Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20190209

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I think it has a lot of work to go forward. Lunatics in the have a brand new plan to destroy our economy its called the Green New Deal. Our climate is imperil we need to be bold. The reason eye signed on to alexandria ocasiocortez Green New Deal. Its expensive with all of this. If we governor our dreams that way we would have never gone to the moon. Hey yall. Ed you got to love cory booker saying if we dont pass this radical Green New Deal its going to radically shape our economy we have to dream big just like the moon. Did the staff brief him on the math that there was a lot of fossil fuel used by nasa to get the ships up to the moon . Pete it wasnt battery power. Ed they might have had wind mills zaid jed unicorns. Dont get me started. Ed we will. Pete step back, you have the state of the union which was very effective. Ed that was this week already. Pete this week. The lunancy of the Green New Deal. The democrats are imploding in virginia. Ed we will get to that. Pete a lot of double standards and hypocrisy. And its National Pizza day. We will talk about that later. Jedediah i didnt know about that either. I think we are going to debate it out. Ed when there is pizza here there is a lot of winning. Pete christmas for my taste buds. Jedediah brought the italian back for pizza day. Evidence he had that was not directly connected. [italian music] jedediah i am italian and i fully support. Pete we cant support that music. Ed make sure no one was going to criticize us. Pete its italian. America did not invent pizza. They invented about Everything Else but not pizza. Ed pete mentioned it, big story still breaking in virginia. Something very rotten in richmond. Now you have the Lieutenant Governor after all the trouble for the governor, the Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax now has a second accuser alleging that he raped her back at Duke University. Pete you have this whole mess in virginia top three democrats embroiled in scandal. The top democrat and the attorney general so the number one and the number three accused and admitting to wearing blackface and they have been called to resign by many but they are not moving anywhere. Ed many in their own party. Pete now you have the number two Justin Fairfax Lieutenant Governor one allegation of Sexual Assault from a professor. Now a second one has come out yesterday claiming that while they were undergrats at duke that she was raped by him a very serious accusation. And she has come out. Ed it has not been verified yet. Pete we will be very careful about this. Jedediah not verified you do have people saying that she did tell people at the time and ran across the hall crying. People on the left do deem it kavanaugh allegation. Pete unlike kavanaugh because facts do matter. Ed facts matter and we want to be clear that the democratic Lieutenant Governor of virginia Justin Fairfax put out this statement i deny this latest unsubstantiated allegation. It is demonstrably false, he says. I have never forced myself on anyone, ever. I demand a full investigation into these unsubstantiated and false allegations. But, again, that is not stopping some in his own party who are saying get out. Jedediah some have been consistent on this issue. Deserve due process talking about kavanaugh at the time saying lets investigate it and give them due process and lets not jump to a conclusion. Many folks on the left. Folks will remember did jump to conclusions when it came to kavanaugh. Pete leaped. Jedediah when Christie Blasey Ford did not have confirmation. People contradicted her story or supported kavanaughs character at the time. So this is a little bit different. But, i support the consistency of people on both sides of the aisle who have said, you know what . Lets investigate it and give it due process. Pete pretty much the only consistency has come from conservatives and republicans who say kavanaugh was so unfairly treated we are going to give deference enough to democrats. If he says its demonstrably false means he can demonstrates it is false. Jedediah some democrats not tolerating it. Hope from virginia saying he will file articles of impeachment if fairfax doesnt resign. Take a listen. As the father of three young girls, i cannot stand by silently while the Lieutenant Governor is facing multiple, credible allegations of Sexual Assault. I believe these women. He needs to resign immediately. Should the Lieutenant Governor fail to do so, on monday, i intend to introduce articles of impeachment. Ed so, interesting. On one hand there you have a democrat perhaps being consistent going back to kavanaugh in terms of their position. Pete sure. Ed in saying look there is credible allegations in his mind so you have got to go. To your point, jed, what about due process. Justin fairfax the democrat has no due process. Just has allegations out there. He has denied them. There hasnt been any sort of investigation. Yet its not just a Democratic Delegate teeing off on Justin Fairfax a fellow democrat. You have a litany of 2020 democratic hopefuls who do not appear to have learned anything from the kavanaugh situation because are immediately saying get out. Pete they have no other choice. They have set such a standard they have no other choice. Elizabeth warren, kamala harris, Kristin Gillibrand cory booker, castro, Bernie Sanders. These folks all lining up saying he has got to go. I will say this about the number one, northam, the governor, they have all called for him to go. If you read behind the scenes reports, the Washington Post, they are quietly telling him to stay. The hypocrisy beyond rampant. Ed why is that, pete . Pete they dont want to give up the governorship there is a republican waiting in the wing fs all three of them go. Ed governor, Lieutenant Governor and attorney general who admitted to blackface. If all three goes the next in line is the republican speaker of their state house, basically. All of a sudden you see the current democratic governor. If all three democrats fall, a republican becomes governor in virginia. Pete cant have that, ed. Ed well, maybe northam should stick around. Jedediah when it comes to fairfax i still have a problem with this immediate i believe the women. Unfortunately democrats set that process with due process. We had Tammy Bruce Fox news contributor saying democrats have made due process go out the window. I think she is right. Take a listen. The principles for democrats kind of oxymoron right there because this is whats happened. Men now, they get no due process under any circumstance, right . Due process is blown up. Women are now clear been made into irrelevant weaponized additional victims of opportunity when it comes to political option. If you are the right kind of woman making the right kind of accusation against the right kind of perch person, ie a conservative or republican. You will be taken seriously. It seems to be so serious that they have to apply yes and they are trying to apply that same standard of no due process. Pete left will be marching in the streets if these were republicans. Instead sending a couple treats. A tweet to resign and then be quiet. Ed street vs. Tweet. Pete i made that up. Ed not just democrats but media howngsding them 24 7, why havent you left yet. The satellite truck us will be camped out outside your home. Jedediah also a distinction. Fairfax is being held accountable by some democrats. Remember with kavanaugh, there was a public hearing. They made the media, hollywood, alyssa milano. They publicly had to humiliate him. And also tie him to President Trump and President Trumps judgments. Larger game. Now when this comes to fairfax even when they call for his resignation notice they are not putting that front and center and attaching his names and not linking this to other democrats to a larger issue of the party itself. Ed this is linked to 2020. All these 2020 democratic hopefuls jumping in with or without the facts. We will touch on Elizabeth Warren who is officially launching her president ial efforts. Pete she can d. H ed she already put it out there with the beer summit. Jedediah are you triggered yet . Ed in massachusetts. Thats interesting the border battle continues as well. At the end of this week, founding for the federal government, at least parts of it runs out again. The clock ticking on whether or not there is going to be a deal to get more Border Security money. Pete new numbers are coming out now as this battle moves on show that problems at the border are only getting worse. In fact, october 2018. Since october to this year, over 200,000 apprehensions have occurred at the border. That is up 85 from last year. Ed apprehensions are down. Its quieter. Its a manufactured crisis. Pete we have done interviews with democrats saying this is not a problem. This is going away. No, the apprehensions are going up. People are racing for the border while its still open. The emergency is more ripe than ever. Favorite run footage of manufactured crisis side by side with the footage flooding the border and causing issues. And agents advocating. Ed Chuck Schumer saying there was a crisis. Jedediah mike pence has emerged as a key figure in this. He recently said we will not rest until the border is secure with personnel and barriers. Listen. We are going to continue to work to secure our border north, south, east, and west. When it comes to southern southern border as the negotiations continue, we will not rest why will not relent until our customs and Border Protection have the technology, the personnel, and the barriers required to secure our border were going it build that wall one way or another. I promise you. Ed you see the white house not backing down an inch. Have you seen the same message consistent with what the message said repeatedly. There is a report in politico as early as this weekend there could be a preliminary deal in terms of new Border Security funding. Tech nicltechnically not call ia wall, call that border. Pete hearing what might be in the sausagemaking right now. In light of stats like this, the president has held. There is no choice but to say i will get my border wall, fencing, barrier, whatever you want to call it. Thats the throw down. Jedediah dont you think its important to have mike pence out there . There are people who view him differently. People who just hate donald trump for whatever reason and everything he says as a result they are able to criticize in a certain way. I think the media handles him differently its a 12 combo. We turn to headlines for you. President trump sharing high hopes ahead of second summit with north korea. The president tweeting, quote north korea under the leadership of kim jong un will become a great economic power house. He may surprise some but he wont surprise me because i have gotten to know him and fully understand how capable he is. North korea will become a different kind of rocket, an economic one. Ed different kind of rocket. Jedediah the president will meet with kim jong un in hanoi later this month. Nurse pleads guilty to using a cell phone to throw off police. Agreeing to testify against kelsey bearsys fiance. Accused in the murder. Unclear how the two met. Barys was last seen thanksgiving morning her body is yet to be found. Turning now to extreme weather. A monster winter storm wreaking havoc in the northwest overnight. Governor in washington declaring a state of emergency. Seattle is expected to get hit with the heaviest snow fall in two years. Some areas expecting up to 8 inches with wind gusts of 45 miles per hour. Hundreds of flights are cancelled and delayed in seattle and portland. Pete did i hear that the governor declared a state of emergency. I think thats another emergency going on. Someone should declare it. Ed we will let pete think about that a little more. Fireworks erupting on capitol hill after democrats become triggered by the president s acting attorney general. You wouldnt oversee a witchhunt, would you . You just have to answer a factual yes or no question. I control this time, mr. Whitaker, if you want to ask the chairman for time of your own you can do it. This is my time. Arizona congresswoman debbie lesko is there. She joins us live next. Pete isis looks to boost their ranks. Who are they targeting . Millennials. Will they get off their couch . Hopefully not. This is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during the ultimate sleep number event. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to hit the ground running. Only at a sleep number store. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 24month financing on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. You wouldnt oversee a witchhunt, would you . You would stop a witchhunt, wouldnt you. You can spin the constitution all you want. As you sit here today, you just have to answer a yes or no question. I control this time. If you want this is my time. Who are you . Where did you come from . And how the heck did you become the head of the department of justice . Pete thats not con descending at all. House democrats seemingly on their own witchhunt sparring with the acting attorney general about his supervision of the mueller probe. Our next guest was at the hearing and is blasting dems for putting on a political show. Here to explain arizona congresswoman debbie lesko of the house judiciary committee. Congresswoman, thank you for being here. I would note you dont even have five minutes only three. We will do the best we can you were there. What unfolded . It was a total disgrace. The American People want us to work on big issues in a bipartisan manner. And this was just theatrical show, character assassination, just another way to undermine President Trump. It was really disgusting. I was quite sad to tell you the truth because if the American Public was watching, they would just see these democrats trying to harass this witness and ask all kinds of crazy questions, cut him off all the time. Just quite frankly being very rude. You know, im the cochairwoman of the bipartisan womens caucus. And so i am really trying to get something done that we can work on with both republicans and democrats. But this type of theatrics does nothing to help that cause. Representative, i wish you luck in that cause. But it feels like a pretty tough one these days. Because a hearing like that feels like a preview of what democrats want to do. They won the house. Now its time to investigate under every rock. Do you expect anything to change in the house between now and 2020 . You know, theyre overreaching. I think thats going to be good for republicans in 2020 because they are going so far to the left, so radical, so rude that i think the American Public is going to wake up. I think its going to backlash on them. Pete they say to Matt Whitaker who are you . How did you even land here . This is a guy who has time as a attorney of the Southern District of iowa because its not the Southern District of manhattan and iowa, he is now unqualified. It was very con descending the view they took of him. It was very condescending they came into this saying we are just going to do an oversight hearing. That was a bunch of bologna. All they wanted to to do is get in there and harass him and intimidate him and try to get him to Say Something against President Trump. It was a total show, total theatrics. You know, unfortunately, thats what the democrats are doing now. They have this election bill coming up which is taxpayer funding of candidates. Its atrocious. Its awful. They have gun control coming up. They are going so overboard radical socialism that, you know, i think its going to backfire on them. Pete representative, i say keep doing these hearings and we will keep showing them and they will keep exposing themselves. Representative lesko, thank you for your time. Your three minutes are up. No more speaking or i will cut off your microphone, all right . [laughter] thank you for your time. Appreciate it all right. The man accused of killing a pregnant woman now facing one less charge. Its all thanks to new york governor Andrew Cuomos new abortion law. We will explain. Attorneys governor and attorney general now facing backlash for admitting to wearing blackface. What would the reaction be if they were republicans . David webb here to weigh in on the lefts hypocrisy coming up next. Here he is. Back where i come from where ill be when its said and done lets be honest dealing with your insurance shouldnt be more frustrating than the accident itself. Thats why esurance makes it simple. Just take some pics. [picture noises] go to sleep. Wake up. Grab a bite. Maybe some racquetball. And boom your moneys on the way so you can get back on the road fast. Well, not that fast. The editor had to make it fit in 30 seconds. 