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California counties, brian. Brian in new york, long island, which is near me is set to restart reopening process today as Governor Andrew Cuomo heads to the white house to meet with the president. After that trump and the Vice President will head to the Sunshine State for the historic spacex launch a live look at Cape Canaveral as American People go back into space through our own spaceship. Steve mission demo 2 as its being called the first crewed manned flight to space aboard a commercial space craft in history and the first from u. S. Soil in nearly a decade. Lift off is just after 4 30 eastern time provided the weather is good you will see it right here on the fox news channel. And there you can see the astronauts in the tesla that will take them out to launch pad 39 a. Good morning, irving, it is wednesday, may 27th. Thank you very much for joining us. You know, i was thinking, anxiously and brian this morning whether it is the spacex launch later today or the race for a vaccine, while the government is involved, for the most part we are looking at private enterprise in both the private sector. Capitalism is putting us back in space and capitalism is part of the race for a vaccine, ainsley . Ainsley you are right. Space elks owned by elon musk. This is amazing, the first time in 10 years we have launched from american soil. This is a private company. They have been preparing for this for six years now and they are going to do it for the first time today. They did a dress rehearsal last year. This is the first time that humans have been launched from a private company up into space. There are two american astronauts. And this is just so exciting. It happened at 4 33 as jillian was just saying on the last show that its going to be during neil cavutos show so everyone set your alarm clocks so you can watch this historic moment, brian. Brian yeah. Its fascinating to see i remember when the Space Shuttle got shelved and now they are like mini museums and one is on the intrepid. How will we get back into space . Well write huge checks to russia. Really are you take off for kazmierczak can. Where borat is from. There was no plan to get back in space. The plan is get to the moon, get to the space station, with spacex get to the moon. Set up a scenario where the moon can actually sustain life on its own and let nasa go to mars. I mean, thats the big picture and they are on tack. The key will be can they be cohesive between administrations because quickest thing and easiest thing to cut in this era of deficits is space. We cant afford to go to space we have so many problems here. Can someone keep their eye on the big picture and stay on track administration through administration . Steve thats why private enterprise is stepping up. They are trying to come up with a reusable space craft that can make space travel much more affordable. Thats why elon musk is behind the falcon 9 that you are looking right there that is going to launch the capsule and jeff beez zos and Richard Branson. This is a brand new space race. We will talk to the nsa administrator in this half hour of fox friends. In the meantime, 6 04 here in the east. President trump blasting twitter after labeling his tweets with fact checks. Its the first time twitter has ever done that. And Griff Jenkins is live in d. C. With the fallout from the president , griff . Griff there is a lot of fallout. Twitter adding fact check warning to two of the president s tweets about potential fraud with mailin ballots with a link to cnn and the Washington Post fact checker who debunk the president s claims as false. Dramatic shift intervening in President Trumps primary means of communication with his 80 million followers and not surprisingly the president is lashing out. Twitter is now interfere in the 2020 president ial election. They are saying my statement on mailin ballots, which will lead to massive corruption and fraud is incorrect based on factchecking by fake news cnn and the amazon the Washington Post. He continues twitter is completely stifling free speech and i as president will not allow it to happen. Now, twitter spokesman has been telling Media Outlets the fact check label was applied for Election Integrity in extension of new misleading policy introduced later this month to combat information about the coronavirus. They rarely use it against Major Political figures but did so in this case adding language noting that five states already vote entirely by mail. But the move drawing sharp criticism from Trumps Campaign spokesman marc lotter. Listen. Its not surprising that Silicon Valley is trying to fact check conservatives but they dont bother to get the facts. I would ask twitter and the others to check their own facts before they go factchecking the president. That was marc lotter on Fox Friends First just an hour or so ago. Clearly this fight is ramping up. Too early to tell if this marks a shift to real change in twitters streaming of all the president s tweets. One thing for sure he isnt standing by. A lot more to come on, this brian, ainsley, and steve . Ainsley bring in Charles Payne the host of making money to react to this. Hey, charles. Good morning. Hey. You know, listen. Good morning. Ainsley before you react, i want to show you this. This is the front cover of the New York Post. It says tweet fight. President furious as twitter labels him fake news obviously turning point for twitter obviously factchecked or put one of these labels on his tweet. Who is Fact Checking the Fact Checkers because there have been trouble with these paper ballots. Thats been proven. Oh, yeah. And mail fraud only goes back 100 years in this country. The notion that this is impossible that this is wand the pail. How can there be fraud in the Voting System. Opened up a can of worms. He has folded to the left. And they have been pressuring him for weeks, for months. Particularly and recently. Get rid of trumps twitter account. I think he found a way to try to assuage their anger but all he has done is open a can of worms. Here is the is the interesting thing for the last two years in congress on the right side but even both sides of congress have talked about, you know, this sort of section 230 exclusion for the social Media Companies under the Communications Decency act. I think jack by saying no, we can be the arbiters of fact and honestly fact check. Listen, lets be honest with you one of the best tweets is there b. This guy yeel roth the head of integrity. Look at the meanspirited evil things he has said about folks on the right. These are the people are factchecking give me a break. Its not going to work. Its going to make things a lot worse for the company. Brian charles, over the weekend a bloomberg reporter and the former Julian Castro Campaign Director the president golfing next to joe biden going to a Memorial Day Service and said look at the difference between these two leaders and how they handle it. Should we fact check that because the president had two ceremonies he went to and in the afternoon he golfed. So that was totally inaccurate. Are you going to take that down . And if you are going to go ahead and look at all these things, if the president just put in these three words in my opinion in looking at it in the past, of mailin ballots are ripe ground for corruption is that allowed. They are going through a pat they cant possibly keep up with. Joe biden came out too and said the president is responsible for thousands of death because he reacted too slow is that going to be factchecked. Thats certainly his opinion of what he wants to do because politically he wants to beat the president. Does twitter really want to go down this road . Meanwhile, lets pivot and talk about politico. The general election scenario that democrats fear is good for all america and that is the economy turning around. Listen to this, according to a harvard professor who worked for obama. Trump could be poised to benefit from the dramatic numbers produced during the partial rebound phase thats likely to coincide with four months before november. The realization has Many Democrats spoofed. Charles, your racked . Because this economy is already shows signs of coming align. You want to talk about science . Yesterday alone we had new home sales that came in 30 better than wall street anticipated. We had Consumer Confidence that came in much better than anyone thought just a couple weeks ago. In dallas the up 30 percentage points. People argue about the v shape. Im not sure anymore. Jason fuhrman is absolutely right. What democrats have on their hands they can openly root against this economy or try to usurp this or take advantage like nancy pelosi tried with the usmca saying hey this is our bill even though we knew the White House Administration accomplishment. They are in a serious pickle. I dont know that they will try to run on the economy. Bringing this economy back under these conditions that quickly would be absolutely remarkable. And i think it would be the talk of the town. Steve well, for a while yesterday, the dow was about 25,000 and the president did note. Charles, lets a little bit about sports as we safely reopen things. And i dont know if you saw the news yesterday. But apparently that fourperson golf challenge down in hope sound at the medalist Golf Tournament the highest rated cable golf event in history. People are just starved for sports entertainment. Live sports. So the big question is when will hockey open . When will baseball open . When will football open . Are you ready for some football . Robert kraft is. Here he is last night with hannity. Were preparing to hopefully play football this fall. We believe we have developed protocols that allow us to to do it in a safe way. I thought about our fifth super bowl when we were down 283 with two minutes to go in the third period and had a. 04 chance of winning the game 99. 6 to lose. And we came back. And it was a great victory. In some ways i feel the mood of our country is a little down now. And we are still the greatest country in the world. Were going to come back. Steve the question is when will sports come back because we are ready. Charles. Sports are coming back. We love it. What robert kraft said the important thing is america in general. We see this as a challenge and we are up for the challenge. Football will be back. Nascar is back. Golf is coming back. But america is coming back as well. We are all in this together. We keep saying that we want to win this thing. Look at this weekend, guys. It was amazing. People want to win. Americans are tired of sitting in their bunkers trying to wait this way out. We will try find a way to live and prosper under these conditions. Ainsley beautiful message. Watch making money with charles on fox business today. He interviews gene scala. Thank you for watching. Hand it over to jillian back in the studio with headlines. Jillian we start with a fox news alert. Hundreds of protesters schashing with police overnight after four officers were fired for the death of an unarmed black man. No justin number of no peace. Police using tear gas to try to control the crowd. At one point rioters started throwing rocks at police presink at windows. Reaction to a video showing an officer kneeling on George Floyds neck during an arrest. I cant breathe. Tough to watch. He lost consciousness and layered died. We will have a live report from minneapolis later this hour. To another fox news alert. The desperate manhunt for a double murder suspect in pennsylvania. The widow of peter man freedonia looking for a down the street. Family and police are calling for him to surrender. Parents and friends. All of us back here in connecticut want a peaceful end to this. Jillian state police say he took a i an uber a look at yor headlines send it back to you. Brian all right. Jillian. Thanks so much. New york facing a looming fiscal crisis. Why arent top officials taking a pay cut while the whole state is on pause . Next guest says this isnt even a question. They should have volunteered to do it. Shape your future. Start here. Complete the census at 2020census. Gov there are so many toothpastes out there, which one should i use . Try crest pro active defense. It neutralizes bacteria for a healthier mouth than even the leading multibenefit toothpaste. Crest. Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief the xfinity voice remote will find exactly that. For, happy stuff. The groups happy, im happy. You can even say a famous movie quote and it will know the right movie. Circle of trust, greg. Relax, the needles are jumping. You can learn something new any time. Education. And if youre not sure what youre looking for, say. Surprise me. Just ask what can i say to find more of what you love with the xinity voice remote. Would you yourself take a pay cut or do pay cuts for the highest paid members of the administration. No plans for pay cuts for any new york City Employees right now whether city hall or any place else. Brian hey, thanks. Appreciate it. Arule the empire state. No plans for pay cuts for officials. The New York Post Editorial Board its time for top paying officials to cut their pay amid the crisis. Here to explain the woman who wrote it miranda devine. Why are they not considering pay cuts. Everyone else is feeling the pain why not them . Hi, brian. It is. [broken audio] is suffering. They just think their protected jobs and lifestyles are going to go on forever. And they cant. You know, its not as if they do a good job anyway. And the state capital has been basically shuttered for the last two months. They havent been doing anything. They have been on a glorious paid holiday. I think that when Governor Cuomo talks about shared sacrifice, well, they should sacrifice and share in the pain and hardship that people have suffered from losing their jobs and their businesses. Brian miranda, people dont know outside of new york all the mayor and governor do is contradict each other. They hate each other. Its caused a lot of confusion in this state. Close the schools, dont close the schools. He doesnt have power. Wear a mask, dont wear activistma. Cuomo, lets take a look at what they are making. Cuomo makes 225,000s dollars as governor. De blasio makes 258,000. The chancellor, cny 670,000. There is no school. Their teachers are teaching online. Heres the thing how much quicker would this state be open if they werent getting paid until they reopened,mileanhou lear da. Exactly if you are earning 600,000 a year and Governor Cuomo is saying in april in the budget that everything is going to have to take a 20 slash. Well, then someone on 600,000 is a year who is really not doing that much should be taking a 20 cut at least. There is some argument that it should be 50 . These people dont share the in the real economy. They are protected from it. They have their protected jobs what they dont really understand they make these decisions from their ivory towers that have drastic consequences on other people who live in the unprotected economy with unprotected jobs. And i think its about time that they feel the pain, that they feel what everyone else does, the reality. Brian i just ask you if that School Chancellor does not get paid, if they dont come back to school in september. I bet you we find a way to get back in september. I bet you the mayor, if he hasnt gotten paid until the city stands up and he says the middle of june phase 1, if he hasnt gotten paid it since april, im pretty sure we find a way to open up in june. And for these lawmakers, they dont get to albany the state capital since april, why are we paying them full time . Want to respond real quick . Its so true. I think we need to have consequences for them. They live in la la land. They think that there is no penalty for their own fecklessness but there is. Brian miranda devine, thank you so much. Great writing as usual. Lets forge straight ahead. Countdown to liftoff. Hours away from historic launch from Cape Canaveral. Americans blasting into space from the u. S. Soil for about 10 years. Jim brighten stein will be joining us live to talk about what this means for our nation. Pets are family and we know it. So rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the exact same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast, free shipping. Visit us at petmeds. Com today. Steve well they are a go for launch at 4 33 this afternoon. Two american astronauts set to blast off from Cape Canaveral in historic mission. A Spacex Falcon 9 rocket and crew dragon space craft will be the first crewed commercial flight in history. Joining us right now nsa administrator Jim Bridenstine. Jim, good morning to you. Thank you. Good to be here. Steve okay. I know all eyes are on that launch pad 39 a behind you. But also they are slightly above you and thats on the weather and right now it looks like there is an 85 chance of thunderstorms at 4 33 this afternoon. When are you going to make the call whether or not to scrub this because the president of the United States is supposed to fly down there and i would imagine you dont want him making a trip on air force 1 unless is he going to see you guys light that candle. So, were looking at about at the top of the hour we are going to make another judgment on the weather. But, remember, thunderstorms down here in florida are generally isolated. And so just because there is thunderstorms on the horizon doesnt mean we cant launch. Right now we have about a 60 favorability rating for a 4 33 launch to be specific. Im more optimistic than pets pessimistic. We will get one last look here at the top of the hour. Steve you are optimistic. The astronauts who are going to be sitting on top of that falcon 9 are really excited. Here they are yesterday. Watch this. The u. S. Gave us one thing that we could have put on our list of dream jobs that we would have gotten to have some day it would be to have been aboard a new space craft. Doug and i get that chance to do it. We are so excited to be in a real spaceship and not the similarity. Steve and thats the key. You know, we havent been doing manned space flight for a long time ever since the Space Shuttle did retire for a variety of reasons. Jim, how historic is what we are going to see today . We have put astronauts on brand new space craft four times mercury, gemini, apollo and the shuttle program. And now we are doing it on a Spacex Falcon 9 rocket with a crew dragon. This is very significant. Steve, let me just tell you we are at the kennedy sportscenter. We quit flying humans in 2011 with the retirement of the Space Shuttles. About 10 years ago this place was devastated. The Kennedy Space center was demoralized. We werent flying shuttles, the constellation program, which was the moon program was canceled. Thousands and thousands of people were laid off. President trump has really come and glout back and our budgets are strong. This is about making America Great again. America has to lead in space. We are leading a coalition when we return to the moon. Todays launch is about getting to low earth orbit the International Space station. We are going back to the moon sustainably and on to mars. The president has been so apaysingly supportive of space in general. We are talking about exploration but also National Security and defense. Steve sure. I really appreciate the fact that given the new dynamics of space travel you are having private enterprise figure out how to do it. Its not just elon musk with spacex which owns that particular capsule and the tesla thats going to drive the astronauts there. And the brand new very stylish space suits. Thats all tesla. But its private enterprise also including Richard Branson and have you jeff bezos and having private enterprise figure a more efficient way to get us in to space. Why is that important . Thats right. Well, look, what we are trying to do is drive down costs. And as President Trump likes to say. Rich guys love rockets. And so, if nasa can be one customer of many customers in a robust commercial marketplace for low earth orbit and we can have numerous providers competing on cost and innovation we can commercialize low earth orbit and we can bring in private capital. Its not just launch what we are doing today. Its also habitation in space. We are using the International Space station right now to prove that we can come found pharmaceuticals in ways you cannot do in the gravity well of earth. To use iss for use iss organs to create stem cells. Creating artificial let nasa for the human eyeball if you have Macular Degeneration you dont have to lose eyesight. The transformational breakthroughs we are achieving in space revolutionize and commercialize the space sector. We believe there is a strong marketplace for human spaceflight that hasnt existed until right now. And its because we are willing to use commercial industry to launch american astronauts. And thats what Todays Mission is all about. Steve well, it is an exciting day down there at the cape. Jim bridenstine, we thank you very much for joining us from down there. Fingers crossed, well be able to see you guys launch that particular spaceship at 4 33 eastern time and people will see it here on the fox news channel. Thank you, jim. Thank you. Steve all right it. Is 29 minutes now before the top of the hour. Ric grenell making his final act as acting director of National Intelligence declassifying a new batch of documents in the russia probe. So what happens next . Congressman doug collins here with reaction coming up next. If your gums bleed when you brush you may have gingivitis. 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[ baseball bat cracks ] about the hoax. Greatest hoax in the history of our country. And it was an illegal hoax and a very dangerous hoax. And a lot of bad things have been found out about mueller and the gang. So i would like to hear that conversation. Yeah, i would like to hear it personally. Whatever they want me to do, i will do. Ainsley that was the president yesterday talking about ric grenell the acting dni who is now giving up that job. He doesnt want that position, i dont think. So now they have voted for John Ratcliffe to be sworn. In he was sworn in as dni. So right before he left, he decided to declassify some more of the conversations between flynn and kislyak. He is leaving it up to ratcliffe whether or not that will be released to the public. Doug collins joins us judiciary committee. Good morning. Good morning, everybody. Ainsley we know congressman nunes wants republicans to expand the investigation into the mueller team, says that will happen. So what happens next now that we have all this information . Well, the best thing is as ric grenell was a breath of fresh air as acting dni. He actually came, in provided transparency and provided the things we have been looking for. Those of us fighting this battle against what we ne knew was a corrupt cabal who tried to disrupt the early part of his presidency and Mueller Investigation which we found was a complete flop. I was so glad to see he did what he did. Now im proud to have my friend John Ratcliffe who is a great colleague as ho we have worked together on this will be in charge here on out. Finally start getting the answers to the president has said should not happen to any other president and should have never happened to him. Brian congressman collins, of course, running for the senate seat Johnny Isakson retired and left vacant and Kelly Loeffler is in now. Congressman, in this scenario, the transcripts will be released between flynn and kislyak. If in those transcripts flynn says hey, dont overreact to these sanctions that the Obama Administration put on, were going to reset things when we take office. Is that the smoking gun that shows he is corrupt . No. There is no smoking gun that shows is he corrupt. What we have got is to have conversations between World Leaders is that any more of a smoking gun whether thats in there or not when obama leaned over to medvedev and said hey, just wait until after the election we will do things right. You have to have communication between World Leaders. What we have here though is this was not about a conversation. This is about getting at a president. The whole investigation is if we can get flynn or others to either lie or to do something then we can get at President Trump. Then candidate trump. This was all about power and making sure that President Trumps administration did not get off on the right foot. Steve well, exactly that could be one of the reasons why, congressman, the president of the United States is urging house members to vote no on fisa. He tweeted this out. I hope all Republican House members vote no on fisa until such time as our country is able to determine how and why the greatest political criminal and subversive scandal in u. S. A. History took place. You understand his point of view but at the same time, that tweet throw morningy wrench into whether or not thats going to pass. But have you got to admit that because it is a secret court, and a secret process, so many people had no idea what some unscrupulous people may have been doing behind the scenes at doj and the fbi. You can understand why he would say that right . I completely understand. There has been no greater person on tv or your show or any other show thats been critical of the fisa process or critical that we have to make changes to the reauthorization of this. I think they have made we have made some changes in house. Senate added to that there is still some concern if the president wants to continue this fight. Then we can continue that fight. It cannot go on the way normal there is a movement we need to watch out for. Some on capitol hill say its too controversial. Lets reauthorize and move on. That cannot happen. We just cant do that. This has got to have some more. Hopefully we will find out today how we can move forward. Ainsley the president said to the governor of North Carolina. I give you one week. You have to let me know if we can have full capacity at the rnc at the end of august in three more months. He is not able to do that yet. He hasnt given the president a president an answer. Maybe i will move it to florida maybe georgia your state or maybe texas. Your governor did tweet this out with world class facilities, restaurants, hotels and workforce, georgia would be honored to safely host the Republican National convention. We hope you will consider the peach state, donald trump. Whats your reaction to that where would it be . Would it be in atlanta or have you ever talked about it . It would be great. Georgia is always on your mind. I think they are rnc and the rest of the country. Georgia is on our mind. This is a great place to be. Its a great place for the president and great place for us and we are proud and agree with the governor. If he want this to come here and North Carolina doesnt want it, come on down to georgia we have plenty for you. Brian the mayor of atlanta doesnt want it, shocker. Lets talk about you for a second. You are up by 40 points in the last poll first week in may over the sitting senator appointed by brian kemp. Do you call on her to drop out even though she has been exonerated from Insider Trading . Lets be clear she will need to decide what she needs to do on that. Exoneration is interesting. I have never seen somebody more exciting about the dropping of an investigation of one investigation there is others going on since, you know, the last people that excited were Hillary Clinton and Andrew Mccabe when they were excited that they were not being charged by the fbi. This is more than that. This is actually looking into what he actually did. The people of georgia will look at what happened Insider Trading. When she was profiting they were hurting. People of georgia will get to decide what happens here. Steve live from georgia in atlanta right now. Doug collins, congressman. Thank you very much. Great to see you. Steve great to have you. 17 minutes before the top of the hour. Jillian joins us with the very latest from michigan. Jillian thats right. So Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer admits her husband dropped her name in an attempt to get their boat in the water before memorial day weekend. Whitmer was slammed for being a hypocrite. Came days after she told people not to visit vacation spots in Northern Michigan where her boat is docked. My husband made a failed attempt at humor last week. He jokingly asked if being married to me might move him up in the queue. He thought it might get a laugh. It didnt. Jillian governor says her husband regrets making the remark. A controversial nursing home order from new york Governor Andrew Cuomo is no longer on the states website. Back in march, cuomo ordered those Nursing Homes to take in covid19 patients. It was posted on the Health Departments website. The page now shows an error message and links to a new advisory. The old policy is blamed for fueling deaths in the state. The