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Group. Why do you think the white house isnt calling terror what it is . Log on to Fox Friends First Facebook Page and weigh in. Fox friends starts now. Good morning. It is thursday january 29. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. A fox news alert. Isis sets a new deadline for its prisoner swap but you cant compare it to the Bowe Bergdahl case. Dont even try because the taliban apparently arent terrorists. The taliban is an armed insurgency. Isil is a terrorist group so we dont make concessions to terrorist groups. That explanation had reporters stunned. Yeah then its one of the more popular stories on that regional blog politico with this catchy headline Mike Huckabee complains of trashy women at fox. Problem is its not true. The governor responds in moments. Theyre not the only ones. The daily news spewing lies about one of my cohosts and its not elisabeth. They said it about steve in the dark. So right. I have that exclusive story. I cannot reveal my source. Thank you very much. Im working on it now and ive got levinthal working in the background. Hi. Im Joe Theismann and youre watching fox friends. I wake up with them in the morning. Of course not with brian. Who would want to wake up with brian . But youve got to watch fox friends. Wait a minute. Does that suggest he wakes up with me . I think that means figure figuretively. I knew you married i quarterback. I didnt think it was theismann. But joe will be joining us sunday. Mike huckabee and i victims of people making stuff up. Well share that in a minute but first heather. A deal must be done by sunset, that is what isis is saying. There is a new audio recording. Isis setting a deadline for a prisoner swap saying a jordanian pilot being held hostage would be executed immediately if this woman is not delivered to the Turkish Border. Jordan says it is willing to make this exchange but needs proof that the pilot is alive. There is no word if a second japanese hostage being held by isis will be part of the deal. Well follow the story throughout the morning new video released showing tense moments inside Florida State university when a gunman opened fire inside that library. Remember this story from a few months back. The shooter is seen wandering around the librarys front desk and one student is seen running for his life. Three people were seriously injured in that november shooting before may was killed by police. It was a meeting all about keeping the peace but there was nothing peaceful about what happened. Instead this. Get your [bleep] chaos going down inside st. Louis city hall during a meeting over the Michael Brown shooting. Things taking a turn for the worse, a fight breaking out between an alderman and member of the police union. No one was arrested. That meeting though,enedded early. Arizona known for pretty hot temperatures but this is a little much. Take a look. Im not authorized to evacuate. What youre seeing is pretty high. Youre sort of surrounded by pretty intense heat. Again, im not your dad but i would get out while you still can. I think steel boils at about this temperature. There is probably nothing left up there. You cant see it, cape creek, arizona 2,960 degrees. That is our meteorologist from our phoenix affiliate ksaz showing off fantastic improv skills. That is a great morning show they have out there. Its hot. It is probably about 1,500 out there right now. Still early. We just heard the fox news alert from heather that isis extended the deadline for the hostage swap with jordan. They will release that pilot if jordan gives up the suicide bomber. Yesterday at the white house the abc correspondent said hey isnt this exactly what the United States did with bowe bergdahl and the taliban . And the Deputy Press Secretary eric schultz had something so bizarre to say, we have to play it for you this morning. Then were going to discuss. Its crazy. The United States government does not give in to demands with a hostage, does not pay ransom, you say. How is what the jordanians doing any different than what the United States did to get the release of bergdahl . The taliban which is clearly a terrorist organization . As you know, this was highly discussed at the time and prisoner swaps are a traditional end of conflict interaction that happens. [inaudible] we felt like it was the appropriate things to do, the president s bedrock commitment as commander in chief is to leave no man or woman behind. That is the principle he is operating under. The taliban is still conducting terror attacks. The taliban is an armed insurgency. Isil is a terrorist group. We dont make concessions to terrorist groups. Isnt the taliban a terrorist group . I dont think that the taliban the taliban is an armed insurgency. It is so insulting for him to say that. And he wasnt talking to himself. Put it this way. If youre going to brief anybody who is about to brief the press maybe he should have gone over that first because we started the swapapalazoo then. We are still wondering why the president didnt check with congress by giving the taliban brain trust at gitmo, giving them back for Bowe Bergdahl who were investigating for desertion. Now were essentially saying jordan this is a bad trend. You probably shouldnt swap your pilot get your pile back for this suicide bomber, this female but theyre doing it and they cant point to anyone except for us. But for the taliban not to be a terror group . They dont like labels apparently. This game of terror taboo has gone too far and is permeating the entire administration. The wars over in afghanistan. Theyre not terrorists. The taliban there are armed insurgents. It is absolutely embarrassing. Charles krauthammer on special report reacted to this, said it perfectly. Watch. It drives car bombs into markets and its not a terrorist group. You cant parody this administration. The idea that the United States would not do this is preposterous. Of course we do. And also the idea that the war is winding down tell that to anybody who lives in afghanistan. This is a fantasy although obama is pretending that the war on terror, the war in afghanistan, the war in iraq are all winding down and the wars are all back. This is sort of embarrassing. It is very embarrassing. Who is writing the white house script . Is it aljazeera . Yesterday we told you about how aljazeera would not say tift because one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. None of the three networks ran that exchange where the administration said that the taliban are is not terrorists. Theyre armed insurgents. Abc did a footage on a carjacking a handcuffed woman which by the way we had in the morning. That was a reader for us at 6 00 a. M. Cbs played a time lapse of clouds filling the grand canyon and nbc nightly news wanted to make sure it was the 30th anniversary of we are the world. You sit there and pin the briefer to the mat on something that is so consequential as this and then who is going to go to the news room and tell jonathan karl youre on the cutting room floor . This is important because terror is winning in negotiations across the globe right now and American People want to know about it, and a fox news poll we asked is the United States at war with radical islam . That was the exact phrase. And over half of you responded yes it is. 56 , yes the United States is at war with radical islam. You can say it. The administration cant. As you know governor huckabee used to work here. Looks like hes going to be running for president so he stopped working here. He put a book out and his book tour is doing exceedingly well. He put out some conflict when he talked about the midwest and east and west coast in america. All of a sudden politico decides to read the book and pulls out this headline. Brian, i dont think they read the book because on politico the top storyathathathathnr3q hbngs da]] taerjdn i thought the blizzard knocked out power which is not true because the lights were on. I was outside, i was inside. I knew the lights werent knocked out. When you read the gossip pages and you go could that stuff possibly be true in this case, no. And you would think it is true. The other thing maybe they should try if you are on a tv show your lights could be going on like its christmas. Steve, when i walked outside, i did look up and saw your lights. They may have said it to me when i walked in but i had so many levels of hats and hoods on, i didnt hear anything. I didnt know who you were. I was standing next to you. Dont talk to the concierge. Blabbermouth. Coming up remember this guy . Rent, its too damned high. He might be right. Well explain. The white house released this map to show how amnesty for illegals is going to raise money for your state. Can it be true . We have the numbers. Not good. Ive always loved exploring and looking for something better. Thats the way i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin, but wondered if i kept digging could i come up with something better. My doctor told me about eliquis. For three Important Reasons. One, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. 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Dont walk away from me. Ahhhhhhhh the white house released a map to show all of us how president obamas executive action on immigration is going to help our states. According to the white houses council of economic advisor, the president s amnesty will give california an 11. 7 billion boost to its economy. But will it really . Here to weigh in is Douglas Holtz eakin. Douglas, good morning to you. Good morning, steve. According to the white house, amnesty is going to help us all financially . Lets just remember that the real dispute here is whether the president has exceeded his authorities under the constitution. Its not really about immigration at all. Its about constitutional authority. Its certainly not about the economics. In what is fairly standard white house they put this out to the public to sell this idea to the American People. It is hard to believe these numbers quite frankly. There is a pretty widely respected private firm that looked at the impact of legalizing all those here illegally permanently. Passing a law to do that thats a much bigger deal than what the president did with his executive authority. It will have much broader impacts. If you look at what the white house put out versus what they came up with for a bigger policy the white house is 75 bigger. It is hard to believe these numbers. Were going to put that first image up from this remy outfit. According to them, california is down 17 meanwhile delaware is up 5,254 . Where did that come from . Straight from the desk of Vice President joe biden, i guess. Its a little hard to believe. Weve got the difference in yearly averages which is the white house estimate versus remy. According to this, new york state, as you can see down almost 300 million. Texas down 91 million. You worked in the government. Whose numbers would you believe . The white houses or this Regional Economic model inc. . Im a pretty big fan of Regional Economic model inc. The white house is a widely respected unit but has to sell the president s policies. Its job is to put as much lipstick on the policy as it can and that is what were seeing. I think the American People should look at the real issues and not look at the numbers on the map. We need better Economic Growth but this is not leading to it. The real issue is whether or not the president has the Constitutional Authority to do this. A lot of people on the political right say he does not. As we learned last night from john boehner, theyre going to sue him. And it will be settled in the way it should be. Well let the courts decide it. If were going to have immigration reform, we should do it through the congress, not through the president. Every poll of the American People agrees with that. If we want to get better Economic Performance were not going to do it through executive action. Were going to do it by having better policies coming through the house and senate and signed by the president. By the time it comes to this somebody else will be president. Douglas holtz eakin joins us today on this thursday morning. Thank you. Who could forget this moment from Hillary Clinton . What difference at this point does it make . This morning secret information from the pentagon about how deep hillarys trouble went in libya and how it the pentagon, tried to stop her, hillary. Is the popular traffic app waze putting cops at risk by revealing their location to users . Law enforcers say, yes, they want it removed from their phone. Should you have to . The debate next. Our eyes they have a 200degree range of sight. Which is good for me. Hey and bad for the barkley twins. Your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. Three times the speed of a fastball. Take care of your most important parts with centrum. Multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people dont get enough of from food alone. Centrum. For the most important parts of you. It has more than 50 million users worldwide but the popular app waze may be putting Police Officers at risk. Law enforcement now want google to disable a feature that lets users report when they spot a Police Officer