Obama on isis saying that we have an objective, it is clear, to degrade and destroy isis. Fox friends will, of course, continue our coverage this morning. Thanks so much for joining us. Well be back at 5 00 a. M. Tomorrow morning. Good morning. It is wednesday, september 3rd. Im ilves hhis best hasselbeck. The president just confirmed the video is, in fact, the beheading of journalist Steve Sotloff. He said justice will be served but where in the world is the strategy . So are we or are we not at war with isis . Is there any doubt on your part or the part of this administration that, in fact, the United States is at war with i this . I dont think its a useful exercise to go back and forth about new terms. Are you kidding me . Why the Administration Simply cant call it what it is. All right. And shouldnt these acts of terror unite us as a nation. According to this democratic candidate he calls republicans worse than isis. It may not seem like that, but morning are better with friends. Just moments ago, president obama speaking on the eve of a crucial nato meeting saying justice will, indeed, be served against isis, this as the white house confirms a second american journalist has been killed by the terror group. Ed henry is live in estonia with the latest. Good morning to you, ed. What is the latest and what the president is saying. Well, very interesting because at this News Conference, the president wanting to talk, you know, stopping here in estonia, just standing right now about 100 miles from the russian border because the president wants to send a signal to Vladimir Putin about its moves in ukraine saying look, the u. S. Will stand up for nato allies like estonia right here. But instead the president got two questions at this News Conference immediately on defense about isis, about the videotape, the beheading of the second american journalist. The president was saying americans are repulsed by this bar barrism, the second videotape, the second beheading only stiffens our resolve, reach is long and justice will be served. Pressed by american reporters twice on whether or not he finally has a strategy to deal with isis. Listen to his answer. So the bottom line is this, our objective is clear and that is to degrade and destroy isis so that its no longer a threat, not just to iraq, but also the region, and to the United States. But when he was pressed on that a second time, the president seemed to back pedal a bit and said that his goal ultimately is to make sure that isis is a, quote, manageable problem, that we push them back, roll them back as he said at one point, to the point its a manageable problem. Its interesting because the beginning of the News Conference, what you just heard there, the idea of destroying isis, but by the end of the News Conference, he was saying we need to make it a manageable problem. Seems like the white house messaging on this is still struggling, guys. The one thing that emerges for me and watching it, the president went out of his way he does have a strategy and objective, fine, but i dont see the urgency, compare and contrast that with our secretary of defense and joint chiefs of staff and David Cameron, how do you explain the disconnect between the president s approach, members of his cabinet and britain . It is hard to explain because look, when that sound bite that we just played and the president said, you know, the objective is to destroy isis, hes actually borrowing something from his cabinet member, secretary of state john kerry, who as you know a couple weeks ago said look, the goal is to destroy them. The president had not quite said that before and there had been questions at the White House Briefing for days, is the president at odds with his own cabinet about how serious a threat this is. It seemed like at the beginning of the News Conference he was trying to say were on the same page here, were going to destroy them but his answers got more rambling and settled on this idea that isis, we want to get them down, degrade them to the point theyre a manageable problem. If its a manageable problem its still out there. Its not destroyed. So the president within one News Conference had a couple answers that were at odds with himself. As hes trying to clarify the no strategy comment at the white houses almost a week ago now, its sort of surprising that nearly a week later he still quite doesnt have down what his strategy, what his objective, what his message is. Last point i make is this nato summit you mentioned coming up in wales later this week, one of the questions he got from the american press, will you bring the nato leaders your strategy on isis finally and he basically suggested he doesnt have that strategy yet. Great. All right. Ed henry, traveling with the president up early for us on this wednesday morning. Live in estonia. Clearly the president thanks, ed. The president stung by headlines like this in the daily news, do you have a strategy now, mr. President , showing Steven Sotloff beheaded on video and this wont stop until we stop them. Of course they wont stop until we stop. How do we do it . When we declare war on them. We are declaring war on isis, arent we . James rosen got into that conversation with jen psaki at the state Department Yesterday and the answers not very eye opening but at the same time revealing. Why does our president or our secretary of state not recognize that and say, indeed, we are at war with this group and well destroy them . Well, i think first of all, james, our actions speak for our commitment to this and the president has authorized more than 100 strikes in iraq, as have been confirmed by the department of defense. Any american sitting at home should sit and look at the axships that were taking. I dont think its a useful exercise to go back and forth about new terms. Seemingly uncertain in terms of terminology there, but why isnt it clear . I mean we have a number of troops thats been assigned to hold down and secure our forces there in baghdad. We have air strikes occurring right now. Weve got confusing language when it seems like we have two american journalists beheaded. Im not sure what more calls for war we need. Ed henry mentioned a softening of terms and by the end of the speech the president just gave in estonia in answering questions as it regards to war, in terms of strategy, he said referring to the beheadings, he referred to them as crimes against these fine young men. Civilized terminology. Right. For something so barbaric. Why is he afraid to call a spade a spade . He also says he blames social media for a lot of the uproar thats going on right now. The world is always in turmoil. Especially in the middle east. Charles krauthammer thinks he has thinks he understands why the president is so reluctant to call things as they are. Its a global war and obama persists in calling them extremists as if they are extremists for what the reason, theyre just very upset about a lot of stuff. He will not call it by its name. Islamic radicalism. He will not explain or can see its a worldwide movement. He will not concede that what hes done for these five years under estimating, underplaying and not explaining to the American People the necessity of carrying it on, has now beginning to bear fruit everywhere in the world as americas position is collapsing. I thought what charles said was so good. He spent five years not explaining whats going on, waiting for things to happen, that he cant avoid it like this horrific beheading. For example, if he was able to segue from its labor day, look at the economy, to i got to explain to you the reality of what america faces today, instead hes screaming about minimum wage and fair pay yesterday in a way in which you would think Vince Lombardi was giving a halftime speech. He has to go out of his way to explain to the American People why they should care, but still, the American People are pivoting nonetheless. Frustrated as well. You look back to 2007, the president alluded to the fact he thought it would change the world once he was inaugurateded, that he would be able to understand muslims and therefore crimes like this would not occur and the world would be safer because he had understanding. Well years later, it doesnt seem to be working. His strategy seems to be himself not a good one. Himself, he is a politician and thats why they talk about minimum wage and stuff like that at a time when were worried about isis. The number one topic, i was at a bunch of picnics over the weekend thats all anybody was talking about. Its clear were under attack and it will not go away if we choose not to respond. The president can say some words, but still, we havent done anything. We are going to put 350 more people on the ground there, but not a combat role. The pew poll of people asked the american pup lick how is the United States doing as it comes to World Problems . August 14th in the right column, we do too little rather too much. Which is way down from november of 13 where we were doing too much. As you can see, 31 , the middle column, far right, 31 of you say that were doing too little. That number has doubled. Look at the time line there. It absolutely has. Its doubled in doing too much, now 39 says were doing too much. I dont know who they are but theyre not on this planet. Nine minutes after the hour. Do we have time to do this . Yeah. You know whats interesting, where youre headed you take a time like this, its not only heartbreaking but absolutely outrageous in terms of atrocity and the level of horror that were seeing when two americans are beheaded. Were going to examine together. Democrats are coming out saying hey, this president is not doing enough, hes too cautious, lets sort of find some middle ground and take action, but not everyone is doing that. I couldnt believe when i saw this tweet. Jesse smith, democrat candidate for congressman in alabama tweeted this the greatest country on earth is being bullied from within. Axships of republicans in congress are worse than isil. He said that some of the ways that the republicans are terrorizing americans is raising Interest Rates on student loans, trying to privatize social security, tax cuts and cutting food stamp budget. For him to make the comparison between the republicans and a blood Thirsty Group of people cutting off peoples heads seems to be he is an iraq veteran and he was in on the invasion. Still a stupid thing to say. Also in his background. 11 minutes after the hour. Ainsley, other things happen. We saw you downstairs covering the press conference and now this. What else is happening in the news this morning. Brand new video showing the moment a fighter jet nose dives into an apartment in libya, exploding into a massive fire ball. Wow. The pilot and two residents died. Officials blaming that crash on a technical issue but reports say the military jet was shot down by the terrorist group ansar al sharia. This morning the fbi is joining the search for a young girl, heres her picture, who might have been snatched out of her bed in the middle of the night. Cops in bull head city, arizona, say 8yearold isabella kanell la was last seen in her bed on monday shortly before midnight but when her parents checked on her two hours later she was gone. A victory for america against islamic extremists this morning. The feds allowed to withhold photos of the 20th hijacker. An appeals pam ruled the government can hang on to photos of the Gitmo Detainee slated to be on one of the suicide planes on september 11th. The center for Constitutional Rights sued saying the images of his interrogation would serve the public interest, but the court cited with the feds because american extremists could use that photo to recruit other terrorists. Those are your headlines. Back to you. Ainsley, thank you very much. Coming up, 11 commercial jetliners from libya, 11, are missing. Are terrorists planning another 9 11style attack on america . 9 11 just next week. Lieutenant general tom mcka nerneny is here with a dire warning coming up next. New developments in the shooting of Michael Brown. Will his past catch up with him . Those details are straight ahead. To come to Bass Pro Shops than right now. Announcer Bass Pro Shops is the place for incredible savings. Like your choice of bass pro hats for only 5. And this she outdoor vintage camo hoodie for under 30. Hello three grams daily of betaglucan. A soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Thank you but parallel parking isnt one you do a lof them. Ings great. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. You can eat that on looks amazing. Rs . Looks like my next dinner party. Thats only 4 points . 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I dont believe it is. Lets get on with it, mr. President. He said this date backs to the iraq war, again, where al qaeda in iraq put up a tough fight against our guys. Well, that was a different kind of threat. That was a covert threat. We are now facing an overt threat, armored vehicles, seizing cities, et cetera. An entirely different threat, far more formidable. All right. General, you thought it was very significant that we have these jetliners now, now in militant islamic extremist hands over in libya. What role do you see that playing as we get closer and closer to another year marking 9 11 . Brian, i am getting flashing red lights about to go steady red. Let me give you five or six key end indications and warnings that give me that feeling its very dangerous right now. Number one, King Abdullah sent a signal to the american and the europeans that isis has got a european and a u. S. Reach. Number two, the beheadings that we have just witnessed are clear indications by isis to the American People, we are not afraid of you, we are coming after you. Number three, David Cameron, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom upgrading his alert, warning status to severe. We havent done anything. Number four, two weeks ago tomorrow, our secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff cried out that isis was an imminent threat to the United States and got slam dunked by the white house. I commend both of them for standing up on this. Now you have those 11 airliners that could be prepositioned as i say in south america, they could strike europe, and theres always where is mh370. Will it rise again . And so i just found out this morning moments ago that the terrorists have developed an explosive that could be planted on human beings and it cannot be traced. This is a very, very dangerous warning that were getting and america should upgrade our alert status to def con 1. Beware, america, they are coming after us. Well, it looks like if thats going to happen, our Homeland Security secretary has to do it on its own because the president is blaming social media for the uproar and nervousness from sea it to shining sea. Lieutenant Tom Mcinerney, thank you very much. Thank you. Heres whats straight ahead. Not that i know you want to digest what you heard but brand new details about the 30 teenagers who escaped from the Detention Center. What we learned about their criminal records. Some intimidating stuff. A hacking attack worse than the target breach. Is your personal information being sold on the black market right now . Fact. Every time you take advil youre taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. More than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. The medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. 