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son. >> "fox & friends" begins right now. >> it's time for "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ >> live from new york city today, it's a friday in the summer. that means it's the all american summer concert series. today taking the stage, the winner of american idol. we're talking about scotty mccreery. he's ready to take the stage. hope you will join us, our friend famous dave, a good-looking rack of ribs. >> our friend scotty mccreery. >> i'm in for brian this morning. brian is relaxing somewhere. steve, that suit, are you going to eat ribs in that suit? >> we're going to get you a bib. >> if you're going to be down there eating ribs, maybe president obama will swing by the plaza today. he's a big fan of barbecue, a big fan of ribs and not one to miss out going to a barbecue joint. >> absolutely. what clayton is talking about is the fact that how many weeks has rick perry been trying to get the president of the united states during that fund-raising swing to drop by the southern border where there is an absolute crisis going on? you've got tens of thousands of kids who have come across, sleeping in warehouses, crying themselves to sleep at night under mylar blankets. and the president of the united states during the swing down to texas would not go to the border. so you know who went to the border yesterday? the governor of the great state of texas, rick perry. take a look. while rick perry was at the border with the texas department of public safety, the president of the united states was at franklin barbecue buying $300 worth of ribs. >> of course this comes the day after the president slammed theater, photo ops when he was talking about whether or not he would go to the border, he said this isn't theater. that's not why we're down here. this is a serious problem. he's against going to the photo ops. yet the president there swinging by taking tons of photos at this barbecue place. >> with the cashier, showing off the credit card. on the other hand, we've got governor rick perry looking very presidential, mind you, really showing leadership. our sean hannity had an inside look. that's what you're checking out this by air and by water. >> there is a good reason the president of the united states doesn't have to go to the border. because he sent his staff. today he's sending jeh johnson, department of homeland security, secretary, down there. he sent everybody down there except the president himself hasn't gone down. why? karl rove takes a look at that. >> the difference between bush and obama is that president bush went to new orleans within several days after the crisis began. president obama has yet to go to the border. and this crisis has been months unrolling, in fact years. the power of the president of the united states standing on the rio grande river and saying to the people of central america do not send your children here, do not send them on this dangerous and expensive journey. because if they are able to live through this journey, we will catch them and we will return them and all will be for naught. so don't even try. that would be a powerful message. >> what if president bush just said i'm just going to send the head of fema down there and that's just going to do and he or she can pass the information on to me. remember, hurricane katrina was not man made. it was a natural disaster. this has been caused by failed policy. >> the president is saying i don't like photo ops. this isn't theater, that is not why we're down here. obviously the optics of politics is always at play. this is a stark contrast. you see governor perry on the water wearing the shades, talking to the different guards, the different five gunboats as they patrol with helicopters flying over and the president pops in for million-dollar fund-raisers and valerie jarrett tweeting out president obama stopped in fof coffee with a student who talked about her family's economic troubles. >> if she lives in texas she may have problems because of everything going on at the border. let's treat this with an antibiotic and get rid of the illness to begin with. >> when you look at the two, rick perry who is at the border taking a look with his own two eyes, then you've got the president who is saying he doesn't like photo ops but is posing for photo ops, it is quite a contrast. you've got to wonder whether or not the president is really serious about solving that. if i was rick perry who we know is probably considering a run for president of the united states, you know what i would do? because he revealed a couple of days ago that the border patrol for the most part is 45 miles into texas, i would send the national guard out to the border. and remember, the governor of any state dowrg an emergency can call -- of any state during an emergency can call out the guard. president obama could federalize them and make them stand down but does he want to get into a states rights thing? i don't think so. what is the next move? stand by that rick perry does something. >> on the fox news channel we've been following the i.r.s. scandal probably closer than any other news organization and we're finally going to get some answers because the judge involved in the whole i.r.s. scandal right now, looking into it, has ordered one of the officials to swear in the next 30 days, swear in the next 30 days about the e-mails, computer crashes, where did the mysterious e-mails go. what is fascinating is how we learned about this information. it's all come from the freedom of information act requests. >> from nonprofits coming forward and asking for this information through foia. charles krauthammer says this is not what the freedom of information act was ever intended for. listen. >> the absurdity of all this is all of this is being discovered through the freedom of information act which was never intended as a to uncover that kind of scandal. but because the administration and the i.r.s. have shown literally contempt for congress, ignored the subpoenas, not given the required information being asked, report two years later that e-mails were destroyed, hold on to that information for months and months, because of that, the only way we've been discovering all these things is through the freedom of information by this tough judge on the circuit court who is no-nonsense. >> the tough judge is federal judge emmitt sullivan at the u.s. district court in washington, d.c. what he's saying is when freedom watch filed suit against the u.s. government and said, okay, i.r.s., you say that all these e-mails are missing; right? prove it. we want somebody to actually raise their hand -- forget about raise your hand in front of congress in washington. does that really count? not really. but in front of a judge to do that. so they've got one month to provide somebody who will under oath, you know, certify and testify what really happened. will somebody do that? will it be the commissioner? who knows who they're going to have do it. nonetheless, they're on the hook. it is a gigantic victory for freedom watch and people who are trying to get to the bottom of it. >> within the next 30 days, we had more than one smoking gun. we had darrell issa on the program yesterday talking about this is your smoking gun talking about the interoffice assistant messaging for the i.r.s. that lois lerner was inquiring about. when she found out it was not tracked, stored, traceable, he said that was perfect. issa says that is a smoking gun. will we see more smoking guns in the next 30 days? >> one of the things the lebles -- liberals have been saying about the i.r.s. is there is no bias at the i.r.s., until you hear about this story. we'll see what liberals have to say about this one. that an employ was suspended for 100 days -- just 100 days, didn't lose a job as a result of it, getting on the phone when callers would call into the i.r.s. help line, saying by the way, vote for president obama, that is one of the things he was telling people on the phone, to vote for president obama. >> it wasn't just vote for president obama, he had developed a rap, a chant, where he would use the letters of his last name to compel somebody to go out the next time they had the opportunity and vote for president obama. so this guy gets suspended for three months. he has said, okay, i broke the law, sorry about that. he should probably have been fired because it is a direct violation of the hatch act. it is the third time in recent memory when members of the i.r.s. have broken that. what the hatch act says is if you have a federal bureaucratic job you can't be involved in politics. clearly at the i.r.s. they were. >> usually at the call centers there is a lot of people in cubicles around them so what does it say about the work culture? >> it is a big rally. >> they're all rapping. >> let's check in with heather nauert. >> can't make that stuff up. got news to bring you. this coming in from overseas. israel taking fire on two fronts in the fourth day of this deadly offensive taking place right now in the north. the lebanese military launching three rockets there. israel fighting back in the area with artillery rounds. then in the south, hamas launching one of uts most destructive attacks yet. a rocket slamming into a gas station there. you can see that video coming up and the smoke overhead right now. our president saying that he will help negotiate a cease-fire between israel and hamas as this continues to develop. back lear at home, a high-priced call girl being eyed in the death of a google executive is now being investigated for the death of her ex-boyfriend. just two months before the executive died of a heroin overdose, her boyfriend met the very same fate. that case is now being reopened. police are also revealing that the 26-year-old searched on-line for a legal defense before her arrest. germany has given the c.i.a. chief in berlin das boot. this after allegations that two americans had spied in germany. this all happening after last year's revelations. remember this one, that the n.s.a. had spied on german chancellor angela merkel. not happy about this whatsoever, merkel summing it up at a press conference saying -- quote -- "common sense tells me that spying against allies is a waste of energy." a sweet deal for folks out west. the people behind that hidden cash craze are back once again. the twitter account tweeting out clues late into the night hiding two dozen candy pez dispensers filled with money. today that scavenger hunt heads south to california. that cash craze started nearly two months ago by the san francisco real estate investor who says he just wants to pay it forward. and those are your headlines. >> thank you very much. i'm looking at the e-mail machine right now. it says, guy, jim e-mailed from bruceville, texas -- he's a regular e-mail and viewer. he says at last we know it's no longer swing because steve is wearing that seersucker thing. >> i was wondering if it would make its appearance before the end of the summer. >> mean while, the white house spilled secrets from the bin laden raid to help hollywood make that movie. but what happens when a navy seal spills secrets to make a book. should he be punished? pete hegseth coming up next. >> big news from garth brooks. ♪ ♪ introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? good morning. 16 minutes after the top of the hour. when president obama announced the death of osama bin laden, he provided few details. you remember the scene. nothing compared to what we'd see months later in the hollywood blockbuster film zero dark thirty. some of those details reeled in the book "no easy day." >> this operation was one of the most significant operations in u.s. history and something i believe deserves to be told right and deserves to go in a book and stand for itself. >> now the pentagon is going after matt for all his money and maybe even his navy he says. joining us to react, the c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america and fox news contributor, pete hegseth. good morning, pete. >> good morning. >> you're the perfect person for us to ask given your background. what are the proper channels someone is supposed to go through if they're going to write about their experience? >> submit a draft to the pentagon for security review to make sure no sensitive information is released through the book especially in an elite force like the navy seals that you're dealing in classified information and before anything is released it is going to be vetted to make sure you are releasing something you should not. it is presumed matt would have known that when he released the book. >> i'm going to ask questions from our viewers. this is an e-mail from henry in texas. he says does the pentagon claim any part of the seals book is inaccurate or would not have been approved or is this position a self-serving ego trip by relying on a harmless innocent requirement to comply with a technical requirement? >> in looking at the book he didn't write anything per se that wasn't already known. their issue is the failure to follow protocol. i think the pentagon is being a little heavy-handed here. at the same time i understand why the doing what they're doing. there is a process that should be followed, was not followed in this case. they're prosecuting as such to make sure to prevent future disclosures like this in the future. >> setting a different precedent. nicole on