And what happens when the National Anthem singer forgets the patriotic, as fox friends right now. I got home, home, home. These everywhere. On weekend show also played and i think we said you cant be upset if you hear okay good morning you are watching fox friends first. Thank you for starting week with us President Trump lashing left for having fun in puerto rico shutdown enters day 24. Democrats facing bitter battle over Border Security with they get to washington live in san juan puerto rico wrapping up a winter retreat, good morning. Good morning. The forecast today is 83, and sunny here in san juan puerto rico, not too bad, more than 100 people here, from maintain land united states, 30 plus politicians democratic politicians and families came down for this a winter retreat as you said put on, by a democratically Political Action committee trying to bring more money, and more attention lobbying for more money more attention for this island territory of the united states. They were brought down on a private chartered jet very welltaken care of fancy hotel good food free time, this though this territory has been riddled with problems over years this has been a very debtridden island for a lot of years and then they got slammed, decimated by that Hurricane Maria in september of 2017, that exacerbated so many problems in puerto rico this group of democrats lobbied more by a latino Political Action committee then meet with local leaders here, in puerto rico there is a lot of anger here, regarding a federal Oversight Program that was aimed directed at trying to get this island to live within its means wrackirac up a lot of debt trying to get them slash spending local politicians want more Disaster Relief more money after hurricane want more control of that money, but, as i said there has been a lot of leisure time what is making some headlines that got the president riled up a photo of senator bob menendez after victory 2018 got over a big Corruption Allegation being a hung jury, almost lost his seat to the republican, heing managed to win here he is, on the beach enjoying sunshine in january. Also a special performance of hamilton, the show came down for that performance, all politicians went there yesterday they bought their tickets got the party with the cast afterwards, the president tweeting, we have a massive humor crisis at southern border will be out a long time unless democrats come back from their vacations get back to work i am in white house ready to sign, here is have a quota congressman from congressional he tony car den as his quote to cbs news the reason we came to touch feel smell understand with harvesters minds what the heck is going on in puerto rico two sides of the story president says a vacation democrats say down here working, and that is that is where we are at going to leave will the 4 45 a little bit more today then out of here this afternoon after a nice, sunny weekend in puerto rico back to you. There are always two sides to the story arent there thank you. Democrats seemingly not saved by backlash over for lavish puerto rico visit. The parties just out of touch with Everyday Americans . They are staying in hotel rooms across going to hamilton broad shows living it up in front of the cameras tell us how sad for federal workers cry and moan all trumps fault then they go, party, in amazing what they can do, when out of town dont want the wall dont understand the wall dont take time to see the wall dont know what it looks like they make fun of the fact that it is they dont understand the wall Border Agents want, at the end of the day though when you talk what is a deal going to will become like i hope this president holds if i recall because when you see his election you see filled with people chanting build that wall for a ron many voted for donald trump specifically for that reason. Abc Washington Post poll released sunday finds 42 americans support building the wall up from 34 a year ago. Support to protected southern border as yet another Migrant Caravan expected to head to the u. S. Starting tomorrow this currently making the rounds migrants from honduras looking for refuge mexican Officials Say stations guards to prepare unclear how many people will be traveling if the new ab caravan. Im to get back to normal the after tsa shortages focused one terminal to close at george bush airport in houston also expected to reopen today after a brief shutdown, officials at both airports say they do not have enough workers, amid partial go to shutdown tsa agents not the getting checks right now, some not showing up to work. Weather blames at least 11 divests across midwest virginia winter storm dumping nearly a foot of snow in washington. Forcing the hundreds of Flight Cancellations leaving at least 200,000 people without power. Check this out, snow sleet ice bringing down trees in North Carolina, virginia, declaring a state of emergency. Got a little bit this weekend in philadelphia, kind of the top part of that. Yeah. And guess what this one is out to sea another one going almost along the exact trajectory next weekend weve got cold air in place, i can see weve got this is windchill what it feels like against your skin if not protected Single Digits teens 20s as far south as Tennessee River valley Mississippi River valley so what is left of this storm is moving offshore, which is good, however, we are going to have a repeat performance as we head into next week end, and because weve got a very active period in the west some energy, is going to move across much of the country over the next several days, so there