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And another sentencing today for the teenager who snuck on to the top of the World Trade Center, he pleaded guilty in july in exchange for 23 days of community service. The march breach fueled serious questions about security at the World Trade Center which were founded. Elisabeth, over to you. Thank you. Brand new information about the 30 teenagers who escaped a Detention Center in tennessee. At this hour, seven are still on the run. This morning, we are just learning how they managed to exactly get away. Joining us to discuss is retired Police Lieutenant richard lichten. Good morning. Thank you for being with us. Let me start with the obvious, how does Something Like this happen . Thats a large number of individuals, young, but those with up to three felonies gone . Right. Well, actually things like this have happened in the past, have actually worked a number of jails, one jail where they had a number of people get away and what happens is two things, you have a human failure and you have a mechanical failure. Now from what ive learned about this particular escape and i dont think im wrong the fence they got out from underneath when you have a correctional facility you dig a moat or a trench, you fill it with cement and set the fence line into the cement so that cant happen. What happens sometimes youll have builders who have a disconnect with the security end of it and they dont realize what theyre doing thats not right theyll consider some of the ramifications of some of the building theyre doing and then you have the human failure. For instance, how often were these things checked. What type of patrols do they have. What are the plans and procedures to prevent these things. Theres a litany of things that can go wrong. Is this a budget issue, a money issue . Well, good security costs money. Money is always an issue. Always. But nothing takes the place of good intelligence and when you have a staff thats constantly searching, searching and searching, the inmates going through their stuff and looking at the papers and finding Different Things and gaining intelligence and simply talking to the inmates and building a relationship with them, sometimes theyll tell you things and theres a lot of history about that. Sometimes they might Say Something that might clue you in, something is going to happen. Do you have an example of that, why talking to them is so important . Sure. Do you remember back a long time ago the new mexico state riot, where all those people were killed. Of course. The day before a civilian librarian, a private librarian that goes into the jail to work, she had a relationship with the inmates. One of the inmates took her aside and said listen miss soandso, tomorrow you need to call in sick, dont come to work. I dont recall if she told somebody about that. Thats an example of what im talking about. Sometimes inmates and prisoners will talk to you or talk to the staff and tell them things to help prevent these types of things. That does happen sometimes. Thats interesting. We keep hearing kids escaped, what do we need to know, the search that are at large, how dangerous are they . Who are we dealing with . I dont know what kind of policies, rules and procedures this particular institution has, but if these kids are dangerous they ought to let the public know who these people are, what their crimes are, what theyre capable of, and so the public can protect themselves and, of course, the jail and the prison have to work in partnership up with the local police and community, social media, get the word out. Most of the time people that escape from jails and prisons, most of the time, theyre captured very quickly. Most of the time. Its rare that somebody gets away and is never found. But its during that time that things get pretty hairy. Sure. Window to possibly commit more crimes certainly. Lieutenant lichten thank you for being with us this morning. My pleasure. Thank you for having me. Got it. Coming up u. S. Troops handcuffed against our enemy. Our next guest served in iraq and afghanistan and gives a startling look at our military tactics and why he says we cannot win wars this way. And not the wedding photo, this groom had in mind. He took her hand in marriage and then allegedly put her hand on another woman. Yeah. Then the fighting started and well tell you all the details in just a bit. Ive always loved exploring and looking for something better. Thats the way i look at life. 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Its one of those things that weve just seen it too often with this president. Its indecisiveness and the Service Members and war fighters on the ground dont need that in their commander in chief. They need clear guidance, they need a clear mission. Because theyll execute to the best of their ability. You just need to be a leader. You know, in terms of strategy, we keep hearing about what were not going to do, were not going to put boots on the ground. Without that, can isis in your estimation be defeated . You know, its a hard question, because by no means can the u. S. Armed forces be defeated. We can go in with a ground war and root out every single one of them, but its an underlying problem thats in the region that you stop one fire, another fire comes out. And we dont see these guys as individual groups. So isis, like i said, al qaeda in yemen, taliban, theyre all cut from the same threads. Theyre just a bunch of thugs that use fear to intimidate people that know nothing but being suppressed for generations, thats all theyve known in this region, is to be under somebodys thumb. So a lot of people say this time, the uae is concerned, qatar is concerned. They should be. Turkey is concerned. Saudi arabia is concerned. You have jordan concerned. So should and the kurds, obviously, fight and are concerned. Yes. So should maybe we get them in on this strategy . Might that be the key to success long term . They should already be in the strategy. This is their backyard. These are their people. These are sunnis killing shiites. This is this is a regional problem for them and they need to take care of it. They all need to step up. Im tired of seeing the u. S. Have to come in and police up and pick up after this garbage that they should be taking care of. One of the problems though, michael, you write about it in your book, when the United States steps up weve got these rule of engagements that essentially often times hand cuff us with our right arm behind our back. Yes. Its you know, i look at it, the theology of you take the u. S. Military, youre taking a prizewinning boxer right before you put him in the ring, taking one arm and tying it behind his back. I dont care how good of a boxer he is, hes going to lose that fight. Give us an example. Towards the latter half of the afghan war. The rules of engagement became more restrictive. A lot of this stemmed out of political pressure and media pressure with exposure to afghanistan with civilian casualties and at the time general Stanley Mcchrystal who was the commander of afghanistan started putting in more and tighter restrictive rules on how we could react and offensively and defend ourselves. Is what youre saying that we can not the way these rules are right now of engagement, we cant win wars . No. You cant win wars when you restrict the war fighters in a way that hampers their ability and what theyve been trained to do. War fighters and guys on the ground, are going to do the very best. They would go to every precaution and to every degree to make sure theres no civilians or any type of collateral damage. Dont hamper them, dont baby them, dont put your thumb on them and follow them around on the battleground. Let them do what they do. We wouldnt be bombing berlin in world war ii because civilians would have died if we had that strategy. Karen and bill vonn joined us, their son aaron died, a navy s. E. A. L. , s. E. A. L. Team six, aboard a chopper, and he said they said this about the president and his actions what they would like to see done. The thing that weve always believed as americans is that if you take our sons and daughters to war, your ultimate goal should be victory and that has never been the goal of this administration. Billy and i are fed up with watching families suffer the same thing that weve suffered, losing our only son, at the hands of an administration and frankly senior military leaders who do not care about the boots on the ground, who care more about political positioning than the human cost of our sons and daughters being slaughtered on the battlefield. The rules of engagement favor their enemy. Is that what youre saying . Thats absolutely correct. Absolutely. The politicians and the elements that influence the government are so far removed from the bullets and the rpgs and firefighters they cannot comprehend what it is like to do and how to react and accomplish missions that are assigned when youre hampperred like this. Are you disappointed in the captains and lieutenants and jeples that dont stick up for you guys when it comes to the politicians . You know, you really dont get into that type of intertwining with politics and the top levels of the military until you get into like the general status when they have influence and contacts back in washington. Its political at that point . Shoe sure. Thats all it is. Michael, once again, your book called level zero hero. Check it out. Michael, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for your service. Absolutely. We appreciate that. Ainsley is here standing by with headlines. It is a busy morning. It is. Lets get right to the news. A breach on aisle 4. Millions of debit and credit cards used at Home Depot Stores might be at risk. The retailer now investigating this massive security breach. Its believed the card numbers were stolen from home depots systems and then put up for sale online. The hack reportedly going back to april and affect most of its more than 2,000 stores. The hackers behind it are reportedly the same russian and Ukrainian Group that hit those target stores. Their wedding night will be one they will never force. This bride went home alone. Thats because her husband, along with his brother who is a state trooper, and another groomsmen were cuffed and taken to a pittsburgh jail after a fight broke out at the wedding reception. It allegedly all started when the groom got too handsy with a pregnant server. She called her boyfriend, he shows up, confronts the groom, and thats when the fight started. There they go, off in the police car. A South Carolina teenager suing the dmv after he was told to wash off that makeup and to take a drivers license photo. 16yearold chase culpepper says he wears makeup and Womens Clothing regularly. The dmv Officials Say the employees were just enforcing a Department Policy which forbids anyone to wear a disguise. Booing now banned at College Games . A new England Small College athletics conference says that it will only allow positive cheering this year. It will affect amherst, tufts and middleburg colleges. Negative and confrontational cheers will not be tolerated. Those your headlines. That is a that is ridiculous and that is a very prestiges you conference where the academics have to be high, the quality of play is strong, but you cannot script the crowd. What about were not done yet. Ainsley, storm out. I think it prevents it makes for a happy marriage because some people go to the games and one spouse is so irate if their team loses it like ruins the rest of thateir day which ruins the day. This is so autobiographical to the ainsley world. This is not a generic statement. My husband who played football, elisabeth, i dont know exactly and elisabeths husband did too, he is fine. If they lose, hes okay. But there are some guys and girls that are not. Right. I would taunt my husband when he would play. Really . Did you see that guy . He was open. All right. Thanks. Coming up, are you looking to the president for leadership. Well foreign leaders apparently are not. Very little faith and confidence in Barack Obamas leadership at the moment on the world stage and thats a real problem. Pentagon press secretary rear admiral john kirby here to respond to that and other things next. Huge change at the drug store near you. What you wont find at your local cvs anymore. Changes changes what can i do with my 7 a month android plan from tracfone . Email the school. Call the doctor. Text the groomer. Find gear for soccer. Send invites to a party. Post karate pics. Help sean with history. Battle of hastings 1066. All that with my android from tracfone for as low as 7 a month. [ male announcer ] unbeatable nationwide coverage, no contract. For a limited time, save 50 on the Samsung Galaxy centura. Now just 79. 