bloomberg on my cable. it took me 20 minutes to find it, i could sit down and watch the debate. did you got a chance to see it? if you didn't, we'll show you the different highlights today, feels like last night. without a doubt, it looked like mitt romney came out the most effective winner in this whole thing. namely because he was given so many of the questions. and because this debate truly focused only on the economy which many people believe this is his number one strength. issues of mormonism and that took a back seat and the issue of chris christie endorsing him right before, it was an uplifting thing for him no doubt. it didn't even come up. >> i love the sitting around the table maybe because it was a contrast. >> charlie rose. >> true, he definitely felt at home. i like the fact that for a while, at least for a round, you saw the candidates asking candidates questions, i thought that was kind of cool and also thought eliminating the audience clapping or booing or anything, i thought that worked out. from the big picture, mitt romney knew he'd be attacked and i've never -- we must have seen him in 25 debates, i've never seen him so composed. >> never -- >> you know what? he got a lot of tough questions about his health care background, about different things he might or might not have backed. but he seemed to have handle it all pretty well. a lot of pressure was also on herman cain and his 999 plan and he has the background to back it up. >> he does indeed and you look at the polls and he is suddenly right there in the top tier and in some cases at the top of the top tier, and so don't be surprised that 999 became the catch phrase last night. >> mr. cain, you say that your plan is revenue neutral and last year, the u.s. collected $2.2 trillion in tax revenue but bloomberg government has run the numbers and your plan would have raised no more than $2 trillion. and even with that shortfall, you'd still be slapping a 9% sales tax on food and medicine. >> problem with that analysis is that it is incorrect. the reason it's incorrect is because they start with assumptions that we don't make. remember, 999 plan throws out the current tax code. >> one thing i would say is when you take the 999 plan and you turn it upside down, i think the devil's in the details. >> i think it's a catchy phrase. in fact, i thought it was the price of a pizza when i first heard of it. >> come from the american people and i have a number of other well recognized economists that helped me to develop this 999 plan. it didn't come off a pizza box, no. >> how many believe it will keep the income tax at 9%? anybody? that's why people won't trust -- >> if you keep mentioning 999 and herman cain, i might go back to him every other question. that's right! >> well, and that's why it's effective. listen, rick perry still doesn't have an economic plan and that, according to many -- well, and -- >> we just don't know about it. >> i thought well, i didn't know if that was a strong answer last night to say hey, i'm going to get to it and it's going to be in three days. you know, and then he said mitt romney has been running for president for eight years. that's why he had time to do an economic plan. i don't know if that's the right answer. you know, the fact of the matter is when mitt romney has an economic plan and when herman cain has 999, that gives them a backbone and something to talk about consistently. >> right. >> i tell you what, newt gingrich was once again to round out the field, he was once again very smart, very funny. he's the kind of guy you would like to sit around a big table with and chew the fat. rick santorum had a great point there at the end of the comments on 999, you know, if you open up a revenue stream, i think it's going to go down and go away, absolutely not. congress is going to wind up with another way to get money. he will be on the program this morning and so will newt gingrich so we've got a busy, busy morning. >> the way the day started for mitt romney, had to give him a bounce in the step and even the competence, it seemed pretty evident on camera because he got the rock star and the g.o.p. arguably the most popular governor in the country in new jersey. they're still getting used to it him, he's around 50%. around the country, they're parodying him on "saturday night live" which i heard happens to other people. but chris christie came out yesterday and i tell you, i was stunned to find this out and i question why do it now when you can actually have the sole spotlight on this endorsement but here's how it sounded when chris christie stepped up to the plate. >> i just can't imagine it and the bottom line is you don't run for something like that, the fact is whoever the nominee for our party is and i believe it's going to be governor romney will have the opportunity to make the choice of the person he thinks will best serve him as a running mate and best serve the country as a vice president and then ultimately, if need be, serve as president as well. that's going to be his call as the nominee of the party and you know what? i got a lot of things to do in new jersey. >> there he is answering the question whether or not he would be vice president to president mitt romney as he throws his support behind mitt romney yesterday which was, brian, you got it right. it was extraordinary. what's interesting is, apparently, the romneys dropped by the christies' house down in mendham, new jersey, a couple of days ago, had a sleepover. at the conclusion of, perhaps, over breakfast, mr. romney was told by mr. christie, you've got my support. >> the interesting thing in that answer, two things. chris christie has left the door open yet again about whether or not he will be vice president or at least run for it if mitt romney is the nominee. he left that door open again. i think it's fascinating because this is going to now start the whole conversation again maybe down the road if romney becomes the nominee and the second thing is you saw shades of this coming a couple of weeks ago when chris christie gave that speech out at the reagan library in california because what did he do during that speech? he took a hit at rick perry and it was pretty obvious at that point he was not going to endorse rick perry. this wasn't as big of a surprise. >> he came out and said to rick perry yesterday, you have to repudiate the minister that called mormonism a cult. and rick perry would do the same thing. this is not the only story. extremely disturbing news came across yesterday morning. >> americans across the globe are on alert now with the warning of potential terrorist attacks. this comes as the state department says they've exposed an iranian plot to assassinate this man here, saudi arabia's u.s. ambassador, adel al-jubeir. this man, iranian-born american, manssor arbabsiar, appeared in new york federal court on tuesday. now, he and another man, gohlam shakuri are charged with conspiring to pay a mexican drug cartel to carry out the man. shakuri, unfortunately, still at large. iran calling the story right now a fabrication. >> can we factor? a drug cartel? that's exactly the deal. joining us from our d.c. bureau, former c.i.a. operative wayne sill onz who has done a lot of work in this area. wayne, welcome back. on this note, talk about the linkage. where does the drug cartel and the iranian revolution guard force, the quds, figure into this plot in washington, d.c.? >> good morning. great question. and look, we first have to understand that this order, if in fact, everything lays out and plays out as we believe it will. this order came directly from the very highest levels of the quds forces which is the supreme leader, ayatollah khomeini so that is a monumental, tactical operation that was green lighted to go into mexico, our weakest link into the united states, hook up with the cartels which, by the way, as we all know are also funded and worked by fark, the largest terror organization in central and south america to come into the united states and make this attack. the significance, the scope and the importance of this bust cannot be understated. >> no kidding. is it, wayne, an act of war? >> well, some would call it an act of war. i think that had certainly had they been able to pull this off, to explode bombs, i think you would have to say that it was an act of war. i mean, remember, the germans did this in world war i when they attacked right where you all are, prior to world war i. so yeah, i think you would be very, very close. the fact that, again, we have a tactical operation approved at the highest levels by a state sponsor of terror and one of our -- clearly one of our biggest enemies in the middle east is significant. >> i think, wayne, the number one thing that americans are waking up this morning and asking themselves is what is america going to do? you know, what will this administration now do? because many people will say hey, we can't really attack them militarily or can we? what's the answer? >> well, the answer is, gretchen, unfortunately, they're going to get a lot of this, you know, our secretary of state and our president are very good at shaking this fist and telling them that this just will not stand. well, unfortunately, you know, our enemies understand that. every third world country around the world understands that there will be no repercussions. what should happen? if president reagan was in there, i assure you, i am confident in telling you, it would be a message on a very, very large scale and it would not be one or two rockets into an aspirin factory. >> iran is looking at our outstretched hand as a sign of weakness, clearly. the boldness in which they do this and the tepid denials but we know where the quds force bases are. we know exactly what they're doing. they're training iranians to go kill americans today. they've been doing it for about six years in iraq. we don't know even exactly what they're doing in afghanistan. don't we have enough? >> well, clearly, we haven't had enough, brian and it's very, very upsetting. look, we have ied's being sent into afghanistan and iraq and, you know, the iranians don't even karen that we know that they're coming from them. they're stamped with their information. so, you know, if we're not going to take action against them for that, we're allowing them to continue with these nuclear reactors and by the way, this is not for power, to power electricity. this is to put into the tip of a ballistic missile and fire it off. >> at israel. >> you know -- >> wayne simmons, thank you very much for stopping by and talking about some breaking news stories this morning. >> great seeing y'all. >> now to the rest of your headlines this morning, we start with a stunning admission from the mother of the missing baby. she says she fully expects to be arrested. deborah bradley, not named a suspect. but she reportedly feels her arrest is inevitable as police try to find inconsistencies in our story. she hired a private investigator who is now speaking about his role in the case. >> i want everyone to know, i am not here to defend or represent anyone. i have been asked to come out here to find lisa and to find the perpetrator or perpetrators. >> police searched a well near the irwins' kansas city home but still no signs of that baby. two officers escorting president obama's motorcade rushed to a hospital in florida after their motorcycles collided. one of the drivers slammed into the back of the other throwing both men off their bikes. neither officer was seriously hurt. the motorcade continued to the airport and the president in florida to attend a fundraiser. spoiler alert right now, we're about to show you who got kicked off "dancing with the stars" last night. >> chyna and tony. >> chyna phillips of wilson phillips sent packing and rob kardashian and nancy grace also in the bottom three. former "dancing with the stars" pro julianne hough returned to the ballroom for the first time in 2 1/2 years and performed with her "footloose" castmate. that looks fantastic. i missed it last night. >> coming up on, let's say, it's a wednesday morning, isn't it? this could be a bigger scandal than solyndra. another failing solar company and another federal loan but this one not even in the united states of america. >> then is herman cain's simple 999 plan too simple? mitt romney says yes. who's right? stuart varney, anything but simple. he's a complicated man. [ male announcer ] cranberry juice? wake up! ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. [ male announcer ] fellas know that when you don't get your shave right, the irritation can be a problem. [ record scratches, crowd boos ] so get your grooming game right with gillette fusion proglide razor... which has thinner, finer blades for less tug and pull along with the gillette irritation defense shave gel. together they help defend against 5 signs of shaving irritation -- leaving your skin looking smooth and feeling fresh. help defend your skin. ♪ here's one story. 