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Researchers also finding saudis typically join isis to fight iranian backed shiite groups not for hatred of the western world. Pete oh, okay. As long as their intentions are clear. Ed virginias Lieutenant Governor faces second charge of Sexual Assault admitting to wearing blackface. Jedediah what would the reaction be if these were republican scandals . Pete host of reality check with david webb on fox nation radio talk show host and Fox News Contributor david webb. Jedediah thanks for being here. Pete if these two gentlemen were republicans instead of democrats. Jedediah three, actually. Pete what would be happening . Whoever said it earlier, they would be camped out on the front of their lawns, there would be media trucks everywhere. The democrats set an impossible standard. Thats the hypocrisy here. Whether its Sexual Assault allegations or blackface is automatically assumed to be racism. They have set the standard. And now they are caught in their own standard. The democrats macvelian way i admire them they will stick by and ignore the calls against their hypocrisy. They dont believe in due process when it comes to the allegations of Sexual Assault. They wont have an honest conversation about blackface from the early 1900s the minstrel shows the different uses in media you look the a silver street and Robert Downey playing a black man in tropic thunder look at white chicks. All these movies portrayed with Different Things playing the other ethnicity. Michael jackson in various disguise. Nothing to say. But politically let them die by the standard im going to say this. Michael ertel resigned in florida after going to a Halloween Party yes, its outrageous what he did with the dress and bra and republican florida secretary of state and if northam gets to keep his job then Governor Desantis call michael erttle and offer his job back. Jedediah when it comes to black face and how people should be held accountable. For you is there is a nuances in there this and is there a difference yearbook photo with northam find that outrageous someone kkk outfit and someone with blackface i went to Halloween Party or once i dressed up as michael jackson. Should there be different consequences how do we handle it in 2018 interest. Needs to be consequences. Jedediah 2019. Thank you. I still do that. There needs to be honesty. In the 1980s and 1990s i was there for the halloween parties. People dressed up in outrageous costumes. Didnt make them automatically racist. Im not calling northam racist because he did this because he didnt march with the kkk he doesnt come out and say i believe whites are superior to blacks. Definition of racism is to believe that one group is superior to another. Outrageous and offensive does not automatically rise to racism. Its dishonest to automatically assign that. Thats the problem with this standard. So, if someone goes to a Halloween Party, okay. Outrageous, offensive . Fine. If they commit an action that is racist, then i will call them a racist. And that doesnt matter whether you are republican or democrat, male or female. Ed david webb, thank you for weighing in. Pete thats a relate check right there. Ed if you got a check j jedediah recently its no good it has 2018. Jedediah i tricked a lot of people, david. Good for 90 days. Jedediah i tricked a lot of people, david. Pete massive fentanyl bust and known as a pathway for drugs in our country. Why will Elizabeth Warren why is she celebrating in massachusetts today . The big fail coming up. Jedediah beef jerky bouquets thats for you, pete. And succulents. We have all your needs for valentines day. That looks good. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. When the moon shines like have you had too many wine. Ed you cant play that song when you have pizza hut. Pete shot of the morning. National pizza day celebrating with my favorite pizza of all time. It would be my last meal if i was in prison on death row deep dish peperoni from pizza hut. Very jed a state of horror right now. Ed i like pizza hut. Mean to offend them you are in new york city. Pete it doesnt matter. Jedediah my husband likes dominoes im half is i sill i dont know. Pete i went to there all the time. Listen, i dont want a sponsorship from beats. I want from pizza hut. Ed all the meat you eat on this show. Pete its so good. Buttery. The crust is buttery, the cheese can overwhelming. The peperoni is fantastic. Ed you are getting oily i see it on your hand. Jedediah my mom when she comes on the show she will have words. Ed if she wants to come make me a pizza. Jedediah do you accept that challenge . She made lasagna. Now you are petes personal chef. See how that quickly escalated. Pete pizza hut is amazing you made my life better at every turn. Ed double down when you challenge him. You made my life better. Jedediah no apologies. Ed what goes good with pizza beer. Who has been pushing beer . Elizabeth warren she wanted to seem like a woman of achievement people with her launch. [laughter] ed you are laughing. Remember, that was the soft launch. That was the Exploratory Committee a few weeks back with the beer and her husband. Now, its for real today. Pete she will officially kick off her president ial campaign in lawrence, massachusetts. Now she is a senator she is a senator from massachusetts. Jedediah high population. Pete what do we know about lawrence . Jedediah its a sanctuary city and in october of 2018 there was a massive fentanyl bust there. This is a the reason i think she chose lawrence is because there is a lot of working class people there. There are some low income people there that would respond she feels to her populist message. I dont know why at this time she didnt do the research. You actually have u. S. Attorney andrew welling on the fentanyl bust talking in lawrence. Listen. Lawrence is a Clearing House for Illegal Drugs pouring into New Hampshire and maine. Ed thats awful and thats not good and we dont mean to laugh at that but the idea of the hypocrisy we are laughing at with Elizabeth Warren and other democrats saying its a manufactured crisis. Fentanyl is one of the drugs that is streaming across the border as the president has said again and again and democrats have laughed it off and said he is manufacturing this crisis and now she is going to launch her president ial bid in a sanctuary city where there was a massive fentanyl bust. This is rich. Jedediah maybe do a little research. All it would have taken if we can just do that research why couldnt she take a minute launch something somewhere immigration is one of the most hot button issues right now that everyone is plugged into. You think maybe she would have thought about that and said listen what else is going on here . Let me see if this the proper place to launch. Pete she is not thinking about that i love watching president ial bids getting launched and dead in the water. Amy klobuchar. Everyone who has worked for her says she has been terrible to them. Elizabeth warren otherwise known as pocahontas a fraud on her background launches a dead in the water president ial campaign. Its kind of amusing. You see the people who have a viable chance and then you watch these folks who have enough advisors telling them they should do it that they do it but they are never going to win. Ed Elizabeth Warrens launch fox friends. Ed where would you suggest she should launch from . Where would you a better launch place. Jedediah gosh, im afraid of the answer. Ed tell us your favorite pizza. Pete tell me why you love pizza hut so much. Jedediah we will turn now to headlines for you. Governor cuomos abortion law saves an accused murderer in the stabbing of his pregnant girlfriend. Anthony hobsons Second Degree abortion charge now dropped in the killing of girlfriend and unborn child removed abortion from the code in the New York Post. He made it a Public Health law instead. Hobson is charged with murder. Police are searching for the driver accused in this venge full hit and run plowing into exboyfriend and woman he was walking about. Thought for sure oh my god i lost control and so sorry i didnt mean to hit you and crazy. Can i help you or anything . No. Christina benson says the car sent her airborne injuring her head, shoulder and hips, the man with her running away without any injuries. Police say the driver, Courtney Lawrence posted this selfie of herself and damaged car on facebook appearing to be proud of the hit and run. House minority leader Kevin Mccarthy is calling out democrats for now denouncing antisemitic comments made by two freshman congresswomen. We took action on our own side. I think when they stay silent they are just as guilty. I think this will not be the end of this. Jedediah michigan democrat Rashida Tlaib questioned Senate Republicans more loyal to israel than the u. S. And omar also faces backlash for comparing israel to iran. Those are your headlines. Ed valentines day a e. Less than a week away if you are still looking for the perfect way to say i love you. Pete here with the best gifts for him and her not just a her hollywood. Lee, thanks for being here. Yea. Pete how do we do this right . The first thing that i have a custom gift. Here we have some great custom artwork. This is one of my favorites. Looks like a bunch of numbers. Actually the coordinants to wedding video. Longitude and latitude. Cool kind of print that no one really understands you have in your office or something. Ed does your husband understand that. He will. Once i tell him. Then you see my husband and kids and i as really fun you can pick the different frames and they have really cool unique gifts from indy artist. Jerk j beef buoy quay beef jerk can i buo bouquet. They look kind of real. They are real. They are from the manly man company. They start at about 49. And get them in a glass tumbler, you can get them in a beer mug that you actually reuse. Pete comes with a man card. I have been looking for my man card now i have it. Comes with a bottle opener. A bottle opener that i think can you fit in your wallet. I think thats the idea. You dont need to have it on your key chain anymore. This is my favorite on the table. Jedediah i actually love this. We were talking about this suck could you lens and bamboo Something Different than the traditional flowers and these are from 1800 flowers. Com. This is sweetheart bamboo over here in the bottom. This is the love is sweet succulent and this is the heart of gold succulent and really beautiful. This is my favorite. Jedediah this is my favorite piece. Stunning. Ed can you still get this for valentines day. 100 percent. Go to 1800. Com. He had said that alive . What i like about it its really hard to kill. This is a sparkling red wine. Rose say ragali. Pete i tried a sip. Hints of wild berries pairs with chocolate. I have chocolate with it really delicious. Its a beautiful color for this is from man crate. Com. Whiskey truthfully that comes in a beautiful decantor and then over here we have the dynamite but its actually hot sauces. Isnt that cool . Its all for man crate. Jedediah i lo that. Pete lady, take note, we get gifts too on valentines day in case you didnt know. The last thing i have here is something can you do to just enjoy and have a really nice time get card shaped plates. I got these at marshals 7. 99 really inexpensive and great quality. You fill it up with all these different gourmet treats. Macaroons, cookies, chocolate covered oreos. Jedediah great if you are having a valentines day party. Pete who has valentines day parties . Jedediah i do. If you have kids. Come on over. Pete now you are on the hook. Valentines day dance for kids like when i was single we would hang out together on valentines day. Pete or that. Pete well done. Jedediah everyone come to my valentines day party. Pete still to come, Andy Mccarthy next hour. Ed and alexandria ocasiocortez proposing a massive government overhaul known as a Green New Deal. The next guest warns the plan puts us on the plan to socialism. We break it all down. Pete not good. Anything can happen anything could happen were finally going on the trip ive been promising. Because with expedia, i saved when i added a hotel to our flight. So even when she outgrows her costume, well never outgrow the memory of our adventure together. Unlock savings when you add select hotels to your existing trip. Only when you book with expedia. Pete welcome back, your messages have been pouring in for our dear friend bob massi. The property host passed away after battling cancer. Many of you want to know how to send condolences. Bobs family has asked that you donate in his name to two organizations that were very close to his heart. Give to building homes for heroes or the nevada Childhood Cancer foundation. We posted information for how to donate on friends foxnews. Com. Check that out. Bob massi was a special individual. He was 67 years old. Rest in peace. Ed very dear friend. We will miss bob. Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez rolling out the Green New Deal which many critics are calling a pipe dream. The plan calling for quote, unquote. World war ii level. Replacing every building in america, ending air travel and even ensuring Economic Security for those unwilling to work. At least thats what some of the talking points suggested. Our next guest warns this plan puts us on the road to socialism. Here to explain radio talk show host tony katz out in indiana. Good to see you. Good to see you, ed. Ed i saw alexandria ocasiocortez advisor on with tucker last night we dont have that if you dont feel like working any more provision and we are not going to replace air travel we are just going to make it carbon neutral. Are they running from this. They like to play a game they put something very insane or radical or however people want to describe it out there and then they try to figure out well, whats the most that they can get . Very much like a power grab or a land grab people will talk about road to socialism no doubt this is about government controlling the means of production here. The real problem is for representative cortez because she told us it doesnt matter if you are factually accurate. If matters if you are morally correct. Well, you take a look at this proposal and its morally incorrect. There is just no way to look at it morally it doesnt pass any smell test. It doesnt provide any value to the American People or to any citizen no any citizen anywhere in the world of even their nation. So there is a real moral deficit here going on from representative cortez and i think she needs to go back and take a look at that and question her own morality. Ed i was talking to one of republican colleagues who privately told me he represents congresswoman cortez she is honest and direct about what she wants to do with the country unlike other democrats in the congress who say im kind of moderate and really they believe some of this radical stuff. But, to your point, congresswoman ocasiocortez seemed to be all over the map this week on whether or not it was really a government takeover. Look how she framed it herself. Not us but her own words within a few hours apart. Watch. I think one way that the right does try to mischaracterize what were doing as though its some kind of massive government takeover. Umhuh. Obviously what were trying to do is well, obviously its not that. Are you prepared to put on the table yes, actually they are right, what this requires is massive government intervention. It does. It does. Yeah. I have no problem saying that. Ed on the evening she is on msnbc saying the conservatives want to make it seem like a massive government takeover and its not. Earlier in the day she is on npr saying yeah, you can call it that. Just 24 hours earlier from right now joe concha did a great job explaining that out to people these two sides of the mouth she is going on. You have to understand putting it all on alexandria ocasiocortez thats not right. She is the messenger. She is the face of this concept. Obama that he wanted to fundamentally transform the United States and the progressive wing which is the now nearly the entirety of the Democratic Party, Bernie Sanders wild their thoughts are now the commonplace. This is just the culmination of all of their hopes and dreams and their hopes and dreams destroy farmers, prevent people from enjoying their passions like flying. It creates a situation not where we try and do things that are better for the environment. We do things to the extent they are technically feasible. How does that work for a farmer when james taylor the Heartland Institute tell you are very dependent on tractors and plows and things that have combustion engines in order to provide the food thats on our table. This is a morally berreth concept put forth. Alexandria ocasiocortez she is just the. Ed thank you, tony. Thank you. Ed Yale University newspaper editor calling on students to spy on fellow white male classmates to ruin their careers. You are not going to believe this. Jeff bezos goes after the National Enquirer accusing them of blake mail. Could this be the end of tabloids . We will discuss next. Heat of the moment this is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during the ultimate sleep number event. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to hit the ground running. Only at a sleep number store. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 24month financing on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. Jedediah welcome back. The richest man in the world amazons jeff bezos accusing the National Enquirer of blackmail and extortion in a fiery blog post now the enquirer and Parent Company American Media fighting back. Could it be the beginning of the end for tabloids . Here to weigh in is Kelsey Harkness of the independent womens forum and heritage foundation. Kelsey, this story is unbelievable to me honestly. The first thing that stuck out to me was the shear amount of documentation of things in writing. Youve got bezos who is a grown man. He heads the Washington Post. Heads amazon sending Text Messages these photos to lauren sanchez, his mistress, then you have the National Enquirer Parent Company then in writing putting out all these conditions. Listen, we are going to release more photos unless you do x, y, and z. In this age are you surprised everyone did this in writing like this. To an extent you are but it is the National Enquirer. They dont necessarily abide by journalism standards that the rest of us hold ourselves to. That said, you have to ask who is this story more embarrassing for . Jeff bezos or the National Enquirer. Certainly it looks like the National Enquirer could be open to some sort of litigation over this in terms of extortion and or blackmail. But we also have to recognize that jeff bezos is also in the wrong here. He is a public figure. And he made himself open to extortion. I think in a way he is being a bit of a cry baby because when you are a public figure like this similar to politicians, you are vulnerable to these types of Opposition Research and in this case tabloid magazines spreads, so i think all around it doesnt look good on anyone. Jedediah what about the precedent he is setting though. Pulled the ruling out. Threatening them. Never thinking probably is he going to be the one to say you know what . Im putting this all out there. Im going to be one step ahead of the game. Do you think a lot of these things that potentially go on behind the scenes these emails that go through people on the other side will say i will get ahead of this and put it ahead myself or he had that cushion of all that money and success and he figured, you know what . I have nothing to lose . You are right. I think jeff bezos was in a position being the richest man in the world where he could take on this risk where a lot of other americans when theyre being bullied and possibly extorted like this it wouldnt be as easy. But, that said, i do think he holds some sort of responsibility here for opening himself up to this type of extortion. But this type of extortion is absolutely unexcusable. It would not it would not fly at any actual respectable Journalism Institution and. Jedediah thank you, kelsey. More fox friends coming up. Woman 2 i had the common type. Man 2 mine was rare. Vo epclusa has a 98 overall cure rate. Man 3 i just found out about my hepatitis c. 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Pete democrats seemingly on their own witchhunt sparring with the acting attorney general about the supervision of the mueller probe. Who are you . Where did you come from . You wouldnt oversee a witchhunt would you. Chairman, i see that your five minutes is up. [laughter] democrats control the house may have a major impact on whether or not the government shuts down again in seven days. I think it has a lot of work to go forward. We are pretty close. Lunatics in the congress have a brand new plan to destroy our economy its called the Green New Deal. Our planet is imperil. We need to be bold. Its expensive all of this. If we used to govern our dreams that way we would have never gone to the moon got to keep your head up let your hair down. Ed got to keep your head up if you are going to be spartacus, look at this going to the moon. Pete it was like a spartacus moment i would take it to the muniway. Ed you need fossil fuel to get to the moon. Pete a lot of it. Ed new Green New Deal going to eliminate that wont get to the moon unless have you giant wind mills. Jedediah everybody gets a pair of faux if you are wings and we all fly up. Pete how would you send a rocket to the moon using wind power without fossil fuel. Jedediah no fossil fuel. Pete we want to see your adaptation. How are you going to ban farting cows and what are you going to do about airplanes. Ed i was waiting to see how long it would take to you mention that second hour. Jedediah he made it pretty far. Pete whole hour. Surrounded by cows flatulating. I dont know that we will have that. Ed you dont want cars flatulating cars phthalate propose a segment with pete, cows, cars. Pete pizza hut, National Pizza day. Dont get me started on that. Ed belongs in staten island. Big news still rotten in richmond. The top three democratic elected officials all mired in scandal. You see on the left, the governor and the attorney general dealing with blackface scandals Lieutenant Governor now has a second accuser. One accuser alleging that he had committed a Sexual Assault against her in 2004 second accuser assault rape at duke in 2,000. Pete what you didnt think could get worse got worse for democrats in virginia. Other networks, unlike Brett Kavanaugh we will be careful about this. Take seriously the allegations mounted against the Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax. She alleges he raped her at college. He is he denying these charges this morning and saying they are not true. This is a statement from the Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax says i deny this latest unsubstantiated allegation it is demonstrably false which means he thinks he can demonstrate its false. I have never forced myself on anyone ever. I demand a full investigation into the unsubstantiated and false allegation. Part of the problem for him is many women who knew this woman at the time were saying they were told at the time. Ed she shared it. Pete its been shared a lot. Potentially some there there. What will be interesting, jedediah, how did democrats respond to this. Jedediah its interesting. They were very opposed to kavanaugh. Came out strong and firm. Many are feeling that they have been given this job of being the allies of the me too movement. Now they are being forced to say, for example. Patrick hope, Democratic Delegate from Northern Virginia saying he will file articles of impeachment if fairfax doesnt resign. Take a listen as the father of lay young girls i cannot stand by as the governor is facing multiple, credentialed allegations of Sexual Assault. I believe these women. He needs to resign immediately. Should the Lieutenant Governor fail to do so, on monday, i intend to introduce articles of impeachment. Ed there you have a Democratic State delegate and maybe is he standing on principle. We still dont know all the facts. It hasnt been investigated and hasnt been substantiated. That does not demean the women. Should respect both women who have these allegations. Now you have a democrat going after a fellow democrat without knowing whether its true or not and saying if you dont resign, im going to lead an impeachment evident monday morning against you. Have democrats not learned anything from the kavanaugh situation . Jedediah they dont know what to do, ed. Pete they are in a box. Jedediah they set such a terrible precedent of kavanaugh of not asking for due process and saying hold on a second. Its a serious matter. It needs to be taken seriously and investigated. Lets see what we find out. Now they feel like wait a minute we have to be come spelled if we are allies of this movement. Pete half compelling. Jedediah not quite. Sorry about that. Streets vs. Tweets. If this was a republican, democrats would be taking to the streets saying you better resign or you are a racist or you are a woman hater. In this case. They are tweeting step down, step down. Ed, as you know, the Washington Post reporting that virginia democrats and National Democrats behind the scenes are telling Governor Northam the democrat there saying dont leave. Dont leave your spot. Sigh saying you should resign but we dont really mean it. Ed all three Top Democrats resign next in line is a republican who is the speaker of the house. Michelle malkin was on fox news at night last night with mike emanuel and basically blasted democrats for always jumping on the band wagon. Watch. The left has basically built its own ideological pandoras box. I think there are a lot of us on the right who have seen so many of these tactics. The grievance card played against republicans and conservatives who are indulging in a bit of shadden freud da now. We have to be careful about a band wagon effect now and the timing some of these accusations. It is true that some of these accusations were apparently covered up by democratic officials. But whenever there is political expedience involved, yes, you have to answer, ask the tough questions and allegations have to be subjected to corroboration. Jedediah i think she makes a great point. I think its really easy to want to jump on the bandwagon someone in power is of a different party. Lets try to get the republican. In lets look at it from that angle. You have to be consistent about due process. No matter whether its a democrat or republican. No matter where you stand. People have a right to due process. You have to be able to call for an investigation without assuming that person is guilty on minute one. Pete we would hope that standard would be applied to us. On the lens you have to look through this if you get accused do you get tried in the court of Public Opinion or a real trial. Look at kavanaugh and thin stance. It goes back to college an instance that happened there an oped in the yale daily news, one of the ivy leagues has a writer. Her name is davis marks wrote im just going to read what she wrote. It applies you will see how it she wrote in the yale daily news, when im watching the white boy who is now a white man by this point on cnn, i will remember a racist remark that he said an unintentional utter rance he made when he had one too many at a frat party sophomore year i will recall a message that he accidentally left open on a computer when he forgot to log out of i message where he likened a womans body to a particularly large animal. I will kick myself for forgetting to screen shot the evidence and when im watching him, smile that smile i will think that i could have stopped it. Effectively she is arguing, listen, this is racism, i will say that i will find the white boy and i will do any instance to document the sins that he has committed when he was a an idiot in college so some day can i use it against him. Where does that end . And how is that not racism . I mean that sincerely. I dont even know what the race is, it doesnt matter. Ed spying on a white man in a business situation when they are a grown adult a little bizarre. Spy on them. To say as you say a white boy, which does sound racist and say basically when they do something stupid in college, it doesnt excuse what they did in college. Im going to then collect it and hold it against them later. Down right bizarre. Jedediah also just absurd everyone was a kid once and everyone did stupid stuff back in the day. If you are going to dig through everybodys file and yearbook and every comment ever made everyone is going to be vulnerable. Ed that is where we had the High School Yearbook. Not the college, not the medical school. High school. Pete you are right. Jedediah to what end does this go on that you realize people do grow and evolve. Not to say all the behavior is justified or should be excused. If we are going to be digging through and not just their past and yearbooks in this age its social media and tweets something you said 30 years ago in a comedy club. It is a scary time to be a human being who does make mistakes and does have to have an opportunity for redemption and for growth. Pete i would like to invite her on this program. This is not a remark. This is an oped. You sat at computer and typed it. When im watching the white boy who is now a white man by this point, is that not come explain. Tell me more. Jedediah saying that too. Pete there is a double standard. Its terrible. Ed down right bizarre. Might also explain what was going on capitol hill yesterday the acting attorney general Matt Whitaker, he is about to leave office and bill barr is expected to be confirmed in the next few days as the new attorney general for the president of the United States. You see him right there being sworn in. And democrats thought they had him cornered because they wanted to prove somehow because, remember, going back to when he was first appointed by the president. Democrats started this narrative that he was put in place so the president could watch the Mueller Investigation, could interfere with the Mueller Investigation and maybe shut down the Mueller Investigation. Guess what . None of that happened. The Mueller Investigation is still going on. Were still waiting for the report. And as whitaker testified under oath again and again, hes not interfering with the probe, watch. You wouldnt oversee a witchhunt, would you. You would stop a witchhunt, wouldnt you. You can spin the constitution all you want. As you sit here today. You just have to answer. If you want to ask the chairman for time of your own this is my time. How the heck did you become the head of the department of justice . I need to have my time restored so that you can behave appropriately. Have you ever been asked to approve any request or action to be taken by special counsel . Mr. Chairman, i see that your five minutes is up and so. [laughter] we i am here voluntarily. Jedediah isnt he the kind of guy that can infuriate the left though. Pete thats it. Jedediah not taking any of their nonsense and political theater. This could have been over in two minutes him saying i didnt interfere in the investigation and i didnt have any conversations with the president or Top White House officials with it the end. That should have been it. Pete College Football player from iowa. They dont like him. Is he white and they will dont like him. They play the identity politics game all the time. Listen. Ed not because they dont like him because he is white. Pete i will take that correction. Fair enough. But they dont like him because he works for the president and he has been critical of the mueller probe. As a result, he is then defending the fact that he didnt interfere with it they cant take that they are triggered by that very perspective. Ed you spoke last hour. Jedediah debbie lesko pete spoke to last hour and she has something to say about this democrat overreach. Take a listen. This was theatrical show, character assassination. Just another way to undermine President Trump. It was really disgusting. I was quite sad to tell you the truths. They are overreaching and i think thats going to be good for republicans in 2020 because they are going so far to the left, so radical, so rude that i think the American Public is going to wake up. I think its going to backlash on them. Ed speaking an interesting truth. You have to look beyond this one hearing that you are rightly criticizing the idea that think about the democratic efforts to abolish the Electoral College impeach the president. Impeach the blanket blank we saw the first week. The democratic overreach might blow up in their face. Jedediah depends. Makes me nervous, the Democratic Base has moved far left. Im curious how this hits independent voters in the middle. Pete a lot of overplaying going on. Pete cory booker taking his support for the Green New Deal out of this world. And there is a lot of people now blowing back on the Green New Deal its impractical. If we used to govern our dreams that way we would have never gone to the moon. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. 