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This is americas late news, fox news at night speed to breaking tonight that anti israel anti American Anti Police Demonstrations are continuing at Columbia University and across the east coast with protesters acting much bolder even saying the quiet part out loud. Trace so far more than 100 students have been arrested nine google employees were also taken away in handcuffs and 28 were fired after storming the companys offices and holding an anti israel said in. Google ceo summed it up by saying this is a place of business. Maybe the nation is finally signalling enough is enough. Here in new york protesters at Columbia University are vowing to hold the line, descending on a campus lawn once again unfazed by thursdays mass arrest at a declared to gaza solidarity encampment. Today demonstrators including activist. Marched to the University Chanting with signs and flags. Watch. While the University Officially dismantled the encampment, students remain in the quote Liberated Zone are calling on the school to cut ties with Israeli University and divest from companies with ties to israel. They pledge to remain untold demands are met despite university rules. Jewish students say its creating a harsh and hateful atmosphere on campus. I feel like im not wanted here. A feels like everyone who isnt exactly like me hates me and doesnt care what i have to say. I tried to converse with a lot of these people and their response was i dont converse with zionists. The white house responding to the mass arrest calling the antijewish rhetoric unacceptable. We understand at this time its incredibly painful for Many Americans and at the same time its important for schools to protect students. It is one of the things that we have to do on their campuses. Students should feel safe. All indications point to protesters on Campus Posting that. Theyve been told they can remain on the campus lawn as long as no tents are pitched. Trace cant imagine one classmate saying to another i dont converse with zionists. Its amazing. Lets bring in proisrael activist. Its great to have you on the show. We had one classmate saying to another i dont converse with zionists. You have to listen closely because its kind of difficulty here. This is a columbia protester talking about october 7th happening more often. Watch. Trace if you didnt hear it, never forget october 7th. That will happen not. But 10,000 times. The 7th Of October is going to be every day for you. What do you say to these people . First of all thank you for having me and i say that they are a few weeks ago there was a line between pro palestinian and hamas. That line is being blurred. Those kids are seeing saying they are they are hamas. This is so outrageous. Columbia is just playing into it by allowing the kids there without their tents, big deal. Its nice outside im a new york the weather is fine. That is not hurting anybody the protesters to say just stay out there. It is beyond outrageous that jewish students, all students have to be scared like that girl that you showed. It is ridiculous what is going on. Trace to your point i want to put this up there because this is a proisrael columbia student who wrote the following in the new york post. I had a Front Row Seat to the Liberated Zone madness at Columbia University. These were no righteous Freedom Fighters though they are surely selfrighteous. These are radicals receiving 90,000 a year education and throwing temper tantrums. And they are getting angrier and they are getting bolder by the day. I dont think that the police in new york are handling this. I think that maybe they need to call in the National Guard i dont know why the administration is allowing for it. They keep playing games. These kids, the protesters are not playing games. Look at whats on the screen. Trace dont you see my guest says this is part of the strategy that they want the police to come in and want to be arrested. Just like some of the protests we saw during the george floyd wyatts. The more they are arrested the more they can say look we are being targeted we dont have our freespeech rights. They need to stop what is happening at columbia. Let the kids go back to class. Most kids at columbia want to go and learn. That is what they are therefore and they want to go to class. The focus has to be taken at the protesters let the kids go back and learn. Its outrageous. If i had a student at columbia right now and my daughter graduated from there. It is so expensive what these parents are paying and to let this go on its disrupting school. Students are. She is there because she is not relevant anymore up your she wants to become relevant. Trace and she says nonsensical things. Thank you for coming on the show, we appreciated. Fears over an escalating war in the middle east are easing tonight as the fighting between israel and iran appears to be on i pause. So far there are no more threats or statements of retaliation from either side but experts warn it is early. Live with the very latest on the limited but effective strike. Today was a much calmer day between israel and iran after the news broke right here on the show last night. Theyve fired limited strikes on iran. This morning a radiant protesters held signs that red down with israel. The demonstrations coming just hours after an israeli strike on and irani and province which houses a Nuclear Facility that is used to enriching uranium. The strike was israels warning to around that they have the ability to strike