bright county 911. >> it's all thanks to siri. we're here with the live incredible story you've got to hear from this two-year-old this hour. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> you're watching "fox & friends." >> thank you very much. live from new york city. it's "fox & friends" brian's on vacation this week. clayton is in. elisabeth, did you notice how he was moaning and groaning when he was moving around like he had done something extremely strenuous yesterday. >> we're going to do something strenuous on this show today. today steve austin will be here putting us through the paces out on the plaza in some sort of big competition. >> that's not what we're talking about. what did you do yesterday where you're all moaning and groaning? did you mow the lawn? is that the problem? >> i think i mowed the lawn. >> did you go camping like heather nauert did? >> did you sleep on the ground? >> it was in the backyard so we brought out the inflatable mattress and everything. why not? >> we've got pictures. >> to prove it. >> i just mowed the lawn and did some tomato stuff in the garden. >> you need a riding mower. >> no tomatoes? >> amen to that. good morning, guys. great to see you. hope everyone had a great weekend. i've got news, breaking news overnight. terrifying moments for nearly 100 passengers. look at this. this was on board a united airlines flight. the emergency slide inflates in that cabin mid air. these pictures pretty crazy. that slide was so big it blocked the entire aisle. >> all of a sudden you saw faces go like this and you heard a big hang and a his. we all turned around and the whole back cabinet, part of the plane where they sat was full of the chute. >> the passengers pan i could as the -- the passengers panicked as the plane dropped nearly 15,000 feet. the captain was forced to make an emergency landing. another fox news alert to bring you. we are just hours away from the supreme court decision on the hobby lobby birth control dispute case. it's been a big test for obamacare and that mandate that says employers have to provide contraception coverage. supporters of the arts and crafts train feeling pretty confident ahead of this ruling and talking about the oral arguments from march. >> i think you saw the oral mare court was very skeptical of the government's claim that the federal law and the constitution doesn't allow for-profit businesses to be protected in religious freedom. >> the supreme court is also expected to make its ruling today on unions and whether or not they can force workers in the public sector to pay dues even if they don't want to be in that union. we'll watch that story throughout the day. radical rebranding. the terror group isis declaring statehood as the united states rushes 75 hell-fire missiles to iraq. the sunni militants also naming a new leader and dropping al sham from their title saying they will now only be called the islamic state. the iraqi government continues to battle them to take back the city ofty -- the city of tikrit. a lot of iraqis believe the u.s. has been too slow to supply aircraft and assistance. u.s. marine charged with deserting his brother in arms not once but twice has now turned himself in. the marine corporal disperiod from his base in 2004. he turned up a month later blaming islamic extremist kidnappers. when he was charged with desertion he ran off again first to canada and then to lebanon. he now reportedly claims his life is in danger. he turned himself in and has been brought back to the united states for charges. those are your headlines. >> thank you, heather. now we switch to an extreme weather alert. new video this morning. massive flooding after heavy rain swept through portions of iowa and today parts of the midwest expecting more severe weather. maria molina is in iowa. maria, yesterday you were chasing tornadoes. >> yeah, that's right. good morning, steve, elisabeth. hey, clayton. good to hear your voices this morning. yesterday we were chasing tornadoes across parts of western iowa and eastern nebraska. we came out here knowing there was an elevated risk for these super cells to develop that could potentially produce these tornadoes. i met up with the weather team and we were able to intercept a tornado west of des moines in a very rural area and the tornado was pretty weak. it had winds approximately 70, 80 miles an hour. we did pick up a little debris. was on the ground for only a couple of seconds. it was pretty incredible to see this come down so quickly, form and move rapidly, probably about 20 miles an hour. there were 13 reported tornadoes across the states of iowa, wisconsin, missouri and kansas, and flooding is another big issue. we currently have flash flood warnings in effect across parts of illinois and eastern iowa. today the same storm system is on the move. it's a relatively slow mover meaning parts of eastern iowa can see severe weather again. in des moines they were under a moderate risk yesterday for severe weather and this is something issued by the storm prediction center meaning we could see very violent storms. today they're under that risk for severe weather again. a moderate risk by the storm prediction center. more violent storms expected here in des moines. also farther east across illinois where we currently have flash flooding ongoing. that means more heavy rain. northern parts of missouri expect to go see extreme weather. from the texas panhandle to the great lakes you could be looking at severe weather. another busy day across the center of the country. >> you're in the right place to be chasing storms. maria molina who spent the weekend doing that joining us from des moines. maria, thank you very much. >> steve just mentioned we will be with you all morning. right now we're heading south because that is where president obama would like to send $2 billion to take care of illegals who flooded the border since october. a lot of people are asking this morning didn't he actually open the door to this in the first place? and aren't you about year late, $2 billion short. >> 51,000 kids being dropped off at the border, 51,000 kids that the united states is having to take care of. parents coming to the border from guatamala, el salvador and not just mexico and basically being held for ransom saying if you want to send them back to our country, you're going to have to pay us to send them back. >> what the president is doing is saying this is a terrible problem. i need $2 billion. of course his policies helped create it. the question is what's going to happen with that $2 billion. they say it is going to be to help the children and the mothers right there but also to deport them. is that where the money is really going to wind up? here's the president on the current law in this country regarding this situation. >> we have to house these kids and take care of them until the machinery under current law allows us to send them back. >> this isn't something that's brand-new here. any parent with, or person with a heart obviously bleeds over this situation. it is a difficult -- this has been going on for a long time. you have to at least have some practicalty and approach, $2 billion late in the game to go into t. with the president speaking right there, he's not coming up with an idea, we have to do this. it is the law as it stands right now as it pertains to central america. >> we saw this coming. we saw this coming for a long time with the dream act saying come to america. come to america. this is the place where we will welcome you and your children. why? and you look at nancy pelosi over the weekend down there at the border. she was there saying this is not a crisis. this is an opportunity. it is an opportunity how? because texas, which was once a red state, is slowly trickling towards becoming a blue state. we have more immigrants in this country, who are they going to vote for? they are going to vote democratic. >> this is a crisis of this administration's making. let's face it, if you've got a five-year-old kid who can walk across our southern border because there is no security there because they have been diverted elsewhere because of the administration, that is the administration's device. they invented. the >> the sherrif of maricopa county says we need to take the administration and go to the mexican side of the u.s.-mexican border and stop it there. here he is saying how he would do it. >> if they worry about the danger, i would send the military across the border, work with their military bilaterally and get the job done. that's what i would do and we'd clean up this mess. you have to get the mexican president to okay it, and i would just go in there and have a few drinks with him and get the job done. >> $2 billion, though. we're already spending $48 million alone just in guatamala to help secure their borders. that's really worked. just throw more money at this problem? >> shouldn't we be securing our borders. >> the mayor also complained illegal immigrants in his own jail are turned over to federal authorities coming back over and over again on various criminal charges. we're not dealing with just children but also criminals repeatedly entering his gates. >> you know what would be great? if our president picked up the phone and talked to the president in mexico and say we've got a real problem here. can't you do something on your side? if you look at what's happening, these border towns all the way from texas to california, some of them are on the verge of bankruptcy because they have had this influx, this flood of illegals and they've got to take care of them and not a penny from the federal government. >> each processed one at a time. they don't have the hours to be putting into this right now, nor the funding. hence the $2 billion request to the border. >> go to the website, weigh in on this and more. >> 11 minutes after the top of the hour on this monday. he's a black republican and he's making no apologies for it. >> since i've announced my campaign, people mostly ask me how long i've been republican, where do i live, what school do i attend as opposed to try to get to know me or put me in a box. >> gary foster coming up live. >> facebook experiments on your emotion. why you might start thinking twice about logging on. ♪ ♪ you pay your auto insurance premium every month on the dot. you're like the poster child for paying on time. and then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain... it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away it's the campaign ad you've got to see. >> since i've announced my campaign, people mostly ask me how long have i been republican, where do i live, what school did i attend, as opposed to try to get to know me or put me in a box. did you know by growing up we would have a winter without heat or i've been blessed while listening to frank sinatra. the last concert i attended was lil' wayne. yes, lil' wayne. i take it personal when people. unfortunately, no, i cannot swim. my favorite book of the bible is ecclestiastes. it's the only book i've read where god gave a man everything, he lost it and lived to tell about it. i was the first in my family to earn a four-year degree. and one of the best things about me is i married very, very well. now that you know a little about me, do i really fit in a box? see you on the campaign trail. >> well, our next guest makes it nearly impossible for his opponents to put him in a box. darius foster, republican candidate for the alabama house of representatives joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. >> that's probably one of the most compelling campaign ads out there. how did you come up with the idea? >> well, my wife and i sat down and wanted to figure out a way to let voters know that i'm not just one thing, and we browsed youtube and kind of jotted some things down and came up with that. i called my family and i called some friends over, and a buddy of mine recorded it in front of my house on my street. it cost all about 300 bucks. >> so fiscally responsible of you. you mentioned your wife. i think anyone who has seen this ad -- and millions have this morning for sure -- they love the kiss, darius. that was a big deal. you said it was the best thing you did. what does your wife mean to you? >> she's amazing. i look forward to growing old with her. >> how did you become a republican? >> well, kind of going back to experience, my first time voting i went to the ballot box with my grandmother -- she is going to kill me for telling the story -- she said you need to vote straight democratic ticket. i asked her why. she was really adamant about me voting democrat but couldn't explain to me why. her personality is not like that, so it kind of threw me for a loop that she would be so strong about it. so i did it and went home and researched it on the britanica. i said aren't you for limited government and low taxes? she said