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We sent our next guest to the state to see what the people think of the governors blackface scandal. Do you think a governor should be held accountable for something he did back in college . Thats quite unfair. I realize this is something that was also done as a young person. Everybody makes mistakes. They have to hold him as accountable as they would anyone on the right. Founder of turning point u. S. A. Charlie kirk joins us now with more. Charlie, welcome. Now. Good morning. Jedediah its important to note that we sent you yesterday before the second accusation came out against fairfax. What was your what did you find when you spoke to these people on the street . Well, look, a lot of the voters of virginia are still in kind of a state of shell shock. They are stunned with all of these accusations that have been lining up one after the otherrenned there was one common theme. Many of the voters were agreeing that rush to judgment for something that happened 30 years ago. I actually agree with that during the kavanaugh hearings, you know, i was one of the louder voices that was trying to calm down the mob that was trying to go after then judge kavanaugh now justice kavanaugh. There was definitely a con sis tense that eve one of these Office Holders have done something wrong, something i agree with. They had differences of whether they should resign oor not or which one should resign. Definitely a controversy. Jedediah we have sound on that whether they should resign. Take a listen. That the governor should resign . Yes. I guess, yeah. A lot of people have been fired for less. I understand the call for the resignation of the governor. I dont think he should resign yet. He should not resign. No. I dont think so. Neither one of them. The Lieutenant Governor is under ache sanctions too. Yeah. Accusations against him more true then he should resign as well. I feel like he should resign. Same with Justin Fairfax. There should be a policy in virginia honestly. Jedediah from what im seeing most people there are saying they should in fact resign. Was that surprising to you at all to hear that . Yeah. It took me back. When i actually walked through with some of them. That would mean that the republican speaker of the house would become governor if all three ended up resigning. That also really surprised them. But, look, with the Lieutenant Governor fairfax in particular, you know, a lot of conservatives, including myself were talking about the presumption of innocence during the kavanaugh hearings. And there should be no difference even when a Lieutenant Governor, democrat governor goes through. This i think why should stop being a country that rushes to judgment. We saw this in the last couple weeks in many different media stories. Voters of virginia almost have no direction to go. There is no real tangible way to move forward when your top three elected Office Holders are all under serious accusations like this. There is not a consensus exactly how to proceed. Jedediah charlie, quickly we have two very distinction accusations of Sexual Assault and rape and blackface. Any big difference in terms of how people on the street responded separately to those two issues . More outrage by either . Any big difference you noted . Oh, with the Lieutenant Governor definitely more outrage behind what he is accused of doing. And those are crimes that could still be prosecuted and they are now multiple accusations. I remember when i went out there, that was before the second accusation came forward. Political crisis and doesnt seem like a path forward of how to proceed. Jedediah we have to head out thank you for your input, charlie. Democrats going wild with accusations. Are more investigations what the American People want. Andy mccarthy is coming up next. Uh uh im the one who delivers the news around here. Liberty mutual has Just Announced that they can customize your Car Insurance so that you only pay for what you need. This is phoebe buckley, on location. Uh. Thanks, phoebe. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 24month financing on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Just days in texas. Crews preparing to break ground on six miles of new wall in the Rio Grande Valley this week. Congress green lighted 600 million for 33 miles of wall in the area last year. When you talk to agents down there they say they really want it and need it. And roughly 200 Illegal Immigrants were arrested in ice raids across North Carolina this week. Officials say 90 of them either have criminal convictions or pending criminal charges. Another 50 of those arrested were previously deported. But reentered the u. S. Illegally. Ed . Ed thanks, pete. With the democrats now in power with the house. They are launching a whole new series of investigations from everything from the president s finances to, yes, expanding the russia probe. The American People have a right to know and indeed have a need to know that their president is acting on their behalf. That pertains to any credible allegation of leverage by the russians or the saudis or anyone else. Any candidate for this office should be required by law to make their tax return available to the public. They want to know the truth. They want to know the facts. And he has nothing to hide. He had sewed do the American People really want this is the question here to react is Fox News Contributor, former assistant u. S. Attorney for the Southern District of new york Andy Mccarthy. Good morning, andy. Good morning, ed. Ed whats your sense . Both parties engage in this one side in power will say this is legitimate oversight. The republicans wanted to investigate benghazi and all the rest in the obama years. On the other hand, sometimes its just a power grab. Sometimes its nuisance and sometimes its all about 2020 politics and rallying your base. Yeah. Im going to go with choice last, ed. I was thinking about this when you guys were speaking at the top of the program. It seems to me that the disconnect here is that we keep wondering, is the public going to be supportive of this . But i think in the 2020 election year. The segment of the public thats most important to the democrats for the next 18 months or so is that portion of the Democratic Base thats most influential in determining hot nominee will ultimately be. And i dont know that that faction of the Democratic Base is representative of the broader country. So, i think even though the broader country probably doesnt want to have nothing but investigations of the president , they probably just want to know, look, is there probable cause that this guy committed a felony . If theres not, lets move on and get to the business of the country. But, theres this faction thats very influential to this 2020 process. Ed yeah. Thats very, very interested in donald trump. Ed a faction that some would say has trump derangement syndrome. Yep. Ed it may be driving some of the 2020 candidates further to the left. The president tried to call it out this week in the state of the union. Watch. An economic micialg is taking place in the United States and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics, or ridiculous partisan investigations. [cheers and applause] ed democrats immediately said he is trying to intimidate us into not investigating, when in fact, the president said, look, im more about not having you harass me and i found it interesting that shortly after the president made that statement you had the republican chairman of the Senate Intel Committee say after two years we havent found any collusion. Yeah. Well, i think he is setting up the table for 2020, too, ed. In other words, they want to get into the nitty gritty of these investigations and part of the reason they have so much to play with is the original sin of this investigation is that it wasnt a criminal investigation to start with. It wasnt triggered by solid evidence of a crime. So its a sprawl and its all over the place. And i think the president wisely, in my view, is going to try to set up the situation where its on his side, here i am, trying to do the business of the country and we have all these important things to do. And they look like they are scurrying around looking under every rock for something under circumstances for two years real investigators have been looking for something and so far they havent gotten anything. Ed and democrats promised in the midterms they were running on the economy and healthcare and all these Kitchen Table issues and to your point now they are secureying around in all kinds of investigations. Andy mccarthy, appreciate you coming. In thanks so much, ed. Ed all right. Now remember Nancy Pelosis clap for the state of the union went viral. Its now getting a starstudded backing, of course yes in hollywood. We will tell you about that cory booker taking his support for the Green New Deal to a whole new level. The planet has been imperil in the past. Who came forward from the scourge of nazi totalitarian regimes. We came forward. Ed Stuart Varney is here thrive react. 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Pete lets start with some of the march to socialism Green New Deal you wore a green tie on your show yesterday not in solidarity. You are killing me. Pete democratic hopeful cory booker on the Green New Deal, watch. Look at this. Our planet is imperil and we need to be bold. A lot of people fallen back on the Green New Deal its impractical and too expensive and oh its all of this. If we used to govern our dreams that way we would have never gone to the moon. God, thats impractical. In the sky . Thats impractical. And the planet has been imperil in the past . Who came forward to save earth from the scourge of nazi, totalitarian regimes . We came forward. Our history is standing up and saying, look, humanity is in crisis, america is going to be light in the hope. Pete he came forward. What do you want to know. Jedediah take it away. Thats the end point of this march to socialism. First, we had these proposals for huge increases in income tax, estate tax, Social Security tax, wealth tax. Huge increases. Thats bottom line socialism. Then came the demand for medicare for all, which is a form of socialism because you are going to get rid of 150 million americans private health insurance. Then comes the Green New Deal. Which is radical environmental socialism. Were on that march further and further to the left. Until you end up where corey, senator booker is right there which is really hard to take. I mean, he obviously believes that the world is going to come to an end in 12 years time as alexandria ocasiocortez insists. He agrees with her. Therefore, we must take this drastic action of revolutionizing our entire society. I dont think he can sell that. Jedediah it all sounds really good. Guarantees for everyone. It appeals to a lot of the people saying oh, wait, they are looking out for me. Why is this explain to people why is this dangerous . Whats to be learned from other countries who have followed that path and seen a whole bunch of failure come a long way . Good one. Im an englishman born and raised in england. Pete not anymore. Not anymore. Im an american citizen. Im an exile, a refugee from socialism. In the 1970s, thats when i left england, coal, steel, gas, all healthcare, most car production and electricity, airlines, trains, all run and owned by the government. And they ran them all into the ground. The economy of england virtually collapsed by the late 1970s. It took margaret thatcher, capitalist to come on, in sweep it clean and get return to prosperity. I see us in america marching down exactly the same road. The socialist road which is based upon a power grab. We want power over you. Its a money grab. We want your money. And i think its dangerous because it drives the economy into the dirt. And, frankly, i think its unamerican. And that might sound strange coming from a guy with a british accent. It is unamerican. America was not made prosperous and dynamic by socialism. It was capitalism. Under on constitution created wealth and prosperity which we enjoy today. Dont go down that road please, i beg you. Im sorry, im on a roll here. Pete dont stop. Where President Trump the state of the Union Message said america will never be a socialist country i stood up and cheered. Im right behind him on that one. I think most americans really are, too. Ed are they providing him an incredible opening. Absolutely. Ed for 2020 because they are going so far out left run more middle course. Can you really sell this to america . Massive taxation, revolution in energy . Pete i hope not. Im worried about the young people. They have never been taught about capitalism on their college campuses. Okay. But, young people are not going to decide this election. Middle america decides this coming election. And i dont think middle america. Ed they decided the last one. Its nonsense and dangerous and i dont think they will buy it. I hope and pray. Jedediah thanks for your passion. Pete varney and company 9 00 to noon. You came in on a saturday. Do you want to come in tomorrow . [laughter] i will be right here, pete. Pete you heard it okay, you get one day off. Jedediah we are going to turn now to headlines for you. New yorks new abortion law saves an accused murderer from an abortion charge in the deadly stabbing of his pregnant girlfriend. According to the New York Post, anthony hobsons Second Degree abortion charge is now dropped after Governor Andrew Cuomo removed abortion from the criminal code and instead classifies it as a Public Health law. Hobson is charged with murder accused of killing girlfriend and unborn child in their new york apartment. Cuomos office isnt commenting on the murder case. Amazon is thinking twice about investing billions in the big apple. The Online Retail giant now reconsidering plans to build a Second Headquarters in new york city, according to the the Washington Post. There are no reported plans to abandon the deal yet. But the company is facing a waive of opposition from local lawmakers, including alexandria ocasiocortez. A brother and sister sent to play outside are now credited with saving a life. The two kids alerting their mother to a neighbor pinned underneath a car after hearing his desperate cries in oklahoma. We were playing a game and we heard him yelling for help. They came running in, screaming and yelling the neighbor broke his arm, just complete total miracle. Jedediah mother says the only reason they were outside is because they were misbehaving and had their Electronics Taken away. The man is expected to make a full recovery. Remember nancy pelosi sarcastic applause during President Trumps state of the Union Address . Now she is clapping it up with hollywood elite at a starstudded gala in los angeles. The california democrat mocking the president with katy perry and orlando bloom. She previously said the clap was not meant to be sass car stick. Jedediah so typical though. Make fun of the president and go to a hollywood gala. Boring, predictable. And its out of touch and why you lose elections because people cant stand that stuff. Thats why trump won. Fact. Ed at least you can say that rick is never boring. Jedediah that is true. Rick guys, i wish i could take the camera right now. We have a battle going on between these kansas city [cheers] and our camera guy who is. Keith. Patriot. Patriot. Rick we have yeah. Its getting rough out here. Its all over. Lets talk some weather out there. It is cold out here and its really cold again across the far Northern Plains minus 34. Minus 13 in kansas city. There you go. Its a little bit better here in new york right now. 24. So you have got about 11 degrees better than your friends back home. A little bit of precipitation down across parts of the sought. Be careful on the roads this morning. Not going to be a major problem. We do have major problems across the pacific northwest. Big snow moving. In in fact, probably recordbreaking snow around the seattle area down towards portland throughout the week this is where the prescription is going to fall. Pretty much everybody getting in on the act. The big story to start all this precipitation in across the pacific northwest. Avalanche and blizzard warnings in effect. Yesterday over 6 inches in seattle itself and the snow continues to fall and its going to stay cold. The snow is not going anywhere very quickly. All right. Well, thank you for playing along. Guys, send it back to you inside. Thanks, rick, appreciate it. Pete the Washington Post now drawing attention to the high rate of veteran suicides at v. A. Facilities. So what changes need to be made to help our heroes . Joey jones lost his leg serving overseas. Why he says the v. A. Is still ill equipped to handle Mental Health coming up next. Pete a community thats the site of a massive fentanyl bust and it knows its a pathway for Illegal Drugs to get to the rest of the northeast. So why would blirn warren celebrate in that very town. Potentially an epic fail coming um. Jedediah another epic fail november 2018. What does this tell us about the importance of the v. A. Reform that the Trump Administration is working on that gives our veterans a choice in their care . Joining us now retired u. S. Bomb core particular admission who lost both his legs in a bomb blast in afghanistan, joey jones. Joey, i have a personal connection to this. I know you do as well. I hear people that we know who run up against the bureaucracy at the v. A. And unfortunately they take their own lives in the process talk to us about this. This is something that is near and dear to my heart. I carry 24 veterans on my list. 24 veterans that die in combat. Quite honestly it makes a lot of risk. I can deal with that its my