Could have more power than the government. From the three, bread throws, pass caught, evans, touchdown. Steve good morning, everybody, its january 18th, 2021. And we start todays telecast with a fox news alert. Our nations capitol is bracing for potential unrest ahead of President Bidens inauguration on wednesday. Ainsley protests beginning in state capitols all across our country. Some of them are armed. Will david spunt joins us in washington with the latest. Good morning, david. Good morning, david. Washington, d. C. Is a fortress this week. This is the tightest security that this city has seen. No question in the citys history. 25,000 National Guard troops in and around the city protecting the city for the inauguration. More expected to arrive. This comes as Law Enforcement sources say that National Guard troops coming from all over the country will be screened multiple times over federal Law Enforcement fears of a potential insider attack. Its about guns from guards at times as a visible tee tenth. Thats what you see in washington right now guns, gates and guards. What you dont see is the intelligencegathering effort on the part of the fbi and other partner agencies. Capitol cities and capitol buildings in all 50 states under the microscope. Several arms protests expected over the anger that President Trump lost the election after president elect biden becomes President Biden the house will tabs mitt one impeachment article. Trump allies South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham if begging are Chuck Schumer to call off a trial. He says a trial will further divide the country. It schumer promised a trial in the senate no matter when that is. Rudy giulianis the president s personal attorney said in an interview over the weekend he likely will not be representing the president in the senate trial. He said he will likely be a witness after all he did give a speech before those capitol riots also Vice President elect Kamala Harris will resign from the senate today. Back to you three. Steve it is a busy day. David spunt on the roof there in washington, d. C. Thank you very much. You know, because of the potential for rioting this week, a number in fact, most of the people who work on capitol hill have been told you know what . Tonight come to work. You can work from home. After the pandemic a lot of people are good at teleworking and so theyre are not although today once again is Martin Luther king holiday as well. David did real briefly talk a little bit about the senate trial. You know, many republicans, apparently, are looking at a technical argument that the senate does not have the jurisdiction to try a private citizen. And because mitch is not going to start the impeachment until after donald trump leaves, he would be a private citizen and they dont have the jurisdiction. That is going to be the argument. And that will allow a number of republicans to vote against the conviction without having to defend, ainsley, what happened on january the 6th. Ainsley yeah, Lindsey Graham sent a letter to Chuck Schumer saying he will not support impeachment. And then also to piggy back what we were talking about 25,000 National Guard, thats more than three times the number of troops currently deployed to iraq and to afghanistan. What they are doing to make sure that there arent any insiders within the ranks, they are running names of troops through fbi watch lists and they are training them to detect Insider Threats as well, will. Will what a massive show of force, ainsley. And what a sign of the times. That there is distrust inside the National Guard, the Biden Administration feels the need look into the loyalties of the affiliation of our National Guard. I want to come back to something i think steve talked about. Its massively important. The idea that republicans will vote against impeachment because they do not believe its constitutional to impeach a private citizen. Alan dershowitz made this argument yesterday i think its fascinating. If you impeach President Trump, convict him after he is already out of office it, opens a door into the ability to impeach any private citizen and just kind of play that out for a moment and you think well, you could impeach theoretically a private citizen running against a sitting president. It does sort of open a pandoras box of impeaching people not just who hold office but people who are out of office. Ainsley democrats need to think hard before they vote for that because it could have consequences for them, for all of us in the future. Steve for the republicans as well. They are looking for a reason not to vote to convict in the senate if it goes that far. This could be the technicality. In the meantime, as joe biden and Kamala Harris take office at noon on monday, the l. A. Times has the question, make america california again . That is joe bidens plan. They say in part Southern California think tank of the Bidenharris Administration. Thats rekindling pass cliches. Incubator of innovation. Land of big ideas. Even as it struggles with surging covid instrections. A safety net frayed by the pandemics toll crushing housing costs and wildfires all fueling an exodus of residents. There is no place the Incoming Administration is leaning on more heavily for inspiration in setting a progressive policy agenda. They also point out, you know, look, Kamala Harris from california is going to be in on every meeting and she you know, after everybody leaves the room she is going to be able to talk to joe about whats going on. Then you look at the fact that, you know, when it comes to green energy and tuitionfree college and things like that they have been right at the tip of the spear. However you look at california ainsley and will, the last couple months how many have moved out. Look over the last couple years. They are having the Third Largest exodus ever in the last period of time when they measured the number of people moving out of california some great incubator. They lost 135,000 people, ainsley. Ainsley yep. That was from july 1st 2019 to july 1st of 2020. Those are the numbers they were looking at. I bet its been more since because that was last july. In new york there has been a mass exodus and many people are moving currently. Thats a high tax state, housing costs are high. They are being very the government is being criticized for not investing enough in Fire Prevention. There is also that recall of the governor with more than a million signatures. What can we expect as you were saying, steve, efforts on Climate Change, workers rights, criminal justice, healthcare, free college, remove carbon emitting power by 20 5. Thats bidens plan, to your point we have got Kamala Harris from california, nancy pelosi from california, then look at the potential cabinet members that could be right next to biden as he makes decisions for our country. That would be the health and Human Service was xavier baker is i cant, janet yellen, Janet Granholm Energy Secretary and yorkus for dhs. A lot of californians could be in washington dictating policies. Will what does that add up to listen to Lindsey Graham policy agenda from the by denharris administration. I think were going to have in the first 100 days by the Biden Administration the most aggressive socialized policy effort in the history of the country. Heres what i think republicans need to do. Work with biden where we can maybe on infrastructure. Buff fight like hell turning america into socialized nation. Fight like hell to make sure we wont undercut border security. Reject the green new deal. Fight like hell against raising taxes. Heres what i predict. If they do what they talk about doing, republican also come roaring back in 2022. We will take back the house. We will take back the senate and just in a few months President Trumps will be looked at far differently than he is today. Will i cant help but smile almost laugh through the story as you read that from the l. A. Times. You couldnt paint a rosier picture what a half glass full outlook the leading edge of innovation as people literally flee the state. You gave the numbers, steve. Here is another one. Search putting into context in california. Slowest rate of growth or biggest tee klein in that state since 1900 over a century. Joe rogan, ben shapiro, oracle, hhp, tesla, elon musk. Everyone is packing the moving advance. Mean while saying take more of that. More of california. Thats exactly what this nation needs. Steve no doubt about it, california is a beautiful place, they have great weather. And they make some pretty good wine, just saying which i would talk a lot because im in the midst of dry january, thats a completely different story. But, nonetheless, if you had a choice during the code pandemic, where would you move . Would you move to florida which is wide open because those are the policies of ron desantis or would you move to california, a complete lockdown . Will to your point, steve, there is no Pacific Ocean is in texas. There is no Natural Beauty and i do love the gulf. There is no Natural Beauty that mirrors or matches in california which only further highlights how bad the governor is and economy in california leaving that beautiful place to go hang out in porter randas you are burning up your Natural Beauty. Steve testimony they have the gulf and really good food and great people and no beings as it a million reasons. My daughter is going to move to texas. Will everyone is. Ainsley or florida. People from moving from new york down to florida. One person wrote dear biden keep california in california regards, texas. Steve meanwhile, lets talk a little bit about joe. And kamala what are they going to do the first day or two . Well, one of the things apparently he is going to immediately ask congress to give illegals legal status. According to an nbc news headline incoming Biden Administration to Migrant Caravan dont come you wont get in immediately. And that comes you have these two things. He would like to go ahead and do something about whats going on but then you look at this Migrant Caravan counsel in guatemala, and, you know, clashing with the police. Here is the thing. Essentially, because they have not passed a law and dubious whether or not joe biden is going to be able to do what barack obama could not do, what donald trump could not do. What george w. Bush could not do. And he wants to do it in his first 100 days. They dont want the optics, ainsley and will of a whole bunch of this right here on our southern border during his first 100 days. So theyre saying turn around, please dont come back. Yeah, i thought they wanted. Dont come back. Free healthcare for all of them. They wanted to tear down that wall. This is the message that a senior biden official told the met york work. The situation at the border isnt going to be transform overnight. They need to understand theyre not going to be able to come into the United States immediately. There is help on the way. Now is not the time to make the journey. They are between 7 and 8,000 my grants they have entered guatemala from honduras and theyre on their way. Will they havered ha of the message from the Incoming Administration. The message has been put out for years now. Put out through joe biden on the campaign trail. Time Something Interesting a few days before the inauguration. Will absolutely. Understanding he has actively sought a pathway to citizenship understand the lure. People are listening. Listen to them in their own words as many of the my grant activist groups are saying we expect this to be a payoff under the Biden Harris Administration. We do have by the way acting cpb commissioner mark morgan coming up later in the show. Of course a lot of you are online each and every day and go to foxnews. Com, go to it foxandfriends. Com you can connect with us that way. And there is good news if you are a fan of the social media giant parler. I should call them a disrupter than a giant. They are not a giant completely yet. They are back online. They are back on the internet. They are not back on your cell phone yet but apparently they are working out the kinks because they apparently have gotten they have registered their domain to epic and they returned online epic is also the server that Services Apps like gab and other social media chat features. Ainsley. Ainsley that right there that you are seeing on your screen. Can we put that back up the technical difficulties that what you will see if you go to your browser and type in parler. Com. Technical difficulties if you continue to read the parler ceo wrote this now seems line the like time to remind you all, both lovers and later, we why weigh started this platform. We believe privacy is paramount and free speech is essential. Especially on social media. Our aim has been to provide a nonpartisan Public Square individuals can enjoy and exercise their rights to poet. We will resolve any challenge before us and plan to welcome all of you back soon. Many are. They are going to make a ton of money. Proximate result. Will whether it was perished of its incumbent upon everyone especially those who have the privilege of a media platform to understand there is a concerted effort be pushed to squelch free speech. Its undeniable at this point. I saw it yesterday on cnn. A former Security Officer for facebook suggesting the same tools that were used to cut isis off from the internet now need to be employed to silence the voice of, quote, quote, conservative influencers. What we are watching here is a combination of big corporations big tech and Big Government come together to silence dissent. It is undeniable. It is a massive threat to our freedom and absolutely shocking that we have arrived at this moment in time in american history. Dave rubin was talking about, think about the transition that has left on the left that one time fashioned themselves the bastion of protection for free speech against authoritarianism. Against censorship to the place the american left sits today. Listen to this. If if you took sort of a hysterical authoritarian leftist political machine, what was formerly a relatively accept tryst democrat party, if you took that and then shifted it to todays democrats which believe the government should do everything, give everyone things for free, couple that then with the big tech layer, giant corporation, with corporate interest, tremendous amount of money and an unimaginable power over the way that we can communicate with each other, a type of power, by the way, that the founders 250 years ago could have never imagined that there would be corporations that could have more power than the government. Will i want to add to that steve and ainsley. Its not just a corporate problem and power problem. Its a cultural problem. This silencing of dissent exists in every aspect of our society, media, entertainment, ache keep deemia, everywhere. Steve its never been so obvious when you look at the social media giants and how they crack down