in real time. Should google have to remove this technology . Does it put our Police Officers in danger . Joining us is the president and c. E. O. Of center for democracy and technology nula oconnor and john raferty, retired nypd lieutenant and founder of watch guard 24 7. Lieutenant, what is your problem from the Law Enforcement perspective with this . I think at this day and age when we have people out there unfortunately targeting police were giving them information that we could hold back and that we dont need to try to help them with information theyre currently looking for. I think it was made light in the last killing of officers wenjian liu and rafael ramos that this app is being used by criminals. This backing up what youre saying, a lot of people and the Sherrifs Association had a major meeting and said in light of the recent ambush attacks on Law Enforcement, sherrifs are concerned with the ability of the google app waze to locate Law Enforcement by using the crowd source feature to report an officers location. Do you understand the concern . Absolutely. We understand the concern that Law Enforcement officers, the men and women who protect us need to be kept safe. We absolutely applaud and respect their service. But to fear an online trafficsharing information app is really, i think a little misplaced. Thn an app this is an app that is the online equivalent of me saying to my neighbor as hes pulling out of the driveway you should take the parkway and not 66 because there is a backup. I heard it on the news. It shows there is police activity. Could be an accident, someone pulled on the side of the road, it could be a traffic stop trying to give people speeding tickets but this is the same information you and i could discuss in the public square. If im looking to knock off a liquor store and be able to locate where the cops are im going to adjust my operation accordingly. If an officer is having lunch or at a police stop or at a barricade to see who is drunk driving, do you want to tipoff people to that . Thats why we have police in marked police cars and officers in uniform. They want to be visible to the community. They want to be known and be visible. I think its great. I think this is actually supporting the intent of many Law Enforcement officers who are policing our communities in great service. This is public information. Remember, this is persontoperson communication. It is First Amendment protected speech. It already is happening. This is the same debate we had about c. B. Radios 40 years ago and persontoperson communication. It is the same debate we had about flashing your lights on the highway to tell people someone is coming i believe [inaudible] showing where check points were for drunk drivers. If you asked any Family Member who lost somebody to a drunk driver this has the same bearing. This isnt helping communities. Telling people where the police are is not making it safer, to have safer drivers out there because they know the police are. It is comical to think this is helping any community by letting them know where the police are. It might help them drive slow on that block but you want the presence to be thought everywhere. Police partners support waze and its features including reports of Police Presence because most users tend to drive more carefully when they believe Law Enforcement is nearby, but that is not good enough for you lieutenant; right . Absolutely not. It is comical to think that. You want an omni presence. You want it to be thought there are cops everywhere. Allowing people to know where cops are are detrimental to the Community Serving it. It is not helpful to the police in this day and age when they are being targeted by criminals out there. It is a fact that people are using social media trying to target cops. Thank you both. I want to hear what you have to say. Go on facebook right now and tell us where you stand on this issue. Two minutes before the bottom of the hour. Heres whats straight ahead, our state department trying to help this guy overthrow the Egyptian Government. The meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood that just took place at the state department. Now that were friends with cuba castro has a new demand. Give us gitmo. We also want an apology. First happy birthday with wisconsin governor paul ryan. Hes good at math. Only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. 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Usually you do the cake where you cut the cake some couples do that and inside it is either pink or blue. I have reports some couples go to the sonogram and get told by the technician. There are the sticks and swabs and you find out in a more private location. Or you can just wait until the baby comes. Thats what i did. The obgyn is the person who packed that target . Maybe. I love it. What a fun idea. In the meantime were going to turn to heather. Did you get a puff of blue smoke . Or you can just look at a woman and say youre really large. You must be having a girl. That always works. As a guy, you should not comment on a pregnant woman. Correct. Theres nothing you can say that can help. Ive got some news to bring you. Listen to this story, now that were friends with cuba president raul castro has new demands for the United States. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the u. S. And cuba is a good start, but this wont be possible while the economic blockade exists or the Guantanamo Naval base is not returned. The communist leader not only wants gitmo returned, he wants the trade embargo lifted and want the United States to pay hundreds of mlings of dollars in damages hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for losses caused by the embargo. Is it our state department now trying to help the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow the Egyptian Government . This week multiple brotherhood aligned leaders made the trip to d. C. For meetings with the state department about ongoing efforts to opens egypts membership. This brother held up a photo of him at the state department with the fourfingered symbol. The state department claims it meets with all representatives from egypt. Who could forget this moment from Hillary Clinton . What difference at this point does it make . It turns out it made a big difference. Secret information just released about how deep hillarys trouble went in libya. Pentagon officials reportedly distrusted clinton and her staffers when she was secretary of state so they then went behind their barks. The tapes show officials met with the son of muammar qaddafi in thoat meetings. They criticized hillary saying she wanted to lead the u. S. Into an unnecessary war. Remember this guy . Its too damned hot i pay the rent its too damned high. It turns out the rent was too high. The political candidate jimmy mcmillan has been slapped with an eviction notice ordering him out of his rent controlled new york city apartment. He says he paid his rent and says the landlord is trying to replace him with a higherpaying tenant. Those are your headlines. Did he end up winning . Let me tell you whats happening in sports, hes not on the injured list yet but tomorrow brady could have but thom brady could have a problem. He sniffed through a 45 minute press conference. Close to 12 times he touched his nostril. He said hes been sick but expects to be 100 by sunday. Hes using garlic to heal himself. In arizona security is beefed up big time. Customs and Border Agents are helping out using xrays on all the trucks with uhauls going back and forth to the stadium. If you look up youll see agency blackhawk helicopters. Zach miller and his brother revealing deep roots as arizona. He and his brother played on the same league as kids but zach made it to the league in 2007. When we were kids, we would pretend to be jim kelly and troy aikman and pretending, like we are in the super bowl and out in the backyard throwing footballs to e. P. A. Other. We did that footballs to each other. Sunday will be bitter sweet. Zach is injured but they will cheer on his team. Weve got super bowl friday, saturday and sunday from phoenix. Ill look Something Like that when im smiling. Weve got a great roster of guests coming your way and we have great features on tap. I could be going to a concert tonight. Really . Who might be the entertainer . It could be the beatles, Rolling Stones or darius rucker. Im going with darius rucker. Hes the only one touring. Well see how that goes. The true story behind the song wagon wheel. From wagon wheel to weather we have our own maria molina with us. Shes been through tornadoes and snowstorms. Now she is in las vegas going into the dream. There are countless shows you can go to with the family. The dream has been voted sin citys best family show for the last four years. We got a back stage pass. Take a look. Seeing le reve can only be described as stepping into a dream. Maria welcome. Im rick gray. 1600 seats, 1. 1 million gallons of water. Here we are on the low grid. This is 66 feet. This is what 66 foot looks like to our performers. The highest level one above this is at 83 feet. Wow. Were underwater. Were on top of the stage. The stainl stage disappears and all of a sudden were flying out. Its a 75minute extravaganza. You guys are going to show me some of your moves . Lets do it. A lot tougher than it looks. Thats for sure. Something no show has done before, a stateoftheart scene that allows the performers dance through fire and water at the same time. We have three sets of costumes for every performer which is why we have almost 2000 costumes. The wardrobe crew does approximately 175 loads of laundry a day. Each of those pairs of shoes are leather and they are painted red every single day. With ten shows a week time is always of the essence. Literally under 30 seconds, get it on. Rocking the costumes isnt the half of it. Performers must be in impeccable shape and because they can be under water for up to seven minutes they are scuba certified. As far as becoming a real le reve dancer, i think ill keep dreaming. Youre back and youre dry. Yeah. They didnt let me do too many of the crazy things because of safety concerns but they are incredible. They are in impeccable shape. They work out six or seven days of the entire week. They have multiple shows every single day. E a lot and they just celebrated their tenyear anniversary with a brandnew light and fountain display. For tickets you can go to wynnlas vegas. Com shows. When you walked along the enl the water came up with such force . It went up my nose. They make it look easy with such grace. Thanks for bringing that to us, maria. What a treat. At about 20 minutes till the top of the hour, this coming up. How can you make your food last longer . You put it in panty hose. Brians been trying that. Secret tips to save you money on your food. Joe namath would be proud. Then sharia law in texas, an islamic tribunal operating in dallas. Sharia. So many more things. When salesman alan ames books his room at laquinta. Com, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. So he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. 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Fox news senior judicial analyst judge Andrew Napolitano joins us now. You guys dont like to give me the easy ones. We start out with sharia law in texas. Roman catholic law in new jersey. Lets start with the idea and remind everybody that there are religious courts all over the United States of america for all different religions. Roman catholic, Orthodox Jewish presbyterian methodist, muslim. And the people who appear before those courts are looking for a resolution for a dispute that at its core is integral to their religion and they are there voluntarily. There are aspects of sharia law that are repugnant, repellent, could never ever be enforced. That whole stoning. Like stoning and cutting off hands. But there are other aspects of it like custody of children, where a person, the husband and wife might voluntarily prefer to have this panel decide rather than to have a judge like i was decide. Youre saying that would override american law . If the parties, if both parties consent to abide by the decision of the court, yes. We could do this today. If brian and i had a dispute, we could sign a piece of paper making steve doocy or roger ailes the arbiter of that dispute and we would abide by that decision. These people have signed a piece of paper making the Roman Catholic tribunal, the archdiocese of newark or imams of dallas texas, the final decisionmaker. As long as its voluntary and as long as it doesnt violate the laws of the land, federal law state law or local law people can submit to it. What happens if you agreed to this sharia law mediator . Youre going to settle something terrible. Thats what it is in the catholic church. If you go before the tribunal and say you want an annullment even though youre already divorced. What would happen if the sharia law tribunal makes a decision and you dont like it and you go to the texas courts instead. Whats going to happen to you in the community . I dont know whats going to happen to you in the community, but when you sign the agreement to submit to the tribunal you agree that that resolution is enforceable