facebook is asking, i'm sure the pentagon is trying to discourage members from telling too much, but wait, didn't the administration release details for the movie "zero dark thirty"? is there some hypocrisy going on? >> there is, but there's hypocrisy that comes with the position that the administration, the white house, have. they have certain latitudes that an individual in the navy seals is not going to have. i'm not saying it's right. i'm just saying the administration, the president can declassify, can share information in certain ways that an individual navy seal cannot who was involved in that operation. it's a double standard that has existed for a long time. unfortunately in this case the white house is using it purely to their advantage. >> the book is selling -- is going very quickly and a lot of proceeds are expected to go towards charity. we'll see how everything pans out. pete hegseth from concerned veterans for america. thank you so much. 19 minutes after the hour. caught on camera, the moment a pro-life activist is attacked. >> look [bleep], you don't give a [bleep] about life. get that camera out of my face! >> we will hear from her ahead. illegal grents are -- illegal immigrants are not just flooding the border. even some in virginia are feeling it. we'll talk with someone on the front lines of the issue. oh hey there! (laughs) you're that grumpy cat. how about some honey nut cheerios? not even a smile? maybe someone should tell your face. ohhh that is your face. (angry cat purr) ah! part of a good breakfast... for almost everyone! time for some quick headlines on this friday morning. parts of yellowstone national park melting? the roadway is at least. the three-mile loop closed to tourists because extreme heat is causing thick oil to bubble to the surface. look at that. that's an oil slick. the world's tallest thermometer back on-line after two years of renovation. the 134 foot thermometer is in baker, california. it reached the highest official temperature on july 10, 1913 in death valley. >> what was the temperature? >> 113. >> next we're talking about a liquid crime fighting tool, very high tech that can be seen under a black light. it is like a scene out of a crime drama. crops in florida and indiana are using this high tech spray that's catching criminals in their tracks. i got a chance to check it out. >> oh man! >> just as fingerprinting and d.n.a. revolutionized law enforcement, there is a new tool in town to catch the bad guy. >> when i shine a special black light which is a special way to determine whether someone has smart water on them it will mean they were somewhere they shouldn't have been. >> each bottle contains a signature one in a billion linking owners to their belongings and criminals to the scene. >> the bad guy would have it in a particular pattern sprayed on his face but it's the analysis we do in our labs, it gives a 100% accurate report on just what's made up of that solution and that says a particular number and that particular number relates directly to you. >> used for 17 years in the u.k., smart water c.s.i. helped convict this man coated with the spry while breaking into a london cop car. >> there has never been a loss in the u.k. when smart water has been involved in the case. >> now with the first u.s. case involving the product heads to a florida court the question is will it hold up. the product isn't just being marketed to law enforcement. smart water c.s.i. says the product is gaining popularity among everyday consumers splashing it on valuables. and in the event of a theft thieves could be caught more quickly with the help of their product. and it has a five year shelf life. >> you can take it through the washing machine some of us you want and you will have some smart water on you years later. >> when i saw twa it could do, i said this is the stuff we've got to get out there. >> smart water kits will be handed out to senior citizens in this indiana town. >> how does that work? >> we have to educate the criminals. when they see smart water, we want them to understand they want to pick on somebody else. >> the idea is that when this becomes even more prevalent, not just florida and indiana, just simply having a sign up there, a decal in your window similar to saying i have a burglar alarm in the house, it will deter criminals. >> we know that works because in the past year in new york city alone where they have had all those iphone thefts with people reselling them on the black phone because of the touch i.d. added to the phone they had a 50% reduction in the thefts. word of mouth among the criminals. they're not going to go after it. >> i tried it out, put it on my phone and apparently it rubbed off in a lot of places, the micro dots are still on there. you can't see them. it is supposed to be virtually invisible and it almost is but it also starts to look a little dirty. >> like you spilled coffee on it. >> this is not to be confused with the smart water you buy at 7-eleven after a workout. >> no. >> caught on camera, a police officer set on fire. the rush to save her life. the entire thing caught on camera. >> the moment a pro-life activist is attacked. >> [screaming] all you are is a bunch of -- >> the victim of at that attack will join us live. ♪ ♪ i'm randy and i quit smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. our cheese is going thin in a big way. with our ultra thin slices, you can now enjoy the same natural sargento cheese you love, at just 45 calories a slice. the same cheddar, swiss and provolone. just thinner and just 45 calories a slice. it's safe to say, thin has never been more in. sargent ultra thin slices. now available in baby swiss, chedder-jack and longhorn colby. we fill our freshly baked flatbread, with bold, unflat flavors. like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that's anything but flat. new flatbread sandwiches, try one today. the game was ended, decided by penalty kicks. people hadn't seen that many kicks since beyonce's sister got in an elevator with jay z. >> that's the greatest video ever. >> he's funny. >> who knew the world cup was still going on? i didn't realize. >> brazil trying to figure out who to root for. we lost. we don't know who to root for. >> we've got quite a story for you. listen to this 911 dispatcher. she gets a call from a man distraught over his son who apparently is choking on a metal washer. listen to this. >> one-year-old [inaudible] is starting to choke on it. >> well, it was just a couple of minutes into that conversation where britney melcher, the 911 operator, realized, wait a minute, when she asked for the guy's address, that's my address, that's my fiancee. that is my son who is strangling right now. >> she said i tried to pull it together. listen to britney as she had to respond to this call. listen. >> can you respond to my child choking medical en route. >> he had to get to the dispatcher and say my child is choking, get to the house as quickly as possible. she kept it together fortunately. the paramedics arrived and the man had already pulled the washer out of his mouth and he was okay. terrifying. >> you would think stories like this didn't happen very often but also at this merryville office apparently another one of the dispatchers answered a phone call about her father on the very first day as a dispatcher. >> it's tough. she said the mommy mode hit me like that's my son? i panicked but thought i need to help get him exactly what he needs. as it turns out, she did. and he, the boy, 14-month-old maverick, is a-okay. >> let's check in with heather nauert who is standing by with a look at the headlines. >> good morning to you. hope you guys have a good day. i've got terrifying video. just released video shows the moment that a police officer is lit on fire and then good samaritans rush in to save her life. officer ann mcsween tries to wrestle a suspect to the ground. the man poured gasoline on himself and lit himself on fire. the officer also lit on fire when this happened. thanks to the courage of bystanders she survived. they put the flames out with their own shirt. >> one of the nation's largest labor unions is cutting ties with the united negro college fund. all because of the conservative koch brothers. the fund accepted a $25 million donation from the koch foundation to pay for 3,000 scholarships for african-american students. sounds like a nice idea right? the american federation of state, county and municipal employees called the deals a betrayal of everything the united negro college fund stands for. this guy was the first to buy legal weed in washington state and that cost him two jobs. according to michael boyer, all the media attention, his bosses asked him to take a drug test. he was all over television. boyer said he obviously refused to take that drug test because he would have failed and he was canned. >> because i smoke a little weed on my time off, i never had a problem with it at work. of his employers claim boyer has a job. he thinks both companies are backtracking after they fired him. what do you think of that? then, garth is back. ♪ ♪ >> there's nobody more excited about it than anna kooiman over here. she is rockin' out right now. listen to this, a press conference in nashville, garth brooks announcing a new album and tour. >> scared? yes. old? yes. see what the second half is. first of all, i want to thank god and everybody who has given me the chance to actually look at a second half of a career. >> he'll kick off a three-year world tour and will announce the date on monday. we'll wait to hear from him on that one. those are your headlines. >> i hope he stops by. if it's friday in the summer, he should be right here. >> right. he and scotty mccreery could do a duet. >> we saw pictures from central park a couple of years ago. the city did shut down that night. >> i saw him live when i was in the ninth grade and i had the worst seats possible. i think we were in the nose bleeds at the top. it was one of the best concerts i have ever been to. it's that time again for another "fox & friends" flashback. >> take a look. >> here's the week. ♪ ♪ >> if you don't watch, "fox & friends," you miss a lot. ♪ ♪ >> you don't believe me? actually made an amp. >> there you go, during the break you and susan kind of got into it a little bit. >> every time she's here, we go at it. >> hello brett, can you hear me? >> good morning. yes, i can. >> pick up your phone. do you have the phone right there? >> i do. >> brilliant because she's calling in on a vacation day, elisabeth is. >> i could not be more thankful to be at "fox & friends." days like this always remind me of that. ♪ ♪ >> called him a another loser. >> how comfortable is that? >> probably won't have any neck problems tomorrow. >> that sleepy fan, he's a yankee fan, is suing for $10 million. >> we should ask tucker carlson about that. he fell asleep on the curvy couch, remember, and producers didn't wake him up. he could have sued. >> the guy at yankee stadium not the only guy sleeping right now. that's a guy just outside our world headquarters in a car that says cookie mogul. >> whatever you do, don't say anything negative. we don't want to get sued. there is a guy snoring. >> he might not even be asleep. ♪ ♪ >> you guys promise to talk in the green room because we're out of time in this room. >> i found peanut butter at the grocery store for $15 yesterday. it was crazy. >> should have more news in a jiff. >> i built a pond for my turtle but didn't build a fence. the turtle got out the next day and i was stuck with a pond. >> does it bother you when people make hits out of your songs, your words? they're your feelings. >> does it bother me? >> yeah. it bothers me but it doesn't seem to bother you. >> please, no more hit songs. >> maybe i don't understand you. >> every time they make a song mr. guy right here makes some money. 