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Im sandra smith. Republican lawmakers demanding action from speaker of the house nancy pelosi calling the freshman democrats latest comment antisemitic. Gop lawmakers are urging the speaker to take action after congresswoman tlaib said this. You know, its kind of a calming feeling i always tell folks when i think of the holocaust and the tragedy of the holocaust and the fact that it was my ancestors, palestinians, who lost their land and some lost their lives all of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for jews. Sandra Jason Chaffetz will be here shortly to weigh in. Well begin with peter doocy with more. The tlaib is the firstever palestinian American Woman elected to comments but her comments about the holocaust are being seen as very incentive. Direct quote there is a calming feeling i always tell folks when i think of the holocaust and her history of what happened after is a fantasy based on lies spread to delegitimize the state of israel. That tweet got a direct response from the tlaib office. She should be ashamed of herself for using the tragedy of the holocaust in an apparent attempt to score political points. Her behavior cheapens our Public Discourse and an insult to the Jewish Community and millions of americas who stand opposed to the hatred being spread about Donald Trumps Republican Party. Democratic lawmakers arent defending tlaib. Republicans argue the things she should podcasters are the holocaust are not safe. You do the research and study Hamas Charter where they actually talk about murdering every jew and saying jihad is an obligation. Just last week in a philadelphia Islamic Community center the muslimamerican society, one much their founders was the head of the muslim brotherhood. Tlaib first came on the radar her first week in congress saying she wanted to impeach the expletive. Sandra a lot there. Thank you. Bill there is a lot there. For more on this former utah congressman Jason Chaffetz with a thought today. Good morning to you. Is this on her or is this on nancy pelosi . From this point forward . Well, she has to take account for her own words. To say that she takes comfort in the holocaust millions of jews were slaughtered and they were killed and that gives her comfort . If you go out to the rest of her quote she talks about how palestinians lost their passports. The equivalent is not even close. It is antisemitic and antijew. She can go to the floor of the house right now and clarify and she wont and she hasnt. The good people of michigan can send whoever they want to congress, but once she gets there nancy pelosi and steny hoyer have a duty and obligation to make a decision on who serves on committees. Bill in the name of trying to create a safe haven for jews. I love the fact it was my ancestors that provided that right in many ways. Well see how this is balanced when lawmakers come back to washington but this is the first in a series. First palestinian elected to congress, jason. I want to get to another toing, too. It deals with Lindsey Graham. First on the dossier he thinks will lead us to a significant point. Watch here. There is a document that is classified that ill try to get unclassified that takes the dossier all pages of it and has verification to one side. There really is no verification other than media reports that were generated by reporters who received the dossier. So the bottom line is the dossier has never been independently confirmed. Bill thats the last point to be made here. When does he reveal all this . When do we find out what he is talking about . Well, as you know the Inspector General has been at this for more than a year. You have people like congressman John Ratcliffe who has read it in its totality unredacted and he said at the very top of this application in all capital letters it says verified application. So i think twofold. One is you have the Inspector General who will come out with this report. The president can then declassify this if he chooses and most interesting i think, bill, maybe not most interesting but very interesting will be the courts. I think Justice Roberts is going to have to take action. I think he is waiting for the department of justice to come up with a clarification on this. Bill is it something barr is looking at, too . Clearly. He has already signaled he is looking to use his words spying. He is looking at the genesis of this. And i think thats part of justice. If youre going to truly find out how is it that based on the first Inspector Generals report where we know there was severe bias and animus leaked by the department of justice, you had f. B. I. Officials accepting gifts and tickets and dinners and doing things that are totally inappropriate for the f. B. I. Did they then take that and use that as a political weapon against a Political Campaign . Thats one of the worst things you can possibly do in this country. Bill they knew the author of the dossier was on the Democratic Party payroll. He hated trump and they got the warrant anyway. If thats proven thats on the system. Last word. It is on the system because this person steele was prohibited because he had interaction with the f. B. I. In the past, he was on a list that said you can no longer use and interact with this person. They did it anyway and millions of dollars from the democrats going to this person to create this document. Thats whats so its outrageous. Bill more to come on this. We have a lot of insight on it next hour as well. Nice to see you this morning on a monday. Seven minutes past the hour. Sandra china raising tariffs on 60 billion of u. S. Goods. Just moments ago in retailiation of u. S. Tariffs effective june 1. U. S. Stock futures are plunging this morning down more than 500 points ahead of the open. As a trade war rattles investors. The president defending his move in a tweet saying, quote, i say openly to president xi and all my many friends in china, that china will be hurt very badly if you dont make a deal because companies will be forced to leave china for other countries. Too expensive to buy in china. You had a great deal almost completed and you backed out. White house Economic Advisor larry kudlow insisting the tariffs are worthwhile. The potential economic gains of a good deal that opens up china and makes them legal trading partners, those gains are huge. Thats a cost benefit analysis that i really like. Politically i think the country is completely behind the president and his tough approach to china. Sandra kevin corke is live at the white house this morning. Public support for the president s get tough approach here might be strong but didnt larry kudlow there also acknowledge over the weekend that americans will pick up the tab for these tariffs, too . Absolutely right, sandra. And remember, the idea there is listen, there will be shared pain if you will, but you can avoid that if you simply buy american or buy from countries that are not hammered by these tariffs. The president said as much on twitter and suggested that china needs to get back to the bargaining table or they will be hurt very badly. A number of tweets on china from the president. This one i think, though, is an important one as well. He says there will be nobody left in china to do business with. Reiterating that idea that if they dont do business with us, people will move their businesses to vietnam. He says this. Very bad for china, good for usa. China has taken so advantage of the u. S. For so many ways theyre way ahead. Our president s didnt do the job. Therefore, china should not retaliate. Will only get worse. Well have to see what he means by that. Keep in mind existing tariffs are going to be compounded in months by another 325 billion in new tariffs if a new deal is not hammered out. Things seem to be taking too long and we cant accept any backtracking. We are representing the United States, the economy, farmers, auto workers, manufacturers, these are crucial parts to this discussion so we want to be as sure as we can be. We dont think the chinese have come far enough. Well wait and see. The talks will continue. The numbers are massive, too. Trade and services and goods between the u. S. And china totaling more than 737 billion in 2018, sandra. Sandra markets reacting to that this morning. Whats the response from beijing . Well, you talked about the new tariffs and listen, they have made it clear that they arent going to be pressured. They will Never Surrender. The xi government said today talking about the tariffs by the u. S. You mentioned the 60 billion in new tariffs on the u. S. Thats really where we are. This is not just about u. S. Consumers and businesses and chinese consumers and businesses. Much of the worlds trade sandra is impacted by its two largest economy. As the markets go, well, as the trade talks go, so go the markets and as you also mentioned, the dow futures way off as we look forward to the opening bell here in 20 minutes. Dont forget well see the president later today. The Prime Minister of hungary makes his way to the white house. I suspect well get more trade tweets from the president as well. Bill kevin corke, 20 minutes away from the opening bell on wall street. Not looking good. That is about as much as the market lost all week last week. I know you were covering all the uncertainty and the back and forth. Friday finished with a gain. There was optimism. Thats gone for now. Bill good interview with kudlow over the weekend with Chris Wallace. He said twist president xi and President Trump will meet in late june at the g20 in japan. Sandra art laffer, former reagan Economic Advisor will join us shortly as well. Bill more news now. A big day in the College Admission cheating scandal. Felicity huffman will be in court today. Sandra a key democratic voting block saying it could be the dream ticket to beat donald trump in 2020, joe biden and Kamala Harris. The dnc here to respond to that. Bill tensions high after north koreas latest missile test and the u. S. Seizing a cargo ship. Our strategy on the kim regime. General jack keane with his insight coming up next on this. Coincidence they look like russian rockets. Coincidence they had a meeting, kim and putin a couple weeks ago. Is it a coincidence . Ill leave that for you to decide. The Doctors Office might mejust for a shot. O but why go back there when you can stay home with neulasta® onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. 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It kills weeds, prevents crabgrass and feeds so grass can thrive, guaranteed. Our backyard is back. This is a scotts yard. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Sandra a change of plans for secretary of state mike pompeo. He has canceled a trip to moscow to stop in brussels for talks on iran with our european allies. Pompeo will then travel to russia and meet with putin in sochi tomorrow. The secretary wants to discuss a long list of issues with the russian president. Bill tempers getting hotter with iran. New video showing american b52 bombers in the region. Iran issued a warning after we beefed up the military presence in the gulf. An Aircraft Carrier with at least 40 to 50 planes on it and 6,000 forces gathered within, it was a serious threat for us in the past. Now it is a target and the threats have switched to opportunities. Retired four star general jack keane chairman of the Institute Study of war and general great to have you on and good morning to you. The b52 news broke last hour. Tie the pieces together between iran, russia, north korea with your strategic mind. What is happening out there . Well, clearly when it comes to the middle east the iranians and russians have a political and military alliance. That was formed around Russian Military intervention into syria which the iranians actually motivated the russians to do asking putin twice during 2014 to do that. It has given pause to the United States and allies in the region stitching together that alliance. The iranians have used the proxies in the region to dominate and control the middle east which is their ultimate objective. Theyve had some real success at this. Thats why the jcpoa, while it was a deal stitched around nuclear issues, when that deal was formed the iranians insisted that their behavior in the region would not be a condition for making the deal. What has happened . Theyve taken control of lebanon, a civil war going on in syria that the iranian generals are running. They toppled the government in yemen using their proxies the houthis. Formed the militia in iraq, and theyre encroaching on israel. We saw that last week. Hamas is a proxy for iran. Those rockets and missiles 600, all came from iran. There is 130,000 of them in the hands of the hezbollah in lebanon and theyre trying to move them to syria to encroach on israel. Iran is destabilizing the middle east. The military coming in there is trying to achieve some stability and some security and to push back on the iranians adventureism. Bill james mattis left in september. The hot spots are popping up all the time. Is there a connection . Absolutely not. On secretary mattis we pulled the patriot bait reese out of the middle east and the Carrier Strike group out of the middle east and pulled all of our bombers out of qatar. Congressional commission for the National Defense strategy we looked at the nds strategy for a year and we needed to shore up our stability in the middle east. Dont pull out the assets. We thought it was a mistake. The assets are going back in there where they were to begin with. Bill then there is north korea. Here is shanahan on the plane with brian over the weekend on north korea. Strategy with north korea hasnt changed. Diplomatic one. It is about full denuclearization. My job is to make sure were prepared in the event diplomacy fails. Thats my focus with the military. There is no change to our force posture, our force preparation and readiness. What do you believe is behind this now, sir . Is it moscow, the meeting with putin. How do you see it . Well, dealing with the north koreans and clearly the hanoi summit was a failure from north korean perspective. They didnt get sanction relief. Every action weve seen since. The meeting with putin, trying to dive i had the trump team. Criticizing bolton and pompeo. Its about trying to get back to the table with president President Trump and kim jongun wants to talk to him. He wants sanction relief. We wont do that until they put Something Real on table on nuclear and missile disarmament which they havent done yet. Sandra Lindsey Graham praising the president s tough approach to china. The best chance in my lifetime to get china to change their cheating ways. The tariffs are tools that bring china to the table. Sandra as beijing retaliates further from President Trumps tariffs with a trade war set to hit wall street hard. Which country bears the brunt of the damage . Well talk about it with art laffer next. Bill graduation season in full swing. Major high school in the midwest for doing away with an honor for the valedictorian and theyre taking a lot of heat for this. The reason for this decision is coming up. When a plan stops being a plan and gets set into motion. Todays merrill can help you get there with the people, tools, and personalized advice to help turn your ambitions into action. What would you like the power to do . Im begging you. Take gasx. Ed beneath the duvet your tossing and turning isnt restlessness, its gas gasx relieves pressure, bloating and discomfort. Fast so we can all sleep easier tonight. The futures not ours to see what a voice and legend. Doris day in the man who knew too much sitting the hit song. It starred Jimmie Stewart in the 1950s. Days foundation announcing she died earlier today. She was 97. Doris day started as a recording artist. She would become one of the biggest movie stars hollywood ever saw. Working alongside carey grant and rock hudson. Best actress nomination for an oscar and won a golden globe. We remember doris day today on a life well lived. 