in the ordinary courts. People could come to me when i was on the bench and say heres an arbitration. Heres how it was resolved. It was religious, it was nonreligious. One side didnt like it. Judge, please enforce it because they agree to be bound by it. Im going to enforce it. Like judge judy. You give it to the tv show. Exactly. When you appear before judge judy or when you appeared before judge napp on power of attorney you signed an agreement naming whoever the judge was as the final arbiter of that decision, of that case. Not appealable and you would be bound by that decision. That Series Available on d. V. D. . It is available somewhere brian; im not sure. Are they getting tax dollars or anything like that to do this . Absolutely not. That would be prohibited. Even though they are relieving the government of some burden because theyre reducing cases in the courts the government cannot pay for it. Even if they complete they have no Tax Exemption here . None. Nonprofit status doesnt grant them that . They dont receive tax dollars. Okay. Judge, thank you very much. Coming up one streant restaurant taking a stand against Michael Moore and seth rogan. If you want to find out where it is, well tell you. If you want to save money on your grocery bills one of the tips involves panty hose. Were going to explain all of that. My name is daniel. I have diabetic nerve pain. The pain felt like my feet were on fire. I had these very burning needlelike sensations. I knew i needed to see a doctor. My doctor said, lets try lyrica. Lyrica has helped relieve my pain. Its known that diabetes damages nerves lyrica is fdaapproved to treat diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is not for everyone. It may cause serious allergic reactions, or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Having less pain. Its a great feeling. Ask your doctor about lyrica today. Its specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. Welcome back. Do you want to save money on your next trip to the Grocery Store . I do. Americans threw out roughly 35tons of food in 2012. Thats the equivalent of 165 billion a year. But our next guest says that food does not have to go to waste and shes here with tips on how to keep it fresh and eventually save us money. Joining us is a lifestyle expert yvette rios. Thank you for being here. Pet peeve of mine is when the food goes bad. You have tips how to keep it fresh. Onions can last up to fourmonth if you store them in pantyhose. Its crazy. Ill unhook it here. You could wash a pair of pantyhose and put your onion in there. Who came up with this . I feel like its something my great grandmother would have done. Whats in it thats keeping them fresh . Whats happening is onions need to be separated from one another. Its like the whole one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. They dont get along, exactly. By separating them, youre keeping air circulating them. If you keep them in a cool dry place, four months. What about the greens here . These tend to go, i feel, the most quickly. You should always keep them in your crisper drawer. But also inside aluminum foil. They will last inside a couple of weeks. Better than a plastic bag . Way better. Ive got some here. Because the foil will keep them cooler and allow them to stay crisper. Two weeks literally. I am testing this at home today. Bananas . If you use any kind of plastic wrap, you wrap it around the actual stem of the bananas and this will keep them from getting brown fast. When i see this i always take it offment why do i keep it on . You should keep it on because stores are realizing its a great way to preserve it. Keep it on. I keeps the moisture in the stem and so they stay fresher longer. When they do start getting brown, peel them. Put them in a bag. I use a straw like this, puff out the air and you can freeze them. Leave it on your counter. The way to keep bread fresh, stick a celery stalk in there. Youve got to be kidding me. Yes. The moisture keeps the bread moist. If youre not going to use it that often, put it in the freezer and take it out slice by slice. Then you have a rubber band around a cut apple. It keeps it fresh because the ethylene gas created by the suring are kept inside. Cut up your apples like this. Cut them, put a rubber band around it and it will stay nice and green without turning brown. You wont have to thaw it out to scoop this next piece out. Big thanks to home depot and g. E. For donating the fridge right here. Its keeping our money safe as well. Thank you. We love that. Coming up, more signs the racial tension is boiling over in ferguson, missouri with a brawl inside city hall. What sparked the out of control fight up next. And this photo going viral of a man shoveling snow off the iconic finish line of the Boston Marathon. My favorite image of the day. The mystery man is revealed, up next. Good morning. Its thursday, january 29. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. A fox news alert. Isis sets a new deadline for a prisoner swap. But you cant compare it to the beau bergdahl case dont you dare, because the taliban are not terrorists. The taliban is an arm of insurgency. Isil is a terrorist group. So we dont make concessions to terrorist groups. Well that explanation had reporters stunned. The taliban plays laser tag. This is different. Remember how well this went over . Scott walker has given women the back of his hand and there is no i know thats stark. I know that is direct, but that is reality. And inappropriate. Democrats thought it was great. The new plan to bring back the war on women. Well discuss. Wait a minute. It didnt work. It did in 2012. Well discuss on the break. Whatever. One restaurant telling Michael Moore and seth rogen youre not welcome here. Is this the start of a movement against american sniper movie critics . Could be. Were going to tell you what that person is doing cause theyre going to join us live. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. Youre watching fox friends. Dont drop the ball in the morning. Watch fox friends. Very appropriate. Youre about to get on an airplane to go to the super bowl. A place where monty toomer has been. Im going to inflate the show and hopefully bring it up a notch. It will put some psis in. We got a huge show, including disturbing news from the middle east. We start with this, the deal must be done by sunset in the middle east. Isis set a new deadline for prisoner swaps, saying jordanian pilot, hostage, will be executed if a convicted terrorist accused of killing 60 people is not delivered to the Turkish Border. Leeland vittert has the very latest on this swap. Reporter good morning. Trying to negotiate with isis is proving difficult because as of now, the jordanians are going through tribal leaders to try to talk to the terrorists who continue to make new and everchanging demands. The latest tape is believed to be the voice of this man, a japanese journalist. He says op the tape that the Jordanian Air force pilot captured by isis when his plane crashed will be killed unless the jordanians released this woman. She was an iraqi woman involved in a deadly string of bombings and in oman in 2008 the jordanians have typically taken a hard line against terrorists and refused to negotiate. The king is under a lot of pressure to bring the pilot home. The fight against isis is unpopular in jordan. So far no mention about what happens to japanese journalists whether the jordanian woman, the iraqi woman is released at all. The deadline on the tape is for the female bomber to be presented on the Turkish Border by sundown tonight. Right now its about 2 00 p. M. In that part of the world sunset right now, just three hours away. Back to you. All right. We thank you very much. So about 9 30, 10 00 oclock this morning will be the deadline. Sadly, even though the japanese guy hostage is holding the picture of the jordanian pilot, it doesnt look like hell be included in the swap. Were not sure of that yet. Theyre not even sure if the pilot is still alive. They want proof of life. One thing that seems certain is terrorists seem to be winning in terms of negotiations globally. They had everybody sort of drawing a comparison to the beau bergdahl swap here. But apparently you cant call the taliban terrorists. Watch this exchange between Deputy Press Secretary eric schultz over at the white house and jonathon karl. You say the United States government does not give in to demands, does not pay ransom. Somehow what the jordanians are talking about doing any different than what the United States did to get the release of bergdahl . Releasing prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay to the taliban, which is clearly a terrorist organization. As you know this was highly discussed at the time and prisoner swaps are a traditional end of conflict interaction that happens. As the war in afghanistan wound down, we felt like it was the appropriate thing to do. The president s bedrock commitment is to leave no man or woman behind. Thats the principle he was operating under. Is that what the jordanians are operating under . The taliban is still conducting terrorist attacks. You cant say that the war has ended as far as theyre concerned . I would also point out that the taliban is an armed insurgency. Isil is a terrorist group. So we dont make concessions to terrorist groups. You dont think the taliban is a terrorist group . I dont think the taliban the taliban is an armed insurgency. I thought we were listening to something coming out of alzarqawi a. We cant say theyre islamic extremists. Im trying to keep track. Here is the most important thing, they dont care. The taliban dont care what you call them. We know they do terror activities. We know theyve been ousted. We know they kill children for going to school and murder women for speaking up or dating. So we know that they are blowing up our guys. They are raiding afghan camps and we also know that theyve infilt rated into the afghan army and murdering our guys while lifting weights. The white house says its not terror. The guy who runs the taliban is mullah omar, the taliban leader. There is a 10 million bounty on his head. That money comes from a fund to prosecute terrorists. The taliban was designated by the government in 2002 as a terrorist organization. The war on terror may be over for the administration, and instead, theyre prosecuting the war on the english language. Theyre trying to make it seem like the taliban is not terrorist. Theyre terrorists. And there are also armed insurgents. Isis knows what they get. Now there is going to be one after another. More hostages. Going to be more swaps. Cash cow. And we started it. Heather nauert is here with some other breaking news. Good morning. Lets start here at home where overnight, there was a meeting all about keeping the peace in the aftermath of the Michael Brown riots in missouri. But there is nothing peaceful about what happened last night. Take a look. Chaos going on inside city hall in st. Louis. It was during a meeting about mending Community Relations there. Then things taking a turn for the worst. A fight breaking out between an alderman and a member of the police union. No one was arrested, but that meeting ended early. Brandnew Surveillance Video shows the tense moments when a gunman opened fire inside Florida State universitys library. The suspect is seen pointing his gun and shooting at a student who hid underneath a desk nearby. Thankfully that gun jammed and that student managed to escape. Three people were seriously injured. This happened back in november. That shooting suspect was shot and killed by police. Mystery solved this morning. This image that wasnt viral yesterday showing a man shoveling snow off the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Love this story. That man has just been identified. Hes 25yearold Chris Laudani a local bartender in boston of the he has run the Boston Marathon five times and wanted to show respect for the landmark. The Boston Marathon is my favorite event, its my favorite time of year. Community that comes here for the race, its amazing. He is amazing. And those are your headlines. Its nice when somebody does something nice and not wanting publicity for it and you happen to discover who it is. Incredible. My favorite of the day. In the year of reality television, we dont know what to believe. The war on women we thought was a joke in 2012, but it ended up being effective in the 2012 president ial election. Remember when Debbie Wasserman schultz, who runs the dnc, said this . Scott walker has given women the bask his hand. And there is no i know that is stark. I know thats direct. But that is reality. Okay. So she got in trouble for that and she had to apologize for that. It did not work in 2014 and yet as we go forward it looks like according to an item in the papers this morning looks Like Senate Democrats are going to use the war on women and womens issues in the 2016 senate xrays keep in mind, the democrats are absolutely positive that Hillary Clinton is going to be the standard bearer, so it all works for them even though it didnt last time. Hey, you can give a good effort for trying there. They say they want to bring up minimum wage, lace it back to women. Supporting