on voices from the right before the election to help joe biden, according to people in donald Trump Supporters in his orbit. Youve never seen them crack down so hard on the right. And i get their argument, look, we saw a lot of stuff on parler and we had to take it down. Amazon said we approached them and talked to them but they did not do anything. And, yet. When you look at other sites on the political left. Will same stuff. Steve they are still up. Other voices on the left Political Violence and stuff like that. They still up. There is no consistent standard of enforcement. Its not just big tech putting their finger on the scale to silence people on the political right. They are putting their whole foot on it. And for a lot of people, it is discouraging. So the news this morning that parler could be back is good news for a lot of people who have used it in the past. Ainsley if they silence the stories that they dont agree with then the American Public doesnt know about them. So they cant make an informed decision. If theyre the only ones that are controlling what we are reading on social media, thats a problem. All right. Lets hand it over to jillian she has headlines for us. Jillian thats right. Dr. Anthony fauci says more coronavirus vaccines are on the horizon. I would imagine within a period of a week or so, or at the most a couple of weeks, they are going to be getting their data together and showing it to the fda. We are weeks away, not month away for sure. Jillian johnson and johnson and astrazeneca vaccines will help the Incoming Administration reach its goal of vaccinating 100 million americans in the first hundred days which he called, quote, absolutely doable. Today the nation honors dr. Martin luther king jr. A little differently. Ceremonies nationwide will be virtual due to the pandemic. The civil rights icon would have been 92 years old. Dr. Kings niece, alveda king will join us coming up. Lets talk football. The chiefs hold off the browns to advance afc. Patrick mahomes left the game with a concussion. Chiefs head coach andy reeves said he was quote doing good. Bucs deseefingt the saints. It brees though did not give any hints after the game whether he will be back are to the saints next season. Im going to give myself an opportunity to think about the season, think about a lot of things just like i did last year. And make the decision. Jillian tune in next week when brady and the bucs face aaron rogers and the packers on bucs. What do you think, sphwhil do you think is he retiring . Will i dont know about brees will talk about tom bradys performance at the age of 43. The. Jillian it is impressive. Will Climate Change to immigration joe biden a blitz. A look at the list of progressive wish list items and potential implication for americans next. S. 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Covered california is the only place that offers financial help for health insurance, and now, theres more help for more people. And free assistance from experts to get more californians covered. Starting with you. Covered california. This way to health insurance. Enroll by december 15th. Steve an noon on wednesday, president elect joe biden will get the keys to that house and become president of the United States and were learning more about what his first actions will be from day one biden will start working to undo a number of donald trump policies, including rejoining the Paris Climate Accord and reports indicate he plans to offer a path to citizenship for millions of Illegal Immigrants and he might even rejoin the iran nuclear deal. Here to discuss the executive director of Heritage Action for America Jessica anderson. Jessica, good morning to you. Jessica, good morning to you. I have a feeling jessica cannot hear me hello, jessica . I cant hear you guys. Steve i knew she couldnt hear us. Listen, we will take a quick timeout. Back with her in just two minutes. You are watching fox friends. By the way, this morning we are honoring dr. Martin luther king jr. A look at his incredible life and legacy and messages of faith with his niece dr. Alveda king. She is coming up as well. At visionworks, we want you to feel safe and we want you to see yourself in your new glasses and think, ooh but if you get home and your ooh is more of a hmm. You have 100 days to change your mind. Thats the visionworks difference. Visionworks. See the difference. There are many names for enthusiast. But theres only one way to become one. By going all in. The new lexus is. With a lower center of gravity, a more responsive suspension, and an aggressive wider stance. This is what we call going all in on the sport sedan. Lease the 2021 is 300 for 359 a month for 39 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Reentering data that employees could enter themselves . 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Ask your Health Care Provider today about onceweekly ozempic®. Will back with quick headlines, completely untrustworthy thats how Christopher Steeles long time fbi handling agent described him for meeting with the media over infamous dossier. The committee warning the stark warning in transcripts from last years investigation into crossfire hurricane. And director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe says china, quote, sought to influence the 2020 federal elections citing an ledges report the dia management suppressed intelligence about chinas election interference. Ratcliffe said he is going against the views of the majority of the Intelligence Community with his assessment. Ainsley . Ainsley thank you, will. Well, today we honor dr. Martin luther king jr. , whether americans come together in person or virtually to celebrate his legacy, our next guest says he will continue to inspire change. Joining us now with a message, a special message on this mlk day is his niece alveda king. Good morning to you. Good morning, ainsley, how are you you . Ainsley doing well. Got to go to the church for the First Time Since the pandemic it. Felt so good being will with that community we were masked and socially dance distanced but safe. I feel good this, no. We need your positive message. Will you reflect on your uncles life and tell us how in your opinion our country can heal . Its easy for us to know what my uncle reverend dr. Martin luther king jr. Was think and say because right now we can read his books and his messages. He said that we must learn to live together as brothers and sisters or perish together as fools. I believe we can begin to learn to live together as brothers and sisters with personal accountability. Now, we have to realize that we are one human race. Not separate races. Acts 17 26 teaches us that i have decided myself not to argue, not to fuss, even though my political views may vary and be different from others. I am very prolife for example i will continue to say that it is a civil wrong to abort a baby but i wont argue with people about it and wont fight with them about it. I believe we can heal if we begin to communicate with compassion rather than anger. Ainsley right. What would be his advice to all of us today . I believe his advice would be listen, say a tune to listen to god. You have to remember Martin Luther king jr. Was a baptist preacher. So he would be telling us to look to god and to pray for those who are in authority so that we can have peaceful lives. So we pray for our leaders when we dont agree we peacefully make that known. We have other elections and things coming up. We can vote again soon. So be aware of that as well. But, personal accountability is going to be very important and he also said injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. So as americans, one race one group of people still living here in america together. We are going to have to work very hard to see america grow and not be destroyed . Is. Ainsley thats right. You have a beautiful show on fox nation its called alveda kings house. Lets play a clip of your latest episode. These are faith leaders reflecting on your uncles legacy. Dr. Martin luther king jr. Had a dream. Heres the question. Can america dream again . Yes. It can dream again. We just have to get back to what makes us great. And that is our children. Thats true. Sitting around the dipper table. Tell us about that episode and who you interview. Absolutely. Im with ginger howard, we have written a book we are not colored blind. A music producer Phil Williams and a minister of the gospel emanuel booth. And we are talking about the dream. I believe america can dream again. We can also wake up and work together. Will. Ainsley that is beautiful. Tell ginger i said hello. We have a mutual friend and she is a godly christian woman. I will, thank you. Ainsley latest episode of alveda kings house is going to drop today on fox nation if you want to watch it. Coming up a new caravan pushing its way to our southern border as critics blame joe bidens rhetoric for motivating them. You are going to get mad at me with this but nobody is going to be deported in my first 100 days. Proximate result. Ainsley acting cbp commissioner mark morgan joins us next. Make the most of their va home loan benefits. To buy a home with no down payment. Its just another way were committed to veterans. Ainsley thousands of my grants marching from Central America for the United States. The braghts warning the caravan quote the situation at the border isnt going to be transformed overnight. Now is not the time to make the journey. Here to react is acting cbp commissioner mark morgan. Good morning, mark. Good morning, ainsley, thanks for having me. Ainsley good morning. What is your reaction to the biden official statement considering the fact of what joe biden ran on. Look, there is a couple things, ainsley. First of all, is that they are saying exactly what this president , this administration cbp have been saying since the onset of the Global Pandemic as just one example that now is not the time. This is dangerous. They are risking their own lives and lives of the workforce the western hemisphere as they are doing this. They are where on board. Im say its a little too late. The rhetoric thats been out there the campaign, the open border strategies, thats what driving this, ainsley. Look, they are using whats app. And face app. And organizers of these caravans have been clear the reason why this is happening right now is because of the perception that our borders are going to be own under Biden Administration. Unfortunately in this case they are correct. Are. Will i hour you talking about whatsapp. Can aia imagine they were sitting around watching the democratic primary. How does that message get down to honduras and a Caravan Starts forming this might be the time we need to head north. Will, thats a great question. Your learns need to pay close attention to this. Look, it has been happening for a very long time. This has been happening for decades. You have a combination of open border advocates that are organizing these caravans and actually encouraging and driving immigrant to participate risking their lives. In addition to that you have the cartels and human smugglers that are doing the same thing. Fueling that our borders will be open. Exploiting and encouraging this vulnerable population why . To line their own pocketbooks and bank account. Its working. At the end of the day, the only winners here are the cartels and human smugglers its disgusting but thats what open border policies drives thats whats happening with these crar vans right now as we speak. Steve wouldnt you agree as you look at the thousand of migrantings heading north joe bidens people saying now is not the time, essentially means come later when we try to fix things because right now in the first 100 days joe bidens Incoming Administration doesnt need the optics of seeing that line of people just stream across the border in el paso or laredo or some place like that. Or being stopped at the border and being arrested and turned around and say go that way. Because the people in the political middle want to think he is still going to enforce border enforcement and would be heart broken to think that the border is wide open. Thats exactly right. I have been saying it look, nothing has changed. They havent adjusted their policies. They are just kicking the crisis down the road. But its too late. Again, the caravans we have got an estimate between 9 to 12,000 people that have already made it through honduras and they are halfway through guatemala right now. And sole reason why this has begun and seeing this right now is because of the Biden Administration policy the belief is they are going to be let. In they are not hearing wait its not going to happen on day one. Theyre already coming. Ainsley steve is right if they are saying essentially come later, what does it look like if they do come later . Because they are clearly listening to the mess sandals. They are coming now. The timing is not lost of us. The administration is wednesday and its the first of the year. How do they handle that . Ainsley, thats the question. Thats what we have been telling the Biden Administration team. They cant do what they say they are going to do. Think about that. No deportations for 100 days. They are going to get rid of mpp which stopped catch and release. Now its clear they are going to give amnesty to millions and millions of people that are here illegally. If they do what they say they are going to do the only result of that will be an unmitt dated illegal migration crisis that will make 2019 pale in comparison. Thats the only result. Ainsley not to mention covid. They would have to quarantine for 10 days. Thats exactly right, ainsley. Will that leads me into this question. Not just this caravan any potential patterns going north in the future. That whether will be the role of the other Central American countries, will they reach our border . What would be the approach of mexico and guatemala in either turning away or open up the doors to head north. Will, we are seeing it right now. We are seeing what this administration has been able to do foster a food relationship government of mexico and Central American partners. Together we have addressed this regional crisis as it is. We are seeing right now even with this large caravan that largest that we have seen in over a year and a half. The Central American countries and governor of mexico are stepping up. And they are doing their job to stop it. But the problem is if im these countries, im frustrated right now. Because the reason why the caravans are starting is because of the rhetoric of the Incoming Administration. Thats why this is happening. Its simply outrageous. Steve we know that build the wall is something we heard a lot about four and five years ago. Looking ahead, is there any possibility that the joe biden might actually take down 400 miles of wall that are were either reconstructed or built new and what sort of financial liability is