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Good morning. Its saturday, april 9th, 2016. We begin with a fox news alert. Captured u the accused killer who escaped a washington psychiatric facility found nearly 300 miles away after spending two days on the run. The breaking details on how he got out and where he planned to go next. What a creep. Meanwhile in new york the battle for the big apple. Donald trump is gearing up to take on ted cruz in mr. Trumps home state. He is taking a few days off the campaign trail. Can he hold on to his lead after a rough week . We have the latest. The pope giving marriage advice for folks to no longer find each other physically appealing . Fox friends starts right now. [bagpipes] well, if you werent awake before, you are now. The gather of the clans here in midtown, manhattan. Vikings marking the annual new york city tartan day parade. We will talk to them later. Those are your people. Those are the scotts and scandinavian. Burn the boats. Burn your village. The vikings. Good morning, sandra smith. Niles to see you. Good morning, guys. Good to be here. It is cold outside by the play. Supposed to be a big snow storm coming. I think janice dean said we are going to get 14 feet of snow. [screams] we will find out in just a minute. Now to your head lines this morning on this saturday morning. A fox news alert. A second oversea boys secretary of state john kerry in as many days. Kerry is visiting afghanistan to show support for the afghan government. It comes less than a kay after kerry made the surprise visit to iraq. To discuss how further to fight isis forces in the region. And a Washington State manhunt for a second psych patient is over. Accused killer 28yearold Anthony Garver is now in custody. He was captured near his parents home in spokane after a two day search. He was found 300 miles from where he and Mark Alexander escaped the psych facility on wednesday night. Alex annual der here on the right was captured on thursday. Authorities say garver had his sights set on morocco and went to his parents house to grab his passport. When he showed up, his family called the police. Its not the first time garver has escaped. Its my hope that this time the department of corrections and the state of washington find a way to make sure that this dangerous criminal does not escape again. All right. Well garver is accused of stabbing a woman to death during his 2013 escape. One more patient is still on the run. Spacex launches into the history books. The falcon 9 rocket successfully landing on a drone ship in the middle of the atlantic ocean. This exciting new video showing the rocket perspective as it battles high winds to land on the ship. The mission taking the craft all the way up to the International Space station and back. The company were saying he plans all of his future deep Space Missions will land on the aquatic ship and hopes crashes like this one Early Landing test from january will be a thing of the past. We all remember that. And those are your head lines. Janice dean is standing by with the bad news. What is going on, janice . Its april and it snows sometimes although we are done, right . I think we are pretty done. I feel the same way. We have a storm system moving in today. I think its going to be a little bit too warm for snow in new york city. South of us we could get some snow. Another one behind it i feel really bad. I apologize on on behalf of all of the weather people out there we are sorry across the northeast. Cooler than average. Remain that way for weekend. Snow in the forecast for many of the pig cities. Take a look at the last 24 hours. This low passing over the ohio river valley. Some cases we got close to 10 inches of snow across portions of michigan. Thats going to continue to move offshore and then become our coastal storm thats going to bring more, perhaps, snow and wind and cold temperatures this weekend. So your current temps, again, oh, its in the teens across portions of michigan. The 20s and the 30s. And we actually have a wind chill where it feels much colder than that because of the wind. Across the ohio valley, the great lakes, the northeast much colder than average this weekend. Dont put your winter duds away just yet. There is your future radar. Can you see that storm system exiting. Then on sunday we have another one moving in. This one will be a little bit warmer but it will be chilly rain in the forecast. Lets look at the forecast precipitation. Appalachians, thats where you are also going to get snow. Along the coast we think mainly a rain event. Not going to be fun. Make sure you bring your umbrellas and mainly going to see the cooler than average temperatures that dip as far south as florida. Again, i just dont know what to say except i am sorry. You bear the responsibility. I will take advantage of the good weather and hopefully you will give me an award for that when its summertime. Next week. Fourth of july. Thank you, janice. The race for the white house is at least letting up ahead of the big apple battle. Senator ted cruz and donald trump narrowing the campaign focus as the fight for delegates continues. Kristen fisher is live in d. C. With the convoluted latest. Good morning, kristen. Thats right. Today its colorados turn. Colorado is an unusual state. Republican voters there have been weighing in for several days now it all culminates at the state convention today. And ted cruz could easily win all of the states 37 delegates. He has already secured the support of 21 of them and he is poise to do pick up even more today. Cruzs dominance in colorado is yet another reminder of how strong cruzs ground game and organization has been especially in states that dont assign delegates through traditional primaries and caucuses. States like north dakota and now colorado. Cruzs campaign spent months in colorado replacing delegates and securing pledges while trump only hired a Colorado State director this week. Now, Trumps Campaign says, hey, we never expected to do well in a state like colorado which is why they invested so little time and resources in that state. Instead, they are focused on new yorks primary which is now less than two weeks away. Trump has been taking time off the campaign trail. He said yesterday he is in new york catching up on business matters. Is he not taking a break from twitter. No surprise there. In fact, just a few hours ago he tweeted, quote, isnt it a shame that the person who will have by far the most delegates and many millions more votes than anyone else, me, still must fight. So, trump appeared very focused on the overall numbers in the big states while cruz is still fixated on squeezing out support from every single delegate that he can in the smaller states. Its a strategy that seems to be serving him well in colorado and he will be the only republican candidate to speak at the States Convention later today a sign of just how confident he is that this will be victory for him, tanner, tucker and clayton . Senior staff for ted cruz is calling on donald trump to drop out. Why . Because he is not doing well enough in new york. I think we have the polls here as of this morning trump is at 56 in the state. Cruz at 22. Maybe this is their thinking. Its hilarious. Drum up excitement about this. I guess perhaps their thinking he is up by 22 points right now roughly. He was up by 30, so he has dropped about 8 points over the last month or so in polls. He has gone on a bit of radio silence. He has not gone on twitter silence donald trump. Is he not doing any Public Campaign events up until the New York Primary. Here is what he said if he doesnt get over 50 he should probably consider dropping out like everyone else has when they dont win state in dramatic fashion. How did ted cruz do over his state of texas he got over 50 , didnt he . No. And trump, to be fair, trump has said recently that john kasich should be force to do get out of the race. This is like a new people meme in president ial politics. I am making up rules and if you dont live up to them you are required to get out. Thats pretty funniy. We have been watching the democratic race going from naughty to nice. Bernie sanders looking to keep the ball rolling today in wyoming. He backs off hitting hillary and reverses course on calling herhj w unqualified. Woe remember this exchange and said whoa, Bernie Sanders, finally going after Hillary Clinton. Not so fast. Seems hike stlings changed on that front. Now they are playing nice and sort of someone must have gotten to them, watch. You may have heard senator sanders say im unqualified to be president. [crowd booing] seriously i have been called a lot of things over the years but unqualified has not been one of them. This morning he finally acknowledged that, of course, he doesnt really believe that. Does she have the experience . Obviously she does. She was secretary of state, a u. S. Senator. I thought an outstanding first lady in many respects, breaking the mold. I would take Bernie Sanders over ted cruz and donald trump any time. On her worse day she would be an infinitely better president than either of the republican candidates. So,. Sounds like an apology. But if you read into his introduce over the introduce over the last day. She votes with the populist feelings of the day. There is a huge difference between experience and qualifications. So, yes, she is experienced. She has been around forever. She hasnt driven a car since 1980. She has been famous for an awfully long time. Driving force behind the destruction of the government libel i cant which is home base for isis. When given power she wielded it disastrously. She is totally unqualified. I wish he had the brass to say that outloud. Say that outloud. Is he not a im sorry i said that. Soft exchange between bill and hillary. Did someone get to bill too . Bill clinton apologized to black lives matter protesters one day after getting into that Heated Exchange we all saw. Did he realize it could mean trouble politically . Lets watch the exchange first. Ncr÷ i dont know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13yearold kids hopped up on crack and sent them out on the streets to murder other africanamerican children. Maybe you thought they were good citizens. She didnt. She didnt. [cheers] you are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter. Tell the truth. I just said yesterday in philadelphia i almost want to apologize for it but i want to use it of the example threatening our country. I rather vigorously defended my wife as i want to do. I realized finally i was talking past her the way she was talking past me. We have got to stop that in this country. We have got to listen to each other again. He wasnt defending his wife. He was defending himself and undermining his wife who i think on some level he does not want to win. The point of what he said was totally true. He has to walk it back because he gets scolded by the hillary campaign. Flashback to the 90s when he was praise to do talking that way to the africanamerican community. We had a terrible crime problem in the 90s. I covered crime in the 90s that was real. It was not made up. I know the children voting for Bernie Sanders today today have no memory. Saying the same thing in the 1990s. Past. He makes a point talking past each other. Walk in with a point and you dont want to hear what the other point has to say. You shouldnt defend gang members who murder people. Why is that a controversial point . Good question. Will Hillary Clinton ease up of her husband on the use on the campaign trail. He is so passiveaggressive its unbelievable attacking donald trump on the campaign trail do. They know why they are attacking him. What has he done that makes him a racist. Listen how he talks. He wants to deport people who are not like him. See who is really in the crowd. He joins us live next with his report. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like grandkids equals free tech support. Oh, look at you, so great to see you none of this works. Come on in. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. 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David, its great to see you recommendation great to see. You what did you learn . Nothing. [ laughter ] nothing . Nothing. I went to wisconsin, appleton, and green bay the week before. Learned nothing. They couldnt give me answers. Went to long island. They had about 150 or so protesters about a quarter to half a mile away from the event in bethpage. More radical, worst dressed. I asked questions. Tell me about policy. When what did he say . When did he do it . I couldnt get answers. I actually have a clip of you. There is one woman i asked her. The look on her face is precious. Lets see this one. You can tell me what donald trump has done that makes him a fascist . I just think that his message. Whats he done that makes him a fascist . Whats he done . I think everything he wants to do seems to me. I like the exhale. She put up instead of a pregnant pause, she gave birth, the baby was raised and she still didnt have an answer. The problem with this though seems to me if you disagree with somebody, disagree with trump, thats obviously totally legitimate. But once you call someone a fascist. There is no room for accommodate at all you must destroy the person. This was followed by the guy who started of telling me about fascism in germany. He was an interesting interview. The anarchist wanna be. He decides he doesnt want to talk on camera. You have all these types out there. At one point the entire crowd started chanting for bernie. Another time while they were calling trump a nazi and chanting it, a group of jews for trump walked by on heir way to the rally. That was an uncomfortable moment. They say he has a problem with women. Well, i also went and asked, fair and balanced. I went and asked women, there is a trump protest. Counter protesters. Lets see the one where i talked to him about women for trump. Why are you protesting donald trump . Because i dont think he should be telling me what to do with my body. You are supporting a person who is hates women . Is he for women. I mean. You are a woman for trump. You Better Believe it we love him. Lets go trump absolutely no problem with women. What did the women who say they were there because they. They had nothing to say. When we go through these crowds i hit as many as possible, i pepper them. Give me a chance to answer. They dont have an answer. Im like you, first amendment. You have a right to protest. Right to your opinion. I support that right. I want you to know why you have that opinion. And i havent run into it yet. To be fair, i have run into a couple people that have at least been able to sayp something, frame an idea. But most of them, it seems like they are repeating talking points. Very similar to what i got at occupy wall street. Very similar to what i get at the National Action network marches. You know, the person i went up to said foxes are a bunch of racist and they dont hire black people. I work for fox. Hilarious. This is what you run into. Its sad, actually. The great david webb on the seat. Thanks for joining us. Nice to see you, tucker. c senator Bernie Sanders in a dustup with the pope. This week we introduce to you a 13yearold boy who saved his baseball coachs life with cpr. Should all kids learn how to do it . We will show you how coming up. Urgent, urgent how do you stay on top of your health . Ahh. Ahh. Cigna customers have plan choices and tools to take control. So theyre more engaged, with fewer high health risks and lower medical costs. Take control of your health at cigna dot com slash take control. With intuitive allwheel drive. Take on the unexpected. Welcome back. Its saturday morning, everyone. Quick headlines for you. A massive terrorist sweep taking down five suspects link to do last months bombings in belgium, brussels. Takedown. Some say this is the brussels suspect known as the man in white seen on Surveillance Video. Did Bernie Sanders invite himself to vatican city . A vatican official says the 2016 democratic contender sought sat at the conference calling sanders a selfinvite courtesy. Its four days before the new york state primary. Thank you, san draft well, a baseball practice took a terrible turn when the coach suddenly collapsed. But this quick reacting 13yearold player dialed 911. I think he is not i dont think he is breathing anymore. Okay, listen, listen. Is he on his back . Listen, is he on his back. Yes. Okay. Im going to need you to do cpr. Im going to walk you through it, okay . Ei is somebody doing that. Im doing it right now. The players quick action saved his coachs life. The two share their story on fox friends this week. I wouldnt be here today if it werent for him. I mean, just the fact that a kid thats 13 that even vaguely remembers cpr can go out there and get it done. I was staying focus and i have got to do this if he wants to stay alive. Should all kids learn simple cpr. American Heart Association instructor carmen rich along with jade and samantha this morning. Good morning, guys. Hi, how are you. Thanks for joining us. What age should we start to learn this . 13yearold you can obviously have the chest compressions, have the force. Should would he be teaching this across the country. We are starting to see that kids retain this information as early as seventh grade. If we can start it early. Talk about it with the family. Know what an aed is and start chest compressions. First we want to make sure we call 911 first. Jade and samantha how old are you guys. Im 10. 