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>> well, we sued d.h.s. in 2010-2011. the federal court told us to go back and exhaust our administrative remedies so that's what we're going to do this time. we hope to have more success. but we're pretty sure that most, if not all, of these dangerous individuals are simply being released right back into prince william county. >> that is remarkable, this idea that they have been arrested, many of them for criminal activity of course, and then they're just being released right back into the community. famously a few years ago, carlos, montana, an illegal immigrant from bolivia, he had been arrested a couple of times. while he was awaiting a hearing to be removed, deported, he ended up hitting and killing a nun while driving drunk in 2010. i remember at the time you famously said that president obama and the administration have blood on their hands. do you still feel that way? >> absolutely. montana compared to these other guys was not that bad. we know the obama administration is releasing sex offenders, pedophiles, people right back into the community. these people aren't supposed to be in the united states. what makes it worse is in the case of sex offenders, they're very likely to offend again. we don't have information for where they're at. they're not registered, we can't track them. they're going to commit another act on a child or someone else either in prince william county or somewhere else in the united states. it is all because d.h.s. refuses to act. >> forgive me for finding kind of ignorant about this but this is a question my four-year-old would ask me. why? why are they doing this? >> that is a great question to ask president obama. why is it you're releasing dangerous individuals? putting all the politics aside about how people feel about illegal immigration, can't we at least agree that if somebody is here illegally, they commit a violent act or act against a child, that they should be deported? it's just common sense. but they're taking a very ideological view of this issue and just refusing to apply any common sense at all. >> or being held behind bars, not having to be arrested two and three times and then still awaiting to be deported. how frustrated are you that it had to take a freedom of information act request to get this information in the first place? >> well, we still don't have the information. we are very frustrated. the administration won't even release the information about these individuals, where they are, to our own police department. our police department, which apprehended all these individuals, we sent them off to jail, we sent them over to i.c.e. after they served their sentence. we assumed and our polic department assumed they were going to be deported. they're dangerous. but they're coming right back on to the street. we are rearresting and of course our police department and everyone involved is very, very frustrated at this point. >> keep us up to date on this story. just despicable. thanks for joining us this morning, corey. coming up on the show, caught on camera, the exact moment a pro-lifer is attacked. >> you don't give a [bleep] about women! you don't give a [bleep] about life. all you are is just a bunch of -- get that camera out of my face. >> the victim of at that attack will join us live next. remember this guy, the japanese politician who cried like a baby? [crying] >> he's making news once again this morning. can't wait for that. ♪ ♪ no matter where you want to be or what you want to do, chances are we're already there. 12 brands. more hotels than anyone else in the world. like super 8, where every destination is super. save up to 15 percent and earn bonus points when you book at caught on camera, the moment a pro-life activist comes under attack on the street. >> what the [ bleep ] -- doesn't stand for women's rights! [ bleep ] [ bleep ] get that camera out of my face! >> that woman who attacked the anti-abortion group created equal in ohio, claims she was just defending herself. didn't like the fact she was being taped. mark harrington is the executive director of created equal and training director and seth drayer joins us now. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> seth, you were, i understand, a summer intern and that's you in the video. you're just standing out there. you're trying to engage people in dialogue about abortion. she comes up to you. what happened? >> as the director of training for created equal, the first young man in the video you see is our summer intern, ian. i was leading our team of interns downtown creating conversation and i heard her yelling at ian at the beginning. so i approached with my camera at a distance to document what was happening. after shouting in his face, she knocked over a sign, turned to me and slapped my hand with the camera away, kicked more signs away and turned to shout in my face continually. so i tried to pass my to ian, the intern, as she slapped and grabbed the hand multiple times and later shoved me into a stationary bus p nearby. >> she said she was eventually stopped by police and charged. here is what she says about why she did that. >> the first amendment protects them from government interference. it doesn't protect them from people basically telling them they're idiots. >> but you assaulted them. >> assault? i wouldn't necessarily say shoving someone aside and telling them to keep the camera out of my face as assault. >> mark, she feels bad that she doesn't think that you had the right to tape her and, in fact, oftentimes you folks wear cameras to protect yourself, right? >> right. she needs a little remedial education on the first amendment. the government has the obligation to protect speech and she doesn't understand that the first amendment doesn't protect her rights to interfere with our right to free speech. so that's the problem. in a public forum, you lose a reasonable right to privacy. that's just the law. so the fact of the matter is, we can record. we do record. and we make sure that these kinds of events, if they happen, are recorded and turned over to police so she can be prosecuted. >> right. what's going to happen next? , notify she has been charged. she's not remorseful at all. are you willing to drop the charges in this case if she says she's sorry and she just overreacted? >> right. she's going to be arraigned next wednesday. and then the trial date will be later on. we're willing to drop the charges. in fact, i've asked for a meeting with her if she's willing to apologize. seth and i are both christians. we believe in forgiveness. we've already forgiven her. but if she's not remorseful, then she needs to own up to what she's done. we're just going to play it through and see what happens. >> seth, we're looking at ian, the intern, right there. what do you tell them to do when they are confronted by somebody like that who crosses the line? ian just stands there and takes it. a lot of people watching right now would think, i would have let her have it. >> absolutely. our goal is always to try some way to defuse the anger. you see ian not going on the offense, but letting her get to the brunt of what she wanted to say. later on when she is shouting at me, that's when she says you understand, i simply say, i'm listening to you. because when people respond that way, we don't try to win the debate or challenge their claims, we just want to defuse the anger while still again documenting so that later our rights and the law will be upheld. >> sure. you're just out on the streets of column burks ohio, trying -- columbus, ohio, trying orgeat the message out that abortion is not right. we thank you both from joining us on this friday morning. >> thank you. >> what do you think about that is this would you just stand there and let her yell at you and shove you like that? e-mail us. coming up, iraq is burning and israel is under attack. seems like the perfect time to gut the military, right? find out why thousands of pink slips are being handed out to officers on the battlefield. our summer concert series is about to kick off with country superstar, a true american idol, scotty mccreery will take that stage right there coming up on this friday, "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's progressive pain. first that feeling of numbness. then hot pins. almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. guy: woman: but, but, jimmy.ur doctothe one you all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: i always use with their loyalty program, i get a free night for every ten nights i collect. so they're not the same, because they're different. woman: jimmy look, this one has a king-sized bed. captain obvious: if you're travelling with your grandmother, i suggest getting twin beds. woman: oh, captain obvious, jimmy is not my grandson. woman: man: are you no. jimmy? man: here comes president roosevelt. woman: i hope so. captain obvious: i regret coming here. for lovers. thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! good morning. today is friday, the 11th of july, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. who is to blame for the immigration crisis? >> it is lonely me just doing stuff. i'd love it if the republicans did stuff too. >> so it's not the president's fault. we report. you decide. in the middle east, under siege and our military is on the front lines. so why are we handing out thousands of pink slips to our men and women on the battlefield? that developing story straight ahead. remember this guy, the japanese politician who cried hysterically? that guy is making news again this morning. where are the tears, by the way? we're not going to shed any today because mornings are better with friends, like you. >> hey, america. this is famous dave and you're watching "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that was famous dave. famous dave's barbecue is cooking up the grill, getting the grill fired up for all the ribs. scotty mccreery about to take the stage, there it is on the summer concert series. >> ever notice when we show that picture of the guy, he's always flipping the ribs. >> how much sauce can you put on the ribs? >> thank you, famous dave's. >> he's going to kick off his summer concert series concert precisely at 8:00 o'clock if you're in the area, stop on by. you got 58 minutes to get here. you can have a free concert and breakfast. >> tangy barbecue. >> meanwhile, president obama has been criticized heavily this past week for not going down to the border. he briefly met with governor rick perry in texas, but did not go to the border where governor perry has been touring. he's been out on the water. >> why was he in texas anyway? >> it was very important that he got down there to help some democrats out. he didn't want to call it a fund-raiser, but wanted to help democrats. he says i'm so tired of doing this all myself. i'm tired of republicans not helping me. it's really lonely being up here on the top. listen. >> it is lonely me just doing stuff. i'd love it if the republicans did stuff too. when folks say they're frustrated with congress, let's be clear about what the problem is. i'm just telling the truth now. i don't have to run for office again, so, you know, let it rip. >> the very next sentence he says i'm not that partisan of a guy anyway. my favorite president is abraham lincoln. really you're not that partisan in the first place? just take a look at the "new york times" best selling book list, hillary clinton has been knocked out by ed klein's "blood feud" and one of the biggest points ed klein makes from an unnamed source, but says that president obama is looking for a mini me. that's why he wants elizabeth warren to come in rather than hillary clinton because he's scared hillary clinton is too far to the right and will undo his policies. >> we heard that sound bite in austin, texas yesterday, for the president to say i'm just telling the truth now, what's he been doing before that? >> now that i'm not running for office again in 2016, i get to tell the truth. >> yeah. it's a little crazy. and so meanwhile, remember a couple of days ago -- it's all because of politics, because he was going down to texas and on this program, "fox & friends," we had the governor of the great state of texas, rick perry, on here eight days ago. he said, if the president is coming down for a fund-raiser, it's 311 miles to the southern border, he's got to eyeball it with his own two eyes. when he goes down to texas for the fund-raiser, never goes. does he have a press conference. one of the things he did reiterate was governor perry asked me for the national guard to come out. well, i will do that if they cut me a check for almost $4 billion to stem the tide of these illegals coming into the country. in fact, what he's asking for is money that would not stop the illegal children from coming into the country, but instead, would speed up the process when they're here to get through the system so they can be released and vanish into the fabric of america. john boehner was asked yesterday, hey, why don't you just cut him the check? mr. boehner, the speaker, spoke loudly with this. >> the president assured the american people the border was secure, but clearly it is not. chairman rogers and the members of our working group led by kay granger, are reviewing the administration's request. i can tell you this, though, we're not giving the president a blank check. this is a problem of the president's own making. he's been president for 5 1/2 years! when is he going to take responsibility for something? >> it's a great question. i get the frustration. but to the president, it's not a problem. this is not a problem. he's okay with it. rick perry during the press conference a couple days ago, he said one of the things i talked to the president about was moving the border patrol closer and he made it sound like the border patrol is 45 miles into texas. well, no wonder everybody winds up getting adjudicated. if you are 45 miles into texas before the border patrol finds you. can't we move these guys up? >> you trying to do this show from central park. >> looking around the other way. >> could we try that? >> i'm dressed appropriately. heather nauert is a stone's throw away from our studio this morning. >> or we can do it from the beach f the south. it would be perfect for that today. good morning. i've got an update for you on that irs scandal coming out of washington. there is a federal judge who is ordering the irs to testify under oath about the lost e-mails. they have just 30 days to do it. this after the conservative watchdog group filed suit and they questioned how on earth the irs lost the e-mails and in some cases, claiming they can't get them back. the agency claims that lois lerner's crash back in 2011 and then in a few hours from now, another watchdog group called true the vote will ask a judge for a forensic expert to investigate how they were lost and if any data can be recovered. we'll keep you posted. that high priced call girl who is being eyed in the death of a google executive is now being investigated for the death of her ex-boyfriend. two months before the executive died of a heroin overdose, her boyfriend met the very same fate. that case is now being reopened. police also revealing that the 26-year-old searched on line for a legal defense before her recent arrest. overseas now, israel taking fire on two fronts in the.