effective today a year over from being shot in head, gabrielle giffords announces she is stepping down. she says she needs to focus on her recovery. >> i'm getting better. every day, my spirit is high! i will return. >> today, giffords heads to tucson to meet with other victims of the shooting rampage. tomorrow night, she'll be in the audience for president obama's state of the union address. a special primary will be held in april and the general election will be held in june to replace her. while you were sleeping, severe storms ripped through the south and the midwest. so check out this video right there. stormchasers following a huge storm through helena, arkansas. hope that's how you say it. those flashes you see in the distance, they're exploding transformers, unfortunately, on top of the power line but strong winds even blew tractor-trailers off the road to destroy buildings and the storm is making its way across the upper midwest. other areas could see as much as 2 inches of snow this morning. at this early hour, people are gathering to pay their respects to joe paterno outside of beaver stadium. that's where a statue of the former penn state coach stands. earlier thousands attended a candlelight vigil outside the administration building. it ended with singing and students and former football players walking to where his statue stands. paterno passed away yesterday after a battle, a short battle with lung cancer. he was 85 years old. the new york giants, brian's favorite story, punching their ticket to a rematch of their dramatic showdown against the new england patriots. last time's overtime field goal sent the giants soaring over the 49ers on the niners' home turf. >> it's good! and the giants are going back to the super bowl. >> giants fans packed into new york bars it watch the win saying this one, yep, it was a nail biter. >> they're going to kill me young, man. this team is going to kill me young! >> the giants face the patriots on february 5th for the super bowl. it's interesting to note that in the earlier game, it was also down to a field goal and unfortunately, if you're a baltimore fan, that 30 yarder was not good. >> right. >> for them. >> yeah. 32 yards. that's what they have to talk about. they have a touchdown where the guy held the ball for two seconds, three seconds and was stripped of it. new england goes in. good for the kraft family, mrs. kraft passed away this year. here's a prediction. i think it's going to be the highest rated super bowl ever. >> could be. >> not good news for the other network. >> sunday night. >> let's talk about the election and florida. for a change, the super bowl will not be in florida but in indianapolis. early voting is under way to the tune of over 200,000 ballots already sealed, signed and delivered. >> that's right. down in florida, there are 4 million registered republicans who can vote in the primary. so far, 220,000 have already cast ballots. the early ballots, about 191,000 are absentee and close to , let's see, 35,000 have been cast at polling places. we should point out they have been open for a couple of days, one week as opposed to two weeks in the last couple of years. meanwhile, as we go to florida, we have to take a quick look at south carolina because newt gingrich really blew up mitt romney's playbook. everybody was saying it's inevitable. mitt romney is going to waltz on in. not so fast. newt won across the board with conservatives, tea party members, evangelicals, they all liked newt. >> and it was a landslide. many people are saying, was it because of those two debates that happened last week where newt gingrich really shined? >> yeah. >> would people ever believe that a very negative television piece with his second ex-wife could come out two days before this primary and actually be a game changer in a positive direction for newt gingrich? well, now they're going to prepare for another debate. and if you're mitt romney, you got to wonder how do you stop this newt surge because the debates appear to help newt gingrich and there are two more debates this week. just nine days away now from the voting in florida. >> if romney ends up being the nominee, he'll own newt gingrich the mvp award and vice versa because they absolutely are skewering each other and allowing everything to hang out there and how they react will define who wins. newt on "meet the press" yesterday, watch. >> people who are just sick and tired of being told what they're allowed to think, what they're allowed to say, again and again, came up as you know in the two debates. the highest, the most intense passion in both debates was a head-on collision about what the news media was doing. >> in fact, newt was really able to make hay and some analysts say his performance in the first and second with the first three minutes down in south carolina that really cemented him. but what if he winds up going to a debate and there's going to be one tonight at the university of south florida. what if there is no question that he can hit out of the park? for instance, you know, after the question about his failed marriage with his wife and that open marriage thing, he was professorial rather than argumentative. >> here's the thing, 41% of the people that voted, the people that decided the day of the election voted for newt and they all had a chance to see the -- >> right, because they saw that -- i think so much of it was the debate, though, they loved that guy on the stage because they know if we can get newt gingrich right here, and barack obama right here, newt is going to take off the head of the president. >> so what will mitt romney's line of attack now be? well, we're getting it front and center right now. it's going to be against newt gingrich as a failed leader. he's going to talk about how he had to resign in disgrace as speaker of the house. and he's also going to call on him now to release his records from his time at freddie mac. here's mitt romney. >> if you believe that line that newt gingrich is the outsider that will shake things up in washington, then i guess you believe that bill clinton didn't inhale. he had to resign in disgrace. and then he's been a lobbyist for the last 15 years, influence peddling throughout those years, helping freddie mac, of all people. he says he was a historian there. i'd like to see the contract. i'd like to see his work product. he is the ultimate washington, d.c. insider. >> that's a preview of what you're about to see over the next week. >> interesting thing though is even though newt gingrich spent all this time in washington, it's actually who some of the conservatives like now. i mean, it's kind of flipping on its own argument. why do they like him? because he's been deemed as the nonestablishment candidate. so even though he spent all this time in washington, many voters see him as nonestablishment and they see mitt romney as the establishment candidate and goes along the whole media line, they don't want the media telling them what to do and the establishment telling them what to do. >> i thought it was interesting, richard lowry's article, he says if newt continues to win every republican running for office will panic because the general public -- to the general public, he is radioactive and points to the national poll that shows 27% of the country approve of him. 56% disapprove of him. >> sure. it's those people that disapprove of him. look over the next week and you'll see a lot of these ads down in florida. so far, the romney people have spent $4 and $7 million so far. newt got a couple million dollars over the transom since he won in south carolina plus his friend in vegas, he's going to come up with some more money as well. look at ads from mitt romney saying the last time this guy was a leader, he was speaker of the house and he did such a great job, his own members fired him! just imagine what would happen if he ran the country. >> i'm wondering how these negative ads are going to play now four states later. >> they work! >> i'm just wondering. nothing is conventional in this whole election cycle. and i don't think the south carolina voters liked them. so i'm just wondering, i'm putting the question out there. what do you think? do you think the negative ads will work or will they backfire? >> i know one thing, 61% of florida is conservative. and most of the conservatives voted for newt gingrich so that would be a problem. but you would think the early voting would go to mitt romney because he seems the inevitable candidate right after new hampshire and these were down before the south carolina results, obviously. meanwhile, newt gingrich knows there's going to be a reprisal from the mitt romney campaign. knows they're going to change tactics. thinks he's ready. >> the number one thing people look for in difficult times is authenticity and he can't relax and be candid. romneycare is the precursor to obama care. he was pro gun control and had a 400% increase on taxes on guns. he was pro choice no matter what he said about his views. he appointed pro abortion judges. so you end up with a guy who is, i think, a very good salesman. very much wants to sale but he has a really weak product. >> and in fact, on the pages of "the wall street journal" today, they talk a little bit about mitt romney has this 59-point plan and it's fine. but he needs a really big idea. and once again, the op ed page is suggesting maybe it's time for mitt romney to say i've got this great idea on how to fix taxes and the perfect segue is the fact that tomorrow, he will release his past income taxes and an estimate for what his taxes look like for this past -- >> i think it's bad. i think it's bad. if you come out with a tax to reform tax plan, the day you release your taxes, it looks like i'm trying to smother -- >> duck and cover, how is he going to defend? look, i only pay 15%. absolutely not. but it's just the way the narrative has changed. >> what he should have done is released them either last week like many of his key endorseers told him to do or had a different answer. it's always how it -- back to the cover-up. it was how he answered that question that got him into difficulty. not the actual release of the tax returns. now people are probably going to pay much closer attention to the tax returns than they would have if he would have just released them or had a better answer. >> i think, gretchen, he admitted he made a mistake and governor christie said it and he said it the next day on "meet the press." >> it's a week later and politics is about response time and perception and you would think that his team would have had a better answer for that. they knew his tax returns were going to be a huge issue. he's a rich guy. it's not a negative but they knew it. >> stand by, we're in for as bette davis says, a bumpy flight. a bumpy ride. she said ride! it was a car ride. >> he was supposed to be deported but his government gave a break. now this immigrant is the suspect in three separate murders. >> and if you can't sell it, smash it! why are these solyndra employees destroying millions of dollars in materials when they owed taxpayers millions of dollars in restitution. does that make sense? 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[ female announcer ] join for free today. weight watchers online. finally, losing weight clicks. the thinnest 4g lte smartphone. all the power and strength of droid, now in colors. built with a scratch-resistant, gorilla glass screen. plus nano-coating that safeguards against spills. all powered by the speed of verizon 4g lte. more colors, same edge. the droid razr is now $199.99. exclusively from verizon. >> you know, the president's green energy darling, solar company, solyndra has gone bankrupt. you know that already. leaving the taxpayers on the hook for $530 million. so why is the company proposing to -- >> purposely. >> purposely destroying millions of dollars worth of equipment instead of selling it? >> fox news contributor charles payne is here to fill us in. good morning. >> good morning. is that really happening? the taxpayers are owed $560 million and maybe we could use some of that money. >> we could use a little bit of that, i think. it's another in the long series of bizarre actions that involves solyndra, you know, local television station caught them destroying $2 million worth of this specialized glass. the company, by the way, in germany, they bought it from, they owe them $8 million. there's a long line of people wondering what's going on? that was just two weeks ago they talked about giving bonuses to retain certain workers and you're saying well, you know, these are kind of bonuses that you would give if you were retaining people in a complex breaking up a complex financial institution not a company that failed at selling glass panels. >> and apparently, according to this news report, the employees were in these jump suits unwrapping the glass to throw it into the dumpster. you would think they could find somebody to buy the stuff unless it was so specialized that solyndra was the only one on the planet to use it. >> they claim they tried and they looked around and there's a whole lot of question marks how hard did you look around for this? to your point, this is specialized glass. if they spent millions of dollars on it, you would think it would have some sort of -- >> somebody on e bay would buy it. >> i'll give a couple of bucks for it for novelty. don't break it. >> what about the whole company in general? aside from this glass, they've tried two times now to have an auction, right, to sell off things from the whole company but i guess they had no bidders. >> the company is a disaster. it's been a disaster from day one which is why i hope the question marks about why it got so much of our money in the first place don't go away. george kaiser, big time billionaire oil guy of all things backed it. if they do retrieve any money, the first 75 million dollars goes to him, not to us. and, you know, it's just a long line of these alternative energy companies that have these amazing links to president obama through fundraising. >> right. >> where the people who run these companies who supposedly put up risk capital end up getting billions of dollars worth of taxpayer funded guarantees and at the same time, raise $5 or $6 million for the president. it's crazy. it seems like the quid pro quo. >> maybe that's why you don't get a pipeline of oil through the country and the thing that sticks out to me about this whole