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Melissa, we are going to napa valley. I dont think they have strip clubs and wine countries. Road trip turns out those little lies are actually not so bad after all. Does that qualify as a little lie . No. Fox and friends begins right now. Well, good morning. Veterans day is this week and we want to see your better with veterans day pictures. Bett betterwithvets. They started sending them in yesterday. Send them on in. This sunday morning, we have headlines we want to tell you about straight away. Overnight, two american prisoners held in north korea back on u. S. Soil. Kenneth bae and miller land at a washington military base. They are greeted with hugs from family members after two years in captivity. The release was secured through a secret mission orchestrated by nsa director, james clapper. I want to say thank you all for supporting me and lifting me up and not forgetting me. Itis been an amazing two years. I have done a lot. I have grew a lot. Bae and miller were the last two americans being held in north korea. The top isis leaders targeted in the u. S. Led air strikes. Isis leaders were meeting near the town of mosul. They destroyed a convoy of ten armed trucks. Its not clear if the leader was among those targeted in the strike. Loretta lynch in line to become the first africanamerican women to serve as attorney general. President obama making the announcement, hailing her accomplishments as a new york federal prosecutor. Getting her job done throughout her 30year career. Shes distinguished herself as tough, fair, an independent lawyer who has twice headed one of the most prominent u. S. Attorneys offices in the country. Some experience includes representing the clintons keeping them free of convictions. She faces a difficult confirmation process. Leaders on the hill want the next congress to oversee her confirmation, not the democrats that just lost the reelection. 25 years ago today, the berlin wall fell. It was an iconic speech two years earlier that put the first crack in the foundation. Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall. The fall of the wall marked the end of the war between the u. S. And soviet union. Their citizens could visit for the First Time Since 1961. The people of east germany crossed the wall leading to german unification. Those are your headlines. I was in Junior High School when this happened. We have details about the debate over immigration between the white house and congress. Remember after the midterm elections, the president brought to the white house leaders for a by partisan meal. Now we have that. During that meal, Vice President joe biden served in the senate and asked the speaker of the house, john boehner how long to pass a february. February 15, march 15th. Obama was visibly irritated and stopped biden. That tells you everything. Part of me thinks this is good cop bad cop. They will go forward with action and have Congress Pass an immigration bill. Put it out there, come together. The president will have to sign it. Congress thooz work on it. How long do you need . March . February . You make laws have been debates and passing them. Itis not what the president wants. Stop joe, stop. Im going to do it myself. Democrats say thats not how it went down. There are two sides to the story. We had dana perino on. She said this is what the president should think about doing. Listen. If he wanted to jam the republicans and cause a split within the republicans before they take over, he would say, il my executive order. Send me a bill by march 1st. If you dont, then ill do it. Apparently in the meeting, yesterday, what i heard is hes absolutely dug in his heels. What shes saying is the president could force the republicans hand or else say hey, its their fault, i tried. They wouldnt do it. What people are saying is the Republican Leadership wants an immigration bill. They want more immigrants in the country. It lowers labor costs, obviously. The president is the one. The leadership does. The republicans the president doesnt want a deal because he cant demagogue on it. Now he can say the republicans are racist, they dont like you. Immigration is at the heart, really, of passing amnesty is at the heart of what lawmakers want from the new attorney general, Loretta Lynch. She was put forth by president obama yesterday. You thought this was an easy confirmation. Not so fast. Ted cruz released a statement. Its interesting. Shes walk sboog the thick of this forest. She thought she would have a nice, relaxing weekend. No. Here is the statement. The attorney general is the president s chief Law Enforcement officer. As such, the nominee must demonstrate full and complete commitment to the law. Whether she believes the amnesty plan are constitutional and legal. During a confirmation hearing, if it goes past the new year, she may not have to answer the question. If the president passes amnesty or his own order on amnesty before that point, she might not have to answer that question. Its a great question. I dont know how shes going to answer it. Stuck between a rock and a hard place. The president , who tapped her for this position is saying what he wants and going against it straight away. It would be a problem, i would imagine. Shes going to be asked that question, no matter what. If the president goes forward with executive amnesty, you are going to see a political civil war break out. You would think the top cop would want respect for the laws, the borders. I dont know. Democrats are wondering what happened to them on tuesday during the midterm elections when they lost more seats in the state than in federal offices than anytime in history. Debby Wasserman Schultz said this. Im not going to gloss over the fact, on tuesday, the republicans had a good night, we didnt. We worked hard for months. We won a few tough races. It wasnt enough. We have a promise. We know we are right on the issues. The American People believe in the causes we are fighting for. The electoral success is able to make the case of the country as a whole doesnt translate another election. You know they wanted our polici policies, but they didnt come out to support them. They love us, but didnt support us. We are really popular. Super popular. Democrats are trying to get on the same page. Itis about messaging. Someone needs to say we need to all be on the right page. Democrats, this week, tried to explain what happened on tuesday. There are lots of people who get paid more money than i do who are responsible for offering up analysis and spinning the elections. Im not going to do that. It could be good for democrats . Well, no, thats not what im saying. I dont consider it a wave. I consider it an ebbing. I dont think American People gave anybody a great big seal of approval. To everyone who voted, i want you to know i hear you. For the twothirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you, too. Whatever that means. Keep telling yourself its not your fault. They are blaming obama on the hill. They are mad at president obama. Harry reid. They are out of the closet. They blamed him 100 . They should. This was about president obama. You saw the body language. It was cold. Icy. As if reid has warm moments at lunch, probably not. You know who doesnt have warm spots . Canada. How do you know that. Tim hortons is delicious. We are tracking the cold air. Am i right . You are right. I was confused where he was going. Now, they are to blame for the cold front. Its cold out there. He is right, incredibly cold air coming out of can ta. The blue are temperatures below freezing. The snow is developing and the cold air dives in throughout the overnight tonight into tomorrow. Thats just the beginning of it. Then we are going to see it stick around for a long time. Significant snow as well. We are seeing it across montana, north dakota and light flurries across wisconsin and minnesota. This is just the beginning of this. Later this afternoon, it gets going. By tomorrow mornings commute, get ready. In minneapolis, the snow is heavy. Eight to 12 inches. A few spots over a foot of snow with the snow. The snow is not going to melt at all. You have to plow this and shovel it. Go out and help your neighbors. Take a look at your temperatures. Tomorrow, you see the cold air. Watch what happens by the time you get to thursday. The eastern twothirds of the country have a big chill. Its going to stick around by ten days. Once the cold is here, it sticks around and feels like winter. Get the fluffy coats from under the bed. Switch out your closet. You looked up putin. French fries, cheese curds and thin, brown gravy. Sounds amazing. The sled dogs love it. Great. Coming up here on the show, right when we thought the scandal to the v. A. Couldnt get worse, it did. A new bombshell report. V. A. Hospitals are using unauthorized, unsafe, counterfeit supplies wrapped in cellophane and rubber bands. We are live with the shocking details, next. Caught on camera. Moments after an accident, about to blow. A teenager becomes a hero in this instance. Unbelievable. Well tell you how it unfolds, next. Save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness. From the stevia leaf. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. One pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Ask about xeljanz. Even without methotrexate. What are you doing . The dishes are clean. I just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. Ew. Dish issues . Cascade platinum powers through your toughest messes better than the competition the first time. Cascade. Now thats clean. Fifty omaha set hut nothing beats that new car smell nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. Now its quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. According to internal agency correspondents, dangerous surgical devices and counterfeit medical supplies have flowed, unchecked, into operating rooms at the v. A. What does it mean for the safety of our heroes . Joining us with details is jim. Good morning, jim, thanks for being with us. Thanks for having me. When you first hear about this, unbelievable. Businesses are cutting costs, you can see it with printers and office supplies, but not medical supplies, something you are going to do surgery with. Explain how it went down. We were investigating a separate contracting scandal, got back a lot of records from the v. A. We were going through them and saw these concerns where suppliers, most notely Johnson Johnson expressed concern in 2012 about the fact of the gray market medical supplies coming into v. A. Medical centers. These are, in some cases, surgical devices that are made by or supposedly made by Johnson Johnson, but they are coming from outside their supply team. According to them they could be counterfeit, they could be defective. So, johnson and johnson wasnt the only supplier raising concerns about this. Certainly, it was the most notable. I want to put up a quote on the screen from paul smith, the account director. He said, quote, the products being sold may not have been stored properly, no pest control et cetera that could create patient risk. Do we know of patients affected by this . Do we know they were used in operating rooms . Thats from the correspondent from the company to the v. A. Johnson and johnson provided a list in a half dozen states saying these are a few examples. In one case, there was a v. A. Center in South Carolina where supplies were arriving and rubber bands and plastic wrap. So, again, this isnt trash bags or paper towels. We are talking surgical devices. V. A. Says, you know, its a concern. They now have processes in place to, you know, safeguard this from happening. Certainly, the fact as recently as two years ago, we have a major, Major Medical supplier raising concerns about the extent to which surgical devices could have been, you know, entering into v. A. Operating rooms that were counterfeit or stolen. Its remarkable. These are fake. They are bogus, the allegations or used or the other thing that we were hearing about is the reverse option. So, going to the lowest bidder rather than the highest bidder. Is that something that you think should be done for our heroes and is anything being done to combat that . Theres a sort of separate, you know, this is the contex v. Process. Nobody has an issue with the reverse auction themselves. Theres question about the oversight with them. Theres a v. A. Inspector general audit, which raises questions about overseeing them. These concerns occurred in the context of reverse auctions and, you know, there were multiple concerns. This is one of them. Great scoop. Thank you for bringing the story to our attention. Details about the moment the Virgin Galactic spaceship exploded in midair. The surviving pilot is speaking out. Matthew mcconaughey goes out of this world. How much of it is possible . There are actually other planets humans can live on. The surprising science, ahead. Mission does not work if the people are dead by the time you pull it off. Make it count. Wouldnt it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. And even piano tuners were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Weve made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. Buy their services directly at angieslist. Com no more calling around. No more hassles. Start shopping from a list of toprated providers today. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. For over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, were not just insuring our lives. Were helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. Transamerica. By 1914 the Dodge Brothers and set out on their own. Pany they believed in more, than the assembly line. They believed driving was a holy endeavor. A hundred years later the Dodge Brothers spirit lives on. Good morning, everyone. 23 minutes after the hour. Two quick headlines. Pilot error was to blame for virgin spaceship disaster according to the president. Cockpit camera shows him panic after accidentally activating the wings. The ship disintegrated. He died in the crash. Caught on camera. Shaking the ground moments later. The National Weather service have not found meet ritsz on the ground. The shaking may have been from the sonic boom. Back to this, probing the depths of space. A group of explorers search for a home in the race of the blockbuster film, interstellar. They will be the last to survive on earth. You are the best pilot we have. Get out there and save the world. Say goodbye to our solar system. Galaxy. Here behind the science for the movie, dave. Nice to see you. Welcome back to the show. Its an ambitious project by the director of the movie. We didnt do green screen. We tried to keep it as real as possible. How real is the movie . What is the potential for it to be real . The potential is good. Unfortunately, all the technology basically doesnt exist. We dont have we dont know if it exists. We dont have Artificial Intelligence to power the robots. We dont have a spaceship. He wants to go to the galaxy. Could he do it . That would be the best way because its 2. 5 million light years away. Its huge, a huge distance. This is a shortcut through space, like a teleporation system. Basically. You can throw a spaceship or person through it. We dont know what would happen if you go into a worm hole right . If you want to go through, you have to expand it. This exotic manner. The moment you go through, it collapses on you. Star trek. It sounds like fun. Are there earthlike planets humans can live on . This is the age old planet. We find the exo planets, but we dont know anything about them. This is where its exciting, the science of interstellar. They are staring down stars in the neighborhood and finding hundreds and thousands of earthlike planet candidates. The closest one we know of is 12 light years away. Thats about 77 the mass of earth. It looks like a good play to be. Its the inside of the habitable zone, the goldilocks of a planet. Or star trek. Thats for nerds out there. What about robots . They play a big part in fact movie here. What will they look like in the future and what will they look like now . You have to love the robots. They have a human setting. I find that awesome. Unfortunately, they are too blocky and sharp. You dont want to hang around them in space. They are going to poke a hole in your space suit. You want them to look like big hero six, disneys new upcoming movie, big, michelin men. The fourth point, the spacecraft issue. In Science Fiction we get the big leaps so you have the enenjoyment of the story you ar reading and the movie you are watching. What are the limitations you face . We are facing a lot here. We dont have a spaceship to orbit. Its the childs crib. We are relying on the russians right now. Space x and boeing are trying to build spaceships. Its a huge challenge we face in addition to finding more holes and going through them. We are doing good finding habitable planets. What i love is its optimism. It takes hold of that idea we might find another earth and there and visit it. Cool. Check out popular science, great site. Dave is the online director there. Thank you. Thank you. Have you ever lied to someone you are dating, like this . A strip club when you are there. Melissa, we are going to napa vall valley. I dont think they have strip clubs in wine countries. Whoa road trip turns out those little lies are not so bad after all. The study that may change your dating life, forever. Hundreds of teachers not waiting to become victims of School Shooting tragedies. They are taking matters into their own hands with serious fire power. You can catch fox two night special. The man who killed Osama Bin Laden tuesday november 11th at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. A person named Osama Bin Laden linked many. Conducted an operation that killed Osama Bin Laden. Special twonight event. The van who killed Osama Bin Laden. Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. 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I love the research from okay cupid, the founder. They put out the five lies hes found that its okay to tell when you just start dating. Its okay to tell. Okay to tell the lies. Exactly. You end up getting married. Number one is your exact job title. You can fib on that. You can tell a little white lie. Your full name. Facebook stocks and google stocks. This is insane. Your job title and name are insignificant. Your fiveyear plan, you can lie about that. Your picky preferences. No one likes to reveal their idiosyncrasies. If you are allergic to a certain type of food, you dont want to lie that you dont have a peanut allergy and eat a Peanut Butter sandwich. I want a latte, extra syrup and they are going to be like huh . Would you admit to putting four splendas in coffee . You can lie about your zip code, where you live, what you do for a living and what your name is. You can make up your entire past. Thats okay. It leads to a happy marriage. Try to elevate the fact you can live in beverly hills, but you actually live in in tarzano. You live in 90210. Its actual 90215. They are lies. They are significant lies. Anyone who tells you its okay to lie about your name, what you do and where you live if you think back, i try to go back and think, are there Little Things i did . I think i said i was really tidy. Then i see the piles of clothes lying around the house, its a lie. I said i was a Hedge Fund Manager from greenwich. Minor lies. Not directly lies. Its my goto fake name. Okay cupid says its fine. What do you think about it . What lies have you told someone while you are dating . Little white lies . The things you put on your da dating profile. Online dating is a big thing. Can you lie about height, weight, age. Take a photo from ten years before. Go to facebook. What lies have you told someone you are dating. A story making headlines this sunday, a car up in flames. Instead of running for safety, a group of heroes run into the fire. People on the street watched it happen and sprang into action. Before the cops could decide, hes like yeah, im okay. Thank you guys. The passenger was passed out. We pulled him out. He had minor injuries. Kind of disoriented. The man who caused the crash, still on the run. The Police Officer is recovering in stable condition. Here he is in the hospital with one of his heroes, 17yearold volunteer firefighter, joe chambers. Incredible video when a gas explosion rocks a neighborhood. At least seven homes obliterated om hometohome. Three families have nowhere to live. Amazingly, no one was seriously hurt. They are looking into what caused the explosion. A soldier is fighting to get his best friend and hero back. Specialist brent says hes been getting the run around in the military about adopting his partner, mattie, a german shepherd. They returned from afghanistan after getting hurt from an i. E. D. Blast. He just found out the man in charge of military adoptions adopted him himself and he wont give him back. Hes going to fight even though officials are telling him to drop it. Two colorado Police Officers go above and beyond the call of duty when an 86yearold woman is robbed in target. The thieves snag her purse in the surveillance video. When they came to the scene, they did more than fill out a report. They canceled her credit cards, put her new put new locks on her house and bought groceries that were all on her Shopping List with their very own money. Certainly going above and beyond. Lets get outside. We centric out in the cold. It was too nice inside. Not as cold out, at least for today. The next couple days across the east, enjoy it. We are going to have a brief warm up before the big cold comes in for pretty much everybody. Take a look at the temperatures on wednesday. 22 degrees for a high temperature. 12 in billings, 17 in denver. All these temperatures are around 20 to 40 degrees below where you should be. By thursday, the cold air makes its way further south. Amarillo, you dont get above freezing. Tulsa, 37. Chicago, 32. You get the picture. The cold sticks around for a long time. Get ready for it. Get prepared. This is the end of the warm temperatures. Across the northeast today, i put cool on the map. Its not as cold as it was. Not as windy, either. Down to the southeast, we are talking about a pretty sunny day except for south florida. Heavy rainshowers from time to time. Most of texas a sunny day today. Now we have the beginnings of the front that is moving in and going to bring snow throughout the afternoon by tonight into tomorrow. That moves across much of minnesota. Get ready for the first foot plus snowfall of the season. Out across areas of the west, we look great across the southwest. Snow to the far Northern Rockies. Back to you inside. Thank you. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. The Teachers Union to support political candidates. One teacher says no. She joins us live to explain how shes fighting back. A High School Football player got down to pray after scoring a touchdown. He was punished for it. Thats straight ahead. It says here that a wons sex drive increases at the age of 80. Helps reduce the risk of heart disse. Keep hrthealthy. Live long. Eat the 100 goodness of post shreddedheat. Doctorrecommend it. Add brand new belongings from nationwide and well replace stolen or destroyed items with brandnew versions. Join the nation nationwide is on your side [ giggling ] again again [ giggles ] [ mom ] when were having this much fun, why quit . And bounty has no quit in it either. Its 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. Watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. Bounty. The noquit pickerupper. [ female announcer ] whats the best way to tackle football season . New bounty nfl prints. Available at walmart [ female announcer ] whats the best way tcome from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar,kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. Teachers in colorado taking safety into their own hands. They are learning how to protect themselves against school shooters. Colorado bans teachers from carrying guns. From texas coach. Former patriots linebacker saying burglars broke into his home while he was at his sons basketball game. The diamond encrusted ring is valued at 60,000 each. No arrests have been made in the case. Good luck selling them on ebay. I think we would know who the criminal is. Tucker . Thanks. A group of california teachers is suing cta, the california teachers association. They are using their dues for political things. They have no right to spend their money on candidates they disagree with. Hi, thanks for having me, tucker. You have been in the union for decades in california. For the viewers not from california, i think its the Biggest Union in the state. You have watched your dues go to things you disagree with. Have you complained about it . Yes, i have, tucker. Here in the state of california teachers rights are being trampled on. We have no right. We are forced, as a condition of employment to pay the fees. I started complaining about that immediately at the beginning of my teaching career as i watched, as a student teacher, i watched as an older teacher with tenure, which gave her Permanent Employment was treating her little first graders horribly. It was horrible to watch. No one could do anything about it. I started complaining right away. I was bullied and shunned. I became a union rep and complained to the union officials. They bullied me as well. Thats when i realized it was hopeless to change things within the union culture. You know, teachers, we should have the right to decide for ourselves where our money should go politically. Of course. Just like every other person. They take a left wind position. Some of it nothing to do with education of teaching. Spending money on the gay proposition. No matter what side you are on, its hard to see what that has to do with teaching. That is true, tucker. The unions are so out of touch with whats going on in the classroom and whats going on in california, in the nation. They get involved in any far Left Progressive cause. Thats where they sit, the far Left Progressive causes. It doesnt matter if it has anything to do with my job. It doesnt matter to them weather it harms my students. Its their political agenda, i pay for it. Teachers across america are paying for it. We believe it is wrong. Its time to consider the individual rights and, you know, so the rights of the unions to spend their money on their agenda at our cost. To back up a question, schools exist and taxpayers support them for one reason, to educate children. Do you think the cta helps kids in california, bottom line . I do no. Bottom line. I said a moment ago, they are out of touch. One of the things the unions fight in california they fight tooth and nail, tucker, to the tunes of multiple millions. They fight Parental Choice in education. I dont understand that. A parent should have a choice to place a child in a school that is best for it. If the school is underperforming, that parent should be able to place the child where they are going to learn. You can only do first grade once, fourth grade once. You dont get another chance. The unions fight parental rights. I dont get it. They dont exist to protect children. They dont exist to protect teachers. They exist to push their own agenda. In my opinion, at the expense of children and teachers. Thats why its time to, you know, set aside the rights of the big unions and bring back the right of the individual. Give us our Constitutional Rights to freedom of speech. Rebecca, wow, you are an articulate spokesman for your position. We appreciate you coming on. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Coming up, one day after the elections, the president says he will reach across party lines. How is he doing that . Inviting al sharpton to discuss options. A High School Football player flagged for his faith. He got down to pray after scoring a touchdown and is punished for it. coffee be ng poured into a cup. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. Good morning, everyone. A High School Football player flagged for his faith. Sam turner received a penalty for kneeling and raising his arms after scoring a touchdown in honor of a teammate who died. The league called it a prolonged delay which brought attention to himself and a violation. Did this fivesecond prayer delay the game . Joining us is sams dad, bob turner. Thanks for being with us. Thank you for having me. I would think you see your son kneeling in prayer to honor a teammate, were you proud of your son or think he was acting unsportsmanlike. I was very proud of sam and hes a good kid. He wasnt trying to call attention to himself at all. He was grateful to god to be able to play football and was giving a tribute to jojo who had been killed. As we look at these pictures, you know, its moving for a lot of us on a sunday morning. How long did this prayer, this moment last . Was it minutes . Did it really delay the game . No, no, no. No, it was a matter of a few seconds. The ref called it right away. Really, in his defense, state officials were contacted and said the ref made the right call. The principal and coach, they both agreed that the ref did make the right call. Those are two very pro ft. Myers men and very pro sam turner men. I cant complain about the call. Well, here is a statement we have from the Florida High School athletic association. It is a judgment call. Its not because he prayed, its because he was trying to focus attention on himself and thats the biggest issue. You imagine when the rules were drawn up for the rule book, it was probably drawing attention to yourself doing lewd things in the end zone or, you know, trying to be the center of attention. Is that what your son was trying to do . No, not at all. All his teammates saw that and they have had his back throughout this. Sam still isnt trying to call attention to himself, which is why hes not here with me. He really was only doing it out of gratitude to god and still doesnt want to call attention to himself. Sometimes, people have what i call barney fife syndrome. You take the rule or the law to the enth degree. Do you feel for the ref with the attention coming on to him or do you think he was picking on your son . I dont think he was picking on him. I think, you know, that was a call that he saw and he made. As christians, we have to honor people who are competent and do not have a double standard. Thats what god asks of all of us. My big point, why im here is to show the injustice of i have been reading a lot of Timothy Kellers book and it asks christians to fight for injustice and a fight against oppression. I think the big fight here is that we are fighting for the right to pray, but the biggest oppression was the death of sams teammate in a drive by shooting. Thank you so much. Your son is making a big impression on a lot of people. Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. 56 minutes after the hour. Coming up, george w. Bush and details about his fathers presidency. What he struggled with before launching his reelection campaign. For your aging loved ones, including nutritious meal planning and preparation. What are you doing . The dishes are clean. I just gotta scrape the rest of the food off them. Ew. Dish issues . Cascade platinum powers through your toughest messes better than the competition the first time. Cascade. Now thats clean. But add brand new belongings from nationwide and well replace stolen or destroyed items with brandnew versions. Making sure every season is the season of giving. Just another way we put members first. Join the nation nationwide is on your side worse and worse. Rthritis, i had intense joint pain that got then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. Im phil mickelson, pro golfer. Enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. Ive been on the course and on the road. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. But the best part of every journey. Dad . Is coming home. Ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. Hi, everyone. Good morning. Today is sunday, the 9th of november, 2014. Right when we thought the scandals at the v. A. Couldnt get worse, they did. A bombshell new report that v. A. Hospitals are using unauthorized, unsafe and counterfeit supplies. The shocking details straight ahead. Newly released emails from eric holder wanted to tell critics of the fast and furious campaign to kiss a part of him nobody wants to kiss. Thats how the attorney general should behave. Well tell you, coming up. A homeowner tied in his home. Now offering reward money to find the suspect. Instead, hes offering them a full college fund if they turn themselves in. Fox and friends hour two starts right now. Hey, everybody. Good morning. Veterans day is this week. We want to see your better with vets pics. Send them to us using betterwithvets. If you have a son or daughter serving, a grandpa. Send us your pictures. A lot of viewers in that category. Good morning. Annas dress is green, similar to green screen technology. She was dancing and i dont know if they can do it now. Are you able to switch the color of her dress . And put music on . No, yes. We are able to switch her dress color. If you tune in 20 minutes from now, it may be blue. If i did the weather with rick, i would be a floating head. There it is, its a red dress. Wow, thats cool. That is amazing. Power of technology. Thats a pretty one. I could do this all day. We are going to switch gears and tell you about your sunday morning headlines, with my green dress. We start with a fox news alert. Two prisons held in north korea back on american soil. They landed on a Washington State military base. They were greeted with hugs after two years of captivity. Miller getting off the plane a few minutes later. Their release was orchestrated by nsa director, james clapper. Say thank you all for supporting me and lifting me up and not forgetting me. Its been an amazing two years. I learned a lot. I grew a lot. Lost a lot of weight. Bae and miller were the last two being held. The top isis leaders targeted in the air attack. Isis leaders were meeting in Northern Iraq near mosul. The strikes destroyed a convoy of ten armed trucks. Its not clear if isis leader was among those targeted in the strike. Another legal blow to arizonas attempts to give Law Enforcement more muscle to combat illegal immigration. They say it is trumped by federal statutes. A reaction to the states position as the busiest immigrant smuggling hub. The ruling is the latest in a string of restrictions on the immigration policies. A shocking revelation by president george w. Bush. His dad, george h. W. Bush thought about not running for a second term. He was worried about his son facing a federal lawsuit at the time. This, according to his book about his dad. He hesitated because he developed an irregular heart beat. The book hits shelves on tuesday. Listen to this amazing story out of the v. A. You thought the scandals related to the v. A. Were over. Not so fast. All the equipment they are ordering, if you need new technology to check the chest or leg, ordering new equipment, its not so new. A new report showing these pieces of equipment sent to the medical Centers Across the country are used off market, often wrapped in cellophane, rubber bands and shipped to help our nations veterans. It started all that started when there was a culture of reverse auction. They would buy supplies from the lowest bidder, of course, rather than the highest bidder, in an effort to save money. It appears to have backfired. According to a johnson and johnson account director says it may not be stored at the right temperature and could create patient risk. They were getting products that were bogus and fake. Some of them were used. Doesnt seem like the right way to treat our heroes. We have the story. These supplies could be stolen, stolen, counterfeit, defective. Johnson johnson created a list of providers in a half dozen states saying these are a few of the examples. Two years ago, we have a major, Major Medical supplier raising concerns about the extent to which goods, surgical devices could have been entering into v. A. Operating rooms that were counterfeit or stolen was remarkable. Does this surprise anybody . Ever been to a v. A. Some are depressed. A lot of veterans dont want to go there. Why . Not because they hate veterans. The government is not good at health care. They are not good at stuff like that. Im waiting for the other shoe to drop on this. Has any equipment been tied to, you know, a death related to a veteran . Did someone not receive proper care and get an infection or problems because of the equipment . Of course its a great thing to trim the fat and save money, but is that the way to do it . You hear about offices doing it with a fax machine or printer or landscaping equipment. It always breaks, right . Yeah. The philosophy is buy something good, high quality, wellmade tool. You are going to spend more money having to replace it every year. You should go ahead and buy the new hypodermic needles. Details on the debate of immigration between the white house and congress. The president had a bunch of congressional leaders to the white house for lunch. They talked about what next for immigration. A reuters wire piece had this detail. Vice President Joe Biden asked the speaker of the house how long he needs to pass a bill, immigration bill . A congressional force said obama was visibly irritated and stopped biden. Another said he wasnt stopping biden, but didnt deny he disagreed with the idea to cut a deal. Are they playing good cop bad cop. You play good cop here, joe, and see if congress is willing to work with us. Im going to step in and say no, not so fast. We are going to move toward executive amnesty. Realize how important bipartisanship is. Dana perino on the show yesterday saying it would be a smart move for the president. Get congress to give you an immigration bill. They are at logger heads. They could get a deal. The Republican Leadership want a deal. They want amnesty and immigration. The donors want it and are demanding it. The Republican Base doesnt want it. The president doesnt want it. He can demagogue on it saying they are racist. Pretty simple, i would say. Eric holder on his way out. His departure may not come soon enough for some people. A new batch of emails has just been released where hes slamming critics of fast and furious, the gun running scandal down to mexico, saying, quote, they can kiss my blank, to anybody who is critical of the fast and furious program. What do they mean by that . Kiss my yeah. Just another example of the arrogance. They cant, you know, this guy cant leave soon enough. The attorney general of the United States, really, thats his response . Well see if Loretta Lynch carries the same pail of water like eric holder has. Im sure shell be great. Lets get a camera to the weather center. Rick is working furiously. Turn on the lights. Were you buying stuff on amazon, again . Exactly. All right, guys. We have storms out there. A little rain across florida. South florida, by this afternoon, you are going to be seeing the heaviest of the showers. Then we have snow moving in across the Northern Rockies and across the minneapolis area. Thats going to start tonight in earnest. You are going to wake up tomorrow morning to maybe starting with three to four inches. By the evening commute, up to a foot of snow. We have rain moving in across parts of the seattle area. We have been talking about how cold its going to be with the daytime highs. Look at the overnight lows wednesday and thursday morning. The peak here, thats obviously the coldest batch of air. This is air coming down from canada. The lower 48, you are looking fine. The cold air is across canada. Watch what happens the next few days. That cold air is released down across our mainland area. We are going to talk about 33 degrees in kansas city. Very, very cold in texas all the way to texas. The eastern twothirds of the country is getting cold. I just got a message from the front desk, your pots and pans just arrived. Amazon prime. A drone. S it was a bad week for the democrats. Who does the white house call in . Of course you call in al sharpton. Hes the first person the president called. He was there to gif advice about how to work with the gop. Well break that down for you. Race car driver. Wait until you hear what shes saying now. Straight ahead. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. The kids went to nanas house. For the whole weekend [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil, the non habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. That helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. My motheits delicious. Toffee in the world. So now weve turned her toffee into a business. My goal was to take an idea and make it happen. Im janet long and i formed my Toffee Company through legalzoom. I never really thought i would make money doing what i love. We created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. Go to legalzoom. Com today and make your business dream a reality. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Dentures with toothpaste or plain water. And even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. If a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. Thats why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture everyday. This week, the president held a white house meeting. One of the people he invited, this man. The gop is playing opposites. Hey, two big republicans think we are fooling the American People with their opposite day games. Nice try. But we gotcha. Yep, thats the president s key bipartisanship adviser, al sharpton. Joining us to decide if its a good idea, larry. Thanks for coming on this morning. Morning, tucker, how you doing . Great but befuddled. I will confess, you could not have convinced me in 2008 that al sharpton would wind up a key adviser. I never would have believed it. Tucker, you and me, both. In 2008, you couldnt put al sharpton and obama in the same hotel room because obama knew sharpton was a polarizing figure. I can understand how before the elections he would reach out to soak up the base of the black voters. After the election, it makes no sense. Sharpton is a very polarizing guy. He got more black supporters and lost a lot because of sharpton. I dont get it anymore than you do. He doesnt pay taxes. He was indicted for tax fraud. Et cetera, et cetera. Exactly. Is he the best civil rights leader you can find in. He hasnt paid a fine from the fcc violating Campaign Laws in 2004. You are right, he falsely accused a man of raising bla teenager. How he shows his face is beyond me, let alone one of the president s bffs. We just dont care what you think. We are getting something out of it politically. If you disagree, up yours . What i think is the white house convinced themselves when obama has opposition, its because of racism. I think obama and his advisers, including eric holder convinced americans dont like obama not because of policies, stimulus or obamacare, but because hes a black guy. Thats a really insightful point. You can say the irony is a lot of well meaning americans voted for the president inthey wanted black president. It was the symbol of progress. Its the only thing about him that i like, hes black. When obama was on 60 minutes, they said if you dont get the nomination, will it be because you are black. Obama said this, no, it will be because i did not articulate a vision americans can embrace. I said hallelujah. Ill never vote for the guy, but at least drop the race card. At least well have a candidate that can deal with criticism in a adult way. Surprise, surprise. He threw down the race card when he got in trouble. There are consequences, not just the president s personal journey, its the state of Race Relations in the country. This divides people, doesnt it . Of course it does z. Its not just people like sharpton saying crap like this, tucker. I have Claire Mccaskill who ran for missouri. She said, im quoting, george w. Bush let people die on rooftops during Hurricane Katrina because they were poor land black. Nobody said a word. A bunch of democrats are playing the race card, white and black to get the black vote they cannot win at the president ial level. They are going to regret that. There are consequences. Larry, thank you for that. You got it, tucker. Thank you for having me. Appreciate it. Thanks. Ever wonder what space sounds like . Thats kind of spooky. The symphony of sound nasa is releasing. A spin on the frontier. We have more of it for you. Want to avoid the black friday shoppers . You are in luck. The shopping secrets you have never heard. Stay tuned. I told my dentist about my sensitive teeth, he told me theres a whole new way to treat sensitivity. He suggested i try new crest sensistop strips. [ male announcer ] just apply to the gumline of sensitive teeth for a quick 10 minutes. The special ingredient forms a lasting barrier that provides immediate relief and up to one month of protection. See why dental professionals endorse crest sensistop strips to treat sensitivity. Thats 1 strip. 10 minutes. And up to 1 month of protection. Satisfaction guaranteed. [ woman ] life opens up when you relieve sensitivity. Fifty omaha set hut nothing beats that new car smell nationwide is on your side mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness. From the stevia leaf. Good morning, friends. Kurt bush accused of domestic violence. His exgirlfriend is giving her side of the story. She says she was concerned about busch after getting disturbing Text Messages to meet him at a racetrack. He smashed her head into a wall three times. She filed a restraining order. The pittsburgh medical researcher accused of poisoning his wife with cyanide is facing life in prison. Hes guilty of first degree murder. Jurors say the explanation for the death of autumn klein were unbelievable. He faces a mandatory life sentence for the murder. Clayton . Thanks. Black friday is more than two weeks away. Its not stopping the stores from putting things in the paper. You can get these sales now. Ahead is andre. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. Somebody that doesnt advertise in newspapers, amazon. They are promoting black friday countdown deals. You can find oufrs throughout the next weeks. 50 of a wireless printer with scanning and faxing capabilities. Its 99. 84 off a diamond infinity necklace. You can find hot jewelry deals at kmart where i found a 50 heart infinity necklace for 17. 99. You can find great deals there. Im going to buy that printer. I need a new one. All right, also overstock. Com. They are offering black friday liquidation deals of sales up to 65 . 33 off an acor sixinch notebook and 23 off on apple ipad mini. You can find online coupon codes. 20 of 200 at sherpa. Com. Back up there. You can get an apple ipad mini 23 off. Then you can find the coupon to get it cheaper. Ahh. Its why we had you on. Yes. Home depot, they have the appliances out. They are offering black friday pricing now. 25 to 45 off appliances. I found a samsung stainless steel French Door Refrigerator 1800, now under 1,000. Nice. 50 for recycling . Yes, for recycling an old appliance. Nice time to up grate that dishwasher, even. Yes. Best buy and target, what are they doing . A lot of deals, video game deals. 50 off the xbox. I dont know if its a specific game. Its hot this season. You can save there as well. Nice. All right. Walmart. Walmart has a bunch of deals. They are offering specifically the nintendo ds for 79. 99. Rca nineinch tablet for 69. You can find those deals early. Walmart has a 60 hertz television. They do. 299 bucks. If you want to update your large screen tv at home. Okay, taking out those stores specifically, how can we, if we have other shopping to do throughout the holiday. There are ways to save more. Research prices to make sure the sales, the sale prices arent inflated to make the discount look like a better deal. Sometimes that original price is higher so the coupon and discount look like a better deal to the shopper. Track prices. A tool called poach it alerts you if an item goes on sale. If you purchase something now and it drops in price, you may qualify for a price adjustment for the retailer. Consider lay away. Stores like kmart are offering no money down lay away. You can put anything on lay away, online or in store with no money down and you get 5 back for loyalty members or 5 more off for loyalty members. You mentioned the coupons. Look for those coupon codes at coupon sherpa. Com. 40 off gap. There are a lot of deals to take advantage of. Opt into the emails. I went through cleaning out my inbox not to get spam. You are saying opt in for some of them. Opt in. Set up a different email account for those emails. Get 10 to 25 off as a new subscriber. Gab is sending 25 off codes. If you set up a gmail account, it has a promotion tab so it stays out of your inbox. Doesnt clutter your regular email. Rick was shopping during the show this morning. Coming up here on the show, one of the most commented on stories by you, the viewer. A homeowner is offering to pay criminals College Tuition if they turn themselves in. An inspiring story. Army officer, sick with cancer fighting for his life and the lives of others. Meet the vet using his last days to help veterans. You can watch the man who killed Osama Bin Laden premiering tuesday, november 11 at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. This leader, a person named Osama Bin Laden linked to many others. The United States conducted an operation that killed Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al qaeda. A special twonight event the man who killed Osama Bin Laden. Mr. Cleans grandmother was stronger than people twice her size. And that strength inspired his liquid muscle cleaner. It lifts tough dirt so you do less scrubbing. And its nozzle stops by itself so less is wasted. Sure made grandma proud. Mr. Clean liquid muscle. Her smile is so white. I was pretty stunned myself. Oh, these arent the messy tray things. Whitestrips are so easy they just go on and get to work. Removes fourteen years of stains. And that. See . [ both laugh ] [ female announcer ] crest whitestrips work on a deeper level than paste. Whitening toothpaste only removes surface stains, but whitestrips go below the enamel surface to safely remove deep stains. Id love to get my teeth whiter. I take so many photos over the holidays. Here [ both laugh ] shes the best. [ female announcer ] dont miss our buy one get one free offer this Holiday Season so amazing. We are showing the veterans day pictures you are sending in. This one shows a grand falter in world war i, father in world war ii and now himself. Across the generations. Lena lane sent this of her two sons, one a veteran, the other active duty. A picture of wayne when he was 18 when he joined the navy back in 1965. Handsome guy. Here is a picture in iraq. They love oly north in iraq. Garden city, michigan decorated with a silver, bronze and three purple hearts. Wow. Keep sending your pictures betterwithvets. Thank you for sending those. That is fantastic. This story exploded on social media. What would you do if someone came in and robbed your home . Would you call police . Press charges, if they stole a lot of money. What would you do . Most would call police, press charges and be terrified. You would want them off the streets and behind bars. Instead, a man in texas is offering for the robbers, here you are looking at sketches of them, to come forward, turn themselves in. If they do, he will pay for their College Education out of his own pocket. 