What Mollie Tibbettss autopsy report, they took a knee, now they will take a seat. Cheerleaders punished for disrespecting the national anthem. Fox and friends first continues right now. Im on top of the world jillian friday morning. Good morning. Fox and friends first on friday. Rob thanks for getting up early, hurricane lane, those out of bounds, the biggest storm in 26 years. Currently a category 3 storm but as you continue to march through the day it weakens falling down to a category one storm. It makes a sharp turn as it approaches honolulu, a major population center. The models are not totally in agreement, some take it all the way up to making landfall before turning sharply out to see. Others turn out a little sooner. The sooner this turns out the list the impact is going to be. That is what we are hoping for but whether it makes landfall or not there will be plenty of spots with widespread rainfall, some getting 30 inches, widespread in maui, 10 to 20 inches. Makes no difference where it turns, this is going to be a big part of this as we track that. We have hurricane advisories, winds getting to at least Tropical Storm levels in A precursor to Fox Newss morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day. And Attorney General in charge of the Justice Department, never took control of the Justice Department and it is an incredible thing. Rob is sessions going to go . There was a suggestion the president could rid himself of sessions after the midterm election. I hope the relationship gets better, the president will look for a new Attorney General. Im not blaming anybody, i love Jeff Sessions, but from My Point Of View the country is not well served. Reporter of the republicans say Firing Sessions would send a terrible message, this is going to unfold. Rob we appreciate it. Jillian Jeff Sessions recusing himself from the russia probe fighters and their supporters. Haley encourages sanctions to stop the funding of terror groups. California congressman Duncan Hunter denies using Campaign Funds for personal expenses. The congressman and his wife indicted on charges of illegally using 250,000 in Campaign Funds for personal expenses and filing false records. Tried to raise money, meeting people and raising more money, people get to hear me and hear what i say. This is pure politics. Prosecutors can make it read like a scandalous novel if they want to. Jillian Congressman Hunter and his wife pleaded not guilty yesterday. Donald trump heads to the Buckeye State headlining the Ohio Republican party state dinner in columbus. The top gop official governor john kasich will not be in attendance, donald trump will attend a fundraiser for republican who is looking to unseat democratic senator brown this fall. Rob Vice President going full speed ahead with his mission to put american astronauts back in space. We will return to the moon, put americans on mars and once again explore the farthest depths of outer space. Jillian speaking at Johnson Space center in texas the Vice President says he wants to establish the space force by 2020 and put americans on a new Space Station by 2024. Rob nasa requested 500 million in funding for that project. 9 minutes after the hour, new polls showing a tight racing deep blue new jersey. A bit of a surprise, meet the republican testing the power of the trump bump. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with Type 2 Diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. 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Tell your doctor if you have Diabetic Retinopathy or vision changes. Taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. I discovered the potential with ozempic®. Oh oh oh ozempic® vo ask your Healthcare Provider if ozempic® is right for you. Rob youre running a blue states, trying to unseat someone with rain name recognition. I imagine you have to be somewhat of a moderate republican to get the job done. What is your stance on immigration . We are all over new jersey, people in new jersey have 3 common interests, where they are, when they are, first is affordability, it is an expensive place to live. The third thing is safe communities, they dont want to worry about looking back at the Grocery Store but the opportunity for kids to walk safely to school and these kinds of things. Sanctuary cities make no sense, pitting Law Enforcement agency against another, people committing crimes in our state, arrested and prosecuted and if you dont have secure borders you dont have a country. You are a sovereign country you should control who comes in and who doesnt. At the same time i believe we need compassionate comprehensive Immigration Reform. Dreamers and kids with Productive Lives should have a path to citizenship, just not sure the people who come here illegally. We were so close, d a ca, daca was there. The president talked about it, they agreed on it in principle facetoface, the republicans in the white house, they got spooked and backed out, was that a dream deal . The cost of border security, half of what it was, i dont think it is a financial issue with secure borders. Democrats havent wanted to have Immigration Reform completed because it is a great