story is not only is the administrati administration not running from solyndra, they ran an ad with them last week. >> they didn't bring up their billionaires. i got to tell you guys, september 30th was the last round when they had to push through a bunch of these alternative energy companies, look at some of the companies that got our money. $700 million, a billion dollars and they admit on their web site, we're going to create 15 permanent jobs with your billion dollars! you know, i mean, it's like can't miss this much. it's crazy! >> the pipeline needed more time after three years. >> after three years of environmental research. >> and these other things went right through. check out charles, he'll be hosting for varney today on the fox business network. have fun, charles. >> thank you very much. >> that's a stuart varney suit. >> that's it. >> very similar build. >> it's a magic suit. >> straight ahead, we asked the question at the top of the hour, does mitt romney need to go negative on newt gingrich to take back the lead? our washington insiders answer that question next. >> yep. and then the video gone viral overnight. oh, my goodness, winter weather wreaks havoc on dozens of drivers who didn't expect any such problem on the street until they crashed into something. chances are you've probably had your kraft macaroni and cheese stolen. now there is a policy that covers you in the event of macaroni and cheese loss: macsurance. an insurance policy for mac and cheese? talk to me. i have a policy with kraft that covers me in case a grown-up eats my share. with kraft macsurance you have piece of mind in an unsafe world. coverage feels good! [ male announcer ] gooey, creamy, delicious kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. ♪[music plays] ♪[music plays] purina one beyond. food for your cat orog. no, i wouldn't use that single miles credit card. hey, aren't you... shhh. i'm researchg a role. today's special... the capital one venture card. you earn double miles on every purchase. impressive. chalk is a lost medium. if you're not earning double miles... you're settling for half. was that really necessary? [ male announcer ] get the venture card at and earn double miles on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? cover for me. i have an audition. >> got some quick monday morning headlines for you. despite iran's repeated threats to shut it down, that is to say, the uss abraham lincoln successfully sailed through the strait of hermuth this weekend. they warned they would close the strait. italian officials say unregistered passengers are making it hard for them to say how many people were on board when the ship went down and are today missing. gretch? >> mitt romney brushing himself off from his defeat in south carolina and ready to start swinging again and his supporters already taking the first shots at newt gingrich's record. >> we all know the record. he was run out of the speakership by his own party and fined $300,000 for ethics violations and this is a guy who has had a very difficult political career at times and an embarrassment to the party. you remember these times. you were here. the fact of the matter is i don't need to regale the country with that entire list again. i'm not saying he will do it again in the future, sometimes past is prologue. >> and more supporters are expected to use that same line today. will these attacks against gingrich work? joining me now are washington insiders, republican political strategist and partner at the prosper group, tyler harbor and former finance director and founder of mercer and associates, david mercer. good morning to you, gentlemen. >> good morning. >> are the supporters of mitt romney, many of them from the washington establishment, are they missing the point here? that many of the voters that like newt gingrich like him for the exact reasons that they didn't -- he didn't get the endorsement of some washington insiders. >> could be. but the exit poll coming out of south carolina was very clear. voters are going to give newt a pass on his personal baggage and they're rewarding him for his debate performance. and i think that romney and team romney at large is looking for a way to get back in the game here. and the only way to get back in the game is to try to link newt back to being an insider. back to being part of the washington establishment. and frankly, it probably will work to some degree. but this race is far from over. >> uh-huh. that was proven on saturday night. david, let me ask you this question, are the negative attacks that mitt romney launched in iowa when he breaks them out again in florida, is it going to work? >> i think what you saw with chris christie on "meet the press" yesterday is handing that task over to surrogates. i think what mitt romney has to do is put his own house in order after stumbling in the south carolina and i'll say this, that with that response to whether he would provide his tax returns or not being "maybe" brings an image up to me that suggests that if he were in the situation room in the white house being advised by those around him that bin laden was in their sights, i can't imagine a president or a leader saying maybe we should go or maybe we shouldn't go. i mean, that indecisive only plays to already the perception of him being an equivocator. if he's going to throw a punch, he better make sure he has his fighting in doing so. i think that's what he's got to do. >> does david have a good point? i can see an ad coming that way if it's romney-obama. >> yeah, well, you have one candidate in romney who is running away from his wealth and you have the other candidate in newt who is running away from his political nightmares while serving as speaker of the house. i mean, either way you cut it, there are great things to say negative about both of these guys. but both of these guys at least from a republican point of view are much better than the president we have now. >> david, won't president obama speaking of running, won't he be running away from his record the last three years? >> he will not be running away from his record of creating 3 to 3.1 million jobs or 334,000 manufacturing jobs over the last two years that we've been losing for decades. and thirdly, he's not going to be hiding from the record that he's been standing up for a jobs bill that the republican caucus can't get their head around and extend the payroll tax cut for the middle class when they're standing by the 2% of the most wealthy, behind their tax cut but won't give them a tax cut beyond two months. >> numbers are numbers. overall in his three years as president, he's lost more jobs than has been gained in america. i'll give you the last word, tyler. >> undisputed fact that the economy is still in the tank and the obama administration has really struggled to come up with solutions and any way you cut it, newt gingrich or mitt romney would be a significantly better president than barack obama. but the fight that you're seeing going on in the republican primary is a fight of passion. it's a fight to see who is going to take on the man and ultimately take him down. >> lot of blood on the floor. >> well, many people say it's a good way to get somebody in shape, shall i say, for the boxing match that will be republican-democrat come november. >> we look forward to it. >> no doubt. >> tyler and david, thanks so much for getting up on a monday morning. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. >> the courts ordered him out of the country but the government kept him in. why was an immigrant let out of jail to murder again, allegedly? 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[ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. >> time for the shot of the morning. look at that. >> we know what it takes to ride a motocross bike. the anonymous daredevil takes the whole no guts no glory thing to a whole new level. he attached the camera to his helmet and took on the mountain. check him out making his way through the narrow line on speeds usually reserved for the track. whatever he is, we know he's a you tube hit and has 458,000 views. >> look at that, he looks like he's on the ridge and if he falters by a foot either direction, he's going to slide down for half a mile. >> oh, man. who is that guy? if anybody knows who that person is, e-mail us. friends at >> is that really happening? >> i'm speechless. i'm trying to figure out. >> it looks like a video game. >> yeah, it does. >> that's really happening. >> it looks like it. >> oh! oh! >> holy cow. >> all right. that's too much for me this early in the morning! >> that's fantastic. >> talk about a bumpy ride. the turbulence on a flight so bad the food cart slammed into the roof of the cabin, made a hole in the ceiling of the plane. it all went down on an american airlines flight from brazil to miami. the shaking tossed passengers from their seats right into the aisle! >> i was sure i was going to die. >> one of them got threw up in the air and flew and landed on the hallway. >> everything is shaky. >> man, those people just lucky to be alive they probably feel. five flight attendants were also hurt and taken to the hospital. what a story. >> the president of yemen heading to new york city right now for medical treatment. the white house allowing the president into the united states but it's likely for injuries sustained in a blast in his palace that left him badly burned. the move aimed at easing the political transition in yemen. his exact treatment is not known. presidential elections are planned there next month. he faced months of protests calling for his ouster, the government responded with a bloody crackdown, as you'll recall. it's controversial that he's coming here. >> all right. he had no business being in the country but police say now -- now say a haitian immigrant killed three people last january before turning the gun on himself. the miami herald reports that he was ordered to be deported to haiti after he was convicted of burglary but president obama halted all deportations to haiti following the massive 2010 earthquake. so his prison sentence was completed. immigration officials set him free. he killed two people two months after his release. >> you would think folks in utah would be used to driving in the snow. well, think again. so at least one guy decided to stay off the road and film others spiralling out of control down his street. no one was seriously hurt. it looks like there was a lot of damage there. that's kind of how i felt driving after not having snow all winter and then seeing it on saturday. you had to get out your driving skills again. >> that's why you got to put the chains on the tires and you make the best of it. >> like you have chains for your tires. come on. >> i do. which i weld myself. >> ok. >> let's talk a little sports. >> good. i'll say what happened last night. here we go again. a giant super bowl, the 2007 rematch. it's coming at you. the new england giants and patriots will meet again for super bowl 46 this time and no undefeated patriot team coming in. the giants taking the championship with a thrilling overtime victory against san francisco on the niners' home turf. >> the kick is good and the giants are going back to the super bowl. >> in the rain and wind, it didn't matter. no turnovers except for the last one that led to this. the 31-yard field goal sealed the hard fought victory for the giants. this will be their fifth super bowl appearance. turning to the nfc now, the patriots taking the title defeating baltimore thanks to this. he had a 32-yard field goal lined up. 11 seconds left. this guy is a good kicker! >> no good! no good! it's no good! >> instead of a 23-23 tie going into overtime, of course, we had a 23-20 new england win at home for the delirious fans. patriots and giants will square off for the lombardi trophy. they played during the regular season. the giants won a thriller. what are the vegas odds makers saying? the patriots? winners of 10 straight games are favored by three against the wild card giants. remember, four years ago, the giants upset the patriots and they were 12-point underdogs. >> what are you saying, brian? >> what i'm trying to say is throw it all out. the giants do not fear them. new england wants revenge. it's going to be huge. by the way, if you want to hear more about this, go to and you see keeping score there or go keepingscore -- kilmeade's -- do keepingscore/fox and >> your special blog about sports. >> you can sound off after i sound off. >> the helmets or the bike rider go, some people are saying they don't think the video is real because his helmet is not moving. >> maybe. >> that's true. that's a good point. >> not only is brian fascinated with sports, that's his official beat, his unofficial beat is "american idol." now it's time to talk "american idol" ripped from the headlines! >> all right. let's start with jennifer lopez. as you know, we learned later that jennifer lopez was actually in the west coast instead of the east coast when she drove through her old neighborhood. there's a problem. fiat is a plant inside iran and an anti-iranian group is upset at her. >> they come out with a fake ad that features her cut with pictures of bad things happening in iran urging her to cut ties to fiat. fiat has marketed a vehicle there since 2004. >> let's move on steven tyler, another judge on "american idol." he sang the national anthem at the giants game yesterday against the 49ers. >> he's great friends with the krafts. they asked him to come down. >> i guess he sang it a cappella. here's a sneak peek at how it went. >> ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ ♪ and bombs bursting in air ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ >> sorry, i had the wrong game. it was the patriots game. >> yeah, ravens. >> i don't have a problem with the way he sang it. he has a raspy voice. s this his rocker style. >> some of the entertainment blogs yesterday as soon as he was done said did he just botch the national anthem? he did the national anthem according to the way that guy from aerosmith. >> he might have botched his hair color. >> as you know, i was third clarinet. for my music background, i say that that's what he does is aerosmith. that's how he sings. did he sound better 15 years ago? perhaps. >> who didn't? >> maybe simon cowell will get also rave reviews from you. turns out brian may have had the scoop on the impending marriage for simon cowell. to his make-up artist girl friend. he's not getting married anymore. >> what's unbelievable is i did not know i had a scoop so i went up to simon before our interview before "the x factor" the day before it premieres and i said by the way, how is the engagement going? he goes it's off. oh, yeah, it's done. i'm better off single. three months later, somebody else claims the story? >> you could have had the world exclusive three months ago. >> i wouldn't have had to work anymore. i could have just retired! >> here's the news about his girlfriend. apparently she has moved out of the main house and is relocated to some place else that they refer to on his property as the girlfriend graveyard. >> what? >> another part of the property where she's going to live for a little while until she probably moezys off. >> the other girlfriends have moved into this place before and that's why they call it the girlfriend graveyard. >> did i tell you the secret of simon's dating? simon says his secret is, should i say this? >> i don't know. >> he says the secret is you slowly break up with somebody and you always end friends. so you slowly -- >> secret to dating? >> secret to not dating, no, to dating. you slowly pull away and then all of a sudden, the next thing you know if things don't change, we'll have to break up and he makes them seem like the bad person. >> i was going to say. >> that allows you to date other people and not break that -- >> your hero. >> don't say that. >> i'm wondering if he's your friend anymore after he let that out of the bag. >> he gave me an exclusive story and i didn't realize it. he owes me one. >> more on that in the upcoming hours of this show. don't just buy american, buy veteran. military vets have figured out a way to build their booming businesses even in this bad economy. you'll meet some of them next. >> complimenting your kids can actually make them losers? 