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I dont think the Inspector General can answer all of our questions. Some witnesses left the department which means the Inspector General does not have viewers diction. Congress proved itself incapable of investigating this abuse. Doj should not be looking into it. We need an arbiter that is either the special counsel. Peter, how many witnesses does gowdy think are no longer with the Justice Department. Sandra, he says two dozen. That means he thinks there are up to two dozen people who could help crack the case of obamaera abuse whose are no longer at the Justice Department which means they are no longer reach able by the Justice Department Inspector General. Now, other republicans here on capitol hill, are joining him in calling for a Second Special counsel. We cannot have the people currently at the department of justice and fbi investigate themselves, thats why jim jordan and lee and so many republicans joined me in calling for a Second Special counsel so we could have consequences for the very bad acts the American People have learned about. President trump already laid not attorney general, Jeff Sessions, for leaving the Inspector General who the president calls the obama guy in charge of the investigation. So far, sessions dismissed the president s complaint but again there are plenty of other republicans asking sessions to do the same thing that the president is asking him to do. What do we know about the special counsel, Robert Mueller, ex paneling his election meddling investigation. The new reports are that he no longer thinks russia may have been the only country meddling in the election. The New York Times had an item this weekend that said the special counsel is trying to see if the united arab emira temperature. E may have attempted to funnel cash in exchange for favors through a middle man named jorj nader. That name is not largely associated withed with the campaign until now you this but theyre reporting that muller is looking for any and all, including long time guard keith shiller, carter page, and the president himself. Sandra. Peter, thank you. Analysis, monday morning. Good day to you. Thanks for being here. Good morning. So they say the Justice Department cannot investigate itself. Where does this go . The Intelligence Committee memo that came out a few weeks ago that showed the Justice Department and the fbi did use the dossier to get a warrant to spy on carter page and you know theres a conflict, an argument between the republicans on that committee and the democrats. The democrats say well they only used it a little bit, and the republicans said well they useted a lot, but basically the fact that they used it is a very big deal for these republicans and they say they need to find out how that happened. Watch here listen, rather. I welcome anybody to help come investigate because so far its only the house Intelligence Committee republicans who are actually doing anything to get to the bottom of who was colludding with russia. We have clear evidence of collusion but its not between the Trump Campaign but the Democratic Party and the hillary campaign. Hes been making that case for sometime. Is he getting traction . The explanation behind that accusation is the Clinton Campaign and the Democratic National committee paid for an operation in which kremlinconnected russians supplied damaging information about donald trump. Supplied that information to a Foreign Agent thats correct is the former british spy Christopher Steele and then Opposition Research firm working for the Clinton Campaign and the dnc, spread that information from the russians, to a number of people in the press here in the United States, hoping to influence the election, and so that is what republicans mean when they say there is collusion, and it ties to what we were just talking about, because that dossier ended up being used by the fbi to get that warrant, and i think one of the things youre seeing both with nunez and gowdy who you heard from earlier, is the frustration with congresss ability to investigate this. They have been trying quite awhile, many months now and they have been stonewalled at various times by the Justice Department or the fbi. That word by the way, stonewalled is paul ryans word. I want to squeeze in this other story. What is bob muller looking for with the list of documents and the list of people going back to november of 2016 . Well not surprising that he would be looking for documents from people connected to the Trump Campaign. In late 2015 if you remember it wasnt a very big campaign at that time, but what we dont know is this connection with the united arab emriates . Some other sort of thing, somehow tied to russia . You have to remember that he was charged with investigating or continuing the Counter Intelligence investigation into russias efforts to influence the 2016 election, and any matters that might a rise directly from that. Now, that phrase, a rise directly, has a lot of weight on it. We dont know exactly how mueller thinks this might be connected to russia in the 2016 campaign, or whether hes gone off in an entirely different direction. Thats been known to happen with special counsel before a growing showdown over trade. The president defending his controversial plan to slap tariffs