personhood bills, and republicans dont like it, push republicans dont like women. When you look at mandates from the Obama Administration and the amount of women who lost job, you will be shocked. The women know. She write the bills, they have kids graduating from College Without the jobs, and its a big problem. Oh, there is a war on women comes from the other side, some would say. At the white house, the studies have shown women get paid less than men at the white house. At the white house. Starts at the top on that side. I was just hoping wed have a Real Campaign instead of a make believe campaign. Unfortunately, this is true were back to what we saw in 2012. Yesterday, Nicole Wallace, who was one of the people who helped sarah palin she was with the sarah palinjohn Mccain Campaign in 2008. She was on with David Letterman who is an infamous lefty comedian. As it turns out even though nicole is a republican, didnt much seem like it. It seemed like she turned on the former standard bearer on the republican side. Listen to this. She gave a speech this weekend in iowa where again, on full display were the gaffes in her knowledge. That became obvious not just to the public, but to us. That was killing. I say this, number one i think shes a really nice person. Shes on the view now. She is. But i think shes suffering from posttraumatic view syndrome. When youre in that building youre on such guard for the politics and ethics that you represent that when you leave the building and enter layer of someone in the media of a liberal, your guard is down. You literally walk out, you go into someplace that seems friendly and what happens when youre in that layer lair, they will and can use your comments against you. Thats an unfortate moment. Shes free to say what she wants to say. But be assured those are not your friends and theyre waiting on every single noun and verb and adjective that you use to use it against you. One thing that Nicole Wallace i guess supplied information for the movie that came out behind the scenes, game change. I will say this even sean hannity, who had sarah palin on last night was wondering what sarah palin was talk being in that speech. She was not very clear on what she was trying to get across. Thats really what she was asked about. You dont need to take part in slamming a fellow republican woman just because someone else is doing that. There are plenty of liberals willing to do that. I would caution some against that there. Its not the first time she has sandbagged sarah palin, who she was shepherding through the campaign. Where is the loyalty . I was with sarah palin in tampa and i cant say enough about her character. I sat there with piper and she was a good woman then and my experience was different. Okay. All right. Let us know what you think. 13 minutes after the top of the hour. Coming up, an illegal accused of murdering a Convenience Store clerk in cold blood. Why wasnt he departed . Or at the very least put in jail . Up next, a message from the victims family and friends for our president. And one restaurant telling michael poor, seth rogen, youre not welcome here. Is this the start of a movement against the american sniper critics . Nexium® 24hr. 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If theyre near grand rapids, michigan, Michael Moore and seth rogen better forget about tasting delicious turkey sandwiches or sirloin steak because theyre officially banned from brand steakhouse and grill. The owner put up this sign saying the director and actor, quote, are not allowed in my place after the comments they made about american sniper. Joining me now, tommy brand owner of the steak house. Good morning to you. Thanks for being with fox friends. My pleasure. Thank you. So what prompted you to put that sign up . What was behind it . Well, its not about chris kyle. Not me. My bookkeeper was changing a sign and i said put this up there. This is what i believe in. I dont hate Michael Moore or seth rogen. I just hate what they said. I have a right for freedom of speech too as a Small Business owner, so i put it up. It wasnt a small sign either. Well lit sign that a bunch of people saw. Once a sign went up, you actually heard from the families of fallen soldiers. What did they send you . Theyre supporting me. Some are saying were going to come to your restaurant. And i say chris kyle fought for you to go to any restaurant you want. Go to outback or applebee. Its not about my place. Its about what chris kyle is, an american hero. For those two to Say Something i know the families of david warson. I know the family of john b brewery. Navy seal died in afghanistan. John died in iraq five years ago. I know these families and they just want their sons to be remembered in a good way. Its so important to them. For those two to try to hurt the legacy of chris kyle is really just hurt the familys feelings. Its terrible. You actually started a movement. Its incredible. There are other restaurants that jumped on board with this. And they have also banned those two. I bet this started more than just a trend. Have you heard from other Business Owners taking a stand like you have . I have. When you own a business even though you have to watch what you say. In this case, hearing david warsons father say thank you, thats enough. Ive heard from customers and theyre supporting me. Tomorrow its not political. To me, how can anybody say chris kyle is not a hero . Its unbelievable. Let me just ask you this. If Michael Moore because he likes publicity. If he showed up at your door, what would you do . I would not serve him. If he was hungry and needed a drink of water, my dad taught me to treat people good and nice. I would give him a drink of water and actually feed him. But right now if he came because he wanted to make a point did im not serving him or seth rogen. I dont think theyre bad people. They made it in the free enterprise system. Theyre successful. It took a lot of guts for those two to be a director and actor and to make it in the Free Enterprise system. But it took more guts for chris kyle to defend the Free Enterprise system. Thats what did he and thats why im a chris kyle fan and military fan. Im with you there, so save me a steak if im ever in the area. Im sending everybody to brands steakhouse. This coming up this waze app puts cops at risk. What do you think . Well debate it coming up next. And why are you looking for your soul mate . The secret to true love up next you only know in a fire to get out, to escape and now ok you are outside and you are safe but what do you do now and thats where the red cross came in. We ran out of the house just wearing our pajamas. At that point just to even have a toothbrush that i could call my own was so important. You know it just makes you feel like a person again. Every 8 minutes the American Red Cross responds to a home fire or other emergency. You can help. Please donate now. Time for news by the numbers. Nurse one in five. Thats how Many American children depend on food stamps each and every day. One in five. Reporting 16 million kids under the age of 18 received food stamps this last year. Next 556. Thats how much apple could afford to give every man woman and child in the United States because of all the money theyre making. They have a record 178 billion in cash. Marshawn lynch made it clear he only appeared at the super bowl on media day because of that fine thing right . Im here so i wont get fined. Im here so i wont get fined. Im here so i wont get fined. As it turns out, he might get fined. 100,000. The league looking into the beast mode hat that he was wearing right there. Players only allowed to wear brands that the nfl is promoting. Theyre not promoting that brand. He knows better. Maybe. Lets change gears. Our next guest quest for love ended one year ago when he married the love of his new wife on national tv. Your love and loyalty has now been sealed by these rings by your vows. I now pronounce you man and wife. Wow. Now former bachelor sean lowe is sharing his search for love in a new book and joins us now. Good morning to you and congratulations. You celebrated your anniversary, two days ago . Yeah, one year. You have it all figured out now, right . I wish i did. Why did you want to write the book . So many people, after i came off the show, told me we appreciate you for being different, for standing up for your values and morals. Coming off the bachelorette . And the bachelor. Thank you for stick to go your culture in this hollywood culture. I wanted to tell my side of the story and let people know this is why im different and have those convictions. The book is great. If you dont mind, youre a straight arrow. Youre not a drinker. Didnt sleep around, unlike a lot of people on those reality shows. I want you to weigh in on something that is happening right now on the current season of the bachelor where one girl wanted to break out of her shell in this shocking fashion. Watch this. Today i have to find a way to like, break out of my shy ness. This is a great environment for me. Were just enjoying nature. Feeling a okay here. What happened is you throw the clothes, you get a rose. He gave a rose to those who threw their clothes. Yeah. I dont know if i would have given a rose to that girl on my season. The funny thing is before the bachelor started i told the producer this is is the kind of girl that im looking for. They have to make a tv show so they got to throw some of the crazy girls in. But they tried to give me id say about half of the girls were well suited for me. And the other ones werent. And i think if someone decided to skinny dip, i dont know if i would give them a rose. What are your relationship secrets . Tips for other couples, how do you make it work . For one, the foundation of our relationship is based on friendship. I think thats why were one of the few bachelor couples that have been able to make this work. Then we also want to challenge each other in everything we do. Number one on the list of priorities is she challenges me in my faith. Thats so important cause i have to keep that at the center of my life and my wife needs to support me in that. And she does. One bit of advice. I think you got from a Family Member was dont look for your soul mate. Youre not going to find it. My grandfather, who used to be a pastor he told me, there is no such thing as soul mate. I think a lot of times people want to romanticize that. What if you miss that one person . When you think of soul mates youre kind of relying on that feeling, that emotion whereas my grandfather would tell you, you got to work to love your spouse. It takes work every single day and you have to love them when you dont want to love them. He had to find the love of his life without reality show. Exactly. You ever think about how different it would be if you had won the bachelorette and hooked up with the other woman . Yeah, it would be totally different. I dont think that relationship would have lasted. In fact, i can tell you it didnt. I also know in my own life everything worked out for a reason. I know i was supposed to get dumped on tv to eventually meet katherine. What about when do you have a conflict, whats your solution tip . Call a producer. Were still learning. As a newly wed couple, we always have arguments and conflicts, like every newly wed couple. We trio talk through it. Respect. My one piece of advice, respect and when i dont want to love katherine, when were argue, thats when i need to love her the most. Very honest. You are a christian guy, more like tim tebow than anybody ive seen on the bachelor before. Do you ever see a person be on the show . Not really. My convictions and the person i am showed through to america. Im so glad that it did. I didnt know how i would be portrayed on the show. But lucky for me, people talk about being in the garden of eden there. There was temptation there. Everywhere. Like real life. Like at any sports bar. So the book has advice on how to find love and keep love alive. We actually got an email from a viewer named Tim Hasselbeck. He says speak each others love language and find someone who is okay with you going bald before the age of 30. True. I like him bald just fine. How old are you . 