Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20200624

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On, punching and kicking him. He got hit in the head, got hit in the neck. Kicked in the ribs. And more unrest in our Nations Capital as protesters burned American Flag. The group cheering as old glory goes up in flames. Steve look at that man o man. Good morning. And thats whats going on across the country right now. There is just a feeling in this country that things are a little off the rails, right . Well, we have heard from the president of the United States. He has made it very clear this kind of stuff will not be allowed. Then you see that this state lawmaker in wisconsin, Tim Carpenter was attacked protesters. Protesters one thing but then for them to attack the guy and where were the police in the g. O. P. Assembly speaker in wisconsin robin advisors said this is absolutely despicable. Im saddened the officials to deal with these thugs. Where is the and the question goes on. Where is the democratic Governor Tony Evers . Why didnt he stop the destruction of the statue . There was state property broken and all sorts of that stuff people are going wait a minute, what is happening in america . Carley lady and protesters run straight up to camera. They are mad at him for bringing out their camera. Yet they are all are on camera. We are seeing that this morning. Five or six punches. Kicked in the head maybe a concussion, brian. Brian remember that Workers Compensation when we came in and this guy was hit . No. Its everyday. Whether you are trying to take over Lafayette Park. Well now you are trying to take over a wendys in atlanta. Now you are squatting in seattle. Bullets flying everywhere. You go ahead and dispirit and defund gradually, perhaps, Law Enforcement and you wonder why they are not there . Here is bernie kerik on whats going on with many of these democratic mayors and governors. Im actually surrounded by 150 to 200 Atlanta Police officers. Who have told me personally demoralized. They are not supported by the mayor. Who wants to go to work in a place where they are not supported by the mayor, by the city council. This is what is happening in baltimore, in chicago, in new york city. You have mayors, governors, thats not supporting the men and women. And you have lawlessness in the street. Its only going to continue and its going to get worse. Where is it going to get worse . In the hardest hit communities. Ainsley i was watching that last night. Unbelievable. I couldnt sleep last night. Im watching seans show late and i watch bernie kerik and he says im surrounded by 150, 200 Police Officers. And then you hear them cheering. And then at the end or when sean went back to him later in the show. They all surrounded him and were saying thank you so much for supporting us. Thank you so much to those americans that still believe and sean said, you know, bernie tell them. We know there can be one or two bad apples in the group, overall you are amazing individuals and we support police. Steve they have got to feel like somebody has got their back because in so many communities it seems that the leadership simply does not. Meanwhile, lets talk little bit about and brian mentioned, you know, the protesters who tried to destroy the Jackson Memorial or statue across the street from the white house a couple of nights ago. Well, there is in washington and there it is right there. In washington in the street between the u. S. Capitol is the emancipation statue. And protesters were around there yesterday and they said there it is right there. It shows Abraham Lincoln standing over a freed slave. It was commemorated in 1876, 11 years after lincoln was killed. That statue has had history of people not liking the fact that lincoln is standing and the man below him is kneeling. So the protesters there yesterday made it very clear, we are not going to take this down today. Were coming back thursday and we are going to pull it down. In the meantime, the representative in congress for d rks Eleanor Holmes norton, wants the statue removed and moved to a museum. And so what she is doing is going to introduce legislation because it is on National Park service land to see if it can be moved without an act of congress. If you a statue moved thats how you do it. You talk about it, you take a vote, you move it. You dont do it by destroying something that is against the law, brian. Brian as opposed to the way they are. First graffiti sprayed over and grab a rope and chain and pull it down and burn it and cheer while everyone uses their iphone and tapes it and posts it. Im not too complorstable with that im also no, maam row too comfortable trying to trump, pun intended with Frederick Douglass one of the famous man on the globe known for what he was able to overcome escaping slavery and writing on brutality of slavery and leading lincoln, in many ways, to sign, write, sign and implement the emancipation proclamation at which time when ulysses s. Grant has time to dedicate a statue he calls 1800Frederick Douglass. Together, knowing that that design and that statue was financed by freed slaves, he dedicated and gave a speech in which he didnt white wash, pun not intended, our past. He knew that lincoln gradually grew into writing the emancipation proclamation and backing it. He knew lincoln at first said if you guys stay in place you can keep your slaves, dont defect. In the end, Frederick Douglass and lincoln ended up being great friends and together they freed millions of people so he dedicated that statue. But it looks like people are intent of rewriting history and know more about Race Relations than Frederick Douglass. Steve the dialogue in d. C. Right now says while freed slaves paid for it they had no input into it. Just the imagery of lincoln standing and the free you had slave, you know, kneeling down below him, racial undertones and they dont like it. Ainsley the president was talking about this yesterday. And he explained what he thinks the problem is. Listen to this. The left wing mob is trying to demolish our heritage so they can replace it with a new repressive regime that they alone control. They are tearing down statues, desecrating monuments and purging descenters. The left is not trying to promote justice or equality or lift up the down trodden. They have one goal, the pursuit of their own political power. If you give power to people that demolish monuments and attack churches and seize city streets destroy city buildings then nothing is sacred and no one is safe. Ainsley protesters were painting defund the police. That graffiti has been removed. The president they are calling for the black house autonomous zone. They were spray painting that on the church across the street from the white house. The president said because theyre all calling now they want an awmtion in d. C. He tweeted this out there will never be an autonomous zone in washington, d. C. As long as im your president. If they try, they will be met with serious force. Brian guess what . In n. Comes twitter its threatening. It wendt against their sensibility. This is getting out of hand. This tweet violated twitter rules about abusive behavior. Twitter has determined it may be in the best Public Interest for the tweet to remain accessible. So, twitter is upset that the president is condemning. Ainsley second time they have done. This. Brian unbelievable. Steve as people look in at what is happening all across the country, there are millions of americans who are just horrified at whats happening. And as we talked about a little bit five minutes ago there are so many mayors and who are sigh length at this point. The loudest voice about this is donald trump. Do you know what this ultimately does . It fires up his base. When he says im a law and order president , im not going to allow this to happen, people are going, okay. Where are the other people . It looks like he is the only guy standing between me and anarchy. Brian where are democrats . I dont understand why democrats and republicans cant get behind saving our history. Unbelievable. Actually aonly a handful of republicans. Tom cotton out there every day. Senator lee out there on a regular basis. For the most part, people are like oh, thats too bad about our history. Where are you . Steve i think the problem for these democrat mayors and governors they allow the protest to start. And then they devolve into chaos and in some cases violence and then it is just hard to stop it once its started and thats where they are Governor Cuomo has. The one he loves is the columbus statue. Cant touch that one. The rest of the stuff is good for america. Steve harrigan was guy. 12 gauge shotgun standing there holding it while he is talking to steve harrigan. He says we dont want the police in this area. Steve talking about renaming columbus, ohio. Going to rename rhode island and take plantation out of the longer name. They are talking about renaming columbus after guy flavor town. Brian definitely make. Steve guy is quite a cook. Ainsley very interesting times. Live look on capitol hill lawmakers will hold a test vote to start debate on the g. O. P. Police reform bill. Griff jenkins joins us live in washingtons the democrats are already vowing they are going to block this measure, right, griff . Griff this all started with anger in the streets. Nationwide protests. Police reform appears over before it even starts in the senate. American people expect us to do our jobs. Discuss, debate and legislate that has captured the nations attention. Its clear the republican bill as is will not get 60 votes. The republican bill does not even fully prevent the kind of tactics that sparked this whole debate in the first place. Democrats expected to block the bill from even coming to the floor later this morning. 53 republicans in the senate. Mcconnell needs at least 7 democrats to cross over to start debate on the g. O. P. Justice act. Its author senator tim scott says its in the democrats hands now. This is about louisville, kentucky. This is about north charms stolen. This is about minneapolis. If our friends on the other side want to figure out a path forward for those places and those citizens, lets get there. This doesnt finish until they say its over. If they wont even start it, that tells me that this is already over senator Kamala Harris blames obstruction on Mitch Mcconnell. The majority leader would have us play political games with the hopes, the dreams and the demands of the American People. This is yet again an obstructionist tactic that is meant to distract us. Second point to the stalemate are full band on chokeholds and no knock warrants qualified immunity. Republicans call that a nonstarter. Meanwhile, Speaker Pelosi who is accusing now republicans of, quote, trying to get away with murder on Police Reform says the house expects to pass their bill later this week. So it looks like we are going to have nothing but inaction in the senate. We will see what comes later this morning. Brian, ainsley, steve. Steve it is going to be a long summer. Griff, thank you very much. Brian unbelievable. Steve 6 13 here in new york city. Currently in this building on the mezzanine level, there is jillian with the headlines. Good morning to you. Jillian good morning from one floor up. Lets start your headlines with this story we are following. A louisville detective is officially fired for his role in the shooting death of brianna taylor. Bret hankenson violated policy on deadly force by blindly firing 10 rounds into her apartment. He has 10 days to appeal. Taylor was shot and killed by officers inside her apartment during a raid in march. Her boyfriend shot at police after mistaking them for robbers. First hate crime bill passed in georgia in the wake of are a ahmads death. It requires Law Enforcement agencies to report hate crime incident to georgias bureau of investigation. The bill was passed by the state house last year but gained attention after are a bury was shot and killed on a georgia road in february. Three men charged in his murder. Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez winning her primary in a land slide. The new york democrat easily defeating challenger Michelle Caruso cabrera. Elliott angle is on the ropes. Is he challenging jamal bowman by double digits. In kentucky amy mcgraph is leading Charles Booker in the Democratic Senate primary. The winner will go on to battle Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell in november. A big upset in north carolina. 