97. Thats a big life. Sandra she lived a long life. Very successful woman in hollywood. Two stars on the hollywood walk of fame. She will be missed. Bill so talented. Sandra doris day. Its not china that pays tariffs, it is the american importer. Fair enough. Both sides will pay. Both sides will pay in these things. Of course, it depends. If its a tariff on goods coming into the country the chinese arent paying. No, but the chinese will suffer gdp losses and so forth with respect to a diminishing export market. Sandra white house Economic Advisor larry kudlow over the weekend acknowledging American Consumers will feel the cost of the tariffs on chinese imports as china announces it is raising tariffs now on 60 billion of American Goods starting jun 1. Dow futures indicating a triple digit selloff on the opening bell. Four minutes away. Lets bring in former reagan Economic Advisor art laffer. Good morning to you. How are you . Wasnt that doris day song . I loved it. Sandra she will be missed and well all remember her this morning. Art, thanks for joining us. You look at the markets here and the futures give us an idea of where markets will open. Right now a big selloff. 2 loss on the dow expected on the open. The markets are nervous about what theyre seeing here. Should they be . Sure, of course they should be. Never a fun time to have conflict with another country over tariffs and trade. Markets tell us what will be, not what has been. Of course, markets are very nervous. Its a very serious issue. Trade with china, tariffs, quote as, all that stuff is very serious. We dont have a solution in hand right now so markets are jittery and they should be. Sandra address the conflicting response from the president about what this will cost the American Consumer and what we heard from larry kudlow yesterday that both sides will pay. You know, let me be serious, sandra, if i can. The reason the president is doing that is because of the enormous benefits freer trades will have for america. The benefits would push the stock market up 5,000, 6,000 points if we could get a truly Free Trade Agreement with china. How do you bring the chinese to the table to negotiate a truly Free Trade Agreement . Theyre much more protectionist than we are. They steal inelectric taou all property. How do you bring them to the table. What the president believes in he may be right and no reason for me to doubt him on this. If you bring them to the table and negotiate a free trade. We need to get free trade. The strategy the president is following. He is the ceo and president. I dont want to second guess him. I dont know how to second guess him. He is a darn good ceo and great president on economics so far. I love it. Larry kudlow is exactly right. We will suffer from the short term damage done by the trade barriers but they will, too. Will that bring them to the table . Goodness gracious i hope it does and i hope they agree to negotiate what should be free trade. They know whats free trade. Sandra i hear a lot of optimism and youve been cheering on the president to fight this fight and making the case like larry kudlow that its worthwhile for the United States. Its enormously worthwhile. A Free Trade Agreement with china, japan, europe. When the president left the g7 in ottawa and he said you know, were willing to get rid of all trade barriers, tariffs and nontariff barriers if you guys will. They looked and whistled in the air and said the words to the doris day song. Sandra oats amazing to see the president in his words this morning. Tweeting a lot this morning. He said the unexectedly good First Quarter gdp was greatly helped from tariffs by china. Some people just dont get it. In the wake of the big gdp number and drop in Unemployment Rate and added jobs we recently saw. Some who dont usually give the president credit for growth in the economy were giving him credit there. Here is the president saying you arent giving me enough credit for what that has already done to the United States. So i just heard a 5,000 to 6,000 point forecast gain in the dow from you. Sandra if we have free trade it will be it. Will it get done . I have to trust in the president totally. I dont have all the knowledge and information. Mnuchin, kudlow and lighthizer is great on advisors and the president is great on economics. Look what he has done with the tax bill, regulations, this economy. All said it count be done and trump has done it. Now, can he do it again . There we go. Sandra the market has opened. A big selloff. A 1. 7 loss. 446 points the dow is falling on the open. Thats not as bad as the futures were predicting. People will talk about it being a big selloff. Well see where the news goes today. Art laffer, thank you. Say hello to bill. Sandra he is right here. Bill good to hear your voice. I love that. Wasnt she wonderful . The best song ever. Bill very nicely done. Sandra i go back to the loss we saw last week. You were covering it last week, the back and forth here. Friday was a good day. Optimism then. That went away. Now the retaliation from china. Where it all goes next. Art laffer seems optimistic. Bill in the morning session we were down and bounced back in the afternoon. Well see if thats the case today. 450 to the negative side. Democratic congresswoman tlaib making waves. More antisemitic remarks. Well tell you what she said and get the democratic side in a moment. Sandra new numbers at the dire situation at our southern border. What the pentagon is now doing to help. We want to move forward with healthcare, we have trade, we have a crisis on our border. The democrats are more interested in subpoenas than solutions. Look limu. A civilian buying a new car. Lets go. Limus right. Liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. Huh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Shaving has been difficult for me. I have very sensitive skin, and i get ingrowing hairs. Oh i love it. Its a great razor. It has that fence in the middle. It gives a nice smooth shave. We have a crisis at the border. A National Emergency declared by the president. The commanderinchief has given me a direct legal order to secure the border. Im securing the border. Sandra acting defense secretary pat shanahan at the situation at the southern border as the immigration gets worse by the day with more than a half million apprehensions this year alone. It is only may. Joining us now is Dnc Communications director Xochitl Hinojsa. Half a million apprehensions at the border. Only five months into the year. Have to ask you what you think about the possible legislative package by Lindsey Graham changing the asylum laws. He says we need to do something about these laws. We need to do something about it now. He says hopefully with democratic support. How willing are democrats to work with republicans on this Immigration Crisis . Weve seen it before. We saw a Immigration Reform bill that was bipartisan where you had democrats and republicans come together in the senate to actually fix our immigration system and i think that what we both can agree on republicans and democrats is our Current System is not working. I think we can all start there. But now we need to make sure we are providing a pathway to citizenship to the undocumented population that we do have fair immigration laws. That we do have more immigration judges. That we do have more asylum workers. I havent seen a specific from Lindsey Graham. My hope is that happens. I think what weve seen so far is that he wants to detain children for a longer period of time. As a mother i dont want a child detained any longer than theyve been detained or separated from their families. I think democrats are willing to come to the table. As long as there is comprehensive Immigration Reform involved. Sandra he says he will put together a package when Congress Returns to d. C. From recess. So they are back. Well see what he comes up with. The details need to be there for you to answer it in its entirety. 2020 and where it stands. Bring me up to date. What is the best chance your party has to beat donald trump in 2020 . We have a great chance. I think that we have 20 plus candidates already running. There is a lot of enthusiasm. You see Record Number fundraising from these candidates. The process is starting. Youve seen americans who are more engaged than ever. We have debates that start in june. Well have 12. We want to make sure these focus on the issues. We want to talk about immigration and we want to talk about the economy and we want to talk about healthcare. What we dont want to talk about is hand size. We dont want name calling or be the republican debates of 2016. We want these sandra weve already heard a lot of that from both parties. Joe biden and healthcare. The latest from him on that. Anyone who is in a situation regardless of whether theyre documented or undocumented, we have an obligation what do you think there . Is there your best shot at a victory . Well see. The voters will decide. One thing is that there are a lot of options when it comes to candidates and right now we dont know who is going to win. I think in 2016 and the 2015 primary no one thought that donald trump would be our nominee and the republican nominee. He was the republican nominee. Everyone thought it would be jeb bush or marco rubio. We dont know whats going to happen here. The voters will get to hear everybodys policies and who can beat trump. Sandra polling shows biden is your best shot. What are the comments on healthcare going over . The message from the Democratic Party is making sure were raising wages, providing more healthcare to people and that we make sure that we have an economy that works for everybody. Whoever puts their best plan forward is who is going to win the nomination. Thats what were excited about. Sandra black caucus seems to have found the answer. Their dream ticket is joe biden and Kamala Harris. What do you think . Those are two very amazing candidates who have amazing issues and been talking about their policy proposals. Again, this isnt up to the dnc, it is up to the voters. We dont have a dream ticket. Were extremely neutral. Sandra controversial remarks being talked about heavily this morning with Rashida Tlaib and there is response so far from republicans including Steve Scalise and others who say nancy pelosi needs to speak up about her comments on israel and the holocaust. She referenced the holocaust in an interview where she referenced it as a calming moment for her when she went on to talk about the palestinian influence and where she comes from on the issue. But they are being interpreted different ways and she fired back at republicans for twisting her words. I leave it to her to explain what she meant and to nancy pelosi to address the comments. Let me be very clear where we stand. The house took a vote when it comes to antisemitism and democrats voted overwhelmingly to speak out against it. Republicans did not. Democrats have a mark on where we stand and weve been very clear about that. Republicans for some reason did not vote for this piece of legislation. So its unclear why the Republican Party stands like that but the democrats have been clear about speaking out against antisemitism. Sandra does nancy pelosi need to respond . This is her caucus. She understands that there are a lot of distractions out there and she wont fall for every distraction. Has she been clear where she stands against antisemitism . Absolutely. Sandra nice of you to be here this morning. Thank you. Bill toronto raptor fan, this was 18 years in the making. Roll it here. Its off. Defended by simmons. Is this is dagger . Bill that thing bounced around. Game series and wow, leonard sinking a winner to send his team to the eastern conference finals. 