To the hospital, at least 20 dead at this point. Including offduty officer who is have dead at this point. One, we are told one sole actor involved in this, local las vegas resident. Do not know the motive for the shooting, we do know, though, that officers are interested in finding his companion who was described as being a marylou, and looking for two vehicles believed to belong to the suspect, once again his identity not being released. Although we know that he is dead. Rob he is dead. We are told a local resident of las vegas, somebody who knew the scene knew what to expect in this concert and knew how to get Vantage Point to perform cowardly act to a number of innocent people enjoying a threeday concert. This was at the very end of threeday show sunday night when the shooting opened up and the gunfire began and it was highpowered. You can hear it so clearly in the video we have been showing you all morning. You can hear it as well. Heather shooting went on for 20 minutes, we are told. Jason, as you were looking, the lest performer, that was when it happened, for at least the roommate of the suspect who is a person of interest and two vehicles as we said, license plates of the two vehicles, hyundai 114b40 and the other Chrysler Pacific license plate 19d401. Both vehicles believed to belong or in some way related to the suspect. His identity not being released but he is dead. Moments ago the sheriff there of the metro police department, yo receive lambardo gave us on update and explaining how they took the shooter down and exactly who theyre looking for right now. We determined there was a shooter on the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay, officers responded to that location and engaged the suspect at that location. He is dead currently, he has been identified, he is a local resident, i will not release his name at this time but we are interested in a companion that is traveling with him. Heather that companion once again marylou danly, asian 411. He did not release her age. We will try to get that for them as well. Adam, you have brandnew details for you. We know a number of people have been detained. Ive been told at least four people have been detained. At least four people have been detained by Law Enforcement here in las vegas. Its been about four hours since the shooting began. Jason aldean was towards the end of the set, and now it was towards the beginning, he has put out a tweet, he, of course, ran off the stage, took cover in his trailer nearby as the shots were coming from the 32nd floor Vantage Point. Coming from twitter handle, tonight has been beyond horrific, i dont know what to say but i wanted to let everyone know that me and my crew are safe, my thoughts and prayers to everyone involved tonight. It hearts my heart that this would come to anyone to anybody who enjoyed a night. That came from jason aldean. Behind me, folks, a quarter mile down the street, thats where three body ts were found. They were taken on tables. People were being brought in all directions away from the scene, away from the gunfire to get them to safety, three bodies, thats why you see the balance down there as well as Law Enforcement were found on top of tables that had been carried at some point the realization that they did not make it. To give you distance, this is how far their fellow concert goers took them, all this direction, all this distance, over there was the concert. Thats how far they brought them. We met people all throughout the eaching in the last four hours who had no shirts on because they used their shirts to stuff wounds, to cover bodies, to help people, blood all over them, that was confirmed by the firefighter, la Fire Department who was here with his wife celebrating a birthday that that was used as a gurney. That was used to transport a body because it has wheels. They were using whatever they could. The metal fences that uses barriers and games that could be moved around rrghts people were turning them on on their side and putting bodies and using at stretchers, that was the scene. And now we hear the numbers, robert hayes firefighter from la who was here as concert goer and ended up being inside, one of the main responders because thats what he does for a living, he personally he personally saw 15 to 20 dead, pronounced 15 to 20 people dead and now we know at least 20 and more than 100 injured and those numbers will fluctuate and people were thrown in cars and driven away. Thats whats going on in hour. We do know, guys, right behind me is where the concert is or was and we do know that there are bodies inside. The area has been cleared of anybody that was injured. Now its just the Recovery Process and, of course, the investigation. Adam, thank you so much. Lauren, go ahead. He was outside of the mandalay bay in lobby area and saw the gunfire break out. You say you saw windows shattering. Per i was sitting in lobby area in salk and one to havesidewalk and a few random gunshots and another window busted out and rapid gunfire gunshots that went on for two minutes. What were people doing, what was the reaction of the crowd . You could hear screaming from over concert area and the muis stopped, and people were trying to figure out what was going on and not a lot of reaction at mandalay bay was the shooting was going on elsewhere. Looking in the window and trying to figure out what was going on and then finally after, you know, a couple of minutes, people start today realize it was a shooter in the building. You said from where you were, you were set back from the concert, you had a different Vantage Point from folks in there, can you describe to me what it looked like when the shooting broke up. You said you looked up. It was crazy. There was muscle fire and smoke coming out of window and rapid fire. A couple of hundred rounds were fired and the curtains from the window, the gunfire