Department Says the website is updated regularly but doesnt say why the order was removed. Four chunks are suing new jersey to allow them to reopen. They say gathering together is essential to practice their faith. The religious freedom that our country was founded on is one of the most essential, basic human rights that we have here in america. And we have to stand up and thats why we decided to take action against our government. Jillian right now 10 people is the limit for indoor gatherings including churches. The governor has not responded to the lawsuit. Rush limbaugh giving an update and opening up about his journey with advanced lung cancer. Im in the third wave of treatment now. There have been many cycles but this is the third wave. And this current wave i have to tell you is kicking my [bleep]. Every day i wake up and the first thing i do is thank god that i did. Just waking up is a blessing. Jillian President Trump presenting limbaugh the medal of freedom at the state of the Union Address in february just days after he first announced his diagnosis. Send it back to you. Ainsley we wish him all the best. All right. Thank you so much, jillian. Lets hand it over to janice who has an update for us. Hey, j. D. We are watching florida, of course a space coast. We have launch of spacex and i know we have a live picture of Cape Canaveral. Hazy conditions right now. Im a little concerned as we get into the afternoon hours. I think its going to be 50 50. We might have a small window of opportunity where showers and thunderstorms are, you know, not in the immediate area but we have this area of low pressure that is tropical in nature and its going to bring the potential for heavy rainfall as well as showers, thunderstorms, not only for florida. [broken audio] but also you can see the conditions right now. We have a batch of thunderstorms to the east of Cape Canaveral and the future forecast shows showers and thunderstorms in the region at 4 33 around the time of launch. So its going to be kind of a gametime decision i think. We will certainly keep you up to date. Its florida, near summertime and these are the conditions that we typically see in the afternoons on the space coast. So watching that area of low pressure. The other big story is the southeast where we will have temperatures well over 100 degrees for many days. Not only for Southern California but for nevada and the southwest as well so, of course, keep you up to date on Cape Canaveral very exciting day for spacex. The Weather Forecast is going to be a little iffy. Steve, ainsley and brian back to you. Steve thank you, janice. Also big for Central Florida because of disney is setting plan informs reopen. Disney springs and universal is reopening. So there is hope for that community, that state. Meanwhile, as the battle brews over the Republican National convention. Our next guest is offering the president to take the big event to his state instead. His message for President Trump next. No justice, no peace. Prosecute the police. Brian protesters clashing with officers. Four Police Officers were fired at the death of a black man in custody. Joining us live with the fallout bill. Good morning, yeah. The death of that unarmed black man sparking outrage and violence as some additional video of this horrific incident is now beginning to surface and in some social media channels. The demonstration starting as a peaceful protest near the intersection where george floyd was arrested monday night. Large crowds gathering caring signs calling for justice falling the 46yearolds death while being taken into police custody. That protest though eventually shifted. It moved to the nearby presink in minneapolis. Some vandalizing that building with spray paint. Windows were broken. The crowd turning more angry at some point. Some even started Damaging Police squad cars, breaking out some windows and throwing objects at officers. Police responding with pepper sphra and tear gas turning to thunder bullets to break that up crowd. The protest continued for several hours. Moved to various parts of the city. Triggered by the death of george floyd. Cell phone video showing him pinned to the ground during the arrest. We want to warn you its difficult to watch. I cant breathe, officer. Yeah. Can you hear george floyd saying that he cant breathe. The officer continues to kneel on his neck for several minutes even after floyd calls unconscious. He later died at minneapolis hospital. Many people now outraged about what happened. Demanding justice. When he first and i could hear his voice i didnt need to see anymore. The first time i heard him say i cant breathe. It was just more than i could take. I couldnt watch any more of it. Early this morning, rioters actually broke into a nearby liquor store looting that business until Police Arrived to try to clear them out. Still unclear though if there were any injuries or arrest in that incident. Clearly a fair amount of Property Damage. The rain has been just starting to taper off. Its been raining all night. Not really easing the tensions over this incident. Back to you. Brian all right. Bill. Bill kellar will be following this story. Ainsley . Ainsley thank you, brian. President trump warning the clock is ticking for North Carolinas democratic governor. Is he giving him one week to decide if the rnc can happen with full attendance in charlotte. If not, our next guest texas g. O. P. Party chairman james dickey says the convention is welcome in his state instead. Good morning to you, james . Good morning, ainsley. Ainsley good morning. How would you all do it safely . Well, we would do it exactly the way we are doing it with our state convention. Most people dont know that the Texas Republican Party state convention is the biggest Political Convention in the free world in terms of number of delegates. We allow our rules allow up to 9,000 delegates and thousand alternates and by comparison the National Convention has 2500 of each. And we have successfully put this on for years at multiple cities around the state. And we have we moved this year our convention which was originally scheduled for may 14th through the 16th. We moved it to july 16th to 18th. And we have an amazing team of people, used to putting on a huge event. It takes a lot of effort, moving a convention is not a trivial thing at all but access would be happy to welcome the president. I dont blame new 2016, 40,000 people attended the convention. Spent 110 million and Economic Impact 188. 4 million. So for this North Carolina governor to turn that down that says a lot. Why do you think is he doing that . I have heard Different Things maybe because he is run for reelection it. Would really upset the democrats who want people to stay at home and make sure this can be done safely. Well, i think its a tradition, unfortunately, of democrats living in fear and not being willing to lead. Not being strong and courageous. I hope that the president and his encouragement of the North Carolina governor, that the North Carolina governor steps up and because i know that the Republican National convention and committee would like to be in North Carolina. But, if not, we would be more than happy to have them in texas. Ainsley james, im curious to know how you are going to do it. I know you have pulled this off so many years in the past. We havent been under coronavirus restrictions. We havent been in this type of a climate. So how are you going to pull off your state convention . I know have you asked the president to come and speak as well. Oh, absolutely. We will love to have the president at our convention. We have had multiple convention sites already reach out and tell us that they have got those dates available. That they would love to have the convention here. We are working closely with convention arrangers. Weaver are going to have a lot of extra hand sanitizing stations. We are encouraging people to practice great hygiene. Rearranging our setup so we have space for people to spread out. We are supporting those who would like to wear masks and encouraging people to do so if they feel the need and, of course, if anyone is sick, they shouldnt be out in public regardless long before this came along. Ainsley okay. James, thank you so much for being with us. We will see how this all plays out. Thank you. Absolutely. Ainsley senator josh hawley and Michael Waltz are going to be with us coming up. If your gums bleed when you brush you may have gingivitis. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. Youve been avoiding. Like people. And pants. Ings but dont avoid taking care of your eyes, because were here to safely serve you with new procedures that exceed cdc guidelines and value your time. Visionworks. See the difference. Ainsley the u. S. Stock market surging as americans nationwide are getting back to work. The dow hitting 25,000 points as six states are set to ease more covid19 restrictions today, brian. Brian yup, among them minnesota where churches can officially reopen with limited capacity, religious and Retail Services now reopening in los angeles. While hair salons and barber shops are opening in other california counties. Steve no barbershops open here in new jersey and i am proof. Long island is set to reopening process today as Governor Andrew Cuomo set to meet with the president at the white house infrastructure. President trump and the Vice President will head to the Sunshine State for the historic spacex launch at 4 33 this afternoon. There you have a live shot at Cape Canaveral right now. Ainsley mission demo two first crude to space commercial space craft and first from u. S. Soil in nearly a decade. Nsa administrator joined us earlier to share his excitement. Had. We believe there is a strong marketplace for human spaceflight that hasnt existed until right now. Its because we are willing to use commercial industry to launch american astronauts. And thats what Todays Mission is all about. Brian liftoff is just after 4 30 eastern time and keep in mind this is a collaborative effort. I mean, you have nasa who gave billions of dollars for spacex to develop this technology back in the early 2,000s. By 2012, this rocket docked and became the first private rocket dock the International Space station. And one day elon musk why are we losing every capsule every single time. Can we figure out a way and make a contest so a capsule can lad on a pad so i dont have to keep buying a new one. They did. Basically a magnet. Finds the launch pad and lands there again without people. They have gotten that down and they bring it back and use it again. Now they are putting people in space. Guys, the good news is dont have to go to kazakhstan and pay the russians billions of dollars to get a space station that we basically built. Now if all goes well, we got it ourselves. The goal would be get to the moon. Make Life Sustaining on the moon without earths help and focus on going to mars. Thats the big picture. Steve what you are loofing at right there launch pad 39 a at Cape Canaveral is the ultimate private partner partnership. Spacex owns the equipment and nasa simply is a customer. We had Jim Bridenstine on a little while ago. He says the president of the United States has been completely behind him. His quote was rich guys love rockets which is a soundbite i have never heard before. Ainsley me neither. Steve go ahead, ainsley. Ainsley i was going to say im curious to find out i hope they are able to do this because its going to happen at 4 33 during neils show. Everyone get your phone and set your alarm clocks so you can watch his show and watch this historic moment happen. We talked to janice dean earlier. She said there is a small window of opportunity for this to be able to take off. You know how the weather is in florida this time year. There is fog this morning and some storms that are that look like theyre going to be in the forecast for this afternoon. I doubt they are going to take the risk. I am curious if they have a small window. Do you think they will still take off . Steve well, and we heard from Jim Bridenstine that apparently at 7 00 eastern time and we dont know because were not there at nasa and at spacex. They were going to take a final look. You would hate to have the president of the United States fly down from washington, d. C. If they are going to scrub the mission. Brian should know shortly if it will be all systems go for this afternoon. Brian right. This is True Partnership spacex got 3 billion from nasa and they use the hanger and a lot of their engineers. President trump fighting twitter after labeling his tweet with fact check for the first time ever. Griff jenkins in washington with the growing backlash. Griff, man, things are changed now. Griff they sure r you talk about real space. Let me take to you cyberspace where a war between washington and Silicon Valley is really beginning. This is a first. Twitter, who set a three and a half year policy of hands off towards the 44th president of the United States, now applying this fact check warning to President Trumps tweets about potential fraud involving mailin ballots with a link to more information asserting the president s claims are false. Its a dramatic shift from the social network stepping in between President Trump and his more than 80 million followers and not surprisingly the president is lashing out. Tweeting this. Twitter is now interfering in the 2020 president ial election. They are saying my statement on mailin ballots which will lead to massive corruption and fraud is incorrect based on the factchecking by the fake news cnn and amazon the Washington Post. He continues twitter is completely stifling free speech and i, as president , will not allow it to happen. Now, twitter spokesman is telling me Media Outlets this morning the fact check was applied for Election Integrity. Policy introduced to combat misinformation about the coronavirus. Its rarely used against Major Political figures they did so in this case adding that five states already vote entirely by mail. The move, however, drawing sharp criticism from Trumps Campaign spokesman marc lotter. Its not surprising that Silicon Valley is spring to fact check conservatives but they dont bother to get the facts. I would ask twitter and the others to check their own facts before this go Fact Checking the president. Griff its too early to tell if this marks a new treatment of the president s tweets. We will find out. Twitter not answering that question put it to him through direct