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They been toppled all across the country. Good morning, its thursday, june 25th, 2020. We are almost to july where has the summer already gone . Well, we have been unfortunately starting too many programs exactly like this with all sorts of protests and violence across the country now to make sure because as ainsley just pointed out, the protesters have vowed at 7 00 tonight to go to that little park that is patrolled by the National Park service between the u. S. Capitol in rfk in washington take down that emancipation statue of Abraham Lincoln. They say its racist because he is standing over a slave who is on his knees. They dont like it. So they said a couple days ago we are coming back. The army has activated 400 National Guard and the u. S. Marshals have been told to immediately gear up to defend Americas National monuments. Unfortunately, ainsley, there are so many of them at this point they dont know where they may be called. Ainsley differential cities have called in National Guard. The parks police are on this. You also have the u. S. Marshals that have been called. In and then there was that in wisconsin, that hongs Christian Hague statue that was taken down. He was antislavery activist. He was a journalist and he died because of his wounds in the civil war. He was fighting against slavery. They tore it down. They decapitated the monument and threw it in the river. The president tweeted out very sad to see states allowing roving gangs of wise guys, anarchists and looters. Many of them having no idea what theyre doing indiscriminately ripping down our statues and monuments to the past. Some are great works of art, but all represent our history and heritage both good and bad. Important to understand both to turbulent and difficult times. Knowledge comes from the most unusual players. Brian . Brian very well put. I would like, to before we go any further, the democrats that are outraged by this. There are none. And this is so outrageous and elm bare rafersing for people who actually want to make the country better and Law Enforcement improved because you are throwing in a Norwegian Immigrant statue who came here to fight against slavery, joined the union, and was a hero. They threw him in a lake. Please tell me where the moral of this story is now, for those people think im doing for the africanamerican population. Lets talk to Robert Johnson. He is one of the most successful friends iafricanamericans in te country, founder of beth, a billionaire. Anarchy he has seen and destruction of our past he is witnessing. You know, black people, in my opinion, black people laugh at white people who do this the same way we laugh at white people who say we got to take off the tv shows. Look, the people who are basically tearing down statues, trying to make a statement are basically border line anarchists, the way i look at it. They really have no agenda, other than the idea were going to topple a statue because, what . Its not going to close the wealth gap. Its not going to take people off welfare or food stamps. Brian some of the craziest things that you have seen is throwing abolitionist statues in the lake because of Racial Injustice or screaming at africanamerican Police Officers as a white looks like failed skateboarder who cant find a t short yelling at a black officer about Racial Justice . You have to just suspend disbelief if i can quote Hillary Clinton in order to understand what is exactly happening right now. And what is happening at 7 00 today the president has made sure Law Enforcement knows they telegraph what they are are going to do. They should look up historically what that statue represents and understand who dedicated that stat to your recollection Frederick Douglass. If it was worth Frederick Douglass time to dedicate a statue he knew, Abraham Lincoln, i believe you should keep your hands off it. Steve if they want to take it down, do it the right way. The whole thing is law and order. The president of the United States is saying you cant break the law. If you want to take it down go to your town and have a vote on it. Eleanor Holmes Norton in washington is trying to do just that will it happen tonight at 7 00 . Absolutely not. They will have all sorts of people out there in force to make sure it doesnt happen. That would be destruction of National Federal property. Brian what if your town votes to take down George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and james monroe . Is that okay . Steve thats your town making a vote, brian. Brian these are the Founding Fathers of the country. If the left wing activists get into power and this countrys history is sidelined, is that okay . Steve listen, thats the challenge right now. But, what does this exactly have to do with what we are talking about in this country where they want to do something about Police Brutality . Thats what it all comes down to and the Racial Justice thing has become a component of that. Its interesting, if you remember, it was a couple of weeks ago when bill barr authorized the dea to investigate who exactly the anarchists were behind all of the looting. And as soon as that was announced, did you notice it was at the height of looting, it pretty much immediately stopped. Now the president has made it very clear, he has called out the National Guard, the u. S. Marshal service, its going to be a federal problem for people who are involved. And i have got a feeling the pulling down of federal statues is about to be over. And, you know, you look at the democrat in wisconsin, tony evers he said i have had enough and he called out the National Guard last night as well. Ainsley in wisconsin there were 200 or 300 people protesting. They were so mad calling on this guy to be let out of jail because he was Walking Around with a bull horn. He had a baseball bat. And walls berating people that were eating lunch outside on the street. Steve yeah. Ainsley they are upset because is he behind bars. Police arrested him. Brian unbelievable. Ainsley protesters stopped traffic and stopped the toeing of a car broke windows and tossed molotov cocktail into a building. Tim scott from the great state of South Carolina. Africanamerican senator republican trying to push Police Reform and change some of these laws. Trying to push it through the senate and guess what . Completely divided. Democrats did not vote for it. Most of them did not. Joe marchingen did. Doug jones from alabama and angus king from maine. The majority did not. And it failed 55 to 45. They needed 60 votes. Here is tim scott blasting is his low senators. When Speaker Pelosi says one of the most heinous things i can imagine that the republicans are actually trying to cover up murder, the murder of george floyd with our legislation. Thats not politics. She knows that she can say that because the democrats have a monopoly on the black vote. And no matter the loyalty of the people, the return they get will always continue to go down because, in monopolies, you start devaluing your customer. And by the way, when this bill is gone, people will forget about it. And do you know what is going to happen . Something bad. And well be right back here talking about what should have been done, what could have been done, why we must act now. Brian they couldnt agree to debate which is to fundamentally agree and work tout. As senator tim kaine says its only over if we decide it is. We will talk to senator tim scott live in about two hours. That will be great. Tim scott has really defined himself as exceptional law maker and great intellect over the last two weeks especially. The federal judge overseeing Michael Flynns case did you hear about this, delays all proceedings after a Appeals Court to side with the doj and orders the case thrown out. Griff jenkins is in washington, d. C. As the former incognito security advisor speaks out on three radio shows. Hey, griff. Griff flynn is not 100 out of the woods yet. Good day for him. Three judge panel of the d. C. District court of appeals two to one ordering District Court judge you have van against flynn who surprised many calling into Rush Limbaughs show shortly after that news broke. Its a good thing for me. Its a good thing for my family. But its really great boost of confidence for the American People and our Justice System. I do not expect it to be over. This is a face that has ended and we will go to another phase. Griff not surprisingly news at the white house President Trump weighed in. What happened to general flynn should never happen again in our country. He was persecuted. The Obama Administration spied on a campaign. This is just the first one. He has been exonerated and i want to congratulate him. He has been through a lot. Griff thought ball is in judge sullivans hands he could move to dismiss the long ending saga or could be appealed en banc meaning to th tot full court of appeals. Flynn uncovered notes handwritten by disgraced fbi agent peter strzok suggesting former Vice President biden and former president obama played a role in the flynn probe. The notes, which short hand identified biden as vp comey as d and believe to have been taken from a january 2017 oval office meeting. They show biden raising the idea of using the logan act against flynn. Obama wanting, quote, the right people to investigate flynn and comey advising that kislyak calls, quote, appear legit. Flynns lawyers calling this stunning exculpatory evidence in the governments case. We will see where it goes. Brian, ainsley, steve . Steve all right, griff, thank you very much. Isnt that curious . If you have been following and i know there is so much news going on, and you know we are going to take you back to that whole strzok, page, comey business the russian collusion stuff like that. For mr. Strzoks notes to say the Vice President raised the question of the logan act, which, according to flynns lawyers and as we all know became essentially the predicate of investigation into the trump campaign. Isnt that interesting that joe biden talked about that on january 4th, 2017 in the oval office with the president , with james comey, with apparently susan rice and also sally yates . Because joe biden was asked just about a month ago, over on another tv show about what he knew about it and as you remember, first he said he didnt know anything. And then suddenly, lightning bolt, oh, yeah, i do remember something about it. Lets take you back to may 12th or gma. So what did you know about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn and was there anything improper done . I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn. I do want to press that you say you didnt know anything about it. You were reported to be in a january 5th, 2017 meeting where you and the president were briefed on the fbis plan to question Michael Flynn. I thought you asked me whether or not i had anything to do with him being prosecuted. Im sorry. Okay. I was aware that there was that they asked for an investigation. But thats all i know about it. Steve but that flies in the face of what we now know. And, you know, if you trust what he wrote in his notes on january 4th, 2017, the Vice President of the United States raise the question of the logan act which became the narrative that we have lived with for the last couple of years where they walked into it whether or not that was proper and of course nobody has ever been convicted of it but nonetheless, ainsley, the Vice President brought it up a couple years ago. Ainsley wait a minute. I thought he said he was only aware that they asked for an investigation. Steve total ignorance he claimed. Not the case. Ainsley this is when a president is packing up and preparing for the next phase of their life. During this transition period they are setting up, if this is true, if strzoks notes is true setting up a game of chess of you who they are going to operate and make sure things go well for them in the next administration. Steve because they had to explain why Hillary Clinton won. And it was the russians and so at that point it made perfect sense that they start a dialogue about oh, and you know what . Flynn was talking to the russian ambassador. It all fits together because the russians helped trump get elected. Brian we will find john durhams investigation very intriguing and know what i like most about it Christopher Wray told bret baier last night he has a lot of problems with crossfire hurricane and how the fbi was acting. Now he is on the record. He could have avoided the interview and advisor voided it all summer. He went on the record with brett last night action and sunlight on what took place behind the scenes. Steve hope. So. Brian jillian mele has been working for the last two hours. She hasnt had enough she wants to continue to talk to us. Jillian yes i do three more hours. A new travel advisory starts today in the u. S. New york, new jersey and connecticut say visitors coming from nine states with a surge in covid19 case also be required to selfquarantine for two weeks. Those states include arkansas, alabama, arizona, South Carolina, texas, florida, North Carolina, utah and washington stated. The advisory comes as the three most populated states, florida, california, and texas see a surge in covid cases. Hospitalizations and icu rates hitting alltime high in california. As florida reports more than 5500 new cases just yesterday alone. Julian assange hit with a new indictment for recruiting and conspiring with computer hackers. According to the doj, the wikileaks founder worked with hacking groups like anonymous to provide military secrets to his website in 2009. Assange is currently in a u. K. Prison awaiting possible extradition to the u. S. He is allegedly in poor health. Overnight, bubble ba wallace says he is relieved the fbi determined the rope found in his garage was not a hate crime. Wallace says he is worried about how people are reacting to the investigation. Knew that this was going to flip to the negative side and all of that side of everything was just going to come flowing out because say its a hoax, compare me toe will jussie smollett. Jillian wallace added checked garages. And according to him none of their ropes were shaped like a noose. Dr. Fauci on dancing with the stars. Daily mail show producers say approached him informally. Spokesperson telling the daily mail he would respectfully decline any formal request to appear. Abc is trying to figure out how to shoot future episode while obeying coronavirus restrictions that would be interesting. Brian i dont know if i want a lead scientist dancing. Ainsley he needs to have abreak and have a little fun. Brian a lot of folk. Steve im okay with scientists dancing. How is he going to wear a mask and breathe properly during those very active dances . Hello. Brian good point. Ainsley sean spicer could donate him that outfit. Jillian that green outfit . Steve that was funny. The National Guard rolling in to madison, wisconsin after a night violence and this attack on a state senator tim carpenter. Not recording on cell phone. Steve that is terrible. Country of his Senate Colleagues is here to report on the chaos. Whats happening out there . You will see it next live. Tada did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. So to breathe better, i started oncedaily anoro. Copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way, with anoro. Oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Do not use anoro if you have asthma. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. 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The National Guard has been called. In why did it take so long . Well, i think the governor felt that if he let them blow off steam that somehow they would, you know, kind of burn out and will the the rest take its course. I think the fact that senator carpenter was severely beaten by blm that he then decided to call in the National Guard. Brian your Lieutenant Governor had what to say about the pummeling of a democratic senator . Well, he tweeted that they shouldnt have beat up senator carpenter because he is on their side. Brian thats nice. What does that say to you . That says they can beat me up because im a republican senator. Brian what a genius. Lets talk about what they are doing. They take a Norwegian Union soldiers statue who fought against slavery and abolitionist ripped it down and tossed it in a lake. What am i supposed to understand about that move . Do they even know what theyre doing . They do not. They are just hell bent on mass destruction. And they are a mob. And they are going to take out anyone or everyone and they want something, apparently communicated that they want all of the money that we spend on police and protection to go to community programs. That isnt even realistic in any shape or form. Brian do you think the governor understands that . I think he does now. Im not sure what the governor understands. Most of his communication goes through his staff. So, you know, and then they he recorded conversations he had with the leadership and our caucus. Im not sure whats going on with governor evers to be perfectly honest. Brian hardly seems like a state getting prepared to hots dnc in a couple of weeks. Yes. I think mayor barrett has that under control. They their side. If it were a republican convention, we would be in real big trouble. Brian i understand. Just real quick, a year ago, four years ago, the president won wisconsin. Now according to the latest siena policy trailing by 9 to 10 points. In your mind does it seem like that has wisconsin changed that much. No. Wisconsin has not changed that much. We have always been a purple state and we ebb and flow. But the people, Jackson County set records for voting republican. Had never voted republican for many, many years. I was just down there the other day. I still believe we are still purple leaning red. So i dont believe i didnt believe the polls in 2016, they are very inaccurate and i dont believe the polls. Brian i cant believe wisconsin on the side of such anarchy, im sure you can too. State senator, Kathleen Bernier thank you very much. You are welcome. Brian restaurant back in business and customers already lining up. They join us live with a message for america as they get back to work. My nunormal fewer asthma attacks. Less oral steroids. Taking my treatment at home. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. 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Joe biden is going to accept the democratic nomination for president at the convention in milwaukee in front of a very small crowd. The dnc making this years convention nearly all virtual due to the pandemic. Delegates will stay home and cast their votes remotely august 17th. The republicans are going to do it in person and they there are going to be a bunch of them down in florida. Meanwhile, President Trumps Upcoming Trip to mount rush more drawing criticism from some native american activists. Several groups are planning protests for the president s july 3rd visit as part of his Come Back Campaign ahead of independence day. They argue the nearly 80yearold monument is a desis he creation of land stolen from them. The president would like to see fireworks over those it four former president s. All right. Ainsley . Ainsley thank you, steve it. Is back to business for one new york family of restaurant owners. There are three tourists based upstate eateries officially open for the season and customers are already coming back. Joining us now buddy floyd jr. The owner of chat do you on the lake. Buddy floyd sr. And jesse foy owner of diamond lake grill. Hey, guys. Hey, anxiously how are you. Good morning, guys. Ainsley i have been seeing your commercials on the food network you guys have just gotten this reality show called summer rush. Your summer rush has been affected by covid. You make most of your money, according to the promos from memorial day to labor day. But you are reopening. Right . We just reopened about two weeks ago. And we are phasing in the opening phases for capacity. Its been challenging. Buff there is demand there. Seats are another conversation. There is a lot of demand from the customers and ready trok and roll and dian dine out. Ainsley you are the dad of these two men and started your restaurant named after your wife. How has this affected your restaurant and have you ever seen anything like this in your experience . I have been in the industry for over 55 years. For me its been about having fun with my customers and literally putting out good food. I have always enjoyed what i do. So, this year is a little bit different with the guidelines that we have and protocol we have to follow. We are trying to guide our customers as well as guide ourselves. So everybody has a great experience. Ainsley jesse, what about you . Whats been your biggest challenge throughout the last three months. My biggest challenge is my employees. 90 of my employees were eager to come back. You have got to understand 10 werent eager to come back due to coronavirus and collecting unemployment. Its really important to get that 10 back to work bowers we need all hands on deck right now. Ainsley buddy jr. , with your restaurant, how are you all doing it . Are you putting restaurants . We are seeing pictures, im not sure which restaurant that is of the white tent and all the tables outside . Thats jesses restaurant. Ainsley are you doing similar things, too . Yeah. We maximize our outdoor space. We are very fortunate. We are in a better position than a lot of restaurants in america. A because we in the adirondacks. So that gives us the outdoor space that we have up here. We dont most of the us dont have to deal with the sidewalks. We have the property to do the business. We are very fortunate there we are managing the vendor supply chain. Very challenging, but everyone is working hard and everyone is playing their role. They are doing whatever it takes to get back in business and support restaurants and get out there and service the customer. Its challenging, but the industry is sticking together. And well get this thing back on track and demand is there. Thats the bottom line. The customer demand is there. Which praise god its there. Ainsley its starting to rise up in other states down in the south. Im from South Carolina. And they are starting to really get a little nervous. My parents were i wanted to see them and theyre saying, no, no, no, no. Its just not safe down here right now. And i have to quarantine. My point in this is, for new yorkers, we were feeling that a few months ago. So now whats your experience with that . Are your customers we are all itching to get back to restaurants and eat outside . For the most part we are on the same page. We get phone calls from customers that are nervous and we do our best and put them in a very isolated area. We do also recommend them to stay home and we will bring the food to their doorstep so that we will manage it. The customers are respecting the guidelines. And we are spacing them way out and we are very fortunate in that regard that we dont have to Police Customers behaviors, which is a big deal. So there are a there are customers that we still have not seen in our restaurant that are vulnerable. And we definitely want to keep them home and support them however we can with delivery. My father is doing a ton. He is probably doing more deliveries than all of us. We are large enough that we had a good Delivery Business to begin with now we have curbside service. Our little town has let us take the front of the sidewalk. So i have probably four or five cars pull up at one time. They line up. We cook their food. We bring them out and put them in the car and they drive away and next car pulls up. We have been very fortunate since the beginning with that. Ainsley good. Thats it with that. Ainsley you are very fortunate to have your two sons. I wish you best wit with restaurants. Wonderful you are serving that beautiful community. If you have never been to lake george, anyone out there. Its beautiful and the weather is a lot nicer than it is in new york city during the summer because its so hot here. I wish you the best. Thanks, guys, for coming on. We will be watching the show. God bless you. Ainsley god bless you too. Judge ordering the judge to dismiss the case against Michael Flynn. Is the legal battle over . The judge is here to weigh in next. What the decision today really its a good thing for general flynn, its a good thing for me. Its a good thing for my family. But its really a great boost of confidence for the American People and our Justice System. Brian imagine your whole life on hold. Financially ruined and reputation destroyed and still Michael Flynn was thinking optimistically about the country. Michael flynn breaking his silence yesterday as the federal judge overseeing his case delays all proceedings after an Appeals Court orders it to be thrown out 21 was the margin. Steve here to break it down legal battle Going Forward or is it over fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. Judge, so, yesterday, it looks like the Appeals Court ordered the judge in the flynn case to let him withdraw his guilty plea. And that is really what was at the heart of the problem initially is it over for flynn now . Well, there is a couple of things that could happen. And a few things that i think will certainly happen. The judge could still hold a hearing as to why the Justice Department changed its mind. I dont think he will do that. But he has the authority to do so. The judge could also make a determination that general flynn lied under oath and he could hold him in contempt of court and sentence him for that he could do it, i dont think he will general flynn can go on the offensive. Here is how can he go on the offensive. If the fbi investigates you and federal prosecutors prosecute you and a grand jury indicts you and a jury acquits you, you cant sue those people for having come after you because presumably doing it in good faith. They will found hard evidence of your guilt and really believed you were guilty. In general flynns case, the doj itself has acknowledged that it did not operate in good faith. Therefore, he can sue the fbi agents who investigated him, the prosecutors who prosecuted him, and the doj itself. What we sue for . Reimbursement for his legal fees. Mind boggling. Legal fees before Sidney Powell took over the case. She is the fabulous lawyer who brought it to happy ending. Before that law firm headed by eric holder billed general flynn 6. 7 million. Now that will be a trial also before judge flynn unless the doj is going to throw up its hands and write a check for 6. 7 million then this will be over. Ainsley we will see if he is going to sue. I know he lost his house and lost a lot of money. 6. 