Irans Nuclear facilities. Today american officials did not have much reaction to the overnight strikes. Secretary of state Anthony Blinken reiterated support for israel and set hamas holds ultimate responsibility d. Escalating the conflict. The only thing standing between the gazan people and a ceasefire is hamas. It has rejected generous proposals from israel, it seems more interested in a regional conflict then is in a ceasefire that would immediately improve the lives of the palestinian people. Trace today the white house would not comment on whether it had knowledge of the attacks but it did emphasize the relationship between President Biden and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is strong. The president and the Prime Minister have a longstanding relationship that goes decades. Because of that longstanding relationship they are able to speak very honestly with each other and have Difficult Conversations when its necessary. Several measures have been introduced in the u. S. House and senate to publicly condemn irans initial attack on israel last weekend. Trace lets bring in the foreign desk editorinchief and Fox News Contributor and former trump Foreign Policy advisor. It just baffles me that 24 hours, the time that she spoke it was about 18 hours. Twentyfour hours after this no comment. Not commenting about this at all i know theres a lot of interest in reports from the middle east overnight. We understand that and get that. Im going to say it now though i know you all will certainly ask me about it that we do not have any comment on the reports at this time. Trace you told around dont and israel dont, they both did and now you cant come forth and say this is the deal or the strategy, heres whats happening. Do we deserve a comment on this . I think we do but its more disturbing for me what secretary blank inside. This is all about hamas. It is the one that has escalated this conflict and it is the one that can stop it. It is iran. We needed to hear it from him not the white house spokesperson. That wouldve been good. The fact that the Secretary Of State is doing Shuttle Diplomacy and cant unequivocally finger iran as the source of this conflict. Remember trace at the beginning of this war on october 7th, the biden white house. Maybe iran is not directly involved. Trace thats exactly what they said. Or telling us that iran we cant trace it. The reality is this is about one country. And its attempt to menace not just israel and the United States and europe at the entire free of the west. Trace it shows that the white house has literally lost control. They are telling people to do things and they all do these things and you wonder how they get the control back to. Everyone is talking about what was the conversation that happened between netanyahu and President Biden that led to the retaliation and also going into rafah. Israel had to do the deterrence that the white house failed to do all along. Had the white house started the deterrence at the podium and not given the concession to irans regime. We wouldnt be where we are. Where irans regime is putting billions of dollars into its Terror Proxies In The Shadow war that it has been conducting on israel for more than a decade. It did not start october 7th. Trace they say dont and they have been wrong. They write the following. He says it appears we are closer than ever to a broad regional war despite the fact that the International Community will most likely make a great effort to deescalate tensions. Are we closer than ever to a bigger war . Weve been in a broader regional war for a long time. October 7th just underscored the point. The Biden Administration by attempting to restart the iran nuclear deal, take sanctions i think ignore the fact that this war has been going on. Some call it a shadow war, others call it a twilight war. Irans attempt to destabilize israel by using proxies in lebanon, syria, iraq, yemen, this is not new. This has been a wider war for a long time. If you just think about this year, the fact that the houthis have attempted drone and rent drone a missile strikes against iran. What they have succeeded is that the wider conflict of disrupting global trade in the red sea. Trace thats what everyones worried about. My last question to you would be it seems to me that israel is telling iran we can reach you. We can reach you. This was a signal like you are not going to reach. The simultaneous attacks not only. If you want to reach us by proxy we will meet you there. If you want to reach us from the iran soil we will meet you there. The one thing want to point to his thigh the naivety. And not deterring our enemies. In not calling Radical Islam what it is. For 45 years the iranian people have been trying to tell us that we have to get rid of the regime right now people are so worried about isis and the a lot the Islamic State. The original Islamic State is the Islamic Republic that is inside iran and for 45 years weve allowed this to happen. Trace thank you both. Meantime Opening Statements in the firstever criminal trial against president set to begin on monday. Jury selection now complete in the hush money case against donald trump. Outside the courthouse with what we can expect. Good evening. Good evening to you. You mentioned the jury is seated and Opening Statements will happen on monday of next week. Former President Trump is not happy with how things are going. He posted on truth social saying he feels like hes being railroaded and that tension between he and the judge