yeah. i said you may be republican. we never addressed it since then but if she hadn't been so adamant about me being a democrat, i probably wouldn't have questioned it. it was kind of her behavior made me go home and check it out. ever since then i've been a republican since about 18 years old. >> love that story. she's also appearing, right? didn't she appear in the ad? >> yes, she was the second person, the bright-skinned lady in the middle of the street, i think the second person. >> let me ask you this, do you get a bunch of heat, do you take a bunch of heat for being a black republican? >> i do, but not for the reasons people think. one of the -- there are two issues, in my opinion -- totally my -- when it comes to the party and getting black votes. one is we don't address the issues in the community. yes, there's a lot of plight and a lot of things that are, you know, extreme -- poverty, and we've got bad schools. it's kind of a cycle. however, our message is very confused sometimes. to me, it's five points: strong national defense, limited government, low taxes, respect the constitution, and being responsible individually. now, that's why i'm republican. now i'm a christian as well. i'm pro-life and i'm pro-traditional marriage. but being a christian under those five points is not a criteria. i think a lot of in the south, when you ask a person to share the party's principles, it's almost like sharing the gospel. i won't let any party hijack my faith like that. it's coming up with a shared standard around the country, whether it's the california g.o.p., new york g.o.p. or the alabama g.o.p. what is the republican party and being consistent on what that means. >> darius, a strong message there. we wish you well in the district. i have a feeling this is just the beginning for you. thanks for being on "fox & friends." best to the great women around you. >> thank you, ma'am. a fox news alert in a few hours. the supreme court will rule on a landmark decision on obamacare and at stake is your religious liberty. what can we expect fromp. w this? like shoes, textiles, foreign investments, spatulas, bounty hunters, javelins... when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. crestor lowered bad cholesterol in it's a fact. high-risk patients more than lipitor. bad cholesterol... you're going down! yeah! lowering cholesterol is a big deal, especially if you have high cholesterol plus any of these risk factors, because you could be at increased risk for plaque buildup in your arteries over time. so, when diet and exercise aren't enough to lower 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minimum. kos at that re -- at a 2-1 win. tomorrow the big question is will the star striker jozy altidore be in the lineup? the coach says he's optimistic that altidore will play. steve? >> thank you, clay top. inin a couple of hours the supreme court is expected to rule on a landmark case on religious liberty and freedom. hobby lobby, the company, is fighting obamacare for a religious exemption to its contraception mandate. what can we expect from the judges? let's talk to the executive director of the becket fund for religious freedom, the group representing hobby lobby in the case. good morning. what do you expect? >> we think we're going to win. it was very evident during oral argument in march that the government's case was very weak and the green family has a reasonable claim. all they're telling the government is they're willing to comply with everything in the affordable care act including 16 out of the 28 f.d.a. approved con ra -- contraceptives. they cannot participate in the payment of these drugs. they don't have an issue with the employees iewtion the -- with the employees using these drugs, they just cannot pay for them. >> the hobby lobby corporation is providing 16 different kinds of contraceptions but there's the fourth kind that the family simply is against. why is the family against those four? >> these four drugs and devices, and the government itself admits this, can cause an early form of abortion and the grown family said we cannot participate in the taking of life and this is part of it. again, we have no objection to anyone using these drugs. we just cannot pay for them. >> ultimately what it's going to come down to is because churches get an exemption with their employees. they don't have to provide it, the catholic church doesn't. it really comes down to do corporations have religious freedom. >> it also comes down to the fact that the government has already exempted hundreds of millions of americans from having to comply with this health and human services mandate already for convenience reasons. they cannot decide not to exempt a for-profit business because a for-profit business has a religious reason. their claim is the government cannot have its cake and eat it too in this case. >> one of the reasons you are confident you're going to win, justice breyer, who is liberal, let's say, he was even questioning the government's case. >> that is correct. it was very evident during oral argument that he was quite skeptical about the arguments the government was making. >> we're going to find out. the results should come out later on today. >> christina arriaga from the becket fund, thank you for joining us today. 28 minutes after the top of the hour. fox news alert, bullets flying through the air in one of america's most popular tourist locations. what went down on bourbon street last night? we'll tell you what we know. this is scary. facebook using you and me and elisabeth and clayton as lab rats for a facebook experiment on emotions. why you may start thinking twice before you log on to your facebook page. first happy birthday. mike tyson is 48. ♪ ♪ introducing nexium 24hr. finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand. comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection. i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. welcome back everybody. yesterday was an interesting day. lois lerner -- remember the head of the i.r.s. department in charge of tax exemption -- they're under intense scrutiny as to whether they targeted or not conservative groups. her attorney was questioned by candy crowley as to what happened to those e-mails and why she would plead the fifth. this is what happened. he said once upon a time this. >> she walked into the office one day and her screen went blue. she asked for help in restoring it and the i.t. people came and attempted to restore it. they even went so far as to send it to another expert to try to restore the e-mails. nobody was thinking about trying to keep anything from being discovered. she was as upset as anybody else was about the loss of the e-mails and the other documents which were on there which were quite important to her. >> went so far as to call in another person. you really went really far. call in another expert who couldn't retrieve experts. >> from the geek squad. she says through her attorney that she did nothing wrong, which is curious because then she went ahead and took the fifth. but he says, mr. taylor did, that she refuses to testify in front of the house because it's an election year and republicans need a demon, and she's it. he says it's completely coincidental. she didn't keep any thumb drives or backups or paper copy, even though as darrell issa pointed out yesterday, she is a lawyer. she should know better. he, darrell issa, thinks lois lerner's attorney, he is lying. >> the i.r.s. manual, which we've shown on the show, in the i.r.s. manual it demands that if the correspondence rises to the level of being important, you have to print it out on paper, you have to keep a copy if you're in that director position. she should have had a hard copy. regardless if i come in and see the blue screen of death on my computer or if i pick up this mac book pro and smash it, i'll download these e-mails again. the e-mails only exist in this one device? that's just not right. >> big violation there. >> just a little curious that all the crashes, not only just on hers but on the other six computers happened ten days after the house republicans wrote to the i.r.s., hey, are you targeting people? boom! any way we'll keep you posted. 25 minutes now before the top of the hour. a busy monday. heather nauert joins us with news. >> quite a story out of new orleans on bourbon street. a shootout and causes panic and chaos on the streets. caught on camera as gunshots fired in new orleans. this security footage shows the moment two gunmen opened fire on each other before they turned the guns on the crowd. one of the gunmen, you can see him here, dressed in black right there running from the scene. frightened witnesses describe the chaos there. listen to this. >> when i heard the gunshot, i just -- i ducked and i ran around the corner and i just started running. >> i heard bam, bam, bam, bam, bam! >> a bunch of people running no stores and restaurants. the doors there had to be locked. people now in critical condition, at least nine shot. people are still trying to identify the shooter and they need your help. now let's take a live look at the courthouse in south africa. the oscar pistorius murder trial resumes today after the blade runner underwent psychiatric tests. earlier this morning doctors said he is fit to stand trial. their findings show he was not suffering from a mental illness when he shot reba steenkamp in their home last year. it was one year ago today the nation's deadliest wildfire killed 19 fire fighters in the town of yarnell. the men were part of the elite fire fighters. last night family and friends remembered their loved ones at a memorial service in arizona. >> few could imagine the dangers they faced or what it would mean to work so hard in the heat of the desert packing their gear and water in, cutting and scraping and digging a line of defense against fire. >> the youngest victim was just 27 years old. facebook has literally been playing with your emotions, and a lot of people not so happy about it today. researchers at the social network tinkered with nearly 700,000 userrers new speeds. they found people who saw more doom and gloom were more likely to post negative updates about themselves. it was an emotional study and citing real emotion from users. outrage, confusion, fear that facebook could mess with people's head in secret. some angry users taking to twitter running if facebook killed anyone with their emotion manipulation stunt. a lot of people not happy about this. the guy who led that study is now saying he's having second thoughts about it. >> he's saying i'm sorry about it. in the academic world you have to get permission before you do psychological studies. they did it quietly. >> let's not forget how many minors have their account tucked into it. "planet of the apes" expected to be one of the biggest block busters of the year. >> war is not what you want. there must be another way. >> all right. >> that's what i look like when i wake up. the 2011 reboot, "rise to the planet of the apes." this one expected to be better. >> my cam -- michael tammero joins us live. >> this is a rare thing in hollywood where the series gets better and better from film to film. this is is -- this is set ten years after the first movie. global pandemic wiped out most of humanity leaving the world plunged into darkness but the apes are dealing quite fine. so much went into the effort of creating these apes you forget it is all digital. it's done by this motion capture technique where the actors aren't in makeup but were in gray suits with dots and cameras all over them. >> you actually learned how to do that? >> i learned how to walk like an april. contrary to what you may is is friday night, buddy. you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. tower ride at sea world. 