9. Im good age for memory retention. First call 911 to make sure we get help on the way. Take our hands and lock them together and push hard and fast on the chest there you go. All right, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I know they changed these rules over the years. So what has changed growing up there seemed like we were doing all sorts of Different Things now moving the head back. Sometimes they revamp the recommendations pace based on what the statistics show is working. Right now we want to promote the blood flow to brain and heart. Done chest compressions. Things in the past we have done things differently with the breathing. In 46 states now to train children before you leave high school, you have a time to review this information and learn how to use the aed and do some good chest compressions. So calling 911. How many chest compressions . Continual. Continual chest compressions unless you have been trained further to do compression. Is inned before the segment we were talking about a clicking on these dumbies to make sure how hard. Little mechanisms you want to push. You want to push hard and push fast. On these things you will hear a click. Can you do it. Interlace hands. Interlace hands push hard and fast. Go. I hear it. You hear it, good job. We want to help people. Are they doing it right . Keep going. It hurts. It does hurt a little bit. When the adrenaline first chest compressions are the most effective. If we help each other by switching off a little bit be effective. As far as breathing should we do anything as far as breathing. If you havent been trained stick to chest compressions if you have the time to take an authorized course where you can get certified we will talk more about the anatomy and the breathing. Anything with the neck . I know lift the head back. When i was a life guard that was one of the first things we had to do. Right now we want to focus on giving chest compressions. Hopefully we drilled it in to peoples heads at home just the chest compressions. If you have 30 seconds watch a video and anyone can learn cpr. Thank you, carmen. Thank you ladies, good job. Thank you. A woman berates Florida Governor rick scott at a florida starbucks. You are [bleep] you dont care about working people. Im not talking to you. You dont care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here. But that woman now known as the latte5t liberal just got served. The brutal response from the video from the governor himself. Thats next. And the pope dolling out marriage advice to couples if they want to avoid a nasty divorce. First, we are waking up manhattan this morning. I think we woke um all the midtown celebrating the tartan parade on our plaza with bagpipes this morning. Go vikings. [bagpipes] i would indeed. Well, lets be clear here. Im actually a dj. [ dance music plays ] [laughs] no way i have no Financial Experience at all. That really is you . If theyre not a cfp pro, you just dont know. Find a certified Financial Planner professional whos thoroughly vetted at letsmakeaplan. Org. Cfp work with the highest standard. Twell what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. 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Talk to a local allstate agent and discover how much more their personal service can do for you. Call 8884295722 now. [bagpipes] get out the vikings, its the tartan day parade. Bagpipers. What is that a gyp gear bread house . This group is from the he haddenberg academy. There is nothing like the sound of a bagpipe. It really will get you going in the morning. Its 6 33 eastern time. If you are just waking up, good morning. Good morning. And the parade starts at 2 00 this afternoon. Starting right we have the pleasure of getting the first sounds of the pipes. Janice is going to be outside to interview them in just a moment. First, we have got some marriage advice this morning. From whom . The pope tends to weigh in on big issues, controversial issues. But now he is talking about love and marriage. The pope says he wants to create everlasting love in marriages and not have it fade out. He has actually put together pope tips. These are not made up. This is the pope providing spousal advice. The first one is love your spouse even when its difficult. Quoting now. Loving another person involves the joy of contemplating and appreciating their inner beauty and sacredness even when they are not physicallyvl appealing but intrusive and annoying. He goes on to say never go to bed angry. Mid a voice is never to let the day end without making peace in the family. I agree with that thats absolutely right. It seems into your dreams and then you end up tossing and turning all night. And then you start off the next day bad. Here is the deepest advice of all and every man listening should hear this. Often the other spouse, almost always the wife, does not need a solution to his or her problems but simply to be heard. Right. If you talk to people about misunderstandings in marriage, this accounts for like 80 . You know who must have some sound marriage advice . Who . Tucker carlson. Have you been married a long time. Just 25 years. The one thing i have learned men have instinctive response to problems which is to solve them, x, y, and z. Why dont you try. This i find like a hot times that doesnt work. Just tell me about the problem. Tell me and listen. Like a psychotherapist. Because they just want you to hear of the problem. A little empathy is better than the solution sometimes. My wife started out this these conversations by saying i dont need you fix it, i just want you to hear. Its good. Its like training a dog. A little bit of a grudge holder, tucker. You are . Is that the chicago in you. Chicago, a little irish. If you guys are fighting at night. He says im sorry repeatedly. Does that work or do you still work up the next day angry. My best advice is outside ohio state ohio state hobbies whether its fly fishing with you, tucker. Extracurricular act difficulties. Whats your advice for a long and happy marriage. We want to hear it. Send us emails. We will read them on the air. Homeless run away brutal murder. Policeu charged 17yearold mikhail crinner yesterday. Belong shoes and notebooks believed to belong to 18yearold. He had a troubled past and bouncing around from family to foster care. In a 2014 interview with a Student Newspaper, he said life was like being in prison. He also said he wanted people to remember his name. He is being held on a 1milliondollar bond. A deadly pileup caught on camera involving a dump truck and 10 other cars in miami. Security footage shows the truck plowing at full speed into the back of a parked taxicab. Stopped at a red light. The passenger of the cab an elderly woman died at the scene, seven other people hospitalized four of which are in serious condition. The driver of the city dump truck is under investigation. Appear woman known the latte liberal is now the one being called out by Florida Governor rick scotts committee. After she verbally attacked him at starbucks. You are [bleep]. You dont care about working people. Im not talking to you. You dont care about working people. Should be ashamed to show your face around here. Governor scotts let get to Work Committee now blasting the woman. Factchecking her in its own video. The woman clearly has a problem. It turns out that she is a former Government Official who refused to recite the pledge of allegiance and calls herself an anarchist. The woman, Cara Jennings was upset about antiabortion laws signed by the governor last week. Another celebrity just got on the trump train. Emmy winning actress and comedian kirstie alli she made the announcement on twitter while also showing her support for fk make another post later that night tweeting wahoo, now its getting all wild around here. Kerry on and crawl back to your moms basement. Your dinner is ready ouch. Woo. Those are your headlines. Hello. Dont tweet and drink. Janice dean has the very latest from outside. Janice, where are you . I am outside. Of course we have got all these wonderful bagpipers here today for the tartan day parade in new york city. We are going to do the weather. But i want to spruce you to someone. What your name my friend. James. Where are you from. Scotland. Is this your first trip to new york city . It is. What do you think so far. Its been really exciting and im definitely coming back. Have you ever done weather before. I have nod. Not. Would you like to try. I glld whats it like in new york city today. Cloudy and cold. Look at the temperatures right there. Can you see . Yep. Give me a few. Its 38. In new york city . Yeah. In kansas city 35 . In kansas city its 35. Denver 47. In denver its 4 12k3w4r7 do you know what the wind chill is, what the real feel temperatures feels like . It feels like 12 in chicago. 12 in chicago. We might have a little bit of rain and mix of snow for the parade today. Is that all right . Its not good. I will see what can i do. Oh, thank you, james. Nicely done, right . All right. Thank you, james. Now, come on over this way. We are going to do an interview with some of our fine friends over here for the tartan day parade. Hello there, this is lesliefh mcclinton den jerry. She is president of the tartan day and call dontian club. That is quite a title. Tell us about the parade today. Well, its a celebration of scotts and scotts americans contribution to building the united states. Amazing. And what year is this for the parade . Its the 18th parade. Oh my gosh. What do you do to prepare . Most of these young fellows are not from here and young ladies. Yes. Hello. No. People come from around the world. For instance the he hadden he hadden he had continue burrow academy. Edinboro academy. First time in new york city . I have been here once before. Is there anybody you want to say hi to at home. My mom and dad love to say hello to them. Wish they were here. Have a great time. You are going to do great today and play for us all morning long, right . Thank you for visiting fox friends. Thank you. Im sorry about the snow and rain today. Okay . All right. Back inside. They are going to play for us. And they are amazing. Amazing . Thanks, janice. They are certainly used to bad weather, being scotts. Coming up next, a man faces jail time for flying donald trump sign on private property. Could that be against the law in america . A fair and balanced debate coming up. What does sir charles and the boss have in common . Standing up against one state. But, first, play us out bagpipers. [bagpipes] this is my retirement. Retiring retired tires. And i never get tired of it. Are you entirely prepared to retire . Plan your never tiring retiring retired tires retirement with e trade. High blood pressure, it even slows your ability to burn calories and lose weight. Tiring retired tires retirement man 1 fortunately, theres a solution; inmovement, the affordable standing desk. 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Good, clean food pairs well with anything. Try the clean pairings menu. At panera. Food as it should be. North carolina still facing a backlash over new bathroom law. Critics say it discriminates against transgender people. Bruce springsteen is jumping on bandwagon. He has cancelled upcoming concert in greensboro this weekend. Some things are more important rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry is one of them. Liberal governors banning travel to the tarheel state and businesses. Basketball players and rock stars boycotting. Which side really is intolerant one . Joining us now is michael wolf, owner of a North Carolina corporate consultant firm. Is he also one of hundreds of state Business Owners that support the new law. So, what do you make then were michael of everything thats happening and the cancellation of a rock concert of all things now. Thank you so much for having me and i appreciate the opportunity. I think the rhetoric here has gotten completely out of hand. I would challenge both sides to begin talking and operating from a place of love and compassion on each side. But this is something we need to remember. This is a side that operates political process. The question become what is are we going to institutionalize within our culture and society. America has always operated from a position where the institution of separation has been upheld and honored in the most private places that exist is toiletry and showering. What we are doing is endangering young girls and women of all ages in those most private places. Its just a little weird, michael. Considering all the problems that beset america. Massive unemployment rate. Debt crisis looming on the horizon. The world collapsing. Why is the left taking a final stand on denying science and pretending that there is no biological difference between the sexes . Why this issue . It just seems weird to me. I agree with that unless you look at it in a position another step in a larger plan. This is not a new strategy. It is not a new playbook. Its an old strategy where we take certain rights and scorched earth policy to change those rights, badger and belittle Company Owners and others into submission. And once that is achieved, it will be used to open further doors for deeper changes and along the way at each step freedom of speech loses at every turn. Of course. Michael there is always a Tipping Point as a business owner, you know where that is. Could there be eventually so much backlash or could there be such a big response to this that it would cause to you change your views even slightly on this . Not at all. I look at the history books and filled with people who face challenges for taking stands. Martin luther king jr. , gandhi, certainly all of our wartime veterans, combat veterans. Jesus christ and the disciples. Everyoneay faced challenges when they stood up for what they believed to be right. I think im in pretty good company when it comes to that. Big businesses against you. Conservatives think of big business as being on their side, of course they are not. They have zero interest i weighing in on this. Do you feel abandoned by people how thought might be on your side here . Course, thera sense of abandonment in it. All of that is driven by politics and bottom line funding profits. All of that is driven by that we had papal has made a big splash here because they recently announced they are not coming to charlotte to do business with us because of the loy that it is about bigotry and that is just not true. Yet there, Franklin Graham said this week they could get the award for being hypocrite of the year. They do business in over 20 countries where homosexuality itself is against the law. People are imprisoned for it papal doesnt have a problem doing business in those countries. Of course they dont. Stand up and throw rocks at us. Because they are making more money in dubai and saudi arabia than they are in North Carolina most probably. Michael wolff thanks for joining us. Good to have you, sir. Thank you. Thank you. Its been a pretty i didnt know tense week for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Recall seriously i have been called a lot of things over the years but are unqualified is not one of them. Are the democrats making nice and if so why . A man faces jail time for flying his donald trump flag on private property. Is that really against the law . A fair and balanced debate next. The nissan rogue with intuitive allwheel drive. Take on the unexpected. If legalzoom has your back. S, over the last 10 years weve helped one million Business Owners get started. Visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. A fight for the flag but not the flag you would think im talking about. A new jersey homeowner could be facing jailtime for refusing to take down a trump flag flying above his own home. The town says is he violating an order anybodys. Can he really do jail time for this david brunog and lisa, trial attorney. They are poet here. I promised a fair debate but i have to hear you out first. Where do you fall on this first, lisa, i fall certainly constitutional. You cant limit political speech and cant have a bias between flags. They will cant say what you can put on a flag unless they are banning all flags. It is violating this persons freedom of expression. Because, david, we are assuming that this case is being taken up because its a trump flag. I mean, are they going to go after the guy because he has got a trump Bumper Sticker on his car parked in his own driveway. Its not necessarily because its a trump flag. Its a political flag. And the ordinance says that you can not have political signs or flags prior to 30 days before the election. Its a town ordinance. And thats why he is being prosecuted. I disagree, actually. Lisa is shaking her head. I hate to put it this way but constitutional law is going to trump the town ordinance because in this case we are talking about freedom of speech. Freedom of expression. If they were putting in laws that were limiting this size of what they can hang, the size of a flag, or if they were saying anything other than you cant support your candidate and limit what you are saying on the flag. There is a controlling law. Its state vs. Miller. Its a new jersey case. And in this case they said there can be no blanket no blanket bar. Do you support jail time for this man flying the flag. When we talk about jail time. Its the potential of jail time. So, up to 90 days. If is he convicted. If its constitutional. If he is convicted, the judge has a tremendous amount of discretion. He wont be convicted because they have already challenged it in franklin lakes, new jersey. They have challenged challengedn hawthorne, new jersey. They have thrown out these similar ordinances. You cannot ban flying a flag. You can support your political candidate any time of the year. You cant limit it. Restrictions. He is not giving in and says is he willing to go to jail over. This he is willing to go to jail. We will see. Good talk. Thank you, guys. Coming up, ted cruz is heading out west to campaign in colorado. Donald trump is staying put in his home state of new york and staying off the campaign trail. Is that a mistake . We will talk to his new York Campaign chair next hour. Before i had the shooting, burning of diabetic nerve pain, these feet were the first in my family to graduate from college and trained as a nurse. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. 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Now he has decided to make up the democratic rivals suddenly friends. We will bring you the latest. And the boss, Bruce Springsteen calling off his latest concert. Baby we were born to run. Canceling a show in North Carolina over the transgender bill. Fox friends hour two starts right now. There it is. Jungle boogie by the brass band. You may be wondering what you are looking at why anna kooiman is in a parade in North Carolina this morning. Were live from wilmington at the site of the azalia glefl guess who the azalia queen this year . It is our very own anna kooiman, yea. She has been crowned the queen of the azalia festival. There is photos of her. Marching band. That is the highest honor the state of North Carolina bestows upon its citizens. Not even being governor. No azalia queen. The azalia queen herself will be joining us live coming up. The pride of North Carolina anna b. Kooiman but, first, sandra smith joins us today. Good to see you. Thank you for having me. Its wonderful to start off my weekend. Were you ever the queen of anything in chicago growing up. I have though about that. The queen of the track down at lsu. Will there is a lot of magnolias. Thats good stuff. To your headlines now and fox news alert. Secretary of state john kerry today is visiting afghanistan to show support for the afghan government. It comes less than a day after kerry made this surprise visit to iraq to discuss how further to fight isis forces in the region. And a Washington State manhunt for a second psychiatric patient is over. 22yearold Anthony Garver is in custody. He was captured near his parents home in spokane after aj twoday search. He was found 300 miles from where he and Mark Alexander escaped the psych facility wednesday night. Alexander was captured on thursday. He went to his parents house to grab his passport. When his family showed up, he called the police. Its not the first time garver has escaped. Its my hope this time the department of corrections in the state of washington find a way to make sure that this dangerous criminal does not escape again. Garver is accused of stabbing a woman to death during his 2013 escape. One more patient is still on the run. Spacex launching into the history books. 