Someone is going to get hurt, its not going to end well. It is not about donald, not about anything else. Joe biden, we call him 1 joe. Someone who needs no introduction. Putting in a major tax cut for middleincome people sometime in november. Dont forget the big tax cut, we are going to get you more. Pete sunday morning. You almost have to play that song. And emily love. Ainsley so excited to do another great show. You were telling us a tree fell on your car. In San Francisco on the way to a bon jovi concert, and the eucalyptus tree in a huge storm fell completely, the pundits fell over, i drove around it. You were like im getting to this concert. A tree came down on your suv. We have some muscle cars. You can smell it on the way in. Fox news alert. More than 2000 migrants defiantly pushing ahead trying to get to the us border after risky border crossings into mexico. The left stranded on a border bridge as the Migrant Caravan march is over. Ainsley in texas, agents prepare for massive wave of migrants. Anyone from the world can claim asylum. If you have merit behind your claim your granted a hearing before an American Immigration judge. That is the promise of america but hundreds if not thousands come daily across the border yesterday. We witnessed smugglers bringing people over and the Border Patrol is on the mend they turned back to mexico and trashed their pickup truck into the river, the smuggler got away but the people he was bringing got in and if you look, they are chinese nationals, an Unusual Group to be coming over to pay to claim asylum but it is telling, and the chinese nationals last night, kellyanne conway, talking about family units. Mothers children, unaccompanied children, what she had to say. 45 or so of family units coming in, unaccompanied minors or people who say they are a family coming into central america. This is a problem because we are encouraging people to smuggle children over. Reporter a problem to the tune of 641 illegal crossings in this area and we are joined with the chief of this sector and we will take you for a ride. Pete outstanding work on the border, thanks. Look at the images on that bridge, they are powerful but you also hear folks jumping off the bridge, the media is calling it makeshift they dont look makeshift to me. Makeshift is they gathered together, between a park and a vote and they will continue to try to get to the United States. Dont know that was a voice vote or recorded vote, dozens look like there is a narrative around this, an organic thing people have to be striving. It is also very political in this message. Ainsley the United States the human is coming into the area and working with local governments to process refugees before they come to the border. A lot of other countries are dealing with it and it is incumbent to deal with before it gets so far north. Pete Mexican Police trying to deal with it, that is a change from caravans heading toward the us. Mexico is not on the sidelines anymore. The pressure from donald trump saying enough is enough. He mentioned it at his rally, the honduran president and guatemalan president , jimmy brown, this migration has political motivations violating the borders and good faith of the states and putting the most important thing, people, countries of origin and recognize this is a political thing that is happening. And also raises questions, and who is funding it and whether the left is behind that and policies at home, the president tweeting out if democrats would stop being obstructionist and come together, we could write up new immigration laws in less than one hour, the needless pain and suffering they are causing, look at the horrors taking place on the border. Second nancy, call me. Ainsley touches on the fact of humanitarian issues the entire wing, huge incentive, Sexual Assault along the way, humanitarian issue, it doesnt have anything, a smaller component is a security aspect that the southern border. There are 1 million other factors that drive into it but come into play, if we have an open border. You are right. This is a big issue. Chuck and nancy saying you dont want to talk about healthcare, they are trying to change the conversation. The president doubling down on something he has done already the tax cut cut cut act, remember that . The first tax cuts passed, he wants more cutting. Looking at middleclass tax cuts before the midterms. We are looking at putting in a major tax cut for middle income people. If we do that it will be sometime just prior to november and we are studying deeply aroundtheclock a major tax cut for middle income people. Not for business at all. For middleincome people. Kevin brady is working on it. Paul ryan is working, we are all working on it and looking at a major tax cut for middle income people. I would say sometime around 1 november. Maybe a little before. Pete part of it is about trying to make individual income tax cuts permanent because they are going to expire down the road. He doesnt want to do that before the midterms that focus on the midterms, the middle class is going to have more permanent tax cuts. That is one narrative democrats were obsessed with leading into the midterms, these tax cuts dont it only benefits the higher echelon but here the president is staying on narrative, this is what we will do for the middle class. They called them crumbs i think. We played a little bit from the president in nevada. He wasnt the only guy with a president ial title in nevada. Joe biden was in las vegas and stepped up to the podium, and took a few swipes. Listen to joe biden in nevada. Shredded by a president who was all about himself, all about donald, not about anything else. Time to get up, lift our heads up, remember who the hell we are. This is america lets take back the senate and we will change the world as we know it now now, now, now pete the senate race, republican dean heller in some trouble. Looks like i dont think a comfortable lead, the president has been there before pushing for him. The president at his own rally was saying joe biden, he loves to label people, brand people, lowenergy job, little marco, all the rest, worked in the gop primaries, now saying please help me come up with a new nickname for joe biden. We call him 1 joe because he ran at least twice, 3 times, i think he ran 3 times and he never had more than 1 so we call him 1 joe. Obama came along and took him off of the trash heap and made him Vice President so we call him either Sleepy Joe Biden or 1 . Which is better . She said creepy joe. I would never do that. I would never insult him like that. I am for 1 joe. It is true obama plucked him for political reasons as you always do with a Vice President candidate. The president pointed out he said to joe biden, crowd counts, 193 people, those diligent journalists on the ground, a couple hundred, ive got to correct the record. It was tiny. A tiny audience for the Vice President of the United States juxtaposed against the president who continues to draw thousands and thousands. Peter doocy saying people driving from portland, oregon, hours and hours. 1 joe. Isnt that, that has to matter at some level as far as intensity of interest in personality, we live in a personality world, people are drawn to the president , if you draw crowds and you are the former Vice President there is not as much every pollsters said dont look at individual poles but intensity. In the final days, the last couple weeks, who wants to get out to the polls . Out of the Brett Kavanaugh fight whether the intensity is on the republican side. Turning to your headlines, fox news alert, desperate manhunt underway after a cop is shot and killed in cold blood. And one tony was ambushed when responding to a report of a suspicious car in georgia. Police searching for 18yearold maynard. A second suspect is in police custody. 30yearold officer tony would have celebrated his third anniversary this week. At least 42 Police Officers have been killed in the line of duty this year. Of floor collapses during a College Homecoming party dropping dozens of people into a basement overnight. 30 people were taken to the hospital after the floor caved in an Apartment Building in south carolina. No lifethreatening injuries were reported. And the list of candidates to replace narrow down to 5, the president telling reporters hes interviewing 3 women and two men hoping to replace with another female, shes resigning at the end of the your commissioning down rumors about a potential 2020 oh run for the white house. Those are your headlines. Going after Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell, look what happened. Why dont you get out of here . Democrats keep saying what violence . People actually fight back. We will show you that. Republican california congressional candidate accusing your opponent of walking and Nancy Pelosis shoes literally. After a lifetime in politics, walking and Nancy Pelosis shoes. So i can buy from enterprise car sales and youll take any tradein . Thats right great here you go. Well, it does need to be a vehicle. But i need this out of my house. vo with fair, Transparent Value for every tradein. Enterprise makes it easy. This is actually under your budget. Its great. Mmhmm. Yeah, and when you move in, geico could help you save on renters insurance man 1 behind wall yep, geico helped me with renters insurance, too um. The walls seem a bit thin. Man 2 behind wall they are and craig practices the accordion every night says the guy who sings karaoke by himself. Im a very shy singer. Youre tone deaf ehh. Should we move on to the next one . Its a great building youll love it here we have mixers every thursday. Geico®. Its easy to switch and save on homeowners and renters insurance. Vote against the farm bill but support sanctuary cities. Taxes, more spending and many wasting, nancy pelosi, but surprisingly, after a lifetime in politics no longer one of us, he is walking in Nancy Pelosis shoes. 16 days until the midterms this new ad is from our next guest Elizabeth Hank who is connecting her opponent to nancy pelosi in a unique way. Elizabeth joins us via skype. Got to give you points for creativity if nothing else. We see this in district after district, republicans trying to link the Democratic Candidates or incumbent to nancy pelosi. Why go with the heels . When i got into this race initially the message i wanted was great things can come from great adversity. I wanted to send a positive message, but after campaign after campaign, to point out the differences in a lighthearted way that talk about how my opponent continues to support the policies of nancy pelosi. We are excited about it. How is the race going and what are voters telling you about the issue you talked about which is come election day, a lot of democrats say im not with nancy pelosi come on my own man, my own woman and when they go to washington it is different. Based on my opponents record he comes back to the district and consistently tries to push away from her because she is a political liability and support sanctuary cities increased taxes and water that is not for the agriculture community. Pete we lost your skype for a second, we are back, we heard you loud and clear. Let me be fair and say what a democrat you focus on said, i have long believed the Democratic Party needs new leadership and basically said again the point being he is his own and but when you look at the latest polling, he is at 51 , dangerous for an incumbent, they want to be higher than that but you are only at 40 . What will you do in the last 21 2 weeks . As many doors as possible, touting to constituents key areas they consistently talk about we need change in this district, water for our community because it is an ad based community and my opponent has not been effective with that leadership for our valley. Last week the president signed an executive memorandum, to the valley here and all members of congress whether devon nunez, mccarthy, they were working handinhand with the president securing water. My opponent was not and he is too busy attacking me for my support of the presidency so im working as hard as possible to ensure that we get water, fixing immigration and education. Did you get a chance to debate him . Did you bring any heels . I will be debating him this tuesday. Im excited about the opportunity. We reached out to costas campaign, we would love to hear from him. Thousands of people pushing towards the us border. How do people feel who came to the us illegally . Our panel is next. They have a lot to say. Witches put a hex on brett cavanagh. We told you this is coming. We showed you what happened coming up. What the heck is that . whoa what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road . I think its the chevy. Ford. Is it ford . Nope, its not ford. I think its ram. Is it ram . Not ram. Thats a chevy its chevy thats right. From the family of the most dependable, longestlasting fullsize pickups on the road. 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Quick headlines, Washington Post under fire after reporting the wrong information about Brett Kavanaughs high school, hiring a new position to deal with the fallout from hearings but before publishing it was told by email the position was posted in july. The story has been corrected. In new york dozens of witches cast a spell on the newly minted Supreme Court justice. [chanting] overnight which is in brooklyn carved brett cavanaghs name into a black canvas, doused it in revenge oil and set it on fire, christians protested outside. How do you follow that . That caravan of migrants inching closer to the us after violent clashes with Mexico Police trying to stop them. Donald trump blasting democrats for obstructing his efforts to secure the southern border. Democrats dont extremist immigration agenda will do to your communities. The Democrat Party and openly inviting millions of illegal aliens to break our laws, violate our borders and overwhelm our nation. The democrats once caravan. Our Immigration Panel is here to react. You immigrated from nicaragua and Esther Valdes is the daughter of dreamers. Communism in albania for america. I will start with you. The basic premise the president makes, you come here legally go through the process but we are not going to be held hostage to mobs attempting to flout our immigration system. These are not refugees, looking for someone to be a refugee, prosecution, based on nationality, particular social group or political opinion these are not refugees. We offer them sanctuary cities instate tuition, drivers licenses, the democrats are promoting chaos and lawlessness and i think the president should send in the military and sent these people back, send a clear decisive message that lawlessness will not be allowed into the borders, to be turned back, otherwise another caravan larger than this one. Tell us your story, you immigrated from nicaragua. It is not difficult to come in legally. Once it comes to the United States, go to the us embassy and fill out a form, go through the vetting process and it is much easier than coming illegally and having to pay attorney to become legal. And coming illegally through the border is an act of war, this is invasion and they should not be permitted. If we permit it other caravans will continue to come. We have to stop it, stop it now. They wont come back. Strong words. You say this is an orchestrated attempt, explain that. An orchestrated attempt to overwhelm the usmexico border. Im a practicing attorney, there is an 8000 wait for their assigned claims to be heard, 4000 more people who allegedly have asylum claims, the attorney general this year dictated violence and poverty is not a basis for asylum. We have to figure out that this is politically motivated just in time for the midterm elections to overwhelm the us judicial system and Law Enforcement and the border. Is a too hard to come here legally and to bum rush the border . People follow the rules of the United States, should have a meritbased immigration system. A waiting period of time to wait in line and if you want to come here, it shouldnt matter how long you wait, i wait in a refugee camp for 9 months and medical examination, i was happy to do it. Millions of people willing to do that, violating our sovereignty. Any concerns about folks carrying another countrys flag as they come into the country or allegiance . Absolutely. If they carry their countrys flag they are coming i dont think they should be permitted into this country. A trojan horse, we will not know who is coming through the border, terrorists, isis, from the region of argentina, brazil and paraguay, this compound of hezbollah. We dont know who is coming through the border and have to make sure it is a National Security issue, make sure to protect our sovereignty. Do you feel mexico is doing enough to address this problem themselves . What they are doing now is more than they have done in decades. They are involved in the United Nations, to set up refugee camps to process asylum claims and sent federal police in the form of federal police to stop the overwhelming masses trying to aggregate across the border. To no avail. To thousands of our he crossed the river but more than we have seen and that is why the president tweeted thank you, mexico. We have some great panels that this was up there. Appreciate the time. Texas democrats accused of asking illegals to register to vote and prechecking the citizenship box as yes. We talk about that coming up. Crazed leftists go after Mitch Mcconnell while having dinner. Why dont you get out of here . This one ends a little differently because people fight back. It was here. I couldnt catch my breath. It was the last song of the night. It felt like my heart was skipping beats. They said i had afib. Whats afib . I knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. 