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[ male announcer ] try any crest pro-health rinse. complete satisfaction guaranteed, or we'll buy it back. >> all right. estimated three million veterans own small businesses across this country and more states and consumers choose to buy veterans. here to explain is a former marine and president of buy veteran and you have josh cute, co-owner of waffles inc. caffeinated. and business owner of husk hardware house. good morning to both of you. >> thank you for having me. >> tell me about buy veteran. >> i'll tell you, there's so much focus and attention right now on hiring veterans and there should be, is it the right thing to do for america? it absolutely is. the righter thing to do is for employers who hire veterans frpt it's good for bottom line. ask any ceo and they'll tell you that. that's the reason they hire veterans and veterans also, we call them military alumni. they're graduates of what we call the greatest business school in the u.s. which is the u.s. military. they learn leadership and discipline. so many great things that they take out into main street three million strong veteran-praneurs in north america. they become real estate agents and everything in between in america. >> let's welcome josh. tell me about waffles incaffeinated and tell me about how this group has helped you? josh. >> we're breakfast and -- we're a breakfast and lunch cafe specializing in gourmet waffles and we've -- the buy veteran program has definitely raised some visibility and we've definitely gotten some good feedback from our customer base. i mean, they get a chance to thank a veteran by shopping at one of their establishments. >> right. you know what? if there's a choice between the two, i think 95% of america is very patriotic and would do that. josh collins with your hardware company, how has this group helped you? >> brian, well, we're actually a restaurant and brewery but the group has definitely raised some visibility and certainly put us on the map nationwide. it helped us in opening our second store, wet willies of fayetteville right next door and we're having a great time with them. we do a lot of supportive operations with veterans, whether it's the care coalition or the wounded warrior project, just another part of supporting vets and we appreciate the help as well. >> right. and chris, overall, this is just the beginning. veterans need some time. they're going to need some assistance early on but the payoff will be great. >> the payoff is great. in fact, we've done a lot of work with state and local governments, helped federal government. helped creating opportunities at the corporate level but this one is particularly attractive because it helps the vast majority of all businesses especially veteran owned businesses who reside on main street in america in your hometown. >> right. is where you go to find out more. >> absolutely. you can find them, type in a zip code and look for this badge, on their store front outside a work truck, business cards and other places. >> i know what i'm doing, i'm going to josh's place and have waffles in the morning and quickly file to raleigh, north carolina and have some beers with josh collins, is that ok? >> that would be great, brian. look forward to having you. >> thanks for your service and thanks for your time. best of luck with your business. >> thank you very much. >> bye, guys. no more medals for second or third place. a new study shows parents would be better off if they'd quit praising their kids. our next guest says there is one way to boost their self-esteem. you're going to want to hear it. plus, three states, three different winners in the republican race for president. will florida be the state that setses the debate? we'll ask the congressman from that state. colonel allen west joins us next hour. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. >> we can tell our kids, yes, you can. and oh, honey, you're so smart. giving them gold stars, you know, on the refrigerator and team trophies for everybody, even the losers, but new studies say all this, "empty praise" is turning our kids into praise junkies and wussies. joining us now to weigh in is conservative comedian brad stine who joins us today from phoenix where he is the first person up. good morning to you. >> good morning. and i warned you guys about this self-esteem nonsense on put a helmet on my first album. i told you this is coming and here we are on "fox & friends" talking about it. >> after decades of people saying listen, if you want the kids to achieve at school and a loved parent who is pushing your kid, push them out there and say good job even if they're doing something even if they don't accomplish it. and now, brad, according to the latest data, that doesn't help the kids. >> oh, gee, listen. let me tell you something, if there's one thing you can always learn from a liberal sociologist, it's this, they are always wrong! always! listen, they think that kids are a science experiment. you just be nice, throw them a fish like a seal and they'll be good. conservatives believe that we're made in the image of god. you got to work hard and if you fail, you got to learn from it. let me tell you something, the liberal concept are the ones that gave us the ultimate self-esteemer, barney! these kids didn't have a chance, are you kidding me? i watched a barney episode. who won barney? the ultimate self-esteemer, what did they have to say? we're all winners. just once, i'd like to see a nonwussified kid say really? what about that last place winner? that fat kid eating cake hasn't started to run in yet. if we're all winners, we tied. if we tied, nobody won. if nobody won, we're all losers! the whole point of the matter is some kids are better than others. they should be praised. what it's supposed to teach the other kids is i see, you got to work at it! this is how it used to be in america. i don't know what happened but we can return back to common sense. maybe we'll see our kids get better grades. >> it's such a crazy concept. if you want your children to achieve, have them earn it themselves. you can push them in the right direction but don't just give them a t ball trophy every time they show up. i got to wonder whether or not, you know, all these good, well intentioned parents and teachers who have done this have effectively created parts of this entitlement society that we see right now like i want that, and i want it free or i want that and i don't want to earn it! >> well, that's exactly what happened because kids aren't taught to be disciplined. you know, i know this sounds archaic to everybody but we actually even used to swat a kid if he acted up in school. now, liberals had to get rid of that because that was mean. conservatives have never thought that way. we're always like, you know, i'd rather swat you at 5 than look for a bail bondsman at 15. that's the way we roll. you know, the liberal sociologist creates this psycho babble nonsense like don't smang a kid, it teaches him how to hit. if i spank a kid, he knows how to hit. that's why he's being spanked. it's like don't put somebody in jail, it might teach them to hold people against their will. no, discipline is what we have lost in america and listen, if a kid doesn't learn that if you fail, you can learn from that, grow some character and realize i got to work harder, then we're going to be a bunch of wussified children that aren't going to be able to make it in life. so i think we finally come to the conclusion that the conservative point of view about working hard and hard work is the way you succeed. >> the old fashioned way. you earned it. by the way, that was a good appearance. i'm not just saying that. you actually earned that, brad stine. well done. >> i hope you send me a trophy. >> stand by for that. thank you, sir. see you back here next week. >> i'll be here. >> all right. straight ahead on this monday morning, before you slam steven tyler for the way he sang the national anthem, listen to this. remember? >> ♪ twilight's last gleaming >> from yesterday, a stadium filled with boos during the star spangled banner. what was that about? and it's a first for the lone star state. a school shutting down friday night lights, banning football until students get better grades. is that too harsh? we're going to report, you will decide. as i was. weight watchers online is absolutely that tool. it was never further away than my pocket. my sidekick! the weight tracker really let me see that my real problem area was when i was traveling. it allowed me to kind of tailor my plan to my lifestyle. i lost 29 pounds with weight watchers online. i am like me times five. i'm like cara intensified. 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listen to this. >> ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ ♪ and bombs bursting in air ♪ gave proof >> tyler slightly changed up the words in a few places. but the national anthem performance everybody should be talking about is kristen chenowith at the game. the san francisco crowd booing only when the new york giants are shown on the stadium jumbotron. not at her. >> ♪ for the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly we hail ♪ ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ through the perilous >> so chenowith is a giants fan and the local media said she shouldn't have been chosen to perform. she's from oklahoma. what do you think? should niners fans be booing themselves for jeering the giants in the middle of the national anthem which i watched with my kids and i said see, kids, that's what hard work -- gets you from doing hard work is somebody who sings like that. >> i think that's the way they react. they're into the game. they see a giant and want to boo. >> why not? >> they've got giants in san francisco, too. >> that's true. tell joe biden that. he confused them. on to florida now where 50 delegates are at stake and it's one of those states where winner takes all. come in second, walk away with absolutely nothing. you can put yourself into the top spot and be certainly on a roll after this. this state is twice the size of new hampshire and bigger than south carolina. it will take a lot of money to be successful and so far, we have the debates to build off of. remember, mitt romney in a 16-point lead before debate number one in south carolina last week. >> and then two debates happened and newt gingrich ended up winning south carolina in double digits. so will newt continue to go after the media? there's two debates now this week before the people vote in florida although some have previously voted in early voting. will he continue to use those same lines that got standing ovations at the south carolina debates against the media and against the establishment? he says that works so we're probably going to still see that. >> speaking of establishment media, tonight, the moderator of the debate down in tampa at the university of south florida at the student center is going to be brian williams. i wonder if newt gingrich will bite off the head of brian williams the way he did with john king last week, stand by. obviously, given the fact that newt was so far behind, not only in the state of south carolina but you got to figure he's going to be reflective of his giant win over the weekend in south carolina. down in the florida polls. but going forward, apparently what's going to happen now is mitt romney realizing, ok, this mr. nice guy thing might not be working so well. maybe i should point out the differences between me and newt gingrich. newt gingrich was once upon a time speaker of the house. that didn't work so well. >> he's going to call him a failed leader. he's going to say that he resigned in disgrace. it's not like mitt romney has been totally nice either. i mean, he did attack him, his super pac did in iowa so maybe he's going to return to those attacks. >> here's what is different. he's demanding release of the ethics panel, the ethics panel pages that were sealed after he was fined and then he decided to resign. so i'm not sure that is -- that's chartered -- that's unchartered grounds when newt gingrich was asked about this on "fox & friends" weekend, he yelled back at dave and clayton. >> yeah. >> like how dare you do that? why don't you demand mitt romney' release of his tax returns? the answer is he's releasing his tax returns. >> a week after it first came up so is this going to be the new line of attack for newt gingrich? he was on with mike huckabee last night. listen to this. >> if you believe that line that newt gingrich is the outsider that will shake things