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called up 66,000 of their crew for what appears to be a major incursion into gaza. that is getting underway. in the meantime, in ukraine, new audio has just been released by the ukrainian security services. it reportedly captures pro-russian rebels in ukraine on tape confessing to downing that malaysian airlines jet. we have video of the transcription, i believe, of that transcript of the call. there you see it. >> here's the translation. >> it says we have just shot down a plane, quote, they have just shot down a plane of the two translations possible by three individuals there from "the post." igor besstler was one of the leaders who seems to be behind that quote. they are still working to decide who exactly is behind this. but this indicates a potential -- >> it seems to me if the translation is correct, just shot down a plane. initial celebration. then they said wait a second, it seems to be a passenger jet. then they went from celebration to what was it doing in a war zone? it turns out it was a malaysian jet. then it turns out seeing the decals and logos on the side and realizing they are in trouble. >> the rebels had some success in recent days, they shot down a couple of government ukrainian planes. they're on a roll. they think we've got this. we're going to take care of these eark that have been doing significant -- these aircraft that have been doing significant damage to the rebels. >> our goal is to see who is responsible to get an investigation going. two black boxes seem to have been found. we don't know who has them now. if you want to know who is responsible, you might want to look at this leader, igor stelkoth bragging on twitter, bird falling referring to that plane being hit. >> we have doug luzader here to break new information and hopefully add information. doug, are you here with us now? >> reporter: good morning. one of the unanswered questions, where are these black boxes? there are reports these have been recovered in fact by the separatist groups. we don't know whether they're going to wind up in the hands of the russians. the real evidence, though, is likely on the ground. of course, this is in the middle of a war zone. getting competent investigators there to try to go through this wreckage to try to figure out if they can determine a heat signature to see what kind of a missile took that down, that's going to be very, very difficult. we don't know when or if in fact that's going to happen. we did hear this morning, though, from a very angry ukrainian prime minister. >> this is a crime against humanity. all red lines have been already crossed. this is the dead line. >> as far as the culpability is concerned, we're hearing a lot of allegations back and forth the ukrainian government blaming rebel groups. rebel groups are saying they didn't do it, blaming the ukrainian government. brian you alluded to some of the social media, posted on a russian social media website and then taken down but it indicates what happened. this is from a separatist leader saying we shot down an-26. that is a cargo plane, a turbo prop used by the ukrainian military. they have taken those down in the past. that is an indication that may be what they thought this plane was initially. we warned don't fly in our sky. meantime, other unanswered questions about the type of missile that was used. we think it was the russian book system. we don't know exactly the variant here, but if in fact this is directly connected to the russians, that changes everything. back to you guys. >> it does. it's going to be a big day in terms of investigation and the intercepts don't lie and it's going to be interesting to see if russia tries to spin their way out of this. >> a new face on aviation security as we move forward. john, you know a lot about this yourself. >> there are questions as to whether the missile might have been fired from the russian side of the border. might have. the u.s. defense satellites and so forth, they probably have that information. they have not released it. >> think about this. 298 people are dead, 14 are kids, two are infants. 15 crew members. we still don't know how many americans were on board. we don't have that firm figure yet, which i find a little surprising. >> right. your heart certainly breaks over that. we want to actually turn right now to someone who knows separatism quite well. our reporter who was in the ukraine a few months ago. he spent time with this group, pro-russian ukrainians. what did you learn about these rebels? what are they capable of? are there more missiles like this under that you are bilts? >> good morning. it is certainly a scary bunch there. it has been believed the prorussian separatists are commanded by shadowy members of the russian forces intelligence communities to provide weapons from moscow. during our time there we found two distinct groups. the local ukrainians largely uneducated, long on bravado and given free rein to do pretty much whatever they want. those are the guys you're seeing pictures of. that's the second group. the more shadowy picture, when you come up to check points they were more hostile, better armed, had military discipline and weapons handling. some even spoke fluent english. they had the hallmarks of intelligence forces. the ukrainian government says they are straight from moscow. that is a charge that the russians strongly deny. as we come up on 24 hours since the shootdown, the key question is who controlled that surface to air missile battery. russian special forces or prorussian separatists as we learned when we were on the ground, it is an awfully blurry line between the two. if you talk to the ukrainians who consider themselves prorussian separatists, they will tell you largely they align themselves with the russians much more than they believe in a united ukraine. that is what they wanted, that eastern part of ukraine to become part of resolution. it is the ukrainians who are now trying to take back the land that they control there from those groups. obviously it's been an awfully difficult fight. back to you guys. >> we're finding out now as the separatists were on their heels for awhile, the ukrainians since the election seem to be leaning forward, pushing them back, having success. you have to wonder concerning our unrelated ramp up with sanctions, maybe not as strict as many would have thought earlier in the week, where do you go from here? after this act which killed 298 people, clearly just flying over the region, what do we do now? what does europe do now? >> our next speaker has something to say about this. >> these are pure pinpricks. i think we've got to get off the idea that imposing economic sanctions on a country that are not completely comprehensive have much effect. this is not a consumer affair in russia. i think you go back to ramping up american missile defense. i think if you want sanctions, let's have real sanctions. i'll give an example. no russian financial institution has any role in the american financial system. that's a sanction. >> a number of russian defense companies have been sanctioned. the sanctions just announced this week. that's great. however, that part of the country is awash in weaponry. the missile systems are already there. they sanctioned the outfit that makes these missiles, the buk missile system. but they are already there. it's not like the sanctions are going to clean the country of missiles overnight. >> it's hard to put steel in europe's spine. they are the ones who can make the difference. there is the sentiment in a lot of areas in germany that they have more affinity toward the russian view than our point of view. can you imagine if you're dutch today seeing your citizens killed, knocked out of the sky. are you going to have a different point of view when it comes to clamping down the russians. >> a lot of americans are asking what are we to do now? is the president to take action or is he going to take just another photo? this is just yesterday. chaos is breaking. we see time after time again, you can't look at these shots without thinking something must be done. president obama was scheduled for some fund-raisers and didn't change his schedule too much. he was actually -- he responded briefly for about 40 seconds just before his scheduled transportation speech. >> let's listen. >> obviously the world is watching reports of a downed passenger jet neuro the russia-ukraine border. it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy. right now we're working to determine whether there were american citizens on board. that is our first priority. >> he went right into what was his speech, about infrastructure and made jokes about the biden family and something about jack lew signing paychecks. then he went over to new york city for fund-raisers, very similar to what he's done in the past, including a couple of weeks ago. >> heading towards his comfort zone, the fund-raisers, as some would assert, rather than the global catastrophe. >> $30,000 a ticket to see the president in new york last night. in the meantime, 298 people are dead as a result of that shootdown. just the language that he used. what may be a terrible tragedy. what does that mean? >> i believe when a plane blows up in the sky and bodies are strewn all over the place, i would say tragedy. it doesn't have to be qualified. ed henry was a little struck by this. talked to josh earnest and threw a question at him yesterday in his press briefing. >> how does the white house react to the notion that the president is a bystander to these crises? >> there have been a number of situations in which you've seen this administration intervene in a meaningful that substantially furthered american interests and substantially improved the, you know, the tranquillity of the global community. >> i'm sure he wants that last sentence back. the tranquillity of the global community. please find that for me. >> it is not a tranquil world right now. >> about a week ago he was speaking to a young group of individuals saying that this is the safest the world has been in a long time. also words that may be -- >> i'll bring this up too. why would the president do that? the secretary of state canceled his speech yesterday. why would you even want to be anywhere but the white house making a decision? the president chose to do that, and i don't think he cares about the criticism. >> in the same way that he went to a fund-raisers on the west coast the day after the benghazi attacks as this plane is coming down and we're trying to figure out who's responsible, the president is in new york raising more money. >> also he went to the texas, but didn't go to the border in the midst of that catastrophe which is happening on our southern border still. coming up straight ahead. >> this is the second disaster of a malaysian airline jet. how much plane should be placed on the airline itself? our next guest, the most decorated air force pilot in history. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. yoplait greek 100! you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! you're thinking beneful. 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>> reporter: the israeli ground assault which began last night, elisabeth, according to the government has really one main objective, a very specific objective, and that is to destroy the infiltration tunnels that militants can use to launch what could be a catastrophic attack inside israel. a few moments ago we heard from israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and he said the destruction of these infiltration tunnels cannot be done by airstrikes alone. the israelis are going to have to have soldiers on the ground. for now this appears to be a limited incursion. but as you pointed out, the prime minister in his remarks a short time ago said that this ongoing operation can be expanded. already now there are reports that israelis operating in gaza along the perimeter of the border have located at least two tunnels that they did not previously know about. and the thinking is they're going to discover many more, possibly a network of tunnels that hamas was planning to use to launch some type of attack. meanwhile, as for hamas, their leadership is saying israel is going to exact a heavy price for the ground incursion. since the ground incursion got underway, there have been 64 rocket attacks that have been launched. and as for the death toll, since the incursion got underway, one israeli soldier has been killed along with 22 palestinians. and hamas, they're becoming increasingly isolated, at least diplomatically. the egyptian foreign minister -- listen to this. the egyptian foreign minister says that hamas should have agreed to the proposed cease-fire. he said by not doing so, it cost dozens of lives. elisabeth? >> david lee miller, thank you for being with us this morning. we'll certainly stay in touch with any latest details. >> i can't imagine the advantage hamas feels they get by not signing off on the truce agreement. in fact, it seems as though their existence is in peril. why would they not take any truce opportunities? >> making any kind of a deal with israel just anathema to them. >> as history has proven. coming up next, a big question on everyone's mind this morning. what's the u.s. prepared to do about this attack? army captain pete hegseth served in iraq and afghanistan, and he says let's start by ending the cuts to our military. zing! need new gear? then you belong at bass pro shops for huge savings during our summer sale and clearance event. like 33% off tournament pro micro spins. and take 33% off all in-stock towable tubes. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. continuing coverage of this fox news alert. more evidence surfacing this morning suggesting russian rebels are behind the missile attacks that blasted a malaysian jet airline out of the sky. all 298 people on board are dead. they upped the fatality count overnight when they realized that three infants were on that plane along with 295 adults. >> that's right. but what if that jet wasn't their intended target. was it in the wrong place at the wrong time? joining us, lieutenant colonel dan hampton, one of the most decorated pilots in our military's history. colonel, i guess the question is how could this be possible? and if this missile we're talking about, one of the two suspected here were used, is this just one of many that we're going to be seeing? >> well, elisabeth, as you know, i was a weasel. my job was hunting and killing. certainly it's possible. everybody is making a big deal that this missile was in the hands of separatists. but most of the separatists were part of the russian military at one point and they captured belbek in the crimea. finding somebody that can operate it isn't that hard to do. as far as the airliner itself goes, i think it is irresponsible that anything was flying over that area. you have to remember a commercial airline pilot is going to fly the route he's assigned, the dispatch gives them. they don't deviate very much because it costs gas and time which the airlines don't like to do. the f.a.a. guidance to our own airliners was pretty wise but they have no authority for anybody outside u.s. jurisdiction. i think they should have probably avoided the area but there isn't anything anybody could have done about it. >> we have a map of what airliners started doing in the hours after that. if you look at that basically vacant hole in the middle. each one of those yellow dots is an airliner flying over europe yesterday at about 5 p.m. eastern time. that big hole in the center is ukraine. they were all scrambling to get out of there. but up to that point at least the international airlines had been flying above 30,000 feet assuming that to be safe. why would that not be the fault of, say, president putin, whether he pulled the trigger or not he had been arming these rebels who were able to overrun the ukrainian bases and gain access to some of these very sophisticated missiles. >> you're right. first of all, the altitude issue, that doesn't matter to these kinds of missile systems. these things are good up to 70,000, 80,000 feet. flying above 30,000 feet isn't going to keep anybody safe. also, airline -- i was a fighter pilot. i tend to look at areas and think of threats. airlines don't think like that. they think of routes and time and gas and making money. they don't look at something the same way i would. i wouldn't go near that place unless i was in a fighter. >> the u.s., the f.a.a. told american airlines to stay basically out of that airspace, but some of the other airlines, lufthansa included and obviously malaysia were still crossing. >> is blood on putin's hands? >> indirectly. do i think the russians directly did this? no. i think putin's reaction was to thump his head and say what happened. this isn't something that he would sanction officially because look at all the heat that's now coming down on russia. he's got his surrogates over there. one of them, strokof was a g.r.u. officer and the other one, belzer was a colonel in the russian military, i think his name was. they're acting as puppets for the russians. indirectly it's his fault. directly i don't think he had anything to do with it. if this was a real threat to the ukrainians, it would have been coming the other way. the ukrainians doesn't have anything to do with this either. i really think it is the russian separatists who shot down the airline thinking it was a cargo plane. >> colonel, we appreciate you being with us. one more thing before we go. are you saying that the pilot of this plane, or some in their control could have avoided this by saying this isn't a wise move to fly over this area at 33,000 feet? >> yes, subjectively. objectively they're going to go where they're told to go unless they deviate for weather, which this guy did. it is interesting a malaysian pilot a few days before this actually said i don't think we need to be flying over this area. there was concern from these guys but they're going to do what their company tells them to do. >> of course. colonel, thank you for being with us today. >> colonel hampton, he was a fighter pilot. up next, we are learning more about who was on the plane and we are waiting for word about the 45 passengers whose identities and nationalities have not yet been released. how many americans might be among them? more on that when we come back. two medium cappuccinos! let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. 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>> there is a lot of sadness and anger in asia over what has happened. a lot of shock because it involved a malaysian airline. today families of loved ones who were on the plane having gathering at the airport. the death toll is up to 298 people. three infants were on board but not allocated seats. they have now been included in those who were long. the airlines says it is contacts before it releases the full manifest of who was on board. the report suggests 80 children were on the plane. many nationalities were on board. at least 23 of the passengers were americans. they may have been some of the 45 people whose nationalities haven't been identified yet. passengers who are going on flights understandably concerned by the downing of the plane. >> it's been a tragedy for us. i think everyone has been trying to heal and when this happened, i think everyone is confused and upset and sad. >> the news of the disaster has grabbed the attention of the world. newspapers in the u.k. and australia seem to suggest the plane was hit by a missile while others mourn the dead. some also suggest president putin and russia are to blame and they will suffer the consequences. and australia's prime minister says the world should feel revulsion over what has happened. back to you guys in the studio. >> thank you for being with us this morning. revulsion is right. as u.s. intelligence agencies are working overnight, they're trying to confirm who exactly shot down flight mh-17 with officials divided whether the missile came from eastern ukraine or from russian territory. the "wall street journal" was the first to confirm that it was the missile that took down the plane. joining us with the very latest is "wall street journal" reporter jason bellini. certainly a lot that you're bringing us this morning. what do you have now? >> this is going to be a really interesting day because now we start having investigators arrive on the scene of this crash. and the question is going to be what kind of cooperation are they going to get from the people on the ground? this is a rebel-controlled area. and there are reports that rebels have the black box from this plane. >> is there a second black box? >> that, i don't know. >> there are two black boxes, flight data recorder and the cockpit. >> whether they're in possession of both, that, i don't know. again, this is a crime scene. investigators are going to go in and spread out over a large area. but this is in the middle of a war zone. i'm not trying to speculate here, but if the people who are in control of this area are also, if they were responsible for this, then things become really dicey. >> here's what we understand, last night it was confirmed the pentagon believes these are buk missiles. these buk missiles are ones that were bragged about being recovered when the russian separatists took an area from eastern ukraine. that's going to be trouble. i think it was between july 7 and july 11. >> they were bragging about them, had photos of them on their twitter site. then after this crash happened, no, we do not have these types of weapons. we've got the ones you can fire from your shoulder and they can't reach a plane but they deny they have one. if it comes out it came from eastern ukraine, one of the questions is going to be how did the people who were operating that learn how to operate that? you or i couldn't pick it up, point at a plane and launch it. you need to have expertise. how do you learn how to use that piece of equipment? >> how long would it take to get trained? >> that, i can't speak to. but it requires expertise. a layman can't -- there is no manual where you can pick it up and, okay, fine. >> it is not point and shoot. there are radars that operate as part of this missile system. >> right. another interesting question is when you have radars involved -- again, this is dangerous to be speculating, but talking theoretically here, if you have radars involved, who else is seeing the radars? because it is possible that there's monitoring. if the ukraines have this missile system, the russians are also monitoring what's going on with this system. >> you already saw great amateur video coming from the region, the explosion and point of impact. it is also an advantage that it hit the ground, not the water, so you were able to see the ground almost like lockerbie. what changes today? it is obvious vladimir putin is behind the separatists, behind the tumult. it wouldn't be happening in the ukrainian government wasn't moving toward the west. what changes today? is europe going to be forced to open their eyes? >> it is going to be an interesting day to see what happens. first people are going to want answers. right now it is about getting answers, nailing down where this missile came from. everyone is still denying they had anything to do with it. there are no credible claims to it. will whoever is responsible do whatever they can to hide the fact that they own responsibility, if it was an accident? which there are some suggestions that if it was the rebels that they might have -- and this is not confirmed -- that they might have tried, thought it was a cargo plane. that's what we need to know. >> and then -- >> then the geopolitics come into play once you know who is involved. then the consequences and how that will play out. who knows, but it's going to be -- >> 298 miles lost and nine miles of wreckage in terms of this investigation. thank you for joining us. heather nauert is here with us. >> wall street markets do not like uncertainty and today is packed with that. the financial world taking a major hit this morning following the news of the malaysian flight takedown and also the invasion in gaza. the dow losing 161 points. in asia, the nikkei in japan lost 1%. in europe markets are down across the board. russia's main index lost 1.5%. texas governor rick perry doing what americans on the border town wanted to do for years. speaking with glenn beck, governor perry said the time has come to do something about the border without the federal government. >> i think there is a point in time where you say this 1,200 mile border has to be secured. if there is a people and if there is a place that it can happen, it will be texas. >> he says that they have been preparing operations to secure the border and that his team is, quote, hoping against hope that the feds will partner with them. the justice department is now looking into those lost i.r.s. e-mails. deputy attorney general james cole testifying his department will take a closer look into how lois lerner's e-mails suddenly vanished and could not be recovered following that computer hard crash. this happened at the same time that the i.r.s. was accused of unfairly targeting conservative groups who were trying to get tax-exempt status. governor chris christie in iowa campaigning for fellow republicans. christie, a potential 2016 candidate, kept the conversation away from his own political future and said he raised money for other republican lawmakers including the governor of iowa. christie has been traveling across the country as the head of the republican governors association. >> all of you are part of the choir for the republican team for this state. i'm here to preach to the choir so you'll sing to your family, friends, co-workers, the people you see in the parking lot at church on sunday. >> he's already raised $60 million for the group. those are your headlines. see you in a bit. >> i think it is kind of amazing that governor christie says you've got to be crazy to declare so early to be candidate. you have a target on your back if you want to be president of the united states. yet, he goes to iowa the next day and he just happened to speak yesterday. and at $25 a plate was able to do a fund-raiser. >> so anybody could kind of go and take a look at christie. coming up, the big question on everybody's mind this morning: what is the u.s. prepared to do about the attack? army captain pete hegseth served in iraq and afghanistan and said we should start by not cutting the military. we are going to take a look back at how president reagan handled crisis and what we can learn from it. a a ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you can't stand the heat, get off the test track. get the mercedes-benz you've been burning for at the summer event, going on now at your authorized mercedes-benz dealer. but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. fancy feast broths.t. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. i make a lot of purchases foand i get ass. lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. continuing coverage on this fox news alert. big question on everyone's mind in the wake of yesterday's plane crash: what is the u.s. going to do about it? army captain pete hegseth served in iraq and afghanistan. he says let's start by ending the cuts to our military. those cuts, pete, very much underway right now. >> underway as we speak. not only are pink slips being sent to captains in afghanistan, which is news we saw recently because we're making deep personnel cuts, but the overall force structure of our military today. we will soon have the smallest army since world war ii, the smallest navy since world war 1. more pertinent to this discussion, the smallest air force, tactical portion of our air force in the history of the air force. so we see -- what we see now is a chaotic world. you've got putin and separatists in ukraine. you've got the gaza strip. let's not forget to mention islamists establishing a caliphate in iraq and syria. we're going to need the military in a dangerous and chaotic world to hold the line for freedom. right now this president is abdicating that responsibility. >> i mentioned you served in iraq and afghanistan. you know what the national mood has been after those wars. a lot of people feel like they're tired of it. they want our military to come home, they want our troops to come home safe and sound but they don't necessarily feel like we need to be intervening in the affairs of other countries. is this what happens when there is perceived weakness on the part of the united states? >> weakness is dangerous. that is the bottom line in this equation. people might be weary, that's fine. they may want to quit on these conflicts. the problem is our adversaries aren't quitting on us. islamists are on the march. putin is in power. we can say this is a tragedy, nothing to do with us, it is unfortunate to watch these events but we're going to sit in fortress america. we can't afford to do that. the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, and if we've got our military, dangerous people with different ideologies will march. we've seen that under this administration. unfortunately, we will continue to see it if we don't find, if our leaders don't find a backbone and stop faking and pretending that we live in a tranquil world of the global community, as the president's spokesman said. that is a joke. we live in a dangerous world. >> i want to play very quickly something one of the leading defense experts in the senate, john mccain, had to say. here's his take. >> we must react in a stringent fashion because vladimir putin has clearly by fomenting this situation in eastern ukraine. even recently sending in additional troops and additional equipment for the, quote, separatists. >> react in the strongest fashion. what would that be? >> you could, first of all, send troops to align nato countries in the eastern part of europe to bolster and demonstrate the support we have for nato and former satellite states to the soviet union, you could reinstitute missile defense systems we pulled out of the eastern europe as we cut deals. stronger sanctions that actually do put pressure on financial institutions or defense institutions in russia. and even the willingness to stand up like the gipper would, like ronald reagan would and call out an evil empire and telling it like it is. >> we heard the sound bite from ronald reagan earlier in the hour addressing the shootdown of the flight 007. pete hegseth, concerned citizens for america. pete, thank you. coming up next, in 1983, that jet, 60 americans on board, also shot down by the russians. it is what i was just referring to with pete hegseth. can we learn something by how president reagan handled that? his former secretary of defense joins us next. >> it would be easy to think in terms of menace but that is not a proper answer. we want justice and action to see this never happens again. did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age? 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[ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. fox news alert now. this isn't the first time the u.s. had to respond to an attack on an airplane. 1983, flight 007 shot down by soviet fighter jets. remember? president reagan denounced the attack in a televised address four days later. >> make no mistake about it, this attack was not just against ourselves and the republic of korea. this was the soviet union against the world and the moral precepts which guides human relations among people everywhere. it was an act of barbarism, born of a society which disregards individual rights and the value of human life and seeks constantly to expand and dominate other nations. >> joining us now is k.t. mcfarland. she served under ronald reagan and just got back from the ukraine. first, your reaction to president reagan's reaction as opposed to president obama's reaction? >> president reagan, this was a seminal when the soviet union shot down, deliberately, a korean civilian airliner. reagan understood at that point no compromise with the russians. this was a different system. it was corrupt, bankrupt. it was doomed to failure. so reagan at that point realized he had to redouble efforts to continue the reagan defense build-up. he had so accelerate efforts for the star wars civil defense program. he knew he had to get european allies to say you can stand against the soviet union and he had to rally the american people behind him. six years later, the soviet union collapsed. >> a lot of people say listen, russians are our allies now. it's not black and white, we're trying to get them into the world community and after all, this is really a problem that's happening way away from us. >> you're absolutely wrong. if you listen to the speech that vladimir putin gave to the rush people when they annexted crimea a few months ago, he stood in the grandpa lace with hundreds of the top russian leaders and said the west robbed us. they stole from us. they deliberately betrayed us. for vladimir putin, that's not a compromise. >> we now understand looking at this investigation in particular that defense officials have told jennifer griffin there is no reason not to believe the intercepts that seem to reveal that it was russian separatists that shot down that passenger jet. how is russia going to spin their way out of this? >> when i was in ukraine, i met with the head of the intelligence and the defense ministries and they say you in the west don't understand, we've been invaded. the russians, they call it putin's phone yeah war. they they've taken the markings off the tanks, said special forces guys were wearing brown shirts, not russian uniforms, but said you have to understand we've been invaded. now the west realizes the russians are behind this. maybe it's not their troops entirely. >> so what happens today? what changes today as we get more and more evidence, at the very least, 293 dead and as many as 23 americans, what changes about europe's perception and our perception? >> what should happen is president obama rallies with the europeans, who are more reluctant to put sanctions down and let's have a long-range plan. let's get you off russian natural gas 'cause you're being blackmailed by the russians. let's make sure we have a missile defense system for the united states and all those pink slips i sent to the united states army, let's -- >> you're saying a bold president or bold leader would announce the future deployment of a missile defense system in western europe? >> that was one thing that drove the russians nuts. obama gave it up for nothing. if we went back and said, guess what? game changer, we're putting that in the czech republic, that would get vladimir putin's attention. >> hopefully the president will be bolder today now that the fund-raisers are over. always great to see you. >> thank you. five minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, more on the new audio released of the group that claims to have shot down the plane. what they are saying and what is the u.s. doing to track them down. we will tell you. plus what appears to be a troubling trend regarding president obama. his leadership and his photo ops. we have every angle of the story covered and our live team continues this global search right after you do a lot of things great. but parallel parking isn't one of them. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. zing! need new gear? 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they've gop to look for a photograph of the crashed plane. how many minutes ago was this? >> around 30 minutes ago. >> what have you got going on there? >> in short, the 100% sure it's a civilian plane. >> are there a lot of people there? >> it's expletive bad. >> those intercepts from the ukrainian secret service intelligence services and jennifer griffin reports that u.s. authorities say there is no reason to doubt their authenticity. >> we'll add the leader of the separatist, one of the leaders of the separatist, 43-year-old ex-intelligence -- russian intelligence colonel who just happens to be in the area as a rebel separatist says this, bird falling. we warned you not to fall in our sky. he tweeted that out. that was quickly deleted when it realized how bad this would be for them and their cause. >> that's right. the man who russian military leader, those voices now no doubt behind the tragedy. >> we try to find out more and that's where we go now. >> doug luzader joins us with information on the black boxes and perhaps who fired the missile. he's in washington, d.c. with late details. doug? >> reporter: good morning. a lot of finger pointing on this. the ukrainian government blaming the rebel, the rebels blaming the government. the theory we see emerging is that rebel groups may have thought they were target ago ukrainian military turbo prop and instead, hit the malaysian airliner. one piece of evidence is this posting from russian social media from a separatist leader saying we shot down an 26. that's a ukrainian cargo jet. so they thought they were targeting that. we warned, don't fly in our sky. i want to show you new video we have from the scene where all of the wreckage is strewn about. a pretty wide area. there are reports the black boxes have been recovered, but it's not clear where they are right now. will they wind up in russian hands? we don't know. even though separatists may have fired the missile, what role did the russian backers play? the administration is really going to come under the gun here on capitol hill to respond to this in some way as it becomes increasingly clear to many that russia must have been involved at some level. >> these separatists may not even have occupied and had access to these weapons which apparently they got at an air field and by the way, it takes weeks of training to;l;eñy[fv e someone able to use that system. clearly they're russian taped. >> reporter: the system he's talk being is this, a russian book system. we don't know exactly what variant may have been used here, whether it's an sa 11 orç sa 2. but nevertheless, this is relatively sophisticated russian technology, capable of taking down an airliner at that kind of altitude, 30,000 feet plus. back to you guys. >> thanks a lot, doug. that's the rundown of what we know so far. the big question is where do we go from here? >> one of the questions is, who owns the crash site? in the u.s., they would be swarmed with national transportation safety board investigators. the investigators cannot even get into that area right now because although it's ukrainian territory, the ukrainian separatists will not let them in. >> i heard there is some sentiment that the separatists are saying we have nothing to hide. journalists say yeah, we tried that once, it's little dangerous. a lot of them taken captive because they seem to stay in the west. >> we're going to head someone who knows the separatests right now. lee land vittert spent time with a group of pro-russian ukrainians. are you with us here? >> reporter: i am. to your point exactly, men who just because the russian separatists say they're going to let people in, they said that to us a number of times and we were over there, good deeds do not often follow good words from those separatists. it's long believed it's actually the separatists commanded by shadowy members of the russian special forces and intelligence community who provide the strategic guidance and also those weapons from moscow. during our time there we found two distinct groups. the local ukrainians, largely poorly educated, long on bravado, the guys you see there, and giving uniforms and weapons from the russians. they got free rein, too. oftentimes we come up to checkpoint, they were hostile. but lacked real military training. the second group was harder to nail down, operating behind the lines. they were better armed, had military discipline, weapons handling skills, some smoke fluent english and had all the hallmarks of russian special forces or intelligence operatives. the ukrainian government says they're straight from moscow, a charge the russians strongly define as we have -- the key question who actually controlled that surface to air missile battery? the russian special forces guys or pro-russian separatists? we learned while we were there, it's an awfully blurry line between those two groups. back to you guys. >> thanks a lot, leeland vittert. we'll check with you again. covered the other wars, which is gaza and israel. what change today and what about this act? so here it is, if you believe the intercepts, you have the separatists shooting down the plane. initial euphoria, then realize what they have done. then blaming, according to the intercepts. blaming the pilot. what were they doing in the war zone? now the whole world has to pay attention. you can't shut it off and say that's over there. >> what action should be taken? >> vladimir putin blamed the ukrainians for all of this, unbelievable. here is ambassador john bolton on how the u.s. should respond. >> these are pure pin pricks and i think we've got to get off the idea that imposing