3, 2, 1, engine ignition, liftoff of the falcon 9 rocket. Science for today. Well, the falcon 9 rocket finally making a successful landing on a drone victim in the middle of the atlantic ocean. This exciting new video showing the rockets perspective as it battles high winds to land on the ship. The mission taking the craft all the way up to the International Space station and back. Company head says he plans all of his future deep Space Missions will land on the aquatic ship and hopes crashes like this one during an Early Landing test back in january will be a thing of the past. And a piece of chain is using one of its celebrity endorsements in a new way to attract customers by using trickery. Sending lebron james out with no disguise except for one thing a new name. What is that on your chest . Is that a golf ball. Thats a j basketball. Basketball, man. Keep telling him he has got to try basketball. I dont know. That is that when the referee holds up the goal post. Yeah, king james was an original investor in blaze pizza in 2012. He ditched an mcdonalds endorsement diesel to commit to become a bigger part of blazes marketing campaign. Effective, dont you think, clayton. I like those undercover stuff. This guy doesnt know anything about basketball. Give me my pizza and you find out later on Television Wait a second i had a cans to talk to lebron james . He put the peperoni on. Janice dean live with the very latest from the natural glorld she always puts a peperoni on. I always put a peperoni on . Yes. You always butter my business cuts. I dont know what that means. I dont know how to respond to that. Im speechless. Im not weighing in but its wonderful to see you this morning, janice. Hard to get tucker to be quiet. Lets take a look at the maps. We do have snow in the forecast. That fourletter word that starts with s thats moving across the ohio valley. I heard in some places we got 10 inches of snow across portions of michigan and we could see several inches of snow across the northeast, interior northeast and midatlantic, across the mountains as next system moves through. Sometimes it does snow in april. Just dont blame the weather person. Lets take a look at it forecast temperatures and radar around 3 00 p. M. It locks like we will see snow for rhode island, maybe new york city as well. Definitely new jersey, philadelphia as well. You could see a mixture of snow and rain. This storm exits and then we see another one dive across midwest and the great lakes. So we will be monitoring that and its cooler than average, obviously, in some cases 10 degrees colder than normal. One day we will be complaining that its too hot outside. So at least there is that right . You will not hear that from me. I will enjoy every he would will keep theq videotape and play it back if i ever hear you complain. Thank you, janice. Race for the white house is heating up ahead of the New York Primary in a little over a week. Senator ted cruz and donald trump narrowing their campaigns focus as the fight tore delegates continues. Kristen fisher is live in d. C. With the latest. Good morning, kristen . Good morning. So ted cruz, he has already secured a majority of colorados delegates ahead of todays convention. And, yet, a win there, will barely make a dent in Donald Trumps delegate lead. Something he made sure to point out on twitter. Isnt it a shame that the person who will have by far the most delegates and many million more votes than inanyone else me, still must fight. His campaign hardly put up any fight in colorado. Instead, they are focused on trumps home state, the new york primaow just 10 days away. The latest Monmouth University polls that trump ahead by 27 points in that state. A week after that five more states in the northeast including pennsylvania where trump is also poised to do very well. Formal president ial candidate Mike Huckabee said last night that cruz may be in trouble after all those east croes primaries. Ted cruz is kind of in a conundrum because cruz has been saying that there is no mathematical possibility therefore kasich has to get out. If that in fact becomes the case for ted cruz after april 27th. Then the question that every reporter is going to legitimately ask him does that mean you have to get out . But for now, at least, cruz is the one with the momentum. He won wisconsin. And now he could easily win all of colorados 37 delegates. He has already secured the support of 21 of them and he is poised it pick up even more at the States Convention later today. Tucker, clayton, and san dra . Oh, the gu Kristen Fisher. Thanks, kristen. Whats going on in the president ial race, clayton . They were playing mean, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Snapping each other over the past week it got pretty heated there, right . Bernie sanders saying she is unqualified to be president. She is not fit to be the commander and chief. Someone must have had a talk taking with him over the past few days, sitdown saying this is not good. The republicans are the ones that are fighting each other. Guys need to get on the loving path. So on friday this happened. A love fest. Watch. You may have heard senator sanders say im unqualified to be president , well, seriously [crowd boos] seriously i have been called a lot of things over the years, but unqualified has not been one of them. This morning he finally acknowledged that of course, he doesnt really believe that. Does she have the experience . Obviously she does. She was secretary of state, a u. S. Senator. I thought an outstanding first lady in many respects, breaking the mold. I will take Bernie Sanders over donald trump or ted cruz any time. I respect Hillary Clinton. We were colleagues in the senate. And on her worst day she will be she would be an infinitely better president than either of the republican candidates. So what happened here . I will tell you what happened. In washington the definition of a gaffe is when someone subsequently tells the truth its such a rare thing there. She sun qualified. There is a massive difference between experience and qualifications. Bernie madoff had you know, decades of experience managing money. Is he qualified to manage your money . No. She did a very poor job as secretary of state managing Americas Affairs abroad. She pushed us into the debacle that is libya. She is not qualified. You bring out Bernie Madoff and that is part of where he really ripped into her. Her dependence on super pacs and attachment to wall street. Big wall street money. Did he walk it back. But then he went on to say look, i was just questioning her judgment. Which actually may be more judgment on the arrack war. On any number of big time trade votes, all of those things he says she is not fit to be president. He is totally right. What makes it so sad though is all these cringing liberals. These guiltfilled selfhating liberals are all the same. They can never stand behind yeah, she unqualified. How do you like that . But instead every turn is he like im not a sexist. I dont want to seem mean. You are not mean. He apologizes for the one true thing he said this week. Meanwhile the next business test for the big test for democrats in wyoming sanders has one son of the last 8 and is he hoping to win 8 of the last 9. That will be the next big one for the democrats. Things are getting heated in North Carolina. We are going to check in with anna kooiman at the azalia festival. Bruce springsteen has cancelled a concert down in greensboro, North Carolina. He was set to play there. But issuing a statement saying as a result of the house bill 2 that was just passed, which is that heres the legislation. He says. This some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice which happens as i write is one of them. Strongest means i have for raising my voice in opposition for those who continue to push us backwards instead of forwards. Those planning on attending that concert are saying why are we being punished . They are going to be refunded their ticket prices. The bill specifically would on your birth certificate, how however you are born, male or female thats the bathroom that you would have to use thunder house bill 2. Supporters of this bill in the Legislature Say that this thing actually would protect it would avoid the loopholes where criminals would sneak into womens bathrooms. The whole thing is insane. We are just totally relate bigotry and prejudice. Votm weighed in and said we dont want men in the ladies room. Okay. Can you argue about it you know what i mean im not particularly passionate on the subject myself. Thats not bigotry. Maybe you just dont want dudes in the ladys room. I dont know. Thats a fair position. Mark walker republican from the state says brouse is using the bully tactic saying, quote, bruce is known to be on the radical left and he has got every right to be so. But, i consider this a bully tactic. Its like when a kid gets upset and says is he going to take his ball and go home. Its just weird. We have heard from we did the story a few months ago. Look, guys its not black and white. If you have a son and daughter who is born and doesnt have fully developed sex organs their whole life they dont know if they are a boy or girl. If you are forced to be choosing to go into one place or the other. Thats like nine people. And what about everybody else. America is in a lot of trouble. If you are making a last stand on this question, your priorities are totally upside down. We report. You decide. Let us know your thoughts. Friends foxnews. Com. Go to Facebook Page and weigh in on or about the Bruce Springsteen. Donald trump Major Campaign shakeup boost chances in the state of new york and weeks to come. Can he bounce back from the couple of bad weeks he has had . Should the shakeup have come sooner. A live update on his campaign. Are you planning on a Netflix Binge this weekend . Get ready to pay more for it the surprise waiting on your next bill. Straight aahead. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like social media equals antisocial. 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Breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. Breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a longterm asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. Do not take breo more than prescribed. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. Ask your doctor if 24hour breo could be a missing piece for you. See if youre eligible for 12 months free at mybreo. Com. Donald trump is new yorker New York Primary 34 point lead over nearest rival senator ted cruz. This week trump announced a major shakeup to his campaign to boost his chances in weeks to come. Will it be enough to back in other states. Chris collins joins thus morning. Nice to see you this morning. Food to see you, tucker. Nice to be with you. The Trump Campaign that has run outside every normal expectation of a president ial campaign. Most decisions made by mr. Trump himself has brought on long time veteran of washington politics to fight the delegate fight do you think this is a turning point for the campaign. Tucker, every campaign will go through changes, especially now that we have already passed threw so many states bottom. Have got some critical ones ahead of us. The delegate fight as we know is a real i had big fight. I think its quite important that mr. Trump get to the 1237 numbers. We tonight end up in a contested convention. We believe we will get there this is adding staff pretty norm magical. Hitting crunch time great state in new york on to new jersey, pennsylvania. The delegate fight at a convention can be pretty tricky. Donald trump hasnt turned down many interviews in the past year. He has talked to anybody all the time more than any person i have seen for president. He seems to be slowing down the pace of his interactions with the press is that by design and is that wise do you think . Well, you know, i cant strategy there. But, you know, lets face it, everyone in america knows who donald trump is. He has run a brilliant campaign. Everyone knows what he stands for, securing the border. He is getting the jobs back from mexico and china. Standing up to our enemies, russia, iran, north korea and isis. He has positioned himself in americas voters minds as the one lowered that can take America Forward and make America Great again. I think its a normal transition now. He doesnt need much earned media, if you will. To now its a little bit of this inside baseball on the delegate making sure that there is no shenanigans going on behind the scenes. I think this is a normal transition from where he was a few months back to where he is today. And actually, getting ready to take the fight to Hillary Clinton because even though Bernie Sanders is winning one primary after another, they really stacked the deck Hillary Clinton. You are seeing a pretty normal shifting of a campaign as it has matured. As it has matured. Congressman collins, great to see thrng. Did police just capture the socalled man in white who was seen at the brussels terror bombing. And kate hudson says she doesnt really like hanging out with her kids at all. She likes to get away from them as often as possible. Does that make her a bad mom or just human . Well debate that coming up. Ay dont forget to throw in a little forgiven and loving on the way knowing, showing a little bit more concern where the largest solar gigafactory in the western hemisphere will soon energize the world. And in syracuse, where imagination is in production. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow today at business. Ny. Gov yeah, i was just talking uhabout yourico . 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Time reduce crime by letting tourists go completely cashless. Next, 17 million netflix users will see a price increase on their streaming Service Starting next1 ncgz mon. Users grand fathered in at a t 1200 find myself doing strange things that dont have any corners in my house and i realize im literally and deliberately hiding from my children. Joining us this morning is the founder of diva moms liz stoner weigh in on this. Here is the problem i havehat te not unfamiliar thoughts. Expressing them outloud to a reporter where they are going to live on forever on google and her kids will read them seems really selfish to me. I think its the world we are living. In i think she was just being honest about how she feels. I think there are a lot of moms out there that cover everything up that make motherhood perfect and great and everything is roses and she is just being real and honest. I think that she is entitled to that. Listen, i think that im against real and honest. To tuckers point she has gotten slammed for those comments. I think every mom feels this way. You all need space. One of the best gifts you can give a new mom is a break, right . My first book is if you give a mom 10 minutes to yourself. Mommy timeout. 