were coming out of window again and again, really just frightening. Lucas, when you realized what was going on, what did you do . I finally i pulled back and got behind a vehicle and under cover and called 911 to let them know to let them know shooter was in mandalay bay. What did police say to you in . Unfortunately i never got through because people were calling and i was on hold and Police Showed up and the s. W. A. T. Teem started coming through. It could be 6 00 a. M. Which is another 4 to 5 hours. Lucas, thank you so much. Heather hes staying in mandalay bay, so happy that hes safe at least. Thank you so much for joining us. Rob lets go back to phones, lets go to randy, former metro police field lieutenant and randy, once again, i want to start asking you, have you talk today anybody from the department, do you have any information that we havent heard at this point . I think the information is pretty static at this point. We know of at least 20 dead, one onduty Police Officer in critical condition, another has also been wounded, weve got information that several offduty officers were also shot, possibly be killed. The shooter is dead, neutralized. The weapon was clearly an automatic weapon and person of interest, female who is being sought and the investigation is in its infancy. Heather randy, do you know anything else you can tell us about the suspect, i know his name is not being released at this point but he was a las vegas resident, was he known to authorities, do you know anything about that . I dont know, i dont know that. The individual has not been identified. Rob do we know why hes not being identified. Why not just release this mans name at this point, what is their to lose on that . Well, theres a couple reasons. One is because of they wouldnt want to tip anyones hand that might be associated with him. If they announce the name also for next of kin, for notifications purposes but probably mostly because everyone that is associated with this individual is going to be interviewed and they dont want anybody hearing it and taking off. Heather if he lived in las vegas, do we know if he was staying at the mandalay bay or perhaps he worked at the mandalay bay because what i understood the sheriff to say there was that the two vehicles that they were looking for had been at the mandalay bay but were no longer there. Yeah, i dont know if that means that that they were driven off by someone else, accomplices. If he lived in vegas, probably would be the only reason that he would be at mandalay bay was to commit this crime. This was clearly a wellplanned event. Rob thats exactly what i was going to ask you. I was going to ask you about the escalation of these types of shootings, obviously in the United States when we have an event theres a lot of security and specially in this time. So this is the next level of it. You cant get into the event, you probably cant breach the barriers to get in do doing any damage, you post up in a building across the street with highpowered weapon and its just as effective if not more and as you just said, its clear that the gentleman knew that this was a frequently used concert venue. He knew the concert was going to be there and when it would end and when it would be at busiest which would be the final act, very last night and he chose this. No matter what we do, there seems another level they can get to to get around security . Well, the answer to that question is you dont unfortunately. This is the soft target. You know, you try and prepare for every type of event, its virtually impossible. It would be, you know, just like how did this guy get a rifle into the mandalay bay. Well, theres a couple of possibilities, it would have fit into a golf bag or he could have had it broken down and and, you know, put into a suitcase and the natural question, well, are we going to start, you know, screening suitcases and and, you know, items that people bring in to the casinos and the answer is that its virtually impossible. So this is, you know, you simply cannot prepare for every eventuality. Heather what type of security is in place at the casinos . These casinos are very, very have very professional security apparatus. Both technologicalically, they have the finest Surveillance Systems basically available to business is at these casinos. Tremendous amount of security people. That being said, theres been a movement over the past 25 years disarming many of those Security Officers, so, you know, they used to all be armed back in, you know, 30 years ago but because of liability issues many of these Security Officers are no longer armed so thats a question for another day, would it have made any difference in this case, probably not, but how about the next time, thats a question to be to be pondered. But they have very, very good security at these events, theres always a large Law Enforcement contingency at these events and they work very well with the security forces, so, you know, its there is a strong, strong presence. Just give us one second, we will take a quick pause. We will listen to the Police Scanner traffic that we picked up from the moment of the shooter who hasnt been identified at this point. The moment that he was taken down by Las Vegas Vegas police, we want to let everyone listen to this. Hang on a second, randy. [inaudible] heather well, we were just talking about officers not necessarily or security not necessarily being armed anymore there at some of the casinos but they certainly did a good job of bringing down the shooter. Rob you heard what was said there, multiple firearms in the room, the guy was well equipped to do a lot of damage and you could hear it. When you hear the videos, randy, when you listen to it, that sound is clear what kind of weapon that is. Thats a serious weapon, something that only the military should have and its just been poured, bullets