48 people got stuck near the top of the 320-foot tall tower there in san diego. a power failure caused the ride to stall in mid air. there were no reported injuries. >> talk about instant karma. a guy on a motorcycle rides by a car and kicks the side. he then immediately crashes. the guy's okay. he eventually got back up and drove off. his pride possibly bruised. oh man! >> don't cut me off. president obama wants to take executive action this time to raise the minimum wage and he's blaming republicans for forcing him to use the power of the pen. >> the problem is republicans in congress keep blocking or voting down almost every serious idea that strengthens the middle class. this obstruction keeps the system rigged for those at the top and rigged against the middle class. as long as they insist on doing it, i'm going to keep taking action on my own. >> will forcing a higher minimum wage on businesses help them or end up hurting the economy? here to discuss is host of "making money" with charles payne. a forced minimum-wage increase bypassing congress will do what? >> it will make things worse. there's no doubt that some people stuck in minimum wage, particularly people head of household, it will help them. but overall ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... yeah, i'm on minimum wage but the household i live in, we do $70,000 a year. that's the average. take one of those jobs away and what you've lost is significantly more than you would gain with minimum wage. that's the compassionate side, the small business owner out there could not absorb these costs. that's the root of our economy, small businesses. we're talking about hurting them, harming them more significantly. >> you got the news this week about the first quarter growth down 2.9%. it wasn't just because of weather from a little snow flurry. it was because of the shrinking economy. obamacare. >> obamacare and a whole host of other issues that this administration could be responsible for. >> that's the real sad part of it all is that the president has put in place policies at this stage of the game it's pretty evident that they have always been, the rhetoric has always been antibusiness, antisuccess but now regulations, the taxes and everything else have come home to roost. they are destroying the economy. the only reason we're doing as well as we're doing, and knock on wood, is because we already had this amazing economy in place. we're still at $16 trillion economy, but the idea that somehow raising minimum wage is the elixir is nuts. absolutely crazy. what the president is doing is saying to the public give me the right, help me become a lawless president, help me become an imperial president and bypass the system. he lost a lot of last week with the constitution, the supreme court. i hope this doesn't work even though we do have an income inequality problem. >> charles paip is -- charles payne is hosting for stuart varney today. thanks, charles. >> thank you, charles. coming up a tech-savvy two-year-old saved her mother's life and it's all thanks to siri. they are going to join us live with this incredible story next. we've got a fair and balanced debate up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ did you know a ten-second test ♪ ♪ could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. listen to this story. a two-year-old now a here efor saving her mom ace life. she fainted inside their minnesota home and her toddler immediately called 911. >> 911. bright county 911. >> this is no ordinary emergency call. two-year-old eve was trained to talk to siri on her mom's iphone if mom fell down. joining us with this story is liz and eve newton. welcome to the show. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. there is eve there on the right. liz, you sort of prepared your daughter for this, right? you have a medical condition that you kind of gave your daughter a heads up. if mom false down, you should do something, right? >> yeah. we wanted to have a plan just like you would have a plan for a fire or a severe weather that if i ever fainted, we taught her to push the button on siri, on the iphone and wait 'til she talks to you and then ask siri to either call 911 or call emergency. and that's exactly what she did last monday for us. >> eve, you picked up mommy's phone and what did you do to save your mommy's life? >> pushed the button. >> you pushed the button. and sometimes she gets a little frustrated, right? >> she does. when we were trying to teach her to use siri, she would get mad if siri didn't talk back to her. >> eve, do you get a little sad sometimes when siri doesn't talk back to you right away? >> yeah. i do. >> she presses this button and we heard the 911 recording which is pretty amazing. i'm going to do a little demonstration 'cause this is all she did. i'm gog do this -- this is what you did. held down the button. call emergency. >> hey. >> calling emergency services in five seconds. >> then that's how it worked. they connected. then what happened next? >> she actually hung up the first time and when i didn't come to, she called a second time and the second time they were able to pinpoint our address and get us help. i actually didn't come to until long after emergency services got there. she was a really smart girl and scary position. >> eve, were you scared? >> yeah. >> do you realize you saved your mommy's life? >> yeah! >> are you a super hero? >> yeah. >> are you wonder woman? >> i'm a super hero. >> liz, what other emergency things have you taught her and how important is this for parents to teach their kids to have something in place? kids are smart, even at that age, right? >> they are. we have taught them where they need to go if there is ever a storm up here in minnesota. we had some severe storms. so we taught them that as well. but i think this was definitely the most important thing to teach her 'cause she definitely saved my life and now knows how to use a cell phone very well. >> wonderful. liz and eve, so great to see you this morning. eve, our little super hero. thank you for joining us on the show. we're glad you're healthy. >> thank you. coming up, warnings from the u.n. this morning. the world's favorite drug is more dangerous than you think. and nancy pelosi says the border problem is an opportunity. an opportunity for what? donald trump weighs in top of the hour. there is the donald. ♪ your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain. this is humira helping me lay the groundwork. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, 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life. good morning. it is monday, june 30. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. in a few hours, the supreme court will rule on hobby lobby versus obamacare. will they grant a private company religious freedom over the federal government? we're live with the very latest. and those 50,000 illegal kids at our border, no big deal, not a crisis, according to nancy pelosi. >> this crisis as some call it crisis, we have to view as an opportunity. >> the democrats are something else. the president is pushing a plan to send billions there to the border. donald trump is here live to react. then feminists flipping out, calling a men's conference a hate group even though it included all races and secretaries. so who are the ones being intolerant? we've got a fair and balanced debate as we always do here on fox news channel because as you know, more news is always better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> good morning, everybody. you are look at a live shot of a 20-foot by 30-foot american flag, one heck of a reminder of the patriotism and sacrifice that goes into all that our service members give and right here live at "fox & friends," dhl is going to deliver that flag as it will be on its way to afghanistan to warrior's way in time for fourth of july, a remarkable gesture for those who give so much. they heard that they needed a replacement and off that flag will go. >> dhl does great stuff for our soldiers. they are the ones responsible for pizza for patriots. they air drop in pizzas for the soldiers. >> did you notice the shot outside our world headquarters? you can actually see the dhl van. they zoomed in. also we need to give a shout out to the adopt a soldier platoon. they are right there as well. >> all working together for a great cause. >> there is the dhl truck right there. >> he's not double parked. >> fox news alert now, all eyes on supreme court today. they are expected to rule on two major cases, one of those a decision that could strike down one of the laws' most controversial requirements of obamacare as the clock winds down supporters of hobby lobby are feeling confident of their obamacare challenge. >> peter doocy live with more on this landmark case. >> good morning. the big question at the center of the case is this: can government force a company to give employees birth control if the owners believe in a religion that doesn't believe in birth control. republicans don't think so. >> hoping the court will uphold the rights of individuals for their expression of their religious freedoms. now, the end does not justify the means in these cases and my no decision last week was the 13th time the supreme court has voted 9-0 that the president has exceeded his constitutional authority. >> the hobby lobby lawyers think they're going to win this case and they're confident stems from the way oral arguments went. but the supporters say if women are denied free birth control, that is discrimination. so they don't think the court will change obamacare. >> the government will not violate anyone's religious belief, but no one has the right to discriminate against a woman because of her own beliefs. and i believe that the supreme court will find that -- no business should be allowed to discriminate against women. >> another ruling expected to come down today, could be bad news for unions. it will determine if they can force public sector workers like teachers and police officers, to pay union dues even if they don't want to be in a union. back to you in new york. >> all right. peter doocy live in dc, could be a big headache for big labor if they go against it. >> no kidding. heather nauert is here. a camper, we'll call her. you have some headlines. >> we've got new information coming in from new orleans today. breaking overnight, some terrifying moments for nearly 100 passengers on board a united airlines flight when the emergency slide inflates in the cabin midair and these pictures are crazy. look at this, how big this thing is. it blocks the entire aisle. >> all of a sudden you saw their faces go like this and you heard a big bang. and a his. we all turned around and the whole back cabin part of the plane where they sat was full of the chute. >> passengers panicking as that plane dropped nearly 15,000 feet in 12 minutes from a loss in cabin pressure. that flight was headed from chicago to california. the captain was forced to make an emergency landing in wichita, kansas. here is another story i just mentioned. panic and chaos in the streets of new orleans. caught on camera, gun shots fired on bourbon street. the security footage shows the moment two gunmen opened fire on one another before they turned their guns on the crowd. one of the gunmen, you can see him dressed in black, is seen running from that scene. frightened witnesses describe the chaos there. listen to this. >> when i heard the gun shots, i ducked and i ran around the corner. i just started running. >> i heard bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. >> a lot of these people had to run into restaurants and stores and then lock themselves hyped those doors. nine people were injured in this shooting. two of them are now in critical condition. police are still trying to identify the shooters and they need your help this morning. then a radical rebranding. the terror group isis declaring statehood as the united states rushes fire missiles, 75, to iraq to try to rebuild the government's arsenal. the city militants name ago new leader and also dropping al sham from the title, saying they will now be called the islamic state. the iraqi government continues to battle the organization to take back the northern city of tikrit. russia also sending in intelligence experts and 12 new war planes to help with the fight. but the experts' arrival is seen as a real criticism to the united states, which many iraqis believe has been way too slow to supply aircraft and assistance. the world's most popular drug a lot more dangerous than many people think. the united nations saying that the number of americans getting treated for pot use in emergency rooms has gone up 59% over the past decade. they say while it's typically considered harmless to some, smoking marijuana, especially in young people, leads to serious health risks, including lung problems, stroke, and memory loss. and those are your head headlines. thank you. >> it is monday. that means donald trump joins us right about now and he joins us right now from scotland. good morning to you, mr. t. >> good morning. >> great to have you. so donald, i want to ask you first about nancy pelosi. i'm going to play a sound bite for you. we know that tens of thousands of illegals are streaming across our southern border and she has got a real knack for spinning it one way. it's not a crisis to her. it's something else. listen to this. >> this crisis that some call it, crisis, we have to view as an opportunity. if you believe as we do that every child, every person has a spark of divinity in them and is therefore worthy of respect, what we saw in those rooms was dazzling, sparkleing, a ray of god's children worthy of respect. so we have to use as was said this morning, the crisis that some view as a crisis, and it does have crisis qualities, as an opportunity to show who we are as americans, that we do respect people for their dignity and worth. >> right. so mr. trump, is it a crisis