best friend from back home. A guy i grew up with. His dad is a dessert storm vet his dad is a football coach. He came back home in 2008. Got addicted to painkillers and self medicate. And in 2012 with no other option he decided to take his own life. Thought that was only way to quit inflicting pain on his family. When you look back what we were going through. Myself, our other best friend keith and his family we were writing affidavits to have him put into detox fittings and doing everything we could and the v. A. Told him they didnt have any room or any funding for inpatient treatment and he knew that just going to narcotics anonymous wasnt enough and he decided to take his own life. Ive got a voice mail he left me five days before he took his own life and haunts me today. What it highlights is that the bureaucracy at the v. A. Is so frustrating and sometimes so adversarial that we feel like we dont have anywhere left to turn. Pete joey, on an ongoing basis i hear this story from folks helping vets to try to get access to the v. A. And they still dont inside that institutional bureaucracy there seems to be no connection to the urgency. What is it about choice the ability for a veteran to get private care that you think is an important part of this solution . Well, its actually quite simple. In the v. A. Facility, they dont have to compete for our business. They dont need to know our name our interest what we are up to, the big thing happening in our life. If we stop coming thats less work load. And they feel like we dont have anywhere else to go and for many of us we dont. The fact they dont have to compete for our business means they are not achieving a certain quality. They are achieving adequacy at best ore mediocrity at this. Not to beat up on everyone works at the v. A. And culture and how these Health Facilities were ran. I was just in atlanta two weeks ago. I spent two hours driving around the parking lot looking for someone to park to go in five minutes and pick up a prescription and i got nothing but attitude from the people working in the parking lot. But thats the norm. Thats not an exception. Thats just how it works. And so they are overran. And most the things we go to the v. A. For we could go to someone that lives in our community, knows what we are up to. We can talk to them about that one traffic light that always goes too fast and things like that or the church that we go to and we can actually have a personal connection with a person thats making Big Decisions for our welfare. Instead we go to something thats 30, 40, 50 miles away or to a local clinic thats well overran and have a doctor sit and look at a computer screen for 30 minutes asking me questions never made eye contact. It took me 18 months to meet my personal healthcare physician at the noonan v. A. Thats the norm. Those arent anomalies. Thats just what happens. Pete what a great case. You are smart enough to make decisions for yourself and if you feel like you would be treated better with people who know your name in your community, have you earned that choice. At least thats idea behind what President Trump is trying to do with veterans choice. Absolutely. Pete heres what the v. A. Said on this article on suicide. Suicide prevention remains the v. A. s highest clinical priority. One life lost to suicide is too many. Thats why the v. A. Is implementing a wide range of preventative activities to address many different risk factors. Joey, i know this is a priority. If you were to say one thing needs to change it today in the approach of the v. A. What would it be . It would be a voucher program. It would be to take all your pre9 11 veterans, leave them in the v. A. System. Take your post 9 11 veterans put them in a voucher and Insurance Company Style Program and slowly phase out the v. A. Thats what i would do. Pete thats not whats happening right now out Choice Program the administration is pursuing is an attempt to give veterans an actual choice which means you dont have to default to the failing bureaucracy. Joey jones, great insight. Thank you for your service. God bless your friend and so many who have unfortunately taken their lice. Joey, we are grateful to have you. Thank you, pete. Pete tough subject. More than 20,000 illegals apprehended at the border 200,000. What does that show about the need for Border Security. Plus, a teethwhitening kit for 80 i wasnt ready for that transition. Teeth whitening kit 80 off. We have mega morning deals just for you. Jedediah is trying them. You will too. More than half of employees across the country bring Financial Stress to work. If youre stressed out financially at home, youre going to be too worried to be able to do a good job. I want to be able to offer all of the benefits that keep them satisfied. 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Jedediah how much is that un81 off today. 21 bucks a good deal. Detective scale. Number one Doctor Office scale. Digital. Nice in bathroom. Extra wide one if you are a big foot and then we have a stainless steel, gives you everything you want to know. 66 off today. That is 24 bucks. And those typically go for about 70. With all the coffee we drink and whatnot. A little wine. This is 21 today. 81 off. You fill the tray with bleaching jail. Technology softens the whitening. 10 minutes a day. Not even every day you will see the results. Mineral makeup. Supernatural, 75 off today. These typically go for 65. 16 bucks. This is London Fashion weeks official makeup. Won Natural Beauty awards especially for the foundation. Tons of products to choose from. Eyes to face to lips. Ed you get all of this. You get to choose when you go on the site. You will seat options and these golf shirts are sold in all the top golf resorts and nordstrom. 79 off. Weather proof. Sweaters, jackets, again, log on to friends foxnews. Com. You will look for the mega morning deals icon and thats where you will find all these options. Things sell out quick. So you guys want to get shopping and clicking. Awesome deals today. Wouldnt you say . Ed i think. So to go from 149 bucks to 29. 99. Pretty amazing. Thats why we call it mega. Jedediah people who care about Natural Beauty products this is the deal right here. Ed thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me. Ed political chaos continues in virginia. Ththe Lieutenant Governor faces impeachment as he denies assault Sexual Assault allegations. Jedediah farmer is here to respond next hour. Nd p3 snacks. The more interesting way to get your protein. ready to juvederm it . Correct agerelated volume loss in cheeks with Juvederm Voluma xc, add fullness to lips with juvederm ultra xc and smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvederm xc. 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Proven, quality sleep. Pete this whole mess in virginia the top three democrats embroiled in scandal. Ed Justin Fairfax second accuser alleging he raped her back in 2000. Democrats set an impossible standard whether its Sexual Assault allegations or blackface is automatically assumed to be racism. Pete democrats seemingly on their ow witch hunt. Who are you where did you come from you wouldnt oversee a witchhunt, would you. Chairman i see your time is up. Congress have a brand new plan to destroy our economy. Its called the Green New Deal. Our planet is imperil. We need to be bold. Its too expensive. Its all of this. If we used to govern our dreams that way we would have never gone to the moon. Richest man i on the world accusing National Enquirer blackmail and extortion. Who is this story more embarrassing for jeff bezos or the National Enquirer. The world keeps spinning around and arnold. Around. Ed im sense ago theme now bob joseph. Joseph. Pete jed loves this town. Jedediah i do. Pete National Pizza day claims this town has the best pizza. This is what america knows. America knows that pizza hut has the best pizza. Ed looking for a new pitch man. Give him a call. Pete hegseth. Com. Pete do you know whats great about pizza hut even on day cold when its cold still good. Jedediah two texts from my italian mom at home have words with him. Pete every small town has a pizza hut. Friday night after the game you go. Ed we are not pizza hut haters we are from new york. Jedediah people come to new york just to eat the pizza. Pete they come to new york for the empire state building. Jedediah you wont give in. Ed he wont give in. Pete go eat pizza today. Greagreat day. Reason to celebrate. Im supposed to read this tease but you should. Ed we begin with the political chaos not just dealing with pete but virginia. The states Lieutenant Governor facing threats of impeachment. Jedediah democrat lawmaker in the state given Justin Fairfax a second you will may tim amid a second Sexual Assault accusations. Pete david has the latest. A week ago it appeared it was Governor Northam going to step down following racist yearbook photo. Second woman come forward accusing the Lieutenant Governor of Sexual Assault. The law firm representing Meredith Watson says quote mr. Fairfaxs attack was premeditated and aggressive, end quote. In that quote ms. Watson shared the accounts of rain with friends in series of emails and Text Messages. We have statements from former democrats mates corroborating that ms. Watson immediately told friends that mr. Fairfax had raped her. The Lieutenant Governor says i deny this latest unsubstantiated allegation. It is demonstrably false. I have never forced myself on anyone, ever. I demand a full investigation into these unsubstantiated and false allegations. If fairfax doesnt voluntarily leave, a virginia delegate plans to impeach him. I believe these women. He needs to resign immediately. Should the Lieutenant Governor fail to do so, on monday, i intend to introduce arlsz of articles of impeachment. More to the story the states attorney general mark herring thought to take the governors spot if northam and fairfax resign also admitted to posing in blackface in a school year boob book. So far he says is he staying foot. Governor northam is staying in his position sent internal email to Government Employees yesterday apologizing for causing a distraction from their work. Pete david, thank you. Appreciate it. Democrats are trying to have it both ways trying to say resign publicly to virtue signal they are good people privately in back channels Governor Northam dont go anywhere. Ed some of them are. They are worried a republican is in line to potentially become governor if all three of the top elected officials have to step down or are impeached. Jedediah this is where the principled people are initially can kavanaugh like me were saying due process. Now the same thing is going around and we are saying investigate it due process, due process, particularly when it comes to fairfax. Now you see who are the partisan hacks. Who are the people who are agendadriven and who are the people actually protecting the due process in the country. We spoke to charlie kirk in the last hour talking about in virginia how do voters feel about whether these leaders should resign. He hit the streets yesterday before the second accusation against fairfax. And check out what people had to say. That the governor should resign. Yes. I guess, yeah. A lot of people have been fired for less. I understand the call for the resignation of the governor. I dont think he should resign yet. He should not resign. No, i dont think so. Neither one of them. The Lieutenant Governor is under accusations, too. Yeah. The accusations if him are true he should resign as well. I feel like he should resign. Same with Justin Fairfax there should be a zero tolerance policy like in virginia, honestly. A lot of the voters of virginia are still in kind of a state of shell shock they are stunned with all of these accusations that are been lining up one after the other. There was one common theme though. There were many of the voters were agreeing that we should not have a rush to judgment, but there is definitely a consensus that each one of these Office Holders have done something wrong, something i agree with. But they had differences of whether they should resign or not, which ones should resign. Pete pretty easy to be confused right now if you are a voter in virginia. Who is telling the truth. Who goes . Who stays . Its a mess. Pete ed i spoke to david bossie. He says he doesnt want any of them to resign even though a republican could take over. Leaf all these democrats in power. Let them all be confused. You have big state races. Legislative races in virginia in 2019 that will set the table yes for 2020 where President Trump lost virginia but its been a swing state. Carried by obama twice. Hillary clinton once. Maybe it could be up for grabs in 2020 if this chaos on the democratic side continues. Sacred jed these are two very different issues not to conflate them when you are dealing with Sexual Assault and issues of blackface. We spoke to david webb as well about this. There is lot of nuances in this. We are going to find uncovered photos from years ago are going to surface and have to have a plan as a nation how do you deal with this . How do you deal with old yearbook photos and people at one time dressed up in Halloween Costumes that maybe werent offensive back then or maybe were offensive but now are highly, highly offensive and deemed racist by many. Pete yes. Jedediah do those people resign. Thats where the media has a responsibility to be responsible. The problem is in the trump era the rest of the media in this town have lost their mind. And so they go they jump on any little nugget if it serves their agenda. Ed you want to talk about a crazy story and extreme policy on the left. This is policy in action. A story you are probably not going it hear in a lot of other Mainstream Media outlets. A story that was outrageous at the beginning, horrifying, boyfriend of a woman who was five months pregnant killed her. She was a new york City Real Estate agent happened here in queens accused. Charged with murder that was horrifying enough. The tabloids have been covering it blood soaked scene. Now all of a sudden this morning we wake up to find out that this accused killer has now been spared a second charge of abortion because she was five months pregnant because of this new york law pushed by the democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law which basically takes abortion out of the criminal code here and turns it into a quote, unquote, Public Health law. So this is a real life consequence where now this accused killer is facing one less criminal charge because of what andrew cuomo did. Pete its the logical extent of the left. I do humanization of the fetus and the baby in the womb. If you believe it could be aborted all the way up until birth which is the implications hearing around the country. Steve offer after birth according to ralph northam. Absolutely right. Why would you charge someone with murder or abortion of that baby when that happens. Ed they dont consider it a baby. Pete thats contradiction in Public Policy that the left has hated for a long time. If you acknowledge its a double murder or murder and abortion you are acknowledging thats a life inside the womb of that mother. When you dehumanize it their position becomes con sis at any time that babe is not alive until we say so. Jedediah the story also reminds you how this whole controversy in virginia started. Its easy to get caught up now. We are talking about blackface and talking about Sexual Assault charges. Very serious stuff. It was very serious already when you had him coming out and talking about lateterm abortion and abortion after birth in such an outrageous way defending it in such a way people should be outraged. Im upset it took a photo from a High School Yearbook to illicit that type of outrage a medical school yearbook. This guy was talking post delivery whether that baby was going to be helped to sustained that should have been reason enough for people across the country and political spectrum. What kind of Democratic Party too we have that wasnt outraged at that. Pete abortion will be a big issue going forward. Interesting how these issues pop back up. Abortion is a big issue. You saw the Green New Deal this week socialism will be a huge issue. But, of course, at the border will continue to be a big one, too. Ed absolutely. This is a serious issue. You go back to what the president was framing in the state of the union this week. His idea. This is his political view that the democrats have gone extreme on a range issues from abortion we were just talking about high taxes as high as 70, 80, 90 for the rich and the idea that democrats have been saying its a manufactured crisis on the border. Well, guess what . The new numbers are in. Apprehensions at the border from october of last year through january of this year 201,000 or so. Thats up 85 over the previous few months. The idea is the president has been talking about oh, there is this flooding at the border. Democrats