being poured into a crowd of innocent people who are trapped in, we just talked to one of the witnesses, it was hard to get out of there and box it in but the problem is when Something Like this happens, Everybody Needs to get out, youre trapped inside. Just horrific to see Something Like this happen and a shooter that was well armed that had a number of rounds that they said would be a pause in the shooting and probably changing clips out. Heather the last witness that lawrence talked to, could visibly see the window where all the shooting was coming from out of the mandalay bay on the 32nd floor and he described curtains flying out of window itself and broken glass and smoke coming from the room following all of these shot that is were fired, from what i understand, randy, 20 or 30 minutes this went on. Thats correct and, you know, think of how difficult it is to isolate that room, you know, when youre looking at it and then being able to respond to it and identify exactly which room that shooting is coming from. Its a very difficult task. Law enforcement, metro police did a hell of a job tonight. The only good news in this whole rotten, horrible scenario is that the shooter is dead and died at the hands of Law Enforcement. Thats the only thats the only good news in this horrendous, this tragic situation. Rob it makes you sick, it makes you really mad and sick and everybody feels generally the same way any time one of these happen and sadly they are happening more and more. Randy, thank you for joining us this morning. We want to go now to dr. Ahmed who comes often times when we have scenes of Mass Shootings and it seems that we are seeing you more often doctor, just speak to yet again one of the scenarios where innocent people are just slaughtered by a complete coward and what the mentality here. Obviously we dont know a motive but they all have some similar mentality of severe anger . Whatever the motive this is domestic terrorism, from my perspective this has frightened of arianna grande, represents everything about america that islamist loathes, freedom, music, mixing of genders, pleasure, its iconic location. We know from isis recently announcing, telling muslims to take cover we are coming for you. Hours ago producers asked me to call this morning and on the way, this story unfolded, so im very frightened, in this state of our nation, i dont know what to hope for, what should we hope for the identity of the killer, absolutely fla western flabergasted. Understand that the automatic weapons when there was a shooting in orlando airport, in 80 seconds six people were dead and hundreds that have been taken to hospital, many of them may not god forbid come out with their lives. This is a terrible day for our country. Heather as we were listening to News Conference a short time ago that although we do know that this was a local resident of las vegas, he did make sure to say that we do not know his belief system, being the suspect drve. Thats exactly right. We do believe that he was a lone wolf. Rob this could have been this could have been somebody with a mental disability, a crazy person, we dont know heather we do not know the motive. I would agree with you, but it is interesting that ive been here almost an hour and a half listening to commentary, this possibility has to be in the minds of the investigators. We also know isisinspired attacks have been perpetrated by many individuals of many ethnicities, im very concerned that there was a female companion thats being searched for and unfortunately there is a reality for many years that we do have domestic rad schoolization here in the United States. Heather there were two vehicles. At some point the vehicles right now you see license plates. Vehicles now being searched for, apparently no longer on the scene. Rob okay. I do want to emphasize that we do have you for another story. This could be there are a number of agendas where people are opening into crowds, angry people and this is kind of the venue that theyve taken for any possible motive at this point and we are seeing it more and more. What is it, doctor, that you see that turns them onto killing innocent people. I cannot fathom how that would satisfy anybody to attack innocent people when youre angry you usually have something to be angry at. Random people in a crowd. I think one has to think about individuals actually calculating, premeditating, preparing, all of those irrational choices, whether there is a psychotic break that participates it, who can say going back to terrorism and i agree, i think its very responsible of fox friends, you and heather to say we dont have knowledge that this is radical islam but islam is just like tertists in the 20th century on no more mentally ill than the average population. The prevalence of Mental Illness when perpetrators perform the acts is the same as the normal population so we dont know if its Mental Illness, we dont know its what you and i experience as anger, we dont know what the strategy is and i thought the Police Officer giving the press conference, the officer giving the press conference was very explicit in saying he did not know the belief system. I do feel very fearful that withholding the identity means that they are looking at a network of individual that is will be known to them and i would not exclude radical islam as motive but i would say again at the moment we dont know. Heather but regardless as you mentioned, this is definitely a case of domestic terrorism no matter how you look at it. Thank you so much for joining us. We appreciate your insight on this just horrific morning as people continue to wake up at this hour and just to bring them up to speed once again, the shooting at a Country Music festival, threeday festival that was going on in las vegas, parents there with their children, about 20 to 30,000 people there on the scene. The mass