the federal government on the hook for if they pull the plug on further construction . Steve, i will tell you, im very concerned incoming president himself has been very clear im not going to build another foot of wall. Unfortunately live the has the ability to terminate these contracts if they terminate the contracts we already have awarded it will cost the physical taxpayers billions of dollars with a b. Steve to not do something . Costs billions of dollars to not do something . Exactly. We have to pay them for performance they have already completed. We have to pay them, for example, lets say they dug a trench and put rebar in the tremple and put steel and concrete. We actually have to pay them to pull the rebar out and facility trench back. In its unconscionable and then materials. We have about 270,000 tons of already produced or about to be. Have to pay them for that and pay them to either destroy it or store it. Its ridiculous. Its going to take away an essential tool to safeguard our borders and protect American People that is what is really outrageous. Ainsley mark, when you see these stories and read about these stories and reading articles this morning about moms just wanting to give better life for their little girls and that touches all of our hearts. It does. Ainsley i know we are sending money down there. What are they doing with the money . Ainsley this is probably one of the most critical questions of all. We have been saying this for a long time. This couple tri is the most generous country on the face of the planet. We give more legal citizenship to immigrants in this country than any other country in the world. We give more Financial Aid to other countries including Central American countries than any other country on the planet. Those are all facts that continue under this administration. It needs to continue. We need to address the Economic Conditions in these countries. They need to be there. They need to help their own country prosper. Illegal immigration is not the answer. Will only illustrating that you can have a big heart and strong rules at the same time. Acting cbp commissioner mark morgan here this morning. Thank you, mark. Thank you, will. Will go janice dean who has the latest on the weather. Good morning, janice. Janice good morning will and ainsley and steve. Not too bad in terms of temperatures. I mean for this time of year. We are getting close to 40 degrees here in new york. In new york. We have colder temperatures across portions of the great lakes and Northern Plains. And lakeeffect snow is starting to pile up down of lake erie and. High Wind Warnings in effect in the mountain passes we could see wind gus of 80 miles per hour. Thats going to cause not only high fire danger but power outages. Keep that in mind and you can see where we have red flag warnings up and the fire weather watch where elevated fire concerns continue today and tuesday. Watch what happens as we get through the earlier part of the workweek. Some much needed moisture moving into Southern California. Fingers crossed. And then we could see some mountain snow over the southwest as well. A quiet forecast for much of the country except for the great lakes, of course, where we see the snow flurries and then we will potentially see some much needed rain for Southern California. In the meanwhile though, very strong winds and high fire concerns. All right. Will, steve, ainsley, happy monday. Back to you my friends. Steve thank you very much, j. D. Lots going on on the weather map. Straight ahead the nations capitol locked down absolutely locked down like we have never seen before wednesdays inauguration. A look at what goes into those preparations coming up next. Keeping your oysters business growing has you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo ing. Jillian good morning we are back with quick headlines now. Overnight Los Angeles Police calling attention to the deadly crime surge. The department calling the stats, quote, shocking 16 days into 2021 and homicides in south l. A. Are up 150 compared to last year. Of the citys top cop pleading for elected officials and the community to help stop the senseless violence. Victims shot in the area are up 742 . Los angeles county hits 1 million covid19 cases sips since the start of the pandemic. First county in the u. S. To surpass the grim milestone. This despite california implementing prolonged strict lockdowns. The state registered nearly 3 million cases. Meanwhile the less restricted state of florida reports more than 1. 5 million cases. Will . Will thanks, jillian. Our nations capitol bracing for inauguration unrest with the largest security presence in d. C. History. Heightened measures include up to 25,000 National Guard troops. 4,000 u. S. Marshals. 3700 metro police on throughout there in d. C. And closing 13 metro rail stations it. Will be hard to get in and out of washington, d. C. Today were getting a look at what goes into securing the capitol ahead of an inauguration. Joining us now is jeff james who has just retired from the secret service after serving more than 22ers i dont. Jeff, can i only imagine that over your 22 years of service you didnt see anything like this though when it comes to inauguration. Well, it is different. I was fortunate to be part of five inaugurations this one certainly taking on a different tone from the ones i have saw. Will razor wire and walls built. Is this a massive show of force as a deterrent in your estimation, jeff . Or is this a response an appropriate response to legitimate Credible Threats . Absolutely. You need to respond to the intelligence that you receive. And what i have been telling people all week since last week at the capitol when they anybodies 5,000, 10,000, 5,000 you, now up to 25,000. People ask me do you think its an overreach . What i said to them was thursday morning i would rather have to talk about pictures of National Guard troops standing around looking bored and having people say oh, it looks like a police state than if there is an under estimation and we have to talk about people being hurt or killed i would rather deal with people being bored an injured. Will describe what that will look like in washington, d. C. This weekend we had a map of little red dots showing checkpoints and shutdowns. How hard and difficult how screened will that entire area be be . Well, the secret Service Starts to plan for an inauguration a year prior. To shes plans have gone into place a year ago. Now, they will be modified as intelligence is gathered. But, shutting town the mall is something that we typically do. Whats different this year is before you would have checkpoints from time to time where there would be metal detectors for people to come onto the mall to observe that event. This year with that being shut down you wont have that you will have circles somebody live around the capitol. The inner circle is for only people who are highly vetted who are allowed to be in. The middle perimeter will be for limited vehicular traffic maybe if vetted vetted toliverry trucks that are going to restaurants away from the capitol but businesses still need to run. And then, of course, the outer perimeter can be business as usual. But, within those three circles there is going to be Different Levels of access and theyre heightened this year. Will jeff, really quickly im really short on time i have to ask about this report that the Biden Administration is screening National Guard members for political affiliation. What do you make of that story . Well, if we know that the military is a Cross Section of society, youre certainly going to have people in the military who dont like president elect biden i think thats a concern for Law Enforcement and the military. Will i have got to run. I apologize im quick on time here but we appreciate that i heard you say its pretty standard. Thank you for your time this morning, jeff. More fox friends next. Why dont you call Td Ameritrade for a strategy gut check . Whats that . You run it by an expert, you talk about the risk and potential profit and loss. Couldve used that before i hired my interior decorator. Voila maybe a couple throw pillows would help. Get a strategy gut check from our trade desk. Man whats my safelite story . My truck. Is my livelihood. So when my windshield cracked. The experts at Safelite Autoglass came right to me. With service i could trust. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. 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Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Steve our Nations Capital is bracing for poo potential unrest. Washington, d. C. Is a fortress. 25,000 National Guard troops in and around the city. Ainsley a new caravan pushing it way to our southern border as critics blame joe bidens rhetoric for meeting investigating them. The reason why this is happening right now is because of the perception that our borders are going to be open there is a former are no, will head to slammed the vaccine rollout. Thousands of vaccine thrown away because the governor has such tight restrictions. Todd parler returning online. Amazon shutting down the site following the capitol hill riot. John matze writing quote hello world, is this thing on . Call of the lifetime meet the latest restaurant saved by the barstool Small Business fund. You have no idea how much this means to my family. [inaudible] ainsley this is a fox news alert. Bracing for unrest ahead of president elects Biden Inauguration on wednesday. Will protests beginning in state capitols nationwide some of them reportedly armed. Steve that is right. Will cain joining us knowed for brian and david spunt joins us live from washington with more on the precautions. David, i was talking to our newest White House Correspondent down in washington pretty much his entire life. He says he hasner seen portions of washington locked down like it is today. Yeah, completely locked down and congratulations to peter and the doocy family. But this is something washington, d. C. Has never seen before. I mean, this city is essentially a fortress. The message from Law Enforcement do not come to the inauguration. The National Mall is closed. Many things closed in washington, d. C. Were seeing unprecedented security. Law enforcement sources, steve, this is Something Else confirmed to fox news thousand of National Guard troops are over fears of an attack from the inside. Capitol cities and capitol buildings are under the microscope all 50 states. Several armed protests are expected over the next few days over anger President Trump lost the election. After president elect biden becomes President Biden this is another big story in washington. The house will transmit one impeachment article to the senate. That could happen in the next couple of weeks. Even though he he will be former President Trump at the time of his trial, house impeachment managers are full steam ahead. We want to make sure every senator is standing up for this country and considering the evidence and he incited a deadly insurrection. There were some thoughts that Rudy Giuliani the president s perm attorney would represent the expresident president. Rudy giuliani told fox news this weekend is he a witness are what happened because of the speech he gave on the National Mall so he likely will not be representing him anymore. Will, ainsley, steve . Ainsley how is this affecting all the folks who work in the capitol and federal government and the restaurants . Everything shut down. Totally shut down. I walked a mile and a half yesterday in the city and i found one restaurant that was open a sandwich shop. Everything else is border boarded up. They have been boarded up for most of this year. Thats not unusual given what we have gone through over the past year. They have told me some of those Restaurant Owners that they hope to open up back in the next few weeks. Security is not going to totally go away after the inauguration either. This could be something that becould see for several weeks. Not tight but tight. Ainsley thanks so much, david. 25,000 military members or National Guard members are there i read its more than three times the number of troops currently deployed in afghanistan and iraq, running names of the troops through the fbi watch list to make sure there is no one in the ranks that wants to do harm. They are training them to detect Insider Threats. Will david talked as well, ainsley about the potential impeachment trial coming up in the senate. A trial that would take place after President Trump has already left office. It bricks up a very interesting constitutional debate. I think we are always tempted not just those of you was in the media but everywhere out there to simplify things into do you like President Trump or dislike President Trump. Everything is thumbs up or thumbs down on President Trump. This is more complicated. Can you criticize President Trump from the january 6th event. You can talk about whether or not it was illegal incitement to violence. Wondering whether or not its constitutional to try a sitting or rather an exiting public official. Steve a private citizen. Will a private citizen, steve, when the purpose of impeachment is to remove a public official from office thats the purpose of impeachment. Steve there are a number of republican senator looking at that argument, will, the constitutional argument, technical constitutional argument for a reason why they would not, if there is a trial in the senate to vote to convict the president of the United States. They would use that as their rationale rather than talking about what happened on january the 6th. Meanwhile, as we look to the incoming Biden Administration, joe biden has made it very clear in his first 100 days he would like to have a plan that is passed by congress that would essentially make the people who are in this country illegally, give them a path to citizenship. And it does sound as if it is an 8year plan be that is going on. Ultimately, they are going to have to get some buyin from some republicans in the senate to pass it. It went be hard toes pa the house for the democrats because they have a majority there. But, you know, you need 60 votes in the senate to get anything done before they can go ahead and move on it. And ainsley and will, this would be daunting because we have seen in the past george w. Bush tried to do it. Barack obama tried to do it. Donald trump tried to get immigration reform. It always failed. So, ultimately, if it fails in congress, what will joe biden be able to do . Things with his phone and his pen which we heard about with barack obama executive orders and that, ainsley, is what he is going to release a flurry of in the first couple of days. Ainsley you know, dont forget, 5 years ago when President Trump was running, one of his big messages was immigration and building the wall. A lot of americans voted for him for that policy. And the nbc poll still says he is getting a lot of support. 