2001, same team, same games. This time it went in, count the bounces. Six, seven, raptors move on. Good morning, toronto. Well done. Sandra all right. Well done. Now on to this this morning. A potential break in the case of a missing 4yearold girl. Why this girls mothers fiance is in court today over potential evidence on her disappearance. Bill intriguing story. An Ohio High School is doing away for the honors for best in class. Why are they do that . Is that a good thing . Well talk to the School Superintendent to defend this decision right after this. [pomp and circumstance playing] a school in ohio is making a change. Mason High School Plan to end valedictorian and salutatorian. The quote. It will allow students to focus on exploring learning opportunities that are of interest to them end quote. That got our attention. The superintendent, Jonathan Cooper from mason schools is with me now. Thank you for your time and thanks for coming on here today. Defend the decision. What started this . Why did you think you had to go to a Different Program to recognize your students . First of all, bill, thanks for having me on the program. A pleasure to be here. Like to talk a little bit about the context so your viewers understand where were coming from. Mason city schools is an innovative, diverse district with 74 languages spoken. The largest high school in the state of ohio. 40 of our graduates will be at a 4. 0 or higher with over 30 perfect act scores and with 25 National Merit finalists. Were a very Competitive Athletic Program ranked third as the overall most Athletic Program in the state. Weve won the state title in several of our sports and in our conference we have won all sports awards for the last 12 years. Our band is ranked nationally in the nation and we also have our Science Olympiad Team running in the nationals this year. Were a competitive school district. Bill im familiar with mason schools and impressive. The community is impressive, too. There were several suicides in the past several years that got your attention and the attention of the school. Is that the reason for this, jonathan . Thats right. So healthy competition and unhealthy competition. As our community looked at some unhealthy patterns the rise in anxiety and depression, suicide. Its the second leading cause of death in youth today across america. And so we started to look at what we can do as School Leaders to make a change and so we looked at a lot of things. It wasnt just the eval conversation. We looked at implementing a peertopeer Suicide Prevention program called help squad and looking into wellness coordination and care for our families. There is unhealthy competition that we saw. As adults in our district and Community Members coming together over 50 community conversations, we heard our community saying to us please do something about the unhealthy competition thats happening at mason city schools. Bill thats interesting. Let me get in here a little bit. The kids are pushing themselves too hard and the parents are pushing the kids, too. You could take a different route. You could prevent these students from taking a certain number of courses. That would reduce the prit not . Well, you know, we want our kids to pursue what theyre passionate about. We dont want them to chase a magic number or artificial goal here. We want them to pursue what theyre interested in. We talked to our Business Partners in our community. The Business Partners want us to have students coming out of our School Districts that are productive citizens, entrepreneurs with a growth mindset and adding to our economy in a positive way. So we dont want to limit the courses that our students can take but we do want to look at the unhealthy patterns and want to address that. We know Mental Health is a concern in all our schools across the nation and i can understand that. Some people on the outside think you are going soft. You heard from Baker Mayfield, the star quarterback of the cleveland browns. This is so dumb. You are telling me competition doesnt bring out the best in people . If you want something bad enough work for it. People are too soft. People will say what is wrong with competition, jonathan . Its a great question and weve heard a lot from people outside of our community. They just dont understand what is going on inside our community. I would say to the Baker Mayfield out there, i would challenge him to come and have a brain game against bring his o line and have a brain game against our athletes and also our students and to understand what real competition is. We have unhealthy competition happening and it is not about our kids being soft. Our kids have earned over 40 of our graduates this year have earned a 4. 0. These are hard working students that give back to community. Baker mayfield, challenge you. Bill well see if he takes it up. Appreciate you coming on today. A lot of people how the competition got so unhealthy and something we can explore in the future. Thank you for your time today and well see whether or not it helps the community in mason, ohio. Thank you. Thanks for having us, bill, i appreciate it. Sandra new developments now in a shocking machete attack in virginia. A man arrested last month is now charged in the deadly attack along the appalachian trail. Well have a live report on this coming up. What does help for Heart Failure look like . It looks like george having a busy day. The beat goes on george has entresto, a Heart Failure medicine that helps his heart. So he can keep on doing what he loves. In the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. It helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. Dont take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. The beat goes on ask your doctor about entresto for Heart Failure. That was great entrust your heart to entresto. The beat goes on sandra new developments on a missing little girl in texas. The fiance of 4yearold daviss mother due in court today in relation to the childs disappearance. Stepfather being found on 1 million bond as he was arrested over the weekend at a family members home without incident. Darian vince charged with tampering with evidence and we understand that additional charges could be forthcoming. After he was booked, the 26yearold made his First Court Appearance and he has another scheduled for this morning. Information taken from Court Documents and also inside that courtroom paint a disturbing picture. Prosecutors say a neighbors surveillance camera captured vince leaving the family apartment with bleach, trash bags and Laundry Basket and they discovered blood evidence belonging to the girl inside the home. Then days later when the familys nissan ultima showed up in a parking lot and was recovered. Investigators found a can of gasoline inside and the same Laundry Basket from the surveillance video. Police say canines have detected the accident of decomposition inside the trunk. This as we learn about the alleged violent behavior from him in the past. She was too small for him to use or for him to spank her in the method in which he was spanking her. This was a small, fragile child, a very young baby. And she was a special needs child. Remember the stepfather initially told police two men attacked him on the side of the road and when he woke up some 20 hours later he said the family car was stolen and 4yearold malia had been kidnapped. Police said right from the beginning his story was full of holes and inconsistencies. So far at this point little malia is still missing. Back to you, sandra. Sandra thank you, casey. Bill senator Lindsey Graham claiming the f. B. I. Knew the steele dossier was unreliable. He wants to declassify a document to prove it. Chris swecker weighs in on that in a moment. Shocking numbers from the border. More than half a million apprehended this year. What can be done. Our headliner, democratic congressman dan kildee, put the question to him in a matter of moments right here. Come on back. Across the country bring Financial Stress to work. If youre stressed out financially at home, youre going to be too worried to be able to do a good job. I want to be able to offer all of the benefits that keep them satisfied. It is the people that is really the only asset that you have. Put your employees on a path to Financial Wellness with prudential. Bring your challenges. 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Im just resting my eyes. dad vo even though were generations apart. What a day. I just love those kids. avo presenting the allnew threerow subaru ascent. Wave to grandma, everybody. avo love is now bigger than ever. Sandra fox news alert. Stunning new developments in the Immigration Crisis and growing alarms with now record setting apprehensions along our southern border. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom, im sandra smith. Bill im bill hemmer. Hour two starts now. Surging numbers adding urgency to the latest effort at the border. Administration and republicans putting the crisis on the front burner. Lindsey graham announcing a new plan sylum laws that he will unveil this week. We have a perfect storm now because of broken laws. If youre from Central America we cant send unaccompanied minors back to Central America like you do mexico and canada. Well change that. What we have to do is remove the loopholes and allow people to be detained, keep the family together but keep them there and adjudicate that case quickly. We need resources to do that. More detention space. Well be here until the borders are secure. Weve got to have the backs of the men and women that are down here being overrun. Bill william la jeunesse starts our coverage live in los angeles on this. William. In congress and the white house this week we should see a new effort to stop that surge. You mentioned 508,000 apprehensions in seven months. Already more than all of last fiscal year. Take south texas alone. The Border Patrol arresting 200 migrants every hour. 17,000 now in Holding Cells and tents in parking lots. Theyve begun flying migrants 500 miles away just for fingerprints and photographs. Why . Well by law it has just 72 hours to process or the aclu will sue. That is why it is forcing the agency to release thousands directly onto the streets there and across the border. Rather than bring them to shelters, they continue to bring Asylum Seekers but this time they put them at a bus stop. The number one concern are the detention conditions in these temporary Border Patrol facilities that really have no regulation. So this is costing taxpayers billions as the coast guard and pentagon backfill lindseys expect democrats to oppose and advocates to sue. He is attempting to stop cheating. 87 of Asylum Seekers dont show up to court and 30 of family claims are fraudulent with migrants renting children and stealing identities to game the system and he wants to hold families long enough to adjudicate their claims. Were going to go to 100 days we can hold minor children for 100 days so we can actually process the entire family without letting them go. Were going to increase judges by 500. So Border Patrol chief said last week that unless there are consequences and no deterrents. You have an open border. Right now thats what agents fear. There is no penalty for entering illegally. Bill its an issue. William, live in l. A. There. Sandra lets bring in americas newsroom, Brian Brenberg chair of the program and business and havent from the kings college. Mary anne marsh former Senior Advisor to john kerry and chris stirewalt. Happy monday to you if there is such a thing, chris. First to you, can you set this up for us . Well wait to see the details of this Lindsey Graham package. Meanwhile what are we seeing as far as willingness on the part of democrats to work with republicans on this issue . So for 20 years it has been in the narrow political interests of both parties to not solve the issue of immigration. And weve been drifting toward the iceberg and drifting toward the iceberg. Republicans dont want to compromise on letting people stay and democrats dont want to compromise and works for them in their narrow bases. Now its happening on a collision course and well see whether or not people can get beyond their narrow partisan interests and do things in the best interest of the country. That may have been true until the house leadership immigration bill both passed and would be signed by donald trump. Lindsey graham doesnt need to write new legislation. Get his friend donald trump to sign those two bills which passed in a bipartisan way. Xochitl hinojsa made that very point who was on with you earlier. Sandra lets hear from her. The dnc making their case on immigration. I think that what we both can agree on. Republicans and democrats, is our Current System is not working. Now we need to make sure we are providing a pathway to citizenship. I dont want a child detained even longer than they have been detained or separated from their families. I think democrats are willing to come to the table. As long as there is comprehensive Immigration Reform involved. Why not come to the table right now on an asylum bill that everyone agrees needs to be fixed . This is an easy slam dunk thing if democrats are willing to stop talking about 2018 and talk about this. It is coming this week. Thats what were talking about here. Well see the details. Everything that she mentioned in that interview and everything donald trump wanted was in those two bills. Why use that as a reason to oppose . Why not bring it back . Bill Lindsey Graham makes two points to keep in mind. 90 of those who apply for asylum never make it. The standard needs to change. The only place we can send a child back is mexico or canada. We need to send the kids back to Central America is the point he will make. Weve never been able to do something on a comprehensive basis. Now the claim is that. Thats standing in the way of getting one thing done that everybody who is honest on both sides agrees about, asylum. Bill lack of honesty here . No, hold on. The only thing standing in the way is donald trump not signing the bill after he said he would. The only reason he wouldnt is because it wouldnt allow him to separate families. We know thats not a deterrent now. Lets see if he stands in the way of this one. I dont think he will. Bill the dream ticket. Sandra what is the dream ticket . Biden and Kamala Harris . The Congressional