7 million. Wow. Lets move onto the other side of the country, seattle, where we have been talking about chop. All those Business Owners that were effected not all of them but many of them were suing because they said they didnt feel like they had the support from the community. They said this lawsuit is about the constitutional and other legal rights of plaintiffs businesses, employees and residents in and around chop which have been overrun by the city of seattles unprecedented decision to abandon neighborhood leaving tunnel checked by the police, unserved by fire and Emergency Health services and inaccessible to the public at large. Do they have a case . Will they get money . Well, the statement that you just read, which i gather is from the complaint, ainsley, is a very accurate description of reprehensible conditions that existed in the neighborhood around the building around seattle. The state has a duty, it has a moral and legal obligation to provide basic safety services, fire, police, ems. But, when this has happened in the past, when people have said the police didnt protect me, the police didnt protect my property, the police didnt get the bad guy, do you know what the Supreme Court has ruled . Its not their obligation to do so. Smachesz heart remedy of this case political. Vote them out of office the people who allowed this to happen. I dont think this lawsuit will see the light of day. Brian and judge, real quick, the mayor of this city is essentially welcoming another occupy wall street Like Movement in new york saying they want to cut a billion dollars out of the Police Budget and he is welcoming this. Mess broken up, humiliation leaving nothing but garbage behind . This will result in a massive loss of Property Values and i would think if these people are not thrown out of office, people in seattle will sell their property at a discount because who would want to buy it . And get the heck out of town and go to a place where the government does what it is supposed to do in return for the tax dollars that it takes from you, which is supply and perform basic services. Steve we talked to a Business Owner yesterday. I have never seen anything like this, brian. Brian neither have i. Steve we talked to a Business Owner thinking about moving to arizona where the living is easy, he said compared to seattle the last couple of weeks. Judge, thank you very much. Maybe he can move to philadelphia where jillian is from. Steve what a perfect transition. So lets have the judges box over there disappear and we will slide jillian on to your tv screen. There he goes and here she comes. Jillian hello, good morning. There is stuff going on in philly, too. Brian, you just referenced. This lets give you more details. Hundreds of protesters camping outside of city hall as brian referenced, they are demanding 1 billion Police Budget cut. Organizers saying the money should go to housing, healthcare and other services. The president of black lives matter new york telling fox news they have no plans on barking down. If this country doesnt give us what we want we will burn down this system. What is this country rewarding . What behavior is it listening to . Obviously not marching but when people get aggressively and they escalate their protest. Jillian meantime new york city mayor bill de blasio planning to install a massive black lives matter mural outside of trump tower in manhattan. Chicago police say the brothers were paid by the actor to stage an attack in january 2019. The brothers were cleared by police but say they are still being treated like suspects. They also want police to return items seized in a raid last year. Smollett has pleaded not guilty to Disorderly Conduct charges. A soccer team will no longer play the National Anthem before games. They say to be more inclusive, tulsa athletic and oklahoma played in the National Soccer league. The team says lyrics about slavery from the third verse of the star spangle banner do not reflect their values. They will play this Woody Guthrie song instead. This land is your land and this land is my land from california to the New York Island jillian the team calling it their new song of patriotism. Guthrie was born in oklahoma. I will send it back to you. Ainsley thank you, jillian. Lets hand it over to janis for the weather. Hey, janis. Janice good morning, everyone. Lets take a look at the temperatures. We have got 70s along the east coast feeling like summertime. We do have the potential for showers and thunderstorms along a frontal boundary thats draped across the gulf coast. So those showers are going to spark over parts of texas, through louisiana, mississippi, alabama, and georgia. We also have a cold front thats pushing through the Northern Plains and the upper midwest bringing the potential to strong to severe thunderstorms to this region especially later on this afternoon. And the heat hangs onto the west where we have heat advisories for parts of central california. It feels very summer like across the plain states as well as the northeast. Back to you, steve, ainsley, and brian. Brian all right. Okay. Thank you very much. Appreciate it, janis. Hey, coming up straight ahead, the ford f150 is back. The next generation of the allamerican truck will be unveiled tonight. Charles payne is here to break down the Economic Impact that it could have on the United States of america. As our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. Wherever you may go, lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers on exceptional vehicles. 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I know people who specialize in am i going to be okay. I like that. You may need glasses though. Yeah. Guidance to help you stay on track, no matter what comes next. Steve get your motor running production is rolling on ford motor after a brief hiatus. The giant at 8 00 p. M. Hoping for h rebound set to unveil the f150 pickup trucks which will have a seat that completely reclines. Sales of fords pick jump trucks 42 billion in revenue last year second only as you can see right there to apples iphone. Here to explain the Economic Impact is host of making money on fox business Charles Payne. Charles, the future of ford is really on the line with this f150 pickup. You are 100 percent correct. In fact, ford, their debt yesterday by one wall street firm was downgraded to junk. The problem of course is outside of the 150 they havent had much luck. No one is buying cars anymore. They have been very slow on all the different moves that have happened in the auto industry. But the ford f150 nothing says america that like that vehicle. Number one for 43 years. Put up a screen about the best selling product last year that generated the most revenue, this is the only thing that cost like 40, 50 grand. Iphone suspect there, whatever. Budweiser, its people pay a premium for this. And its more than just the product, right . It is a symbol, i think. You think hot dogs, baseball and a ford f150. Steve indeed. And so tonight, they are going to unveil the new ford150 the f150 also they will have a hybrid version. They will unveil tonight. They will have electric version within a couple of years. The seat is going to go down. They have a generator. Charles, because so many people drive pickups and this particular kind, apparently ford hired anthropologist to look at why people buy trucks and how they use them because everybody, it seems like, according to the articles i read. Everybody has different uses for their trucks. Youre right. I mean, you know, the majority of people that use them they are not in construction. They are not hauling lumber. They are not farmers. Some of it goes back to what i just said. Steve, i have got to tell you my grandparents owned a farm in alabama. We used to go down there and just getting in the pickup truck of my grandfather, the nostalgia that it brings me. My whole life i have been wanting to buy one of those trucks that my grandfather h last year i went to a ford dealer and i almost want a new one. I want one of those vintage trucks. It brings Something Back about a ruggedness. Something so great and think about my grandparents and family. I think a lot of americans are like that. You know it. Doesnt hurt that its a powerful vehicle. Its reliable. And now, of course, its going to be more stylish with a big large screen and a lot of things, you know, a lot of other oea men at this lik if you wille that folding seat you talk about. Something about it being amer can that that i love and obviously im not the only one. Steve i have fond memories of riding around with my dad in our ford pickup truck throughout rural kansas. That was living. No longer is it just a truck. Its a fine luxury vehicle. And so ford is pinning it all on that denis leary who is an actual ford 150 owner is going to betobe making the announcement tonight. Thanks for joining us live. You too. Thanks at lot. Watch charles 2 00 p. M. Eastern every day on fox business. Meanwhile, coming up on our tuesday telecast. Senator tim scott has got a lot to talk about regarding what happened yesterday in the senate, and dr. Oz has a lot to talk about regarding the coronavirus and the numbers are up. Because its the right thing to do. Were also giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Right now is the time to take care of what matters most. 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Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop your corticosteroid medications unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Common side effects include headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your doctor about taking nucala at home. Learn about Financial Assistance at nucala. Com. Find your nunormal with nucala. Brian we begin with a fox news alert. Organizers of the capitol hill organized protest acronym chop filg finally calling it quits. The chop project now concluded while we expect a handful of holdouts they may try to remain in the chop no further organizing will be occurring to support this presence. Steve that occupation was marked with days of violence as you know the citys mayor vowing to break up chop after four people were shot and said they would eventually phase it out. Ainsley as the area clears new problems on the problem. Residents filing Class Action Lawsuit against seattle, that happened overnight, arguing it was complicit in allowing the occupied protests. They say, guys, that the city abandoned them. Where were they . We needed to have we called the police. They couldnt get to our businesses. And it is your duty to be able to provide those services to us as we are tax paying citizens. Brian what an embarrassment this is to the country that this actually took place. That the mayor said they could do it that a lawmaker supported it that a Police Precinct was told to evacuate and then we had to watch as they took over, used state barriers and made their own Little Society which failed miserably. The lawsuit from businesses this lawsuit is about the constitutional and other legal rights of plaintiffs, businesses and employee he is and residents in and around the chop district overrun by the city of seattles unprecedented decision to abandon and close off an entire city neighborhood, leaving it unchecked by police. Unserved by fire and Emergency Health services and inaccessible to the public at large. Steve right. There is no doubt that the businesses and people who live in the chop zone or chaz zone they suffered. But now they say, look, we understand the black black lives Matter Movement and we stand with them but the city left us out to dry, circumstantial. We were on our own. And the suit also says the city helped chop occupants by giving them stronger barriers, public Restroom Facilities and restroom supplies. What the people there say you know what . They allowed this to happen. They gave the protesters an inch and they took a mile. Regarding, you know, the chop leaders on their twitter account and its unclear who exactly runs that the chop leaders said, you know, we have concluded but the demonstrators who talked to the Seattle Times late last night said you know, we havent heard about any tweets. We have no plans to wrap it up. And so they said our demands are not met. Why would we leave . And that is a problem for the people who are still there running businesses and live and thats why they filed the Class Action Lawsuit. Judge napolitano says might not work. Here he is from about a half an hour ago. The state has a duty. It has a moral and legal obligation to provide basic safety services, fire, police, ems. But, when this has happened in the past, when people have said the police didnt protect me, the police didnt protect my property, the police didnt get the bad guy, you know what the Supreme Court has ruled . Its not their obligation to do so. So, as much as my heart is with the plaintiffs in this case, the remedy will be political, that is vote out of office the people that allowed this to happen. But i dont think this lawsuit will make it will see the light of day. Ainsley all right. So, keep in mind, that was the city, seattle, where the mayor was saying its going to be a summer of love. The first day of summer was saturday. And that is when one person was injured. Another young man was shot, and he was killed as a result. Brian right. Which is a great lesson to other autonomous zones that might strike up in your city. They tried to do it in washington. They tried to do it in portland. They are welcome to do it in new york as we speak. In minneapolis they did their own situation because they have been traumatized we know about the killing of george floyd. They had a pledge to this minneapolis neighborhood. They said they want to live on their own, 300 they want to live on their own and they are not going to need to call the cops at all. And guess who knew about this . About 300 Homeless People that showed up. And then the drug users, the drug sellers that decided to show up to support turns out to be a bit of of a demand issue. The next thing you know, the place is overrun in chaos. And a quote from the New York Times article on this entire situation is this that commitment of not calling the cops is being challenged. Two weeks ago dozens of multicolored tents appeared in the neighborhood. They were brought by Homeless People who were displaced during the unrest that gripped the city. Multiracial group of roughly 300 new residents seemed to grow larger and more entrenched every day. Some hampered by mental illness, addiction or both. Their presence has drawn heavy car traffic in the neighborhood some from drug dealers. I guess the police do do something that they get absolutely no credit for. They try to keep order and they try to keep the peace. Steve its a cautionary tale, you defund the police and didismantle the police and pick up the phone because you need help who comes . Brian social worker maybe. Steve maybe. Apparent live thats not working there in that particular town interesting one about to appear in front of trump tower believe it or not. Apparently mayor de blasio has authorized the creation of a huge black lives matter mural on fifth avenue just as it is on 16th street leading up to the white house in front of the president s home. Ainsley where are they going to put that a business across the street. Steve right down fifth avenue. Great big yellow letters apparently much like they did in d. C. Its going to be painted on fifth avenue. The plan is, before the fourth of july weekend not just just from front of trump tower but seven places across new york city. Stay tuned for that President Trump signed executive order to protect americas monuments as protesters