economic sanctions on a country that are not completely comprehensive really have much effect. this is not a consumer society. they don't care if their standard of living falls 5%, or at least their government doesn't. i think we go back to ramping up american missile defense. i think if you want sanctions, let's have real sanctions. i'll give you an example. no russian financial institution has any role in the american financial system. that's a sanction. >> former ambassador john bolton saying he does not think the obama administration is responding with enough force. >> i think you got to do, too, is massage those in western europe and say i'm not telling you what to do. this is what we are doing. this is what we're doing as america and you got to show the leadership that tells france, that tells germany, that tells spain, that tells everybody in the east that used to be in the soviet sphere that we have your back. so far we have not done that. we've been very deliberative, very slow. this rollout of sanctions has really done nothing to alter the russian behavior and this tumult is still going on. >> where is leadership here? president obama briefly, briefly interrupted his scheduled transportation speech yesterday after the numbers of people died on this plane. for 38 seconds. this was his take. >> obviously the world is watching reports of a downed passenger jet near the russia-ukraine border. it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy. right now we're working to determine whether there were american citizens on board. that is our first priority. >> as many as 23. the question that ed henry had was what about america? are we just missing in action when it comes to situations like this where we're traditionally in front? >> how does the white house react to the notion that the president is a bystander to all these crises? >> there have been a number of situations in which you've seen this administration intervene in a meaningful way, that has substantially furthered american interests and substantially improveed the tranquility of the global community. >> it looks like it may be a terrible tragedy, said the president. well, yeah. but i would dispute his characterization that he's trying to find out whether americans were on board. that was his first priority. i would suggest your first priority ought to be trying to figure out who was responsible and coming up with some kind of a solution. >> or get in and drive. get in there with a strong message not only to our citizens here, but globally to leaders who might be behind this. 38 seconds out of a transportation speech to talk about something so devastating, 298 people died in this. this has global implications beyond -- after 9-11, president bush, though criticized for being in a classroom talking to children at the time, that you can not control. but what happens after you find something out can be. mark thesen said president bush went kicking and screaming back to try to get into the white house and get the message out not only to our citizens here, but to everyone across the globe. >> if you read the accounts of that day, president bush desperately -- he was insistent over the objection of everybody in his security detail, i'm going to be back in the white house tonight. i want the american people to see their commander in chief in the white house leading the country unafraid. and i think the americans are not seeing that from this president. we need the commander in chief whether you're republican or democrat, when something like this happens, particularly if americans might be killed, you want the commander in chief in charge. >> all i can say is this, obviously 9-11, much more severe than -- for america and you were on the air at the time, as we were. much more severe than now. but the spirit of wanting to be in charge, wanting to be the person to address the country, feeling the responsibility of leadership doesn't seem to be there. i question this, if rahm emanuel was still in the white house, would the president be told, hey, tear up that speech. this is what we're going with. by the way, you're not going tonight. is there anybody around the president, whether it's somebody political or friend, somebody going to say, mr. president, your instincts are wrong of the you got to go lead. you can't go to the hamptons. you can't go to the city. don't tell me you're going to texas and not go to the border. is there anyone around him to stand up to him? >> a lot of people are saying we don't need a bystander in chief or fund-raiser in chief. we need a commander in chief. we needed it yesterday. we need it today and we hope that we will see one in the future. >> also following developments in israel where two truce opportunities were passed by hamas. new explosions in gaza. israel announced a plan to expand its offensive. >> now more from inside the border. good morning, david. what do you have for us? >> reporter: good morning. israeli forces are on the ground in gaza from one end of the strip to the other. they're operating in close proximity to the border. let me show you some of the latest military activity taking place off in the distance. you can see this in the northern end of gaza. white, billiy cloud of smoke, apparently a number of artillery strikes just a short time ago. you may hear the loud boom as i speak. the military says so far 21 concealed launchers have been targeted, as well as four tunnels. the prime minister speaking a short time ago. the priority here is to detect and demolish these infiltration tunnels. israel fears these tunnels can be used to launch what could become a catastrophic attack, a limited incursion is now taking place in gaza. but as you mentioned, the prime minister a short time ago said that he has ordered the military to prepare for what he considers a significant expansion of the operation. the prime minister said the air strikes alone simply cannot do the job of demolishing these tunnels that is going to require boots on the ground. as for hamas, the militant organization continues to remain defiant. spokesman saying, quoting now, we aren't afraid of the ground assault. he went on to warn what he described as dreadful consequences. as of now, no significant movement on the diplomatic front. back to you. >> david lee miller on the ground. two significant hot spots flaring up in the world. >> thank you for being with us throughout the day. >> it's so strange that hamas seems to want this. this could be their ultimate annihilation if they keep walking away from an opportunity to stop the offensive. >> more on that to come. also on the way, new video of rebels claiming they shot down the malaysian jet liner. the big question, did the russians help? 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>> absolutely nothing. there are civilian things, medical scraps, towels, and lavatory paper. >> it means they wanted to bring some spies to us. ask them. they should not fly. we are at war here. >> wow. fox news alert. rebels caught on tape admitting to bringing down flight mh 17 and our sources say no reason to believe not to be authentic. >> here to weigh in, fox news military analyst, lieutenant bill collins joins us this morning. thank you for being here. what is your reaction when you hear that sound? >> look, signals intercept like that, communications intercept where two people are talking and have no idea that anybody else is listening is very pure intelligence. you're relying on what it is they're saying to be true or you're hearing what their observations are, what their thoughts are. that's pretty good stuff they have. they're going to have a hard time walking away from that. >> we have a lot of eyes on the sky 'cause this is an area that has been really at each other's throats. we've been watching pretty close. what do you think we could produce today or behind closed doors at the c.i.a. and elsewhere that would give us more of a clear answer about what hit that plane? >> brian, a quick thought, i think given what's going on in iraq, we may have moved a lot of those high overhead assets, our satellite assets to watch iraq more so than the ukraine. therefore, we probably tonight have what we would have had a few months ago. i think we probably got a good analytical capability, image stuff will be good. they'll review what they collected. it's not all real time. most is. much of it is. but it's a question of whether analysts are looking at things or whether we're just collecting. i think today by the end of the day, the intelligence community will have a very clear picture of where that missile came from, what time it came up, where it came from. i don't think they're necessarily going to watch the hit. there will be other satellite -- excuse me signal intelligence as they'll collect. but brian, i think we're going to have good intel, but i'm suspect whether or not this administration is going to reveal that. i think the white house doesn't want to confront russia with what may be damning evidence and will want to sit back and wait for, quote, an international investigation. >> colonel, in your estimation here, what is putin's next move? he has blood on his hands with this. if that is confirmed. what should be our move to help the ukrainian people? >> i think this is his worst nightmare. bringing the international focus back on the ukraine is not something that he he wanted. given all the events after he took over the crimea, we know that he continued to push people. special operations people, intelligence people, military people, whatever, into eastern ukraine to continue to solidify his presence there. but he tried to do it in a low key manner and again, this raises his visibility. i think he'll slow down. but that's not going to take away his overall desire to annex somehow and some way at some time other portions of the ukraine. i think our response on this side, i don't think we're going to see it, but we need to remind putin that we, the united states, are a world power. i think it would be a good idea for us to get with the -- poland, the czech republic, get that missile defense system back in. incidentally, that missile defense system was advertised as being a safeguard against the iranians. really it needs to be a safeguard against russia, which is on the move again. >> yeah. redirect it and be transparent about it. colonel, thanks so much for you and for your son, continuing to fight for this country. thanks. coming up straight ahead, the main stream media portraying israel as the big bat wolf. up next, what you're not hearing, how hamas wages war on purpose so their own people can be killed if you suffer from constipation, you will likely also suffer from gas. introducing new dulcogas, which starts working to eliminate gas bubbles in minutes for effective relief. dulcogas, from the makers of dulcolax- nothing relieves gas faster. you're thinking beneful. 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>> as you said, we're trying to take out these terrorist tunnels. we were very fortunate yesterday when a few, about 13 hamas commandos came out of these tunnels. they were trying to perpetrate a massacre in a nearby kibbutz. they could have killed dozens of people, kidnapped people, taking them back into gaza. so the prime minister -- fortunately before that, the prime minister decided to enhance the operations. right now our ground forces are in gaza and going after these tunnels to make sure that they don't represent a threat to israel. >> this battle is often portrayed as israel, the powerful bully supported by the united states taking on an innocent essentially unarmed civilian population. how do you respond? >> look, everyone has to understand what is actually happening here. hamas is a terror organization committed to our destruction. they fire thousands of rockets at our city. as they deliberately target our civilians. what hamas is trying to do is kill as many israeli civilians as possible. fortunately we have not had a lot of civilians killed primarily because we have a very good antimissile defense system called iron dome and this gives me an opportunity to thank the american people for their support for that system. it's saving a lot of lives. on the other side what hamas is doing, they're using their own people as human shields. they're placing missile batteries next to schools, hospitals, mosques. yesterday in a u.n. organization that is supposed to provide relief to palestinians, they found in one of their schools 20 rockets. hamas is using their own people as human shields. the prime minister of israel, netanyahu, put it best. he said we use a missile defense system to protect our civilians. hamas uses their civilians to protect their missiles. that's the difference between them. >> why is that message not necessarily getting out into the world? there are so many -- even in the media and the mainstream media who portray this as some kind of a war of aggression by the israelis. >> well, it's a very good question and i'm glad you're raising it on your show. but everybody knows the game that hamas is playing. what they want to do is put their civilians into harm's way. they're hoping that we'll make an operational mistake, because israel does not target civilians. even in the most legitimate actions of self-defense, you can have civilians who are killed. do you know how many times soldiers are killed in friendly fire? it happens in war. not because we're trying to target the civilians are killed. and what the palestinians want to do is they want to take those pictures and they want to use that to indict israel and have the whole world come down on israel and the key to stop this is one simple thing. when you see these terrible pictures any time a civilian die, that's