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[ male announcer ] take action. take advil®. ford fusion has now been named the most dependable and that's when i take my advil®. midsize car by jd power and associates. we go to kimberly. any thoughts on this news? i have no idea what's goin on. we are out. what was that? they told me it's the most dependable midsize sedan and they ran back into their little box. >> welcome back. the economy is the number one issue in the race for the white house and the current republican frontrunners have two very different plans. >> the 999 plan that i have proposed is simple, transparent, efficient, fair and neutral. my question is to governor romney. can you name all 59 points in your 160 page plan and does it satisfy that criteria of being simple, transparent, efficient, fair and neutral? >> herman, i've had the experience in my life of taking on some tough problems and i must admit simple answers are often very helpful but oftentimes inadequate. >> cain was great, so was romney. is 999 too simple? let's talk to stuart varney who likes to make things as simple as possible to understand. >> 999, let's define it. 9% individual tax rate. 9% corporate tax rate. 9% sales tax. that's it. that's 999. herman cain, that's his plan. he was attacked last night because of that plan. people said, look, it's too simplistic -- >> people like simple. people understand simple. >> that's the advantage. it's understandable. everybody knows precisely what 999 is. how many people understand the 59 point, 160 page romney plan? there's a difference there. >> also, the point was made last night that in the event that herman cain becomes president of the united states and the congress does enact the 999 plan, a national sales tax of 9%, what's to stop it going to 20%? >> that's what makes it unpopular. do you want to attach a 9% sales tax on top of the federal income tax as well? >> if it were frozen forever. >> ok, maybe we'll talk about it. but if it was a stand-off between cain and romney on economic policy, i think it was a tie but the edge goes to romney. the clear loser on the economy last night, i'm sure, was governor perry because he doesn't have a plan. >> yeah -- he's got a plan. he just hasn't told us yet. >> it's just about energy, that's it. >> the good thing about cain, 150 seconds for you, he's got the national dialogue about tax reform and making it simple. >> precisely. the one thing that will turn around this economy is some form of tax reform. lower rates, fewer deductions. that gets the economy going. herman cain is about the only one who is getting out there with that message ooch. >> stuart varney, mighty fine, fine, fine. he'll be on the fox business network talking about all things political. >> he came in third place in the marathon. one problem, he took a bus to the finish line. ruiz, right? >> boston lady. >> wait until you hear this. it was a dream come true, a couple buys a piece of property on a lake but that dream turned into a nightmare when the government told you not your property. they're furious! looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. i've got to tell susie ! the vending machine on elm is almost empty. i'm on it, boss. new pony sorry ! we are open for business. let's reroute greg to fresno. growing businesses use machine-to-machine technology from verizon wireless. susie ! the nding machine... already filled. cool bike. because the busine with the best technologyules. show me the carfax. oh yeah, can you show me the carfax? sunglass holder... for sunglasses. just show me the carfax. before you buy a used car, get a carfax vehicle history report. see accidents and service reported to carfax and a price based on the car's history. ask your dealer or go to just say, show me the carfax. >> some quick headlines now. israel and hamas agreeing to swap more than 100 palestinian prisoners. i believe it's 1,000 palestinian prisoners for one israeli soldier. you may remember that he was taken hostage by the palestinians back in 2006. he'll be reunited with his family sometime this week. and the trial of the alleged underwear bomber continues today in federal court. yesterday, the prosecution gave its opening arguments against umar farouk abdulmutallab. he plans to represent himself. that should be a farce. hey, gretch? >> thanks, brian. our next guest thought they had the american dream all figured out. about six years ago, mike and chantal bought a nice chunk of lakeside land in idaho to build their dream house. they spent tons of money and began building their home and then the e.p.a. stepped in and stopped them. the agency claims that the private property isn't so private after all and is actually protected wetlands. joining me now from washington, d.c., michael and chantal sackett. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> michael, tell us why you're actually in d.c. and not in idaho today. >> we were invited back here from senator rand paul. he has a forum this afternoon in front of some of his fellow congressmen. and some other people that have been bullied by the e.p.a. >> you use the term bullied. tell me how this whole thing started. i described you wanted to build your dream home, you thought you were ready to start and suddenly your property is wetlands. what did the e.p.a. want you to do? >> basically, they told us to stop work. we had just started the preliminary to prepare for the house or the footings to be dug and they came in and said stop work, we don't think you can build here. and we need you to file for a wetlands permit. we believe it's wetlands. they had no paperwork to prove that it was wetlands when they came on the property. >> and they wanted you to move gravel at a cost of about $27,000. more than you actually paid for the land. to try and, i guess, shore it up so it would be protecting whatever they deemed to be wetlands. now, i know you hired your own experts. what did they find out? >> they found out that the property is not wetlands. >> and so you obviously went back to the e.p.a. and what did they say? >> they didn't want to hear about whether or not it was wetlands. they say it is and they filed a compliance order against us and the fines have at that point started at $37,500 a day. >> so if enforced, you could face up to $40 million in fines. >> that is correct. >> for people sitting at home, you know, thinking hey, i think i'll go find my piece of dream property in idaho and build a house, what's your message to them? >> well, that's a good question. you know, we went to bonner county and got a checklist, went through the checklist, got our building permit and started our construction. and three e.p.a. people showed up on our property shortly after we started and said we couldn't be building there because it's wetlands so we said ok, prove to us it's wetlands. they said well, it's in the wetland inventory. well, if you pull it up on the wetlands inventory with the coordinates that the e.p.a. gave us, it's not in the wetlands inventory. >> this has gone through the court process. the ninth circuit sided with the e.p.a. and now it's going to the supreme court. >> that's correct. in january, i believe. they'll be hearing it. >> i know you are there today because you want other people to know this could happen to them as well. an amazing story. michael and chantal sackett fighting the e.p.a. over their personal property. thanks for sharing your story with us. keep us abreast as to what happens. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> and we did reach out to the other side for a statement from the e.p.a., we were directed to the doj's office of public affairs and they said they couldn't comment due to pending litigation. coming up next on the rundown, he got both cheers and jeers at last night's debate, rick santorum is going to join us live next. then a solar scandal that maybe even bigger than solyndra. this time, the company got billions of dollars and they're creating jobs not in the u.s. but in mexico. but first, happy birthday to sam moore, the singer/host turns 76 today. 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having a beer with you in a pub. >> if i ever went to a beer summit, i'd have to bring a flask. >> why? >> i don't drink beer. >> then you can't go to a beer summit if you can't drink beer. >> i could be invited. i could bring a flask. >> there's no way to have peace in our society if you can't drink beer. >> yeah. >> get a nonalcoholic -- >> tried once. it didn't work out so well. >> really? >> yeah. >> that's why i don't drink it anymore. >> let's go over some headlines now and talk solar power. sure, it isn't solyndra but the similarities are astonishing. i'm talking about sun power, a solar company based in california reportedly $820 million in debt figdespite the t that the company got government lifelines with the prospect of creating government new jobs. the problem is it's taking those jobs to mexico where a manufacturing plant was built to make the solar panels. >> perfect. >> one of the company's lobbyists is a son of a democratic congressman who reportedly got campaign donations from sun power. there's so much wrong there, i don't know where to start. >> how many beers did they have before they did that deal? >> sentenced to death in iran may be getting a second chance at life this morning. iranian supreme court has reportedly ordered a retrial for him, that's a major victory for him because nearly two years after he was arrested for refusing to renounce his christian beliefs. a couple of weeks ago, they were going to put him to death. it's believed iran's supreme leader has recommended the trial after weeks of intense media coverage. >> while you were sleeping, there was a bizarre ending to a high speed chase near phoenix. police in hot pursuit of a motorcycle driver going 100 miles an hour. check it out. they drive right past him. look at that. he pulled over to the side of the road and turned off his lights. a bus blocked him as the cops raced by. the crew in the news chopper, though, not fooled. they kept an eye on the suspect while the cop turned around and arrested him. >> ah-ha! >> take a look at this genius. rob sloan is holding his bronze medal after finishing a marathon in england. problem is he took a six mile shortcut by hopping on a bus. >> no way. >> yes, it's true. fellow runners were stunned he finished in third because they didn't see him until the last six miles. >> huh? >> he's admitting his mistake -- he's admitting his mistake, i didn't know you couldn't take a bus. a lot of marathoners don't understand you can't take a vehicle. he could be dismissed from his running club. >> you think so? >> i'm not sure. it could be the president of the bus riding club. >> how many times are you riding by and a guy comes by in a taxi and you're thinking to yourself i'd rather get a ride. >> guy in the taxi with a number. >> i hope he doesn't have any kids right now. >> i think it's sebastian coe. >> you might want to take a bus through portions of mideast and mid atlantic because it's too hot to walk today. we got a little bit of rain in texas. we love it. current temperatures, it's 34 right now in caribou, maine, holy cow, that's chilly. as you can see, 60's all the way from the northern plains down through the southern plains. 50's sprinkled in there. today's daytime highs, as you can see, mainly 60's and 70's across much of the land except down along the gulf coast where temperatures should be in the 80's. should be beautiful and temperatures in the 60's throughout new england. >> all right, the g.o.p. candidates took to the stage last night focusing on jobs and the economy. how does presidential candidate rick santorum think he did? joining us now is the former senator from pennsylvania, good morning to you, senator. >> good morning, gretchen. how are you? >> i'm doing just fine. so the topic was jobs, economy, last night. what do you think about the fact that herman cain and mitt romney seem to get a lot of attention because their plans were much talked about? >> well, yeah, i tried to talk about my plan. in fact, i did in the first question and continued to come back to the fact that we need a plan that's going to get manufacturing going in this country. that's the area that's really been -- been depleted over the past 20 to 30 years as we've lost jobs overseas. we need to get those jobs back by competing for them. our plan allows us to do that. we zero out the corporate tax and repeal obama regulations that crush business and we say to the people that sent their jobs overseas and made profits, if you bring them back and invest in plant equipment, you're not going to pay any taxes. that's over a trillion dollars. we've put together a very aggressive plan. it will work. it can pass because of industrial senators and house members who will pass something that will get this economy going and allow for that income mobility for people to get those higher paying manufacturing jobs. >> senator santorum, if you don't mind me saying so, you really liked the format. it seems to me you like the setting and you're very at home. in all the debates, i haven't seen one issue in which you were flailing. i got to ask you, you don't think the 999 plan besides any merits pluses or minuses isn't practical. it's not going to get passed, why? >> it's not going to get passed. i turned to the crowd in new hampshire, i asked them how many people are here for the 9% sales tax? i don't know what the plan comprises of. it brings a brand new tax to the federal government, 9% sales tax. everybody who has been for a sales tax in the past including the fair tax understand you can't give the federal government an income tax and a sales tax. that's doubling the opportunity for them to get you coming and now going. and not a single hand went up, by the way, and herman said, well, i'll keep the rates at 9% and i said how many people believe the rates after a republican president will stay at 9%? of course it won't. that's what all the premises is, we'll keep it at -- those tax rates low. they never stay low. you'll have a big income tax, a big national sales tax and the other thing didn't get a chance to talk about, a lower and higher income family, they'll pay 18% of their income now in taxes if you're a lower middle income individual in this country. democrats won't vote for it because of that and republicans won't vote for it because they won't give the federal government a means for get your money. >> a lot of people like the 999 plan because it's simple. if 9% is your income tax, that's good. you wind up dialing in 40% of the country that doesn't pay income tax. >> the reason they don't pay federal income taxes is they're generally lower income. they do pay social security and fica taxes and under the mccain plan, they'll pay those and they'll pay more and in addition to that, they'll pay an income tax. >> it broadens the tax base. >> well, yeah! sure, it broadens the tax base. is that what we need? need to give the federal government an opportunity to take your money and have a consumption tax in addition to an income tax. we're a consumer driven economy. 