message. Also unclear if twitter continues to do so what action the president could take. Stay tuned. Brian, ainsley, steve . Steve look at you, griff. Direct tweeting to twitter this morning. Thank you very much, sir. Lets bring in u. S. Senator from the great state of missouri, josh hawley. He is a member of the Senate Judiciary committee and he joins us right now. Senator, good morning to you. Good morning. Steve so we have this news about twitter factchecking the president. At the same time, i understand later today you are actually going to write you are going to send a letter to google asking why their social media and their platform youtube apparently is sensorring comments in china that is critical of the communist party. What is social media up to this wednesday . A lot of censorship directed at speech apparently that the big tech doesnt like. Its not justesen soreship in china she are censoring americans. Googles youtube is censoring americans criticizing the Chinese Communist party. Taking their comments down. Why . What is going on here. Twitter is censoring the president of the United States. Here is the bottom line on this. Big tech gets a huge handout from the federal government. They get this special immunity, this special immunity from suits and from liability thats worth billions of dollars to them every year. Why are they getting subsidized by federal taxpayers to sensor conservatives to sensor people critical of people. We need some answers. Ainsley what is your reaction to whats happening in katrina . The president promises to act on china over hong kong this week. Im delighted sighing the president is going to take some action. Trying to steam roll hong kong and take away the liberties of hong kong. New bill introduced by beijing and their own Fake Congress that will strip away the right to protest in hong kong. Compromise hong kongs independent judiciary. Set up a special police force run by beijing and again what beijing wants at the end of the day is they want to steam roll hong kong. They want to dominate the whole Asia Pacific Region and then they want to dominate the world and do it all on the backs of the United States taxpayer stealing our jobs and our technology. We have got to stand up and say no. Brian the president said this about upcoming announcement about china. He has been thinking long and hard on where he wants this relationship to go. And is he very angry about it. He just knows there is some fall out if he was to blow up this relationship. Listen. Something special you mentioned on china does that include sanctions . No. Its something you will be hearing about before the end of the week very powerfully, i think. Brian senator, do you have any idea what he is referring to . Well, i dont. I do know that the resolution i have introduced the United States senate calls for sanctions on chinese officials trying to crack down on hong kong and who have also been complicit in these lies about covid19 that started, of course, in china. That the Chinese Communist party turned into a pandemic. I hope it will include sanctions on officials. We also should think about sanctioning Chinese State supported Industries Like huawei that are really just glorified spy rings paid for by beijing and also trying to ry usurp. They are out of control. They need to be held accountable. We need to stand up to it and im glad to seat president doing it. Steve josh, why you are here senator hawley that is to say. Can we ask you a little bit about the coronavirus lockdowns. I know slowly states are trying to reopen and it was just over the memorial day weekend that we saw these images out of lake of the ozarks which is in missouri where nobody was practicing social distancing if you cant practice social distancing in crowds you are supposed to wear masks. Just curious what the reaction is from missouriens about what went down over the weekend. Its mixed people are tired and ready to get outside and going to these public spaces. The governor of the state has been clear that there is mask requirement or at least a mask recommendation when you have crowds of more than 10 people. Its natural to want to encourage people to do that and to follow those guidelines. But this is a reason why we have got to continue to get the economy reopened as quickly and safely as we can allow people to get back to work and back out to see their friends and associates again in a safe and responsible manner. And i think in missouri people are ready to do that. Ainsley the only concern when you look at that video i understand people want to get back out. Looks like a lot of young people. They are probably not as concerned as the older folks what i fear is a resurgence and if that happens, whats the plan . Well, we dont want to see a second wave, ainsley. Thats for sure true and we dont want to seat state of missouri. Missouris numbers have been really good. The state has been doing quite a lot of testing. I give our governor credit for that listen, people should follow the guidelines. I mean, follow the cdc guidelines. The state of missouri again has its own guidelines in place. One of the things missouri is doing, which is great. Flexible approach to reopening. Different municipalities and regions can reopen in different stages around the state. And i think that thats smart. I just urge people to follow the guidelines that the state has issued. And its great that in missouri we are in the middle of a staged reopening. Lets follow those. Lets get back out there in a safe and responsible manner and to get back to work as soon as we can. Brian senator, the other big question is getting back to work. There are signs the economy could be coming back. Housing sales, in terms of jobs, it looks like its going to be a bad report. But on the other side could be a good report. The worst could be over. Do you sense that politics might enter into the fray here and some democratic governors might be looking to slow things down to slow trump down . I sure hope not. Its absolutely vital we get people back to work and get them their job security. We have unemployment never before seen in 100 years. 40 million americans claiming Unemployment Benefits over the last two plus months. Over half a million in my state of missouri. Thats because government shut the economy down to deal with the health pandemic. Now when we can safely and respondsably get back to work, we should. Wherever that is possible, we should because it is a basic humanitarian issue and a lot of places these food lines that we are seeing, its the result of people not having work. So lets get people back to work. By the way, the United States congress any further row leaf on corona out to focus on work and focus on unemployment. Focus on getting it down and getting people their jobs back. Steve all right. Senator josh hawley from the great state of missouri. Thank you for joining us live on this wednesday. Thank you. Steve all right. Now its time to travel from our separate locations to our World Headquarters where we used to be once upon a time and jillian joins us with the headlines. Jillian thats right. Good morning to you. We do begin with this fox news alert. Hundreds of protesters clashing with police in minneapolis overnight. After four officers were fired for the death of an unarmed black man. No justice. No police. Prosecute the police. Jillian police using tear gas to control the crowd. At one point rioters started throwing rocks at precincts. Video showing individual officer kneeling on George Floyds neck. I cant breathe. Jillian floyd lost consciousness and later died. We will have a live report from minneapolis later this hour. To say another fox news alert. A College Student wanted for two murders may be in a stolen video. Police say an suv was taken from the area where Peter Manfredonia last seen in pennsylvania. His first victims widow now says he was looking for a young woman from down the street. Family and police renewing calls for him to surrender. Parents, your friends, all of us back here in connecticut want a peaceful end to this. Jillian police say manfredonia took an uber to pennsylvania walmart after driving new jersey. Walmart next to train tracks where he was seen walking along. Unsafe and unprofessional. Thats what the u. S. Navy is calling russian fighter jets as they intercept american spy plane. This video showing over the american sea. Third intercepts all over international waters. The navy says nothing has provoked this activity. One of the Police Officers involved in the takedown of the Boston Marathon bombers retires after 30 years on the force. People who live new watertown, massachusetts honoring sergeant johjohn mcmcclelland. I appreciate it. I could strap boots on another 30 years. He you pulled over tammaro lynn tsarnaev. He was killed. His brother dough car now in jail. Ainsley thank you, jillian. The officials involved are getting called out. Why the next guest is recall baghdad bobs in the Obama Administration coming up next. If your gums bleed when you brush you may have gingivitis. And the clock could be ticking towards bad breath, receding gums and possibly tooth loss. Help turn back the clock on gingivitis with parodontax. Leave bleeding gums behind. Parodontax. 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All in one place. Youre only seconds away from all of that on xfinity. Com. Faster than a call. Easy as a tap. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. During the final days of the Obama Administration, during the transition, after President Trump had been elected, that he and the people around him may have been caught up in surveillance of foreign individuals and that their id tis may have been disclosed. Do you know anything about this . I know nothing about this. Steve really . Well, that 2017 clip of former obama National Security advisor susan rice is making waves despite denying knowledge of President Trumps surveillance and Campaign Trump surveillance. A newly declassified email sent to herself shows otherwise. Our next guest says untrort susan rice, that is to say, is one of the making baghdad bobs in the Obama Administration. Here to explain doj spokesman ian prior ian, good morning to you. Good morning, steve. Steve everybody remembers bawgdz bob from back in the day in iraq how is susan rice like baghdad bob . I think you have big moments through the Obama Administration. For the most part she is the person they send out for those big lines and big moments. You go back to benghazi when she went back there on all the Television Shows and told everyone this is about a video. And then we have the Bowe Bergdahl swap where she then told everybody, you know, he died he was captured serving his country on the battlefield. And now here we are with the flynn unmasking and then leaking it to the press and she goes on Judy Woodruff and says i knew nothing about it when she clearly knew something about it. Susan rice is clearly someone that the Obama Administration thought we need that big lie. Lets send out susan rice. Steve until these recently declassified memos and whatnot, we didnt realize that she was actually in the oval office in the first week of january where they were talking about it because we had heard that somebody from the department of justice was going sally yates was going to tell the president of the United States about how the department of justice had been surveilling Michael Flynn and they he was swept up in this conversation with the russian ambassador. But the president told her about it and she was, you know, her jaw dropped and susan rice was in attendance at that point. And have you written an oped on foxnews. Com all about this. Are there other baghdad bobs yeah. Steve from the Obama Administration that you would like to also remind people about . Yeah. Absolutely. And i think this is an important thing to think about. Because we have seen so many headlines over the past three years about, you know, trump is going to end the republic. Trumps dictatorship starts now. Its going to end democracy. What you had during the Obama Administration was some sorrious big brother tactics that were going on and that were lied about and go back to, you know, massive nsa surveillance on the American People. James clapper asked about it in congress, lies. James brennan lies about the cia spying on the u. S. Senate. These are issues that had far more consequences on our freedoms, on our liberties and on the strength of our republic than anything donald trump has ever done. The Mainstream Media is far more concerned with whatever trump tweets on a given day than, you know, obama orwellian autocracy. Steve interesting stuff. A lot of this is coming to life because ric grenell the acting director of National Intelligence has declassified a bunch of stuff and now mr. Ratcliffe is going to decide whether or not we should see those things. Ian prior, formerly with the department of justice, now at home, ian, thank you very much for joining us live. Thanks for having me. Steve all right. Meanwhile, 7 24 here in the east. Shut down backlash growing here in the state of new jersey where i am with over 1,000 hair salon owners uniting to craft their own plans to reopen. One of those owners peeks out. You are going to wants to hear from him next. Tempurpedics mission is to give you truly transformative sleep. So, no more tossing and turning. Because only tempurpedic adapts and responds to your body. So you get deep, uninterrupted sleep. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, all tempurpedic mattresses are on sale will it be familiar streets . Or perhaps unknown roads . Wherever you may go, lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers. Find a lexus for every road at lexus. Com. No payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Ainsley back with a fox news alert. Hundreds of taliban fighters released. Largest once since the Peace Agreement was signed in february. The Afghan Government hopes it will lead to a reduction in violence and continued ceasefire. And virginia man on the fbi most wanted terror list. There is his picture. Is he indicted overnight. His name is mohammed fled to the United States to join al think bob. Charged with trying to recruit people for the terror group. He is believed to be now in somalia. Brian . Brian all right. Meanwhile as new jersey slowly starts to reopen. More than 1,000 salon owners coming together to craft their own plans for reopening. Our next guest is part of that coalition and is planning to open up his doors june 1st. Joining me now is the owner and ceo of panico i salon and spa jack. Have you had it with waiting. June 1st is your day. Why june 1st . Well, we have been at this for a long time. Working when this first happened all the manufacturers the salon leaders the whole Beauty Industry has been working very hard sings this happened putting protocols together because there was really no communication. We worked on this and put things together and then dates kept being postponed and postponed and other states have been opening. So what happened is we planned on we decided after the last postponement to say look, we plan on opening june 1st. Okay. To be prepared and ready because we can keep our people safe and in the sanitized environment because we are changing the way we run our businesses. So, no more waiting areas. And so, its been and whats happened through this, its come to a breaking point because there has been such a huge disconnect in communication and there is so many Small Businesses not just the Beauty Industry, okay . They are at the end of their rope, you know. They say. Brian jack, i hear you. Do you feel as though the government has no idea what you are going through . Even though is he a successful businessman is he a big business guy. He doesnt know what it is like to have a are in fronts of a strip mall. Have your clients waiting outside and you being not allowed to open up the doors you guys set up your own protocols, correct . Yes and yes we are peaceful group and want to work with government at this point. We have like we are even following connecticuts rules are right next to us and more. We are following protocols. But we are even going further than that in new jersey. We want to engage with the governor. We have been trying so hard. Everybody has been i mean, there is even class action groups. We have been communicating emails, texts, phone calls with government, local government, state government. I mean, this group of salon owners and manufacturers in the Beauty Industry have been absolutely fantastic. Its been one big group and everybody has been a voice to make this happen. And it just seems like were talking to deaf ears. They dont communicate with us. They dont communicate at all. Brian its inexcusable so we reached out to the governors. We reached out to the Governors Office and we found a little bit of frustration. They pointed us to this april 27th quote and they said this in order to restore Economic Health we must first promote Public Health. Restarting new jerseys economy will be done methodically, strategically and respondsably. That helps you not at all and doesnt help you make a living. You bent the curve. The numbers are plummeting. Most of the deaths are in Nursing Homes, sadly. That has nothing to do with your industry. Yes. And hospitals Vice President been getting cases in there letting go hospital help. The whole thing all im saying is we need a hard date. Im Walking Around my town of im helping them because we are here every day. Not only salon owners but Small Business owners too. They have to communicate. They have to give us dates. I think major underground. Brian i hear you. We are going to have to end it there. But i hear you. Open up june 1st and hope they are smart enough to just let you go. Jack, thanks so much for your time. Okay. Great. Thank you. Brian President Trump ripping twitter for putting fact checks what they claim on his tweets. Congressman Michael Waltz said if twitter cared about factchecking they should start with chinas propaganda which they caved to. He will join us. Brian President Trumps tweets flagged with a fact check for the very first time. Steve president tweeting republicans feel that social media platforms totally silence conservative voices. We will strongly regulate or close them down before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do and failed in 2016. We cant let a more sophisticated version of that happen again. Just like we cant let large scale mailin ballots take place in our country it would be a free for all on cheating, forgery or theft of ballots. Whoever cheated the most would win. Likewise social media clean up your act now the president has just tweeted. Anxiously our next guest said if it cared about Fact Checking start with china. Here to explain colonel Michael Waltz concerning colonel or congressman. Good morning. Ainsley thank you for your Service First of all this is interesting. First time twitter has done that put that at the bottom and click on this and get the real facts on the mailin ballots. The president doesnt want mailin ballots. Are they going to start doing this to everyone . Why would they do this to the president when so many people tweeted about Different Things they dont get the same service. Thats my first question. Left of center, there have been problems with mailin voters. Down in the state of florida, they found remember that big batch of ballots in someones car. Thats absolutely right. I dont know when twitter decided it was the arbiter of truth in the United States. If its going to decide to try to be that. Then it needs to focus on the Propaganda Machine coming outs of china. What the president is saying, you know, lets look at in texas alone Heritage Foundation found 24 cases of voter fraud. Seven of them involved mailin ballots since 2015. So thats the one piece and then the other piece we are finding china on the one hand denies its own citizens. It bans twitter. It bans facebook. But it is all over those platforms internationally every time i tweet about china calling them out for covering up the virus. Calling them out for oppressing over a million muslims its own citizens and its malfeasance around the world, i mean, there is an explosion of kind of counter attacks and so, these high tech companies, brian and i have talked about this. Need to be they need to stop their double standard in terms of trying to decide the truth and focusing on social justice here. But then ignoring everything thats going on with these authoritarian regimes. Steve for the folks that do not realize, congressman, you represent floridas sixth district which includes a portion of the space coast and at 4 33 this afternoon, there is a scheduled launch for the new spacex space craft. We have got a live picture. And people will we hope, be able to see it starting at 4 00 with neil cavuto. Right now we have a shot of it but its completely fogged. In i know you are going to travel down, the schedule is, with the president of the United States if they do decide to go ahead and do it this afternoon on air force 1. This is a very big deal that america is getting back into the manned spaceflight. But its different because its not just the United States government thats footing the bill private enterprise and capital recidivism figuring an efficient way to do it. Yeah. This is really tremendous. The president has been such a leader on space since day 1. Not only setting tremendous goals like getting the next american man and the First American woman to the moon by 2024 but also in the military National Security side establishing the space force. You know, a lot of folks dont vealize that we have had to mother may i the russians to get our astronauts up into space for the last 10 years since the end of the Space Shuttle pram which devastated the economy in florida. And made us dependent on the russians. So this is a relaunch of america into space. Relaunching american astronauts from american soil and really reestablishing american dominance in space. Look, folks, our entire modern economy is dependent on that constellation of satellites from agriculture to finance and others to whats up there. We have to be able to defend it. And you know, the old adage that you cant be number one on earth if you are number two in space. Really still holds. This is just exciting times. Brian congressman. Lets talk to something i dont think is exciting. We are pulling out of afghanistan. The president wants out out by election day. Last night afghanistan freed 900 taliban prisoners. I assume its not Good Behavior part of a deal. Already celebrating a victory over another world super power. Are you saying 19 years is enough or are you worried we are sending the wrong message to the world . You can beat us if you can outlast us . Look, i understand the frustration with this war. I have lost so much blood, sweat and tears over there every veterans that has fought over there has. I certainly understand with how long, how expensive and how difficult its been. Here is my, you know, deep, deep concern. That we pull back too soon, too fast. And that government will collapse. That military will collapse. Half the worlds terrorist organizations still exist there. And they will follow us home. They have publicly stated their intent to do. So if they take over again. We will have exactly what happened when obama pulled out of iraq too soon. You had isis 2. 0 and in this case you will have isis 3. 0. Heres the thing, brian, not only will they be plotting and staging attacks on the United States again, you also have pakistan next door with 10 times the population of afghanistan and Nuclear Weapons that could destabilize. There is a lot o at stake. The generals has been very clear and the Intelligence Community has been very clear we need a small presence to keep foot on neck i want to fight on offense and fight this forward not wait to be fighting this in places like san bernardino, fall pulse nightclub and others. Brian just a quick point. For people who say we are just a police force, have there been hits on our country since 9 11 from that region in the answer is no. Because the great work people like you did over there on a regular basis giving a whole generation a chance to grow up with some semblance of freedom. So they can make their own choices. Thats absolutely right, brian. And, look at what happened when isis was flourishing and inspiring attacks all over the earth and the United States. And then when the president came in and said enough, destroy the caliphate. They are on their back foot. And as long as those leaders are worried about missiles coming through their window at night, they are not plotting and planning against the United States. The same thing in afghanistan. And unfortunately i think thats going to be the case for the foreseeable future with a small presence. We are not talking hundreds of thousands of boots. Small amount of special forces to fight forward on offense not defense. Ainsley okay. Congressman. Thank you so much. Thanks again for your service. Thank you guys. Steve. Ainsley you are welcome. How is it looking in the forecast at 4 43 for this launch . Janice going to be 50 50 steve, ainsley and brian. We have showers and thunderstorms in the area. We have an area of Tropical Weather to the north of this week. So right now not looking great. We do have a small window of opportunity around 4 33 but i think its going to be a launch time decision. Showers and thunderstorms in the forecast throughout the day today. Temperatures around 73 right now with thunderstorms in the immediate area of Cape Canaveral. So we are going to be watching this area. Not only florida, but up towards the southeast coast and the midatlantic. In that area of disturbed weather that tropical disturbance going to move inland the next couple of hours. Florida, we are watch you at 4 33 launch time. Very exciting but weather certainly could play a role in the launch. Back to you, steve, ainsley, brian. Steve florida has really been water logged the last couple of days. J. D. Thank you very much. Meanwhile a massive man huntington is intensifying for a College Student for murder. And police say he may be in a stolen car at this hour. Nancy grace says he is a wild card. She joins us next to explain. Can my side be firm . And my side super soft . Yes, with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. Can it help me fall asleep faster . Yes, by gently warming your feet. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. Dont miss the final days of the memorial day sale, save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now only 1,799. Ends sunday. No justice no peace. Prosecute the police. Steve we are back with a fox news alert. Protesters violently clashing with police overnight in minneapolis after four officers were fired over the death of a black man in custody. Bill keller from our affiliate in the twin cities as new video of the controversial arrest are surfacing. The death of that unmarmd man sparking outrage and violence as this additional video off the horrific incident continues to surface. The demonstrations starting as a peaceful gathering near the intersection where george floyd was initially arrested monday night. There were large crowds yesterday carrying signs, calling for justice. Following that 46yearolds death while being taken into police custody. Now, the protests eventually moved over to the minneapolis third precinct. Some folks vandalizing that building with spray paint and breaking windows. Others Damaging Police squad cars. They broke out some windows there and threw objects at officers. Now Police Responded by using pepper spray and eventually turned to thunderades. Violence triggered by the death of george floyd. Benjamin corrupt the floyds family posting video on Facebook Page showing floyd in handcuffs before being led to the police car. They claim it shows he was not resisting arrest. The video appears to show him walking calmly while being led to that car by officers. But the first cell phone video to surface shows him pinned to the ground during his arrest and we want to warn you its difficult to watch. I cant breathe, officer. Yeah, can you hear george floyd saying that he cannot breathe but the officer keeps his knee on that mans neck for several minutes even after that man becomes unconscious. Later dying at a minneapolis hospital. Now, many people outraged at what happened. Protesters demanding justice. When it first played and i could hear his voice, i didnt need to see anymore. From the first time i heard him say i cant breathe it was more than i could take. I couldnt watch any more of it. Now early this morning rioters actually broke into nearby liquor store looting the business until police came to clear them out. Still unclear if there were any arrests or if police are trying to let this simmer down this morning. Clearly a fair amount of Property Damage and a lot of unsettled feelings between