You diet. You exercise. And if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. This is jardiance. Along with diet and exercise. Jardiance works around the clock. To lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. This can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. And although its not for weight loss or lowering systolic Blood Pressure, jardiance could help with both. 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Com what if 30,000 people download the new app . Were good. Okay. What if a Million People download the new app . Were good. Five million . Good. We scale on demand. Hybrid infrastructure, boom. Ok. What if 30 Million People download the app . Were not good. Were total heroes. Scale on demand with the number one company in cloud infrastructure. With corey, im really proud of him. He did a great job, but were going to go a little bit of a different route. Its a different style and you are bringing in some a little different style, a little different style. Donald trump down playing the firing of his Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski who will be joining us shortly. Despite tension among staffers and Paul Manafort. What is does this mean weeks before the gop convention. Lets ask governor Mike Huckabee. You know you could spin this. But instead abruptly fired, major story by noon. Look how classy corey lewandowski was yesterday. He was absolutely, i thought flawless in the way he departed the stage. That was the way it should have been. Hes got a great future. He served donald trump very well, but the campaign is shifting in a very different direction toward the general election. Donald trump thought that there needed to be new leadership. He made the change. You know what i would like to see . A president who would fire somebody when it was time to fire them. I would like to see a president who would fire somebody at the va, at the irs, at the doj for twieding peoples private phone calls. Instead, weve had an administration who wont fire anybody. This would be refreshing to see an executive who acted like one. Also has his family of inner sang sanktum. Lets talk about having 70 people as opposed to 700 people. What do you think is the number, governor . Its more about function and form. Its look to have fewer people that work really hard than a whole bunch of people sitting around doing makework. When you look at Hillary Clintons campaign, its bloated. There are so many people. What are they doing . What are they getting done . Donald trump needs more people. Hes got to slly in a fundraising area and he knows that and he will. Donald trump taking on the president , and Hillary Clinton. Loretta lynch came out and told five different shows, im going to redact any reference to al baghda baghdadi. Even their pals in the press called them out. It was universal that they were hooted down for looking foolish for trying to pretend about who this guy was and what he did. You cant rewrite history. Im leaving everything that i said originally when they did the phony redaction. We should never let our government with trying to spin a story, lie to us, or tell us something that they know is not the full story. 51 state Department People dont believe this administration they came out and said i dont like your policy. The cia director said i have got a total different opinion on what were doing with isis. Governor huckabee, great to see you. Four people have already been killed in a deadly heat wave sweeping much of the country, tens of millions of people at risk for more extreme heat. How do you know when its time to call 911 . The doctor is here with the answers. And handle with care. This postal worker showing government work at its finest. I think ill call fedex. Put some distance between you and temptation with meta appetite control. Clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. New, from metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Great time for a shiny floor wax, no . Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. Quick headlines now. New overnight, officials in brussels arrest a man armed with a bomb belt claiming to have been kidnapped. The scare shutting down a Main Shopping Center and prompting a National Crisis meeting. It turns out the mans belt was filled with salt and cookies. And rescue crews racing against time to save a sick worker stranded at a Remote Research station in the south pole. Two planes making the dangerous journey in 24 hours of darkness and temperatures 70 degrees below freezing, cold enough to freeze jet fuel. Thats cold. Lets talk hot. A dangerous heat wave has hit the country with more than 30 Million People at risk for extreme temperatures. Four people have died in arizona in this sweltering heat wave. What can you do to stay safe in all of this heat and how do you know when you need to call 911 . Dr. David samadi joins us now. How do you prevent a heat stroke . This is quite common. Weve seen four people die. This is four teenagers who went hiking. The big thing is really distinguishing between heat exhaustion versus heat stroke. When the index is about 90 diagnosis, you want to be careful about going out there, thats when things start to happen and when your core temperature is around 103, thats when really heat exhaustion happens. Your body feels its getting hot. Your heart rate goes up. Your Blood Pressure goes up. All the blood actually starts going to the skin and you start sweating and sweating with heat exhaustion, sweating, low heartbeat, temperature under 105 and cool down and hydrate, thats what you do. Heat stroke, lack of sweating. Sweating is the best thing that can happen. Thats the selfmechanism to get rid of the heat. Now, all of a sudden your body is exhausted. Heart is tired of pumping blood. You are depleting all of your reserve. What happens . The temperature is going to stay in, 104, 105, 106, you are depleting all of your salt, muscle cramps, nausea vomiting, unconscious, seizure, people can die from this. Do you call 911 . The first thing you do is get out of the heat. You want to make sure you take a cold shower, drink fluid. Make sure you get all of your electrolytes. Within 15 minutes, ainsley, you are not feeling well, call 911, because the sooner we get you by putting in iv fluid, we can get that inside your reserve, your vascular, and bring your heart back in. Thats a big message. Its been really hot down in florida over the last couple of weeks and its really hot in the Desert Southwest now. The people live there and so they say its that time of year, im just used to it but you got to know the warning signs. You got to know that and a lot of message to elderly, they have a long list of medications. They may be on a lot of die receipt ticks for your Blood Pressure. Those are the days you dont want to take those medications and speak to your doctor, its going to deplete a lot of your fluid. Stay away from alcohol or beer, coffee. Those are all diuretidiuretics. Make sure you loosen up all your of clothing. Get out of the heat. Start taking fluid and the sooner we get you to the emergency room, we can save your life. Thanks for being here. Lets talk politics. Donald trump trying to court the christian vote. Freedom, the right of people of faith to freely practice their faith, so important. The presumptive president ial nominee on the republican side meeting with close to a thousand evangelical leaders today. What do they need to hear . And parents, we have a problem with princess. The p. C. Issuing an urgent warning saying if your girls are playing with a disney doll, they have to stop right now. Happy birthday to prince william, the duke of cambridge is 34. If you think youve seen it all,. Well do i have a surprise for you. Its red lobsters new lobster and shrimp summerfest with the lobster and shrimp. You love in so many new dishes, youre gonna wanna try. Every last one. Like the new coastal lobster shrimp. With a woodgrilled lobster tail,. Wildcaught red shrimp crusted with panko,. And shrimp fresh off the grill and brushed with. Summer ale bbq sauce. Or try the new lobster shrimp overboard,. Because when a dish can wow you like this,. Overboards the only way to describe it. But hurry, this ends soon. Kennetthis afternoon closinfor auditions . Whats on that piece of paper . Oh, miss maroney, your forehead should not be doing anything. I just had botox. I know exactly whats happening ah whoa this is a bad streaming experience. The girlie show is a real fun lady show. vo dont let bad streaming ruin a good show. Dont look at me vo only verizon has the largest, most reliable 4g lte network. Can your network say that . Switch now, buy two samsung phones and get a free tv, plus up to 650 back. 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Did all her exes get invited . No ones got moves like uncle joe. Should i stay or should i go . When its go, book with Choice Hotels and get a free 50 gift card for staying just two times. Book direct at choicehotels. Com. You always have a choice. I want to say congrats to Chelsea Clinton who had her second child. After the birth, bill brought flowers while hillary brought a focus group to help name the baby. We all think Andrew Michael brian would do very well in a swing state. Congratulations to her. Baby number two. Donald trump has been doing his best to corps to court the crucial evangelical vote. I would like to thank the christian leaders and voters who have voted for me. We want to uphold the sanctity of life. Religious freedom, the right of people, of faith, to freely practice their faith. So important. I would think so. And later today trump meets behind closed doors with around 900 evangelical and conservative leaders. Joining us now is one of those leaders, the president of the National Christian leadership conference, pastor samuel rodriguez. Thank you for joining us. Tell us whats happening. Its an amazing gathering. Diverse. We have the car wristmatics. These are not just 1,000 random pastors. The most influential evangelical pastors in america gathering together to listen to donald trump affirm the value of religious freedom and the family. Time magazine nominated you as one of the 100 most influential people on earth. What are the things you are doing in the meeting today is trying to energize the 25 million evangelicals who did not vote last time. Indeed. The lack of evangelical support for mitt romney resulted in the reality today. Why that was . There was a theological component that was the elephant in the room. There was angst in the community. The moremon religion. This election is completely different. The question is what is the issue . Religious liberty . The Supreme Court. The election may very well be about the Supreme Court. What are you worried about . Worried about . Our Judeo Christian system is under assault. Sisters of the poor, hobby lobby, current state initiative in california that would do away with christian universities. And Clarence Thomas is thinking of retiring very shortly. Who will Clarence Thomas be eplaced . Every person who follows christ, even the ago not sticks say without a doubt the Judeo Christian value system of america is under assault like never before. Its secular totalitarianism. What is it about donald trump that resonates with evangelicals . He speaks truth to power. Ive had issues with aspects of the rhetoric and all of us indeed, but he speaks truth. Hes not politically correct and i do believe donald heres with where i resonate with donald trump. On religious liberty, on sanctity of life. Everyone is like who would be better, who would be better, for evangelicals, theres no doubt about it who the better choice is because donald trump laid out the 11 judges that he would nominate. Conservative choices indeed. Preserving religious liberty, all of our amendments without exception, without a doubt. There may be some trepidations, some angst regarding rhetoric, but we have to do a comparative analysis between rhetoric and policy. Policy on the other hand threatens our Judeo Christian religion. I will love him to build a bridge. He needs to say, look latinos are wonderful, godfearing, hard working americans. Latinos would say we want you to stop all illegal immigration. The idea that latinos what illegal immigration. I thought the majority do . For people who are here already. No, what they would do that they would find a way that reflects of values of everybody. Deport individuals who are