on imported aluminum and steel saying its time to put america first. Former White House Communications director on that. Hes playing a much longer game. Hes looking at 71 years of uneven trade deals since the end of the second world war. We put that in place, frankly, to help the rest of the world grow and create a middle class around the world, but its had not the effect on the american worker. We have lost 70,000 factories since nafta. Things like that is what the president is concerned about. All hes asking for is symmetry on the trade deals. John rob zrts live with the latest on this. Good morning. Good monday morning. Punitive tariffs set to take place, going into effect late theyre week or early next week. The president tweeting this morning to protect our country we must protect americas steel. Americafirst. Mr. President you have to put those words together to make the hash tags. Wanted to point that out. He suggests there could be relief for canada and mexico if talks bear fruit and tweeting we have large trade deficits with mexico and canada. Nafta which is under renegotiation has been a bad deal for usa. Massive relocation of companies and jobs. Tariffs on steel and aluminum will only come off if a new agreement is signed that. Would seem to suggest that the threat of the tariffs is a negotiating tactic at least when it comes to canada and mexico. The director of trade and industrial policy at the white house though says this is not attack particular. Listen here. The purpz is to defend the steel and aluminum industries. Make no mistake. If we get a great nafta agreement that would be a great thing for the American People but at this point in time, 25 of steel, 10 on aluminum. No exclusions, firm line in the sand. No exclusions for specific countries over the weekend. He said individual countries could apply for certain products. The president campaigned on a pledge to protect American Steel and aluminum and last night tweeted were on the loosing side of almost all trade deals. Our friends and enemies have taken advantage of the u. S. For so many years. Sorry, its time for a change. Make America Great again. Not sure what that is on the screen but not what i was reading. The president says a trade war is easy to win, but he gets disagreement on that from the chief of staff for bush 43. That was back in the time just after they slapped massive tariffs on steel. Hes now the head of the business round table and says win ago trade war is not as easy as the president is making it out to be. Listen here. The tweets by the president , include ago tweet about responding on german autos on friday suggests that he thinks a trade war is easy, that its winnable. It isnt. Nobody wins a trade war, especially in these globalized days, the United States, were so pendent on goods coming in and going out for the competitiveness. He knows what hes talking about. After president bush slapped that tariff on foreign steel, some nine months later the United States had to rescind that because there was evidence it was hurting american industries, and the economy. Well see where it all goes. Meanwhile, israeli Prime Minister netanayu will be at the white house today. His second time here, the fifth meeting overall with the president. They met in israel a couple other conferences as well as an tune for him to get away from israel. Hes the center of corruption investigation there. Some of the most recent news is that his spin doctor is now in talks to turn state evidence, which a lot of people are seeing as potentially bad for netanayu. He was interviewed by the police friday. Iran will be top of the agenda in a visit scheduled to last just a little more than three hours here at white house. Not expecting any movement on middle east peace though, and the two of them are not making a public appearance. We dont get a chance to put questions to them unfortunately. Well see. As usual, right . You never know. Things could change. John roberts. Thank you. A lot on the table in the middle east so thats coming up here. In the meantime, 11 minutes past the hour. Breaking news, historic meeting, north decree a senior officials from south korea meeting in person with the dictator for the First Time Since he took power. Is there a breakthrough on the table . General jack keane analyzes that in a moment. Isis threatening a major u. S. Embassy. How police may have prevented another bengazistyle attack. We did what we think we need to do. In fact that discussion between president obama and putin, we believe was impactful on the russian action. That is former obama chief of staff mcdonnough, defending the response before the vote. Now there is new reaction from President Trump. Just coming into americas newsroom. That story is next. Its time for the sleep number spring clearance event. The dual adjustability of the sleep number bed allows each of you to adjust to your ideal level of firmness, comfort and support. Your sleep number setting. For your best. Sleep. Ever. In the morning, youll discover the amazing effects the bed is having on your sleep quality. Your sleepiq score. And snoring . Does your bed do that . Only at a sleep number store where queen mattresses start at just 899. And, its the last chance for clearance savings up to 600 on our most popular beds. Ends soon. Visit sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. Fox news alert. Media outlets in turkey, report Police Detained four suspected isis militants in connection with a plot on an embassy there. The embassy announced it was closed to the public due to a threat. Theyre advising american citizens to keep a low profile and stay away from large crowds. Breaking news. Fox news confirming south korean officials meeting with north korean dictator kim jongun to the, in person. Meanwhile, President Trump talking about his contact with north korea saying this over the weekend, saturday night i wont rule out direct talks with kim jongun. I just wont. As far as the risk of dealing with a madman is concern, thats his problem, not mine. General jack keane. Good day to you on a monday. Theres a lot of action. What do you make of it . First of all i think talks are good. South korea certainly is going to represent their own interests but im sure theyre going to put a place card on the table that if youre going to make progress here, in negotiations, youre going to have do it with the United States, and that absolutely is a fact, and i think our condition; we only want to talk with the North Koreans if the discussion on the table is denuclearizing north decree a where the North Koreans are coming from and why they want the weapons clearly is because they want to preserve their regime. Their negotiation bottom line; dont take down our regime. The evidence that would be pull out of south korea entirely, the United States, and were not going to do that but is there trade space between pulling out and denuclearizing our weapons and can we convince you were never ever going to invade north korea. Is there some negotiating room there . I think there is. Well see. Very interesting. President trump also apparently said this on saturday night. By the way a couple days ago he said they said we would like to talk and i said so would we, but you have to denuke, you have to denuke. Lets see what happens. Maybe positive things are happening. I hope thats true. Well be meeting and well see if anything pos tif happens. You lay out an interesting case. The uls gets out of south korea and north korea gives up their nukes . That would be one heck of a deal of negotiation, sir. Yes, it would be. We will not pull out of south korea but what we could do is we could negotiate the fact that we can do less exercises with south koreans. They dont have to be on the same scale. We can put something on the table that maybe moves the ball a little bit to convince them that look it, were really not interested in changing out your regime, which is why hes got the weapons. Okay. They may not be able to get there but, well see. I think what youre laying out is very interesting and as you say well see. Another big topic. Benjamin netanayu at the white house. Lindsay graham sunday here is what he said. The last thing on my mind right now is the Peace Process. Were about to have a war between israel and hezbollah in southern lebanon. Iran is winning and were losing. I would focus on containing iran rather than pushing a Peace Process thats broken. If we dont come up with a strategy against iran were going to make israel go to war here pretty soon with hezbollah elements in southern lebanon. Were about to have a war between israel and hezbollah. They fought in 2006 in the summer, and we remember it well. You believe the big problem netanayu has, is the u. S. Has no strategy in syria and President Trump is getting a mouthful today. Hes going to much i spoke at length with senator graham and his office friday, after his return from the theater. We have been watching this every single day at the institute for the study of war and i can tell you for a fact, the iran civilians are running the war in syria and consolidating games with the russians and encroaching on israel every year since 1980 they said this we intend to dominate and control the middle east. To do that who things must happen. Drive the United States out, destroy the state of israel. They have 160,000 rockets and missiles that the iranians placed in southern lebanon with the hezbollah. Theyre trying to put missile and rocket bases in syria so they can fire on israel from multiple locations and overwhelm the missile defense. The israelis wont put up with this. What the Prime Minister is going to tell the president today, is simply this. Look it, iran is getting closer and closer to a war with us. He said im not going to put up with this. I will go full throttle into lebanon, if this happens, and i will take down all of those missile sites and bas ochlt s in southern lebanon and this time im not going to leave. I will not leave lebanon. Li take down gaza and i wont leave. That is the message hell convey to him and he wants the president to do more in syria than what hes doing. Big topics. Come back later in the week. Jack keane live from washington. Thank you. Good talking to you, bill. Breaking news on the man who shot and killed himself outside of the white house over the weekend. What were now learning about the incident. Also, syria slipping deeper into crisis and now the white house calling out russia over its role in that war. You leave syria in the hands of russia, and the iranians, this war never ends and our friends in israel are in a world of hurt. You