31. Still good. But she would be okay with it . Shed be okay. Check out the new book. Sean lowe, thank you so much. Thank you. Congratulations. Thanks for having me. Best socks on the show. Lets put your socks up here. Polka dots. Much better than ours. Give katherine our best. Now this, who could forget this moment from Hillary Clinton . What difference at this point does it make . Well, this morning secret information from the pentagon about how deep hillarys trouble went in libya and how it tries to stop her. Oh, boy. Your shot of the morning. This dog getting a cold lesson in physics. Quinn going viral after her owners catch her sliding down an icy hill in new hampshire. Whoa nellie. That is one panicked burmese mountsen dog. The fivemonthold losing her footing. She struggles to get back up before falling to her tummy. Her owner said she had so much fun, she repeated the slippery run several more times. Thats a typical burmese mountsen dog. The happiest dogs you could have around. I have one. You put them in the snow, you cant get them in. I have some pictures of my family suffering without us. They were playing with the dog for 12 hours. We were in the city playing with the lights. In the meantime well turn to heather nauert. Good morning. Hope youre off to a great day. Who could forget this moment from Hillary Clinton. This . Ha difference at this point does it make . Well, it turns out it did make a big difference. New information just released showed just how deep Hillary Clintons troubles went in libya. Pentagon officials reportedly distrusted clinton when she was serving as secretary of state. So they allegedly went behind her back. New tapes show that u. S. Officials met with the son of former libyan leader moammar gadhafi. In those meeting, they apparently criticized clinton saying she wanted to lead the u. S. Into an unnecessary war. The president s plane now getting an upgrade. The air force ordering three commercial boeing 747s to replace the ancient fleet of air force one planes. They will reach their maximum service of 30 years in 2017. The air force decide to go stick with beg. It has a 50year history with the company. They wont be ready for flight until 2023. A debate is heating up over the popular traffic app called waze. Police want google to get rid of the feature that tracks Police Officers. They say its putting their lives at risk, but Developers Say that seeing where cops are could make drivers safer. Earlier we had a debate on fox friends. This is public information. Remember, this is person to person communication. Its First Amendment protected speech. It already is happening. This is the same debate we had about cb radios 40 years ago. Its comical to think this is helping any community by letting anybody know where the police are. It may help them drive slow. What is google going to do in they havent released a statement on whether they will release that cop tracker. Thank you. We wanted to know what you thought about this. John wrote us yes, google should remove the waze app. Its just not safe for our officers who already are potential targets. And james said this, look at every morning news show. Theyre all telling you where accidents are, as well as speed traps and checkpoints at night. How is that any different . Really nice to call out heather nauert. We should point out, every driver tacky driver limo driver, has the w. E app. Everybody uses it because it works and works well. 23 minutes before the top of the hour. To get people around traffic. Right. There is many uses. Its the only city in the country where a majority does not rule. Washington, d. C. Where voters just passed a measure to legalize marijuana, a measure that could go up in smoke because in our nations capitol the president and congress have final say. How fair is that . Joining us now is the host of a brandnew show called kennedy. Shes here. Good morning to you. Hi, guys. So what do you think about this . This initiative here to legalize pot. You can carry up to two ounce of pot, apparently have six plants at home. Whats your take on it . If thats what people want then thats what they should get. They choose to live in washington d. C its not attached to a state. Its got federal oversight. The federal government being in such close proximity, thats the nexus of power, they cant help themselves but meddle. But theyre thwarting the voters. People want that, but is it necessarily a good thing for them . When you look at the statistics in 2007, only 7 of vehicle fatalities had pot positive drivers. By 2012, that number rows to 16 . And here is another one. Drugrelated student suspensions and expulsions in colorado increased 32 from the years between 20082009. Vast majority were for pot violations. Oh, my gosh then that should totally be illegal because alcohol is awful and they should outlaw fast cars and irrational thinking. But they need to be used responsibly. Im total use for everything irresponsible. You totally changed my mind we had the former drug. Reporter on a couple months ago who said its been proven that pot you smoke it a lot, it makes you dumber. Oh, he says that . I totally trust that because a drug czar who put forth this losing drug war what, a Winning Strategy there. I do not smoke marijuana. I dont choose to be around it. Im actually i found out at a young age i was allergic to it and havent touched it. You also have celiac right . That is absolutely true. I cannot have wheat or weed. But you will do 10 00 p. M. On the fox business network. This is a sneak peek. It will be exceptional. What can we expect . It is my fight for your freedom while having a great time. I love having interesting people on, especially people i disagree with. I have a segment called youre crazy, kennedy. Where oddly enough its leftists who come and try to fight with me and change my mind. It never happens. Okay. There is a challenge right there. Best logo in the history of television. Incredible. I love the glasses and the neon. Unbelievable. Catch her show monday through thursday at 10 00 p. M. Eastern on the fox business network. To find it in your area, go to foxbusiness. Com channel finder. Congratulations. Coming up straight ahead need you home, all hell is breaking loose. Its the text message from chicago quarterback jay cutler to his reality star wife thats going viral and dads, if you can relate to that, stick around. And an escaped prisoner learns not to mess with this dad. As he was trying to shot it, i had it right here. He couldnt close it. We felt in the back of the truck. That dad who went to extreme to protect his own kids up next. Batter up. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. vo theyre two of a kind. And just like toddlers. Puppies need food made for them. Thats why theres purina puppy chow. With all the essential nutrients your growing puppy needs. Purina puppy chow. kids laughing you know i tried one of those bargain paper towels but i had to use so many sheets per spill the roll just disappeared. I knew i shouldve bought bounty bounty is 2x more absorbent and strong when wet. Just look how much longer bounty lasts versus one of those bargain brand towels. And thats a good deal. Bounty. The long lasting picker upper and now try new bounty nfl prints. Available at walmart. And the wolf was huffing and puffing. Kind of like you sometimes, grandpa. 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If you cant afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. What can your fidelity greenline do for you . Just take a closer look. It works how you want to work. With a Fidelity Investment professional. Or managing your investments on your own. Helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. And save on taxes where you can. So you can invest in the life that you want today. Tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. Call or come in today for a free oneonone review. Dads, imagine this, youre outside playing with your daughter when you notice something strange over in the woods. Its an escaped prison inmate and hes running running from police toward you. It happened to mark and he knew exactly what to do. He joins us live right now from manchester, new hampshire. Thank you for joining us. Good morning. So saturday youre out in your yard playing with your daughter claire. Youre building a snow fort, which sounds great, perfect thing to do on a day like that. And then when did you first notice that thing thats coming toward you over there . Well, we were building like a snow castle and we heard the sirens and we just assumed they were pulling somebody over or heading towards an accident cause it had just snowed. They stopped right in front of the house and pretty much right out in front of the house. I could see through the woods they had stopped and i heard a lot of yelling. We werent sure what was going on. I could make out a couple words, sounded like they were chasing somebody. So i took my daughter and basically raced her into the house, which was very confusing for her. She didnt understand why we had to do that. I got her in the house and watching on the front porch. Looking in the woods to see whats going on of the i could make out a little bit of orange here and there. Still yelling and screaming. I could hear them telling him to stop. The orange is a prison inmate who has busted out of a hospital. He was getting an xray and hes in an orange jump suit and suddenly bolted out of a vehicle and rung toward you and you grab the first thing that you have that you think would be a good defense and that is a tee ball bat. When did you have to use that . Well, i used that when he eventually made his way into my truck. I was able to open the door a little bit so that he couldnt lock the door and i jammed the tee ball bat in between the door and the doorjamb so he couldnt close it and locked it until the first officer arrived and we pride the door open and they tased him with a taser gun and then he fell out of the truck and then he got up. It wasnt much room there. It was slippery, we were sliding around. He ends up getting back up, running around the back of my truck and i was closest to him and i took a couple swings at him right in the hip area. I think it slowed him down enough for the second officer to come in. They had to tase him again and they jumped on him. So the first Police Officer you said slipped and fell. So it looks like hes going to get away. So the Police Officer said hit him, hit him and you had the tee ball bat and you were ready to hit him. Yeah. I was closest to him and if i slowed him down if i slowed him down enough for the second officer to come along, then yeah. First time i hit him. It worked. They wound up coming in time and carting him off and hes back in jail now. Now i think he faces federal charges. Hes in big trouble. Mark, thank you for joining us today. You were in the right place at the right time with your tee ball bat. Thank you very much. Great story. Using your head. Coming up on this thursday, moms, have you ever gotten a message like this from sent out by nfl star jay cutler to his wife . Need you home. All hell is breaking loose. Survival tips for dads from a dad next. When laquinta. Com sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes . I think the numbers speak for themselves. Im sold a selling machine ready for you alert, only at lq. Com. Push your enterprise and you can move the world. But to get from the old way to the new youll need the right it infrastructure. From a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. Hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. And stay ready for everything that is still to come. I can tell you personally sometimes dads can get a little over our heads. Thats honest. Like this. Hi. How is it going . Everything is fine. Theyre doing homework right now. Its like a mini think tank thing. Dads over their heads. I love that movie. That was the case when former reality tv star kristen calf layerry left her husband, an nfl quarterback, at home alone with their two kids. Thats right. He needed more defense. She posted a picture of this frantic text message from her husband, jay cutler, on instagram. It said, i need you home asap. All hell has broken loose. Im about to leave. She said quote, ladies, you want your man to appreciate you . Leave them alone with the kids to see what we deal with. Been there, done that. Whats the best way to help dads hack it when mom is away . Joining us is marriage and parenting blogger, the president of family first, which is a nonprofit. It works to strengthen families. He joins us today from tampa. Mark, i dont know about you, but i have been in that guys shoes. Ill tell you, i chuckled when i got that text. A lot of guys can relate to it. I have fumbled the ball just like jay on a number of occasions. Ill bet hes never going to say to kristen, hey so what exactly did you do all day . Hes never going to say that you wrote all pro dad. You have great advice. What specific advice, what are your coaching tips to help dads that might be alone with the kids to get ahead of the kids before theyre in it . First jay has to realize hes got to listen to his offensive coordinator and quarterback coach. So he really needs to ask his wife, to coach him up and to understand her system of how she deals with the kids. Kids love systems and routines. Secondly, really listen to her instruction where she says something, follow her advice. Its going to pay off in the long run. Mark, come on. Seek out resources. Lets back up for just a second. You say your second tip was listen to the instructions. I remember my wife had to make a trip away and i was in charge of the kids and i asked her to tell me what to do and i was looking at her, i thought i was listening, but as soon as she was gone i pretty much forgot all of it. Should he take notes . We dont like to listen to instructions, do we . No. But it really does pay off. No question about it. Its very important. So weve got to listen to instruction. Weve got to seek out advice. We cant be embarrassed about it because all of us dads go through it. Seek out advice from other resources. Weve got a few playbooks that will help dads to be the best they can be. I think there is a fear of inn dads that they dont want to let the mom know that things might be out of control cause then shell get worried and feel bad about where she is. Whats your advice then because you say seek out help. If youre in the middle of a mess at home, is it still okay to call the mom and say, i need you now . Help me. All nfl quarterbacks know thats when you got to call an audible. You got to call an audible and you got to go with your gut and maybe seek out another guy who has been through it already and ask him what do you do when youre in that kind of situation. Im sure hell be able to score big with his wife by doing that. When she comes home you got to huddle and say dont ever leave me alone with them again. Thank you. Thank you for what you do. Mark, we thank you very much for joining us today from tampa. Great advice. Thanks so much. The worst text to get if i would imagine if youre the wife and the husband and father sends you a text that says simply, how many kids were there here when you left . You made my heart stop. Dont do that. Next up on this thursday, it was one of politicos catchiest headlines of the day. Look at this. Mike huckabee complains of trashy women at fox news. Mistake . No. It was not an honest mistake. It was an utterly fabricated lie on the part of the writer at politico. They made it all up. The governors full response to this outrageous headline next. Good morning. Its thursday, january 29. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. Isis just set a new deadline for a prisoner swap. Dont dare compare that to the beau bergdahl case because apparently the taliban arent terrorists. What . The taliban is an armed insurgency. Isil is a terrorist group. So we dont make concessions to terrorist groups. Wow. The head scratching explanation from the white house thats ahead. Remember how well this went over . Scott walker has given women the back of his hand and there is no i know thats stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality. Not really. Democrats thought it was great. The new plan to bring back their war on women is out. Then it was one of politicos most popular stories on that regional web site with this catchy headline. Mike huckabee complains of trashy women at fox news. But is it true . No all made up. The governor responds in moments. Thank you for joining us on this thursday. Mornings are better with friends like you. This is coach ditka youre watching fox friends. And let me tell you, this is the only network i watch. And i mean it. Mike ditka will be joining us in phoenix. Hell be on our show. Excellent. Dancing in the dark. There is a story in the daily news today about me that is completely made up. It has to do with a hotel that we all stayed at. I didnt realize it was energy efficient. You had to put your room key in the wall. You couldnt work the heat or the lights. They were on you went in your room and you were suddenly dancing in the dark. I was the one dancing in the dark cause i went in there and i just wanted to try to get the lights on. Its an awesome story. Well share it with you in just a minute. We just wish it was true. The story you read is not true. Were going to shed light. A little disconnect. Meanwhile, with the very latest headlines, heather. You are not the only one who went through that. In addition to some of these guys, they experienced the same thing and then you just confirmed that story. Thank you. So youre not alone. Good morning to you. Ive got news to bring you. Happening overnight in missouri, it was a meeting that was supposed to be all about keeping the peace in the aftermath of the Michael Brown riots. But there was nothing peaceful about what happened. Look. [ bleep ] that going down inside st. Louis city hall. It was a meeting about mending Community Relations that took place last night. But things really took a turn for the worse when a fight broke out between an alderman and a member of the police union. No one was arrested. But that meeting ended early. Brandnew Surveillance Video in showing those terrifying moments when a gunman opened fire inside the library at Florida State university. The suspect is seen pointing his gun and shooting at a student who was trying to hide underneath the front desk there. That gun jammed and that student did manage to escape. Three people were seriously injured before police eventually shot and killed that gunman. U. S. Border patrol agents now told to roll out the welcome mat for illegals. New training documents show the agents have been told to ask immigrant prisoners if theyre eligible to be protected from deportation under president obamas executive action. It used to be up to the immigrants themselves and their lawyers to apply for this exemption and now this news is coming out. Arizona is known for pretty hot temperatures. But look at this. Its a little much. 750 degrees in hila bend. And frankly wickedberg is a total loss. Again, im not your dad. But i would get out while you still can. I think steel boils at about this temperature. There is probably nothing left up there right now. For those listening to us on the radio some of the temperatures were 2900 degrees or higher. And that is our local meteorologist. Nice job. Our phoenix affiliate in arizona showing off some fantastic improv skills after his weather maps went hay wire. Nice job. Those are your headlines. He handled that well. Thanks. Fox news alert right now, isis extended the deadline until today. They say jordan must release that suicide bomber who was sentenced to death in the 2005 terrorist attack that killed at least 60 people or that pilot is going to be killed at sundown. Shes a terrorist and she tried to kill a lot of people. Her suicide vest did not go off. So shes in prison. She confessed. Shes in a jordanian prison. That pilot from a very prominent family in jordan crashed in isis territory and has been held prisoner. Essentially hell be killed unless they get that woman back. Then for all they know, they could get her back and then jordan said were going to do it. Since the coalition of air strikes began, hes the first Foreign Military pilot to be captured. But did we start this whole thing by exchanging five taliban higher ups for beau bergdahl . No, no, no. We didnt do that. He did not trade beau bergdahl for the five taliban. How could you say that steve . Well, because, its completely different. Because the taliban and isis are completely different. Because the taliban well, theyre not terrorists like isis. Theyre armed insurgents. I hadnt realized that. I cant believe i said that. I cant either. You wont believe that the Deputy Press Secretary at the white house said thats our official position for this country. Watch. You see, the United States government does not give in to demands, does not pay ransom. But how is what the jordanians are talking about doing any different than what the United States did to get the release of bergdahl . Releasing prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay to the taliban, which is clearly a terrorist organization. As you know this was highly discussed at the time and prisoner swaps are traditional end of conflict interaction that happened as the war in afghanistan wound down we felt like it was the appropriate thing to do. The president s bedrock commitment as commander in chief is to leave no man or woman behind. Thats the principle he was operating under. Isnt that what the jordanians are operating under . The taliban is still conducting terrorist attacks. You cant really say that the war ended as far as theyre concerned. I also point out that the taliban is an armed insurgency. Isil is a terrorist group. So we dont make concessions to terrorist groups. You dont think the taliban is a terrorist group . I dont think the taliban the taliban is an armed insurgency. There it is. The taliban is an armed insurgency. The war on terror is over for this administration and instead theyre prosecuting the war on the english language. Right. Were not fighting islamic extremists and in afghanistan, were leaving a war we declare is over. The only thing we didnt tell the taliban who have been practicing terroristic activities for 13 years. Someone had sense yesterday with charles krauthammer. He said this is embarrassing. Watch. It slits throats, it attacks buses. It drives car bombs into markets and its not a terrorist group. Look, you cant parody this administration. The idea that the United States would not do this is preposterous. Of course we do. And also the idea that the war is winding down, tell that to anybody who lives in afghanistan. This is a fantasy. Obamas pretending that the war on terror the war in afghanistan, the war in iraq are all winding down and the wars are all back. So i mean, this is sort of embarrassing. It is embarrassing and it was a Great Exchange between Jonathan Carl of abc and that guy who was doing the talking from the podium. You would think that that would be the lead story on abc. Nope. They didnt even do it on abc. They didnt do it on nbc or cbs. Talk about your media bias. Apparently clouds filling grand canyon where it was more compelling. The 30th anniversary of we are the world. Thats great, but not in addition to that main story and headline for you. Apparently they didnt think it was important enough for you to know. Jonathon karl took the place of ed henry. Meanwhile, lets talk about what politico did to Mike Huckabee. They wanted it said look at these headlines, the way it looks right now. Mike huckabee complains of trashy women at fox news, is the headline in politico. And that came out yesterday. Then last night Mike Huckabee went on to meet with megyn kelly and said listen, i dont even know where they came up with that. The whole point is that there is this Cultural Divide between people who live in the bubbles of new york washington and hollywood and people who live out here in the land of what i call god guns grits and gravy. So i write a chapter called the culture of crude. Its not directed to any particular person, but to the general culture and how different it is. Is that an honest mistake . No. It was not an honest mistake. It was an utterly fabricated lie on the part of the writer at politico. He said he went to new york meetings. He said when he was in business meetings you might hear as opposed to in the south and midwest there, in iowa, you would hear people use the f bomb or salty language. Just saying its different from place to place right . Thats the whole point of the reason he wrote the book, to talk about all of america and how we differ from coast to coast. Its all going to help his book. But the bottom line is its a lie of a headline. Many people are in too much of a rush to read the store. Listen, its all made up. There is a story about me in the New York Daily News today on the gossip page. What it says is on the snow night, remember a couple of nights ago, the three of us stayed at the Sanctuary Hotel, right . Yes. So one thing they did not tell me when i checked into the Sanctuary Hotel is you need to put your room key in the wall to run the room. Never heard of that before. I didnt know either. You went in the room and what happened . I went in the room and i thought it was on motion sensor so i started dancing. That didnt work. They told when you you checked in. My room was cornous. They said stick this in the wall and youll be able to work your heat and lights. They didnt tell me that when i checked in. When i was leaving i told the concierge, he said how was your stay . I said when people check in, you should tell them that . They said did you have a problem . What the article says is i spent the night in the dark because i could not figure out the smart lights. Thats not true. I walked in. The lights were on. The television was on. And the heater was on of the also the article said i thought the blizzard had knocked out the power. That true . No, its not true. I was watching tv. If the blizzard is going to knock out the power, you cant watch tv or the lights. By the way i thought you said you never said anything on camera. So somebody at the hotel thought they had a story. The only person i told was the concierge. So when you read the gossip pages and think, boy that couldnt possibly be te, its not. Right. Im sticking with the enquirer. Theyre the only ones who really know whats going on. 11 minutes after the top of the hour. Coming up, more on our top story. The white houses refusal to call the taliban terrorists. Our next guest cant believe what hes hearing because he came facetoface with the taliban. They tried to kill him and his men. And remember how well this went over . Scott walker has given women the back of his hand. There is no i know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality. The war on women didnt work for the democrats. So why are they going back to it . Thats the story. Well explain. How much money do you have in your pocket right now . I have 40 21. Could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement . I dont think so. Well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. Woman for soft beautiful feet i have a professional secret amope and its premium foot care line. The new amope pedi perfect foot file gives you soft beautiful feet effortlessly. Its microlumina rotating head buffs away hard skin even on those hardtoreach spots. Its amazing. You