ñ?ñ?h day of that deadly offensive. in the north, lebanese military launching three rockets. israel fighting back, shelling the area with artillery rounds. in the south, hamas launching one of its most destructive attacks yet. a rocket slamming into a gas station. you can see the video and the smoke rising from that area right now. our president, president obama, saying that he will help negotiate a cease fire between israel and hamas. and you remember this guy, we showed him not long ago. the japanese law maker who burst into tears over accusations he misused taxpayer dollars. remember this? oh, boy. that guy just calling it quits. he was being investigated for spending thousands of dollars on trips to hot springs. those are your headlines. i guess that's what you do. >> i guess so. >> not the place hot springs. the hot water. >> yes. >> the jacuzzi. >> yes. all right. >> thank you. >> glad he's better. you heard about the big military cuts coming down the pike from the obama administration now that they're winding down the wars in iraq and afghanistan, they plan to cut the number of deployed soldiers and the number of soldiers serving from 540,000 down to about 440,000 or so active military members. we knew this was coming. but what we didn't know was coming is that deployed army captains who are currently serving in afghanistan on the front lines, still soldiers being killed every day in afghanistan. now receiving these pink slips, these letters letting them know by the time you get back to the united states, your deployment will end and we will no longer need your service. >> hold it. are you telling me, clayton, that the guys who are over there right now, who are in harm's way and have to worry about getting blown up or shot by one of the bad guys, those guys are now getting word from the front office, the pentagon, that by the way, when you come back, you don't have a job. so not only do you have to worry about getting shot, you have to worry about getting shot, surviving, going home, and finding a job? >> right. >> these aren't just people on the front lines following orders. they're people who are on the front lines very often in commanding positions. so if you can imagine what the trickle down is from that. this is what one spouse of somebody in the military said, one wife said this on the military on some level i knew the draw downs were inevitable, but i guess i never expected to be simultaneously worried about a deployment to afghanistan and a pink slip because my husband's service is no longer needed. >> we talked to pete hegseth. his thoughts about them receiving these in the middle of the battle. listen. >> it's not just bad timing that's indicative of terrible priorities. you got isis on the march in iraq. you've got the middle east falling apart and yet you've got an administration and a white house that's willing to send pink slips to captains, officers serving in afghanistan. not we're laying them off to save dollars because this administration wants to spend money on dependency programs here at home, but they're unwilling to maintain war fire capability. >> sending pink slips to guys and gals in combat areas is wrong on so many different areas. and don't they deserve better than that? did they really have to do it this way? >> let us know your thoughts on it. you can weigh in on all of that and more this morning. remember this teen-ager, this big game hunting teen-ager? she's catching all kinds of heat on the internet. it turns out she has a softer side, too. and she's showing the world. and who could forget those protesting cities where the feds unloaded buses filled with illegals? today one city is taking matters into their own hands. they've got a different plan that might just work. details coming up next live from new york city and houston and all around the world. ♪ ♪ ♪ he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away >> go home! go back! >> we have seen chaos break out in towns in california here when the feds tried to drop hundreds of illegal children and their mothers in typically quiet small towns at processing stations. the government showing no signs of stopping. one houston, texas suburb, league city, putting its foot down. they passed a law that would ban any facility from processing illegals, including children. league city, texas council woman wrote the measure and joins us live from houston on this friday morning. heidi, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> okay. tell us what your law does. >> well, it's actually a resolution. it does three things. it lays out the problem as we see it from start to finish, and then it calls for two courses of action. it does not allow our local departments and agencyies to assist the federal government in establishing a detention center or holding center for illegal aliens and number two, it calls on our state government to act and to act with urgency on a number of different topics, including illegal traffic, human trafficking, human smuggling and other such things. >> you've been watching the headlines. you didn't like what you saw out of southern california. you don't like the fact that not too far away from new dallas, texas, they're about to dump 2,000 children into a facility there. you don't want that happening in your town, do you? >> no. and what's happening is the federal government is going straight to the localities. they're not discussing this with county or city officials and people are not finding out about it until after it's happened. then they're informed. then they have to react. i didn't want that to happen. i needed to be more pro-active. >> what if the federal government came to you and said, you've seen these pictures of these children. they're already in the united states. they're up, crying for their moms all night long. we've got to do something with it. how about if we have them come into your town? >> well, i am going to agree with congressman right now who is drafting a bill that would reunite the children with their families back in their home of origin. >> one of your concerns is for people in your town, you're worried about the health of the people who are coming into this country illegally and you're worried about safety as well. >> right. it's a resolution to protect the health, safety and security of the people in our town. we have a number of our residents concerned about school, enrollment is right around the corner. we're concerned about the secrecy that is shrouding the camps right now where we really don't know what's happening except reports are coming out now that mental and health screenings are insufficient. they're not being properly treated. furthermore, we're worried about the security because the identities of the people coming in are not yet established and their locations and their dispersement across the country is not being tracked. >> before you go, you touched on something that i would love to talk to somebody at the local level about. you mentioned schools. in the fall when it's time for kids to go back to school, if these illegals are supposed to be absorbed into a community, let's say they're in league city, texas, who would be on the hook to pay for the schooling, 'cause generally school is paid for by local taxpayers and not the federal government. >> it is. that would lay on the backs of the homeowners of texas. >> that would mean -- >> our property taxes are very high, yes. >> and would they have to go up higher to pay for that? >> they would indeed. >> all right. interesting stuff. joining us from housn, she's the city council woman from league city, texas, heidi, thank you for joining us live today. >> thank you so much, steve. >> all right. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, it looks like any other town from the outside, but on close inspection, this mysterious place is nothing as it seems. we've got some creepy details you're going to want to hear about that. that's not a vacation villa right there. you know him from "pretty little liars" and" the wizards of waverly place." there is something you don't know about greg sulken and he is about to reveal it and i hope you're happy with it. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b oc, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. we got quick headlines for you. three gorillas on the loose. they escaped from their enclosure at a minnesota zoo after somebody left the door unlocked. oh, come on. they're gorillas, lock the doors. one was found playing with the boomer balls and throwing things around. they were in a secure area. nobody was hurt. crisis averted. and remember the texas cheerleader who received death threats after posing with wild animals that she hunted down in africa? kendall jones showing her haters how much she loves animals. she's posted a picture on facebook of her holding a baby deer. she rescued it from a coyote. she says she helps rescue and care for dogs on her family's ranch. so take that, haters. that's the news. hezqñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ played wesleyn "pretty little liars." take a look. >> only houring himself. >> i'm serious, get out. >> don't be an idiot! take the offer! >> not now, wes. >> dude. >> dude, keep walking. >> and that was? >> that's wesley, my brother. >> dude, that's so two years ago. >> this heart throb has been staying busy working on tv and films. what's next for him? his name is gregg sulkin and he joins us today. good morning. >> good morning. >> you're about to hit the 100th episode of "pretty little liars." actually hit july 8. 100 episodes? >> 100 episodes. i loved working on the show. the cast is fantastic. my character causes some trouble, so i like it. >> no kidding, right there. but we've been watching you a while. you played selena gomez' vampire boyfriend. >> yes. extremely hairy. good fun. sally in a is a -- selena won an emmy. i stayed for three seasons. the fans really responded to my character. what actor doesn't like playing a werewolf. >> you got fans in the control room. for folks who did not see him on "wizards of waverly place," here he is as mason. >> we need your help. mason ate beans. >> i'm trying to get through to my class. >> the hairy guy ate somebody? >> yeah, he's a werewolf. >> nice! we have to get dean out of mason. >> let's cut him open. >> cut him open. he's a very nice guy. >> thank god you ate somebody! >> one of the things is not like the other. you sounded british here and there. but in "pretty little liars" you sounded straight american. we never would have known. >> i was born in london and moved to the states when i was 17 and imitated you guys and now -- >> try that right now. try to sound american rather than your normal self. >> hey, man, how is it going. >> just like that. >> you fooled a lot of us. a lot of people didn't know you were british. we decided we were going to try to put you to the test with a little quiz, a little acting quiz here. we're going to throw up some actors. they might be british. they might be american. we're going to figure out if they actually are. let's start with this guy. simon baker. british or american? >> definitely english. >> the answer is yes. you got it right. very good. >> that's an australian flag. not a british flag. >> he's actually australian. >> welcome to whose flag is it anyway. >> here he is. it's johnny depp and he's from the u.s. you knew that. >> rob downey, junior is american. >> of course, he's american. let's see if we can get the flags correct on this one here. kyra knightly. >> english. >> yeah, that's the correct answer. >> if the person is american, you've got to answer in the way we talk here. >> okay, perfect. >> john mahoney. >> american? >> british. >> really? >> terrible. >> from frazier? wow. no way. >> here is another one. see if you can nail this one. >> renee zelleweger. >> english. >> oh! >> really? >> she's american. >> she plays a brit, but she's american. >> the lightning round. hugh laurie. >> definitely english. he has an amazing american accent. ding, ding, ding. >> and kim cottrell. >> english. >> wait. are you kidding? >> very good. he's right! >> christian bale. >> christian bale -- he's british definitely. >> yes. you're right. >> welsh. >> you got a new film coming out. >> today! >> yes. it's basically about a group of entitled, wealthy kids in long island. >> there are several there. >> i'm not going to comment on that. >> partying, boozing, parent free environment. >> exactly. in 2008 when the movie is set, the financial crisis happened and it's where these kids have to face reality for the first time and kind of live in the real world. so it's a very edgy movie. it's dark and something i haven't really done before. >> what kind of an accent do you use? >> an american. the move yes is loosely based on the great gatsby, the younger version. >> so do people think you're faking it when you actually speak in your english accent? >> yeah. a lot of the time, yeah. no one knows exactly where i'm from, which is great. >> check out the movie. it opens today