the community and police. Back to you. Steve live from minneapolis bill keller, bill, thank you. Ainsley . Ainsley thank you, steve. The fbi joining that multistate manhunt for the College Student accused in two murders. Pennsylvania state police releasing this photo believed to be the suspect. His name is Peter Manfredonia and Officials Say it is time to stop running. Peter, i want you to know that we are continuing our investigation. The one thing we are missing right now is you. Your parents, your friends, all of us back here in connecticut want a peaceful end to this. Ainsley here to discuss is former prosecutor and host of crime stories on fox nation nancy grace. Hey, nancy. Good morning. Ainsley good morning. So, this case, if you just hear a small little story about it, its very confusing. Can you walk us through the details of what happened . Yes, i can. This 23yearold uconn student double Major Business and engineering went on a rampage. Started friday. The first thing he did was head towards a young familys home. The family taking a tro restraining order against him they had not done so. He encountered a 62yearold ted who order him a ride to his motorcycle. Somehow, during that confrontation ensued and he allegedly habitationed the 62yearold dead with a machete and puts 86yearold neighbor in the hospital with severe wounds. Is he still in the hospital. From there, he goes to a home, home intrudes, gets three long guns and a pistol, food and a car. Makes his way to a high school friend. There, he kills him, according to police, kidnaps his girlfriend, takes off in her vw jet attachment the next thing we know, its not over yet. He leaves her and the car along a the new jerseypennsylvania border. We now know that he is connected to yet another stolen vehicle. He takes a ride share to the back of a walmart. He is seen last around east strasburg, pennsylvania, walking along Railroad Tracks with that duffle bag. In it we believe three long guns and a pistol. We now believe he may be connected to a black 2012 hyundai, suv, but this guy is armed. We know he has got three long guns and a pistol. He has got food. He knows where he is going because he is following the Railroad Tracks. His m. O. Is unpredictable. Because he has changed it so many times. Ainsley and you have so much experience covering investigations like this. What makes someone like this snap . This kid had his whole future ahead of him. His dad is it on tv pleading for him to come home. A double major. Well, what we know is that in his old dorm room it was scribbled on the wall see what happened when adam snaps what will happen when i snap . Ainsley i hope they find him. Thank you for joining us. We have Kevin Mccarthy coming up and. A lung cancer diagnosis can leave you holding your breath. But Bristol Myers squibb is working to change things. By researching new kinds of medicines that could help you live longer. Including options that are chemofree. Because were committed to bringing new hope into lung cancer care. Brian u. S. Stork mccarthys are excited as the nation gets back to work, six days were set to ease more covid19 restrictions today. Steve of the states, minnesota where churches now can official ly reopen, with limited capacity, religious and Retail Services now reopening in los angeles to a certain extent while hair salons and barber shops are opening in other california counties. Ainsley long island, new york is set to start reopening that process today at least as Governor Andrew Cuomo heads to the white house to meet with the president. Yes, brian and i are out here on long island and not much is open except for the restaurants basically after that trump and the Vice President will head to the Sunshine State for the historic spacex launch day a live look at Cape Canaveral right now, brian. Brian it will be the first man flight to space on board a commercial spacecraft in history first from u. S. Soil in 10 years and the nasa administrator joined us earlier to share his excitement. We believe there is a strong marketplace for human space flight that hasnt existed until right now because we are willing t use commercial industry to launch american astronauts and thats what Todays Mission is all about. Steve Todays Mission, the lift off is scheduled for 4 33 eastern time this afternoon, but it all depends on the weather and were going to talk to Kellyanne Conway about that in just a moment ainsley. Ainsley yes, very exciting well be watching, set your alarm clock get your kids in front of the tv we havent seen this from american soil in almost 10 years theyve been preparing for this for six years and were all excited. You interviewed the nasa administrator who you just heard from earlier this morning steve and he was tweeting with the guys and he said he wishes them the best. God speed because the two astronauts that will be on board and they are the best of the best these men. He actually wrote them on monday and said in a text and said look , guys if you dont feel comfortable with this let me know and i will scratch this and they both wrote back and said we are go for launch. This morning President Trump is threatening to regulate our even close down social media platform s that he says are silencing conservative voices. Griff jenkins is live in washington as tensions between trump and twitter escalate. Griff good morning, let me tell you Something Else youll watch today and that is the blasting off if you will between washington and Silicon Valley and this all started with the president lashing out yesterday at twitter for slapping a backcheck warning about potential fraud involving mailin ballots and a link to Fact Checkers seen in the Washington Post claims its false and the president accusing them for election interference, well hes just tweeted this in the last hour saying republicans feel that social media platforms totally silence conservative voices. We will strongly regulate or close them down before we can ever allow this to happen. We saw what they attempted to do and failed in 2016. We cant let a more sophisticated version of that and continues, happen again. Just like we cant let large scale mailin ballots take root in our country it be a free for all on cheating, forgery and the theft of ballots whoever cheated the most would win likewise social media clean up your act now. Well a spokesman for twitter responding just minutes ago to my direct message with this statement saying, these tweets contain potentially misleading information about voting processes, and have been labeled to provide additional context around mail in ballots. This decision is in line with the approach we shared earlier this month. Thats a reference to an extension of the misleading information policy originally designed for coronavirus information. Its a dramatic shift for the social network, and this move is drawing sharp criticism from senator josh holl y on fox friends earlier. Big tech gets a huge handout from the federal government. Why are they getting subsidized by federal taxpayers to sensor conservatives they need to explain we need some answers. Griff now, senator hawley is sending a letter to google on a related issue but its too early to tell sort of what new treatment twitter may have towards the president s tweeting well have to wait and find out and its unclear exactly what the administration or congress for that matter can actually take against a company like twitter or google for that matter. Brian, ainsley, steve . Brian griff good job a direct message answer so youre moving your own story great job. Meanwhile lets bring in Kellyanne Conway counselor to the president as the president in the next five months to get four more years, kellyanne the reaction that you have and the president has towards the fact check which is now in the certain tweets the president puts out that leaks to a cnn and Washington Post story. That part is the richest of all. These people have got nothing important over the last three years, beginning with the very election where they were relying on their own data. I have a treasure trove of peoples articles of how Hillary Clinton was using Donald Trumps name, and they all thought that the election was decided long before that. Why . Because theres very little respect for a democracy. The democracy of information that social media has brought forth that President Trump has brought fourth so many conservatives feel like they dont have a voice in the Mainstream Media. Youve seen the statistics they are unignorable. Fact check over 90 of Mainstream Media reportedly vote for the democratic president ial candidate so many conservatives and many nonliberals and many nonvoters feel like they have a platform on social media that allows them for free to express themselves. So we turn around and use the same people who are going to endorse joe biden for president reluctantly, are constantly attacking the president and the people around him, even when he does great things like reduce the cost of insulin yesterday for a maximum of 35 copay for seniors each month, even that cant get covered fairly, and completely, and they are relying upon the same people to attack him all day long to fact check him. I want to raise the name of somebody at twitter. The head of integrity, and his name is yoell ross somebody in San Francisco will wake him up and tell him hes about to get more followers. This guy is constantly attacking trump voters, trump, mitch mcconnell, you name it, and hes the head of integrity at twitter his twitter feed, go and read what he said. We fly over the races, fly over countries, voted for , its just horrible the way he looks at people who otherwise should have a free and fair platform on twitter. So, and look what the president is saying about mail in ballots he expressed very well in the rose garden yesterday. He said look, folks, if youre traveling, if you live out of state right now, from where you vote of course youre going to get an absentee ballot but why is Congress Voting remotely all of a sudden . Kevin mccarthy lawsuit is suing nancy pelosi to stop that from becoming institutionalized hes absolutely correct on that. Why all of a sudden do we have mail in ballots if its 86 degrees and sunny and america found their way to the beaches. Did you see the pictures this weekend . They will find their way to the polls so this just another attempt of those who want to keep our states locked down, churches, mosques, synagogues closed, professional sports locked up forever, amusement parks, our kids our lives locked down. They want you the voter to not be able to come out and express the most important franchise and in advance of that express yourselves on social media platforms. We have no presence in the Mainstream Media. They look down on us like were deplorable. So social media gives us that presence and the president himself has a huge advantage on social media. Has more followers than any president he uses it more than anyone ever has to reach the people to communicate and to also hear back from them whats on their minds, so thats why they are shutting this down. Steve well, and kellyanne yesterday the president used twitter to announce the fact that the stock market aways over 25,000 for a little while yesterday, and that the lockdown s were ending across much of the country, and today, im sure hes going to tweet out something about the spacex launch. This is exciting because after not sending men and women into space, today were going to send two astronauts up, its scheduled for 4 30 this afternoon, but this is a different kind of nasa flight because the capsule is owned by spacex, not the federal government, so essentially, we are a customer of elon musk whose figured a way to do this. Well its really exciting. The privatepublic partnerships, the way the president has been able to mobilize the private sector and everything from the covid19 response to passing the tax code and jobs act years ago, and now spacex is really remarkable. Some people have been in government and worked in the building behind me and leave government is always the solution, only the government. Weve never believed that. We love to bring to bear a massive project an american project like spacex so people can also see the human exploration but also the scientific progress that we can come from a very exciting launch like this and im glad youre going to cover it live. I hope everyone is. Its very exciting these kids have all been locked in,e learning, Distance Learning were toward the end of the school year now for most of them let them tune in and see this great expression of human innovation and scientific progress. Thats what the president is and the Vice President are focused on here. Apart from that but relatedly, the president does have now the first branch of the armed forces in 72 years, part of the air force, and since we have the air force 72 years ago or so this is a branch of government, branch of the military the president has made very clear how important it is to continue going into space to explore and to make some medical innovation innovations if we can. Ainsley so the market is surging after some of these states are reopening and thats great news. Jason furman, a top economist in the Obama Administration hes now a professor at harvard he predicted back in april he had a zoom call with bipartisan leader s, economist, Federal Reserve chairs, that kind of thing, republicans and democrats and he said something that shock ed the democrats because he was an obama guy. He predicted that there was going to be an explosion in employment numbers and gdp after all this is over. He said after a Natural Disaster , hurricanes, oil spills , he said normally theres a steep decline in the economy like weve seen here, but then theres a quick step to rebound ing, so he says now people are going back to work. People that were furloughed are going back to their original jobs and hes predicting were going to see a big jump do you agree . No question. Hes predicting a big jump in part because nats what happened but the big part is because its President Trump whose going to rebuild an economy he built in the first place and you see that happening already. This president , thank god we have a Solid Economic Foundation when this invisible enemy hit, because the deregulation, the energy dominance, the tax cuts, the job creation, more jobs created than people looking to fill the jobs, everywhere you turn people were thriving, and the economy was booming and it is starting to