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[shouting] youve got folks at a restaurant in louisville going after Mitch Mcconnell sitting with his wife, even ancient, the cabinet secretary. Democrats and Maxine Waters say go after them at restaurants and this has happened to Mitch Mcconnell before. We have shown videos like this. He has a security detail. He will be protected. This, we have seen this before. Steve scalise has been speaking out saying enough is enough. There is that one dude at the table yelling at him, only filling and one lady clearly meant to go on the internet and be released. The rest of the diners turn on this dude trying to a cost Mitch Mcconnell and take it out of here, stop, get out. Look at these people, out, out. They are speaking for the rest of america, we can have political differences, dont have to agree but stay out of my restaurant. How can you see that and not call that a mob, someone shouting from behind without saying i want to talk to you about your issues and something substantive and instead screaming is making a spectacle and how is that not totally theatrical and undercuts everything on the right there are calls for civility, everyone comes in answers get out of here. It is filled, obviously a set up, lets get this to make it go viral but to these townhall meetings, ask a question about healthcare, illegal immigration or tax cuts, engage him, this is a free country but dont the cost and when he is having dinner with his wife, we saw this with ted cruz and dean cain was on jesse waterss program saying enough is enough. People think they are allowed to do this because Maxine Waters is confront people, do this in restaurants, chase your senators down in the hallways, elevators, Hillary Clinton saying no reason to be civil. It is coming from somewhere and is dangerous to us because someone will get hurt, it wont end well. He is right that it is coming from somewhere. This is not being generated out of vacuum and i have been impressed by the patience exhibited by senators and elected officials. Ted cruz said the other day i respect your First Amendment right to make yourself heard. They are trying to have a meal with their wife. This isnt real activism, no real effort put in some dude willing to yell. Instagram activism, activism for the camera, hoping to go viral, they want to be live, look at me, i confronted the senator. There is no real impact, Mitch Mcconnell is not going to go he made a great point. I will change my stance on immigration. Last time they went after Mitch Mcconnell in georgetown at a fundraiser, his wife confronted the protester, get out of here. What are you doing . She brushed them back and more power to her. Turning to your headlines. Donald trump joining european leaders in pushing saudi arabia for answers on jamal khashoggi, the president doubting the saudis shocking admission that he died during a fistfight in turkey. He called them an incredible ally. He told the Washington Post there has been deception and bias. Hundreds of thousands of protesters demanding people vote on]. 700,000 people converging on the capital in london. People already voted for brexit. They already voted. The plan to leave the european union, they protected jobs in future generations, lawmakers voted to leave the eu in 2016 and said there will be another vote. Redo, revote. 16 days until the midterms, democrats chipping away at democracy, governor andrew cuomo, kristin jill a brand and attorney general candidate Lakisha James ducking debates, refusing to face their gop challengers before election day. They claim they backed out our plan over local labor strikes. Those are your headlines. Birds of a feather, cuomo and joe brennan. They dont want to debate. He takes you on whatever you challenge him, he is embarrass you guys, see the forecast. I will take that. The forecast across the country temperatures cold again across portions of the midwest, cold in new england, that will be an issue today. Another part of the story continues to be rain in portions of south texas. The Rio Grande Valley, rain and rain and rain, still flooding issues. Otherwise, sunday looking like a beautiful one across much of the country. If you are stuck in the midwest and northeast it will be on the bitter side. By and large a beautiful sunday across the country. Great day to be indoor watching football. I started yelling. You did drive a previous. They are trying to backfire. Texas democrats accused of asking illegals to register to vote and prechecking the citizenship box as yes. Of democrats cant cheat they cant win, joins us live coming up next. 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Number 23 wisconsin weathering the snowstorm routing illinois, a good guy, friend of the show. Known from seinfeld. Texas Democratic Party under investigation after being accused of sending the photo registration application to noncitizens with the citizen box already checked. Here to react as executive director of conservative hispanic society, welcome to the show. Nice to be here. This seems downright is our. They cant cheat, they cant win, this is a perfect example of it and i guarantee you what is happening in texas, imagine what is going on in liberal states. My initial reaction is there is supposed to be able way of going on. If there is a blue wave coming then why cheat . When i wore a different hat, journalist hat i did a report on how there are government checks for everything, proper age to vote, felony conviction, whether you are seen enough to vote but there are no government checks for your citizenship and the democrats have been fighting the conservative movement to and nail and now we know why. They could democrats would openly get rid of the citizenship box completely when it comes to voting . Sure. San francisco allowing illegal aliens to vote in local elections canceling out american citizens votes. Doing it in maryland, trying to do it in massachusetts and back here in texas there was another the came down last week, Texas Attorney general signing a paid ring of four people who were dealing Senior Citizens mail in ballots, filling them out and sending them back in. This is craziness. I called the ags office, do we know how we are filling out these ballots . I talked to Investigative Reporter looking at this, they were trying to tilt the scales for the dems. It was a noncitizen shed light on the situation because designation to separate themselves from noncitizens who are here illegally . Isnt it funny democrats always assume if youre a noncitizen you want to cheat. In texas it isnt that way. A lot of noncitizens say im getting these documents with this box checked, that doesnt seem right to me. Some, i would wager all individual seeking freedom in the United States want a clean system unlike the Democrat Party of texas. Some axioms, appreciate it. The president hinting at tax cuts coming soon. Remember last week, complaining about the pizza we had onset. This doesnt look like real authentic pizza. And frozen pizza. Frozen pizza made in the microwave. We are getting a pizza redemption. Artichoke save some for us. You need your wing nut. no one can totally satisfy a craving, quite like your wing nut. The frozen pizza we had onset. We found the status of the pizza. Frozen pizza, the calorie count. This is good because you wont eat it, go over the calorie count. Producers at 5 00 in the morning, as well as tips where you can create this at home. We have these amazing guests, the founders in lions and tigers and squares. Thanks for being here. In the backyard in addition to the regular grill, what are the keys . How do you make this amazing pizza . In stick stone, really cooked all the way through, neapolitan, so it has a thin crust. It will bust the calorie in the uk. We make a thicker crust, to support that sauce. This is our crab, it is delicious. Talk about the mustard one. Lions and tigers and squares open four months ago. I like it. We use mustard in place of the sauce. A drop of corn beef, sauerkraut, it is outrageous. How many recipes are self exploring and how much are you honoring lineage . A little bit of both. A lot of it is experimenting and a lot of these things that have been passed down through generations. The uk wants to ban the amount of calories, 8000 cal all i can tell you people dont have the whole pizza. You get one or two slices. This instead of the frisbee you ate. Something terrible. This is the thicker crust, seems they have people like to put more pizza, meatball, ricotta cheese. Pile it on, clamshell or, throw it in the oven. It was great. Thank you for bringing it. Thank you very much. The president and former Vice President on the campaign trail. We will talk about whether there is a preview of joe biden versus trump, and former acting ice director. The difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. Introducing the allnew lexus es. A product of mastery. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. A product of mastery. Enterprise car sales and youll take any tradein . Rom thats right great here you go. Well, it does need to be a vehicle. But i need this out of my house. vo with fair, Transparent Value for every tradein. Enterprise makes it easy. Mauntil i held her. Diabetes wasnt my top priority. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. Once daily tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. Tresiba® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your prescriber. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. I found my tresiba® reason. Find yours. Ask your Health Care Provider about tresiba®. The Migrant Caravan marches forward defiantly pushing had trying to get to the us border. Some bad people started the caravan. I will feel the border before they come into the country. The president should send the military to turn these people that, lawlessness not going to be allowed. This manhunt underway after a cop is shot and killed in cold blood. Aphis or antoine tony was ambushed in georgia. The Democrat Party has become an angry ruthless unhinged mom. An attempt to alarm those voters about the prospect of nonwhites and immigrants. All about donald, not about anything else. We are looking at putting in a major tax cut for middle income people. Just prior to november. Dont for but the big tax cuts, we will get you more. You call it muscle music. Is there a soundtrack . Musclecar rock . Good morning. Made the music cooler. I am so excited about that. We have 4 or 5. So generous. Gave it away, running down sixth avenue. Reporter last you see me will be the taillight. We start with fox news alert. Pushing to the us border after violent clashes. Donald trump ready to send the military to protect the border. Griff jenkins live in texas as agents prepare for the massive wave of migrants. You were stationed for a few days. What is happening this morning . Heading out for another busy day, hearing activity going on, the mexico guatemala border, this entire sector, 277 miles yesterday, we encountered a smuggler bringing people across all day long, we confronted him, tried to talk to us, he fled to the other side and got away but it is a microcosm of the massive problem, 641 illegal crossings every day, the president out west in nevada have tough talk. You have some very very bad people in the caravan, some very tough criminal elements within the caravan but i will feel of the border before they come into the country and bring out the military, not our reserves, i will bring out our military. What that exactly would entail we will ask the sector chief, how that would be done and we will show you a little more of this porous border as we never know what is coming across but it will be all morning long. Griff jenkins taking us on this journey on fox and friends, people being apprehended at the border, he is taking this on later this morning and somebody says it stops you. And at the one stop, 600 illegal crossings, every day over 600 illegal crossings, such a great point. At the border, this Migrant Caravan. Will it be stops . What is happening . Will mexico crackdown . Not where the caravan is. And any idea or a concept of how many people coming into the country illegally and have no idea who they are. The smuggling aspect is almost bait and switch, they engage in our southern border, and one aspect to have drugs on the other aspect. And pooling attention toward that, speaks to the multiple factors that impact effect of mass migration where it is not just the southern border we started in the opening of the show, journalist trying to suggest the president using this on the campaign trail as a cudgel because maybe it is going to rally white voters and this is all about essentially for an people making people not feel welcome, and legal immigrants came from albania, honduras, nicaragua, they came here legally. Not from communist countries. One of them was from panama. Not that there was desperation but from all walks of life and from a communist origin and your one guest. Here are three of them. Coming illegally to the border, an act of war, other caravans will continue to come, we have to stop it. Orchestrated attempt to overwhelm the usmexico border. This is politically motivated. The democrats are promoting chaos and lawlessness, should send in the military, clear and decisive message that lawlessness is not going to be allowed into our borders. The last gentleman made an important point, went on to say the Mainstream Media characterizing everyone in the caravan as refugees. We dont know the background, we dont know so there is this these were three people we had on the were a tableau of america saying i wanted to chase the American Dream but i did it the right way. The president said he was for from the beginning, the fact that a lot of folks in the caravan are carrying the flag of honduras. What does that say . Want to come to america carry our flag and say i want to be part of your country. Get a better life for my family. What the people of the panel wanted. Not because i did the interview but the guests were fantastic for people who had done it before. In the crackdown of that, something that propelled the president a victory, something hes trying to inject into the midterms as well as frame this as one of the key issues but another one is the economy and the president wants to make sure they get credit for the first taxcutting debate about whether it was lost with other issues and teeing up the possibility of a second tax