on 7-11. >> thank you so much. >> a real pleasure. check out "affluenza." >> clayton, thank you for the fan. >> gregg might have to leave the studio. coming up, remember this guy caught sleeping in the stands? if you thought those espn announcers were bad, he definitely won't like what happened now. >> and country superstar scotty mccreery here for our all american summer concert series. he's on stage right now warming up. he's going to be wowing the crowd in just a bit. ♪ ♪ introducing nexium 24hr finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ [ cat meows ] ♪ ♪ da-da-da-da-da, bum-da, bum-da ♪ ♪ bum-da, bum-da ♪ the animals went in two by two ♪ ♪ the sheep and the frog and the kangaroo ♪ ♪ and they all went marching, marching in two by two ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the nissan pathfinder, with intuitive four-wheel drive. an adventure worth sharing. nissan. innovation that excites. >> oh, my god! >> we're so cynical in this world saying, god that, can't be real. shot of the morning where someone is sky diving and suddenly a shoe flies up in the air. that's exactly what happened. when the instructor pulled the cord on this dive, the student's shoe flew off, hit him in the mouth. amazingly, the girl was able to catch her free falling shoe in midair. girls never want to lose their shoes. >> do you think there is a possibility they could have -- they were reaching for the rip card, but pulled the shoe lace instead? is that what happened? >> was she flying like this with her foot up like this? >> i just love that video. >> you notice how many people do extraordinary things when there is a camera on them, which causes cynical people like us to wonder, is that real? >> two years ago we could say something like that. is it real, someone had a camera? but now, everyone has a camera in their cell phone and they're filming everything nonstop. >> we got a camera on heather nauert for the news. camera one on heather nauert and camera 3 on heather nauert. take three. >> i'm going to film this. >> okay. got it. we've got a camera on this, you've got to take a look at this story. a train that was carrying 1300 illegal immigrants flies off the rails in mexico. look at all these people piled on the top of it. this was on its way from mexico to texas. these are all illegal immigrants and they are clinging on to the sides of the train trying to get into the united states. it appears that the train which is often referred to the beast, that appears it derailed because of some heavy rain in the area. no serious injuries were reported. it is a world cup of holy proportions. pope francis' argentina goes up against former pope benedict's germany. the vatican says the two have no plans on getting together for the game. pope francis already promised he won't pray for argentina to win. what do you think of that? it looks like any other town from the outside, but on close inspection, serious south korean town is not as it seems. that's because it's actually a fake. the village sits in a heavily guarded demille advertised zone between north and south korea. they're concrete shells with no glass, electric lights. the electric lights actually operate on a timer. this was built in the 1950s to make it seem like north korea was an economic success in order to lure the south koreans in. wow. fascinating. and do you remember this guy, the yankees fan caught sleeping in the stands who is suing espn, also the yankees and major league baseball for $10 million because the announcers said this? >> how comfortable is that? >> probably won't have any neck problems tomorrow. >> oh, boy. even if you thought espn was bad, he definitely will not like what's now being said about him on line. he's taken a lot of heat on twitter. one person posting this. thinnest skinned in america goes to andrew rechter. those are your headlines. let's head outside to steve and anna. >> all right. thank you very much. live from new york city, ladies and gentlemen, scotty mccreery! >> yeah! >> the winner of "american idol" from north carolina. great to have you today. >> great to be here. >> you're taking a break from your tour. i guess this is part of your summer tour. tell us about that. >> definitely. excited about it -- excited about it. just seeing the fan, headlines and having a lot of fun. fans have been awesome coming to the shows. >> you dropped a new video this morning. >> we've been working on that for a while. it's finally like we want it. so it's out there for the fans and it's it's kind of cool. >> it's called "feeling it." you'll perform it later, 90 minutes from right now. >> sure. >> i got to ask you about something. you made news in the spring. you and your college roommate -- scotty, by the way, is still in college studying communications. [ cheering ] >> you guys are watching tv late one night. >> we were watching tv. >> what happened? knock, knock. >> yeah. knock, knock, and one of my buddies thought it was his neighbor. so he goes to open the door and obviously it was not his neighbor. they barged in with guns and robbed us and took -- we're all alive and kick. >> it was a home invasion. >> home invasion, yeah. no fun at all. >> what ended up happening? did you get your stuff back? >> no, i'm tight about that. make sure you back up your phone s, people. it was all good. we're all still here and all that stuff is replaceable. it's cool. >> what a whirlwind your life has been. ever since you burst onto the scene with "american idol." by the way, how many of you texted a vote for scotty mccreery during "american idol"? [ cheering ] >> thank you. >> now you've had both your albums debuted at number one. that's just crazy. >> it's been pretty awesome. i think it's only the second time it ever happened in country music. i'm blessed. the fans have been awesome the last few years. we're out there having a good time. so far it's working out for us. >> i got to ask you about this low voice that you have. all the ladies, part of the wolf pack. do they love it? >> they're great. they're awesome. we have a lot of lovely ladies down there in north carolina. so it's really cool going down there, going to school and seeing that. >> i want to you introduce your video 'cause everybody at home probably never had a peek of this, just released at 6 a.m. >> yeah. just came out. feeling video. we filmed this at the beaches where i grew up at. i'm excited about it. i'd love to hear what they think about it. >> let's play a little of it right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> very nice. >> scotty mccreery, we are going to be seeing you perform live in just a bit. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having us in the big apple. >> you got a lot of fans. can you zoom in on that sign right there? >> look at this! >> scotty mchoty. >> clayton, in to you. >> clayton, you're next. >> i have to follow that. coming up on the show, it's the video everyone is talking about. the husband who strapped a go pro to his head and taped his.u? wife nearly giving birth iné.ñ?e car. >> ow! >> that's a techy dad. the husband behind the camera is here along with his wife and new baby. we'll see if he brought the go pro. and the american dream is still alive. how you can get this home for under $300,000 and two more just like it. first trivia question this morning. born on this day in 1963, this actress is known for her role on "days of our lives." who is she? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. ♪ ♪ guy: ok, and just click on the one you want. woman: but, but, jimmy. all of these travel sites seem the same. captain obvious: i always use with their loyalty program, i get a free night for every ten nights i collect. so they're not the same, because they're different. woman: jimmy look, this one has a king-sized bed. captain obvious: if you're travelling with your grandmother, i suggest getting twin beds. woman: oh, captain obvious, jimmy is not my grandson. woman: man: are you no. jimmy? man: here comes president roosevelt. woman: i hope so. captain obvious: i regret coming here. for lovers. your studied day and night for her driver's test. secretly inside, you hoped she wouldn't pass. the thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was... you just weren't ready. but she did pass. 'cause she's your baby girl. and now you're proud. a bundle of nerves proud. but proud. get a discount when you add a newly-licensed teen to your liberty mutual insurance policy. call to learn about our whole range of life event discounts. newlywed discount. new college graduate and retiree discounts. you could even get a discount when you add a car. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. ifcorner of "smart choice"e and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... centrum. select products are now just $9.99 with card. at the corner of happy and healthy. your eyes. even 10 miles away... they can see the light of a single candle. look after them... with centrum silver. multivitamins for your eyes, heart and brain. now with a new easy-to-swallow coating. here is news by the numbers. 776789 that's how old krispy kreme doughnuts turns today. 77. to celebrate, the new ceo is hoping to introduce savory lunches. think sandwiches served on something sweet. delicious. next, 20-grams. that's how much protein taco bell is pumping into its can tina power menu. the company doubling up on meat, saying more people want more energy. the new menu, which also looks delicious, launches on july 17. and finally, zero. that's how much a small slurpee will cost you today, july 11, 7-11. in celebration of its namesake holiday, they're giving away the drink for free from 11 this morning until 7 tonight. that's the hungry news. more and more baby boomers ditching the suburbs and moving back to the big cities. want to join them? probably cost less than you think. michael corbett is a real estate expert and the author of "find it, fix it, flip it" and joins me from los angeles. always great to see you this morning. >> you, too. yes, you're absolutely right. we're seeing a trend, according to the trulia trends report, of baby boomers packing up from the suburbs and moving into the more urban counties or moving into the city where there is more lifestyle amenities, more of an access to theater, restaurants, all that sort of thing. they figure it's time now. that's what they want. i found some houses and inn a couple cities that are absolutely stunning. >> that's great. some of the parents are saying, hey, kids are off at college. why do i need this five bedroom house? i'm going to move back into the city and have fun. you start with houston, texas. what's going on down there? >> this is a wonderful stately home. this is a big house. i'd move back into the city for this. it's four bedrooms, four bathrooms, 3500 square feet. this has got high ceilings, beautiful fireplace in the living room. it's got a private study. also a wonderful, huge kitchen, granite counter tops, dark wood cabinets, beautiful backyard with an outdoor kitchen, fire pit, spa. this one is amazing. the price on this is only going to cost you with your monthly payment, about $1,100 a month, including your 20% down with your mortgage, taxes and insurance. >> wow. i guess in my head i was thinking these parents are moving into a loft apartment somewhere. not quite. >> oh, no. >> you can go to raleigh, north carolina, hot spot in the united states right now. what can -- whoa, another beautiful house there. >> another. these are some beautiful homes. and they're in the city areas. this is another one. 299, three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. a little smaller. 