is friday, okay, weve got heavy snow across sierra heavy rain over the west coast especially coast of california and then into mountainous areas look what happens on saturday and sunday, a mixture of snow sleet, freezing rain ice could get some snow in portions of the northeast what we did not get with this last system, it kind of hovered around d. C. Philadelphia didnt have come up towards north like new york city and boston this could get us this weekend. Seems that is in line but the path, we are into pattern right now we could have, you know, a couple of winter storms next couple it is winter. January, here i am we are grlad for that. Plan accused of kidnapping jayme closs you murdering parents to face a judge for the first time today lauren green live as investigators trying to have ploefz for horrific crimes. New questions this morning, over why the man accused of kidnapping 13yearold jayme closs and killing her parents, why did he do it . 21yearold patterson will make First Court Appearance today in front of a wisconsin judge facing two counts of first degree intentional homicide, one count of kidnapping, police say he has no criminal history and was not on the radar. Jaymes aunt telling fox news patterson had absolutely no contact with anyone from the family, adding quote now is about getting him the harshest sentence possible, Police Say Jayme made daring escape from this home in gordon, wisconsin, 70 miles away from her hometown planned when patterson not home ran up to a woman walking her dog asking for help police say they have recovered a shotgun at the home they say is similar to the one used to her parents, classmates describe him being quite in disbelief he is a suspect in terrifying crimes jayme staying with one of her aunts says she is doing well not clear when jayme will get back to normal routine or go back to school Officials Say they are planning a ceremony to celebrate her safe return, by all accounts this is a very, very, very brave young lady. Absolutely. You have to imagine how she feels parents are gone back from nightmare now has to deal with moving on from that, tragedy. Very, very hard. The 83rd governor of cuba sworn of georgia today, the most expensive Gubernatorial Race in state history some upset over win citing concerns over voter suppression. National champs to white house Clemson Tigers meeting with President Trump after winning second about National Championship over the crimson tide celebrated 2017 title with the president. Speaking of football nfl players of saints marching object ending eagles dreams of a super bowl represident a. Falls back intercepted through hands just saw it new orleans critical Fourth Quarter interception stealing 20 to 14 win play l. A. Congressml. A. Ram sunday. Developing maturity. Pa congressml. A. Rams next sunday. Developing maturity. Patriots, to championship game i said away too much enthusiasm do i not like patriots but they scored 35 firsthalf points appointed chargers from l. A. 4128 new england played at kansas city chefs sunday going to be interesting to see making it to super bowl. Fox news alerts panic chaos on camera as a gunman opens fire inside a packed mall. [gunshots]. More video and urgent manhunt for the shooter or shooters. We told you about democrats spent weekend at the beach instead of dressing crisis at border next imbecile border state sheriff says the wall is just the start. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. 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Just to start your thoughts on some democrats out on the beach so to speak right now saw a picture of bob menendez on beech President Trump trying to get something done. Nice to be able to do that while Everything Else shut down American Public probably not going to appreciate that too much. Is New York Post headlined, that is getting a lot of attention, right now, especially in light of the fact that another caravan is on the way 32 foot smuggle tunnel discovered at asian border when you see this in light of your experience all the wall discussion going on what is your initial reaction . You know this is something we deal with as sheriffs every day, this isnt something new for us if cartels constantly trying to figure out ways to bring Human Trafficking and drugs into this country something we deal with as sheriffs something that our counter parts partners at bop deal borrowed patrol. Some say wall not going to help that tunnel what do you say. Wall absolutely will help a key piece to the Border Security the president last tuesday talked a lot about Border Security, and the wall is just one of those components,s there are sensors making sure staffing lovelies appropriate at Border Patrol more funding to sheriff so we can continue to put people at it we dont we dont do the actually immigration were not most of us do not have powers to immigration we have responsibility protect from Human Trafficking drugs into this country. May seem obviousness but explain how another caravan really stretches the resources of those trying to defend the border. You know, the federal partners we have the done a great job with this last caravan a new caravan. It puts a lot of pressure on them at the border, it takes those resources, from example my county about 65, 75 miles inland, and those resources get taken applied at border puts a lot of stress on local Law Enforcement as well, because so many resources are on the border. Somebody served your community i want to get your take on starting 2019 not even two weeks in, already at least four Police Officers shot and killed, you know, there were so many last year i believe number 48 up from 38 previous year, the wall real thing scary. Number was actually 148 line of duty deaths if you count canines i think 175, we have a real situation here on our hands, and hopefully that people will start to get message these are normal men and woman doing job go home to family breaks our heart every day to see line of duty deaths. Line of duty deaths. Tough out there nobody covering it, thanks so much, we appreciate it. 19 minutes after the hour bonds between former president brb and rate hand man may have been tested. What Broadcast Center said to upset best friend. Never want to do that you may need your netflix password. I dont have one. New crackdown could put and to sharing. I am a family man. I am a techie dad. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Attacking President Trump for immigration policy. Failed on this issue, now just trying to stoke his political base. By bringing up the wall all the time. And it is a failure of leadership all around. Claim the Administration Family separation policy has not he deterred immigrants from from illegally crossing southern border he claims the policy has had the opposite effect. Joe biden feelings reportedly hurt thats all end of the story. No by president obamas call for new blood in politics making the comments at inventory in hawaii last week as former v. P. Expected to announce a 2020 White House Run any day now, sources tell the hill that two other Close Relationships does not necessarily mean president obama will make biden his candidate roaon the revokes. Business with what the president could say. Good morning a lot of things that is experts at American Farmer Bureau Federation convention what they talked about outh for 2019 for the year ahead so one of the main things they focused on was the relationship with china, how the tariffs could impact that relationship and their businesses Going Forward so they said, agriculture exports to china werent down two billion dollars in the 2018, for the year ahead project that to be down about 7 billion a Significant Impact for many perplexs farmers ranchers, this is something that was of key importance especially looking ahead, to the new year trying to plan for futures. Many netflix users borrowing passwords going a warning for freeloadeding friends and family a new Artificial Intelligence software that can track people who share their its and passwords, for Strategic Services like netflix Amazon Prime Video even hbo go, according to this company say 26 of users share their streaming services passwords no surprise there, but now there is this new technology, that can keep track of you so once Companies Find out, unclear what they could do may be kick you off service make you pay more but Companies Says the reason they developed this technology is to combat the rise in people sharing accounts, Consumer Electronics show in las vegas. Time 25 minutes after the hour shutdown dominating headlines what about some good news getting the buried. Democrats trying to distract americans from president s successes on things like the economy, va, coming up next. You dont remember you dont makes it beautiful. State of the Art Technology makes it brilliant. The visionary lexus nx. Lease the 2019 nx 300 for 339 mo. For 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Okay, maybe you have seen pretty much everywhere the weekend 2009 versus 2019 challenge taking internet by storm. Very complicated concept i am going to break it down here is how it works, people on social media, publicly sharing profile photos from 2009, along with the latest from this year just to see how how much having getting in on fun here i am rocking eagles jersey we lost last night, then my next is 208 2018. You are the picture. Oh. That is your well, we gave into pictures, so, anyway. You look great in both pictures. I am very, very, very blonde here. Very blonde, very. I have no jaw for some reason i dont know what happened my face finally grew into a shape not my baby that is my best friends baby i am feeding him he has gotten bigger. Rob orchestratiforget about rob looked like back in the day. Looks the same but younger. Rob now . There guys. You got me there. Can you see. Everybody got me. A monitors or no. Yeah i can see i was looking at holding the baby. Miami where that is. This this is in miami, that was me with i was weekend anchor down here 10 years ago, i had huge crush on coanchor she was married would become a recurring theme me chasing women that i cant have. Detail we were not prepared for we thought a fun picture comparison instead story of rob. Yeah, that is me at 25. Younger, lot dumber. Still dumb. No you are not. You know. Rob see you at the same time, see you guys. Fun i like the pictures. Enjoy the beach. All right. President trump tough warning for turkey u. S. Troops begin withdrawing from syria president ial tweeting in part, about u. S. Kurdish forces saying u. S. Will quote devastate turk economically if they hit kurds, natural enemies stop endless wars, white house Officials Say 2000 troops will be moved from syria. Benjamin netanyahu committing his country carried out air strikes on iranian targets in syria reporting israeli planes fired off missiles one striking a warehouse near airport air defense shot down most netanyahu vows to not let iran entrench its in wartorn syria. As a moments ago pompeo statistic down with crown prince earlier for 45 minutes, two talking about conflicts in syria yemen reports show two khashoggi. The top dploemeiplomat headio amal. President trump