0 instructor on board managed to eject. this photo shows the men walking away from the scene minutes after the crash. no word on why the jet went down but witnesses say they heard the engine sputtering before the crash. airline food is known known -- isn't known for being very good and now is being blamed for making 16 people very ill. passengers started throwing up on a flight from istanbul to new york city. investigators are looking into whether the chicken they ate is the culprit. after six days of being held hostage by his own employees, an american executive is finally free. this is brand-new video at chip starnes leaves his factory in china. his workers held him captive until they gave him severance packages like the ones he laid off. those employees are not being fired. >> it is not right but i don't know what else to do at this point in time. >>alisyn: starnes on a flight out of china bound for the united states. governor rick perry announced a second special session of the texas legislature. this is set for monday after a 13-hour filibuster by a democratic lawmaker, republicans were able to pass the abortion bill but it was later declared dead because some votes came after the midnight deadline. the measure would ban abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy. those are your headlines. >>steve: big news on the cover of the new york post today. deadly play. patriot star arrested for pal's murder. nfl star hernandez charged with murder. they call him a hit man. he was arrested yesterday and charged with first-degree murder, also illegal possession of a firearm. he had a large-capacity firearm. >> you said former nfl star. he's had some trouble in the past with the law. he's had a history of violence. now he's in custody. >> and he just signed a contract extension. $40 million contract extension with the new england patriots. just absolutely -- yeah. what a turn for him. >>steve: and a $12.5 million signing bonus. crazy. speaking of a lot of money, the i.r.s. handles a lot of hours. the mess just got greater. that guy is greg roseman, an i.r.s. deputy director. he took the fifth yesterday a number of times. this was not regarding the targeting of conservatives. instead this was a hearing into questionable contracting practices at the i.r.s. the reason this guy would not answer the questions was because apparently this seemed as if he steered the largest contracts in the history of the i.r.s. to somebody who is a friend of his. a fellow by the name of castillo, president of strong castle inc. one of the ways mr. cast mr. castillo got half a million dollars worth of contracts was he claimed a minority program which gave disabled vets contracting, this guy claimed etches -- disabled and said he had an injury back in the day. turns out the injury was he twisted his ankle at the u.s. prep academy. that was it. he went on to play football in high school and in college. and when tammy duckworth, who is a double amputee from the iraq war who sat across the table from mr. castillo, she is sitting there with no legs and she is angry that he is using the fact that he twisted his angle in high school to get this half a billion dollars. here's an exchange. it's so powerful. >> did you injure that same foot again subsequently in the years since you twisted it in prep school? >> not to my recollection. >> do you view the 30% rating that the pain and scars is accurate to the pain pain, that the v.a. is accurate? >> yes, i do. >> my right arm was essentially blown off and reattached. i spent a year with over a dozen surgeries over that time period. in fact, we thought we would lose my arm and i'm still in danger of possibly losing my arm. i can't feel it. i can't feel three fingers. my disability rating for that arm is 20%. shame on you, mr. castillo. you may not have broken any law. we're not sure yet. you did represent to the s.b.a. but you broke the trust to the v.a. and broke the trust of veterans. veterans are waiting for an average of 230 day for initial disability rating. it is because of people like you who are gaming system so young men and women who are suffering from post traumatic stress cannot get the help they need. twisting your ankle in high school is not defending this nation. >> gaming the system is what it is to try to gain some sort of monetary advantage so you're awarded a special contract. she went on to say i'm sorry twisting your ankle in high school has come to hurt you in such a painful way. 20-some odd years later they file to get this preferential treatment. >> she was so even keeled. she wasn't yelling. she was saying my arm after i sacrificed for this country gives me a 20% rating. that is some sort of tax-exempt category. and your twisted ankle which you played football on later throughout college is 30%. the crazy -- you know, it shows our system, these strange tax exemptions you can get for false claims. >>steve: in addition to the fact that he said that he, you know, was using that system with the disabled vets, also apparently what he did was he claimed that his company was in a disadvantaged area when in fact the top two executives for the company -- he and his wife -- live in the wealthy virginia suburbs. what he did was he rented an office in china town which was within the designated area that would be qualified for that, and what did he do? he hired a bunch of kids from catholic university because that was also within the designated area. and if they would not live in that area, he would fire them. so he was able to claim that particular thing. >>alisyn: he's crafty at getting some of these strange loopholes that he can take advantage of. >> the i.r.s. is crafty for coming up with these lavish conferences. i didn't think they could top themselves with the crazy videos, the star trek video, the gilligan's island retreat, the dancing competition. now we're getting another lavish conference from the i.r.s. >>alisyn: they're spending lots of money at a very high-end hotel in atlanta. this is from a 2008 conference. this is before the obama administration. in other words, this sort of abuse has been going on for a long time at the i.r.s. they went to the marriott hotel in atlanta. they didn't have to go to such a fancy hotel. they had $140 dinners, fancy wine wolfgang puck catered it. fancy hors d'oeuvres, open bar. it cost -- it was incredibly expensive. now that we look back at this, it's funny, michele bachmann said i don't recall having these sorts of perks and lavish atmosphere when i was at the i.r.s. listen to what she had to say. >> let me tell you about one conference i went to when i was an i.r.s. lawyer. it was in florida and it was in august. it was in cinder block buildings. there was no air conditioning. there were no frills. my, how times have changed. it's a very different culture obviously over there now. >> employees are taking a government credit card and they know what they're doing and they're putting purchases on a government credit card for wine, for pornography? anybody knows that's wrong. that's why, yes, we are under the realm of criminal. remember, these are the enforcers of the law. when it comes to the i.r.s., the taxpayer is guilty until they prove themselves innocent. >>steve: such a good point, because the i.r.s. has unquestioned authority over us, and yet who has had authority and oversight over them? nobody. until now apparently. >> let us know what you think about this. friends at fox you bailed them out. now general motors is taking the fifth south of the border creating jobs in mexico of all place. stuart varney is coming. watch out. >>alisyn: the push to ban sparklers on the 4th of july because terrorists might use them. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.

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