24yearold Madison Hawthorne defeating Linda Bennett to fill mark meadows seat. Americas favorite past time is back. Overnight the mlb setting opening day for july 23rd or 24th empty ball park. Players will report to Training Camps next week. Season run into late september with the play offs in late october. Reached an agreement on health and safety protocols which reportedly include temperature checks and coronavirus testing every other day. It looks like the temperature checks twice a day and covid testing every other day. Brian its going to be interesting. No one seems to be happy about the number of games the players seem to be forced into it. And there is no sign that fans will be able to go. Ainsley what did you say like a third of their salary . Jillian prorated. Im curious to see ratings though. I feel like they have lost a lot of people. Thats what it seems anyway. Steve it looked like on that great big list they just put up, it said spitting is not allowed. In baseball . Jillian yep. Steve lets see about that. Ainsley spitting was allowed . Steve it was in the olden days. Brian president obama going to after President Trump during a fundraiser for joe biden. The shambolic, disorganized, meanspirited approach to governance that we have seen over the last couple of years. It . David webb says they are why the country voted for President Trump to begin with. Not only are they fed up with the sham bolic, disorganized, mean spirited approach to governance, but, more than that, are eager to take on some of the core challenges that have been facing this country for centuries. There is nobody that i trust more to be able to heal this country and get it back on track than my dear friend joe biden. Steve there have you got former president barack obama ripping into President Trump in his first 2020 Campaign Appearance alongside joe biden virtually. Here to react Fox News Contributor david webb. David, good morning to you. I dont think barack obama likes donald trump. Yeah. Im going to guess that after all donald trump did reverse some of Barack Obamas greatest mistakes he ever made in america and for america in policy and economics. All the things he has done regarding immigration, consent decrees, those cities around the america when eric holder and loretta wrench forced them into things they could not comply with obama is what he has always been. Go back to his days in the senate, the state senate in illinois. Is he a smug political liar who now wants us to go back to, you know from, biden and obama to biden and the black woman the sequel because biden has to pick a black woman. Good at selling to one segment in america. How good are they at choosing what is right for america. America made a different choice. We wanted donald trump to be the president. We seen the economic growth. We have seen this country get back on strong footing. Under assault from a virus. Under assault from a leftist. This is barack obama saying hey, guys, do you know what . Biden has been there for 50 years or close to it, lets go back to him. Steve you know, david, if people have forgotten the reason that barack obama chose joe biden was because barack obama had little leadership experience and had no Foreign Policy experience jontd given his decades in the senate and whatnot, he had a lot of it. Thats how joe biden got the nod ultimately. And did i not watch the event, so im hoping you know the answer to this. When joe and barack obama were together last night. Did they talk about the violence sweeping this country and how the rule of law should be respected . If you want to protest, protest, but dont break the law. Did they talk about that . Not in real terms. You know, they talk about protesting and the american right. They didnt talk about the rule of law. They didnt talk about our culture, whats needed. By the way, let me just say something, joe biden has been on the wrong side of just about every major Foreign Policy decision thats been a success for this country including going against how president reagan dealt with the soviet union. So since he has been in washington, d. C. , he has been wrong for america. Barack obamas Foreign Policy successes included no bell peace prize for a speech. The nontreaty. Joint deal with iran, the jcpoa. What are their real accomplishments . Steve, they have failed america. Now we are supposed to be told that joe biden who has failed america, been wrong for america is going to be the right man for america but only if he chooses a black woman. Come on, are we going to believe biden in his basement or are we going to trust the works in america for hundreds of years where we have evolved into the country that still has challenges but will be a more Perfect Union if we keep Going Forward, not sliding backwards. I understand 120,000 people were on the line to w567 that last night where joe biden was sharing the split screen with barack obama. Fast forward to the end of summer we will see joe biden in a split screen with donald trump. Where its just joe and just don, what will that be like. Im looking forward. Folks get your popcorn out who is joe biden who can no longer mumble and jumble his way through a bad interview where he is no longer asked tough questions face donald trump on the main stage. Here is where donald trump can point out not just what biden has been and how he is wrong for America President must talk about the vision and future of this country. Look forward to a country where law and order and Civil Society not law and disorder are those things that governor govern us, trump is not trying to limit your freedoms. Do it under the constitution. Its the hard core left that are canceling everything, having curfew hours in chop and saying we can burn it if we dont like it. Lets not let justice play out. This is ridiculous. Steve david webb, thank you for joining us on this wednesday. Good to see you, steve. Steve straight ahead, yesterday was an election day and congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez won her primary here in new york. While 16 term congressman eliot engel is on the edge of loading to progressive challenger. A sign of a civil war brewing in the Democratic Party. Well be right back. 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Nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop your corticosteroid medications unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. Common side effects include headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your doctor about taking nucala at home. Learn about Financial Assistance at nucala. Com. Find your nunormal with nucala. Nascar driver Bubba Wallace says the rope is a noose after determined garage door pull left there last year the bureau says no hate crime was committed. Which is a good thing. Todd . Anxiously, good morning to you. Bubba wallace saying did he not personally see the rope as it was discovered by his crew and later shown to him. But insisting there is no doubt what it was. Im mad because people are trying to test my character and the image that i have and i seen of what was hanging in my garage is not a garage pull. Its a straight up noose. The fbi has stated it was a noose over and over again. Nascar leadership has stated it was a noose. Fbi says all though the rope was tied like a noose no hate crime hanging in the garage last year when occupied by someone else. Nascar releasing a statement, quote. We appreciate the fbis quick and thorough investigation and are thankful to learn that this was not intentional racist act against bubba. We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who love racing. This coming one day after every driver and their crews marched down pit row . Support of wallace. The only black driver become credit critic pushed to have Confederate Flag and banned on social issues. Nascar is continuing own investigation. Back to you. Ainsley all right. Thank you, todd. Brian, over to you. Brian 28 minutes after the top of the hour. Democrats facing off key primaries yesterday after alexandria ocasiocortez and 16term congressman eliot engel while aoc overwhelmingly won support in her district. Engel had the support of Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer trails jamal bowman endorsed by aoc. What does this say about the state of the Democratic Party . This is not even close. Here to react is New York Post miranda devine. Aoc runs away. No threat. Whats going on with engel . Hi, brian, i any we are seeing exactly what happened two years ago when aoc had that surprise win over establishment candidate joe crowley. You have seen that again with this Bronx Middle School teacher jamal bowman looks like is he going to beat eliot engel who has been in congress for 31 years. He has the support of everyone from Chuck Schumer and Hillary Clinton and nancy pelosi. He is the old guy he is being trownsed by a socialist. You are seeing this inside the Democratic Party. Thats why we are having the mayhem we are seeing on the streets. This convulsion that is going on on the democratic side of politics where there is a hostile takeover by the radical left, by the socialist of the old guard and the only solution that the establishment has is to appease the left, and thats what they have been doing whether its on issues like defunding the police, no borders. Issues that they know are electorally unpalatable but they think that the only way they can hang on to power is timly appease these insurgents. Its going to crush them. Brian brian he can say defund the police of mayor of okay land does and black lives matter does and are doing it in new york and did do it in it will los angeles and about to do it in minneapolis. Talk about inappropriate. John hence son who used to host talk soup now on the food network put this tweet out on fathers day. I hope barron gets to spend today with whoever his dad is. Right away, inappropriate, a 14yearold kid, please tell me the last time they went after president obamas children, thankfully the answer is no, they didnt. Or president bushs twins when they were teens. No, they didnt. Stephanie grisham, melanias spokesperson said this to the daily caller, sadly we continue to see inappropriate and insensitive comments about the president s son as with every other administration a minor child should be off limits and allowed to grow one no judgment or hate from strangers and the media. Is it asking too much to do what Stephanie Grisham requested . Well, of course it isnt. Its utterly despicable that a Food Network Host would use fathers day to target a child. A 14yearold boy. No choice who his family is you may hate President Trump, but dont attack his child. His teenage son. And, of course, we have see a pattern of this. And the first lady is famously very protective of barron trump. We saw last year when a law professor testifying at one of the impeachment hearings went after barron trump, making fun of his name. Now she ended up having to apologize because she was embarrassed. But it is disgusting. Brian the fact that he is a comedian, does that give him cover . Well, is he a Food Network Host. And, you know, no one is going to put him in jail for making a really nasty joke, but he should be ashamed of himself for targeting a child. Brian miranda devine, thanks so much. Appreciate it . Thanks, brian. Brian straight ahead president speaking at students for trump rally hoping to connect his message to americas youth. Charlie kirk organized the event. Organized that group and says Young Conservatives cant wait to vote for trump. Hes on deck youre unbelievable 75 persistent cardiovascular risk still remains. Many have turned to fish oil supplements. Others, fenofibrates or niacin. 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Because were committed to bringing new hope into lung cancer care. I have never been more confident that america will rise to new hitsz of because your generation is proving that your hearts are filled with the fire and the fervour of true american patriots. [cheers and applause] and with your help. This moment will be a turning point in American History that will be remembered and celebrated for generations to come. Steve a turning point he said. And it was sponsored by turning point u. S. A. Meanwhile, President Trump rallying students for trump last night in phoenix, arizona, brian. Our next guest organized the event and even introduced the president so how did it go and did his message resonate with young people . With more here is ainsley. Ainsley im glad you asked that question, brian. Here is the founder and president charlie kirk. Hey, charlie. Good morning. Thanks for having me. Ainsley you are welcome. So brian asked a good question. How did it go . It was incredible. You know, for the last couple days the media was trying to create a narrative that young people were not in support of the president. And is President Trump going to be able to pack the room in arizona . I will tell you with young people, in defiance to the media narrative, it was absolutely incredible yesterday. 3,300 students in phoenix, arizona. We did take proper, you know, precautions and we had certain areas if students wanted to be socially distanced they could do that energy and spirit off the chart. President gave speech communicating directly to the next generation. And he was in incredible form and it was an honor to be able to host him in arizona. Steve charlie, you liked it because at one point he mentioned you. Here is the president talking about students and radical schools. And you. The radical left demands absolute conformity from every professor, researcher, reporter, journalist, corporation, entertainer, politician, campus speaker and private citizen. But we have charlie and well have our people and our people are stronger. You are the courageous warrior standing in the way of what they want to do and their goals and standing up for faith and family, god, country and freedom. Freedom. [cheers and applause] so there the president did mention you. With those young people in attendance, charlie, you know this, people of that age are largely, if theyre politically active, they lean to the left. So, you know, what was it they took away from donald trump that they have not heard from other people in the last couple of months because there is so much going on in this country regarding the unrest. What i think was so important yesterday is President Trump talked about core personal values. E pluribus unam in which means out of many one. He repeatedly mentioned in god we trust. One nation under god. Wen forcing cultural history. He reinforced young people being attacked on campus has a constitutional right to be able to speak. I want to say i have spoke on many, many College Campuses the last couple of years and we talked about it. A lot of those controversies, the president has had our back by signing that executive order for fre free speech on College Campuses. Yesterday despite what he said i dont know if you will have the turnout. 