say a thats not true and b, its a manufactured crisis. Now the numbers come in and you say well, maybe its actually real. And oh, by the way, this coming friday we have another deadline of some of the government agencies, the funding shutting down over this border situation. So will there be a funding deal or not . Pete up 85 over this time last year. Still no wall. Caravans coming. Still battling about it. Maybe increased scrutiny and troops at the border. Helping the Border Patrol so they are apprehending more people. These stats can cut both ways it does show that ultimately the demand is still there the threat is still there. And if we dont take it seriously it will continue to develop. Jedediah President Trump has taken it seriously and so has Vice President mike pence he has been out there front and center as of late talking about this issue saying we will not rest until the border is secure with personnel and barriers. Take a listen. Were going to continue to work to secure our border, north, south, east and west. When it comes to our southern border, as the negotiations continue, we will not rest, we will not relent until our customs and Border Protection have the technology, the personnel, and the barriers required to secure our border. Were going to build that wall one way or another. I promise you. Ed there are reports that maybe there will be a deal as early as this weekend on Border Security funding. We have heard that before. Pete that will be a deal that will be highly scrutinized by reporters of the president and conservatives. Now in the minds of many, not the time to cave or give. In. Jedediah glad to seat Vice President backing up the president on this issue. He is important messenger for the cause. Turn now for headlines for you. Idaho nurse pleading guilty to moving a missing colorado moms cell phone to throw off police. Agreeing to testify against Kelsey Berreths fiance. Patrick frazee is accused in the murder. Unclear how the two met. Berreth last seen thanksgiving morning. Her body is yet to be found. We are going to turn now to some extreme weather for you. A [inaudible] wreaking havoc in the northwest overnight. The governor in washington declaring a state of emergency. Seettled is expected to get hit with the heaviest snow fall in two years. Some are expecting up to 8 inches with wind gusts of 45 miles per hour, hundreds of flights are cancelled and delayed in seattle and portland. Firefighters left in tears after an alabama veterans house burned down. You wont believe why. The firemen actually came out with tears in his eyes and he said you are not going to believe this. You have got to come see it for yourself. Jedediah his grandfathers bible barely touched as everything around it was burned to ashes. Since then donations have flooded in to help the vet and his family. Pete incredible story. Very cool. Ed possible 2020 Democratic Candidates calling for the Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax to resign. Is he facing a second Sexual Assault allegation. Are they rushing to judgment . Charlie hurt is here to react next. Pete a love for country and a passion for pickup trucks. A fallen marines wish for his son on his 16th birthday came true thanks to the generosity of a lot of people. The amazing story coming up. I roll every window down and i burn up every back road to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. I cant say its the highlight wodadof fatherhood. H. But id rather be here with my little man than not be here because of migraine. I have three words for migraine. I am here. Aimovig, a preventive treatment for migraine in adults, reduces the number of monthly migraine days. 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You have got a guy here who has led an exemplary life and has achieved a pretty good honor in being elected to be Lieutenant Governor. And he hotly refutes these accusations. And obviously, you know, we ought to sit and listen to what the accusations are, listen to his defense. But theres no time for that among these democrats. And, of course, they are in a real problem here. Because if they dont convince him to quit on his own, virginias impeachment rules are pretty clear about the importance of they focus on things that happen in office. And neither of these things happened anywhere in office. And so its going to be very hard for them to force him out if they dont simply convince him to quit. Jedediah charlie, even though they have rushed to judgment in both cases obviously have no respect for due process, dont you think there is a distinction though in how they reacted to both . When it was kavanaugh he was immediately declared guilty. There was a Massive Public hearing there was an effort to completely discredit him forever as a human being. Here, what i see is yes, calls to resign before they have all the facts. It ends there the public humiliation. All of that stuff they havent brought into the equation this time around, it seems. Yeah. The kavanaugh situation certainly was, i would say, the lowest point i have ever witnessed in my time covering politics in washington. It was absolutely disgraceful. And you are right. It really was sort of a mob of sorts that went after him. And there was nothing he could say and there was no evidence that could be produced that would that would placate anybody. But, it is still, you know, there should still be some sort of due process. There ought to be some hearing of the facts, hearing and the real problem for, you know, even if fairfax does resign, if he quits, if he steps down, you are still going to have all these pictures lying around of northam in blackface and i assume that the same will emerge with herring at some point. Those things will stick around for a long time. And i think it will make a lot of voter later wonder well, gee, who paid the price here . What happened there . Ed charlie, we have less than a minute, there is something i cant let pass, dick durbin the number two in the senate the other day was asked about this. Leaders in both parties when Something Like this happens try to duck it. He said something to the effect of im not from virginia. Its a local issue. Ed its a local issue. Brett kavanaugh last i checked he is not from illinois and dick durbins state but he had a lot to say about that. No. Its great point and also, yeah, the hypocrisy is just absolutely astonishing. Especially and as we get closer and closer to the 2020 election its going to only get worse. Ed yeah, indeed. Charlie, appreciate you coming in. Jedediah thanks, charlie. Thank you guys. Jedediah a love for country and passion for pickup truck. A wish for fallen marines wish came true. Generosity of a lot of people. Story is coming up. I will stand by you i will help you through you can do its time for the ultimate sleep number event on the sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 24month financing on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Natural healthy looking teeth are white. Natural enamel, dentin, which is that second layer of the tooth is yellow. Consumption of very acidic foods can wear away your enamel. Once they start wearing down, your tooth is going to look yellower, more dull. I recommend pronamel toothpaste because it helps protect and strengthen your enamel. Its going to make them more resistant to the acid erosion so that your teeth are not bothering you and you feel good about your smile. Its pro enamel. Its good for your enamel. Its a positive thing. I found a companyeans to who believes in me. Rt. They look out for me. And they help me grow my career. At comcast its my job to constantly monitor our network, prevent problems, and to help provide the most Reliable Service possible. My name is tanya, i work at the Network Operations center for comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Pete this is a very cool segment im honored to be a part of. Sergeant nick walsh loved serving his country and loved his wife julie and two sons and loved his bronco truck. In fact he planned to pass his truck on to his sons when they turned 16 he never got the chance. The 26yearold marine was shot and killed in iraq in 2007. It was his second deployment. Almost 12 years later the truck needed a lot of work so julie told her boys a little fib. A little white lie that she had sold it but really, thanks to some very generous donations the beloved truck was restored and 16yearold tristan got the birthday surprise his dad always wanted. Watch. Your dad is not here a little piece of him back. [cheers and applause] got me tearing up here. Joining us now are mom, julie walsh and sons tristan and tanner walsh. Julie, thank you so much for being here. Tristan, tanner, thank you so much as well. God bless your father and your husband nick walsh, marine sergeant. We are so grateful for his service and sacrifice. Julie, you know, whether a a powerful story. Was it difficult to mislead your son and tell him the truck was sold while holding out while getting it fixed . It was super difficult. I mean, the minute i told him, i mean, they came and towed it that morning and the minute he got home school he went out and said why where is my dads bronco . And i said you know, i ended up having to sell it. It was going to cost too much to have it fixed and i mean, just the look on his face he was if looks could kill and i have said that before. It was insane. He was not happy with me. Pete julie, first, tell us a little bit about your husband. There is so much to say and such a short time. Its just the most sweetest, caring person. I just you can possibly imagine. I mean, you could get you to smile and get you out of your head if you were having a bad day. Just an amazing man. Pete i believe you. Knowing men like him who i had the privilege of serving with. They are the best our country has to offer. Tristan, what was it like to see that car come rolling out when you thought your mom had sold it . It was amazing. I was just so surprised. I was just really happy that my mom did not sell the bronco after all. I was just really happy. Pete i believe that tanner, you are 12. You are not allowed to drive yet. Some day you will. This truck is for you, also. Were you just as surprised . What did that feel like, buddy . I felt really excited to see that the truck was back in good shape after it was just collecting dust inside the garage. Pete i have a feeling it wont be collecting dust for long. You two look like troublemakers if i have ever seen a couple myself. I a couple little boys. They would probably do the same thing. Tristan, your father is a hero. I hope you grow up, tristan and tanner you grow up understanding our nation is beyond grateful for men like him and what they have done. You know, when you step into that truck and you turn that ignition, what are you going to be thinking about . Just thinking about him every time he felt whenever he was starting the truck and like just real excited and happy. Pete that is how you should feel. There was a special message, a video message that some of nicks marine buddies sent to tristan and tanner when that car when that bronco was revealed. We will play it for everybody. Watch. I served with your dad first recon. Your dads memory lives on with all of us. I know he is proud of you guys. I remember driving around in that bronco with your dad. Its a lot of responsibility so no texting and driving. You drive and just know he is looking at you. And he will always love you. All right . Remember your dad each time you drive it god bless semper fi. You have a whole family of recon guys around you that you can reach out to if you ever need anything. Pete julie, what a special message. Oh my gosh. These guys are just so amazing. I mean, they have always checked in on us during every holiday, if they think i have ever its like they can almost sense if we need something that they are sending me a text or an email just to say hi and check in on us and i mean they are all just amazing men that i mean i hope that the boys are able to when we take our road trip some time this summer or next summer they can actually start putting a face to the name of the stories that i am able to tell them. They are just incredible. Pete absolutely. Pete tristan and tanner. Tanner, make sure tristan teaches you how to drive, will you, bud . [laughter] pete is he like maybe. I dont know. I dont think he is going to have any problem with that. Pete i bet you are right. Tristan, have you taken it out yet already . Yeah, we have taken it out a few times. Quite a lot, actually. Pete good for you. The first night we. Pete go, please. Sorry, i was going to say first night we got it home their dads recon buddies were like oh my god, tristan. They all piled in the truck together and they were ready to go mudding in it and i was like whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute we just got this fixed up. Pete boys will be boys, julie. Be prepared for that. Thats probably in your future. As a mom you are like it just got fixed lets keep it looking nice for at least a month. Pete julie, tristan and tanner walsh, god bless you all thank you for the supervisors of your husband and father nick walsh. Thank you. Pete he is not forgotten those men remember what he did and we do too. That truck is a testament to his life and legacy. Thank you for joining us on fox friends. More fox friends just moments away. More than half of employees across the country bring Financial Stress to work. If youre stressed out financially at home, youre going to be too worried to be able to do a good job. I want to be able to offer all of the benefits that keep them satisfied. It is the people that is really the only asset that you have. Put your employees on a path to Financial Wellness with prudential. Bring your challenges. The cold and flu fightings. Machine. You put in your machine. Press the button to brew up powerful relief. To defeat your toughest cold and flu symptoms fast. New theraflu powerpods. Press. Sip. Relief. A new sensation. Ed he is not really a new sensation because we have him on the program a lot. Pete we have him on the couch. Ed not really new. I didnt mean you are old or anything. Pete comedian and founder of the loftus party. Deplorables show. Com. Yeah, buddy. We are having a blast. Pete you and terrence k. Williams a guy i love. Hilarious. Yeah, me terrence k. Williams the deplorable choir. Brian hayner. Fantastic guitar act. We are in albany on friday and then we go to cleveland and then on to nashville and points all over. Pete its a conservative comedy tour. Yeah. But with music. We are roasting the left. Its so great. Jedediah roasting the left. I love it. We are. There is so much material there by the end of the broadcast they will announce the janitor in virginia is now. Its my turn. He drops the mop. Ed drops the mop instead of the mic. New material, old material Elizabeth Warren the gift that keeps on giving she is announcing officially today. Now doing truth thing. Thats her new tactic. Im not going to lie. Im not really a cherokee. Its all out in the open. And now go to the towns and announce her presidency this is what you will get with my policy. See that . Thats where people used to work now they are unemployed. Thats ms13. That will that will all be welfare stuff over there. Jedediah isnt it crazy though that thee launched in lawrence, massachusetts which is the home october 2018 they had a massive fentanyl bust, sanctuary city. Immigration front and center dont you think she would have done research first. Like that fentanyl bust was huge that could have killed half the people in the state but if she is like if im president i will kill everyone in the state. [laughter] we will increase this three fold. Pete its a window into their thinking. The idea of illegal immigration and the crisis on the border isnt even a thought. You cant even. Jedediah thats true. Pete she is not even thinking about that. The thing at the border and everyone, its crazy when people are like walls are immoral. I just dont get that walls are immoral when, literally in virginia they are talking about killing babies. Its like lets just have a morality check. You know . Last time i checked walls are good. Keeping up this building, ceilings are awesome. Wheelsz work. I like my babies alive. Ed the kavanaugh situation has come back to bite them a bit. Hasnt it. Oh, yeah. Its fantastic. My mom used to say when you point the finger there you have three pointing back at you. Watch it, democrats. Jedediah what do you think of this crazy political theater with whitaker and democrats losing their mind . I feel like he handled it so well. Take a listen and i want your response. Yeah, yeah. You wouldnt oversee a wirches, would you . If you want a time this is my time. How the heck did you become the head of the department of justice . Have you ever been asked to approve any request or action to be taken by the special counsel . Mr. Chairman, i see that your five minutes is up and