shooting what happened from the floor of the mandalay bay, 32nd floor out of a window there. The suspect believe to have been taken down dead at this hour, one suspect involved but looking for at least one other person believed to be his roommate. We dont know, likely could have nothing to do with this. She was a roommate and they cannot find her at this point. , of course, it is the middle of the night, 2 25 in the morning. Not the easiest time to find somebody. This happened if youre looking atlas vegas, strip which runs north and south. A little space to the strip where the concert venue holds and from time to time they do have event like this, threeday Country Music concert and thousands of people packed into here and the person who did this knew the logistics of this because they knew what side they needed to stay on. They are shooting across a wide street from probably hundreds yards away but they had a highpower weapon powerful enough to do damage here from the 32nd floor from mandalay bay. People were tracked, sitting ducks as one of the officers that we spoke earlier talked about. We did have a News Conference 20 to 30 minutes ago that updated us on exactly what just happened. This is sheriff Joseph Lambardo explaining how they took the shooter down and who else they are looking for at this point, the roommate. We determined there was a shooter in 32nd floor in mandalay bay. Officers responded and engaged the suspect at the location, he is dead currently. He has been identified, he is a local resident. I will not release his name at this time, but we are interested in a companion that is traveling with him and her name is and i will provide you names so be accurate, marylou danley. She is an asian female, approximately 411, weight of 111 pounds. We have not located her at this time and we are interested in talking to her to follow up. Two vehicles we are interested in locating and we need assistance. Hyundai tucson with nevada plate 114, baker 40, b40. Nevada plead 19d401. Plates registered to the suspect that we located tat mandalay bay. Heather just a horrible situation. Route 91 Country Music festival going on, whats supposed to be a happy time, you know thousands of people there, many people local there from the las vegas area, also people who came in to las vegas just for this Country Music concert trying to enjoy it and having a good time and ending this way with the hail of gunfire specifically happening, the last performance of jason aldean, he was performing at the time. We showed you the video as gunshots rang out. People initially thinking it was fireworks. Jason alden himself there on the stage, you see him. If we have some sound here, if we can pause and listen, can we . [music] heather just a moment ago he took the instagram and posted this, tonight has been beyond horrific, i still dont know what to say but wanted to let everyone know that me and my crew are safe, my thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved. It hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone who was just coming out to enjoy what heather exactly what it is, a wonderful venue and a wonderful show and a lot of people having a wonderful time and also being a great chance, an opportunist coward to carry out a despicable act and as the officers said they were sitting ducks. If youre waking up angry, youre not alone. It just makes you so mad to see Something Like this happen to innocent people. Its frankly disgusting and its not much else to say about it. Right now we do wanting to to adam housely who actually has been in las vegas all morning for us and has been doing a wonderful job of bringing the story to us and just its just been such a shocking thing to see, adam, go ahead. Yeah, guys, we have information on press conference. Before conference we were talking to officer that was inside for a birthday and he said on air, pronounced about 20 people dade. Right behind me is where the triage unit was located, now it is the crime scene where theyve actually, bringing some of the bodies out and theyll bring them out in balances and take them away as they clear each area, i should say, as this is taking place, guys, right behind location which i cannot show you, straight ahead is the Hooters Hotel and also whats the one next to it, Tropicana Hotel. Our previous interns were here and ran right from where im at and jumped in a car and went over to Hooters Hotel. We are being told theres several hundred people that have been kept in hotels that were at concert, kept there right now with Law Enforcement to go over what they saw as witnesses. So if you have a loved one that was here, just know that theres still a lot of people in those two locations which is directly adjacent to where im standing right now. We were told from folks inside in the Law Enforcement community that they believe 3 people have been detained. Does not mean they were connected to the shooter in anyway but something to keep an eye on, detained by Las Vegas Police as part of ongoing investigation. At this hour, guys, i will tell you with talking with robert hayes he was wearing the vest, la Fire Department member who was here, la firefighter, he says that at this point, what they are doing inside is going through basically, you know, each body is being identified, eventually identified at the Coroners Office and removed one by one as they do the investigation inside, forensics, vacant lot across the street from mandalay. If youre going to guess, im going say a couple of acres, not massive. Imagine 30,000 people packed in, so as weve heard from a number of people inside, you open fire into the crowd, its like one said shooting fish in a barrel and people are just there and very easy targets and thats what happened here tonight. At this hour, as you can see, come back here live, im going step away, give you a live look at the actual investigation