3,000 young people in the middle of arizona heat and they waited 7, 8, 9 hours to hear the presiden the president s executive order on free speech on campuses. I really think there is Something Special happening with young people in america. In november we will see that play out. Brian real quick, charlie, the young people in america, the same age brackets are the same ones who are protesting and i will separate them, are rioting and separate again a looting in some cases. How do you explain the different perspectives in the same generation . Well, look, i think there is still a lot of work to be done. No doubt. However, yesterday was something very special. The media is going to ignore it. You have 3,000 young people in one place supporting the president. I think thats worthy of a lot of coverage. And a lot of, you know, is single young person subscribing to that same narrative that we saw in the streets . I will tell you, i think its not as, lets say, its not as vast or as far away as some people might think. Yesterday i think really goes to show that the president s base is actually growing and growing stronger in defiance what the media might you have to believe. Ainsley thank you so much, charlie for being here. You bet, thank you. Ainsley you are welcome. Hand it other to jillian at the mezzanine level. Jillian hate Crime Investigation is launched overnight into graffiti urging violence towards police and whites. The message is spray painted on buildings in pacifica, california quote kill cops and kill whites. Can you see whites is misspelled. Looking through Surveillance Video in the area. Stolen ambulance through several counties. Hands up. Hands up. Walk backwards to my voice. Hands up. Hands up. Suspect hopped in ambulance outside of Daytona Beach while crew was taking patient inside. Is he behind bars facing several charges. Billionaire mark cuban picking joe biden over President Trump in the november elections. Donald trump doesnt want to run the country. I want to run a campaign. Joe biden actually wants to run a country. He was a big part of obamacare. The aca. Obama and biden they took over after the and grew the economy continuously. Cuban adding he thinks biden has done more for entrepreneurs than the president has. Thats a look at your headlines. I think that might surprise a lot of people. Steve good guest with sean last night. Meanwhile, we have got the first lady of weather with us right now. Janis dean joins us and janis, while it is kind of a nice day here in the northeast, you have got trouble behind you. Janice Stormy Weather across the gulf coast. Tornadoes worn storm. Moving across the border to mississippi. So tornadoes warn storms. Know what to do lowest portion of your home away from the windows. That is going to be a concern throughout the day for parts of the gulf coast. The Southern Plains and the midatlantic. There is your future radar. Can you see where those showers and thunderstorms are going to pop up along a frontal boundary. Temperatures are going to remain warm across portions of the south. The west coast we have heat advisories there. Where its very hot and were going to set records across the central valleys of california in towards oregon. And dolly, we had Tropical Storm dolly yesterday. It has weakened to a depression and is not going to effect any land. So there you go, dolly. Fourth named storm is impressive for this time of year. Back to you, steve, ainsley and brian. Brian impressive in less than impressive way. Thanks, janis. Dr. Anthony fauci offering opt must optimism. What does dr. Marc siegel get from faucis day long ceremony . Well ask him hope he answers. Fingers crossed. I feel cautiously optimistic, congresswoman, that we will be successful in getting a vaccine. There is never a guarantee of that i still think there is a reasonably good chance that by the very beginning of 2021 that if we are going to have a vaccine that we will have it by then. Ainsley so members of the White House Coronavirus task force testified on capitol hill yesterday and dr. Anthony fauci offering insight and optimism on the administrations response. Here with more on the big takeaways fox news medical contributor dr. Marc siegel. Good morning, dr. Siegel. Good morning. How are you . Ainsley for me it was the fact that the vaccine is in the third stage or entering the third stage of july. Is that the final stage and whats the update on the vaccine . Ainsley, thats right. I think that was absolutely optimistic on dr. Faucis part. He is talking about something about immunogeicity. There is three or four Companies Going into phase 3. What is phase 3 . Thats 30,000 volunteers being tested for each vaccine. 30,000 each. Thats where the rubber meets the road, ainsley. Thats where you see whether the vaccine actually protects you against the virus itself. But, dr. Fauci is very optimistic about that. We have moderna, we have pfizer and johnson and johnson and Oxford University vaccine. All four of those that i just mentioned are about to enter phase 3 trials if that works, by the end of the fall we should have a vaccine or two emerging. Ainsley that would be wonderful. What else did you take away from yesterday . Well, he also talked about the idea of building up more personal protective equipment in storage and more integration of computers and testing ability Going Forward. , we kind of wish we had had that looking backward. Now, and dr. Redfield emphasized this, too. And dr. Hon of fda in the fall we will have the ability to test flu and covid19 simultaneously so we can develop a strategy to test everyone that we need to and to separate out people who are sick. That is really important as we continue to reopen, ainsley. Because what we need to do is cacoon the people at home who are most at risk. Even as we monitor the reopening of things. And thats what thats the process and the progress that we are making. Ainsley yeah. Did you see the rally on saturday, the president was joking about maybe we should just stop testing because we have had so many people that have had it in our country. He told brian i was basically saying that just in guest, i didnt mean we should slow down the testing. So yesterday all four of those doctors were asked and they said they were never told by the Trump Administration to slow down or stop testing. Thanks so much, dr. Siegel for being with us. Thats completely true, ainsley. There is no way that that happened. I couldnt thats one of those media hit jobs. Its not the case. The president was joking there. Ainsley thanks so much, dr. Siegel. Chaos in seattle. A third person is shot near the citys occupy zone. Now the mayor wants to cut 20 million from the police. At walgreens, we know summer may look different this year. Luckily, we are right around the corner with safer ways to shop so you can enjoy the moments you do make. Like making sure you have pool toys the whole family can try out. And never running out of sunscreen before playing in the yard. And if you do spend the day indoors, always have enough snacks. This summer, walgreens is making shopping safer, with touchless pay and drive thru pick up, so you can keep your summer going. Walgreens and its mission is to make sleep. Feel. Cool. So, no more night sweats. No more nocturnal baking, or polar ice cap airconditioner mode. Because the tempurpedic breeze delivers superior cooling from cover to core. Helping you sleep cool, all night long. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, save 500 on all tempurbreeze mattresses. And experience your coolest sleep this summer, on our best breeze savings of the year. Whats gonna happen next in the market, can i get rich quick . , companies are saying. We dont know how we are going to be doing in the next couple of months. Were withdrawing our financial guidance. So, there seems to be a massive disconnect between whats going on in Corporate America and what investors are believing is going on in Corporate America. The message to you dont trade because you think youre gonna get rich quick. Because you think. I got a 12 gauge shotgun. Its for me and the rest of my people people to protect us and also me. The police arent allowed here because they are not here to protect us. Brian all right. Straight to a fox news alert overnight. Armed protesters taking over the area near the Atlanta Wendys where Rayshard Brooks was shot and killed by police. That wendys burned. Ainsley in wisconsin, a state democratic senator look at this, is attacked just while recording protesters near the states capitol building. Watch this. Leave my phone alone. Delete it. Carpenter says he might have had a concussion after all of that he was kicked and pushed and all kinds of things after 10 people could we roll back did they plead guilty. Oh, piled on punching him and kicking him in the neck and the ribs, steve. Steve i dont think they were arrested. So it would be hard for them to plead guilty at this point. Ainsley good point. Where is the police and governor oon protesters burn an American Flag. The group cheering as old glory goes up in flames. All right. Welcome to the second second hour of fox friends. So many people said started in minneapolis. We want to dismantle the police. We want to defund the police it looks as if seeferttle is getting part of wish come true. Seattle Commission Voted to cut 20 million from the Police Department budget for the second half of 2020. Keep in mind, given the Global Pandemic and there are all sorts of short falls in every community in america when it comes to tax money coming in it looks as if seattle is going to have 400,000 short fall in the longterm. So how are they going to make it up . They are going to cut 20 million from police. But, they are also cutting 10 million from the bus program. They are cutting 10 million from the Park Department as well. While it sounds like 20 million is a lot of money. Its only 5 of the budget and the protesters wanted 50 of the budget. Brian right. There is a very easy wait a minute hey, we are in the middle of the pandemic cutting the budget, you could do that and look into that and say okay, 5 for the police. You are making a statement by saying im cutting from the Police Budget and traditionally i did not know this ahead of time. But traditionally, when did you go to cut budgets from police, they cut it from training. And what does everyone want . Different, more nuanced training when it comes to police to deal with drug users or domestic situations or the psychology of making an arrest or dealing with would be criminals or suspects that is counter productive. Who is paying for the precinct. That lawless zone went from 7 blocks to three blocks flat out lawless and death and destruction. A third shooting last night. Ari hoffman a former Seattle City Council candidate warned if you think its bad now, its going to get worse. Cut budget for 20 million what do they expect. Chop existing, hundreds of thousands of calls to 911. They are diverting criminals who should be serving jail time into diversionary programs. These people are not showing up for their treatment or their counseling or anything else that happened, so they go right back out onto the streets to reoffend again. Right now we are already operating under this structure system is being copied across the country. Brian going to get worse. Hearing this for the first time dont blame yourself maybe tuned off of fox. Msnbc not really covering it. They realize how bad this is to the democratic message. Not covering what the seven block turn three block autonomous zone is doing. Its lawlessness, supported in silence by democrats who will not condemn it but a very good at condemning police, ainsley what happened is the mayor came out and announced we are no longer going to have this police free zone. People are getting hurt and shot. That child i say child, that young 19yearold was killed on saturday. Another one was injured and then another one was shot on sunday and another one yesterday. When she said that at 7 00, cnn and msnbc did not cover it. One particular thing. They covered some of it the fact that they have that zone. You bring up an excellent point, brian, counter intuitive they say we want to cut your budget but then they also say we want to pass Police Reform where we have more training for officers where we teach them accountability. We teach them to racial up justice. Every officer thats interviewed says whether you have cuts, where do the cuts come from . They come from training. How are these officers going to get this new education and new training . Its an excellent point is that really the place you want to cut it. Steve, you are saying the mayor did discuss in seattle did, discuss what it would look like. She says i want models to see what it would look like. Prepare models if we cut 20 , or 30 or 50 like the protesters wanted from the Police Budget. She ended up opting with the 5 . But the most that was cut from any department in that city was from the Police Department. Steve exactly. 