threaten to tear down a statue of Abraham Lincoln tonight at 7 00 p. M. Gillian turner is live outside the white house with details on the order. Sounds like the president has the National Guard, u. S. Marshals. Nobody is pulling abe down tonight. Yeah. And here at the white house, brian, ainsley, steve, there is a very heavy Police Presence at just 7 00 a. M. This morning President Trump as you said is set to crack down hard on americans who vandalize monuments, public spaces, government buildings. He said yesterday americans who toppled or tried to topple confederate statues during the round of recent protests are unamerican and bad people and deserve to face jail time. Now, overnight, the president tweeted very sad to see states allowing roving gangs of wise guys, anarchists and looters. Many having no idea what theyre doing. Indiscuss victim natalie knocking down to the past. Some are great works of art, but all represent our history and heritage. Both the good and the bad. Its important to understand and remember even in turbulent and difficult times, and learn from them. Knowledge comes from the most unusual places. Order end of this week that will criminalize measures who tear down or even try to tear down statues. Now, the order will also serve retroactively meaning americans who have been caught vandalizing during the spate of protests in recent weeks could still face charges if they havent done so already. Lots of questions swirling about the legality of such an order. The president is insisting it is necessary. Take a listen. We already have very strong. We have the monuments acts already. Which means 10 years in jail. But i think we are going to consolidate various things. Going to come out with a very strong executive order. I think the American People get it. So we are going to have a very strong executive order and it will happen very quickly before the end of the week hundreds of National Guard troops stationed all along the National Mall where most of the nations monuments are we also heard the president has ordered that the u. S. Marshal has readied troops in case they need to come in to support whatever activity is going on here in washington overnight. Brian, ainsley, steve . Ainsley thank you so much, gillian. Yesterday the u. S. Court of appeals for the District Of Columbia ordered a lower court to dismiss the charges against Michael Flynn or dismiss that case. Rush women lay was on the radio and he got surprised when Michael Flynn called his radio show. This is what he said with rush yesterday. What the decision today is really its a good thing for general flynn, its a good thing for me and good thing for my family. But its really a great great boost of confidence for the American People in our Justice System always believed and fought for our rule of law, the most important thing that we have in this country bar none is that we have have to make it work whether or not we like it or not. And we have to work with the right people, and the right leaders and the right, you know, the people of our country, to step up to the plate and, you know, as you know elections matter. Right . Voting matters. Brian he called in to Sean Hannitys show talking about his case and the Supreme Court. He didnt get specific because is he not totally out of the woods yet. Legally it is it seems. This judge sullivan might delay things. What i also thought was important this revelation. I have no idea why we get these piecemeal strzoks notes about a meeting he was in tha shows that president obama and Vice President biden knew all about this and james comey knew about the call with kislyak and in my words, not his, but its his sentiment there was nothing wrong with the call between kislyak and the Incoming National security advisor, so, comey doesnt think anything is wrong. The guy who seems to have brought up the logan act to begin with, joe biden. Wow, the one that doesnt remember anything about the case kind of, doesnt play a role in the prosecution, he claims, said what about the logan act . And then the president obama says these are unusual times. The vp says i have been on the Intel Committee for 10 years and i have never the president says make sure you look over things and put the right people on it. That was to the fbi and to comey. So, there are more revelations that show president obama and Vice President biden fingerprints all over. This and comey was the one who saw no there there. Steve just in time for the election. Suddenly joe biden has got to explain now, why exactly did you bring up the logan act and in the oval office . Because we saw you on the Good Morning America show say you had no involvement in that, i guess you do. Unless the fbi agents text message or rather his handwritten notes were simply inaccurate. These particular notes apparently were released to the public yesterday. Even though they were submitted back in january of this year. And the federal government released them yesterday. Making the case that, look, there was this exculpatory evidence it. Would have exonerated Michael Flynn and yet, ainsley, the government did not bring it forward. How many times did we ask for records of texts and phones and we dont have that phone anymore. And suddenly, there does seem to be a record of these things, but we havent seen it. Brian. Ainsley i know, to brians point why is this piecemealed together . Why are we only getting like one page of notes and then a few weeks later another page of notes . Yesterday his legal team, Michael Flynns legal Team Released strzoks notes after he got out of that meeting during of the transition period. And according to his notes, it starts off as brian was saying with the Vice President biden saying logan act. But he told George Stephanopoulos i was aware that they asked for an investigation, but that is all i know about. You knew details. You knew logan act. Brian can you imagine if the president just had an opportunity, number one, to have the other party admit he won. Not credit the russians. Number two, not work against him during this transition. Ainsley transition period. Brian not have the Mueller Investigation followed by the impeachment proceedings. I thought this was pretty clear and interesting. Brett had two sensational interviews backtoback days one with Christopher Wray who has been on the sidelines through all of this, almost above it. He says when it comes to the matter of crossfire hurricane. The investigation that was taking place, thats the subject that the ig report i think it describes conduct that is unacceptable, full stop it. Cannot be after loued to happen. And will not be allowed to happen. Criminal decisions, charging decisions, prosecutor decisions are not made by the fbi. Those are made across the street at the Justice Department. So i believed that when durham comes out. It looks like Christopher Wray is ready to act. Steve the headline is that when it is joe biden vs. Donald trump on november 3rd. Joe biden suggested they investigate donald trump and his campaign for working with the russians and brought up the logan act. I mean, Going Forward, youre not supposed, to when you are in an administration investigate your political rivals. Is that what happened . Stay tuned. Maybe mr. Did you remember will fill in some blanks and connect some dots, ainsley. Ainsley everything about that russia investigation we would not have known about if Hillary Clinton had won and then they realized donald trump won. This all happened during this transition period keep in mind. Jillian is upstairs. Jillian overnight police fired rubber bullets to protesters in richmond, virginia. [ow. [bleep] jillian police say protesters marched from the robert e. Lee monument and vandalized a starbucks store front. Officers say demonstrators threw a bring and flare through the stores window shattering glass and causing an explosion. No injuries are reported. Fbi director Christopher Wray says the agency is looking carefully at possible foreign interference in the george floyd protests. We have certainly seen in the past a variety of foreign adversaries looking to amplify controversy in this country. And they use state media. They use social media, some of that is through propaganda. Some of that is through disinformation. Jillian wray did not name the countries under investigation. Dozens of secret Service Agents are ordered to selfquarantine after President Trumps tulsa rally last weekend. The Washington Post reporting the move comes after two agents and 8 Campaign Staffers tested positive for covid. Cases are on the rise in florida, california, and texas. The nations three most populated states. Hospitalizations and icu rates hitting alltime my california as florida records more than 5500 new cases just yesterday alone. A photo revives the loch ness monster mystery. Big fish causing water ripples through the loch ness bank in scott land where tales of the mythical creature started. Here is the photo next to the original picture of this claimed to be taken in 1934. Several people believe the new picture is photo shopped though because the tourist creates Computer Generated images for a living. So i dont know, i will leave it up to you guys to decide what you think. Steve thats got to be a coincidence. Brian im off next block i will work on this. Jillian please do and report back. Brian you will be upstairs . Jillian yes. Brian fantastic. National guard troops mobilizing to protect monuments stand not guilty nations capitol. Rob schmitt supports the move. He explains why next. Its something that i would recommend. Theand we want to thank times, the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com can match the power of energizer. Because energizer ultimate lithium is the longest lasting aa battery in the world. [confetti cannon popping] energizer. Backed by science. Matched by no one. Five dollar five dollar footlong piled high with veggies theyre back. Any footlong is a 5 footlong when you buy two. For a limited time. Subway. Eat fresh. I think many of the people who are knocking down these statues have no idea what the statue means who it is. They are looking at George Washington. They are looking at Abraham Lincoln. Thomas jefferson. Not going to happen. Not going to happen. Not as long as im here. As President Trump vows action against vandals destroying statues, hundreds of National Guard troops have mobilized in washington. Meanwhile in the state of wisconsin, the democratic governor finally activating the National Guard in the wake of destructive protests in madison where 60yearold democratic lawmaker got attacked a couple of nights ago. Here to weigh in iraq war veteran and turning point u. S. A. Spokesperson rob smith joining us from as you can see there beautiful tampa, florida. Rob, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve you understand some of these statues bring up real issues for a lot of people, right . I do understand that there is a legitimate conversation ton had about Historical Context of some of these statues. But i also understand this is america. We do not we do not solve problems via mob rule. We make sure this happens via local government. We dont just tear statues down. Look at what is going on around tearing down statues. Number one situations end up being completely violent from time to time. You see what happened to that state senator from madison, wisconsin or from wisconsin last night arched see what happens when somebody pulled a statue down and man got his head split wide open. Video horrifying. A lot of violence that happens around here as well. People tearing down monuments and defacing them do not know the Historical Context. Baldwin that statue was debased and defaced was abolition iglesias. Hans christian heck was abolitionist as well who died fighting slavery. People dont know the Historical Context of what theyre trying to tear down. They are trying to tear down and destroy. We dont do mob rule in america. Steve some said get away from the peaceful protest and this is unhelpful to their message. Let me ask you about tonight 7 00 in that park space between the u. S. Capitol and rfk stadium in washington, d. C. The activists said a couple of nights ago that is this right there the emancipation statue with Abraham Lincoln standing over a kneeling slave. They say the imagery there is terrible and they want it down. They say they are going to come after it tonight and tear it down at 7 00. Obviously thats the wrong thing and why the president is calling out the National Guard and u. S. Marshals. If you have a problem with something in town square thats not how you deal with it . No. Absolutely not. Right move to call the National Guard. What we have to realize about this conversation with the National Guard is that the National Guard troops will be unarmed. They are there in a crowd control capacity. So its not going to be a situation where we have armed National Guard troops that are there to quell any kind of uprising there. But we do have to protect these monuments. We have to protect american history. Like i said before, if there is an issue with Historical Context of some things, talk about it. As americans. Make sure you push that through in the direct capacity that it needs to be pushed through. But you do not just get a mob that is whipped up by social media to go tear things down. It is dangerous for the country. And it is dangerous for all of those people that are there. We have seen this over and over and over again. Steve rob, before you go, real quick it, san Election Year. Dolls that have something to do with what we are seeing and is that part of why democratic mayors and governors have been reluctant to actually stop people from destroying property . Well, this is all all about the fact that it is an Election Year. This is why they have been so weak to quell these movements because the left and democrats think this is something that helps them out coming up in november in 2020. We all know they are saddlebag wad bad nominee that excites nobody. That barely knows who he is or where he is half the time. This is all about the upcoming election. Absolutely. Steve all right. Rob smith joining us from tampa, thank you very much. Thank you. Steve meanwhile, a major milestone for the courts. The Senate Confirming President Trumps 200th federal judge. Thats a landmark milestone. How big of impact will this have Clarence Thomas joins us live to discuss coming up next on fox friends. Feeling all right but Bristol Myers squibb is working to change things. 