2600 square feet a. colonial. it's got a wonderful fireplace and living room. bright and airy. two story. this has also got a screening room which is crazy. wonderful kitchen, and a beautiful back deck that overlooks all the woods. >> again, a wonderful city home. >> parents say kids are off at college, daddy is getting a screening room to watch movies and football in there. stay in north carolina and head to charlotte, north carolina. what do you have there? >> this one is also 299,900. another one that's all brick ranch. huge house. three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. this one also is around 1700 square feet. it's got a lot of grounds. amazing pool. it's got also a beautiful two story living room. what's really fantastic about this property, it's on one full acre. take a look at this front drive. absolutely stunning with a beautiful pool. this is a great year to spend your later years. >> great stuff. michael corbett, always great to see you this morning and have a great weekend. >> you, too.s. coming up here on the show, it's the video everyone is talking b. the husband who strapped a go pro to his head and taped his wife nearly giving birth in the car. he said i'm not missing this. >> please! ow! >> the husband behind the camera is here, along with his wife and their new baby. first on this date in 1914, babe ruth made his major league baseball debut. in 1922, the hollywood bowl opens. great concerts there. in 1987, heart had the number one song in america with this song "alone." ♪ ♪ hello! three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. thank you! good morning. the answer to today's trivia question, born on this day in 1963, this actress is known for her role on "days of our lives." lisa rinna and our winner is rick from oshkosh, wisconsin. you'll get a copy of brian's new book "george washington's secret six." congratulations. and it's the video everybody is talking about this morning. a father to be videotapes his wife in labor and lives to tell the tale. >> ow! he's coming out! >> we're a few minutes away. >> so moms, would you be yelling stop videotaping me? that father was speeding down the highway at nearly 100 miles an hour. mom and baby waited, but not for long. here is what happened right outside the hospital doors. >> how do you want to do this? >> i can't sit down! >> you have to sit down! sit down so i can catch him! >> i got it on video. >> oh, wow. those brand-new parents join me now, troy and kristen and little baby truett dickerson. good morning. thanks for being with us. >> hi. thank you for having us. >> this video now has more than 1.4 million views. it's a very public display of your affection for little baby truett. how are you feeling this morning? >> i'm feeling great. things are wonderful. we're just really enjoying him and having time with our sweet baby. >> troy, i got to ask you, what's going through your mind when she's saying okay, it's time, we got to go to the hospital and you say okay, car keys, check. go bag, check. go pro, check. i guess you use this on your surfing trips and stuff. but for birth? explain. >> yeah. why not? we wanted to capture the special moment. we had done the same thing with our four-year-old and two-year-old in the day when the flip cams were popular. i just wanted to get some shots on the way to the hospital. of course, i didn't expect to get the whole birth and me catching him with the go pro. but it was a pretty cool experience. >> mom being a birth educator yourself and having two kids already, you had gone through this once or twice before, but come on. has it ever happened like this? no way. at what point do you realize, we're not going to make it? >> about halfway through the trip, i realized we were not going to make it to the hospital. i didn't know exactly how it was going to play out, so that was really the scary part, not fuelly the -- actually the birth part. i knew it would work out and it did. it was in god's perfect timing that everything happened. so i'm grateful. i wouldn't change a thing. >> as you're speeding down the highway 95 miles per hour, at any point were you thinking would you please turn this darn camera off? when he asked you, hey, hon, you want to put some pants on, were you ready to strangle him? >> you know, i didn't really give much thought to the camera, just because we had filmed our other births and i thought we'll watch this, maybe our immediate family and close friends. but i never dreamed it would be this. i'm glad at the time i didn't know that. that would have been a lot of pressure. >> yeah. baby truett, he looks to be doing all right. how is his health? okay? >> he is great. he's doing wonderful. >> congratulations. >> how am i doing? we're doing great, yeah. thank you so much. >> fantastic. enjoy the weekend and your newfound stardom. >> we will. thank you for having us, we appreciate it. >> what a story. 56 minutes after the hour. talk about a tale of two leaders. as the immigration problem along the texas border gets worse, president obama and governor perry couldn't be further apart. the latest from the ground coming up. and country superstar scotty mccreery performs at our all american summer concert series. more awesome music just ahead. hope you're doing well on the 11th of july, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. talk about a tale of two leaders, the immigration problem along the texas border gets worse, president obama and governor rick perry could not be further apart. the latest from the ground coming up. and the irs is now going to have to answer to a federal judge about those missing lois lerner e-mails. but does that mean we're going to finally get some answers? the judge says yes. and it's a call this 911 dispatcher never thought she would take. >> can you respond, my child is choking medical enroute? >> the call to save her own son from her husband. she said wait a second. is that my husband with our choking son? get the ambulance there. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪jvñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? ♪ ♪ >> anna kooiman getting weak kneed. >> i know. reminds me of being young and in love where you just got to see the person that you love. >> scotty mccreery. >> rocking the "fox & friends" summer concert series stage. we're having a great time with famous dave's barbecue as well. if you're in new york city, come on down. >> if you want to watch the continuation of scotty, he'll be singing throughout this hour, go to our web site. it's right there. you want to talk politics? it's always about perception, or mostly about perception, the optics when a crisis unfolds, how will the president respond? of course, the president not responding right now to what's unfolding at the border, the crisis at the border with thousands of illegal immigrants pouring across the border. all of these kids, upwards of 52,000, sleeping on floors, wrapped in blankets. governor rick perry of texas has been asking the president, come to the border, see for yourself what's unfolding. and it's really a tale of two different leaders now. >> you know what? in addition to it being optical, all politics are local. the local guys always tell the national guys, you got to come down and look at it yourself. the president a couple days ago said, you know what? i send my staff out. they can handle it. i don't need to. i'm going to go to a bunch these fund-raisers. as you look, though, because the president said famously now, two days ago, i'm just not into photo ops, take a look. there is photo op, screen left of the president with a college student who wrote him a letter talking about her situation. then you see a photo op screen right where the guy who is running the great state of texas, cinesly with the president at franklin barbecue yesterday in austin. you got governor rick perry who also is on a photo op. but he's actually down at the border with the texas national guard and the department of safety. also he went up with sean hannity into a chopper taking a look at things down on the border. he's doing the things americans would like to see -- many americans would like to see the president actually do because we've got a crisis there. >> the governor, by land, by sea, by sky, he's checking out the border. the press is doing something very different. you know it seems ironic is that he was meeting with this college student to talk about economic problems that her family is experiencing and what's ironic is that texas and the rest of the country, one of the biggest concerns is what is this going to do with our wallet? what are we going to do with these 50,000 plus illegal children? how are we going to pay for them? we care about them and their well-being, but how are we going to fund this? ironically, his policies may be making this even worse. governor perry, on the other hand, is trying to stop the problem and plug it up before it gets worse. >> meanwhile, remember president bush was criticized heavily after katrina because he continued his vacation for two days and didn't go right down to new orleans and then he flew over famously and he didn't -- >> at least he saw it with his own two eyes. >> yeah. and then four days later, he managed to get down there. karl rove, 'cause a lot of people are saying now, president bush, he kind of skipped out on katrina for a few days and karl rove responding to those critics saying don't compare the two. these are two entirely different scenarios. listen to karl rove. >> the difference between bush and obama is that president bush went to new orleans within several days after the crisis began. president obama has yet to go to the border and this crisis has been months unrolling. in fact, years. the power of the president of the united states, standing on the rio grande river and saying to the people of central america, do not send your children here. do not send them on this dangerous and expensive journey because if they are able to live through this journey, we will catch them and we will return them and all will be for naught. so don't even try. that would be a powerful message. >> the message we've been hearing from the administration is, hey, central america, don't send the kids up here because we're going to send them back. okay. that is a powerful message because the people in south america -- central america, they're spending thousands of dollars to have these kids smuggled up into texas where then they got to be adjudicated. but as it turns out, there is an item in the "wall street journal" that talks about of those kids who go through the system, nobody ever winds up going home. they're given a court date, come back in two weeks, then they vanish into the fabric of america. one of the places where this is a problem and we know that it is a problem because they got the statistics is prince william county, virginia, where they now want ice to give them the numbers through a freedom of information request, tell us exactly with a you're doing with the illegals who are arrested in this county because we keep rearresting the same people you told us you were going to get rid of. here is the chairman, prince william board county supervisors. >> we know now that the obama administration is releasing sex offenders, child predators, pedophiles, people right back into the community. these people aren't supposed to be in the united states and what makes it worse is in the case of sex offenders, they're very likely to offend again. we don't have the information for where they're at, so they're not registered. we can't track them. they're going to commit another act on a child or someone else either in prince william county or somewhere else in the united states and it's all because dhs refuses to act. >> one of the individuals who ended up actually being arrested multiple times, an illegal immigrant, ended up killing a nun, you remember famously down there in a drink driving. people wonder how is he still in the united states? >> sure. by the way, i made the mistake, i was it was in the commonwealth of virginia. it's actually in maryland. >> we're going to switch gears and hand it over to heather nauert. she has a look at what else is making headlines. breaking news, very troubling news coming out of indiana this morning. a fox news alert, a patient was murdered in her hospital room at a hospital in indiana. this all unfolding at methodist hospital in merylville. the suspect was stabbed -- a woman was stabbed in her room overnight. a suspect is in custody at this hour. officers believe that the stabbing may be related to another deadly stabbing in the city of gary, indiana. the hop was on lockdown, but is now back up and running. we'll keep watching this story. the cast of the show "glee" experiencing another tragedy. tmz is reporting that the body of matt bendick, the boyfriend of pekka tobin was found overnight inside a philadelphia total room. he was with the 35-year-old in philadelphia, but no word on where she was when his body was found. this sunday marks one year since the star cory monteith was found dead of a drug overdose. that high priced call girl who is suspected in the death of that google executive? she's now being investigated for the death of her ex-boyfriend as well. it turns out that both men died of a heroin overdose two months apart. at first thought the ex's death may have been an accident, but now they're reopening the case. police revealing the 26-year-old call girl has searched for a legal defense on line before her arrest. after 13 years, garth brooks is back. ♪ ♪ >> he just announced his new album and a three-year world tour, emotional press conference he held in nashville. >> scared, yeah. old? yes. see what the second half is. first of all i want to thank god and everybody that's given me the chance to actually look at a second half, at a career. >> you're never too old to keep singing, garth. he will announce his first tour date on monday. can't wait to see that. those are your headlines. >> that will be great. >> yeah. >> he's got friends in low places. see you later. we all do. listen, let's talk a little bit about this, this is about people in high places finally having to answer some questions we all have. just exactly how did all of those lois lerner e-mails disappear? well, they say that her hard drive crashed and then the hard drives of a bunch of other people crashed and it's just a coincidence that they're involved in this scandal over there. yesterday federal judge emmitt sullivan in washington, d.c. gave the irs one month, you've got to file a report under oath explaining how they all vanished. essentially he's saying, okay, you say they disappeared because of the hard drive crash. prove it. >> also why weren't paper copies printed out, which is under the irs manual handbook. any sensitive information, federal information is supposed to be printed out. so hard drives went vanishing and missing. the only reason we know about this is freedom of information requests which seems absurd. listen to charles krauthammer. >> the absurdity of all this is that all of this is being discovered through the freedom of information act, which is never intended as a way to uncover that kind of thing. it was a way so people can