5 every department in every city is being cut because of the pandemic. And the short fall as well. Brian, to your earlier point. When and ainsley you mentioned this as well. When this became news that the mayor of seattle was phasing out the chop area or the chaz area, you know, that was big news. And the reason she had to do it was because of the shootings and because somebody was killed there she said enough is enough. But they hadnt covered it on the other channels. I mean, we have covered it, because we try to cover all the news. Dan gaynor at the Media Research center said. This the press act like showing whats really going on during these riots, the hate against police, the violence, looting, arson and violence would all aid trump if the American Public saw reality so they hide it. Brian. Brian they want the Democratic Party wants to make dissemination. Joe biden and leadership James Clyburn come out and saying we are not refunding the police. We are for reforming the police. Were not for this lawlessness, we are for law and order with reason. The problem is black lives matter is for defunding the police and also democratic these democratic mayors, liberal mayors are for autonomous zone. That seattle for it now we find out the mayor of oakland, which has its own crime problem prior to the pandemic planet or the same planet as other democrats on a facebook round table libby schaaf said this. We are excited as many cities are to reimagine Public Safety and that means not just to reform the police but to replace the police with more trauma informed and care based Community Led responses that really dont warrants a bang and a gun. Steve yeah. So what they are doing out there is essentially she is saying not only reform the police but we place the police. Brian exactly. Going to make sense. Steve going to replace police in saint pauls high schools. Last night final vote 5 to 1. They voted to remove the Police Officers. The School Resource officers through the Police Department at 7 of the high schools. They will come up with their own new safety plan. Ainsley why the schools . Brian School Safety is paramount in america. Taking the people that know about School Safety out of the schools. Steve the thing is they have been working for years to try to reimagine the School Resource officer. They no longer made arrests for petty crimes and didnt use handcuffs. Ainsley all the places to cut why the schools . They protect children. Brian in new york, too. Steve they are coming up with a new plan. Heres the thing. What they really october to is having armed officers in schools. And i dont know but, but the things we have seen over the last number of years where people go into schools and they have a gun and they kill people you want people inside a school to have a gun. Really they want to get rid of the guns which are protecting our children. They have decided to do it in saint paul. I dont know that there are a lot of other communities across the country that are so bold in thinking, you know what . We dont need guns to protect our kids marches in the street. Florida. Sandy hook was not too long ago and big debate a short time ago was should we arm teachers who wants to be trained. Now we are saying lets get the coming out of there, they are bad. Now there is different programs cops on theout skirts surge in school shooter. I did not know cops were the problems in school today. Steve they dont want guns. Brian they dont want cops and Law Enforcement. Ainsley listen to what one of the School Board Members said. Allen our focus needs to be on student achievement. In order for all of our students to achieve they need to be free to trauma. Tell that to the guy who comes in with a gun. Brian unbelievable. By the way they will be the first one say where are the cops. So parents better speak up now whether you are democrat or republican. This is what is going on. I have something else. Maybe joe biden should speak up which brings us to president obama who yesterday i assume was on zoom or goolg hangout had a chance to do a virtual fundraiser for his running mate. He told everyone dont be over confident that we are going to beat donald trump also how bad donald trump is here is telling thousand support joe biden. This is serious business, whatever we have done so far to get joe biden elected, we have to do more. Well cant be complacent or smug or sense that somehow its so obvious that this president hasnt done a good job because, look, he won once. Love you, joe. Love you too, pal. Steve donald trump already won once. And the former president said there is backlash to change. Presumably talking about the protest that we are seeing on the street. And there are while you watch television and you see all this thing these things unfurling and happening all across the country, there are lot of people looking at it going where are the police . Where are the leaders . Donald trump made it clear is he not going to stand for the statues taking down and lawlessness. What that does is energizes his base so many people what i think is a mistake . Trump is saying it. David webb was with us just about an hour ago. Weighed in on mr. Biden and his plan to move us ahead in ameri america. Come on believe biden in his basement or what works in miracle for hundreds of years evolve into the country that still has challenges but more Perfect Union if we keep Going Forward and not sliding backwards. America made a different choice. We wanted donald trump to be the president. We have seen the economic growth. We have seen this country get back on a strong footing. And now we are under assault from a virus. We are under assault from leftist. And this is barack obama saying hey, guys, you know what . Biden has been there for 50 years or close to it. Lets go back to him. Brian right. And president obama did support joe biden. He says whatever did you is not enough. Talked about the chaos. Also warned everyone this thing is going to be close. Important, too. That donald trump spoke about barack obama. Why did he wait so long tone doors joe biden. Its a real friendship. I give u. That no one has to think its al gore or bill clinton or late fracture between bush and cheney thats a real friendship. Comments we heard about Joe Biden Joe you dont have to do this because we saw what a terrible candidate joe biden was. The lack of energy and enthusiasm for his candidacy. This will be barack obama against donald trump. He will be doing almost all the appearances. They will drag him to the finish line. They have committed to three debates. Steve remember why barack obama chose joe biden. When when it looked like he was going to be the nominee. When he was the nominee, essentially, he needed a Vice President with some Foreign Policy experience and barack obama had none. He didnt have a job for the most part except he worked in the state legislature. Needed somebody with it was joe biden who had been in Foreign Policy through the senate for decades. And so thats how joe got the job in a little more than a month find out who will get his job for Vice President. He will announce a female in august, he said, so we are close to that close to the election, actually. 120,000 people watched that event between the two. And in the grassroots efforts, they have had 175,000 people you people cricket a total of 7. 6 million they have raised. Steve big day for joe. Ainsley hand it over to jillian. She has headlines for us. Jillian we begin with this. Nascar driver Bubba Wallace speaking out overnight. He says the rope found in his garage is a noose after the found pull rope left there last year. Take a listen. Its a straight up noose. The fbi has stated it was a noose other and over again. Nascar leadership has stated it was a noose. Fbi says all though the rope was tied like a noose no hate crime committed because video shows it hanging in the garage in october. Newly uncovered notes from former fbi agent peter strzok are turned over to Michael Flynns legal team as the doj reviews his case. Flynns lawyer says the notes former live exxonner rate of the former National Security advisor. He pleaded guilty in 2017 making false statements to the fbi. His legal team is now seeking to withdraw that plea. The doj moved to withdraw its case last month. Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez winning her primary in a landslide. The new york democrat easily defeating challenger Michelle Caruso cabrera. Longterm eliot engel on the ropes trailing jamal bowman by double digits. Amy graph Charles Booker. Go on in november. Big upset in north carolina. 124yearold Lynda Bennett in primary to fill mark meadows seat. Hiker dubbed the prom queen during this terrifying encounter. Watch. I think we should move slow, slow. Slowly walking away as a giant black bear comes just feet away from her. This is on a new jersey hiking trail. The internet completely amazed by her composure giving her that new nickname. I would not be that calm. Second it back to you. Brian are they faster than us bears . Steve i dont want to find out. Ainsley claws are huge. One swipe. Brian they are not in good shape. They have a gut. Steve i saw one climb 50 feet up a tree next to my house. They there are a lot of bears. Brian how big are your trees . Steve garden state its beautiful. This is probably a 300, 400pound bear. Brian do you zigzag . Ainsley no, thats an alligator. Steve jillian, thank you so much. Statues of historic figures being taken down by protesters who dont like the symbolism all across the country. Senator tom cotton wants to have the department of justice charge what he calls mob vigilantes and he is going to be with us coming up next. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. 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The president said just about the same thing. He joins us now to discuss. Senator, you and the president , basically very few among a handful of people speaking out because of these statues coming down. How concerned were you on monday night that Andrew Jackson was history . Brian, i was very concerned when i saw the mobs having broken through the fencing in jackson statue in Lafayette Park and strapping up chains to it trying to pull it down. I was very worried about where the police were. Fortunately the police got there in time to stop it. It already was defaced on pedestal. There couldnt be a clear cut memorial preservation act. Federal crime punishable by up to 10 years to defate or tear down or attempt to tear down a statue commemorating someones military service on federal property. And these arent exactly criminal master minds, brian. They videotape themselves and post it on social media. The department of justice and fbi should investigate them, arrest them and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law there has to be legal consequences for this kind of mob violence. Otherwise, its only going to get worse with every passing day. Brian you are saying enforce that law. You dont have to draft something new. Absolutely. Brian. That law is clearly applicable to the Andrew Jackson statue there are other federal laws like the riot act that might apply as well. What really needs to happen is local authorities which typically have the main responsibility for protecting property both public and private. Need to prosecute these criminals under their laws. But if they refuse to do so as they seem to be doing in some places like San Francisco where the mob toppled a statue of u. S. Grant the department of Justice Needs to take every possible legal action to prevent it from happening again. Brian Governor Cuomo doesnt agree with you. He finds this whole thing refreshing. He is the governor of new york. Lets sit back and listen. I think its a healthy expression of people saying lets get some priorities here and lets remember the sin and mistake that this nation made and lets not celebrate it. Brian right. The sin of Abraham Lincoln. He has a lot to apologize for. It is extraordinarily unhealthy. Nnsd n. A Democratic Society, governed by the rule of law which Public Officials look the other way and allow mob village langties to tear down statues or to try destroy them. If cities and states want to have those debates. If they want to act in accordance with the rule of law, thats one thing, brian. But, it is extremely unhealthy in a society governed by the rule of law to allow the mob to prevail. Brian senator, is there a big picture to this . Is it just about a statue . Is it just about lincoln . Is it just about grant . Is it just about jefferson . What is the big whats the goal here . If you give the mob an inch, brian. It will take a mile. The under lining idea is these mob vigilantes hate america. Whenever you are tearing down statues of washington and grant, its not about the civil war. Its because you hate america. Its that simple. Brian right. Its a shame. Because it always has been it has been a unifying thing. The other thing is why is it you and senator mike lee . Where are the democrat . Is anyone upset about the graffiti and defilement of Government Property of Peoples Foundation dedications . It blows me away. I dont you are basically alone on this along with the president. Thanks so much for joining us. Appreciate it. All right. Coming up straight ahead, we change gears. Harvard students sue after the school refuses to lower tuition despite classes being moved online. Do they have a case . Yes, we will debate it next. My nunormal fewer asthma attacks. Less oral steroids. Taking my treatment at home. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. Not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your doctor about nucala at home. Find your nunormal with nucala. Because the tempurbreeze transfers heat away from your body. So you feel cool. Night after night. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, save 500 on all tempurbreeze mattresses. Steve time for news by the numbers. First up in is 8. Thats how many consecutive trading days the Nasdaq Exchange has gone up and they reached another record high yesterday. It is the indexs longest winning streak since december when it rose 11 straight sessions. Next, 20, as in 20 bucks. Thats how much money you can get just for wearing a face mask in las vegas, finally paying off. Caesars entertainment is handing out the cash to gamblers inside five of their casinos and resorts including caesars palace. An incentive to slow the spread of covid19 which we know masks help. 39 how much a oneway ticket cost you on southwest airlines. The airline is holding three day fall fare sell lower than average ticket prices. Southwest adding it will not sell middle streets through september the 30th. And the seats that you get 39 bucks in many cases. Ainsley . Ainsley pretty amazing. You should go to vegas you and cathy wear a mask and you can get a free plane ticket. Refusing to lower tuition despite moving online harvard 19. Harvard joining a list of 96 colleges and universities facing legal complaints from students that demanding tuition being refund you had. Do they have a case . Here to debate this are attorneys we have keisha heaven and andrew thank you yall for joining us. Adjunct professor at snern law school. Kisha, you say not a chance. There is not a lawsuit here, right . Absolutely. Ainsley why . Basically, in order to sue for a breech breach of contract what the students are suing for here, they have to prove that Harvard Law School or whatever school any student sues has filed perform that contract. They their part of the contract. They also have to prove that they actually suffered some type of damage. Okay, we all are inconvenienced by covid19. I have a daughter who in private school who has to do online learning. But the fact of the matter is if the instructors or professors are still teaching those students, and i went to law school. Can you still do [inaudible] teaching virtually. Make you actually be more on your toes because you dont know when the professor is going to call on you. Have to be prepared. They are still receiving the same education. Inconvenience unforeseeable event. As far as renting office place space. Didnt have a place to study. Thats not a reason to sue the school. Thats something that you or your parents should provide. I mean my daughter did her classes in our dining room or her bedroom. It makes you more actually on your toes. At the end of the day, the students are still going to receive the same law degree. I dont see any type of damage that would justify any legal win person at harvard to lost the ability to stud but the library which severe lived. He said because his parents live in california. His Online School started at 8 00. He had to wake up at 5 00. Do you think he has a case. Yeah. I think he has a case. I have think he has a really really good case. He has a contract with harvard in order to provide him an education. Its not just the fact that he is still going to get a degree. But whats crucial is there is so much about law school that isnt just about being in the classroom. Networking with other students. Networking with your professor. Having career services. Having all of these things that are ancillary but still yet very important. He thought he was going to get a car and instead he got a motorcycle. So not only do i think he has a meritorious case. I think he is going to win and i think its just piggish for harvard not to refund part of the 65,000 that they charge students each and every year. Ainsley and their endowment into the billions. 39 billion. Huge endowment. Ainsley 65,000 a year. He is there on a partial scholarship so he has to pay about 50 a year. Which is still a lot of money. With every contract, there are clauses that talk about unforeseeable events. How can you blame the law school for covid19 . Were all not prepared. All of our lives have been inconvenienced. Im sure the school will make certain concessions for this inconvenience. At the end of the day, are those professors still teaching these law students . Absolutely. Are they still receiving a quality education . Absolutely. Ainsley he will still have that harvard degree. You cant take that away from anyone. All right. Thank you both for being with us. We did reach out to harvard university. They declined to comment on the lawsuit it. Is now 35 minutes after the top of the hour. First, his Clothing Store was shut down over the coronavirus. Then it bass was looted by the rioters. One seattle Business Owner is just fed up. Is he planning to leave. Despite the city saying it will shut down chop. His message for the mayor next. If you have a garden you know, weeds are low down little scoundrels. Draw the line with roundup. The sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. Roundup brand. Trusted for over 40 years. So to breathe better, i started oncedaily anoro. Copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way, with anoro. 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Like making sure you have pool toys the whole family can try out. And never running out of sunscreen before playing in the yard. And if you do spend the day indoors, always have enough snacks. This summer, walgreens is making shopping safer, with touchless pay and drive thru pick up, so you can keep your summer going. Walgreens who has the highest percentage of its vehiclesto longevity, so you can keep your summer going. Still on the road today . Subaru. When it comes to best overall value, who does intellichoice rank number one . Subaru. And when it comes to safety, who has more 2020 iihs top safety pick winning vehicles . More than toyota, honda, and hyundaicombined . Subaru. Its easy to love a car you can trust. Its easy to love a subaru. Get 0 apr financing for 63 months on select subaru models now through june 30th. Brian the mayor of seattle finally saying she will put a stop to the occupy zone after 19yearold was shot and killed on saturday. Ainsley but many residents and Business Owners are wondering what took so long . Our next guest is outraged over whats been happening in his city. Steve thats right. Joey rudolph foe, let us introduce you to him. Cofounder of buki a Clothing Store based in downtown seattle. He joining us now. Good morning to you. Good morning, everyone. Steve as we have been watching whats been going on in chop and chas. We wonder how long the people of seattle are going to stand for that now we know the answer. You have been in seattle 38 years and you want to move. Where are you going . Well, you know, we are looking at so many options but arizona with governor ducey seems to be a great bet quite frankly. There is a lot of support in arizona for businesses and. Brian im embarrassed whats happening in the state. 40 businesses affected. 18 apartment buildings, residents, two churches, one police precinct. So, do you sense any support that they had is diminishing by the day . Because we are outsiders, you are an insider. I will tell you whats currently happening in seattle. We have people in leadership positions where we have no leader. You know, i have seen this happen in the private sector and you know what eventually happens without leadership, right . Companies usually die in the private sector to ape your question sings we have no leadership and we have a city council thats so socialist, there really is very, very little support for businesses as far as the city reaching tout Small Businesses like ourself there has been zoe. Most of the attention focused on chop, on making sure that pooh in chop well taken care of no support or encouragement for us to reopen our stores and have any significant, you know, sense that there there will be a future here in we were to keep our businesses in seattle or the state of washington. Ainsley joey, you are just going to leave . You have been in this city for 38 years. You have a business there. You are going to move somewhere else and start all over and meet new friends and i assume start a business again . I guess you have just had it. You are at that breaking point. What happened to your store specifically . I will tell you we no longer have a story here we have a vibrant business throughout the country. We sell buki. We have 150 retailers that carry our brand. Ainsley you will be okay . We are hearing a lot of support right now for what happened here in seattle from our terrific retailers across the country. So, we really have ought lot of support from the retailers. Just announced we have a 9 billion deficit. With that, you know politicians are talking about raising taxes not in the far too distant future. It gives us no sense of encouragement. So, you know, the other thing that i would like it point out is that i mentioned that i had an encounter with a mayor dinner friends restaurant i asked her very clearly how do we bring downtown back and how do we get more Police Protection for our businesses this is after the shooting happened in seattle. We asked very directly how do we get more protection . Quite frank live what the mayor did was divert her attention to and said it wasnt her, it was the chief of police. She threw the City Attorney under the bus. And at that point i just knew that the mayor had no interest not only in helping us or had no plan, she did say towards the end of dinner why dont i start a task force joey since so passionate about it and put you on the fantastic force which is back in february when this dinner took place. And to date never a return phone call. It was frustrating to know that really durken the mayor has very little sense of any kind of police, i guess support. Steve she gave the protesters an inch and they took a mile and thats why you are looking at arizona. Joey rodolfo, check out his brand bucky, all across the country. Good luck to you. Thank you very much. Steve jillian, good morning to you. Jillian good morning to you let wants start with this. Dr. Anthony fauci says a Coronavirus Vaccine could be ready by the end of 2020 or lend the next year. Comes ahead growing concern as cases spike in several states. Next we have done very well. However, in other areas of the country, we are now seeing a disturbing surge of infections that looks like its a combination. One of the things is an increase in community spread. Jillian Texas Governor greg abbott urging people to stay home after the state reported alltime high of 5,000 new cases in one day. Late night Host Jimmy Kimmel apologizes for wearing black face in past comedy sessions including impression of nba star karl malone. Kimmel i never considered this might be seen as anything other than an imitation of a fellow human being. He was on to say looking back many of these sketches are embarrassing and it is frustrating that these thoughtless moments have become a weapon used by some to diminish my criticisms of social and other injustices kimmel named host of this years emmy awards as he takes vacation to spend time with his family. Friend of the show getting his old job back. My name is mike rowe and this is my job. Jillian mike rowe is returning to dirty jobs, the new special is called dirty jobs road trip. Show revisit past episodes and catch up with former guests all while driving around in rv. Four part series set to premier next month. Get it road trip . Brian i cant believe he took my rv idea. Steve you took Clark Griswolds idea. Ainsley brian left the doors open and luggage fell out on the highway. Brian up think it was defective locks. Would you do the weather . Janice of course. Actually Severe Weather i want to talk about for louisiana and mississippi. Last hour we have tornadoes warn storms north and east of baton rouge, why still have tornadoes warn storms northeast of baton rouge moving into mississippi. These are doppler radar, indicated radar and of course people are urged to take consider cover immediately if you live in these areas of Southeastern Louisiana and in towards mississippi why are going to deal with scattered thunderstorms and showers ports of the gulf coast and northeast up through the midatlantic. We have the stalled out front thats going to remain in place throughout friday. Steve, ainsley, brian, we will keep you up to date. Back to you. Ainsley good deal. Thank you, janis. Prosecutor left the roger stone case says he was pressured to give stone a break because of his ties to President Trump. Congressman jim jordan will be at the hearing and he says this is a joke. He is live next. Today on capitol hill, a prosecutor who quit the department of justice over the hand links of roger stones case will claim he faced political pressure from bosses to go easy on stone. In written testimony, Aaron Zalinsky a member of muellers team who prosecuted the case claimed stone was being treated differently from any other defendant because of his relationship to the president. Republican congressman jim jordan from ohio is a Ranking Member on the house judiciary committee. He is going to be there. He joins us right now. Jim, good morning to you. Good morning, steve how are you doing. Steve four employees quit in all. They saw that roger stone was getting a better deal because he is friends with the president. Thats essentially what they are going to say today. No. He is political. Is he an obama holdover who used to write for the huffington post. He has one problem judge burman jackson side with the reduced stengsz that was the second memo recommendation. He wanted 7 to 9 years. Another memo that said 3 to 4 years. The judge agreed with the other memo. There is no politics here. Of the whole premise is false. Bill barr is trying to clean up the politics that existed in the Obama Administration. Eric holder said he was obamas wings man. Never forget the Obama Justice department that went after investigative journalists. It was the Obama Justice department with fast and furious. It was the Obama Administration in the last days of that administration. 