up in washington, then i guess you believe that bill clinton didn't inhale. he had to resign in disgrace and then he's been a lobbyist for the past 15 years, influence peddling throughout the -- those years, helping freddie mac of all people. he says he was a historian there. i'd like to see the contract, i'd like to see his work product. he is the ultimate washington, d.c. insider. >> so that's a preview of what you're going to see over the next week in the runup to next tuesday's primary down in florida which by the way is open only to republicans who are registered down there. interestingly enough, over the last week, how many times did you hear newt gingrich refer to mitt romney as a massachusetts moderate and to himself as a reagan republican? well, maybe that also is something you're going to hear over and over again. well, yesterday on "face the nation" newt gingrich made it clear that mitt romney not very conservative. >> the number one thing people look for in difficult times is authenticity and he can't relax and be candid. romney care is the precursor to obamacare. he was pro gun control and had a 400% increase on taxes on guns. he was pro choice functioning no matter what he said about his views. he appointed pro abortion judges. so you end up with a guy who is i think, is a very good salesman and very much wants to sale but he has a really weak product. >> according to newt, a lot of people like jack welt said he's the most qualified president that's run for the office. >> mitt romney. >> in his lifetime, mitt romney. so it's going to be interesting and it's going to be ugly. >> let's turn gears now to the cruise ship disaster because this will probably surprise you. if you were one of the people who was on this ship and you did survive, what do you think that carnival cruise lines, the parent company of costa, what do you think they might reach out to you to do? >> cash? >> there's going to be a lot of lawsuits. maybe something big, right? well, apparently now, the cruise ship deal that's on the table for these victims is that they'll get refunded for this cruise that they barely started and then also, hey, you want to go on another cruise? we'll give you 30% off of your next cruise. any takers? >> are you kidding? 30% coupon? i bet they get some drink coupons, too. >> you're right. should have included that in the story. >> in addition to the fact that when you get on board, you get that free bon voyage free cocktail. >> this is almost as bad. this just shows a callousness. and a misunderstanding of what just happened to their industry and their company. >> sure, put it this way. the people that were on that particular ship were not passengers. they are survivors. and so for costa -- >> it should be cheaper if you end up a survivor rather than a passenger. >> by the way, we should point out that apparently the black box stopped working two weeks ago and the captain says that salute he did getting real close to the shoreline, he says that was approved by costa cruise lines. however, costa says that's false. he's a liar. >> that will be interesting to see if that's anywhere on paper. probably not. in the meantime, let's go back to politics. newt may have scored a big win in south carolina but florida is a whole another story. florida congressman allen west is here next with his thoughts on that. >> then the new world trade center was supposed to tower over new york city. now, new cuts, major cuts could mean a major change in design. let's just say it won't be towering much at all. -one. -two. -three. -one. two. three. one. -two. -three. -one. -two. -three. 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[ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time. >> the g.o.p. presidential candidates not wasting any time hitting the campaign trail in florida, that huge state, after newt's victory in south carolina and with 50 delegates up for grabs in this winner take all primary, a lot is at stake and in fact, the voting has already begun to the tune of 200,000 ballots. joining us right now, republican congressman allen west. always love to have you. >> good morning. >> what is it going to take to win florida as opposed to what it took newt to win south carolina? >> i think when you look at florida, it's truly an indicator of, you know, the greater united states of america is the fourth largest state in the union. it's very diverse when you go from northern florida down to where i reside in south florida in the keys, you're going to have to be able to show the contrast between your vision for this country and that of president obama's and i think what the candidates should really do is focus in on the fact that last friday was the third year of the inauguration of president obama and start asking people that simple question that ronald reagan asked, are you better off now than you were three years ago and start joining the contrast with major economic factors like gas prices, gallon of milk, even the carton of eggs. things that the american people can understand. >> how about this? right now, the a.p. poll has mitt up. some say by tuesday, that could be a dead heat. what do you think? >> it will be interesting because you can't get out there and go to every state in florida. it will be important to get on the tv, talk radio is another big medium and use the social media there. i'm sure there are going to be places where each one of the candidates want to concentrate themselves but they've got to understand that the message has to be about how they're going to defend hard working american taxpayers and families. >> i'm reading, i was shocked how many people were speculating what happened last week in that sensational news media and this campaign. how many people think juan williams and newt gingrich were having a coded racial debate and the question on food stamps when newt gingrich makes that statement, is there a race code in that statement? how do you feel about that as an african-american? >> well, there is no race code. it's a fact. since president obama has been in the oval office you see a 4% increase in the food stamp recipients in the united states of america. there's one thing we have to look at. we have a president that's making more americans victims rather than making them victors and we have a 16% increase of americans on the poverty roll. 16.4% more americans are on poverty since president obama took office. >> i'm sure this will come out at your forum at 10:00 in washington. a bipartisan panel will talk about the black voice, why the conservative black voice seems to always get ignored in america from congressman scott to you, colonel west. now, i got to get you -- bring you to the speaker of the house on "fox news sunday" yesterday at which time he indicated there is no schism within the republican party even when it came to the payroll tax. what's your reaction to that? >> well, i think a lot of us were upset about what happened with the payroll tax issue. we passed a good piece of legislation that would extend it for an entire year and something came back from over the senate where the senate republicans agreed to for two months. i think there was a breakdown in understanding policy vs. politics. i think that's something we'll have to correct. >> congressman, also the president of the united states has said i get along with john boehner great. i like golfing with him. he's a lot of fun but he can't deliver his caucus on anything. is it true that he cannot unite you guys, you men and women? >> well, i don't think the situation has to do with the house g.o.p. if you go back and you look at what happened with president bill clinton after the 1994 midterm elections he pivoted and worked with newt gingrich and you saw surpluses and welfare reform. instead, what you see with president obama is he's tripled down on his radical left wing ideological agenda. we have a good plan of action. we would ask if harry reid would vote on the 27 pieces of legislation sitting on his desk. >>the word is not getting out on how much the house actually passed and how little the senate has actually done. colonel allen west, good luck. your state will have a lot of focus. hope to have you back again before january 31st. >> pleasure. >> straight ahead, mitt romney not the only candidate with big money right now. wait until you hear what landed in newt gingrich's bank account. a school shutting down friday night lights, banning football until students get better grades. is that too harsh? but the games are so exciting. what are we going to do with the smoke machine? my wife and i have three wonderful children and they make my life just perfect. we were having too much fun, we weren't thinking about a will at that time. we were in denial. that's right. 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[ male announcer ] get the venture card at and earn double miles on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? was gonna say that. uh huh... >> time for your news by the numbers. let's begin first, $1 million. that's how much newt gingrich raised in less than 24 hours following his big victory in south carolina. next, $0.45. that's the price you'll have to pay for first class postage stamps. u.s. postal service raising prices for sunday for the first time in 2 1/2 years and finally, $25 million. that's how much money underworld awakening made at the box office making it the number one movie this weekend. if you didn't see "beauty & the beast 3d". >> that was good, too. thank you, brian. in one texas school district, it's a battle royale between sports and the books. the superintendent forced to make a choice. suspend all sports and boost students' grade or else close the school doors. >> he chose to cancel the sports programs. some parents aren't happy with his decision and joining us now is that superintendent, superintendent district superintendent earnest singleton. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so you were faceed with a dire decision here. you would have to close the school, or they would close it for you, unless you raise the grades and do some other facilities improvements, correct? auto aabsolutely. that's correct. >> so one of the ways in which you thought that you could help to meet budget and to also raise the grades was to get rid of the sports program. why did you think of that first? >> that's within of our largest budgets and it's a temporary suspension just for one year so we can reallocate funds to put forth those expectations from the texas education agency to upgrade some of our facilities, track highly qualified teachers and to retire a line of credit that we owe a particular bank in texas. >> ok, when the parents down there, sir, heard that you were going to suspend sports to save money and also get up scores, what was the reaction? because it is texas. >> it is texas and as you can imagine, it's a very hot topic right now in our small town in rural south texas. it's been accepted on some sides and rejected on the others. it's been an unpopular decision. i knew when i made the decision, it would be unpopular but what will be more unpopular is if we do have to close in. that would be detrimental to -- it would be a death sentence to our small opportunity. -- community. >> so apparently 90 kids of the 575 participate in sports. but it sounds to me, were you going to correct the number? >> no, that's approximately correct, yes. >> here's what -- the point i wanted to make with you, mr. superintendent, was it appears to me to also be the responsibility of the parents in this school district because one of the other problems that you're facing is that a lot of these kids aren't coming to school. you have an attendance problem, correct? >> we do. the state -- the state expectation is 96%. right now at our secondary school, we're averaging about 88%. that concerns me as superintendent. i just this next week we're going to deploy a new tactic to get out to the homes, the high school principal, a constable and i will be going to visit homes, knocking on doors and asking parents, why are the kids at home? why aren't you sending them to school? and what are they doing if they aren't coming to school? >> sure, it sounds like some of the kids are going why bother? i don't want to go and it sounds like may not feel good but they're necessary. >> unfortunately, we're out of time. sorry to cut you off like that. i think what he was going to say, steve, is they are painful but he feels like they need to be done. >> going forward on friday nights, students can study english lit instead of going to the big game. mitt romney's money will be the big story as his tax returns finally go public. what exactly are his critics looking for? we're going to take a look at the possibilities coming up. >> and what will they really do to get your vote? coming up, the bizarre local cuisines that candidates are about to encounter on the campaign trail. will they bite? we're going to be with the host of "bizarre foods". be right back. i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. 