touting other accomplishments. This should have been done by others, if you look at embassy moving to jerusalem every president promised that never did it i did it we are doing well with china were doing well with north korea one of the problems southern border very sad very, very dangerous. President s accomplishments loss in the shutdown shuffle . Now to debate that gop strategist oconnell and College Professor thank you for being here. I start with you the shutdown is affecting the partially shutdown affecting a lot of people people arent getting paychecks on one hand fair a lot of attention is on this right now. Well, look, i think that instead of there is a lot of attention on this you have to remember from booming economy to improved trade talks china getting veterans better care a lot of positive developments for President Trump in america despite the stalemate shutdown democrats attempts to block trump at every turn he is continuing to deliver on Many Campaign promises. What do you think about that. You know i think that the president should take the advice Lindsey Graham gave him on fox news this weekend open the government mr. President , and then continue to debate the best way to secure the border, it is really not that tough to do. And the idea that democrats are distracting, the president himself has used this as a way to gin up a controversy, open the government and then debate Border Security. That is what the democrats have been saying what his own republican colleagues in senate including his close ally Lindsey Graham said over the weekend do that then talk about these other things you want to talk about, but when 800,000 people are suffering without paychecks, very, very tough to break through that talk about your accomplishments when people are going into 59s kids College Education to pay for basic needs rent and food. White house doesnt want to see 800,000 Government Works suffer. Hallelujah. They are going to get back pay to say crisis on southern border is not there is not true, look youve got 7800,000 indication backlog immigration courts overflow jails, Detention Centers Record Number migrant families accruing the border illegally a little disingenuous to say it is manufactured also the southern border is a real problem and we do fulfill barriers work what Nancy Pelosi Chuck schumer wont tell you that is we currently have 650 miles of fulfill brierz president asking for a few hundred more miles how reminds is that. Can i interject i want to respond to something said, i understand, the argument of people will receive pay some point i also understand, a lot of people dont have xral money lying arorn a lot of people live paycheck to paycheck those people struggling the question how do we get this done how do we get everybody on same page, sooner, and as we go to you, i mean do you look at job numbers here there were 312,000 jobs added in december so there is something to be touted about these accomplishments, but there is a lot going on right now. Yeah absolutely, i just want to take exception to what was just said i never said crisis was manufactured what i said open the government mr. President put 800,000 people back to, works allow them to pay for food rent kids, and then debate Border Security, Border Security is is critical. The democrats have been funding it for a very, very long time, and they should continue to, but so i never claimed there wasnt a crisis what i said open the government dont hold people hostage, to a political debate about the best way to hold on isnt that what a negotiations is . I mean, the president is not just going to open the government, without getting something that he is asking for, correct . That is absolutely correct, also, we are old enough to remember 1986. Speak for yourself Border Security they ever came, democrats took over congress gerry mandered that law we have seen this play over and over, every time republicans give in to what the democrats want we never wind up with Border Security that is why we are where we are. We are out of time appreciate you both being here, and look i mean nobody wants to see people out of may check nobody wants to see a partial Government Shutdown president did run win on Border Security, so there is a lot to be said for that we will certainly be watching this see what happens, thank you both for your time. Thank you. Thank you. Your debate way more debaty than mine. 37 after the hour he holes of ramping up health care for all calls. Medicaid is about who we are as people. It is time for medicare for all. Who is going to pay for plans outrage growing this morning. What happens when National Anthem singer for gets the mic . Paritied bailoa bill operatoc bailout from the crowd just ahead. Just takes tripadvis or. We offer uptodate reviews and 360 hotel photos to help you find the right hotel and search over 200 booking sites to get you the right price. Tripadvisor. With who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. 