location. This is the backside of where the concert took place. You can see in distance, route 91 harvest festival, thats the stage where jason aldean was performing. Rob just before this happened, adam, Country Music jake oh when owen is on the stage and joining us live on the phone and you were actually there, you were at least near the stage when this all happened, jake, is that right . Jake can you hear us . We had him for a second, i think we just lost him. To update you on exactly what happened, here to bring you up to speed in fox 30 hour, 2 30 in las vegas. More than 100 shot and injured in a concert, Country Music threeday festival happening in south end of Las Vegas Strip and gunman from 32nd floor in Mandalay Bay Hotel opening fire. It does appear that he acted alone, positioned himself above concert and opened fire into a crowd of people, last night somewhere at 10 00 oclock at night at the end of threeday show. Heather neutralized by Police Officers, one suspect is dead at this hour. They are searching for one, what they are calling person of interest, believed to be roommate of the shooter. That person described as marylou danley, asian, 111 pounds. They are searching for two vehicles and we heard adam house ly has been told that three other people have been detained. We do not know how related to the specific incident. We do have a witness from the scene on the phone with us at this house, justin olson joins us. Justin, can you describe for us once again where you were, what you saw, what you heard . Well, i was standing with about ten friends and we were in the stage area but towards the back of the crowd as opposed to the front of the stage, we were at the back of the crowd near the stage and we just heard we start today hear these popping noises and at first we thought, i thought anyway, maybe it was a problem with the speaker system, then they stopped, started again, after that, maybe, maybe there were fireworks as many people have reported but then they stopped and got louder and louder and at the point you knew that these werent fireworks. I saw jason rip off get guitar and bolted out the stage and thats when everybody started hitting the ground. Everyone was hitting the ground but everybody started running and there was chaos and everyone was just trying to make their way out anyway any way that they could knocking over fences and barriers, as chaotic as it were, it was surprising that everyone was trying to help each other. There were some young kids, guys were trying to help them out. It was really bad but everybody was trying to just take care of everyone around them and get out as fast as possible. Heather wow. Rob justin, hang on a second. We will bring up a wanted poster here of a person of interest in this and, again, it could very well be somebody that knew the shooter here. We understand that she was the roommate of the shooter, this is marylou danley, 411tall the roommate of the shooter in this case that has not been identified. They have not given us the name of the shooter or indication of the motive, this could be well be somebody that knows something about the person that committed the horrible act, somebody that police want to talk to at this point and thats her photo. If you know this woman or you have seen her you have to contact police. Heather jake, i know that you were one of the performers at the Music Festival, where were you when the shooting started happening, what did you see in here . Well, i was standing side the stage about 50 feet from jason. He was actually out on the runway of the stage and before i walked up on stage they said something to us about not allowing people up there. So when shots started getting fired,i thought it was pirot pirotechnique. It was pretty chaotic and not going whats going on and its kind of a bad movie. Rob its terrible, jake. I completely understand what youre saying there. How close were the bullets coming into the concert stage. You were standing left of jason aldean, how close were you seeing the bullets come in . You could hear it. What was amazing that it sounded ive heard guns before go off but this sounded like fully automatic, some sort of weapon that was nonstop and stopped for about 30 seconds and then it was almost like a reload and back on it again. Another 30 seconds. Literally at that point people are running in all directions and chaos is happening and i ran and somehow found a bus to hop on in another parking lot and everybody seemed to be okay. I was pretty scared along with a lot of other people. Heather jake, obviously you took off running along with everybody else. What about the people who were on stage . We saw the video of jason pausing, you could see when he realized what was happening as well and running off stage, was anybody injured on stage or did you see anybody injured around you . Everyone fled the stage, by the time i got to there was people popping fences and by the time i got to the street there was definitely people on the street covered in blood and people screaming and not knowing what to do. Im currently now, im still on a bus staring back at the stage where the background, all the roads are blocked off, cops everywhere, we are all just kind dont know where to go and what to do and theres some of us cant get ahold of other people, so its i just really wish for everyone out there that was part of this, we put on concerts to take people away, you know from the daytoday life and bring them to a happy place and this isnt any means whats supposed to happen. We are going to continue to do what we do and bring these people up because this isnt what america is supposed to be like. Rob great message. Musicians are pretty good gauges of crowd size, maybe somebody told you about how many people were attending the concert, do you have any indication, weve heard a lot of different numbers . I mean, i