trafficking drugs, those kids who were born here, as an american, raised in pennsylvania, living in california, i want people to come here legally. Its hard for me as a pastor to deport the kids and the parents when the kids were born here and the parents werent born here. There has to be a better way. You said he needs to build a bridge to that community. Can you have a bridge and a wall . There he goes. The majority. Im speaking on behalf of samuel rodriguez. I do believe the majority of latinos say enough is enough. Lets engage, be it, a physical wall or a virtual wall, infrared technology, if we could read the license plate in afghanistan from a thousand miles away, we can detect 100 people crossing the rio grande with back packs. Lets engage technology. Lets stop illegal immigration. He can build a wall. All he needs to do is affirm the community that resonates with a strong christian ethos that hes actually advancing. Real pleasure. Welcome to new york city. Thank you for having me. Thanks, pastor. It is 21 minutes before the top of the hour. News time with heather. Good morning to all of you. This video is unbelievable. Parents once again, a bouncy house that was the wrong video right there but were about to show it. A bouncy house blows away from a Childrens Party and slams into a high voltage power line. Take a look at this. Simply terrifying for those families. High winds to blame for sending that bouncy house flying from a party in upstate new york. Parents and kids watching in horror has the house hits the power lines and electrocuted. Luckily no children were the in the house when it blew away. Mike wallace still shooken up after being attacked after a rascal flatts concert. It didnt take 15 to 20 seconds. There was no dialogue between us in regards to anything that provoked the conversation. I remember the hit and i woke up on the ground. Wallace says that three drunk men jumped him, knocked him out cold and kicked him in the face over and over again. His 28yearold daughter also kicked in the ribs as she tried to protect her dad. Three men arrested in charlotte. Shes been charged with assault. His daughter says thats not enough. Mike wallace joins us right here on fox friends tomorrow to talk about that attack. And this is not how you want your mail getting delivered. Watch this. A postal worker throws a package like a frisbee and drives off. Brent gregory got a little suspicious when he found his amazon package on the sidewalk. He looked at his security camera. Luckily, that box contains socks, not glass. A warning from the p. C. Police. Disney princess now a danger to your little girls . Let it go well, researchers say that the more girls play with dolls the more likely they are to have bad self esteam, be less confident in math and science and not like getting dirty. Despite the fact that Disney Princess have been around for 80 years now. What about g. I. Joe . Does the same apply across the gender line . If you dont have any friends, its good to have a doll. Everything in moderation. Who says that . All right. Heather, thank you. Attorney general Loretta Lynch pledges fairness in the Hillary Clinton email probe. The investigation into the state Department Email matter is going to be handled like any other matter. Thats great. Didnt the president just endorse hillary . So how in the world are the American People supposed to believe that. Judge Andrew Napolitano he joins us next. You laid this out. I accept im not 22 i accept i do a shorter set these days. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But i wont play anything less than my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, im going for it. Eliquis. 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And when josh thinks big you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Look at that pie chart boom youve never seen a number like that you feel me lois . Im feeling you. Yeah you do lets do this watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. Woot woot the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. La. Quinta yeah u. S. Attorney general Loretta Lynch pledging to be impartial in the Hillary Clinton email investigation. I dont get involved in whom the president endorses and i dont have comments on any of the candidates. The investigation into the state Department Email matter is going to be handled like any other matter. No, this is not a conflict for me or for the department or for anyone. We will continue to do all of our work in the same way in which we always have, with the interests of the American People first and foremost. Well, that sounds great, but can the American People believe her considering only days earlier lynchs boss, president obama endorsed Hillary Clinton. Lets talk to judge Andrew Napolitano. She told Chris Wallace she has not talked to the president about the Hillary Clinton email. Do you believe her . Its hard to believe that that statement is true. She really would be derelict in her duty if she didnt say, mr. President , or whatever she calls them in private. Heres the latest. Heres what we know. We know that the fbi director jim comey receives daily briefings from the people investigating Hillary Clinton, very unusual. We know about the investigation is just about over. We know they are waiting for one more interview of mrs. Clinton. We know that the director reports to attorney general. Shes not reporting it to the boss. The president is the chief Law Enforcement officer of the land. How demoralizing is it to the hundreds of fbi agents, federal prosecutors and clerks working on this case trying to find if theres enough evidence to indict and convict mrs. Clinton to find out that their boss wants her to succeed him. Thats a conflict. She seems political, given the fact that i havent talked to the boss about that and Hillary Clinton is going to get her a fair shake from us, but you look at what sherls on the sunday shows this week. She wound up on five sunday shows, reminiscent of susan rice who was pushing the false narrative of the benghazi video. They decided to omit the reference to al baghdadi and allah. Were going to change history by redacting, by releasing only a portion of the transcript, so that you have the impression we want you to have. So that you, American People, who are adults and for whom we work, cannot make your own decisions that. I dont think she changed her mind. I think the white house the it hit the fan. The government doesnt have to reveal it at this stage. If they are going to reveal it, they have to reveal it fully. We had Rudy Giuliani was here yesterday, he said when she was here in new york, she never did anything dumb like this. Does it seem like somebody at the white house put her up to it . Absolutely. I agree with giuliani. When attorney general lynch was attorney of the United States in brooklyn, she got very high marks. Now that shes inside the hot house of the beltway, shes obviously qawth up caught up in the politics. For her to say i never talked about this is simply not believable. What i would like to know is when are you going to present this to a grand jury . Before the democrats meet in philadelphia or after. Well, if its after theres peril on both sides. What do you think about this . Email us at fox and friends news. Com. And donald trump firing his Campaign Manager, Corey Lewandowski. How did it really go down . Corey is at 7 00. Donald trump is at 7 30 eastern. Have you ever come back from a family trip more stressed out than when you left . Making Hillary Clintons economic speech add up today. Shes expected to tackle trumps business ability but is that the right way to get her message hello welcome to holiday inn. Running our own business, weve been traveling a lot. A hotel looking to help Small Businesses succeed is incredible. Thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. Book your next journey at holidayinn. Com thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. Fight heartburn fast. With tums chewy delights. The mouthwatering soft chew that goes to work in seconds to conquer heartburn fast. Tum tum tum tum. Chewy delights. Only from tums. Ever take a vacation only to return feeling even more bored and more uninspired than you were before you left on that vacation . Well, all this week we are looking at different vacation spots that just may be the perfect fix for you and for your family. Joining us now is lifestyle expert francesca page. Good to see you again. Youre here all week. Thank you. If youre uninspired in your life, your life is broken, what do you do . If youre feeling uninspired, how do you destress. Lets take a look. These are your options. Are you a person who likes to relax or exercise . Start with relax. Surprise, surprise, im going to advise you to tour great britain. Britain is known for the picturesque landscapes, super relaxing as well as being very accessible. You can go to three countries. Even scotland and wales in one trip. They have wonderful cities like london where i grew up. Known for the gorgeous palaces, tranquil gardens, and then the gorgeous, historical architectural buildings. Cant go wrong. If you want to learn more, go to visitgreatbritain. Com. If you dont relax, you want to exercise and release and let go. I would ask, are you afraid of heights . If you are afraid of heights, i would suggest beachside yoga maybe on the west coast. There are a ton of great beach resorts and you can do yoga retreats. On the east coast, you can do paddleboarding or yoga paddleboarding. What if youre not . I would suggest hiking in north carolina. I went to asheville, north carolina. Beautiful mountainous landscape. You can do some great uphill hiking around there. Asheville itself, i stayed at the grand bohemian. It has an art gallery right there inside of the hotel area im from. Its absolutely oh, i absolutely love it. So we covered both of our home areas. Great, wonderful. Thank you. Talking about destressing our lives and making vacations better. Tomorrow, well talk about if you have selfesteem issues where you should go. Absolutely. Still ahead, Corey Lewandowski and donald trump, theyre both here live next hour. Stay with us. Think yotry nexium 24hr. s best for your heartburn . Now the 1 choice of doctors pharmacists. For their own frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with nexium 24 hour. 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What does that mean quendz what does that mean and is that how it went down . Both men will join us live this hour. Meantime, the feds agree to release the entire transcript of the orlando shooter. Did the white house just hang its attorney general out to dry . Sounds familiar. And maybe Hillary Clinton isnt the democratic darling after all. The ideal candidate, the keynote to hear from today. He didnt mind the gaffe t gaffe you cant blame on the Vice President of the United States for a change. Let me just remind you, every morning is better with friends. Welcome to studio e. Look whos on the curvy couch, the man of the hour, Corey Lewandowski. Thank you for being with us. Shock waves yesterday, donald trump and you parted ways. How did you get fired . Well, let me say first i have never been in front of mr. Trump on a tv show so this is a first. Hes on in half an hour. If i was known youre the opening act. Thank you. So its okay. You know, the campaigns its a tough business. I have had a great honor to be part of this from the inception, from before he even announced he was running for president. Sure. So so there was a meeting yesterday . Yeah, i came to work around 6 00, did the meetings. And 9 30 or so i had a meeting with a couple of the people in the office and then i had a chance to speak with mr. Trump on the telephone and the idea is that the campaign wants to grow and get bigger and be more robust. Im a small government guy. I fundamentally believe in Smaller Government and lower taxes and rest regulation, all the things that mr. Trump believes in. All the things thats made him successful and i understand the juggernaut of the Hillary Clinton campaign. What were the words did he say he didnt say youre fired, it wasnt like the episode of the apprentice. He is going to be the next president of the United States. Ibillion there for him. Whether its external or internal youre a delegate. Well, thats a privilege i have. But the election is too important and its not about one person. Itss about the future its about the future of the