can see it and feel it. My new musthave for soft, beautiful feet. Amope pedi perfect. Find it in the foot care aisle or at the registers in these stores. Reports Sergeant Bergdahl will be charged with diseurs. Our next guest was commander of the special forces that day that bergdahl went missing and he says he must be held accountable. Joining us with, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Waltz from washington. First off, whether the decision is in today or tomorrow bottom line is bring us to the search. Was it understood first amongst you guys that he deserted . Glad you mentioned, i led the special forces teams that were out there searching for bergdahl when he walked off his post. It was absolutely understood. It was understood that he left, that he walked off voluntarily, that he shipped his body armor and other items home and he had no intention of coming back. That said, we followed our orders. We went looking for him. My men were repeatedly put in harms way. The taliban knew we were pulling all of the stops to go after him and they were baiting us into ambushes. In one case they rigged an entire house with explosives and then fed us false information that thats where he was. And last june i testified next to the father of a Second Lieutenant who was killed while looking for him. Those families deserve accountability. I cant imagine. Plus the missions you werent on because you had to look for him, the dangers you were in looking for him and knowing he deserted but you have to follow orders is unbelievable. And then the trend this may have started were witnessing now, another prisoner swap. Isis the utter definition of evil dealing with jordan to try to get their pilot back. But i want to bring you to the other story and that is what the tool is. First off, if i told you the taliban wasnt a terror group, what would you say . I would respond again with my time out on the ground. While out there one Taliban Group machine gunned a girls school with the girls in the school. Another group hung a 7yearold little boy an afghan boy, because he had dollar bills in his pocket. This group is absolutely a terrorist organization. Walks like a duck talks like a duck, its a duck. Youre a warrior and a diplomat. Youre in the battle and youre in washington. So hold your breath and lets hear what the administration has to say about the taliban. The taliban is an armed insurgency. Isil is a terrorist group. So we dont make concessions to terrorist groups. You dont feel the taliban is a terrorist group . I dont feel the taliban the taliban is an armed insurgency. Do you disseminate between the two like the spokesperson is . No. Look, clearly what were seeing here is the administration wants out, period. And theyre starting to bend reality and bend the facts to fit that agenda. We have to stop telling our leaders have to stop telling america that this war is over. Its not. We are 13 years into what is going to be a multidecade effort. The hardest thing in the world to defeat is an ideology and right now were at war with the ideology of radical islam and its going to take 40, 50, 60 years to defeat it, just like it did communism fascism and other ideologyies of total aryan. Most sober people watching. But were pulling out anyway and sadly, well have to fight our way back in and theyre going to ask guys like to you do it and its not fair. Youve already made tremendous progress and theyre asking to you throw it all away. I cant believe were going through this. Its like a separate reality. The name of your book is warrior reality. Its hard for me to imagine a better guest than you. Thanks so much. Thanks, brian. Coming up, illegal immigrant accused of murdering a Convenience Store clerk for a pack of cigarettes. Why he wasnt deported. That story next. Or at least the very latest put in jail. Up next, a message from the victims family and friends for the president the 1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection™ 73 of americans try. To cook healthy meals. Yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day 50 . Complete with key nutrients we may need. 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It met with multiple Brotherhood Alliance leaders this week. One member of the delegation even posted this photo of him at the state at the present time holding up the muslim brotherhoods four finger symbol. The state department claims it meets with all types of political representatives there. Brian . Thanks. Convenience store clerk from across arizona gathered in their uniforms yesterday to say goodbye to one of their own. He was gunned down last week over a pack of cigarettes. He was 21yearsold. Lets make this story really tragic is the criminal the cops say pulled the trigger is an illegal alien who was facing deportation who was released from jail on bond. Leslie is a friend of grants mother. Youre off the funeral yesterday. Emotions running high. Describe what its been like this entire incident, what its done for the community. I just know that its brought the Community Together to celebrate at least grants life and knowing that he was an innocent victim who tragically was killed due to the ignorance of our i dont even know what you would call it our United States government. Our policy. Youre right. Leslie and this guy had confessed to burglary in the past. He was out on bail. He was supposed to be deported. Apparently the locals called ice and said you got to cart this guy off and they never ever did. Regarding our immigration policy right now, we have heard from the administration, if somebody needs to be deported, they will be deported. He needed to be deported. If he would have been deported grant would probably be alive today. Absolutely, 100 correct. So in the big picture, the government let you down. Your whole town has been let down. But they did show up yesterday for grant. Describe the scene at the funeral. It was overwhelming to see family friends, strangers qt employees throughout the city. I dont know from everywhere they all came from. All in uniform to celebrate grant and it was just a really neat experience to see them in procession as they walked through carrying grants casket with the pallbearers. That was one of the most touching experiences. Especially seeing everybody from the area who worked for quick trip. They were out there in their uniform. We saw his picture, he looked like a great young man. Tell us about him. I didnt know him personally but i do know that he was an alive spirit. He had lots of energy. He was definitely somebody who really wanted to help others and was what his dad called alive and his aunt called him fast and furious in the sense that he was always on the go, always willing to help, and everybody came together and it was family. And hed still be alive today if it wasnt for an illegal immigrant who gunned him down over a pack of cigarettes and should have been in jail. Leslie did start a gofundme page for grant. She set the goal of 10,000 to help the family with money. So far youre at 13,000. You now have a goal of 15,000. If people are interested in going and helping its gofundme. Absolutely. Did you a great thing. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Coming up remember how well this gem of a sound bite went over . Scott walker has given women the bask his hand. And there is i know thats stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality. Well, the reality is the war on women narrative didnt work for the democrats in 2014. So why the heck are they going to bring it back is this were going to tell what you we know. Then this text from an nfl quarterback to his wife, quote, need you home. All hell is breaking loose. Two little christie in the house and i cant control them. Your emails are pouring in. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn. Because it gives me. Zero heartburn prilosec otc. The number 1 doctorrecommended frequent heartburn medicine for 9 straight years. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Know that chasing performance can mean lower returns and fewer choices in retirement. Know that proper allocation could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. Know the right Financial Planning can help you save for college and retirement. Know where you stand with pnc total insight. A new investing and bank with personalized guidance and online tools. Visit a branch, call or go online today. Welcome back. Fox news alert. Labor department releasing brandnew weekly job numbers. Nicole petallides from fox business joins us now with what these numbers mean for our economy. Good morning. Good morning. So we got in our weekly jobless claims. Theyre better than expected. For the latest week the claims filed was actually 265,000. That was better than what the economists estimated, 300,000. And the prior week was revised just slightly higher to 308 from 307. So what you want is fewer claims and that is what we got, at least for this week. And that ultimately is great news. We love to see that. But the big picture here as we talk about our recovery from our Great Recession though its been slow, no doubt. Weve seen job creation, which is good news. Last year we saw nearly 3 million jobs created. Thats great. And it goes back to 1999. Thats wonderful. However, there is a really big problem that we need to acknowledge. 60 of that job growth was actually because Unemployment Benefits were expiring. The government, as you well know, put out those Unemployment Benefits so easily it actually works as a negative. People were not inspired to run out and look for work. In fact, many stood back and so the findings found that the expiration of benefits was behind the creation of 1. 8 million jobs. Nearly 1 million of those jobs were created by workers who otherwise would have stayed out of the labor force. And ultimately as you well know, you want everybody working. You want the economy and everybody working together so that they can make their money support the elderly support for education, and also there is another study out showing one in five children are actually on food stamps. You cant have too many government handouts because basically they worked as negative. They did. To nicoles point, 60 of the job growth last year caused by the expiration of Unemployment Benefits, thats exactly the point the republicans were making. The longer you continue with the handout, the less people are going to want to have the incentive to go out and find a job. It went down from 53 weeks to 25 weeks. So basically inspired people to get up and get out there. Were talking about ablebodied people. Were not being heartless to those who obviously need the benefits. According to that paper, you said it, nearly 1 million of those workers would have stayed out of work with extended benefits. Thank you. Thank you. Shes on the fox business network. I just felt at any moment she was going to start walking. She seemed a lot higher than that man who was walking behind her. Absolutely. Im going to talk to my people on the field. There is no one who does that walk like nicole petallides. I know. Got some news to bring you. A brandnew revelation coming from google. 300 hours of terrorist footage uploaded to youtube every single minute . There was one problem, though. And that is that google cant get rid of it fast enough. The site has been trying to crack down on extremist propaganda videos and says it hopes to find a way to prescreen those videos. Boy. Now that were friends of cuba the president raul castro has new demands for america. The establishment of diplomatic relations between the u. S. And cuba is a good start. But this wont be possible while the economic blockade exists or the Guantanamo Bay naval base is not returned. The communist leader not only wants gitmo returned, calling us illegal occupiers, he says he wants the trade embargo lifted and the United States to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in what they consider to be damages for losses caused by the embargo. Remember how well this one went over . Scott walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality. Well, we have now just learned that democrats planning to bring back that war on women in 2016. Democratic strategists not backing away from it, saying that focus on female voters specifically issues such as abortion and access to contraception, they believe will resonate in next years races. Who do you think is better with kids . Dads or moms . That debate started after reality star posted this message from her nfl husband who was home alone with their two kids. Love this story. She posted a picture of her husbands frantic text. It read, need you hope asap. All hell has broken loose. And then she went on to quote ladies, you want your man to appreciate you . Leave them alone with the kids and see what we deal with every day. Earlier we asked a parenting blogger for his tips to help dads when moms are away. Listen. Understand her system of how she deals with the kids. Kids love systems and routines. Secondly, really listen to her instruction. When she says something follow her advice. Its going to pay off in the long run. I love this. This man is brilliant he just says listen to your wife its like people are jotting that down. Okay. Listen. When