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Several not that i recollect 2020 hopefuls rolling out Robust Health care platforms majority plans single pair system that concludes Free Health Care for all including illegal immigrants, former congresswoman joined us earlier to talk about platforms. When the Democrats Use the term free, that is really outrageous, that is a lie. Everything is paid for by us. The key question is what do we do to make sure that everybody gets the best of care at a cost they can afford. Proposed universal Health Care Plans would ut state money so were those cannot afford Health Insurance can get it. The first democrat to announce 2020 bid for president pledging to focus entirely on bipartisan proposals in first 100 days if elected. What the American People really looking for us a leader to try to bring us together. Not actually talk like half the country is entirely wrong about everything they believe, wouldnt it be amazingly if a president looked at American People, at the inauguration and said, i represent everyone of you. Former maryland congressman has made nearly two dozen trips to iowa 12 to New Hampshire since announcing candidacy in 2017. New york, could soon ban plastic bags across entire state Governor Andrew Cuomo including ban in 2019 budget governor says could radius litter create a cleaner green are foreclose for all, exemptions however will be for low income areas, qumu scheduled to release his budget tomorrow. Governor of california wants a new tax on drinking water, gavin newsom says would allow a fund to help poor communities have access to clean water. Specification of the plan not released the former governor jerry brown did have a similar proposal that would have cost taxpayers a buck a month. Time 43 minutes after the hour President Trump firing back, at the New York Times report, claiming he was investigated for being you a russian agent. Russia collusion is not a hoax it is border line criminal he joins us next. Ding k starts with looking at something old, and saying, really . So capital one is building something completely new. Capital one cafes. Inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. And savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. Because thats how it should be. You can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. Seriously, 5 minutes. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . Uh uh i deliverberty the news around here. Sources say Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Over to you, logo. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Hey, batter, batter, [ crowd cheers ] like everyone, i lead a busy life. But i know the importance of having time to do what you love. At comcast we know our customers time is valuable. Thats why we have 2hour appointment windows, including nights and weekends. So you can do more of what you love. My name is tito, and im a techhouse manager at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Most insulting thing i have ever been candidate i think the most insulting article i have ever had written, and if you read the article you would see that they found absolutely nothing. But that the headlined of that article is called failing New York Times for a reason. President trump coming up swinging against New York Times over its report that the fbi investigated when President Trump was working with the russians, hillary asked the president of Judicial Watch tom great to have you here what was your reaction . Just shows you how out of control the fbi has been. They think that taking personnel action against fbi director is same as treason, and so if you are looking at deep state this is what deep state is, you as opposed with your permission, were going to target you with i will illicit investigation worse times glosses over targeting the president for almost a year. They have the dossier fake fisa warrant based on on the dossier they have taken up phone records, they had if i could spies on trump team to try to make it seem and investigate whether or not the russians were somehow coordinating with him, they all came up empty. And so what they are now doing is saying firing jim comey is an indication of treason, i tell you this is an fbi at this leadership level at least, rogue, and i frankly dont understand why director wray has been so quiet about the misconduct of his of his predecessor you know. They could target trump for firing comey, but in as the after comey left pretty clear he had stolen fbi files leaked to New York Times i dont see concern within fbi leadership about what jim comey did on top of it youve got all this strong evidence that you had to clinton team coordinating with what they admit to being russia intelligence, and then, youve got the scandal uranium one has russias directly trying to influence Decision Making Obama Administration giving money personally to clinton operation, where is the investigation there . Shows you that this is all about getting trump, i tell you, there needs upon criminal investigation of the abuse of office here, at this point, given the politics, of the individuals involved like peter strzok, you cant just go after someone because you dont like their politics, that is an abuse of law subject to criminal investigation. Take it back for a second, specifically this incident or issue over the weekend, the headlined had a lot of bark but in terms of bite this line buried in the middle if not the end of the article quote no evidence has emerged publicly that mr. Trump was secretly in contact with or took direction from russian government officials, sort of nobody out there that i am aware of that is not in a government capacity that is as deep into this general topic as you. What have you seen that can in any way, shape or form even allow them to open up an investigation like this that they did . There is absolutely nothing, and they have no good faith basis pursue president trey then before or since Robert Mueller has been investigating very issue allegedly since the time he was appointed as New York Times points out still no public investigation, they investigated through 2016, nothing. Through 2017, nothing 2018 nothing. And my guess is there