country and i have kids, many of you do too and we have a choice. We can change the system or keep bill up bumping away the way we have. Do you think that was it, you were not doing an effective job pivoting to the general . Thats what the media say, no, i dont think thats the case. I did my best. I put in 18 or 19 hours a day. Did you do an effective pivot . That i think is, the Campaign Needs to grow rapidly. Youve got hyper growth. You need to experience it. 2, 3, 400 people in the next 90 days or less. Thats hard job. And i have never grown something that big. Maybe its the equivalent of a startup. I helped to start a Small Company that grew and then somebody else took it over. Youre proud of what the role is you had at the beginning of it. But at the end of the day you want it to be successful. Thats what you want. Because everyone is vested in it. Its a small core group of people for so long. He has been and is the best strategist for this campaign. He is the person who sets the tone because he has seen things and done things that everybody but now hes trailing by seven points in the real clear average. Yeah, but hes been outearned or outraised 41 million to 1 million. He hasnt started money yet. Dont forget he can selffund this campaign, he can put 40, 50 million in this campaign right this very second and be even or ahead. And seven points, seven points is nothing when youre 138 days. He still has to choose a Vice President ial candidate and go through the convention. The difference is that Hillary Clinton is still under fbi investigation. Yeah, Going Forward youll be fine. You can join another campaign, i mean, put this on your resume. You can speak, whatever. But i remember when the whole Michelle Fields thing happened donald trump said, you know, hes a dad. How many kids do you have . Four. He has four kids and from the family aspect, you know, a lot of people are saying some negative things, about the dingdong the witch is dead thing. Michael caputo. Who just resigned also and he compared you to the witch on the wizard of oz. The negative thing, your kids will read about it. How do you get through this . The hardest thing is the family, youre not there for their birthdays and the parts that are important to them because they dont understand. My kids are young. 5, 7, 9. My kids want to see me when get home. Ten years from now that may not get to be the case. They get to see you more in a couple of weeks. It will be a privilege. Corey, a number of the blogs are talking about, you know, he got fired yesterday and hes saying all the nice things about the boss. Some are surmising that you signed a nondisclosure thing, you cant say anything disparaging. You can say anything about anybody you want, its still america. But the difference is i believe in donald trump. I have from the first time i met him. Hes going to be the best president this countrys ever had. The fact that i was a part of it is so important to me. And because im not a part of any inside, my feelings have been changed in 24 hours. I want to fix our country. I want to do the things he says hes going to do because i know he can. To go out and say negative things is not the right thing to do. I want the country better for my family. Right. Hell do that. Now, one of the rumors that has you out instead of moved over or moved to the super pac was you were able to plant the story about Jared Kushner in some magazine or publication. Ivankas husband. I have a great relationship with jared. What motive would i have to do that . None. Hes been a great Media Presence has he threatened your power in the organization does he has a lot of prestige . Look, i have been through a lot of campaigns. When i have rough the campaigns for governors or senators, you dont fight the family. Its a losing battle. If i disagree which i didnt, why would i start a fight with the Family Member . People said that nancy reagan was involved in Ronald Reagans career. Have you seen anything like this where the family is so involved . Sure. Look, when i was a Campaign Manager to the u. S. Senator, his wife was in the office every day. She was involved in the scheduling decisions, involved in messaging points. This is much bigger than one person. The impact up the family of what a campaign does is very intense. They should be involved. You know, just not on the financial side. But the commitment side and the scrutiny that not just the candidate goes through, but the family. They should be involved. This family is amazing from ivanka, to danny to jared to eric, they have been amazing. Well, they have known their father their whole lives and you have been working for him coming up on two years. Famously, you are the fellow who says let trump be trump. All right. Somebody new is in charge now. Do you think theyre going to continue to is the message going to be let trump be trump or focus on things they can win on and not distracted by other stuff . I think the best laid plans get changed. Mike tyson said everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face. If Hillary Clinton attacks donald trump on something thats egregious and over the top, i would say fight back. Right . You cant let that attack does that mean youre unpresident ial, no. Youre fighting for what you believe and we know that Hillary Clinton is going to say negative things about Donald Trumps Business Record and about that hes not fit to be president. You dont let that pass. This is a fight this is for the soul of our country. This is for the direction of our country. This is for the betterment of america. Whats your view on so many republicans saying so many negative things about donald trump . And that must have caught he used the term in the last two weeks surprised. Now that youre out, tell me what it was like on the inside, when some of those statements came out. You know, i think you have 16 candidates who all ran for president including, you know, one more, mr. Trump who lost the im talking about mitch mcconnell. I know. You have many others who think think to be the president or have another role. They dont like the fact that donald trump wasnt the next in line to become the president. Right . He went out and earned it. He went to the American People and told his story. Got 14 million votes, won 38 states, then people say, hey, thats not fair, i should have had that job so they want to be critical. Are they jealous . I think part of it is jealousy. I think his unparalleled business success, his wealth hes able to create, the jobs hes had and what hes able to do in this environment. Some of those washington, d. C. , insiders they know they were commenting on the judge from indiana. Well, Political Correctness has run amok in this country. When you go out to the heartland i had the opportunity to do this many, many times with him, i see the arenas filled with 20,000, 30,000 people who are looking for a change. Politicians in washington have had 30 years to do something. They have done nothing. Corey, well have your former boss on in 21 minutes. What would you like to say to him . Win the presidency. Thats what i want to say. I think he wants to do that too. You helped trump get further than anybody thought he would a year ago. Good luck. Thank you. All right, heather, lets hand it over to you. Good morning to you. I have a couple of headlines to bring you right now. We start with fox news alert. Its related to donald trump. He was targeted by an illegal immigrant who told police he wanted to kill the presumptive republican nominee. 19yearold British National Michael Sandford arrested on saturday. He tried to steal a gun from an officer to carry out what they called an assassination. In federal court, the public defender said that he was in the country illegally. He doesnt have a criminal record or record of mental illness. He is behind bars until the next court date. Overnight, the u. S. Senate shooting down four gun control measures. The vote just eight days after the orlando terror attacks. Two of the four measures sought to straighten background checks. The others would keep those on terror watch lists from buying guns. This comes after chris murphy filibustered for 15 hours. Those who oppose it is to say that fight overseas. Well, the former aide who helped set up Hillary Clintons private email server is expected to testify. Bryan pagliano is expected to plead the fifth and that delayed his original testimony date by two weeks. But the silence could help a judge draw conclusions about whether or not clintons server broke the law. Clintons deputy chief of staff, huma abedin, and state Department Official patrick kennedy, are also scheduled to be deposed but that will happen later this month. And just hours after lebron led the cavs to victory, rnc crews began leading the charge on transforming clevelands home court for the republican convention. Brandnew time lapse videos showing the quicken loans arena by what will soon be a stage, truck loads of Equipment Driving over where the cavs shoot their baskets. We will be there, looking forward to that. Were pretty much moving in too. Cavs won just in time, right . Right. Gave them enough time to prepare for the convention. I think a group of citizens or people who couldnt enjoy it more than cleveland. Coming up, every state counts. But who is in the lead in those key swing states . Donald trump reacts live to brandnew polls out just this morning. Hell be with us in about 17 minutes. And they promise to be the most Transparent Administration in history. But from the iran deal to obamacare to the irs, the white house has proven its willing to withhold information. If the left is is the left sparking a dangerous war with the First Amendment . Oh hank, you look red. Are you sunburned . No, dory. Well, you do look red. Im supposed to be red. And fish dont get sunburned. What youre a fish . Uhhhh. Keep your little ones protected with coppertone kids. See Disney Pixars finding dory. Now in 3d. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing the verizon winwinwin event is back with the iphone and ipad. Win number one you get americas largest, most reliable, most consistently fast 4g lte network. Win number two . Well pay up to 650 when you switch and trade in your phone. And the third win . Buy an iphone on the best network. And well give you 300 off any ipad. Why settle . You can have it all at the winwinwin event. At Verizon Stores and vzw. Com all right. As the country is focusing on the upcoming election our next guest argues that the assault on the limited government has been neglected. That includes the irs targeting of conservatives, the altering of obamacare and admitting dishonesty to pass the iran nuclear bill, but in the new book how the left is silencing free speech the author says the alarming war on free speech is the most alarming one. Good morning. Please explain that. Going back to 2010 when the Supreme Court passed Citizens United and let all the play in the elections again. The left decided that it didnt like that because it had come used to having the laws barring opponents from speaking. So instead, it took to bullying them and threatening them and intimidating them out of political speech. You have seen it in the irs targeting scandal. You saw it at the wisconsin john doe probe that went on up there. You have seen it down in terms of individual citizens, donors who have been harassed and attacked and campaigns given businesses. What this book does is it talks about how these are not random, these are coordinated, a strategy. Its something that the left has taken as a way of conducting politics. Is this drummed out at board meetings or is this a mindset of how hey, are we on the same page here, heres the objective, get it done . Its both. You see it in the elected democrats in the senate for instance who now routinely call people in in front of them and say, whos giving you money and if its the wrong sort of people, you have the wrong message, were going to harass you in front of congress. People meet and talk about these tactics again and again. You see it in the mindset in that it infiltrates the left and it gets taken up again and again by different groups. Is that why donald trump is doing so well and has gotten the nomination or the presumptive nominee, because people are so scared to think what they think . I think its part of it. What this plays into is speech codes on campus. And in a general feeling that you cant say anything anything