know whats awesome . Gigspeed internet. You know whats not awesome . When only certain people can get it. Lets fix that. Lets give this guy gig really . And these kids, and these guys, him, ah. Oh hello. That lady, these houses yes, yes and yes. And dont forget about them. Uh huh, sure. Still yes xfinity delivers gig speed to more homes than anyone. Now you can get it, too. Welcome to the party. We now know who committed suicide outside the white house. A 26 yearold man from alabama shot himself there. Cameron burgess approached a fence and fired several rounds from a hand gun before turning the gun on himself. None of the shots appear to have been directed at the white house of the the president and his family were away that the time and no official reason given as to why he picked that location. Fox news alert. Food and medical aid finally reaching civilians in syria. Its the first delivery to reach the eastern area in nearly three weeks. Meanwhile, the white house calling out russia over the military operation in syria, claiming they have killed innocent civilians. Con or powell is following this story. Yes, the white house has said it holds russia responsible for what is happening in syria, but despite the criticism, the white house hasnt gone much further than just offering the criticisms of russia. There is a lot of disagreement about what the u. S. Should do in syria, if anything at all, and that really does continue as we see this first shipment of aid convoy trucks moving into the eastern area as you said, the first in three weeks. About 46 trucks moving in to that rebelheld area. The trucks are full of food, a lot of wheat and flour, water, not as much medical supplies as the red cross was hoping get in. According to red cross officials, this supply convoy went in but a lot of the medical supplies were removed by syrian officials. They believe this area is controlled by islamic terrorists, militants as they have described it, and they dont want trauma kits and other Surgical Supplies going into help the rebels, the militants, so the most part the supply convoy is full of food for about 27,000 people or so, but it is well short of the medical supplies that most humanitarian groups say are much needed for the 400,000 people that are still trapped in the eastern area. There is this ongoing battle between the regime in russia and the International Community about who the fighters are. The regime backed by russia says these are islamic terrorists, militants. These are the same as alqaeda. That is why were fighting a war and were not going to stop fighting despite international pressure. This fighting is continuing but there is good news that aid is getting in there now. Thanks for the update. Were moments away, opening bell on wall street as President Trump battles critics on all sides in the tariff announcement. Well see how the markets react in a brand new week here. Couple minutes away from that. Plus, in the wake of the Parkland School shooting, one congressman said the only way to stop a bad guy is with a gun. A good guy with a gun. Well talk to him. Thats why i couldnt seal so i can protect myself, i can protect my family who might be with me, and i can protect all of those around me who choose not to carry a fire arm. John ruth ford is here and join us next. Stocks opening lower a moment ago amid growing concerns on wall street. A potential trade war, uncertainty over elections in italy. This week also marking nine years, get this, folks, nine years since the stock market began its current historic bull run. Where were we nine years ago . Its still young. Historically speaking though. In dog years. We dont often see these periods of synchronized global growth. We have been in that, so this fear of trade wars that is being sparked by the, by the talk of the tariffs at least by the president , is leading alot of concern across the globe so youre not only seeing our market sell off but overseas as well. If you bought nine years ago youre doing great. Enjoy that 401 k. Well done. As we continue to await action on gun control florida congressman John Rutherford int dution a new School Safety bill, saying schools should not be gun free zones. Sounds cliche but it sounds that way because its true. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun. So, you have to have those officers, or some Armed Security at our schools. Joining me now florida congressman John Rutherford. Thanks for being here. Its hard to believe its been almost three weeks since 17 people were killed at that florida high school. Theres been a lot of talk in the weeks that followed that school shooting. Not a lot of action. What with key achieve at this point . Well, sandra its good to be with you. The stop School Violence act of 2018 which is now a bipartisan bill, is one thing that i think we can do to address the multi layered security that you need for a school, for example, and part of that is, we look at the, you know the actual Physical Plant and you have heard people talk about locks and hardening the target and that sort of thing. Theres an issue called Crime Prevention through Environmental Design that can you look at, but then what this bill does also, is focus on teaching students, teachers and officers what are those warning signs that we can look for, in these