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Find your nunormal with nucala. Brian major milestone it happened yesterday, the Senate Confirming its 200th judge under the trump administration. Judge corey wilson will feel the last vacancy on the u. S. Fifth circuit of appeals marking the first time in 40 years be without an open seat. What impact will the president s appointees have on the judiciary as a whole and down the line. Judicial Crisis Network and former clerk to Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas carrie severino. Carrie, why were there so many vacancies and how unique is it that the president filled them all . Well, the president did come in to office with more vacancies than four of his five predecessors. That was pretty impressive. A lot of people thought obama, especially early on had his presidency wasnt moving on the judges as fast as he should have been and he left a lot of vacancies for trump. This has been one of the crowning achievements of this presidency. Filling those vacancies and especially the appellate court. Because that is where 99 of cases end. They dont get to the Supreme Court. Really decisions being made he has made it his hall mark have people who are brilliant. Have great experience and also people courageous and principled who know how to stand up for what they know is the correct legal result even when its going to get political push back and those now are the men and women who are going to be pop plating much of his Supreme Court short list the new one that he is going to announce in september. Its incredible bench to be choosing from. Brian if he gets another four years he have Supreme Court courts to fill logic would say. Compare to other president s. President trump with 200 as we mentioned. President obama 144. President bush 43, 195. Bill clinton 198. Lets move and talk about a big decision that came down yesterday. An Appeals Court voted by a 2 to 1 margin for the judge to delay all for Michael Flynn to have his doj verdict fulfilled and have him free of charges. Where does this stand . Opinion was by gnome rowell one of those 200 judges. One of the appoint years trump had to the d. C. Circuit. This means the decision is going to be vacated because the doj just simply dropped those charges. What judge rowell said is there is no legal reason. There is no constitutional reason to be able to continue this case as judge sullivan was trying to do bringing in any ideas, please, give me an idea why continue this case. No, doj has dropped it. Flynn needs to be given his justice now the doj has recognized the politicization of that prosecution has to stop and good for judge rowell in making that decision, again, this is why those judicial appointments are so important. Brian carrie we have been surprised before with Emmet Sullivan every step of the way including his berating Michael Flynn last time he was in front of him. What moves does he have left . Some will petition this to en banc in the d. C. Circuit. The numbers on that circuit are not good for the originalist text actualist. That was a circuit obama was able to pack when he was president. A lot of those are obama nominees including the one dissenting judge in this opinion. It may be that its going to go back to the en banc court. But i would hope that you would see some of those judges recognize this politic sation of this prosecution is really out of place. Failing that the Supreme Court. Brian the Supreme Court. They could ask for a vote from the entire Appeals Court and then it would go to another court. Unfortunately dragging this prosecution on so long for is something we now know was politically motivated in the first place. Maybe for change judge sullivan will do the right thing we will have to see. Carrie refer reno thank you so much. Brian hundreds of Police Officers swarmed after responding to a shots fired call. The chief says after weeks of protests and media scrutiny officers felt like they just cant win. The chief from tampa here live next. Copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way, with anoro. Oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Do not use anoro if you have asthma. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma. Prostate, bladder or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. Call your doctor if you have worsened breathing, chest pain. Mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes or eye pain, while taking anoro. 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This has been the key to our survival, the key to our growth that whenever we thought we were at our weakest, this is when we became the strongest, became the best version of ourselves, and found our way home. Together. Masimo. Together in hospital. Together at home. Brian disturbing events happening across the country leading to attacks on police. Steve on saturday officers in tampa, florida responded to a call of shots fired which police now say turned out to be a complete setup an ambush. When they arrived on scene, a crowd of hundreds swarmed them threw bottles on the police car and injured. Ainsley police chief says after weeks of protests and media scrutiny, officers feel like they just cant win. The tampa police chief brian dugan joins us now. Good morning to you, chief. Good morning. Ainsley good morning. This just is awful. What is going to happen next . Well, you know, thats a good question. I think we are at a crossroads in our country right now and if you are going to make the police the enemy, then you certainly better make friends with the criminals because thats what we are going to have right now. Brian tell me what happened in this ambush. You know, there was a call that there was a shooting between two different cars and that someone was down in the street. We have changed our protocols where we send two officers to whatever call. Burglary or whatever. This call we sent 9 officers to. Clearly just a set up to get the cops and there surround them. This is what we are dealing with, you know are they block parties or demonstrations . What are they . Steve chief, the police are in a bind. What do you do . You respond to a protest and if it turns into a clash, and there is, you know, somebody has a camera running, suddenly the cops are the bad people. They are doing the wrong thing. You know, we all expect the Police Officers to be perfect every second of every day. But they are human. There is no doubt. If we show up and take action, you know, were heavy handed. Its excessive force. You know. What these peaceful protests, ghodges they turn on a dime and they can turn on the cops very quickly and then it just becomes difficult and, you know, and then we have our local prosecutor who is calling demonstrations, you know, just exercising their First Amendment right and these are peaceful demonstrations. And they are depicting the whole story. They are leaving the portions out that fit their narrative. You know, we have had police cars with smashed wind cos and things of that. And we have had, you know, looting. We have had gee facing property. Its just not getting out there. And i think we are running into a situation in this country where, you know, people are now so afraid they are going to lose their job, that they are not doing their job. Ainsley so the president continuously talks about law and order. Here he is. Listen to this. The democrats want to weaken very substantially our Law Enforcement and our police, and frankly they want to defund largely, at least largely; there are some that want to defund and abolish our police, if you can believe that and were not letting that happen. Ainsley he is saying democrats want to defund. We have heard them say, smees excuse me, dismantle in minneapolis. Are you fearful with the direction of our country with this Progressive Movement . You know, we have had the same calls here where, you know, they are demanding my job. They want to abolish the police. And thats a very, you know, we need to be very careful about that i dont mean to be overdramatic next time active shooter or active terrorism or school shooting, who is going to respond . And thats what we have to start looking at these things. Brian chief, do you know what you look at . , maybe getting that social workers. Worker. Everyone thinks social workers and criminalists can talk to them. Are you going to put a psychologist in the car or going to give a uniform to a social worker . Where do you plan on going with this new sentiment . In Law Enforcement we it have to listen. I think that is important. We need to evaluate how we are policing our communities. There is no doubt about that. But i assure you are Police Officers are the most Resilient Group of people i have ever been around. You know, monday were going to, you know, it will be ten years since we lost two officers who were murdered in the line of duty. And cops bounce back better than anyone. You know, i assure you that, you know, we are not going to take a knee. We are going to stand up. We are going to defend our city. We are the guardians of the city. And we have no intentions of handing over the keys to the city to these protesters who quite frankly are just not always peaceful. Ainsley chief i know it happened around ebor city on around that area 1 00 a. M. Hundreds of people surrounded the officers. Was this an organized event. Thats whats difficult to tell. And thats where we are running into problems is whats organized . Whats a protest . Whats a block party . The lines are just so blurred right now. And but it was clearly a setup. If there was no one there was no shooting. There was no evidence of a shooting. There was no one down on the street. Brian just make sure tom brady stays healthy. I dont know if they will give that you responsibility. That will make people of tampa very happy and keep gronk out of bars. We need to put gronk in uniform for us. Brian absolutely. Steve then everybody would call 911. Brian first thing he would do is rip off the sleeves. Ainsley and throw beers. Steve chief brian dugan good luck to you. Thank you. Steve 16 minutes before the top of the hour and jillian joins us with headlines. Jillian thats right. Good morning. We begin with this. A massive search underway for a missing amish teenager in lancaster county, pennsylvania. Police say 18yearold linda disappeared after going to church on sunday. Her parents called police after she never came home. Police say this investigation is made more difficult than most because there is no cell phone to trace her. The amish dont use modern technology. We will keep you updated. A deputy and Good Samaritan risk their safety to save a life. Their heroic efforts were caught on camera. [screaming] jillian body camera video shows pulling a driver out of a burning truck after it overturns on a california highway. Flames fully engulfing the truck just moment after the man is pulled out. He is in stable condition expected to make a full recovery. Voters could soon decide the fate of Mississippi State flag. The governor says he prefers having a statewide election to let voters choose the flags design. It comes amid growing calls for the state to remove the confederate emblem from the flag. One g. O. P. Lawmaker wants to swap the confederate symbol with in god we trust. Okay. This story is probably my favorite of my life. You might be doing your laundry all wrong. Mom shares hack on facebook and it is blowing everyones mind. Amber miller says her daughter pointed out detergent measuring cups, the cap there in that case the cup, they are designed to be thrown into the washing machine. It saves detergent from being wasted and time from cleaning out the cup. The Game Changing hack shared more than 1400 times online. So which i respond i am so confused how this is blowing peoples minds. I have done this my whole life. I fill up the cap, i disperse it in the washer and throw in the cap and take it out and its all clean. There is no build up. Ainsley i never knew that. Steve that solves the problem at our house, we always put the cap back over on the shelf and then its gooey on the bottom. Jillian throw it in there. Steve gooey cap. Thank you. Jillian how did you guys not know this. Ainsley i cant believe we didnt. I never even thought about it. Steve is it actually on the tide to say to do that. Jillian i dont know. It makes sense to me. Ainsley our moms taught us and their moms taught them we just do it. Jillian now im teaching everyone. Throw it in. Steve dry deter sent jnsd liquid. Brian i clean my clothes in the stream. Makes it easier. Right, janis . Janice i will have to tell my husband that trick. I dont know what laundry is. [laughter] ainsley you have a good husband. Janice i do. He does the laundry. And the dishes. Ainsley what . Janice take a look at the weather real quick. Feels like summertime across the country. Thats the good news. Potential for showers and thunderstorms along a frontal boundary draped across the gulf coast and potential for stronger storms for parts of the Northern Plains and the upper midwest. Large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes. We will watch for that for all of the watches and warnings. Have you guys heard about the is a hair ran dust all over social media. It comes from africa. Moving in towards the caribbean and the gulf coast. Unfortunately we have Poor Visibility and respiratory problems with the saharan dust but it does suppress tropical activity and gives us beautiful enhanced sun sets along the gulf coast. Learning so much today about laundry and saharan dust. Steve suppress tropical activity. Thats a good thing. Brian right. Janice it is a good thing. Brian she has the whole world behind her back. Steve thanks, j. D. Ainsley it is 48 minutes past the top of the hour. People getting back to work as states ease restrictions. They