bad in war. but when you see these pictures, pressure should not be put on israel. it should be put on hamas who are using their civilians as human shields. if that's where the pressure is directed, towards hamas, you will see them stop using it as a tactic. if it continues to be directed at israel, then you will see terror organization, not just in israel, but around the world use human shields. if we want to stop it, stop pressuring the society that's defending itself against terror. start pressuring those who are using human shields. >> the fighting goes on over gaza again, live pictures you just saw there as the explosions continue to rock that city. ambassador ron dermer, thank you, sir. >> thank you. coming up, so many questions about the other big crisis going on in the world right now. the missile that took down a civilian jet liner, 298 people are dead. how can it happen? and are we safe when we're in a jet at 33,000 feet? one of our own former fighter pilots is here live to explain. also look at this. brand-new images of the empty air space now over ukraine. jet liners scrambling to get out of that air space after what happened yesterday. has been the other dangerous places our planes fly? that's next ♪ your eyes. even at a distance of 10 miles... the length of 146 football fields. they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins to help support your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. welcome back. brand-new developments on two breaking stories. first new video from the crash site where a passenger jet was shot down near the russia-ukraine border. you can see rescue crews sorting through the aftermath. passengers' luggage, passports and other personal belongings scattered throughout the field. israel expanding its military operation in gaza this morning. the israeli defensive force just now saying that at least 17 hamas militants killed last night. this as one israeli soldier is killed in the conflict. >> look at some of this video that's coming our way. it's happening in gaza as daylight comes and the explosions are dizzying. we understand at this hour, maybe the most intensive yet. this on the heels of the israelis announcing they're calling up 18,000 more reserves. that leaves rough estimate of 68,000 mobilized to take on and go through gaza, a place they left for the palestinians without a shot being fired back in 2001. >> the gaza q]?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñtrip, se most densely packed real estate on the surface of the planet. any time you're fighting there, almost certainly civilians are going to be among the casualties. you heard what ambassador thinks with that. >> what's unbelievable is gaza is not waiting for missiles to be delivered. they're making them themselves. they got 250 tech experts who sit there in a certain sector, israel knows exactly where they are and who they are, and put these bombs together. >> let's take tout crew i didn't know where the investigation -- ukraine where the investigation of the shooting down of flight 17 continues. the faa is banning u.s. flights over the ukraine. take a look at this map. this is the air space. practically empty after the missile attack. that's the ukraine. amy kellogg is live in london with more. amy? >> reporter: hi, john. it may be difficult to believe, but the space where mh 17 was shot down over yesterday was actually not banned by the faa until after the fact. the faa had, back in april, put restrictions on flights over crimea and the black sea and the sea of azof. that was because, of course, russia had recently annexted crimea. so there was some confusion as to who was controlling that air space. it didn't really have to do with hostilities, per say. now european and u.n. bodies are advising against travel over eastern ukraine as well. and the faa, to be clear, is banning it over eastern ukraine. individual airlines are making their own decisions as to what they want to do. but for now, it's important to point out that ukraine has closed that air space anyway. a lot of airlines are saying they will no longer fly over ukraine at all, at least until further notice. malaysian authorities have been quick to point out the majority of other asian airlines were flying over the area as of yesterday. the malaysia airlines claim they were not given any instructions against taking the path they took yesterday and they were, that plane was flying 1,000 feet above the area that ukraine had, in fact, restricted itself. in the past, it's been routine for commercial flights to pass over war zones from iraq to afghanistan, but if rebels in ukraine do have this launcher that everyone is suspecting they have, that definitely changes the picture. >> what it means now is any place where there is any kind of a conflict, i don't care if it's iraq. i don't care if it's libya, the fact of the matter is we're not going to have airplanes flying over this. so we are going to be safer, if you will, but the point of the matter is, it is a situation that somebody fell down on on te job in terms of intel. >> reporter: john, i think that you will see the restrictions end up being costly and they will be disruptive because aviation experts say that that flight path over eastern ukraine is increasingly busy. it's a growth area in the aviation industry because of the high traffic between europe, particularly between europe and the middle east and europe and asia. john? >> amy kellogg, thank you. >> i would just think it's about time we find a way to pay for every plane to have that antimissile technology that every israeli plane has it to make it impossible and air force one has to blow it out of the sky. that would help. how do these missiles work? former fighter pilot and intel operations officer in the united states military, leah gabrielle joins us to explain. how do they work? >> the two missiles that they believe it would have been, they're medium range missiles and essentially fired off of a truck. they can be set up in five minutes. they can acquire a target at about 20 miles. what they seuss a ground-based radar that acquires a target. you lock on to it on the ground and then that radar sends information to the missile as it's flying through the air to continue to track the target and kill the seeker head picks up on the target on its own and then hits the aircraft. >> can it pick up a secondary flight? is that what occurred right here? does that happen through that radar? >> just from my own experience, and i did carry a missile that was a much smaller version, a semi active missile on board an f-18, i think it's unlikely that it was basically pick up another target mid flight. i think it's more likely that unsophisticated user or an undisciplined user would actually lock on to an aircraft that was an airliner without really going through any sort of rules of engagement, which we use to make sure you are locked on to the correct target. and something that actually is a foe. >> when you were flying f-18s, you rehearsed a missile attack. so you have warning systems that tell you i've been locked on by a missile, right, and you take evasive maneuvers. the pilot of this plane had no idea that anything was coming up. >> absolutely. they probably never even saw it coming. probably never knew what hit them essentially. in an f-18, we have centers inside the cockpit that let us know when a radar has locked on to us, when a radar is looking at us. we'll use maneuvers to defeat that radar locked and ultimately the last ditch is when you actually see the missile coming at you. these are you havely the size of a telephone pole and you may or may not. you may see the contrails. and you try to defeat it through energy. >> here is the most fundamental question. when you look up with all your experience, can you tell a difference by looking 30,000 feet in the air from a cargo jet and passenger jet from looking at the belly? >> that's a tough one. visually from 30,000 feet, no. probably no. but in the u.s. military, we have an entire decision matrix. most sophisticated militaries play by ethical rules where you have a decision matrix and different information is coming in to determine what kinds of aircraft that is. for one, did it take off from an enemy air field? transponder code that it's an airliner, identify friend or foe. then there are other sensors that can look at the engines of the aircraft to determine what type of aircraft it is. so in our military, we would go through a large decision matrix to make sure that this was actually a foe aircraft before ever firing at it. but mistakes do happen. >> the rebels don't have the word matrix in their dictionary. >> this really raises the issue of the sophisticated systems being in the hands of people who are undisciplined as a military who don't go through those ethical situations. >> it was an intentional act. nobody is saying that they deliberately targeted the airliner. they probably thought they were getting a ukrainian government plane, but they deliberately fired the shot and 298 people are dead as a result. leah gabe yehl, former navy pilot. >> thank you for your expertise today. heather nauert is here. lot more to bring you this morning. >> good morning. i've got other news. first let's look at how the financial markets are reacting to all of these major stories right now in the wake specifically of the jet being shot down and the escalating violence taking place in israel. the dow losing 161 points. it is the biggest one-day slide in two months. right now the u.s. futures are slightly up. but in asia, the nikkei lost 1%. markets are down across the board. the justice department testifying that they are now looking into those lost irs e-mails. deputy attorney general james cole says the department will examine how lois lerner's e-mails suddenly vanished and could not be recovered after a computer crash. this happened around the same time the irs was accused of targeting conservative groups. a final good-bye to a hero. police officers are all around -- from all around the united states gathering around new jersey to honor 23-year-old melvin santiago at his funeral. officer santiago was gunned down while he responded to a robbery call in jersey city. police say that this guy, 27-year-old ex-con, lawrence campbell, waited for officers to arrive to intentionally shoot them. he was eventually shot and killed by police. a nazi submarine found off the coast of texas. in 1942, this german u-boat terrorized the gulf of mexico, sinking commercial liners and even an american passenger boat. the nazi sub was eventually sunk, but this is the first time that we are getting crystal clear images of this you-boat. those are your headlines. there are about 20 of them operating in the area during world war ii. now they found them. >> fascinating. heather, thank you. up next, who was on the malaysian plane? we are waiting on word on the 45 passengers who had yet to be identified and how many of those may be americans. >> and what are we waiting for? then can the united states do anything about this attack? our military levels are approaching historic lows. aren't we showing the world we're weak? is that the wrong message we should be sending right now? we'll report. you decide he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ don't miss a beat... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ brand-new information emerging about who exactly was on the malaysian airline flight blown out of the sky over ukraine. >> joining us from bangkok, david piper. david, what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: at the moment here, there is a lot of anger and sadness over what's happened. also shock because it involved a malaysia airline jet, just four months after flight mh 370 went missing. families lost loved ones on the plane have been gathering in malaysia's main airport for news today. the death toll from the crash is now been increased to 298 after it was realized three infants were on the plane. reports suggest as many as 80 children were on board. it's also being reported at least 23 of the passengers were americans. they may be some of the 45 people whose nationalities haven't been identified yet. malaysia airlines says a it's still contacting relatives, but will then release the full manifest of who was on board. passengers are going on flights in the u.s. say the crash won't affect them getting on planes state side. >> first of all, i don't think i have any choice because i have to travel. secondly, i can't live my life worrying about that for sure. >> i don't think it's going to impact me going anywhere else. any area that is war torn. >> reporter: australia and malaysia are sending teams to ukraine to help in the investigation. back to you in studio. >> david piper joining us live. thank you. that was david piper telling us about malaysia. so unbelievable that we're talking and watching the same officials give another major press conference regarding a perilous flight in malaysia airlines right in the center of this. our initial reports, i'm thinking, wait a second. did they find the plane? what is going on here? to think they're in the middle of this again is unbelievable. president obama picked up the phone and called the prime minister of malaysia to say anything we can do to investigate? i think this time they're going to ask for help right away. >> is this the time for our military to be down sizing? see what's happening in iraq and here with this plane going down. now all the questions are saying, wait a second. should we be the smallest in our military power that we've been since world war ii? pete leg hegseth had words. >> we'll soon have the smallest army since world war ii. we'll have the smallest navy since world war 1 and more