70% of the economy is driven by consumption and here we're having a tax that's going to put 9% on your car, 9% on your house and 9% on everything you do. i don't think most americans are going to see that as tax reform. >> this is why the debates are so important, senator, because it gives a chance for the american public to actually find out what these plans actually mean other than hearing three numbers. ok, i want to move on to another topic because this is something you've been very strong on. that has to do with iran and your foreign policy concerns. you've been talking about this since way back, i think, to 2006 and now we have this terror plot that came to light yesterday that they wanted to blow up the saudi arabian ambassador to the u.s. and they didn't mind if they killed senators in the meantime in washington, d.c. your thoughts? >> my thoughts is 2004, i introduced the iran freedom support act. why? because i was concerned that if iran becomes a nuclear power, this incident that you just saw will be one of thousands in a year's time that iran will sponsor. why? because they'll be able to do it with impunity. now we can talk about we're going to get tough on iran or we can even maybe at some point if it got bad actually respond with some sort of military action, if necessary. but we won't be able to if iran is a nuclear power. no nuclear power in the history of the world has ever been attacked and the reason iran is pursuing nuclear weapons is so they can do exactly what they did yesterday, they can try to very brazenly project their power, project terrorism, disrupt the world, and in fact, create this impression that they are the leaders of the islamic jihadist movement and rally that movement against the west -- the west. that's their objective. that's what they want. this is a theocracy that runs iran and if they get a nuclear weapon, this will be the order of the day. it cannot happen and wered a santorum administration, it will not happen. >> scary prospects. all right. rick santorum joining us today from new hampshire where he had a good debate last night. thank you, sir. >> thank you, senator. coming up straight ahead, tony the tiger breathing a huge sigh of relief. why? the government's plan to regulate cartoon characters has backfired. >> ha! >> this funny cop team is gearing up for a new season of solving crimes. the stars from the cast of psych, they're here live. get psyched. ford fusion has now been named the most dependable midsize car by jd power and associates. we go to kimberly. any thoughts on this news? i have no idea what's goin on. we are out. what was that? they told me it's the most dependable midsize sedan and they ran back into their little box.  fore! no matter what small business you are in, managing expenses seems to... get in the way. not anymore. ink, the small business card from chase introduces jot an on-the-go expense app made exclusively for ink customers. custom categorize your expenses anywhere. save time and get back to what you love. the latest innovation. only for ink customers. learn more at but think about your heart. 2% has over half the saturated fat of whole milk. want to cut back on fat and not compromisen taste? try smart balance fat free milk. it's what you'd expect from the folks at smart balance. >> quick headlines for you on this wednesday morning. it looks like tony the tiger won't be out of a job after all. the white house reportedly backing off on a plan to get rid of cartoon characters on cereal boxes. what were they thinking? the plan was part of a broader initiative to regulate the marketing of junk food to children. a less extreme version of that plan being released later today. great. and pop star rhianna named sexiest woman alive by "esquire" magazine. the 23-year-old singer also beat out madonna's record by landing 20 songs on the billboard top 100 chart in the shortest amount of time. congratulations. i think she's naked there. >> i think she's sexy. >> me, too. >> there's a witty tv crime fighting team who can solve cases thanks to a keen sense of observation except one thing. it's all an act. tonight's season 6 premiere of usa networks' "psych." >> i'd like to hide. >> you can't do that. >> we think you did it. >> did before. >> that was like half-hour ago. >> why did we change our mind? >> last may 16th, you owned a strange place called zoo rich. >> zurich. >> there's no way you could have killed sarah. >> of course i didn't. >> you cared deeply. >> we are paid by the santa barbara police department. >> ambassador, go ahead. tell them about all the benefits that go along with working for you. >> wow. that's a clip from usa network's "psych." we're joined by the two stars. welcome to both of you. >> glad to be here. >> i'm glad you put your personal animosity for each other apart to join our show. >> "fox & friends." got to bring it together. we have to be the friends part oochlt i've a ground breaking idea. put that picture of rhianna on a box of cocoa pebbles. >> that would be fantastic. no one would be yearning for count chocola. >> i would buy it. >> you? >> that would be just for you. >> what i love about your show is you have this amazing banter between -- it's like you finish each other's sentences and you just know each other so well. is that the way it is in real life? >> at this hour, we can't finish our own sentences. >> exactly. >> we need a little help, i think. to make one complete thought. >> so for folks who are unfamiliar with "psych" what's this show about? >> i'm the white guy who pretends like he's a psychic. that's a stretch for you. >> and i'm the black guy. >> he's the black guy that's always to my left or to my right getting me in trouble. >> do you ever get each other confused and do you ever act like a white guy that's got psychic powers? >> i think -- no. >> so you're psychics rather than psycho. >> i think we're a little bit of both. >> our fans are psycho. definitely, psycho in a good way. >> huge facebook following and twitter as well and now this season, you have all these stars who are going to make all these guest appearances on your show. i was looking at the list. you'll have william shatner, danny glover, molly ringwald. >> how do you convince these people to come on the show? >> we generally threaten their families. >> right. >> open bar in the back of the room? >> go a long way. >> pick up a niece and nephew and hold them for ransom. >> do you believe in psychics? do you believe there's people that can see the future, feel the future? >> sure, i believe that there's some of that going on. yeah, i think they're probably more like the character that i play which are full of it. but there are those few who know. >> don't tell me. i want to be surprised. >> you don't want to know. >> don't tell me. >> either of you have any psychic ability? >> no. >> i know when i need to go to the bathroom. >> really? >> almost ahead of time. >> i sense i'll soon be going back to sleep. >> i sensue you'll be working at a show on a show on broadway. >> starting next month. very impressive. alicia keyes is producing. and it's myself and we'll be out there running. >> you'll be living in his apartment. you're subletting. >> i just moved in yesterday. >> and it's very nice. very nice. very cozy. >> leave it in that condition, he would like to remind you. >> can't make any promises. >> the show kicks off, the new season starts tonight on the usa network. it's called "psych". very easy to remember. great to see you today. >> thanks for having us, guys. >> they perform for us in the morning. >> there it is. >> good job. >> all right. >> thanks, guys fortunate. coming up on our show, it's been 11 years since they attacked the u. uss cole. many of those were set free. here to track down the terrorists joining us live. >> is he fueling protests around the country? a fair and balanced debate on classes warfare straight ahead. [ female announcer ] so you think your kids are getting enough vegetables? yeah, maybe not. v8 v-fusion juice gives them a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruit. but it just tastes like fruit. v8. what's your number? from centrum. omega-3s go beyond heart health. probiotics go beyond digestive balance. and fruit & veggie has antioxidant properties. new pronutrients from centrum. help make nutrition possible. the best approach to food is tkeep it whole for better nutrition. that's what they do with great grains cereal. they steam and bake the actual whole grain while the otr guy's flake is more processed. mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. >> all right. it's been 11 years since an al-qaida bomb ripped a 40 foot hole in the side of the uss cole in yemen. the blast killed 17 americans, injured 39 more. yet, almost all of the al-qaida suspects involved in the plot either escaped or were freed by yemeni officials. why? why did we allow that to happen? a former f.b.i. agent whose mission was to track down those terrorists and interrogate them when captured. he's author of the new book, the black banners, inside story of 9/11 and the war against al-qaida. you know the story because i argued that nobody has talked to more al-qaida members for america than you. >> right. i actually spoke with the two main individuals in yemen who were directly involved in the uss cole. after we arrest them, after they confess to us their role, after we indicted them in the united states, we agreed with the yemenis to prosecute them in yemen and not to push for extradition. we did prosecute them in yemen. they were found guilty. i was part of the team that convicted them and since then, they went through a cycle of escapes. one, for example, is coordinating al-qaida's operations in yemen. the other is alive and well. they have the blood of 17 american sailors and it's a shame, it's a shame that we're not doing anything in order to get these two guys. >> cole was the precursor to 9/11 and between administrations, we were not -- we were not quick to respond to the cole bombing. >> absolutely. >> how did that play into the subsequent al-qaida bombings and the 9/11 plot? they looked at it as another example of america going you can hit us and we're not doing anything. >> you're 100% right and i spoke with bin laden's personal driver and he told me about conversations that he heard, that they believe after the call, america went soft. we did not retaliate. we didn't even send a missile to afghanistan so they saw that we don't have the guts to face them. and one of the trusted followers of usama bin laden told me and i testified about that in a court of law down in guantanamo bay. he said to me, he said if you want anybody to blame about 9/11, it's you. because you guys did not do anything after the call. >> and that's what they respond, they don't respond to the outstretched hand. they need a firm response, possibly dare i say a fist. this guy which a lot of people start to understand he's a main coordinator there, he's at gitmo and been there for 10 years. you're the guy who is going to testify against him from what you've gleamed from your interrogations of these cole bombers. >> absolutely. and he was supposed to go through an arraignment later this month and now it has been delayed again until november. but he is the main mastermind and i hope he will get the justice that he deserves and thus, the sailors who lost their life on october 12th of 2000 will also receive the justice that they deserve. >> people should know who i'm talking to right now. i'm talking to somebody of lebanese descent, american citizen who went to college here, recruited by the f.b.i. and became a mayor player in talking to the worst of the worst captured al-qaida terrorists and able to relay that information to plan our strategy and avoid attacks. >> yeah, i was honored to be in the f.b.i. and to serve the united states in the f.b.i. and i was honored for all the missions that i was involved in with the f.b.i. and i'm telling you, i think when it comes to the uss cole, unfortunately, we dropped the ball. >> hopefully we can still get these guys. a lot of times years later, usama bin laden as an example we end up getting them. thanks so much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> all right. coming up straight ahead, we're following a developing story which we should talk to you about, too. iran teaming up with one of mexico's deadliest gangs for an assassination on american soil. we'll talk to house intelligence chairman mike rogers. also at one time with the f.b.i. about the very latest details he's received this morning. parents lost in a corn maze with their newborn have to call 911. >> just relax, your husband is with you, right? >> yeah. how they tracked down the family down -- tracked them down as darkness fell. 