87 of republicans approve of you who trump is doing his job. And what was the Approval Rating, steve, do you have those numbers in front of you. Steve when he took office his job approval was 44 . His job Approval Rating today, according to this nbc poll is 43. Is he down 1 percentage point. It was 45 before the election. I was just going to say, when you cite that jawdropping number 87 of republicans approve how he is doing his job before the election, it was 89 . Will you brought up the pen and the phone. The Obama Administrations administration phone to combat crises. The incoming chief of staff for joe biden said there is four crises they are working on a Racial Equity crisis, it will economy crisis, covid19 crisis and economic crisis. Many, many opportunities there from the pickup the pen and the phone for executive action. Meanwhile though there is a crisis coming to our southern border once again. Look at this from nbc news. Incoming Biden Administration to Migrant Caravan now forming in guatemala dont come. You wont get in immediately. This is a senior Biden Administration official told nbc news. The situation at the border isnt going to be transformed overnight. They need to understand they are going to be able to come into the United States but not come into the immediately. There is help on the way but now is not the time to make the journey. This didnt happen steve overnight. These were promises made on the campaign trail that my grants are looking to cash in on and the language there is fascinating, isnt it . Not now, later. Not immediately, later. Steve we had mark morgan on they are coming because trump will not be there to stop them. Watch. The rhetoric thats been out interest the campaign, the open border strategy thats whats driving this ainsley. Look, they are using whats app. And face app. And the organizers of these caravans have been very clear. The reason why this is happening right now is because of the perception that our borders are going to be open under the Biden Administration. We have got an estimate between 9 to 12,000 people that have already made it through honduras and they are halfway through guatemala right now. The sole reason why this has begun is the Biden Administration policy e. Policies. The belief is they will be let in. Wait its not going to happen on day one. They are already coming. Steve they are coming. Those would be troubling optic false saw the line of those thousands of migrants comings coming in on southern border. If you saw that mexico california or texas, that would be troubles because it essentially would say i guess our southern border is open and a lot of people who think that a Strong National security and southern border and northern border are critical. Meanwhile, of course, will, one of the problems you said one of the crises that the Joe Biden Team is admitting and want to acknowledge and go ahead and do something about in a fast way is covid. And as we look all across the country, you see that the rollout, various states have had various degrees of effectiveness in getting shots in peoples arms. Now, isnt this curious . One of the big shots in the Democratic Party for new york, hes the former chairman are to the Democratic Party in the 90s, he already got the shot. How about that . He is 73 years old seems nobody over new york state who has gotten the shot but this guy did. How did he do it . He is in florida. Thats how he got it. He has been hesitation name is John Sullivan and he got the shot because he touring the pandemic moved counsel to florida saint pete in october i believe, so he would qualify under ron desantis plan. Remember, here in new york state as soon as the vaccine rollout happened Governor Cuomo first inoculate healthcare workers and in the second stapling do other people including people over 75. While he was saying that ron desantis said you know what . We have heard from the cdc and people over 65 will at risk so if you are over 65 we are going to vaccinate you first along with the healthcare workers. So the Florida Governor are a better plan because ultimately, ainsley, Governor Cuomo here in new york city eventually said okay, we will include people 75 why 75 . Okay, okay, okay. We will do 65. Now if you are 65 or up, you could qualify for the vaccine if you can find it but there arent any doses left here in new york. Ainsley or you have to go to a hospital to get it whereas down in florida theyre teeming up with publix so you can go to a grocery store. Steve i know a lot of people who got the shot at a grossry store. Ainsley make it more readily available and easier for folks over 65 to get it. Many of my friends in new york have to sign their parents up because theyre elderly and they dont have computers or dont know how to sign up online. Here in new york you have to sign up online get an appointment and i have heard that some of the Computer Systems are having trouble. One of my friends was online trying to make an appointment for her mom and she says it kicked me out several times. Finally i got on the phone and was able to fix it. Now her appointment is not with my dad. She is weeks out now because so much time had gone on. Steve ainsley, to your point though, here you have this big democratic politician who had to go to florida to get the shot. He said he told the New York Post this i got the vaccine down here in florida. I probably wouldnt have gotten it by now in new york. I think florida the is the leader in the nation for vaccinating seniors. Cuomos call to vaccinate seniors a week later. Do you know how many people could have been inoculated in a week . Ainsley will is itching to get in on this what do you think . Will its so poetic, ainsley. Its so poetic that a democratic politician from a state essentially declared victory had to go to florida to get their vaccine. Steve poetic and political. Will political and poetic and insane, steve. I ron der how this fits into Andrew Cuomos victory tour. Sean payton might have written a book tied 1313 as the saint took on the buccaneers. Could have written a book how the beat the buccaneers. Equivalent to cuomos victory tour as states fail as compared to states like florida by the way the saint lost that game to the buccaneers. You dont write victory tours and books halfways through because you can be exposed you are running a losing operation here in new york and some from new york like congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis understand this and they look at the winning side and say maybe we can take some lessons on what is going on down this florida. Thousands of vaccines in new york were actually thrown away because the governor had such tight restrictions on who can get them and we had pushed very strongly to get the nypd as part of our front line and Senior Citizens moved up on the list. And now we are seeing as a result of that, were actually backlogged long lines a he we see these issues raised and defy them and comes down to the leadership of the governor you cant compare whats happening in new york to florida. Certainly florida has had a much better rollout. And, again, comes to these democrat vs. Republican leadership. I just think that what you are seeing Governor Desantis do is much better. Will i will say, this ainsley. I was itching to get in on this being, one, because its obvious exposure who is a success and who is a failure. It also just seems to fit into the same story line of here we go with the elites in this case an elite political class, steve, going somewhere to get some special treatment. Im glad that John Sullivan is admitting florida is a success story. But i cant help but think this is his French Laundry moment as well. You know, is he getting special class. Special treatment while the rest of society obeys federal ruled. Steve look, i salute him. He is a genius. He left new york in october. I think thats a smart thing to do i cant tell you how many people i know who have left new york and have gone to places like florida and other warmer places lower tax states to ride this thing out. He simply is uses the system down there and god bless him that he was able to get the shot. He followed all the rules as the people of florida do. Ainsley some of the Financial Companies here in new york have sent some teams down to florida i think just to test it out. Because if we lose wall street our city is doomed. Steve its on the verge of being doomed anyway. Ainsley, one other thing, i was reading the story over of the weekend apparently now there is this thing called covid tourism going on where people are chartering jets from new york also from canada flying down to florida to get the shot. Ainsley are they able to if theyre not residents . Steve apparently so in some cases. Ainsley still ahead an incoming by continue adviser putting on the spot over nearly 2 trillion relief plan. Why the next guest a liberal agenda item buried in that plan could kill over a million jobs. Thats next. Once daily sunosi improves wakefulness in adults with excessive daytime sleepiness due to obstructive sleep apnea. Sunosi worked for up to nine hours at 12 weeks in a clinical study. Sunosi does not treat the cause of osa or take the place of your cpap. Continue to use any treatments or devices as prescribed by your doctor. Dont take sunosi if youve taken an maoi in the last 14 days. 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Joining us right now is from the Washington Examiner commentary rite tiana lowe. Good morning to you. Good morning. Steve 1. 9 trillion covid pill on the heels of the 1,900,000,000,000,000,000,000 that Congress Passed just last month, when you look at it, some of it is going to actually help people in need because of code and for vaccines and testing and things like that and thats freight a guy began particular chunk going to income redistribution, the Teachers Union and help state and local officials. After a year of airlines cramming passengers like sardines into planes after receiving 25 billion from taxpayers and the Teachers Unions not going back to work, i dont think people are going to be that egger for a multitrilliondollar spending panel. That being said trump it did incinerate the whole Tea Party Message and right now borrowing is close to free. Jerome powell has promised that. The devil is in the details. The big issue here is people are not going to be okay with this 15 minimum wage thing. Bidens team has the touted the coo pull. 3 Million People out of poverty also estimate the median job loss 1. 3 million jobs and it up to three times that. Steve a lot of people in this country hurting because of covid. And we do stories about those people, tiana each and every day on this program. But, when you look at things like 1,400 payment to every american, thats going to go to people who dont really need it in some cases most americans currently have jobs. You look at 1,400 for the stimulus checks, you have got 20 billion for public transit. 90 billion for Cyber Security and 15 an hour thing schools that stayed close get 130 billion to open and not guarantee they will actually open. Teachers europe as part of covid negotiations to reopen also added in abolishing the police and ending charter schools. I mean those kids arent going back to school until 2024 unless garcetti and newsom step up. With regards to these blanket checks, in march, it made sense to give everyone a 1,200 check because we did not have the time to means test it. This time we do. Were almost a year of this. This is unacceptable. Sure. This is joe bidens wish list. Ultimately its got to go through the congress and i know there are a lot of people on the political right who are hoping that the republicans stand up and get the money justed to the people who actually need it rather than fulfill this wish list definitely. They are going to need to do means testing this would have been oozier if we had won those two Georgia Senate seats i dont think you will have joe manchin authorize it. Steve lets see lets see what happens on wednesday. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. Steve joe biden is on track to make america california again. But is that such a good idea . When california residents are fleeing in droves . Lawrence jones on deck on this monday morning. Hes coming up. 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Of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. And skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. I see nothing in a different way and its my moment so i just gotta say nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to, or recently received a vaccine. Nothing is everything woman now is the time to ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. Will ahead of wednesdays inauguration Kamala Harris resigns from senate seat today. Joe bidens plan is to make california again. Newspaper claims california is merging is a de facto policy think tank of the Biden Harris Administration. And if Congress Soon to be under democratic control thats rekindling past cliches about the state. There is no place the Incoming Administration is learning more from, more heavily or for more inspiration for setting of a progressive policy agenda. Here to react fox news analyst Lawrence Jones. Lawrence, make america california again. This as californians flee the state to move to places like texas. So why should california be a model . Well, it shouldnt be the model but it may well be the model, will. Along, if you are a conservative, libertarian, this next 100 days isnt going to feel so good. You have got a Progressive Left that have raw power. They have control of the government. But i think its important to remember this feeling. As my dad used to say when i used to lose n. An aau game remember this feeling so it never happens again. Remember the people that lied to you on tv and told you that it wasnt possible. Remember the people the politicians that were fickle with you that didnt knock on the doors and come up with a game plan to tee feet them in the next two years. Look,s there is some optimism from the g. O. P. They have control they won 20 more seats in the house not controlled but its a slim majority for the left there. So go back to your local community. Figure out a battle plan, but these first 100 days you are going to see some of the most far left. Will no doubt. Agenda brought to the table. Will no doubt. We have already seen the platform put out there what joe biden hopes to do through executive order or through legislation. And it does mirror, lawrence, it does mirror the kind of things we see in places like california. Really quickly on this. I dont know if i can ask you this if its realistic for me to ask you this. Climb into the mind of the left. The mind of bidenharris. California right now almost everyone can see is a model in failure. Yeah. A lot of those folks that are in california are fleeing to our home state of texas. But, again, remember this is not about results. This