as well as his lawyers appeared to be on full display at the end of court today. There were a few notable moments the judge told trumps lawyers that they can no longer challenge all of his decisions in an effort to delay the trial and then former President Trump stood up at the end of court perhaps too early and the judge told him to sit right back down. After court tonight trump talked about how he feels he is being treated unfairly and how he thinks this is election interference directed by president joe biden. Whats happening here with the judicial system is in outrage. Its a Giant Witchhunt to try and hurt a campaign that is. Trump is also frustrated with the courts a gag order. He said the others can talk about him like his former lawyer Uncle Keohane but he cant respond. They accused trump of violating the gag order several times on social media. They will decide on any possible punishment on tuesday of next week but trump is upset with the pace of the trial. s team filed a motion to delay but it was denied appeared trump says thats no coincidence. The trial starts on monday. The judge wants us to go as fast as possible. You mentioned the rounding out of the jury. Today the court selected five additional alternate jurors. For women and one man. That means all 12 jurors and six alternates are now sworn in and ready for those Opening Statements on monday. Check this out, a disturbing moment this afternoon. A man lit himself on fire outside the courtroom and we have mugshots from his prior arrest in florida last year. Take a look at this. He is in Critical Condition at the burn centre. He came to new york from florida within the past week and posted Conspiracy Theories online. He walked directly into the park and began to throw pamphlets in the air and lit himself on fire. We do not believe this was targeting any particular person or any particular group. Were labelling it as a Conspiracy Theorist and were going from from there. The investigation will continue. Very disturbing trace. You heard their police dont believe that he was motivated specifically by this trial involving former President Trump you mentioned Opening Statements happening on monday. The judge promises a decision before then on what prosecutors can bring up if trump ends up testifying which is something that he has indicated that he plans on doing. Trace live outside the courthouse thank you. Lets bring in criminal defence attorney. Great to have you. He was saying that point the former president is frustrated about the gag order. Here is what he had to say. They are taking away my right to speak. Im not allowed to say it. Its very unfair that my Constitutional Rights have been taken away. Trace it is unusual that he can say anything about Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels yet they can go on their podcast and msnbc and say anything they want. Its very rare to have this especially in a criminal trial. Basis of this type of objection or control is to make sure a potential jury pool is not tainted. We have a jury already selected so thats not a concern. Also witnesses. We dont want witnesses to be swayed or threatened. In this case there is no evidence of that. This is a very clear attempt successful attempt so far to violate Donald Trumps constitutional First Amendment right. It is as clear as day. Ive only been doing it a little bit over 22 years and i will tell you ive never had a case where this has happened, especially within the microcosm of the prosecution grabbing the microphone every opportunity they can. Be to it seems like a lot of firsts in this case. Foxnews. Com writes the following they said unless they are ordered to they will not sure Witness Names with trumps defence. Prosecutors said they would agree to release one name to Defence Counsel on sunday night. I know its a courtesy for attorneys and they often extended. This doesnt seem like a trial where theres going to be any courtesy between the two sides. Its also a guarantee of our due process rights. The defence has to be prepared. The government has just a myriad of information from which they can select the pieces of evidence they want to present to the factfinder. The defence like in federal cases where there is no right to defensive discovery until the witnesses are sworn in and testify, that is whats happening in this case. There is no way to deny the fact that this severely handicapped the defence. Trace he was talking about a man who lit himself on fire. Seems that the Gravitational Pull of the Trump Melodrama that has gripped the nation since he came down the escalator is now it appears resulting in some people coming to that spot where protesters have gathered and lit himself on fire. The Gravitational Pull. All of a sudden the melodrama thats been going on caused that it gets tiresome. If you hear it enough you have a tendency to believe it and this is the danger with this type of Misinformation Being put out there. This is an individual who clearly has mental illness. You look at his employment history he was working for a couple of democrat legislators. Thats his history. If he is claiming theirs a deep state or some Conspirator Theory one would query what that is founded on. Heart goes out to his family to see that sort of thing happening. Quite a distraction but clear sign of mental illness. Trace thank you sir. Coming up what our brandnew Foxnews Holes reveals about key Battleground States and in all of those states nearly half of all voters say they are falling behind in their finances. Bad