may be asking what now. Chris from Ramsey Solutions is offering a free event to help people get back on their feet and is he here with a preview coming up next. Among my patients i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. New sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. Ainsley with states easing restrictions this week more americans heading back to work and asking what now as the country moves forward. If you are trying to get your finances back on track, ramsey solution wants to help you. They are offering a free, livestream event tonight and this morning we are getting a preview. Joining us now is Ramsey Solutions financial expert chris hogan. Hey, chris. Hi, good morning. Ainsley good morning. Yeah. This is so nice of you. How do people how do they log on or how do they take part in the virtual show tonight . Yeah. The free livestream is going to be available. They can text the word control to 33789. Again, thats the word control to 33789 and the event is going to be at david ramsey. Com at 8 00 p. M. This evening. Ainsley that control you want people to take control of their finances during this time your first tip is rely on yourself and not the government. Explain. This thats right. Ainsley, listen. People are getting back to work but we dont want to get back to normal. We need to get back to better. I know the government is talking about a lot of stimulus checks and a lot of ideas. We have to rely on ourselves to save the day. Not wait on the government to send us more money. Ainsley you also say avoid overspending. Yeah. Its so easy right now. The typical american is spending around 18,000 on nonessentials. So its really important for us to take control of our money and be in what i call conservative mode. That means you want to be very intentional with money and not do any unnecessary spending right now. Ainsley give me an example what do people spend too much on . Well, i mean right now, you could spend so much on food. If i tell on myself i used to spend so much 300 to 400 a week. Shopping out of habit and not necessity. I would encourage people to look at what you have in your pantry. Be intentional with meal planning and be careful with online shopping. One click can you have some boxes show up and that did k. Throw off your budget. Ainsley easy to do. Refresh financial goal. Yeah. The biggest regret coming out of this covid19 was that people said they rebretted not having enough in an emergency fund. And so im really encouraging people to really look at where you are. But lets be intentional. Lets not waste the emotions over the last three months of being fearful and scared about where money is coming from and if you have enough. Look at your goals and be intentional about getting out of debt if you havent or being on a budget and doing better with planning for your money. Ainsley you always say save three months of your expenses so you can have it for a rainy day fund. We just went through three months of a pandemic so that was really good adds vice. Its hard to do. Ainsley, you are absolutely right. Thats right. Ainsley fourth tip this morning is say never again. Yeah. Listen. I have talked to a lot of people that have said they were so fearful over their financial situation during covid19. Never again am i going to have to make a decision between putting food on the table or keeping the lights on. And i think this is a perfect opportunity for people to harness those emotions and say, you know what . Im going to get better. Moving forward out of this, im going to work my money the right way. Im going to follow a plan that works. And thats what we are going to do tonight. We are really going to talk to people. Whether you are getting back to work and you are inemployed or if you have been working. We are going to help people to get better by giving people a plan, ainsley that actually works. Ainsley thats awesome. All three of you are going to have advice. Text control to 33789. Thank you so much. You are welcome. Ainsley you are welcome. Senator tim scott and dr. Oz coming up in final hour. Time flies. Xus will welcome you back with exceptional offers. Get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Experience amazing apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com ive been on and off oral steroids to manage my asthma. Does that sound normal to you . Its time for a nunormal with nucala. My nunormal fewer asthma attacks. My nunormal less oral steroids. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. It targets and reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. Nucala is proven to help prevent severe asthma attacks and reduce the need for oral steroids. Nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop your corticosteroid medications unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Common side effects include headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your doctor about taking nucala at home. Learn about Financial Assistance at nucala. Com. Find your nunormal with nucala. Steve 8 00 oclock in the east coast, guarding our nations history. Hundreds of National Guard troops, 400, in fact, have been activated to defend monuments in the washington dc area. That includes the emancipation statute of Abraham Lincoln right there as protestors vow a couple of days ago to tear it down tonight at 7 00 p. M. , ainsley. Ainsley wisconsins governor deploying guard members to keep the peace there after chaos erupted in the states capitol. Brian for no reason. Meantime u. S. Marshals reportedly told to be on standby to defend national monuments. Its got to be tough because they are toppled and vandalized. We have a lot of monuments and some state land, some on federal land and some in front of businesses an people are arbitrarily attacking them. They do it systemically but they are grabbing and attacking things that have nothing to do with with what they call maybe negative of our history. The u. S. Marshals now prepared to to help out as well as the National Guard, in the case of wisconsin. In fact, the president tweeted this out, its sad to see states allowing gang guys, looters, many having no idea what they are doing ripping own our statutes an monuments to our past. Some are great works of art but represent history and heritage, both good and bad, its important for us to remember even in turbulent and difficult times and we learn from them. This is extremely well written. Knowledge comes from the most unusual places. When you see a statute, maybe look at the statute, mom, well, what is that about . Doesnt mean thats a perfect person. Well, they wrote the declaration of independence, they they weren revolutionary war, now you have to worry about red stain on George Washingtons palms and you just have people who want to create chaos in the name of other people. Steve it all comes down to this. Its one thing to peacefully assemble and it is quite another to destroy property and that is what the president has made it very clear. You cannot do that. You respect peoples right to assemble but as you look at the emancipation statute in each washington, d. C. , the intent of the protestors, they made it clear they were going to come back at 7 00 oclock tonight to tear it down, however, we know that there are u. S. Marshals and the army activated 400 National Guard troops in the area. They will make sure they will back up the National Park police which patrol the area that does not happen. The founder of bet Robert Johnson was on fox news digital and looking at all of the trouble across the country and essentially hes saying, is this really helping anybody, watch. You know, black people in my opinion, black people laugh at white people who do this the same we laugh at white people who say we have to take off the tv shows, look, the people who are basically tearing down statutes trying to make a statement are basically borderline anarchist, the way i look at it. They really have no agenda other than the idea we are going to topple the statute because its not going to close the wealth gap and not take people off of welfare and food stamps. Ainsley excellent points. Brian one of the monuments was in charlotte, North Carolina, world war ii monument and put hammer and sickle over it. Whats the message . Ainsley also statute of journalist, antislavery activist, fought in the north against slavery. They tore down his statute, they decapitated the head and then threw it, dragged it over to the river and threw it in the water. Steve here is the bad news for all those people who broke the law and destroyed the property. The president yesterday said in rose garden that the fbi is investigating hundreds of protestors for defacing federal property and he said that, you know, for having one fun night that was his expression they face 10 years in prison and said, you know, theres a law on the books currently that offers stiff penalties but he will sign a very tough executive order this week to make sure that property is not damaged. Ainsley he keeps saying law and order, law and order. Steve its that simple. Ainsley people dining out in the streets in wisconsin and a guy comes over with a bull horn screaming while they are trying to have a nice meal, they are finally back outside, able to spend money and help the economy, he used bull horn and carrying a baseball bat, he was yelling all kinds of things and he gets arrested you know what that does, that gets 200 people protesting, they broke windows and through cocktails. Brian fantastic, lastly, i would expect if we were invaded by another country i would expect them to us. We are doing this to ourselves. This is unbelievable. We are destroying our own country and i dont see one democrat even saying that theyre even slightly disturbed by it. Steve governor of the great state of wisconsin said enough is enough and called in the National Guard yesterday and he is a democrat. Brian what about joe biden . Steve they gave him an inch . Joe biden will have an event and we have a correspondent in the field, maybe he will ask joe about that. In the meantime 8 06 in new york city, fox news alert, federal judge overseeing Michael Flynns case has delayed all proceedings after an Appeals Court sided with the doj and ordered the case be thrown out. Griff jenkins is sorting it all out and he joins us from dc, griff. Griff good morning, the general is not out of the woods 100 but this was a major victory, 3judge panel ordering district judge sullivan to dismiss the case against flynn who called in Rush Limbaugh show after news broke. Good thing for me and for my family and boost of confidence for the American People in the Justice System. I do not expect it to be over. This is a phase and we are expected to go into another face. Griff he could simply drop it as ordered or appealed to fuller court of appeals. Flynns legal team revealing newly uncovered notes from disgraced former fbi agent peter strzok suggesting that joe biden and president obama played role in flynns probe. The notes from oval meeting show biden raising the idea of using the logan act, obama wanting, quote, the right people to investigate flynn, and comey advising that the Sergey Kislyak calls appear legit as the durham investigation continues. Last night bret baier asking chris wray about it. On the crossfire hurricane matter, thats the subject of the ig report, i think it describes conduct that is unacceptable, period, cannot be allowed to happen and will not be allowed to happen. Griff the director said criminal prosecution decisions are not made by him but rather across the street at the doj, brian, ainsley, steve. Ainsley thank you, griff. Lets bring spokesperson for doj, good morning to you, carrie. Flynn says i dont expect it to be over, do you . We will see, we are pleased with the 21 decision that we took yesterday. The attorney general asked jenson to review and that review is still ongoing hence the notes that were disclosed yesterday because this review is still an ongoing process, but anyway, after mr. Jenson completed his review he told our attorney general that he did not believe that any one of our 93 u. S. Attorneys in the country would have continued to prosecute the case based on what he had found. Of course, what he found was that the fbi had no valid investigative purpose for questioning mr. Flynn and, of course, therefore, any so called lies that mr. Flynn told were not tied to any crime which is critical when youre bringing under the statute. This is why the department of justice move to drop the case and we are certainly pleased that yesterday the dc circuit which is considered the most powerful court in the country after the Supreme Court recognize our authority to do that and instructed judge sullivan to, indeed, drop this case. Brian this zelensky was testifying yesterday, federal prosecutor who quit because he did not like the roger stone move by the attorney general to lighten sentence and he essentially said the attorney general lightened sentence because hes friends with the president and nadler said im not ruling out not going for impeachment when it comes to the attorney general. Whats your reaction to both of those things . Well, its ridiculous, its ridiculous on its face and here is why. The explanation of what happened in the roger stone sentencing is very simple and and i would just also like to note that mr. Zelensky, lowerlevel prosecutor had no interaction with the attorney general and no interaction with the Political Leadership of whom hes making the allegations which he noted in his testimony, so hes making these accusations based on hearsay at best. He has no firsthand knowledge of what hes talking about, but, again, the explanation is very simple. The line prosecutors in the roger stone case had recommended a sentence that on its face was excessive given mr. Stones conviction. The attorney general directed our u. S. Attorney for dc at the time to leave discretion of that sentencing to the judge and just said, look, this starting point, this high sentencing point is excessive, its not consistent with other cases. Lets leave it to the judge and what did the judge ultimately do . The judge cut in half sentencing