political issue. It is so wrong and one thing wrong with our country today in new jersey people bring partisan politics ahead of people. Time to bring people together. I have been a result oriented person my entire business career. Lets get things done for the people in the party and politics behind people, not in front of them. Rob we will see if we get anywhere after the midterms. Lets talk about new jersey and lets talk about bob menon does. He just went through the ringer with corruption charges, he escaped them and he is back doing his job again but all of a sudden you are the republican in a blue state that hasnt had a republican senator since before i was born. How are you doing this . How are you getting this momentum . Im a new jersey guy born in jersey city. My wife and i raise our 3 kids in union county the last 27 years. We are all over the state. It is a great place to live and work and raise your family. New jersey deserves better. Bob menon doess track record of corruption his entire professional life. At the same time 25 years in washington, 16 of those years as a democratic president and new jersey dead last, got the least back in any state in the country, corrupt and ineffective, Time For Change and the people realize it. He got out from under those charges. The Senate Ethics committee, how much bipartisanship is there in the senate . They agree he violated federal law, abused the power of his office in disgrace the senate. His selfproclaimed best friends, 67 felonies defrauding medicare, blinding senior citizens, it is Time For Change. We have great momentum. One trying to stay a step ahead of the law, new jersey deserves better and put new jersey first. You are sick points behind. It is a dead heat among likely voters, we are going to win. Rob thank you for your time. Jillian 18 after the hour. Hack attack. Forget russia, wait until you hear who infiltrated the dnc system. A brandnew been on bags, a major Grocery Store chain. Turning around turning around and pampers gives all of them our driest best fitting diaper. Pampers cruisers with threeway fit. They adapt at the waist, legs and bottom with up to twelve hours of protection for all the freedom to move their way in pampers cruisers only pampers diapers are the number one choice of hospitals, nurses and parents. Democrats ramping up calls for medicare for all ahead of the midterms. The latest to take up because during a debate. I believe our country should make the moral decision to ensure every single american has affordable and accessible healthcare when they needed. Reporter according to a city page profile, he didnt always offer healthcare to his own employees, before providing a plan at his coffee shop. Rob Nancy Pelosi Standing for months and politics despite calls for new leadership from her own party. The House Minority leader telling the Associated Press this is not anything to make a fuss over, it is politics, i can take the heat and that is why i stay in the kitchen. She says her following in the country is unsurpassed. Shannon thousands of vehicles recalled over bad breaks. Fiat chrysler recalling 299,000 minivans and suvs because of a break program. This involves a lot of newer models, the Dodge Journey and jeep cherokee, 201819 Dodge Grand Caravan and jeep compass, fiat chryslers is a brake system part wasnt built to specifications allowing gas bubbles to form. They are going to replace that if you take it to a dealer. There have been no reports of injuries or accidents or complaints because of this problem but something to take care of. First straws the plastic bags, we have been battling this for a while. Rob a number of plastic bags. Kroger is going to get rid of using single use plastic bags at all their chain stores around the country by the year 2025. The number, 6 million plastic bags every single year so they have a 2800 stores in 35 states across the countrys so this is a significant effort to cut down on this needless plastic. We have seen a lot of cities been these bags, los angeles, chicago, boston, we have seen the effort picking up, plastic bags at kroger coming soon from seattle. Jillian if you make a plastic bags it is not an issue at all. Rob plastic the paper. Thank you so much. The internet going wild as these photos showing interns in full sprint outside the Paul Manafort trial. They are racing to report the guilty verdict. Getting a lot of play on social media. Rob Vicki On Twitter writing young people dont have a work ethic, oldschool journalism, that girl in the blue dress has the posture of a runner. Jillian she is a Temple Student i think. The Monster Hurricane Taking Aim at hawaii, fears that Heavy Rain Flooding Landslides on the big island. Rob Live On Honolulu as the island storm comes in. Rob pushing off Brett Kavanaughs hearing, how can they connect the two . Are political families on deck to debate it. Rob getting ready to rock the blocks square, the allamerican summer Concert Series, dont go anywhere. I belong to the Drinking Class Mom okay we need to get all your School Supplies today. School. Grade. Done. Done. Hit the Snooze Button and get low prices on School Supplies all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Its backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned, or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event, now through august 31st. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. Jillian Hurricane Lane Lashing the Hawaiian Islands in what could be the biggest storm there in 26 years. Rob the Category 3 Hurricane Sparking catastrophic flooding of landslide concerned as the center moves dangerously close to the islands. Jillian what is it like right now . Pretty calm at this point. Reporter it is very calm here. In the last couple hours the wind has slowly but surely started to pick up but yesterday many parts of hawaii were feeling the storms affects. This is new video from hilo where rain continues to pound roads into the overnight hours. Be cautious because they are concerned the rain has washed the ground away the many roadways making them look safe but in danger of collapsing. 20 inches of rain fell on parts of the big island in less than 24 hours causing rivers to overflow their banks and this is all while lane continues to move slowly northward. Concern is shipping to the island of maui which is been hit with Tropical Storm force winds. Several airlines of canceled flights in and out of the islands major airports. The storm is weakening but Officials Say it still poses a threat. Lane has been downgraded. It is wide and very moist and it is going to hang around for a while because it is moving slowly. That is why we are taking so much caution here. Reporter here in honolulu officials use Hurricane Sirens to warn beachgoers of the incoming danger. We spotted many tourists yesterday and locals alike enjoying the waves instead of taking shelter. Despite the fact the storm has weakened a little bit there is still a Hurricane Warning in many parts of hawaii. The storm is 215 miles to the south behind me. Jillian a Vintage Warplane crashes and burst into flames but somehow the pilot survives. The korean war aerojet slamming into the ground as it tries to land at an airport in minnesota. Two witnesses jumping a fence and pulling the pilot to safety, he was rushed to the hospital in Critical Condition but is expected to survive. The cause of the crash is under investigation. The Senate Passes a 675 defense bill to fund the pentagon next year, lawmakers approving the measure in hopes of avoiding a Government Shutdown this fall, 60 billion will be certified in overseas funding. Military pay will be increased by 2. 6 , the largest increase in nearly a decade. The hack at the Democratic National committee was a false alarm, turns out it was michigans Democratic Party running a Cyber Security tests meant to check for vulnerabilities. The committee reported the hack to the fbi. There was speculation it may have come from russia two years after hackers had access to dnc computers. 36,000 Drunk Drivers could be off the hook thanks to faulty breathalyzers, massachusetts officials withheld evidence of failed annual inspections, prosecutors will throw out evidence from 20112017. Cases involving death or serious injury are excluded. Three counties in for a violated the rules which could impact 200 cases. Rob democrats in full obstruction mode, several senators refusing to meet with Brett Kavanaugh citing the president s ties to Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort and their financial crimes. This is a desperate attempt by democrats to obstruct a very highly qualified nominee. The hearing date is set for September 4th and Brett Cavanagh will be there. You to debate this, and once the right and gianni caldwell. Happy friday. Lets start with you. Is this get even for what happened with Merrick Garland . I dont think it is get even. It is a matter of Senate Democrats doing what the American People elected them to do, which is hold the administration accountable, do what is in the longterm best interests of the people they represent. Anyone donald trump nominates to the bench we know will be a threat to good decisionmaking in this country. Of trump nominates them we know they pledged their allegiance to what is in the best interest of the American People, it is in the best interest of donald trump and what he believes in. Im afraid his nominee to the Supreme Court, the Policy Decisions he has taken in the past, most of them are too. They refused to meet with Brett Kavanaugh or even consider him, out of hawaii, and massachusetts, these three in all honesty were never going to vote. Isnt the important thing the moderates in missouri, manchin in west virginia, that realistically is going to get in the first place. Mccaskill, a little bit, seems like shes warmed to him. Democrats are using this obstructionist activity and promoting fake news saying the reason they dont want to support this candidate we know has been confirmed by the Judicial Committee with democrats support the last go around to his previous position, because donald trump is an unindicted coconspirator which is not true. Got to keep in mind during the clinton years when bill clinton was subpoenaed for the whitewater investigation, when he was subpoenaed for that investigation his Supreme Court nominee was confirmed, not