without getting attacked anymore and people are tired of it. We have been doing all the stories, once or twice a week, about whats go going on the whats going on on the campus, what professors can or cant say, the looks, the gender, if you use the wrong gender or transgender. Yeah, what this book talks about this is not spontaneous either. I have a chapter in there about how there are activists who go into campuses and they train up kids to protest for instance conservative thought. Or there are donors out there who want to establish a conservative wing of the school that talks about free Market Economics for instance and the activists train up kids to harass the university if that happens. And file freedom of information request acts and make it difficult to do. Why is traditional america so offensive to progressives . Why cant you say you are a proud american anymore . Well, they use the Campaign Finance laws i call them speech laws to keep the speech out. If they cant rely on those, they dont want the debates. Ben rhodes said this in an interview that he tried to walk by, we created an echo chamber in the white house. They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say, because people like us, 27yearolds, people who know nothing about life and dont travel, so we count on the administration to give us the news. Exactly. When there are people who do know and they play in the politics they dont want them in there. Think of the irs scandal. Id like to think this is the beginning of the end scandal in the irs, they didnt want them to play in the politics so they kept them on ice for two elections. Congratulations. Intimidation game thank you so much. Straight ahead, the donald joins us live to react after Firing Campaign manager Corey Lewandowski yesterday. And hollywood stole the life story for one of the biggest movies from a paralyzed man. The only thing he vowed one day to walk again, but the movie killed the main character off in the end. I promised my parents. I wont give up. I wanted to live. What has happened . You cant change. Hes going to join us live, next. Youve wished upon it all year, and now its finally here. The mercedesbenz summer event is back, with incredible offers on the mercedesbenz youve always longed for. But hurry, these shooting stars fly by fast. Lease the gle350 for 579 a month at your local mercedesbenz dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Dont eat pasteurized processed cheese food. Its only required to contain 51 real cheese. With sargento 100 real natural cheese slices, a patty melt becomes more than just patty. Ham unites with its better half. 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A Mesa Airlines pilot decided to turn it around. Next, 25 thats how much milk is missing from your starbucks latte. According to a Class Action Lawsuit that a judge approved. 0 thats how much youre paying for a doritos taco at taco bell, all thanks to the golden state warriors. Yes, they lost the nba finals but their game 4 victory on the road scored us a victory in the steal a game, steal a taco promotion. Yum. Steve . Thank you, ainsley. Theres some strange coincidences between my next guests life story and one of the hottest hollywood movies. I promised my parents that i wouldnt give up. What happened before . I wanted to live, but unable to live. You cant change who people are. What can we do . You love them. Well, now the quadriplegic author of the memoir featured in the new movie me before you. Joining us is the author of walking papers, francesco clark. Good morning. Lets talk about you. Tell us about the accident. I was injured in 2002 in a pool diving accident and the metal ladder that was normally in the shallow end, it was the deep end. I dove in and my chin hit the bottom of the pool, snapped back and it felt like my fault. Just one of those things that happens in life. You eventually would write your life story in this memoir. Yes. And at what point did you realize that this big hollywood movie sure sounds a lot like your life story . I never railized it because i was realized it because i was not contact and i did not read the book. The book is fiction, the movie is fiction, so i had no idea. But there are some striking coincidences in the movie and in your book as well. To your book. Well, you know, a lot of people that have spinal cord injuries are young males, very active. You know, ironically its in the month of may, june and july that most people have these kinds of injuries. But, you know, when i was in the icu and i was told i had a 19 chance of surviving that night, if this movie had come out two days after my anniversary which was june 1st, this movie came out june 3rd, it would be a very different scenario for my caregivers, my friends, to kind of look and see what kind of support was given by a huge hollywood movie. Sure, absolutely. In the movie, they show your book. Caregivers name is clark and your name is clark as welt. What would you like from the movie producers . I would like to im not disparaging the movie. I would like to pivot the messaging of this movie so that we change the ending. Because the ending is he kills himself. He kills himself. I would like to change it in a way that people that are alive today would choose for a cure. If he had a choice for a cure, he would have chosen that cure. So i would like 10 of domestic and International Ticket sales for me before you to go towards medical research for spinal cord injury. So i want this to change the messaging of the film. Just with a small step. Sure. The director has defended the ending. They said this was a brave ending. Its too easy to do it the other way. We could alltel that story tomorrow but this way, this is more this is the more interesting way. What do you say to that . Its i have nothing to say to the director about that because thats just not reality. For me my reality is after i had my injury my life has gained amazing dimensions i never had before. And inherent in her statement is a sense of choice. And he had a choice. Hes a Fictional Character who had a choice to choose life or death. My book that was nonfiction and my life which is nonfiction and im alive i had no choice of being included in that movie and she the director included my story in that movie without asking for a consent. So i take offense to that because its the it seems to be the opposite of what theyre saying about the character. Sure. Well, lets see what the movie decides whether or not they will donate a proceed a portion of the proceeds. However, i know youre an ambassador for spinal cord injuri injuries. If there are folks out there who would like to help your cause, how can they do that . You donate through any means you want, that youre more comfortable with. Im the National Ambassador for the Christopher Reeve foundation and there are many other foundations that are in the United States and worldwide that can help with any sort of care or cure initiatives. Okay. And its really about living your life to your fullest. It is. And my life has gotten better after my injury. It didnt just go on. I wasnt just staring at the sky like i feel like the character did. It wasnt so one dimensional like that. I feel like it was a disservice. Well, your story is a true story. Its called walking papers. Francisco clark, thank you very much. Thank you. Good luck to you. Thank you. All right. What do you think about that, email us at foxandfriends. Com. Coming up, you heard from the man that donald trump fired yesterday, Corey Lewandowski. But what does the donald have to say about the staff shakeup . Well talk about that and much more when he joins us in about two minutes. And a bouncy house goes flies into high tension power lines. Oh the bouncy house blown away in the middle of a birthday party. Well tell you what happens next. And the one thing that saved everybodys life. The wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. It can be hard to get air out, which can make it hard to get air in. So i talked to my doctor. She said. Symbicort could help you breathe better, starting within 5 minutes. Symbicort doesnt replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. Symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. Symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. 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Boom look at that pie chart. The ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. He didnt say hey, you fired. It wasnt like the episode of the apprentice. And im going to support trump whether its an external or internal position and ill tell my neighbors to vote. Its about the future of our country, i have kid, many of you do too, and we have a choice. We can change the system or keep bumping away the way it has been. Politicians in washington have had 30 years to do something and they have done nothing. Corey lewandowski just on the couch a short time ago. Let me just put that microphone up uhoh. Lets bring in donald trump. Mr. Trump, there you each got Corey Lewandowski less than 24 hours after he was fired. Whyd you fire him . Well, first of all, hes a great guy and you see that a little bit, frankly. But hes a great guy and he did a great job. I couldnt have been happier. Were going in a direct different direction. You know, we ran a lean campaign, i spent less money than anybody else and i got the best result which is what people want for president. Some of the people spend four, five, six times more money than i spent. I spent less than anybody and won. Thats what the president want, thats what we need in our country. Corey did a great job and by the way, i want to keep that going. But we have a little bit of a change of platform, we have a change of a lot of elements. There were some people that loved corey. Some people didnt like him as much because corey was strong and he was tough. Ive got to tell you though, i give him a 10. Hes number one number one, hes a great guy and number two, he did a really great job, but now were finished with the primaries which we won so corey has a great victory on his belt. And i will be the first to tell you, you know, he can say let trump be trump. But he managed beautifully. Now were going a different way. We have a group of people and its a little bit different. Its a were going to be running a little bit different campaign. At the same time, i will say this. We want to keep it lean. Im not looking to spend all this money. I hear people spend a billion dollars. How do you spend a billion dollars, its impossible. Politicians are the only ones who can spend a billion dollars. Hillary clinton will spend a billion dollars of wall street money and money from the middle east. Shes got a lot of money from the middle east. Shes got money from people you dont want her to have money from, but shell spend more than a billion dollars. I dont want to do that. You know, in New Hampshire and other states i spent a tiny fraction what other people spent. And i won in a landslide. I like that much better. But theyre spending 41 million just attacking you and the way we see it, donald trump, you dont have an attack plan back besides the rallies. How do you expect to overcome that . Okay, the same thing happened to me in the primaries. I spent 55 million of my own money. And it was that was considered not a lot. You know, for the primaries. Many people spent much more than that. I spent 55 million of my money, very little advertising. I did a lot of work, i worked very hard and we did have those rallies, those rattllies were amaze, they were the most attended rallies, far bigger than Bernie Sanders rallies and he was second. But far bigger than Bernie Sanders rallies. Im not looking of looking to spend 1 billion and i need support from republicans. I get more support from the democrats than the republicans. I have so much tremendous support from congressmen and senators and other people, but we do need support. By the way, reince and the rnc have been terrific. But it will be it would be nice to have full support from people in office. I mean, full verbal support. Now, with all of that being s d said, i may go in a different route if, you know, things dont happen. You know, this weekend we had a very big fundraising weekend. Its not revealed yet, but we raised a lot of money. I made a lot of stops in las vegas, texas and arizona. You can reveal it right now. Whatd you do . They did about 12 million. We have raised about 12 million was that for