recommendation of those original prosecutors which was completely consistent with what the attorney general had recommended so there was vindication there, but its really as simple as that and interest of fairness and evenhanded justice and one system of justice, the attorney general did the right thing, whether its for mr. Stone or any cases that are brought before him. Steve right, youre talking about fairness but this is an Election Year and you know that Political Parties try to do damage to each other and now with people talking about perhaps impeaching bill bar, are the attorney general of the United States, they will go after your boss, is that how he sees it, its a political thing and its just one of those things he was waiting for eventually to pop up in the radar . Of course, its a political thing. If people have a problem with bill barr coming back to the department of justice to restore one system of justice, not a twotiered system, that says a lot more about the critics than the attorney general because thats what he has done again and again. He approaches all cases with an open mind. He judges them according to facts and the law without regard political consideration, this is what he promised to do at his confirmation. This is what he has done through tenure as attorneying attorney general and thats what he will continue as ag. So the attorney general has accepted invitation from House Judiciary Committee to testify for general oversight hearing and i believe thats july 28th. Brian we will be sure to watch and we know that zelensky was applying for a job for nadler, you wonder if theres conflict of interest. Hard to say. Brian thank you so much. Thank you. Brian jillian according to reports is to give us the news and i will confirm that right now. Jillian i will confirm it as well. Lets start with fox news alert. The nfl has reportedly canceled preseason gave of covid19 pandemic, espn reports hall of fame Dallas Cowboys and pittsburgh Pittsburgh Steelers will not happen in august. Hall of fame has reportedly been delayed for next year. Travel advisory taking effect in u. S. Overnight, new york, new jersey and connecticut stay visitors coming from 9 states with surge of covid19 cases must selfquarantine for two weeks, arkansas, alabama, arizona, South Carolina, texas, florida, North Carolina, utah and washington state. It come as the 3 most populated states, florida, california and texas see a surge in cases. Hospitalizations and icu rates hitting alltime high in california. Florida reporting 5500 new cases yesterday alone. In just a few hours President Trump will lay a wreath at the Korean War Memorial as the world marks 720 years since the conflict began. More than 33,000 americans were killed in combat during the war. The president will then head to wisconsin, he will take part in a town hall hosted by sean hannity in green bay and visit a shipyard making boats for a navy, thats an hour north. You can watch the hannity town hall tonight at 9 00 right here at fox news. Used to running on the field, check it out, one Dallas Cowboys player ended up running scare thanks to unexpected guest at his florida home. Clinton dicks was coming up when a bear and cub surprised him. He ran away. The bears ran the other way, Clinton Dixie use today play for the chicago bears. I would run away too. [laughter] brian the answer to the bear question, can i outrun a bear, the bear can run 30 miles an hour. I ran 420 miles an hour yesterday. Jillian you want to put it to the test . Brian no, i have great foot speed. The answer is, no, i cannot outrun a bear. You see a bear, they can outrun you even though they dont look fit. Ainsley the momma bear was with her cub. Normally thats yeah. Brian right. Thats why just real quick before i said that zelensky applied for nadlers jab it was job, it was alias. Steve different guy. Ainsley 8 states, youre so lucky, 45 more minutes of this kind of conversation. All right, 8 states are reporting new highs in covid19 cases, how concerned should americans be about the increase, dr. Oz is here to discuss it coming up as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. New sensodyne sensitivity gum next. This is the tempurpedic breeze. And its mission is to make sleep. Feel. Cool. So, no more night sweats. No more nocturnal baking, or polar ice cap airconditioner mode. Because the tempurpedic breeze delivers superior cooling from cover to core. Helping you sleep cool, all night long. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, save 500 on all tempurbreeze mattresses. And experience your coolest sleep this summer, on our best breeze savings of the year. And experience your coolest sleep this summer, there are times when our need to connect really matters. To keep customers and employees in the know. To keep business moving. Comcast business is prepared for times like these. Powered by the nations largest gigspeed network. To help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. Tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. And a team of experts here for you 24 7. Weve always believed in the power of working together. Thats why, when every connection counts. You can count on us. Steve as america gets back to work 8 states report newing highs in number of covid19 hospitalizations. How concerned should americans be about a potential second wave or are we still on the first wave here to discuss dr. Mehmet oz. Good morning to you. Dr. Oz i think we are still riding the first wave. The reason that this is so important this is a trial run for the real second wave coming this winter. We have to work out some some se steve indeed, the average person because they get sick of wearing mask everywhere, they hear we are in phase 2 and then they stop but thats not exactly how this works. Dr. Oz, no not at all. We are seeing this, for example, in number we have one tenth the number of cases. They are doing the same things we are doing in terms of rules but behaving differently within the rules. Here is what i think is going on. A bunch of folks who are rebellious, frustrated and locked up for a long time especially young people, the virus is not done with us yet, we have to keep battling it and this is a problem among our young folks. The average age of infection and i know everyone has heard it, the median age is about 35. Thats the only half the age of what it was early in the pandemic. That means the older folks, people overweight, hypertensive, diabetic or older are staying away from opening process and younger people they are hanging out with each other and meeting new people and we cannot afford to let our guard down right now because reversing the trend gets a lot tougher once the virus is widely present. We lived that in new york and hospitals are starting to fill up, 80 capacity in arizona, florida, texas having issues. Steve i was reading this morning one of the big hospitals in houston is maxed out on icu beds. That is a problem and you look at i know we heard different arguments, well, the number is higher because theres more testing, but theyve said the number of hospitalizations and deaths are not going down. I dont think the number of hospitalizations is going down. Dr. Oz no, definitely not. Icu admissions is another big metric. If youre sick, its a major concern. I want to point out that although the number of cases going up dramatically we are not seeing significant increase in deaths. That might be because we havent been out far enough or might be because its mostly younger people and they know they are not as vulnerable. You cannot isolate the virus once you got it and it spreads rapidly. Let me give folks a couple of things. Im not telling you not to go out. Go out and stay away from other people. The 6 15 rule. 6 feet or 15 minutes, 6 feet or 15 minutes. We did here at presbyterian. Masks are not about a political philosophy and people shoving desires in their face. Masks are being kind. Youre being nice to people around you because youre preventing them to get what youve got and avoid the super spreader events, big crowds. Djokovic is a good example. Super star tennis player, no one is immune. Dont be other people in large groups or youll give to it people you love. Steve let me ask you a housekeeping question and that regards my math that i just held up a second ago. After i go through new york city and i go home, what ive been doing is i put it on a chair in the sun in my kitchen. Does the sunlight kill whatever might be on that thing because a lot of people are thinking, what do i do it, how do u clean you clean it. Dr. Oz uv light does clean it, but, yes, sunlight in theory is better for it because uv light concentrated version which we are using now to clean air and other technology developing, could actually be used in elevators, public transportation, places where theres lots of virus traveling around, so, yeah, i would do that. Virus dies in time. You leave the mask out a day or two the virus will die anyway. The masks themselves can be made of many materials. Its great to have surgical mask, they have they charge to them and they pull virus and particles of saliva towards them but any mask is better than nothing. Get something thats comfortable that you can wear and live your life with it and do it because you love other people, because you care. Steve there you go. Well put. Mehmet oz, thank you very much. Dr. Oz take care, steve. Steve you bet, straight ahead a political newcomer pulls up a huge primary candidate and hes only 24 years old, you will meet the man behind the shocking victory live with ainsley next. My nunormal fewer asthma attacks. Less oral steroids. Taking my treatment at home. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your doctor about nucala at home. Find your nunormal with nucala. Noticks and fleas . O simplifies protection. Ask your doctor about nucala at home. See ya heartworm disease . No way simparica trio is the first chewable that delivers all this protection. And simparica trio is demonstrated safe for puppies. Its simple go with simparica trio. This drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures; use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. Protect him with all your heart. Simparica trio. Ainsley big political upset in republican primary Runoff Election in North Carolinas 11th district this week. 24yearold political newcomer Madison Hawthorne beating out trumpbacked candidate Linda Bennett by more than 30 points. The seat was previously held by mark meadows who is now white house chief of staff. Here to react gop candidate Madison Hawthorne, thank you for being with us, congratulations for you win. Thanks for having me on. A lot of excitement going west and North Carolina right now, we are all feeling the highs of victory but we are looking forward to the battle we have come against the democrats. Ainsley you started at the beginning of the year, 12 republicans and went to runoff with Linda Bennett, she was backed by jim jordan and white house and bigname republicans and you actually beat her on tuesday. What went through your mind when you saw that she was being backed by the republicans including the white house . You know what, when i heard all of the endorsements coming from, you know, people like jim jordan or ted cruz, it didnt really phase, when President Trump was going to back her it was significant push for her close to victory. I by dont means think its referendum, i support the president. I know the overwhelming of my voters do, but you know what, it came having superior ground game and more compelling message and being able to keep politics local. The people of western and North Carolina really wanted someone to represent them and not dc insiders. Ainsley probably because shes more experienced, shes older than you, you are 24 years old. Youre not old enough to be in congress but you will be by the time november election comes around. Do you think thats more of what it was that youre young and didnt have name recognition like she does . You know what, we know shes been close personal friends with the meadows family. I do know that moving forward the president and i are looking forward to have a productive working relationship. I had a wonderful phone call on tuesday night. He defined our victory as beautiful and i tell you, he was gracious as he could have been. He invited me to the white house so im looking forward to go see him in the oval. Ainsley youre running against mo davis who is a democrat. What sets you apart from him . You know what, theres not much that really unifies us. We might both like infrastructure, thats probably the only thing that i believe we would be able to find a Common Ground on but at the end of the day, he is running to support this farleft fringe sect of the Democrat Party and, you know, he will try to paint himself as a moderate democrat going into the fall election. We know just from get to go hear him throughout the primary and the fact that hes willing to run on the democratic side i believe thats going to be thats going to be the kiss of death for him because right now the Democratic Party has left the overwhelming majority of americans. Ainsley tell us about yourself. I know you live in hendersonville, North Carolina, wonderful place, tell us more. Eighth generation resident from western North Carolina, ive been fortunate enough to be surrounded by the scenic mountains my entire life which is great. Im very excited. I just got engage back in december right before we found out right before we were running for congress. Everything is going well. I had a pretty horrific car accident about 6 years ago that really shaped a lot of my life and really taught me that life is very precious, it can be taken away from us at any time and thats why i wanted to run for congress right now with my fiancee we are talking about having kids at some point. Obviously when im trying to think about culture to be raised in i want to change it. I dont like the direction our country is going in and im ready to take the fight, farleft liberal ideology. Ainsley statement from mr. Moe davis, you have to eastern your rink and i dont think a seat should be held like a graduation present. There has to be a clear choice in november. What you think of that . If you look at paper that was written, the founders wanted the house of representatives to be accurate depiction of what the Cross Section of americans are and so, you know, i believe that we need people from every working every social class, every economic class, every background to be able to go to washington, d. C. , but, you know, the fact that he wants to act like its a graduation present is a slap in the face to all Republican Voters who came out, put trust in our message and i tell you hes probably just acting like hes brushing this off because we knows that he will take the fight to him. He has indefensible position. I know hes looking forward to debating him and im looking forward to debating him. The positions he will have to defend are held by nancy pelosi and aoc are morally and financially bankrupt. Ainsley we wish you the best in november. Ance, thank you. Ainsley youre welcome, 35 minutes after the top of the hour. Senate democrats blocking bill on Police Reform. Senator tim scott wrote the measure and ripped colleagues after the vote saying democrats failed the country and he joins us live next. If your gums bleed when you brush you may have gingivitis. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. Throughout our history any time something bad has happened to us. Weve recovered. Every time. We fall, we rise. We break, we rebuild. We stumble, we learn. We come together. We Work Together. We innovate and create. We meet up and get to work. We find our way forward. Every time. This has been the key to our survival, the key to our growth that whenever we thought we were at our weakest, this is when we became the strongest, became the best version of ourselves, and found our way home. Together. Masimo. Together in hospital. Together at home. The country has given us the opportunity to lead and our friends on the other side just said no. I know how it feels to walk into a store and have the little clerk follow me around even as United States senator. I get that, but what i miss in this issue is that the stereotyping of republicans is just as toxic and poison to the outcomes of the most vulnerable communities in this nation. Brian senator tim scott worked so hard to put legislation that had a shot at passing, at least get 60 votes in the senate. He needed more than 3 democrats, thats all he got. Where does it stand lets bring senator tim scott of South Carolina, senator, what a speech, watched it last night on hannity, know how hard you have worked, tell me where your legislation on Law Enforcement reform stands right now . Tim really closer to the trash can than its ever been. Unfortunately the democrats really want to hold onto this issue. They believe they are going to win in november so theyd rather write their own reform bill without any input from the Republican Party. Think about this, brian, in the house bill right now they refused any republican amendment and our legislation i offered 5 because they said they needed 5. I offered 20 because they said 20, i offered a managers amendment which basically means we can rewrite the parts of the bill that you want to, they said no. They had no desire to actually solve this issue before the election. Steve right, later today the house will vote on their version. It will most probably pass because it is controlled by the democrats. Thats how it works. But, you know, when you look at what you proposed i know you said yesterday there was about 70, 75 of Common Ground and yet rather than take a 70, 75 win they are turning it into a political hot potato. Mitch mcconnell said, reminded that democrats said 2 weeks unless the Republican Senate takes this up there will be blood on their hands. They took it up and tried to have a vote and now they are using it for political purposes. Absolutely, thats why theyll be blood on the democrats hands and i went on the book and talked about that watchman has blood on his hands when he doesnt do what he can do to tell society that danger is coming. We did our part. The democrats had a chance to do their part and the things that drives me crazy is that when you look at the bill, the house bill, they wanted data collection, we got data collection, they said they wanted more data than we were providing. Easy fix, they said they were banning chokeholds, they werent chokeholding for 7,000 agents. Our bill federal agents too. If you go piece by piece, the only thing that you can conclude it wasnt what we were talking about is who was talking and not just me, tim scott, but who was talking was the Republican Party saying to minority communities to underserved communities, liberal controlled communities like atlanta and minneapolis, cleveland, we were saying to those residents, we hear you, we see you, here are reforms. Remember this, minneapolis, the city council could have banned chokeholds, they could have had the duty to intervene way before george floyd. We are coming after to fix their problems and thats what the party, the Republican Party has been doing for decades, fixing the challenges brought to people in liberal cities by liberal politicians. Thats really dangerous. Ainsley all right, so nancy pelosi said that republicans were trying to get away with murder, people were upset about that. Listen to her about whether or not she is going to apologize. Will you apologize . Absolutely positively not. The fact is people say i think you frankly and the press have given far too much credit for a bill that does nothing. You have your bill and they have theirs. Our bill does something and theirs doesnt. Ainsley why do you think democrats werent on board, if you made concessions, you heard their demands and you changed things because you knew that you wanted their votes. Well, nancy was going for conference before she was not. What actually happened was that the democrats did not believe that we would produce quality product and once we produced it and the president put icing on the cake and came up with executive order that even liberal commentators saying this was meaningful executive order, i think this took a leap back because they dont want this president to have a victory on another serious issue confronting the minority communities. This is pure, pure race politics at its worse. Ainsley how are you going to explain if someone dies at the hands of police in the next few months . Tim we cant and we wont have to. Bottom line we provided resources. 2. 6 billion for training, deescalation, duty to intervene, for a process the chokehold ban, they said no to all of that. They said yes to one thing, i will give my most loyal constituents nothing until after we get them to help us win. Thats terrible. Brian to close, senator tim cane said this, the Police Reform is only over for those who want it to be over, quote, we tried it the wrong way, lets try it the right way. Tim yeah, the right way according to tim cane is to do it behind closed doors where the American People do not have a chance to watch the process unfold, instead of having cameras debate, they would rather cut a deal behind closed doors so the constituents do not know how they actually voted on the underlying bill. Steve i know senator youre a politician, given that you put so much into this, are you angry, are you frustrated, how are you feeling . Tim you know, im frustrated for the victims of Police Brutality that feel like they are not heard. Im frustrated for the family members who lost loved ones who sat around the circle with President Trump who listened patiently. Im frustrated for them because we keep demonizing Law Enforcement officers when, in fact, most of them are showing up and doing the most dangerous work for very few dollars. Im frustrated that we keep saying you choose between Law Enforcement officers or you choose between communities of color. Thats a lie. That is not the way it is. Its not what has to be, we have to have characterdriven Law Enforcement officers helping to keep communities especially the most distressed communities safe. Thats what they do, so im not going to demonize the Police Officers who are willing to protect the citizens who need it the most and thats one thing i will not give the democrats and its the one thing they demanded was for us to demonize Law Enforcement. I refused to do so. Im not going to stereotype Police Officers especially as an African American who doesnt want to be stereotyped. That flies in the face of common sense but it is really important for those who want to win at all costs, that means the rest of us lose without doubt. Ainsley im sorry you couldnt come to a compromise, democrats and republicans, because this is so important. Thanks for what youre doing. Senator from South Carolina. Thanks, tim. New jersey, new york, connecticut placing mandatory quarantine for travelers from hot spots like South Carolina and one of the states is also arkansas, the governor of arkansas hutchison is here to react live next, but first lets check with ed henry to find out whats coming up at the top of the show. Ed tell kilmeade to call me back. Brian i owe you a call. I will tell ainsley and she will tell you later. Ed steve, stick around, latest on president ial race and statute of George Washington torn down at George Washington university, senator john kennedy fired up, joins us top of the hour as President Trump preps executive order to protect monuments. Dow futures trending down again, coronavirus cases on the rise, Stuart Varney and money man Charles Payne join us and health side exclusive with one of the president s top advisers alex azar and Michael Flynn, victory as new documents show joe biden may have been the one who targeted, kt mcfarland, join sandra and me 9 00 to noon the tempurpedic breeze makes sleep. Feel. Cool. Because the tempurbreeze transfers heat away from your body. So you feel cool. Night after night. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, save 500 on all tempurbreeze mattresses. Among my patisensitivity as well sumtas gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. 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Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. Steve real quick, fox news alert, weekly jobless claims report just out this half hour, 1 and a half million americans filed for unemployment first time last week. That is slightly higher than expected. More on this little later on, brian. Brian new travel advisory begins today, talking about coronavirus, new york, new jersey and connecticut ordering visitors from nine states with increase of covid19 cases to quarantine for 2 weeks if you are coming here. One of those states is arkansas. Here with an update arkansas gop governor asa hutchison. How do you feel about the quarantine, do you think its warranted . Great to be with you, brian, and of course, i understand where Governor Cuomo is coming from, but whenever youre looking at growing our economy, restoring out economy this is not particularly helpful to that. Whenever you look at nine states that cannot do the ordinary travel back and forth and commerce, that does hamper those efforts. We had restrictions early in arkansas. We did away with those because as you see the fog of the virus spread across the United States. It really affect things and when it comes to new york, new jersey, exempt essential services so we continue to supply poultry, beef and essential products and we will be going in and out and we will work very hard to reduce the virus in arkansas. Brian 697 new cases, 267 hospitalizations, why and what are you doing . Well, first of all, whenever you see the why of this as to why theres been an increase, you know, its just the fact that some people get complacent, the virus is spreading across as i mentioned and its a very contagious virus. We have work to do, but in terms of our strategy, we just doubled the number of our contact tracers yesterday that we are going to be bringing on more and we have concentrated in some of our essential industry that we see this expansion and so we are we are obviously emphasizing testing. This month we are testing 4 of our population which is an extraordinary number, and we are going to increase that next month as well. So you do your testing, you do your tracing, you do your isolation and we want people to take this seriously. We do in arkansas, we want to reduce the numbers. We understand where other states are coming from and we will do our part. Brian governor, we have 20 seconds, real quick, turns out most of the cases younger people and thankfully the deaths are low, correct . Well, the deaths are low. We still have a low death rate in arkansas. Hospitalizations have gone up some and we are you know, we want to watch that carefully, so we clearly have work to do and we are going to do it here in this state. Brian got you. Governor hutchison, best of luck, we are all fighting the same fight pulling the same way, more fox friends. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your doctor about nucala at home. Find your nunormal with nucala. I dont have to worry about that, do i . Are irritated. About nucala at home. Harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line. Crest gum detoxify, voted product of the year. It works below the gum line to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. Gum detoxify, from crest. Test. We are all dreaming and we can go back to work. Our country comes together and set your dvr for 6 00 a. M. Eastern time so you never miss another fox and friends. Have a great day. Or youre vcr. Fox news alert, the Supreme Court expected to release new rulings today prate major cases the president taxes, and cold stone the dockets as the court closes in on the end of the term , the rulings our set to release starting next hour. We will have complete coverage of that. The pentagon come up mobilizing hundreds of National Guard troops to protect statues in ou nations capital. This as President Trump is expected to sign a a new executive order by weeks end to protect federal monuments. Good morning, everyone, i am sandra smith. I am at h

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