do that again. The dow jones is one indicator but i would say to you that before the markets open today the futures are up. I read this morning that Carnival Cruise stocks were up 11 , United Airlines is up 8 those are travel industry stocks that have been particularly hard hit and Consumer Confidence is on the rise. So if you have your consumer saying to these governors, free me, let me go back to work, let my kids go backtoschool and go to places of work and places of worship let me get outside and fresh air and vitamin d already they are saying that to their give nors thats why 50 governor s have specific reopening plans and people like Gretchen Whitmer look like hypocrites when her own husband asks for special voting privileges and she seems to have lots of time to audition for vp and be on tv constantly and run around the state and yet whats good for her and her husband is not good for the rest of michigan and thats why i think michigan is out there in full force saying let me work. Im staring at my june 1 bills now today is what . May 27. People the april 1 bills, may 1 bills, june 1 bills. The enemy is invisible but the people are very visible to us, and the forgotten man and forgotten woman, the forgotten seniors they want to get back to work. I think this is incredibly important and thats why you see the economy and the confidence rising. Brian you know that husband of hers got such a great sense of humor he was kidding around because they love to kid around. Not buying it. Brian he really wanted his boat in the water. Not buying it. I know joe biden insists on having a woman as vp, but does he want one that tells the truth because people are following, first she said no it didnt happen and then she said it just a joke but i dont think the people of michigan who are still on lockdown are laughing much. They want to get back to work and their places of worship and want their kids back in School Getting out and getting fresh air. We all want that. Brian and it looks like the husband just wants his boat in the water so does everyone else in michigan but they cant. Meanwhile the president of the United States made an announcement yesterday hes going to slash the price of insulin costs for medicare enrollees. How much is this in response to the numbers that look, the president is one of his weaknesses this time around at this point, five months out, is 65 and over they seem to be going towards joe biden. Is this something to say im listening to your needs . Well the president has delivered for seniors. He bolstered our military, done great things for our veterans like the choice act which allows them to Access Private care and still get reimbursed if they cant access quality timely care at the v this president said i wont touch Social Security and medicare and he made good on his promise yesterday he touched it in the right way. Medicare part d recipients one out of three who are diabetic and many of whom take insulin got a big boost yesterday because now, there will be a maximum of 35 a month copay for your insulin. We found that 50 was the pressure price point at which many seniors stopped taking their insulin and stopped taking enough of their insulin or stopped getting prescription s filled so 35 is way below that and theres also an opportunity for seniors on some plans to pay less than the 35 and this is incredible its just 66 reduction in out of pocket costs for seniors. We dont want them to have to choose between food and insulin or other needs and insulin plus what the president has done with telehealth for medicare recipients we had about 12,000 seniors using telemedicine before covid19 hit. Now, weve got six figures worth having regular medicine appointments the president wants to make that permanent so this announcement was huge yesterday, and weve been working on this for about nine months with cmmi and it actually was a waiver in obamacare because obama biden couldnt get it donald we would love for congress to work with us and the president will sign a bill but they wont do it so if congress is just going to act up and not act we took it upon ourselves and yesterday we had the three major insulin makers, we had the Patient Advocacy groups and we had the healthcare plans ceos working with the president to get this done for americas seniors. Ainsley great. Steve positive steps. Kellyanne thank you very much for joining us. Have a great day. Steve all right, meanwhile, kellyanne was actually talking about this House Republicans are suing nancy pelosi over the new proxy Voting System, House Minority leader Kevin Mccarthy is leading the charge and he joins us live, next. 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Leader mccarthy you know in the very beginning the way it was presented to america was given the fact that so many members of congress are over 65 or theyve got preexisting conditions, this is about safety , allowing other people to vote for members of congress. People who are there in chamber, but you say maybe thats not exactly what theyve got in mind no this is endangering the constitution to make sure pelosi has more power. Our constitution, our country, expects us to convene for 231 years, thats what congress has done. From the yellow fever of 1700s to the civil war to the burning of the building during in the 1900s then you had spanish flu, you had the 9 11, we still convened, but all this does is empower pelosi more. 63 democrats will not show up for work today but still be paid you can not read the constitution without clearly seeing that our founders believed we should meet together from articlei section 4, 5, or 6 theres no way to read the constitution any other way. The only reason the democrats are doing this is it empowers pelosi to even be stronger. Watch what she was able to do just a couple weeks ago, pass 3 trillion with never going through a committee. No one seeing bill. She wrote it herself and brought it to the floor. The largest bill ever in the history of the United States steve meanwhile the speaker has responded put out a statement says House Republicans, sad stunt, shows that their only focus is to delay and obstruct urgentlyneeded action to meet the needs of American Workers and families during the coronavirus crisis. Congressman you cited the constitution, but you know that the constitution says congress can make any rules they want and this is a rule that she wanted and she passed. Thats true. Congress can make any rule but they cannot go against the constitution. If that is true, then congress can make a rule that only women can vote. That only california can vote. That Republican Voters only count half a percent. They cannot do something unconstitutional. Thats why what they are doing has not been done in 231 years. When the capitol was burnt down during the war of 1812 when we had the spanish flu in 1918 when we had 9 11 we still were able to convene. We are going to space today. We are opening up california but 63 democrats are not coming to work and theyre still being paid. They were able to come to work a couple weeks ago but now they cant, why . Because it empowers nancy pelosi to have all the power, only 20 members can hold all the proxies to be able to pass any bill they want on the floor. Unheard of and it is now steve its going to wind up in court. Meanwhile one other quick topic and the president tweeted this out. I hope all Republican House members vote no on fisa until such a time our country is able to determine how and why the greatest political criminal and sub verse ever scandal in u. S. History took place, and now urls asking the democrats to pull the fisa bill until the changes are made. Explain. Well this is about a foreign surveillance. Our ability to survey foreigners but now were learning in the Obama Administration they utilized it to go after americans. We want to make sure we protect and get all of the information out before we move for forward on this bill so ive asked the democrats to hold this bill up. Two Different Reasons why. They do not have enough members here to pass that bill and doing it unconstitutionally so it wouldnt go anywhere because its doing it by proxy and thirdly is we have not gotten to the bottom and they havent come forward with all the surveillance that were finding every single day we get new information with where obama utilized this maybe even against our own members and senators. We need to get to the bottom of that and make sure the fisa court is protecting the liberties of americans before we move another bill forward. Steve already minority leader Kevin Mccarthy joining us from capitol hill. Leader, thank you very much. Thank you. Steve all right, still ahead, we told you about two High School Swimmers last week, petitioning their governor to reopen pools in new jersey. Those swimmers joining us live with an update, coming up. As someone with hearing loss i know what a confusing and frustrating experience getting hearing aids can be. Thats why i founded lively. Affordable, highquality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. I use lively hearing aids and its been wonderful. Its so light and so small but its a fraction of the cost of the other devices. They cost thousands less. Its insanely user friendly. You take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. You dont even need to go into an office. Theyre delivered to your door in a few days and youre up and running in no time. It connects via bluetooth to my phone. 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Ainsley since we last spoke their petition received a ton of support from all of you watching racking up 12,000 signatures and counting and we have andy and jerry that compete with the som erset hills ymca swim team in new jersey. Andy, now that you know, 8,000 plus more signatures since you were on last week because people support you how did that make you feel . Yeah, we are so thankful, our petition of signatures on our petition has more than tripled since the last time when you had us on the show last week , and just last night we passed over 12,000 signatures, and we feel amazed were really happy and weve been extremely excited to see that swimmers and other states have been inspired by our decision and have started petitions of their own, petitioning their own governors across the country. Ainsley now, jerry, the governor has said hes in talks now with youth sports hopefully you guys will be able to resume your sport pretty soon , he says. It hasnt happened yet. Why is this so important to you . Well for us as swimmers we need to be back in the water as soon as possible, because were missing critical training opportunities. Right now, science data backs this up. We can be in the pool for training safe and in a responsible way, and we need response from the government as soon as possible because swimmers across the state, theyre devastated. They dont know when they are going to be back in the pool, and if the government responds it will give us something to look forward to in the near future. Ainsley andy, what do you think about this because when you go to college im sure youre hoping for a scholarship because you want to swim in college i know. But then youre competing against kids around the country that are out there practicing now. Yeah, its a good point. Swimming is very competitive we really want to get back to training. I know that more than 35 states either have already moved into the reopening process or have plans to reopen and its funny because the only thing new jersey has is two swimmers started a petition to get things going so we know that murphy mentioned youth sports yesterday , he mentioned pools for the first time which is like wow thats awesome, hes finally , weve started to get the ball rolling but it is frustrating seeing oars states we totally understand why these restrictions were put in place for everyones health and safety , which is understandable but jerry and i and the swimmers everywhere we really believe that the signs and Research Backs it up like the time is now to get back into the water. Ainsley cdc said it cant be transmitted in chlorine as we heard from last week in your interview. Jerry you guys are so disciplin ed you dont touch each other. I understand when it basketball or Something Like that when the players are actually running into each other but you could do this safely and social distance yourself, swim separately, you all swim in different lanes and its not transmitted in water. Yup. So as we said, cdc says, coronavirus doesnt transmit in water and we believe that we should be back in the water as soon as possible. After the interview we attended a webinar with professional swimmers and swim coaches across the country and they have outlined a guideline on how to return to pools safely. They outlined the safe practice such as swimmers going in through one door, going through their assigned lanes doing the workout, getting clothes on and exit through another door without getting into contact with anyone, and social distancing will be maintained throughout the entire process. Ainsley well where can we find this petition if we want to sign it . Yeah, if you go to change. Or g and look up competitive swimmers youll find our petition that is gaining signatures by the minute, we just passed a thousand and were really excited. Ainsley and if our viewers want to go to our website we have it on our website too, fox friends. Com. We reached out to Governor Murphy Office for a statement we have not heard back but please keep us posted were praying you all get back quickly thank you wish you all the best. Thank you. Three republican states are offering to host the Republican Convention if it is moved out of North Carolina so does Sarah Sanders think that will happen . Well ask her live, next. Im greg, im 68 years old. I do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. I honestly feel that thats my calling to give back to younger people. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. I thank the rnc and gary cohen is on our mind. This is a great place to be. Its a great place for the president. Its a great place for us and were proud and i agree with the governor if they want to come here if North Carolina doesnt want it come on down to georgia we got plenty for you. I know the Republican National convention and committee would like to be in North Carolina but if not we be more than happy to have them in texas. Brian all right its got to be a battleground state maybe texas is battleground state they could actually replace North Carolina, as the new site of the rnc in late august. Right now we need they need a commitment republicans need a commitment to find out if they they are allowed to do this in the stadium. Sarah sanders joins us live now and sarah, do you think its time to start looking elsewhere . I know theres contracts involved in North Carolina. I know theres a whole bunch of hotels and lecture halls that have been booked all right do you see this moving . Look, lets be really clear. The president is an extremely tough negotiator. Ive watched it firsthand many types and hes making it very clear to the democrat governor of North Carolina and the democrat mayor of charlotte that if they dont want to work with him, hell walk and hes not afraid to do that. I think that be unfortunate and hopefully he doesnt have to do that, but the president is going to have the Republican National convention one way or another and if they dont want to have it there i think hes got a lot of great options and he can come down to my home state of arkansas he will be very warmly welcomed in a very popular state for this president. Steve well, we do have a sound bite of the governor of the great state of north dakota yesterday, democrat roy cooper, here he is talking a little bit about hosting the convention. Weve been in talks with the rnc about the kind of convention that they would need to run. We want to see from the rnc what their plans are are and weve asked them to submit those plans to our Public Health officials. Steve okay, the surprising thing was that i said he was from north dakota, hes from North Carolina. Ainsley we knew what you meant. Steve yeah, i know so he would like to, the president would like an answer in a week, but is that possible . I mean, he says hes following the data on the illness. Again, i think that the president is going to make sure that he has a convention that is worthy of the president ial nomination, and he wants to have all of the people that have to go through the process of actually nominating him for president , and if North Carolina isnt prepared and doesnt want that to happen, i think the president has some backup options, but end of the day i think one thing is clear. Donald trump will have a big convention, a lot of enthusiasm because there are a lot of people out there that want to see him reelected for four more years as president. Ainsley sarah there are a lot of people in arkansas but love your family. You went to washington you came back home they are all proud of you and now they love youre helping the Small Businesses. Tell the folks that are watching what youre doing with arkansas 30 day fund. So we started a nonprofit called the arkansas 30 day fund. My husband and i kicked this off about a week ago and the response has been amazing. This is not a Government Program this is a citizens from around the state coming together, raising private donations. We wrote one of the first checks to get us started and its all about putting money into Small Businesses. We give forgivable loans, we dont ask that it is repaid, and one of the big things that weve seen as weve started giving out this money to these individual businesses is the hope that it brings them. Right now, so Many Americans are struggling particularly Small Businesses. Were giving them a little bit of an influx of money but more than anything were giving them hope and letting them know that people in their Community Care about them, and want to see them continue to operate and want to see them continue to stay in business and thats one of the most inspiring and remarkable things is having this relationship with these Small Businesses. Brian and your governor kept everything alive in order to maybe not kill off Small Business while we were trying to fight the virus so we understand his heart is there as well as his actions. Sarah best of luck with the Program Great to see you. Thank you. Thanks for having me on. Ainsley sure. Brian meanwhile jillian mele is finishing up with her last update of the morning. Jillian good morning and we start with a fox news alert. As hundreds of protesters clash the police in minneapolis overnight after four officers were fired for the death of an unarmed black man. No justice, no peace, prosecute the police. Jillian police using tear gas to control the crowd and new video now surfacing of George Floyds arrest the video posted by the familys attorney shows floyd in handcuffs being led to a Police Cruiser and his family says he didnt resist arrest. Another video shows an officer kneeling on floyds neck. [i cant breathe, officer] Jillian Floyd lost consciousness and later died. The fbi is investigating the case. To another fox news alert a College Student wanted for two murders may be in a stolen car. Police say an suv was taken from the area where peter manfre donia was last seen in pennsylvania. His first victims widow says he was looking for a young woman down the street and family and police renewing calls for him to surrender. Parents, your friends all of us back here in connecticut, want a peaceful end to this. Jillian police say he took an uber to a pennsylvania walmart after driving from connecticut to new jersey and the store is located right next to the train tracks you seer where he was seen walking along. And an msnbc camera crew called out and caught off guard. Reporter cal perry was wearing a mask as youll see as he talks about people around him in wisconsin, who were no. And then this happened. Nobody is wearing them, nobody is there you go, including the cameraman. Jillian perry quickly acknowledged that the man was right. Thats a look at your headlines ill send it back to you. Steve yeah the camera guy was not wearing a mask thats embarrassing jillian thank you very much now lets go to janice dean with breaking weather news and all eyes on the cape, j. D. Janice yes on the cape and South Carolina because we have our secondnamed tropical system this is birtha, just named moments ago by the National Hurricane center a tiny system so it had time to strengthen over the gulfstream, so we are expecting landfall imminently over the next couple of hours around midday, 45mile per hour sustained winds and South Carolina is going to get a lot of rain so regardless if its named or not its still going to bring the same results a lot of heavy rainfall and the potential for thunderstorms and we have Tropical Storm warnings in effect. Now, the other big story is Cape Canaveral, spacex is supposed to launch at 4 33. We have thunderstorms in and around the area of Cape Canaveral and thats ongoing throughout the day including afternoon launch time at 4 33, neil cavuto will be all over it. They have not called off the launch yet, but it could be a launch time decision because there are going to be thunderstorms in the area so watching this area of course over the next couple of hours, watching birtha as well justnam ed Tropical Storm and its very warm across the southwest as well so well keep you uptodate from the fox news extreme weather center, in my bunker back to you, steve, ainsley, brian. Ainsley thank you, janice. Long island, new york finally getting the green light to reopen today. What can we expect were going to ask one county executive next but first lets check in with sandra smith to find out whats coming up at the top of the hour Sandra Ainsley good morning, good morning everyone coming up twitter Fact Checking the president how the president is responding this morning, well have a live report from the white house and brand new reactions from former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich coming up plus the top obama economist making headlines for saying the economic rebounds from the coronavirus will be fast and massive. Jason furman will be our guest live coming up, and some good news as College Sports has been given the green light to allow some athletes to return to campus days from now. Lsu head football coach will be joining us live in americas news room we look forward to hearing a go tigers well be here for three hours coming up join us top of the hour. Attention veterans with va loans. Mortgage rates have just dropped to all time lows. Veterans can refinance their loans with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2,000 every year. You could start saving, starting with your next mortgage payment. Refi now at these historic low rates. So rely on the experts at 1800petmeds for the exact same medications as the vet, but up to 30 percent less with fast, free shipping. Visit us at petmeds. Com today. Why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills . E else. Flonase sensimist. Nothing stronger. Nothing gentler. Nothing lasts longer. Flonase sensimist. 24 hour nondrowsy allergy relief the returdraftinging the return of the slide job ripping the wall gasngo bumpnrun the return of loud nascar is back, and xfinity is bringing you the best seat in the house. Brian Governor Cuomo gives the green light for long island to reopen under phase i guidelines today, allowing some businesses from manufacturing to construction to curbside retail to resume. Watt can we expect to see and how do they do it . Suffolk county executive steve m alone has been there every step of the way and this is one of the better times. Steve how important is today . Its a huge milestone for us , brian. In many ways weve been through hell over the last couple of months. Weve lost thousands of people on long island, and one of the hardest hit places in our nation, but today, we are beginning the process of reopening our economy. People are ready, businesses are ready theres been economic devastation thats occurred, and im pretty excited we have the president and the governor talking about infrastructure today. I think that be an incredible injection infusion into our economy. We talk about our beaches and our tourism economy and opening up here, which we did on memorial day weekend, we have one of the largest Infrastructure Projects for sewers in the region in our history since the days of ronald regan with federal investment in infrastructure, we would create jobs, boost to our economy, improve Water Quality a winwin for everybody so were excited today. Brian so do you have to wait another two weeks because this is good to have phase i, but until you get the gyms open and until you can get the malls open and until you can get the restaurants open, youre not going to get any tax dollars let alone people making a living yeah, weve lost tax dollars , theres no way to get those back, the key is we got to get the economy moving. We know people have lost jobs, Small Businesses are hurting, they are on the edge and they are ready to come back and ill tell you, the Small Businesses, the entrepreneurs this is what they do. They adapt, they adjust, and they are going to want to reopen safely. They are going to do this because they have to protect their employees and their customers and they want to reopen so that we dont have a setback so for them, opening safely it makes Good Business sense. Thats what they are going to do and ready to do that and thats what were working towards. I believe that we may see a shortening of that timeframe because were in a position where because weve been so hard hit there are other places around the country that have opened earlier, and we can learn from their experiences, and when there are activities that are not having a great impact we should be able to move those things up and thats what were looking to do on long island. Brian are you in the mindset that school has to open in the fall, and finding a way or are you still waiting for the governor to tell you yes or no . Look were having conversations on the local level weve never been waiting to be told something from the state. Were looking to talk about whats happening on the ground, make plans here and communicate that up to the state, and there is a real sense that we need to get the schools back open. Look, i have a second grader a fifth grader and a sixth grader so i can speak from personal experience that my kids need to get backtoschool. We need to get our kids backtoschool and we need to do it safely and i believe we can do that. Brian so you took on the mayor the mayor said new york city beaches are bad. If i catch you in the war i might even put a fence up but if you want to go to long island beaches go ahead. Thats the most ridiculous statement ive ever heard. How did you take on deblasio on this . Well look the mayor has to make the decisions that he think s are best for the city, and i need to do that for Suffolk County and we need to do that on long island and the fact of the matter is when you have major facilities like that and the cities that are closed youre just creating capacity issues for us out on long island thats why weve tried to act on a regional basis to the extent possible so we put in what i think is just a common sense measure and that is to restrict access to Suffolk County residents to our beaches, on a temporary basis. Now look we welcome people, we have a huge tourism economy, we have second homeowners from the city, were one big regional economy, but we have to make common sense decisions, and when the city is not opening its facility, we have to make sure our residents have access to ours and thats why i made that decision. Brian exciting time steve i know youve been on television on a regular basis updating people the best you can so keep your fingers crossed going on the glide path, steve malone, thanks so much. We reached out to the Mayors Office and they offered a statement where they said what works for long island or new jersey doesnt work in the city so thats what he said. Back in a moment to wrap things up. Well, thank you very much for watching us today, we will be back here at 6 00 a. M. Eastern on the virtual couch. Have a great day. Sandra thank you. President trump bashing twitter after the site flagged his tweets with a factcheck warning. Good morning everyone, i am sandra smith. Ed a very pleasant good morning to you, i met henry. The president accusing twitter of interfering with free speech and the 2020 elections after the platform as a warning to his tweets about mailin ballots and alleged voter fraud. Sandra the New York Post summing it up this morning with tweet fight, president darius as twitter labeled him a fake news. Ed is also threatening to move the convention of North Carolina giving the governor one week to decide

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