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[ laughs ] [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. >> good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, october 12th. assassination and bombing plot in america that you've never seen before much the u.s. is promising there will be consequences. what will that be? will it be war or more sanctions? >> another republican debate last night and this one dominated by three numbers. >> 999 plan. >> when you take the 999 plan. >> help me to develop this 999 plan. >> if you keep mentioning 999 and herman cain, i'll have to go back to him every other question. >> that's right. >> now, that cain is a frontrunner, how did he handle the heat? >> plus big government coming to your backyard. great. a dad trying to make his two boys happy told by the city to tear down that treehouse. oh! uncle sam, you've gone too far. "fox & friends" hour two for a wednesday starts right now. >> hello, people and welcome to "fox & friends." it wasn't on our channel, it was on the awfully hard to find bloomberg channel. it was a combination of bloomberg/"washington post" debate, you had the eight people and they weren't at lecterns but were behind an oval table host t ed by charlie rose. of the debates, i thought this was the dullest one. you know, i thought the questions were not very good. i thought the candidates were terrific. the camera work was a little sloppy. not a great night. >> my impression was different. i loved seeing them sitting and loved seeing them interacting. i loved when they asked questions of each other. what i wish there was was a follow-up. i wished there was a follow-up. sometimes they swayed and they went off the moderator's question off the actual intent. overall, i thought mitt romney handled a few things. people looked at bane capital and where is he vulnerable? cuts up businesses and fire people. not really, i form things like staples and sports authority. and i put together companies and save companies and he further defined what he did simply and quickly. he also did not back off his bailout stance. and he also effectively, governor perry's assertion that romney care set the table for obamacare. >> this was focused on the economy. this was mitt romney's forte, he got most of the questions, too. which is part of the debate, how many questions do you get to get your poll numbers to rise? i like them sitting around like that. i didn't like the fact that the audience couldn't react, though. >> they were like an oil painting. >> for newt gingrich, they did. they clapped even if they had been told not to. i thought gingrich performed in this debate as well. whenever he speaks, he also says something relatively smart so you want to listen to it. again, i don't know if he had enough time to make a difference in the polls. the person that was absent from this debate was rick perry at least for the first half of this debate, he hardly had any questions going his way and he doesn't have his economic plan yet which is going to be a problem, i think. >> but it's coming! the star of the show was herman cain and you look at the polls, yesterday, a poll came out from south carolina, the american research group, cain tops romney in this. cain has got 26%. romney has 25%. perry has 15%. one of the reasons people like herman cain is his 999 plan. since he's now at the top of the top tier, 999 was what they've talked about, about, about. >> mr. cain, you say your plan is revenue neutral and last year, the u.s. collected $2.2 trillion in tax revenue but bloomberg government has run the numbers and your plan would have raised no more than $2 trillion. and even with that shortfall, you'd still be slapping a 9% sales tax on food and medicine. >> problem with that analysis is it's incorrect. the reason it's incorrect is because they start with assumptions that we don't make. remember, 999 plan throws out the current tax code. >> one thing i would say is when you take the 999 plan and you turn it upside down, i think the devil is in the details. >> i think it's a catchy phrase and i thought it was the price of a pizza. >> come from the american people. >> i also have a number of other well recognized economists that helped me to develop this 999 plan. it didn't come off a pizza box. no. >> how many people believe it will keep the income tax at 9 approximateers? -- 9%? anybody. that's why people don't trust -- >> if you keep mentioning 999 and herman cain, i'm going to have to go back to him every other question. >> hold on. >> that's right! >> that would be fine with herman cain if that was the case. here again, he has a plan. so that's why he gets a lot of questions directed at him. but it will be interesting to break that down, you know, rick santorum is our show earlier and raises a good point about the 9% income tax, how can you guarantee it would always stay at that particular level? >> the weakness is herman cain is he said i'd endorse alan greenspan. the book is being rewritten on alan greenspan and some of the things that he did. he would know. coming up to talk about the debate and where we go from here. >> timing is everything. before the big debate where mitt romney, the nominal frontrunner got a gigantic endorsement from g.o.p. darling, the governor of the great state of new jersey where i currently live, chris christie threw his support to the guy from massachusetts. here's mr. christie on hannity program last night talking about whether or not the governor of new jersey might be interested in a number two job in a romney administration. >> i just can't imagine it and the bottom line is you don't run for something like that. the fact is that whoever the nominee for a party is, and i believe it's going to be governor romney will have the opportunity to make a choice of the person he thinks will best serve him as a running mate and best serve the country as a vice president and then ultimately if need be, could serve as president as well. that's going to be his call as the nominee of the party and you know what? i got a lot of things to do in new jersey. >> he does. >> so he's kept the door open on that again, so people will probably talk about that from now until the time. >> never say never in politics. >> they're going to use him to go out there a lot. >> right, the numero deuce spot. >> good way to start the debate with a governor christie endorse many. fox news alert, the alleged iranian backed plot to kill a saudi ambassador on u.s. soil is urging the state department to issue a travel alert for americans abroad. which iranian officials in the government were behind the operation? joining us is the chairman of the house intelligence committee, michigan congressman mike rogers who has been relaying a lot of this information to us and the country since this came through. what can you tell us with your f.b.i. background and your contacts along with your role in washington, what can you tell us that's developed since you were on last night? >> well, here's the one thing that i think we need to talk about and there's some speculation about how far up it went. this organization, the irgc and the quds force which is their version of the military intelligence group has been responsible for putting weapons systems into iraq to kill u.s. soldiers. we know that. it's also been responsible for actions in afghanistan to help kill u.s. soldiers there. they're supporting hezbollah, we know that. they've taken adverse action in bahrain so they're very active and very aggressive. this operation was $1.5 million. and that was -- and it was external to the country of iran. all of that has a chain of command. so some notion that this was one guy in the irgc or the quds force making this decision in the basement of the -- of their intelligence center was wrong and laughable on its face. this is pretty serious stuff. >> congressman, here's my question to you. a lot of people might think, ok, usama bin laden is dead. maybe we're taking off the head of al-qaida but here comes iran. i mean, the idea that they were going to do this on u.s. soil, what does that say to you? >> they've become more brazen, gretchen, this is the most public view of what iran has been up to and it's a good thing, i guess, the public gets to see it. it's a very dangerous thing that they believed they could do this on u.s. soil, kill a saudi ambassador, take american civilians as casualties as well in washington, d.c. is a brazen act. >> no kidding. >> this tells you the kinds of things they've been doing already around the world and why we need to be so aggressive in pursuing actions against iran. >> you just touched on what i was going to ask you. pursuing actions against iran. some have referred to this as an act of war, we got to do something but given this administration, many would feel we're probably not going to do anything. >> yeah, well, if this goes two or three or four months, i'll tell you what, that's trouble. and that sends a signal to iran that they can continue to do these kinds of things. that can't happen. i think there's some real -- there's some real progress we can make here in the short term. put a little pressure on our european allies. they have a lot of contracts in iran and they ought to stop doing that. it tells china and russia, this is pretty important. you got a choice now. you can stand with the nation that you know engages in nation state sponsored terrorism or you can stand with the rest of the international community and you can help us on really tough sanctions now, not six months from now. and we need to be aggressive about the activities that they're undergoing in iraq and afghanistan that jeopardize and at some times have taken the live of our troops. i'll tell you, this organization has more u.s. blood on its hands than most of the other terrorist organizations recognized by the state department. we've got to do something about it. >> chairman of the house intelligence committee, representative mike rogers, thanks so much for updating us. >> thanks for having me this morning. >> he has been busy the last 24 hours. >> now the rest of your headlines for wednesday, we start with a stunning admission from the mother of the missing baby, lisa irwin. the mom now says she fully expects to be arrested. police haven't named deborah bradley as a suspect. she reportedly feels her arrest is inevitable as police try to find inconsistencies in her story. she's hired a private investigator who is speaking about his role in the case. >> i want everybody to know i'm not here to defend or represent anyone. i have been asked to come out here to find lisa. and to find the perpetrator or perpetrators. >> police did search a well near the irwins' kansas city home yesterday. so far, no signs of lisa. they were acting on a tip. she's been missing now for more than a week. two officers escorting president obama's motorcade rushed to a hospital in florida this morning after their motorcycle collided. one of the drivers slammed into the back of the other throwing both men off their bikes. luckily, neither officer was seriously hurt. the motorcade continued to the airport and the president in florida to attend a fundraiser. the occupy wall street protest gets personal in new york. about 200 demonstrators holding what they called a millionaires march carrying oversized paychecks past the homes of some of the nation's richest ceo's. today, they're targeting the new york stock exchange and j.p. morgan headquarters. in washington, d.c., capital police arrested six demonstrators who stormed the hart senate office chanting "tax the rich and end the war" and in boston, more than 100 protesters arrested after fighting with police who tried to stop them from expanding their camp. halloween corn mazes are supposed to be fun, perhaps a little spooky? but for one couple, it was absolutely terrifying because they got lost in the corn maze in massachusetts with their newborn baby. here's their call to 911. >> i don't see anybody. i'm really scared. it's really dark and we got a 3-week-old baby with us. >> just relax, calm down. your husband is with you, right? >> yes. i don't know what made us do this. it was daytime when we came in. >> the family was lost for so long, the maze eventually shut down with them still inside. eventually, police sent a k-9 unit to find them and get them out. and those are your headlines this morning. >> the maze in the maze. all right, straight ahead, it's the number one issue that voters are talking about. jobs, jobs, jobs. so how did the candidates stack up last night when talking about the economy? our special economic panel gives them a report card with brian in moments. plus one dad wanted to do -- all one dad wanted to do was make his boys happy in his own backyard. the government told him tear down that treehouse! can they do that? sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. carol. fiber makes me sad. oh common. and how can you talk to me about fiber while you are eating a candy bar? you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. lugging around a hot water extraction unit can be a rush! that's why i'm carpet for life. but if things get out of hand, there's no shame in calling us. ♪call 1-800-steemer. >> all right. another republican debate in the books. of course, the biggest theme, jobs and the economy. how did the candidates do when they were asked about the economy? here with us with their grades and to give their grades is our economic panel. peter is an economist on the university -- works with the university of maryland and you see him on a lot of commercials and former chief economist for the u.s. international trade commission, kendra todd is here, a housing and finance expert and watchdog on wall street radio talk show host chris morkowski, welcome to all three of you. first off, let's look at romney. you seem to think that he did well, peter? >> absolutely he did. he understands what the problems are. he's got a comprehensive plan to address them and he stacks up well against obama. >> here is a little mitt romney on the economy last night. >> i'd be prepared to be a leader. you can't get the country to go in the right direction and get washington to work if you don't have a president that's a leader. and three years ago, we selected a person who never had any leadership experience, never worked in the private sector, never had the opportunity to actually bring people together and he hasn't been able to do so. >> and one of the questions was poised, thrown at him was from jon huntsman. you cut off businesses and fired people. no, sports authority and staples, you may have heard of that. >> that's one of the ones that if you ask a question, you better know the answer first. >> mitt romney was able to handle the obamacare question. why a b plus? >> i think he's the frontrunner for this cycle but i'm not completely overwhelmed with any of them really but i think if you're going to pick a candidate right now, he seems to be the most well rounded and i think he could probably beat obama. >> peter? >> prevent defense yesterday. >> yeah. >> what was interesting, too, he said i'm not worried about the rich. lower classes and social programs, i'm worried about the middle class. tactically that's a good move. >> absolutely. he's talking about people empowering people to create jobs, not by helping them with, say, more tax cuts. that's part of his program and it's more about creating opportunities which is a good thing. >> here is herman cain, he was all over this debate, attacked and was talking. >> so the answer is we must grow this economy with the bold solution which is why i have proposed 999 and at the same time, getting serious about not creating annual deficits that we can bring down the national debt. that will re-establish confidence in our system and i believe it could get our credit rating back. >> talked a lot about the fed, too, and what he would do and what his background is. what did you grade him? >> gave him an a plus. everybody was going after him. everybody was targeting him and he came back with a great response. didn't have any canned lines. >> i gave him a b. nobody wants me as a teacher. i like the 999 plan, it's simple and digestible and it's something the american people can understand. but i didn't hear anything from him about job creation, about, you know, what he would do for deregulating banks. he didn't really address trade. i wanted to hear more from him than about tax reforms oochl . e >> i gave hm a b plus. he said less than romney. some of the things that we have is the federal government reaching down to the state governments and giving them cash but messing them up as they do it. new kid in the class has room for improvement, real potential, looked presidential. >> we have to go over to rick perry's plan but there is none. have to wait until the next time. major speech on friday. listen, panel, stick around because we have a few questions for you. president obama wants the rich to pay their fair share. the question for the panel is -- is this fueling the madness on wall street? plus you better check out your tv. it might start melting. no, it's not because "fox & friends" is too hot. but gretchen is really too hot. blame her. ahh, one. two. three. one. two. and, three. 