news for biden . We will see. Later in the night huber has rolled out a quiet mode. A new feature for users allowing writers to specify the level of conversation they would like thereby to have choosing between quite preferred and happy to chat. What do you think of this . Do you like chatting with your Rideshare Driver or do you prefer a silent ride. Let us know. We will be the best responses in the nightcap. We are coming right back. Friday night. Stay with us. Trace brandnew polls show how tight the president ial races in some Battleground States. When it comes to the economy in your personal finances the president is getting pummelled. The Senior National correspondent kevin corke live in dc with the numbers. Good to be with you is always the bottom line here is the former president is faring pretty well in early polling, especially when compared to some losses in key swing states from back in 2020. Whats even more striking, the former president is actually expanding his lead over his successor joe biden and brandnew fox pulling. You talked about it and some of these are really interesting. The former president is actually up across the board when compared to 2020. In georgia, michigan and he is tied in wisconsin and wisconsin. Consider this, mr trump is trending upward even more so. Mr biden continues to slide especially when comparing to april of 2020. In michigan for example mr trumps lead is now plus three. Thats an improvement over february and an 11point swing when compared to april of 2020. In georgia the former president s lead has slipped a couple of points since january but still he is well ahead of schedule when compared to the 2020 vote. In pennsylvania it is still a dead heat with biden picking up a couple of points just as he did in georgia. Still not connect. In wisconsin it is a dead heat. Pretty much as it has been since 2020. There are couple of other interesting notes and want to share with you tonight. Robert kennedy juniors impact on the election can be significant if early polling holds up. He is actually landed a spot on the michigan ballot and he is nearly double juices up or in some surveys including in pennsylvania. Clearly the Biden Campaign has noticed because they have launched a sixfigure add campaign in that state defending bidens mental acuity after recent gaps about his uncle being eaten by cannibals and an awkward appearance at wawa. It was pretty bad. I saw. Trace a Christian Ministry for young black men referent jesse lee peterson. We saw the overall pole. You can see in georgia michigan pennsylvania and wisconsin the former president is leaning or tied in all of those poles but the interesting part about this is if you look, there it is. 5145 is the big sleep in georgia. When you go to look at these numbers. Trump plus 22, michigan trump plus 11. Something doesnt mesh with this, what you think . Exactly. The problem for the Biden Campaign is that the Economic News is getting worse not better. They thought it would turn the corner, inflation and Interest Rates were going to be coming down. That doesnt look like its going to be happening, not in time to effect a sentiment. Its likely to make it worse. The other important point about all of these polls national and at the state level that traditionally ever since hes been in politics, he has always performed better than the actual poles because theres all those people who may not want to admit to the pollster that they are supporting donald trump. That comes to pass this time around then these small leads for donald trump could turn out in reality to be much more significant. Now with the battleground families situation look at these numbers. I look at the bottom line because the bottom line is really the important thing. Falling behind 44 percent in georgia, 48 percent in michigan. 44 percent in pennsylvania and 41 percent in wisconsin. Thats a lot of families falling behind. Bad news if you are President Biden. Very bad news. I do a lot of travelling around the country and deal with families. These people are not happy. Joe biden and his administration are trying to convince them that there is no economic problem. But they are like no. I remember when trump was in office, gas prices were lower. I could buy food for my family every two weeks and go shopping. Now they can hardly go. Families are suffering. Feeling the pinch. You cannot convince them this is not real. You cannot convince them. Trace talk about policy now the Biden Administration finalized their Title Ix Regulations but they left out any mention of transgender athletes. Im going to play some video, this is west virginia. This is a female student pulling out of the track meet because there was a transgender student also involved in this. Here is the big key on this whole thing. They left out the transgender stuff because its an election year. I dont have an answer for this but thank theres a reason they left it out. The consequence of the policy is just the same. They are absolutely eliminating the special protections there for women. They were strongly thoughtful all those years to put women on equal footing and now what you see is the Democratic Party they are the ones who are fighting the war on women. That is whats happening with all of these measures. Trace lastly i want to play this. Biden sharp as a knife. Watch. I would love to tell the story because when you meet him, hes as sharp as a knife. They have nothing else to attack because they cant attack the things that hes doing that are so good for this