to mention democrats ran a candidate and Hillary Clinton who was under active fbi investigation. Democrats said all is good, not a big deal, she can be underactive investigation, she can be president it be underactive investigation it was no problem. What does this have to do with Brett Kavanaugh and his ability to be a Supreme Court justice . Doesnt have anything to do with it. It has everything to do with it. The fact that this nominee has already set a sitting president cannot be indicted and has said in the past the president has the ability to fire a special counsel. Are we going to follow the rules . Here is my general concern. I live in south carolina, the fact he was supportive of Voter Suppression laws that went to the Supreme Court. I think about future cases that await in the high court or the ruling on obamacare or a ban on assault weapons, he proposes a real threat to the future of this country. Rob we got to get to a second topic. Elizabeth warren, the senator, made some comments always asked about Mollie Tibbetts, she pivoted to the family separations. One conservative Group Calling for her to resign. What did you make of the comment . I thought it was disrespectful to American Families of kate steinle, you can go down the line of folks coming into the country illegally and committing such horrendous crimes. For this us senator to dismiss the pain the family feels, which is also illegal to come into this country, something president obama and forest, is despicable. She is doing it to win political points. Rob last word to you. The right is trying to make this into a political matter. Keep in mind if this person was just a traditional American Citizen we would not be having this conversation. Like most of the friends on his side he wants to politicize this because she is a real threat to donald trump. Rob we got to leave it. It is a big topic, immigration is a huge topic with or without what happened to Mollie Tibbetts. Thank you so much. Jillian the Illegal Immigrants accused of murdering Mollie Tibbetts is an allamerican boy according to his lawyer. That is rhetoric, the situation he is involved with concerning his status has nothing to do with the situation that unfortunately happened in brooklyn. Rob more from that interview, Jackie Ibanez here with a Fox News Exclusive you wont want to miss. Working for a living. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. As king midas, i here, you will too. Nt. Your oil change comes with a Tire Rotation as well. Ooo i could put that on an airplane banner. Our 19. 99 oil change also includes a Tire Rotation. Book an appointment online. His boy elroy. With instant acceleration, electric cars are more fun to drive and more affordable than ever. Electric cars are here. Plug into the present. A fight over sex, the lawyer representing Mollie Tibbettss murderer calling his immigration status rhetoric. Rob Jackie Ibanez with an exclusive interview and findings from Mollie Tibbettss initial autopsy report. Reporter despite evidence from ice, kim jong to christianr arguing his case. It is rhetoric. Either he is here legally or not. It is not a Point Of View question rhetoric question. You are saying is State Of Mind was in such a way. We are dealing with an individual with a middle School Education so his perception is entitled to equal protection and due process. Reporter those explosive claims after the result of Mollie Tibbettss autopsy results, Medical Examiner says her death was a homicide resulting from multiple support injuries, this brandnew drone video shows the cornfield where police say rivera dumped Mollie Tibbettss lifeless body after stocking and could never her july 18th. Thomas homan says this tragedy could have been avoided with better immigration policy. He was in the country illegally, fact, this girl would be alive today, he would not have been here if we had a border wall or border enforcement, stone cold fact. He used fake Social Security number to work in iowa farm for years. His bosses are speaking out. Our employee was not who he said he was. We are still shocked to learn that one of our employees was involved. I wish i had seen a difference but i didnt. Nobody saw a difference. This guy stayed around for 35 days. Jillian investigator figuring out his motive. Mollie tibbettss families preparing to say their final goodbyes at her funeral sunday. Jillian very emotional day. Rob Business Booming thanks to Donald Trumps tax cut, now the company paying in full, walt disneys chief hr officer planning to offer free tuition. Jillian lets check with steve doocy for what is coming up on fox and friends. Coming up in 15 minutes, an allstar lineup, diamond and silk talking about the news of the day. And former Campaign Manager charles payne, the king of cash, geraldo rivera, it will be a great program. Allamerican summer Concert Series with Country Singer lee bright on that stage singing his heart out. If youre in the area stop by, have a great time. Fox and friends is in the on deck circle ready to go this friday. Jillian coming right back. How can we say when you book direct at choicehotels. Com you always get the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed . Lets say it in a really low voice. Carl . Lowest price, guaranteed. Just stick with badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com Agent Beekman was one step ahead of them. Dits stole the lockbox from the wells fargo stagecoach, because he hid his customers gold in a different box. And the bandits, well, they got rocks. We protected your money then and were dedicated to helping protect it today. Like alerting you to certain Card Activity we find suspicious. If its not your purchase, well help you resolve it. Its a new day at wells fargo. But its a lot like our first day. In many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40s. University in Georgia Cutting four five girls from the squad who notes to protest police brutality, has nothing to do with politics, the cheerleaders say they were targeted. Jillian Business Booming, donald trump posting his tax cuts have jumpstarted americas economy. Will the greatest economy in the world. We have gone up 10 trillion in value since my election. Jillian business is so good the Walt Disney Company is offering hourly employees free tuition. Here to talk about it is disneys chief hr officer, james parker. What an initiative. Tell us why the company decided to do this. This is something im so excited about talking about. We are always looking for things to help our employees, this gave us the opportunity to do something groundbreaking for hourly employees, 80,000 employees in the us will be offered free tuition for whatever education they want to take advantage of, degree programs, certification programs, englishlanguage learning programs, paying that tuition up front. We introduced this a couple years ago. 100 by disney. When you hear that and see that, tell me about the economy. The economy doing well, Small Business owners said if im getting reimbursement from tax cuts i want to pay it to my employee, does that have to do with why you are doing this . Has to do with what we are doing, having the chance to do this, you have family and friends experiencing this, all of us do. Figuring out how to be a Working Adult and get education is hard. It is hard in terms of cost, convenience, flexibility, figuring out how to navigate. These kinds of things gave us the opportunity, up to 150 million over the next five years taking care of this tuition and these fees for our employees. Jillian what is the response from your employees . It has been fantastic. Every evening i hear about employees who jumped into the program and getting their applications ready. We have coaches for our employees because the process is hard to navigate to figure out what you need to do. If you have been out of the Education Programs for a while we hired some coaches to coach our employees through the process, examples of stories. Great employees with us for five years, hourly employee in anaheim who wanted to be a nurse for a long time, got one year of Nursing School finished, her grandmother got sick and she got to drop out of school to care for her grandmother and this program, she was one of the first with the applications ready to go, she is all set to finish her nursing education. It is exciting. Jillian doesnt look like the economy will slow down anytime soon. That is what it looks like. How much of a factor was that . For us as a company it is a great thing because we are able to do these kinds of things and as you said, we dont expect to change our commitment to this program, not something we announced and we do for a little while. We are committed to doing this over the long term and continue it. Jillian certainly an initiative that sparked our interest as soon as we heard that news and for a lot of other people across the country. Thank you for your time, appreciate it. It is 6 minutes until the top of the hour. Thought it was good to go head to head with the bison. Publicized trouble, a punishment this man with no shoes just got. If i am to change this image i must first change myself. Fish our friends. Not food. Jillian fish our friends, not food. The same goes for crabs. The brandnew billboard from peta that is not going over so well. The good, the bad and the ugly animal edition coming your way next. Why cant we be friends down to chinatown square. There is going to be some music here. Lee brice is going to perform later on this morning. Looking forward to that. Jillian here on town, stop on by. Until then, its time for the good, the bad and the ugly. Start the with the good a Wildlife Photographer comes to the rescue after she finds an elk tangled in a swing. I knew he was in big trouble and i knew i couldnt leave him there it was a scary prospect. The woman sat with the elk for three hours until officers set it free in colorado. Rob that is something. Next the bad, the tourist caught on Camera Taunt Ago by son is going to jail. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, god. [screaming] oh, god, no, no. I cant watch. Rob do you remember this whacko was arrested after beatings his chest at the animal trying to taunt him in the Yellow Stone National park. This guy is going to jail for 130 days for harassing

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