cut. Looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle income people and if we do that it will be sometime just prior i would say to november and studying deeply round the clock a major tax cut for middle income people, not for business at all, for middle income people. Kevin brady is working on it, paul ryan, we are all working on it. We are looking at a major tax cut for middle income people. I would say sometime 1 november or a little before. This is huge because that is a point the democrats have been focusing on, there havent been tax cuts for the middle class. The president saying not only is he working on it right now but it will likely be done before november or at least a proposal before then before the midterms but the talking point democrats havent released, strong point for the gop moving forward. Republicans want to talk about tax cuts, this will continue the message, everyone talking about immigration. You dont get control the topics but this feels like a follow through on another Campaign Promise and to focus on the strong economy. The economy, healthcare, immigration, a big issue in the campaign and fox did a poll about the top three issues driving the midterms and what is important to you. Healthcare. The economy at the top, donald trump at 51 , either for or against republican and Democratic Candidates. He was in nevada and the president trying to have dueling rallies looking at potential for another president ial run in 2020. He made it about the president as he was speaking in nevada trying to influence a senate race. Shredded by a president who is all about himself, all about donald, not about anything else, time to let our heads up, remember who the hell we are. This is america. Lets take back the senate and we will change the world as we know it. Now, now, now. Is fired up. The crowd was a little smaller than donald trump. Something the president touched on in addition, joe biden saying it is all about him when he is the last person in the universe that should be telling he will not relinquish it. Look at this coming up, donald trump had interesting things to say and coming up with a nickname for joe biden and eliciting help from the audience, things we can all remember, eliciting help from the audience. We call him 1 joe because he ran at least twice, i think three times and never had more than 1 so we call him 1 joe. Obama took him off of the trash heap and made him Vice President so we call him either Sleepy Joe Biden or 1 . Which is better . She said creepy joe. I would never do that. I would never insult him like that. Might repeat it at a big rally with thousands of people. You were generous about the crowd size, trump with another rally with people waiting outside, joe biden barely leaked out 200. The contentious election cycle in las vegas which democrats control, big city, 200 people out. They overstayed their welcome in that party. Resurrecting themselves over and over again. Turning to your headlines. Fox news alert, desperate manhunt underway after a cop is shot and killed in cold blood. The officer was ambushed when responding to a report of a suspicious car in georgia. Police are searching for Corey Maynard for murder. A second suspect is in police custody. On the night a couple was murdered, seen from the mothers cell phone, they heard a lot of yelling before someone hung up. Their daughter is at the top of the fbi missing person list. Police believe jayme closs is alive and endanger. Police have received 1000 tips and investigated 800 of them. Wounded warriors taking center stage as prince harry and his wife Megan Michael in sydney, australia. It is about much more, thousands of competitors taking part. The service and dedication provided to the world. They created the International Competition in 2014 to help injured veterans. Those are your headlines. Coming up, she is back. The real president. [applause] clearly Hillary Clinton liked the sound of that and the left going after Mitch Mcconnell yet again at a restaurant. Why dont you get out of here . Can you let the man eat . Diamond and silk here to react. Ahh. Where are mom and dad . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Love mom and dad im takin a nap. Dude, you just woke up im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. To weaken todays until the midterm elections and organization of black conservatives, hundreds of people to key states. President of the black conservative federation joins us with more. How do you think you will make impacting battlegrounds were black conservatives make the difference . We are in georgia with brian kemp helping him stump for the governors race. Democrats are pulling out tactics Voter Suppression that he is cheating to try to win and we are going to say black conservatives are not suppressed with our votes. We will stump and make sure we pour the red wave. Isnt there something deeper in georgia . We feature the democratic nominee, on tape saying, africanamericans, Asian Americans and Illegal Immigrants who are not allowed to vote to be part of my coalition. Does that frustrate black conservatives . We cant let that stop us. They are good at protesting. Wasnt the black conservatives are good but getting around, knocking doors, making phone calls. And like democrats. People have a certain view based on their skin color but black conservatives, didnt know there was a group out there like that. We are the unicorns. You can be an independent thinker, and doesnt mean you are a democrat. When i was born, my birth certificate did not say my Political Party wasnt chosen for me already so i can be what i want to be. What is the biggest message you are driving forward in reaction to what the Democratic Party is usurping for you . Black africanAmerican Voters with a conservative lean. What is that message . The message is the conservative movement is for you. We had a tremendous year with unemployment at an alltime low and these are reasons we have to keep the conservatives in control in the house and senate so we continue to have great Supreme Court justice like Brett Kavanaugh and neil gorsuch. 20 seconds, ron desantis talking about the sunshine state. Florida is one of the key states, a lot of are in see staffers there and people from the black conservative federation stumping and knocking doors also for the us senate race. Is important to keep control in florida because it is going to be a ground state for 2020. Appreciate it. It doesnt seem like a great idea to me. Donald trump makes a big announcement about russia and the left may be surprised at this one. Terrorists hiding among the caravan of migrants marching to the border, isis fighters were caught in guatemala. Tom fitton is here with the details next. Fight both fast tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums tums chewy bites with gas relief whoooo. With tripadvisor, finding your Perfect Hotel at the lowest price. Is as easy as dates, deals, done simply enter your destination and dates. And see all the hotels for your stay tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To show you the lowest prices. 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The numbers 16, 54, 57, 62, 69, and 23. The next drawing is wednesday. Is the massive caravan of migrants heads for the borders the president of guatemala making a stunning admission. We have arrested almost 100 people linked to terrorist groups. Those were the ones that were actually caught. Could more isis terrorists be embedded with the Central American migrants . Judicial watch president tom fitton is sounding the alarm and joins us with more. Use and the Mainstream Media, these are innocent people, pregnant women, kids, seeking asylum, very innocent. It is not the case, guatemala is a mess in terms of being a way station for basically terrorists, ms 13 gang members and other types we dont want crossing into mexico, crossing into the United States. We are outsourcing our National Security concerns to guatemala. The statement by the president of guatemala was made a week ago and it was only Judicial Watch tracking spanish media that picked up on it. What does it we dont know who is in this caravan which is the broader point. Many in the Mainstream Media portray it as a very innocent caravan of people seeking a better life when if you listen to local officials, they are waving red flares for us all to see the there could be more isis terrorists. Not only that but the ms 13 situation, they picked up 1000 gang members tied to that group. We already know the unaccompanied minor problem resulted in increases for ms 13 Gang Activity so we cant keep down the gangsters, why would we think we could keep out people who are more sophisticated in what they are or plan to do like terrorists from a broad . This is why the military has to be part of the solution in general kelly of the Southern Command four years ago said lack of security is the next essential National Security threat to the United States and hasnt been fixed yet. We cant wait for a wall. We need to deploy the military to secure the border now. The threat we are facing from narco terrorists and ms 13. Your group, lawyers for christine blaseyford, she did not know the Judiciary Committee was willing to go to spare her spectacle, youre not going after her. Ethics rules require lawyers to keep their clients aggressive updates like that and have them informed to make decisions about what they are going to do and looks to us like the lawyers may have cut that information away from their client in order to aid and abet the democratic push for a hearing. I dont think she gained any benefit from having a public hearing and you wonder if lawyers were working for her or democrats on the committee. We got a statement from her lawyers, doctor ford was provided other options, never told that senator grassley was willing to fly to california to meet with doctor ford, concealed relevant information from her or manipulated her into doing something contrary to her wishes. That statement doesnt make sense. The whole world knew. Whether it was him or his staff, everyone knew it was a public statement. He testified she didnt understand that to be the case. When her clients testified, the dc bar should figure out what went on. Appreciate you coming in this morning. The left going after Mitch Mcconnell while having dinner with his wife. This time the people in the restaurant fight back on his behalf coming up. In dc journalist says there is a secret subtext when the president says jobs, not mobs. Republicans appeal disproportionately to older whites and the mob thing is an attempt to alarm those voters about the prospect of nonwhites and immigrants. They have some opinions. Now deli fresh flavor is for everyone. Like those who like. Sweet. Those who prefer heat. And those who just love meat. Oscar mayer deli fresh. A fresh way to deli. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. I take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like its supposed to. 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Ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. 6 revenue is what we are talking about now. I love it. Diamond and silk, supporters of donald trump, good morning, ladies. What music do you like . Do you like rock n roll . I will bounce my sodas to anything. I like that. I can see that. What is your dream car . My dream car, anything made in america the rides on four wheels. A long time how the left is whipping up this idea dont let cabinet members, senators, dont let them here is Mitch Mcconnell. Why dont you get out of here . What makes this different is the crowd fought back and said get out of here. Our people set up with this behavior . Yes. It was the left leaning liberals back in the day that would not allow black people to even restaurant because of the color of their skin. To date is because of color of your politics that people cant go to a restaurant and eat without leftwing liberals harassing them. I thought this terroristic behavior, time to stand up for what is right and stop this nonsense. And want to make sure nobody makes a mistake and do that to diamond and silk because we love to eat. How do you feel about the fact the diner rose to Mitch Mcconnells defense and that you get out of the restaurant, defendant him saying this is no place for that public shaming. How do we know, democrats keep talking about this the way we see democrats waving goodbye only last week or so Hillary Clinton said there shouldnt be any civility. She wants to win at all cost and we see this play out. Listen to john harwood, he claims when the president uses the word mob it is a secret racist dogma. In terms of mobs not jobs, remember the subtext. In addition to the economic facts democrats are a diverse party, republicans appeal disproportionately to older whites and the mob thing is an attempt to alarm those voters about the prospect of nonwhites and immigrants and that sort of thing. I will let you react. They talk about the word mob but you had the leftwing media on television calling people the nword on national television. That sounded like a dog whistle to us, that sounded like racism to us. This is what people do. Democrats already know the playbook. Any word is a racist word, they see racism every day all day. To manipulate to dominate. What we as American People have to do, dont care what side of the aisle you are on, have to get out and vote red, vote republicans. The journalist, calling balls and strikes, that only. They see through the very fake news, it is a mob mentality. Anytime you harass people, all they want is to protest, republicans want peace and prosperity. Vote red, vote republican. So you wont get loud. Thank you. Turning to your headlines, Hurricane Michael claims another life days after tearing through the gulf coast. The death toll rising to 35 as the body of a missing 79yearold woman is identified. The devastating effects of the powerful storm being felt across the florida panhandle, 100,000 people are without power. The us could soon pool out of a landmark arms deal with russia. Russia has violated the agreement. They have been violating it for many years and i dont know why president obama didnt negotiate or pull out. Of russia is doing it and china is doing it and we are adhering to the agreement that is unacceptable. The 1987 deal bands the us and russia from developing nuclear and nonnuclear missiles with short and mediumranges. Failed president ial candidate Hillary Clinton may still be dreaming about her shot at the white house. Someone who needs no introduction, former secretary of state and president ial candidate Hillary Clinton. The real president. There she is smiling and nodding in agreement as she is introduced as the real president during a book signing in new york city. Former aide floated the idea of a highly unlikely but not 0 chance that she would run again. Those are your headlines. They havent accepted Donald Trumps president , they are saying out loud they never accepted this president. I love there is a bit of responsibility and ownership in that point that people who support her, definitely is her, driven in part by the small segment of the population that cant let her go. A lot live on this island that happened on manhattan. A little windy looking out the window. It is on the cold side. A little later back here. The only people tough enough, Minnesota Vikings fan, the tough fan base, weatherwise, in the 40s, it feels cooler in the midwest stretching across into new england, dealing with flood weather, the rain in texas, the Rio Grande Valley still flooding is an issue, rain into monday, temperatures across the country on this sunday. A lot of folks get outside and enjoy a Beautiful Day but it is going to stay cold in the northeast and the midatlantic. As soon as this hits im running back inside. We have an indoor stadium. We will a lot of fans Walking Around new york city because they are playing the jets later today. Hopes of that blue wave, are they crashing . Next guest is a poster, democrats may not be so happy after the midterms. A farmer thanks donald trump in an amazing way. It has to do with corn, joins us live. A born and raised in