Black Caucus throws their support behind that. She better get better. She had a great launch, then struggled. Now trying to regain her footing. She introduced us to mama harris for mothers day. And she is showing she has a little more snap in her noodle here which is good. But i dont know that she is going to be able to go the distance here. You cant you dont get to become the running mate in what is this still may, my goodness. A lot of democrats would love to be able to say its joe biden and Kamala Harris and were done and lets go away. The truth is the trail makes the runner, right . So youve got to figure out who is good and who is bad at this. Joe biden might incinerate in the next six weeks. Kamala harris might get better or worse. Lets see where it goes. Chris makes good points. The real point is joe biden is running a general Election Strategy not a primary strategy. He doesnt go after other democrats but after donald trump. By trying to once again pick a Vice President remember he tried this with Stacey Abrams before he got into the race. That blew up in his face. Now Kamala Harris. A lot of africanamericans would say why settle for second . Weve already elected an africanamerican president in barack obama. Lets see if someone can win and beat him. If biden were the nominee they would be happy. To chriss point well see how well joe biden does. I agree with mary anne. I dont think she wants to be a second place person but i think why in the world would a california liberal make this a dream ticket . Bidens appeal is centrist and now you throw harris . That sounds like a recipe at dnc headquarters but not in the american electorate. Bill whomever it is, is that correct . Pete buttigieg talks about taking on donald trump. We have to remember in 2020, we get the chance to change the channel. Were not going to do it by out insulting donald trump. [applause] the truth is, were not going to knock him flat with some killer line on a debate stage. But believe me, ive thought of plenty. Sandra reading that off prompter. It might have been more effective. Thats the problem with taking on donald trump. He can work with the prompter. The solid belief of democrats is in 2020 American Voters want to return to normalcy. Donald trump scores better than 50 of handling the economy but he is still underwater and it is because i think people crave a return to normal politics and less of that stuff. Buttigieg and he will get put through his spaces on sunday by Chris Wallace at our town hall. Buttigieg is offering calmness, normalcy, i can be a regular midwestern guy and we can just be nice again. Thats the appeal with biden as well. An older white male who has been in government for a long time. Also harkens back to the Obama Presidency which people find no drama obama calm by comparison to today. A big part of that here. Buttigieg we shall see. He hasnt been vetted yet nor through the barrel. Everybody goes through the barrel a couple times well see how he comes out. I hear what chris is saying about his return to normalcy. He went after pence pretty hard on the marriage issues. I think that showed him moving to the left a little bit there. That draw to the left is going to be so powerful in the primaries. I dont know if a young guy like him untested in the space can resist that which is going to undermine what could be his real appeal. I would say as the lone openly gay candidate in this race supporting gay marge is being who you are not going to the left. He said how he did it and he chose to do it in a way that got a lot of headlines. He very effectively has trolled conservative republicans when he got people to unchristian him and evangelicals to denounce him. Whether it was jerry fall well junior or anywhere to it will all add to attention that shifts him further to the left and a problem for somebody who wants to be a centrist. Sandra do we have time for adam schiff . He have has a warning about the next four years. I dont think this country could survive another four years of president who gets up every day trying to find new and inventive ways to divide us. He doesnt seem to understand that a fundamental aspect of his job is to try to make us a more perfect union. Sandra thats adam schiff. Your response . How will we survive another four years of 3. 6 unemployment and massive job creationened Economic Growth over 3 . Youre right. We cant do that. We need someone to save us from this great economy. Please, come. The problem. The economy to chriss point. Anyone else would be in the 60s plus in poll ratings. Now with the new china tariffs it will cost every family in this country 1300 to 1200. Sandra we dont know. We do know. The other thing. If you set a loan Hillary Clinton said that if you elect donald trump literally the earth will be incinerated and it will be armageddon if donald trump gets elected president. Every day the world doesnt end is a day that trump is surmounting expectations. Democrats better do better than surviving. Bill well make you mr. Sunday. Thank you guys. Have a great day. Fox news alert now. U. S. Showing military muscle again. The air force announcing b52 bombers are flying in the middle east to deter iran. Iran is calling military assets in the area a target, not a threat. Vice president pence heading to brussels. Good morning. This is the second time in less than a week that the secretary of state has had to change his travel plans citing threats from iran. He was supposed to be in moscow today. Instead he is in brussels. State Department Says he is meeting with the nato secretary general and Foreign Ministers from germany, france and united kingdom. Also the three countries still part of the iran nuclear agreement. Last week iranian president gave those three European Countries two months to help iran circumvent u. S. Sanctions. If not, rohany says iran will resume producing highly enriched uranium. The u. S. Has sent four b52 bombers to qatar. The air force says the planes have flown missions to deter iran. The pentagon deployed the Carrier Strike group to the persian gulf. This has all developed as the administration marked its one Year Anniversary last week of withdrawing from the iran nuclear agreement. In the past year the u. S. Has restored sanctions on iranian banking, oil and key exports. Secretary pompeo says the u. S. Does not seek warn with iran but any attack on american citizens would have a swift response. He is going to sochi meeting with russian president vladimir putin. Secretary according to a u. S. Official, will also talk iran with the russian president along with a host of other issues that the u. S. And russia have differences on. Bill rich edson from the state department. Sandra a look at the big board. The dow tumbling less than an hour into trading on wall street. China retaliating in the escalating trade war with the United States. The white house says the president needs to stand up for america. In order to correct 20 years plus of unfair trading practices with china, i think this is a risk we should and can take without damaging our economy in any appreciable way. Sandra he says it is all worthwhile. The president saying he is optimistic a deal will get done. Bill also the desperate housewife stars Felicity Huffman expected to plead guilty today in the College Admissions scandal. Well go to boston. Sandra jim comey pushing back against accusations the f. B. I. , quote, spied on the Trump Campaign. Chris swecker served as an assistant director at the f. B. I. And worked with comey for years. He is here next. Author of the dossier was on the Democratic Party payroll. He hated trump. They got the warrant anyway. Most americans should be upset about that. Address my fellow veterans, mo because i know there are so many of you who have served our country honorably. Whether its two years, four years or thirtytwo years like myself. One of the benefits we as a country give our veterans is eligibility for a va loan for up to 100 of your homes value. So if you need money for your family, call newday usa. With automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. Call 18338446708. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. We see two travelers so at a comfort innal with a glow around them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com mno kidding. Rd. But moving your internet and tv . Thats easy. Easy . easy . Easy. Because now xfinity lets you transfer your Service Online in just about a minute with a few simple steps. Really . Really. That was easy. Yup. Plus, with twohour appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. Now all you have to do is move. That thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. Its just another way were working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. Bill about an hour from now family members of the 9 11 victims appear in court arguing for the release of names of high ranking saudis who provided support for the attacks saying theyre frustrated with f. B. I. Officials who have slow walked the information despite a bipartisan push from senators to allow 9 11 families to see it. Well have more on this developing story coming up next hour here on americas newsroom. I think youll learn the f. B. I. Was on notice that Christopher Steele was not a reliable informant when it came to trump. That he was being paid for by the Democratic Party, that his work product had not been vetted and that he was out to get trump and they used the dossier anyway. Sandra South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham explaining why he is pushing to declassify key documents related to the f. B. I. Surveillance of the 2016 Trump Campaign. He says the agency was aware of the steele dossier that it was a political document that contained unverified information. Chris swecker a former assistant f. B. I. Director who served under Robert Mueller joins us now. First off on the request from Lindsey Graham here. Is this a realistic request . I think it is. The executive branch can declassify. I dont think well give away any state secrets here. I think well find out that this dossier was being shopped all around washington i signed off on many, many fisa warrants as part of the approval process. I dont think i ever saw news articles and paid Opposition Research forming the basis for the probable cause for the fisa warrant. So its going to be interesting and in the best interest of the American Public to see what happened here. Bill did you see james comey on cnn about the spying question . I did. Bill here was the exchange on that. The f. B. I. Doesnt spy to begin with. The f. B. I. Investigates. You said it is not spying. Why did attorney general barr use the word spying, the president used that word as well. I cant explain it. The only explanation i can think of of. He used it because the president uses it. Are you confident you did everything by the book and the people around you did everything by the book . Bill does the f. B. I. Spy or not, chris . Spying is just another word for surveillance. I think its a silly argument one way or the other. In my speeches i describe the f. B. I. As spy catchers and the c. I. A. As spies. You can read whatever you want into it. But i will say in this question that was asked attorney general barr, the word spy was embedded in the question. He didnt dispute the word spy. He said yeah, we think there was spying that went on. What he was saying is there was surveillance being conducted. It is a silly debate out there. Its a media thing. Sandra you knew james comey and worked with him. What do you think his goal is there in trying to differentiate and try to make the case this was not spying . Yeah, he is rolling with this new partisan agenda that he has put together. He has done the f. B. I. A tremendous disservice. He threw the f. B. I. Under the busment but for him we would be talking about the f. B. I. s good works, not mccabe, comey, page. He has become a hyper partisan and the only friends he has as i see it is to generate some friends on the democratic side by bashing the president. Thats the only reason he has anyone behind him right now. Bill lets move to the next phase of the story. What comes next. John ratcliffe the republican from texas was talking about the i. G. Report. Within a month the Inspector Generals report will come out. I think the Inspector General looking at leaking and looking at lying and looking at fisa abuse is going to say that jim comeys f. B. I. Didnt perform as the law required. Bill leaking, lying, and fisa abuse. Take that on. I developed a tremendous respect for this Inspector General. I read his first two reports on mccabe and the Hillary Clinton clinton email investigations. Very thorough investigations. And i think there is something there. I think it will be a very impactful report. Fisa is a process that has been entrusted to the f. B. I. Its a very intrusive process. You have to be honest and straight up with the judges. You have to give them all the information not selective information. And you have an obligation to update that information if something new comes up that is that goes against the probable cause laid out in the original affidavit. And i think that there are some strong indications that there was some fisa abuse here. That critical information was withheld from the judges. Sandra and as somebody who signed off on a lot of those, interesting to hear that from you. I want to finish off with this from nancy pelosi on what she describes as a constitutional crisis, chris. This administration wants to have a constitutional crisis because they do not respect the oath of office. Three coequal branches of government, separation of power. They dont support that and thats what they are trying to that is what understand, chad used the right word, power. Its about power for them. Sandra President Trump took that head on, chris that president treated out. He said we have had a giant scamper pe traited upon our nation. A witch hunt and treasonous hoax. Thats the constitutional crisis. Hopefully guilty people will pay. This is a manufactured