99. Tracfone. Do everything for less. Fox news alert now. The white house confirming the video showing the brutal beheading of an american journalist Steven Sotloff is authentic as president obama sends 350 more military personnel to iraq. Last week he said he did not have a strategy yet. Is there one now . Joining us right now is rear admiral john kirby, pentagon spokesperson. Thanks so much, admiral, for joining us early this morning. The president did say his strategy is to destroy and degrade isis. Did you know that and how do you plan on doing it . Well, yes. Weve been obviously engaged in trying to degrade and disrupt and destroy isil targets in iraq now for quite some time, but i would also say that we also are very well aware its not going to be just a military solution here. Theres got to be a broaderbased strategy and were working on that right now. Admiral, he did say the strategy was to destroy isis, but he also said the goal was to make it a manageable problem. So thats two Different Things. One is to destroy. The other is to manage it. From the pentagon point of view, which one is it . Its actually both. I know that sounds a little bit it does. Strange to hear. I know. You cant have both. I get that. But the only way youre going to destroy an organization like this is by defeating their ideology. You can bomb them every day and youre not going to get rid of the ideology that allows them to fester and it continue to get resource and to grow, train and to equip. The only way to do that to defeat the ideology is Good Governance, Good Governance in iraq and syria. Weve got a unity government standing up in iraq and thats a good thing and its promising. We dont have any Good Governance in syria. The assad regime continues to kill their own people and just you just deprave the whole countryside and so thats a problem. And weve got to look for ways to work with the moderate Syrian Opposition to try to enable Good Governance to grow inside syria. Thats not going to be an overnight solution. As i said yesterday when i was in my press conference here, that doesnt make good copy for pentagon reporters. Theyre used to seeing us destroy things and theres a part of that. Theres a piece of that, a role for that. Its not going to be the ultimate solution. The American People are more so demanding and really wanting action taken. They dont want inaction. They dont want to be overly cautious not when they see americans beheaded. The former adviser to market thatcher said that the World Leaders have to do so. Very little in reliances. Very little faith and confidence in Barack Obamas leadership at the moment from the world stage. Thats a real problem. So from americans kind of losing confidence, disheartening to see leadership that isnt moving with action as it seems enough, and then from a global perspective is the president going to have the world with him . Is he waiting for someone else to jump in and take the lead and declare war . Look from pang pa pentagon perspective we are looking to build a coalition of the will, of allies and partners, willing to help us in this part of the world. Weve already done that. You saw the air drops in a town called amerli where we were joined by the australians and british and canadians. Were gathering more and more International Attention to this particular problem. Were going to wales. We leave tonight for wales. Secretary hagel does. On the sidelines of the wales and nato summit he intends to meet with allies and partners who are likewise interested in contributing more to the effort there in iraq and against isil. It takes a little time. We know we need International Partners. Theres a strong commitment certainly from the military leadership and defense leadership here at the pentagon to build those partnerships. You got into it with what the white house tells you to do. Britain says theyre ready to help, not been asked. Why doesnt isnt there an urgency within washington to get something done before we lose more journalists and more innocent people and isis takes more territory . Our thoughts and prayers out to the sotloff family. Nobody likes to see what happened to him or mr. Foley. I will tell you we have been talking to the british and we have been talking to the australians and im speaking now for the pentagon and working with them very, very closely and as i said they have already helped to contribute in some of the humanitarian missions there. Were going to meet with more allies and more partners on the sidelines of this nato summit. There is an effort going on. We know we need International Partners that it has to be an International Solution and were going to work on that. The other thing i would add, after wales, we go to georgia and then we also go to turkey and turkey is a key partner, a key ally in that part of the world. A neighbor of iraq. It has really vested interests. Were going to talk to them about their contributions as well. Before you go, admiral, yesterday the state department was reluctant to refer to what is going on as war against isis. But clearly if youre saying the pentagon, one of the goals is to destroy it, were at war with isis, arent we . Were certainly combatting them, theres no question about that. Were hitting them every day. Youve seen the press releases out of Central Command in tampa. If i was an isil terrorist i would say that america is certainly fighting me very, very hard. Would you say america is at war with isis . Well look, i mean war is one of those very hyper charged words. Are they at warus, admiral . They are certainly at war with everything we stand for. Right. They are at war with our interests in the region and quite frankly they pose a threat through the use of foreign fighters to other western targets. You cannot step them without bombing them in syria which is their headquarters, correct . I dont think i think we cant stop them without addressing the syria issue. There may be a military role for that, but maybe not. Weve got to work our way through this. Regardless there has to be an approach to the free rein in syria, almost a nonexistent border, they train themselves, equip themselves in syria. We have to address that side as well. Live. Thank you. Another flight diverted midair over leg room. A third in one week. Whats going on there . Are airlines to blame for squeezing too many passengers into small spaces . We report. You decide. Can i answer . Sure. Yes. Hello three grams daily of betaglucan. A soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. Thank you you can eat that on Weight Watchers . Looks amazing. Dine out on favorites or cook up something new. With Weight Watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. Join for free and start losing weight now. Learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. 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So in this new flying world, there are certain rules. The first one you say is for people to remember, it isnt your space. In other words, if im buying a seat and that seat reclines, then i should be allowed to recline. I say common courtesy, give the person behind you a heads up. At meal times, things like that. Dont recline into the tray. Thats common courtesy. Thats what everyone should think about. Ive never said hey, here we come. Im going to start. To board doesnt mean to hoard. The rush to the gate, im going to get up there first. You dont want to rush the gate because youre all going to get on the plane. So give it a rest. Sit back and you know what . Remember when you get on board, put your carryon under your seat first. And that way everyone gets space. Listen to the flight crew. Defer to them. Theyre the boss. Yeah, cause these people will be arrested for felonies based on whats happening in the air because the flight crew is in charge. Let them deal with the crazy passenger who is going nuts behind you. Sure. And because things are so tight up there, you say a little etiquette during meal time, put your seat in the upright position. Correct. Just put it in the upright position. If youre going to go back, give them a heads up. Just because youre 6 5, doesnt mean youre entitled to tell the guy in front of you youre leaning back. Everybody tells me how tall are you . Do you fly . I fly more than the average public and im 6 2. But i can still find a way to let the guy recline because it is his space. But when im trying eat, please move it up. And finally, maximize overhead space by doing what . Couple things. Number one, put your bags in properly when you put them in the overhead space. Dont turn it sideways. Number two, use that space underneath your seat cause youre going to want that bag and other stuff while the plane is taking off. Make sure you have it accessible. Great advice. Real pleasure. Thank you. Thank you. Moments ago the white house confirming that the video is actually the beheading of american journalist, Steve Sotloff. Does the president have a strategy now . Weve got the latest straight ahead im randy and i quit smoking with chantix. For 33 years i chose to keep smoking. Because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Its a nonnicotine pill. Chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. It actually caught me by surprise. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. 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Buy their services directly at angieslist. Com no more calling around. No more hassles. Start shopping from a list of toprated providers today. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. Visit angieslist. Com today. Good morning. It is wednesday, september 3, im elisabeth hasselbeck. We begin with a fox news alert. Moments ago the president just confirmed this video is in fact the beheading of american journalist Steve Sotloff. He said justice will be served, but did he finally provide a strategy . Well talk about that. And with another american just executed by terrorists, it is the question that everybody wants answered. Would you say america is at war with isis . Moments ago the pentagons official spokesperson responded, kind of. Well play it for you. And so much for good news for america. How this gigantic indoor ocean will save american lives. That is cool. Mornings are better with friends. Welcome to fox friends hour two for this wednesday. Elisabeth, good to have you back. Good to be here with both of you again. Thank you for being with us this morning. Its one of those morning where is the 5 00 oclock show basic lea had to throw out their script from 5 30 a. M. Eastern until 6. The president was speaking in estonia, addressed the press and some questions there. Thats right. About an hour ago, president c obama speaking, saying justice will be served against isis. This as the white house confirms a second american journalist has been beheaded by the terror group. Peter doocy live in washington with the very latest. So peter, what did the president say this morning . Reporter well, now that the American Intelligence Community has confirmed the video of 31yearold Steven Sotloffs brutal beheading is authentic, president obama says its time to do something about it. We will not be intimidated. Horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take our fight to the terrorists and those who make the mistake of harming americans will learn we will not forget and that our reach is long and that justice will be served. Reporter so the president promised Justice Without get too long specific. Instead broadly declaring the United States plans to lead an international and regional effort against what he calls the barbaric and empty visions isis represents. President obama also offered condolences to Steven Sotloffs mother, father and younger sister. He tried to highlight to contrast between the lives of isis militants and the life of Steven Sotloff, saying the militants claim they killed for their religion and defended the oppressed, but that steven is the one who put himself in harms way to tell the world the stories about muslim men and women who may not have another outlet to express themselves. The president at one point also referred to james foley and Steven Sotloff as two fine young men. Back to you in new york. All right. Peter doocy live at the bureau in dc, thank you. The president yesterday found out that we lost a second journalist and confirmed that this young man was beheaded because he was a journalist and captured and fell into the hands of isis. It looks as though, even though the audio is somewhat altered, it looks as though its and he gave more of a profile, it looks as though it is the same assailant as the last time. It looks as though he is british and he did call out the president. Youre going to see exactly what he said to the president , essentially saying i told you not to bomb. Now that youre bombing, another american will lose their life. And the question is now, what are we going to do about it . Its as if isis is begging us to act. Right. Also isis militant claims the man identified as britain David Cawthorne haynes could be next as well. So coming for you, United States of america, as he addressed the president here and also naming what could be a next victim. During his press statement, the president of the United States says, you know, we do have a strategy. It is to destroy isis. But then he said a little later on, he said, well, actually the goal is simply to maintain it. All right. So whats curious is if you watch the political left, theyre saying oh, the president is being very cautious. Thats great. Not like the last guy. Brit hume has another take. Essentially that the president doesnt know what hes doing. This is a man who seems not to know what to do next and the result is that the forces around the world who would like to advance when uncle sam isnt active in the world, theyre taking advantage. Some democrats are also jumping off the president s ship senator diane feinstein, as well as the New Hampshire senator came out and said short of ground troops, we should put all options on the table. Even one who tends to write for the left says the president needs to come out and blames social media for bring out the turmoil in the middle east is farcecal. You look at recent pew polls, people think were not doing enough in situations like this. It doubled since november of 2013. So more and more people calling for action wondering why there wasnt a strategy. We spoke with a general who said where there is a will, there is a way. The problem is hes not so sure if the president has the will. The beheadings that we have just witnessed are clear indications by isis to the American People we are not afraid of you. We are coming after you. I just found out this morning moments ago that the terrorists have developed an explosive that could be planted on human beings and