pertinent, the smallest air force, tactical portion of our air force in the history of the air force. weakness is dangerous. that's the bottom line in this equation. they may be weary or want to conflict. the problem is our adversaries aren't quitting on us. islamists are on the march. putin is empowered. we can say this is a tragedy, it's not going to do with us. it's so unfortunate to watch these events, but we're going to sit in america. we can't afford to do that! >> think about the other day when josh earnest, the white house spokesman, the mouthpiece for the president says we're living in a tranquil world, a more tranquil world. >> just before that, two weeks president obama himself called it the global plan here. this is the safest the globe has been in a long time. >> can i just -- i had a chance to read secretary defense gates book. twice he did preemptive cuts to prevent massive cuts. he wanted to do it before and he was told prior to the cuts, this is all you'll need to do and both times the president reversed the decision. it seems to be the only program this administration is comfortable cutting. coming up straight ahead as we move towards our third hour, yesterday president obama made time for the plane crash in between photo ops in a fancy fundraising dinner. how should he step up to the crisis today? peter johnson, jr. on deck ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. i'm coming before you tonight about the korean airline massacre. the attack by the soviet union against 269 innocent men, women and children, there was absolutely no justification, either legal or moral. if every passenger plane is fair game, it will be the end of civil aviation as we know it. >> president ronald reagan went toe to toe with the russians back in 1983 over their terrorist attack on a korean airline. so what can the president learn from that? will he throw down the gauntlet and demand the truth or continue heart hearted sanctions? joining us is peter johnson, jr. >> good morning. we have an expectation, a reasonable expectation of strong, decisive leadership from this president today who appears to be missing in action and more focused on democratic fundraising than the crisis at hand. so here is what i think americans anticipate today in our prescription for truth, what the president should be doing. he needs to address the nation and the world today. he needs to call out putin and demand the truth immediately. he needs to call for an immediate investigation to identify the murderers and demand united nations action. and demand action against everything else, us and israel. he needs to mobilize the american allies, people who lost people in this plane crash in condemnation of russian sponsored terrorism. that's how the president needs to act, in a forceful, decisive way that affirms american exceptionalism and american life today. >> would he indeed stand up to putin? >> i don't believe he will. i think there will be half hearted measures. we've had some sanctions. putin nevertheless continued to send arm aments to these folks and now we have the effects of this. apparently without state department confirmation, 23 lost american souls. >> that's right. what's your prescription for justice? >> the prescription for justice is a simple thing. stronger sanctions that we can enforce. iran style, extreme banking sanctions, shut down their credit, shut down their banking system, shut down their stock market the way the stock market plummeted yesterday, expanded energy sanctions. 70% of their economy is based on energy. widespread asset freeze of the russian elite. the oligarchs. and missile defense. this is something the president doesn't want to talk about. missile defense for poland and the czech republic, and finally, indict the murderers. extradite the murderers, bring them to the united states. the president and attorney general holder loves to use the civil justice system. let's indict those people and let's try them for murder here in the united states based on terrorism against the commercial aviation vehicle. >> we see where other investigations have gone when it comes to eric holder. >> absolutely. i think the president needs take a page out of ronald reagan, but also take a page out of jfk who was strong and decisive during the 1962 cuban missile crisis and he told the russians where to go. watch this. >> i call upon chairman kruschev to halt and eliminate this clandestine, wreckless threat to world peace and the stable relations between our two stations. >> the president has an opportunity to reset relations today. he needs to show empathy for the american people and for all the lost people. but he also has to show energy and commitment to first american principles. this cannot stand and the president needs to stand up eye to eye, toe to toe, to putin today now. >> global leadership is called for. peter johnson, jr., thank you. coming up in our next hour, the united states prepared to respond to the downing of this passenger plane? 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this is a crash site that is now being controlled by the people who are accused of downing this airliner. evidence is mounting that rebel forces may have accidentally shot this plane down thinking it was a ukrainian military aircraft. here is one of the clues. this is a message that was posted on a russian social media web site and then it was very quickly deleted. it is believed to be from a separatist leader. we shot down an an 26, he says. a transport plane used by the ukraine military plane. and then he says, we warned don't fly in our sky. some see russia's hand in all of this. >> the conclusion of this investigation is that either the missile came from russia or it was from the separatists and its buk style missile. russia has their fingerprints all over it either way. >> reporter: we talked about the buksome and here it is. this is one variant of it. it may be the separatists simply got their hands on this thing, but at some point they have to learn how to use this. this is why many see evidence of russian involvement. the president is going to come under a lot of pressure, a lot of eyes on capitol hill today watching the white house to see how the president responds to this clear provocation. back to you guys. >> thank you for that. >> these rebels fighting against the ukrainian government, supported by russia, they were on a roll. they shot down two planes earlier in the week, possibly with these same kinds of missiles. so they take aim at we assume it was this particular plane. they think they've made a kill. just look at this video. who stands out in a wheat field and aims their video camera randomly at the horizon? they're shooting this because they think they have just shot down a ukrainian government plane. that's the reason that this video exists. this is going to be their moment of propaganda glory and later they find out it was a civilian jet liner. >> right. and obviously how unbelievable is it the president of the united states is on the phone when vladimir putin gives the president the news there has been a plane shot down. originally we hear some crazy stories. one of which was they were aim ing for vladimir putin's plane. no one is buying that. the russians are famous for never really get to get bottom of things. but when you have that video, when you have the intercepts, and that was day one. day two could reveal a lot more. >> 298 confirmed dead at this point. many people looking for answers. also looking for a leader. president obama facing harsh criticism this morning for going to a fund-raiser and stopping for a burger in delaware. molly henneberg is live in washington. molly, what's on the president's schedule today? >> reporter: elisabeth, brian, john, good morning. no fund-raisers on the schedule today. president obama, though, will be meeting with his secretary of state john kerry and his treasury secretary, jack lew. the white house put out a statement last night on the malaysian airline jet saying, quote, this incident occurred in the context of a crisis in ukraine that is fueled by russian support for the separatists, including arms, material, and training. this incident only highlights the urgency with which we continue to urge russia to immediately take concrete steps to deescalate the situation in ukraine. as the news was breaking yesterday, as you said, the president met with the working mother at a burger place in delaware. last night he attended a democratic fund-raiser in new york city. one former speech writer for president george w. bush says he doesn't, quote, understand what this president is thinking. >> last week he was in texas and went to a fund-raiser instead of the border. he's got a pattern of doing this. the day after the benghazi attack he was in las vegas for a fund-raiser. the day after putin initially invaded ukraine and took over crimea, he went to a fund-raiser and said it's happy hour for the democratic party. >> reporter: the white house made it clear that the president was working the phones yesterday as he went to and from events. from air force one the white house says the president called the prime minister of the netherlands. the prime minister of malaysia, the president of ukraine, as well as secretary of state kerry and his national security team. back to you all in new york. >> molly henneberg at the white house. thank you. >> geraldo rivera is here as we are every friday. you know elisabeth. >> i love elisabeth. >> you want to react real quick about the president? >> i said at noon yesterday that vladimir putin had blood on his hands. i based that on the evidence we knew at the time, just 20 minutes after we got the initial report. the president doesn't have the luxury i do. he has to find out what really happened. but by the end of business today, if president obama does not -- today, friday. bit end of business today, knowing what they know now, the president doesn't make a forceful statement not only condemning this violent act, but also suggesting very strongly where the evidence is leading, insurgentence, then i think he has dismally failed. >> 23 americans could have been on that plane and this is going to start changing. we'll get names and faces if they were. >> what do you think about the audio that was released, actually showing that rebels seemed to be responsible? we want you to hear it here. our own officials say there is little reason to doubt this is accurate. >> the minor group has just shot down an airplane. pilot, where are the pilots? >> they've gone to look for a photograph of the crashed plane. there is smoke rise. >> how many minutes ago was this? >> around 30 minutes ago. >> what have you got going on there? >> in short, it's 100% sure it's a civilian plane. >> are there a lot of people there? >> it's expletive bad. debris has fallen in people's yards. >> what flight was it? >> i haven't worked that out yet. i haven't been anywhere near the main area. i only just looked over there where the first bodies started falling. there is debris from the interior bracket support. bodies. >> is there any type of weapon? >> absolutely nothing. there are civilian things. medical scrap, towels, and lavatory paper. it means they wanted to bring some spies to us. ask them. they should not fly. we are at war here. >> and just to explain, there are two different clips there. in the early going, they think they have successfully shot down a ukrainian government plane. then they actually reached the plane, the second clip you heard is their reaction when they find out it's civilian supplies. they're finding suitcases and small children dead, still trapped. >> ukrainian government released this audio. >> these insurgents are thuggish, arrogant. they are militarily trained, but without the traditional command and control. they had the ability to launch these missiles. these systems really have been in existence since the early '70s. it's not rocket science, if i can say that. they knew how to shoot. they didn't have any kind of discretion or command and control to determine what the target really was. they are the worst of the worst. they have military confidence at a basic level, but they have no real judgment. they are absolutely the worst. >> and no soul. can we also add this, the difference between when -- this time, it's russian sponsored rebels that seem to have done this. how does that play into how you would react? >> i still believe, brian, that vladimir putin has blood on his hands. why do i say that? it's as if you have a military, very disciplined, very modern military force, the russian army, and you hire a secrete -- street gang. what the street gang does, you didn't do it, but you gave them the ability to do it so you are responsible. it is as if you give a nine-year-old a .45, loaded .45 and the nine-year-old kills a six-month-old baby. you didn't kill the baby, but you gave the nine-year-old irresponsibly, the ability to commit murder. that's what happened here. this is mass murder committed by these ukrainian separatists. they are arrogant. they are wreckless. they are bloodies thisy. they are the worst of the worst. and now the president of the united states must state to the american people and to the world that we cannot tolerate this. the sanctions right now, the oil companyies, gas, these russian companies, they must be sanctioned. now is the time to pull the trigger and make them pay for the murders that they have inflicted. >> do you believe our president will do that? >> i think that -- elisabeth, i wish i knew. i can only hope that now given the evidence that is now in, that the president of the united states steps up to the plate. i give him the 24 hours. he has to have discretion, sort fact from fiction, rumor from reality. now