be transparent. but because the president and irs have literally shown contempt for congress, ignored subpoenas, not given the required information it's being asked, report two years later that e-mails were destroyed, hold on to that information for months and months without disclosing it, because of that, the only way we've been discovering all these things is through the freedom of information act by this tough judge on the circuit court who is no nonsense. >> will we find more smoking guns in the next 30 days? we had darrell issa on yesterday who said we've had a few in the past, but that this recent development this week about the instant messaging type system they have at the irs when lois lerner was inquiring and found it was not traceable or trackable. she said it was perfect. he thought that was a smoking gun. 30 more days that the judge has given them. will we have more? >> lois lerner famously went up in fronts of the house oversight committee and took the fifth. she said i didn't do anything wrong and i take the fifth. with this judge, they can't take the fifth. they've got to actually give them answers and if they tell a lie, people are going to get into really big trouble. >> we'll follow that story. more on that coming up on the show. first the battles in the middle east getting bloodier by the day. in in the world are we sending our soldiers pink slips while they're in the battlefield? that story developing. breaking past america's border doesn't come cheaply. who is paying for tens of thousands of children to enter our country and where are they being housed? then what happens to them? we're following the money next with peter johnson, jr. ♪ ♪ my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. there will be approximately 90,000 unaccompanied children who cross the border in fiscal 14 and 145,000 in fiscal 15. >> wow. that's the highest number we've heard yet. 90,000 unaccompanied children will arrive here by september with plenty more to follow. it's widely believed that huge numbers are fleeing crime and poverty, but is there an untold story behind their journey? who is paying for them to get here? joining me is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. >> it's a shocking untold story. something we really haven't heard before. let's look first about where these 90,000 are coming from. 145,000 the following year. right now honduras 15,000. guatemala, 12,000. el salvador, 11,000. and mexico, about 12,000. the people in mexico, those children go back pretty quickly because of the 2008 law. right now there are 375,000 immigrations pending in america. listen to this, clayton. 46%, almost half of the children, these unaccompanied minors who are being detained at the border and being put in federal facilities now do not show up. they will not show up. so of the 90,000 that have come in the last fiscal year, half of those will disappear into america to be going into public schools, to be part of our system, and maybe receiving aid. >> couple questions here. why aren't they showing up for the hearings? and second part of that question is, is there such a back log of these cases, we know there is 274 judges handling 375,000 cases? how do they deal with it? >> one of the reasons -- this is the important reason and the shocking reason that they're not showing up -- 60% of central americans in the u.s. are undocumented or live with something called tps, temporary protective status, which denies them the right to petition for family reunification, to say to the government, i want to bring my children here. as a result, it has been reported that illegal families in the u.s. are paying between five to $7,000 to drug cartel traffickers to bring their children here. we have learned based on testimony in congress, that we don't know where these children are going and to whom they are being given. are they being given over to undocumented immigrants, to illegal aliens? are they being reunion need in the united states based on money paid by illegal central americans in the united states to drug cartel traffickers? that's the principle reason that we're not seeing them. >> like ransom money. >> it's an incredible underground economy that's fueling this illegal immigration to america. the conventional theory is well, it's drug violence, it's poverty in these central american countries and people are fleeing. people are fleeing to be reunited with their illegal mothers and fathers in the united states. look at the shocking numbers in terms of apprehensions and actual deportations. children apprehended in fiscal year 2013, almost 50,000. deportations ordered, only 3500. children actually returned home, about 1600. so you're talking about two, three, 4% of the people who have been ordered to return home actually returning home. it's a shocking set of statistics and we need to look at a law enforcement way how we stop this tide of illegal payments to drug cartel traffickers bringing children to the mexican-american border and then dumping these children and this child invasion which next year will account for 145,000. we know based on the president's new budget numbers that it costs $4 billion to fund the 50,000 that have come already. consider the numbers. >> unbelievable. law enforcement there with their hands tied as these laws are telling. keep them here, don't send them back. >> state courts get involved. we'll talk about that. state courts and federal courts, incredible. >> thanks, peter johnson, jr. >> good to see you. coming up here, take a look at this mug shot. now look again. the newest crime fighting tool stopping criminals in their tracks like something out of csi. we'll tell you about it. first more from scotty mccreery. here he is singing "the trouble with girls." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. but parallel parking isn't one you do a lof them.ings great. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance. time for some headlines on this friday morning making headlines overseas, first up, israel taking fire on two fronts in the fourth day of a deadly offensive. lebanese military launching three rocket attacks. in the south, hamas launching one of its most destructive attacks yet. a rocket slammed into a gas station. in germany has given the c.i.a. chief in berlin das boot. this after allegations two american spies on the countryges revelations that the nsa tracked the cell phone of german chancellor angela merkel. that did not make her happy. and that's the news overseas. the battle has begun again. >> i do not want war! >> dawn of the planet of the apes is the eighth film of its franchise. >> should we go see it? let's talk right now to fox news contributor and founder of, kevin mccarthy. lot of buzz about this movie. what do you think? >> good morning, steve, an in and clayton. the movie is absolutely incredible. one of my faith movies of the year right now. it takes place ten years after the firstñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? rising of tt of the apes. you're dealing with angoñ?ñ?ñ?ñt war between the apes and humans who determine who is the dominant species. orgeat smart script with great acting along with a great action movie. you rarely get that in a summer blockbuster. you can engage in the characters and care about what's going on. the action is mind blowing. the guy who directed this movie did "clover fields." what makes this movie so special is performance capture, which has been around for a long time. you have these actors who are actually in suits that are capturing every aspect of their performance. they have dots on their face. they have dots on their lips, so you actually connect with what's going on. i felt more connected to the apes sometimes than i did the human beings in the movies. that's 'cause these actors are so brilliant about what they do. the main one is andy circus. he brought gollom from "lord of the rings." this is one of the best. i gave it 4 1/2 out of five. do not see it in 3d. skype that. i sat down with andy to ask him how they shot the scenes when the apes were riding the horses. check this out. >> full performance capture outfit with cameras and markers and all the packs on the back. the horses were not that keen on apes being on their backs. the we're not horse riding. we're riding them as apes, making noises and they found that really uneasy. >> if there was some hypothetical way that gollom could talk to caesar what, would he say? >> he would say you are a very, very impressive. >> how would caesar respond to that? >> i don't know what you're talking about. >> how can dee it that quick? >> isn't that great? >> clayton, did you hear him doing gollom? >> get him on the phone. i want him to be my new voice mail recording when someone calls. >> i'm with you on that! >> kevin joining us from hollywood. he says go see it. just not in 3d, thanks so much. >> thanks a lot. have a great weekend. >> you, too. 28 minutes after the top of the hour. the battle from the middle east getting bloodier by the day. we were just telling you. why in the world are we sending our soldiers pink slips? you're fired. well, your e-mail pouring in on this one, understandably. >> look at this mug shot on your screen. now take a look at it again. the newest crime fighting tool stopping criminals in their tracks. it's like something out of csi. but first we'll tell you more about that. here is scotty mccreery singing "now." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ♪ get complete protection. nexium level protection™ you know that dream... on my count. ...the one where you step up and save the day? 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(crowd) oh no... we've doubled our 4g lte bandwidth... hey guys, i got it right here! in cities coast to coast. so take on more. with xlte on the largest, most reliable network. get 50% off smartphones like the new lg g3. look at what i put together. cheddar and honey nut chex mix. get outta here! i made this belt with traditional, bold, and peanut butter chocolate chex mix. you guys are cute! i've got trail mix, peanut lovers, chipotle cheddar, dark chocolate, hot n' spicy... turtle, cookies 'n cream, italian herb & parmesan, sour cream 'n onion, and brownie supreme chex mix. and it rotates. 20 flavors, lots of pieces. chex mix pick your mix. now try popped in white cheddar and sweet and salty. ♪ ♪ let's twist again like we did last summer ♪ ♪ yeah let's twist again ♪ like we did last year >> i'm twisting just watching it. it's your shot of the morning and may be the worst slide in baseball history. the korean player thought it would be a good idea to slide face first into third base and not feet first. the dazed and confused player was fortunately not seriously hurt. >> the worst part about it -- >> he was out, too. not only is he drinking soup through a straw for the next couple of months, he was also out. he was out and then out. another bunch of people who are out, sadly, thousands of army captains serving right now overseas in a war zone in afghanistan in other parts of the world receiving pink slips in the mail. we knew the drawdowns were coming. we knew the military budget had been slashed and active duty members were going to be slashed. but we didn't realize that what was going to happen was they were going to receive pink slips and notifications while literally overseas serving right now in the front lines. >> yeah. last week more than 1100 army captains, these are commanding officers, too, who are getting these pink slips. you're fired when you get home. so what does that mean for them? what does it mean for the trickle down, for the morale? it's awful. so we had pete hegseth on the show earlier and said this is really a symbol of bad priorities. let's watch. >> it's not just bad timing. it's indicative of terrible priorities. here you've got isis on the march in iraq. you've got the middle east falling apart and yet you've got an administration and white house that's willing to send pink slips to captains, officers serving in afghanistan. not laying them off to save dollars because this administration wants to spend money on dependency programs here at home, but they're unwilling to provide war fighting capabilities. >> what was the department of defense thinking in this misguided attempt to get rid of these people? we asked you what you thought. william from ohio e-mailed us, pink slips to fighting men and women is the democrats' way. i watched this over my 20 years. early out, early retirements, pink slips, et cetera. they just don't care. >> annette wrote us as well. they have it all wrong. we need our military. we do not need some of the bureaucrats in washington. they should get the pink slips. >> and mike, a retired navy chief, says as i sit here and watch our country erode and collapse almost daily, this latest pink slip to officers in the battlefield fiasco is about the icing on the cake. i'm embarrassed to be american. pretty sad. coming from an honorably retired navy chief of 23 years. >> keep your comments coming. we read them all day. i just need to clarify something. earlier i identified prince william county as being in virginia. then we thought it was in maryland. i was right the first time. it was in -- it is in virginia. thank you very much for the e-mail and the tweets. >> steve, stop moving our county. >> you were right the first time. >> it's across state lines. what county is it? anyway. >> let's check in with heather nauert