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[ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. plus veggie nutrition. like many chefs today, i feel the best approach to food is to keep it whole for better nutrition. and that's what they do with great grains cereal. see the seam on the wheat grain? same as on the flake. because great grains steams and bakes the actual whole grain. now check out the other guy's flake. hello, no seam. because it's more processed. now, which do you suppose has better nutrition for you? mmm. great grains. the whole whole grain cereal. >> all right. we're back with our prestigious panel. with the president encouraging tax the rich and class warfare mentality, is he encouraging the occupy wall street protests around this country? peter is still here and kendra is here and mr. mokowski is here. do you think he's hurting? >> instigating is what he's doing. a little wink-wink, nod-nod, still have a good time, trying to drive this to some degree without having to come out and saying it, getting really into it. >> i think that the larger liberal political machine he's a part of is definitely planting the seeds and now that it's garnered some, you know, attention, they're trying to figure out what agenda to attach to it. >> peter. it's amazing how much rhetoric comes out of those interviews of the protesters and squatters that are exactly like the president's speeches. >> absolutely. these are the folks that believed in the president. for two years, he got everything he wanted. it didn't solve their problems. now he's tongue lashing the wealthy, again, class warfare so basically these folks are disappointed and he's picking the villians he is telling them to pick. >> in a way, do you fight back about this explaining how society works? that the most successful, higher people to get jobs to earn a living and you have an opportunity in this country, not a guarantee of success? >> one of the first things when i saw what's happening, some of the complaints that they have are right. i agree with some of the things, crony capitalism, government is too big, handouts for this one, that one to corporate cronyism nonsense, i witsh the tea perio of time we-- party went down the and did a little educating. default setting in their mind, blame this one, blame the rich, it's nonsense! >> i think the key that you said, they're really, really young and most of them are not really educated on really what, you know, what's going on and i think that there's some legitimate anger and frustration out there. it's just completely misguided and misdirected. >> you know, i saw john paulson, one of the people they were going to march in his homes yesterday because he did this thing called become successful so they were marching on the millionaires homes yesterday in new york city, he made a statement and said the top 1% of new yorkers pay 40% of all income taxes and the top 10% pay 70% of all income taxes. do they realize the social program that the rich are propping up, peter? >> they don't realize it because they choose not to focus on it. i tell you what this is going to do, it reminds me of the demonstrations at the end of the johnson administration that caused humphrey the election. this is going to create a lot of reagan democrats. this is going to turn a lot of working class and middle, middle class democrats into republican voters in the fall. this is playing into governor romney's hand if he's the nominee. >> still a wild card. so much to be determined. that's a solid prediction. peter, kendra, chris, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> all right, 26 minutes after the hour. president obama gave the american people his jobs bill and just last night, the u.s. senate said no thank you. that was -- but was that the plan all along? dnc chairwoman debbie wasserman-schultz is here live to explain. plus one father forced to say "get your government out of my backyard." why one city wants him to tear down the treehouse he built for his son. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. on smoothie. yesterday doesn't win. big doesn't win. titles corner offices don't win. what wins? original wins. fresh wins. smart wins. the world's most dynamic companies know what wins in business today. maybe that's why so many choose to work with us. we're grant thornton. audit. tax. advisory. >> we do have some extreme weather. check out this video from mexico city where hurricane jova is wreaking havoc. much worse on mexico's west coastline, category 2 storm packing winds of 85 miles an hour. keep in mind, it's on the pacific side and moving to the north at 9 miles per hour. they'll have some damaging winds and some flash floods down along the mexican west coast today. >> interesting name selection. now to the rest of your headlines, it's not solyndra but some of the similarities are stunning. sun power is a solar panel company based in california. it's reportedly $820 million in debt despite the fact the company got $1.2 billion in a government lifeline with the promise of creating thousands of new jobs. the problem is -- it's taking those jobs to mexico. where a manufacturing plant was built to make the solar panels. one of the company's heads was the son of a congressman who got it for sun power. >> hamas is agreeing to swap 1,000 palestinian prisoners for one israeli soldier. he was taken hostage by palestinian militants back in 2006. finally, he will be reunited with his family sometime this week. brian? >> all right. talk about being too hot for tv. sony recalling 1.6 million television sets over fears that they could overheat and start melting. >> what? >> there are eight affected models, all from sony's bravio line. we've listed the model numbers on your screen. i've committed mine to memory. i'm going to check. it's not there. if you own one of them, stop using it immediately and bring it to the sony service center for a free repair. don't bring it to us. >> a father who built a treehouse in his own backyard being told to tear it down. he helped his two sons build this tree house in their northern virginia neighborhood. it looks great, doesn't it? they made sure it looked like the other houses on the block but the treehouse is viewed as an addition to the family home and that is a violation of the town's zoning ordinance. folks? >> shake somebody's lapel and say get real. of all the things that we have to worry about, the county bureaucracy. >> speaking of bureaucracy, they paid $1800 in fees and a bunch of forms. the request to keep the house has been denied! the fami that's sad. >> sad for those kids. joining us now from man cchestm new hampshire, is the dnc chairperson debbie wasserman-schultz. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> sneaking suspicion of where you're in new hampshire. that's where the debate took place for people on the other side of the fence who you disagree with so i wanted to get your take on the whole debate because it really focused on jobs and the economy. at the same time that the senate was voting down president obama's jobs bill. was that interesting to you? >> well, it was really disappointing that -- if you looked at the republican debate, you had not a single one of those candidates on the stage at the desk last night who proposed any job creating measure that would put the middle class back to work or help working families. at the same time, you had republicans in the united states senate who were willing to allow the economy to suffocate just to be able to make political gains in an election next year and i think the american people just wish that the republicans cared about more than just one job, barack obama's, than they do about american jobs which the president has been fighting so hard to create and get the economy turned around. >> what about the -- >> that was my take. >> what about the senate saying no to the president's jobs plan at the same time before the debate started? >> yeah, that's what i was saying is that i thought the juxtaposition really underscored the insensitivity and the fact that the republicans in the united states senate and the republicans in the leadership in general seem willing to suffocate the economy in order to be able to make political gains and that callous indifference will come back to bite them. >> that subject came up last night. newt gingrich and mitt romney covered it. let's listen. >> first of all, the congress couldn't figure out how to get the debt ceiling done with the president who showed zero leadership. they adopt a truly stupid bill. >> i'll tell you this, i won't have to call up timothy geithner and say how does the economy work? i spent my life in the economy. >> your reaction to their reaction? >> well, mitt romney's take on the economy, if it's his perspective that he's offering, where he equates corporations to people, where he really is -- is so wishy washy on the issues that it's like trying to nail down jell-o getting him to commit to any one position, i can understand why republican voters don't seem to be able to settle on him because when you take all sides of an issue, it doesn't inspire much confidence. we need to make sure we have a president like president obama, whether you agree or disagree with him, he has the courage of his convictions, he's pressing forward and fighting hard to make sure the middle class and working families get a fair shake and republicans seem obsessed with making sure that the wealthy, most fortunate americans in corporate america have the wind at their backs. that's the contrast that we'll have in the election this year ooch. >> that, of course, is your perspective setting at the top of the democratic party. >> i think that's the perspective of millions of middle class americans, too. >> i'm sure it is. and many people looking in on the jobs bill and as gretch mentioned, it was defeated in the u.s. senate bipartisan, we should point out, in its defeat because there were democrats who voted against it as well as republicans. >> the majority of the united states senate supported it. >> but as you look at the president who has been out selling it relentlessly, pass this bill, pass this bill, some of the things he's been saying on the stump have not proven to be true. a.p. fact check looked at his claim a couple of days ago that 280,000 teachers would be prevented from losing their jobs. fact check says that's simply not true. do you think -- someone said there's too many assumptions, the president put into his plan to possibly happen. >> it is absolutely critical that we pass the american jobs act because there's no question that we would make sure that thousands of teachers would be able to remain on the job. thousands of firefighters and police officers would remain on the job. we'd put construction workers back to work making sure that we could fix bridges like the one in john boehner's district that is badly in need of repair. we'd be able to make sure that we give a payroll tax cut to small business owners and extend the payroll tax cut that we gave to middle class folks last year right here in new hampshire, the average new hampshire family would get about a $2,000 tax break. but what are the republicans opposed to? the problem is they don't want to see the economy. >> as you know, they do it piece by piece. in the big picture, if the president really wanted to get it passed, don't you think he would have been better off meeting with leadership on the other side to find out what their problem was rather than go right out on the stump? and the other big picture, do you feel as though -- >> let's ask them. have you asked them? get eric cantor on here and have him identify which -- >> the president? >> all of these things -- no, eric cantor. get him on here and ask what he's opposed to. >> because he didn't come to leadership, didn't return their calls before the speech, hasn't met with them since, it might have been the plan all along to put the jobs bill out there, something that republicans couldn't get behind, and then run against what they couldn't pass. >> you mean you're citing mitch mcconnell, the guy who at the beginning of this congress said that his number