political strategy not a constitutional crisis. And i go back to bill barrs testimony. He lamented the fact that the judicial process is continuously being used as a political weapon and he now stands in the way of using that judicial process in that fashion. So they have to take him out any way they can. He is an honorable man and i think this is just totally disgraceful the way theyre going after him. Bill do you think bill barr expected to be the tar g et when he took this job . I dont think so. I dont think he expected the vitriol and the personal insults hurled at him at that hearing and since then. He served as attorney general. He has more experience in his pinky than most of those congressional staffers have in their entire careers and they are throwing rocks at him simply because he does stand in the way of using the judicial process politically. Lets go to the elections. Thats how well decide this issue. Bill thank you for your time. Chris swecker, charlotte, north carolina, thank you. Deadly machete attack on the appalachian trail. The suspect now in court a few moments if now. Well check in on that. President trump weighing in on the latest comments by congressman tlaib. What she says about the holocaust and the Israeli Palestinian conflict when we bring in democratic congressman dan kildee coming up next. And home to three bp wind farms. In the offchance the wind ever stops blowing here. The lights can keep on shining. Thanks to our natural gas. A smart partner to renewable energy. Its always ready when needed. Or. Not. At bp, we see possibilities everywhere. To help the world keep advancing. S. S. U. S. U. V. These letters used to mean something. Letters earned in backwoods, high hills, and steep dunes. But somewhere along the way, suvs became pretenders, not pioneers. But you never forgot the difference, and neither did we. There are many suvs, but theres only one legend. Hurry in now to the jeep celebration event and get 500 additional bonus cash on select models. Hurry in now to the jeep celebration event wed love some help with laundry. Spray and scrub anything with a stain. Wash the really dirty clothes separately. New tide pods with upgraded 4in1 technology unleash a foolproof clean in one step. Aww, you did the laundry its got to be tide. Sandra fox news alert now. Court action underway for a massachusetts man accused of a deadly machete attack on two hikers along the appalachian trail in virginia. Investigators say 30yearold james jordan randomly approached four hikers on the appalachian trail in a virginia section of the trail inside the George Washington and Jefferson National forest. The appalachian trail runs 2200 miles up the east coast and a very popular hiking destination. Jordan began speaking to these four hikers at their campsite. He then allegedly threatened to pour gasoline on their tents and burn them to death. Fearful of them. The hikers began packing up their campsite when all of a sudden he approached them with a knife. Two of the hikers took off running. Jordan chased them with a knife but returned to the campsite where the two other hikers stayed put when jordan stabbed and killed a male hiker while a female hiker watched in horror. According to the criminal complaint, quote, she turned to face jordan and raised her arms as if to surrender when jordan began stabbing her and she received multiple stab words. Victim two fell to the ground and played dead at which point jordan left to find his dog. The stabbed woman managed to run away and get help from two nearby hikers. A Tactical Team arrested jordan and found the knife nearby. He was known as sovereign by other hikers. The sheriff in tennessee tells me they arrested jordan on the trail three weeks ago after he harassed hikers. At least three hikers gave statements to police but they did not pursue charges. Jordan received probation, was let go. Now he faces federal charges. One count of murder and one count of assault with the intent to murder. We expect him in court at any moment. Sandra horrible story. Thank you. Bill 10 32 now. This kind of a calming feeling i always tell folks when i think of the holocaust and the tragedy of the holocaust and the fact that it was my ancestors, palestinians, who lost their land and some lost their lives. All of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for jews. Bill that comment has gotten a lot of attention. Rashida tlaib with what republicans call the latest in a string of controversial comments on israel coming from the Democratic Party. The president said tlaib is being slammed for her horrible and highly insensitive statement on the holocaust. She has tremendous hatred of israel and the jewish people. Can you imagine what would happen if i ever said what she said and says, end quote. Michigan democrat dan kildee chief deputy whip here in studio. Thank you for being here in person. Good to see you. Do you want to go ahead and comment on this . Obviously. I dont think she hates israel or jews. I think we have to be careful how we respond to these things. There should be no tolerance for antisemitism or any bigotry of any type but it is true that everything that she says or others say is diced and sliced and parsed. Bill it keeps happening. She said the horror of the holocaust. I think the way it is being interpreted perhaps may not be what she intended. Sandra to go back and these are specifically the words. There is kind of a calming feeling, she said, i always tell folks, when i think of the holocaust and the tragedy of the holocaust and the fact it was my ancestors that obviously is the point of concern. Should nancy pelosi address these remarks . I will have to talk to rashida to have a better understanding what she meant. I thought it was a calming feeling there was a haven for jews fleeing the holocaust that was palestinian, that was the place that now is the state of israel. But again, everyone, whether its congresswoman tlaib or the president or anyone responding to her. Words matter and we have to be careful how we say things. Often they can become interpreted in a way thats hurtful. I think she probably will clarify her statement. Bill policing my words, twisting and turning them to ignite vile attacks on me who will not work. You trying to silence me will fail miserably. I will not let you take my words out of context, the truth will always win. How well do you know her . Ive known her for a long time. She is not hateful or bigoted. She has views that are strong and she says things that can be taken one way or the other. To be fair we all have to be careful. The words we choose, sometimes without knowing, can harm other people. I think in this case i think she may not have been precise. I think its important we not read into her words something that isnt there in order to turn it into a political sandra thats the point for many republicans in the wake of this. Clarify your comments instead of putting out a statement clarifying those comments she put that one out. Steve scalise the congressman said this in reaction. There is no justification for the twisted and disgusting made by tlaib days after the annual day of holocaust remembrance. There is nothing calming about 6 million jews killed. They want nancy pelosi to condemn those remarks. Im sure well have a Big Conversation about this when we get back. I dont automatically defend everybody. I dont think this is the intent she had. We have to be careful. Bill lets move to immigration. Apprehensions at the border are staggering. You know the numbers, 508,000 thus far. Far exceeds everything weve seen going back to 2012. Even 2009. What will we do about this . I think we need a serious approach to this problem. I was listening to the earlier conversation. I actually do believe there is space for us to deal with the immigration and Border Security in a more comprehensive way. I heard one of the guests say why cant we just do this . The problem is we have lots of different points of view when it comes to the issues of immigration and Border Security. We have a divided government. I actually which we need to tone down the rhetoric and get in the room and say lets go back to where we were in 2013 when there was a bipartisan effort to deal with not just immigration policy but the 2013 Senate Passed legislation included pretty significant robust Border Security initiatives along with increased capacity to deal with the cases that are arriving at the border. If we actually want to get to the solution of the problem rather than just score political points i actually think it will be necessary for democrats and republicans to bill the problem goes on every day, every week. Nothing is changing. Sandra the question is are democrats going to be willing to work with republicans . We hear democrats looking back and saying what could have happened. Here we are now. It is a crisis situation at the border. Lindsey graham is about to make a big proposal on changing asylum laws. Here he is over the weekend. You can no longer apply for asylum at our border. You need to apply for asylum at a consulate in your country. Sandra well see what the details of the plan are as we await those and see those. Will democrats work with republicans on this issue . Well certainly work with them. I would take exception to the notion that a person cant present at the border and seek asylum. I think that defeats the whole notion. We have to deal with the problem, no question about it. We have the make sure whatever solution we come up with now is consistent with our values. Yes, we need more resources, no question about it. But lets not create an environment where we turn basically turning our back on what has been a long history of being willing to accept people. Bill time is wasting, right . Tick tok. Last point on the taxes. Democrats are pushing for a deadline the end of this week. Can you define for us what the legitimate legislative purpose, which is what the law states, to see the president s tax returns . What is that purpose . The ways and Means Committee is examining whether or not legislation is required to deal with how the i. R. S. Treats the president of the United States. Ill give you an example. People think its the law that the i. R. S. Audits the president of the United States. Its not the law. Bill it is not law. Its been a practice that has been sort of been a custom. The question for us is, is this something that we should codify into the law . The president has been fairly opaque on his personal finances. Sandra where are you with answering that question . On whether that should be the case . I think the president of the United States should by law than audited for sure. Bill i think its extraordinary there is a statute that gives chairman neil the authority to look at anyones individual taxes. I think that would be an extraordinary thing if people realized it. It is used regularly. The reason its such a big issue. The president himself has broken the 50 years custom of not providing access. Bill even chairman neil hasnt released his tax returns, shouldnt he . If the president were held to the same standard as us Mick Mulvaney says i will never see them. He and i disagree on a lot of things and this is probably one of them. Sandra vermont senator Bernie Sanders down playing the socialist label as he looks to gain ground on former v. P. Joe biden. The race for the white house. Is that the right strategy . Bill also now wall street is reacting down 500 now, deepening trade fight with china. Each side upping the ante on tariffs . Are we near a deal . It may still be on the five or seven. As i said in that clip. Those are the toughest yards to get. With my little man than anywhere with migraine. I am here. And i aim to say that more. Aimovig. A preventive treatment for migraine in adults. Reduces the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. The most common side effects are pain, redness or swelling at the injection site and constipation. Aim to be there more. Talk to your doctor about aimovig. Is it to carry cargo. Or to carry on a legacy . Its show of strength. Or its sign of intelligence . In crossing harsh terrain. Or breaking new ground . This is the mercedesbenz suv family. Greatness comes in many forms. Visit your local mercedesbenz dealer for exceptional lease and financing offers. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Some of the chinese officials have said both in beijing and hear the agreement was too unbalanced. No, the relationship has been too unbalanced. Because of these problems of unfair and sometimes unlawful trading practices, we have to have a very strong agreement to correct, to right these wrongs before we will be satisfied. Sandra white house Economic Advisor larry kudlow defending the tariff hike on chinese goods. Beijing in response announcing a retaliatory increase on 60 billion of u. S. Goods starting june 1. Its rattling wall street on monday morning an hour into trading. It was almost down 600 earlier. Now joining us is cheryl casone. Good morning to you. Where does this leave us in this trade war . Trade war, nothing on the books right now between the u. S. And chinese delegations. Wall street is nervous and they have a right to be. Larry kudlow says tariffs would be a tax on consumers, it could raise 760 to 2,000 a year depending on the amount of tariffs. Tariffs on everything that we import from china. We knew they were going to retaliate. Futures were down before the market during my show today and we got the headline that 5 to 25 june 1st. These are Agricultural Products we ship from the United States that they are targeting. I saw the tweet today. I say openly to president xi and my friends in china. China will be hurt badly. Companies will be forced to leave china for other countries. You backed out. I see two nintion in there. Base going the places like vietnam. Did they really have a deal . They thought he had the structure of the deal. When it became public the chinese had removed language in those draft issues of the beijing part of the accord they had figured out. When they removed saying they didnt want to change the laws, thats the enforcement issue. We cant necessarily trust the chinese to enforce the laws that would maybe stop them from stealing intellectual property and force the marriages with Technology Transfers going on for years. It is like cybersecurity threat. This is china, folks and what were dealing with. The president is not wrong for his tough stance on china. Its not that i dont agree with the language but it rattles investors because the further we get away from the deal. Were getting further away right now. That means that bill are you calling this a trade war yet . I feel it is becoming a trade war. Bill you feel that starting today . I think we talked about it on friday. I told you last week on the show one tweet could change everything. We got a nice tweet from in the at 3 00 friday. Another tweet taking us lower. He is being honest and telling us the state of play. Thats what it is right now. Sandra what is happening with Bernie Sanders and socialism. He seems to be down playing the word as it would be to his potential voters . Doesnt really appear on his platform. Want to dwell on that ideology. Were focusing on fox business the issue of socialism versus capitalism. Maybe he saw the New Hampshire polls that saw biden leading him in New Hampshire. Lets talk about medicare for all. The reality is do you want healthcare like they have in Great Britain or canada . Canadians, we had a Million People sitting on waiting lists waiting for basic procedures . It is not more care, it is less care. Ist is worse care. 58 Million People knocked off medicare and the disabled, seniors and the disabled would be knocked off medicare rolls and we would have medicare for all. This kind of language when you get to the dirt of it is not good for the country. So there could be some reality. Do you want to run on a socialist platform and be popular with the younger voter, okay. Will you win a general election on that . Probably not. Bill you will have to defend changing insurance for 170 Million People. If you like your insurance you have with your company now . Too bad, youll lose it. Sandra weve heard larry kudlow and others inside the white house and other republicans want to put socialism on trial making it clear theyll draw that line when it comes time to campaign. Bill 2020 here we go, folks. Sandra thank you. Bill actor Felicity Huffman in court today expected the plead guilty in the College Admissions scandal that snared dozens of rich and famous parents. How much time could she face . Well tell you about that coming up next. Were outside the courthouse. A migfrom aimovig. To be there for the good. And not so good. For the mundane. The aweinspiring. The heartracing. The heartbreaking. Thats what life is all about. Showing up. Unless migraine steals your chance to say. I am here. We aim to change that. Thats why we created. Aimovig. A preventive treatment for migraine in adults. One dose. Once a month. Aimovig is proven to reduce the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. The most common side effects are pain, redness or swelling at the injection site and constipation. It doesnt matter what each day brings. So long as you can say. I am here. Aim to be there more. Talk to your doctor about preventing migraine with aimovig. You need to place yourself in the moment. You need confidence in the appliances you select to build the home and life you love. Shop topbrand appliances at sears, including kenmore. Sears, making moments matter. You need to place yourself in the moment. You need confidence in the appliances you select to build the home and life you love. Shop topbrand appliances at sears, including kenmore. Sears, making moments matter. Bill high profile case. Watching the story. Actress Felicity Huffman will appear at a court in massachusetts. She is expected to enter a plea of guilty. The College Admission scam case. Molly lines outside the courthouse in boston, massachusetts with details. Molly. Hi bill. One of the most recognizable faces embroiled in the College Admission scandal. Huffman is going the plead guilty. Prosecutors say that huffman paid the mastermind of this scheme 15,000 to rairng for her oldest daughters sat test to be correct after she took the exam. A plea deal announced last month days after the actresss first appearance in court. Prosecutors have agreed to call for prison time ton low end of the sentencing guidelines. Less than 10 months and huffman has offered a public apology writing in part. Im ashamed of the pain i have caused my daughter, family, friends and colleagues and educational communities. I want to apologize to them and especially to the students who work hard every day to get into college and to their parents who make tremendous sacrifices to support their children and do so honestly. Huffman paid very little for the cheating Services Compared to other parents. Some shelled out hundreds of thousands of dollars. Among them sloan a Water Treatment executive from l. A. In court also today. He paid 250,000 through the scheme and ordered water polo gear off amazon and had his son pose for pictures to get into usc. He is looking at a year in prison. It will be up to a judge. A sentencing date has yet to be set. Bill were watching it. Molly line, courthouse in boston. Sandra fox news alert as we look at a new york federal courthouse at families of 9 11 victims are arguing for the release of names of highranking saudis who provided support for the attacks. Were live outside the courthouse. And a lot more coming up best selling author Steadman Graham will be here. A big hour, join us on americas newsroom next. That led to the ride which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Flights, hotels, cars, activities. Expedia. Everything you need to go. I have heart disease, watch what i eat, take statins, but still struggle to lower my ldl bad cholesterol. Which means a heart attack or stroke. Could strike without warning, pulling me away from everything that matters most. siren because with high bad cholesterol, my risk of a heart attack or stroke is real. Repatha® plus a statin seriously lowers bad cholesterol by 63 . And significantly drops my risk of having a heart attack or stroke. 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Bill David Lee Miller is live outside the courthouse in Lower Manhattan for us, david lee. Survivors and relatives of the victims accuse the u. S. Justice department of shielding saudi arabias alleged involvement in assisting some of the attackers. Now the families are suing riyadh claiming the saudi government provided assistance to some of those who took part in the attack on 9 11. An attorney for the families says despite repeated efforts, the u. S. Justice department has refused to release redacted portions of f. B. I. Documents that could allegedly implicate a saudi Government Official in the terror attack. Relatives and victims say that they are outraged by washingtons refusal to name names and provide information. Our government is complicit in a coverup that is still going on today and were being as victims were being revictimized because our government has not been compliant in north coming with these documents. The Justice Department deciding National Security interests is the reason some information hasnt been released. Ultimately a judge is going to decide. A hearing at this hour now taking place in the courthouse behind me. It has been 19 years, nearly 19 years since the attacks of 9 11 and no immediate resolution is expected at least not today. Sandra. Sandra well continue following the developments there. Bill another fox news alert. China hiking tariffs on 60 billion on u. S. Goods starting next month. That sent the stock market into a nosedive today. Former reagan economics advisor art laffer was talking about this a few hours ago on our program. Markets tell us what will be, not what has been. Of course, markets are very nervous. This is a very serious issue. Well suffer from the short term damage done by the trade barriers but they will, too. Will it bring them to the table . Goodness gracious i hope it does and i hope they agree to negotiate what should be free trade. They know whats free trade. Bill john roberts from the north lawn. Good morning. No surprise this is happening because there was threatened last week. China retaliating against President Trump raising tariffs on 200 billion in chinese goods. He announced it was going to go into effect last week. They actually take place today going from 10 to 25 as you mentioned. China targeting 60 billion in u. S. Goods. Mostly Agricultural Products for tariffs between 20 and 25 . China Officials Saying you back. Listen here. Raising tariffs will not solve any problems. China will Never Surrender to external pressure. We have the determination and ability to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests. President trump confident he can beat china in a trade wars. The president saying there is no reason for the u. S. Consumer to pay the tariffs which take effect on china today. This has been proven recently when only 4 points were paid by the u. S. 21 points by china. China subsidizes products to such a large degree. Tariffs can be avoided if you buy from a nontariff country or buy the product inside the usa. Zero tariffs. Many tariff companies will be leaving china for vietnam and other countries in asia and why china wants to make a deal so badly. There will be nobody left in china to do business with. Very bad for china. Very good for the usa. As you can see in the lower righthand side of your screen the stock market is not sharing the president s optimism. His chief Economic Advisor saying there may be some pain in the long run things will turn out fine and the president was not about to let china renege on agreements it had already made. Things seemed to be taking too long and we cant accept any backtracking. We are representing the United States, the economy, farmers, auto workers, manufacturers, these are crucial parts to this discussion. So we want to be as sure as we can be. We dont think the chinese have come far enough. Well wait and see. The talks will continue. Right now things are at a big impasse but maybe there is a chance to break things loose because were hearing President Trump and president xi may meet on the sidelines. Upcoming g20 summit at the end of june in osaka, japan. Bill a month might be a long way away when you are looking at this. I think a day is a long day when you lose that much money in the stock market. Bill thank you, john roberts from the north lawn. Sandra President Trump says politics are at play in the way china is approaching this tweeting i think that china felt they were being beaten so badly in the recent negotiation that they may as well wait around for the next election in 2020 to see if they could get lucky and have a democrat win. Lets bring in political analyst brit hume. Good morning to you. The president is making the case that china is making a bad bet here that he wont win the next presidency. That seems to be one theory of the case. My sense is that china wants a deal and doesnt want to wait a year and a half or more for a new administration and the additional time to take that administration to settle in and perhaps revise or perhaps not revise the current posture toward china. Im not sure thats the most compelling theory. Sandra the president added the only problems they know i am going to win. He touts the best economy and employment numbers that weve seen in u. S. History and much more. But he is staying strong on this issue politically is it working for the president . He is out on a limb in a couple of issues. One is this with china. The other is his effort to get north korea to give up its nuclear weapons. Those were bold initiatives and controversial, risky and if they if either or both pan out, that will very much strengthen his hand going into 2020. If neither does, that will have the opposite effect and make it much more likely, i think, that a democrat will come in. The president carries the burden of being personally unpopular with a majority of the american people. Many of whom may approve of his results particularly on the economy so far, but do not approve of him personally. Thats a burden he has carried since he got elected and before he got elected. So he carries additional burden. Therefore more badlyneeded success on these two big initiatives of his. Sandra patience will be tested on both sides. Here we are this morning monday morning alone the dow down. This is all trade jitters, no doubt about that. The trade picture begins to brighten as it did on friday saying constructive talks the market rose. This is not about fundamentals in the economy. This is worry about a trade war with china. Thats all this is. Sandra its hitting markets today. I have to ask you about the politico piece talking about the dream ticket for democrats. Black lawmakers pitched biden harris to beat trump. Senior members of the Congressional Black Caucus say its an ideal ticket if the former Vice President stays on top of the polls along with Kamala Harris. If, if, if, if. We are nine months from anybody voting. We havent even had our first debate yet. We have more than 20 candidates in the race. This is a very fluid situation. Early polls tell you something and in the case of biden with his early lead tells you he has residual strength within the Democratic Party for his career and for his tour of duty as Barack Obamas running mate. But beyond that we have no idea how this is going to play out. Biden has run before and flamed out in both instances when he was running for president. So we have an awfully long way to go here. It is ridiculously too early to talk about dream tickets. Kamala may be great or may do poorly. True of biden as well. You have to write something if you are covering politics. The biden we have a long way to go. Sandra no one is declaring biden the winner of the president ial race. Two dozen candidates still in there. It talks about bidens popularity with africanAmerican