the country there is a chance thats the last time. 300 miles per hour, thats where i feel normal. I might be crazy but im not stupid. Having an annuity tells me retirement is protected. Annuities can provide protected income for life. Learn more at retireyourrisk. Org annuities can provide protected income for life. So lets promote our falle a homecomingtravel dealame, on choicehotels. Com like this. Touchdown. Earn a free night when you stay just twice this fall. Or, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Canada running out of marijuana, just days after it was made legal. Shops helping with long lines, people getting angry with the shortage. People carry 30 g and four Marijuana Plants in their home. What could be worse than smoking for your body . What are you doing . Horizontal running . A new study shows not exercising is deadlier than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, 122,000 patients were studied over 23 years through the cleveland clinic. It is 16 days out, democrats may not be so sure about the blue wave. Even the Washington Post has a new report titled House Democrats hope for wave election diminishes as republicans rebound. The Washington Post, who to discuss more, the president of mclaughlin and associates. And is the situation proven for republicans. Trump voters, and midterm elections, and 99 from then. The trump voters are getting reengaged in the generic vote around the country where republicans regain leads, getting some breathing room, hundreds of millions of dollars, nancy pelosi is piling in a green wave of money against republican incumbents. And what we are doing, and a chat with 32 toss ups in the ratings. The one resource to proper abuse money and internet ads, you see spending, to hold keep it. Virginia 10 is an example. It should have been more safe. They were up by a point and almost 4 million, it is an expensive market in Northern Virginia and the washington dc area but an independent candidate fighting hard. The democrats propaganda is being put to the test where they are piling this money. Most americans dont like nancy pelosi. We have a favorability rating, 54 unfavorable. As much as this is about donald trump and his policies there is also a sense they are looking at nancy pelosi and the democrats, do we want to have a gavel to her . Of democrats take the house she will be speaker again, 20 said yes, 56 said no. Negatives are high with groups that are democrats are trying to win over. Independent women, 53 unfavorable. They dont want her, they see democrats when we ask do you agree or disagree they will hold their votes to nancy pelosi, 50 of all voters, agree, 29 disagree, shes the reason republicans have to win the house back because she will become the highestranking democrat in this country and she has an agenda of open borders, higher taxes, government run healthcare, if we want to have control and advance the trump agenda we have to stop nancy pelosi. Thank you, appreciate it. We have Alan Dershowitz live to join us and a farmer thanks donald trump in an amazing way. And gets the attention of the white house, joins us live. All i know is you have a lot of farmers involved, right . And my administration is protecting ethanol. That is what you wanted. Rob donald trump announcing he will ease federal restrictions on ethanol and farmers are fired up about it. In indiana farmers harvested this 60 acre message of the show of gratitude, thanks, mister trump, for e 15. One of the farmers behind this viral image bruce mccann from mccann family farms, thanks for joining us, the president reducing regulations that impact your industry but you took, where did you come up with the idea to plow it into your field . Thank you for inviting us this morning. Several of us in the community started talking about how much impact it could have on us and we decided how can we express it in an unusual way . This maze, mays has become a phenomenon of its own but somebody suggested it and we started to talk with seed reps, precision people who help us out and it took off on its own. It is an incredible experience. Talk about the mowing of the message. What did it take . A lot of mayss which we see are done by mowing machines, grass or whatever they might be. And a big crop for us in indiana and why not try it with a combine, we harvested the corn as we proceeded to spell out the letters in the maze. My sense is farmers are blunt talking about direct folks. Not all farmers are happy with the tariffs. The government had to come out with subsidies to try to help farmers. What is happening in farm country across america . Some happy about this ethanol fight and other farmers. There is concern because it impacted prices recognized by the administration but in the recent 30 days we have a comeback in prices, resurgence if you will so the extent to which we are feeling it is not felt yet. We have redder issues to address in the northern part of grain producing areas and so right now it is a very ambiguous situation. We dont know the full extent of it and if this could bigger boost to the future for protection it helps all of us. The president said he wants to be there to deliver policies, you feel he has delivered on promises to your industry . We certainly feel that way. The suggestion of the money coming to us is an acknowledgment that there is some impact. Lets be honest, right now we have the largest carryover of soybeans in the history of this country so from a purely supply demand concept i think prices are higher than ever. You cant really gauge in my mind the full impact of what the tariffs might be. What is the outlook for you and your Community Moving Forward . That is a good question. We have concerns about the future in terms of carryover commodities. We have to billion bushel carryover in corn, and soybeans, so the future is instrumental on people like donald trump, who is a traitor and a businessman. We feel good about the future. Farmers all across america, very good at plowing straight lines. Thank you, sir, appreciate it. Fox news alert, 2000 migrants pushing closer to the us border with texas where agents are getting ready for the massive caravan. Plus run desantis, tennessee congressman Marsha Blackburn, Alan Dershowitz and former acting ice director tom homan live. See a little blood when you brush or floss . You may have gum disease and could be on a journey to much worse. Try parodontax toothpaste. Its three times more effective at removing plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. Leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. gasp singsong budget meeting sweet. If you compare last quarter to this quarter. Various mmm. Its no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with fresh milk and real cream. everybody wants a new, different, better world. Heres to the people who do what it takes to build it. To keep it running. The people who understand no matter what the question, the obstacle or the challenge, theres only one answer. Lets do the work. engine starts, hums lets do the work. Whoooo. With tripadvisor, finding your Perfect Hotel at the lowest price. Is as easy as dates, deals, done simply enter your destination and dates. And see all the hotels for your stay tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To show you the lowest prices. So you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. Dates, deals, done peter the Migrant Caravan marches forward, still trying to get to the u. S. Border. I think some bad people started that caravan. I will seal off the border before they come into in the country. The act of coming illegally through the border is an act of war. Lawlessness is not going to be allowed. Its all about donald, its not about anything else. Joe biden, we call him 1 joe. The Democrat Party has become an angry, ruthless, unhinged mob. People are ped up with the left and their fed up with the left and their ant you cans. All they want is protest. We are look at putting in a very major tax cut for middle income people. And be we do that, itll be sometime just prior to, i would say, november. Dont forget the big tax cuts. Were going to get you more. Gotta love miley. [laughter] ed weve been promising a party all morning, because weve got emily here, and she loves muscle cars, as we told everyone yesterday. Emily i do, and later in the show we have a muscle show for you muscle car show for you, and they just started arriving. Ed nypd officers are out there, and theyve dropped what theyre doing just for a second, and theyre looking in the windows. Theyre excited, were excited, and i know you will be. Emily thanks for joining us for a sunday edition of fox friends. Ed more than 2,000 migrants pushing toward u. S. Border after violent clashes with police many mexico. Pete President Trump says hes ready to send the military to protect our border. Emily Griff Jenkins is live in texas. Reporter good morning. Theyre not preparing, theyre actively engaging right now behind me, weve apprehended 48 illegals crossing into america. You can just have a look at this, the work that Border Patrols doing. This is the family units that weve been hearing so much about. Over 300 increase from this time last year. Youve got 48 families, agents are processing them right now. Theyre telling me that theyre most likely almost all from Central American countries, hop doors, el salvador honduras, el salvador, got mall louisiana agents taking their information, they come with their children. Now, most of them are giving the agents an address where they are headed or someone that they can contact in the u. S. Whats going to happen with all 48 of these that have now crossed illegally into the dead the of night into america is theyll be given a Court Appearance to show up for their asylum hearing, because theyre all claiming asylum because our centers that hold these people are full. Theres nowhere else to put them. This is the catch and release. All of the people you see here right now may very well disappear into the fabric of the continental u. S. As the Border Patrol is out here. Now, heres the key, and this is what i want you to know, and that is that while these guys are being processed because theyve crossed over and not given chase, there are three other active groups right now down in this area that are trying to evade the Border Patrol. Obviously, the manpower issue is causing quite a stir here, because what they say this 277 miles of river border, less agents on the river means more illegals and possibly more contraband and drug coming into the u. S. , guys. Emily can you speak to the that fatigue the level of hose agents . How are they holding up during this, as you said, extreme stressful situation . Reporter its a great question, emily. Listen, these guys are working around the clock, theyre on 12 thehour shifts, and theyre doing this all day long. Ive been here for three days and, you know, its exhausting work. This is a massive, massive, porous board. In the rgv sector, this busiest sector, its only 277 miles of river to cover, but youve got almost 2,000 miles of u. S. Border. Were going to talk about the fatigue with the chief in the next hit. Ed well have you back soon. Pete were talking about this issue because of this Migrant Caravan, but where griff is right now, the only reason hes there, its sunday. This is an average day on the border that sector, and youre talking 4600 and people flowing across every single day. Ed when the president talks about building the wall, you have various folks in the Mainstream Media and Democratic Party saying hes exaggerating this, the problems not as big as he wants to claim, hes scaring people ahead of midterms. Guess what, folks . Stick with the facts. There are are over 600 illegal borders crossings just in that one spot around mcallen, texas, where griff has been reporting the past few days, over 600 per day. Add that up over course of the year. The president s not exaggerating the problem. Emily and theres a messaging on left thats kind of ignoring the humanitarian element of the entire thing. Its not just about security on the border, the i humanitarian element affects that entire migrant crossing, and also 600 migrants have been found dead in texas because of the car tell situation, pushing them over. So, again, that element of compassion needed and resources given, that really extends to all facets. And were not hearing that messaging. Ed people who are not necessarily refugees, but are being used by the cartel. Pete exactly. This is organic, people just fleeing these countries, and they happen to get together. You see those images on the bridge, its raw humanity. But you also see people jumping off into makeshift rafts. I couldnt make a raft, i dont think you could either. They look like rafts being used they also say they took a vote to decide whether to the continue to go. Were hearing reports of that. What i do know is that the honduran and guatemalan president s both had a press conference yesterday where they said this this migration has political motivations which is violating the borders and the good faith of the state and, of course, putting at risk the most important thing, people. Even the Prime Ministers are acknowledging even the president s are acknowledging this is a desire well try to bum rush the United States of america and carry the flag of our home country in doing so. Ed so these officials are calling it for what it is, that its political, number one, that there are people behind this funding this pete exploitation. Ed and people being exploited. We had a panel in the show of legal immigrants here in the United States who say, look, the president is not being meanspirited to people outside the country, hes trying to get people to, yes, chase the American Dream, but do it legally. Watch. The act of coming illegally through the border is an act of war. This is invasion. If we permit it, there are other caravans will continue to come. We have to stop it. Its an orchestrated attempt to overwhelm the u. S. mexico border. This is politically motivated. It pays to be illegal in the United States. The democrats are promoting chaos and lawlessness. I think the president should send in the military, send a clear and decisive message that lawlessness is not going to be allowed into our borders. Emily also within this administration, something that is striking about this is that there has been a level of diplomacy, engagement with this administration and the government with the countries south of us, theyre seeing it as a regional crisis down south, and theyre hoping to address it before ed great point, because these migrants are not rushing through mexico like weve seen before unchecked, unstopped. The mexicans, under pressure from President Trump, are starting to do something about it. Thats significant. Pete you also did an interesting interview last hour where tom fitton pointed out that the president of guatemala claims theyve caught over a hundred isis fighters trying to the come up to the our southern border. When you talk about not knowing who these people are, extreme vetting, it has real consequences. Ed absolutely. Obviously, this is happening in a political context as the leaders in guatemala and honduras admitted, and weve got a political situation here where illegal immigration is front and center in the midterm elections. As the president continues, he promised he was going to get out there. Remember . In 2016, ive got more stamina than Hillary Clinton. Hes proven that, number one. But on the campaign trail, he teed up in these midterms hed be fighting until the end. Joe biden trying to keep up, he had one rally. Pretty small crowd compared to what the president had in nevada, they sort of had dueling rallies. Emily operate word, trying. [laughter] president. The president claimed joe biden had 193 people there, maybe 500, we dont know, but it was small. It was tiny. Heres joe biden taking swipes at President Trump in nevada yesterday. To be. Redded by to be shredded by a president whos all about himself, its all about donald. Its time to get up, lift our heads up, remember who the hell we are. This is america [cheers and applause] lets