one priority was defeating barack obama, not putting people back to work, not getting the economy turned around, not working with congressional democrats to move the economy forward? >> i think you are right. he did say -->> i don't give him much credibility. >> he did say that making barack obama a one term president was his goal. but i think it's the same way a democrat would say making george bush a one term president would be their goal but he never said he's against putting americans back to work. >> there's a difference between saying that you have a goal of -- a political goal of defeating the president. mitch mcconnell was quoted saying his number one priority, his top priority was to defeat barack obama. and make sure that the republicans could take control. if that's your frame, if that's your number one goal, then everything you do is driven by that goal which is why the republican cynically voted down the american jobs act with 75% of the american people support. they support it because we want to make sure that the middle class folks get a tax break and all the tax benefits don't go to the wealthiest americans. we want to make sure that we keep teachers on the job. we want to make sure that we're not -- >> even if we have to go into debt to do it. >> that's why there's two political parties. mitch mcconnell believes if he got a republican in as president, that they would create more jobs. i got to quickly ask you -- >> that's not why people elect leaders, though. >> to create jobs? i think -- trust me, this time around, they're going to be electing a leader that's going to create some jobs. speaking of jobs, i got to get your quick take about the occupy wall street situation. some people have said that the president's continued discussion about millionaires and billionaires and millionaires and billionaires has created the situation now that we are seeing which many are deeming class warfare with these protesters now coming out against millionaires and billionaires. >> well, i do think it's interesting that fox news right on that couch has gave a righteous embrace repeatedly to the tea party movement when they first began and the -- i've watched some of your coverage of occupy wall street protesters who simply are middle-class folks who are frustrated that the policy of business and the policy of governments particularly under republicans leading up to before president obama took office focused exclusively on keeping the winds at the back of corporate america. we can understand that frustration. it would be nice if fox actually embraced the same type of grassroots movement that occupy wall street is that you decided and deemed the tea party. love to see that. >> you know what? we've heard a lot of people on the left try to make comparisons between the tea party and occupy wall street, occupy boston, occupy washington yesterday. but, you know, what's going on in lower manhattan, you're absolutely right, there are a lot of people who are frustrated. you know, you read the papers, there are a lot of people doing drugs down there. they're defecating on police cars. they're having sex. they're getting arrested. during tea party rallies, nobody ever got arrested! i think the arrest total so far is -- >> come on now, you don't want to get fact checked on that, do you? >> sure! >> no one at the tea party rally anywhere in the country has ever been arrested. >> have 1,000 people been arrested, ma'am? >> there are tens of thousands of people who have been part of the occupy wall street protests. and there are always a handful of people who, you know, are really not going to -- >> you're not -- >> follow the program. >> tea party -- >> no, do you think that president obama's assessment about millionaires and billionaires created the situation of these protests? >> no, i think republican policies that focus only on benefitting the wealthiest, most fortunate americans and corporate america and letting corporate america write their own rules is what created that frustration. letting banks make it so they were too big to fail and running over consumers. >> so you just indicted president clinton on that. because most of those rules were put together during the clinton administration. >> no, i'm indicting president bush and congressional republicans who were in charge for 12 years. >> when was -- >> finally giving the middle class a fair shake. that's what the occupy wall street protests are about. >> it's always interesting to have you on the program. always lively as well. >> interesting for me, too. thank you so much. >> congresswoman debbie wasserman-schultz, thank you very much for joining us from new hampshire. >> thank you. >> coming up next, speaking of the wall street protesters, they call them the 99%. meet the so-called 53%. who are they? >> if you're one of the millions of americans looking for work, stick around, the top five companies who want to hire you right now. 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[ gh ] tobad you're not buying car insurance. like that's easy. oh, it is. progressive direct showed me their rates and the rates of their competitors. i saved hundreds when switching. yeah. wake up and smell the savings. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive. >> gretchen: hey, good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, october 10. i'm gretchen carlson. it's a terror plot like we've never seen before because iran is coordinating with mexican drug cartels to attack the u.s. and the details and serious consequences, we'll discuss straight ahead. >> steve: newt gingrich is pointing fingers at who to hold accountable in washington with names. >> if they want to really change things, the first person to fire is bernanke, who is a disaster. the second person to fire is geithner. i want to repeat this. >> steve: we'll talk to the former speaker of the house in just about two minutes, brian. >> brian: oh, sugar, guess who is here? paula deen is on the couch. "fox & friends" starts right now >> this is paula deen and y'all are watching "fox & friends," the news machine. i said sugar! >> gretchen: that's how you say sugar, brian. >> brian: i didn't know. i also don't have a new book out. >> steve: it's not just a cookbook. it's bible of southern cooking. my wife and i were looking at it last night. >> brian: what sound did you have last night? >> steve: going to make a special french toast this morning. plus some other thing with a whole bunch of potatoes in it. >> gretchen: and jalapenos and eggs. i've been smelling it the whole time. statued. the rest of your headlines. a stunning admission from the mother of missing baby lisa irwin. she says she fully expects to be arrested. police haven't named deborah bradley as a suspect, but she reportedly feels her arrest is inevitable as police try to find inconsistencies in her story. she has hired a private investigator who is speaking about his role in the case. >> i want everyone to know, i am not here to defend or represent anyone. i have been asked to come out here to find lisa and to find the perpetrator or perpetrators. >> gretchen: police did search a well near the irwin's home yesterday. so far no baby. she's been missing for more than a week. two officers escorting president obama's motorcade rushed to a florida hospital this morning after their motorcycles collided. one of the drivers slammed into the back of the other, throwing both men off their bikes. neither officer was seriously injured. the motorcade continued to the airport. the president in florida to attend a fund-raiser. the occupy wall street protests turning their focus on the new york stock exchange and jpmorgan morgan headquarters today. yesterday, 200 demonstrators held a millionaire's march, so they marched past the homes of some of the nation's richest ceo's. in washington, capitol police arrested six demonstrators who stormed the heart senate office with tax the rich and end the war. in boston, more than 100 protesters arrested after fighting with police who tried to stop them from expanding their camp into a park. one of america's favorite nerds coming back to the small screen. >> i'm sorry. let me untie it. >> oh, no, i got it. >> don't! >> did i do that? >> gretchen: jaleel white played steve erkel on "family matters." now he has a new gig hosting a game show. it involves contestants facing their biggest fears while blindfolded. it's set to premiere next year. >> brian: that's the most i ever saw of erkel just now. i never watched it. >> gretchen: wore pants up to here. >> steve: let's talk a little bit about this. it is shocking and thank goodness the united states government has known about it for a while. there apparently has been foiled a plot by people high up in the iranian government to execute essentially at a mexican restaurant in washington, d.c that guy, the saudi ambassador to the united states. he's been on this program many, many times. the plot involved trying to blow up the saudi and israeli embassies not only in washington, d.c., but also in argentina. this guy who was charged yesterday is now in a manhattan jail cell. he we want down to mexicic and thankfully he was talking not to a member of the mexican drug cartel -- there he is -- but instead, a confidential d.e.a. informant. >> gretchen: he was willing to pay $100,000 to the mexican drug cartel members he thought he was going to be speaking to to do the hit. he also was quoted as saying that he didn't care if hundreds of others went with the ambassador. he used words we can't really use on television. so now they found him at the airport back at the end of september. he was in federal court yesterday. the problem is, his accomplice, alleged accomplice is on the loose. no idea where he might be. and how does iran factor into this? >> brian: they factor in every way because he's an iranian citizen and u.s. citizen. his cousin is a higher up in the force, one of the five separate divisions of the iranian national guard. this is the most lethal. he said, i want to do a hit on the saudi ambassador. he said, okay. and he tried to get somebody in narcotics involved. so he went south to mexico. at which time he stumbled into an informant for the d.e.a. who turned around, listened to this guy and the numbers went up from $100,000 down payment to $1.5 million. as they started to hash out this plot, was going to happen in washington, d.c they were going to blow up a restaurant and also going to do a lot blowing up the u.s. embassy in -- excuse me, the israeli embassy in argentina, as well as the saudi embassy in argentina. all at the same time. now, when the money just as this guy was set to put himself as collateral and sent himself to mexico, they stopped him and rerouted him to jfk where he was arrested in september. he started talking. that unfolded this and then we found out about all the links that put this whole thing together. iran is staring us down almost stares -- daring us to do something and the early word is, the treasury department will issue some type of sanctions. >> steve: oh, boy. >> brian: is that the response? >> gretchen: let's go to newt gingrich who is running for president on the republican side and see what he has to say about this. i find it also interesting that much of the talk in the last couple of weeks has been about fast and furious. do you think that this was in any way a deflection away great that discussion? >> no. i think this is a very embarrassing and difficult moment for the administration because they've tried to find ways to accommodate and deal with the iranians and this blows up their whole strategy. when you have a country which has so much contempt for you that it's actively seek to go kill ambassadors and blow up embassies on your territory, which would be an act of war normally, there is something profoundly wrong with our approach to iran and they are showing us by their actions how weak they think the obama administration is. so i think this is actually parallel to fast and furious as another area where you have to wonder after all this talk about trying to deal with the iranians, talk with the iranians, reason with the iranians, will this finally get the administration to understand? the current dictatorship is our mortal enemy. they've been at war with us since 1979. they think they're at war with us. they're trying to build nuclear weapons because they want to be capable of anilating israel and driving us out of the middle east and they're doing things as active allies of venezuela to project iranian power in the western hemisphere and this administration is clueless to what's going on. >> steve: it will be interesting to see what exactly does happen, mr. speaker. you are perched in new hampshire because last night you were at the gop debate sponsored by the "washington post" and bloomberg. there you go, walking in. you did great. you were funny. you were smart. is it frustrating when so many of the questions seem to be directed at mitt romney and herman cain who are at the top of the polls? >> i think there is a certain natural bias in that direction. i thought that i had more than enough opportunities last night. the fact is that there are questions that both romney and cain have to answer. i think it's legitimate to get them to answer. i've laid out a program at, a contract with america. i just added to it on friday, building out part 9 of the contract on rebalancing the judiciary with a very bold paper that's there. my goal is going to be to continue to lay out real substance of the new hampshire legislature today. i'm going to call on the legislators to help us develop a 10th amendment implementation bill, returning power to new hampshire, taking it away from washington. so i'm pretty happy with how it's evolving. i think that every candidate's got to run their own unique race. mitt was the front runner, i guess in some polls herman is the front runner. since the first votes won't occur for several months, i don't think much of this will matter except if you have a nice scrapbook for clippings. >> brian: you are on the