is annig report from department of justice about to come out soon, that questions whether or not there was a good faith basis for targeting trump this is the spin, trying to justify their own misconduct. Considering on with generalized thought nobody has been as deep in russia situation trying to did i second like you what did you make being of that Washington Post report the president is hiding details of discussions with Vladimir Putin telling people that he needed to get the translators transcripts destroy it do whatever he wanted to do with it not allow immediate or anybody else to see it including, his top advisers . Yeah, this is just more spin trying to suggest the uptodate doing something inappropriate. The president had meetings that were quite public with putin described them directly meets between a former head of state, and the president , are confidential, i dont buy the fact trying to destroy records of the meeting it just doesnt make any sense to me. And look. Mr. Trump has been as aggressive on russia policy much more aggressive than certainly president obama was. Imposing sanctions, throwing throwing personnel out of the country, arming ukraine aggressive president in terms of confronting russian aggression the idea he was agent had something embarrassing so a to side goes to attitude the brisht mass towards President Trump he is not allowed to be president not allowed to fire fbi director not allowed to talk to foreign leaders if he does any of that we are going to yefr throw him, if they want to pursue a coupe plan prerogative the rule of law needs to stand against it enforced against it. Time 52 minutes after the hour a literal gill meters baby brother for the first time lets just say eh not that increased. Can you give me a kiss. Give plea me a kiss. Adorable sweeping the nation, hearing about scaramuccis new gig. Still fresh. Unstopables inwash scent booster downy unstopables. Is an urgent message from the International Fellowship of christians and jews. There is an emergency food crisis for elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union. This is a fight against time. What were dealing with is coming out, meeting someone whos 85, 90 years old, cant get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. And thats where we come in. We are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. [voiceover] for just 25, well rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. In ukraine, theres no supper network. 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The split has been widely reported, especially in the national enquirer. The president tweeting, quote so sorry to hear the news but jeff bozo being taken down by a competitor whose reporting, i understand, is far more accurate than the reporting in his lobbyist newspaper, the amazon the Washington Post. Hopefully the paper will soon be better and more responsible hands. Todd Celebrity Big Brother is getting political once again this year. Former White House Communications director Anthony Scaramucci is going to join the cast this upcoming season. He will become the second former member of the president s team to join the show. Omarosa made headlines revealing details of her time in the white house. Interesting. Jillian so, we talked about this a little earlier when we revealed our own. The 2009 vs. 2019 challenge going viral over the weekend. Todd, explain how this works. Todd very complicated. You need a pen. People on social media publicly sharing profile photos from 2009 along with latest from this year just to see how much they have aged. You got all of that. Jillian we love seeing how much we have aged. Ed toed to the fox friends coanchors joining in on the fun here is ainsley not aging a bit. Jillian she is beautiful always. Todd up next the dooce. Steve doocy. Im not saying steve looks old now but he looks like a child. Jillian peter looks like him. Todd and kilmeade. Jillian of course in a suit. Suit. Brian it was important they remembered to get dressed. First the good, the bad, and the ugly. First the good. Thousands of hockey fans picking up the assist after the forgets microphone. Jillian the crowd at the Columbus Blue Jackets name belling the words of the starspangled banner. He didnt realize he forgot the mike until it was too late. Todd sibling rivalries starting early in this North Carolina family. Watch the faces a shy holds her new baby brother. Can you give him a kiss . Give him a kiss . A kiss on the head right there . Jillian nope. Todd that gal is going to be trouble. Calling his daughters reaction priceless. Jillian thats funny. Its kind of cute though. Finally the ugly. I dont get. This a picture of an egg. Beats out kylie jenner for the most liked stain gram photo. Jennifers photo showing her daughters hand rapid around her thumb adorable. Jennifer poking fun at the eggs victory where she cracks an egg and writes take that little egg. Am i missing something or is it just a little egg. Todd we are boring, people. President trump says its time for democrats to get off the beach and come back to work while the shutdown enters a day 24. They were brought down on a private child supporter jet. And they are returning to a major wakeup calls as reports a new caravan is on its way. It is a crisis. What is he supposed to do just give in . He is not going to give in. 11 deaths across the midwest and virginia. The massive winter storm continuing to push east. The storm forcing hundreds of Flight Cancellations. President trump pushes back against a pair of reports on

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