country. Trace lets not talk about the economy or any of those other things. Biden is sharp. Its laughable. I think they mean a butter knife. Hes not even smarter than a butter knife. Even the butter has to be already hot and melted. They dont know what to do with him. They cant run on anything good. If you have to say that you know something is wrong. Sharp as a butter knife. Thank you both we really appreciate it. Coming up, california is billions of dollars in debt and oh does billions more to the federal government. Spent billions on Homeless Programs and they are now look pushing to spend hundreds on reparations. The commonsense Common Sense Department has advice on this. Plus what you know you know what they say about the Elephant In The Room but what about the elephant in the row. He saved his neighbours lives. The best viable videos next. First live look, detroit ohio named after the ancient greek city of troy. We are coming right back with common sense and a few surprises. Hi, im janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. When i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort. A friend told me that i was the only one holding me back from being as beautiful on the outside as i am the inside. Once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. A lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. When i look in the mirror, i dont even recognize myself. Golo really works. Relax into a caribbean state of mind. Visit sandals. Com or call 1800 sandals. Trace the Common Sense Department is an update on the california reparations effort for compensating the descendents of slaves. So far this year the California Legislature has introduced 14 Reparations Bills including the brandnew call for a Genealogy Office to determine who is and is not eligible to make sure the right people get the money. What common sense has and questioned what money irgc california has a 73 billion deficit. The state owes the federal government an additional 21 billion that it borrowed to cover Unemployment Benefits during and after covid. California is also carved cutting State Funding including 500 million from schools. That should help the test scores. The state has so little money the mayor of los angeles is asking rich people to buy houses for the homeless. And even if the rich pay most of the taxes and pay for the homeless, the Reparations Bill is estimated at 800 billion. Not even callie has that many rich folks. And 800 billion might not be enough because the categories keep shifting. We are hearing about the racial wealth gap and racial terror and racial trauma. That could mean trillions. Common sense looked up reparations. It means to make amends. Its hard to make amends when you cant even make ends meet. Lets bring in the Fox Nation Host and. Thank you both for coming on. The Genealogy Office it is to figure out who gets reparations in california and who doesnt. The big dream is where they going to get hundred million dollars. I heard you were going to give them 700 million of that. I didnt even realize until this moment that would be the first thing that you establish. The genealogy task force to make sure that the right people are getting the money. You said it right there in your intro you have the test scores not even half of the students in california are meeting the standard of californias standard in english. You have more than 180,000 people experiencing homelessness. You also have people questioning this in general. A billion dollars in debt, the flesh and is getting larger and larger and is it going to stoke divide between people, where to the reparations stop . What about asian residents and native airmen native american residents. At this point you have to wonder where this is all going to come from but im happy to hear that youre going to help out. Trace big time. The headline is foundation for individual rights and expression quoting here at third of stanford students say using violence to silence speech can be acceptable. We see all of these protests and these people saying weve got to have free speech and now stanford says its okay if you want to punch somebody to shut them up. Im here on the east coast and im tired. Limit tell you what im more tired of, dylan quincy being tolerated on college campuses. I remember when we were applying to college and we were always taught that its for the best of the best and the students who show them the utmost excellency in the country. Now its being run by morons and being tolerated by the administration. I cant help but think wise this all happening. Whoever made that poll at stanford i would really like to know if that was anonymous or public. If there are students that are not ashamed to admit that they would refer to violence because of speech it doesnt promote their agenda, they should not be students let alone students at stanford. That is embarrassing and that is the most humiliating thing as university that can possibly be released and its a stain on the reputation. Trace you want to hear about humiliating. In california buying a child for sex is a misdemeanour. Punishable buy as little as two days in jail. Cbs news says the following. Democrats and the Public Safety committee amended the bill to exempt texting and 17 yearolds from penalties and reduce the punishment from two years in prison to up to a year in a county jail. What they are saying they want to amend this if they are going to make it against the law a felony to get a child for sex to pay a child for sex. Sixteen yearolds