i have no doubt with our -- we can determine the trajectory of one of these ground to air missiles almost from the moment it leaves the ground with our very sophisticated devices, we can go back to the -- you know what google earth looks like. we can go back to those satellites. we can probably see the launch site at the moment the rocket clears the launcher. we know who did it. we know what they did it with. there is only one source of that missile. now the president must put together the obvious -- >> as john kerry shouldn't lead. the president should lead. number two, is don't you agree they got to leave europe to taking the real action because it's europe that can affect the russian economy? >> not only do i call on the president of the united states, but angela merkel, the polish president. i want to see the e.u. -- it's already early afternoon in europe. i have not yet heard the condemnations i would like to hear. it is, to me, astounding that we have heard so little horror -- if this had been the israelis, it would have been all over the news. the world would have been saying oh, these -- look what they did. >> thanks. we'll be back in just a moment. coming up, our coverage continues in just a moment with colonel ralph peters. he says our weakened foreign policy is to blame for what's going on. is he right? >> sounds like he agrees with geraldo it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. yoplait greek 100! you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. the united states weakened foreign policy emboldened sinister forces around the world, like the one that blasted the jet out of the sky, killing all 298 people on board? lieutenant colonel ralph peters has less than 24 hours to think about that. i want to get your point much view. first off, is there anything we didn't do that allowed something like this to happen? >> of course. our president didn't do anything. nothing meaningful. i'm glad he put more sanctions on putin this week, but they're too little, too late. our president's tendency to see everything through politics, the lens 6 politics, how it will affect his base, for instance, has driven our foreign policy utterly into the ground and under the ground. he sees yesterday, his shameful lack of attention to the downing of the malaysian airliner is basically because he knows by confronting putin strongly he gets no closer to his base. it doesn't bring him, him an advantage. he's not worried about the united states. what's in it for him? we see putin behaving utterly lawlessly, brian. and nothing happens. why on earth shouldn't putin behave that way? by the way, we're hearing a false debate in the media about well, was the missile fired by the separatists or was it fired from russian soil? who gave the order? whether the missile was fired from inside russia or from the separatists, the missile system, which is not a play station. it's complex to run this thing, it was operated by russian military-trained personnel. probably russian military personnel in uniform, whether in eastern ukraine or within russia. and nothing happens! we've known this. by the way, another point, i guarantee you as a former intel officer, we know -- we were tracking this. we know when the missile was fired, where it was fired from, who fired it, the call sign, the whole works. the question is, will our president reveal what we know to the world and call putin out? i doubt it. >> colonel, give me three bullet points that you think define bold action. >> bold action. clear speech ala ronald reagan backed up by firm action and with follow through. you need all three. clear vision articulated. you need to act upon that vision, and you can't let up. the way obama did in libya. get rid of gadhafi then go home. nothing happens. so you got to have those three things. you got to have your eye down the fairway. you got to hit that ball hard and you got to have the follow through on your swing. >> because the ukrainian president is -- he's reaffirmed connections to the european union and to 9 west. he has not bowed to russian pressure. then he took his military and started pushing into eastern ukraine. in the russian's mindset, they had this coming. it was their action that prompted this action. >> yeah. it's just shameful. the truth is the west doesn't care about ukraine. they just don't. when was the last time you heard anybody in washington or european capitol say putin must give crimea back to ukraine? >> none. >> we've already forgotten about it. the point is, putin has invaded eastern ukraine. these are russian thug, russian mercenaries, russian officers in other uniforms, russian technicians. at the end of the day, vladimir putin is responsible for the downing of this airliner. >> if we gave ukrainian arms instead of lunch, it might have helped and that might have been the bold message that would have prompted vladimir putin to step back and say, i can't take the risk. >> yeah. actually my approach would be much more direct. brutal sanctions on putin because arms are all well and good. but the ukrainian military can't defeat the russian military in an invasion. but we can defeat russia economically. so obama is right that the military is not the answer to every problem. the problem is, he doesn't believe the military is ever the answer to any problem. >> colonel, you're 100% right. always great to get your perspective, especially something unfolding. thank you. >> thank you. straight ahead, the main stream media portraying israel seemingly as the big bad wolf. here is what you're not hearing. how hamas wages war on purpose so that their own people can be killed. governor mike huckabee, who was just in israel, will join us next he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! new explosions rocking gaza city this morning as prime minister benjamin netanyahu orders the israeli military to prepare for significant expansion to the ground offensive. >> governor mike huckabee traveled there many times. just got back recently. your take on the push into gaza, anticipated years ago, finally happening now. >> they really didn't have a choice. what's happened, hamas, which is a terrorist organization even by the u.s. state department standards, that's how they label them. >> yet we endorse the coalition government. >> which we shouldn't have done. we should have said not another dime to the palestinian authority if you're going to partner with the terrorist organization. it is against the law for us to give money to terrorists. that's what we're doing. so it's really a tragedy of great proportion, but one that we could see coming. here is the situation, you have hamas firing thousands of rockets not just recently, they've been doing this for years. new this barrage is going all into the civilian population indiscriminately, 80% of israel under fire from rockets. it would be the equivalent of 225 million americans having rockets go off over their heads. >> many in the media painting israel as the aggressor, the bad guy in this. you say? >> it's one of the most inexplicable things about the middle east. why is israel the bad guy? hamas drew first blood. hamas violated two different cease fire agreements and continued to fire rockets. i've got an app on my iphone that alerts me every time there is a rocket attack in israel. i had to turn the sound off 'cause it was driving me nuts. every few seconds it's going off because hamas haswyúfgka÷ releny fired missiles at civilian targets in israel. >> the israelis were criticized because they held control over the gaza strip and said we're done. we're out of there. you take care of it yourselves and this is the thanks they get. >> the concept is if we let our enemies get closer and closer to us, they'll be nicer to us. who believes that? the united states doesn't believe that. would we invite iran to go ahead and establish a foothold on the mexican border or the canadian border? of course not. and speak of iran, that's who we're dealing with. hamas is a puppet of iran. >> syria bailed out of hamas. hezbollah is attached to the shia population. hamas the other side. it's libyan rebels, iran that are funding them. egypt wants no part of hamas. they'd like to see them anillated. >> this is really bad for egypt and that's why they attempted to broker the cease fire because there has been a real peaceful border between israel and egypt since 1979. and it's in the best interest of the entire middle east. there is not a middle eastern country except iran -- >> the secretary of state said this morning after speaking to netanyahu. israel can do more to avoid civilian casualties in gaza. >> look, john kerry, let me just be blunt -- saying that is idiotic. what he ought to be saying is that israel has every right to defend itself against the terrorism that they have been subjected to and i'm just disgusted that they've acted like there is some moral equivalent between israel and a terrorist organization. that's nonsense. >> we thank you for being here. >> you bet. thank you. >> coming up, this is not the first time russians have shot a plane out of the sky. happened in 1983. so how did president reagan handle that and what can we learn? chris wallace is on that next. >> it was an act of barbarism, born of a society that wantonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life and seeks constantly to expand and dominate other nations es... the length of 146 football fields. they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins to help support your eyes, heart and brain. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. now, with a new easy to swallow coating. hard it can breathe with copd? it can feel like this. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled... ...copd maintenance treatment... ...that helps open my airways for a full 24 hours. you know, spiriva helps me breathe easier. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells,... you can get hives, vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd. spiriva helps me breathe better. sfx: blowing sound. does breathing with copd... ...weigh you down? 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better to talk to than chris wallace getting set to host fox news sunday. first, you're reaction to vladimir putin saying let's use this opportunity to lay down our arms. >> well, he's been play ago double game now ever since he went in to crimea some months ago where he says we're not involved and then we find out that there were russian troops and they end up annexting crimea. he said they were pulling russian troops off the border, but then send them back and send military advisors into eastern ukraine. so i don't think you can put much stock into what vladimir putin says. you got to put stock in what he does. >> chris, the president didn't cease his fundraising schedule. what kind of message does that send across the globe, particularly to putin, when he doesn't stop and get back in the office when a crisis like this occurs? >> well, i know that there is a kind of immediate reaction that you want to say he should have run back to washington and gone back to the situation room. i know a lot of folks on fox here are saying that. somebody who covered the white house and saw for six years ronald reagan in various situations, sometimes the best thing presidents can do is nothing, to continue on. if he had gone back to washington and gone to the situation room, first of all, there is not much he can do. we're not in control of the situation. it would have dialed it up and my guess is that the feeling is, i'm not sure if fund-raisers were the best thing and i thought his remarks in wilmington, delaware were awfully casual where he said this may be a tragedy. no, it is a tragedy. but to sit there like jimmy carter did and make yourself a captive of the white house when there are events at this point beyond your control and under investigation, i'm not sure that's the wisest course either. >> but words matter at a time like this. we've been playing the statements that ronald reagan made when he was president after the soviets shot down korean airline flight 007. i want to play one sample of that for our viewers and get your reaction. >> make no mistake about it, this attack was not just against ourselves or the republic of korea. this was the soviet union against the world and the moral precepts which guides human relations among people everywhere. it was an act of barbarism, born of a society which wantsonly disregards individual rights and the value of human life and seeks constantly to expand and dominate other nations. >> an act of barbarism, he called it. what do you think about that? >> it was four days later, but still. >> that's the point i was going to make, brian. i was covering ronald reagan at that time. he was in santa barbara at his ranch when this happened and quite frankly, he didn't want to leave. his advisors realized how terrible this looked and eventually persuaded him he had to fly back to washington and had to make this speech to the nation. but it did take him four days, and among other things, one of the things they were trying to figure out is what happened, because it wasn't clear right away. so let's wait and see what president obama does. look, i think you can sharply criticize him for having been too slow, too light, too gradual in applying the screws all along in the crimea and the ukraine crisis to russia, that we should have been a lot tougher and maybe we could have stopped this a lot sooner. but as you say, it did take ronald reagan four days to respond there. let's see what barak obama does over the next two or three days. >> i was curious because now it's definitive. now the ukrainian regime has changed, the election has taken place. the