steady incline. after a rough summer, that has to feel good. today, 50-48, the president's jobs bill was voted down. he never talked to republicans one on one to try to get them on board. do you think this is part of a strategy or do you think this is an embarrassment for the president? >> i think they have a strategy. i think it's frankly a destructive strategy. i think it puts america second and barak obama's ambitions first. i think that's unfortunate. if he were serious about leading the country and serious about trying to get a jobs bill through, he would have started by trying to write a bill with the help of at least 60 senators so that it would have had a chance to pass. they knew from the day one this was not going to work and i don't think you can play harry truman for a year and a half, watch the economy decay, watch the deficit get worse, fail to lead totally and then try to run for reelection 'cause you can raise a billion dollars and smear your opponents. if i'm the nominee, i will challenge obama to seven three hour debates and i don't think he can survive them. i don't think he can stand without lots and lots of advertising, explain and defend the four years of failure with any kind of success. >> steve: how big is the endorsement yesterday of chris christie for mr. romney? >> well, anything chris christie does is big by definition. i think it probably helped romney a little bit. but to have a northeastern governor endorse the front runner from massachusetts is pretty much of a what did you think he was going to go? i think romney will collect lots of endorsements. i think he is the establishment candidate and he'll be the front runner in endorsements by a big margin. the challenge for mitt will be that may not be where the voters are. we have no evidence in 2008 that the voters were impressed by endorsements even in the home states and i think that this election will be decided, the primaries, at least, will be decided by the question. when can effectively change washington? who can get america back on the right track? who has the right core values to do that? i think whoever the nominee is will have answered those questions decisively and frankly, that's what i'm trying to do with our 21st century contract with america which people can see at it's a very comprehensive document for real change. >> gretchen: all right. thank you for letting people know about that. one thing he want to add is that it always seems like you admire the other people that you're sitting or standing with on the stage. i think that goes a long way. i just want to add that point for you, newt. >> thank you. >> gretchen: it means a lot, i think, to americans who are watching to see -- compliment other republicans who are on the stage. we'll see you again sometime soon. thanks so much. >> all right. thanks. >> gretchen: coming up on our show, eric holder was front and center yesterday when the government busted up an iranian plot to attack america. but will there be any legal consequences from the department of justice? peter johnson, jr. is here with that next. >> brian: from the kitchen to the curvy couch, paula deen is joining us live this morning. she has the bible with her of cooking. looking good! you lost some weight. you noticed! these clothes are too big, so i'm donating them. how'd you do it? eating right, whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios... five whole grains, 110 calories. ♪ that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm [ male announcer ] for half the calories -- plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8. exclusive to the military. and commitment is not limited to one's military oath. the same set of values that drive our nation's military are the ones we used to build usaa bank. from free checking to credit cards to loans, our commitment to e military, veteransand their families is without equal. ♪ visit us online to learn what makes our bank so different. usaa. we know what it means to serve. >> steve: welcome back. the united states foiled a major terror plot allegedly directed by iran. the plan, to bomb israeli and saudi embassies in washington and bay no, sir aries. take a listen to u.s. attorney general eric holder. >> they're charged with conspiracy to murder a foreign official, supports to use a weapon of mass destruction and conspiracy to commit an act of national terrorism, among other charges. >> steve: he's talking about the criminal charges. wait a minute. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. is here to break down the legal implications. criminally charged. >> yes, these are criminal charges. the problem that we have is this is like a parking ticket for iran. we knew iran and other rogue states don't like to pay the united nations parking tickets. so it's really a criminal prosecution for an attempted act of war because if it had been consummated, if this fellow, the used car dealer with his cousin and with other iranian officials allegedly, according to the criminal complaint of the f.b.i. had been successful, they would have launched a massive attack in a restaurant, in washington, d.c. killing not only the saudi arabian ambassador, but likely other americans and other foreign nationals. that would have been an act of war. so the immediate response is a, foil it. which our government officials have done incredibly well. god bless them. the second response has got to be diplomatic response. this trial will be played out. there will be an indictment. this man is now facing life in prisonment based on the charges that have been brought against him. there is also an indicted conspirator in iran who is an official of the iranian government, the secret special forces unit, known throughout the world for engaging in terrorism, kidnapping, assassination against americans, and other foreign nationals. so ostensibly, hopefully if the evidence is there, this man will be convicted here in the united states in the southern district. but what is the greater picture? we have a conviction for a conspiracy to murder, to engage in mass destruction. we have one person indicted in iran. his cousin not indicted in iran who is allegedly part of this conspiracy to kill potentially americans, the saudi arabian ambassador, perhaps blow up the israel embassy. where do we go from here? so we have the first response, the first response is a hearty and strong and robust criminal trial. this man should be brought to justice and he should be given a fair trial and the opportunity to defend himself. the fellow in iran is never coming to the united states. he's not going to be extradited and the likelihood because of due process, there will not be a trial, meaning if he's not here, he's not going to be tried. so the question becomes, we've done our work. the f.b.i., department of justice, great work. what do we do as a nation going forward to deal with this threat, which is more than a garden variety criminal threat? >> steve: that's such a good point. peter johnson, jr., thank you very much. it was an act of war. >> act of war. >> steve: all right. what do you think? e-mail us. meanwhile, when a little girl steps on stage for her spelling bee, she didn't think spelling sergeant would lead to this. >> do you know someone who is a sergeant? >> my dad. >> your dad? wow. her dad is a sergeant. [ applause ] >> steve: heart warming reunion with a sergeant. fantastic. the story is straight ahead. then it's rick perry's immigration policy too liberal to make him president? those from his home state of texas say yeah and they're here to tell y'all why. my name is jill strange, i'm forty-nine years-old, i love gardening, and i love volleyball. i've been taking osteo bi-flex for several years now. i really can't see myself not taking it. osteo bi-flex is a great product. i can go back and do gardening with comfort. [ male announcer ] osteo bi-flex, the glucosamine chondroitin supplement with 5-loxin advanced. shows improvement in joint comfort within 7 days. [ jill strange ] since taking osteo bi-flex, there's nothing that i can't do. 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[ male announcer ] ducati knows it's better for xerox to manage their global publications. so they can focus on building amazinbikes. with xerox, you're read for real business. but they also go beyond banki. we installed a ge fleet monitoring system. it tracks every vehicle in their fleet. it cuts fuel use. koch: it enhances customer service. it's pretty amazing when people who loan you money also show you how to save it. not just money, knowledge. it's so much information, it's like i'm right there in every van in the entire fleet. good day overall. yeah, i'good. come on in. let's go. wow, this is fantastic. ge capital. they're not just bankers. we're builders. they helped build our business. >> steve: we got some headlines on this wednesday morning. breaking news from detroit. chrysler and the united auto workers union have agreed to a new four-year contract that creates 2100 new jobs. full details of the agreement have not been released. the deal is expected to be similar to those reached by ford and gm. auto workers force those two companies received at least $5,000 in bonuses. sweet. looks like tony the tiger won't be out of a job after all. the white house reportedly backing off of a plan to get rid of cartoon characters on cereal boxes. are you kidding me? the plan was part of a broader initiative to regulate marketing of junk food to children. a less extreme version of that plan being released later today. tony the tiger gets reprieved. >> brian: wouldn't have had a problem because they could use a real leprechaun. >> gretchen: rick perry turned heads when he said this about giving in state tuition and financial aid to illegal immigrants. >> if you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they've been brought there by no fault of their own, i don't think you have a heart. >> gretchen: now students at perry's alma matter, texas a & m, some are upset with him. >> brian: for example, the aggie conservative student group called on the governor to end the state's dream act. joining us right now are the group's chairmen, steven and officer justin julian. welcome to both you guys. first off, steven, what bothers you about this? >> what bothers me about this is that texan taxpayers should not be forced to subsidize the college education of adults who cannot legally work in the united states. >> gretchen: yet, men, many, many, millions of them do. when you listen to governor perry saying look, you got to have a heart because these kids came here not knowing they were brought here, does that do anything to change your opinion? justin? >> this isn't about spots in college. this is about who is paying the bill and this idea that illegal immigrants are entitled to a free ride or reduced institution is ridiculous. >> brian: steve, do you know any people, for example, the story goes, they've been here since kindergarten. they go through the system. when it's time for college, they apply. they have the grades to get in. but they're not entitled to before the rick perry stepped in, they're not entitled to in state tuition rates. do you understand their side of the story? and do you know anybody that was with you through first through 12? >> absolutely i understand and sympathize with their side of the story. i understand them wanting a better life and coming to the united states. i do not personally know anyone with this status. like i said, we do sympathize with them, but we don't believe it's the responsibility of the texan taxpayers, especially in these rough economic times to subsidize the education of someone who can't legally work in the united states after they graduate. the reason for subsidizing education is to build a more productive work force and it really does not make sense 'cause they can't legally hold a job. >> gretchen: i guess the other side of the argument, justin, is that governor perry would say that if you don't educate them, then they'll be on the government dole because they won't be able to get the kinds of jobs that people do when they're educated. how would you respond to that? >> this isn't about who receives education. we already give k through 12 education to everyone in texas and we pay for it as well. but this is about higher education and who pays the bill. and right now in these tough economic times, we shouldn't be rewarding people who can't work. and also the texas dream act incentivizing illegal behavior and people to enter the united states illegally. >> brian: a lot of people weren't aware of this, especially with texas, around the country until this came up in a debate. steven, has this been a problem, has this been something that groups like yours have been addressing but no one has been listening to this point? >> yes. in fact, we've been addressing it since may 2010. justin passed a student senate bill saying that illegal immigrants should not be rewarded with in-state tuition. i mean, this has been something that's been on our minds for a while and surprisingly, even today lots of students on campus do not realize that illegal immigrants are receiving in-state tuition. it's a shock to them. >> gretchen: wow. and to many americans who listened to that debate when rick perry said what his policy was as well. steven and justin with the texas aggie conservative group, thanks for your thoughts this morning. >> thank you. >> brian: 28 minute past the hour. let's move ahead. coming up, could it be bigger than the solyndra scandal? another federal loan handed over to another failing solar company. but this one in mexico. >> gretchen: plus, she heats up a kitchen, oh, does she. now paula deen is making people sweat with her new title, hottest female tv chef? you got to give me some on that. oh, my capital one's new cash rewards card gosh! >> gretchen: let's take a look at your shot of the morning. it involves betty white, cheesecake, and half naked men. take a look. ♪ i'm a golden girl ♪ ♪ i may be a senior ♪ so what ♪ i'm still hot ♪ i'm still hot ♪ . >> gretchen: white isn't quitting her day job. she shot this video for the life line program. a company that helps people plan their retirement. she has been a spokesperson for the company for six years. the entire music video is on sale on itunes. i thought that was the rock for a minute standing next to her. >> steve: cheesecake or beefcake? >> gretchen: i'll take any one of them. >> brian: we've been following a developing story. iran reportedly teaming up with one of mexico's deadliest gangs for an assassination on american soil. katherine has been scrambling for this story ever since. katherine, a stunning combination. >> that's right. a short time from now, we are expecting senior lawmakers will be briefed about the alleged plot to assassinate the saudi ambassador to washington. in addition, robert muller is being called at short notice to testify on the hill thursday. 