it cannot be faced traced. This is a very, very dangerous warning were getting in america, should upgrade our alert status. We could destroy isis in 90 days if we wanted to. He is indicating this is a longterm problem. I dont believe it is. Lets get on with it, mr. President. No kidding. We are under attack clearly, as exemplified by the beheadings of the two journalists and it sounds like the british guy who was featured yesterday sounds like, according to officials, he is already dead. Clearly isis has declared war on us. Have we declared war on them . James rosen asked the official spokesperson at the state Department Yesterday, its a pretty easy yes or no question. Did he get an answer . Watch. Why does our president or our secretary of state not recognize that and say indeed, we are at war with this group and we will destroy them . Well, i think first of all, james, our actions speak for our commitment to this and the president has authorized more than 100 strikes in iraq, as has been confirmed by the department of defense. Any american sitting at home should sit and look at the actions that were taking. I dont think its a youthful exercise to go back and forth about new terms. One thing was made clear, that the air strikes were not any way to stop isis. It was to push them back from certain locations. So the military said ill do what they want me to do, but dont think this is a strategy to stop this band of radicals led by some of saddam husseins deposed officer. We keep hearing no boots on the ground. No combat boots on the ground. Then we also hear just air strikes alone cant destroy isis. So were all fanning our heads and time is not on the side of certainly the victims who have been beheaded, two in a month. One tly next, according to isis threats and they are coming here. We asked rear admiral john kirby from the pentagon what is going on . Are we at war . This is what he had to say. Combating them, there is no question about that. Were hitting them every day. Youve seen the press releases out of Central Command in tampa. Every single day. If i was an isil terrorist, i would say that america is certainly fighting me very, very hard. Or as one of those very hyper charged words, they are certainly at war with everything we stand for. They are at war with our interests in the region and quite frankly, they pose a threat through the use of foreign fighters to other western targets. Essentially he was describing we are at war with isis, but just like the administration, the pentagon is reluctant to use that three letter word that is spelled war. They got to be stopped. Thats clear. Just think about it, im sure you realize that if you defeat isis and you anilate them, the regimes that will benefit most, iran and assad, syria. But people arent thinking about that. Theyre thinking about if we stop them over there, they wont come here. I guess from a safety standpoint, there are so many questions. Why arent we declaring war . Doesnt that allow us to practice more safety procedures . Doesnt it allow us to protect our borders in terms of travelers into and from this country . Why are we not declaring war purely so we can take the action necessary to protect us at home . You know the answer. This president ran on getting us out of wars and so the last thing he wants to do is have at the bottom of his resume, and he started a war with isis. The thing is, we dont have a status of forces agreement, so we cant be bomb not guilty iraq, can we . We are. Wait a second. But we cant be, if we dont have a status of force agreement, it turns out you can do what you want to do if you want to do it. This administration does a lot of ad libbing around the law. I dont know if youve noticed that. Anyway, its a busy morning regarding isis. We got more coming up in a little bit. Ten minutes after the top of the hour. Ainsley has the headlines. Look at this video. Brandnew video showing a horrific moment that a fighter jet nose dives into an apartment in libya, exploding into a massive fire ball. Extremely scary. The pilot and two residents there died. Officials blaming that crash on mechanical issues, but reports say the military jet was shot down by the alqaeda group ansar alshariah. This morning the f. B. I. Is joining the search for this little girl. Her parents say that she was snatched out of her bed in the middle of the night. Cops in bullhead city, arizona, say the eightyearold was last seen in her bed on monday shortly before midnight. A victory for america against islamic extremists this morning. The feds now allowed to withhold photos of the 20th hijacker. An Appeals Panel ruling the government can hang on to photos and videos of a Gitmo Detainee who was slated to be on one of the suicide planes on september 11. The center for Constitutional Rights has sued saying images of mohammed al khatamis interrogation who served the publics would serve the public interest. But the court has sided with the feds because american extremists could use the photos to recruit other terrorists. And much needed good news for america. Take a look at this. The u. S. Navy just finished a dramatic upgrade to this giant indoor ocean. It is the size of a football field and its able to hold 12 million gallons of water. Its a pool that is located at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in washington. Its purpose . Test war ships in all kinds of weather. Navy engineers can create waves in the pool to simulate extreme conditions on the ocean. Those are your headlines. I know where that building is. I always wondered what was on the inside. Now we know. Thanks. Coming up on this wednesday, as we wait for our commander in chief to act in the fight against isis, one law maker and former veteran says an attack on our shores is only a matter of time. Congressman Adam Kinzinger here with that dire warning coming up next. And in their fight to save the world, the green police have a new target. Vacuum cleaners. Oh, no. Dont mess with mine. Theyre coming after you, hoover. Man, that sucks. Thank you for being my hero and my dad. 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Its not only that were going to be bringing to justice those who perpetrated this terrible crime against these two fine young men. More broadly, the United States will continue to lead. Continue to lead . But has the president been leading at all . Iraq war veteran and congressman Adam Kinzinger joins us right now from washington, d. C congressman, you actually have been more of a leader on this. In january, you were calling for air strikes on isis. The president didnt do that until the last couple of weeks. No. This has been growing for a very long time. There is still parts of the administration that like to act as if this is something brandnew, that with the hi bedding of james foley is the first time weve heard about this. This has been going on for a long time. In fact, the Iraqi Government asked the Washington Area for some help and trying to resist this a year ago and we saw in january when what appeared to be alqaeda, but ended up being isis, marched into fallujah and raised the black flag over fallujah. That was a time to stop them. There were 1500 of them then. Today were in the 20, 30,000 range, including 1500 foreign fighters. Guess what . If we dont do anything major now, it will double and triple in the near future. Absolutely. The president last week, and im sure your jaw dropped as many did, when he said we dont have a strategy when it comes to isis. This morning he essentially said we do have a strategy. Its to destroy isis and then continued on and then said, well, actually the goal is to manage isis. Which is it . Is it destroy or manage . Can you do both . I think thats the big question. Are we going to contain isis or crush isis . The president has not answered that. I think hes so hesitant to get involved with something, hes so hesitant to exercise American Leadership that you see somebody like Prime Minister David Cameron out exercising that kind of strength of leadership that im glad hes doing, but our president should be doing as well. He needs to stand in front of the American People, quit using words like take a deep look, figure out, and Start Talking about what the issue is. Look, if you have cancer in your liver and its spreading to other parts of your body, you dont just treat the part thats spreading to, you have to treat the liver or its going to kill you eventually. He has to stand in front with that kind of clarity and say nobody wants to get us into another military action. But unfortunately we cant choose the world we live in and this is the world we live in right now. To your point about that clarity and the president s leadership, we had on this program the vaughn family. They lost their son who was in Seal Team Six a while back. Theyre furious at the president. They say he should resign because of among other things, this. Listen. Right now today, isis is a threat. Russia is a threat. China is a threat. But i will tell you today the greatest Security Threat the United States of america faces resides at 1600 pennsylvania avenue in washington, d. C. , by this president not having his head in the game. So they say the president not focused. I dont think the president is focused. Of course, my heart goes out to that family. I think hes more focused on what he wants to do domestically. I think he wants to fix the problems of what he perceives in america, and its time for him to fix the problems of the world. America is a fantastic country. Are we perfect . Of course not. But if were not leading the world, somebody else is and weve seen what that looks like. It aint good. Why wont the pentagon call this a war on isis . cause theyre at war with us. Look, the pentagon has to answer to the president. I think theyve been very clear that we need to go into syria as close as they can be, but ultimately they have to answer to the president. The president doesnt call the war. They wont either. He is the commander in chief. We thank you very much for joining us live. Thank you very much. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. He lost two friends to terrorist in a matter of days. Now the Award Winning journalist who worked alongside james foley and Steve Sotloff is here with a message for president obama. And american soldiers arent wearing americanmade shoes. Why . Up next, the all American Company with a plan to change just that. Take a closer look at your fidelity green line and ull see just how much it has to offer, especially if youre thinking of moving an old 401 k to a fidelity ira. It gives you a widrange of investment options. And the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals and what youre really investing for. 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Each pair takes a beating in basic training and on the battlefield, the action gets even more intense. Thats why the American Shoe company, new balance, is stepping up to the plate and pitching an all American Shoe for new military recruits. Rob is the ceo of new balance and is my guest this morning. Thanks for being with us. So why was it important to new balance to put a bid in right now and jump in the competition to design this shoe for our military men and women . Weve understood the needs of military for some time and weve been working for over five years to build a product made in america that would meet all the needs of american servicemen and women. So technically, i used to design shoes, so i actually love that its aimed at really making it easier for military men and women to get the shoes. I think they have 80 stipend to do so if its made 100 in the usa, thats a great thing. What else can you tell us about it . Whats the outsole like . What kind of cool feature also it have . This shoe has all the makings and all the ingredients of todays top shoes. Its also got some features that work specifically well for military service. Its got a gus setted tongue to keep everything out of the shoe, nonmarking sole and all the technology you would find in the most expensive Running Shoes on the market today. On top of that, as you said, its 100 made in the usa. That means every part, every component, every piece of this shoe is made and sourced from suppliers in the United States. So when anyone designs a shoe, they do a call out. I thought it was so cool is on this drawing that were looking at, and its too small to see, but if go to our facebook page, you can see where each part of the shoe was constructed and made right here in the united states. Had all the cities labeled and called out, which i think is so appealing to americans here who want to see more business made and certainly with this is aimed at making the lives our military much easier in terms of purchasing great move here. But you are not in a contract right now, are you . No, were not. And weve been fighting this fight for five years to get the military to apply the barry amendment, which has been on the books since 1933 to follow it in athletic shoes. We dont want an earmark or specific contract. Were willing to compete and willing to supply some of the componentry youre seeing on the picture to our competitors. We just want american servicemen and women to get American Made product in athletic shoes just like they do on Everything Else they wear. You said Something Interesting there. Youre willing to actually supply some of your pieces and components to a competitor. Wow. We know how Companies Compete for better business. But to do it for our military is a real reach out. So rob, we want to thank you for being with us. New balance is the shoe. Everyone can go to facebook right now and actually tell us how much you like it. Thanks for being with us. Thanks, elisabeth. Coming up, he lost two friends to terrorists in a matter of days. Now the award journalist who worked alongside james foley and Steve Sotloff is here with a message for president obama. Its a hacking attack worse than the target breach into your personal info. Its being sold on the black market right now. Is that possible . Stay with us. We have the details. Fact. Every time you take advil liqui gels youre taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain than extra strength tylenol. And not only faster. Stronger too. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil every time you take advil youre taking the medicine doctors recommend most for joint pain. More than the medicine in aleve or tylenol. 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Journalist and film maker, matthew van dyke, worked with both james foley and Steven Sotloff. He joins us right here on the couch this morning. Matt, what could possibly be going through your mind . Not only is this horrific to every american, you knew these guys. Its a mix of sadness, anger. Its outrageous. Ive lost two friends in two weeks. Were looking just at that image right there that was released and authenticated by the white house this morning. Tell us about Steven Sotloff. We saw his mom make a heartfelt appeal last week for al bagdadi not to kill him, but he did. Tell us about the man. He was a great guy and a real professional. He had a real love for the region. He learned the language, he knew arabic. He knew how to blend in. He lived in libya for a while. Avenues regional specialist and really enjoyed the people and the region that he was covering. When was the last time that you spoke with him . We had dinner in washington, d. C. Just a few weeks before he went to syria . Did he ever talk about the fear . Is that always in the back of your mind . You were in libya yourself. You know this region. Probably one of the things we talked about most was syria and security in syria. I am trading news that we had about fixers and various inside baseball type things, about the security situation. He was fully aware of the risks. I understand that he focused on the refugees. That he was saying how brutal it was there and how there were long lines just to get one piece of bread all day. Yeah. He wanted his work to make a difference and it did. He had a real caring side for the people he was covering. It wasnt just a story for him. This morning the president of the United States was in estonia and he said regardless of what he said last week, he said he did have a strategy. It was to destroy isis. But then he said it was to manage isis. Watch this. Our objective is clear, that is to degrade and destroy isis as its no longer a threat. If we are joined by the international community, we can continue to shrink isils sphere of influence, its effectiveness, its financing, its military capabilities to the point where it is a manageable problem. Last time you were here, you said that the message to the president was he needed to destroy isis. But at the same time you say that we should be negotiating with them as well. I believe we should negotiate to get these hostages back and then kill isis before they ever get to spend the money. Ive never heard anything as ridiculous as managing the problem of isis. If the president calls it a cancer, do you manage cancer or try to eliminate cancer from the body . What do you want to tell the American People in terms of how serious this is . Obviously personally affecting families of the gentleman we mentioned and devastating to hear you knew these guys, you worked with them. You knew their intentions were good. What should every american understand about how serious isis is . Isis has hundreds, perhaps thousands of recruits with european and american passports who can fairly easily cross borders and come back to this country. Theyre very angry that weve done an air campaign against them, which we should be doing. And theyve vowed retribution that exceeds alqaeda. And people are under the impression, well just educate them. Well talk to them about how wrong their ways are and there is no future for it that theyll be dead enders. There is no talking to these guys, is there . No, theyre utopian extremists. Barbarians. They dont understand anything but violence. Do you feel that the president s speech gave any justice to stevens life . You know, not really. There is a lot the president should be focused on rescue missions that he doesnt wait as much as 30 days before launching. They might have been together. And the president also talks about how there needs to be a coalition. Well, if there isnt a coalition, shouldnt we do something ourselves . Yes, there are citizens being executed on video and we need to be doing something, regardless of a coalition. He says its going to take time. We dont have time. Every couple weeks another prisoner is executed. They dont have that time to wait. Matthew van dyke who knew both victims, thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. There is other news, including a prison break and the latest on whats happening with russia and the ukraine. Thank you. Brandnew information about the teenagers who escaped a Detention Center in tennessee. Right now seven of them are still on the run. Here are their pictures. We just learned it took guards an hour and a half to realize those teenagers had escaped. They kicked through a metal panel under a window to get outside, then crawled under a fence. Earlier we asked a former Police Lieutenant how did that happen . Two things. You have a human failure and you have a mechanical failure. For instance how often were these things checked . What type of patrols do they have . What are the plans and procedures to prevent these things . Most of the teenagers on the run, each convicted of at least three felonies. Two major changes at cbs. First the drugstore chain is changing its corporate name from cvs caremark to cvs health. The stores at the signs will stay the same. But here is something that you will notice if you shop inside the stores. No more cigarettes or cigars. They just decided to stop selling both of those and its a month sooner than originally planned. A breach on aisle 4. Millions of debit and credit cards used at home depot might be at risk. Its believed the card numbers were stolen from home depots systems and then put up for sale on line. The hack reportedly going back to april. It affects most of the its more than 2,000 stores. The hackers behind it are reportedly the same russian and Ukrainian Group that hit target stores a while back. Global warming is sucking the rights right out of britain. Super powerful vacuum cleaners that use more than 1600 watts can no longer be sold in the e. U. The reason for that . They could contribute to global warming. The e. U. Hopes banning those vacuums will lead to Greater Energy efficiency and will reduce the draw on the electric grid. Those are your headlines. So buy them up quickly if you live there. Buy a broom. I like my vacuum. Do not mess with mine. Maria molina not wearing heels today. Really . I have my flats on outside. Those heels will be right back on. We do want to take a look at the weather graphic. We were tracking dolly, it was a Tropical Storm and it made landfall in mexico. It could produce out here up to 15 inches of rain. Mud slides will be a concern, as well as some flash flooding out there. Most of the storm system staying south of texas. Thats welcome news. We did have to deal with rip currents yesterday and rough surf along coastal areas. Now the upper midwest, we have a storm system thats going to be moving through producing areas of heavy rain and some strong storms that could produce Severe Weather not only today, but also as we head into tomorrow. That storm will continue to move eastward and by tomorrow, areas like wisconsin, u. P. Of michigan could be looking at impact from the storm system. Temperatures still very summerlike across the center of the country. Highs well into the 90s all the way far north across parts of the dakotas and into texas. In the upper 90s in dallas. Factor in some humidity and it will feel a lot hotter than that. Lets head back inside. All right. Maria with the very latest. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. As we move ahead, new reports says 11 commercial jets from libya missing. Are terrorists planning another 911 attack on america . The anniversary is next week. And see this car . It belongs to nascar legend michael waltrip. Stick around because your face could be on it for his next race. Good morning to you, sir. Good morning is right. First your trivia question of the day. Born on this day in 1965, this major league star is best known by his stage name. Be the first to email us with the correct answer. Nexium®, the purple pill, is now available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Because the best moments in life arent experienced from the sidelines. Now theres Nothing Holding you back. This is nexium level protection™. The 1 prescribed acidblocking brand. Now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection™. [ male announcer ] when you see everyone in america almost every day, you notice a few things. Like the fact that youre pretty attached to these. Ok, really attached. 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This is happening in an area with strict rules on gender segregation 7 next, british Prime Minister David Cameron warns stop putin or risk a new hitler. The comments made during a heated closed door debate with european leaders. In spain, the parents that took their critically ill son for treatment without consent are out of jail. The fiveyearold is balloting a severe battling a severe brain tumor. Weve got another fox news alert. It is frightening. 11 commercial jet liners vanished, believed to have been stolen by islamic militias in libya during the fall of tripoli in the airport there. What are they going to do with 11 empty planes . Joining us is dr. Garka, the major general, Matthew Horner from the Marine Corps University. What could they be up to . Well, there is several scenarios. The first would be some kind of repeat of 911 where you turn an innocent airliner into an incredibly powerful precision guided weapon, or the other scenario, and lets not forget the anniversary of 911 is just around the corner is to pack a plane full of hundreds of jihadi fighters and use it to insert those people into a local which otherwise would not be accessible from the ground. So terrorism is about using youre imagination and these are very, very powerful assets for jihadi fighters. I guess everyone you have the planes. You obviously need demand them. You need someone with some skill. Where would you find that . Were learning that confirms now that the second american killed fighting for isis actually worked at the minneapolisspall international airport. So if were seeing that isis has had people who have had airplane experience, airport experience, how serious, in your mind, knowing this, combined with the planes that are missing, how serious is this threat of an attack . Its incredibly serious. We know that in september 11 the alqaeda operatives were trained for months at flight schools and now you have an even more serious threat because the jihadi groups in that area now in syria, in libya, in iraq have been successful in recruiting literally thousands of westerners. We had Prime Minister cameron talk about 500 brits, 400 germans, 700 french foreigners going to fight in the middle east. A lot of those people could have the Technical Expertise to do a kind of attack that requires flight knowledge, pilot knowledge and Technical Expertise. Sure. This american who was killed last week fighting alongside isis worked apparently for delta at the minneapolis airport. He cleaned airplanes. What would the targets be, because presumably the airplanes are still over there somewhere, arent they . Yes. So there is a huge, huge plethora of potential targets. My good friend talked about the very attractive targets of the Saudi Arabian oil fields. In the region, the countries that are most in danger after iraq, after syria, after libya would be jordan, jordan is an incredibly attractive target for the jihadis and of course saudi arabia. So flying one of these planes into an oil refinery, that is a real nightmare scenario. And real quick, what do you do to defend it . Youve got to have air Defense Systems in place or preferably really good human intelligence that tells you in advance what theyre planning and then you shoot them down before they can even execute the mission. Unfortunately, we dont have much of that. Hes at the Marine Corps University joining us from d. C thank you. Thank you. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. Coming up, have you ever wanted to be in a nascar race . How about having your face on a car . Michael waltrip might just give you that opportunity next. First on this day in 1990, blaze of glory by john vonn jovi was the number one song in america. Man i know the name of eight princesses. Im on expert on softball. And tea parties. Ill have more awkward conversations than im equipped for, because im raising two girls on my own. Ill worry about the economy more than a few times before theyre grown. But its for them, so ive found a way. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. Ready to plan for your future . Well help you get there. You can eat that on Weight Watchers . Looks amazing. Dine out on favorites or cook up something new. With Weight Watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. Join for free and start losing weight now. Learn how to eat healthier, while enjoying the foods you love. Oh, he fakes a handoff quaand hes making a run. For mattress discounters fall kickoff sale right now, save up to 300 on Sealy Posturepedic and serta mattress sets. Even get 24 months interestfree financing on every tempurpedic. Youre going to love their football fieldsize selection. This calls for a little touchdown dance. Dont miss the fall kickoff sale at mattress discounters. Mattress discounters the answer to the aflac trivia question. Who was born on this day in 1965 . This major league star is known by the name charlie sheen. Our winner is jay lassiter from saint marys georgia. Congratulations. You get my book, George Washingtons secret six. Lets change gears. After the fatal crash in august that left fellow racer dead, nascar driver tony stewart returned to the track this past weekend. Here to weigh in, nascar legend, two time daytona winner, michael waltrip. Hes also a car owner with a special message. Welcome. Welcome back. Appreciate being on. First race i went to you won at daytona and Dale Earnhardt lost his life. So im always talking to you about something tragic on the track. But we have to talk about tony stewart coming back. First race didnt go so well. But he was back. Are you for his waiting and for his comeback . Yeah. Its just a tragic accident. Our hearts go out to the family of kevin ward, junior and for tony stewart. I know hes been really hurting while hes grieved through this period of time and it was nice to have him back. I think everybody was happy he was there. Are you glad about the rules being discussed, about no walking out of your car and things like that . Certainly. Its crass america. Short track races will think twice before they hop out of the car. If any glimmer of positive message came out of that, i think its the life that could be saved going forward. Everyone knows you and your family. Lets talk about your mom for a second and what prompted your next big promotion. We partnered with janson pharmaceutical. You can be on the car with me on talladega. For everyuploaded photo, they will make a donation to the american heart association. Nascar is about winning. You can tell this guy has been broadcasting for 20 years. Your mom has trouble. That really alerted you to this whole thing. Yeah. We knew she had an irregular heartbeat 25 years ago, but didnt know it could cause her to have a stroke. When she had her stroke, they put her on a medicine to prevent her from having another stroke. That medicine was a challenge. There were dietary restrictions, blood monitoring visits that she had to make. There are medicines available today that dont have those restrictions. Find out what medicine might be right for you. They took my picture a short time ago. I was almost late for my segment. I will have my picture on this car . Right here, baby. So anybody that comes in and makes a dough nation, they can get your picture on their car. You dont even have to make a donation. Upload a photo. When it makes it to your car, januaryson pharmaceutical will make the donation and its a winwin. Ill have all the support. Can you imagine how hard im going to drive . You always drive hard. Youre an intense competitor. Where does my picture go . Good question. I dont know. Can you put me on the windshield in do you want to stare at me during the race . Like to look over me and see me on the hood of the car . This decal is very uncomfortable. So your face might be uncomfortable. Im thinking maybe you right here by my side. I would be honored to be by your side. Congratulations. I really appreciate you letting us on and telling our story. Absolutely. Mike, always great to see you. Congratulations. Back inside to find out whats next. In fairness, i think you should put michaels face on your car. That would be very nice of me. I should have offered that. I am very rude. We want to know if you want to be on my car. Oh, yeah. What do you got . A tahoe. Right now were in his rear view mirror. Thank you, brian. Right now weve got a fox news alert. President obama had spoken overseas a little while ago. So did he finally lay out a strategy against isis or did he dig us deeper into a hole . Laura ingraham is going to be on that in just a couple of minutes. Thats right. And a democrat running for Congress Says republican lawmakers are worse than terrorists. Really . Musical chairs. Fun, right . Welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. Thats their game. The flights you want are blacked out. Or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. Honestly, its time to switch to the venture card from capital one. With venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. No blackout dates. And with every purchase, youll earn unlimited double miles. From now on, no ones taking your seat away. Whats in your wallet . I thought so what . , but now cai cant stop playing. Rst thats not how it works. I mean its so simple. Its like my Car Insurance. I saved 15 in fifteen minutes. Well esurance could have saved you money in half that time. Three in a row sweet 15 minutes for a quote isnt so sweet. Level 2 start with a quote from esurance and you could save money on Car Insurance in half the time. Welcome to the modern world. Esurance, backed by allstate. Click or call. Fancy feast broths. Theyre irresistabowl. Completely unbelievabowl. Totally delectabowl. Real silky smooth or creamy broths. Everything shes been waiting for. Carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any byproducts or fillers. Wow being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. Fancy feast broths. Wow served daily. Good morning. It is wednesday, september 3. Im elisabeth hasselbeck. We begin with a fox news alert. The president says justice for Steven Sotloff will be served. But did he finally lay out a strategy or dig himself deeper into a hole . Laura ingraham on that just moments away. The other question were waiting for somebody to answer is this. Clearly if youre saying the pentagon, one of the goals is to destroy it, were at war with isis, arent we . What did he say . The pentagon spokesperson responded right here on fox friends, kind of. Well play you the official answer. And a onemonthold baby turning blue only moments to react. How did a mechanic save his life . And there is an app for that. Well explain. Fox friends final hour starts now. We are getting right to that fox news alert now. Justice will be served to isis. Those words from president obama on the eve of a crucial nato meeting. This as the white house confirms a second american journalist has been killed by the terror group. Peter doocy is live in washington with the latest. Peter, what else is the president saying at this point . Reporter this morning president obama tried to strike a tone that showed sympathy and strength. Now that the u. S. Intel community has determined the video of 31yearold Steve Sotloffs beheading is authentic, the president offered condolences to sotloffs mother, father and younger sister, and then he issued a warning to the isis militants responsible for this brutal murder. We will not be intimidated. The horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists. Those who make the mistake of harming americans will learn that we will not forget and that our reach is long and that justice will be served. Reporter in promising justice, the president didnt offer specifics. Instead broadly saying there will be an international and regional response, telling reporters first that isis must be degraded and destroyed before explaining he thinks isis must be turned into a manageable problem. Back to you in new york. We thank you very much. Lets turn to laura ingraham. Shes in our nations capitol as well. Good morning to you, laura. Good morning, guys. Good to see you. Peter just set it up. The president tried to strike a tone between sympathy toward the family and strength as well, but to the people on the left, many of them love it because they go, unlike that last guy, this guy is being real cautious. Is that what we need right now . Well, diane pine stein a can feins said maybe hes being too cautious here. And look, he fancies himself as the antiwar president. Hes the antibush. Hes 180 degrees different in his approach and i think we all see that now. But when you hear the president talk about destroy and degrade, that makes sense. When you hear the president talking about managing the problem, that doesnt make sense. We manage all sorts of problems in our daily lives. This is not a manageable problem. This is a force that is evil. It would be nice if the president actually used the word evil. If he said it, i didnt hear this t this morning. An evil force thats raping children, torturing little boys and girls, that is seeking to establish a global caliphate and infiltrate the United States of america through our very pourous borders. The president needs to have the same resolve we as individuals see when we see and read the truth about what the Islamic State desires, which is a world way beyond iraq and syria and it must be destroyed, each and every one of them needs to be killed and stopped. Manageable problem, containable problem . I dont like that language at all. I think that again fuzzes up the situation beyond what we need it to be right now. I think we are alluding to is that its not clear to have clear language. Isis language is pretty clear. The president seems to be at a war of words with himself. I want you to listen to this exchange. The state department has the issue as well. Seems to be contagious. They cant spit out the fact that we are or are not at war with isis. Take a listen. Why does our president or our secretary of state not recognize that and say indeed, we are at war with this group and we will destroy them . Well, i think first of all, james, our actions speak for our commitment to this. And the president has authorized more than 100 strikes in iraq, as has been confirmed by the department of defense. Any american sitting at home should sit and look at the actions that were taking. I dont think its a useful exercise to go back and forth about new terms. And she also should know the pentagon has said that the actions were taking, were really not going to affect the behavior of isis. Were waiting for a go ahead. The one thing i would say, even from his staunchest supporter, laura, has to be there just doesnt seem to be any urgency. When i get there ill put together a coalition and then soon well have a strategy and then eventually were going to contain, and soon were going to educate. There just doesnt seem any urgency here. Didnt we make a joke about Bruce Springstein this morning . Look, we all understand whats going on. I mean, there is going to be a debate about what type of action america takes, the extent of the congressional approval if necessary. Thats all fine. I get that. I really do, especially after iraq and afghanistan. Public support for those efforts cratered. But now we have something very different that were facing. We are facing a threat not only to the religious minorities on the ground in the regional stability, we are facing a threat to the United States of america. We have people crossing into our border dressed up like osama bin laden, okay . We have people who can just walk across our borders right now. We do not need another American City in flames and im not trying to be inflammatory. Im trying to be common sense here. We do not need another American City in flames before we wake up to what this threat is. The president i think this is all political. When he wants to be tough, hes tough on the tea party. Hes tough on the war on women. He gets involved in the sandra fluke controversy. Hell talk about things like Trayvon Martin or ferguson. But on this issue, hes very hesitant because his Political Base doesnt want to be involved in a war that conservatives support or neoconservatives support, or the tea party supports. Theyre very uncomfortable with that. They dont like it. Its obvious in their actions. I think the pentagon and the white house, theyre kind of in a topsy turvy with each other. I think that relationship is very frayed. Its on the rocks. Yeah. Love is gone. To the point where james rosen was trying to fish out of general psaki that we are at war with isis, you made it clear, its a political thing. Well, the pentagon is not a political wing of the white house. They would admit that its war on isis, wont they . Listen to this. Here is pentagon spokesperson admiral kirby just about an hour ago on this program. Youre saying the pentagon, one of the goals is to destroy it. Were at war with isis, arent we . Were certainly combating them, there is no question about that. I mean, were hitting them every day. Would you say america is at war with isis . Well, look, war is one of those very hyper charged words. Are they at war with us, admiral . They are certainly at war with everything we stand for. Its pretty much a yes or no question. Hes reluctant as well because his boss is the commander in chief. Yeah. You get the sense from kirby that he knows what time it is and hesen kind of in this role. I would not want to be him having to be the spokesman for the pentagon with our current commander in chief. At least right at this moment. Hes very uncomfortable. Clearly hes gotten the word from the white house, watch your words. Watch your language. We dont want to necessarily provoke these people. Weve got to manage the problem. One day its a cancer. The next day were going to serve justice on these people. I dont like the word justice. Okay . Justice is for criminal activity. This is not justice. They are at war with us. We might not want to admit it. We might want to stick our heads in the sand. We might think were only at war domestically against those evil conservative, christian conservatives. They are at war with us. How we react, well, we have a commander in chief and a president and well see if he gets all that International Support that he wants for his own air cover. Hell take his time, hell eventually get to nato. Meanwhile, there is one congressman who doesnt see isis as the main enemy. He sees republicans. Here is his tweet. The greatest country on earth is being bullied from within. Actions of republicans in congress are worse than isil. Thats j. T. Smith. Who by the way, is a veteran himself out of alabama. What are your thoughts alabama . Wow. Out of those comments . I heard of talking points memo a couple weeks ago when i was filling in for oreilley. Im actually glad he said that because i think thats what a lot of folks on the left, not all of them, but a lot of them think. When they think of the real threat to the United States of america, right, they think of all those people who dont think obamacare should get involved with contraception. They think anyone who stands up for traditional marriage, thats an evil person. Anyone who doesnt recycle or believe in global warming, thats a really evil person. Vacuuming now. Theyre horrible people. But isil, we can manage that problem. Hes giving voice to what most on the left think, that america is threatened by the very people who stand up for American Values as we understand them. And so thats again, im glad he said it. A lot of them wont say it. But remember, obama had his own war room. In 2008 when he ran the first time. In 2012, they know how to win when they want to win. But for them, its political wins that really matter in the end. Laura, nice job filling in for bill last night. Oh, fun. Glad for the quick turn around with us. Thanks. Well done. Its ten minutes after the top of the hour. Ainsley earhart has been look for headlines and has a bunch. Let me tell what you they are. Thank you. Brandnew video showing the horrific moment a fighter jet nose dives into an Apartment Building in libya, exploding into a massive fireball. That pilot and two residents died. Officials blaming the crash on a mechanical issue. But reports say the military jet was shot down by the alqaeda group ansar alshariah. And this morning the f. B. I. Is joining in on the search for this little girl. Her parents say she was snatched out of her bed in the middle of the night. Cops in bull head city, arizona, say the eightyearold was last seen in her bed on monday shortly before midnight. Brandnew information also about the 32 teenagers who escaped a Detention Center in tennessee. Right now these seven are still on the run. We have just learned it took guards an hour and a half to realize the teenagers had escaped. They checked through a metallable under a window to get outside, then crawled under a fence. The criminals on the loose convicted of at least three felonyies each. Want to know how to save a babys life . There is an app for that. Jeff olson got a message on his smart phone that a month old baby had stopped breathing nearby. He had just downloaded the app called pulse point. It alerts people when someone close by needs cpr. He was just two blocks away and rushed to the scene. This guy came out of nowhere and just scoops the baby up and really knew what he was doing, which was just such a blessing to awful us. I dont think ive ever done cpr on an infant before or even rescue breathing. When i got done, i shook for about ten minutes. Wow. What an angel. Jeff olsons real job . Hes a mechanic and hes also a volunteer emt. Talk about a blessing. Wow. With all the apps, those are the ones, life saving here. The fact that someone could be alerted and do something and give your life back, amazing. He downloaded that app, thats amazing. Im two blocks away and i can save a life and he did. Coming up, a terrifying new report. 