5,000 reward leading to the arrest. Robbers get unlimited Education Funding for sur endering. Full four years or unlimited. You can get your doctorate. I can see it from two perspectives. One, this is, i guess, a remarkable example of christian charity, turning the other cheek. I admire that. On the other hand, its too perverse for me. People who invade your house taking on massive student loans. If they turn themselves in, its not just up to the guy. They are going behind bars. Once they get out, hopefully they have recooped and not going to be criminals anymore, they are going to be doctors and lawyers if he has his way. This person whose home was invaded is saying, look, i think education is thats why we have these problems with crime. Black youth, unemployment at the highest levels in history. Getting and educating our young kids and getting them out there prevents this type of thing. Sending someone to college is not against them committing crimes. Its just not. There is a moral component, too. Someone needs to say you are not allowed to take stuff that doesnt belong to you and you shouldnt be rewarded for it. This guy, we will have on the show in the 9 00 hour. Is he fearful, they get locked up, go to jail and then what . Are they going to come after me again . Im going to do them a favor and pay for their education instead. C. Sharp writes this. As if college can solve their ineptitude. Certainly a kind gesture. Curious to see how it works out. As a multiple transfer College Student who worked hard to get to my top school, its annoying to read this. To go to college free, all i have to do is knock off a guys home while hes there . Wow oh, boy. It is a good deal. Like the federal government, stay home. You dont need to work, well give you free stuff. Go to twitter or facebook and weigh in on it as well. Fascinating story. 9 20, that person is going to be on. 9 20 on our show. The possibility of air bags exploding like ieds. Models told in high mumt states. The humidity can cause the takata air bags to explode. Nearly 8 million vehicles from ten auto makers have been recalled. For a full list, log on to nhtsa. Gov. An airline lose zing luggage . Nothing new. What about a dog . One man is accusing Delta Airline of losing his pit bull ter yor. It chewed through a carrier and bolted through the tarmac. The closest you will get to being an astronaut without putting on a space suit. Nasa posting sound clips of outer space. They have Famous Missions to interstellar sounds. One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind. That was neil armstrong, of course, his first words on the moon. Followed by a clip of what earth sounds like from outer space. They have it on sound cloud. You can listen to all of them. They have what jupiter sounds like. Everything sounds different. One is enough for me, usually. What is a qua czar . Good question. Racking my nerd brain. Disneys latest animated film, big hero 6 is hitting theaters. How is it measuring up to the classics . Kevin mccarthy, hey, kevin. Good morning to you guys. How you doing . Great. Thanks for having me on. Its based on the marvel superhero comic. Its a kids movie. They brought you wreck it ralph. A group of superheroes, a lovable, inflatable companion. A fun, family film. The comedy works, the action works. As a nerd myself, stay for the ending credits. Theres a major scene. Skip the 3d. Save yourself 3. Its good for the whole family. A four out of a five. Check it out this weekend. Pretty good, four out of five. Its fun for the family. You are getting bigger and bigger and bigger. The stars you are interviewing are getting bigger. Jennifer aniston and reese witherspoon. Jennifer aniston is in horrible boss 2. Her character, a foulmouthed dentist who was the opposite of the character she played in friends. I spoke to her in los angeles a couple hours ago about the movie. I wanted to know if julia could have a conversation with rachel from friends. She brought up her fiance and a movie he likes of hers that she hates. I think she would eat her alive, in two bites. Probably run out crying. Do you ever go back and watch your work . When it comes on tv, do you watch friends or movies that air . If theres something on, i spend about two minutes on it, definitely. Its a nice reminder. Or to be able to say, oh, that happened. I forgot about that. Like to forget ability lep con. Her fiance from the leftovers. Good movies to see this weekend. We all need a good movie to see if you have kids. Even if you dont, see it anyway. A new movie opening up on december 5th called wild with reese witherspoon. Its a true story based on a book. She took an 1100 mile hike, solo. I talked to her about taking on that role. Theres a great quote from em li dickinson that says go above your nerve. I wanted to know what she thought about that quote. I think its totally applicable. I think its terrifying to put yourself out there doing this movie and not knowing if audiences are going to be like, we did not want to see you do that. Can you go back to the comedy . Its a chance you take. Jump in. The pack weighed 45 pounds . It was really heavy. Was it the weight, when we were carrying it, did they lighten it for you . No. Sheryl straight was on scene. She said it looks light. She would pack a few more things. Clayton goes interstellar. So many great movies coming out. Stay tuned. Thank you for having me on, its an honor. Great to see you. Love you guys. Bye. Have a good weekend. Thanks. Lef lefty journalists know why the democrats lost this election. The best campaigner we had was locked away in the white house. In fact, when they were leading the pack, the president was never able to come out of the white house and defend himself. Yeah. The president of the United States had no power because hes not the most powerful man in the United States or anything. The most inspiring story you will hear all day. An officer fighting for his life and the lives of others. Meet the veteran using his last days to help other veterans. Go, go, go, go, go doesnt take a holiday. But add brand new belongings from nationwide and well replace stolen or destroyed items with brandnew versions. Making sure every season is the season of giving. Just another way we put members first. Join the nation nationwide is on your side he told me theres a whole new way to treat sensitivity. He suggested i try new crest sensistop strips. [ male announcer ] just apply to the gumline of sensitive teeth for a quick 10 minutes. The special ingredient forms a lasting barrier that provides immediate relief and up to one month of protection. See why dental professionals endorse crest sensistop strips to treat sensitivity. Thats 1 strip. 10 minutes. And up to 1 month of protection. Satisfaction guaranteed. [ woman ] life opens up when you relieve sensitivity. Satisfaction guaranteed. Come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. Do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems, are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. Tell your doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine or pain while you urinate. Farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar,kidney problems, and increaeased bad cholester. Common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. The battlefield battling stage four cancer. That doesnt stop this veteran from working on a mission. Raising awareness for Suicide Prevention among u. S. Veterans. U. S. Army captain justin pitch and christopher. Such an amazing thing you are doing here. Suicide is such an important issue with 22 vets a day who commit suicide. Tell me exactly what you are planning on doing and theres a place in kentucky that you are hoping to get established, is that correct . Absolutely. Right now, the campaign of active heroes is working to build this national retreat, purchase 144 acres in kentucky. We are looking to provide alternatives, treatments and therapy is kind of like a support network of veterans and family members to go for free and get away and everything from career counseling to camping and staying in cabins to decompress. Its one of our projects. Thank you. Staff sergeant, you say without him, you wouldnt be sitting here with us today. Explain that. That is correct. About a year ago, i met captain fitch and i was in a dark place. I had some struggles, you know, not wanting to get up in the morning and what he brought with the carry the fallen event and the rough marches that we do brought back that camaraderie from when i retired from the military. Every time i do one, i help someone, someone helps me and we help each other out to get through the day. Yesterday, you had a big event. You had a big run doing the Boston Marathon with 50 pound packs on to raise money for this facility. How much money did you raise yesterday . Yes, um, so, overall, team minutemen, carry the fallen, we have raised i believe a little over 150,000 here in new england. Nationwide, a little more. We are leading the way. I think its good. Much more to be done. I can imagine. I have done the Boston Marathon. I can imagine with the huge packs on. You can donate to carry the fallen and carrythefallen. Org. Thank you for your service. Amaze whag you are doing. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up, he doesnt believe in god, but now hes suing the navy to become a chaplain. You have to hear this one. After the democrats dismal performance, the media came out with all sorts of explanations. Next, we highlight the most outrageous. Heyaarp members get a lot. Ey like discounts on gifts from 1800flowers. Com. Oh. Savings on roadside assistance from allstate. And exclusive offers from avis, budget and budget truck. All kinds of great deals on dining. Entertainment, travel, and more. Like geek squad, expedia and british airways. All in one place. Aarpdiscounts. Com. Popcorn, your favorite. Find offers from regal cinemas, Norwegian Cruise Line and walgreens. Hotel savings at hilton, hyatt and best western. And everyday discounts from dennys and kelloggs. Theyre great all chosen just for aarp members. Papa johns with new offers every week. Find deals on electronics and technology. And save on tickets to exciting concerts and shows. Cmon, guys, the millers just got their cards, too check out the possibilities. Aarpdiscounts. Com. Where the deals are. 53 minutes after the hour. Gop scored a huge win this week. Liberal journalists struggled with reality and made surprising and shocking comments. Here with highlights is republican strategist lisa. Thanks for joining us this morning. Thanks for having me. We are going to show viewers a clip of Andrea Mitchell saying the gop wanted to frighten people. Thats why the democrats lost. Take a look. The scare tactic by the republican opponents of democratic incumbents who tried to focus on isis and ebola in the scariest most nonfactual ways to take the, you know, the eye off. Where is the debate real issues. Do you see that as the case . No. Its actually ridiculous to see democrats respond to what happened on election night. Ebola are real issues, they are issues Americans Care about. They talked about jobs, economy and taxes. Democrats wanted to talk abortion, contraception and the koch brothers. If they spent more time talking Kitchen Table issues. The election cycle. Democrats in hotly contested races did not want the president to come campaign for them. Some wouldnt say whether they voted for him. Look at belcher. He says the reason democrats lost is because the president was locked away and couldnt campaign. Listen. Arguably the best campaigner our party has was locked away in the white house. In fact, when they were leading tactics, the president was never able to come out of the white house and defend himself. You say . Its ridiculous. Look, democrats ran away from president obama as quickly as they could. Further, president obama did campaign for democrats. He campaigned in illinois and maryland and the Democratic Candidates there lost. Its simply not the case. A heavy hitter, tom brokaw says fox news and talk radio shows hammered the president too hard. Listen to this. This has to do with the fact he gets hammered 24 7 by fox news on the right and talk radio, which is a huge voice in this country. I was in the midwest the other day listening to talk radio. I dont know who the guy was, but he said obamas voters are people who live in excriminate. Most of the Mainstream Media journalists, do they identify as conservatives or liberal . Everyone knows the media slants to the left. Tom brokaw knows that, hes a liberal. Thank you for your time today. Thank you. 56 minutes after the hour. Coming up on fox and friends a parents Worst Nightmare coming true. He took my 5yearold daughter. A dad comes to the rescue when a kidnapper snatches his little girl from her bedroom, not far from where it happened. The police chief joins us life. A High School Football player. He got down to pray after scoring a touchdown and was punished for it. Hear what his father told us, just ahead. In the nation, misfortune doesnt take a holiday. Add brand new belongings from nationwide and well replace stolen or destroyed items with brandnew versions. Join the nation nationwide is on your side but i like it when my hygienist okalets me knowrazy, im doing a good job. I like it when my toothpaste lets me know too. Thats why i went pro. Go pro with crest prohealth. Its specially formulated for an intensive clean. Its great. I can really feel it deep cleaning my mouth. For a clean thats 4x better, try these crest prohealth products together. My hygienist is going to love this. Crest prohealth protects all these areas dentists check most. Go pro, with crest prohealth i knew i was going to nail it. Yep, i did worse and worse. Rthritis, i had intense joint pain that got then my rheumatologist prescribed enbrel. Im phil mickelson, pro golfer. Enbrel helps relieve pain and stop joint damage. Ive been on the course and on the road. Enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. Serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. Before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether youve been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. You should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. Tell your doctor if youre prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. Enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. But the best part of every journey. Dad . Is coming home. Ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. Ok who woh, i do t rolls . whoooosh smack whoooosh smack whoooosh smack whoooosh smack whoooosh smack whoooosh smack whoooosh smack thanks carol electric hedge trimmer Everybody Loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of kings hawaiian bread. Hi, everyone. Good morning, its sunday, the 9th of november, 2014. Debby wassermanschultz ordering in the calvary. What went wrong on election day . Theres one thing she does know. We know we are right on the issues. The American People believe in the causes we are fighting for. Did america send a different message . A brandnew v. A. Bombshell. Hospitals treating vets using unauthorized and unsafe supplies. Some of which are counterfeit. The details are shocking and will make you sick. Parents get to the tv right now and pay attention. Here is one way to get your fussy kid to eat. Strap a smartphone to your head as a distraction. That is brilliant. Will more people watch the show if it put it there . Fox and friends hour three starts right now. Well, good morning. Good morning. Tucker carlson. An iphone to your head as a distraction. Is that a real story . You can put video up there. The kid will look at you. It will work. Theres not a single second your kid wont have to watch tv. Exactly. You wouldnt want to deprive them. Learning what happens as we get older. Sit there with a bag of chips, eat a couple then wonder where all the chips went. Distracted eater. Veterans day on tuesday. We are going to honor our American Veterans and heroes. Betterwithvets. What is a hashtag . Thatat number sign next to the words. This is air force sergeant ron and Lieutenant Colonel jack bay li back from a mock 2 roud in 1967. Retired air force. His father, a World War Ii Army veteran. Military brothers sent this in. Larry, bill and greg, all in uniform. So often, it is a family tradition. Betterwithvets. I cant get enough of that. I think its the coolest thing we have ever done. Thank you for sending those. Some of the stories making headlines. A fox news alert. Two americans held prisoner. Kenneth bae and Miller Landing in a washington military base. Bae greeted with hugs from his mom and sister. Miller getting off the plane a few minutes later. Their release through a secrete mission and nsa director eric clapper. They were the last two americans held in north korea. Isis leader possibly killed in the latest u. S. Led air strikes in iraq. A group of top isis leaders meeting in Northern Iraq were the target of the strike. Its not clear if he was among the group. The targeted area still being searched. A convoy of at least ten armed trucks were destroyed. The last moments inside virgins spaceship two revealed. Pilot error was to blame for the disaster according to a former Virgin Galactic president. He panicked after accidentally activated the ships wing. Seconds later, the ship dissbi grated. He died in the crash. The copilot landed to safety. A mom strapped a smartphone to her forehead and played the nursery rime the wheels on the bus. The baby was so enthralled and mom was able to feed him his entire meal. Do whatever you have to do. Whatever it takes. Thats right. Read the bombshell Washington Times report this morning about what is unfolding at our Veterans Affair hospitals and medical Centers Across the country. You thought the scandal was over . Not so fast. Startling new information about the types of equipment that is being ordered and used on our nations veterans in those hospitals. Equipment basically sold on what they are calling the gray market. Yes. Fake equipment. Bogus equipment. The reason all this happened, according to this article is that there was a culture of low bidding. A reverse auction. The lowest bidder would get to sell their equipment to these hospitals. Is this the way to treat our heroes . Jim is the reporter who got the scoop on this. He was on the show earlier. Listen to him. According to Johnson Johnson. The supplies could be stolen, counterfeit, defective. This is not a hypothetical situation. Johnson johnson provided a list of v. A. Medical centers in a half dozen states saying these are just a few of the examples. The fact that as recently as two years ago, we have a major, Major Medical supplier raising concerns about the extent to which goods, surgical devices could have been entering into v. A. Operating rooms that were counterfeit or stolen is remarkable. How many of these stories have we done . So many of veterans suffering at the hands of income tant bureaucra bureaucrats. They happen to go to government run hospitals. The government is not good at providing health care. Employees who cannot be fired will always do a less good job than places where they can be fired. What about the whistleblowers here . Totally. If you are a doctor, wouldnt you Say Something . Say im not using this equipment . This doesnt work. It doesnt look right. Yeah, it doesnt look right. The Obama Administration created a culture of antiwhistleblower. If you speak out on behalf of people, you get in trouble. Would we know if Johnson Johnson wasnt scratching their head . Why are we missing on this business . That do an investigation and this is what they find two years ago. Speaking of assessing what went wrong, that is what is happening at the Democratic Party. Cnc chief Debbie Wassermanschultz thought it threw. Why the Democratic Party was so defeated last tuesday. Watch this. I love the music, too. Im not going to gloss over the fact on tuesday, the republicans had a good night. We didnt. We worked hard for months. We won a few tough races, but it wasnt enough. Our party has a promise. We know we are right on the issues. The American People believe in the causes we are fighting for. The electoral success we have when the nominee is able to mace a case to the country as a whole doesnt translate in other elections. The voters were as motivated as this motivating music, maybe they would have gone to the polls and come out in droves for the democrats. The fears the american electorate does not believe in the policies. Of course they do. They love the policies, they just dont vote for them. See how it works . They strongly believe in the policies. They love Debbie Wassermanschultz, who wouldnt . They just dont vote to support them. What shes saying is, twothirds of their voters didnt show up. The president acknowledged that. People stayed home. Democratic voters didnt come out to vote. They love the policies. We are not going to the polls. Thats what you do when people you previously supported and believe in disappointed you. They dont support republicans, im not saying they do, but they dont support democrats. Rather than going to the polls and voting against the candidates, they just dont vote. An historic win for republicans. Democrats have to find a way to spin it as they lick their wounds. They need to get on the same page. Look at the different messages this week. There are lots of people who get paid more money than i do who are responsible for offering up analysis and spinning the elections. Im not going to good for democrats . Well, no, thats not what im saying. I dont consider it a wave. I consider it an ebbing of democratic voters rather than a wave of republican voters. I dont think the American People gave anybody a great big seal of approval. To everyone who voted, i hear you. The twothirds of voters who chose not to participate in the process yesterday, i hear you, too. You got everything you wanted. You got what you asked for, obamacare and other things. I guess you decided to stay home. You should be happy. I have to say, im sure this will be controversial. Whatever you say, better than jay carnie. The same policies, defending the same things. I havent thrown a single beer bottle at the tv. Its an improvement. He drinks a lot. Someone who drinks a lot, rick, standing by. You are going to need it the next few days. Not just yet. The temps across the country, 39 in minneapolis. Enjoy that. That is about to change. This blue that you see on the map is indicative of temperatures below 32 degrees. The white is snow. Well put it in motion and see what happens over the next couple days. The snowstorm develops here across the northern plains. The cold air, with the cold front diving down across the Southern Plains and that is what our trend is going to be over the next few days. Theres going to be really significant snow here. Notice its a narrow band exactly where the band sets up. Too early to say. Minneapolis, possibly. Possibly this model run here showing it to the north. That keeps the totals down in the big city, minneapolis. It goes higher to the north. Well see spots over a foot of snow is exactly where that sets up. Too early to tell. What we know is behind this, the colder air comes in. Today, temps okay. Today is the day to do the prep. You see that tomorrow. That cold air mass moving into the Northern Rockies. Watch what happened this week. It sinks down. By wednesday, the high temperatures in billings, around 12. A lot of areas dont get to double digits. By thursday, across the eastern sea board and northern florida. It sticks around for ten days, at least. We have a big cold stretch coming. Keep many mind, we are pushing toward mid to late november. It cant warm up that much. This is the beginning of winter. Is it too early to give us the forecast for thanksgiving . It is too early to give you that forecast. I will tell you, the signs are poupting to a chilly east coast. Thats great. Bad and getting worse. The news loves that. Coming up, the president calls lawmakers from both sides of the aisle to the white house and doubles down on the promise to act on immigration. A Police Cruiser goes up in flames with the officer trapped inside. Theres an incredible rescue we will tell you about that made a teenager a hero. So i can reach ally bank 24 7, but there are no branches . 24 7 its just im a little reluctant to try new things. Whats wrong with trying new things . Feel that in your muscles . Yeah. I do. Try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. coffee be ng poured into a cup. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. He found it cleans everythingg a book afrom stovetops eraser, to scuffed shoes and more. And when he ran out of pages he made a website instead. Share your tips at mycleanbook. Com but add brand new belongings from nationwide and well replace stolen or destroyed items with brandnew versions. Making sure every season is the season of giving. Just another way we put members first. Join the nation nationwide is on your side well, president obama not backing down on Immigration Reform, even after republicans tried to compromise during the bipartisan lunch at the white house. Now, a new report says the president refused the offer back in january. The president threatening action on amnesty. What happens next. Chris wallace, good morning. Morning, guys. Wouldnt it be smarter to force the republicans to stage a vote . Why would he not want to do that, i wonder . Well, i guess he feels you get into that and then it takes a month and a few months. He doesnt want to by his lights, be held hostage to them. Also, i think he feels, you know, this is something he can do that keeps faith with his base, energizes his base. In any case, the interesting thing is, whether or not and you know, theres another question whether or not he wants to provoke the republicans. You have john boehner and Mitch Mcconnell talking about cooperation on all issues. That is probably not the wisest way for republicans to go. Maybe he wants to see if he can base them into obstruction. A referendum on president obamas policies palling on deaf ears. President clinton, when things didnt go his way moved to the center. Bush fired donald rumsfeld. Do we need to give the president time or is he going to be defiant . Its a good question. Bill clinton is a good example of that. He took a bumping in 94. After he was reelected in 94, he and Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congress did a lot together. They passed a balanced budget. They passed welfare reform. They did a lot. Whether this president has it in him to do, to move to trim his position to engage is a real question. I mean the thing about this president and a lot of people say it, despite the fact he chose politics as a profession, he feels politics is beneath him. You have to get grubby and you have to get make compromise. Whether hes able to do that well see. What happened during the election, one of the things the president decided in august, during that vacation break was to not do executive action on amnesty then, but push it off until after the election. Do you think it was a good idea . Well, i dont know that it mattered. The feeling was it was going to help. It would energize republicans, make them madder at him. Doing this, i suspect he felt was going to help democrats. It didnt help democrats. Maybe it would have been worse if he had done it. Im not sure the timing made that difference. What is on Fox News Sunday . First of all, we are going to introduce you to the isnt it true senators elected to the democratic seat. You can see them there. Shelly of West Virginia. She is the first republican elected from West Virginia since the 1950s, believe it or not. Cory gardner won against mark udall. Well talk to them. Then the white house luncheon, what went on there. We are going to talk to two leader that is were at the lunch with the president on friday. Republican senator john brasso. Well find out whether or not things got heated over Immigration Reform and whether or not the president cut off joe biden when he suggested, well, what if you republicans were to pass the bill. Supposedly the president looked daggers at the Vice President. Not for the first time. Thanks, chris. Appreciate it. You bet. Coming up, a parents Worst Nightmare coming true. A man in my home and he took my 5yearold daughter. A dad comes to the rescue when a kidnapper snatches his little girl from her bedroom. The Police Sergeant joins us live next. Have you ever lied to someone you are dating . Those little lies are not so bad says one online survey. Emails are pouring in on this one. Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know words really can hurt you . What. . Jesse dont go jesse. No im sorry daisy, but im a loner. And a loner gotta be alone. Heee yawww geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Jesse . Get to the terminal across town. Are all the green lights you . No. Its called grid iq. The 4 51 is leaving at 4 51. They cut the power. Itll fix itself. Powers back on. Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. Thrillingly predictable. But i like it when my hygienist okalets me knowrazy, im doing a good job. I like it when my toothpaste lets me know too. Thats why i went pro. Go pro with crest prohealth. Its specially formulated for an intensive clean. Its great. I can really feel it deep cleaning my mouth. For a clean thats 4x better, try these crest prohealth products together. My hygienist is going to love this. Crest prohealth protects all these areas dentists check most. Go pro, with crest prohealth i knew i was going to nail it. Yep, i did we have quick headlines for you. Three super bowl rings have been stolen from texas coach mike rabel. He said a burglar broke in when he was at a basketball game yesterday. They are diamond encrusted and 60 grand each. No arrests have been made yet. A meteor goes across the sky in texas shaking the ground. Moments later, the National Weather service says they have not found meteor rites on the ground. Thanks, tucker. A story everyone is talking about x the utah dad who saved his stepdaughter from the clutches of a kidnapper in the middle of the night. A man in my home. He took my 5yearold daughter. I happened to wake up and he had my daughter outside. My husband went out and got him somehow. The suspect is behind bars this morning. That little girl is safe and sound. Joining us with more on this story, utah Police Sergeant. Nice to see you dean. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Good morning. How did this unfold. In the middle of the night, how did the step dad manage to rescue the little girl . This is a fortunate outcome in this situation. This all began about 1 30 in the morning when he entered a local hotel requesting the clerk to call 911 stating his life was in danger. However, he left before police arrived, but left his id behind. He called to say his life is in danger . Why . He goes to a home and steals a child . We have no idea. It was a bizarre, strange behavior that was displayed by him. We obtained a very thorough description. We were unable to locate him. Three hours later, hes entering a Residential Home where he went down in the basement, locating a 5yearold girl asleep in her bedroom. He grabs the girl from her bed, is heading outside of the house and then what happened . Yeah, as he went upstairs and was opening the front door, he made just enough noise to wake the parents. As he proceeded across the front yard, away from the home, the stepfather went to investigate the sounds he heard, at which time, he saw the suspect walking awa from the home and confronted him, demanding he release the child. At which point, the suspect gave the child back to the stepfather and then fled. Was he armed . No, he was unarmed at the time. Immediately ran. At the same time this was going on, the girls mother was calling 911 reporting the situation, which enabled police to quickly arrive into the area and set up a perimeter and initiate a search. We heard that 911 call. Its unbelievable to think a parent would have to go through that. Did the stepfather do the right thing in this situation . In the area you had a number of home invasions. Did the stepfather do the right thing in the situation . I think the stepfather and mother did the right thing. The last thing you want is for your child to be taken away. I mean seconds count. To immediately confront thetion get that child back. But, i think he did the right thing as well as the mother calling police to respond to the area. Police departments, you know well, the likely outcome of a situation like this. What would the outcome have been had that stepfather not have been awakened and grabbed her and saved her life. If you look at the tragic outcomes of cases around the country and in the state, the likelihood would have been another tragic outcome in this situation. A hero. Thank you sergeant, we appreciate you joining uls this morning. Hey, thank you. Coming up on the show, a group of little kids drunk at the dinner table. How elementary kids got that way. A High School Football player got down to pray after scoring a touchdown and was punished for it. Hear what his dad had to say, next. The man who killed Osama Bin Laden premiering tuesday, november 11th at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. This leader, person named Osama Bin Laden linked to many others. Conducted an operation that killed Osama Bin Laden, the leader of al qaeda. A special twonight event. The man who killed Osama Bin Laden. Your method . New campbells® soups for easy cooking. Helping you cook recipes like speedy sausage rigatoni in just thirty minutes dinner accomplished. Try new campbells® soups for easy cooking. But add brand new belongings from nationwide and well replace stolen or destroyed items with brandnew versions. Making sure every season is the season of giving. Just another way we put members first. Join the nation nationwide is on your side save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness. From the stevia leaf. Wow did you see that. Its our shot of the morning this morning. Its a bird, its a plane, its an inflatable paddington bear. Its one of six balloons about to debut in the maceys thanksgiving day parade. Thomas the train. The red power ranger and the aflac duck. Well have to see which balloon is their favorite. Every year, he goes when they are blowing up the balloons. I like the spiderman. It looks like its climbing the walls. All right. Is it common sense that america is under attack with the latest story . Is it under attack . This 16yearold, sam turner, a Football Player, scores his first touchdown of the season and kneels down like you see for a couple moments in prayer in honor of his murdered teammate. The ref decides to give him a 15yard penalty for unsportsman like conduct. Celebration. He was praying. Thats outrageous. Its a threat to all of us. Your prayers are scary. Its a blanette. No celebration. You cant dance in the end zone or do other things. This is a form of celebration. Here is what the school said. This is from the Florida High School athletic association. Its a judgment call. The penalty is not because he prayed, its because the officials determined he was trying to focus attention on himself. Thats the bigger issue in the viewpoint. I would like to know the name of the official that made that judgment call. Prayer is not focusing attention on yourself, but beyond yourself. That is whats so offensive to people. Its the acknowledgement we are not all there is. People hate that. I wonder if this referee had barney fife syndrome. You take the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law. I imagine that rule is in the handbook because they dont want people doing lewd things in the end zone, not praying for a murdered friend. Fair sis. You have seen me mention it on tv. Lighten up america. Bob turner, the father of the Football Player is not happy about this, either. Take a listen. Hes a good kid. He wasnt trying to call attention to himself but was grateful to god to be able to play football and giving a tribute to joe joe who had been killed. We are fighting for the right to play. The biggest oppression was the death of the teen. I asked the father when he saw his son kneel like this, was he upset, trying to get attention. He said absolutely not, i was so proud of my son. Viewers have a different view. As a christian, im for the penalty. Narcissism of sports and the me, me, me culture is bleeding into youth. What is wrong with kids these days. Frowned upon for a prayer after a touchdown, but not for boasting and high fiving teammates. Its all displays of revelry. If it was merely because it was a prayer, that is a problem. You can weigh in this morning. Let us know your thoughts. Go to facebook and weigh in on that. Other stories making headlines on your sunday morning. A cop car goes up in flames. Instead of running for safety, a group of heroes runs into the fire. This philadelphia Police Cruiser burst into flames when another car slams into it. People on the street watched it and sprang into action. We pulled the cop to the side. Hes like im okay. Thank you. The passenger was passed out in the passenger seat. Wii pulled him out. He had minor injuries. Disoriented. The man who caused the crash is still on the run. The Police Officer is recovering in stable condition. Here he is in the hospital with one of his heroes, 17yearold volunteer firefighter joe shafers. A night out to eat turns terrifying for a family in colorado. Cousins ages 2 to 8 ordered a blue nonalcoholic beverage. They were given a different blue drink made from vodka and rum. 30 minutes later, the waitress learned her mistake. By then, the 2yearold finished the drink. None of the kids injured there. A soldier is fighting to get a hero back. Hes been getting the run around from the military about adopting his partner mattie, the german shep hard you see here. H man in charge of military dog adoptions adopted mattie himself and wont give him back. Hes still fighting for mattie. Officials are telling him to drop it. Have you ever lied to somebody you are dating . A strip club and lap dance. We are going to napa valley. I dont even think they have strip clubs in wine countries. Whoa road trip according to the dating site okay cupid, these are the top five Little White Lies that its okay to tell. First, your exact job title. Its a date, not an interview. Next, your full name. Its the best way to avoid google stalking. Whether its life planning keep your fiveyear plan to yourself. Apply the same logic to your picky preferences. Finally, your zip code. Its better to shift conversation to where you like to spend your free time rather than your home address. That makes sense. Dont use your real name or where you work or live. Lie about that. Where do you live . Its from a new york paper. I think its different. You date different in new york city than anywhere else. Where do you live . 90210. I dont actually live there, i spend my time there. Your emails are pouring in. I told my wife the truth about everything from the beginning. I talk in my sleep, so honesty is the best policy. I told a girl i played football in high school. She checked and asked why i wasnt in the team photo. I have never lied since. Why lie . If the truth isnt good enough for your date, they arent good enough for you. I lied to get this job. I said i graduated college. Is that a mistake . We found out. It only took a week. I clearly didnt go to college. Welcome from jacksonville, florida. We have some birthdays . Yeah. Happy 16th. Thank you. Happy just another birthday. Perfect. Good. Thanks for coming. Take a look at the weather maps as you are getting up this morning. This is what we have coming. A cold blast. Tuesday, how about 11 for the high temperature. Kansas city, you are in the 30s for highs. By the time we get to the latter part of the week, the upper east or northeastern part of the country, very cold. Here is todays forecast. A nice day across the midatlantic to the northeast and West Virginia. Down to the southeast, a nice day as well. Except for south florida. You are going to see rainshowers on and off throughout the day. Heavier in the morning. The rest of the southeast, a spectacular day today. Here is the beginnings of the problem. The snow throughout north dakota and south dakota. That is the storm that is bringing heavy snow throughout tonight and tomorrow. Its also bringing the cold air in behind it. Across the west, a spectacular day across the southwest. Snow into the Northern Rockies. Florida looking better today than it is in the northeast. You should have brought your weather with you. Thanks a lot. Back to you. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. Coming up, he doesnt believe in god, but he wants to be a Navy Chaplain. He won a gold medal in the 2014 winter olympics. You wouldnt know it from this video. Anyone have an ice pack . You are going to need it. Oh if yand youre talking toevere rheumyour rheumatologiste me, about a biologic. This is humira. 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A utah player drops the ball in celebration a bit too early, allowing this defense to run it back 99 yards for a touchdown. 5127. Look at that. The eagles. Didnt Desean Jackson do that a few years ago . Am i right . Yeah. Well, he doesnt believe in god, but he wants to be a Navy Chaplain anyway. The military rejected his application for the job and now hes suing. Joining us to talk about this fight in faith is father jonathan morris. The fight of faith in reverse. Its like saying i dont believe that boats can float, but i would be a great captain in the navy. If you dont believe in god, you can do many wonderful things, including get together with other atheists and talk morality and humanitarian benefits and all that. If you look at the origin of the word chaplain in ancient latin, in french, in italian, it goes back to chapel. Its a sanctuary. They have had a chaplain, a chapel for people of religious belief. To say that i dont believe in god, but i want to be a part of a religious institution and counsel people, theres obviously another agenda here. The vegan butcher, it doesnt make sense. What is the other agenda . I dont know his intentions, but, based on the fact that hes suing now, the military, hes obviously saying i dont like this whole chaplain thing at all. I dont think our government should be supporting anybody who is promoting religion. The history of our country is clear, religion and supporting people of religious beliefs is actually a good thing for the country. Its not forcing anybody to be a part of it. Dont try to get rid of something that is good just because you dont happen to like it. Here is a different spin on it. Some people are not okay with gay marriage, but okay with calling it Something Else because marriage is supposed to be a union between a man and woman. Could they have a different name and have a different name for people who want to make sense of the world, just not have a jesus perspective. Im from columbia university. There are atheists there. This is an example to your point. They see its important to get together with other people who dont believe in god and talk about being good, ethical things, moral things, helping people, without believing in god. Its a wonderful thing. Lets not change language and say i want to be a chaplain, i want to be a chaplain where i dont believe in god. It doesnt make sense. The military should say we are not going to fall into a Political Correctness because we are afraid of a lawsuit. Fight it. Good advice. Go to our face book page. Viewers can fire any question they want at you about religion and the story. I will go there and do my work. Thank you very much. I hope our chaplain atheist writes me so we can have a discussion. Youll get a lot. A homeowner, tied up, robbed and the bad guys got away. He is offering them College Scholarships to come forward. That man joins us live. They are brought together to save each other. You cant put a price on it. For that moment that veteran has hope. The dog helping veterans dealing with ptsd. Thats next. Want to know how hard it can be. To breathe with copd . It can feel like this. Copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Spiriva is a oncedaily inhaled. Copd maintenance treatment. That helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. You know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. Spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. Tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. These may worsen with spiriva. Discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. Stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,. You can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. Other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. Nothing can reverse copd. Spiriva helps me breathe better. Sfx blowing sound. Does breathing with copd. Weigh you down . Dont wait ask your doctor about spiriva handihaler. Father johnson is logging on to our Facebook Page and hes answering your questions this morning. Typing away furiously. Tucker, anna, into you guys. Very nice. He returned from iraq dealing with ptsd and traumatic brain injury, feeling isolated and alone. Until he met his best friend, a fourlegged rescue dog named sergeant. A nonprofit that pairs veterans with shelter dogs at little or no cost. Process is profiled in a new show that appears on a e. Its called dogs with war. It might only be this big between that veteran and that dog right off the bat. Hi, boy. But you watch that love and that bond and that connection grow and grow and grow. I mean, thats a thats a thing you cant put a price on it. For that moment, that veteran has got some hope. Joining us now is jim and lindsay stanick, the founders and with them this service dog, sergeant. Hey, sarge. When you returned from your three tour necessary iraq, you say you were Walking Around like a zombie, on all kinds of meds. How did you find sarge and how did your life change . Lindsay found sarge. She was a rescue around the Clemson University area. Kind of funny with the whole dog paw thing that we laugh about. We were trying to find a way to get a service dog, but there were so many boundaries, so much money that would have been involved, that my wife, the rock star that she is came up with this idea and said lets do it ourselves. Lo and behold, the birth of paws and stripes. It has been an amazing journey to now where sarge, im able to get out and talk to you guys in front of everybody else watching. Did you notice a difference right away . Absolutely. He came home from his first session and said hey, lets go the mall or lets go to walmart. Are you feeling okay . He didnt want to go anywhere. He didnt want to be out in public or especially in Group Settings or big open forums, things like that. And as paws stripes developed, what made you decide to use shelter dogs . Well, we have a love for rescues. Weve both done some work, you know, helping dogs and shelters or through rescues. So it was important to us to try to address that, as well. Weve seen so many dogs who were great dogs, but would be sitting through shelter. Savings two souls in one. I love that. It seems like peoples attitudes about dogs in public place res changing and getting more tolerant. Do you see that . Yeah. I think when we first started getting out and rung around with sarge in public, theres a lack of knowledge. Then, of course, when you have an opportunity like i have to get out there and be with the public, things started to change and evolve to the point that theyre so welcome. Everybody loves it, you know . And ill be honest with you, working with sarge, i used to be a little hard knowsed, stubborn angry individual. I guess now im a big mush because of her. No doubt, dogs just make your life better. We love coming home to a dog, but a service dog is very different. How are they different . Absolutely. Sarge gets to go everywhere. Service dogs get to go everywhere that we can go. And, you know, theyve got skill sets that are utilized to assist me with my disability just like every other veteran that we work with. Its not a cookie cutter kind of deal. We tailor the program with the dog to that specific veterans needs. So theyre getting a tool, basically. You all are doing great things. Great to see you this morning. Thank you. Thank you, sarge. Tune into a e this tuesday, veterans day, 10 00 p. M. To see dogs and war. Go to foxandfriends. Com to find out more about fox and friends and how you can help. Thank you, guys. Coming up, the homeowner tied up, robbed in his own home. The bad guys got away. Hes now offering them College Scholarships if they come forward. That man joins us live. coffee be ng poured into a cup. save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. Hello. Good morning, everyone. Debbie Wasserman Schultz calling in the cavalry, ordering a top to bottom review on what we know wrong on election day. But there is one thing that she does know. We know were right on the issues. The American