who is standing by with headlines. >> i take full responsibility for that one. my apologies. i got some headlines to bring you. terrifying surveillance video just released and it shows the moment a police officer is lit on fire and a good samaritan rushes in to save her life. officer ann mcswain tries to wrestle a suspect to the ground. the man had poured gasoline on himself and lit himself on fire. mcswain was also lit on fire. thanks to some courageous bystanders, she survived. they helped put out the flames with their own shirts. another officer eventually shot the suspect. a 911 dispatcher's worst nightmare. she takes an emergency call from her fiance about her own baby who is choking. >> one-year-old infant, swallowed something and starting to choke on it. >> can you respond to my my child is choking medical enroute? >> he was rushed to the hospital because he cooperate breathe. this x-ray revealing he had a washer lodged in his lungs. doctors were able to get that washer out and thankfully, that boy is just fine. remember the guy who found the hidden cash that was taped to a fire hydrant? great video here. >> come over here! come over here! >> how happy is that guy? this morning there are going to be more happy people just like him. overnight, that same real estate investor hid money in two dozen pez dispensers around los angeles. a twitter account sent out the clues with locations and today it heads down to orange county. how do they get all that money in there? remember this guy, the japanese law maker who burst into tears after allegations he misused taxpayer dollars? what a sob right there. that guy, he just called it quits. he was being investigated for spending thousands of dollars on trips to hot springs. taxpayer dollars. those are your headlines. there you go. thank you very much. like a scene right out of a diñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?crime drama, cops id now indiana are using a new high-tech spray that's catching criminals in their tracks. it has a familiar name, doesn't it? >> it's called smart water csi, beware, it can be detected under a black light. let's check it out. >> oh, man. >> just as finger printing and dna revolutionized law enforcement, there is a new tool in town to catch the bad guy. >> you can't see it now, but when i shine a special black light, which is the only way you can discern someone has smart water on them, this would mean i was somewhere where i should not have been. >> smart water csi says the potion is made of a combination of 26 rare earth metals and each bottle contains a signature that's one in a billion, linking owners to their belongings and criminals to the scene. >> so the bad guy would have it in a particular pattern sprayed on his face. but it's the analysis that we do in our labs that givesrññ?ñ?ñ?ñ% accurate report on just what's made up of that solution and that says a particular number and that particular number relates directly to you. >> used for 17 years in the uk, smart water csi helped convict this man coated with the spray while breaking into a london cop car. >> there are over 12,000. there has never been a loss in the u.k. when smart water has been involved in the case. >> now as the first u.s. case involving the product heads to the florida courts, the question is, will it hold up? the product isn't just being marketed to law enforcement. smart water csi says their product is gaining popularity among overday consumers, dabbing the solution on valuables like ickes phones, car stereos and in the event of a theft, they say crooks could be caught more quickly with the help of their product and it has a five-year shelf life. >> you can take it through the washing machine as much as you want and you will have some smart water on you years later. when i saw it and what it could do, i said this is the stuff we've got to3hñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ get. >> the sheriff brought 150 smart water kits to be handed outl÷ñ?o senior citizens in his indiana town. putting a sticker like this in your window is peace of mind. how does that work? >> we have to educate the criminals. when they see smart water, we want them to understand that they want to pick on somebody else. >> if you're using the product, you put one of these decals in the window and the idea that it's going to be a deterrent for criminals to find another house to pick on similar to having a decal that says you have a burglar alateral. >> if you throw it on me, how many showers will it take to wash it off? >> it will eventually come off your skin, but not your clothes. >> four or five showers? >> maybe through the summer. >> what's in a maim? coming up, apparently a lot considering duke university is suing john wayne's family. his nickname, duke, really? the son of that legendary actor joins us with his take on this legal battle. >> first from scotty mccreery here singing "i love you this big." watch the whole thing at our web site. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ because, for me, the challene of the search... is almost as exciting as the thrill of the find. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. welcome back on this friday morning. john wayne was always known as the duke. >> i mean to kill you in one minute, ned, or see you hang in fort smith at judge parker's convenience. which will it be? >> i call that bold talk for a one eyed fat man. >> fill your hands -- >> that's john wayne. now the actor's family and duke university are locked in a legal battle over the use of the nickname duke on a bottle of bourbon. joining us is john wayne's son, ethan. he joins us from los angeles of the good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i had no idea that duke university and your family had been having this fight for years over the use of the name duke. >> duke has opposed every trademark application we've made under the name duke. this is the first product that's actually made it to market under that duke moniker. we've never tried to trademark anything that wasn't associated with john wayne's name image and likeness. in all our trademark applications and all our efforts to resolve this by a co-existence agreement with duke university has been met with no, you can't use duke. in this instance, i don't feel there -- i think it's preposterous claim that somehow someone is going to look at this label and be confused as to whether this was duke university or duke wayne. that's the crux of this entire argument. >> sure. i'm sure now that it's on the market, there could be a number of duke university students who actually consume duke, but that is completely irrelevant to this particular case. so you're taking duke university to court and what are you asking for? >> this process has been in motion. when duke opposed our trademark application, they started this process. you can either go through this process as it stands and you end up in an administrative hearing somewhere someone looks at briefs and makes a decision. this is very important to us and i'd like to end this dispute with duke university. i respect duke university, their academics, research, no issue with them other than they keep trying to block me from using duke with john wayne all around the word. so i've asked for a federal judge to look at this issue and allow us to come in and speak and get a ruling. >> absolutely. you want some finality to it. duke university issued a statement. they say while we admire and respect john wayne's contributions to american culture, we are also committed to protecting the integrity of duke university's trademarks. what do you say to that? >> look, we're in the intellectual property business ourselves. we understand that. we go through great lengths to make sure that we don't infringe on anyone else's intellectual property. so if you look at our label, you'll see that it's a stylized duke, the font isn't anywhere near duke university. it's a different color. there is a giant spur coming out of the last e. there is a full length silhouette of john wayne going through the middle of the word. his signature goes across the bottom of duke. there is no likelihood of confusion. this whole argument is whether someone in the general public is going to look at this bottle and be confused to whether it belongs to duke university or duke wayne. i just don't think there is any likelihood of confusion. duke has said in the press that they don't object now to us using duke with john wayne, yet we have never tried to use duke without john wayne associated with it. we've stated that in our trademark applications and in our attempts to coexist with them and in agreements. >> if you come up with a blue devil duke bourbon, then they probably would have a pretty good case, but you're not going to do that. >> absolutely not. >> ethan wayne joining us from los angeles. thank you very much and keep us posted on what happens. >> thanks for having us. >> you bet. ten minutes before the top of the hour. next up, scotty performs live. yep, scotty mccreery. first let's check in with bill hemmer to preview what happens on his show here in ten minutes. >> he sounds great. i love your suit, steve. >> thank you very much. >> i'm going to borrow that. >> nope, it's all mine. you looi good morning to you.qpá. it's a federal court buying theñ irs story of missing e-mails? break news on that. we're also waiting on what could be a major decision on obamacare. speaker boehner lays out his lawsuit against the president. why are the two living popes on opposite sides? that's a divine question. martha and i will see new ten minutes vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. new york city, are you ready for scotty mccreery? [ cheering ] >> here he is with "feelin' it". ♪ i'm pop tops popping ♪ flip flops flopping ♪ drop tops dropping down ♪ ray bans raying ♪ waves are waving ♪ laid are laying out ♪ ipods rocking ♪ sun block blocking ♪ igloos stocking up ♪ cutoffs are cutting, worry bout nothing ♪ ♪ but putting something in my cup ♪ ♪ and i can't find nothing wrong ♪ ♪ with nothing, nothing that's going on ♪ ♪ it's making me want to sing a song ♪ ♪ that goes like this ♪ whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ain't nothing like feeling that summer time feeling ♪ ♪ kicked back, relaxed, just chilling ♪ ♪ i'm feeling it ♪ whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ain't nothing like digging that summer time ♪ ♪ digging in the sand, getting tan ♪ ♪ with your hand in my hand ♪ i'm feeling it ♪ oh, yeah i'm feeling it ♪ rip tide ripping ♪ skim board skimming ♪ sip sipping something on ice ♪ hot gets hotter ♪ head to the water ♪ jump into paradise ♪ and i can't find nothing wrong ♪ ♪ with nothing, nothing that's going on ♪ ♪ it's making me want to sing a song ♪ ♪ that goes like this ♪ whoa oh, whoa ♪ ain't nothing like feeling that summer time feeling ♪ ♪ kicked back, relaxed, just chilling ♪ ♪ i'm feeling it ♪ whoa oh, whoa ♪ ain't nothing like digging that summer time digging in the sand ♪ ♪ getting tan ♪ with your hand in my hand ♪ i'm feelin' it ♪ oh, yeah ♪ i'm feelin' it ♪ sunset setting getting goods getting good as it can get ♪ ♪ lip gloss glossing ♪ no more talking ♪ my baby's giving me a kiss ♪ whoa oh, whoa ♪ ain't nothing like feelin' that summer time feeling ♪ ♪ kicked back, relaxed just chilling ♪ ♪ i'm feeling it ♪ whoa oh, whoa ♪ ain't nothing like digging that summer time digging in the sand ♪ ♪ getting tan ♪ with your hand in my hand ♪ i'm feelin' it ♪ oh, yeah ♪ i'm feelin' it ♪ pop tops popping ♪ ipods rocking ♪ flip flops flopping ♪ oh, i'm feeling it ♪ grilled meats. smells so good. umh... what's happening over there? corn oh yeah, that's the x4 platinum. the world's most "social" grill... social grill? did he just take a selfie? oh yeah. send photo. watch, he's gonna light it with an app. oh, gas... yeah kebob, one serving. get off your gas and grill with kingsford charcoal. finally, the purple pill,hr the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand, comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ okay, movie night.everyone wins. how do i win? because we're streaming the movie that you love. well, how do i win? because we ordered that weird thing that you love from the pizza place. how do you win, dad? because i used the citi thankyou card and got two times the points on alllllll of this. well, and spending time with you guys of course. that was a better answer. the citi thankyou preferred card. earn two times the thankyou points on entertainment and dining out all with no annual fee. to apply, go to what do you think about scotty mccreery? [ cheering ] >> that was a loaded question. >> everybody at home, stay tuned to the after the show show. he's going to be singing "water tower town". >> go ahead. >> coming up this weekend, will you watch, scotty? >> oh, yeah, exactly. >> how to make your husband happy. that will be on the show this weekend. >> finally. >> i don't think scotty cares. >> see you in the after the show show. bill: the irs ordered to go under oath. a federal judge saying they have 30 days to explain in writing where the emails of lois lerner disappeared. martha: good morning. i'm martha maccallum. that ruling comes as the irs faces a big day in court. the conservative group true the vote today will ask a judge to force the agency to let techies come in there and get their hands on these hard

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