is about how people feel. And if you believe in that agenda and making everyone feel good, meanwhile your state is going down the drain, then that is the model. They are not trying to win hearts and minds right now. They have an agenda. They have a Progressive Left that is going to hold them to the fire. And i would predict these next two next 100 days are going to be pretty bad if you are conservative. Will it does give light. It does put some context on aocs message she is not optimistic of the Democratic Party working with the republican party. In other words, if thats your policy if thats your agenda. If thats your model, california, i wouldnt expect the g. O. P. To be going along with that either. I wouldnt be optimistic. I think aoc might be right on the nature of the two parties im sorry, lawrence because i want to get you in on this before we lose time together. Today is Martin Luther king jr. Kay. I want to hear from you what you think about mlks message how it rose son United States in 2021. Well, it was a message of peace. But it was also a message of not settling for the status quo. We live in complicated times, will, we are at each others throat. There is a peaceful way to do it. We should duke it out from intellectual standpoint. Fight for the justices of this country. You know, im often in these moments reflect on how proud i am to be american. You know, we have some imperfections. But i wouldnt have it any other way. It is the only country where you can have these differences and duke it out to make it a better place. And dr. King was a true testament of that. Proud to be american. Yet holding it to its creed saying, live up to the constitution, live up to your founding documents. I think were going to be forever in that spot. Yes, we will get better. Yes, we will make some strides, to be that more perfect union, but we will always be striving to be better. And i think that is the one thing that we have to reflect on today. Will. Will perfectly said. Beautifully said lawrence on this day. Thank you so much. Good to see you as always. Thank you, brother. Will a former insider now wants to take it a step further by eliminating all conservative content on tv. Dan bongino sounds off next. To veteran spouses everywhere we salute you. We salute how you balanced work, family and home life. We salute your courage. And your service. By offering you our service. Newday usa specializes in helping you make the most of your va benefits. From home purchase to refinance. Your grooming business is booming. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com groomer we have to turn down the ability of the conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences they are exstrategicly radical and pushing extremely radical views. Its up to the facebooks and youtubes in particular to think about whether or not they want to be effectively Cable Networks of disinformation. Ainsley that is a former executive from facebook basically saying we are going to censor whats online and now we should censor conservative tv. Lets bring in dan bongino, Fox News Contributor and parler investor, dan, you have been through a lot with parler i know we are going to get into that during this segment but whats your reaction to what he said . I have had to live through this for to years. Tough understand they have a tool called crowd tangle it reaches the reach of a facebook page. Both me and ben shapiro are typically in the top five facebook pages in the country on any given day. I have been a victim of this. Whether i say a victim of this. You say a victim of what . Well, for the last two years if you put in any Search Engine dan bongino, Ben Shapiro Facebook have been writing pieces. They have this general ting, ainsley. I used to work in no, and once in a while you would get like a mob guy that would come in and they would say hey, you know, it would be a real shame if this business burned down and he didnt pay us the tribute every month. Thats what the media is doing they write these pieces. Ben shapiro and dan bongino people seem to like their facebook pages be a real shame if they got banned. Now, you are just saying it. Now you have people in the media openly coming out on cnn and saying lets just wipe these people off the face of the earth god forbid their ideas get out there. Will dan, we have to take them at their word. Your personal experience shows what happened in the past. Whats scary and what we need to figure out whats coming in the future. We hear aoc say time to reign in the media. We heard that clip from used to be the security expert at facebook talking about taking conservative Television Channels out of distribution silencing quote conservative influencers. In had your estimation, dan, where does this go . We need to look to the future. So whats coming . Well, will, as an investor in both parler and rumble, alternative platforms and as a target of the facebook wiping off the face of the earth brigade in the media, i can tell you im not sure the audience, however bad you think this is, the tech tyranny, im not sure you understand how bad it is behind the scenes. Im telling you its worse. What i mean by this is, you know, the liberal media and they are liberal. Lets just be candid and stop the nonsense. They arent actual journalists most of these people line brian steltz is he an activist for the left he always has been for the left. Lets be Crystal Clear they said from the Start Twitter and facebook these are free Market Private companies they can do what they want. Just go do your own thing. So parler and rumble we did then they came after us there. They are truly evil people. They want to silence everyone. I will say one more thing thats important. If this is allowed to continue the central premise of the interview that it was open to people worldwide is going to collapse as you push people into email and i message and then the left want those targeted, too. Will, what happens if you send out an email . Questioning, say, Climate Change and all of a sudden gmail says no, were not going to deliver your email anymore . Are you going to tell me thats a Conspiracy Theory . I thought wiping parler off the face of the earth was a Conspiracy Theory too until i lived it. Steve according to parlers ceo sounds like they are back online on the internet. We are. Steve but the app. Thing is going to be coming very shortly because apparently you have a new server you are with epic now. Real quickly, speaking of epic, epic security in our nations capitol. You are a former secret service guy. What do you make of what we are seeing in d. C. . Listen, you had jeff james on before, a former friend of mine secret service. He said it brilliantly. He called it the centric circle approach. I call it the box within the box approach. You asked him how do you secure these things . The answer is you put boxes inside of boxes inside of boxes. As you get in those boxes that get closer to the president after he is inaugurated, those boxes you have increasing levels of security. Thats where it gets really tough in d. C. Because inside those boxes you have a whole lot of things, steve. You know, you have office buildings. Someone could have put something in there weeks ago. So you have got to go through all these office buildings. I did the inauguration. The first one for barack obama where he got out and waved on the parade route. That was my section in conjunction with the Washington Field office guy. I have got tell you it was the most challenging security challenge of my career. It was really, really tough. I mean, it took month and months of planning to get that down and lock it down. Ainsley hurt, dan, thank you so much for coming on with us. Will thanks, dan. Ainsley hand it over to jillian who has more headlines for us. Jillian a virginia man is the third person arrested near the capitol in three days. Police say 22yearold guy berry was carrying a gun without a license high capacity magazines and more than three dozen rounds of unregistered ammo. Meanwhile the fbi Needs Help Identifying these men you see on the screen expecting of beating a washington, d. C. Police officer. And 50,000 reward is being offered for information on this person suspected of planting pipe bombs during you have the capitol riots. In russian Opposition Leader alexi is reportedly being put on trial in a Police Station this morning. The u. S. Is calling on his release. Secretary of state mike pompeo tweeting in part, quote confident political leaders do not fear come peteing voices. Overnight he was arrested after returning from germany following his recovery from being poisoned with a nerve agent. He is accused of violating terms of a suspended sentence. West virginia is leading the nation with its covid19 vaccination rollout. The governor says there is a simple reason for that. We didnt sit on our hands. I mean, we being ad. We brought our local pharmacies in. We brought our local, you know, health departments. In we brought our National Guard in and we started putting shot in peoples arms because this thing is all about age, age, age. Thats all there is to it. Jillian more than 130,000 first toes have been administered and 23,000 have received both shots. And then there is this story. Actor Russell Crowe comes to the defense of his oscar nominated film actor and commander. [shouting] so heres the teal social media is flooded with posts from millennials and genz claiming the movie helps them fall asleep quickly. That hit a nerve with crowe. Thats the problem with kids these days, no focus. Send it back to you. Ainsley i havent seen it. Will i havent either but i heard its great. I heard its a great movie. Jillian you are not a millennial or genz. Steve oh, burn. Will janice you would assumed i was a millennial or genz you would have looked at him and said he has got to be a millennial or something. Janice right out of high school, my friend. You have that forever young face, my friend. Its nice to see you. And you too, steve and ainsley. We all look young. Its the lighting. You know what . Lets take a look at the temperatures across the map. We will go to the weather. Thats the best way to get out of a topic that you dont want to discuss. All right. 22 here across the upper midwest where we have got that cold air. Its cold enough for snow across the great lakes and thats exactly whats happening across Lake Superior and ontario and lake eerie where we have snow piling up. Here is the west. We do have a system bring much needed moisture into Southern California. However, in advance of that very strong winds, 80 mileperhour gusts along the mountain passes of california. And of the fire risk is high even though we have some moisture on the way in the way of a system pushing in towards mexico. So you can see over the next lets say 12 to 24 hours we get that rainfall in there. And some Higher Elevation snow across the southwest. Lets take a look at your forecast precipitation as we go six days out. Things start to change right . We have got rain across the gulf coast and then quite a bit of snow for the mountains. And then we are going to set up for more snow for the Northern Plains and the upper midwest with more cold air being pulled sought weapons of mass southwar. Will and ainsley and steve back to you. Steve mountain of snow forecast for this monday. Thank you very much. Straight ahead on this monday, a conservative club gets the go ahead to launch on campus after a twoyear battle. The student leading that charge joins us live to talk about the big win next. Its time for the lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. And now, the queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only 899. Plus, free delivery when you add a base. Ends monday. Pick up like a pro. Just order on the subway app and its ready to go with contactless curbside. Turkey sub in a hot tub now get 15 off any footlong when you order in the app. Ainsley a new york student finally getting the green light to start a conservative club on campus after a long twoyear battle. Honors High School Junior luke wong launch a Young American for freedom chapter curing his fresh map year he was shot down. After third try got help from the alliance predom finally able to paint the school red. Luke wong and his attorney join us now. Good morning to you. Thank you for having us. Ainsley you are welcome. Thanks for being here. Luke, tell me about the club and why you were shot down. What exactly happened . So, after i learned about Young Americans for freedom i was really energized by their ideas by the trump conservative ideas of free speech limited government and traditional values i really thought the administration would be willing to go for. School is supposed to be the ultimate marketplace of ideas. And they shot me down not once, not twice but three times. And really really after my first rejection i really had to think to myself is this worth it because facing a large administration is very daunting. But after my but after i first applied to have the club, i spoke to student about it and they thought it was really important. And that made me realize well, if i dont do this, who would . Ainsley i know the school is saying the reason they did this or the School District they are claiming that your club is not open to everyone who might be interested or to all at the school or in the district . But i know that you got legal help. And tyson stepped. In tyson, tell us what is your argument to that to the schools statement . The argument is when the school opens up a forum for student groups they have to allow all student groups. The First Amendment has held that for a very long time the Supreme Court is very clear when student groups are allowed to meet all student groups must be allowed to meet. And yeah it is open to all students. Everyone is welcome at his meetings. Will will he is welcoming them because he wants to bring a different perspective on campus. He is passionate about free speech and this virtue of free speech should start early here on our High School Campuses a. Ainsley all right. This is the statement from the School District. Harrison high school followed the same review process for Young Americans for freedom club that applies to all extra critic lure clubs. Requested modifications from the original club proposal because it appears not open to all student which is a requirement for all clubs. It modified the club proposal and the application was subsequently approved. Luke, what is your response for that . Well, the school can make any statement that they would like but the bottom line is that they were violating my First Amendment right to speak on campus about my beliefs by denying my Young Americans for freedom chapter. School officials should really encourage free speech and not shut it down. Schools have no official schools have no business denying recognition based on arbitrary standards of based on arbitrary standards of free speech. Ainsley how many people have joined the club now . We have about 20 people in our classroom so far and i hope to have even more at our meeting. Ainsley your first meeting is tomorrow . Yes, it is. Ainsley its been quite a fight. Was it worth it. Absolutely. I mean of course as i said before it is a very daunting thing to stand up to a large administration, but im really thankful for all of the help that adf and yaf has provided me throughout these two years i am excited to start and i think i can enact serious change at our school it. Ainsley i wish you the pest. God bless you and tyson thank you for getting involved and being on the show. Absolutely. Thanks so much for having us. Ainsley dana perino, bill hemmer and ben domenech. With less asthma thanks to dupixent, the addon treatment for specific types of moderatetosevere asthma. Dupixent isnt for sudden breathing problems. It can improve lung function for better breathing in as little as 2 weeks and help prevent severe asthma attacks. Its not a steroid but can help reduce or eliminate oral steroids. Our doctor if you have a parasitic infection and dont change or stop your asthma treatments, including steroids, without talking to your doctor. Are you ready to du more with less asthma . Talk to your asthma specialist about dupixent. If your financial situation has changed, we may be able to help. Your journey requires Liberty Mutual. If your financial situation has changed, they customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Wow. That will save me lots of money. This games boring. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I mean, this city is essentially a fortress. Thursday morning i would rather have to talk about National Guard troops looking forward and talking about people will joe biden preparing a blitz of executive actions. The first 100 days youre going to see some of the most farleft agendas brought to the table. Pete a new Migrant Caravan is on the move headed straight for the southern border. The reason why this has begun and were seeing this right now is because of the Biden Administration policy. Parler showed up online overnight. These are truly evil people. Ainsley today we honor dr. Martin luther king jr. He was telling us to pray. He said that we must learn to live together and bring this together. Ainsley we honor Martin Luther king today we do have a fox news alert. Our nations capitol is bracing for unrest ahead of president elect Biden Inauguration on wednesday. Will protests are beginning nationwide and some are reportedly armed. Steve there was some suggestion there could be trouble yesterday that is why they delayed the rehearsal for the inauguration until today david spunt is live on a roof top in d. C. With more on the precautions. Reporter well good morning to you three. This city is on block down and it remains that way until at least the day after inauguration this is the tightest security our nations capitol has ever seen. 25,000 National Guard troops with more on the way, because of this high security event. Authorities would rather be over prepared in this situation than underprepared. Law enforcement sources confirm ed to form news those National Guard troops will be screened multiple times over fears of an attack from the inside. Capitol cities and buildings in all 50 states under the microscope, several armed protests expected over the next few days leading up to the inauguration over anger that President Trump lost the election. Now governors have called out state National Guards. The capitols of the states, the cities, i think, those are going to be the softer targets for people who dont want to travel to d. C. Reporter after president elect biden becomes President Biden, this is another big story the house will send over one impeachment article to the senate. Authorities are, or not authorities i should say democratic leaders, excuse me, are saying soon, they dont know exactly when thats going to be. Trump deserves allie senator Lindsey Graham says impeachment will divide the country even more, democrats though are pushing forward even after President Trump becomes former President Trump. Theres been a lot of talk about who will be on the president s legal team, Rudy Giuliani said this weekend hes going to be a witness to what happened at the capitol on january 6 so he will not be serving on that legal team in an interview he said. Back to you. Ainsley thank you so much, david. Its going to be a wild week with the inauguration, people are worried after what happened at the capitol and so they are bringing in a lot of National Guards, as you heard, 25,000, which is more than three times the troops in caviezel and iraq combined. Theyre running their names through the fbi system to make sure theres not someone in there that does want to start trouble and theyre training them to detect Insider Threats. Dan bongino, who is a former secret Service Agent, you know him. He was on our show earlier this is what he had to say. How do you secure these things . And the answer is you put boxes inside of boxes inside of boxes, and as you get those boxes that get closer to the president after hes inaugurated, those boxes you have increasing levels of security and thats where it gets really tough in d. C. Because inside those boxes you have a whole lot of thing, steve. You have office buildings. Someone could have put something in there weeks ago so you got to go through all of these office buildings. I did the inauguration, the first one for barack obama, where he got out and waived on the parade route. That was my section, in conjunction with the Washington Field office guy and ive got to tell you it was the most challenging security challenge of my entire career. Will dan bongino describing it as boxes inside of boxes inside of boxes. We had jeff james also a former secret Service Agent on the show earlier and he talked about concentric circles and obviously we always want to err on the side of caution and never see Something Like we saw on january 6 but just a a note, this is virtually a zoom inauguration. Everything on this inauguration will be virtual with very few people present. Steve but you know what . Joe biden apparently still wants to do it outside, despite the security challenges he wants to be on the steps of the west front of the capitol just to make a statement that despite what happened on january 6, america is moving on. Meanwhile, speaking of moving on , we understand that apparently, either today, but most probably tomorrow, the president of the United States it sounds like is preparing to pardon and commute the sentences of 100 people, look for that announcement. Also, speaking of wednesday, on wednesday, 8 00 a. M. , at joint base andrews, the president of the United States, donald trump is going to chopper via marine one, over to andrews probably have some sort of an address and get in air force one, because he will still be president of the United States, and fly, ainsley, to west palm batch and start his retirement for now. Ainsley thats exactly right. Yeah, new administration comes with also a new agenda, and the la times had a headline yesterday that read, make america california again. Thats bidens plan. And they go on to talk to grey davis, the former democratic governor of california, and he said kamala will be at all of the meetings, have the last word with biden, share ideas and innovations and breakthroughs from california to help solve problems on the national level. Let me remind him about the recall for the governor of the way hes handled the pandemic, being criticized for not having Fire Prevention in place and mitigation. Very high tax state, thousands are leaving the state, 135,000, 600 people left from july 1, 2016 to july 1, 2020. I think more have even left since last july. Housing costs are through the roof and you know, will, you are from texas and there was someone online that said one person on social media said dear biden, keep california in california. Regards, texas. Will the exodus from california headed to the lone star state. There are many in my home state as you point out ainsley who are hoping they leave politics behind as they migrate from california to texas and yet still, the Bidenharris Administration sees california as a model, as inspiration, the la times goes on to say californias merging as the de facto policy think tank of the Bidenharris Administration and a Congress Soon to be under democratic control rekindling past cliches about the state, premier laboratory democracy, land of big ideas even as it struggles with surging covid19 inspections, the safety net fray s by the pandemic, crushing housing costs and while fires all fueling an exodus, theres no place the Incoming Administration is learning or leaning on more heavily for inspiration in a setting of a progressive policy agenda. Ill give you two notes here. If you want a little illustration of how california is serving as a model id point out you notice how we always reference the Bidenharris Administration . In fact on their signage, harris name, a californian, is as big as bidens name. I just dont remember that in past administrations. Steve joe has said its the harrisBiden Administration. Will wasnt it the trump adminitration, the Obama Administration . I dont remember this pairing in the past. Ainsley gets more moderate and progressive. A little bit for everyone. Steve so look for joe biden as right out of the block, noon on wednesday, is when he becomes president of the United States, and look for an absolute blizzard of executive orders, and, you know, thats just what happens when you become president of the United States. Its hard to get things through congress these days and so sometimes, the most a president can debt done is with, by directing the federal government , how exactly to interpret the laws that the congress makes. For instance, congress can pass a bill that says americas water has got to be clean, but then, it becomes incumbent upon the e pa and the federal government to figure out what the rules are to do that, and so look for joe biden to interpret all sorts of things and look to do something about immigration and climate and obviously, ainsley, with covid. Ainsley yeah, so Lawrence Jones was on our show earlier and he predicts when you read this article, when you look at what theyre pushing he predicts the democrats are pushing a very radical agenda. This shouldnt be the model, but it may well be the model, will. Look if youre a conservative libertarian, this next 100 days isnt going to feel so good. Youve got a Progressive Left that have raw power, that have control of the government, but i think its important to remember this feeling. As my dad used to say when i used to loss an aau game, remember this feeling so it never happens again. Have an agenda, they have a Progressive Left that is going to hold them to the fire, and i would predict these next two, next 100 days are going to be pretty bad if youre a conservative. Ainsley so conservatives with worried about immigration, the president said hes putting up the wall and then you have Kamala Harris saying she wants to end the construction on the wall and they won. So, its going to be interesting to see what they do with immigration because we have the first caravan, we havent seen a caravan in months, right . The first caravan of 2021 happened over the weekend, look at this crowd. Less than, you know, two days away from the inauguration and here we are talking about this , seven to 8,000 migrants have entered guatemala from honduras and they say they are on their way to the United States, but this was the headline. Being intoing Biden Administration to Migrant Caravan, dont come, you wont get in immediately. So, will, didnt they run on immigration, well let everybody in, we have a heart for you . Will this was the language we heard for months on the campaign trail, ainsley. We will be seeking a pathway to citizenship. Dont take my word for it in fact just take the word of see ing pueblo from terrorists which means without borders. They are saying migrants have a right and are ready to cash in on those Campaign Promises, as they mountained head north towards the border. Here is what a senior biden transition is saying, they have saying the situation at the border isnt transformed overnight. They need to understand they arent able to come into the United States immediately. Theres help on the way, but now is not the time to make the journey. Steve, i just cant help but notice now, not immediately, and the implication is this Campaign Promise may come along later. Steve well ultimately, if youre going to do something with immigration reform, you got to go through the congress, and ultimately, you need 60 senators which would mean youd have to have 10 republicans buy in. You know, it be great if the nation actually addressed it, and figured out in a bipartisan way what to do about it, but, you know, you look donald trump tried to do it. George bush tried to do it. Barack obama tried to do it, and they all failed. Ultimately when you look at those images of people coming up through Central America, and you got to wonder, 8,000 people, what are they eating . How are they taking care of, you know, just the basic daytoday necessities of walking 50 miles in a day, and whose paying for that . Is it anybody or is there a group behind the financing . I dont know. All mark morgan knows, and hes the Border Patrol guy in charge, he knows that the reason theyre coming is because donald trump, very shortly, will no longer be on our southern border to say stop, turn around, go home. Watch. Border strategies thats whats driving this , ainsley. Look, theyre using whats app and the organizers of these caravans have been very clear, the reason why this is happening right now is because of the perception that our borders are going to be open under the Biden Administration. Weve got an estimate between nine to 12,000 people that have already made it through honduras and they are half way through guatemala right now and the sole reason why this has begun and were seeing this is because of the Biden Administration policy, the belief is theyre going to be let in so theyre not hearing this now, wait, its not going to happen on day one. Theyre already coming. Steve one of the other things that the Biden Administration wants to do, once they take power, is to suggest to congress , lets come up with a path for citizenship for the people who are in the country illegally. They estimated 10 or 11 or 12 Million People, probably a bigger number than that, including an eightyear path to citizenship. But once again, its got to go through congress. Ainsley we all have a heart for those individuals you read the stories about moms trying to get their kids a better life and we can all relate to that. Thats what we want for our own children but doing it right and making sure that we keep everyone safe. You have to think about covid, many are am coming over and all