11 commercial jet liners apparently are missing. Could they have been stolen by an islamic militia . Theyre claiming credit. Should we be worried, especially the week before the anniversary of 911 . And brandnew developments surrounding Michael Brown. Are the details about his criminal past about to be released . And should they be everybodys excited about the back to School Savings at staples. From the customers, to the staples associates. With guaranteed low prices on mechanical pencils. Youll flip out now go tell your friends. Staples, make more happen for less. You owned your car for four you named it brad. 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In a brief overnight address, president obama promised justice will be served. Joining us is congressman michael mccall, a member of the house home land security committee. Thank you for being with us this morning. Devastating news to hear of a second beheading here. It seems to everybody who is watching it, isis has in many ways verbally and physically declared war on us. Are we at war . I believe isis has declared war in the United States by killing americans. These two journalists. I do believe theyre intent on striking the west, including western europe and the homeland as we approach the anniversary of 911. Were particularly concerned about that. So i would argue that we are at war with isis and we ought to treat it as such and take more Decisive Action. I see this president , you had a gentleman from the pentagon on earlier, we saw chairman of joint chiefs dempsey come out aggressively. Secretary hagel said the threat was imminent. Now were seeing the pentagon having to sort of back off a little bit because i think there is an internal debate within the administration as to how to handle this. Their policy so far has been a policy of containment to stop isis in iraq. I would argue that it should be a policy to defeat isis where they are, where they exist and prevent them from coming into the United States. Here is the president sharing his objective with the world 90 minutes ago. We will not be intimidated. The horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists. Those who make the mistake of harming americans will learn that we will not forget and that our reach is long and that justice will be served. So the message is were still thinking about it. Were not looking to get one guy to justice. Its a movement that we need eradicated. It is a movement. Its an ideology of hatred and killing anybody that doesnt believe what they believe. He says that we will take the fight to them. Lets take the president at his word. I hope he does take the fight to isis over there wherever not just in iraq. The chairman of the joint chiefs dempsey said to win this war, if you will, to defeat isis, we will have to go into syria. Thats where their command and control operation is. Thats where theyre operating out of. If we dont have that leadership out of the white house, we will not defeat isis. Admiral kirby couldnt answer that. Its a concern for the Intelligence Community in terms of their ability to return to the west and the United States. Sure. Were a week away from september 11. Weve got 11 commercial jet liners missing from a libyan airport. Scale of 1 to 10, how concerned should americans be we may face another 911 type attack . They look at anniversary dates. They like to return to targets such as where you are right now in new york city still the number one target from alqaeda and isis. I think we will be on a high state of alert being vigilant to defend the United States. You dont know what you dont know. We dont know how many of these foreign fighters possibly could have returned to the United States. They could be actively plot ago terrorist attack against the United States. The approximately alienated the pentagon by saying there is no plan and the c. I. A. By saying there is no intense. Chairman mccall, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Coming up straight ahead. Many say the last time hreat like isis was a cuban missile crisis and president kennedy didnt blink. What can president obama learn from this . That is coming up next. A lot of other stories making headlines now. Peter johnson, jr. And steve will talk in a home. Meanwhile, journalists are petition ago family court to find out if Michael Brown had a juvenile record and make it public for the first time. These records are confidential in missouri. So lets wait and see. And the detroit man convicted of killing an unarmed woman on his porch will be sentenced today. Prosecutors want theodore wafer to spend 17 years in jail. He said he shot the teen who was drunk and was pounding on his door in selfdefense. The teenager who snuck to the top of the World Trade Center, hes expected to get 23 days of community service. All right. Im done speaking. We will not be intimidated. The horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists. Those who make the mistake of harming americans will learn we will not forget and that our reach is long and that justice will be served. President obama speaking about 2 1 2 hours ago after the world waited a day for him to respond to the beheading of american journalist, Steven Sotloff. Was the response muscular or miniature . Peter johnson, jr. Watched it. What do you think . I got up early and ill give you the long answer. This was a cautious meandering auditor type statement from a president who we expected a lot more from. I was hoping that in the wake of beheadings and the wake of genocide, in the wake of crucifixions, in the wake of people saying they were going to fly aing into over the white house, that we would respond in a robust way. In the instead the president spoke in passive tones about a really prostrate american nation, focusing on prayers, tragedy, agony, grief, all important emotions that we should share specifically with this family. Giving this shallow consolation, this unrealized hope that this is already a failed plan on behalf of isis. We know what the president will not do. He says we will not forget. We will not be intimidated. But we do not know what he will do to confront the isis threat. The language that he uses, again, is passive. Is incremental. Is miniature. There is the answer. Miniature says were going to roll them back. Were going to degrade them. He says destroy once. Were going to blunt the momentum. Were going to talk about the remnants that will always come back, that its a manageable problem as you pointed out with the admiral this morning. Were going to isolate them. That is not destroy. That is not to say that america will take retributive justice, retribution, not criminal justice in the Federal District court in the southern district. So a lot of americans, including me, were expecting a robust, Strong Performance by the president that expressed outrage, but also gave reassurance to say, kids, youre safe in our schools. Moms, youre safe in the malls. We will protect you. You know what . When we were watching it in the news room, i was expecting keep in mind, this is the second american, a journalist who is over there trying to tell the story, beheaded. His head cut off on camera. I was expecting the president of the United States to stand there at the podium and stamp his fist and say Something Like this will not stand. A lot of americans, peter johnson, jr. , would love to have seen the president of the United States channel george w. Bush when he said were going to get you dead or alive. Bush, reagan, kennedy, he talked about in his inaugural address. But instead, we got this kind of incremental, gradual, elliptical discussion of principles of justice. I dont know what justice is. He should have taken a page out of the book of a civil rights advisor, the reverend al sharpton. He should have said to these folks at isis, no justice. No peace. That message was missing this morning and thats the message that we should have been delivering. We need a statement of intent for this country that we will not stand for it and that we will prevail. We will overcome. This group, the next group, the next group, because there will be more. This will be a continuing war on terror. He wont call it a war. Were fighting it. Somebody needs to make the transcript of what you just said and send it over to the white house. Thats what a lot of people want to hear. I hope so. Peter johnson, jr. , thank you. Coming up on this wednesday morning, its a hack attack worse than the target breach. Fox news alert. Is your personal information being sold on the black market right now . Were going to tell you about the latest hack attack at home depot, which i visited three times this weekend. And this is not the wedding photo this groom had in mind. He took his brides hand in marriage and then he felt up another woman . And then it got weird. [ male announcer ] behind every centrum multivitamin are over one million hours of research. Inside are specific vitamins and minerals to help support your heart, brain and eyes. Centrum silver. For the most amazing parts of you. Centrum silver. Smoking with chantix. As a police officer, ive helped many people in the last 23 years. But i needed help in quitting smoking. 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A second american journalist has been beheaded at the hands of isis. That mans name, Steven Sotloff. His mother last week pled with isis to spare his life. They did not. Were going to speak to a friend of his, a fellow journalist in a couple of minutes and her impression of how journalists take their own lives in their hands by trying to cover this all important story over there and the lack of support from this administration. The executioner was probably the same one and there is speculation he might have been killed at the same time as james foley and this video was not supposed to be released, that was tweeted out prematurely. The reasoning is full of speculation. Britain is named as a possible next victim. A warning to David Cameron, dont get involved with america or else you could lose a journalist, too. Youll meet the friend in just a moment. But first Ainsley Earhart joins us with a story. This is heart breaking. I was at home depot three times this weekend. You need to check your account then. A breach on aisle 4. Millions of debit and credit cards used at home depot might be at risk, steve. The retailer now investigating a massive security breach. Its believed the card numbers were stolen from home depot systems and put up for sale on line. The hack going back to april affecting most of its more than 2,000 stores in our country. The hackers behind it are the same russian and Ukrainian Group that hit the target stores. Their wedding night will be one that theyre never going to forget. That bride right there, she went home alone. Thats because her new husband, along with his brother, who is a state trooper, and another groomsman were taken to jail after a fight broke out at the wedding reception. It allegedly started when the groom he got too hands on with a pregnant server, she says. So she called her boyfriend. He showed up, confronted the groom and thats when that fight started. Booing is now banned at College Games . The new England Small Colleges athletic conference says it will only allow positive cheering this year. This will affect amherst, tuft and middlebury colleges. Negative and confrontational cheer also not be tolerated. And brian, this is for you. Honey, i shrunk the football player. Cleveland browns linebacker christian kirtzly normally stands 6 2. Thanks to a computer glitch in the new madden video games, hes knocked down over an inch. Thats not the only problem. They also have him wearing a Tennessee Titans uniform. Wrong team. Hes laughing it off. Read his twitter. No matter how small you are, have big dreams and live big. Those are your headlines. It was amazing to think the character still played. But he played as a one footworks inch man. And played well. Right. Yeah. Ainsley, thank you very much. The news and the sports. Lets go to the weather and maria molina who joins us outside. Hey, good morning. We want to look at the weather conditions across parts of the gulf of mexico because we had Tropical Storm dolly make landfall out there and now it has weakened over land across mexico currently just a tropical depression. It could produce up to 15 inches of rain out there. So flash flooding and mud slides are a big concern. Otherwise across portions of the upper midwest, we have an area of low pressure moving on through and it could produce some Severe Weather out there, including things like tornadoes, damaging winds and large hail, in addition to heavy rain. Tomorrow that same storm system keeps moving east and parts of wisconsin, u. P. Of michigan could be looking at some of that Severe Weather. That will be something to watch. We had eight confirmed tornadoes on labor day. So Severe Weather cant happen even during this time can happen during this time of year. Another hot one across portions of the center of the nation. You could be looking at highs in the 90s all the way up to parts of south dakota. Rapid city, youre looking at a High Temperature today at 92. Otherwise northeast feels a lot better today than yesterday. It was a hot humid day. Today a little cooler, but still feel like summer. 