take back the senate, and we will change the world as we know it now now, now, now [cheers and applause] emily certainly a potential david and situation as trump responded at his competing rally, if you can call it competing, where he asked the crowd to help him come up with a nickname for joe biden. We call him 1 joe. [laughter] because he ran at least twice, i think three times. They say twice, i think he ran three times, and he never had more than 1 . So we call him 1 joe. Obama came along and took him off of the trash heap and made him Vice President. So we call him either sleepty joe biden Sleepy Joe Biden or 1 . Which is better . She said creepy joe. No, i would never do that. I would never insult him like that. [laughter] ed he might repeat it once or twice. [laughter] look, its all about branding for in this president. He did it in 20 the 16, little marco, lying ted, and it worked in term the of clearing the field, if you will, and now hes looking ahead. Hes got a nickname for elizabeth warren, working on one for joe biden, and he ends up branding these folks in a way that the helps him and pushes them to the side. Emily certainly, you can argue theyve earned these nicknames. Its not ed Single Digits in 1988 and 2008. So its accurate. [laughter] emily exactly. Pete i know, it hassed ad value of being true. I vote for the 1 , by the way, but i do think crowd size does matter. I do think intensity the does matter. We missed that in 2016. People will drive hours and hours and hours just to see a guy give a speech, most of which theyve heard before, but each one is unique in a certain way, and they can barely eke out a couple hundred folks to see the Vice President in las vegas, nevada, where theres a key race two weeks before the election . Ed another factor, you keep hearing democrats say theres no mobs, and you just see in the past couple days Mitch Mcconnell trying to have dinner with his wife, elaine chao, and heres what happens in louisville. [inaudible conversations] ed interesting because the crowd started pushing back and saying leave him alone. Emily exactly. Diamond and silk had something to say about it. Ped up with the left and their antics. Today its because of the color of your politics that people cant go into a restaurant and eat in peace without these leftleaning liberals harassing them. Its time for people to stand up for whats right and stop this nonsense. Pete they pointed out its not clear that the other diners there are republicans or trump supporters. They could be democrats, they could be independents, they could be apolitical. But they dont want their own dinner interrupted by this nonsense from some guy who thinks hes going to change majority leaders mind . Ed weve seen this with ted cruz, and obviously something much more serious when we saw the violence against Steve Scalise and other lawmakers. He was shot and almost died. Enough is enough. Emily theres a goldfish memory quality of the democrats in that it seems thats never remembered or even touched upon. People are sick of this. Theres a level of pa teague for that kind of attempted public shaming and not letting our officials have dinner pete cranky millennial activism. Get it on camera. Okay, sorry. Some of media suddenly downplaying their expectations of special counsel bob muellers report. Ed i thought it was going to be a bombshell. President. Were going to ask Alan Dershowitz when he joins us live, coming up next. [ buttons clicking ] [ camera shutter clicks ] so, now that you have a house, you can use homequote explorer. Quiet. Im blasting my quads. Janice, look. Im in a meeting. Janice, look. [ chuckles ] look, look. Im looking. Its easy. 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I think the big two issues in the Mueller Report are, number one, will he limit himself to just the facts. Remember the old dragnet, joe friday show, just the facts, maam . Or will he try to speculate as to whether these facts amount to obstruction of justice or illegal conspiracy or collusion. Hed be smart to just limit himself to facts. Because thats where he has more information than anyone else. On the law, hey, im just as good as he is on analyzing the law, so he has no particular advantage. I think the second issue is whether Rod Rosenstein will hold up the report until giuliani and his team has a team to issue their rebuttal. And that would be fair, to have the report and the rebuttal issued simultaneously so the American Public could see both sides of the issue and come to their own conclusions. I think those are the two big issues. Emily professor, moving forward how much of those behind the scenes machinations will the public eventually see, in your opinion . I think the public sees everything, you know . We eventually get all the information. Sometimes it gets out in distributes and drabs drips and drabs, but we live in a culture of leaks, so i think well learn everything. Not the classified material, but with i think well see evidence that could lead some people to think that there was collusion and other people to think there was not. The same thing with obstruction. We may see an analysis that says, look, if you were not the president , this would constitute obstruction. But he is president , so he has certain Constitutional Rights others dont have. My own view is itd be a a mistake to get into the legal analysis. Think itd be much better if he just laid out facts. Remember, theyre going to be onesided. Hes only heard one side of the issue. Thats what prosecutors do. Thats why the giuliani report is so important as a balancing for what the prosecutor will put forward. Pete professor, very briefly, whats the timeline on this . When do you see this all happening . I think it happens between the midterms and when congress convenes. That means early december perhaps, well before the christmas vacation, give us a chance to really absorb it. But thats speculative because we have to know whether the president s going to be the answering wring questions. Written questions. I think were speculating about time frame. Ed as much as it pains me, good luck to the red sox. [laughter] pete youre a happy man. Ed a very serious fox news alert as we woke up this morning to hear that a Police Officer in georgia was shot and killed in the rhine of duty. The latest on the massive manhunt going on right now looking for the suspect. Were going to give you an update on that. Pete plus, President Trump throwing his support behind ron desantis. The republican candidate, also a veteran, joins us to react coming up next. In the u. S. Its americas most popular street name. But allstate agents know thats where the similarity stops. 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And President Trump is now joining european leaders many pushing saudi arabia for answers on columnist jamal khashoggi. The president dauting saudis shocking admission that he died during a fistfight at the saudi consulate this many turkey. He called them an incredible ally but told the Washington Post in part, obviously, theres been deception and lies. Ed with the midterms just 16 days away, the race for Florida Governor is getting close, ron desantis and Andrew Gillam within one point of each other. Emily the president throwing his sport behind desantis tweeting ron will be a recordsetting governor for florida. Rick scott gave him tremendous foundations to further build on, and his opponent runs one of the worst and most corrupt cities in the usa. Ed joining us now is the congressman and candidate for governor, ron desantis. Good morning, sir. Good morning. Ed he was referring to Andrew Gillam, the mayor of tallahassee. The president is front and center in this race, and i remember back to the republican primary where his support was pivotal to get you where you are today. How important is it in the general election, sir . Well, i think its very important. I mean, you know, the president is able to really mobilize a core group of voters in florida. The elections are always competitive, so we need to make sure were turning out all these voters. And i think the thing is, you know, things are are going well in florida so voters need to understand that floridas trajectory is at risk. I want to protect our economic momentum, build off of it. My to opponents running on record high tax increases. He actually is proposing so much spending that a recent nonpartisan study analyzed it and said the only way you could do it was to either have a 38 statewide sales tax or impose a state income tax. Emily congressman, your opponent, he is mayor right now of one of the largest cities in florida the that has one of highest crime rates. How important is it for you and your messaging to pull back that curtain on oz and show viewers and show the public really the truth behind that campaign as well as his Public Comments about police and Law Enforcement . Its very important. I have an unprecedented amount of support from statewide Law Enforcement, the Police Benevolent association, Largest Police union. Were going to have over 50 sheriffs. Im a former prosecutor, ive worked arm in arm with Law Enforcement. I support them and their mission. Andrew as mayor, tallahassees been the most crimeridden city in florida all four years of him being mayor. Last year they had a Record Number of murders in tallahassees history, and he has aligned himself with radical groups. He signed a pledge denigrating the police. That is not what we need as governor. Ed congressman, to be fair to andrew gill lam, heres what he tweeted ron desantis is relying on donald to hip him win this to help him win this race, and he doesnt have what i have. Two things we havent gotten into, the idea hes been pushing socialist policies. Hes been up front about that. And then i noticed that tom styier, this liberal activist, is pouring Something Like another 2 million into the race . Why are liberal activists so much behind him . Because he is one of them. I mean, he is more radical than moon beam brown in california, mored radical left than como in new york. This is george soros dream come true. And if hes governor, florida will basically be turned into a petri dish for farleft experimentation. Ed strong comments there from congressman desantis. We reached out to the Andrew Gillam, he has not come on the program yet. Well have him on anytime. Congressman, appreciate you coming in. Anytime. Ed thousands of migrants pushing closer to the u. S. Will President Trump have to deploy the military to protect our border . Were going to ask the former acting i. C. E. Direct ther tom homan next. Plus, what will happen if republicans win everything again . Maybe the left is getting a little bit nervous. Michaels live coming up. All the tools you need for every step of the way. Make it, squarespace lets do an ad of a man eating free waffles at comfort inn. They taste like victory because he always gets the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed, when he books direct at choicehotels. Com. Or just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com pete more than 2,000 my grants pushig toward the u. S. Border after violent clashes with Mexican Police. Emily this after the group crossed over from guatemala into mexico on rafts. The Border Patrol ready for the wave of my grants. Ed President Trump saying hes prepared to send the military to protect our border if necessary. Lets bring in tom homan, fox news contributor, of course, former acting director of i. C. E. Good to see you, sir. Good to see you. Ed whats your thoughts on whether that would be a wise strategy or not, to send the military . I think its certainly a good option. I think its an option that needs to be on the table. Im glad the president threw down this gauntlet the same way president reagan did in 1985. He shut down the boards when we had the disappearance of a u. S. Drug agent. Im glad weve got a president that thats going to protect this country at all costs. Thank god Donald Trumps sitting in the white house. Emily sir, whats biggest misconception of messaging you see today that the public is hearing . That these people, that all these people are escaping fear and persecution in their homeland. Look, for the family groups to actually get in the entice like the last caravan, lets make clear as you showed earlier, family groups are coming across the border every day. But if that they show up in court, which many dont, but if they do, 80 of them lose their cases. 8 out of 10 are making fraudulent claims. This isnt about escaping fear and persecution, this is about getting into the United States to join a Family Member thats already here illegally and to take advantage of loop holes in our system. So thats the Biggest Issue i see in much of the media whether, you know, what theyre saying about these groups. Pete what more can be done . We talk about shutting down the border, points of entry, the military, specifically our own Griff Jenkins watching families across the border, unaccompanied minors. What can and should be done . Well, a couple things. If they do get through mexico and get to our border, theres one option. We had that same agreement with canada. Those people show up and claim asylum, we can say, fine, we got your application, weve got your file here. You wait in mexico, because youre not in honduras, youre out of danger, you wait in mexico until we can get a hearing. And if the rate stays at 80 , youll get your pete why dont we do that already . Mexico has not agreed to it. When i retired, we were in discussion with them. Another thing we need to do, and i throw it out there, be these families come to our border and rather than entering through a point of entry, if they enter illegally, youve got to put separation of families back on table. When we did that, the border crossings went down 22 . If we would have stuck with that for 60 more days, we wouldnt see a caravan today to. The. Ed but, thomas, you know the emotional pictures the media was putting out there forced the administration to hold back. What would be your advice . The whole reason family separations had is because congress, specifically democrats, will not close the loopholes that are causing this stuff. I look at media every day, these groups coming up and Border Patrol being overworked, and i get frustrated because a year ago i was up on the hill, we Gave Congress a whole list of loopholes like raise the asylum bar to a reasonable level, let us detain families for more than 20 days so they actually see a judge. If they would have closed these loopholes, none of this stuff would have been happening. All the stuff i see in the media right now was preventable, but the democrats are failing to fix the loopholes. They dont want to give this president a success on the border. They hated the story last year, 45year low in illegal crossings because of President Trump. They want this to be an issue, they want him to fail, and thats what its about. Theyve putting their political ambitions and hatred of in the president ahead of National Security and public safety. And as an american, im frustrated and irritate 3. So im hoping the voters are paying attention, because if they take control of the house, hold on tight. Youre just starting to see an issue. Emily thats a perfect segway, because the president tweetedded out yesterday if the democrats would stop being obstructionists and come together, we could write up and agree to new immigration laws in less than one hour. Look at the needless pain and suffering they are causing. Look at the horrors that are taking place on the border. Chuck and nancy, call me. [laughter] ed what needs to happen to get these folks together to finally do something . You know what . I hope that they come to table and fix some of these loopholes, but theyve had this, theyve had this list of issues for over a year and havent taken any action. Youve got nancy pelosi, when i was i. C. E. Directer, saying i. C. E. Agents were terrorizing immigrant commitmentings. Theyre calling for the abolishment of i. C. E. , right . They support sanctuary cities where they want to keep illegal aliens in but dont want to build a wall to keep aliens out. Pete theyre totally invested in an open border and this president failing. What about republicans who now say finally if you give us the house, well finally fund the full border wall. Do you think finally, two years later, theyll actually do it if they have the chancesome. I hope they do, and the American Voters need to call their republican senator and their republican congressman and tell them to make this happen. There are a few republicans who are sitting on a fence on border wall issue. They need to pick a side and, you know, i dont care if youre republican or democrat, every person up on hill the number one responsibility so to protect this nation, protect sovereign i of this nation. Sovereignty of this nation. There is no downside on decreasing the smuggle of drugs in this country. The number one responsibility is protect country. And i cant believe this is the an issue for any senator or congressman to want to secure or border. We have a right ed pretty straightforward proposition. Thomas homan bringing us common sense this morning, thank you for coming. Emily turning now to your headlines. A floor collapses during a College Homecoming party dropping dozens of people into a basement overnight. 