would honest i will say theres no doubt in my mind there had to be 20 or more thousand. From where the stage is, from hearing from the shooter was shooting from mandalay bay, im literally looking at it right now from bus window. Perfect angle and a sea full of people and guy with automatic rifle, its there was no chance for a lot of people to get out of the way. Everyone was just scrambling. Heather hey, jake, you said youre still on the bus, have you been able to move at all or are they making everyone still shelter in place and have you been able to talk to any of the artists there on the scene . Yeah, i have. I actually i talked to jason, he text me. I think he got a ride over to the airport, was waiting to hopefully get out. I talked to cain brown and i was standing on the stage with luke coombs and dan, we were standing side stage together when all of this went down and everybody seems to be okay. For the folks that were out in the crowd that were there with open shot from where he was shooting from the mandalay. I mean, you couldnt tell where it was coming from, it was loud and nonstop and people were screaming and it was wild. Thats the scariest part that youre in this situation. Who would have ever suspected that it was somebody across the street from the hotel. They storm the entrance and come in and they are on the ground, so to not know where they are, where to go to get away from it is horrifying. Heather what did jason say to you since he was on stage . I mean, we he just text me to make sure we were okay. My buddy chris young and tyler reed, they were in a trailer behind the stage that had gotten hit with bullets and no matter where you went, its a miracle that more people, unfortunately the folks that passed away, i cant fathom that but its a miracle that more people were not injured because of how long this went on. This went on for at least five minutes. Heather man. Rob its also just incredible to see how quickly police descended on where the man was shooting from because this is not an easy thing to solve. In this chaos, we heard people temming us that there were shootings at different hotels, youre getting so much information coming in and nobody has any idea whats going on, you just know youre hearing and hearing gunshots and pure chaos. I will say to this, huge shoutout to the Law Enforcement and people who responded here in las vegas with as many people that were out there, i mean, we dont give enough credit to Law Enforcement people that. Putting life on the line to keep us safe and i think they handled it rather well and they need a huge pat on the back for that. Heather hey, jake, we heard of the shootings that have happened, there was a shooting that happened in orlando, the shooting that happened at the concert, ariana grandi, is there anything that you and your Security Team have discussed if Something Like this happen, what do you do, is there anything that entered your mind as a possibility at one of your concerts . Unfortunately because of the way the world its been these days its constantly on our minds and we are all careful and the most important thing looking at crowds, you see fathers with children on shoulders and they came to enjoy themselves and everyone knows what doubt the possibilities, but the thing about our beautiful country is we goat thanks for men and women fighting for freedom we get to walk out there and feel that we are okay and we are safe. To answer the question with a long answer, we sometimes think what could happen but i dont think any of us really think that Something Like this is really going rob until it happens. When youre there, thats what everybody says. You hear about it in the news. Jake, thanks so much for join joining us on the phone. Another update for a lot of people who have been waking up in the last ten minute. Threeday Music Festival in las vegas across the street from mandalay bay. A gunman has apparently opened fire from 32nd floor, a gunman who has been killed. We do not have name or mow tiff at this point but we know he had a highpower automatic weapon and shooting down into a concert that had at least 20,000 people attending, just open fire for a number of minutes into this crowd at about 10 30 last night las vegas time. About 1 30 in the east coast so maybe four hours ago and this suspect opened fire killing more than 20 people at this point, thats the number we have but that is still preliminary, injuring more than 100 and chaos after that, people pulling bodies and injured people out of there trying to get them somewhere where they could save lives and nobody had any idea where this was coming from. They knew bullets were being fired, they could hear it at end of country concert. Heather some distance away from concert itself, route 91 Music Festival, jason aldean, last performer on the stage at the time when gunshots rang out, happened for 20 to 30 minutes some of the witnesses said. You can listen to the video happening right there. The gunshots should one after another, we were told that there would be a pause presumably the shooter reloading and then more gunshots following, at least two offduty officers killed there at the scene. You heard jake owen, one of the performers earlier during the threeday festival describing fathers with children on their shoulders there to just enjoy this music as rob said about 20 to 30,000 people there on the scene and we do have a wanted poster for you that we can show you, we mentioned that the shooter himself was not being identified, las vegas local and they are looking for possibly roommate, the woman that youre seeing on the screen, Marilou Danley described as asian, possibly roommates with the shooter and also looking for two vehicles somehow related to the shooter, Hyundai Tucson license plate 114b40 and Chrysler Pacific touring 19d401 the license plate on that car. Rob yeah. We are going to