so. [laughter] i am here voluntarily. Jedediah i feel like whitaker was their Worst Nightmare though right the way he responded . I think he had the patience of job. And if he wasnt bald before they would have all just flown out. The whole thing was a democratic like they are shooting their commercials i need one of me being heroic, you will answer the question. Is he like yeah, whatever. How many more days does he have on the job . Pete five. Like, right what is he going to do . Asking the substitute teacher whats going to be on the final . Do they think they are going to bust him right before he hits the door . You know what . Now i will tell the truth. I was almost out of here but you got me. You got me. Pete how about this whole thing of like who are you . Im this important congressman who are you . How did you get that job . You are from iowa. Like thats the mindset. It is. They are just trying to get under his skin and they are not going to do it. He looks like the thing from the fantastic four. Flight whitaker does like before he turns into the rock man. Yeah. He is unflappable. They are not going to start on that guy. Ed before you go to all bean on long island. I did two shows last night at a club called governors a young man by the name of Brian Kilmeade came out. Is he a good dude. He used to do comedy back in the day. Pete im looking for tapes of Brian Kilmeade doing comedy. We will find them. Ed deplorable tour. Albany, cleveland, nashville. All points over. Deplorable show. Com. Pete come by more often. I would love to. Jedediah we will turn now to headlines for you. Democrats block a third attempt to protect newborns who survive abortions. Prolife republicans tried passing the measure. It would punish doctors who refuse care for babies born alive after an attempted abortion. G. O. P. Leaders say they will force a floor vote if democrats continue to reject the legislation. Former Fleetwood Mack guitarist lindsey suffers vocal cord damage after emergency open heart surgery. Wife treating this photo while it sun clear if the damage is permanent. We are hopeful it is not. He looks forward to recovery and putting this behind him. Buckingham performances are postponed until he makes a full recovery. Your heart felt messages have been pouring in for our dear friend bob massi, the property man host passed away this week after a battle with cancer. Many of you want to know how to send condolences. Bobs family has asked that you donate in his name to two organizations that were very close to his heart. You can give to building homes for heroes. Or the nevada Childhood Cancer foundation. We posted information for how to donate on foxandfriends. Com. Bob was 67 years old. And those are your headlines. Ed we deeply miss him already. Pete bob massi was a good man. Ed absolutely. Jedediah absolutely. He was. Ed go outside and take a look at the weather. Rick huge snow across the pacific northwest. Take a look at the maps and show you whats going on. You dont get this kind of snow in the west all that often. Blizzard warnings in effect across the Higher Elevations in towards the cascades and avalanche. Watch for avalanches as well. All that pink that is winter storm warnings. Probably two to three feet of snow. I ran out here, guys. Im out of breath. Thats what happens when you run all the way through the building. Big snow. We are going to watch that move off towards the east throughout some of this week and we will see that across the far Northern Plains. Rain down across parts of Southern California as well. And this morning we are going to have a little bit of freezing rain especially across parts of louisiana. Watch maybe if i are going across i20 there. All right. Here is the cold air as well. The cold settling again in across much of the lower 48 except down towards florida. 78 degrees today in miami today getting 77. All right, guys. [laughter] ed did somebody forget he had a live shot coming up. Pete rick, got to get you on the treadmill there, brother. Rick its not totally my fault. They moved my h to sprint across the building and try to talk. Pete you did the best you could. You did well, rick. Rick you are totally right about the treadmill. [laughter] pete nicely done, brother. Ed facebook paying teenagers to access their data. Can parents do anything to stop it. Kurt the cyberguy on that. An important story for your family straight ahead. Pete plus the socialist from the bronx who is actually from west chester has ideas in her Green New Deal from banning airplanes to meat. Ed thats where pete draws the line you cant ban meat. Pete we take you to missouri a farmer in front of cows no point of getting rid of cows because sometimes you know. Ed other side of the cows coming up. Uhoh guess what day it is . Guess what day it is huh. Anybody . Julie hey. Guess what day it is . Ah come on, i know you can hear me. Mike Mike Mike Mike mike. What day is it mike . Ha ha ha ha leslie, guess what today is . Its hump day. Whoot whoot ronny, how happy are folks who save hundred of dollars switching to geico . Id say happier than a camel on wednesday. Hump day get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Pete welcome back. Some far left democrats have a serious problem with americas cows. The concerns highlighted in the socalled progressive Green New Deal rolled out this week. Jed jet the lawmakers explaining in relation to greenhouse gas,s quote we set a goal to get to net zero rather than zero emissions in 10 years because we are not sure we will be able to fully get rid of emissions from cows and airplanes that fast. Pete get rid of cows. We have a farmer here to respond. He is not just a farmer though. John anderson is the general farm manager and associate professor of agriculture at the college of the ozarks. Professor, john, thank you so much for being here. I have been to that very barn at the college of oat zarkozarks students work hard so they dont have student debt and they take care of though cows. Now cows are the bad guy, professor, are they . Of course cows are not the bad guy. We love our cows. Do cows occasionally emit methane . They do. But cows fill a really important ecological niche for us and important part of our Food Production system and important part of our ago economy. We dont want to throw the baby out with the bath water on that. Jedediah im wondering. What about advocates who say you dont want, maybe we need to address this because they are contributing in large part to greenhouse gases. Is there a way to temperate it to give them a supplement or probiotic. I know pete thinks im being funny is there a way to make it better . Is that something we should be looking into . There are a lot of people looking into that. There is a lot of Research Going on to look at ways to reduce the methane emission from cows. You have to understand this is a normal part of a cows digestive system. This is what makes cows so valuable that they can eat things other animals cant eat and be productive. We should look for ways to minimize the impact that they have and we do that we have been doing that for generations and we have made tremendous progress. I have no doubt we will continue to make tremendous progress in that. Pete okay. But americans like milk and we like cheese and we like all the other things that come from cows. Jedediah we like the cows themselves. Pete cows are fine too by products are the most important part. What is the mindset that someone would write on a piece of paper airplanes and cows if we can get rid of that whole thing in 10 years, where comes that kind of delusion . It is a pretty far fetched idea. I dont think there is any doubt about that. I think the its a case of misplaced priorities, i think. We are prioritizing a particular view of what makes sense environmentally. And i think thats debatable over the needs of our fellow people. Jedediah isnt it part of you think its part of the larger green movement. Many people want to reduce our meat consumption. Reduce our dairy consumption and turned us other to a plant based diet. Is there a larger agenda in terms of trying to get people to not want to eat meat and not contribute to this and kind of persuade their behavior with documents like this . Well, i think thats a big part of the concern. I think the concern that most conservatives have about Climate Change is that it has become a much broader political agenda. Look we are all in favor of good stewardship. We are all in favor of taking care ever the environment. We are all in favor of adequately feeding our population. But, Climate Change has become kind of the condensed symbol of lots and lots of things that go way beyond that. And were very concerned about that. And, yeah, i think thats where that mindset comes from. Lets get back to a focus on priorities. Pete john, how are you able to breathe with all that flatulent methane in that building . [laughter] you know, its it smells like roses in here as far as im concerned. Jedediah awe. Pete john, we love it i love the college of the ozark. [cows mooing] pete they are sounding off as well for us. A Great Institution helping to raise the next generation. College of the ozarks. John anderson thank you very much for your time and feed those cows. Appreciate you having us. We will do it. Pete good stuff. All right. From that to isis. An update on the fight against isis. Dying right now. Im not apologetic to something i believe in. If i believe in something, why should i leave . For what . Pete hall joins us with more of that powerful interview with a captured isis commander. He was just there in syria as well. Next hour. Jedediah facebook reportedly paying teenagers to access their data. Compared to anything to stop it . Kurt the cyberguy is here to tell us. When i was younger so much younger than today i never needed anybodys help ed senators demanding answers from facebook and other tech giants after new reports revealing the site was paying teens as young as 13 for almost unlimited access to their smart phones. Pete here to explain kurt the cyberguy. Okay, kurt. Break this down. When mommy or daddy can ask this question in the morning like how are my kids data being harvested. How are my kids being harvested . That shouldnt be a question in our families. In our lives at all. But famil facebook doesnt care about that. New thing happening at facebook which comes from a very old thing that they did. So, kids were were paid 20. These are teens to download a particular facebook app. , different than the regular app. And it would reveal everything going on on your childs device from point a to point b and facebook got to see that. Pete not just facebook but the whole thing . The whole thing. Ed if you are 13 how can you sign off on consent and allow them to do that. Thats a good question. That might be why senators are asking this question right now and they should. Will that really go anywhere . Thats a whole other story. When you put millions of dollars into the swamp up in washington, and you are a tech company, they are still going to win. Zuckerberg will still get away with a all. Let me tell you why they did this. Way back when in 2010 a smart Israeli Company got started that create you had what is called a vpn tool a virtual private network. What does that mean . It secures you and protects your information from point a to point b. Facebook buys that company. They employ that technology and start selling it on their platform and then they turn it into not a protection mechanism but a spy mechanism just like they are with the kids. At some point august 2018 apple figured this out and said cut that out. Get it out of here. And they withdrew it from the apple store. Jedediah facebook is saying very clear to people this is opt in. To their credit thats true. Jedediah a lot of times what facebook does the criticism has been that its not pete kids will do a lot of things for 20 bucks. Ed they are saying they will be more careful with peoples data. We heard that before. Do they care . Their earnings are through the roof. They dont care. Earlier last week apple and facebook just went to war. They went to war because essentially facebook revived this tool and started using it on a part of apples platform that they borrow to experiment with apps. And started selling to teens again and they shut they have stopped facebook all together. Jedediah got to learn. Ed got to keep exposing this stuff. Pete great to see you. Political chaos in West Virginia as the Lieutenant Governor is now facing threats of impeachment. Should he . We will ask that question. Ed democrats and democrats like Bernie Sanders pushing big minimum wage. What does that mean to you . We will talk to a Subway Restaurant owner. This is not a bed. Its a revolution in sleep. The sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during the ultimate sleep number event. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to hit the ground running. Only at a sleep number store. Save 50 on the sleep number 360 limited Edition Smart bed. Plus, 24month financing on all smart beds. Only for a limited time. Sleep number. Proven, quality sleep. This whole mess in virginia right now the top three democrats in broiled and scandal. There is now a second accuser that he raped her back in college. A lot of the voters of virginia are in a state of shell shock. Democrats set an impossible standard. Its automatically assumed to be racism. Democrats seemingly on their own. Who are you, where did you come from. I see that your five minutes is up. This is just a show. Another way to undermine President Trump. It was really disgusting. I think its unamerican and that might sound strange coming from a guy with a british accent. [music] i think that was my first concert, bon jovi. I took my kids to a vintage store a few months back. Theyre worth like hundreds of dollars. People will pay for the most ridiculous things. He speaks truth to power. The opening video was fantastic. I feel like im on vh1. For conservatives this was the best week ever. The state of the Union Address where Union Address where the president absolutely nailed it and set the terms. Then you have the Green New Deal the worst political document i have ever seen and then you have the democrats imploding and thats unfortunate. You dont want to cheer for people to fail. And then you have Matt Whitaker the acting ag. Just punching him in the mouth. The chaos in virginia continues. It has really become a crisis. Near the top at three democratic officials. The two on the left wrapped up in black face controversy scandal. Now has a second user. The first one had suggested an alleged Sexual Assault in 2004. The second one now saying at Duke University she was raped. He is in deep trouble this morning. Fairfax is Standing Firm on this denial. Ive never forced myself on anyone ever. I demand a full investigation. He is Standing Firm on that and he wants the due process. For that i do not blame him. Everyone deserves the right to have their case heard and get their due process. See mic even if they are of the other Political Party hearing them out investigating it the court of Public Opinion is not where you should be tried but they are in a box of their own making. You must believe all women now we had people who work following closely and quite credibly. In addition to the number one in the number three the governor and the attorney general with their own black faced scandal. Of course they have it though. If you read the Washington Post they are publicly tweeting that he should leave. Are they standing on principle or politics. It might be the latter. The next person in line to be a governor as a republican. Thats why theyre kind of showing one core card maybe shouldnt all step down. There is one democrat who is standing up. Patrick cope from Northern Virginia. If the Lieutenant Governor does not reside in the next couple of days he will move to impeach him watch. Is the father of three young girls i cannot stand by silently while the Lieutenant Governor is facing multiple credible allegations of Sexual Assault. I believe these women should the Lieutenant Governor to do so on monday i intend to introduce articles of impeachment. The problem with this impeachment is the impeachment provisions are all about conduct in office so even if these assault allegations are true it happened before he was Lieutenant Governor impeachment is probably not the route that is going to work. So many 2020 Democratic Candidates already calling for fairfax to resign. So many of the democrats are calling for him to resign. They wanted to tear him down and ruin his career. Trump obviously had put him in there. There was a grand scheme that was going on. No respect for the due process and either case. Before these cases are even hard. Its super easy to tweet. He would resign they would want the same benefit of doubt. Yet theyre all a socialist. You look at these guys there either of devout democratic socialist. It is a socialist takeover of our country. When