you or for the republicans . Thats for the Republican Party. Thats not for me, thats for the Republican Party. Im doing this for the Republican Party. I can go a different route, i can just spend my own money. I have a lot of cash and i can do like i did with the other, spend money on myself and go happily along and i think i win that way. Many people think i do better that way, by being more of the insurgent, the outsider and, you know, not working along. But i want to work along because the rnc has been terrific. Reince priebus has been terrific. It is all coming together. You know, theres a trend out there amongst the Current Administration to not be transparent, especially when it comes to islamic terrorist attacks. On sunday, you had the attorney general say that america should not hear what this terrorist said, something happened during the day and now the 911 transcript is fully released. What do you think going on there . Ill tell you that happened. Fur furor, furor, anger of the public. There was a fury out there when we heard that. When everybody heard that. Because we knew what he said. Its like him not wanting to say radical islamic terrorism. You have to know what the problem is. If he says things and if hes doing certain things and saying certain words while hes killing people, this animal, then what you have to do is you have to be able to see that. You dont want redacted. You dont want those words taken out. It is about radical islamic terrorism. They wanted to take chose kind of word those kind of words and referencing that particular thing, they wanted to take those words out of what he was doing. And thats not what the people want. They want honesty. They want to have honesty and were not getting honesty and the president is not wanting to talk about the problem. Its a problem of radical islam and if we dont talk about it, were never going to solve the problem. Yeah. Doesnt this look familiar, dont you remember when susan rice came out after benghazi and blamed it on video . It was basically the same. We put up the full screen of susan rice back then. Here it is. It looks similar to the full size of Loretta Lynch just this past sunday, going on all the sunday shows saying theyll be transparent, yet, theyre not. Not only does it look familiar, the fact is that the public will not stand for another four years of essentially barack obama light. And in many respects she may be worse than obama. Look at her secret Service Agents saying shes a total miss. We dont need another four years of clinton or obama. We have had it. I think the public has had it. With clinton, obama, the whole thing. Its a whole big charade. They dont want it anymore. Thats why a poll came out you saw i have gotten the worst three weeks of publicity i ever had in my life. Really the press is hammering me unfairly, in many case, hammering me. And the polls just came out cnn and pennsylvania and ohio and im right there. I mean, im right there. Well put it up. In florida, Hillary Clinton leads you 47 to 39 . However, in ohio it is a dead heat. Youre both tied at 40. And in pennsylvania, shes got 42 and youve got 41 . Its a tie there as well. Its a q poll. I saw another poll in florida where im even. I think im doing really well in florida. And i see ohio is at ohio and pennsylvania are essentially even. Very, very key states. Donald trump so you have to understand i have been hammered by the dishonest media. Absolutely. You mentioned Hillary Clintons former secret Service Agents got a book thats going to come out next week. I have been reading online that none of the other networks are going to book this guy to be on. Team hillary apparently is trying to put the kibosh on all of that. What does that say to you . Well, thats the way it is. If its a book about me, its a number one best seller and everybody puts them on, and its about her and everybody kiboshes it. The media is so dishonest, not all of it, but a big percentage. It is so totally if youre a republican or a conservative or both, frankly, you are at a disadvantage like nobody can understand unless youre in the game. And i have been hammered for the last three weeks. I have never been hammered like this in my life and mostly unfairly. And i will tell you, you know, to be even in these major states and its people are talking about it. They cant believe it. Which tells you how bad she is. Hopefully how good i am. But how bad she is. All right. Donald trump, wide ranging interview, thank you very much. Thank you. All right, donald trump just joined us live. Meanwhile, lebron james and the cavaliers get a welcome fit for a king. I dont think anybody was working in cleveland yesterday or in ohio. But the celebration is just beginning. We are live in cleveland where the champions have returned with a trophy for the First Time Since 1964. Its easy to love your laxative when that lax loves your body back. Only miralax hydrates, eases and softens to unblock naturally, so you have peace of mind from start to finish. Love your laxative. Miralax. And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. 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Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ready for a new chapter . Talk to your rheumatologist. This is humira at work. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Good morning, everyone. About 12 minutes before the top of the hour. A quick look at your headlines right now. The boy who was viciously attacked by a Mountain Lion starting to feel better now. The 5yearold boys mom had to pry her son from the cats jaws after the attack in their familys front yard. This near aspen, colorado. The little boy suffered cuts to his head, face and neck. Hes now recovering in a denver hospital. We are thinking of that family this morning, wishing them the best. Take a look at this, parents especially. The video unbelievable. Yet another bouncy house blows afrom a kids party. This slams into the high voltage power line. Oh oh, my goodness, terrifying. High winds to blame for sending that bouncy house flying from the party in upstate new york. Amazingly, no kids were inside when it blew away. And will the real candidate please stand up. The ideal candidate, keynote for us to hear from today. Oh, the ideal candidate. Oops. Vice President Joe Biden getting a good laugh after hes actually introduced that way ahead of a major speech on national security. His epic response, he makes the sign of the cross. Steve, brian and ainsley, over to you. Who knows whats going to happen eventually. Meanwhile, the Cleveland Cavaliers getting a heros welcome as they bring back the nba title. There it is. There is your team. Theres the trophy. Yep. Thats it. Thousands of cheering fans greeting lebron james and the team at the airport. The city getting ready for the party five decades they have been planning that one. Stacy frye from our fox affiliate in cleveland, live with more. I know everyone is happy there. Reporter oh, absolutely. Cant even describe the feeling here. People dont know how to react to it. Because its been so long. Still pinching ourselves, wondering if this the real. Absolutely its real. We saw that when the team stepped off the airplane yesterday with the trophy in lebron james hands. Now we have a victory parade coming up. The ever underdog cleveland fans suddenly celebrating a World Championship here. That was a sea of ecstatic fans, about 20,000 people out at the airport as lebron and company stepped off the airplane. Lebron and all of the rest of them, genuinely seemed overwhelmed. The entire team, many of them recording for themselves on their cell phones that moment as they came out of the airplane. Its not to be forgotten this feeling were experiencing. Just as the nicks have left their mark on the fans in this city, this one seemingly wipes all of that away. People have said only in cleveland, such a negative thing. And now theyre saying, yes, only in cleveland. Only in cleveland could we win a National Championship the way we did it. And in game 7 with this Cleveland Cavaliers team. Now the parade is tomorrow here in the city. Were still learning about the detail, the time and the routes through the city. We know a lot of people will be out here. But next up we have the rnc of course. In the q arena where the cavaliers play. We have some time lapse video of that. Rnc took possession of the q arena. Now they have only four weeks instead of eight weeks to set up for the convention. Why not have that . Congratulations to the cavaliers, when the browns won there was no parade or no super bowl. That was 1964. So you guys have been waiting for a while. Thanks so much. All right, coming up next, our next guest says Hillary Clinton might be crooked but shes not a crook. Web hubbell joins us live on that couch in two minutes. He would know. When cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Thats why i only choose nicorette mini. Great time for a shiny floor wax, no . Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. Despite a scandalridden career, Hillary Clintons team has argued against any evidence of a crime. Theyre doing that right now, this includes the charges against our next guest, her former law associate, webb hubbell, accused of accepting hush money after resigning from the department of justice during the president clinton years. Does that mean shes still fit to be president of the United States . So now to talk us, webb hubbell is here with us. He has a brandnew book out. Thank you for joining us. First off, does it surprise you that scandals are still around hillary . They use it. They have been using it since bill was running back in arkansas. Right. Tried to, you know ken starr spent 70 million trying to prove hillary did something wrong and he didnt find a thing. Never charged her with a crime. Lets fast forward to today. You say she might be crooked but i swear shes not a crook. I didnt say that. I said you didnt . No. When i was asked about the talking points i would say neither. Shes neither. You know, theres an old adage you you know, repeat a lie enough, its going to become true. Thats what the republicans hope to do. Theyre going to repeat this lie, keep putting a label on her. Well, the email not true. Well, thats an fbi investigation, the state department disclosure. So but nothing has come of it. And nothing will come of it. But she still has a server in her basement. She did. No one else did that. Completely wrong, she shouldnt have done that. Yes. But that means she still did it. Doesnt mean shes crooked. Theres a difference between doing something wrong i think we have all done something wrong in our lives. But that doesnt mean shes crooked or has done something illegal. Well, lets see what happens with the fbi and whatnot. Tell us about a game of inches. Its the third of a legal thrillers. This begins with the rookie of the year billy hopper waking up in the Mayflower Hotel with blood all over the bed, a dead girl and fingerprints all over the knife. He is trying to prove what really happened that night. And unfortunately somebody is spending a lot of time and effect trying to prevent him from representing man oh, man what a story. The third in the jack patterson trilogy. Webb hubbell, thank you for coming in. Thank you for having me. Great to see you. Well step aside. Coming up next, well talk to Laura Ingraham. Shell talk back. A big hassle . Not with safelite. This family needed their windshield replaced, but theyre daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. So we said if you need safelite to come to the zoo well come to the zoo only safelite can fix your windshield anywhere in the us. With our exclusive mobileglassshops. And our one of a kind trueseal technology, for a reliable bond. Service that fits your schedule. Thats another safelite advantage. Safelite repair, safelite replace. Msame time tomorrow, fellas . New dr. Scholls stimulating step insoles. They massage key pressure points with each step, for all day comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. Dudes got skills. New dr. Scholls stimulating step insoles. Incr. Think it wouldotection in a pwork, but it does. Dnt. Its called always discreet for bladder leaks, the super. Absorbent core turns liquid to gel. I know im wearing it but no one else will. Always discreet for bladder leaks. Good morning. It is tuesday, its june 21st. Im ainsley earhardt. We start with a fox news alert. Donald trump targeted by