individuals who may be potentially mass casualty shooters . But congressman, i want to jump in there because you say that but there were warning signs ahead of this playing out. Absolutely. And this were students who saw and said something so how is what youre proposing going to change the ability for someone like this to slip through the cracks even if he people say hey, something is not right here. We developed this with Sandy Hook Promise because in that situation, it wasnt wellknown. They didnt have all of those tips. I believe combine might have been the same so i believe columbine might have been the same so Douglas High School is, you know an example of how everything can go wrong, even the good guy with the gun in that case, which is the final layer of security for any school but what this bill will do is provide the resources through, through School Safety grants torx allow schools to look at their facility, make those improvements with the 75 match, provide dollars for the training for students, teachers and officers to know what to look for and then also provide dollars for them to actually set up an anonymous tip line. So you have got, youre saying you have got bipartisan support for the bill. Well see where it goes. Meanwhile, you have been a big supporter of President Trump. You were in that meeting on wednesday where it lasted an hour and about seven minutes of that hour was exchanges between you and the president. He was pushing back on some of your proposals. How do you differ with President Trump on the issue of changing gun laws in this country . Well, i think one of the take away from that meeting was clearly that the president wants something done about School Safety. That is why i want to continue to push our stop School Violence safety act of 2018. I think on the issue of concealed carry, the point that i was trying to make is, if you, if you are in a mall, a shopping mall, a grocery store, and no one in there is carrying concealed. Then, that is in essence, a gunfree, ill call it area instead of zone because i think theres some confusion about what a gunfree zone is. That is a legal term where you cannot carry a gun. No one can. But what im talking about is these gunfree areas thaw may walk through every day and you dont even know it. Youre in the mall, youre in, youre in the grocery store. He pushed back hard on this saying that is never going to happen. He was urging you to even drop that so as former sheriff. What he was concerned about is the national res prosecutor tee resprocity being able to carry across state lines. Right. He pushed back hard. So as a sheriff and were you for many years, what do you think the president is getting wrong here . I think again he wants to, you know, he wants to end these gunfree zones and i think this is one way to end gun free areas. You know, look, i think hes focused right now on the School Safety issue. And thats what youre focused on. And thats where it should be. He told that group of lawmakers in that meeting that you all are petrified of the nra. Does that apply to you . No, look. I have been a lifelong member of the nra, and theres no need to fear the nra. They are good, upstanding folks, the members and the organization, and im proud to say i stand with the nra. All right, over the weekend, former white house chief of staff made the news. He was on the sunday shows talking about Jeff Sessions and the president s problem with him. Listen to this. I think it is a problem, and i dont think that it would be good for the president for attorney general session to leave, but i also think the president has made up his mind in regard to how he feels about the recusal. He feels like it was the first sin, the original sin, and he feels slighted by t he doesnt like it and hes not going to let it go. Calls it the original sin. Jeff sessions recused himself from the russian investigation. You sit sir on the house judiciary committee. What is the future of Jeff Sessions . I think Jeff Sessions has a unique opportunity right now as attorney general, to change the culture within the oj, and i think the president would greatly appreciate his leadership in changing that. The bias we have seen in this whole situation, what may or may not have happened in the court in securing the surveillance warrants, that bias we saw in the emails that went back and forth, i tell you, i think that type of bias has to be ripped out by the roots and i think attorney general sessions should be about that and i think he will be. Congressman rutherford, were kicking off a very busy week here and its good to have you on this morning. Thanks for being here. Thank you very much. A new York High School senior makes the play of a lifetime. Here it is on the court. crowd noise . Thats julian nagarve. He missed two free throws, his team was down by two. Three seconds left. Intercepts that pass and heaves it 670 feet the other way for the 70 feet for the hail mary. Good stuff. March madness, folks. Bracketology rolls out in one week from sunday i think, right about that time . Would you have the more. Maybe you and i do a little talking. Lets see. I guess im going to have to win another dollar. Yes. One of our top stories of the day, trey gowdy now says a Second Special counsel will be needed to investigate abuses a the Justice Department. Details