or is it an opportunity? >> well, it's tremendous crisis and it's a tremendous problem for our country and what's happening is everybody is putting their people -- not just children, by the way. there are many other people coming in. but they're coming to our borders, getting free access and we're taking care of them and we're spending and we're a company that owes $17 trillion and really we're a debtor nation. everybody is coming into our country and we're taking care of everybody. so it is a terrible situation certainly, but really it's all caused by the fact that we have open borders. >> yeah. isn't she exactly right, though, donald? it's an opportunity for democrats. it's an opportunity to switch certain states from red to blue, texas starting to move toward the blue state, math mat i cancally impossible for republicans to win if texas turns to a blue state. >> well, i've been saying it for a long time and i've been telling the republicans, all of the people that they use the word illegal aliens and all different words, but whatever word you want to say, those people are voting democrat. it doesn't make any difference if the republicans just absolutely do everything possible to get them in, as soon as they have their vote, they're going to be voting democrat, and it will have a huge impact on the republican party. now, you have to do what's right and if you don't do what's right, that's not the right thing. but those people, everyone, will be voting democrat. so i think the republicans are being led into an unbelievable trap and i just hope they're smart enough to know it. >> talk about lost opportunity, yesterday lois lerner's attorney really missed the ball there, ducked the hard drive question as to what happened after their screen went blue. what happened to these e-mails as we're looking into whether or not conservative groups were targeted by the irs, something everyone should be concerned about. what do you think about his dodging? >> well, i think the whole thing is an amazing situation. i've never heard of losing what they lost. it's just something that -- it's unfathomable. when you're at the irs, you hold your papers for many, many years. you're told you have to otherwise you lose your case. here is a case that's really an amazing situation. i'm frankly surprised it's not a much bigger story. but i've always heard that you can't counter a hard drive. in other words, once the e-mails go out and once the information goes out that, that information is a -- it's got a permanent place. so i'm really surprised that the republicans aren't going after the hard drives and finding out what's going on. it must be very bad. it's a very sad story to me. i think it's a very, very sad story. but it must be very, very bad what's on the various e-mails because for somebody to do this and obviously it was done, for somebody to do this, i can only imagine what must be on those e-mails. >> you're probably right. probably ain't pretty. from hard drive to long drive, you are in turnbury, scotland right now because you've got a big announcement. >> well, not so much an announcement. i did just buy it. it's an amazing place. it's considered one of the great resorts of the world. it's got the open championship that they used to refer to it as the british open of the it's probably the biggest golf tournament in the world. it's an amazing place. it's 1,000 acres on the sea and i mean, beautiful sea. i just got here because i just bought it. and we're doing some work on it and it's just incredible because i've come here for a long time and it's a special place. to own it is absolutely amazing to me. >> donald, you got a 15 or 30-year mortgage on that? >> yeah, i don't even have a mortgage on it. can you believe? i don't even have a mortgage. i didn't put a mortgage on. i but the it for cash. >> we're happy for you. >> i will say this, it's nice when you can do business that way. makes deals a lot easier. >> don't have to worry about a balloon payment. >> from now on, it's known as trump turnburry. >> you know, i would never cancel my monday call with you because that would be a terrible, terrible thing to do. that would be a devastating thin to you and fox. i'll never cancel. but it's now 12:00 o'clock over in turnberry in scotland and it is beautiful here. the weather is beautiful, the sea is crashing against the rocks. the place is amazing. so i like buying amazing things and i like making them even better. >> very nice. >> we appreciate it. we know our millions of viewers appreciate you joining us monday mornings, mr. trump. congratulations. >> i enjoy it very much. previous me. >> thank you. travel safely. 13 minutes after the top of the hour. >> i think he was rubbing it in that he was by the beach. >> balloon payment? >> coming up, the benghazi suspect here on american soil. so now what? the man who prosecuted the blind sheik tells us what to expect next. and this video captured by our own maria molina as she tracks the severe weather right in the middle of the storms. a live report and more on the threat of tornadoes which she saw yesterday again today. ♪ ♪ she's still the one for you. and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do 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so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? after spending nearly two weeks on board the uss new york, the lone benghazi suspect arrived on american soil over the weekend and pled not guilty in a federal court on saturday. >> now the obama administration insisting on trying abu al khattala here in a u.s. federal court. so what can we expect and is this decision the correct one? joining us is a policy fellow at the national review, andrew mccarthy. so what happens next for this guy? >> well, now he'll be formally arraigned eventually. this was the first appearance that he had in court. how shocking that it was on a saturday when nobody was paying much attention. but what will now happen is the formal process will start. the case will be assigned to a judge and they go forward from there. >> it sounds like they parked the new york in the chesapeake bay and choppered him directly into the washington, d.c. area. andrew, one of your problems with this whole thing is the fact that we are now back to september 10 mentality, to adjudicating these things. >> that's exactly right. even enemy combatant terrorists are back to being mere criminal defendants. we're back to treating terrorism globally as a law enforcement problem rather than a national security problem that's handled under the laws of war. >> as a law man yourself, what does that say about our judicial system? that we can't handle it somehow, that we need to send this guy to guantanamo bay to get justice? >> no. the problem has never been being able to convict terrorists in court. we've always been able to do that. our process does allow that. the problem is the national security price tag on that. under the laws of war, you're allowed to detain people indefinitely. you don't have to have the public trial that forces you to disclose all kinds of information the government has in its intelligence files to the enemy during the war while the enemy is trying to kill not only americans, but our men and women in harm's way. >> sure. that's what's gog happen here. during the discovery process, the bad guy's side, defense team, is going to get whatever secrets are germane to this war on terror. >> exactly. this guy has been described in the media as the ringleader. you need a ring to be the ringleader. he's the only one who is here. so we'll be giving him all the intelligence that we have on the al-qaeda conspiracy, all the intelligence we have on what has been going on in benghazi on the run up to september 11 and the aftermath and he's the only one we have here, which means we'll be educating the enemy about what we know about the enemy. >> i'm curious about the foreign soil aspect of this. we hear about enemy combatants on foreign soil. that's how they become an enemy combatant. but in this case, the u.s. consulate. u.s. soil, right? is that the rub here, that that's why he's not being tried as an enemy combatant? >> no. if you remember in 1998, our embassies were struck by al-qaeda in kenya and tanzania and we brought some of the al-qaeda operatives that we could capture to new york which took place in 2000 and 2001. the interesting thing about that, though, and i think this points up the ineffectiveness of the criminal justice system, most of the people that who were involved in that indictment, like osama bin laden himself and others, they couldn't be captured 'til we went to the laws of war. >> absolutely. that's what's happening right now. all right. thank you very much. >> thanks. 20 after the top of the hour. >> the cutest video you'll see all day. >> you understand that? that's baby versus bulldog coming up. >> i wonder if he's impersonating mom or dog. and feminists are calling a men's group a hate group, even who are the ones being intolerant? we have a fair and balanced debate coming up between those two next hello! i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! ♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. welcome back. time for news by the numbers. seven out of ten. that's how many young americans are too fat to serve. our new study found 70% of 34 million americans aged 17 to 24 are too overweight for military duty. next, 3.68. that's the average gas price for the upcoming fourth of july holiday. that's a 17-cent increase over last year. the highest since 2008 when prices topped $4 nationally. finally, $100 million. that's how much "transformers: age of extinction" took in at the box office, making it the top debut of the year. have you seen the rotten tomato score? it's like 14%. elisabeth? >> thanks. there is more backlash over a men's rights conference in detroit. some feminists comparing the gathering to hosting a hate group. so does the intolerance show there is really a feminist war on men? joining us for debate, former miss america and democratic strategist. thank you for being here. so who is the victim? >> yeah. that's the question. it's like increasingly as though every group wants to be like the protective class and i'm the victim and it's my rights that are being stepped upon. and i think when that happens, you create an overreaction potentially in the other group. as a feminist movements that gained strength and gained certain things, men said hey, what about us? and so there are valid concerns that they raised at this conference. however, some of the language they use is some of the things they accuse feminism of using. that's belittling. >> this is a voice for men, the on line hub for men's rights activists. do you think it's hate speech? >> i don't think it's hate speech. the southern property law center classified that group as hate groups. so i think that is important not to state it with feminism and say feminism is to blame for the legitimate concerns that a voice for men and other groups raise, like child custody and the courts being unfair to men. i think largely they're scapegoating feminism instead of looking at the problem, instead of traditional gender roles have made it so that men need to catch up. >> some say feminism is actually the cause of men having less right in the courtroom as it pertains to violence against them. what do you believe there? >> i think that what you want to see is you want to see the right -- you want to see a group empowered, but not at the expense of another group. so i think going back to kind of an overcorrection, we need to have more men that are speak, having an intellectual debate about. this are speaking with respect for women to say hey, here are some of the things we want to bring to the table. to really move a group's rights forward, you have to build coalitions and work with people. men and women are different, but they offer both great things. they have to respect both of what they offer and say how can we make this work together? not by alienating the other side. >> do feminists want to hear what this men's group has to say? >> i think it's important to listen to the opposing voices. what i don't think we need to tolerate is hate speech. for example, the founder of a voice for men has said women are begging to be raped if they go out and start and drink and flirt, then they're asking for it. that i have a problem with. i do think that like i said before, legitimate concerns for child custody and child support, those are valid burks scapegoat ing feminism is the wrong approach. >> the founder said it was satire and not to be taken seriously. >> i take that very seriously. >> i want to thank you both for being with me today. caught on camera, a police officer wrestling this woman to the ground. check this out. and slapping on the handcuffs all over jay walking. and take a look at this here. 30-foot by 20-foot american flag in a moment, we'll head out there and this flag is going to take heroic trip from our plaza to afghanistan. that story behind this journey next. ♪ ♪ t! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" ♪ ♪ >> your shot of the morning. heather nauert going camping, or is it glamping. 20 feet from your house? >> yeah. about 20 feet from our back door. those are my kids, 3 1/2 and 4 1/2, and my husband. i promised the kids if they were good and didn't fight for three days straight, we'd let them go camp not guilty the backyard. we made it all night, had a blast. i'm still sore today. >> so nobody ran inside? >> nobody ran inside. >> did you have sleeping bags? >> sleeping bags. then the kids and i slept on the inflatable mattress. >> this is something you've done for your entire life growing up. >> i did. >> what are we going to go for food? mom, go to the refrigerator. >> this weekend was national camping day. 300,000 people across the country went camping over the weekend with their families. >> you know this was a gateway event because did you it in the backyard. now you have to go to a national park or something. >> oh, oh. >> i think we'll give the kids a few more years. >> if you've got some camping pictures, whether it's in your backyard or someplace else, e-mail them to us. we'd love to see yours as well. >> camping and glamping. >> coming up right now, we've got a fox news extreme weather alert. new video this morning that shows a lot of flooding after heavy rain swept through portions of iowa and illinois and today parts of the midwest are bracing for even more severe weather. >> maria molina is on the ground in iowa where she caught some amazing pictures of tornadoes. she's been out there doing some storm chasing and joins us on the phone right now. what are we looking at an our screen here? >> hi. good morning. yesterday we had some severe weather across parts of eastern nebraska and also western iowa and we were particularly storm chasing between the omaha, nebraska area and des moines. i was storm chasing with experienced people at the armored vehicles. we saw several super cells and one of them actually produced a tornado that we intercepted. we saw the tornado come down and also the wind pick up very quickly. it was thankfully relatively weak a 0 f-1 and lifted up quickly as it moved toward the north and east. today we do have that risk for severe weather to continue across parts of iowa, also parts of northern missouri, and even extending into northern illinois. it does look like the day's risk could be higher than yesterday. and yesterday we had 13 reported tornadoes, more than 100 reports of damaging winds and also large hail stretching from states like wisconsin, down through iowa and down into parts of missouri. so it will be interesting to see how today shapes up. we've also been talking about flash flooding. there's a number of flash flood warnings ongoing right now across parts of iowa and also into illinois. that's the same area that has that elevated risk today for more storms, more tornadoes, and also more heavy rain. over to you. >> all right. maria molina on the ground there in des moines, iowa, doing some storm chasing. >> that's right. thanks. we'll be with you all morning. a lot happening here that we want to bring you. heather nauert, camper in chief stands by. >> good morning. i've got disturbing news to bring you. we're learning new details about the georgia toddler who died after his father left him in a hot car for seven hours. just days after justin harris admitted to searching the internet for information on child deaths inside hot cars, the mother is now admitting to searching for the same thing. the father is under arrest and faces murder and child cruelty charges. he says he simply forgot that his son was in the back seat. the mother has not been charged. shocking new surveillance video surfacing that shows the moment cops wrestle a college professor to the ground after they catch her jay walking. >> put your hands behind your back! stop! >> stop! are you serious? >> wow. the arizona state professor says she was simply trying to avoid construction in the street when a campus police officer stopped her and asked her for her identification card. she refused to give it to him, claiming he spoke to her in a disrespectful manner and that's when things escalated pretty quickly. bystanders felt they had to call 911 to report the cop being too aggressive. but the professor now faces charges of assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest. her attorney says she was simply acting in self-defense. what do you think of that. netherlands costa rica advancing to the quarter finals in the world cup. the netherlands taking out mexico in its thrilling win. costa rica knocking greece out in penalty kicks. as team usa gets ready to take on belgium tomorrow, the big question is will star striker altidor be in the line - up? he suffered a hamstring injury. the coach says he is optimistic that he will play. and it is definitely the cutest video you will see all day. a bad dog getting quite a lecture from a passionate toddler. check this out. (babbling). >> i love how that dog kind of can't be bothered. we're not exactly sure what the little girl is saying, but he doesn't seem phased. the pooch eventually falling over on the couch and he fell asleep. and those are your headlines. let's head outside to elizabeth who is going to tell us about this huge american flag on the plaza. hi, elisabeth. >> hey there. a huge impact, injured troops are wheeled into the hospital in afghanistan, they are greeted by a 30-foot american flag, a symbol of hope and surely a reminder of their sacrifice. that flag is here and it's about to be retired there. but not long before a new one is going to arrive just in time for fourth of july. joining me right now here on this endeavor is alan, the president of adopt a soldier platoon and alex, the director of operation for dhl. what a partnership. alex, thanks for being here. you heard the flag was going to be retired at warriors way and then you decided to do what? >> we volunteered to buy them a new flag. and they asked if we would fly it over the capitol, but it was too big to fly over the capitol. the flag office said we can't do that. so we managed to contact the house committee on veterans affairs and they said they would hold it over the capitol steps. before that we were escorted to the 9-11 memorial, the pentagon, and we draped it over a table in the 9-11 memorial. so we're giving it some history and it's a great honor to prepare a flag that will hang in warrior's way. >> of course. so many service members here with hands on it. dhl members, what a partnership. dhl getting comfort items and reminders of home to those serving our nation with hearted. you are going to take this flag and do what with it today? >> we've been partnering now for nine years with adopt a soldier platoon. we'll take custody of this flag today. then we'll fly to our cincinnati hub and from there a direct flight to the middle east and have it delivered no larry than wednesday morning n time for celebrations of july 4th. so very honored and very proud to be part of this initiative with alan. >> well, "fox & friends," and the entire network could not be more honored to have this flag with us this morning. exactly how do you start to get it where it needs to go now? >> after the segment is over we're going to fold it up, but we're going to allow those in fox news and those from dhl if they would like to sign the header, the header han signed by the members of the house committee on veterans affairs. so you can see that the congressmen have signed the flag from the veterans affairs committee. so we'd like you guys to also sign her and all the folks from dhl. they even have a vietnam veteran. he can sign it. i want to say that there was never any question about how we would get this to afghanistan because we know it needed to get there quickly and safely. it's in very good hands. >> great hands here at times square. we thank you both for your service to our nation in this way. from our plaza, i'm going to head out to steve and clayton and they can join me out here soon. thanks. >> thank you. straight ahead on this monday morning, an eight-year-old boy narrowly escapes an oncoming train. how he saved his own life coming up. and these high profile democrats insist on crying poor. >> came out of the white house not only dead broke burks in debt. >> i don't own a single stock. i have no savings account. >> but their actual work is very, very rich. so why do democrats lie about being poor at panera bread, we fill our freshly baked flatbread with bold, unflat flavors. like taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean. so you always get flavor that's anything but flat. new flatbread sandwiches, try one today. smoking with chantix. for 33 years i chose to keep smoking... ...because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some could be life threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a non-smoker. but i do now. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. welcome back. quick headlines. doctors say oscar pistorius was not mentally ill when he shot his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, last year. that assessment revealed in court this morning. the trial had been on break waiting that evaluation. an eight-year-old narrowly escapes an oncoming train, ended up killing two other people he was with. the boy survived by dropping between the rails. three had been fishing in southwestern virginia. steve? >> democrats are trying to convince us that they identify with the concerns of middle class voters. >> came out of the white house not only dead broke, but in debt. we had no money when we got there and we struggled. >> i don't own a single stock or bond. i have no savings account. poorist man in congress. >> the numbers show they are far from poor. hillary earns $200,000 every time she gives a speech. joe biden may be worth up to $800,000. that's just an estimate right now. why do democrats fudge the truth about how much they're worth? here to weigh in, fox news contributor, jonah goldberg. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i love joe biden. i don't have any stocks. i don't have any bonds. i've got no savings! >> it's really kind of amazing. this guy allegedly really wants to be president of the united states and his entire financial planning model is to live like a hobo. i don't get it. we're supposed to be telling people that saving is important and this guy literally is bragging about he doesn't have a savings account. but i actually think the biden part is the most in some ways more damning 'cause he's not rich like hillary clinton is rich or a lot of these people are rich. it sort of points the real cultural problem that the democrats have. joe biden's entire economic philosophy or financial planning approach to life has been basically to just simply trust that the government will take care of him, that he will always be able to live well as a senator, as a representative, as a vice president because he's part of this sort of permanent aristocracy of this class and that is one of the problems that these guys have. and one of the reasons he's doing this is because he's trying to differentiate himself from hill spree they're all suffering from the climate that the democratic party created for itself. they're the ones demonizing rich people, demonizing mitt romney and now all of a sudden they made it sort of unacceptable or socially problematic to have money and they don't know how to explain it. >> exactly. harry reid, who said i got a guy who told me that mitt romney didn't pay taxes for ten years. harry reid lives at the ritz carlton hotel and then you've got hillary making -- she's made upwards of $5 million giving speeches. her husband, the former president, has made north of $100 million in speeches. the problem it seems is the democrats cannot admit, hey, i made it. and it's great. follow me. do the american thing. instead it's kind of like, i get your pain and i'm just like you. they're not just like us. >> they're not just like us and the way they made their money is basically by inside deals, influence peddling and celebrity, which is different than making something. >> yeah, i guess that's a pretty good point. it is curious, they simply -- just say, look, don't you think the advice to hillary should be, just come out and say, i have made a lot of money since i left public service and i've made a lot of money since public service and it's great. this country works terrific. be like me. >> yeah. then she should light a cigar with a $100 bill. that would be perfect. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up, call them nightmare nannies. one won't leave after she's fired. the other leaves kids in a hot car to go tanning. so how do you prevent this from happening to you? we've got the dos and don'ts you need to know before hiring anybody to watch your children. that's next. first on this date in 1980, paul mccartney had the number one song in america. coming up. ♪ ♪ nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ finally, the purple pill, the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand. comes without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection. welcome back. we told you about the nanny refuse to go leave a california family's home after being fired. >> this nanny who was arrested for leaving a toddler in a van so she could tan. >> how do you avoid nanny nightmares like this? the nanny doctor is here with the dos and don'ts of hiring a proper nanny. nice to see you this morning. >> good morning. nice to see you, too. >> we've had a string of these stories and it's kind of crazy. what are the proper things we're supposed to do when hiring a nanny? >> well, you absolutely have to do background checks. this also means multiple levels of background checks. so one of the first things is that you want to screen them via e-mail, over the phone. you want to have reference checks, background checks, even in the state of california we have a trust line registry. all of that before they're ever stepping foot into your home to take care of your children. you also need to be doing things like having a formal work agreement. both parties know what to expect. this family in upton where the nanny didn't leave, they didn't have a formal work agreement. they had where they were giving her room and board in exchange for child care, which is a totally different agreement in general. also other things like just not taking -- not taking referrals -- >> doctor, in terms of the don'ts, don't rush the process, you say. sometimes you can't help that. and don't cut corners. what do you mean by that? >> don't cut corners. sometimes when you find the right person, you can get really excited and you just want to hire them and have them start on monday. but these are your children. if you cut corners, your children are going to pay the price. >> you say don't enter into an unconventional relationship. what does that mean? >> well, this family where the nanny was a live-in nanny and they have this exchange where they weren't paying her legally, that they were saying you can live here, that's an unconventional relationship. whenever there is an unconventional relationship, a family and nanny entering into relationship should consult a professional such as myself or a nanny agency, just to check out are we thinking about everything here? you want this to be a successful relationship and everything is safe and healthy for your children. >> great tips. doctor, we appreciate you joining us this morning. a lot of things i never even thought about. thanks. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up here on the show, lois lerner's lawyer now explaining what happened with those conveniently lost e-mails. >> she walked into the office one day and her screen went blue. asked for help in restoring it. she was as upset as anybody else was about the loss of the e-mails. >> so the question, if that's true, then why plead the fifth and obstruct the investigation into the irs? >> the scary facebook, using you as a lab rat for an experiment on your emotions. why some are thinking twice about logging on. 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[ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ good morning. today is monday, june 30. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. breaking overnight, panic at 30,000 feet for passengers on board a united airlines jet. an evacuations chute deployed mid flight. we have the frightening pictures from inside the plane. meanwhile, down here on earth, all eyes on washington this morning as we await a ruling in one of the most closely watched supreme court cases in a long time. can a private company's religious freedom be restricted by the government? and obamacare? that's coming up. and this is scary. facebook admits to using you as a lab rat for their own experiment on emotions. what you need to know before you log in. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. it's "fox & friends"! good to have clayton with us on the curvy couch. brian is taking a week off. >> thank you for having me. coffee was ordered and not delivered to me. >> you had it yesterday. remember? >> i'm sorry. i drank all my quantity? >> it's on its way. >> i've had four pots this morning. >> brian kilmeade has it somewhere. >> yeah. he's got it hiding. >> good morning to you. >> good morning. and now we start this hour with a fox news alert. all eyes on the u.s. supreme court as they are expected to rule on two major cases today. one of those is a decision that could strike down one of obamacare's most controversial requirements. >> the clock is winding down on this. supporters of hobby lobby are feeling confident of their obamacare challenge. peter doocy tracking it all live this morning at the white house with more on this case. good morning, peter. >> reporter: good morning. today's ruling could change obamacare forever. it all depends on how broad or narrow the decision turns out to be. the question facing the nine justices of the supreme court today is simple: can the government force private business owners like the green family that owns hobby lobby and has religious okays to some forms of birth control, to give their employees free birth control? lawyers for hobby lobby don't think they can. >> we think we're going to win. it was very evident during oral arguments in march that the government's case was very weak and that the green family has a very reasonable claim. all they're telling the government is that they're willing to comply with everything in the affordable care act, including 16 out of the 28 f.d.a. approved contraceptives. all they can not are drugs and devices that the family cannot in good conscience participate in the payment of these drugs. >> on the other side of the argument are democrats who think denying women free birth control is discrimination. >> the government will not violate anyone's religious beliefs, but no one has the right to discriminate against a woman because of her own beliefs. i believe that the supreme court will find that -- no business should be allowed to discriminate against women. >> another ruling expected to come down today could be bad news for big labor. it will determine if states can force public sector employees like police officers and teachers to pay union dues even if they don't want to be in a union. back to you in new york. >> all right. peter doocy live in the north lawn of the white house, thank you, where we wait for a couple of big decisions today from the supreme court. meanwhile, we've been still wondering what happened to those lois lerner e-mails. where did they go to? how did they vanish? who has them? after all, in the irs manual, she was supposed to have printed these things out and kept on paper. but there is no paper copy of them either. meanwhile, both her attorney took to television yesterday to defend her, saying look, she really wanted these e-mails recovered and saved, but it was her computer that turned blue and that's why she lost them. listen. >> she walked into the office one day and her screen went blue. she asked for help in restoring it and the i.t. people came and attempted to restore it. they even went so far as to send it to another expert to try to restore the e-mails. nobody was thinking about trying to keep anything from being discovered. she was as upset as anybody else was about the loss of the e-mails and the other documents which were on there which were quite important to her. >> wait a minute. so she's a victim? >> all of a sudden the screen went blue. lois lerner went boo hoo. what about to the federal records act? i don't know. do you? >> she was so upset. they went so far as to call someone else in to help is what he said. they went so far as to call another expert in. >> the i.t. guy's assistant and they couldn't figure it out. it is curious, though, then considering she has nothing to hide and why do the republicans think she did something wrong that she has to take the fifth? if she's going to tell the story, come on out. no. her attorney says that the republicans are looking during the election year for a political scapegoat and -- >> it's like the missing, what, 17 minutes on the nixon tape, mysteriously stops during the whole thing. i'm telling you, any tech expert will tell you, she has a computer that has e-mails that are downloaded from a server. if this computer -- if heather nauert comes over and spills coffee on this, this computer is fried. but that's okay. i log in to another computer and those e-mails are saved and i'm able to download them again. >> once again, cleverly work in the fact that heather nauert got coffee and you didn't. >> exactly. been rubbing it in all morning. good morning, heather. >> good morning. poor clayton. we'll bring you some coffee in just a little bit. >> he's brewing on it. >> exactly. i've got news to bring you. you know the slides that come out of airplanes? how fright being would it be if one of those opened up mid flight? that's exactly what happened. for nearly 100 passengers on board a united airlines flight when the emergency slide inflates in the cabin midair and look at these crazy pictures. the slide was so big that it blocked the entire aisle. passengers panicking as that plane dropped nearly 15,000 feet in about 12 minutes time. this was due to a loss in cabin pressure. that flight was headed from chicago to california. the captain was forced to make an emergency landing in wichita, kansas. happening today, president obama will nominate robert mcdonald to lead the veterans affairs department. he is a former ceo of procter & gamble. he oversaw the fortune 500 company with more than 120,000 employees across the globe. he's also graduate of west point and a decorated army captain, once nominated, he will have to be confirmed by the u.s. senate. new reports of new undetectable bombs that could be used to blow up airplanes. the president now considering beefing up security at our nation's airports as radical islamists in syria are apparently teaming up with al-qaeda to create these new bombs. intelligence points to terrorists using a bomb on a u.s. or european-bound plane. every wedding has its challenges, but not like this. this woman had to jump from her burning third floor apartment in colorado just days before she walked down the aisle and you might think a harrowing event would ruin her big day. but not for this lady. >> i kind of felt like a bad dream, but to finally get to this day and to get to marry the man of my dreams, i couldn't ask for a better day. >> how sweet is that? the sad part is that she suffered burps to her face and hands. her maid of honor, who was also in the apartment, broke her back from the fall. she still managed to make it to the ceremony. the rest of the wedding went off without a hitch. and that's got to bode good luck for this couple. >> congratulations to them. >> thank you. you hear about this facebook thing? over the weekend it was revealed facebook, a few years ago, decided to sort of play with our emotions without telling us. when you do an academic research, you have to sign off on it, you have to let everyone know about t. facebook didn't do this. what they did was this experiment in your news feed. the 700,000 people's news feed, so elisabeth, you might have on a day received negative news going through your news feed, horrible things, people being killed, all sorts of things. steve, you might have received all sorts of happy news in your news feed. turns out they were studying the effects of how elisabeth would respond to the next news and steve, you would respond to the happy news. it turns out you got moody. you will start to post negative things. that was the result of this. but facebook never told us about it and they were manipulating our emotions two years ago. >> it's kind of a no brainer. if you look at the screen and it's all bad news, you're going to be depressed. if it's all good news, you're going to be in a good mood. as it turns out, that essentially was the finding. however, the people who were subjected to this, essentially the lab rats on facebook, they're furious. if we're going to be in an experiment, fine. just tell us. >> tell us. and then they said, this is contagious. so not only are we seeing how you are affected by what kind of things you post and share it. the facebook experiment designer responded to all that outrage in this post that said at the end of the day, the actual impact on people in the experiment was a minimal amount to statistically detect it. our goal was never to upset anyone. in hindsight, the research benefits of the paper, many have not justified all of the anxiety. >> they were trying to answer the criticism because there has been a lot of criticism of facebook that if all of your friends are posting nice pictures of yourself on the beach and you have a miserable life, you'll feel more miserable. they were trying to combat that criticism. now we have conclusive evidence, 700,000 people's news feed, that when you're seeing negative stuff in yours, you're going to feel bad. >> do they have a right to your emotions and your kids' emotions. >> i think there will be lawsuits. >> their goal was to give people what they wanted, what they were craved. so that's why they tailored things a certain way. maybe what they should have done was just report all the news and then let the people decide. we report, you decide. >> that's already taken by somebody. >> puts me a in a bad mood. >> go to twitter and let us know. >> meanwhile, 11 minutes after the hour. coming up, nancy pelosi says our illegal immigration problem is not -- is an opportunity. not a crisis. but do people who live at the border really believe that? our next gueste government is to blame for playing politics with people's lives. >> then crack smoking mayor rob ford has a new reason to dance this morning. that reason ahead. >> i think he had a positive news feed. ♪ ♪ (vo) watching. waiting. for that moment, where right place meets right time. and when i find it- i go for it. 