are out. They said it was too broad. What is to brought about Child Sex Trafficking . I thought this was the onion. I had to read it over and over again. You look into people. I have friends who live here permanently in california and they were like this has to be a joke. At republican versus democrat in the is one says its too broad and the other says lets make it a felony. Is a not already a felony . That blows my mind and it makes sense when you look further into peoples happiness here in california not even half of the people are satisfied with living here and thats part of the reason why. Trace you think its because they stop putting people in jail . Ive got about 15 seconds for you. I think its because people need to start believing others when they show you their intention to harm others. Ive been reading a lot of articles about criminals who commit committed to violent acts. You will most of the time see that these criminals have already previously done these crimes. They are repeat offenders. Mar you giving them a second and third and fourth chance to prove to you what they have already proved that they are criminals. Stop releasing dangerous people out on the streets and a crime will go down. Its quite simple. Trace its quite simple. Thank you for articulating that. Emily, abby, thank you both. Trace first up into nights viral videos talk about Elephant In The Room, montana residents were shocked when a lost elephant from a Travelling Circus decided to take a stroll around town. By all of the elephant caused a few traffic jams and dined on some Neighbourhood Lawns before being loaded back onto the trailer. She still start into performances that day. And thats the elephant. Oscar rivera made a splitsecond decision when he heard a loud boom from his backyard. His neighbours home caught fire. You can see he climbed onto the roof and struggle to pull an elderly man from the smoky window. He saved the lives of two people that is a hero and they are clapping for reason period if you have a viral video to share with us. Coming up, you are riding home in an uber, would you like some peace and quiet or do you want to pass the time talking with your driver . Let us know. The nightcap next. B2 we are back with the nightcap crew. Tonights topic rules of engagement. Uber has ruled out rolled out a quiet mode feature for users allowing writers to specify the level of conversation they would like during their ride. Choosing between quiet preferred and happy to chat. What you think . Do you want chatter or silence. Kevin corke, your override is it chatty or chilling quiet. On rare occasion i will have a conversation in the the drivers have been terrific. Generally i like a quiet. Trace chand lee painter, try quiet or chatty . Its good to have options. Usually in a new brown working so you can hit quiet or if them in the mood to talk i can have a conversation. Trace i guess you do have that option. Youre override. Its a very excluding topic for me. I dont have a smart phone so i cant even use. Every now and again someone orders one for me and i think it all depends on how long the trip is. Short trip good for a chat. If its a long ride dont start because it will never stop. Trace i think that is next mondays nightcap. How do we get a hold of him . For years i have engaged the quiet mode on uber. If you pay more for comfort you can choose the temperature preference. Matt likes quiet and he just busted us that this is not a new program uber rolled out. There you go on that. I think it depends. I feel bad staying quiet but im not outwardly social i think sometimes. But you do learn sometimes you get a lucky one and i met a gentleman recently and he was the first recipient of the Wounded Warrior project. You would make a good story for my job and then i got his contact. Now i have a contact that im going to explore further for the show. The reason why a taken over is because i dont have the time to park myself and im usually in a rush. Quiet and cold speed to me and my wife get an uber and we are chat chat chat all the way. You like chatting with your Rideshare Driver or silence chat im irish she would have to sell my mouth shut to keep me quiet. And up knowing the drivers life if i wanted to. Silent . Let me be with my thoughts before have to go back into the wild. Adam, a silent ride is like the starting of a murder film. Carlo, im just there for the ride. I prefer they keep their hands on the wheel, eyes on the road. I dont want to chat with a bus driver or Airline Pilot either. Have a great weekend thank you for watching americas late news we will see you back here monday r lawn back. Were gonna take it back. Were gonna take it back. With Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action it gets three jobs done at once kills weeds. Prevents crabgrass. And keeps your lawn growing strong. Glorious agggghhhhhh aaagghhhh. No no no. Get a bag of scotts Triple Action today, its guaranteed. Feed your lawn. Feed it. Im patriotic kenny. And, hi, im amanda on tiktok. My scooter broke down. I went into a depression. How do you feel about that . Pretty sad. And i posted it to show that kennys not always happy. Within 24 hours people had donated over 5,000. No, youre kidding. We set up the Patriotic Kenny Foundation to give Mobility Scooters to veterans. It has changed my life tremendously. None of this wouldve happened without tiktok. Bill barr a special guest. Congressmen where we go next. The five now. Hello everyone

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