an illegal immigrant for assassination. The man tried to steal the officers gun and actually tried to take out donald trump. He was here illegally. That threat comes amid a major shakeup in trumps inner circle. One hour ago you heard Corey Lewandowski after the donald told him youre fired. I have unbelievable respect for mr. Trump and hes going to be the next president of the United States. Hes a great guy, he did a great job. Were going in a different direction. Why is he still saying so many nice things . Well talk to Laura Ingraham about that in 90 seconds. Back tracking on retracing the fbi releases, the fbi released the orlando attacker 911 calls, in full the chilling pledge he made to isis. Its finally out front, unlike it was in the morning. It is out there now. What happened . Well talk to laura about that too because your mornings are better with friends. Well, it is the first full day of summer. And we have dispatched our friends from ritas, and they are going to this hour, i think im going to get into the truck and drive around and give folks some italian ice. And some of the world famous custard. Oh, rita, we love ritas italian ice. Brian being italian, likes italian ice. Half italian. If you want to hear some honking, have steve pull over in the middle of broadway because people want to buy ice cream from you. People are trying to get to work. Im going give it to them. I suggest maybe we find a dry cleaners you know, even on a nice day, you go into the dry cleaners its about 600 degrees. Such hard workers. Whoever the genius was to leave the bell and go with the song deserves some type of medal. It helped america. The bell was so annoying. Are you talking about the good humor truck . Yes. Not just good humor, any ice cream truck. I grew up with the bell. Lets go over to heather. My kids ask me, what is that song playing . I say, thats just the neighbor. They have no clue that its ice cream you can hear it for blocks. Moms lie sometimes. Seriously . Yeah. Thats true. They dont watch fox in the morning anyway. Good morning to you. I have some serious news to bring you and its a fox news alert. Donald trump targeted by an illegal immigrant and he told the police he wanted to kill the nominee. Michael sandford was arrested on saturday. He tried to steal a gun from the officer. The public defender admitted hes in the United States illegally since he overstayed the visa. Sandford does have not a criminal record or a record of criminal illness. He is behind bars until july the 5th. Overnight, the senate shooting down gun control measures just eight days after the orlando terror attack. Two sought to strengthen background checks and the others would keep those on terror watch lists from buying guns. This comes days after chris murphy filibustered for 15 hours. But those who opposed the measures say the best way to stop terror attacks is to take the fight overseas. The southwest engulfed in flames this morning and so much heat. Three states battling wildfires. Two new ones sparking in los angeles. Those fires fueled by a record breaking heat wave that has already killed four people in arizona over the weekend. It is the stark reminder of the dangers of heat stroke. We talked to dr. David samadi earlier about what to do if the heat is getting to you. The first thing to do is get out of the heat. Thats what you want you want to bring the temperature down. Make sure you take a cold shower, drink fluid. Make sure you get all of your electrolytes. Within 15 minutes youre not feeling well, call 911. Las vegas, phoenix and los angeles are under excessive heat warnings through at least tomorrow. Chaos on the Roller Coaster, a car slammed into the empty car where people got on to the Roller Coaster and three people were sent to the hospital. Including a worker who was sent flying. Its called the Zippin Pippin coaster in wisconsin. It is closed for at least a week now. One person described that terrifying ride. When we were going over the last hill, the car didnt stop or slow down at all. I saw the other car, like whoa, it was a loud bang. The car hit a worker, he went up and over the car and fell in the front seat. He got out butted they him laying down. Thats been running for more than five years and its first accident. Inspectors plan to take look at every car. Probably a good plan. Yes. Thanks. Once a week, Laura Ingraham joins us. Today is the day. Hey, good to see you. A lot to talk about in politics. Donald trump fired corey lewandowski yesterday. There are a million stories swirling around. We had both of them on. Heres a sound bite with corey who even though he got canned is still proud to support donald. The fact i was part of it is so important to me. Because im not inside, my feelings havent changed in 24 hours. I want to fix the country. I know he can. And to go out and say negative things which i dont believe is not the right thing to do. I want the country better for my family. Right. Hell do that. So even though he just got fired he still has nice things to say about his former boss. I thought he had a really classy response and in an era where so many people leave their places of employment to, you know, trash their you know, their former bosses, where they can sell a big story to the National Enquirer or people magazine, we showed a lot of who he is. Im not saying hes perfect, none of us are but he does care about the country. I know corey a little bit. You know, it was time to turn the page on the campaign. I dont know all the inside details of it, but i thought both of them, both Donald Trumps points this morning with you and coreys points i think it was okay. I think thats life. You know, people move on in relationships, professional and personal. I think its time. I think it all turned out probably for the best. Yeah. Laura, we did have donald trump on to respond to it as well. Well play that sound bite and then get a response from you. There were some people that loved corey, some people didnt like him as much because he was strong and he was tough. Ill tell you what, i give him a 10. Number one, hes a great guy and number two, he did a really great job but now were finished with the primaries which we won. So corey has a great victory on his belt. And i will be the first to tell you, you know, he can say let trump be trump. But he managed beautifully. Now were going a different way. We have a group of people and its a little bit different. Well, your reaction . I mean, hes fired, he didnt move over or resign to spend more time with his family. Hes out. What do you think has to change with the Trump Organization . Well, i think we have to s p stop, you know, wishing that things are going to be different when theyre not. Right now the trump Campaign Needs to send a consecutiistent message to American People, about jobs, the rule of law, hillary is going to take us in a globalist direction that will deplete our sovereignty as individuals, as our national sovereignty. D very clear message of economic growth. If i were advising trump id say stop tweeting, stop reacting to every bit of criticism. Focus right on the American People, the plight of the middle class and the corruption in washington, d. C. Of which Hillary Clinton, barack obama, Loretta Lynch, eric holder, that whole crowd, jeh johnson at Homeland Security theyre part and parcel of the same game of obfuscation, a lot of transparency. Hes got to make that point consistently. I think his points about corey, again, very classy. This is what happens in a campaign, this not surprising. But right now we have the reboot this campaign. Its got to be clear and specific and enough of the personalities. Its about the people. Not about your products or its about the people of this country, period. And we need a leader who is going to be specific and clear on these major points. Well, laura, you mentioned Loretta Lynch, you were talking about corruption in washington. You know, given the fact that youre an attorney, you worked at the Supreme Court. What a crazy 48 hours. She comes out and she says that the fbi would be releasing the transcript, but it would be redacted regarding omar mateen. So it came out and it had these blanks where it just said omitted. But then later in the day because it hit the fan, it came out, you can al baghdadis name and talking about isis and always that. In the transcript released by the department of justice it says god when in fact he used allah. But because he was shifting between english and arabic they left the translation allah as god. It all smells bad. It smelled bad when they sent susan rice to do the fake explanation for the mission in benghazi. That smelled bad, turns out that was a whole lie, entire lie. Now once again Loretta Lynch goes out and oh, were going to be transparent, no problem. Theyre lying about that too. So again, why are they so afraid of telling the truth to the American People about what radical islam is, why are they so afraid of it . If anything, it just pushes the president s narrative. Its basically by them doing this and showing us the original transcript and basically it says it confirms what the president is doing. He doesnt want you at home to know what this guy was saying when he was in there shooting up the night club. He wants to make it about guns and not about terrorism. He wants to make it about guns. It was really solely an attack on the lgbt community. They were attacked. But the motivation behind this was radical islam. Of course. Loretta lynch even threw in a reference on one of the sunday shows about how theyre looking into the fact that it was latin night. Now, this is just a canard. People have to you might have all sorts of problems with donald trump. I get that. But if you want to continue this type of running the table that these people do on the American People every day, well, this is whats going to keep happening. Right. Americans are their lives are in jeopardy if it keeps on the way its going. Were being lied to about this. About the refugee program, about the border and the economy. What else are they lying about . I think thats the conclusion you come away with. The cia director came out and totally contradicted the president about the damage hes doing, not doing on isis. And the secretary of defense yesterday in an interview said we have to stop the orlando attacks by putting more pressure on raqqah and isis in the middle east. Really . Because the president doesnt see that linkage but people that work for him do, on the clock for him. Its in the report. Great point, brian. What point do any of the top officials in the Obama Administration say, enough is enough. Unless you take this seriously im out. Wheres the honor on the part of Loretta Lynch, comey, wheres the honor here . Lets see. To be continued. Laura, thank you very much. Great to see you. Good to see you. The shooters 911 call transcript may be out, but questions still remain about the details of the attack in orlando. Like what was going on during the threehour standoff . Peter johnson jr. Going to fill us in on some of the unanswered questions. Then, parents, we have a problem. Yes. With the princess. The pc police issuing an urgent warning about your girls, playing with the disney girls. They better stop it right now. Exactly. Huh . Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. 