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is it a crisis, as many republicans say, or is it an opportunity, as nancy pelosi says? >> it's a crisis. a crisis that has been created by an opportunity provided by our government by not enforcing our borders in concert with the law. it is a crisis. >> why does the government, why does the administration want these illegals in the country? >> that's a very good question and i don't know the answer to. >> tell us a little bit about the border towns between mexico and the united states. i understand that as we look at these images of hundreds, thousands of young people being housed, warehoused in different places, that the border towns are being strangled by the problem because the federal government isn't giving them any money and they've got to house them. they've got to feed them and they've got to clothe them and they've got to medicine -- medicate them. >> whether it be church groups, private citizens, law enforcement personnel who give from their own pockets, we're not going to let children and people in need go unattended. but it is a crisis and the long-term results aren't known yet. but it comes from the fact that we're not enforcing the laws on the books. >> and why is that? >> that's a very good question. once again, i'm not really sure i know the answer to it. if you do it by design or are we just complicit in making it happen? but it comes down in this way: policies come down from washington. there needs to be more input at the local level because you don't build a house from the third story down. you build it from the foundation up. right now we're not having enough local input as to the needs of those communities. our communities do cross the border. we have families on both sides of that line. so we're very sensitive to that issue as well. the fact is we need to enforce the rule of law. >> absolutely. and that's why when the texas sheriffs, they go ahead and they arrest an illegal and they turn them over to the federal government, oftentimes the federal government just does what with them? >> turns them loose. >> just right there in -- >> yes, sir. in texas or at the border. but the thing is, with these undocumented persons that come from central america, you can not give a voluntary return to those countries because we have treaties with mexico and canada where you can do a voluntary return. whereas in central america, there has to be a judicial process first. >> right. and the way the law is right now, we've got to take care of them until we can figure out how to give them back home. >> local people are stepping up, yes, sir. >> they are indeed, with all the resources, 'cause federal government has not and that's why the president is going to ask for 2 billion more dollars today. don ray with the texas border sheriff coalition, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. next up, a woman steals a car with a baby inside, but it's what she did after she realized a child was in the car that has everybody talking today. then he was such a good war fighter that bin laden took notes on his tactics. so why was this soldier forced into retirement by the u.s. military? major jim gantt and his wife join us next live. ♪ ♪ got some quick headlines. meshack taylor, known for "designing women" decide at the age of 67. he was nominated for an emmy back in 1989 for his role on the show about four southern interior decorators. taylor's agent says he had been battling cancer for some time. and rob ford back for more. the accident-prone crack smoking mayor of toronto has been in rehab since april. but today he returns to the city council. these photos surfaced over the weekend of the mayor posing with some of his fans. now you know the news. clay? >> thanks. major jim gantt grew a long beard, wore traditional clothes as part of an unconventional tactic to win over the hearts and minds of locals in afghanistan. honored by general petraeus for his service, he never lost a man. but at the same time, he lived with his girlfriend, drank alcohol, took prescription drugs while deployed. >> after reports of his actions surfaced, he was forced into retirement. but now he and his wife are telling their side of the story. joining us is retired major jim gantt and ann scott tyson, the author of a new book. thank you for being with us. your story is a remarkable one. truly interesting. jim, awarded silver medal, called larns of afghanistan by general petraeus, received joint service commendation medal. you were highly decorated, respected, but then some say this fall from grace erases that. what do you say to them? >> i say that i left everything i had on the battlefield. it was an honor to serve my country. it was an honor to be in the special forces regiment and an absolute honor to lead men in combat. and i did the very best that i could. i left everything i had on the battlefield over there. >> some rules broken? >> absolutely. >> people took issue with. >> and i find so fascinating, and the book is a fascinating read. why did you feel the need to tell the story? one area that needs to be talked about is this one tribe at a time. you talk about jim's plan, which was really to ingratiate special forces into local tribes, small groups of special forces soldiers to wear the traditional garb, to become family with these folks. you write in this book, after jim's one tribe at a time policy hit the in boxes at the pentagon in congress and the white house, everyone, from four star generals to policy walks wanted to hear from him directly. his ideas were fresh and adaptable to both counter insurgency and counterterrorism proponents. what we want wrong? >> well, actually the strategy worked very well. and the reason that it was lit upon at that time is that there weren't enough forces in afghanistan. there weren't enough u.s. forces. there were not enough nationally trained afghan forces. so jim's -- the genius approach was to recruit local afghans to protect their own villages. afghanistan is highly decentralized. so this strategy fit with afghan society w afghan culture and their traditions. and it worked very, very well actually. >> do you have regrets, either one of you, when you look at the criticism that's before you and you discuss it in the book and certainly a number of pieces have been written. you lived with jim here, was completely against the rules, some would say put many in danger. would you do it all over again if you had to? >> absolutely. >> yes. >> the -- i'm sure you'll appreciate this. as a newswoman, i had covered the wars. i was a professional for about ten years. the military was not allowing transparency on this massive experiment they were doing that it was employing half of special forces in afghanistan. i felt that it was very important for the public to understand the strategy and for the military itself to learn from this. it was simply not being captured. it was very unusual, very unique. in fact, this is also counter intuitive, but jim and i believe that my presence there enhanced our security and bear with me, i'll explain it to you. his bringing me there in the afghan tribal context was the ultimate sign of trust. it showed trust in that tribe, and therefore, that tribe protected us even more. >> that tribe, you've been back to visit, you both went back to see what you describe as your family there. >> yes. they're my family. >> how would you describe the future of afghanistan now? is it disheartening to see what is unfolding there or are you heartened to think there are positive signs? >> i think that time will tell. i know lot a people want to hear this, but time is the critical factor. we need to give them a little bit more time and we need to advise the new government as it is being stood up. we need to continue to train their afghan national security forces to include the local defense forces that were set up. we need to continue to help them with intelligence collection so we can do pinpoint counterterrorism points to keep the pressure on the taliban and al-qaeda. as far as where ann and i spend our time, they're hanging in there. they're doing pretty good actually. they're doing good. >> the book is amazing. if you pick up one book this summer to read, check this out. ann and jim, thanks. >> they'd do it all over again. thank you for being with us. >> thank you so much. coming up here, he's a black republican and making no apologies for it. >> i have announced my campaign, people mostly ask me how long -- where do i live? what school did i attend? i suppose they're trying to get to know me or put me in a box. >> what kind of reaction has he been getting? >> and look ho is in the green room. wrestling legend steve austin. can we survive his broken skull challenge? steve putting on the intimidation face. >> in a selfy. that's very intimidating. ♪ ♪ keeping a billion customers a year flying, means keeping seven billion transactions flowing. and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter. it's built to be as fast as it is strongor advil. and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. ♪ ♪ >> it's injure shot of the morning. earlier we showed you heather nauert's weekend camping adventure for national camping day in her backyard. i don't know who is taking the picture. the whole family is in the pup tent. we did ask you for your pictures and you have responded in droves. >> barbara sent this one. sunrise at mount rushmore. that's her camping weekend. >> shaun in virginia says buddy the guard dog keeps his girls safe all night. and pat says, rustic camping, but don't do without. >> it's a toilet. commode. >> a little commode. >> you can bring a commode with you. i never leave home without it. >> heather nauert camping in the backyard. >> look what you started. >> exactly. lots of people doing it all over the country. i needed my wine, though glamping. >> good morning. i have some headlines to bring you. really crazy story out of new orleans. panic and chaos caught on camera as gun shots are fired on bourbon street. the security footage right here shows the moment that two gunmen opened fire on each other before they turned the guns then on the crowd. one of the gunmen dressed in black is seen running from the scene. frightened witnesses describe the chaos there. >> when i heard the gunshot, i ducked and i ran around the corner. i just started running. >> i heard, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. >> nine people were injured. two of them are still in critical condition. police trying to identify those shooters this morning. it is a campaign ad that you just have to see. take a look here. >> i have announced my campaign, people mostly ask me how long have i been a republican. where do i live? what school did i attend? >> wow. that is something else. that new political ad by darius foster, you can see him screen right, he's a republican candidate for the alabama house of representatives. that ad is now going viral. earlier today he joined us on "fox & friends" to talk about the meaning behind the powerful video. >> my wife and i sat down and wanted to figure out a way to let voters know that i'm not just one thing and we browsed youtube and kind of jot some things down and came up with that. >> what an idea. just a few days that ad has been viewed more than 100,000 times. a three-year-old utah girl is now safe this morning and she's safely at home after a woman steals the car that the little girl was sitting in the back