56-year-old man, a naturalized u.s. citizen with u.s. and iranian passports was arrested on september 29 at jfk in new york among the charges conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to commit an act of international terrorism. a second suspect, a member of iran's special operations forces is believed to be hiding in iran. earlier today on "fox & friends," the chairman of the house intelligence committee made the case that the plot went to the top of the iranian regime. >> this operation was $1.5 million and that was -- and it was external to the country of iran. all that has a chain of command. so some notion that this was one guy in the irgc making this decision in the basement of their intelligence center is just wrong and laughable. this is serious stuff. >> this morning the state department is warning, quote, this iranian-backed plan to assassinate the saudi ambassador may indicate a more aggressive focus by the iranian government on terrorist activity to include possible attacks in the united states. that's as two former senior sells officials told me there is something about the plot that doesn't seem to feel quite right to them and it seems to go against iran's long-standing pattern. one official said, quote, why not use his a team then a narco cartel and said we need to develop this to see whether it's got broader meaning. probably more on capitol hill today. >> brian: it will be fascinating thanks so much. >> steve: now we got headlines for you on this wednesday morning. it's not solyndra, but some of the similarities are absolutely stunning. solar power is a solar panel company based in california, right? it is reportedly -- it's reportedly $820 million in debt despite the fact that the company got a $1.2 billion government life line with a promise of creating thousands of new jobs. the problem is, it's taking those jobs to mexico where a manufacturing plant was built to make the solar panels. what's the matter with this picture, folks? one of the company's lobbyists is the son of a democratic congressman who reportedly got campaign donations from sun power, which you got to figure -- >> gretchen: a bizarre end to go a high-speed chase. police in hot pursuit of a motorcycle driver going 100 miles per hour. they drive right past him, look there. you know why? because the motorcycle rider got a little sneaky. pulled over to the side of the road, turned off his lights and then a bus blocked him as the cops raced by. the crew in the news chopper, though, not fooled. they kept an eye on the suspect while the cops turned around and arrested him. >> brian: good job, news people. how about this for a salute to the troops? giving away 1,000 vacations to troops serving in iraq and afghanistan. going to the first 1,000 servicemen or women who call for a reservation. the phone number, right now, jot this down, 1-800-887-9312. >> steve: free vacation. >> gretchen: a little girl is given the prize of her life after correctly spelling the word sergeant during a spelling bee. >> do you know someone who is a sergeant? >> my dad. >> your dad? wow. her dad is a sergeant. [ applause ] we have a very special person. >> gretchen: sky letter johnson and her dad seeing each other for the first time since last christmas. he's been serving in iraq. >> i'm like, this a dream, 'cause i was about to close my eyes and go back to sleep. wow. i got butterflyies. >> gretchen: next week is her 10th byrd day. what a present. can't think of anything better. >> steve: no kidding. meanwhile, let's look and we got extreme weather to talk to you about this morning. video is out of mexico city where hurricane jova is absolutely wreaking havoc. it's much worse along mexico's pacific coast line where people are hunkered down in their houses. category 2 storm right now packing winds, according to, of 100 miles per hour. it is impacting the west coast of mexico. somebody who lives on the east coast of the united states is that woman right there. we're talking about paula deen, the cooking machine, who joins us right now live on "fox & friends." good morning to you. >> good morning, y'all! >> brian: congratulations on the bible. >> thank you. i'm so proud of this book. it's been in my heart now for about 13 years or 12 years, whenever i wrote my first book. it was in the back of my mind to produce something like this. people would want on their kitchen counter for years to come. >> gretchen: that's why you call it a bible. >> it's a handbook, yeah. >> gretchen: so the first page that i just happened to go to was something that i adore, which is rice pudding -- corn pudding. >> corn pudding, yes. >> gretchen: these were family recipes or what you cook at home? >> you know, it's really funny. this is my 13th, 14th book. i've lost count now, gretchen. but all of the recipes in here are new. >> steve: that's great. >> except for 20 classics that i had to give to people. >> brian: by the way, i noticed when you put the bible down, you have been rubbing it and it's been on steve's thigh and i don't know if this is intentional. >> you know, i always rub steve's thigh when i'm here. >> brian: i know. that's what i'm getting. >> how do you get to be the sexiest cook if you don't fondle the men? >> steve: you were cheating on me yesterday with dr. oz. >> yes, i was. >> steve: what's that about? >> he's cute, steve. >> brian: he's got a good job! >> he's got a great job! >> gretchen: you're delaying the question. he's trying to get you to quit smoking. how did that go? >> gretchen, when i sat down, my boys are almost like mini correspondents on his show. they know him well. that was the first time we had ever met, i heard he was a fabulous guy, but i had no idea what we were going to be talking about. so i was just enjoying his company when out of the blue -- what's your worst habit? i don't know how to lie. wish i had of. >> you started smoking. >> yes. >> steve: and he tried to get you to quit smoking? >> he is encouraging me. he said one of the sweetest things to me. and that was paula, you've got to love yourself as much as we love you. >> steve: you're thinking about it now? >> he and i have been in touch and he's going to see if he can help me. my husband quit six months ago. >> gretchen: you got a partner to help you. >> yes, i've got a partner. and michael seemed to do it so easily. but he took that drug, whatever that is, and i tried that once, but i had these vivid dreams. they were all sexual. i don't know where that came from. >> brian: i don't know what's going on with that. >> and none of them with my husband. >> steve: maybe you better quit smoking 'cause you mentioned this a moment ago, maxim magazine found you smoking, the hottest female tv chef. >> you know what they had as my picture? a stick of butter. [ laughter ] it wasn't even my picture. >> gretchen: you beat out giada and padma. this is huge! >> you know, it just goes to show, gretchen, that the way to a man's heart really is through his stomach. >> brian: just tell us what you made here. >> oh, my goodness. these are warm -- maureen the food stylist made sure they came out warm for you. >> steve: you've been busy! yes, i've been busy. y'all eat. i had a bowl of cereal earlier. >> brian: you did? was there a cartoon on the box? >> yes! >> steve: their days are numbered. >> brian: what is that? >> let me dip y'all some of this. this is the praline french toast and this is incredible. >> steve: there are no calories in this? >> no. this is sunday morning casserole. >> steve: this is fantastic. >> thank you. gretchen? >> gretchen: of course. >> please have some. you're not going to believe how delicious this is. >> brian: paula deen, congratulations on the bible. i'll pray i get one. and congratulations on all your success. you burst on the scene in '96 and been a star ever since. >> god is good. >> steve: thank you, paula deen. >> y'all try it now because i have a lot of showers at my house. >> brian: while they chew, i'll read. paula, great to see new person. >> this is what i serve at my brunches. >> brian: up next, herman cain's 999 plan got a lot of attention in last night's debate. but how will it hold up into the future? dr. larry sabato looks into his crystal ball next. then you saw shaq destroy them on the court. he's taking on stottelmire, he's here. he met paula deen, so his life is complete. he's got a brand-new shoe, and he's got a brand-new game. but first, he's got to take me on. he's just 6' 10 ." >> gretchen: brian, i'm so nervous for you. my doctor told me calcium is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. but also a caring touch. you learn to get a feel for the trouble spots. to know its wants... its needs...its dreams. ♪call 1-800-steemer. [ reporter ] ...passengers, emergency crews are prepared. they're in place. all we can do now is watch. wait. wait a minute. there's a truck. tough to tell from here, but whoever is driving that truck is right below the plane now. this is -- this is just unbelievable! the broken landing gear landed into the bed... [ male announcer ] the midsized nissan frontier with full-size payload and towing. innovation for doers. innovation for all. ♪ had a tree that borthe most rare and magical fruit, which provided for their every financial need. [ thunder rumbling ] [ thunder crashing ] and then, in one blinding blink of an eye, their tree had gen its last. butith their raymond james finanal advisor, they had prepared for even the unthinkable. ♪ and they danced. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you. >> gretchen: that sounds so magical. who were the winners and losers in the gop debate. dr. lare sabato is here to grade each of the candidates for us. good to see you this morning, larry. >> good morning, gretchen. >> gretchen: all right. so i understand that you're also going to break out your professor pen today because you have assembled your grades for the debate performances. i want to start with the people who got a's and you have four of them. two got a's and two got a minuses. who were they? >> the top two performers by far were romney and cain. there is no question that the big winner was mitt romney. nobody laid, pardon me, a mitt on him. he was able to answer all the attacks. he's the front runner. any time a front runner gets through a debate, it's great. cain is the new focus of the campaign, which by the way, pleases mitt romney. he wants herman cain to be the anti-romney, and so i think cain did well. he got his 999 plan out there. did you hear that during the debate? >> i heard it. >> you think you're going to remember the numbers? newt gingrich is always great in a debate. i think he did well and rick santorum deserves credit for, as a minor candidate, constantly forcing himself into the discussion and launching some attacks that made sense. >> gretchen: right. it's interesting for how well newt gingrich always does in the debates that he hasn't seen more of a rise in his poll numbers. i want to go to perry, though, because i have to say that i wouldn't want to be in your class if i was rick perry. a d plus? >> it isn't an f. i'm usually a tough grader. those were pretty high grades overall. great inflation there -- grade inflation there. but he did poorly because he need to do do well. he's had two rotten debates. it seemed to me he just basically said, i'm taking a pass on this debate. he just sat back. he didn't do much. apparently his staff wants his forth coming policy speeches to talk for him. but i think he's lost the spotlight now to herman cain. i really don't know what their strategy was. >> gretchen: it was interesting because i got the same reaction. he said he's going to have this jobs plan, but at the same time, the people who have their jobs plans got all the attention. real quickly, you gave jon huntsman a c minus. why? >> he just didn't connect. look, he is a candidate in search of a constituency in the republican party. you can't get enough votes in those key caucuses and primaries when you're jon huntsman. i just think he's misplaced for this party. >> gretchen: ron paul got a b and michelle bachman got a b plus a tough grader. we'll see you again soon. >> thanks. >> gretchen: brian was no match for shaq. remember that? we're going to see if he's got any game for amare next. let's check in with hemmer for what's on at the top of the hour. i know you might want to be down there with brian, but maybe not. >> i think you broke his arm last time. good morning. big show this morning. herman cain reacts to last night's debate and also the blistering attack from african-american celebrities on him. chris christie says mitt romney is the guy. we'll debate how important that could be. what was iran really up to? kt mcfarland will answer that. is eric holder telling the truth? that's at the baseline for all this. we'll ask the judge what he sees in the facts on fast and furious and we'll see you in ten minutes here on "america's newsroom." $ >> brian: by the way, i just want to thank the people that made that basketball cart for us. i'd like to thank van productions for providing the basketball hoop. and i'd like to thank my parents for the lack of genes

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