she talks to you take notes. A lot of comments. Glenn tweeted us, there are many single dads who dont take anyone o help with their kids. They dont complain. Another said cutler is a wimp. Its a blast, potty training was a bit rough, but great memories. Suck it up. And Tim Hasselbeck tweeted persevere, plenty of dishes and laundry for elisabeth when she gets home. Iscreamfordinner. Hasselbeck adjusted. Persevere. Apparently our responses are responding. Kathy sent you this message. Remember when i had food poisoning, steve, and you came to the hospital with peter and mary, their clothes did not match, hair not brushed and marys clothes were inside out . I do remember that. Thats good. Think about this, this is a quarterback who has to make split second decisions. You talk being my wife . Jay cutler. Hes got it change the plays and hes under intense pressure. Millions watch him and he was overwhelmed by two children under three. Hes used to offense, not defense. Thats true. This proves our wives are fantastic. Very good. And theyre watching. Double down to us. Such a warm cozy feeling in here. For maria, its cold outside. What do you have . Thats right. Take a look at some of these current windchill temperatures across the region. Were looking at them in the teens in new york city. Single digits in boston and well below zero across maine. In maine we could be looking at some significant snowfall with a quickmoving clipper system that will swing through the northeast as we head into tonight and into tomorrow. Generally for most of the area, light snow. If anyone sees accumulation, going to be just a couple of inches. But its across maine that we could be looking at potentially a foot of snow. Winter storm warnings have been issued out there. Otherwise across the midwest the concern is freezing rain today. So those advisories have also been posted widespread across the state of ohio. In new mexico, winter storm watches have been issued. They could be looking at up to a foot of snow in some of the higher elevations. Temperature wise, i want to point out the high temperatures across parts of the south east and also in the Southern Plains because it is going to be a very mild day again today. High temperatures into the mid 70s in houston. Upper 60s in dallas. Not bad at all. Memphis, the high at 62 degrees. Lets head back inside. Were on the wrong side of the map. We need to be down south. I like that. Thank you very much. Good news, weve got a bill that can actually help fix the broken veterans administration. The bad news is the unions managed to block it. Details straight ahead hey guess what day it is . . Hump day hummmp daaay its hump day yeah hey Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike mike mike. Hey he knows hey guess what day it is hey camel guess what day it is its not even wednesday. Let it go, phil. If youre a camel, you put up with this all the time. Its what you do. sigh if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Ok. You know, just because your bladder is changing, it doesnt mean you have to. With tena, let yourself go. Be the one with the crazy laugh. And keep being their favorite playmate. With tenas unique super absorbent micro beads that lock in moisture and odor. Tena lets you be you. A bill that would help reform the Veterans Affairs administration and hold employees accountable. Sounds like a great idea. But one Union Representing Government Employees is doing everything they can to stop the legislation. The bill introduced by republican congressman jeff miller, would authorize the v. A. Secretary to recoup bonuses given to employees responsible for the scandal that hurt thousands of vets. So whats the problem with that . Joining us is the Deputy Director of the vfw National Legislative surface and also is an iraq war veteran. Alex, good morning to you. Good morning. You would think that everybody would want to fix the v. A. , but if you cant get rid of the bad apples and youre giving bonuses to people who are not doing a food job, thats not helping. Correct. We support jeff millers bill. Quite simply what it does is any v. A. Employee thats been manipulating data or knowingly withholding care from a veteran and also received a bonus for exemplary performance, the secretary would be able to go back and say you probably didnt deserve that. Were going to take that away from you. We feel thats common sense. It is common sense. So why is here is what the Union President says. He says the bill is morale busting. Quote, its time to turn the page on morale busting measures and focus on the mission of delivering top quality care to american veterans. The v. A. Needs more vehicles to reward good behavior. Not silencing dissenting voices. With all due respect to the president of that union, this bill does reward people ho are doing a good job doesnt it . It does. I think what afgea concern is here is that the good employees will get lumped in with the bad employees. Now, we dont think thats the intent of jeff millers bill. If the bill became law, we dont think that secretary mcdonald would execute it that way. We also, the vfw knows that 99. 9 of v. A. Employees do a good job. Its just that one small group that needs to be held accountable. And really tarnishes the good number of everybody else that works at the department of Veterans Affairs. So we think this bill is the right way to go. Im with you. I looked at it. It looks good to me. Is it part of just the way the federal government operates though, if you got a job youre going to automatically get a pay increase, youre going to automatically get a bonus . We dont think it should be that way. Especially for people who have been found to have been manipulating data defrauding the government, keeping veterans from getting care. Bonuses need to be for people ho perform above and beyond. The people who i just described probably dont deserve to be working at v. A. In the first place, let alone being rewarded extra. Yeah. And so far have we really seen anybody being held accountable for all the hundreds of thousands of veterans who were denied service . Yeah, come back in a month or two. You know what . Dont bother coming back. Well, weve started to see some people being held accountable. It is a priority for the new v. A. Secretary, secretary mcdonald. We think that this bill will give him an extra tool to continue down that road and help restore trust in veterans and the department of Veterans Affairs. Absolutely. We thank you very much for joining us live today from the vfw. Thank you very much. Straight ahead hes the personal chef to star athletes like lebron james, jeff gordon and ryan lochte. But this morning hes cooking for us and good news is hes using bacon. I love that guy. First lets check in with Martha Mccallum who also loves bacon. Of course i do. Who doesnt . Good morning. So the deadline is 9 30 this morning for jordan and isis to reach a deal on the pilot hostage. It is a tense situation. We are on top of it. Well bring you the latest. And mitt romney blasting Hillary Clinton last night. So is it game on for him . And the white house stumbles on the question of whether the taliban is a terrorist group. It is a Strange Exchange and we will show it to you live. Bill and i will be here live coming up at the top of the hour earning unlimited cash back on purchases. Thats a win. But imagine earning it twice. Introducing the citi® double cash card. It lets you earn cash back twice, once when you buy and again as you pay. Its cash back. Then cash back again. And thats a cash back winwin. The citi double cash card. The only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1 when you buy and 1 as you pay. With two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem onesided. Hes the personal chef of stars like lebron james. Jeff gordon and ryan lochte. Just to name a few. Thats right. Today hes here with tips to help you enjoy your super bowl spread, like a prompt joining us is chef glenn lyman. Thanks for being here. Great to be here. If you make it, they win it. Nothing like being a champion. This is the biggest week for me. I love super bowl week. This is like the thanksgiving of sports. Great call. You dont have to have bad food. Its not part of it. You can eat right and eat a lot. We got really fun dishes today. Im going to do something thats a riff on deviled eggs. We start with some egg yolks. And add a little hot hot hot sauce. Devil means spicy. Do you want to mix . Of course i do. Hot and spicy. Then what . We have onion powder seasoned salt and paprika. By the way, we have the recipe on the screen. If youre on radio, were going to put them on our web site. A little mayo and mustard. We want to mix it up really good. Add the egg whites afterward. This has protein. When youre at the super bowl party, why does everything have to be a chip. We want to know what it is. Ripping on deviled eggs. I love it. I like to serve it with a little celery. We got this awesome one. We have brussel sprouts. You got to be prepared. Have everything you need in advance when youre going to cook. I get everything i need. They probably take care of you because theyre good sponsor. They have the best produce you can get. We wrap them in bacon. 375 for about 25 minutes. Then brush them with Barbecue Sauce. At the very end. Then pop them back in for 15 minutes. Thats a great tip. I have burned mine. Put the Barbecue Sauce on after. Often at my house they chant, we want the brussel products. Were going to stretch this product. This is combining with things that people love. Chickee chilly cheese mac. You want to feed everybody. One thing you got to have other than bacon is melty gooey cheese. Im gog make this. Im telling you, get a big fat bowl. Super cheesy. This is mac and cheese meets chili. Would lebron eat this . On his days off, he can have this. I use turkey meat. So you substitute some power impact food to get the protein in for these athletes . Im all about lean protein leafy greens complex carbohydrates. Thats what life should be about. Thats what we have on the table here. There is nothing wrong with getting that dip at the super bowl party, but try to get something thats going to be healthy. So you dont go away feeling hungry. Lets be honest if people can come to your house v a great time and not feel fat the next day, theyre going to come back the next season. Im here to help people win the super bowl. Like i said they seem to win it when you make it. Im going to tell you if you have to go to b. J. s get everything you need. Get a new flat screen. We have a crew of 12. There enough deviled eggs and enough chili to feed all them . Ill start plating this up. We are going to put all those recipes on our web site so you can have them in time to stock up on the supplies before super bowl weekend. We lost a camera to the brussel sprouts. More fox friends in just a moment. The chili has no chance of surviving the break. Youre only young once. Unless you have a subaru. announcer the subaru xv crosstrek. Symmetrical allwheel drive plus 34 mpg. Love. Its what makes a subaru a subaru. In my world, wall isnt a street. Return on investment isnt the only return im looking forward to. For some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. Which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. Our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. Start investing with as little as fifty dollars. And its time for one for the road it might be the coolest way to find out youre having a boy. Watch this. They are fired up. Alabama couple finding out their baby to bes gender when the targeted flooded with either pink or blue. And the dad is a gun lover. Apparently now about to be a proud papa of a boy. Usually with a puff of smoke, that means we have a new pope. This guy could be the pope. Who knows. This dog getting a cold lesson if physics. The burmese mountain pup went viral after this owners catch her sliding down the ice. She loved it in new hampshire. She kept doing it over and over again. And the internet blowing up over the last segment we just did about theyre trying to fix the v. A. By the way thats my dog. Look at that. Beautiful. He gets paid every time we put him on. Theyre trying to fix the v. A. But according to the unions, you have to keep giving the bonuses to everybody, including people not helping because of otherwise its a morale buster. Linda asked us, why do these v. A. Employees get paid these huge bonuses just for doing their job or in many cases not doing your job . Doing your job is what you get paid for. Most americans work hard and never see a bonus. Yes, you have to work for the government. There is so much more at stake. Ill be leaving for arizona today. Ill be live in phoenix tomorrow. Great guest. Were doing the after the show show now. Bill good morning. Breaking news on a deadline for life. Isis is demanding the country of jordan release a convicted suicide bomber by unseth or they will murder a jordanian pilot. As we watch this we say good morning and welcome to americas newsroom. Martha terrorists apparently using the voice of japanese hostage kenji goto. Hes seen holding a picture of the jordanian pilot. Conor powell is with us live in jerusalem. Reporter the

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