38 people unmasked Michael Flynns name 49 times. And now they have jerry nadler hats gal to say politics is in the barr Justice Department and the Trump Administration . You have got to be kidding me. Bill barr is trying to clean up the mess that existed there before and thank goodness he is doing that. Steve you know, jim, that there are a number of people saying, look, bill barr the president s wing man, his legal wing man. You know, he told to drop the flynn case over the last week. Fired the attorney for the Southern District of new york. All support of the plan to help trump they say. No, its all part of the plan so this doesnt happen again to a president or for that matter any american citizen. Remember what emmet flood said. They said if they can do it to a president United States. Imagine what they can do to you and i. Bill barr says thats not justice. Thats a double standard. Thats not supposed to happen in this country. Never forget what they did. They took a dossier that was paid for by the clinton campaign. Took to a secret court. Didnt tell the court who paid for it. Didnt tell the court the guy to wrote it was biased against the president. Was determined that the president wouldnt win his election. Used that to get a warrant to go spy on the trump campaign. And somehow when bill barr tries to expose that and make sure we get to the bottom of that somehow is he the bad guy . I think he is doing the lords work and god bless him for doing it. Tonight breast baier has exclusive interview with Christopher Wray guy running the fbi. Lets watch a quick clip. I think that ig report describes conduct that i consider unacceptable and unrepresentative of who the fbi is as the institution and cannot be after loued to happen again. I have made that very clear to our workforce. I have put in place an entirely new Leadership Team ivan though i wasnt director at the time my team and i are committed to fix the problems of the past. Steve do you have faith he can fix it. Why did it take ric grenell. Why didnt chris wray tell us that did chris wray say everything was fine with the fisa court. Few weeks later horowitz tells us all the problems he had with the fisa court. Thats my concern. Steve thank you, congressman, for joining us live. Thank you, steve. Steve big day on capitol hill. Straight ahead, counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway and south dakota governor kristi noem says nobody is touching Mount Rushmore. Normal to you . 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Ainsley look at that carrying a. 12 gauge shot gun while talking to one of our reporters overnight these armed protesters taking over the area near the Atlanta Wendys where Rayshard Brooks was shot and killed by police. Steve meanwhile in the state of wisconsin a state democratic senator watch this video is attacked while recording protests near the State Capitol building. State senator Tim Carpenter says he could have a concussion after protesters punched and kicked him in the head and neck. Brian more unrest of our nations capitol as protesters burn an American Flag. The group cheering as old glory goes up in flames. And i dont know how the president of the United States feels about that meanwhile washington d. C. You have a delegate there pushing a bill to remove Abraham Lincolns emancipation statue, which has been there since 1876. They say theyre coming back tomorrow to take it down, since they couldnt get it down yesterday. So a couple of things about this youre taking down a statue that was dedicated by Frederick Douglas that was unveiled by uly sses s. Grant and a tribute to freed slaves and it was by this american, ball, jerome ball, who sent four pictures back, and one picture was shown and they said hey, do it over somebody and they picked this guy Archer Alexander and they went out of their way to show a slave represented a freedom, in charge of his own deliverance, so they wanted him breaking his own chains looking strong and depicting lincoln with him and working with him. Thats why they went to 1876 to do it. Frederick douglas felt good giving a historic speech. Now in 2020 we want to make sure to take it down. Steve here is the thing, brian. That particular statue in lincoln park, in fact it used to be referred to as the Lincoln Memorial, before the big Lincoln Memorial opened in 1922. That particular statue absolutely paid for by former slaves but you know, the criticism is they had no say in how lincoln and the slave were depicted and they have a problem with the symbolism because they are not shown as equal. Lincoln is standing and the slaves brian who has a problem . Steve those people in attendance right there. They dont like that particular, they dont have a problem with lincoln. They got the problem with that particular statue, and so that is why brian lets spray paint it and rip it down. Steve well listen, Eleanor Holmes norton whose the representative for the District Of Columbia what shes going to do because its on National Parkland, she is going to try to introduce a bill so that it will not require an act of congress to take it down. She said look, lets take it down, move it to a museum, because times have changed and the symbolism is not good. Thats the way you do it. You got a problem with the statue, you talk about it, in this case you go, you try to have a vote on it and then you move it. You dont take the law into your own hands, and vandalize property, and that is why people are so upset about whats going on. I mean, look here in new york. Youve got the Teddy Roosevelt statue that is being moved by the American History museum because just like that particular statue right there, they dont like the symbolism, because youve got Teddy Roosevelt. Brian whose they . Steve and he is standing and then an African Americans and native americans who are not standing at equal height. Hes on as you could see a horse brian he was president. He was president of course hes higher. He rode a horse. I mean my goodness. Everyone is just crazy. Steve brian the idea is if they are equal they be , you know how brian but whose idea . We have to decide that we know more than these experts that lived in there, that the leader at what they did in their time. Steve brian, the problem is with those particular statues, its not with roosevelt, its not with lincoln, its just the symbolism. Brian theres a problem with every statue, a problem with grant and lincoln, theres a problem with washington, theres a problem with jackson. What do they have a problem theyre coming for the statue of liberty mark my words. The dress is too long. Ainsley people are wondering where do you draw the line to your point, brian. Whats next . Then you go into museums and find out about the history of these artists and take down paintings from the museum up here. Where do you draw the line . I heard yesterday they were trying to take down depictions of jesus that were white, so you know the president weighed in on this and said the left is trying to demolish our heritage to gain power, listen. President trump the left wing mob is trying to demolish our heritage so they can replace it with a new repress ever regime that they alone control. Theyre tearing down statues, desecrating monuments and merging the centers and the left is not trying to promote justice or ewall it or lift up the downtrodden. They have one goal, the pursuit of their own political power and if you give power to people that demolish monuments and attack churches, and seize city streets , and set fire to buildings, then nothing is sacred and no one is safe. Steve so there youve got the president yesterday at the turning point usa event out in arizona talking about whats going on. What weve seen over the last couple of weeks where there is people taking down these monuments that they have a problem with that has been destruction, theres been looting, theres been protesting , theres been all sorts of things, where are the president will say, the democratic mayor . You know, they gave somebody, they gave the protesters an inch they took a mile. Why are they not condemning it . In fact thats one of the problems right now the mayor of washington d. C. Is having because she has not shut down these protests that we have tent encampments and things like that brian she embraces them. Steve actually she closed them down yesterday but they came right back. The thing about the president though is hes saying im a law and order guy. Im not going to stand for that and do you know what . As people look in that uenergizes his base. Donald trump and andrew cuomo, the governor of new york, have different bases, and he sees whats going on with the statues as something good. Watch. I think its a healthy expression of people saying lets get some priorities here and lets remember the mistake that this nation made and lets not celebrate it. Brian right exactly. The sin of Abraham Lincoln and the sin not of Christopher Columbus. By the way, im all for leaving the statues up. Governor cuomo, dont touch Christopher Columbus, hes italian but the other ones is a healthy show of expression but dont touch Christopher Columbus because we have that parade and im italian and my dad was governor to have that double standard is unbelievable and to get away with this you should appreciate people for what they did they made an impact on their generation and era, and Christopher Columbus changed the world the way he acted when he got here is something different. Those people that lived before us, that naive or selfish to put up statues where they just d uped in noting different times . Senator tom cotton, hes fed up in fact he wants to end the mob violence. It is extraordinarily unhealthy in a Democratic Society governed by the rule of law when Public Officials look the other way and allow mob vigi lantes to tear down statues or to try to destroy them. If cities and states want to have those debates, if they want to act in accordance with the rule of law thats one thing , brian. But it is extremely unhealthy in a so see it governed by the rule of law to allow the mob to prevail. Ainsley okay, so lets talk about whats happening in seattle. Because you know these cities theres crazy things happening in all these cities and the seattle mayor lets just go through the timeline. So remember the mayor said she wants a summer of love . Well the first day of summer, someone is shot in that chop zone on saturday. Someone else was injured. On sunday and that person died, the person shot on saturday. Sunday someone else is shot. Yesterday, someone was shot. Mayor comes out on monday and says do you know what . This might not have been a good idea. No more chop zone and now shes proposing to cut 20 million to the Police Budget. Here is joey rodolfo, he owned a business and lived in seattle for 38 years his business is in that chop zone and he says hes out and leaving and setting up shop somewhere else in another state. Since we have no leadership and we have a city council thats so socialist, there really is very very little support for businesses, as far as the city reaching out to Small Businesses like ourselves or any business, theres been zero, in fact most of the attention has been focused on chop on making sure that people at chop are well taken care of but theres been absolutely no support, or no encouragement for us to reopen our stores. Steve and so that is why hes looking at arizona, perhaps to move himself. He also said and while the town council in seattle voted to chop 5 from the Police Department they are chopping every department of the shortfall thanks to coronavirus but at the same time he worries about taxes being jacked up and ainsley to your point when you were talking about how monday night the mayor finally said do you know what . Enough is enough were going to have to phase the chop zone out or chaz, however you refer to it, that was a big story because people had been talking about it , but on msnbc and cnn according to brian flood, who wrote at foxnews. Com, they didnt cover that it was being phased out. They mentioned chop at one point i think on cnn simply to mention that, you know, in washington d. C. , they were establishing a similar occupied, what is the brian autonomous zone. Steve thank you very much i was thinking occupy, wrong zone, in d. C. , and so thats the only mention, and why is that . Media Research Center dan gainer says the media downplays the threat of a virus at such massive events and did the same to the violence. The press is acting like showing whats really going on during these riots, hate against police , violence, looting, arson would all aid trump if americans saw reality so they fight it. Brian right trump has an event look out for the coronavirus. Theres a mob violence, autonomous zone, theres chop. It never comes up its amazing how that happens. Can people possibly look out for the right to the Business Owners in that area . Why is it always the rights of the lawless nature of whoever exists and reigns in that territory . That blows me away. Meanwhile jillian mele is up top with whats going on in the news jillian thats right good morning lets start with a live look at capitol hill, wherein just a few hours, lawmakers will hold a test vote to start debate on the gops Police Reform bill. A legislation appearing to be in jeopardy before even starting in the senate. The American People expect us to do our jobs, discuss, debate and legislate on this subject that has captured the nations attention. Its clear the republican bill as is will not get 60 votes the republican bill does not even fully prevent the kind of tactics that spark this whole debate in the first place. Reporter democrats plan to block the bill before it hits the floor. Nascar driver Bubba Wallace speaking out overnight. He says the rope found inside his garage is a neuce after the fbi determined it was a garbage door pull rope left there last year. Listen. Its a straight up neuce. The fbi stated it was a neuce over and over again. Nascar leadership has stated it was a neuce. Reporter the fbi says although the rope was tied like a neuce, no hate crime was committed because video shows it hanging in the garage in october. Congresswoman cortez cruising to a primary victory. The new york democrat easily defeating challenger Michelle Caruso cabrera, and elliott angle not faring as well and he is trailing by doubledigits in kentucky, amy mcgrath is leading charles book erin the Democratic Senate primary, and the winner will battle Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell in november and a big upset in north carolina, 24yearold Madison Hawthorn defeating trump backed candidate linda ben it in the Republican House primary to fill mark meadows seat. Those are your headlines back to you. Ainsley good deal. 13 minutes after the top of the hour. President trump visiting arizona marking the 200thmile of the border wall. The mayor of yuma joins the president at the round table yesterday and will join us, next no matter where you live, where you live has never mattered more. For over 100 years, realtors® have been providing expert guidance, helping people find new places to dream and thrive. When youre ready. Look for the r. Noticks and fleas . 