88 for the high in new york city. Thank you very much. Fox news alert for you. While you were sleeping, president obama confirmed this video is in fact american journalist Steven Sotloff being beheaded by islamic extremists. Ann marlow is a writer at the Hudson Institute and crossed paths with Steven Sotloff while reporting in the middle east. We thank you for joining us today. A horrific image, of course. A message being sent to our president to this nation about the goals of isis. What can you tell us about your work with Steven Sotloff and your work in locations . He was a great guy. Unusually mature young man. Barely 30 when i met him. Someone who was very comfortable in the middle east. Someone who had a great admiration for muslim culture, arab culture, living in yemen does not mean going to bars and restaurants and tennis clubs. It means hanging out with arabs on the ground, speaking arabic all the time and he was doing that. And the dangers that he faced ultimately he lost his life there. You were in libya lately. How often was that the point of conversation . We didnt talk about that at all when i met him. It was in benghazi in april of 2011. It was a relatively safe situation for journalists because the libyans at that point very much wanted foreign support. They were very welcoming to journalists because we were helping to get the word out on the struggle what they were conducting against gadhafi. The climate has changed. Its no longer as it was safe environment for journalists like yourself. What do you believe whats your reaction from the president and his response and what this nation does to protect and respond when isis beheads two journalists in a month . I think that if we had not had a weak president such as obama, this would never have happened. Obviously isis knows that they can taunt him and he will study the situation and situation and more people are going to die. Its a dangerous business that you are in, traveling over there, just as Steven Sotloff. We understand 20 journalist, at least 20 are being held in that region, maybe by isis or somebody about to sell them to isis. Most of them are syrian. But it just depicts the problem with going over there to tell the story. And people have got to go over there to tell the story. Otherwise we dont know whats going on. Yeah. The other problem is youve had a lot of journalists over there who are operating on a shoe string, who are not working for these organization, but as freelancers and a low budget and maybe taking risks that they otherwise wouldnt be taking. So thats a very unfortunate contributing factor. Like what kind of risk would they be taking since they dont have a budget . Using fixers who might not be the most trustworthy people. Being unable to vet them. But i think we also have a situation where people like james foley and Steve Sotloff are perceived as not having the backing of a strong government and we also have a situation where neighboring countries like turkey are fertile recruiting grounds for isis. Its been speculated upon in the press that steve was actually turned upon by people when he was still in turkey who sold him to isis at that point and from my turkish journalist friends, i hear that isis openly recruits in poor neighborhoods in istanbul and ankura. And they have havent done anything about this and obama hasnt put pressure on. And everybody in that region has got to feel the pressure because theyre going to feel the wrath. Its going to be very important at some point for us to stand up and fight because it seems to be the only thing they understand. Thanks so much. Thank you. Coming up straight ahead on an unrelated note, michael sam cut by the st. Louis rams. But the first openly gay player to play in the nfl and drafted by the nfl is heading to americas team. A live report from dallas next. And much need good news for america. Just take a look at this. How this gigantic indoor ocean will save american lives. [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar for every dollar Car Insurance Companies Say theyll save you by switching, youd have, like, a ton of dollars. But how are they saving you those dollars . A lot of Companies Might answer um or no comment. Then theres esurance. Born online, raised by technology and majors in efficiency. So whatever they save, you save. Hassle, time, paperwork, hairtearing out, and, yes, especially dollars. Esurance. Insurance for the modern world. Now backed by allstate. Click or call. Esurance. Insurance for the modern world. When folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. 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A british man beaten by saudi arabias religious police after using a womans only atm with his wife at a supermarket. Oh, man. This happening in a country, of course, with strict rules on gender segregation, saudi arabia. The feds now allowed to withhold photos and videos of the 20th hijacker who is being held at gitmo. He was slated to be one of the suicide planes on 911, but was nabbed a month before september 11. And Appeals Court ruling if released, the gitmo photos may be used to recruit other terrorists. Finally, good news for america. This is the navys brandnew 12 milliongallon indoor ocean. Its the size of a football field. Its located at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in washington, d. C. , used to test warships in extreme weather and can create waves 30 feet tall. Thats your news. Sure is. More news making headlines this morning for you. In a matter of hours, a man trying to become the nfls first openly gay player, michael sam, will work out for the Dallas Cowboys. This after being cut by the st. Louis rams. Joining us now from plano, texas, k dfws reporter, dan godwin. Is it official . Well, its pretty much official, brian, in the sense that michael sam is in town. He arrived last night at dfw airport. He was cut by the rams over the weekend. The st. Louis rams do have a lot of depth in their defensive line and that is the reason were hearing that sam was cut. They did draft him seventh. He became the first openly gay player drafted into the nfl. The Dallas Cowboys have a the lo of weaknesses in their defense to put it politely. So michael sam will undergo a physical. Much if he passes the physical, which is certainly expected, hell be given a spot on the teams tenmember practice squad. That does not mean hes on the active roster. But hell certainly get a look and you have people can envision a scenario where he does end up making the Dallas Cowboys active roster. He was a standout, of course, in college at missouri and all american defensive end. He certainly has some skills. He had a quite solid preseason from what youre hearing from people who watched him on the field. So it seems like he may be able to help the Dallas Cowboys. But again, well have to see if he gets called up to the active roster. At some point. People cant figure out if hes a lineman or linebacker, but he has the heart. Thanks so much. At least youre in the game. You cant say well, im out of the game and im trying to come back. At least youre still in. Absolutely. Meanwhile, coming up, you know him as the snitch in good fellows. Now come in hes singing a different tune as a christian pastor. He is live as soon as we all shake hands with him. Good morning to you. Hi. Bill hemmer is jealous we got a big star. Good morning to awful you. Big morning of news. The president is about to make a speech overseas. What will he say about isis . What will he say about our reaction as a nation . What will he say about russia on the move in ukraine . Big topics were awaiting all of that. Karl rove reacts. Dana perino is here. Ed henry is traveling with the president and katherine herrage is working her sources. Were covering all that on americas newsroom piano tunerscarpenten were just as simple . Thanks to angies list, now it is. Start shopping online from a list of toprated providers. Visit angieslist. Com today. Could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads youd take that test, right . What are you waiting for . You could literally be done with the test by now. Now you could have done it twice. This is awkward. Go to comcastbusiness. Com checkyourspeed. If we cant offer faster speeds or save you money well give you 150. Comcast business built for business. You know him as henry hill in good fellows. Ray liota is entering unchartered territory as a pastor in a christian themed film called the identical. He made us be who he made us to be. Stay obedient to him. Amen. Look at that. Ray liota joins us live. Good morning to you. Good morning. So you went from good fellows to godfellow . Something like that. Slack. What attracted you to this role . It was just a beautiful, beautiful story. I forgot that i had this script outside. I woke up in the middle of the night as some people in their 50s have a tendency to do. I could have fallen back asleep and the script was there. I cooperate put it down. It was a beautiful, beautiful story. It touched me personally. I dont usually relate or want to relate to the movies that im doing. But this one im adopted. There is an adoption theme. In real life youre adopted . Yeah. Did this work working through the film, the theme of adoption, did it change how you felt about adoption . No, by that time you realize almost 99 of the people who are adopt, its for the betterment of the kid. Usually the family cant afford it or there is always a reason. But it seems always better. Is that how you felt right away . When did you find out you were adopted and tell us about yourself. Oh, my gosh. Like when i was from what my parents tell me, i did a show and tell about it in kindergarten. Not that i understood what it was. Beautiful. As with your whole life, you were saying. You always thought about that. Yeah. This film, in your background, you arent really religious, but always been spiritual. Did you have trouble adapting to the role . How did you study to be a pastor . Just like i didnt have trouble ive never been in a fight in my whole life and ive top a bunch of movies where just playing pretend. Ive been bad guys. Thats a good actor. Here is a snippet from the movie that opens on friday night called the identical. How you doing, son . Im okay. Figuring it out, i guess. Would why think we ever really do figure it out. Thats gods job. Our job . Is to be who he made us to be. You have to do what he calls us to do. Wisdom there. Your daughter, is she 15 . Yeah. Do you raise her with faith or spirituality . She started out she goes to a Public School now. She just started second year of high school. She went to a christian school. We started. I wouldnt say im overly religious, but i think its important to make a decision one way or the other. One of the big the movie is great and im sure youll be successful. I just cant believe youre not a fighter. I pictured you fighting every day because youre such a tough guy. Touch me again. There you go. Going down right now hands off the material whoa you better leave youre all talk. I know i am. Did i instigate that . They didnt tell you im trouble we are thrilled to know about the film thats in theaters this friday. Yep. Its a great movie. Ashley judd is there with you . Yep. Very nice. No fights there. Thanks very much for kicking brian out of the studio. Great notes about adoption, too. I think its a beautiful thing to be chosen. Well be back in two minutes. Totally delectabowl. Real silky smooth or creamy broths. Everything shes been waiting for. Carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any byproducts or fillers. Wow being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. Fancy feast broths. Wow served daily. You can eat that on looks amazing. Rs . Looks like my next dinner party. Thats only 4 points . With Weight Watchers you can enjoy the food you really want. Dine out on favorites or cook up something new. I can do this every day. Join for free and start losing weight now. Learn how to eat healthier while enjoying the foods you love. Get inspired at meetings, online, or both. Hurry, and if you join by sept 13th youll get a free starter kit. Weight watchers because it works. Incredible news day. It started with ainsleys show at 5 00 a. M when you threw out the script. Go right to a nato press conference with the president. Thank you. Youre always so complimentary. Thank you. I appreciate yall watching it. We thought we were going on at 4 45 since he was supposed to start speaking, president obama. But he didnt Start Talking until we started the show at 5 00 a. M. So we were ready, but as soon as we started talking he started, we threw out our scripts and took the press conference live. Did you it extraordinarily well. Thank you. We all watched and then followed from there. You made it down here in record time. Yall did a great job, too, today. Heather, then were going to follow the nato conference, one of the most significant conferences in 65 years. Anyway, thank you for joining us here. Weve got complete coverage about what the president said this morning coming up next on americas newsroom. Bill good morning. Breaking news on two major stories today. Well hear from the president minutes from now. The president vowing justice for a second journalist behead by an isis terrorist. What will Vladimir Putin do in the ukraine . Im bill hemmer. Welcome to americas newsroom. Heather im Heather Childers i

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