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[ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. [ thunder crashes ] the first and most important step toward accomplishing something is showing up. [ thunder crashes ] and with the most advanced all-wheel-drive system in its class that adapts to conditions as they change, now all you have to worry about is what you accomplish when you get there. ♪ >> all right. we showed you the video last hour. a daredevil. i'd say so. hopped on a motorbike, attached a camera to his helmet and took an undisclosed snow covered mountain for his own. he made his way down the narrow ridge line on speeds usually reserved for the track. the video already getting 458,000 views on you tube and it's also generating a lot of e-mails from you. >> yep, randy writes in. that is not real! look at the helmet. it never moves! it would be bouncing as much as the bike and the handles on the handlebars as well. >> the problem with that one, there's a go pro network that shows all these extreme racers doing this and the camera is equipped to take these bounces. >> this e-mail from glenn, the helmet does not move because the camera is attached to it. my real videos look the same. so there you have it. >> what does that mean sf>> i guess that means if you've done this before, this is real. >> right, look at the right, you can see the helmet, why would it be jiggling up and down if it's hooked up to the helmet so naturally it's going to be rock steady that part. >> i don't know. >> would have done this on foot with -- >> since i have no plans of doing this any time in the near future. >> don't you man sasquatch? >> don't you remember that indian guy? >> i do remember. could you spell it? >> if it wasn't for them, we still wouldn't be at the west coast. we wouldn't be there. >> we would have stopped at denver. why bother? what do you think is going on with that? e-mail us. from one bumpy ride to another more serious one. the turbulence on a flight so bad the food cart slammed into the roof of the cabin and made a hole in the ceiling of the airplane and it went down on an american airlines flight from brazil to miami. and the shaking tossed passengers from their seats right into the aisle! >> i was sure i was going to die. >> the two flight attend ats are back there. one got thrown up into the air. he flew and landed in the hallway. >> we got everything shaky. >> everything shaky. that's an understatement. five flight attendants were hurt and taken to the hospital it was so bad. >> how scary! he had no business being in the country but police say a haitian immigrant killed three people last january before turning the gun on himself. the miami herald reports he was ordered to be deported to haiti after he was convicted of burglary but when president obama halted all deportations to haiti following the massive 2010 earthquake, he didn't go back! so when his prison sentence was completed, immigration officials set him free. he committed the murders two months after his release. brian? >> all right. robbers pull off a pricey heist in olympia, washington, they made off with two large pieces of art from a local gallery worth more than $1400. they did it in an unusual way, too. they broke in through a skylight on the roof. >> ooh. >> in a way, it's flattering that burglars would go to so much trouble to propel through the skylight to get to the artwork here. >> flatter me some other way. they say the suspects are still on the loose. >> the new world trade center towers may turn out to be 73 stories shorter than planned. three world trade center is supposed to be an 80-story office tower and the base has been filled much the developer says he might stop there because he can't get tenants to take up a large portion of the tower. the problem, the economy. they don't want to splurge on new office space. >> build it. they'll come. >> apparently, larry silverstein is looking for one tenant to take up all that space. he can't find them. >> of course not. be patient. >> the economy just isn't hurrying up. the rain is hurrying up -- >> larry silverstein apologyist. >> all the way from some thunderstorms at this hour moving into western portions of virginia. and north carolina. also, rain all the way from the great lakes through the mid atlantic and down through the gulf coast as well. central plains are dry and there's snow moving through the plains. the chilliest spot on this map is in caribou, maine, they have 11. rapid city on its heels with 19. only 23 up in, gretch, your hometown of minneapolis. 30's throughout the big northeastern corridor cities. we have 40's across much of ohio down through the mid atlantic and then it warms up along the gulf coast. today's daytime highs, well, if you're down in florida and the candidates are pretty nice temperatures. temperatures in the upper 70's, approaching 80. 60's and 70's across much of texas. chilly temperatures in the northern plains. it will be 51 here in the big town of new york city and 30 in caribou, maine. >> and that is a quick look at your fox travel cast. big day in sports. we got the highlights. >> yeah, it's probably one of the biggest days in sports in the nfc and afc championship games and here we go again. a giant 2008 super bowl rematch coming at you. the new england -- the new england patriots were the winners. the new york giants were the winners, they had together one of the greatest super bowls ever. they'll do a rematch in super bowl 46. giants taking the championship game with a victory over the 49ers in san francisco. >> the kick is good! and the giants are going back to the super bowl. >> sudden death overtime. that 31 yard field goal sealed a hard fought victory for the giants. 49ers played very well in the rain. both teams excellent. turning to the afc, the patriots taking the title defeating baltimore but i'll tell you what, the ravens' hearts must be broken especially the ravens kicker. talk about a heartbreaker. 32 yards out, 11 seconds on the clock. of course, he'll hit it and they'll go to overtime, right? >> patriots escape with a 23-20 victory. you know, the ravens had a touchdown in the end zone and the guy held it for two seconds and got knocked out of his hands or they would have had possession, possession and a victory. february 5th will be the super bowl. we'll be in indianapolis with that. governor christie said if the giants get in, he'll join us live on the air. >> even though he thinks they're the new jersey giants. >> yes. so does steve who is delusional. the patriots are winners of 10 straight games and are favored by three points. remember, the giants were 12 point underdogs last time and they beat the undefeated new england patriots then. >> all right. >> i talked to senator scott brown. believe it or not, he does not agree with me that the giants more than likely will end up victorious in this. >> i wonder why. because he's from new england. let's talk about somebody else who was once the governor of massachusetts, mitt romney. he now says that he will release his tax returns for 2010 tomorrow along with the preview of what he will -- what his returns will be for 2011. so many people are saying, you know, will this put this to rest or will it raise new questions? >> well, he admitted so much yesterday that it was probably bad strategy for him to say yeah, i'm going to put them out in april when i'm done with my taxes and yeah, i probably will wind up paying about 15% with the income that i raise. meanwhile, what are his critics going to say? could they -- this came up yesterday in a conversation he had yesterday with chris wallace. could critics be critical of the amount of money mr. romney donates to his church? the mormons. here's an exchange. >> if people want to discriminate against someone based upon their commitment, i would be very surprised. this is a country that believes in the bible. the bible speaks about providing tithes and offerings. i made a commitment to my church a long, long time ago that i would give 10% of my income to the church. and i've followed through on that commitment and hopefully as people look at the various run individuals running for president, they'd be pleased with someone who made a promise. promise to god and kept that promise. so if i had given less than 10%, then i think people would have to look at me and say what's wrong with you, fella? don't you follow through on your promises? >> i was surprised by that question from chris wallace because i can't see anybody critical of someone donating to their church unless there's a latent feeling about mormonism. >> let me just say, that's not going to be the question about his tax returns. if he says he's given 10% which is part of the mormon tradition to do, that's not the issue. the issue about his tax returns is he only paid 15%. again, he didn't break any laws. that's what some people are going to probably take a closer look at. it's not about whether or not he gave -- >> you know what they're going to do is end up asking for more years. this thing will play out longer than they think. >> sure. as we learned at the last debate, his father when he was -- george romney, when he was running for president released 12 years worth of tax returns and what not when he was running for president of the united states. but, you know, it -- here's my preview of what's going to happen. it's going to -- this is just going to ignite the whole class warfare thing. people are going to go look, we know he only paid 15% but really is that fair? i paid 35% or whatever. he paid 15%. >> that's the thing, that's the complicated nature of this discussion. and hopefully people will take the time to understand the entire discussion which is on the money when he had a job, he probably paid -- he did pay in the highest tax bracket. which would be 35% to 40%. >> unless it was an investment. >> unless it was an investment. but now that he hasn't really had a job for the last six years, the money that he's making is off of investments and in that case, every american who does that pays 15% capital gains. at least that's where it stands right now. >> that's the president -- we'll talk more about that, on the state of the union address, he'll bring up the class warfare stuff. >> exactly. >> no more exceptions, the obama administration ordering religious institutions to cover birth control and contraceptives on their health plans. is that legal? peter johnson jr. explains. >> yep. and how far will they go to get your vote? the host of "bizarre foods" is here with three weird foods. >> he's got a knife! i'm nervous. >> underneath those hankies. wait until you see some of that stuff. >> you're going over there, right? >> first, the trivia question of the day -- i find the omega choices overwhelming. then i found new pronutrients omega-3. it's from centrum. it's a smaller minigel. with two of the best omegas to support my heart, brain and eyes. new pronutrients from centrum. ♪ [ multiple sounds making melodic tune ] ♪ [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, every innovation, every solution, comes together for a single purpose -- to make the world a safer place. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. ♪ oh, yeah ♪ 'cause i believe in you and me ♪ ♪ oh, boy ♪ i believe in miracles ♪ and i believe in you and me ♪ ♪ see, i was lost ♪ now i'm free ♪ 'cause i believe in you and me ♪ >> some quick headlines now. a hot air balloon pilot safe this morning after this mid-air fire. it happened during a festival in arizona. the 71-year-old pilot said a tether unexpected snapped causing the flames to spread. after search years of marriage, heidi klum and seal calling it quits. she tells "people" magazine "we continue to love each other very much but have grown apart" even though he has a new album. sources tell tmz that it's over seal's temper. i've heard they're trying to work things out. >> our best to those kids. thank you very much. health and human services secretary kathleen sabelias defending the white house decision to give religious organizations an extra year before they will be required to provide employees free birth control. she says "this strikes a balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventative services." but religious leaders say this forces them to violate their consciences. peter johnson jr., fox news legal analyst joins us with this reaction to -- ok, so the catholic church is being told you got to provide contraceptives, sterilization and plan b. >> yeah, president obama after meeting with the bishops and after speaking allegedly with cardinal designate dolan, the new cardinal from new york has said the federal government is going to demand that catholic universities, catholic social service agencies and catholic institutions other than churches provide drugs that induce abortions, provide sterilizations, provide contraceptions free, really in violation of catholic faith and really, other organizations and other religious organizations, it violates their faith. some orthodox jewish organizations and some evangelical groups have also objected and they're speaking up and saying listen, this is a massive incursion into religious liberty because now the federal government is demanding that by august 1st, 2013, these faith-based organizations provide drugs that will provide abortions. and sterilizations. and they say this violates our faith. so on one hand, you're saying well, can we keep faith or can we keep adherance of the law. you're asking us to choose. >> you can't do both. >> it's a violation of the united states constitution and there will be a whole bunch of lawsuits based on this incursion and in the election year, a lot of catholic voters are going to say why is the federal government doing this to us? why is president obama picking on us in this way? i happened to be a catholic. >> i'm a catholic as well. look, i have a problem with abortion and all the things that you have talked about. so going forward, you got to figure, well, doesn't the president need the catholic voters? or does he need the people who support planned parenthood and all that stuff. we're going yeah! good! >> let me tell you, it's not about abortion. it's about the constitution. there's a lot of people on the left at planned parenthood and others, they want to make this about abortion. they want to make this about choice. the choice is whether we're going to comply with the constitution in this country or not. whether you believe in a woman's right to choose, whether you believe in abortion, whether you believe in sterilization, yes or no, based upon your faith. based upon your preceps but the issue is should the government be telling a church what to do and what services it provides especially in deregation of its faith. >> you laid out the case absolutely perfect. >> it's a sad case. >> it is. thank you very much. what do you think about this? e-mail us. the bizarre cuisines candidates are sure to encounter on the trail. will they bite? andrew zimmern is here to break it down. first on this date back in 1987, "at this moment" was the number one song in america. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. new v8 v-fusion smoothie. what's he looking for? i think he's looking for savings. ♪ i can't watch this anymore. stop! there's an easier way! we compare your progressive direct rate to other top companies so you get a great price. no more running around. ha ha ha! wouldn't you love to see the world through his eyes? i bet i look like the strongest man in the world. the best place to find a great deal. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> the answer to the question of the day. of course, it was sully sullenberger and the winner is from virginia. congratulations. from iowa's sausages on a stick to new hampshire's shucked clams, each state has its own unique foods and for a presidential candidate eating them, that might be part of the job. they may be surprised to hear about the most bizarre eats in store for them as they crisscross the country. joining me is andrew zimmern, host of travel channel's "bizarre foods america." good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you say it's a good thing to get our palate a little interesting. >> it's important for our country, economically sustainable and it's something that we can help to get rid of that human frailty, it's sort of an evil corrosive thread and the more understanding that we are about something that we can all relate to, food, we all love it allows us to be more patient and understanding of other peoples when it comes to language or skin color and allows us a fun way to explore another culture. better than going to a museum, i think. >> that's why we have these foods covered with napkins because they're delectable. >> i think they're delectable. >> keep it in mind, this is a guy who has had -- he's been to 80 countries and sampled 15 types of rats and every single part of a cow. now we move on to this? what is this? >> one of the favorite foods in the whole world. candidates going to louisiana will eat this by the bucket load. if you take it, usually this is sold in -- by the inch in gas stations and little out of the way biwaters all over the state and it's a pork and rice sausage. go ahead. >> all right. >> what you do is you're driving in a car, don't use a cell phone. you squeeze it. you don't eat the skin. >> ok. and you said that this is absolutely delicious and he's not lying. i will move on to this big venison thing. >> really? >> you should try this. >> it's spectacular! >> now, this -- this is good. >> candidates in the south, it's venison, deer hunting season all over the south. >> oh, my gosh. >> what we can do is slice off a beautiful piece. absolutely, this is perfect. and if you take a piece right there. >> let's make it a little smaller. >> there you go. >> this is gorgeous venison, fresh and a lot of people aren't used to the hunting traditions especially in our big cities. but you have to remember, all across america, majority of americans are still hunting at least a couple of times a week in virginia, west virginia, they're hunting every morning for their dinner and every night for their breakfast. >> here's the secret. i grew up in minnesota so i have had venison before. and i've had this. you thought you were going to stump me. >> yes, i live in minnesota now. and as you know, this is one of the most disgusting foods in the world that we eat more in minnesota. steamed and baked for the holidays. >> it's like jelly fish. >> it's salt -- >> no, it's jellied fish. it's salt cod. >> i'm not eating that actually. i ate it my whole lifetime. >> because everybody has to crowd into a church basement or grandma's house and be forced to eat this. >> exactly. you go ahead. >> it's cod soaked in lye and rehydrated in water and basically turned into a putrid jell-o fish product. been there. >> it's horrific. >> been there, done that. check out his show. >> premieres tonight at 10:00 eastern. newt gingrich's critics quick to attack his values. he's now got an overwhelming amount of female support. dana perino top of the hour. ♪ beth! hi! looking good. you've lost some weight. thanks. you noticed. these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right -- whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multi-grain cheerios -- 5 whole grains, 110 calories. creamy, dreamy peanut butter taste in a tempting new cereal. mmm! [ female announcer ] new multi-grain cheerios peanut butter. when i'm on the night shift. when they have more energy than i do. when i don't feel like working out. when there isn't enough of me to go around. ♪ when i have school. and work. every morning. it's faster and easier than coffee. every afternoon when that 2:30 feeling hits. -every day. -every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. [ male announcer ] 5-hour energy. every day. >> gretchen: good morning, everyone. it is monday, thanks for sharing your time with us this morning. i'm gretchen carlson. let me tell you what's happening, let the fight for florida begin. newt gingrich is making it clear he's no insider. >> want somebody who will be timid and manage the decay, they ought to vote for romney. >> gretchen: white house insider herself, dana perino is going to weigh in on the race coming up. >> steve: meanwhile, tomorrow mitt romney's money will be the big story as his tax returns go on public for two years. so what are his critics trying to dig up? we'll explore the option with donald trump coming up this half hour. >> brian: you saw the overtime field goal that set the stage for super bowl rematch. you're look at it. what happened before the kickoff will really get you fired up. >> steve: really? >> brian: "fox & friends" starts right now. >> gretchen: welcome, everyone. hope you had a great weekend. >> brian: you're going to have a great final hour if you watch our show. president obama is gearing up for his state of the union address now. it's going to bel tomorrow. >> steve: that's right. with a preview today, wendell goler found himself on the north lawn of the white house with a preview. good morning to you, sir. >> steve, the president's aides say he's too busy working to get involved in the campaign yet, but he is making some campaign style appearances, including some around his state of the union address tomorrow night. he'll be on the road much of the week promoting the broad themes of the address and a week from now, next week, he'll do something called a hangout on google plus, answering questions and people across the country submit on-line via youtube. it's another first for social media following the on-line town halls that the president did after his last two state of the union addresses. last week he spoke at disneyworld about boosting u.s. tourism to help create more jobs. wednesday after his state of the union address, he'll travel to iowa, arizona, nevada, colorado, and michigan which republicans say are five battleground states and they don't think that's a coincidence. over the weekend, he gave a heads up to campaign supporters about the broad themes he'll focus on in his address tuesday night. >> american manufacturing with more good jobs and more products stamped with made in america. american energy fueled by home grown and alternative energy sources. skills for american workers, getting people the education and training they need so they're ready to take on the jobs of today and tomorrow. most importantly, a return to american values, a fairness for all and responsibility from all. >> aides say the speech will book end the one he gave in kansas last month that reprized teddy roosevelt's call for a fair deal and given the combatsive relationship between him and congress, it will also probably be fairly short on promises. guys, back to you. >> steve: game on. thank you, mr. goler. >> gretchen: now your headlines. the european union taking a major step in putting the pressure on iran to resume talks now on its nuclear program. e.u. ministers deciding moments ago on an oil embargo against iran. a freeze of the assets of the country's central bank. >> brian: wow. her resignation becomes effective today, a little more than after being shot in the head, gabrielle giffords announcing she will step down. in this video posted to facebook, she says she needs to focus on her recovery. >> i'm getting better every day. my spirit is high. i will return. >> gretchen: today giffords heads to tucson to meet with other victims of the shooting ram paige. tomorrow night she'll be in the audience for president obama's state of the union address. a special primary will now be held in april in arizona and a general election will be held in june to replace her. while you were sleeping, severe storms ripped through the south and midwest. check out this video. storm chasers following a huge storm through arkansas. those flashes you see in the distance, they are exploding transformers on top of power lines. strong winds even blew tractor-trailers off the roads, destroyed buildings. the storm making its way across the upper midwest where other areas could see as much as two inches of snow this morning. everybody is talking about steven tyler's performance of the star spangled banner at the patriots-raves game. ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air >> gretchen: but the national anthem performance everybody should be talking about is kristen chenowith. listen closely and you can hear the fans booing when shown on the jumbo tron. ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly we hailed ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars ♪ ♪ . >> steve: delayed reaction. >> gretchen: earlier we asked, do you think niners fans were out of line for booing in the middle of our national anthem. valerie says to be booing or cheering during the national anthem is wrong. have respect. paul writes, where is the media outcry in reporting about the disgraceful exhibition of disrespect for our national anthem by the san francisco fans? one thing is clear, kristen chenowith did a bang up job. >> brian: she did. it might be disconcerting for her to sing and hear the booing. but you understand they see the giants on the jumbo tron. >> steve: she hears booing, she's probably thinking, at this hear the wrong words? somebody from new jersey is on the screen. somebody from our nation's capitol who now makes her home here in the big town of new york joins us live. good morning to you. >> hi, how are you? >> steve: doing okay. newt gingrich doing better. landslide win in south carolina. one dig with married women and independents. >> he did win big with them. i don't think we know enough how to compare his numbers from iowa and new hampshire where he came in fourth with independents and women did not so do so well, but in south carolina he convinced them, within a week, he would be a better candidate than romney to go against obama. i have to talk to a few independent women this weekend trying to figure out where is that coming from? boy, these women really want to beat president obama. and even if they think that newt gingrich couldn't actually win the election, they think that he would give them an rectal talking to -- he would be able to beat him and embarrass president obama. that was one of the things somebody told me. >> gretchen: married women went with gingrich 41%, which is amazing based on the fact that on thursday night, there was the interview with one of his ex wives. independents, 31% went with newt gingrich. romney got 25. that to me is more surprising because so much of the attack against mitt romney has been he's a moderate and you would think the independent likes him better. >> i think they're looking for somebody that will stand up and fight and i actually think that whatever happened with his previous marriage, i think that a lot of women set that aside and said, who could win against president obama? in south carolina, they chose newt gingrich and with resounding fashion. does that continue into florida? it will depend. remember, when newt gingrich started doing well in iowa and there were attack ads against him, he didn't like that and he came out quite angry and then that was a different type of newt gingrich. then the one we saw last week in south carolina. in going into florida, i would imagine there is some attacks about to come against the front runner again, and we'll see how he handles it. >> brian: i want to bring up one thing, when you talk about the most electable that, used to be romney by a landslide. after south carolina, they asked people on the exit tolls, 51% said newt is more electable. >> in south carolina. so then you get a little bounce out of that because even though he came in fourth in iowa and new hampshire, winning in south carolina is a big jewel. so then you get a bump in fundraising and also credibility. >> steve: sure. mr. romney has got to count guns blazeing in florida and we've gotten a few peeks at his tactic and that is newt gingrich is the ultimate insider. we've got newt gingrich responding this morning. listen. >> if you believe that line that newt gingrich is the outsider that will shake things up in washington, then i guess you believe that bill clinton didn't inhale. he had to resign in disgrace and then he's been a lobbyist for the last 15 years influenced peddling throughout those years, helping freddie mac of all people. he says he was in a story in there. i'd like to see his work product. he is the ultimate washington, d.c. insider. >> they're very frightened at the idea of a genuine outsider. i'm a reagan populist conservative and have been for my whole career i. spent 16 years working to create the house republican majority. i don't know of anybody else who did that. i worked for that many years to get welfare reform actually for 18 years to get welfare reform passed. pretty steady, pretty stable. as speaker we balanced a budget for four straight years. those are tough things to do. you rock a lot of boats. you shake up a lot of people. if people want someone who will shake up washington, i think i can do it. >> steve: he was speaker of the house. how can he be an outsider? >> his zip code was in the washington, d.c. area. but he's making a convincing case. it's hard for me to understand, i did live there for ten years, not ashamed of it. >> gretchen: not my words. i read the script. >> well, okay. i don't understand why it's such an insult, except for the pack that people want somebody who is going to do something different. hard for me to understand how somebody who actually worked in congress for 16 years, then worked in the world of congress with lobbying, writing books, he did lots of different things, but if romme can't make the case that gingrich is a washington insider, then that -- >> gretchen: i'll tell what you it is. i think they're using the wrong lingo for describing what people are liking about newt gingrich, which is he's not the establishment candidate. that's what i think the people are saying. >> brian: maybe. he'll be releasing his tax returns now. >> gretchen: finally. >> brian: even newt gingrich said that. >> steve: dana perino joining us live. you'll be the first one upstairs in the offices of "the five." >> they're actually downstairs. we haven't risen up yet. we're working on it. >> gretchen: we just told you about the president's plan to target middle class voters tomorrow night, but will