together, shoulderto shoulder what does that mean for our country, a lot to think about so lets end this segment with a positive story because we love giving back, and if you are one of those that is so blessed to have a job right now, its nice to hear that many of you are donat ing to the barsoon fund. Theyve raised more than 27 million, almost 200,000 supporters, 142 businesses supported because of this , and we have another story to tell you about. This is Lauren Martin and she owns martins tavern. Its in the georgetown area right outside of d. C. Steve in d. C. Ainsley shes had this restaurant, fifth generation and its actually where jfk proposed to jackie, apparently, but they surprised her with some money to help her keep her restaurant open. Watch this. Oh, my god you know, youre the exact type businesses were looking to help, like what 81 years in the family . It will be 88 years in the family, which is insane. Thank you guys so much everything that you guys do, you have no idea how much it means for my family, to all of the Small Businesses across the country. You have no idea how much this means to the entire restaurant. Not even just my family but all of the employees here too. Good, good thats what we want and were glad we can help. Will d. C. Is shut down. Restaurants incapable of operating. Theres bar barstool sports the polandly incorrect black sheep of the Sports Industry out there saving businesses. I might just say to bring this full circle, while the federal government is looking to the government of california as their inspiration i dont know what kind of ostric h head in the sand, lacking in selfawareness, that might require to see california s model i would suggest why dont you look to the private sector and bar stool as your inspiration. More barstool, less california government. That might be what gets us out of this mess. Steve what government does anything efficiently, ultimately , when you look at that . Hats off to dave portnoy at bar stool. Kid rock had a fundraiser last night. I think a week ago kid rock gave 100,000 and he raised a whole bunch last night. That particular bar, martins tavern, has been in d. C. , run by the martin family, for 88 years. I may have been in that bar a number of times when i was younger and lived in that neighborhood but it is fantastic that theyve got the money to keep the doors open, and ultimately, dave said, im going to contact you every month, lauren, during the pandemic, and see what you need. Hats off to them. Ainsley steve what happens in martin stays in martin. Well never know. [laughter] im sure you were very well behaved lets hand it over to jillian. She has headlines. Jillian good morning, and watching those videos is the best part of the day. All right lets start with this a missing arizona woman is found alive in critical condition. Jessica goodwin vanished after calling out of work last monday and her vehicle was found at a car wash three days later. A rescue crew tracked her down by tracing her phone records to a community in the phoenix area and she was airlifted to a hospital for treatment and the case is under investigation. Los angeles county surpasses 1 million covid19 cases since the start of the pandemic. It is the first county in the u. S. To hit the grim milestone. This , despite california implementing prolonged strict lockdowns. The state registered nearly 3 million cases. Meanwhile, the less restricted state of florida reports more than 1. 5 million cases. Today, the nation honors dr. Martin luther king jr. Little differently. Ceremonies nationwide will be virtual, due to the pandemic. His niece, dr. Alveda king joins us earlier with this message. So as americans, one race, one group of people still living here in america together, were going to have to work very hard to see america grow. Reporter the civil rights icon would have been 92 years old. And now to the nfl, the saint s and the browns advanced to their Third Straight afc championship game. Patrick mahomes left the game with the concussion, but the head coach said he was doing good and the bucs defeating division rival saints, tom brady getting the better drew brees to head to his championship game but he did not give hints after the game about whether hes back with the saints next season. Im going to give myself an opportunity to think about the season, think about a lot of things, just like i did last year, and make a decision. Jillian the two future hall of famers shared this heartfelt moment together, and make sure you tune in next week when brady and the buccs face aaron rogers and the packers on fox. Send it back to you. Will that heartfelt moment was really cool by the way, that was brady throwing passes to breess kids in the end zone after the game and they went home and said dad, i still think youre better than tom. How cool is that we got to throw passes with him. Will coming up the far left faction of the Democratic Party racking up the tab when it comes to Government Spending but now, they want to slash from the military, to fund their extensive wish list, while our next guest says that is now is not the time to cut back. Go pro at subway® for double the protein on any footlong. Or on any new protein bowl so many ways to go pro at subway® its not amateurtein, its protein, baby go pro and get double the protein for just 2 more. Subway. Eat fresh. Go pro and get double the protein for just 2 more. quiet piano music comfort in the extreme. The lincoln family of luxury suvs. I feel like were forgetting something. Let me check. Xfinity home gives you peace of mind from anywhere with professionally monitored Home Security built around you. No, i think were good. Good. So when youre away, you dont have to worry. The tent. We forgot. The tent. Except about that. Xfinity home. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Hey look, i found the tent get xfinity home with no Term Contract required. Click or call today. Will while the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is looking to slash defense spending by at least 10 , as they claim the current budget detracts from the countrys immediate needs, but a new oped in the hill argues that while questioning the proper level of defense funding is an appropriate role for congress it must be based on a foundation of facts not slogans. Armed with facts, leaders will quickly realize the nations security and prosperity rest directly on adequately Funding National defense. Here to react former gop texas congressional candidate and army veteran wesley hunt. Wesley thanks so much for being with us george to you. Good morning, happy to be here, thank you for having me on will theres often conversation about the Defense Budget that does grow with time but it also grows less than the rest of the federal budget. I have this stat i find fascinating. Currently, the Defense Budget accounts for 14 of overall spending in 1985 it was 25 of overall spending and you can see on your screen there, thats a breakdown of where that Defense Budget is going, 68 billion overseas operations, 157 billion for personnel, another 100 billion in research and development and then 136 for modernization. Is there room to cut the budget . Is this something we should be doing at this time, wesley . No, no, not right now. The Number One Mission for the federal government is to keep citizens safe. If you look at it since 2011 since the attack on our country, we have not had a major attack from a foreign entity since then, and thats a testament to the brave men and women that put their lives on the line to keep us safe every single day. Its our moral imperative and our fiduciary responsibility to make sure that they are funded to the maximum amount so they could achieve their mission and their goal and keeping us safe, and right now, with covid19, i can guarantee you that the United States right now has a target on our backs and now, is not the time, to cut the Defense Budget. Now, i think we could all agree that our defense, our Government Spending is a bit bloated and i think no one is going to argue with anyone on that but right now, in these its imperative that we make sure that we continue to fund our men and women overseas. Will lets dig into that now for just a moment you said we have a target on our back in this time when there could be perceived weakness as you point out when it comes to covid19 so where, who is the biggest threat coming from right now . I think our biggest threat is actually coming from china. I read an article the other day that we saw their economy actually grew 2. 2 where everyone else suffered and so right now, if we are careful, we have to make sure that we could stop that threat, which i think is the most imminent threat the fact that even coronavirus came here in the first place from china, and its the idea of making sure that our defense stays on par with their defense as well. Will thats a constant march towards increased advancement in china when it comes to their military. We love to have you today it is mlk day. We love to get your perspective on mlks message, where it applies, how it applies to the current Cultural Climate in the United States in 2021. Well, you know, one day, we can live in a nation we are not to judge by the color of our skin but by the content of our character. This has been a rough year for us in the United States but i do believe that we can get back to that American Dream and by god, if we cant do that together, then we never will, and its days like this weve got to remember who we are as americans, coming together, and understanding that in the name of Martin Luther king, we can persevere and we will prevail. Will wesley, can you put that into context, i know you had an ad when running for congress and how it fits into that American Dream. Oh, absolutely, migrate great grandfather was a slave and we talk about the progress that we have seen in this nation, and again, this year has been rough and it may seem like were in some dark times right now, but im going to tell you that as a descendant of a slave, and because of brave men like Martin Luther king jr. , my family has been able to achieve the American Dream. The three of my siblings all had the honor serving our country. We all attended west point and that could only happen in one place, and thats america. Lets never forget that. Will slavery to west point. You have lived that American Dream, illustrated it and we appreciate you laying it out for us today, this morning thank you so much, wesley. Of course, thank you very much. Will take care. A former facebook insider is celebrating big techs crackdown on conservative speech. Youve got to watch this. We have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences but they are extremely radical. Will that is stunning and the federalist ben domenech is here to respond, next. Managing type 2 diabetes . Youre on it. Staying fit and snacking light . Yup, on it there too. You may think youre doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease. But could your medication do more to lower your heart risk . Jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. So, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. And it lowers a1c. Jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration,. Genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. Ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. A rare but lifethreatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. 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Ready to offroad, right from the factory. Steve welcome back its about 8 30 in the east. The social media giant platforms are accused of censoring conservatives but thats not stopping the former facebook insider, now pushing to take it one step further and start pulling some plugs. We have to turn down the capability of these conservative influencers to reach these huge audiences. They are extremely radical and pushing extremely radical views, and so its up to the facebooks and youtubes in particular to think about whether or not they want to be effectively Cable Networks of disinformation. Steve here with reaction the federalist publisher ben domenech. Ben, george to you. Good to be with you. Steve you are a conservative influencer. You need to have your plug pulled. [laughter] well, look, i think that its interesting that theyre kind of saying the soft part loud now, about things that theyve been keeping opinions theyve been keeping to themselves for a while and as a tryout for aocs ministry of truth, i think that that was a pretty good performance, but in this instance, i think that we have to see here, whats really going on which is that big tech wants to broaden this crackdown in a lot of different ways and bring a lot of different corporations along with them. They are going to collude together going forward, to crush conservative speech, and everywhere that it rises up and they are going to use arguments for that that sound, along the lines of arguments you might have heard in the past, about shutting down isis and the like, which is a comparison that this same guest made. Those are the kinds of radical comments that are the opposite of any kind of unity message, any kind of coming together, instead of just seeks to crush the speech of people that you disagree with which has never been the american way. Steve you mentioned corporation s. You know, we have heard over the last week, there are a number of fortune 500 corporations that want to stop donating money to members of congress who, on january 6, did not vote to certify the election , and now, were hearing that apparently there is some Democrat Members of congress who say those 130 or 140 members of congress, all republicans, who would not do that, need to be punished because they ultimately are responsible for what happens on that day, in part. Well, obviously that wasnt their attitude when you had democrats on the other side of this voting against certification in 2001 and 2005 and after the election in 2016 of course, and but this is also a situation, i think, where this is all a part of their agenda to play at the republican parties, being too radical to even do business with. Frankly, from my perspective, im glad to see some of that corporate money go away, because its going to be replaced by small dollar online donations, the kind of support that we saw, the president garnered during his entire career and thats something that i actually think is good for the gop. They should be listening more to their voters and less toward the various corporations that frankly hate those same voters. They want to be able to sell their products to them but also look down on them and as i said, to crush their conservative speech whenever it rises up and becomes something that they view as problematic for their bottom line. Steve sure, of course on wednesday, at noon, joe biden becomes the president of the United States, our 46th, and a brand new poll finds that 59 of republicans, a