the president said in a state of the union Union America well never be a socialist country thats as powerful as a line in a preview of what the political stand would applaud. She was very nervous at that moment. I dont know about democrats who are are arguing for these policies. The big picture here is democrats are stuck in a box of their own making from the cavanaugh situation as we suggested. They are defending in a way the Lieutenant Governor. , fairfax says give him a chance to defend himself. Watch this. Of course they are rushing to judgment. Was led an exemplary life. In being elected to Lieutenant Governor. He refutes these accusations. And obviously we ought to sit and listen to what the accusations are. There is no time for that among the democrats. When allegations first surfaced. He is a democrat. He served this country. He was elected governor in his own right. You were here on the couch saying that. Give him a chance to tell his side of the story. I do believe on the right side of the ledger there are still principles. The rule of law and equal Justice Matters in the mob doesnt get to decide. There was sort of such a moral upfront. Not by hollywood or the media it was just really insane. It was great tv. He tried to go after Matt Whitaker on the treatment of the molar probe. It led to a lot of fire works. You would stop a witch hunt what you . You can spin it all you want. If you want time of your own. This is my time. How the heck did you become of the department of justice. Have you ever been asked to approve any asks i see that your five minutes is up im here voluntarily. That was a nasty clap right there. He was there voluntarily. He said i didnt interfere in the molar investigation. I did speak about any of the details. They want all of these grand standing tangents. It plays into the cavanaugh deal too. He is going to undermine mueller. He hasnt done that. He certainly hasnt shut it down. What are you talking about. They dont like him because he is a trump supporter. About the scope and size of it. He has been a supporter of this president. You cant be the District Attorney from the Southern District of iowa. Theres just this dripping condensation in the question is with these investigations into what and to what and some people are feeling. The original sin of this investigation is that it wasnt a criminal investigation to start with. It wasnt triggered by solid evidence of the crime. Its all over the place. I think the president wisely in my view is going to try to set up the situation where it is on his side here i am trying to do the business of the country and we have all of these important things to do and they look like they are stirring around looking under every rock for something. Real investigators have been looking for something. So far they have not got anything. This is a big week for the president. Another thing we learned about he was previously seen as a non partisan panel again, it has been seen as a very nonpartisan committee. With all of this the president s Approval Rating is going up. They are looking at actual issues. It is time for you to read headlines. Im going to eat pizza hut anyway. He is just getting excited about all of those. They are lining up to praise that Green New Deal. From out right socialism. Who is really pulling the strings for this democrats. Its not the platform of the Democratic Party he grew up with. He joins us next. Nancy pelosi state of the Union Address. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. They go back on the green deal and its to crack expensive. If we use it to govern our dreams that way. We would never get anywhere. Cory booker facing the green new exciting. Managing provider. Incorporation you so much for joining us. I laughed hysterically. They wanted Economic Security for those who are unable or unwilling to work. How do you think this will be received by the public. In essence. Very carefully. Only be decided by certain communities of workers. It is not a serious proposal for a planet. Its really unfortunate that they are starting out with something that can be so easily poked fun at. Its not even remotely close to the shock that involved the technological mobilization of america to do something this would ruin america. It would not make america greener. That is strong words from a democrat like yourself. Do you fear that it will be split by this. Climate change is real. We have to deal with it. Lets come up with a sensible plan not pie in the sky that is going to mean bigtime taxes. We will have a primary process and i think some candidates are falling all over themselves to try to get a share of the vote. I gunga voter. Once people are informed about this. Im for doing something about Climate Change but i dont think this plan is a serious plan. I think thats can happen. We will have 20 or 30 candidates. Im disappointed frankly and senator booker who was a serious politician before he endorsed things like this to try to win the 2020 election. Is the base can be drawn to Something Like this because it sounds good. I dont know what kind of reasonable practical person could take this seriously. I they looking at this and saying yes it sounds great or are they skeptical and they say we want a practical plan. I think this is a Bumper Sticker until we are serious with the examination of it. Anybody that reads it this is going to come out. Its going to be exploded and its a disappointment that this is a way democrats are putting the Party Forward first. We appreciate your insight as well. Thank you. Her very own betjeman hall. He just returned from the front lines where he sat down with the captured isis commander. He joins us live with a powerful interview you just simply cannot miss. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. Were the tenneys and were usaa members for life. Call usaa to start saving on insurance today. Beautiful. Wow. The chevy equinox. And were usaa members for life. It offers a lot of Great Technology inside. Oh, this is fancy. Yeah, thats the available hd surround vision camera. The top of your car . It helps you see dangers around the vehicle. What is that . What the . Wait wait wait. What is that . Oh my god. What is happening . These are big alligators. Now were surrounded. So whos getting out first . I dont know but were keeping this camera on. [laughing] im begging you. Take gasx. Ed beneath the duvet your tossing and turning isnt restlessness, its gas gasx relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort. 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He would not run if joe biden enters the race. Another potential 2020 canada is joining a rally in texas opposing President Trumps appearance of the border. Robert franson beto orourke will speak at the event on monday. He is planning to tell rally goers about the reality of the border. That is according to him. Bob is going to the border. The fox news Foreign Correspondent just returned from the front lines where he sat down with the captured isis fighter and discussed the future of that group. Im not apologetic to something i believe in. Towards the end when they knew they were going to lose towards the end when they knew they were going to lose before we investigated them. When i can to take a chance. Here is to discuss whats next. You talk to others what is the reality on the ground. Speaking to a man like that you realize that the problem here is the ideology. Isis now has an area that has that apart. That will soon be gone. He said to me the beheadings in the mutilations in the stoning of women was all permitted by the korean and the things that they had carried out like that were allowed. The military defeat has taken place. The ideology is still strong. In the area. The problem now if they come from the north. Then they come to the south. He may will end up with the conflict. There is new reports. About a way to stabilize the region when its gone. They tell the special forces to maintain on the ground. But crucially with u. S. Air cover. Possibly a u. S. Nofly zone it would create a zone where they could continue to rule much like a 91 when the u. S. Provided that coverage to iraq. We have heard about the public headlines. We dont know if thats a Firm Deadline or not. Some of our allies may make a commitment to be that bumper zone to prevent iran in the turks from coming in all the while supporting the allies. And some of them believe it is the wrong decision. How about afghanistan and neighbor there. They spoke recently about a potential peace deal. Organa play that sound and get reaction. We are in the early stages of a protected process in the long suffering of the afghan people. The sooner is better. While we are hopeful that that may be a moment of opportunity with a long way to go. So even when i was in afghanistan in 2011 and 2012. Seventeen years the president has been there. We have to look at all options on the table. These are initial talks. What they want is a promise and a guarantee from the taliban that they will not allow afghanistan to be used by terrorist. Can we trust that. What can they offer us. What guarantee can they offer. The u. S. Is stepping up in a big way. Its all part of try to get leverage. Proud to have you. The socialist from the bronx from westchester has big ideas. Next, a farmer gives everyone a reality check on my cows need to stay put. Elizabeth warren picks the community as a pathway for Illegal Drugs to the northeast. And it is parttime for a Pizza Party Pizza party. Im in for pizza hut. What does help for Heart Failure look like . It looks like george having a busy day. The beat goes on george has entresto, a Heart Failure medicine that helps his heart. So he can keep on doing what he loves. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. It helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. The beat goes on ask your doctor about entresto for Heart Failure. That was great entrust your heart to entresto. The beat goes on my dog is watching us on fox and friends. I thought it was funny you added your last name to your dogs first name. She watches a lot of fox news. I think she hears me and she is looking for me. Dont get me started. She is more human than some of us. She is trying to relate to people. Shes can announce for real today shes from massachusetts. It also is home to one of the largest fentanyl bust last year. The u. S. Attorney for that area set here what we know about lawrence. It is a clearinghouse for Illegal Drugs. There is a lot of people nice people in lawrence. Announcing their interest announce it ounces announces more questions. This was now in the forefront of her mind even that there would be an issue so she just kind of kept the idea because its a working class town. She didnt bother to do any research into this particular issue. Including a lot of democrats. Someone who loves this competition hears what he have to say. I like how shes not doing this thing. Im not really a cherokee. Its all out in the open. She will go to the towns and announce her presidency. I think this is a serious political critique. How are they get a run as the party of the working man whom they have a president in the white house has brought those jobs back. 5million jobs. Theres a disconnect between the rhetoric and reality. Because of the freeman. Its actually become a joke. The new abortion law. According to the New York Post the Second Degree abortion charge is now dropped. In and said classifies it as a Public Health law. The pilot killed in the fiery plane crash have his license suspended. It killed five people inside the california home. Tougher background checks. Theyre already required to perform background checks. Those are your headlines. Its one of the best days of the year. Took pizza. Com. We have a store open in connecticut. New york water. That is a myth. Its fun to say though. I think with you. We will have 45 seconds each to make the best pie. Some of that cream cheese on top right there. Fortyfive seconds starts right now. I will start with one more flip. Very simple. Makes it nice and salty. A little olive oil. You put a little before and a little after. I see you like basil. Just folded over. I think she one its all about the distribution. If you roll the pizza up and there you have a stromboli. You might get a stomach ache later. A lot of love and a lot of experience and a lot of passion. What do you think a pizza hut pizza i think its delicious. They are pushing to hike the federal minimum wage. They join us to explain. Next. A car air purifier for 65 off. Shes not done. [cell phone rings] where are you . Well the squirrels are back in the attic. Mom . Your dad wont call an exterminator. Can i call you back, mom . He says its personal this time. If youre a mom, you call at the worst time. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Where are you . Its very loud there. Are you taking a zumba class . Welcome back. Maybe the two favorite of the morning. We are eliminating cow admissions and airplanes in ten years. At the college of the ozarks. It is a pretty farfetched idea. I dont think it there is any doubt about that. I think it is a case of misplaced priorities. We are prioritizing a particular view of what makes sense environmentally and i think thats intimate debatable over the needs of our fellow people. No cows were harmed in the making of this segment. The Green New Deal rolled out earlier this week as you know. Remember house speak sarcastic applause. Now shes clapping it up with hollywood elite and start studded gala in gala in los angeles. California democrats mocking them. The clap was not meant to be sarcastic. Some democratic lawmakers are trying to push through a bill to hike the federal minimum wage but one Small Business owner said in a new oped. Heidi and her husband own to Subway Restaurants in Washington State and they join us now. A lot of times that minimum wage hikes sound good on paper but they dont really understand the implications. What will be the implication for the two franchises. Our seattle location once the wages started going up. We reduced our Business Hours we changed it to focus on the busy times and we raised our prices. They have stopped coming in which created our sales to go down. You know its interesting that stuff like this happens. When in fact you guys need to meet at the bottom line. If you raise the minimum wage not only is it good for the product but its good for the workers in the stores in our experience we have seen that not be true and not benefited our employees. Therefore our profit has went down. We got into this business believing into the american dream. And being our own boss and earning a fair wage for our family. Unfortunately its just become that pipe dream that is less and less reality. One of the biggest impacts for you that you both head to close one of the franchises. It has not raised the city boundary. There is a potential of that. Are you both concerned that this federal blanket plan everywhere that this would just be a plan. People are neck and want to start their own business but then lets talk about the stepping stone in the first job that will be taken away. All of those basic skills and we are not able to offer that. We really appreciate your perspective. We wish you the best of luck with your business. Sheet sets for nearly 80 off. But allstate helps you. With drivewise. Feedback that helps you drive safer. And that can lower your cost now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . When i walked through a snowthats when i knewtte, i had to quit. For real this time. Thats why im using nicorette. Only nicorette gum has patented dualcoated technology for great taste. 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More fox and friends is just moments away. ave maria by shubert loud thump, wheels screeching kickstart my heart and people think im nuts. engine revving wheel screeching clapping . Welcome back to fox friends. Yeah. The fun part about the show we do fun stuff like that, we also talk about a lot of serious stuff. Tomorrow we have an exclusive interview with former green beret officer and wife julie, first time speaking out and talking to us onset, claims that it was part of doing his job, great american, we will give him a good amount of time to talk about his case. Have a great saturday, everybody, find something to do. We will see you tomorrow. Forget valentines day around the corner, virginia isnt about lovers right now, the legal over who says and who goes and right about now who survives, we dont know who survives increasingly fight for president ial nomination, we do know that Elizabeth Warren is officially adding her name to long list today and we are there. Democrats rally around a new green deal but such a deal when we tell you how much green its going to cost and the cost of arming billionaire, the fight among billionaire and has everyone watching and a lot of folks worrying

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