they overlook the unemployment rate still stuck at 8.5%? senator john cornyn will react life with us. >> brian: then the video gone viral overnight. winter weather wreaking havoc on drivers who didn't expect that. when you have tough pain, do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it has 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of making sure that place turns republican in about a year. >> that's right. good morning. >> brian: what do you expect tomorrow? >> well, it will be the thousandsth day without a budget and that is a real problem. i mean, we've seen 39% increase in the national debt since president obama has been president and because harry reid will not allow budget to come to the floor and be debated and passed, which is really the only, short of governing device you have to keep spending in check, we've still got the same problem we've always had. run away spending. we've got huge debt overhang, which is killing economic growth. in other words, jobs. and we've got a regulatory environment where we see a lot of overreach that is causing the job creators to sit on the side lines and not create new jobs. so it's kind of the worst of all worlds. >> steve: no kidding. the way you framed it where it's been 1,000 days without a budget passed, the house has passed budgets. the republican-led house passes the budget, sends them to your chamber, which is run by democrats and it just languishes there. yesterday we saw john boehner on the chris wallace show where he said the rap about we're a do nothing congress, we have passed 30 jobs bills and we send them to harry reid and it sits right on his desk. >> they're dead on arrival because harry reid controls the agenda of the senate. that's something i think people really haven't gotten their brains around. they're focused on the house, which has been very active, passed the budget, as you said. the president's own proposed budget last year failed 97-0, bipartisan opposition. >> steve: it was a stinker, though. >> it was. it didn't deal with the debt. it didn't deal with run away spending and it didn't deal with the sort of predictability that the job creators in our economy need in order to make that investment, to create that. >> brian: the word is he'll have a much more direct tone. he'll bring up that he has a housing -- plan to save the housing crisis. he's going to show leadership with new ideas and he's going to make college more affordable. does that sound like something that will turn americans on? >> it sounds like a retread of the last three years. the president's approach to government is only the federal government can do this and only they know what to do and you will learn to love it. what we learned is that it's unaffordable and it won't work and it's discouraging job creation in this country. it's what the president doesn't appreciate is our free enterprise system. with less government intrusion, it provides incentives for the entrepreneurs and job creators to start new businesses and grow existing business and what we need are jobs, brian. >> steve: are you frustrated -- we saw a little of the frustration in the final debate with newt gingrich down in south carolina where he was talking about how main stream media, defending the president of the united states. when you listen to a lot of the broadcast channels, it's directly from the white house what they're saying is going on in this country. it's the do nothing congress with those darn republicans standing up against barak obama who wants to make america better. >> that's why i appreciate fox. y'all present both sides of the argument, let people decide for themselves because it does seem that the main stream media is primarily acting as cheerleader for the president and his agenda. what people don't realize what's at risk is the future of the country, the kind of prosperity that we inherited from our parents and grandparents and instead, we're going to give our children and grandchildren $48,000 each in debt the day our children are born. that's wrong. it's just wrong. >> steve: no wonder they spank them once, wake them up. >> brian: thank you so much. great to see you. >> thanks. >> brian: texas came to our couch and now we have to take a short time out. he was supposed to be deported, but the government gave him a break. now he's a suspect in three separate murders. what in the world went wrong there? >> steve: we watched as she helped so many people turn around their lives on the biggest loser. allison sweeney joins us live in two minutes. you're watching "fox & friends" live from new york city i'm jennifer hudson, and i believe. i was strong before weight watchers, but i'm stronger with it. i believe because it works. ♪ if you want it, you got it join for free. weight watchers points plus 2012. because it works. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! 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[ male announcer ] because enbrel suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal, events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, while on enbrel, you experience persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. >> gretchen: paula deen's southern cooking filled the bellies of millions of fans. but her recent admission she has type two diabetes is sparking controversy. many people believe that she shouldn't be pushing fatty foods while battling the disease. joining me now is someone who knows all about the dangers of food and how to lose weight. the host of "the biggest loser," allison sweeney. good to see you. you're a woman of so many talents. you're up on "days of our lives" and other things. what do you make of this controversy that's ensued with paula deen? >> there is no doubt on our show, we trio encourage people to live healthy life styles and we have proven time and time again that just a couple weeks of healthy living, of eating right and work out and you can take a lot of pills off your diet and you don't have to have so much medicine. type 2 diabetes can be managed in ways with healthier lifestyle. so we feel like that's such a healthy way to go about it and that it can lead to a fulfilling life without all the fatty foods. so we're definitely proponents of encouraging people. >> gretchen: you see people with diabetes who come on the show and you prove if you change your eating habits, you can, in many cases, eradicate the disease? >> absolutely. it's many times brought on by our life styles. so you can deal with it and manage it by eat ago healthy way, by getting outside and going for walks and actually quite relatively simple process. it isn't like the craziest workout you ever heard of. it's just moving your body and so many people have proven on the show. it's remarkable. >> gretchen: so as the host of "the biggest loser," you have to walk the talk, so to speak. >> yes. >> gretchen: so you always are on -- you come on and talk a lot about your own goals of trying to stay fit. now you're involving your whole family, with your husband and two kids. how do you maintain a healthy lifestyle all together? >> that's the thing is i think a lot of people look at weight loss as like a certain goal. you want to achieve a certain number on the scale or you want to fit into a certain size dress. then you have to manage that. you have to live that way the rest of your life. people forget about that part. maintenance is a huge part of my life. i have to figure out how to eat right and i want to encourage my kids to grow up eating right. i have a beautiful son and daughter and i want them to live a healthy lifestyle. and my dog, i want them to be healthy, too. >> gretchen: she did the transition for me. >> gretchen: there is winky right there. winky had a wealth problem, too. >> she did. she did. and we got her healthy with the hills science diet. they're an awesome family of proud. now she's maintaining her weight loss on hill science diet light. it's true, like a lot of pet owners don't realize how bad it is for your pet to be overweight. it is serious. we want to encourage pet owners to get their pet healthy. i'm going to do a chat with pet owners so you can go there and talk to me about how you can be healthy, how you can help get your pet healthy. >> gretchen: that's two for one if i ever heard of one. >> we have lots of fun things. >> gretchen: all right. so that is >> yes. >> gretchen: go to "fox & friends" to find out more information. always go to see you. >> thank you. nice to see you. >> gretchen: coming up on the show, tomorrow mitt romney's taxes return go public and his critics are sure to pounce on that. what will they actually find? canned trump on this next. j.l.o. says love don't cost a thing. but her latest endorsement could cost her big time. she's accused of supporting al-qaeda now? we'll explain -i love this card. -wi the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, we earn more cash back for the things we buy most. it's cash back everywhere, evertime. 2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. that's 1% cash back onoscar. ...tony. oscar! 2% back on whatever she'll eat. 3% back on filling up this baby. 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[ birds chirping ] don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods just like we do introducing freshpet healthy recipes of fresh meat and fresh veggies so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido >> steve: it is time for the shot of the morning. add a little snow and ice and real cars suddenly turn into bumper cars. look at this. oh, man. these pictures out of bountiful, utah. hitting the snow scraper. one guy used his common sense and stayed off the road. he filmed others spiraling out of control on his street there in utah. at least 30 cars were involved in eight accidents. no one seriously injured. you got to wonder, after seeing the first 25 cars, why didn't you go to the top of the hill -- >> gretchen: i was going to say. >> steve: otherwise you'll hit somebody. >> brian: the first time during the snow, i had cop cars in traffic just driving slow to basically make people slow down. >> steve: that's good. >> brian: it slowed me down. >> gretchen: you would have been able to take that hill like that? >> brian: i would have been able to take that hill. if there is snow and ice, go slow. not in a four wheel drive car. that's why you pay all the money. >> gretchen: there is brian right there. >> brian: it's moving in the back. >> gretchen: okay. we have to get to our headlines right now. >> brian: donald trump waits in the wingses. >> the white house allowing president sala into the united states, a move aimed at easing the political transition in yemen. it's likely the president will receive treatment for burn injuries from a blast in his pallet. he faced months of protests calling for his ouster. the government responded with a crackdown. he'll step down next month. >> brian: the turbulence on a flight so bad the food cart slammed into the roof of the cabin and made a hole in the ceiling of the plane. it all went down on an american airlines flight from brazil to miami. >> i thought i was going to die. >> one of them got thrown up in the air. he flew and landed in the hallway. we thought everything shaking. >> brian: five flight attendants were hurt and taken to the hospital. steve? >> steve: brian, he had no business being in the country, but police now say a haitian immigrant killed three people before turning the gun on himself. the miami herald reports that the man was supposed to be deported to haiti after being convicted of burglary. but president obama stopped deporting haitians following that massive earthquake in their country. so when he finished his sentence, immigration officials set him free. he committed the murders two months after his release. >> gretchen: is "american idol" judge jennifer lopez supporting iran and al-qaeda? outrageous as it sounds, that's what a group called united against nuclear iran is claiming. the group says her fiat commercials amount to support for the terror organization because fiat does business with iran. they're now urging lopez to cut all ties with fiat. >> brian: joining us on the telephone, it is monday. so it means donald trump time. he's the man behind the apprentice. welcome back. >> good morning. >> brian: south carolina belongs to mitt. a convincing victim repeat -- convincing repeat. >> it's nothing short of amazing. if you look a week ago works weeks ago, he was over and he's done an amazing job. his debating skills are phenomenal and he took probably the most negative question you could ask somebody and made it into a positive. i have women that say they're voting for him. like he took probably one of the worst questions you could ask a candidate and knocked it out of the park and you have to give him a lot of credit. >> steve: the one thing that so many of us here, donald, is the fact that given the fact that he is so good, newt gingrich is, on the debate stage, they just want to see newt versus barak because that will be the cage match to end all cage matches. but if they do meet, the big question after that is, can -- forget about whether or not newt could beat him on the stage, but could he win the general election? >> well, i think he could and you have to understand, mitt romney is a good debater also. he's had some problems on the one big issue which is surprising because everybody knows it's going to come up and that's the income tax return. but he is a very good debater. but mitt has just been doing unbelievably well in the debating and i think he'd do -- you talk about a great show, i think he'd do amazing against obama. >> gretchen: so let me ask you this, because you are a business leader. is it better to have the characteristics of a newt gingrich that some people say is sort of this angry, lashing out against the media and the establishment, or is it better to have sort of the coolness and the calm under fire approach that mitt romney seems to have? >> well, i think both characteristics are good. right now the newt seems to be doing better. this is 2012, people are looking for something that's different and you really have to give him credit for, he was down and out twice and over. i mean, two weeks ago it was over. then you look at him now and now it's going to be interesting to see what happens in florida. both good men. both talented men. mitt has to get those tax returns out. i'm a little bit surprised that they weren't better prepared for that. but