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What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back, but bounce forward. And now, with one of our best offers ever, were committed to helping you do just that. Get a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution for only 29. 95 a month for three months. Call or go online today. President trump my administration has done more than any administration in history to secure our southern border. Our borders never been more secure. During the past two months weve seen the lowest number of illegal border crossings in many years. Illegal immigration is down 84 from this time last year. Illegal crossings from Central America are down 97 . Brian thats how the president started his day in arizona. President trump meeting with border and immigration officials in yuma yesterday before touring a newlycompleted section of border wall. And signing his name on the wall our next guest was at the round table with the president the mayor of yuma, arizona, Douglas Nichols joins us now. Mr. Mayor describe the president yesterday at your place. Well it was great to have the president in. This is his second trip to yuma so its always good to get that president ial visit and we also had the acting secretary for dh s, secretary wolf, commissioner morgan, we had the general in charge of the construction, all in one spot so it was really great to have that kind of focus on something thats daily issue and extremely important to our community and security. Brian youve got impressive numbers. In may of 2019, there were 132, 856 illegals crossing the border you got that down to 21, 475. How much does that have to do with the border system thats now in . Well its critical, because instead of having a completely open border or a very penetrat ed border, for miles and miles and miles in the remote desert, we have more of a focus and the Border Patrol agents can hone in on areas of vulnerability instead of just having to look at absolutely everything, so it really provides a focus for them and more of a the ability to get more done with fewer people. Brian mr. Mayor most people talk about the need to control that border. Hes got about 210 miles. I saw him sign it yesterday. For you personally, could you tell me, because i read the wall street journal they said this is mostly replacement wall. The president and his staff say no this is new wall. What is it . Well basically what it is, some sections had lands map wall which the illegal crossers were able to go under it only went down a few inches, or climb over or cut through. Some places were completely open which literally you could drive a car across, and then some places had barb wire so it really replaced that and so they refer to it as new because it is something that has never existed there before, from the physical wall but also the electronic and surveillance wall thats there and the accessibility for the agents in the area to enact the enforcement. Brian and also senator Martha Mcsally there as well. Mr. Mayor thanks so much you got wall, got protection and the numbers show its already working, good job. Great thank you very much for having me on. Brian meanwhile coming up straight ahead twitter going after President Trump again, and flagging this tweet saying there will never be an autonomous zone in d. C. They said thats a threat. Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway may in fact feel differently. Well find out. Usaa was made for right now. And right now, is a time for action. 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Steve finally the Department Store is reopening to the public today for the First Time Since march. Brian Lauren Simonetti is with our Sister Network fox business and joins us live in new york city with how they plan to welcome back shoppers. Lauren are they really ready that quick . Lauren they say theyre ready and they say they are excited, guys, but youll remember that b arbed wire fencing and the boards that protected this iconic fifth avenue store, from the riots a few weeks ago. This is the 40th of 40 sachs nationwide to reopen their doors during the coronavirus pandemic and what they are doing is taking down those boards and fences and replacing it with this. These are window displays. They are dark, they are under stated, and i think thats the point. They say welcome back, nyc. We miss you. The store will open in about two and a half hours from now. One thousand workers will be inside welcoming shoppers encouraging them to wear masks. Youll see purple and green lights employee enating throughout the store, the 22 escalators will have uv light that will disinfect the rails, so shoppers feel more comfortable, and then theres these separate areas where you can make your returns. The items that are brought back will be clean, they will be quarantined for 24 hours before they are put back on display. These are just some of the changes that sachs is making to make people feel more comfortable so let me tell you whats missing. Missing is the discounts. Why is that . Youd think you need to lure shoppers back in. Sachs says no, no, no, we have loyal shoppers, new merchandise and we have done delivery which has been very popular and they are opening the store two hours early and closing it two hours late to accommodate private shopping. The other thing thats missing is the tourists. They represent about onethird of sales i dont know when tourists are coming back to new york city and one final thing, the spa. It is closed for now but i can tell you this. I havent been in the city in a while guys this is my first time back in about three months. The energy to me is slowly coming back but it certainly feels different. Sachs says as other brands decide to close or move, that could be good for them, because as this historic iconic luxury shop and district changes they could benefit from fewer competitors. Back to you. Ainsley the problem is we dont need clothes because theres nowhere to go. Brian [laughter] lauren havent dressed up in months. Ainsley i know exactly. Lululemon for me please. Ill be back shopping eventually i guess. Thanks so much lauren we told you about protesters in d. C. Pushing for a autonomous zone outside of the white house, the move getting a strong response from President Trump. Steve he sent out a tweet, there will never be an autonomous zone in washington d. C. As long as im your president , if they try they will be met with serious force and that prompted twitter to flag his post as a violation of their rule. Brian here to weigh in live from the white house, counselor to the president , Kellyanne Conway. Kellyanne do you agree with twitter or with the president . Twitter seems to be very selective as to who, what, where , when, why and how as they flag certain tweets. I think the broader issue is whats important here. Theres a huge difference to the president and the rest of us between peaceful, peace and protesting, and violence and vandalism. I cant believe nancy pelosi and people like that are so quick to remove statues in the hall and remove portraits of former speakers of the house. She has walked by those statues and paintings for years and has never yet cast a positive vote in favor of choice which disproportionately helps, thank god, kids of color in communities where they are trapped in failing schools so it also seems to just be a convenient, easy way for some people to not do their jobs, to actually help people the way President Trump has helped all americans, including the forgotten man, woman, and child in our communities of color. Yesterday i was with the Vice President in wisconsin and we spoke about the 30th anniversary of the School Choice program there in wisconsin which really has led to many educational freedom, scholarships and Charter Schools and School Choice and alternatives to public schools, where they are failing kids which of course is not everywhere, and ill tell you the president said even as a candidate five years ago, that if we can dig out the panama canal, put a man on the moon, win two world wars we ought to be able to as a nation provide quality education for each child this empowers parents so my message to those who want to rip down statues and remove portrait s in the capitol, whetherrer is your vote to actually help people . Easy, convenient, but also vandalism and violence, and who is it helping . Listen to the brother of george floyd, god rest his soul. Listen to the widow of mr. Brooks in atlanta. Theyre saying peaceful protesting, and thats not what were seeing and look at what happened in seattle. The mayor there looks foolish today. She basic lip said were just having a beer garden, Backyard Barbecue its fine. Let them be there, somebody lost their lives shes rethinking it now calling in the police to help her. Thats what happens when things go too far. Ainsley kellyanne its one thing to criticize a president but its another to criticize his or one day her children, and thats what happened. This by john henson, i used to think he was so funny on talk soup but very disappointed in what he tweeted over the weekend its now deleted but he wrote i hope barron gets to spend today with whoever his dad is. Now this guy is now on the food network. That was deleted but stephanie g risham said this , sadly we continue to see inappropriate and insensitive comments about the president s son as with every other administration a minor child should be off limits and allowed to grow up with no judgment or hate from strangers and the media. What do you say, kellyanne . Well, i may part company here a little bit with even mentioning this and naming the guy who said the tweet because i think youre giving him a platform. Ainsley i thought about that too. But it is news. I didnt even know who he was and now people do but sure, but the first lady has been very protective of her son, all of his parents are, and stephanie g risham is absolutely correct. Look Chelsea Clinton was 12 when his father was elected, the obama daughters were very young, even younger than that i believe but we should all treat them, youve got to treat them like eggs. They are off limits. You dont touch them, you dont talk about them. I feel very strongly about that, and people somehow believe that if they can just say it they should, there should be no un expressed thought or tweet left in america. Folks you could have unexpressed thoughts left and by the way its not funny. When did comedy become so un funny and so overly political . So he has every right to be a kid like everyone else and ill just leave it at that. Steve there you go. At the outset you were talking about twitter. You mentioned School Choice, which i know the president has been talking a lot about. You have as well. Will the private schools like the Catholic Schools and other private schools be able to get some sort of stimulus from the fourth round of pandemic relief because i have heard from the cardinal here in new york city they are going to have to close a bunch of schools that serve a lot of communities that are funded by the sunday collection plate that they have not been able to do for months. Is the administration going to be able to get together with congress to help the school . Yes and that questions really for congress because President Trump led a call with hundreds and hundreds of catholic leaders and educators and parents and Cardinal Dolan was on that call, and archbishop gomez of the los angeles district and other leaders and we have a twopart plan right now that we are presenting. One is for emergency relief from any of these nonpublic schools and the second part are these education freedom scholarships which have been around for a while. Congresswoman Bradley Burns sponsored in the house, senator ted cruz in the senate. They are really picking up a great deal of steam, why . Because the education freedom scholarship doesnt use government money really. Its about 5 billion in private donations where youre repurpos ing your tax payments and so that you can give people choices and its administered through a sponsored organization that are approved in your state. We have about 17 or 18 states like florida and arizona where these scholarships education scholarships had been transformative. Ive met the students and their parents and this is incredibly important because you say correctly that our parents are being denied their choice because of the covid pandemic to send their kids to schools and id remind everybody onefifth of our students nationwide in Catholic Schools are not catholic and over one in five are kids of color in our inner city, they are often a majority of black and hispanic children so youre denying them and their parents to continue the education they put before them. They need democrats to support this. This is a time to say that looking at the tripartisan support in the polls for School Choice and education freedom scholarships weve seen everywhere, you have vast majorities of millennials, African Americans, hispanic women, everybody really supports the idea of education freedom and School Choice. Please dont stand in the schoolhouse door not allowing these kids to exit fail ing schools. Brian Kellyanne Conway thanks so much. Thank you. Brian 24 minutes within the top of the hour, statues and monuments being destroyed across this nation, could mount rush more be the next target . South dakota governor christie nome says not on her watch and we both in the prompter for a reason. I didnt realize how special it would be for me to discover all of these things that i found through ancestry. I discovered my great aunt ruth signed up as a nursing cadet for world war ii. You see this scannedin, handwritten document. The most striking detail is her age. She was only 17. Knowing that she saw this thing happening and was brave enough to get involved and do something that was eye opening. Find an honor your ancestors who served in world war ii. Their stories live on at ancestry. Ive been on and off oral steroids to manage my asthma. Does that sound normal to you . 