go to former senior military intel officer steve rogers joining us once again this morning and steve, just again talking about the venue and how we secure the things that americans like to do which is go to concerts, be in large crowds, these are all the softest of the soft targets and we try to secure them as best we can but how do you secure something from a hotel thats, you know, 500 yards away, theres really no way to do it, right . Well, there are a couple of things that developed this morning. I understand that theres a possibility that this woman may have been an employee at the hotel. I dont know if thats been confirmed yet. In addition to that, if that is a fact, now we know how this killer got access to that hotel with a weapon, they had to be preplanning and he turned this concert into a killing field. He took the greatest Vantage Point and sprayed those people down. So this changes the way police are going to be securing these events. We are used to suicide bombers, we are used to people with knives and guns on the ground but because this was unique, elevated position, 32 stories up, the police are now going to im sure do a lot of preplanning themselves and look at these elevated positions and make sure theyre secured as well. Heather thats interesting that you mentioned that she was possibly an employee there at mandalay bay because i had asked one of the authorities that joined us earlier, i believe it was Lieutenant Randy sutton, if there was a possibility that the shooter himself was an employee there because i was wondering how they were able to get weapons in and we were told, we should mention that once authorities and officers were able to enter the room there at the mandalay bay, i believe, that they did see a lot of ammunition there in the room as well. Rob i still dont think and steve, you can speak on this, i dont think its that hard to get hotel weapons in the room. I have brought massive duffle bags, nobody searched bags when you go to hotels. Just to talk about security that you need to have now, they talk about whenever the president or when the pope does something, you have to look, okay, you to secure all the buildings around where they are. This is no longer an issue, did you secure the front gate, this is an issue of every single round, any Vantage Point that you have. This could very well have been a more effective way to get this disgusting job done than walking up to the front gate armed with a rifle. This is a much softer target from above, right . Well, youre absolutely right. One thing to keep in mind and thankfully President Trump had been able to we return to Police Departments the tactical weapons they need in order to address shooters like this. In addition to that i understand that the white house is going to give Police Agencies from federal to local departments the tools they need to increase intelligence and information and increase manpower. Its going to be a massive, massive infusion of money and manpower in order to prevent these things from happening. Heather i dont know if you heard the latest information that we got from adam housely on the scene. He said that he does believe, he even told that at least three other people were being held and questioned at this hour. From all the Additional Information that youve received, do you, in fact, believe that there was just one shooter involved in this as authorities are telling us . Well, it certainly seems that way and i say that as a result of the s. W. A. T. Teams backing off at this point but its something that has to be done with regard to investigating the planning stage. Theres a possibility that there were some other individuals involved in planning, this is why they are holding these individuals at this point. It seems like there was only one shooter and so we will have to take their word for it but the planning, were there more people who planned this, were there people who got him that weapon, were there people who got him that ammunition, was there chatter on the internet on his is there fingerprints, for example, electronic footprints. I believe there may have been more people involved in the planning stage. Rob we have no idea what the motive is. We dont know if this was radicalized islam, we dont know if theres a lot of racial tension in the country. It could have been a number of things, a psychopath carrying out something that he believed he could have known somebody at the concert and wanted to do Something Like that. We have no idea what has happened here and we are not going begin to speculate on possible motive for this was obviously. Heather yeah. We know one thing, it was a terrorist attack, the question is was it foreign nexis or not but it was a terrorist attack. Heather thank you so much. We do know that the sheriff said we do not know the belief system and identity not being released at this hour. We do have a witness on the phone. This is erin, she was attending the concert, can you tell us where your was, what you saw, what you heard . Erin, are you there . Im here, thank you. Heather can you tell us where whats you saw when the shooting happened . Yes, we were to the right of the stage. Its a large grass area on either side of the stage and pretty packed in. We heard what we thought was like a pop gun and we turn today see some confetti so we thought somebody let off a confetti cannon, we were upset at the time and that sounds like a gun and why would you scare people. Rob what was your immediate reaction, you ducked down, obviously, what did you see at that point once the bullets start today fly . Well, originally, no because we didnt think it was forreal and then we started to see people screaming at us to get down and we all huddled and i put my arms in my two sisters and a gentleman layed on top of us and we would hear semiautomatic round after semiautomatic ground. We saw people next to