30 people were taken to the hospital after floor caved inside an Apartment Building Near Clemson University in south carolina. No life threatening injuries reported. Police are investigating. The Washington Post is under fire after knowingly reporting the wrong information about justice Brett Kavanaughs high school. The reporter writes that Georgetown Prep was hiring a new position to deal with the fallout of the kavanaugh hearings. Meanwhile, before publishing she was told directly by email this position was posted in july before those proceedings. The story has since been corrected. And we now have lotto fever as powerball is adding to it, jackpot climb dog a whopping 620 million with no winner overnight. Still, check those tickets for smaller prizes. Winning numbers, we have 16, 54, 573, 62 57,62 the next drawing is wednesday. Dont forget to get tickets for tuesdays drawing to win the 1. 6 billion Mega Millions jackpot. Ed cant even imagine that much. Pete maybe thats what the caravan is coming here to do, to buy lotto tickets. [inaudible conversations] ed im not buying that one. Adam, what would you do with the money . Adam oh, my gosh, i would do so many things, and i would definitely come back here for work every weekend. Ed you would . Adam i would. Yeah, bigtime. I just love being here so much emily what about buying a muscle car . Adam i think im going to have some ideas of things i could buy coming up later in the show. But i certainly would keep doing the weather like im going to do right now. T. S across temperatures across the country, its on the chilly side. The big story continues to be the rain across portions of south texas. They have seen severe flooding, unfortunately thats continuing at least until monday. You do see that area highlighted in green. Still a lot of water coming down across that portion of the country. Flooding going to be an issue. It stays cold here across new york, across new england, the midatlantic today into the midwest, but you do see a lot of places across the country where the temperatures are a whole lot warmer, mid 60s or so. It is going to be a beautiful sunday. The sun beginning to shine out here in the plaza as well. Weve got a Beautiful Day, a lot of activity. I think its going to be good for it. Pete adam, appreciate it. The left going after Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell while at dinner with his wife. Ed not again. Why dont you get out of here . Leave him alone. [inaudible conversations] pete this time [laughter] people fight back. Michael knowles reacts next. Ed and emily told us all about her love for american muscle cars, so were having our own muscle car show right here on fox square. Thats coming up live. Adams already jumping in. Emily oh, he gets to get first dibs i cant wait. I cant believe it. That everything sticks to stefon diggss hands . No, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Cool, huh . Yeah. He plays football, huh . Yeah. Believe it. Geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. We used to play so beautifully together. Now. We can barely play anything. Even cards with the girls. vo if you have bent fingers and cant put your hand flat, talk to your doctor. It may be dupuytrens contracture. hand isnt it time to do something about this . vo your hand is talking. Isnt it time you speak to a doctor . Learn more about dupuytrens contracture. At factsonhand. Com. More information is within reach. Ed some quick headlines, check whats in your fridge. Some prepared salads are at risk for salmonella and listeria. All the contaminated salads have meat in them. Health Officials Say you should throw them out immediately. If you want to get away, jetblue will fly you out for free, but you wont know where youre going. The Airlines Flying people who volunteer for an unknown cause from jfk next month. Youll have to answer questions about your volunteering interests on the jetblue web site. Would you do that that . Emily yeah, i totally would. My safety would be that jetblue is a big enough corporation that theyre not going to send me somewhere ed youre going to go somewhere fun. Pete i smell a promotion. Good move. Ed weve been talking about the midterms all morning. Pete the president had a rally in nevada yesterday, and after the rally he spoke to reporters before he got back on air force one and kind of teased and revealed something hes going to be work on, he wants to see the republicans do potentially even before the midterms. Listen to the president. We are looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle income people. And if we do that, itll be sometime just prior, i would say, to invest. And were studying very deeply right now, around the clock, a major tax cut for middle income people. Not for business at all, for middle income people. Kevin bradys working on it, paul ryan is working, were all working on it. And were looking at a major tax cut for middle income people. Who need it. And what was your time frame for thatsome. I would say sometime around the first of november, maybe a little before that. Ed what hes doing here, back in september the house passed tax cuts 2. 0, the ability for startups, for example, to write off more costs, try to get entrepreneurs going, and it made permanent individual tax cuts from the last tax cut that was sign into law. Youve got democrats saying its crumbs and theres not enough people being helped and it was all about corporations. So the house tried to lock in the individual tax cuts and make them perm or innocent so they the permanent so they dont expire a few years down the road. But the president s trying to say lets get this done right before the midterms. Emily calling Public Awareness to it. Its such a brilliant idea. Not only driving that substantive messaging, but also targeting that middle class that up until now democrats have claimed that theyve been ignored. Also targets, as you said, the startups many Silicon Valley which is traditionally a group that has been supporting the Democratic Party. Pete yeah, stay on message. Democrats think its a winner, the polls tell them it is. Youve got this Migrant Caravaning which will dominate the conversation as well, but you never quite know whatll cut through. Who would have seen the kavanaugh thing happen the way it did. This is part of a message that president wants to be on which is more money this many your pocket. I need more in my pocket. [laughter] President Trump and former vp joe biden trading swipes at dueling rallies in nevada. Its all about donald, its not about anything else. We call him either Sleepy Joe Biden or 1 . Which is better . Pete im going to ask a rhetorical question, is this a preview of 2020 . Ed and emily told the us about her love for muscle cars, so were having our own muscle car show right here on fox square. Well be back. Emily whoo, cant wait, you guys. Heartburn and gas . Fight both fast tums chewy bites with gas relief all in one relief of heartburn and gas tum tum tum tums tums chewy bites with gas relief emily yesterday i told you all about my lo for american can my love for american muscle cars, especially my 1972 ford mustang mach one, so were taking it to the next level. Johnny diaz from legendary muscle cars nyc is here with five of the best ever made. We have a 1965 ford mustang, which im going to get in and maybe drive away in. So tell us about this car. This car belongs to one of our members. He owned it about two years, and he did a full restore on it. Its a sixcylinder car, and and he has a lot of pride. Emily as he should. Pete, on to you, whats next . Pete come on around. Im in the impala. This is a 63 chevy impala. What is it that gets people so fired up . Look at the body on this thing. Tell me, how can you not say this is not a muscle car, you know . This is a beautiful car. In the car was a sixcylinder original, now it runs on a v8. He owns this car about 15 years pete and this is one of the most sought after models. Oh, yeah. Pete they should just make this again. Oh, they should. Weve been waiting for the chevelle to come out. Pete all right, over to adam. Adam chevelle next. My dad caught me in the tease, get off the mustang, get here in the chevelle. People are passionate about this. Oh, yeah. This passion came 35 years ago when i was 16 years old. This car was just brought a week ago, we drove 12 hours to get it. Its one of my favorite cars. Looked at a couple of them adam why do people love thesesome. Just the body, the interior. You know, the chevelles are hot from 6472 when they came out. Adam and i love the all red. You dont get a lot of this. You dont see this, yeah. Its tuxedo black and red, its a beautiful car. Adam it is an absolutely gorgeous car. I know my dad is jealous right now. Thats what we like to hear. Ed the camaro, i normally beat pete in the competitions, theres a trophy in the back [laughter] are you anticipating im going to beet him there you go. Ed all right. I understand ive got 450 horsepower in here. Oh, yeah. Ed talk about that. This car belongs to one of our members when we started six years ago. The car, he owns it for 30 years, and everything on this car was done by him. Ed done by him. This was painted in his garage ed beautiful. And he takes very, this is his pride and joy. He loves this car. Ed its a z28. Whats is the significance . Because of the motor. Its not a hypedup motor. Car is one of a kind. Ed i appreciate you preselecting me as the winner, but you might want to the. [laughter] all right. Pete every once in a while ed peddles fake news. Emily tell us about that engine specifically while i help myself to drives seat. This is a 71 Buick Skylark gs grand sport. Its a 350, airconditioned car. Its one of the nicest cars youll see around. I mean, you dont see too many of these. Its one of my members that he rides a lot with me. I love this car. I went with him to buy it, to get it in the snow. We drove this car back from pennsylvania three hours, and he takes pride and joy with this thing. Pete ive never seen a bigger smile on emily yeah, i see that. Emily im never getting out ever. One of my favorites in the club. Ed johnny diaz, what a treat, we appreciate it. Thank you for having us. Definitely. Ed legendary muscle cars, check it out online. President trump and former Vice President joe biden trading swipes at dueling rallies in nevada. Its all about donald, its not about anything else. We call him either Sleepy Joe Biden or 1 . Which is put . Ed we wonder if this is a preview of 2020. Plus, weve got tennessee congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, charlie kirk and maria bartiromo. Theyre all here, theyre all live, they are all coming up. This time, its his turn. You have 4. 3 minutes to yourself. This calls for a taste of cheesecake. Philadelphia cheesecake cups. Rich, creamy cheesecake with real strawberries. Find them with the refrigerated desserts. The Migrant Caravan marches forward, till trying to get to the u. S. Border. I will seal off the border if they come into this country. Coming illegally to the border is an act of war. This is invasion. Lawlessness is not going to be allowed into our borders. A desperate manhunt is underway after a cop is shot and killed near a school in georgia. At least 42 the Police Officers have been killed in the line of tooth this year. Its all about donald do, its not about anything else. Joe biden, we call him 1 joe. [inaudible conversations] people are fed up with the left and their antics. Its time for people to stand up for whats right and stop the nonsense. We are looking at putting many a very major tax cut for middle income people. And if we do that, itll be sometime just prior, i would say, to november. Dont forget the big tax cuts, and were going to get you more. [laughter] ed were seeing pumpkin carving with power tools. I couldnt open a spray paint can yesterday, so im not going anywhere near power tools. You like muscle cars, so you should be good at this. Emily yes, i do. Literally two seconds ago that that plaza was filled with muscle cars, and now all of a sudden its a complete scene change. Pete the magic of television. It is the fox square. You can do magic out there including carving pumpkins. Sharp objects, ive got a mixed record with them, so you should stick around. [laughter] ed in the backseat there was a trophy emily it doesnt count if you dont earn it, ed. Pete they saw you sneak out there ed its good to be here with you, emily. Pete well, we begin with a fox news alert. New video near the u. S. mexico border where agents have been picking up Illegal Immigrants all morning. Elle em also preparing for that Migrant Caravan on its way from central america. Ed give Griff Jenkins is live m mcallen, texas, and hes got a special guest. Good morning. Reporter we do, guys. Good morning. Were joined by the chief of the rgv sector. Chief, thank you for the last few days. Weve gotten to see a firsthand look at what happens here. First, your thoughts on caravan, several thousand migrants down there on that border possibly headed this way. What do you make of it, and are are you prepared . Yes. Thank you, gripf, for being griff for being here in south texas again. In regards to the caravan are, very, very concerning, and the main reason its so concerning is because the way we handle this caravan is going to really dictate many things. One of them is they think that they are going to come in because of the immigration loopholes we have and theyre going to remain here. If were going to handle it that way, were going to see caravans on a regular basis. This is an example, ive been talking about how the situation is not sustainable. This is an example of what happens when you catch and release people. It just emboldens more people to come in because they believe that our immigration laws are not up to par. Are we prepared . We are prepared in, of course, in countering them, arresting hem. Youve seen the agents work 24 hours, around the clock. We will process them and, hopefully, we are able to return any of the people that we detain if they do make it to the border. Reporter and, chief, you know, what weve seen already border, your sector here is overwhelmed. Youre up 300 , the family units just about 30 minutes ago, we met 48 of them. What do you make of whats happening already . A recap of yesterday, we had over 700 apprehensions yesterday, we had eight human smuggling cases, one dead body recovered, we had one potential drowning in the river that hasnt come up yet. Were still searching for that person. We had 700 plus pounds of marijuana. And then we had 68 pounds of pay owety. As be what were peyote. But its very, very busy, as you have seen. The agents are working around the clock. One of the things that we owe the agents are tools necessary. What does that the look like . Personnel, technology, infrastructure to include smart border wall system and also we need to close these immigration loopholes, because theres a lot of effort, time and manpower