majority, want republicans to stand up to joe biden when it comes to his legislation in the house and the senate. Does that sound about right to you . I think that number is probably going to move even higher as we actually see what the biden agenda looks like. So much of this pandemic conversation pushed to the sides , all the different areas of policy that wed like to know about a candidate and i think that frankly people are going to be surprised by how much of joe biden they see right now in 202e that they saw back in say 2009 that as the Democratic Party has moved left, so has joe biden and i think the Biden Harris Administration is going to push a lot of radical things that frankly are going to serve to reunify any kind of republican infighting or serve ill war over the various things that have happened as weve seen in the past couple weeks. When you see that agenda i think youll see that number only continue to grow. Steve exit question because its 50 50 o in the senate now with republicans and democrats and people who caucus with the democrats as well. How much of joe bidens agenda does he actually get passed . Ultimately you need 60 for the filibuster thing, that crazy rule theyve got there, so will it be a slam dunk all of his stuff, or will the republicans be able to somehow moderate what hes able to get done . The answer is anything that involves spending money is going to be a slam dunk. Washington loves to spend money, and youll be able to find the votes time and again to do that. Its going to be more, i think, on the cultural side of things that youre going to see the Biden Administration have to do things through their administrative processes, bureaucracy and the like, because there is going to be a number of members who come from more red, more purple states, who arent necessarily going to go along with those aspects of the august that touch on those cultural war issues, and i think particularly, on Energy Issues and the like. Steve stay tuned it all starts at noon on wednesday. Ben, thank you very much for joining us live. Great to be with you. Steve all right you know what starts today . Americas news room we launched with dana perino and bill hemmer and theyll be joining us coming up next but before they hit the airwaves youll see them with a preview of todays coming attractions. Start the year smiling at aspen dental where new starts happen, every day. Get Exceptional Care at every step, unparalleled safety at every visit, and flexible Payment Options for every budget. Now, during the everyday smiles event new patients get a full exam set of xrays with no obligation. No insurance . No worries, its free. Plus, now all patients can get 20 off their treatment plan. Find every reason to smile. Every day at aspen dental. Call 1800aspendental or book today at aspendental. Com did you know you can go to libertymutual. Com to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Ainsley isnt that a great song and thats a great street, thats avenue of the americas thats where the fox news headquarters, where we are right now, on 48th and 6th avenue lets bring in bill hemmer and dana perino, coanchors of americas newsroom relaunching today coming up right after our show at 9 00 congratulations, guys. Thank you, thank you, well blast off in a few moments and see how it goes. Were hoping something comes up when we start. Ainsley well bring you into talk about this subject, Kristin Gillebrand had a press conference with Chuck Schumer and this is bidens week and hes supposed to unite the country but Kristin Gille brand said some interesting things tossing the gavel over to Chuck Schumer saying youre the one whose going to unite our country. Listen to this. Chuck schumer understands states and communities all across this country better than anybody. Hes worked to get people elected in every part of this country red, blue, and purple, and he understands that this country needs to heal, that we have to bring people together , that we have to get things done, and i dont think theres a human being alive in America Today that could do a better job than Chuck Schumer in this moment to bring this country back together. Ainsley dana whats your reaction to that . Well a couple of things come to mind. One im sure that joe biden would probably disagree but look when youre a senator every time you look in the mirror you see yourself as a president , so im not surprised that they think that the senate is really where youre going to try to united country. Lindsey graham actually said this weekend that he thinks that Chuck Schumer could unite the country by calling for a vote to end the impeachment of donald j. Trump the second impeachment, again, i dont know if Chuck Schumer will do that. I kind of doubt it but one thing i have noticed is that all of these calls for unity, theyre important, i guess, but only if theres some introspection, so it cant be lets unify the country and you go first. Will i dont know that Chuck Schumer is the model of being in touch with america. After the election, he said next we take georgia, which they did and then we take america and i dont know how that, i dont know how that goes over time with a 50 50 senate which is something our viewers will have to pay very close attention to. A lot of these initiatives are not slam dunks on behalf of joe biden outside the executive orders and were going to see how the legislation falls in here. Will you know, hemmer, i clarissa majority in you spent the weekend watching football. I dont know how that prepares you for launch of a new show today so are you going to cover brady and brees . What will you cover on the First Edition of the perino and hemmer americas newsroom. We shall dabble in that with a great lineup too, dana. I watch football too, will and i learned a new phrase. Ainsley good job, dana. My new phrase is, can they force some negative plays . And i think thats what both parties are going to try to do to reach others, right . Will right. I see that i see what you did there. Steve maybe you guys can just work a lot of football analogy in that. Touchdowns, you know threepointers . Just kidding. Just kidding, america. Steve all of the terminology and i love the , i love this program thats going to start here in 16 minutes because youve got two of the americas best voices when it comes to journalism and politics, right there, at the same plastic desk so you bring together so much analysis that america really needs right now. Listen well bring you the faces you know and the analysis you trust, and were really coming into a point in our nations history where people have to Pay Attention and barack obama said it years ago. Elections have consequences and were about to see that. And if you remember, barack obama had 60 democrats in the senate, and he still had to do a lot of executive orders. They were able to get one big piece done and that was obamacare which still reverberates through our politic s today. Joe biden does not have 60 democrats he has 50. Its a very different dye am into ic. Ainsley how was it waking up this morning, guys . I know youre used to waking up a little bit later. I love early mornings. Growing up on a ranch i love that. I was awake at 3 30 and then i thought well wait i dont have to get up yet but i was so awake i could have started in fact i just told bill, theres been a lot of anticipation and excitement and im thrilled with this cant and now i decided it just needs to get started. Will were excited for you guys i did this shift for 12 years so the new chapter is kind of like the old chapter only different again so its great to be with you and a partner again. It great. Im so excited i want to hear more about that ranch experience , some day, dana but you have alex as asar, i know youre promising to give us coverage but also, bill, you have a show up on fox nation called the china showdown, lets take a quick look at whats coming up on that show. Chinese businesses allegedly buying influence with joe biden s family. The thing that concerns me most, are not the money transactions between china and the biden family. What concerns me is what we dont know. And the Mainstream Media is silenced. Questions have to be answered there but the left wing media has no interest in asking them. What does all of this mean for our future . Were in a 21st century cold war with china. Will the china showdown is on fox nation what the can we expect there, bill . This is the consequences of elections if republicans kept the majority in the senate theyd be able to investigate hunter biden, but absent of that a lot of that falls to the way side. The hunter biden issue, the Eric Swalwell issue still in the House Intel Committee thats a part of this show. I think the other part of it at a much higher level is the two most powerful countries in the world are now at somewhat of an equilibrium with one another on almost every level. Not the military just yet, but with regard to technology and the economy, and trying to exert control in their own ways. This is, in my view, this is the ultimate china showdown, not just for the u. S. And china, but for the entire world, and theres a lot in there about what people need to think about, about what the future will hold in terms of competition between beijing and washington. And one of the things to watch also is taiwan and what china decides to try to do there and what we do in response. Steve all right shes been up for six hours already, the show officially kicks off exactly 12 minutes from right now. Thank you. Steve bill and dana congratulations. Thank you very much. Goodbye. Steve you bet. All right, meanwhile, the state of california clamping down on schools tightening the rules to return to class inperson, but Health Experts are pleading with the state to reopen. Our next guest says the closures have had a huge impact on kids, and that is coming up. Man whats my safelite story . I spend a lot of time in my truck. Its my livelihood. Rock music man so im not taking any chances when something happens to it. So when my windshield cracked. My friend recommended Safelite Autoglass. They came right to me, with Expert Service where i needed it. Rock music man thats service i can trust. No matter what im hauling. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. 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Ainsley a california titan School Reopening protocol public Health Experts are urging the state to let the classrooms open next month. 30 Healthcare Professionals let by our next guest, penned an open letter saying long term closures, have a detrimental measurable impact on children and adolescents. Here to explain director of Covid Response and profess of of emergency medicine at uc san francisco, dr. Jeanne noble. Thanks for joining us. Good morning, thank you for having me. Ainsley youre welcome so what is the mandate in the state of california. Are all Public Schools closed right now . Nearly all Public Schools are closed and the majority of them have been closed since march, so were just about on our oneyear anniversary of School Closures here in california. Ainsley so how is this impacting the kids the most what are you seeing . Yeah, so there really is a Mental Health crisis among our youth from this lack of socialization and inperson education, and that was really the impetus for our letter to bring the attention to this other half of the equation. We focus a lot of the covid risk for going backtoschool and risk for teachers and students but we dont spend a lot of time talking about the Mental Health damage thats ongoing, so the cdc, about a month ago, released data on the Mental Health crisis of kids from lack of inperson schooling, for kids under the age of 11, theres been about a 24 increase in er visits for Mental Health reasons for kids 12 and up theres been about a 31 increase in er visits for Mental Health reasons and right here in california, we have local data that really mirrors those national trends. Our Childrens Hospital of oakland we have something called ask suicides side questions where all kids coming into the er are asked about recent thoughts of suicide. Back in march we had 6 of 1017 yearolds reporting recent thoughts of suicide and that number had increased to 16 by september. Ainsley gosh that breaks my heart because our children what does that do to the parents and these precious kids are hurting. What are some stories that youve heard specifically . Well, theres just, i mean, in the er, a lot of kids are coming in with signs of distress , so not just thoughts of suicide. Thats the tip of the iceberg and those are the worse case scenarios. We have kids who are cutting, who have become very anxious about going out of their homes, new social phobias, new eating disorders just a lot of signs of Mental Health distress that we are seeing in the er. Ainsley so histories kirstjen nielsener to keep them out of school than actually risk it and put them back in the classroom . Well now we know we have data about how we can return kids to the classroom safely. We closed our schools back in march because we assumed covid was like the flu and the kids be the primary drivers of this pandemic, that they would get sick more often and transmit more often than adults. Now, we know that we were wrong. Kids are less likely to get covid, less likely to get sick, and less likely to pass it on than adults are. Thats why we closed our schools if we knew now if we knew in march what we knew now i dont think we would have closed our schools and we have good data about safe School Reopenings. North carolina just released a large data set, 90,000 kids, k 12 back in school, 10,000 teachers. There were only 32 schoolbased transmissions of covid during a nineweek period and those are really tiny reassuring numbers so now that we know that kids can return to the classroom safely, its time to get them backtoschool. Ainsley i hope the governor is listening thank you so much for fighting for those kids and giving them a voice. Thanks for the coverage. Ainsley youre welcome. More fox friends moments away. Will you point down at the qr code . Will you have to do brians job. Where is he . Right there. Open your camera on your smartphone, shine it at that, you can download the fox news that. Have a good day, everyone. Thank you, guys. It is 9 00 in new york at 9 00 in our Nations Capital and good morning on the cusp of a new era in american politics. We welcome you to the new beginning of americas newsroom here on the fox news channel. Im bill hemmer, sat here for a while, she is. If dana dana perino and im brandnew. Hoping to bring you stories that drive the day on the voices you come to trust, plus with those stories mean for you and your family and your community, thats whats most important as well as our nation in the days and weeks ahead. It went back to giving it a time two days away from inauguration. If you when i have known each other

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