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Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Its now a little over a week since the deadly terror attack in orlando. And critical questions still remain about exactly what happened during that threehour standoff that ended in 90 50 deaths including the shooter. And what we can learn from this tragedy. Here to help us go through the ws, the who, what, where, when and whys is Peter Johnson jr. Good morning. A lot of questions answered yesterday, but still some more questions. What happened during that threehour standoff . Well, we got some answers. There were calls by Orlando Police department negotiators to this terrorist. Three different calls. One at 2 48, one at 3 30, that lasted 16 minutes and 3 34 that lasted three minutes. What happened after that . This was not breached for an hour and a half. We dont know what happened in the hour and a half once the calls ended. They hadnt made threats at that point, but we do know there were threats made. The question was what was the motive of this terrorist . The shooter told the negotiator to tell america to stop bombing syria and iraq, and thats why he was out here right now. Lets see now, what have we learned in terms of this . Well, we have learned the motive, number one, with regard to syria and iraq. We have also learned than what will be the future in terms of arming soft target, what will be the future in terms of ensuring that soft targets like disney world, this gay bar, other places in america are protected. We know that there was one Police Officer who was in fact present, who was working a paid detail at the door. That he responded, that within minutes another two Police Officers responded. That fired that shots were in fact fired in that club. We dont know who was struck by what. Based on my evaluation of past incidents like there will be unfortunately friendly fire that struck patrons in that bar on that night that caused injury and death. The autopsies have been done. They will match up the bullets from the gun of the terrorist with the guns of the Police Officers who responded and fired at that scene. The last point that has caused a furor throughout the country was based upon what the department of justice did yesterday in terms of revealing the tapes. What they did in the transcript was reduce and redact reference to isis, reference to allah and reference to al baghdadi, the head of isis and they put it back in later on in the day based on political pressure from the republicans in the United States. Well, that reveals the motive. We just heard Laura Ingraham talk about the notion about whether its in the past at benghazi or now, there seems to be an effort by this government to reduce and detract from the notion that this is terrorism and that its based upon islamic extremism. Thank you. Meanwhile, liberals were ecstatic when they heard the news, socialist superhero Elizabeth Warren could be hillarys vp. And now wall street is weighing in on that and the news not good. And remember her. She spent eight years alongside us on the curvy couch. Gretchen carlson is back to tell us about her new project, a pageant for special little girls who need it most. Gretchen will join us with the former miss iowa usa, coming up next. I am. And i didnt get here alone. There were people who listened along the way. People who gave me options. Kept me on track. And through it all, my retirement never got left behind. So today, im prepared for anything we may want tomorrow to be. Every someday needs a plan. Lets talk about your old 401 k today. Hello new coppertone sport. Its reformulated to feel lighter on your skin, but still protects and stays on strong. New coppertone sport. Hello sunshine. We have some quick headlines for you. New overnight, officials in brussels arrest a man armed with a bomb belt claiming to have been kidnapped. The scare shutting down a Main Shopping Center and promoting a National Crisis meeting. It turn out that the mans belt was filled with salt and with cookies. But he recently told police he was enlisted to join isis in syria. Rescue crews are trying to save a sick worker in the south pole. Two planes making the dangerous journey in 24hour darkness and in temperatures 70 degrees below zero. Cold enough to freeze jet fuel. Meanwhile, she is a former miss america, and now Gretchen Carlson is helping empower women with a new beauty pageant. The miss you can do it pageant helps young girls with disabilities show that theyre just as incredible as the beauties on any stage. Who can argue with that . This years master of ceremonies is our own Gretchen Carlson, author of getting real and former miss usa abby kern is here, founder of the pageant. Good to be back. When i heard about this, shes been doing this for 13 years by the way. When i heard about this, i said i need to get on board. I want to help because shes talking about the inner beauty of these wonderful young women, aged 4 up into their 20s who have disabilities who for one way are coming from illinois all over the country and being honored for their inner beauty. I said i want to help. Thats wonderful, gretchen. Why did you start this . I was told i couldnt do a pageant. Why . Well, because i have Cerebral Palsy. So it was the so when i finally got a flyer for miss usa, i thought this is a huge opportunity. Who cares if i fail and dont win . At least i can say i tried. Right. I actually made history. So you won . Well, i won miss iowa usa and became the first woman with a disability to go to the miss usa pageant. I think that basically that was turning me impossible possible. Thats what i wanted to encourage these women with challenges to do, to realize it doesnt matter if the world says they cant. Why dont we make history and be the first to accomplish all of the dreams. Yeah. The one thing at which i find unbelievably admirable is you got that moment from the teachers saying you it, to get to deciding within you im going to prove them wrong, rather than shrink and say youre right. I have this problem. You said im going to prove them wrong. Where does that come from . I think im a little stubborn. More than a little. Maybe a little hard headed, stubborn. I kind of just it feels really good to say, i told you so. I can do it. You should see the young women. You cannot watch any piece of video for two seconds without getting tears in your eyes. There are girls in wheelchairs, there are girls who cant talk. There are girls who have Cerebral Palsy and they come there for that one day. It will be july 30th this year. You can still apply online. And they feel so great about themselves and you should see their parents. Their parents are saying, wow. Heres an organization that is celebrating my daughter. You know whats so interesting, sometimes people say i want to fit in. Youre saying i want to stand out by going to the pageant. Yeah. I want the parents and the contestants to be brave enough to try all the new things. Opening number, the private interview with the panel of judges by themselves. Because theyre capable of doing this. Even if they cant speak, they can sit in front of a panel of judges and smile and just radiate the room. Everyone winds one a trophy and a crown and a lovely parting gift. For people who are interested and watching right now, is there a Selection Process or if you apply, do you actually get to be part of it . Yeah, if you apply by july 3rd, youre in. Youre on the stage. Youre on the stage. Its that simple. We might have a million contestants this year, but i love a good challenge. Get a bigger room. She got so much response yesterday after being on our show the real story. We were asking for donations to help even if its just 5. She actually heard from people who want to come and judge. Big news fantastic. I know youre so excited when gretchen got involved. Shes such a class act and a wonderful person and you got good news yesterday. Oh, my gosh, my phone was blowing up, which never happens, no one calls me. Robocalls, i get those at dinner. Not even that i got the best news. A judge at miss iowa usa, melissa young, and shes not doing that well, but she said we wanted to come and judge this years pageant. She would be wthere. Shes the one who talked about trump. You talk about the pageants in getting real k. Yeah. The never give up attitude, i did it for miss america and for my life and this is so rewarding i wanted to do a part of it. Go to miss you can do it. Com and help out. Thank you very much. Well be watching this afternoon. All right, the video is terrifying. An inflatable bouncy house goes flying through the air and right into the power lines. Oh. The house blowing away in the middle of a birthday party. The one thing that saved everyones life. You dont want to bounce like that. But first, we send steve out into the hallway and the streets to get the pulse of the people on the first day of summer. I think it has something to do with italian ices. What they do to stay cool is coming up. Stuart varney, he said on camera he doesnt talk to you. Thats so typical of stuart. You wouldnt believe whats in this kiester. A farmers market. A fire truck. Even a marching band. And if i can get comfortable talking about this kiester, then you can get comfortable using preparation h. For any sort of discomfort in yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. But can your multivitamin to be healthy. Do more for your immune health . Now one a day has the first multivitamin with probiotics to support the 70 of your immune system thats found in your digestive tract. New one a day with probiotics. Your multi with more. Jack knocked over a candlestick, onto the shag carpeting. And his pants ignited into flames, causing him to stop, drop and roll. Luckily jack recently had geico help him with renters insurance. Because all his belongings went up in flames. Jack got full replacement and now has new pants he ordered from banana republic. Visit geico. Com and see how affordable renters insurance can be. He gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. And when josh thinks big you know what he gives . Ill give you everything ive got and then some. He gives a hundred and ten percent im confident this 10 can boost your market share. Look at that pie chart boom youve never seen a number like that you feel me lois . Im feeling you. Yeah you do lets do this watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. Woot woot the ready for you alert, only at laquinta. Com. La. Quinta yeah im walking on sunshine, im walking on sunshine its the first full day of summer and steve is outside treating people to some ice cream from ritas italian ice. He was told there was a motor on it and he has to pull it. People are not realizing hes not charging anything, i think the line will be long. And plus a chance to touch steve doocy. Yeah. Speaking of speak who dont like to touch steve doocy, heres heather nauert. I love to touch steve doocy. I have a story so relatable to so many parents. The kids love the bouncy house bus look at this unbelievable video as yet another bouncy house blows away from the Childrens Party, but this one slams into the high voltage power line. Watch. Oh well, high winds to blame for sending that bouncy house flying from the party in upstate new york. Parents and kids watching in horror as that house is electrocuted. Thankfully, no children in were in the house when it blew away. Its not easy to come between Hillary Clinton and her campaign cash. Just ask Elizabeth Warren that. Several wall street donors are threatening to pull their money if she chooses warren. Warren has been outspoken and thats not sitting well, and many are favoring tim kaine with the veep. The Clinton Campaign said theyre not ruling anybody in or out. Imagine if your package was delivered like this. The postal worker throws it like a frisbee and pulls away. The homeowner got suspicious when he saw it laying on the sidewalk. He looked at the Security Camera and luckily it was just socks in there. Disney princesses, a danger to your little girl . Let it go, let it go researchers actually studied this. They say that the more girls play with dolls the more likely they are to have bad selfesteem and be less come fept in math and science. And what do you think of that . We listen to the real police, not the pc police. Yeah. Those guys. Maria molina is outside. Hey, you know, i have to say, i love Disney Princesses. I love math and science. Hows your selfesteem . I think its pretty good. Lets switch gears and talk about the weather conditions because across the southwestern u. S. , we do have the concern for more extreme heat yet again today. Were setting record High Temperatures out there over the last few days and take a look at the forecast for today. 