straight ahead. More than 800 Illegal Immigrants still at large and may have avoided capture rather because of one sanctuary city mayors warning. We have the details on that. And, President Trump now calling out former president obama, saying that ad stration did nothing about russia meddling during the 2016 election. When i saw president putin in chin , i felt that the most effective way to insure that that didnt happen, was to talk to him directly. Tell him to cut it out. The president asked four leaders in a bipartisan meet anything the oval office to join him in asking the states to work with us on this question. It took over three weeks to get that statement worked out. It was dramatically watered down. You can ask harry reid and nancy. Watered down on the insistence of Mitch Mcconnell . Yes. So now we look in the rear view mirror, dennis mcdonnough calling out Mitch Mcconnell as he pushes back in the growing criticism over the Obama Administration and the russian interference. Mary anne mash has a few ideas here we g the white house asked for a letter about election security, not russia, and he said he asked democrats in all caps, not to do a Public Statement about russia during the same time period. Give me a break. All right, katie pav lismt ch here as well. Yes, president obama had the nsa at his disposal. Homeland security, cia and he knew the russians were planning medal because they had medicine will in the elections before, not just the United States but around the world, and yet he did little to actually confront this threat, and in fact in fall of 2016, right before the election, donald trump was saying that the election could be rigged, meddling could happen and president obama said no reasonable person thinks that our elections could be rigged because theyre statebased. Democrats have to make a choice. Russia either medicine will in the election as they have claimed or as president obama said they cant because the elections are statebased. You cant have it both ways. Pick one way or the other. What did the obama team do . Do we remember this story . During the election. Do we remember any headlines. Hang on, folks. Its not a conspiracy, i promise. Just a satellite connection between here and boston massachusetts and once we get mary anne back on well bring it to you but katie for now its just you. I dont know if the noreaster. Its the russians, bill, obviously. You know. To the viewers well get mary anne back in a moment. What did team obama do, katie, looking back. Seems like they didnt do much. Democrats will ring that president obama expelled Russian Diplomats from the United States. Closed some buildings they had here just outside of washington, dc but he only did that after the dnc had all of the emails released in an embarrassing fashion and after the Clinton Campaign said hey can you do something about this because were getting nailed here. President obama, came to the russians, just didnt take it seriously. Going back and everyone mentioned this since 2012, when he literally laughed at mid romney during the president ial debate and said the 1980s want their Foreign Policy back implying russia wasnt a threat. He said clinton with her you know silly plastic reset button to reset relations with russia, and then. I dont, i dont remember them making a big deal out of this story during the election. I dont know was it swallowed by other headlines. I just dont remember it. Do you, yes or no. Because they didnt think it was a serious threat, thats the truth. Maybe they thought theyd win is probably what mary anne would say if only she kochlt the other thing shed argue is the headline New York Times on the screen nows thats an issue. The white house is saying the department of Homeland Security is all over it but we have yet to hear what theyll do. The president tweeted this a short time ago why Obama Administration start investigation into the Trump Campaign with zero proof of wrong doing long before election in november, want toddies credit. So crooked. Hillary could win, unprecedented. Bigger than watergate, plus obama did nothing about russian meddlinghow did they answer that question about money. Look, theres certainly more that each agency can do to fight russian meddling. They could do a lot to bolster the Cyber Security in the country but the truth is the Trump Administration laid out in the president S National Security strategy earlier this year that each individual agency has to use the funding and resources it has to best approach this in their own way, and the best way they said so yes, the state department could be using this money to bolster the Cyber Security and to try to reduce meddling from foreign adversaries like russia and china, etc. , but when it comes to elections too, we have to keep in mind this is not just a federal issue. These are statebased election systems, each state does things differently and each has their own Cyber Security to combat the threats. Just reading from the piece, by election day, 33 states, 36 counties and cities have used Homeland Security tools to scan or strengthen their systems. Last word katie. I would just keep in mine as we move forward and as we have seen throughout the course of the last year, that the narrative that the Trump Campaign clueded with the russians. You see more and