10 minutes a day. Im not saying you need to take off an hour and run away. Take 10 little simple minutes to yourself timeout. Im a fairly new mother. I have two children, two and a half and under. I read those comments and my first thought was oh wow, they are going to crucify her for this. At the same time i thought wow, she is actually saying something we all feel. To be fair, she went on in her statement to say when she does finally get away from her children, there is this aching pain that is always with her. And i think a lot of moms really could sympathize with that, especially working moms who are away from their children every day. So much guilt too we have as working parents and parents in general. I just think that everybody is out there. We should just stop judging each other. I really think we are all doing the best we can moms and dads. We are juggling 100 balls at once trying to not let one drop. I hear what she is saying. Again, she was just being honest about how she feels. By the way, she has been a mom for most of her adult life. She had her first son at 23 years old. What roll can alcohol play in this . As far as what . As far as taking a block. Give a mom a martini. Its not about drinking, actually. But we do know that mom sometimes do need a glass of wine once in a while. There is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong to w. Going to meet a friend for a cup of blends. Going to the gym or whatever. Again, its very important, i always say, happy mother makes happy kids, happy family, happy dad. Right . If you are not happy, your kids are not going to be happy. No one cares about the happiness of the dad, come on. Come on. Double standard here. When parents see a dad at the playground. Is he a hero. I dont think today. I dont see that anymore. I see moms my husband is so involved with my children. Is he a working dad. You are not a hero. No more double standards. I think that todays parents are doing it all. Trying to. And being parenting together which i think is really important. Dad said, this no one would even pay attention. You need a break from your kid, of course you do. When a mom says that she is vilified. Lis nice to see you this morning. Good to have. You coming up on the show you may have seen this video. A woman berating Florida Governor rick scott at a florida starbucks youre a [bleep]. You dont care about working people. Im not talking to you. You dont care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here. But that woman now known as the latte liberal just got served. The brutal response video from the governor. Thats next. If you are wondering where ms. Anna kooiman is this morning. She is busy being named queen of the azalea festival in North Carolina where she joins us live. Anna, you lock beautiful. Thank you. Do you like my crown, sandra . Good morning to everybody at home. Im at the 69th annual azalea festival here in wilmington, North Carolina. This is where i went to school, to college. This is where i got my start as a cub reporter wway. Big names, bop hope, michael jordan, many celebrities have taken part in this festival over the years. We have the sights and sounds of what we have seen so far at the 69th azalea festival coming up. Lets hit it woo lets go wildcats woo schoom lets go wildcats tired of working for peanuts . Well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. Im talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. Ever see a peanut take a day off . I dont think so. Harness the hardworking power of the peanut. Once i left the hospital after a dvt blood clot. What about my wife. What were building together. And could this happen again . I was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me . I spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. Eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. Not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. But eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. Knowing eliquis had both. Turned around my thinking. Dont stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. If you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Eliquis treats dvt pe blood clots. Plus had less major bleeding. Both made switching to eliquis right for me. Ask your doctor if its right for you. Do you work about working people. Million jobs. Who cares about jobs when you are finishing school you really feel like you have a job coming up. You were strip women of access to Public Healthcare. Shame on you rick scott. We depend on those services. Wow. Who was filming the whole thing. Another morning at starbucks in the state of florida. That was the governor of florida, rick scott trying to get a cup of blends and a woman mad about abortion restrictions went completely postal on the guy as you cano see. Well, rick scott super pac has decided to fire back. They annualized who this woman was and someone was filming it, right . So we have her on camera. They dug in and this is what they come up with, watch. You may have seen this video of a terribly rude woman at a blends scott screaming at governor scott. She former Government Official who refused to sight the pledge of allegiance and anarchist. Look who around here has a job . Im glad you asked. She was at starbucks in gainsville. Lets take a look at who around her has a job. Since scott became governor 903,000 jobs have been added in all in this area. A million jobs, great. Who here has a great job . Well, almost everybody except those who are sitting around blends shops demanding public assistance, surfing the internet and cursing at customers who come in. She is getting their free wifi. That is hilarious. I need a super pac. Any time im attacked. Demanding public assistance and screaming at customers. We have a few of those here in new york city i have noticed. Its amazing. She is there as a customer. When i first heard the story i thought she was working there. Q no. I think its totally fair to disagree with rick scotts policies, obviously. Here is what i am not into is the shouting obscenities at people which has become a theme on the left recently. I have noticed. This i dont agree with you. Therefore im going to scream at you. And prevent you from expressing your views. Im going to block the road. Im going to. Grab the microphone from Bernie Sanders. The left has gone nuts because we are so focused on donald trump. We have missed one of the Great Stories of our moment tqitte Democratic Party hassi wackoes. Has anybody else noticed this . If you have noticed this go to our Facebook Page as well. Now to head lynns this morning a homeless run ay now charged in the brutal murder of university of texas austin freshman. Police charged 17yearold meek mikhail criterion meek kale criner. Authorities say criterion had a troubled past bouncing around between family and foster homes. And a 2014 interview with a Student Newspaper he said life was like being in prison. He also said he wanted people to remember his name74jf police say there is a good possibility theyre is the Brussels Airport suspect. Remember the one known as the man in white seen on Surveillance Video . Police say he may be 37yearold mohamed abrini. Abrini is also the last known suspect in the paris massacre. His d. N. A. Was found in a rental car used in those attacks and an apartment yours to do make bombs in the brussels attacks. Another man osama kay was also arrested. He is believed to be the second subway suspect. The fight goes on. The fbi now wants apple to unlock a new york drug suspects iphone. Newly unsealed documents show apple refused to unlock out of boston. This new battle comes after a high stakes showdown where the fbi independently unlocked alleged San Bernardino shooters syed farooks iphone without apples help. Who could forget this 2009 email exchange between Hillary Clinton and a member of her staff trying to get her fax machine to work . A staff tells her to hang up and try again. She tries and fails repeatedly. That email along with this embarrassing moment earlier this week when she got stuck in the subway turnstile, coming back to haunt the former secretary of state on social media. This happens all the time in new york city subways. Well, she made it look like she has been there before after those surfaced showing clinton brain surgery tech uniques at a college in buffalo. Clinton added how to treat an aneurism for list of accomplishments. Im going to defend her on the fax machine. Its terrible. I couldnt operate a fax machine if my life depended on it i also couldnt do brain surgery. Im concerned about her qualifications. I dont want to sound like dont think she is qualified to perform. People run right into you. I walk like the man of the people. Im not some haifa lieutenant guy who is going to pay for a subway ride. I have legs, man. You sleep in bags of money you do not take the subway. Like scrooge mcduck. Where is anna kooiman this morning she is in wilmington, North Carolina for the North Carolina azalea festival. Turns out anna was crowned ajail i cant festival queen on wednesday. Robby collins says this is the reason why. News and when i found out that anna kooiman had so many ties to the community of wilmington and North Carolina, about a year and a half ago, i reached out to her. When she said she was interested, there was no competition. When we found out anna kooiman might come down here and represent the festival and the Southern Charm and the arts of wilmington, there was no question about who we want to do have. She is the best queen we have had in 69 years hands down. That is saying a lot because she has got some Great Company as queen. Past azalea queen 2013 malory megan. Joan van arc. Cosby show phylicia rashad. Anna ripa. Anna kooiman puts them all to shame. She joins us now our crowned queen from wilmington anna kooiman, ladies and gentlemen. Clayton and tucker i miss you guys. What do you think of my crown . Imoh the 69th queen to wear this crown. It feels amazing. This is my old stomping ground. This is where i went to college at uncw. And i was a reporter at wway abc when i got my very first start in tv. So, this place means so much to me. Im so honored to be their queen. I want you to take a look at some of my old video from about 10 years ago when i first got going here in the port city. And if we can im hearing something going on in my ear. Im not sure what that is. I think its bounce back or something. I just wanted to let you guys know. Anyway uncw is really near and dear to my heart as well. I went on a big run with a track team because i ran track here, varsity track and got to see my old coaches and all that. The big thing was at the coronation on wednesday right when i got here. The governor pat mccrory put the crown on my head which meant a lot to me because clayton, tucker and sandra he was actually my mayor. That meant a lot to me doing that we had a big old time. We met snoop dogg last night. I think we have a picture we can show you of that as well. My mom and my dad and brother and sisterinlaw. Everybody is here. And it just means the world to me. We have got the parade going on a little bit later today. So i will be waving on the float. And seeing a lot of people that i have missed for so many years. We have been showing pictures of you and all the things you have been doing while have you been down there this week. Tell us about it you visited some hospitals . The schools there . Yeah. We visited ogden elementary school. It meant a lot to me to do that too and to hear them. They had a whole program for us. Dancing and singing. They sang the national anthem. And what else . The pledge of allegiance was getting me all choked up because, you know, we talk a lot about that one nation under god. They were saying it. Its just amazing. Im so happy to be here. I cant even tell you. The hospital visit we sang frozen with the little girl who was really been struggling. Its been nice to really brighten her day, too. Congratulations to you. I love seeing that old video footage. You said i think im hearing something in my ear it was your own voice from some old are a cifl footage we had to dust off from the archives. It was echoing in my ear. And what i love from this footage you can clearly tell camera because this is local news and had youc6uz set up your own camera and walk towards the camera. Were so proud. Exactly. One man banding. Queen anna, joining us live from wilmington, North Carolina. Bye, everybody. We will see you in a bit. Enjoy. Thanks. Congratulations. Thanks. Pope francis calling on catholics to be more welcoming to people who are divorced or remarried. Did that statement change church to come trip . A fair and balanced debate on that question coming up. If you need advice for your business, legalzoom has your back. Our trusted network of attorneys has provided guidance to over 100,000 people just like you. Visit legalzoom today. The legal help you can count on. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. Jusdoes that mean they have toer grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do . With right at home, it doesnt. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care, housekeeping, meals, and most of all, staying engaged in life. Oh, thank you, thank you. Youre welcome. Are you ready to go . Oh, i sure am. We can provide the right care, right at home. Ground breaking document out of the vatican as pope francis releases new paper on family titled the joy of love. Re3examining centuries old catholic beliefs on marriage. Is the church ready for this . Joining me now to weigh in is steve cojack. Publisher and executive director of one peter five and monday senior Kerry Harrington Communication Diocese for brooklyn. I want to jump into the joy of love here. Steve, i will start with you first. How is this going to change the church . The pope is in a document is calling for priests to welcome irregular unions. Well, irregular unions is sort of a code word for any kind of relationship that would have been considered adulteress or sinful in the past. We are seeing a lot of sort of creative language and looking for legal loopholes. You know, people talk about whether the doctrine of the church has been changed. The doctrine of the church doesnt change but thew Practical Application of the doctrine can. And its sort of like if you had a 35 mileperhour speed limit in a town and everybody goes 60 Miles Per Hour through there and nobody enforces that, well, yeah, the law is still on the books. If people arent follow the law, then thats the problem. So i think what were seeing in this document is an attempt to change behavior through pastoral application saying to people you know what . The things we used to say are sinful and a problem. Maybe we can find some justifications for those things. Monday senior, how does o. Iu quange things in your this as firmly breaking tradition in the Catholic Church and welcoming those that have been divorced or have these irregular unions. Others see this as opening the doors it those who have been scared away from attending the Catholic Church. Absolutely not. The starting point here is a personal of jesus christ. Thats what the pope is saying. Is he saying that essentially you have an experience of gods mercy, an experience of the love of christ. And when you have the experience of the love of christ, that then brings about a conversion and so the starting point does not necessarily the moral conversion as steve is suggesting. The starting point is the experience of the love of crois that then brings about a moral conversion in ones life. You may hear something different, steve, when it comes to conservative catholics when they view some of these changes happening, they are questioning the future of the catholic religion and the church. Absolutely. You know, this is the thing. We can debate all day whether or not, you know, mercy is whats really being applied here. The problem is that mercy presupposes repentance. In order to be forgiven for something. Thats not true. You have to be sorry. Thats not true. I will give you a chance to response that. Mercy is a free gift not merited. Something god gives us freely. No argument this is notk a conservative orthodox pope. The person who rolls out the statement is cardinal showburn. Catechism of the Catholic Church. Im sure you dont think thats a liberal document. Starting point is a relationship with the person of jesus christ. The starting point is not law. The law comes afterwards. The relationship with christ is whats formaive. Monday senior, what is the reaction that you are seeing in general from the religious community from the catholic community, other priest and monday seniors that you speak with . Are they sharing thoughts with you . Heres the thing i grew up in the 70s and 80s where the church was going bananas. 6zwan predisposition is for clarity. Thats what Pope Benedict stressed. Clarity. What pope francis is saying we have to try a new direction to allow ourselves to go into muddied waters. The muddied circumstances of peoples lives in orr for them to have an experience of christ that could bring about a change in their life. I think thats what most of us are thinking is going to happen here. Things definitely change in the Catholic Church. Thank you to both of you, steve and monday senior for joining us. Great to get your perspective. Thank you. All right. Well, coming up, bill clinton trying to make amends with black lives matter after this outburst on the campaign trail. You are defendingua the people who kill the lives you say matter. Tell the truth. But governor Mike Huckabee says his apology is just making things worse. The governor joins us live next hour. And they promise to do contain all the energy you need for the day in a compact and tasty bar. The truth behind what many call a health hoax next. Yes. Well, i found this new thing called Allstate Quickfoto claim. Its an app. You understand that . You just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. Really . So you get a quicker estimate, quicker payment, quicker back to normal. I just did it. But maybe you can find an app that will help you explain this to your father. Quickfoto claims. Just another way allstate is changing Car Insurance for good. Mobility is very important to me. Thats why i use e trade mobile. Its on all my mobile devices, so it suits my mobile lifestyle. And it keeps my investments fully mobile. Even when im on the move. Ahhh. Great time for a shiny floor wax, no . And it keeps my investments fully mobile. Not if you just put the finishing touches on your latest masterpiece. Timings important. Comcast business knows that. Thats why you can schedule an installation at a time that works for you. Even late at night, or on the weekend, if thats what you need. Because you have enough to worry about. I did not see that coming. Dont deal with disruptions. Get Better Internet installed on your schedule. Comcast business. Built for business. Energy bars, by the nature of the name perfect post workout snack, right . They are not candy bars no, really . Are they . Here to sort it out truth abouttw energy bars contributor to Womens Health carrie. We had to hold tucker back. Whats the bottom line on these things. We should hold tucker back because people sometimes eat these when they really just want a candy bar. I will eat that protein bar or i have that energy bar. When, really they would rather a plane old chocolateo bar and use it asen excuse thinking they are doing something better. Often many of these bars have just as much sugar if not more sugar. And, remember, four grams of sugar teaspoon of sugar has four grams. Four grams of sugar equal a teaspoon of sugar. Loaded with way more grams of sugar. 15, 16, 17. Imagine yourself pouring sugar into your mouth. Which is better a mounds bar or an energy bar . Exactly. By the way its kind of a tossup for some of them. Some of them are also absolutely loaded with all different types of but, heres the reason we are doing. This people go to the gym and they want something quick or driving and they just need a snack so you have alternatives here maybe that would. Exactly. By the way though there are some okay options when it comes to energy bars. Make sure you are log for whole real Food Ingredients in the Ingredient List i them. Is this good . Main ingredient is obviously nuts which we can see right there. I dont want to bash all of them. Be careful reading Ingredient List. Going for real food snacks is always going to be the best ops. So what we have right here is just an example of a trail mix. After you have worked out u you want to have a combination of protein, right . You want to have some protein and you want to have some carbohydrates to help your muscles recover and to help supposed to do it right away like first 20, 30 minutes. Exactly to. Remen issue in your stores. Fruits . Right. So so here we have apple and Peanut Butter carbohydrates and fiber fill us up and Almond Butter that has protein in it great for repairing. I think tucker already reached is that beef jerky. Those are jerkies there are healthy jerkies out there that have protein in them which, again, help your body repair all protein. I love this to just smear some avocado on a piece of bread. Ready to go containers right there. Bring some crackers with you. Easy, on the go. You will get the healthy fat there. Carrie, you are a star and nutritionist. Thank you for breakfast. You arejx so welcome. Lets dive in. At people would rather do than deal with retirement. Pressurewashing the. Roses. Aerating the lawn vo but with nationwide its no big deal. Okay, your Retirement Plan is all set. Nationwide . Awesome. Nice neighborhood. Nationwide is on your side the sunll come out for people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever. Entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow. Ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away captured accused killer who escaped a psychiatric facility found 300 miles away after spenting two days on the run. Breaking details on how he got out and where he planned to go next. And its been a pretty tense week for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in the state of new york. Seriously. I have been called a lot of things over the years but unqualified has not been one of them. And, yet, thats exactly what Bernie Sanders just called her. But is he apologizing . Does he feel guilty for his meanness . Latest. Some of yours you have written into us. Read them. Fox friends hour three starts right now. Kx [bap types] [bag. [bagpipes] the vikings are taking over the plaza this morning. Taking over the 18th annual tartan day parade. Clans have gathered in midtown straight from the northern portion of the british isles. And the bringing tartan day parade willa9 be this Nidal Malik Hasan new york city and it starts right about here. Plus, this is really cool. Were going to show you some of the coolest cars of our past commanders in chief. Take a look at these things. We have got to keep our crew away from them this morning because they would have been driving around new york city in these things. Amazing. The delorean belonged to jimmy carter. Not to tell that you early. Beautiful. Beautiful. New car guy, tucker . Im not a car guy. Im an uber guy. [ laughter ] i love the uber. I take a handsome cab to work. Both sides gearing up for a huge day on the campaigntodayg to keep his streak going in wyoming. Meanwhile, donald trump and senator ted cruz get ready for a big apple battle here in new york. Kristen fisher is live for us this morning in d. C. With the very latest. Good morning, kristen. Good morning, so today we have gotr, two western states in play. You have got colorado for the republicans and wyoming for the democrats. Bernie sanders is expected to continue his winning streak. He won six of the last seven contests and a win today in wyoming is pretty much violates if he has any hopes to catching up to clinton in terms of delegates. This week the two candidates have been trading unusually sharp jabs for the democratic race. Sanders took a lot of heat for saying that he thought Hillary Clinton was unqualified to be president. But now, with the big new york primary just 10 days away. Both candidates seem to be dialing back the rhetoric a bit. Saying anyr democratic candidate would be better than republican in the white house. I have been called a lot of things. [ laughter ] over the years but unqualified has not been one of them. This morning he finally acknowledged that, of course, he doesnt really believe that. Does she have the experience . Obviously she does. She was secretary of state, a u. S. Senator. I will take Bernie Sanders over donald trump or ted cruz any time. And on her worse day she would be an infinitely better president than either of the republican candidates. Now today ted cruz is also expected to extend his winning streak. First he won wisconsin and now he could easily win all of colorados 37 delegates. He has already secured the support of 21 of them and he is poise to do pick up even more at the States Convention today. But Trumps Campaign is saying, hey. No big deal. We expected that we are prepared for that they are now focused on the new york primary. Five more on the coast. The primary calendar shifts east and that gives trump the advantage. Yes, it does. Kristen fisher summing it all up for us. Tucker, im an uber girl too by the way. Good for you. I take uber everywhere. I took it to work here today. It is you meet all kinds of interesting people. You stay in touch with the country. She is lying i saw her on rickshaw coming to work. Its a goober car. I have been there. Where is donald trump by the way . He has gone kind of radio silent. He has been on twitter though. Maybe its to the radio silent. He hasnt been doing the Campaign Stops that we have seen him do all through the fall and winter season. Well, it looks like is he preparing for new york state putting big chips down on this states primary in a little over a week. Thats right. Donald trump has given more interviews, i believe in this campaign than any president ial candidate ever in the history of candidates, i mean, he literallyq m talked to everybody name it abc, cnn, al jazeera. On this show has been on pretty regularly for the past few years. He seems to be pulling back a little bit in his media strategy. We talked to congressman Chris Collins from new york the honorary cochairman of donald Trumps Campaign is. Everyone knows who donald trump is. He has won run a brilliant campaign. Everyone knows what he is standing for. You are seeing shifting of a campaign as it has occurred. He doesnt need much earned media. For now its inside baseball on the delegates making sure that there is northerly shenanigans going on behind the scenes. I think this is a normal transition from where he was a few months back to where he is today. And, actually, getting ready to take the fight to Hillary Clinton. Its an interesting shift. Does the campaign think that there is an oversaturation, perhaps . I think its a matter of emphasis. I mean, lock, the democrats are talkingu about Global Warming and transgender bathrooms. Whatever you think of those issues, they have no effect on the average american who is struggling economically. Trump has a real message. I dont think he has been delivering it recently, but if he gets back to talking about voters rather than himself or protestor says because who cares, i think he could do well. Trump has been totally in beginning, taking on more people to run that campaign. Does that change his message at all . Thats a great question. His chief advisor appears to be, and i think she does a good job. His oldest daughter. Its beenul about trump. He has made every key far. It is, you know, a different phase. And it probably is worth having people who have experience running campaigns. He has two slated dates of public speeches in the next week or so. He is on twitter but is he not doing the four or five that he has been doing. Tune in tonight for fox news reporting donald trump the disrupter is a fox news special. Inside access to Trumps Campaign. Speak to family, friends and candidate himself. Bret baier hosts that special tonight 8 00 p. M. Right here on the fox news channel. We start with a fox news alert. A Washington State manhunt for a second psychiatric patient is now over. Accused killer Anthony Garver is now in custody. He was captured near his parents home in spokane after a two day search. He was found 300 miles from where he and Mark Alexander e]ap ed the psych facility on wednesday night. Alex annual der here on the right was captured on thursday. Garber had garver had his sights set on morocco and went to his familys house to get his part ports. When he showed up his parents called the police. By the way its not the first time garver has escaped. Its my hope this time the department of correction and the state of washington find a way to make sure that this dangerous criminal does not escape again. Garver is accused of stabbing a woman it death during 2013 escape. One more patient is still on the run. Another edition of friday night data dump. State department releasing 1100 documents to the Benghazi Committee. 17 months after congress originally requested them. They include communications from then secretary of state Hillary Clintons staff and unite United Nations officials. Four people including u. S. Ambassador Chris Stevens were killed during the terror attacks at the u. S. Consulate in libya. Spacex landing in the history books. Of the falcon nine rocket finally making a successful return to earth, touching middle of the atlantic ocean. That is amazing. It is amazing the footage alone is amazing. We have been watching this video this morning. The rockets point of view afr coming back from the International Space station. The company head elan musk saying all the future deep Space Mission also land on the aquatic ship. He hopes crashes like this one during an Early Landingmw landing january. You new warning you probably werent aware of but probably cant live without. The largest human mattress dominoes. 3, 2, 1 go. Ladies and gentlemen,. Our floor direct said thats bedlam. That is funny. See, this is why i love america. Appliance and Electronics Store gathered 1200 participants in maryland to pull off this incredible feat. 34 rows of mattresses and 13 minutes later they nabbed the new guinness book of World Records in one try they got the record. I mean, clayton,u how did they not get the phone call to participate . They are not doing that in france. They are not doing that in fiji. Thats not happening in syria this morning. Ladies and gentlemen, thats america. Japanese factory line. Well, con lat legs to them we dont want to to at least say that. The popenning pope dolling out marriage advice. Tricky part where maybe attractiveness starts to fade from the love and from the marriage. What do you do once the physical attributes start to fall away . He has some advice. He does. He has got opinions on everything. Here is his position on marriage long term quoting now. Loving another person involves the joy of contemplating and appreciate their innate beauty and sacredness even though they are no longer physically appealing but intrusive and annoying. The pope says never go to bed angry. My advice is never to let the day end without making peace in the family. Start off your whole day the next day poor mood. Here he says sometimes just listen. Thats great advice, especially for men. Often he says the other spouse does not need a solution to his or her problems. But simply to be heard. I think thats wise advice, actually, i think thats really smart. I think thats great he is weighing in on an issue what couples and marriages talk about every single day. Politics or Global Warming. I like that. I appreciate that. I think thats good advice. Lori writes on facebook this morning. Ask for your thoughts on making a marriage last. She says make every moment count. Just dont love each other but be in love with eacher. Dave posted your wife is always right. Dave, i love you. He says go with the flow. Thats sound advice. Thats greato advice. Both guys good advice. Submit a little bit. Or at least verbally do so. Talk it out. I love that advice. The woman is always right. Fantastic. Here. How long first of all, whats your names . Damar clag. Jeff. How long have you been married for. 23 years. 23 years. Thats amazing. Old. Were old. Whats your advice for a long lasting marriage . Put the lord first and patience. Ditto . Yeah. And the wife is always right . That works, too. All right. Anybody else . Whats your name, sir . Clint elvin. Whats your wife right now. My wife is having hot cocoa in bed watching me here in new york. What is the secret to a happy marriage . Keep them smiling and laughing. So she is at home drinking hot cocoa and laughing . Of course. Anybody else . Andrew from lancaster, pennsylvania. Happy wife, happy life. Very nice, happy wife, happy life. Well done, everybody. Thanks for coming to fox friends. Our pleasure. Yea. All right. I am sorry a little bit about the weather it is cold and it doesnt feel like springtime and were going to get a little bit of rain and snow later on today. Nicely done, everybody. Back inside. Happy wife, happy life. So true. Better than the weather. Thanks, janice. Coming up, bill clinton says he is sorry for shouting down black lives protesters earlier this week . You are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter. Tell the truth. Whoa. A moment of truth from former president bill; clinton governor Mike Huckabee is coming up. Best story you will see all day. A tiny patriot in training just two years old. Thanking americas heroes the adorable story ahead. Lift up your hands if you all want to hang with me and my gang we ride me and my gang jump on that train , wrely on the Us Postal Service . 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Thats bill clinton at a rally for his wife. Facing off against black lives matter. Is he now under fire for that exchange that took place on thursday. The next day he was force to do apologize sort of. Clinton facing a backlash after he slammed president obama on, quote, his awful legacy. Is the former president doing more harm than good to his wives campaign. Governor mike huck we who knows the clintons well because he is, of course, also from arkansas. Governor, its great to see you this morning. Bill clinton seemed like he inadvertently told the truth for a moment and now he is embarrassed about it we did have terrible crime in the 90s. Horrible people who did deserve to be in prison. Hbhshp now is he backing off from that statement . He shouldnt back off. I mean, it was a true statement. Its one of the most freshing things that have happened in hillarys campaign. Up until now, tucker, has been an odorless,zdqz tasteless and colorless gas. Maybe two out of three. Like carbon monoxide. There has been a little odor to the whole thing. It has been delightfully horrible campaign. She is so scripted and robotic. Bill clinton comes out and in a moment of spontaneity that we have not seen in her campaign actually tells the truth. I think most of the americans would listen to what he said and say he is exactly right. But because of Political Correctness that is running the Democratic Party and specifically Hillary Clinton, he backs off on it. And i think really ends up undoing all the good that he was probably doing her by showing a little life in the campaign, which she hasnt shown. Thats such an interesting point. He got his banner up when the one thing that he really cares about is challenge which of course is his own legacy. He was in effect defending himself. Do you think that his presence helps her or hurts her in the context of a democratic primary . Its hard to say because the Democratic Party has beenfy completely hijacked by the far left. And bill clinton, whatever you want to say about him, he is not a real far leftist. He was pragmatic governor and pragmatic president. I think thats why even in all the personal scandals he ended up with a relatively popular legacy because people recognize that at the end of the day for Khalil Clinton it was about bill clinton it was about americans. We want to tax 90 . Raise the minimum wage and kill all those jobs that would have been there. Its an irrational kind of political approach. It makes the yippees and hippies of the 60s look like posers. Thats totally right. Just based on i mean, and as a result of that hillary is trying to be who she really is, which is an ideological leftist but still has a Little Common sense and understands how to govern. And, yet, she is trying to do it in the context of a party is off the rails. She is trying to out bull chevic Bernie Sanders. 0 must see Democratic Party go up in smoke because its the party he presided over. Its not the party he bree sided over. The Democratic Party is not your grandfathers Democratic Party. Its certainly is not its not even your older procedures Democratic Party. I mean, it really has changed that radically that quickly. And thats why, when all these people are wringing their hands about the republican possibilities in november, i think they are just they need to chill because. I totally agree. Unfortunately governor we are out of time. I want to thank you for joining us. Great to see. Okay. Good to talk to you, tucker. Well be back in just one minute. My name is melissa snyder, im a Customer Relationship manager with pg e. Ive helped customers like plantronics meet their Energy Efficiency goals. So you save energy and you can save money. Energy efficiency and the environment go hand in hand. And i love how pg es commitment to the environment helps a Community Like santa cruz be a better place to live. And being able to pass that along to my family is really important to me. Just being together and appreciating what we have right here in santa cruz. See how you can save energy at pge. Com. Together, were building a better california. Its a conversation many people are having at home when it comes to cutting off your children financially when is the right time . A personal finance expert pete dunn says it better be before adulthood. Recent opinion piece he writes, quote the Financial Support you are offering your Adult Children is toxic. Your support of them isnt about the sacrifice of your money, its much the opposite. This is about sacrificing your feelings and letting failure be the teacher. He joins us now with advice on how to stop the mooching. I took your advice my little 3yearold girl i said you are done, we are cutting you off. Smart move . Yeah. Thats a great move. My 7yearold last night went and got a job. Undoubtedly, guys, this is uncomfortable conversation. My email inbox has told me such over the last two weeks. Good. Its starting a conversation about at what point, you know, how much money you should give your kids for allowance, all of those other things. We have viewer questions this morning that we want to get to. Lets put them up. Here is one of our email questions. Lets put it up on the screen. There is nothing wrong with helping a person who works hard and doesnt make enough to cover their overwhelming college debt. What do you think about that . We have to start with the obvious. They chose the debt. The debt didnt choose them. We arent assigned college debt. We sign up. Guys, here is the terrible part. We ask 18yearolds with no income, no jobs, no assets, no, you know, plotted future to take out tens of thousands of dollars of student loans. Thats a big problem. Second issue really is here its okay to live a lower lifestyle until you get on your feet. What were seeing now is that people want to continue the lifestyle of their parents into their early 20s which is