Voters. Thats something to acknowledge as some do start to dream up the dream ticket. Very important constituency within the Democratic Party, of course. The fact that the idea that you would that he could be acceptable to blacks especially if he had an africanAmerican Woman on the ticket with him. It is as i say, fun to talk about, i guess, but awfully early. Sandra awfully early. Brit hume, nice to see you on a monday morning. Bill thank you. 10 past the hour now. The president lashing out at democrats with a new round of battle lines between him and speaker pelosi. Members of her party claiming a constitutional crisis. Former New Hampshire governor john sununu will react to that. Sandra congresswoman tlaib sparking more controversy. House republicans are calling her out about some new remarks she has made on the holocaust and they say theyre antisemitic. Florida congressman mike waltz will join us live next. Millions of jews were slaughtered and killed and that gives her comfort . If you go out to the rest of her quote she talks about how palestinians lost their passports. The equivalent is not even close. [knocking] memories. What we deliver by delivering. Sandra freshman congresswoman tlaib slammed by republicans over remarks she made on the holocaust. Some lawmakers are calling it antisemitic. There is kind of a calming feeling i always tell folks when i think of the holocaust and the tragedy of the holocaust and the fact it was my ancestors, palestinians, who lost their land and some lost their lives. All of it was in the name of trying to create a safe haven for jews. Sandra House Armed Services Committee Member florida congressman mike waltz. Good morning to you. If i could ask you to respond to those comments. Well look, i think in if you look at the entire context of the interview, what she was trying very badly to say that she loved or was calming wasnt necessarily the holocaust, was that her ancestors provided the land for the safe haven for the jews post holocaust. However, where i really have strong disagreement is she seemed to create some moral equivalence between the holocaust and the fighting between the palestinians and jews. It is completely unacceptable and she should apologize for it. People her comments are perceived as antisemitic, then they should clarify and again should apologize. So look, i think at the end of the day the reality is that the palestinians and the surrounding arab nations have been fighting and trying to destroy the nation of israel for the last 50, 60, 70 years. Thats what needs to be fully acknowledged. And thats what we need to move past sandra Jason Chaffetz joined us earlier. He said democratic leadership needs to respond. Here he is. Go to the floor of the house right now and clarify but she wont. And she hasnt. So the good people of michigan, they can send whoever they want to congress but once she gets there nancy pelosi appeared steny hoyer have a duty and obligations the make decisions who serves on committees and thats where there is a difference. Sandra why not just go to the floor and clarify your comments if you are tlaib. There is a broader agenda. What she was supporting was onestate solution. What they call a onestate solution for the middle east and israel and basically what that is doing is backing into a demographic dilution and destruction of the state of israel. What theyre advocating for is taking all of the palestinians which now in totality outnumber the jews from the west bank. And they eventually you can erode and eventually destroy the state. There is other piece here, the bds movement. The boycott and Sanction Movement that tlaib and others are pushing. Thats not a social justice movement. You are not seeing, for example, them push against china and the occupation of tibet or the imprisonment of muslims elsewhere. This is a laser focus on israel and going after israel and thats what we have to push back on. Im shocked that the democratic leadership isnt pushing back harder and more publicly on all of this. Sandra well see if they do. Here is Xochitl Hinojsa when it comes to antisemitism, democrats overwhelmingly to speak out against it. Democrats have been clear about speaking out against antisemitism. Nancy pelosi understand there are a lot of distractions out there and she wont fall for every distraction. She has been clear against where she stands against antisemitism. Sandra you saw mark green and others are calling on nancy pelosi to take ownership of this and respond. I absolutely call on her to do it as well. We are not seeing this across the caucus and again, there are these underlying movements that you are seeing portions of the Democratic Caucus backing. If you look on what is happening on College Campuses and what is it the students justice in palestinian which have clear ties to hamas, this isnt about social justice on campus or middle east, this is taking down our greatest ally in the middle east israel. Thats what it underlying policies that nancy pelosi needs to call out and press her caucus on. Sandra well see where it goes. Well see if she responds to the comments as well as leadership in the house. Appreciate your time this morning. Bill 19 past. Big massive storm on the move. Parts of the south getting more than a foot of rain. Check that out. Thats houston. Well tell you where the storm is headed next. Also more legal trouble for assange. Sweden opened against a new case against the wikileaks founder and what it might mean for bringing him back to the u. S. For trial. I cant reach him and the court must have a word from him that he wants me as a lawyer. It is a lot of practical problems which goes to show how slow this will move forward. Weve earned with our service. The newday va cash out loan can help you get over 50,000 dollars to pay off the credit card debt, put cash in the bank, and reduce your payments by over 500 dollars a month. And since newdays been granted automatic authority by the va, they can say yes when banks say no. Get the Financial Security youve earned and deserve. Call 18338446706 cake in the Conference Room showing em youre ready to be your own boss. Thats the beauty of your smile. Bring out the best in it with crest 3d white. Crest removes 95 of surface stains. In just three days. Tech at safelite autoglass, we every chip will crack. This daughter was Home Visiting when mom saw a chip in her windshield. Mom honey is that a chip . Tech they wanted it fixed fast so they brought it to us. Mom hi. 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First time dismissed by a swedish prosecutor who said look, weve investigated and we interviewed the witnesses and looked at forensic evidence and there was no crime. It was reopened by another prosecutor. She dismissed it a second time. They interviewed him in the Ecuador Embassy. It laid fallow for two years. You just ran the tape after he was we dont know if it has to do with extradition. Thats the problem for the United States. Right now he is in a jail in london and will serve 25 weeks of a 50 week term. At that point london needs to decide what to do. Send him to sweden where the a charge is 10 years old and rape or send him to the United States where the charge is conspiracy to Hack Computers and a year old. All indications he would go to sweden. If he goes to sweden he is protected by the swedish u. S. Extradition treaty which allows the person about to be extradited to make a political defense meaning if he can demonstrate to a Swedish Court that he is wanted in the United States for political reasons, he will not be extradited. He doesnt have that right in a british court. Bill if he goes to stockholm he doesnt come to new york city. I have two minutes and want our audience to know you came in the studio a moment ago red hot on an apple ruling at the u. S. Supreme court. What happened . One would think it is in the weeds. We all have apps on our phones and some for free and some you buy from apple. People sued apple saying why do i pay 99 for an app worth 20 or 30. A courts threw it out. It says you have to sue the originator of the app. This morning the Supreme Court of the United States radically expanded plaintiffs rights to commence actions against deep pocketed corporations, it was the four liberal members of the court and newest member Justice Brett kavanaughs decision what is a plaintiffs lawyers delight. All the indications about Brett Kavanaugh were he was a conservative that wouldnt listen to the other side and during the course of the unfortunate hearings that he had when he was allowed to talk about his political philosophy he said i am not a monolithic anything. I listen to the facts and i apply the law. Today he and the four liberal members of the court radically expanded the rights of plaintiffs to bring class actions. Bill let me pass on what you were telling me and let me know if its accurate. The Rehnquist Court established that if you had a case such as this you have to go to the originator of the content which would be the person who developed the app. In this case, you can go after apple, the company that distributes the app. The originator sells it for 50, apple adds 49 and sells it to you. Bill j y is that such a transformation . Apple has deep pockets and most of the originators dont. This is a huge litigation that apple now has to confront. Youve been reading all morning. The courts change. In ways we never expected. Sandra tensions high in the persian gulf. Iran is destabilizing the middle east. The military coming in there is about trying to achieve some stability and some security and to push back on the iranians adventureism. Sandra b52 bombers flying their First Mission in the gulf sparking a warning from irans revolutionary guard. Bill democrats say there is a constitutional crisis and the president is fighting back. Governor john sununu has a few thoughts on this and he is coming up live on this next. Hello mom. Amandas moms appointment just got rescheduled for today. Amanda needs right at home. Our customized care plans provide as much or as little help as her mom requires. Whether its a ride to the doctor or help around the house. Oh, of course tom, i am really sorry. Ive gotta go. Look, call right at home. Get the right care. Right at home. Sandra fox news alert on the push to declassify a key document in the f. B. I. russia investigation. Senator Lindsey Graham said it will prove the f. B. I. Knew the steele dossier was unreliable but moved to investigate the Trump Campaign anyway. Fisa is a process that has been entrusted to the f. B. I. It is a very intrusive process. You have to be honest and straight up with the judges. I think that there are some strong indications that there was some fisa abuse here. Sandra Catherine Herridge has more on all this. Good morning. Citing newly released record three Senate Republicans question whether a Senior State Department official warned the f. B. I. About british spy Christopher Steele and his motivation. Timing matters, the warning came in mid october 2016, two weeks before the surveillance warrant application for a Trump Campaign aide. Senators, johnson, grassley and graham write. According to the note steele and possibly others were keen to see this information come to light before the election. Now Sandra Graham wants the records declassified including the october 13, 2016 email. He believes the email was sent to the f. B. I. And likely the Counter Intelligence unit running the f. B. I. russia investigation. October 11th their confidential informant is trying to get the dossier out for political purposes and that the state department figured out the democrats paid for it. How could they then get a warrant based on that same document and not tell the court what the state department told them . These records have now gone fought Justice Departments Inspector General michael horowitz. His office hasnt been commenting on the status of his investigation into alleged fisa surveillance abuse. Based on my experience he has the new records and could delay the release of his report, sandra. Sandra Catherine Herridge, thank you. We are now in a constitutional crisis. This administration wants to have a constitutional crisis because they do not respect the oath of office. The president now seeks to take a wrecking ball to the constitution. Bill democrats hammering away at the president with a common theme in recent days. President trump responding the democrats untrue sound bite. Weve had a giant scamper pe traited upon our nation, a witch hunt, a treasonous hoax. Governor john sununu, how are you doing, sir . Welcome to monday, all right . Constitutional crisis, that seemed to be the phrase of the day. React to that. There are two perspectives on this issue of constitutional socalled constitutional crisis. One is the factual basis of it. And its really the most important part. What nadler and the democrats wanted barr to do was to break the law and send them parts of the redacted Mueller Report that are against the law for barr to send to them. And they are using the threat of contempt to try and blackmail him into sending something that would break the law. You have to be really dumb nadler and pelosi have to be really dumb if they think any serious federal court will support a contempt effort to get at the attorney general based on urging him to break the law. No federal court is going to force him to break the law. But there is a political side to this. And i think the president and the republicans are making a mistake if they think the right response to this phony constitutional crisis call is to just talk about the economy. They should be focusing on the fact that the democrats are trying to make somebody break the law. The American Public understands that. Much more than they do just saying that the democrats are just trying to raise the level of noise. Bill you were listening to Catherine Herridge report a moment ago what Lindsey Graham is up to. What do you think is behind the curtain here, governor . Well, i think whats behind the curtain is starting with the fisa court