i assume everything is fine with the taxes and i assume everything is fine with his returns. but he's going to be putting them out tomorrow and that's probably something he has to do. >> brian: rich lower writes today that the republican party is panicking because to the public, newt gingrich is radioactive. do you have think he can win the general if he gets the nomination? >> he may be radioactive burks every time he stands at a podium, he just seems to beat everybody and the next day his numbers go up. as you know, the presidential races are all -- a lot of that is based on debates. you look at nixon-kennedy, so many of the different races, nixon was winning by a mile and then he had the debate and kennedy was great. he was less than great. he wore the wrong suit. he didn't look good. and all of a sudden, he goes from winning to losing. the debates are very important that he's a great debater. >> gretchen: i don't think you can make any predictions based on what we've just seen from saturday and then you go back four or five months. let me ask you this about the tax returns: will we see any surprises in this? you're a guy who has made a lot of money and probably paid 15% capital gains on investments and such. do you expect any surprises? >> i can't imagine it, gretchen, because mitt has been running for, what, seven, eight years. so you know if you're running, at a minimum, probably you're going to have to show your returns. not always. i saw ron paul said he's not going to give his returns. nobody made a big deal out of that. sort of interesting. he said, i'm not showing my returns. nobody even said anything about it. but if you're running and you've got seven years under your belt, i would imagine everything is 100% perfect. you would certainly think so. >> brian: your prediction on florida, who is going to win? >> i think it's going to be very close. mitt was way up and we haven't seen any polls yet, burr i think it will be a very, very close race and there is a lot of pressure on both of them. but actually right now mitt romney has more pressure. he's got to come out and he's got to come out swinging. he's got to be more assertive. >> steve: it's game on in the sunshine state. donald trump, we know you got a connection to florida and this program. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> steve: see you back here next monday. >> gretchen: we're still waiting for his endorsement. >> steve: i think he endorses us. >> brian: with the feds not doing enough to create job, local lawmakers are taking matters into their own hands. coming up, the mayors who are taking drastic measures to bring their towns back from the brink. >> gretchen: massachusetts senator scott brown is here and standing behind president obama on one of his most controversial decisions to date. we'll tell what you that is and the senator is here live. fantastic >> brian: the gloves are off in florida after newt gingrich's south carolina stunner. mitt romney has been busy attacking the former speaker. will it be enough to slow down newt's momentum? >> gretchen: guess who is here to weigh in on that. massachusetts republican senator scott brown. of course, he endorsed mitt romney long ago. i was just asking you when did you that. >> he is one of the nicest, honest, hard working men i've ever met. when it comes to the economic issues, there is nobody that can compete and get us back from stepping back from that financial precipice. >> gretchen: let's talk about your own race. you're going up against elizabeth warren who took credit for starting the occupy wall street movement, so i think you're coming at it from two different points of view. you've gotten her to sign some sort of a pledge, or about to sign some pledge with regard to negative advertising. >> all the super pac groups who come in and hammer away, i put forth a document, legal and binding, asking that all of these negative ads stay out of massachusetts. the people of massachusetts can decide and make their own determination. i signed it twice, she made recent tweaks and i accept. it's a good way to keep these ads out, by having 50% of that negative or positive ad go to the charity of the other person's choice, it's an incentive to keep those groups out. >> brian: this just came out. you were telling me it just came through and essentially she says, all right. i'm on. we'll be the first in the state to do it. >> first in the country to do it. has real teeth. >> gretchen: why do you think it's so important to get rid of the negative ads? >> they're false and misleading. people know better. they're smarter. if they want to learn about the candidate, we're in a financial emergency. people are hurting. they want to understand how the particular candidates are going to draw distinctions and get their vote, earn their vote. they don't need these outside groups trying to buy elections and do things inappropriately. >> brian: we invited elizabeth warren on and she declined to come on. so just so you know. we're going to move on. talk about the recess appointment, something you agree with president obama on. that's okay with you. why is that okay? >> bottom line is, dysfunction in washington. they're holding things up just to hold them up and not to solve problems. we're in trouble right now. if we don't start working together, 'cause there is no democrat bill that's going to pass and no republican bill that's going to pass. we need to work in a bipartisan way because we're american first. to head these agencies that are rudderless right now is a mistake. nome to compete globally, but to see if some of these agencies are going to work. are we going to fix them? we need to work together. i would rather it go the other way, but we have to do something. we can't keep going the path we're in. >> gretchen: some people say you supported the recess appointment because it went all the way back to dodd frank, that you had supported that piece of legislation. >> sure, i supported it. i supported the department. actually holly petraeus is running the veterans portion of it to protect our heros coming back from war. so yes, i want to see if it's going to work. if it doesn't, we'll fix it. but to do nothing, i'm not gog do that. >> brian: our first question topic, even people like governor kristy, say you got to get the fire back. you got to be expressing yourself. you got to understand your wealth and how to communicate that. do you have any advice to him, because if even your biggest critic would say, senator brown can connect with people. >> bottom line, governor romney is the guy for me. he's one of the nicest, honest -- >> brian: has he shown that? >> i think he has. listen, you're dealing not only with a strong candidates on the other side running against him, but you have these super pacs and all this negativity and you have to really cut through kind of all the bs and really go forward and see what the candidates are offering and who will be able to take on the president when it comes to the economic issues, especially when it's critically important. he'll do well in florida. it will be a battle and it won't be over. they'll continue to go on. remember, president obama and hillary went 'til june. >> gretchen: that was very -- >> january? >> gretchen: we got a lot more shows to do. let me ask you this about the strategy of president obama. he's going to paint you out to be the bad guy. not you singularly, because you voted for his recess appointment, but do you think that strategy will work? >> the president has some very real issues and, $11.9 trillion national debt when i got there. it's rising. no effort to address the economic issues that we're trying to wrestle with. no leadership when it comes to getting our debt and deficit under control. so he wants to go and blame congress because hey, we have a low approval rating. but bottom line is, there are people of goodwill in congress who are trying very, very hard to work. but when the majority leader moves a bill, shuts off debate, doesn't allow any amendments and tries to score political points, no wonder we're not getting anything done. when he allows to us move forward, we could do that every day if they wanted to. >> brian: if you played him, do you get a chance to play him one on one in basketball? >> he won't play me? >> brian: he will not play you? >> there is a reason for that. >> brian: he'd lose! you qualified for the national team for triathlete. >> i can't go and it's something i do in my spare time and i love running and working out and it keeps me balanced so i can represent the people. >> brian: yesterday i was a little bored, i ran a marathon. >> drinking a beer. >> brian: that's about it. you're in fine shape. thanks for coming in. >> working hard, i appreciate your support and anyone wants to get involved, go to and learn more. >> gretchen: good to see you. coming up, what washington won't do, they'll do on their own, our next guest, mayors taking drastic measures to save their cities. there they are. >> brian: first, let's check in with bill hemmer for what's on top of the hour. >> congratulations to your giants. that's a typical sunday for you. you go out, triathalon. >> brian: yes, it is. that was secret until now. >> good morning. next stop is in a fellow, guys -- is florida. mitt romney is in for a fight. he's live here this morning on "america's newsroom." also rick scott will tell us what matters to vote increase his state, whether or not he will endorse anyone prior to the big vote next tuesday. and breaking news on this deadly weather. tornadoes in january. it does not happen like this. martha and i will see you in 11 minutes here on "america's newsroom" are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. >> steve: welcome back. the national unemployment rate nationally is 8.5% and in some city, the situation is much worse. we are joined by mayors of three towns with unemployment problems. fresno, california mayor. from mesa, arizona and carmel, indiana mayor and join us from all across the country. jim is in london this morning of the good morning to all of you. the reason we're having you mayors on today is because according to the u.s. conference of mayor which is just concluded your annual meeting, only one in ten cities across america, only one in ten, has regained the jobs they lost before the crash. only one in ten, mayor swearingen. that's a problem, particularly there in fresno where the unemployment is 15.7%. >> yes, it is. it's a huge problem. and look, we've got to see our local businesses he can up and down. we at the city are doing what we can to put the infrastructure in place to support their expansion. but we also have to talk about training up our work force. the fact of the matter is, we've got jobs available today in fresno that are going unfilled because of the mismatch between the skills of the people looking for work and the jobs that are available. >> steve: sure. and scott, while people complain about washington, d.c., that's so far away, they can at least complain when things go bad to folks locally and in particular oftentimes to their mayor, such as yourself. one of the big problems in your town of mesa is the housing market cratered and because of what washington is not doing, your housing problem is not getting any better. >> you find out real quick that it's a very short route from what happens in washington to the local level. certainly in arizona where we saw the boom in the mid 2,000s, we saw the big bust. it seems to have sort of settled down. there might be a glimmer, but until we get the housing market a little bit back on its feet, we're going to continue to struggle. >> steve: yeah. jim, the static one in ten cities, only one in ten regained the job losses that they had before the economy went to the south. i know you were quoted as saying, and you're a republican, democrat mayors are angrier than republicans because they feel more shut out. could you explain that to me? >> i think there is feeling on the part of mayors throughout the country that the administration has not done a lot to help cities, which is a national constituency for this president and it's a bit baffling to a lot of us on both sides of the aisle. the key is, we really need the president and the congress to come together and put together a business plan that shows over a period of years, so we don't have -- we're not thrown into a greater recession, but over a period of years, show how we'll start bringing in more money than we spent. if we can do that, businesses will take note, our allies will take note. most importantly, democracy is a hard thing. representative government is hard. we need to work at it and we need to have our citizens confident that our system actually works. >> steve: sure. ashley, you've only been mayor three years and all you have known during your job as mayor has been big cuts, deficits. that's been the new normal for you. >> that is. in fact, i think mayor brainard's point is a good one. it's so important that we in the government arena demonstrate we can reduce our expense, live within our means and still provide the level of services that people need. that's what we've been focused on here in fresno and that gives a sense of confidence to our local business community. we're doing what it takes to balance our budget at city hall and that gives them a stable platform they need potentially expand their business. >> steve: scott, how angry are the people in your town? >> well, they're upset. they're upset that nothing is being done in washington, upset they can't make a decision. they do see at the local level that mayors and local governments have grasped this problem, dealt with it, have done what we could to continue to provide services and angry that washington can't seem to get anything done. >> steve: yeah. and mayor brainard, final word, that's the problem, if dc could get off the mark, so could all of you. >> i think so. i think there is a confidence of -- crisis of confidence and we need leadership out of washington. we need to see that we're going to have a balanced budget and that our federal government can get its affairs in order. at that point, the business community and our citizens will be optimistic, they'll have hope and things will get better. >> steve: indeed. well put. mayor, we thank you very much for joining us all across the country and across the pond as well. >> thank you very much. >> steve: you bet. all right. 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