financially student loans. I would argue in that situation that the goal is to teach independence, not to support a lifestyle that isnt realistic. Yeah. I can say as the youngest of six kids my dad made it very clear early on, im here for your survival a roof over your head roof over food in your mouth. Seemed to struggle financially and we struggle to know when enough is enough. Concerned whether we are helping them or creating dependents. This is possibly a worry that some parents have on a daily basis, pete, your advice . Yeah. I was speaking in chicago l. S. U. Year. And a lady came up to me afterwards and said, you know, i had this problem and then i asked my son if i could see his bank statement. Because i wanted to know what im investing in. And, you know, this actually makes a lot of sense. If you are supporting them with youryn resources, dont we want to know how resourceful they are because if theyre not resourceful. More resources turn into negative ammunition which just enables poor decisions. So, for this particular emailer, i would say, number one, its appropriate to say well, what are you spending your money on and number two, set a financial separation date. August 5th, september 10th. No no one cares, just set a time frame to say this is when we are going to separate. Lets talk about the kids here in this and how we should address them. Because they have n just been on this sort of family dole for so long they dont know there that there is a spigot that could be turned off or perhaps they should turn it off themselves. You actually encourage them to take the initiative here . Im parent. Youre a parent. When you become a parent. Guess what happens. You get kind of dumb. Because you love your kids so much. I do the dumbest things in the world for my kids. And so parents struggling to separate. I think the childer is the younger person needs to come through and say look, my gift to you for raising me is to become independent so i dont ruin your retirement. I met a 75yearold cancer patient two weeks ago working two jobs so that his 30something son can live in chicago with a liberal Arts Education because he just doesnt like the job he has. And thats when i wrote the columns, frankly. That is unbelievable. That sounds like inspiration. Living in chicago is cheap. Unbelievable. All right, pete, thank you. Thanks, pete. Good advice. My pleasure. Love to hear your thoughts on this. Weigho÷ none Facebook Page. We put in petes opinion piece there go back and forth and duke it out. Read your responses. It was the legislation that catapulted Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker to political stardom. Now its just been overturned. What the landmark decision means for organized labor coming up. And check thought commander and chiefs car. Its supposed to do that now that is really cool. Wow. Were going to show you more of these president ial cars. There it is. Right here on our plaza this morning. Wow. A hover craft car. A boat car. Janice. I love it. Make me want to roll my windows down and cruise. I think we shouldve taken a tarzan know where tarzan go tarzan does not know where tarzan go. Hey, excuse me, do you know where the waterfall is . Waterfall . No, me tarzan, king of jungle. Why dont you want to just ask somebody . If youre a couple, you fight over directions. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance, you switch to geico. Oh ohhhhh its what you do. Ohhhhhh do you have to do that right in my ear . [bagpipes] [bagpipes] i love what just said look how young they are great for the future ofma bagpiping. Hasmaybe not the most cheerful music but resonate. Just like the tarp. Tartan day is the day. 18th annual tartan city day parade the vikings. They are here on our plaza. 2 00 p. M. West 55th on sixth avenue. If you are here go and enjoy them. 55 degrees though play the bagpipes this that weather is astounding. Its impressive. Headlines on this saturday morning. Brutal murder of University Texas austin, texas. Police charged 17yearold meechaiel criterion criner with murder8 yesterday 18yearold victim haruka wise wise. He had a troubled past bouncing around parents and foster care. Life was like being in prison. He also wanted people to remember his name. Is he being held on 1 million bond. Another battle. Striking down wisconsins righttowork law represent workers who dont pay dues. Finding it unconstitutional. Governor walker signed it one year ago despite massive union protests in madison. Wisconsins attorney general plans to appeal the ruling. Governor walker tweeted we are confident wisconsins freedom to work law is constitutional and will ultimately be upheld. A. A. A. Is renewing its plea to install seat belts on school buses. This comes after several bus crashes this week like this one in maryland where several students were injured on wednesday. That same day in massachusetts, there was another crash where 11 students ended up in the hospital. A. A. A. Says only six states around the country require seat belts on buses. This could possibly be the best story of the day. A patriot in training. This;g 2yearold was caught waddling away from his parents to say hello to a line of military servicemen. The adorable child greeted almost every single one of them for some adorablably tiny little handshakes. This before quickly returning back to his family. And those are your headlines. Go out to janice dean. Hi, yes, it may be cold outside but im in a hot,u red car sandra. This is an car. Lbj had a car like this. This means this can be a boat, too. It can be a car and a boat, correct . Car and a boat. But you have to close the valves or else they sink. We are going to talk about hot cars owned by president s while tucker and i snuggle up. Lets do some weather. All right. Put bilge plug in. 20 degrees below average as you see on the weather map. Thats going to continue into sunday. We also have, unfortunately, snow in our forecast across the great lakes and the northeast. So you can see new york 40. 27 in detroit. There is a wind chill with the winds coming off the water and look at oh my gosh, i know, please dont adjust your set. That is snow across the northeast. We could get some here in new york city and philadelphia up towards boston. That is going to exit we are going to see another storm system move into the great lakes. We have winter storm advisories. Incredible and potential for 3 to 6 inches of snow across the great lakes there. Again, some day we are going to be complaining about how hot it is. For now lets talk about hot cars, tucker. This is unbelievable, janice. Clayton. This is the thing, you always have to put bilge plug in. Jfks thunder bird. The road to the white house begins in many different places drive there. Readers on the coolest cars owned by past president s. Here with three of the top cars from this survey from classic cars. Com is east coast editor andy reid. Andy, nice to see you this morning. Thank you very much. This is one of the top cars. Jfk actually drove it . Not this exact car but one like it. This is a 62. Jfk drove a 61. This car is really, really interesting. When jfk got, this he had a 61 and 63. He obviously liked the t bird. This isr bullet bird design which shows the nose is pointed. Jetsons era thing he dug this car to the point during his inauguration he had 50 in the inauguration parade. He insisted on the convertible which sadly would have been his undoing a few years later with the convertible that was hepposed to be shielded. Shield. And the thing is, it was hard to get these cars. This is a brand new car, was very popular. Ford couldnt supply these to people. As a result, what happened was they hadqa made bob mcnamara a former ford executive they put him in the president ial cabinet. As a result, probably bob called somebody and said, hey, et cetera etsel can we get some of these for the inauguration. Are tell us about this car over here. You got it. Sandra, how do you like that one . [inaudible] tell me all about this because, first off, what makes this car so special is that it was a gift to george w. From his parents for his graduation. Correct. Its a 1961 tr 4. 61 was a really cool year for thej tr 4. It was the first year where british cars had these roadsters. Had these windows that rolled up. Before then you didnt have rollup windows. This car was a big deal and whole idea for british sports cars at the time. Hot, small, british sports car of its era. This is just beautiful. Its been updated. Its got a cd player in here. Exactly. Its a beautiful car. And did he use this much or was this more of we dont know. The car now is in canada and been restored to spec to the colors and everything else. I have done some digging this week. I really couldnt find out io guess he used it a bit but woe couldnt get information about how much he used it and what he did with it. Tell me what im sitting in. 1961 triumph tr 4. You have got to go over to Tucker Carlson now because he is in his fancy ride. Tucker. This is an antcie car. 75 original miles on it . I talked to the owner this morning thats what it had. This is lgjs. No, its just like. Lgjs car list atyv the lbj ranch which is a monument. One of many. And thats where it lives there. Lbj really loved thing. He had a really interesting sense of humor shall we say. He had this lake on his ranch. And above the lake there was like this hill. And he would go up to the crest of the hill with people and he would go at the top of the hill you go oh no, the brakes are out. The brakes are out. They didnt know it was an amphi car. He would roll into the water and car would float. And people were screaming. Put it in boat drive and boat away. And freak all the people out. Did anyone ever jump out of the car. He did it all the time. This was like his favorite gag to do to people. He was really terrible about. It he was a cruel about funny man. Does this thing actually go in the water and not sink. Without question. As long as its restored. I talked to the owner this morning. This is a really wonderfully restored car. These things are prone to rust. [ laughter ] these are prone to rust. If they rust, you really need the life vest in the back. They will sink. Tucker, can you drive this down to the east river . He could. Its not my car. It would really go in it. Put as many miles on he said he would put as many miles in the water as he has on the road. Unbelievable. Andy reid, you are a fountain of information spewing forth interesting facts. Good to see you. Good to see you, thanks so much. Coming up this week we introduce to you a 13yearold boy who saved his baseball coachs life by administering cpr. Is there any age that is too young. Could save a life, maybe yours. Boycott the state of North Carolina over the transgender bathroom law. We will bring you the latest and tell how is being intolerant here. Closer look coming up. Born in the u. S. A. Born in the u. S. A. Come backw home , mostly prep . Could you save 1 more of your income . It doesnt sound like much, but saving an additional 1 now, could make a big difference over time. Im going to be even better about saving. You can do it, it helps in the long run. Prudential bring your challenges i use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals by activating whats within me. With onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is not insulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It should be used along with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems, or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with longacting insulin. Do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary Thyroid Cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. Stop using trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of Thyroid Cancer, which may include a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. Medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. And click to activate your within. My school could be bad. Ing fast. Could be a blast. Cant find a single thing to wear. Will they be looking at my hair . Wont be the same without you bro. When its go, the new Choice Privileges gets you there faster. And now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. Book now at choicehotels. Com its cold outside. It is cold outside. Bruce springsteen has cancelled a planned concert in the state of North Carolina. He is doing it as an act of conscience, he says. Is he mad about the law there that prevents men from going into ladies rooms and visa versa. It is derided by his critics as intolerant attack on the Lgbt Community and he says he is on the side of people who feel that way. He cancelled the concert in greensboro, and he issued a statement on this. Here is the statement. He said, look, some things are more important than a rock show and this fight against prejudice and bigotry which happens as i write is one of o them. Strongest means i have for raising my voice in opposition to those who continue to push us pack wards instead of forwards. Wow, its a big decision there and the congressman, mark walker, republican from North Carolina is reacting to this saying that bruce is using a bully tactic. He says bruce is known to be on the radical left and he has got every right to be so, but i consider this a bully tactic. Its like when a kid gets upset and says he is going to take his ball and go home. He went on to say though look, we have some other big shows who are coming to town who have not cancelled their concerts, Justin Bieber and def leppard coming to town. We will open welcome them with open arms. Bruce springsteen gets to join the list of people who get to feel like jump up and down. M trans gender bathroom big issues for affluent liberals . Do they do anything to make the average persons life any better . How out of touch is this party . Speaking of which, you wonder what the impact on the state will be from all of this. We spoke to Michael Wolff North Carolina business owner, casey Solution Group earlier in the show and he basically is reacting to all of this. Listen. Always operated from a position where the institution of gender separation has been upheld and honored in the most private places that we could exist. And thats iny toiletry and shower situations. What were doing with this type of policy is endangering all of our young girls and women of all ages in those most private places. I look at the history books and i see that the history books are filled with people who face challenges for taking stands. Martin luther king jr. , grande, certainly all of our wartime veterans, combat veterans. Jesus christ and the disciples. Everyone faced challenges when they faced up for what they believed to be right. I think im in pretty good company when it comes to that. But dont voters have a right to determine how they run their bathrooms . I dont know, but i just think if you believe that transgendered bathrooms are the Biggest Issue facing america, you are out of touch. Are you not . Its requesting to cost the city quite a bit of money. They are going to issue refunds to the people who its going to cost them 10,000, the coliseum there in lost money. But the take away, Bruce Springsteen is a really good person. Thats the whole point of this . Supporters are they are praising him this morning on the left. Of course, of course. You are standing up for our rights. Making the powerful feel morally superior. Thats the whole point of liberalism. All right. Back to the 2016. Bringing me back now to things that matter. There is a race goingih on. Donald trump is taking a break from it for a short period anyway is that a good strategy or bad one. Live report from d. C. Coming up. This week we introduced you to a 13yearold boy who saved his baseball coachs life with cpr. I think he is i dont think is he breathing anymore. Okay, listen, listen, listen. Is he on his back . What a brave little boy. Should all kids be learning cpr . What you and your family need to know that could save a life. Everybodys shaking staying alive staying alive staying alive a regular baseball practice took a terrible turn when the coach suddenly collapsed. Thinking fast this 13yearold player tile e eer dialed 911. I think hes not i dont think hes breathing anymore. Okay, listen, listen, listen, is he on his back . Listen is he on his back . Yes, hes on his back. Okay, im going to need you to do cpr. Im going to walk you through it. Here we go. Is somebody doing . Im doing it right now. Okay, good. The players quick action saved his coachs life. The two shared their story on fox friends this week. I wouldnt be here today if it werent for him. I mean just the fact that you know, a kid thats 13 that even vaguely remembers cpr can just go out there and get it done. I was just staying focused, i got to do this if he wants to stay alive. Should all kids be exposed to cpr skills in here with important information, pediatric nurse and certified american Heart Association instructor carmen rich and you have three children on the set this morning who are educated. Voila. First i have to ask you guys, do you think could you actually do that if the emergency faced you . I think carmen, thats a question a lot of people have, if faced with this emergency could i do this . You have to remember, too, once someones heart stops beating you have a 10 decrease per minute of them losing that chance, so you have to get started right away. We have to call 911, right . Then we have to start pushing on the chest hard and fast. As far as the train something concerned theres currently 26 states that have laws or curriculum that require handson cpr training for high school graduation. Youre a big believer in that absolutely. I think well get everyone on board very soon but ultimately we have to start with the young and when theyre young and their level of understanding is able to do that, start teaching them and be prepared for emergency. What is the first thing you need to know about actually doing cpr. What did we learn today . First we have to call 911. Got to get help there on the way, right . Then push hard and push fast. Want to do this . Lets do it. Show us how its done. Ill watch the experts. Hands locked, push hard and push fast. There you go. Awesome job. Wow, thats great. How do you know when you look at somebody who is a candidate for cpr what are you looking for, in this particular case the baseball coach passed out. You want to make sure they have a good level of understanding what theyre doing and also they have the physical ability to do it. About seventh grade you can start teaching them that. Whenever you feel like your child is able to understand it and able to could it, Start Talking about it. How often should you retrain yourself on cpr tactics . Great question. For both my babies i trained myself. As a Health Care Provider we do it every year so a parent should do it every year, children should do it in the schools. You get one chance before you leave high school to get this training but a class to get certification takes a little longer. 