documentation that was sent there is that the f. B. I. Really was politically motivated and there are people there guilty of violations of the guidelines for the fisa court and there are some folks that say that thats actually breaking the law and is a serious breaking of the law. So i think there are people that are in real trouble. And i think graham and grassley and others in the republican side will pursue this very intensely. Bill do you think when bill barr took this job he thought he could become the target as he has . I think bill barr has been around washington long enough to know that he better take advantage of his thick skin in this job. Bill barr is smart. Bill barr has been around a long time. He has the democrats scared to death. Thats why theyre doing this to him. They are trying to undermine him early before he starts pursuing all the things that he agreed to pursue during his confirmation hearing. Bill very interesting. Did you see the piece in the New York Times on friday before the weekend . I never read the New York Times. It said the white house strategy is to force democrats to go ahead and pursue the impeachment issue to the point you were making a moment ago. The headline is dare to impeach. Now, if youre in the political side of President Trumps thinking for the next year and a half, would that be a smart strategy to pursue knowing it wont go anywhere in the senate given the current composition of congress . I think nancy pelosi knows it wont go anywhere. I think she knows it is not a smart political effort. But contrary to a lot of republicans, i also dont think its smart for republicans to continue to taunt it. I think there are important issues for republicans to use their rhetoric time in the media to focus on one is certainly the economy. But i think the whole agenda that theyve tried to lay out of trying to address constructively the healthcare issue, trying to deal with infrastructure. And i think the president s aggressive moves with china in trying to fix a multidecade problem that we have. Bill i would add to that the strategy becomes fuller when you consider the contempt vote for bill barr is not even on the schedule. It has been punted at least a month down the road and possibly beyond. I think the contempt vote would be dumber than the impeachment. Bill wow. How come . Theyre trying to put him under contempt charges for not breaking the law. And when you start looking at the detail of that with the visibility that an effort in congress to get a contempt vote would be, the public would see that all the democrats are trying to do is make barr break the law. And nobody in the American Public supports having congress blackmail somebody into breaking the law. Bill interesting stuff. Thank you, governor. Have a great day. John sununu, mondays with the governor. Thank you, sir. Sandra next a troubling threat from iran as a Senior Iranian commander calls the u. S. Fleet in the persian gulf a target. Some experts believe iran is trying to bait the u. S. Military into an overreaction and Iranian Naval commander has called on all u. S. Forces the leave the middle east. The air force released new video showing b52 bombers taking off from an air base in qatar to fly their first patrol since arriving last week hoping to deter iran from carrying out any hostile actions against u. S. Or allied forces in the region. Earlier today one of the allies, saudi arabia, claimed two of its oil tankers were sabotaged off the coast of the uae claiming the attack caused significant damage to the tanker. It was headed the saudi to pick up oil to deliver to the United States. The pentagon is deferring all questions to the white house. But Officials Say that they will help the saudis investigate. It comes at secretary of state mike pompeo canceled a planned visit to moscow instead heading to brussels to meet with european allies to discuss iran. He will travel to sochi tomorrow to meet president vladimir putin. As the show of force in the region the u. S. S. Abraham lincoln steamed through the suez canal and is the red sea two weeks early. They have super hornet jets. A patriot antiaircraft missile battery will also deploy to the region. Last year four were removed from the middle east. The u. S. Navy said it has not started escorting merchant vessels through the strait of hormuz entering the persian gulf. That could change if the threat to commercial ships increases. Sandra jennifer griffin, thank you. Bill a New York Times best selling author Steadman Graham. The nine keys to becoming a better leader. Stay tuned for that next. L that led to the ride which took them to the place where they discovered that sometimes a little down time can lift you right up. Flights, hotels, cars, activities. Expedia. Everything you need to go. Sandra New York Times best selling author Stedman Graham out with a new book. Some of the topics discussed, selfawareness, Emotional Intelligence and discipline. Joining us now is Stedman Graham. Good morning and welcome to the program. Glad to be here, thank you for having me. Sandra nice to have you here this morning. Identity leadership. Could you define what it is that you felt so compelled to write about . Yeah. Very important for me to write about this subject now after all the books ive written. This is kind of a culmination of all the things that ive learned. Identity leadership is selfleadership. Its based on the philosophy that you cannot lead anyone else until you first lead yourself. So when we talk about selfempowerment, selfmastery and efficacy, i have a nine step success process. What do i mean by that . Sandra we put together from the ninestep process so we can digest those and see if it can help us out. You write about checking your identity first. Creating a vision, developing your travel plan, mastering the rules of the road and step into the outer limits. I know you talk a lot about taking risks and you go on to say pilot the seasons of change, build your dream team, win by a decision, and commit to your vision. How do you get there . How do you get to identity leadership so you can help others . Yeah. Well, first of all you have to change the learning system around. Right now we dont really learn anything because we memorize, take tests, repeat information back and get labeled and two weeks later we forget the information. 21st century you have to be a life long learner. You cant afford to be able to not be able to be relevant in the 21st century. Most of us are doing the same thing over and over every day. We arent really aware of our potential as a human being. Were not focused on our natural abilities because we arent taking the information to make it relevant to our purpose in life and were not thinking about the opportunities based on the information that we have. Vision of course the second step is once you know who you are and have an identity you can visualize who you can become and plan it out and lay out a process for continuous development. Sandra you also in the book write a lot about successful leaders. I know you talk about Howard Schultz from starbucks. You also talk about a person that you know very well, Oprah Winfrey. You write about the fact that she is an identity leader and you say one of the biggest questions you get on the road is how she achieves her success and how she reached the level of success that she did. How do you answer that question . What made Oprah Winfrey . Thats a great question. What ive learned throughout the years is that the process of success is the same for everybody. The difference is some people know it and some people dont. In order to be successful you have to focus. Whatever you focus on expands and you have to have a purpose. What is your purpose . The love is the most powerful word in the world. What do you love . What makes you happy . What are your talents and skills . Thats the first thing you have to have. Then to be able to visualize who you want to become and then organize and process where you can take information and education to make it relevant to your heart and soul and transfer it to your mind so become a thinking human being and transfer it to the American Enterprise system. Thats what she understands. She is able to take control of her own december destiny. You write about her and how successful leaders. Sandra the ability to triumph begins with you always. She said. I know this applies to so many of us whether its parenting or coaching or managing employees. We all want to know how we can be better leaders. It has been an interesting read for me, identity leadership. Stedman graham. Thank you for coming on americas newsroom. Thank you for having me. Bill check out the dow now. Were off more than 625 points. Plummeting on the china tariff news. China announcing they will impose tariffs on 60 billion worth of American Goods. That after the u. S. Last week hiked the tariffs on 200 billion of chinese products. We are at it. Where it goes we do not know. Sandra theyre going at it. Bill we know mr. Trump and president xi will talk at the end of june. It is in japan g20 summit. Larry kudlow told that to Chris Wallace yesterday. Will they talk before that . They could. Depending what happens here. Sandra dow down 620. Well have more when we return. Well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. Its an allinone so its ready to go when i am. The cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. And the pad absorbs it deep inside. So, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. Plus, its safe to use on all my floors, even wood. Glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. Try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee noso lets promote ourke Summer Travel deal on choicehotels. Com like this surfs up. Earn a fiftydollar gift card when you stay just twice this summer. Or. Badda book. Badda boom. 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Plus, with twohour appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. Now all you have to do is move. That thing. [ sigh ] introducing an easier way to move with xfinity. Its just another way were working to make your life simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. The growing showdown between President Trump and Congress Expected to hit new heights this week as some democratic members push for the house to use its powers to compel witnesses to testify up to and including arrest. How this fight could shape the future of the power of congress. Were watching how the markets are reacting to china. Ill give a hint. Not well. It is retaliating against u. S. Tariffs. Where this fight could go and how it will impact the quality of life in america for the better or worse. Well debate. In the center seat he is ready and out numbered at the top of the hour. Bill decades of plastic use taking a serious toll on some of the worlds sensitive ecosystems the oceans. The weight of 90 Aircraft Carriers are dumped in the sea. Environmentalists are saying there could be a simple solution to a growing problem. What have you found out, jonathan . Good morning, bill. Seal beach as you can see plainly looks really clean right now. But just a couple short months ago take a look at what it looked like then after a storm here in california. All the trash that gets piled up in californias rivers came down the river here, huge piles of trash all over seal beach. Much of it is plastic. It is easy to see when its on a beach like this. Our oceans are the bigger problem. They are full of trash, 8 million tons of plastic per year being dumped into our oceans. As you take a look out to the pacific here beyond us a long way out of sight is called the Great Pacific garbage patch. An area of trash bigger than the size of texas. It doesnt actually look like a floating land phil. There are billions of broken up pieces of plastic soaking on the surface and going to the ocean floor. Thats making its way into the food we eat. Listen here. Organisms in the ocean ingesting these tiny pieces of plastic ends up in their flesh. If we eat fish we may be eating plastic pieces as well because we are consuming what the fish are consuming. Now beach cleanups can help in preventing some of the plastics getting out into the ocean. There are many run by different organizations including the surf rider foundation. But it is literally a neverending task. Listen again. The problem is that there are so many. It was such a cheap option for Large Companies when it comes to production. Everyone uses it. It seems like those are to become a thing of the past. Much longerterm solutions are needed. Listen here. Beach cleanup is wonderful and it gathers people together and people become more aware. We have to go to the source and create a solution to eliminate plastics from getting into the waste stream. Bottom line, bill, vast amounts of money need to be put into developing alternatives to plastics that are biodegradable. It is monumental and an expensive task. Bill thank you, seal beach. Sandra trump tower where new york city mayor bill deblasio is set to promote his new deal and a sign he is going to run for the white house . Room for more . Well have more about that ahead. Bill how does it feel . Speech good. Mondays are awesome [laughs] bill you had a good line last hour. I said happy monday and you said, are there any happy mondays . Sandra is there such a thing cost market hope everybody has a happy monday. Its good to be back. We will see you tomorrow. Outnumbered starts now. Melissa fox news alert, the Dow Jones Industrial average down more than 2 . 575 points right now. After china announced it will impose new tariffs on u. S. Goods, as retaliation for new u. S. Tariffs on their goods. They go into effect june 1st. Its on a variety of goods. It could be 5 to 25 , but overall, 60 billion worth of goods. We had thought we were close to a deal with china. Thats what youre seeing the market react so. But china apparently reretreated on things they had agreed to before. It had fallen apart for the time being but there

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