hours going to the dealing with this population of family units and unaccompanied children. Reporter guys, thats just a little bit of whats going on here. The chief and i are going to continue to spend a few hours working here in this sector. As you can see, its a very busy one. Pete griff, thanks very much. And thank the chief for his service to our country. Just yesterday 700 apprehended, eight smugglers, one dead, pounds and pounds of drugs just many that section of the border this as a caravan makes its way north. E e when you hear democrats say that illegal immigration is not that big of a problem, there are not people trying to rush across the border that this is not a National Security crisis, listen to the facts the chief is bringing to the show. Emily he talked about not only cheer volume of sheer volume of apprehensions, but the fact that theyre using technology to sop up the porous nature of the border, and theyre saving lives. He mentioned a near drowning that Border Patrol agents had to intervene with, and this is on the fact that they are working round the clock, nonstop, and are so fatigued. Pete yeah. He also said our immigration policies are not up to par, hence why when people get here, we lose track of them. Tom homan, former acting director of i. C. E. , had some blunt talk the about those very policies. This is what he said. A year ago i was up on the hill along with secretary, we Gave Congress a whole list of loopholes. If they would have closed them, one of this stuff would have been happening. The democrats are pailing to fix loop failing to fix the loopholes. Theyre putting their political ambitions and their political hatred of this president ahead of National Security and public safety. As an american, im frustrated and irritated, so im hoping the voters are paying attention. Emily i love that he called it out so strongly, that these elected officials are literally putting their elections and their power hungry nature ahead of actual policy and the actual humanitarian crisis that is happening south of the border because of those policies. Ed we had other guests calling out democrats for suggesting when president raises issue, its somehow racist, that hes trying to close the door to america. We had a panel of legal immigrants who came to this country searching for the American Dream can, they pointed out they found it legally. Watch. The act of coming illegally through the border is an act of war. This is invasion. If we permit it, there are other caravans will continue to come. We have to stop the it. Its an orb straited attempt orchestrated attempt to overwhelm the u. S. mexico border. This is politically motivated. It pays to be illegal in the United States. The democrats are promoting chaos and lawlessness. I think president should send in the military, send a clear and dethe icive message that lawlessness is not going to be allowed into our borders. Pete simple narrative the of these are just people fleeing violence in their country, coming to america, it doesnt hold water. Even the president s of honduras and guatemala yesterday at a joint press conference said this migration has political motivations which is violating the borders and the good faith of those state the. Even president of guatemala also mentioned, tom fitton was on program and said in the last couple years theyve caught over a hundred isis ed last couple of weeks. Pete trying to be part of these caravans. If you dont the know whos coming into your country, you dont have a safe country. Emily tom homan said the biggest misconception is the messaging that all of those in the caravan are seeking asylum pete yeah, you asked that question. Emily exactly. You cannot subscribe that element to every single person. Ed a lot of big issues in the upcoming midterm elections, just 16 days away. Obviously, the economy and tax cuts, we just spoke about that a few moments ago, the kavanaugh issue that may have increased republican intensity, illegal immigration which do the Prime Minister used in part to ride the president used in part to ride to victory, and all of that, when you put all of that together, particularly the socalled kavanaugh effect and whether that fired up the right, you have Mainstream Media outlets like the Washington Post admitting maybe the blue wave wont be there. One headline, House Democrats hope for wave election diminishes as republicans rebound. Pete thats a pretty big headline from the Washington Post because theyre totally left wing. Theyve been very confident for a very long time that this would the conventional wisdom is blue wave. Thats fair to say, right . Ed absolutely. Pete so to walk that back now is probably old admit it was never as big as it was ed when president started talking about a red wave, many in the Mainstream Media laughed at him, and now maybe things are turning. Emily which is exactly what happened in 2016. And i think we learned that earlier about fact that a lot of polling was inaccurate because it didnt ride the wave until the very end. Right now we are in that crucial up to the last minute portion where that accuracy is so important. And thats why i think, you know, as you said, theyre understanding the right is rebounding. Ed we had republican candidate for governor in florida ron desantis, i mentioned it to him that tom steyer, this big, liberal activist is pouring, like, 2 million on top of millions at last minute into the florida golfs race. Also nancy pelosi and others pouring millions into key races they thought they locked up a long time ago that they havent locked up. We had republican pollster John Mclachlin earlier saying if the democrats are pouring this money in at the last minute, it suggests maybe blue wave is not there and theyre trying the buy it. Watch. Postkavanaugh which backfired on the democrats the trump voters are getting reengaged. The polls are closing around the country where republicans are retaking leads, take thing theyre getting some breathing room. But the democrats have raised hundreds of millions of dollars. Based on the spending that theyre doing right now, its our polls are accurate that the republicans look good theres a shot that the republicans can hold the house. Pete john did the polling for President Trump which proved to be correct. Were going to have Marsha Blackburn in just a few minutes in a race for the senate, and two polls that came out recently, one shows her up 14, another a 1point race. Polls can be so wildly different based on likely voters, whos doing the polling, what the sample size is. So, you know, i would trust the guys that got it right the first time as opposed to conventional wisdom. Emily exactly. All right, turning now to your headlines, a fox news alert. A desperate manhunt is underway after a cop is shot and killed in cold blood. Officer antoine tony was ambushed while responding to a report of a suspicious car near a school in georgia. Police now searching for an 18yearold for murder. A sec suspect is in police custody. The list of candidates to replace United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is narrowed down now to five. The president telling reporters hes interviewing three women and two men but hoping to replace haley with another female. She is resigning at end of the year. She shot down rumors about a potential 2020 run for the white house. And dozens of witches cast a spell on Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh apparently just in time for halloween. [inaudible conversations] emily lets be clear that they are wishing his wife a widow which means for his death. Those overnight witches many brooklyn carved his name into a black candle, doused it in, quote, revenge oil and set it on fire. Theyre upset about his confirmation following Sexual Assault allegations against him. Outside of the ceremony, christians protest thed by praying against the hex. Ed these are the same folk who is put a a hex against the president. I dont think its worked out [laughter] pete id like a hex then, please. Emily dont invite it. Pete i mean, it worked so well on president. Ed the midterms now just over two weeks away. We check in with congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, well get an inside look next. everybody wants a new, different, better world. Heres to the people who do what it takes to build it. To keep it running. The people who understand no matter what the question, the obstacle or the challenge, theres only one answer. Lets do the work. engine starts, hums it is such a good time to dance it is such a good time to [ laughing ] scoobidoo doobidoo scoobidoo doobidoo [ goose honking ] [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. Progressive helps keep you out there. Pete welcome back. With just 16 days til the midterms, its a tight race for the tennessee senate. Latest real clear politics average now has Marsha Blackburn more than six points ahead of phil bredson. Joining us now, gop tennessee congressman and Senate Candidate Marsha Blackburn. Thank you very much for joining us this morning, we appreciate it. We did reach out to your opponent, got no response. How are you feeling . The real clear politics average has it at six, a recent vanderbilt poll shows your opponent up one. What are your internals showing, and how do you feel . We feel good about. We are working hard. Were meeting tennesseans every day, and we know that they want to send a conservative to the senate, and were asking for those votes. So its going great, pete. Pete your ear is to the ground, youre on the campaign trail. What are you hearing, whats most passionately on the minds of votersesome. They the talk a lot about kavanaugh hearings and how they felt like this was something that the, you know, a pictures worth a thousand words. They watch this play out in realtime and could not believe, they were appall with how the democrats acts. So we also hear a lot about immigration, and you all have talked so much about that this morning. People say theres a right way and a wrong way to come to the country, and they want to see our immigration laws enforced and our borders secured and end the entry of illegal aliens, drugs, traffickers, smugglers and secure that the border. We also hear a lot about the tax cuts. Theyre working, and people want to keep those tax cults. Pete you say theres a right way and a wrong way, theres a right way and a wrong way on the campaign trail how to conduct yourself. You thanked a Restaurant Owner many your state because they had the audacity of hosting a Campaign Event for you, and hen they got serious social media backlash, threats, even death threats. Talk to us about what happened there. Yes. We went to a locallyowned restaurant which we do often to bring our volunteers and our grassroots leaders in for a breakfast and talk with them about the campaign. And we did this with a restaurant over in mount juliet, and were grateful for the opportunity to be there, support a local business and bring our volunteers and supporters in. And once he posted a picture on facebook to say, hey, thank you for coming in, he got all of this backlash. But ive got to tell you i think community has rallied around him. And, pete, you know something . One of the things we need to remember during this time when there is so much incivility out and around us is that our nation has been well served by robust, respectful political debate. That is something that that strengthens our Public Discourse and our democracy. And for people to go against this angry mob mentality that is out there and those that are encouraging in this angry mob, that is not serving a civil discan course well. Pete absolutely. In the minds of the left, even a restaurant can be complicit apparently. Congressman black burn, thank you very much good to be with you. Pete wed love to have your opponents side sometime too. Thank you. The left going after Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell while at dinner, but in this time mcconnells supporters fought back. Charlie kirk here to discuss. Plus, a farmer thanks President Trump and gets the attention of the white house. Well hear from that farmer just ahead. Hey guys. Today were here to talk about trucks. I love trucks. 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Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein set to meet with the house judiciary and oversight mes on wednesday after reports that rosenstein thought about wearing a wiretap to record conversations with President Trump, although hes denied that. Speaking of the president , once again this week backing three more republican candidates. Hes in texas tomorrow for senator ted cruz, wednesday hell be in wisconsin stumping for their Senate Candidate as well as the golf u and on friday as well as the governor, and on friday in north carolina. He promised to get out there, and hes doing it. Emily he is. Angry leftists accosting Mitch Mcconnell as he sat town to dinner with his wife sat down to dinner with his wife. Why dont you get out of here . Leave him alone. [inaudible conversations] emily our next guest pete go ahead, or ill just steal it. [laughter] this just proves the leftwing mob is only intensifying. Here to explain, charlie kirk. Charlie, congrats on the book. What is this this confrontation is all too familiar. What does it say, a, about the left and, b, about folks in the restaurant who started to say, hey, were done with this . Yes, this is something Candace Owens and i experienced, we were eating breakfast quietly, and an antifa mob tries to storm us out of the restaurant. Theyre resorting to these tactics to try to intimidate. Unfortunately, this is a growing trend. These are not isolated incidents whether it be the nevada activists in las vegas that were aisssaulted or if you see what happened here with senator Mitch Mcconnell or Senate Ted Cruz senator ted cruz in d. C. A couple of weeks ago. The democrat mob know theyre losing, but this is a harbinger of things to come if we give power back to the democrats. It will be bedlam. It will be chaos. There will be committees without any sort of direction just to try to penalize republicans, and the base of the Democrat Party, youre looking at it, they go after republicans, going after conservatives just because they disagree with them. Emily charlie, you spend so much time with boots on the ground, tell us about level of fatigue from those on the right or hose in the middle of these angry leftist mob tactics. Its extraordinary. I have not seen the Republican Base fired up in my entire time in politics. And i think a lot of it is because of the mistreatment of judge kavanaugh during the senate Judiciary Committee hearing where the American People saw a man with a 35year record, a terming record of public Sterling Record of Public Service be totally demagogue by the democrats for nothing more than political purposes just in the pursuit of power. And our base, we are waking up across the country. Whether its enough for us to keep the house of representatives, i personally think it will, i think well hold on to it by a slim majority, and i think well advance in the senate. But if were able to win a good amount of the disaffected middle and say who on earth wants to vote for this incivility and this chaos that, by way, the democrats refuse to denounce. Thats whats so troubling, why nancy prose city and Maxine Waters, they seem content with it. In fact, you see eric holder encouraging it, Hillary Clinton encouraging it, Maxine Waters, because this is what the left does. They intimidate, demagogue, smear and lie. Ed john harwood of cnbc was saying that President Trump and others like you on the right when you use the word mob, youre really trying to scare, he claims, white voters into saying that africanamericans, immigrants of various races, ethnicities and backgrounds, that youre trying to scare white voters to get out to the polls and push back on others. I thought we were going to listen to ed no, im saying we played it earlier, but go ahead and react. Im sorry. The Quick Response is by thinking mob is an intentional thing, hes the one being the racist, first and foremost. Secondly, the people that are doing this activism, theres no racial context to this. Mob is about a group of people that have lost their individuality that go after someone they politically disagree with. This is a growing trend in the Democrat Party, and youve seen over the last id say 18 months whether it be the assault of rand paul, the storming of people out of restaurants. And i think when someone like john harwood tries to incite this is some sort of, quoteunquote, dog whistle to try to go after the base, that is so insulting to over 60 million americans that support President Trump and are part of the conservative base trying to say were using these sort of ridiculous measures to try to fire up our base. I would love to have john harwood walk the streets of portland because i was there a couple days ago, and antifa there, theyre strong, and theyre running the streets, and the mayor is allowing it to happen. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the rule of law, order. Pete charlie kirk, thank you very much for your time. You bet, thanks. Pete what will happen if republicans win everything again . A New York Times oped writer is worried about it, and Michael Knowles says he knows why. Ed and President Trump has a new promise. We are looking at putting many a very major tax cut for middle income people. Ed so how would this new tax cut, tax cut 2. 0 they call it, how would it work . Maria bartiromo is going to break it down for us and what it means for your wallet live next. So a tree falls on your brand new car and totals it. And as if that wasnt bad enough, now your insurance wont replace it outright because of depreciation. 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Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. We are looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle income people. And if we do that, itll be sometime just prior, i would say, to november and are studying deeply right now, round the clock, a major tax cut for middle income people. Not for business at all, for middle income people. Kevin bradys working on it, paul ryan is working, were all working on it. And were looking at a major tax cut for middle income people who need it. And what was time frame for that . I would say sometime around the first of november, maybe a little before that. Pete that was the president yesterday in nevada after his rally there talking about tax cut 2. 0. As ed pointed out earlier, the house has passed a version of that. Weve got maria bartiromo, host of sunday morning futures which is on after us, so dont leave. What is he referring to . Well, you know, hes really just referring to making the individual tax cuts permanent, because, you know, this whole lie that the left likes to say that the tax cut plan only benefited the top, you know, businesses and rich people, thats not true. The tax cut actually lowered every rate, every bracket, cut taxes for everybody wells, by the way, doubling standard deduction. However, the individual cuts expire, is so they want to make those permanent. And when he says november, i would expect theres an announcement about this before the midterm elections but, of course, we know that house is not even in session, and were not going to see a vote before elections. That would be unlikely. Ed why do you think the tax cut hasnt broken through, or do you challenge that narrative and think it has and will help republicans . Obviously, the kavanaugh issue, illegal immigration, theres a whole host of issues, but why do you think finish it seems the tax cut has not been front and center. You know, its funny, when things are going well, you take it for granted. I have a job, my family has a job, my friends have a job, you forget what its like when you werent many that position. So thats one thing to remember. I think when people have prosperity, they give it less cree cree department. I do the think people will be voting on economic issues. Weve got record low unemployment, Economic Growth above 4 , 4. 2 . The world, United States was very different just three or four or five years ago in terms of economics. So thats certainly going to be one thing that people vote on. I know that the polls say otherwise, i dont believe it. I really dont, ed. And i think it is about economics and immigration. When youre seeing these visuals of this caravan headed to the United States, i think it puts fear many people, and they say, you know . The border should be secured. Emily maria, for the nuts and bolts of this, other than the tax cuts being rendered perfect, what else do viewers need to know about the most Ground Breaking when it passes . Look, i think when youre lowering taxes, there could be a shift in terms of certain tax rates. But i think broad, most important nuts and bolts, as you put it, is going to be making the individual cuts permanent and also this terms of in terms of Small Business and how they can expense certain things. But the bottom line is when youve got a lower tax environment, people have more money in their pocket, theyll spend more. And its a circle. Its a Virtuous Cycle where youre seeing that lead to better Economic Growth and and that lead to lower unemployment. So i think broadly speaking when you have a focus on taxes being low, small government, i think that will create Economic Growth in general and people just feel better. Pete and it keeps the conversation on that which iser terrain they think is good for them, for sure. Yesterday in nevada it wasnt just President Trump, there was former Vice President joe biden as well. The two of them had a bit of an exchange. Listen. We call him 1 joe. [laughter] because he ran at least twice can i think three times, they say twice, i think he ran three times and he never had more than 1 . Obama came along and took him off of trash heap and made him Vice President. To be shredded by a president who is all about himself. Its time to get up, lift our heads up Pete Joe Biden had a couple hundred people, the president had, as usual, a packed arena. [laughter] yeah. I think this is pretty your clearest indication that the president thinks joe biden will be on ticket in 2020. Joe biden, i think, is liked on both sides of the aisle, certainly, you know, for being a moderate, but he hasnt been moderate about donald trump. Hes been part of the, you know, criticizers, the resistance and this whole moblike mentality which we saw again weekend with Mitch Mcconnell and elaine chao, his wife, getting harassed at a restaurant when they were trying to have dinner. I think all of this is going to be front and center for voters in the next couple of weeks because people to not like the behavior. They didnt like the behavior around kavanaugh, in terms of the shamming people, criticizing people online, shaming you for speaking your mind, you know, and throwing you out of restaurant, harassing you, get anything your face. Nobody likes that. So i think thats going to be something thats really consequential for these midterm elections. And i keep saying this, i think this is one of the most consequential that that weve seen. Every sunday weve been covering the fbi and doj investigation. Were going to do the it again this morning. Ive got Bob Goodlatte on, chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and hes going to be questioning next week Rod Rosenstein. And we want to hear what he has to say about that because Rod Rosenstein is basically calling the shots in terms of who should be in the room, whos going to question him. Also lindsey graham, senator, he says if the Senate Changes hands which is unlikely he is going to lose the opportunity to be chairman of the judiciary, the senate judiciary. I would expect senator graham to have that position should senate gain seats. Pete great stuff, great show. Thank you so much. See you later. Emily thank you, maria. Turning now to your headlines, a young couple found dead in the grand canyon, and police are asking for the publics help for answers. Jessica and garrett are believed to have entered the park on september 18th. Their bodies were discovered on an overlook earlier this month. No one reported the couple missing, but foul play has not been ruled out. Farmers in indiana are thanking President Trump in a big way as a they made this 60acre message which reads thanks, mr. Trump, for e15. One of the farmers joined us earlier to explain. Talked about how can we express it in an unusual way. Somebody suggested it, and we started to talk with precision people who help us out, and it just took off on its own. Emily their show of gratitude comes after the president announced hes easing federal restrictions on ethanol. And a longtime kmart employee gets choked up delivering his final farewell. I worked for kmart for 18 years, more than half my life. Im the man i am today because of the people that ive met here at kmart. Pete wow. Elle em the manager holding back tear the while thank shoppers at a nowclosed pennsylvania kmart. That store just one of 64 locations kmarts Parent Company plan to close back in january. Those are your headlines. Ed what a wonderful, emotional moment. What will happen if republicans win everything again . A New York Times oped writer is worried, and Michael Knowles says he knows why. Pete and nothing says fall fun like power tools and pumpkins. [laughter] well show you how to take your pumpkin carving skills to the next level. Ed thats a little dangerous. Emily that doesnt look safe or clean. Pete i cut my finger. Whoo comfort. What we deliver by delivering. This is frank. Sup this is franks favorite record. This is franks dog. And this is franks record shop. Frank knowns northern soul, but how to set up a limited liability company. Whats that mean . Not so much. So he turned to his friends at legalzoom. Yup they hooked me up. We helped with his llc, contracts, and some other stuff thats part of running a business. So frank can focus on the beat. You hear that . 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And a massive College Football upset, purdue thumping ohio state 4920, the Third Largest win ever for an unranked opponent over a top two team. Purdue is 33, the buckeyes 60, not anymore. A meltdown from michigans deafen bush causing problems devon bush causing problems pregame. And number 23 wisconsin weathering snowstorm, routing illinois 4920 the, and it is snowing in wisconsin. Ed that was fun when you were a kid, you play in the show . Pete it is. Ed that was great. With only 16 days to the midterms, the New York Times headline, quote, what if the republicans win everything yet again . Emily the paper fears held mean the end this would mean the end of Robert Muellers investigation, more tax cuts for the rich, a Republican Party molded even more in the image of President Trump. Pete ive heard that argument before, its armageddon. Michael notion joins us now to weigh in. The New York Times is worried. You know, i think the New York Times worrying about republicans winning elections is the definition of a New York Times oped. [laughter] and so this is no surprise. Weve heard this before. Theyre already making excuses. Thats what this is about. So theyre blaming racism or theyre blaming thisism or thatism because after 2016 they had a lot of egg on their face, specifically the New York Times. They actually had to apologize for getting that election so wrong. Theyre already setting it up. Weve been promised this blue wave for how long now, two years . What are we actually looking at from the polls . Seems like more of a blue trickle. Youre seeing that race in texas, robert orourke, theyre saying, oh, even be he loses, it will be a moral victory which is a synonym for a loss. [laughter] all around what is the worry, you know . They promised us in 2016 that if trump won, the sky would fall, the economy would collapse, we would have wars abroad, this and that. Look around. Theyre the boy who cried wolf. What has happened . The economy is booming, record low joblessness, relative peace abroad, renegotiation of trade deals, so what are they going to say now . Time were super serious, seriously, believe us. Of course not. This word credibility has been bandied about and abuse for the last several weeks with regard the justice kavanaugh. The New York Times has a real credibility problem. Ed michael, to the your point about crying wolf, it goes deeper because when the president was pulling out of the paris climate accord, nancy pelosi was saying people are going to die because of this. And as you suggest, it turn the out, well, the economys doing pretty good. Does the argument just fall under its own weight . You know, you three look very healthy, i feel healthy [laughter] i think that President Trump hasnt killed very many people. This is really the political brilliance of donald trump which is its that human, its that mocking his opponent, and when you do that, you drive your opponents crazy. When the democrats get angry, they get stupid, and thats what weve been seeing for so long now. Theyre calling for mob attacks on republicans many restaurants, on republicans where their children sleep. Theyre getting really, really worked up, and these are political mistakes. It backfired on judge kavanaugh, its backfired time and time again. And i hope that that President Trump keeps it up and keeps laughing at them all the way to election day because then democrats are really going to have something to cry about. Emily michael, briefly, when, if ever, do you see that message changing . When to you see dem the can accurates coming to grips with reality . I think theyre held hostage by their base. You know, their base is overwhelmingly young. I think its a millennial problem. Youve got this coddled generation that has been indoctrinated in leftism, they always get what they want, and theyre furious. Theyre crying in the street, throwing temper tantrums like that man talking to Mitch Mcconnell. What are they going to do, you know . President trump has made huge gains with key democrat demographics, with black voters, with hispanic voters. Support has surged, its even doubled. Until they admit their problem, the first step to recover is admitting that you have a problem. Until they admit they have a problem, i only foresee things getting worse for them. Pete yep. Michael knowles, thank you for your time. We appreciate it, its early on west coast. Ed nothing says fall fun like some football oh, no, wait. [laughter] they told me to say power tools and flying chunks of pumpkin . Really . Up next, were showing you how to take your pumpkin carving skills to a whole new level. Why bother mastering something . 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Mr. Handyman power treats at the end finish. Pete i made that earlier. All these pumpkins have been cut and gutted so excited. [laughter] i know. Make sure you push it in and then start the drill. Emily okay. All right. Everybody stand back. Pete watch your fingers. Nice emily perfectly done keep going. Emily oh, im a natural at pumpkin carving with power tools, clearly. Pete clearly. Thisll be the base. Emily perfect. Done. All right, perfect. [inaudible conversations] put a lollipop, building that tower of treats. Pete look at that emily hes missing the safety goggles. [inaudible conversations] some of the oreos and put them on top ed is 220 or 221 . 220. Ed thats an inside joke. Mr. Mom, go look it up. [laughter] not supposed to do it to that one. Pete really . No, have some fun. Pete its all about fun. How do i get one of those power tools . Ed give me the bigger one. Pete you got the little power tool. Emily i think ive found my new pastime. [laughter] ed look at. You can get all these on handyman. Com pump kip, you can get pumpkin. [inaudible conversations] ed put this stuff in there . Emily thank you [cheers and applause] [laughter] emily sorry. Oh, pete . Ed im sorry. Pete more fox friends on other side. More pumpkins too. Ed we cant take pete anywhere. The Deputy Attorney general goes before recording the president. Bipardonson confirms a columnist and u. S. Resident died in their consolate after an fistfight. Good morning, everyone. Im maria. This is turned

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