separatist, crimea, all that stuff is done. this story was petering out as the ukrainian government started getting its feet underneath them. now there is no turning back. tell me if i'm wrong, i look for not only the president to lead the charge for america, but western europe. they've been sitting back. he's got to make them lead. he's got to let them know if we're going to supply them with arms and defense that they have to lead economically because they're the ones that can send russia a message. we're not really tied into russia too much. >> well, i basically agree with you. if there is anything that's going to get the europeans who are worried about, well, our banks or our various companies that do business with russia, so they've been even slower than we have in applying the sanction, you would think there were an awful lot of europeans on that plane. remember, it took off from the netherlands. you would think a if there were anything that we're going to get the europeans, led by the president off the dime to really imply -- not these targeted sanctions against individual companies, but sector wide sanctions against the defense industry, against the energy industry to really try to bring the russian economy to its knees. this would be it. and you're exactly right. we're not going to go to war over this. we shouldn't go to war over this. but we really should make vladimir putin and the kremlin pay and then see whether he is then willing not to just talk about everybody laying down their arms, but to deliver the message firmly to the pro-russian separatists, lay down your arms. we're going to talk about this on sunday. we have senator ted cruz, bob corker, senate foreign relations. we hope we'll get a top white house official to discuss this and gaza. an awful lot to talk about on sunday and we'll have live reports breaking news on all these stories. >> what a week around the world. >> there is bipartisan outrage in congress to russia which seems to be russian separatist actions. maybe that's one way to get congress together when they can agree on a common problem. chris wallace, we look forward to seeing you sundays. >> you bet, thank you. heather nauert is back in action after getting scrambled. we watched you at 4 a.m i overslept because of the events going on around the world, you did a two-hour show today. >> we d. we came on an hour early to bring all the news to so many people. two major stories, israel and the jet liner. i have other news to bring you right now. news coming out of texas. governor rick perry on the verge of doing what the federal government refuses to do to protect america's borrowed. he says the time has come to do something about all of the illegals flowing into our country. >> i think there is a point in time where you say this 1200-mile border has to be secured. and if there is a people and if there is a place that it can happen, it will be texas. >> he says that they've been operating operations to secure the border themselves. the justice department testifying that they are now looking into those lost irs e-mails. deputy attorney general james cole says that the department will examine how lois lerner's e-mails suddenly vanished and could not be recovered after that computer crash. this around the same time that the irs has been accused of unfairly targeting conservative groups. more ethics issues coming out for wendy davis, the democratic candidate running for governor of texas. the washington examiner reporting one of her staffers was convicted of stealing the former rnc chair's credit report back in 2006. michael steele was lieutenant governor of the state of maryland at the time and he was running for a senate seat. lauren wiener, the staffer, used steele's social security number to get an on line credit report. she got that number off a public court document and then looked into that information. new jersey governor chris christie was in iowa campaigning for fellow republicans. he raised money for other republican lawmakers, including the governor of iowa. >> all of you are part of the choir for the republican team in this state. i'm here to preach to the choir so you'll sing to your family and your friends. >> he refused to comment on his possible 2016 white house bid and those are your headlines from here at home. >> before when we decided as a country to send ukraine when this whole crisis happened and we had the russian invasion, and they took crimea, we decided as a country to send in nonand regular passenger planes, mre's to the ukrainian government and some cash. we had some visits. no real action. maybe that was the wrong message. what about what's happening to our military and the way we're scaling back after two wars? >> the smallest it's been since world war ii. captain pete hegseth was on earlier and he said this shrinking military shows nothing but weakness. >> we will soon have the smallest army since world war ii. we'll soon have the smallest navy since world war one and more pertinent to this discussion, the smallest air force tactical portion of our air force in the history of the air force! weakness is dangerous. that's the bottom line in this equation. people might be weary, that's fine. they may want to quit on these conflicts. the problem is our adversaries aren't quitting on us. islamists are on the march. putin is empowered. we can all say this is just a tragedy, it's got nothing to do with us. it's so unfortunate to watch, but we're going to sit in fortress america. we can't afford to do that. >> we have cut 2600 captains. we went from 570,000 to 490,000 soldiers instead of decreasing from there -- it will be decreasing from there. the head count will go down to 450,000 by 2017. >> pink slips being handed to those serving. >> some of them are out in the field right now. some are actually deployed and they're finding out oh, got to pull your job away. >> we spoke to the wife of one of the military members just last week. >> it's getting hard for me to take on the taliban when it turns out i got my two weeks notice. all right. coming up straight ahead on our show in the last 20 minutes, a lot of big surprises. we have bret michaels in the wings. >> america is strong thanks to patriots like those outside on our plaza. they're here to hear bret michaels. a huge supporter of this country and our military. >> you got to see the size of that crowd. it's huge. which is why he's investing ain his heart health by eatingw. kellogg's raisin bran ® good morning dad. hi, sweetie. here's another eye opener, not only is kellogg's raisin bran ® heart healthy, but its a delicious source of potassium. mom make you eat that? i happen to like raisins. now that's what i'm talkin' about. invest in your heart health. with kellogg's raisin bran ®. welcome back, everybody. what a huge crowd here to see bret michaels on this summer concert series friday! >> fired up. >> you are fired up. >> you're fired up because you have a special message to bring about what this nation is about and who sacrifices to keep our freedoms free and you know that you brought something quite special for our troops. >> absolutely. this is what we brought from myself, my foundation and pets mart. this is what we do. i got the patriot award last year and i just want to say this, to be able to give $10,000 back right here for k-9 companions for our independents and veterans. let's bring out our men and women. this is what matters right here. [ cheering ] >> what's your name? >> captain james vantok. >> thanks for your service. your name? >> sergeant sam phillips. >> sergeant, what does it mean when rock stars like bret michaels go out of their way for you guys? >> to me, shows me that human compassion, that even though we're blessed with living in this great country, because of the sacrifice of fellow veterans and having bret michaels do this shows his human compassion and what he really knows what makes america great. >> bret, your dad served. you know what it takes to defend this nation. >> absolutely. >> as a son of this great nation what, are your words for everybody on a day like today? >> listen, we've had some horrific things that happened to us and especially over the last day or so. it is amazing to be able to be in the greatest country in the world right here rocking. especially new york city, and how about supporting -- how about a round of applause for our men and our women that make sacrifices. >> when you go over, you worked hard for your life to be successful. look at this packed crowd. the number one city in the world. you sell it out with a lot of option. but when you go over and see men like this serving, where have you been? what have you seen? >> i went overseas to -- we flew into kuwait. then we flew into iraq and afghanistan. we went into victory, played a striker and slayer. we played in al aglad and we went in and anaconda, they were bombing the bases all night. to be able to go there and take our whole band and play for our men and women what, an amazing experience and to meet these great people. it's -- had is what keeps us free right here. we love you. >> we love all that you do. message for everybody today listening in our great nation? >> keep supporting our men and women of our armed services and again, thank you for your support. [ cheering ] >> we're going to take a time out. when we come back, what will we hear? >> when we come back, i'd love to dedicate something to believe in. every night we put our hands in the air, a beautiful, beautiful song we wrote for our men and women. >> guy, thank you so much for your service. >> how about our q-9 companions? -- k-9 companions? >> petsmart for doing that. >> myself and petsmart. >> especially this show is, we have bill hemmer standing by to tell us what's coming up at the top of the hour. take it away. >> good morning. looking forward to that. thanks for the great work you do, bret. how will the u.s. respond a day later? we are waiting word from the white house. there is a quickly developing story. we'll have all the angles come available and bring them to you. terrific analyst to take us through the story today. also the war in the middle east has gone to a new level. what's happening on the ground there today as we start on two significant stories on this friday morning everybody, it's bret michael's time! >> again, thank you all for everything you do. again, how about a huge round of applause for the fans. >> they are going to hear "something to believe in." ladies and gentlemen, bret michael! >> this is dedicated to all the men, all of our women in the armed forces. let's do this together as we do every year. raise your hands up in the air with me. a little something to believe in coming at you right now. ♪ ♪ that, that isn't working right now. that is a bret michael's true story right there. hold on. when things happen, you just roll with it, right. you just roll with it. something to believe it, take two. one thing good, we don't have any ears if you know we have live music. you know we're a live music. let me do it again. this is four our men and women in the armed forces. "something to believe in," take two. ♪ ♪ all right. we're going to get back to that in one minute. ♪ dad! not now, buddy. yeah, it's a mini-van. but it's got the sports package. dad! not now, buddy. okay? and surprisingly... [ sniffs ] [ babies cry ] it's not mine. no. um... [ male announcer ] life's bleachable moments need clorox bleach. fancy feast broths. um... they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. worst morning ever. [ angelic music plays ] ♪ toaster strudel! best morning ever! [ hans ] warm, flaky, gooey. toaster strudel! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ new york, you're fabulous ♪ ♪ ♪ knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door ♪ ♪ knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door ♪ ♪ knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door. ♪ come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> thank you! >> good job! >> i tell you what, when someone comes knock, knock knocking on your door, they find a man who loves our military and has given so much back to them with their companions and all that you do, bret michaels, did you guys enjoy that? >> thank you. >> we got about a minute left in the show, bret. you're going to do something in the after the show show. do you have another song? >> i got an after the show show song. >> i think your fans want to know how you're feeling? >> i'm feeling great. tonight we go back to manchester, new hampshire. i'm feeling awesome. this is what keeps me rocking right here. >> you are feeling back to yourself. that was incredible. what a message for america on this day. >> we love it. proud to be here and we love our vets. >> in the after the show show, you'll see some of the great signs in our audiences. >> that's right. we love them from everywhere. >> we're going to follow you to new hampshire. bret michaels in one word, you're going to rock in the after the show show? >> i am going to rock the after the show show. 9:00 here in new york city. a fox news alert what is being called an act of terrorism and act of war. commercial airliner shot out of the sky by a missile. this is new video showed the terrifying moments after malaysia airlines flight 17 was hit. that plane exploding in territory controlled by russian separatists, killing 298 people on board. this is quickly developing store not even 24 hours old. bear with us over the next several hours throughout the day as we continue to bring you the latest we get here at fox news headquarters in new york. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to "america's newsroom." big welcome to you as well, heather. >> busy, busy d

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