of. the little girl's home had just buckled the daughter into the van when she realized she may have forgotten to lock the front door of her house. she went to check it and when she returned, the child and the van were gone. fortunately, while there was a thief who realized the child was in the back of the van and she returned that car. >> we appreciate the fact that she felt remorse for what she had done. i don't know if she decided to wasn't worth -- maybe she had seen so many cops in the area looking. again, the mother had actually lost sight of the van. so we're very fortunate that she decided to turn back around. >> you can't leave your kids in a car. even for a minute alone. police arrested that suspect and they booked her on charges of drug possession and also vehicle theft. "forbes" magazine releasing its annual celebrity 100 list a few moments ago. it ranks stars based on earnings and famed. number five, ellen degeneres. taking the top spot -- ♪ >> beyonce, taking the throne as the most powerful celebrity. she earned $115 million. her husband, jay-z, came in at number 6. pharrel made the list for the first time and our own sean hannity. let's head outside to you guy. >> thank you very much. >> taking off my coat because it's time. >> it is time. as a wwe hall of fame wrestler, steve austin's body mass taken all kinds of punishment. now steve has designed the ultimate test of strength, stamina and wit for competitors vying for a $10,000 prize on his new cmt show, here is a clip of it. watch. >> it will test the will of even the most experienced athlete. i'll give you $10,000. >> could you survive that? we're joined now by the up with and only steve austin. so great to have you here. we think, 'til we look at what we may have to do this morning on the plaza. this challenge. first of all, the show is fantastic. >> it's cool. >> bone crushing and skull crushing? >> i had to break my skull to buy the ranch. all i had to do is set the table for elite athletes to come and do battle. cross fit, mma, pro wrestling, they come 'cause they love a challenge and love to compete. that's what i set the table for, these athletes, men and women, to shine. >> when you see elite athletes, when you look at the three of us, is that what comes to mind, elite athlete? >> you're elite at what you do. for demonstration purposes -- >> right over there you've got elite athletes standing by to assist elisabeth and clayton, right? >> yes. >> we're going to run through this. i'm going to race you? >> yeah. >> break this down. >> two of these bags weigh 50 pounds. you're going to carry the 35-pounders. you can do it with the heels? >> of course. >> i love this. >> pick up the -- one at a time or two at a time? >> one at a time down to the tire, then come back. get the other bag, carry it back down. pick up your sledge hammer. cut the tire ten times. then go to the spears there and chuck a spear inside, try to hit the a bell. >> we have to take both of these? >> one at a time, there and back. >> all right. here we go. ladies and gentlemen, and action! go! so far it looks like clayton in his high heels are doing okay. >> but elisabeth gets the style points. she looks great. >> there you go. >> you're doing great. >> how many people actually do use high legal? >> nobody. here we go. good shot! >> clayton, don't break the floor! >> i did 11. >> what if i throw out o'reilley's picture? >> are you kidding me is it make it stick. come on! here we go. we got to get our spear on. >> elisabeth almost took out ed's leg. >> are you okay, ed? i can't believe you trust us with this weaponry. >> how are you feeling? >> he's a little winded. give me that. >> i'm speared. >> she does this in her sleep. >> come on, clayton. >> that's a giant nail n it is. >> we just took out a new york city cab driver with that. >> check out steve austin's broken skull challenge. it premieres this sunday at 8:00 p.m. on cmt. >> that's right. >> the nation of the athletes that come out, whether it's the men and women, they're ultracompetitive. it's a great show. we called an ambulance every now and then. that's only if someone is really, really messed up. >> how many in heels? >> you're the first. >> this is ground breaking television. >> round of applause! steve austin, ladies and gentlemen! >> thank you. just about an hour from now, a major supreme court decision could be a game changer for every employee's union in the country. the lead plaintiff who filed the lawsuit joins us live ahead. an ex-con pretending to be a member of a rich and famous family and almost got away with t. but it didn't fool a fox news contributor. how he cracked the case. ♪ ♪ creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. is as much about getting there... ♪ it is being there. ♪ [ birds chirping ] away is where the days are packed with wonder... ♪ [ wind whistles ] ...and the evenings are filled with familiar comforts. find your away. for a dealer and the rv that's right for you, visit i'm saving a ton of time by posting them to my wall. oh, i like that one. it's so quick! it's just like my car insurance. i saved 15% in just 15 minutes. i saved more than that in half the time. i unfriend you. that's not how it works. that's not how any of this works. [ male announcer ] 15 minutes for auote isn't how it works anymore. with esurance, 7 1/2 minutes could save you on car insurance. welcome to the modern world. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. ed presents himself as a member of a high society who is part of the family who owns the largest sugar refining company in the world. but an investigation revealing louis garcia funhul is burying a criminal past by adopting the last name of a rich and powerful family. crazy story. private investigator uncovered the case of the fake man and joins us this morning. this is fascinating. why was this guy putting himself out there as this fake guy? >> you know, how i got involved was a friend of mine was doing a developing deal in miami. he says, oh, you're very good friends with pepe and al fee f fanjul, i've known them for 30 years. all of a sudden, i said, yeah. he says, his nephew is louis fanjul. check him out 'cause he said he can do all kinds of things with the city of miami. he was the best man at the wedding and i lot a little suspicious. i said let me check this dude out. it seemed like he started using the name only after 2006. something happened that year. he was arrested seven times for felonies. he has a long arrest record, including domestic violence and all that. the deeper we did you dug into , he started using this name after he had all these fraud arrests and add fanjul. then he was so slick, he used to go to fund-raisers and wedge his way in and say, i'm a fanjul also. we're distant cousins. next thing he has himself on the boat. he's at an nfl football game. when i asked pepe, do you know the guy, no one knew the guy. and all of a sudden i start doing more digging. then i find out he's friends with the commission in miami. his pictures upset me. i said, when are you going to stop using this name? >> what did you say on the phone? >> i said, what upsets me is using this name, you think i'm stupid? i used to work in harlem. stop using the name. i pick up the paper in the miami herald and there is another picture with him two weeks later with the sugar king under him. so that really upset me. i gave the story to the miami herald and they took off. since then, two law enforcement agencies have contacted me and one federal and one state and they're very interested in mr. fanjul the fake. >> identity theft is a serious problem. how can we protect ourselves against some clown like this? >> it's one out of five people are being taken by identity theft. now when you have someone like this who also put his name on some official corporate documents, that's a no-no. that's called criminal impersonation. that's a crime. so people think they can change their name. if you change it legally, fine. but if you think you're just going to put a name on and start using it and filing any kind of official papers, that is criminal impersonation. you will be arrested. something tells me this fake fanjul will be seeing happened cuffs in the near future because what he's doing is he's established himself, god knows how many other things he signed under the name fanjul. >> when somebody like you are on the case, that will be a problem for him. >> you know with a? it really upsets me when people do this and take a great name like the family and inject this guy. >> stick your name on something that doesn't belong to you. great to see you. >> good seeing you. coming up, just about an hour from now, a major supreme court decision could be a game changer for every employee's union in the country. the lead plaintiff who filed the lawsuit and could be forced to pay union dues joins us live next. first, let's check in with martha mccallum for a look at what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> you are right about that. it is a very big morning at the supreme court as obamacare is challenged once again at the highest level. once you force companies to provide care, can you also mandate them to go against their religious beliefs in what they provide? that is the big question. we will see you here at the top of the hour with live coverage ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. in just about an hour from now, a major supreme court decision could be a game changer for every employee's union in the country. pam harris is a mom who cares for her son, joshua, disabled at home. she's fighting the supreme court and the seiu and other unions from forcing families like hers to unionize and preventing them if taking out dues right out of her son's medicaid check. joining us now is that mom and lead plaintiff in the case, pam harris. we're glad you're with us "fox & friends" this morning. this is a big day for your family and those who are care givers for family members. what does it mean to you today? the decision is about to come. >> well, of course, we're optimistic and hopeful for a favorable decision. it will bring great relief to many families, ours included, not to have to worry about our homes becoming union workplace. we want to hear a majority of the justices say we're right. governor quinn was wrong when he signed an executive order naming us state employees solely for the purpose of unionization. >> i heard and i read that you felt as though you were invaded, your information, your privacy? >> that's right. after governor quinn signed the executive order just about five years ago this week, after he signed the executive order, he gave the seiu our name and home addresses so they could visit us right here at home and then when the other union asked me after them, he gave them our information as well. you have to understand that josh's medical condition is the criteria for this medicaid waiver. so in addition to knowing where i lived, what my name is, they also know something about our son josh's medical condition. and that's a violation of our privacy. >> for most people, common sense is for a mom carrying for her son. not a union. where is the money coming from that is going to actually -- should be going to your care and son. from all the benefits they're offering as a trade-off. how concerned are you that this might not go your way? >> well, i suppose that i'm just as concerned that it won't go any way as i'm just as hopeful that it will. i don't venture much into tea leave reading and until the announcement comes this morning in a little bit more than an hour, i am just going to wait and see what the justices say. >> you just do what you do. mom caring for her son. pam, we'll be thinking of you and joshua today. thanks for being with "fox & friends." we've got more for you just moments away here at "fox & friends." stay with us. which is why he's investing ain his heart health by eatingw. kellogg's raisin bran ® good morning dad. hi, sweetie. here's another eye opener, not only is kellogg's raisin bran ® heart healthy, but its a delicious source of potassium. mom make you eat that? i happen to like raisins. now that's what i'm talkin' about. invest in your heart health. with kellogg's raisin bran ®. ♪ ♪ >> last hour we helped send off this huge american flag back to afghanistan. it will be the first thing injured soldiers see when they enter the hospital there. highest court in the land. we are waiting for two major supreme court the battle over religious freedom and obamacare's controversy contraception mandate. i am martha maccallum. >> and i will eric sean in for bill hemmer this morning. this decision is the most closely watched marking the second time obamacare has gone before the justices >> it could all come down to chief justice john robert who could be the swing vote. which way will the drama play

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