112 degrees in phoenix and 113 in palm springs, california. Again, things are continuing to heat up out there. And the forecast is for this heat to continue and remain above average over the next couple of days, even into this weekend. So we continue to see these excessive heat warnings in effect for places like california, nevada, utah and even in arizona. So stay safe out there. The heat expanding eastward into portions of the plains so in rapid city, that far north, youre looking at a High Temperature at 96 degrees. The other threat today as well is the threat for Severe Weather, from the plains, parts of the midatlantic and the risk for Severe Weather will continue over the next couple of days as well. Theres a look at the forecast for wednesday and into thursday. Now lets head back inside. Thanks, maria. I understand the dooce is on the loose out there with maria. Is this true . There he is. Steve might be steve, what you doing out there . Well, you know, today is the first full day of summer and im here with eric from ritas italian ice. Why do they call it italian ice . Its based on the consistency of the product. Its made in a Specialty Batch machine. So the consistency comes out like an ice product, but theres no ice in the recipe. It used to be called what . In philly we call it water ice. Well, you cant charge people for water ice so they have to make it sound fancy. Who wants italian ice . Come on over here, whats your name . Im vera. Okay, vera. For your free italian ice, tell us your favorite Fox News Channel show. Oh, my gosh, fox friends. Good answer. Good answer. There you go. Move on. Whats your name . Dawn. What are you doing this summer . Traveling into new york city. What a happy day. Have mango. Thanks. Who else wants some italian ice. How are you . Im good. How are you planning on spending summer . Im going out to jones beach. Do you just strip down to your swimsuit and live it up for the whole day . Thank you. Swim suit we get there about 8 30. Get sandwiches from the deli in manhasset, lemonades and there until 1 00. It will be a great summer. Keep it moving. Right here, how are you . How are you . Doing okay. Want an italian ice . Yes. Whats your summer plans . My summer plans are to get a whole lot of money, im straight for philadelphia, west philadelphia. Ritas italian ice is from philadelphia. Yeah. We love it, philadelphia we love it, man. Whats your name . Benjamin. Benjamin, just like franklin from philadelphia. Im trying to get a whole bunch of money, man. Look at the benjamin. Looking for the benjamins. Im putting it all together. Here, cheers. Benjamin. Italian ice. Italian ice, man. I should sip it. Love it in south philly. Dont forget about it. What does he do . Hey, steve, do you have any money with you . What do you do for a living . Im a salesman. I sell merchandise. Like what . Put it in the hands. Watch them buy it. Pitch them high and watch them buy it. I love it. What do you have to sell now . Probably the best salesman in the city. No kidding, you are a good salesman. Production, introduction of the short story, clothing, rehab. Thank you, i already bought it. Thank you. Thats awesome. All right. Thank you, steve. Bring some in for us . Please. Give them a 20. Dont blame the terrorists for americas lone wolf problem. Blame republicans and their guns. Thats the new party line for the democrats. Well talk to dana loesch who is also out with a brand new book flyover nation. I wonder if shes armed. Experience the thrill of the lexus is f sport. Because the ultimate expression of power, is control. This is the pursuit of perfection. With booking. Coms range rebel and key can wing it all the way to jordan and chelseas wedding. Rumble road trip. There she is. Uh oh, oh, oh, oh, what . So here is our road trip itinerary. Whats this . A bunch of different places. Nah, bro. We gotta go offscript. Rip to shreds every motel, cabin and teepee, between here and the wedding. Now get out of my seat. Alright. screams road trip whahhhh hahaha. Road trip think fixing your windshield is a big hassle . Not with safelite. This family needed their windshield replaced but theyre daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. So guess what, i met them at the zoo. Service that fits your schedule. Thats another safelite advantage. Safelite repair, safelite replace. This morning democrats outraged after four new gun control laws were not approved by the u. S. Senate overnight. But rather than be angry at republicans, shouldnt democrats be focussing on the terrorists . Here to react is dana loesch, radio talk show host and author of that book right there. Called flyover nation. You cant run a nation you have never been to. Good to see you. Good to see you. Thank you for having me here. I love your weather by the way. Good. All right, dana, are you surprised the measures havent passed even though senator collins has something today . No, im not surprised. They dont have enough to get it passed enough and theyre completely redundant to whats already on the book. If youre on the terror watch list, you go to purchase a firearm youre flagged regardless. The problem is that these measures would not have stopped any of the past massacres that we have seen. Omar mateen, he was on a terror watch list, they took him off reportedly from the daily caller because of Political Correctness. We have options in place. Look, i know its probably been covered before, but there are so many people that are on the watch lists erroneously. My stepdad, the guy whose only crime is to wear his socks up to his knees was on the terror watch list. And he when we flew for vacation last week he was detained and interrogated for two hours. Those are the people youre infringing upon. Thats what the republicans were saying, Everybody Needs due process. You dont want someone to not have a gun because of due process. Open up a federal investigation that will immediately flag if they try to purchase a firearm. When someone is indicted, if you indict someone with federal charges they cant purchase anything if they wanted to. They have the options before them that they dont want to take the measures. Hillary clinton is out with the hash tag and is Elizabeth Warren for Hillary Clinton, its prayers arent enough and for Elizabeth Warren disarm hate. If we are going to disarm hate, can we start with isis, with the terrorists that we allowed to come here for san bernardino, the tsarnaevs who were on the public dole while on a watch list . Thats one of the reasons i wrote this book. They understand the law, they live the laws. You have the producers that violate federal gun laws when they go and try to lecture to lawabiding americans. You have stephanie who did the documentary under the gun she broke the gun laws while trying to lecture to americans. Theyre not following what we already have and i guess they think were too stupid to know what the laws are, but we know. Why are they making it about the guns and not about the terrorists . Because theyd indict themselves. One of the reasons we are dealing with this situation here in our malls and our clubs and, you know, movie theaters everywhere else is because we have an administration that has failed to contain this problem abroad. As a result, its now flourishing here. We are going to see more of this unfortunately. We have an administration and you all know this, brian, i have listened to you and we have an administration that wont use the word shariah or jihad in their paperwork. Thats a problem. Where is flyover nation . Flyover nation is the point between new york and l. A. Where im from, kansas. There you go. What do they know that we dont . What does flyover know . Flyover nation knows how to be selfsustaining and be truly independent. They know how to take care of their fellow man without taking something in return. They know how to serve disproportionate amounts of many come and serve in the military. A brandnew book out this week. Yes. Out today. Dana, thank you very much. I dont know if i have given you a copy, but here you are. My own book. She wants 22, nothing is for free. Meanwhile, its National Hawaiian food week. Yeah. Were adding some Island Flavor to your tuesday next. But first lets check in with bill hemmer to find out whats coming up at the top of the hour. Flyover guy. Yes. Ohio. Im a buckeye. Good morning, i know all about it. What is the state of the race, brandnew polling tell us where trump and clinton appear to stack up today. Trump says its time for a different kind of campaign, what does that mean . Well talk to the trump team about that today. Isis has standing armies in six country, how did this happen . And how the feds reversed themselves on the orlando terrorist, Casey Mcfarland and peter king and much more when martha and i see you at the top of the hour. Man, my feet are killin me. Same time tomorrow, fellas . New dr. Scholls stimulating step insoles. They massage key pressure points with each step, for all day comfort that keeps you feeling more energized. Dudes got skills. New dr. Scholls stimulating step insoles. It is easy to appreciate the foods that come out of the aloha state like spam, dole bananas and of course kings hawaiian rolls. Theyre so yummy. Here to help us say aloha to National Hawaiian week is the chef. What does that mean to you . Were trying to elevate and to show case the foods of hawaii and of course our hawaii food and Wine Festival we have every year. That the great food manufacturers were so proud of, like kings hawaiian. And for instance today, i cant wait to make this burger with the hawaiian sweet bread. What is the burger called . Well, its called the hopa burger and that means mixed in hawaiian. Hawaiis mix is made up of of a lot of different up of a lot of different cultures and this mixed burger is were utilizing the pork and the beef and different meats. Can we make it together . Yes. We can throw all of this in and then we have the ground beef. We have the ground pork. Then we have the hawaiian portuguese sausage. We can mix all of this together. Once this is mixed, we have a patty like this. And once the patty is formed, then we can actually grill this. Okay. It will look like this. Yeah, it will look like this. So its a combination of the different ingredients. Now, you said you can make any food hawaiian. How do you do that . Well, you can. Of course what we like to do is use the hawaiian products. So we have a lot of great ranchers, fishermen, farmers and of course the hawaiian products. Thats really makes Hawaiian Food but at the same time, of course, you can use macadamia nut s and hawaiian salt. Pineapple. One of my favorites. But the real Hawaiian Food is our soul and heart and all of the ingredients we use in hawaii. Thats great. Everyone loves hawaii. For many of us its a dream vacation where wed like to go one day. Well, actually you know what . If you hash tag the sweepstakes and take a picture of your favorite hawaiian meal, youre an inspiration, and then you have chance to win a trip to hawaii and come to our food festival. Then at the same time, enjoy, you know, the Hawaiian Airlines travel there and the great hotel. Honolulu. Beautiful hotel. Everyone would love to go to that. This is the food and the Wine Festival in hawaii. That sounds like an amazing experience. Yes. Everybody has to come. When can we go do that next year if were planning a vacation . Well, its going to be in october this year. Okay. Its its three weeks celebration and we have a lot of great local chefs. We have chefs coming from internationally and domestically. Great time to enjoy all the great flavors of hawaii. Right before the election so a good place to go on vacation before we go to the polls around vote in november. Lets try one of and these. Yeah. Try one of those. Yes. Yes. Anyone in the crowd want to taste one . Yeah. Let them try it . Anyone want a burger . Who wants to be the taster. Can you get your mouth around that . All right. Lets taste it and see what you think. Enjoy it. Whats your name . Mike. Mike is tasting the burger. Whats your name . Janet. From myrtle beach, south carolina. What do you think . Awesome. Thumbs up . All right. We cant talk with our mouths full, but i think we have some winners over here. Thank you so much. Chef, well tell our folks at to check out the website. Hawaiianfoodsweek. Com. You get a chance to attend that hawaii food and Wine Festival. Thank you, chef. More fox friends just moments away. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing before its history, its news. Well, the first full day of summer, wrapping it up outside near the ritas truck. Thank you very much for the frozen ice. Tomorrow, we have Michael Flynn and nascar driver, who got beat up. First day of summer so you have to go it oand enjoy some go out and enjoy some ritas italian ice. Have a great day. Bill after a major staff shakeup, trump says its time for a change and he promises a different kind of campaign. Martha lets get rolling with the big question. Will donald trump make the longawaited changes to get into general election mode . If so, can he do it in the nick of time. The quinnipiac polls show the headtohead matchup in the swing states and thats what they look

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