30 seconds anybody can learn cpr, go to cpr. Heart. Org and anybody can learn fair to say this saves lives every day. Absolutely. Carmen rich, thank you and thank you all three of you. A scam just in time for tax day. Reminder its coming. Could your return be Funding International criminals . What you need to know to protect yourself, next hour. And kate hudson under fire after ope admitting she likes spending time away from her kids. Does that make her a bad mom or just human . Tired of working for peanuts . Well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. Im talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. Ever see a peanut take a day off . I dont think so. Harness the hardworking power of the peanut. Good morning, everybody. It is saturday, april 9th, 2016, and we begin with a fox news alert. Captured, an accused killer who escaped a washington psychiatric facility, found nearly 300 miles away after spending two days on the run. The breaking details on how he got out and where he planned to go next. And if you think thats shocking look at the president ial race. Its been a very tough week for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Seriously ive been called a lot of things over the years, but unqualified has not been one of them. And yet thats exactly what Bernie Sanders just called her. Now hes apologizing, sort of. Well bring you up to speed on a very dramatic democratic primary. Actress kate hudson says there are some days she finds herself hiding from her kids in the house, even gets excited for her book tour so she can get some time to herself away from the kids, so is she a bad mom or just human . Fox friends hour four starts right now. Its a beautiful morning, i think ill go outside for a while the 58th annual running of the azalea. Its the azalea festival in wilmington, North Carolina. Ana kooiman has been crowned the queen of the festival. Lovely honors. You heard that right. Like Aretha Franklin, ana kooiman is the queen. She just started that race. She grew up there, those are her people. I dont want to brag about our cohost but she could win that race in high heels. Oh, yeah. Will other people be dropping like flies . Im winded just watching. Sandra is here, nice to see you. Thank you for having me and boy do we have a lot to talk about. Both sides gearing up for a huge day on the campaign trail and senator Bernie Sanders is looking to keep his streak going in wyoming. Meanwhile donald trump and senator ted cruz get ready for the battle in the big apple. So what is going on here . One person who knows, Kristen Fisher is live in washington. Good morning, kristen. Good morning, guys. So today Bernie Sanders is expected to continue his winning streak by winning wyoming. Hes won six of the last seven contests so sanders may have momentum but clinton has the delegate map on her side. This week the two candidates have been trading unusual sharp attacks in the democratic race. Sanders went so far as to say clinton is unqualified for president but he seems to be walking back a bit after the white house defended clintons qualifications. Ive been called a lot of things over the years, but unqualified has not been one of them. This morning he finally acknowledged that of course, he doesnt really believe that. Does she have the experience . Obviously she does, she was secretary of state, a u. S. Senator. I will take Bernie Sanders over donald trump or ted cruz any time. And on her worst day she would be an infinitely better president than either of the republican candidates. Today Republican Voters will be weighing in, in another western state, colorado. Cruz secured a majority of colorados delegates ahead of todays convention. Win there will barely make a dent in trumps overall delegate lead, one reason trump is taking time off from the campaign trail. Everyone in america knows who donald trump is. I think this say normal transition from where he was a few months back to where he is today and actually getting ready to take the fight to Hillary Clinton. But first hell have to get past ted cruz and cruzs dominance in colorado is a testament to his campaigns organization, something that would be critical at a contested convention. Tucker, clayton and sandra, back to you. Oh, the great kristin fisher, thank you. Bill clinton says he almost wants to apologize, not quite wanting to give a full apology for that big clash that he had the other day with black lives matters protesters at one of his rallies. Watch this, and now he wants to apologize. Watch. I dont know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13yearold kids hopped up on crack and sent them out onto the street to murder other africanamerican children, maybe you thought they were good citizens, she didnt. She didnt. You are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter. Tell the truth. Wow black lives matter is mad because back during the 90s when america had a significant crime problem clinton was the anticrime president and his wife at one point during that decade referred to criminals some of them anyway as super predators. That phrase is now being attacked as racist and bill clinton you saw responded to it saying things that by the way were factually true. He was praised at the time you recall. The way that he spoke to the black community in the early 90s was praised and applauded, Standing Ovations from black audiences talking about this issue. Looking at some of the response that bill clinton is getting from all this, some of the headlines that were seeing, slate magazine saying fire bill clinton. Vanity fairs headline, has bill clinton lost his political mojo . Big questions as to i dont know whether or not the campaign will continue using him in the matter they are. He woke up in a different country. What hes seeing and the reason hes so angry, seeing his own legacy under attack. The Democratic Party is no longer the party of the clintons. Its no longer a center left party its a far left party. Recognizing that, former president bill clinton apologized. I did something yesterday in philadelphia i almost want to apologize for it but i want to use it as an example of the danger threatening our country. I rather vigorously defended my wife, as im want to do, and i realized finally, i was talking past her the way she was talking past me. We got to stop that in this country. We got to listen to each other again. I think thats right but i want to go back to something you said. I think it was a smart point the idea that this is a different country than when bill clinton was president , this idea of putting more police on the street, this idea now the left criticizing more police on the street, this idea that were expanding our prison systems, the left want reduction of prison systems. Its a different time. We did incarcerate too many people and some things we sent people to prison for shouldnt be crimes, on the other hand the crime rate went way down in the 90s because this country had a massive crime problem and it responded to it. Crime is now on the way up so ten years from now, when its unsafe to walk through central park again, i hope it doesnt happen but looks like its going to, i think youll see public views on this change. Earlier on the show we had governor Mike Huckabee and former president ial candidate on fox friends and he was basically saying bill shouldnt have backed down like he did. He shouldnt back off. I mean it was a true statement. It was kind of one of the most refreshing things thats happened in all of hillarys campaign. It has been a delightfully horrible campaign, boring and lifeless, because shes so scripted and robotic. Bill clinton and in a moment of spontaneity we have not seen in other campaign actually tells the truth. I think most of americans would will be to what he said saying hes exactly right but because of Political Correctness that is running the Democratic Party and specifically Hillary Clinton, he backs off on it and i think really ends up undoing all the good that he was probably doing her by showing a little life in the campaign, which she hasnt shown. His wife refuses to say in public all lives matter. It is now a controversial statement. Right. Is clinton doing this on purpose, bill clinton, trying subconsciously to undermine his wifes campaign . He drew headlines and hurt her in South Carolina in 08. At that time after South Carolina the debacle there, there was a pullback in not having him out on the campaign trail as much. Free bill clinton. I thinks ahilarious. Al gore got in trouble for not using him enough until the last moment in tennessee. We begin with a fox news alert a Washington State manhunt for a second psychiatric patient is over. Accused giller 28yearold Anthony Garver in custody. He was found 300 miles from where he and Mark Alexander escaped from the psych facility wednesday evening. The state department releasing 1,100 documents to the Benghazi Committee and a major friday night news dump, 17 months after congress made the original request they include communications from then secretary of state Hillary Clintons staff, and United Nations officials. Spacex landing in the history books, the falcon 9 rocket finally making a successful return to earth, touching down vertically on a drone ship in the middle of the atlantic ocean. This exciting new video that were showing you, showing the rockets point of view after coming back from the International Space station. Its rock n roll immortality. Saturday here in the park, i think it was the fourth of july chicago inducted into the 2016 rock and roll hall of fame along with cheap trick, deep purple, nwa and steve miller. Miller, though ripping the hall after he received just two tickets for his wife and himself, nothing for the rest of his band . Hmm. And those are your headlines. He shyou have thought of that when he named his band the steve miller band. Thats right, could be steve miller and friends, steve miller and miss band. You guys are tough. Janice dean is outside with a look at the Weather Forecast this morning. Im getting a lot of photos on twitter of the snow and one of my twitter fans said april snow showers bring plenty of snowplow snowplowers. Thats not necessarily a food thing. janicedean if you want to accepted me some of your winterlike photos. I appreciate that and apologize on behalf of all of the weather people forecasting snow today. We have cold temperatures, ladies and gentlemen, how cold . Well, in some cases 20 to 30 degrees below average and we even have a windchill, so teens across the upper midwest and great lakes is what it feels like. The eastern half of the country quite cold and then you can see that snow on the map, not fun, moving in to the i95 corridor, parts of new jersey, new york city, long island, up towards new england, could see, well, at least flurries this afternoon and measurable snow across the great lakes and another storm system moves in, this one will be a little bit warmer but you can see cool air and very cold temperatures below average in a lot of those big cities. I wish i had better news. I think ill put off my flower planting this weekend at the very least. I know, cover up those sensitive plants. Thats what we have to say in the weather business. Sensitive plants. Im a delicate snowflake janice. Cover you up right now. Youre like a daffodil. Im coming inside. Yes, come in. Coming up, frontrunners from both parties looking to sweep their home state of new york. Who needs the win more . Donald trump or Hillary Clinton snt debate is on next. 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Donald trump and Hillary Clinton doing all they can to win the New York Primary in a week. Trump is from here, new york is one of hillarys many fake home states. Both are recovering from a worst week ever. Which one of these candidates needs to win new york the most . Join for a fair and balanced beat, a long time Hillary Clinton supporter and dave wahl, trump supporter and attorney. Mr. Mayor, trump has won about 60 of the delegates necessary to become the republican nominee. Hillary clinton if you factor out the totally nondemocratic super delegates only 54 of the delegates so far. She really needs to put Bernie Sanders away in new york, doesnt she . I think obviously she wants to win new york, shes going to win new york. We know that Bernie Sanders, even though strong new england accent, the fact of the matter is he is from new york, this is his home state as well. It will be a spirited primary in new york, very confident secretary clinton will win new york but once again secretary clinton every single state, everybody is important for her and shes going to fight to win every american vote. Hmm. Mr. Wahl, you heard ted cruz for President Campaign yesterday, his Campaign Managers say donald trump needs to win over 50 of the vote here in new york, or he should just get out of the race, its over for him. Do you think he will do that, if he doesnt, do you think he should get out . Trump get out . Absolutely not. It was a rhetorical question, sorry. 34 to 40 in new york alone . He can win up to 95 delegates and hes focusing intensely on this state because there are 27 congressional districts, each having a small number of delegates. If he gets them all or close to them all, he gets 95, hes up in maryland big, up in california big, pennsylvania by nine. Hes going to steamroll if he wins new york because the momentum boost hell get out of there is enormous. Combine that with ted cruzs statement of the new york values things, which is his horrible statement, it was like the howard dean in the tank or howard dean in the yeehaw moment, mike dukakis and the tank moment, that is going to be a huge problem for him in two weeks or ten days when the primary takes place. It will be bad, bad, bad. Mayor levine, the question is who is the stronger frontrunner . Donald trump has had a bad couple weeks but still pretty far ahead of ted cruz, who is a serious candidate. Hillary clinton is unable to put away an elderly social whois honeymooned in the soviet union. What does that say about the strength of her campaign . Thats not impressive. Tucker, the democratic side you have a spirited debate, all about solutions, helping the american people. Senator sanders has made secretary clinton that much more competitive, that much better of a candidate. Senator sanders has brought a lot to the table and whats going to happen we believe secretary clinton is going to get the nomination and senator sanders will support her. You may be right. Let me interrupt and agree with you of course shes likely to get the nomination but she has to define the terms of the debate. Ted cruz has not on the republican side. On the republican side 82 of hispanics have a disapproval with donald trump. 72 of women have disapproval. Africanamericans we hear a high number. Like we say in miami i think donald trump has some splaining to do. Hillary clinton is being investigated by nearly 150 fbi agents. Just a man from romania extradited who they believe tapped into Sid Blumenthals email account and may have flipped states evidence to go against hillary so if you think in the next seven months but david donald trump is under federal irs investigation right now. Youre wrong. Hes going to need your services. No question about it. Leyte me close this up. Hold on let me interject and close up the question to you, david wohl. Do you think its likely that donald trump will get a higher percentage of his vote in new york than Hillary Clinton, the former senator from new york, will get in this state . Absolutely i do. Theres no question about it. His firstage of votes could approach 60 . Hillary clinton is a carpetbagger. Bernie sanders is the real new yorker and i got to tell you something, forget about the delegates for a minute, tucker. As far as momentum goes Hillary Clinton is in a death spiral. Shes lost six of her last seven primaries. Ive noticed. Thats an important point. Ive been watching with great fascination. Thank you for coming on the program. Thank you, tucker. A man derates the governor of florida at a starbucks. Youre [ bleep ]. You dont care about working people. Im not talking to you. You dont care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here. It sounds like just screeching but there were actually words being uttered from the latte liberal. Well tell you what they were. I strip women of access to Public Health care is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student . Is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves . Is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the Natural World . Whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. Tiaa. Silence. Are you in good hands . Silence. It was always just a hobby. Something you did for fun. Until the day it became something much more. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Td ameritrade. Welcome back to fox friends. Fox news alert a sixth suspect linked to last months bombing in brussels has been arrested. Nearly 50 officers raiding an apartment complex in a brussels suburb. Brand new video possibly shows the man in white being taken down in a separate raid in brussels. Breaking overnight the air force sending a b52 long range bombers to qatar in order to hit isis at its core in iraq and syria. This is the first time the planes will be based there since the gulf war. No word on how many planes were sent. Sandra . Its becoming an all too common theme, tax time, cyber hackers using phishing scams to steal your personal information, your identity, and your tax return. Last year there was a 270 increase in tax fraud and the irs is already reporting an uptick this year. What do you do if you think your information has been compromised . Lets ask kirk the cyber guy knutson. He joins us now. Kirk, good morning. Sandra, good morning to you. Whats your advice on this . Because we are in that sweet spot, it is tax time right now. What should we look for . Let me just say this. An uptick or to describe this sam going on with the irs tax scams happening from every direction in our lives, whether its your mailbox, email, social media, Text Messages galore, fake websites, an uptick is an understatement. Were talking about a massive, massive now giant scam going on with such volume that the latest one what exactly let me tell you the latest. Ill tell you its amazing, the tricks that are going on in terms of scammers that are trying to get people to fall for this are actually working. Youre getting an email for example from a ceo of why you are company that says hey sandra, we need to you fill out the w2 information. Need your compliance on this, click here. It clicks to a fake website that looks like its your own companys website and now youre filling in personal information because hey, look, you want to make the boss happy. You dont want to be noncompliant at work but in terms of business email compromise scam were talking about criminals constantly surfing the web, building the fake company profiles, sending emails internally to companies and then you have the ceo just like a couple days later looking at us going wait a minute, thats not from me wow. Now thats going into payroll. Theyre targeting also your tax guy, your cpa, theyre targeting tax software companies, and make it seem like youre getting email from that. Bottom line, be more vigilant than you ever have so far. If you get a letter in the mailbox, get an email, do not click the link, do not reply. If you get a phone call from someone saying hey, look, were missing some of your Tax Information and the moment the dander should go up the moment you hear somebody ask for personal information or financial information. Enh dont give it out. Instead, you can now forward anything to the irs to see if its legitimate by going to phishing irs. Com, and cyber guy, go to foxandfriends. Com. Be on alert this tax season it is up. Make sure you initiate every email if youre sending w2 information dont are he ply to the email because you cant tell the difference. Great advice, thank you so much. Coming up, kate hudson under fire after openly admitting she cant wait to spend time away from her children. Does that make her a bad mom or is she just human . Were reading her emails. Lots of responses coming in. If you wonder from anna kooiman is this morning, shes busy being named queen of the azalea festival in North Carolina where she joins us live. Good morning hey, sandra, good morning to you. Thanks for filling in for me in the curvy couch. This is the 69th annual azalea festival. The pinnacle is the parade, about to start. We have the mounted horsemen here and marine corps band, high school band, and thats the float right down there that im about to get on. Clark beckham from American Idol is warming up. Dont go anywhere. Youre watching fox friends weekend. He released a document called the joy of love and talks about creating everlasting love. Here is some of the popes advice, even when things get off he says youve got to love your spouse even when its difficult. He elaborated said when looks start to go away, physical attraction starts to dissipate. The person within, looknnoying, beyond the outer covering and understand and love that person. This one i could probably take some advice here, he says never go to bed angry. I think i told you earlier on the show about my grudge problem. Your grudge problem i could work on that, the silent treatment is big. It ruins your whole next day and you toss and turn all night. Wrap it up. How else do i make a point . Lifes so short and he also says sometimes just listen. Men tend to want to fix everything. You come to us with a problem. Practical people. Oh, please. All right, moving on, viewers commented its true. Just teasing you guys. Vrng on Facebook Says the key is to keep trying and never give up. Demi writes love one another like tomorrow is your last day. Scott writes hes been happily married for 32 years. Give to your spouse 110 and ask for nothing in return. You win at ward, married how long tucker . 25 years. If you know youre going to be married for the rest of your life you try more and also marry the right person. Have good luck. Its totally true. Every happily married person i know says i dont know, i just like this person. It just worked. Right, and they said this is your best friend. Im going to leave here with a warm fuzzy feeling this morning, thanks, tucker. Now your headlines this morning. Homeless runaway charged in the brutal murder of a university of texas at austin freshman, Police Charged 17yearold mieechaiel criner in the murder of haruka weis weiser. A woman verbally attacks the governor at a starbucks. You dont care about working people. Im not talking to you. You dont care about working people. You should be ashamed to show your face around here. I got you a job. A million jobs . Really, who here has a great job . You dont care about working people, she was screaming. Governor scott lets get to Work Committee now returning with a blast of the woman, Fact Checking her in its own video, watch. That woman clearly has a problem, and it turns out that shes a former Government Official who refused to recite the pledge of allegiance and calls herself an anarchist. The woman her name Kara Jennings was upset over antiabortion law signed by the governor last week. Hillary clinton who once struggled to operate a fax machine, a Television Remote control and earlier this week got stuck in a subway turnstile is now practicing her brain surgery techniques at a Medical College in buffalo. Clinton added how to treat an aneurysm to her list of accomplishments. Hmm. A popular actress is opening up about her struggles to be a good mother. Kate hudson admits she hides from her children saying she enjoys going on her book tour because it gives her time away from them. Hudson adds shed rather watch the bachelor than working with them on their math homework. Lots of people are having thoughts on this. We want to know what you think about it. Email us. Sherry has already e mailed us saying i think every parent needs a breather. Its healthy take a moment and regroup. I did not have the concept of alone time from children but i do need some alone time from my husband we hope hes not watching this morning. And children learn from parents how to have a balanced life so they dont become spoiled brats. I think everybody understands what shes talking about. The question is, should you say that out loud to a reporter . Then your kids read it when theyre older, i dont know. All of us have feelings maybe we dont want to express. The beauty of an unexpressed thought is underappreciated in modern america. You know who loves to spend lots of time with her children, janice dean. Same here were working moms so we love the time we spend with our kids. You know what else i love . I love our nurses i have got a group of nurses here yeah whats your name . Joanne mcclave, from Wayne Community college, North Carolina. Youre visiting new york city. What do you think so far . Its very busy, very busy. I apologize for the weather. So youre from North Carolina. Yes. Okay, so how are you going to keep warm today . The best we can, with the coat and tobaggans and coats. What is your favorite cable news channel . Fox news. We have cold temperature, its 38 here in new york city, snuggle up, my friends past 24 hours you can see the snow moving across the great lakes in the northeast. Youre going to get a taste of it here in new york. Youre going to wish you were in North Carolina, because we are expecting flurry this is afternoon in new york, new jersey, philadelphia, winter storm advisories are posted here and then were going to see a little bit of snow and a little bit of rain mixed in. You know what . You all warm our hearts. Thank you for coming. Thank you to our nurses. We love our nurses. Yeah you dont want to insult nurses. Tomorrow a segment on what does janice dean have for breakfast . She has so much energy its unbelievable. I love being with you guys. Thats my energy. Thank you, janice. And thank you to the nurses. We bet youre wondering where is anna kooiman this morning . Turns out she jumped ship and ran down to wilmington, North Carolina, for a very special reason. The North Carolina azalea festival turns out an in a was crowned azalea festival queen, the high honors happened on wednesday and festival president Robby Collins says this is the reason why. Oh we dont have the sound there but this is because shes the greatest possible candidate for this. She went to college in wilmington, she is the proud daughter of the state of North Carolina, and she is now the queen. Past queens include kelly ripa and lots of other famous and impressive people, but none more impressive than our anna kooiman who joins us live from wilmington. Tucker, thank you and clayton and sandra thanks for filling in for me on the curvy couch. Hundreds are lining the streets and watching live at home. This is so important to me, near and dear to my heart because i went to college here at unc wilmington, i was a seahawk, i ran on the track team. The event started wednesday with a cor nation governor pat mccrory put this nice and shiny crown on my head, that was special because i grew up in charlotte, North Carolina, and he was my mayor before becoming governor. Then i went for a big run with uncws track team, and i think we have some video we can show you of that. Also it wasnt just running track and being in a sorority here at unc will mipgton. I also got my start at wway tv 3 here in wilmington. I covered hurricanes and crime and the azalea festival, of all things. I started researching a little bit more about it because i got to be the queen this year, which is such an honor, and ronald reagan, the ronald reagan, back in 1959 emceed this event and enjoyed it so much he said man, i go the to come back, so he would come back year after year, because he loved this so much, and the food is great down here. Ive been eating Collard Greens and blackeyed peas and drinking bloody marys and having just a big old time at the garden parties and we had a big ceremony on the coast guard cutter and we have something coming up on the battleship today. This has been an experience of the lifetime. The beautiful azalea belles over here waving to everybody in the parade. Hey crowd, do you like fox news . Woo we have so many fox news fans down here. I think this is fox news country, big fans of fox friends and ive been hearing great things about the three of you as well. They know that were broadcasting live and they are tickled azalea pink. Back to you guys. You look great out there anna. Thanks a million, anna, the queen, like Aretha Franklin i love it. She has to do tours all over the world now. Yes, thats all right. Coming up, a National Guardsman on the line waiting for a kidney. Both heroes join us alive with an amazing story ahead. The washington rumor mill swirling this morning. Is Speaker Paul Ryan mounting a secret run for the white house . Can you see he even have a shot . Frank luntz is here with some poll numbers, next. My School Reunions coming fast. Wondering is it actually a president ial Campaign Video in disgui disguise . Ryans staff said thats absurd. The timing raises questions as we inch closer to a convention in july which looks like it will be contested. Joining us is frank luntz. Nice to see you. Is this ad really going to happen . Lets hit the context, this is something that republicans should be proud of because the democrats have all these super delegates and they determine who the next nominee is going to be. Bernie sanders would have a legitimate shot at Hillary Clinton but not because of super delegates. On the republican side they dont have them. About 200 delegates that arent committed compared to the hundreds on the democratic side. The reason why people have been talking about paul ryan is that donald trump hasnt done his job. You read the art of the deal. You know that details matter. He know this is. He had plenty of votes. He should be even further ahead now in terms of delegates but hes not because he hasnt followed the details. Ted cruz has been picking up a delegate here, two or three delegates there. Right. Hes been pushing it, so the assumption now is that neither candidate, neither cruz or trump, i dont think its a real assumption, can get to the 237 that they need, and that opens up a space for somebody like paul ryan. Make no mistake, ryan is popular. He is credible. People do believe he has the experience, and they like what he says, but i dont see theres room here because there are too many delegates committed to either trump or cruz and even on a second or third ballot i dont see this wait a minute, shouldnt the party at least pretend that elections matter to voters . They do. Theyre not. Youre seeing Party Officials including the head of the rnc last week say candidates who dont have any Popular Support could be the nominee. You believe that rule will be followed, correct, you believe laws are there for a reason. If donald trump doesnt go out and get those delegates, you have to file. You actually have to submit names. Im not flagging for trump. Also ted cruz they receive millions of votes. The idea you place someone who hasnt run into the primary into a fiat thats not democratic. Thats what theyre saying, a lot of people were saying that out loud. But theyre speculating to try to get on to this couch and try to be able to score some news. Its not accurate and its not going to happen. Interesting. Lets talk about the likability factor. New ap poll shows people dont like ted cruz, Hillary Clinton or donald trump. Right. So were asking you the question, who has the best chance at changing americas minds on how they feel about these candidates . The amazing thing is the most likeable candidate of all is actually the angriest and thats Bernie Sanders. The angriest and oldest. The guy that i would be afraid to go on halloween hes the house that i would not go to. I would pass by it. Hed give you like granola, too. Open the door and a doberman would come running out. Wow. And yet he is by far the most likeable and the challenge for both cruz and trump is that likability still matters, and its not who you have a beer with. Its who do you think understandses you . Who looks you straight in the eye, says what they mean and means what they say and who wont say anything to get elected which defines Hillary Clinton. The challenge is to prove that you listen, that you care, that youre empathetic, and youre going to bring about change and right now they look at all these candidates and they have a problem with every one of them. Wow. Unbelievable. Frank luntz, thank you. Great to have you here. Im pleased and the next halloween, dont make me go to Bernie Sanders house. I know im old but still. You give these big packs of twiz twizzlers that are so big. I give out tvs. A National Guardsman in desperate need of a new kidney. One day later a marine veteran was waiting to save his brother in arms. Both heroes join us live with their incredible story next. 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We need to be ready for my names Scott Strenfel and r im a meteorologist at pg e. We make sure that our crews as well as our customers are prepared to how weather may impact their energy. So every single day were monitoring the weather, and when storm events arise our forecast get crews out ahead of the storm to minimize any outages. During storm season we want our customers to be ready and stay safe. Learn how you can be prepared at pge. Com beprepared. Together, were building a better california. Pretty much that at that point it was little they they could try their best to you know, fix it and reverse it, but i would be pumped up with steroids and just wouldnt be water it, so it was pretty much on to dialysis and waiting to a transplant. Your family did something on facebook. What did they do . We got on facebook and we actually it was a lady outside of my family, her name was Kristy Calloway and she has a Facebook Page called our daddy needs a kidney and put it up for us and we had an overwhelming response thanks to her. Unbelievable so this post goes up and less than a day later, temple, you were on facebook. What happened . Yes. I saw the post that evening. The post was pretty coherent, told me where i needed to go next to help out and suggest that my next step was to call emry hospital in atlanta. I called them that evening, they were busy. Called them the next morning and asked for their guidance, they walked me through a quick screening process, when they found out that i could be a donor, not necessarily a match but just a donor, they went ahead and sent out a kit, if you will to take blood samples, urine samples and we went from there. And temple, to be clear, you guys never met each other. Had you ever met dustin before . No. You never heard of him . Nope. And so you just felt compelled by the service to your country and fellow brethren in arms to just run right down and be screened for this . Yes. Because, excuse me, as vets if we dont take care of each other, theres not a whole lot of other folks that are going to do it. I think its important for to us take care of each other. Dustin, we hear transplants sometimes the idea of waiting for one could take months, years, sometimes it could never come through. What did you think you heard an Immediate Response from temple and that he was a match . I was elated. The fact that even like we had an outpouring of people who wanted to match and the fact that i got a match on the first shot is elation. Its very exciting. So how are you doing today . Feel good. I got a little little pain but i feel really good, two weeks out, i think im doing better than i should temple, how are you doing . Great. No complaints at all. You go from not knowing each other to i imagine this connection, this lifelong friendship i would imagine. Do you guys get to call each other now . Are you friends on facebook and more, im sure . Yeah, we chat. We keep in communication, even while we were in the hospital, we got to he would come by, check up. He even came when i was in the hospital and he was out, still came by and visited. Wow, that is amazing. Temple and dustin thank you for your service and what an unbelievable story. Thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you all. Thanks. We want tower viewers to help as well. For more information to help others like dustin tired of working for peanuts . Well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . Thats right. Im talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. Ever see a peanut take a day off . I dont think so. Harness the hardworking power of the peanut

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