us shot in the face. Heather erin, im so sorry. You and your sisters, youre all okay physically . Yes, we were unharmed. Rob what did you see as you were finally able to move out of there, im sure it was just chaotic . It was very chaotic. We felt that we were sitting ducks and was thought we were better off running. How did you get out . You just ran . Well, yeah. We knew where the exits were but there were none near us so we had to run across the venue to get out. On the way out it looked like a war zone and everybodies there were bodies everywhere. Rob was there some kind of coordination where people should go . Yes. Rob people running in directions . More people running towards the back because we we didnt know where the shots were coming from and we heard them coming from the strip, mandalay bay. We were running away from the noise. Most of us are running towards the back of the venue, out the back gate and there were people directing us out. Heather where are you now, erin, are you still being told that you have to shelter in place, did you make it back to hotel . Where are you . Well, i no longer i was born and raised here but most of my family lives here, we ran to Tropicana Hotel and got on a Service Elevator and went to someones room and asked if we could go to their room and my brotherinlaw came down and found a way and so we are now back at a family house with our family. Heather you were able to get out of the immediate scene itself . Yes, about an hour later, yes. Rob how long did this go on, erin, we heard somebody say 20 to 30 minutes, five minutes is a long time when you are opening fire with automatic weapon. I know its hard of to think that way, do you remember about how long this lasted . From the time of the first shot till we finally ran out of there, i dont know how much longer it was going on when we left, but it was probably about 10 minutes and there kept being a break in shots and we think it was over but we were afraid to get up and then it would start again. He was obviously reloading. Rob okay, erin, thank you so much for joining us this morning. Im sure you got a lot of head of you mentally to try to get over from what you just seen and our prayers are with you. Thank you so much. Rob lets go back to lauren at the scene of whats happened, lauren. Yeah, hey, heather, rob, all morning here we have been hearing stories of folks from what they saw in concert as these bullets rained down on the crowd. Now, Something Else we have been seeing, witnesses who have been helping out folks who were hurt, who were killed, take a listen. People on stage tried scrambling and everybody ran from that point. I ran out and started there were a couple of bodies there and started loading them into the back of the truck. Yeah, some really incredible stuff we were seeing and hearing, truly tragic. Now the artist that was on stage when this whole thing broke out jason aldean, he was part of Country Music fist festival. He posted on instagram, tonight has been beyond horrific, i dont know what to say but wanted to let everyone know that me and my crew are safe, my thoughts and prayers goes tout to everyone involved. His heart is hurting right now for everyone that came out for what should have been just a really fun night. Police in this area say they have they have the one suspect down but they are looking for his companion. Theyre saying her name is Marilou Danley and put out a photo and what believes to be her car. They have very serious questions for marilou danle, they could call 911 immediately. Heather they believe that one of the vehicles belongs to her. Okay. Rob lets bring up the license plates again and the vehicles attached to them. Heather thank you, lauren. Rob thank you, lauren, so much. Hyundai. Heather Hyundai Tucson, i guess that belongs to Marilou Danley, the chrysler with license 19d401. Rob we dont know the connection. Marilou could be a roommate, we are not sure, just to update you at this point, to bring you back to the scene and exactly what has happened, if youre just waking up this morning, its a terrible scene in las vegas. A sickening display of the worst of humanity. A man in Mandalay Bay Hotel gets a room facing this concert venue where 20,000 people are attending a threeday country festival. He gets on the balcony and opens fire with a highpowered automatic rifle into this crowd of people. People just watching music concert 10 30 last night, west coast time. Opening fire and killing 20 people at this point, injuring more than 100 before police finally closed in on him on the room on the 32nd floor and shot and killed this individual who they say acted alone and at this point we do not know a motive for why this has happened. Thats the big question why did this man open fire. Heather all we do know from the sheriff who gave a News Conference an hour or so ago, he does believe that there was only one shooter involved. Las vegas, the immediate area, people being told to shelter in place, but hopefully this was one shooter and hopefully nothing else will happen because it was just a horrific way to end this concert that was supposed to be fun for families ending on this note and people waking up to this news this morning. Rob yeah, investigation continues, appears that the violence is over. That will do it for us. Fox friends begins right now. Heather thanks for joining steve those are gunshots. And this is a fox news alert. That was the moment of horror unfolding overnight in las vegas where a gunman opened fire are from the 32nd floor of the mandalay bay resort towering over a packed Country Musical festival with 30,000 people in attendance. Ainsley at least 20 people are dead, including two offduty Police Officers. More than 100 people are injured. Brian the gunshots sending people running for their lives, including concert

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