People believe in the causes were fighting for. Right on the issues . Didnt americans send a different message . And if it was a bad week for democrats, who did the white house call in to make everything better . Al sharpton, of course. Is he really the one to give advice about bipartisanship . And a homeowner tied up and robbed in his home. Now offering to pay those criminals College Tuition if they turn themselves in. So many of you talking about in this morning. And were going to talk to that homeowner. He joins us live this hour. Were going to ask the questions directly to him. Fox friends hour four starts right now. Well, hes the news anchor going viral. Youve seen his commercial break performances. This all happening when theyre not on the air, of course. Now hes taking over our news room. Check it out, yall. Were going to be talking to him later this hour. We should all take dance breaks. Oh, man, this is great. By the way, thats exactly what its like in our news room at all hours. Thats why theyre so thin, because theyre constantly moving to the groove. No, but i like the coanger. Shes just sitting there like this. While youre dancing. She is not impressed at all. We really should have had her on. Or maybe she needs a little help. There he goes again. Isis leader abu yanlani possibly killed. A group of leaders in iraq with the target of the strike. Its not yet clear if he was among the group. A convoy of at least ten armed trucks were destroyed. Bay greeted with hugs from his mother and sister after two years in captivity. Miller, getting off the plane a few minutes later. Their release was skuld through a secret mission organized by james clapper. Bay and miller were the last two americans being held in north korea. For the first time, the pilot who the space crash explosion explained what happened moments after the crash. Peter says he passed out when his spacecraft broke apart at 50,000 feet. When he came to, he was falling to earth. His emergency parachute deployed and he gave a thumbs up to a passing airplane indicating he would be okay. Seriously . Cockpit camera footage showing it was to blame for the disaster. Video shows the pilot, michael alsberry panicking. He died in the crash. Can you imagine . Im going to be all right, thanks. Two Police Officers go above and beyond the call of duty when an 86yearold woman is problemed. A thief snatched her purse. When the officers came to the scene, they canceled her credit cards for her, put new locks on her house and bought all the groceries on her Shopping List with their own money. Above and beyond. Im going cry. You know what . Good for them. We have new details about the immigration debate unfolding in washington between the president and the new Republican Congressman. You saw a day and a half after the elections that the president invited everyone to a lunch. A reuters reporter wrote this account. Joe biden asked john boehner right there, the head republican in the house, speaker of the house, how long he needed to pass immigration bills. Apparently the president looked over irritated with biden for asking the question. Did the president just want him to say im going to do it for these Interest Groups that i made this promise to, this Interest Groups and its my way or the highway . Is that what were seeing . Maybe they had awkward sauce all over the table. I dont know what went down. One democrat said that absolutely did want happen. So theyre discounting the report. So i dont know. Time and again, i mean, just to be totally clear, this is not a left versus right debate. They want more immigration in the country. Democrats want it because it means new voters for them. I actually think the president is hamstringing this debate. He would rather do it unilate l unilaterally without the congress for whatever reason. Dana perino said thats exactly what he should do, have Congress Bring it to a vote, get it pushed through that way. You lose a big election, you need to circle the wagons, figure out what went wrong. So the president makes a phone call. The first person he calls for advice . Al sharpton. Al sharpton is the first person he calls to get advice al sharpton being the person the approximately danced himself on. Remember in 2008, you couldnt put al sharpton and obama in the same total room because obama knew sharpton was a polarizing figure. I can understand how before the election obama might reach out to soak up the base of black voters. But after the election, it makes zero sense. Rink obama and his advisers have convinced themselves lots of americans dont like obama, not because of obamacare but because hes a black guy. Surprise, surprise, he went down to the race card as soon as he got in trouble and im very disappointed in it. That is the smartest explanation ive heard. Why is it obamobama, who seems like allow himself one of his closest advisers a guy would spent his entire Life Tracking in Racial Division . Why would they do that . This think the country is unreasonable and bigoted. You can see by the way theyre acting. Debbie wass wassermanschult released a video where she assesses what went down on tuesday. Im not going to gloss over the fact that on tuesday, the republicans had a good night. We didnt. We won a few tough races, but it wasnt enough. But our party has a problem. We know were right on the issues. The American People believe in the causes we are fighting for. But the electoral success we had when our president ial nominee makes the case to this country as a whole doesnt translate in other elections. They are so motivated and love the policies of the Obama Administration, dont you think they would have come out and vote . If debbie Wasserman Schultz is selling your product, does it surprise you no one is buying it . We asked all of you at home about all this and joe says it didnt work because people arent buying. Marie writes she said democrats could keep the senate. I dont know why they would keep her in as the head of the dnc. Theres reports she is not going to be there for long. Democrats are very upset with her, apparently. Lets check in with rick. Hes been tracking what canada is doing. We learned what it was earlier today. I had never heard of it, but it sounds really good. Clayton is going to make us some. French fries, gravy and cheese kurds. At this point, snow is going to start today in through parts of central and northern wisconsin, u. P. Of michigan and central minnesota. But also the dakotas. Were starting to see that develop right now. We have winter storm warnings in effect. You can see this across areas of minnesota back through montana. Lets get ready for your first real significant winter storm of the season. And then its going to be incredibly cold behind it. Sometimes in november you might get that snow to melt pretty quickly, but this is not going to be the case. This one is going to have to be shoveled. This is not going anywhere. Thats because this cold air is up across canada. Watch what happens over the next few days, dives all the way down across parts of the south. Thursday, we have highs in texas, only into the mid 40s across the eastern seaboard. Eventually this stretches out across parts of florida. It looks like at least probably for two weeks. Were going to be seeing the same air. They did send me some this morning in a bowl. That is great. It looks like yogurt, unsweetened. Coming up, the president campaigned on getting troops out of iraq. Now hes sending them back into iraq. Why now . A former cia in the region, will hurd, joins us live. And a Police Cruiser goes up with the officer still trapped inside. The incredible rescue that made one teenager a hero, straight ahead. So ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts . Thats right. Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. I have 40,ney do you have in your pocket right now . 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. One of the reasons why we think this is a good idea right now is because the Iraqi Security forces have stiffened their spine and have shown they have good capabilities. But theres gaps in some of those capabilities, some of the enabling functions that they need help in and advice and thats what were going to provide. That is the pentagon spokesman rear admiral john kirby explaining why were sending more troops to iraq. Why now . What is going on . Here so discuss it is the congressman elect in the state of texas, a former cia officer in the region. Sthanks for coming on this morning. Thanks for having me on the show. So you served under cover in pakistan. You know the region well. You were there a long time. Is this the right response to the threat of isis . Well, im flawed the president is finally putting some resources to the situation and bricking in the congress. I think before we make any commitment of troops, we should talk about a prodder strategy. This is probably a conversation thats been too long in coming. And if were going to commit people to the fight, we need to know what does victory look like . Whatever our Strategic Initiatives and what achieves that victory, these are the conversation thats we should be having. And im looking forward to being part of this conversation and using my background in National Security to help with this issue. That will be certainly interesting. You were just elected to congress in a tight race. Congratulations, in texas. And we saw in the waning days, the democrats try to injection rate into the conversation and make the point that the Republican Party is racist. It didnt work in the end. As a black republican, how did you respond to that . I think it was a fail strategy, obviously. Its pretty exciting. Im proud of my state and my constituents for electing someone like me. When my mother and father moved to snow, they werent allowed to buy a house because of their color of skin. Now their younger son is in congress. This electric was about creating good paying jobs and helping move everyone up the economic ladder. This was about repealing obamacare and doing something that increases access for the day. Do you think thats the template for black asian hispanics Going Forward, to keep it on the issues and not get pulled into politics . 100 . We need to focus on being americans first. I think this is a good model to go forward, talk about the issues, talk about the things that people care about, be right on the issues and connect with the community. Youre going to see positive results. Did the naacp issue a pretty release congratulating you when you got elected . I dont think so. There has been a lot being said over these past couple of days. Welcome to washington. I hope you enjoy it there. Ill come back and let you know how its going. Coming up, a homeowner tied up and robbed in his home now offering to pay the tuition for college for the criminals who robbed him. Hes on our show, live, next. Ever wonder what space sounds like . According to nasa, thats what it sounds like. 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Now, thats progressive. I see the levys parked in fronits a free country dad. Our house. Our spot. Those are the rules. Ok who wants sweet rolls . Oh, i do whoooosh smack me too whoooosh smack whoooosh smack whoooosh smack are those kings hawaiian rolls . whoooosh smack whoooosh smack thanks carol electric hedge trimmer Everybody Loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of kings hawaiian bread. Find us in the deli or instore bakery. Also try the complete line of kings hawaiian sandwich rolls. Who works from the coffee shop and uses the free wifi. Marie works from there too. Shes an identity thief who used a small device to grab his wifi signal. Then stole enough personal information to hijack and drain his bank accounts. Every year, millions of americans learn all it may take to devastate your life is a little personal information in the wrong hands. This is Identity Theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. 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Insurances says his sxlangd for the death of his wife were completely unbelievable. He faces a mandatory sentence for that murder if found guilty. Anna. Tucker, thanks. A texas man held up at gun point, tied up and robbed inside his home now is offer cash for college to the suspects. These sketches are the people hes looking for. He wants them to turn himself in. Dr. Victor hoe is joining us now. Nice to see you this morning. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Tell us what happens when these two guys came to your home. I was returning home from school. They got home early. When we pulled in, they were watching a video in the car. I went in and thats when the assailant came running around. I saw him at a distance. I heard the slide of the gun and i knew the sound for several reasons, one of which im the director of the countys s. W. A. T. Team in texas. And so my medical training and part of my s. W. A. T. Training is to know about weapons. I heard the sound and it was one of those oh, my goodness moments. Came around the corner, had the gun to my head. At that point, im sitting there going, my kids, what to do in a bad situation . He nirchlly said he wasnt going to shoot me, he wasnt going to kill me. I walked over to my safe in my front foyer. At that time, there was another masked gentleman. Came around the corner and he held me while the other guy attempted to open my safe. He finally said open your safe. Opened the safe. They got what they needed, then tied me up and they left. During this time period, you asked about the my Life Experiences as an emergency physician and my training, my s. W. A. T. Training all kick in. And you notice a smattering of people around you. I knew kind of what to look for. Wait a second. Yush talking about the mannererisms here. One of those kids seemed reluctant to be involved in this, right . Is that what prompted you to go down to the education palth offering suition instead of call the police saying lock these guys up for life . Yes. I called 911. But this is the average math when youre thinking how can we, one, get them off the street . How can i get the gun that they stole . They took some of my guns, too. And were thinking pay it forward. This is, again, a young kid. And i could tell, he was nervous. He was speaking in spanish and telling his partner, lets get out of here. Lets get out of here. That is the person im really targeting this to. Get an education. Yes. And so many people say thats an amazing, nice thing to do, turn the other cheek and love your enemies, love the people that are hurting you and try to better them, but other folks are going, this sends completely the wrong message. They have terrible behavior and youre rewarding them with education. So why do it . Its not really a reward. This is you need to turn yourself in, face what youve done. This is a small element right now and were hoping to maybe expand this in the thought that youve committed a crime, but why are you doing this crime . What can we do to help you . You are probably in the wrong environment socioeconomically. All these bad elements. We want to better you. I believe in the goodness of people. And you think that can come through get ago College Degree . Some of the viewers writing in this morning saying you really cant change the behavior. Its not really a caution for education. We want to get them something beyond where they are right now. Go to a trade school. Well pay for that. If they go to college, so be it. If they go to medical school, i would be applauding them. This is not something to reward someone that has committed a crime. What is the best way . Education. That is where i am today and i push that to all of my kids. Doctor, if people want to help, here is how they can. Call the Memorial Villages Police debate right here on your screen. 7133653700. Ask for detective faulk. Thank you, doctor. We appreciate you joining us this morning. Good luck and hopefully well check in with you and get a resolution to this story. We would love to have you back on. I hope so, too. Thank you. Thank you. 28 minutes after the hour. Coming up on fox friends, a parns Worst Nightmare coming true. A man is in my home and he took my 5yearold daughter. A dad comes to the rescue. Hear from the police sharnlg on the case, next. And well see the special way were honoring vets on this veterans day. Dont forget, catch our fox news twonight special, the man would killed baeshgz premiering tuesday, november 11th at 10 00 p. M. This group and this lead er conducking the operation that killed Osama Bin Laden. I state your name , do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. No question about that. 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If you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. Ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30tablet trial. A sweet way to wake up. Showing the veterans day pictures that you sent us. Joan sent this one of her dad and his best friend in the marines. He traveled around the world twice during his service. And the military is a Philips Family affair. Father patrick, sons austin and matthew and daughter megan, there they are. And this is dean, raymond, who served in the battle of the bulge. Jim full free from levinworth, kansas, of himself and his sons who are currently serving in the national guards. Send us your pictures, bett betterwithvets. Sticking with veterans days plan and theme, a special promotions for military just in time for veterans day. Were joined by the coo great clips. Nice to see you, rob. Good to see you. Thank you. Tell us about this veterans day promote. What are you guys doing . Very quick, celebrating veterans day by awarding three haircuts. First, on veterans day, anyone who is serving or has served in the military can go on any and get a free haircut. But the second part is for our nonmilitary veterans, they can go in on veterans day and well give them a free haircut they can redeem for a free haircut on before december 31st. If i dont need a haircut but im a vet, can i come in and get the card and get it later . Im even having trouble following that one. You bet, yep. A veterans free haircut card, yes. If on a saturday i wanted to go back and on a wednesday to get a haircut hey, how did you guys come up with this idea . We really feel its important to give back. The men and women who serve our country do so much and sacrifice so much, this is a simple way that we can do it. How are you doing, sir . Good. How does it feel . Awesome. What do you think this promotion does for veterans . Shows us that people care. Most importantly, we are come here and we are welcome. They give us free hair cuts. Its a great experience. Thank you for your service, by the way. Thats great. And what has been the sponl response for veterans . Its great. Last year, they gave away 130,000 haircuts. This year were shooting for 200,000. You can see all the nearby locations, the wait time at each one. How many great clips are there around the country . Nearly 3,700 around the u. S. And canada. Sir, would you mind if i cut some of on your hair. Sure. I think he said yes. Everybody go out on tuesday and get your free haircut. Oh, im sorry. Can i write my name in there . Thank you, sir. Youre a good sport. Anna, tucker, do you need a haircut . Not by you, sir. That is trust there. 36 minutes after the hour. Here are your sunday morning hels. A cop car up in flames, and instead of running for safety, a group of heros runs into the fire. This philadelphia Police Cruiser burst into flames when another car slammed into it. People on the street watched it all happen and sprang into action. We pulled the cops to the side. We pulled the cop to the side and he was like, im okay, thank you, guys. There was a passenger passed out in the passenger seat. We pulled him out, kind of disoriented, didnt really move. The man who caused the crash is still on the run, but the Police Officer involved is recovering and in stable condition. The officer in the hospital is 17yearold volunteer firefighter joe chambers. And its a parents Worst Nightmare and it happened to a couple in utah. They woman woke up to a man kidnapping their daughter right from her bedroom. Earlier we spoke to the Police Sergeant on the case. He said what they did may have been dangerous, but absolutely necessary. I think the stepfather and the mother did exactly the right thing. The last thing you want is for your child to be taken away. I mean, seconds count. And to immediately confront the situation is most important to get that child back. The attempted kidnapper was arrested and now faces several charges. A restaurant that only serves food from countries of americas enemies forced to shut down. This is a unique concept. Pittsburghs conflict kitchen prides itself on serving up specialties from iran, north korea, and afghanistan. But now that palestinian food is on the menu, feeding pittsburghs Jewish Community and others have had enough saying what theyre doing is not right. After receiving a threatening letter, the conflict kitchen is closed indefinitely. Its the closest youll get to being an astronaut without putting on a space suit. Nasa posted everything from Famous Mission to interstellar sounds. Its one small step for man, one giant leap for man kind. Of course, that was Neil Armstrongs first words while on the moon, followed by a clip of what earth sounds like from outer space. And those are your headlines. Oh, i think were going out to rick again. Newly shorn. Your haircut looks good, rick. Thanks very much. I got a lot taken off. Welcome from iowa. I know these guys were here looking to see medicalan kelly. She doesnt work on the weekend. She has the good gig. Get ready for the weather. Ive been showing you what the high temperatures will be this week. Take a look at what the overnight temperatures will be. Tuesday morning, 7 in billings, 16 in denver. Wednesday morning, 22 in amarillo. Thursday morning, youre at 18. Cold ain air settling in. The overnight lows will be incredibly cold. That will eventually make its way across the eastern seaboard. Today, not that bad. The northeast a little bit better than yesterday. A cool one yesterday, a little bit warmer. Down to the southeast, a dry, beautiful day, really. Except for south florida where you see a few rain showers. Then towards the northern plains, this is the beginning of what were doing with snow across parts of the dakotas. Ove, wisconsin, out across the west, looking pretty great, except for the desert southwest. Hello from iowa. Hello. Guys, back to you. Thanks, rick. The Federal Reserve watches our money, but who is watching them . Maria bartiromo here with the first action a republicanled congress, next. And he broke into the dance at the anchor desk and it instantly swept the internet. We had to meet him and now we are. Hes here dancing in our control room. Look at that. The dancing anchor, on next. Look at kelly. For most people, earning cash back ends here, at the purchase. But theres a new card in town. Introducing the citi® double cash card. It lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. Thats cash back twice. Its cash back with a side of cash back. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. Save your coffee from the artificial stuff. Switch to truvia. Great tasting, zerocalorie sweetness. From the stevia leaf. This fox news exit poll showing almost half of voters the economy is our nations biggest issue. So is the fed to blame . And what steps should republicans take to fix it . Joining us now, maria bartiromo. Good morning. Good morning. So republicans control both chambers in congress. A lot of them are upset, especially the libertarian wing. Theyve been saying that for a long time. Will they do that now . I think there will be a lot more scrutiny on the Federal Reserve with the new congress. I dont know that it is going to be the top priority because i think right now theyre looking at the excel pipeline, theyre looking at tax reform, hoping to get something done. I dont think it will be number one on the agenda. However, i think at this point people are wondering why Interest Rates have been at such artificially low levels, why it is the Banking Sector has been scrutinized so much to the extent that they have to raise their capital levels and as a result theyre not lending as much as they would. All of these issues, i think, are going to come up. The Regulatory Environment may very well be pulled back. The Federal Reserve rules, as well, as congress looks at this. But, again, i dont see this as the number one priority in the you know, in the early years. And you earlier last week on the show, i asked you what do you think the big issue Going Forward in the next two years, how do we get past this gridlock and get some things done . You said jobs will be the issue. And you look at the unemployment rate, low 60 , yet people in exit polls saying the economy, jobs, people just giving up. They havent even gone out looking for work. Youre right. The Participation Rate keeps getting worse. That is the indicator that tells you people have just given up. If you look at the most hotly contested states this week here in the midterms, thats where you saw the highest unemployment rate. Georgia, 7. 9 . And these numbers are actually underestimating things. We know theyre not capturing everyone because people have stopped looking. So i do think that job creation bills will be the priority. I mean, i think in the next two years, the gop has to come out and say what we stand for. What do you stand for . And i think under that sort of umbrella, they want to be the party that has to create jobs. That means capitalizing on our energy story. And so that is why i dont think the Federal Reserve auditing will be the number one priority. But i certainly think that this is an issue and that congress will be looking at it. Were going to talk to senator Lindsay Graham today to find out from him what he thinks can get done in the next two years. But, you know, remember, theres a window here for the gop to tell the American People what they stand for. And explain to the American People what they come to. We have transparency now. We will know what comes out of the house and what the president vetoes. Well talk with mcginnis, who i think is expert on tax issues and budget issues. Shes terrific. So shes the president of the committee for a responsible budget. Well talk about spending issues, where she sees, you know, opportunities to reign in spendsing, where she Sees Opportunities to create consensus on mishap issues. So shes going to join us, as well. Then we have gary. Gary joins us once again, today is 25 years since the berlin wall fell and here we have putin stomping through ukraine ordering even more artillery into ukraine. So well talk about russia a bit, as well. And youre a big show on the channel gets started in 13 minutes. But during the week, dont miss opening bell weekdays on fox business network. Log on to foxnews. Com channel finder to see where to find it in your area. Coming up, want a bigger paycheck . We may have discovered the secret. Well tell it to you. And he reads the news, but he has the moves. This anchor man is going viral. The dancing anchor joins us live, next. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink . Action blahbechtblah blublublubblah geico®. Introducing the birds of america collection. Fifty stunning, handpainted plates, commemorating the state birds of our proud nation. Blahbechtblah blublublubblah geico®. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Hello, everyone. Good morning. Some quick headlines. A lawsuit filed over an 18year long academic scandal at the university of north carolina. Former Football Player mike macado claimed the college broke its promise to give him an education in return for playing sports. The school is accused of setting up fake classes and allowing athletes to enroll in order to keep their sports eligibility. And want a bigger paycheck . Heres how. A new study found that job hopping in your 20s boosts your odds of having a higher paying and more satisfying job in your 30s and 40s. Researchers believe you reach your true call bing by ruling o other jobs. The whole state of West Virginia is going to be enthralled with this next story. Ever wonder what happens during the commercial break of a news show . Watch this. There he is. Thats dan thorn, greatest anchor name ever, of wvns in West Virginia. Caught breaking it down during the break. His coanchor doesnt seem quite as impressed. Bringing his sweet moves to our studio this morning is the one and only dan thorn. Good morning. Morning, dan. Thanks very having me. Youre saying youve only been a professional onair talent for a year. Now you have this new spotlight because of your dance moves. How does that feel . Its weird, to be honest with you. I often have to pinch myself and say, how did this happen . Im just a smalltown West Virginia anchor. Now im on fox news channel. Youre talented. Well, thank you. Seriously. Look at that. Ive never seen anybody do that with ipads ever. I didnt realize, too, this was a former old Stomping Ground of mine in bluefield. I used to work down there. You got to have fun, local news. The commercial break, this is the place to do it. Although, your coanchor seems to be unimpressed by your dancing. Maybe i have to get better. Shes like, oh, here he goes again. Yeah, i never claimed to be a professional. Watch her. I love the response. Oh, this is a different day. Yes, this is taylor swift. I was thinking maybe if i have pop music, shell get involved in that. Didnt really work out. Then you have another video, too, that folks can see on your Youtube Channel thats exploding right now. Yeah, it is. It was unintentionally exploding. People started hitting me up saying, oh, i need these links wi. How can i get them . I was like, ill put them on youtube. What does your news director think about this . What does your boss think . He doesnt think its so bad. Hes like, if thats what youre going to do, thats what youre going to do. If it keeps you loose, then good. These are in commercial breaks, it looks like, right . Have you ever lost control and done this on the air . No, not really. That doesnt mean we dont have fun. You want to make sure people are comfortable when theyre watching you. I never really broke out into a dance ever. How hard is it to and this is obviously something we thought about, but how hard is it to dance in the confines of a set . Show us your favorite move for sitting down. Its going to be very basic. Upper body. Just move your shoulders. Im going to be the unimpressed coanchor. Youre nonplussed. What is this thing . You do it like this. Like that. Its kind of a like riding a motorcycle kind of. A motorcycle. Yeah, you kind of just drop it back. We need some music. You know what i love about you . When you start out in the local news, you think you have to be somebody. You think you have to be this serious, fake version of yourself. What i love is that you are yourself, and youre just having fun. I think thats a lesson that takes many, many years to learn in this business. So you walk around fox news channel, everyone here is a real person, you know. I think thats one of the its a great lesson to learn early on in your career. Wise point. Thats the thing. Im very lucky to have the mentors i have. I had a few humbling conversations with people that have worked very high up in the news industry that were telling me early on that theyre just like, just be yourself, stop trying to mimic what other newscasters do. Just be you. I said, all right, im not going to be what im expected to be. Im going to be myself. It really depends on what kind of person you are. If youre a deep down unattractive and unappealing person, try to be someone else. In your case, its great. Will you stick around with us and show us some moves . Its 7 00 in the morning. Im young. Have you ever taken dance lessons . No. Me and my twin brother often get to go to weddings and family parties. Were always dancing around. More fox and friends in two minutes. With dan thorn. I make a lot of purchases for my business. And i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. Like 50,000 bonus points when i spent 5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. And i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at Office Supply stores. With ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. Travel, gift cards, even cash back. And my rewards points wont expire. So you can make owning a business even more rewarding. Ink from chase. So you can. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. Welcome back. Were showing the veterans day pictures youve sent us all morning long. This is Lieutenant Colonel perry. Send us your pictures with veterans. Betterwithvets. Join us for the after the show show. We have the dancing news anchor showing us some moves. See you next week. Will the changing of the guard really end the gridlock in washington . Hi, everyone. Im maria bartiromo. Welcome to sunday morning futures. President Obama Meeting with congressional leaders after republicans secure the leadership of both houses on tuesday. Will it be major changes, or is it back to business as usual . Senator Lindsay Graham joins us in moments. Already one rift may be forming. Senators like mr. Graham not happy to learn that the president has already sent a letter to irans ayatollah without their knowledge. This as the deadline approaches on highlevel negotiations to limit Irans Nuclear program. And today marks a symbolic end to the

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