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Are you concerned that youre going to be Mount Rushmore is the subject of protests or de filement . You know it certainly could be and weve seen some activity online where people have made threats to that. What my message is that this is no longer about equality. This is a radical rewroting of our history and in south dakota we wont stand for it. This is a national monument. The more we focus on the flaws of these men that are on our mountain, the less likely we are to recognize the virtues, and the lessons we can learn from their lives, so that really is the message that i have for south dakota that love this mountain and Mount Rushmore for this country, that recognize what it represents to us and we will do all that we can to make sure that that message is loud and clear that we will make sure that Mount Rushmore stays as magestic as it is today. Ainsley how do you plan on stopping it if it does go that far . You know this is obviously a federal mountain. It is a national monument, it is something that we will partner with them and use the resources of the state to make sure that we have security measures in place. I wont get into specifics, but we do have actions together that were working on. We have the president visiting on july 3 and were excited about that, but we also know that this threat to the mountain could remain in place for quite some time and were prepared to be there and be diligent about protecting it. Steve yeah, governor there are a number of governors across the country who are not taking the bold stand you are about not on my watch and we have heard that as well from donald trump. Hes made it very clear. You break the law youre going to get into trouble. Ultimately as people look in, and as people feel frustrated, america is spiraling out of control and nobody is doing anything although donald trump is trying to, doesnt that ultimately politically fire up his base . It does. I think it should fire up every single american that loves this country. This whole conversation has changed. Its gone away from equality and its a radical movement thats rewriting our history, that will takeaway all of the lessons that we want to teach our kids and our grandkids. George washington was a unifier. He brought this country together to lead us at a time when we needed the birth of the nation to get started. We know we have Thomas Jefferson who was an author of the declaration of independence. They gave us all men are created equal. Lincoln made it happen. Brought it to reality. Roosevelt was the first man to die dine with an African Americans at the white house, so these men have flaws obviously every leader has flaws but were missing the opportunity we have in this discussion to talk about the virtues and what they brought to this country, and the fact that this is a foundation that were built on and the heritage we should be carrying forward. Brian governor the way you put this is eloquent as anyone ive heard describe why its important to have symbols of america not because they were perfect but because they made major impacts in the country that gets better and better every year. Some would look at this and say were going to get better, we have to start pulling down the imperfect and as you sit in south dakota, and ive been to Mount Rushmore, we did a great feature, was able to go behind luxuries and see this incredible design and how it took place, but the way they had to adapt to the side of the mountain, how do we get to the point where we are the greatest critic of our own country . We have enough enemies outside our border and now the enemies seem to be within our border. You know, i think we just need to continue to push that the truth gets told. This country isnt perfect. Nobody in this country is perfect, but we learn from our mistakes, and thats what history brings to us each and every day as an opportunity to do better. Thats what these men represent to us is they did Amazing Things for this country and we can do even better if we Work Together and quit dividing and destroying , but instead build each other up and encourage each other, learn, and look to creating an america that really does exemplify what their dreams were and that is what this whole conversation has completely shifted from and that is one of the reasons that every day, we need to continue to use these opportunities to educate folks on why this country is special and why it needs to be defended and why we need to protect these kind of monuments to make sure that story is told. Ainsley the beauty of all of this of the system, our founders and framers began or started is that we can correct wrongdoings, correct injustices and become a better union thank you so much governor for being with us and theres a space behind her head, brians been in it, right . Brian yeah, theres a shaft where they were going to keep the original constitution and the bill of rights and at the last minute they said we didnt give you permission to build this so its half donald they now exist copies of those original documents. Ainsley is that still on fox nation . Brian its still on fox nation so you could sign up today. Ainsley yes, already thank you, brian. Bridging the gap. Thats the goal of the Police Athletic league. How they are bringing Law Enforcement kids together coming up next but first lets check in with sandra. Sandra ainsley it is great to see you on this wednesday morning good morning, everyone. Violent protests in d. C. Overnight, activists burning an American Flag calling for the removal of a statue of Abraham Lincoln and how President Trump is responding this morning well have brand new reaction and reaction from lawmakers senator kelly levin letter will be our guest this morning, thom tillis and more on that justice about vote thats coming up at noon eastern time today, and nearly half of americans are losing sleep, they say, over financial concerns. Maria bartiromo here for the opening bell this morning, join ed and me for a big three hours coming up. See you top of the hour. Businesses are starting to bounce back. But what if you could do better than that . Like adapt. Discover. Deliver, in new ways, to new customers. What if you could come back stronger . Faster. Better. At comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back, but bounce forward. And now, with one of our best offers ever, were committed to helping you do just that. Get a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution for only 29. 95 a month for three months. Call or go online today. Iredefined the wordng thschool this year. Its why, at xfinity, were committed to helping kids keep learning through the summer. And help College Students studying at home stay connected through our university program. Were providing affordable Internet Access to low income families through our internet essentials program. And this summer, xfinity is creating a Virtual Summer camp for kids at home all on xfinity x1. Were committed to helping all families stay connected. Learn more at xfinity. Com education. Steve as cities work to improve police and Community Relations many have a tool thats already available to bridge the gap. The Police Athletic league, or pal is an organization that brings young people together with Police Officers. Here on the work hes doing is the executive director of the new york city Police Athletic league, fred watts. Good morning to you. Good morning thank you for having me. Steve its great to have you as well because police, you know the topic of the police comes up all the time now in the news and this was an organization started back in the day in new york city to bridge the gap between the community and the police which is exactly what a lot of people are talking about doing right now. Thats correct. We were started in 1914 so were over 105 years old, and the original idea still holds true today, that youth need a place to play and grow, and youth and police need to come together as one community with the hope of making both children as well as the police sort of better Partners Community partners. Steve sure and ultimately, the idea is as the members of Police Athletic league work with these kids is to interact with them in a way they might not interact with the police otherwise, to see hey that its not just a badge. Its a really nice guy, who just showed how to pitch a fastball. Thats exactly right. Our hope is that a childs first interaction with police is a positive one. We serve kids from ages 2 all the way up until their teens in a variety of education programs, sports programs, performing arts programs, and our goal is to have the Police Involved wherever we can so that when children are interacting with them, they realize that the police, many of them grew up in the same neighborhoods and that they care about them, and those relationships, i think, help us Going Forward for better communication with them and their families and quite frankly safer streets. So we feel its a winwin if we can get the Police Involved in our Youth Development cause. Steve right and its not just baseball. Were looking at some video right there of the kids chorus. I was lucky enough to be in attendance at one of your events this past year. Those kids can sing, and theyve done the National Anthem at the mets and yankees game all across the country. Yes, were very excited about what we call pal acting its a Theatre Arts Program and an offshoot of that is this cops and kids chorus where the officers write music with our teens and they perform and its the brain child of our board member tony danza and it has been fantastic. The cops learn more about the children, and they become one, the children learn more about the police and it really, i think, vindicates our mission that if you put these parties together you can make both the cops more understanding of the youth in the community and you can make the youth more understanding of the police. So were very excited about that program and we try to do that in sports and education as well. Steve right, i know youre a big supporter of the Police Department. Its got to break your heart because you know so many members of Law Enforcement whats going on right now, where there is such scrutiny, and in many cases our Police Officers are being vi llified. Well, i feel that its important for us to appreciate at least where the anger and ang st is coming from. Its coming from a real place. We do have to do better. Law enforcement must do better, and if we own that, then we can come up with balance solutions, so ive been in Law Enforcement now at the Police Athletic league for 35 years. We have to own our problems, but then explore good solutions, and there are many. They may be legal. They may be accountability, all sorts of things but in my little world, bridging that gap is a part of the solution which i think is a pathway to success. So lets own our problems and lets go for a balanced approach to fix those problems. Steve sure. A logistical question. During this pandemic, i know youve got a very famous summer camp where you have got 2,000 low income children who you send to camp. What do you do this year . Well this year is a very difficult year, as you can imagine, and were not going to be able to run our traditional camps because so much of it is indoor with large numbers of youth. We are still going to do our signature outdoor play Street Program and were working on a way to do that using social distancing and we have a virtual platform where kids will be able to sort of play and interact with each other on a computer platform. Steve all right i just want to add that the conditions were working under have put the staff is fantastic. Steve absolutely. And creative and great. So thats really a big part of what i think were seeing under these circumstances. Steve fred, thank you. Among my patients i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. Does it worry me . Absolutely. New sensodyne sensitivity gum gives us the dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. Theres no question its something that i would recommend. He saw the good work of the Police Athletic league, if youd like to help them go to pal nyc. Org. Sandra fox news alert on this wednesday morning, protests ramping up across the country overnight. A startling scene in atlanta with at least three men brandishing long guns gathering at the wendys parking lot there were rate Rayshard Brooks was killed earlier this month. Ed a very pleasant good morning to you, im ed henry. Police are no longer allowed in the area according to the men, all this on the same day as Rayshard Brooks funeral. Meanwhile express burning American Flag near the white house while others called for the removal of the end emancipation memorial which shows Abraham Lincoln

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