more it was actually the Clinton Campaign that worked with russian operatives in russia to go after the Trump Campaign and the Obama Administration despite knowing from the Intelligence Service thats we have the threat of meddling and did little to nothing to stop it. I dont know how much of this youre able to hear. We have your communication leinbach. Yes. I heard all of it. Okay. What do you think now as we look in the rear view mirror about what team obama did or did not . Well, yes. Bill, you and i talked about this almost two years now and the fact is the Obama Administration did too little too late to deal with the russian interference in the election that. Is a fact. But the real blame here rests with donald trump, his campaign and the republicans who helped him a long the way and the Mueller Investigation is making that clearer a long the way. Remember, the investigation into rush , medicine meddling in our decks elections started in the spring of 2015 as i have said before. First briefing for president obama was june of 2015 so plenty of intelligence, activity and things done but in the end the Obama Administration did not do enough, however, that does not excuse donald trump and his campaign and other republicans who have clearly helped him during this time. They made the bet, obama did, he made the bet that Hillary Clinton would be okay and what were going to find out is, a lot about what really happened in this 2016 election, and you go through that election and everything donald trump said is really tru of him, what he accused others of doing including owe bam a in that tweet today hes guilty of it himself. I apologize for losing that signal. Whats next. From the red carpet to the main stage, politics dominated hollywoods biggest night. We have a recap next. They dont make films like call me by my name for money. We make them to upset mike pence. Tonight we see where theres darkness theres also hope, except at the white house, hope quit on wednesday. Jimmy kimmel taking gentleman. Jabs at the white house. This was the first oscar since the weinstein scandal. Joining me is the reporter for fox News Headlines 247. A lot of people missed last night because ratings were down. They were. Second lowest since 1974. Yes, and that is really no surprise. Award show ratings have been steadily tanking. Some people say its political. Others say the award shows are just too darn long. The big block busters that people dont, that people go to see in the theaters arent even nominated for any awards so i think its a mixture of all those things you know listen, before the award shows started, the producer said that jimmy kimmel was going to avoid or at least try to avoid pointed political criticism. Im not sure he really succeeded on that front but he wasnt the only one. Nra, get anything gods way. Also it was talked about dreamers. But, you know, we just spoke about the length. These comments were over a long period of time, so i would say overall this what ard show did have the political commentary, as many people suspected it would, but it wasnt as political as last year where it seemed like everybody was trying to make a political statement in their acceptance speeches. The me too movement making a strong appearance. Of course. That was really the theme of the entire awards show. Its been about five or six months and the first allegations against Harvey Weinstein were printed. Jimmy kimmel talked about it in the Opening Monday long. Frances asked every woman who was nominated to stand up during her acceptance speech. She won best actress and talk about inclusion. She ended the speech saying i have two words for you, inclues riders and it seemed like people were a little confused by what it meant, inclusion rider its a clause an actor kentucky to be part of the contract, requesting the cast and crew be diverse so well see if more and more people include those. Did you watch the whole thing. I sure did. Of course you did. I like the fashions. All right. In a moment here, outraged rage growing over the weekend. Hundreds of ill lease isis saying at large after a largescale raid thanks to one large city. Growing outrage as the head of isis, 800 Illegal Immigrants escaped arrest in Northern California after oaklands mayor sounded an alarm about immigration raids there. Welcome to a brand new hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith and look who is back this morning. Yes, hope you had a great weekend. I din deed. You . Yes. Thank you. Im bill hemmer. 200 arrested, half violent criminals. The feds report another 800 still at large because they were given advance warning from the mayor in oakland. Live in oakland for us this morning for the latest there. Well, good morning. We have learned the attorney general, Jeff Sessions, is coming to california this week and hell address the controversy around the mayors decision to announce the ice raids were coming. It continues to generate strong reaction from all sides. Amid protests con temperaturing temperaturing condemning the ice operations the mayor is pledging millions of dollars to help lawyers fight deportation but one crime victim said shes relieved one of those arrested is off the street. Im glad they finally got him in custody and i hope he serves time for what he does. Fox news was on hand when 38 yearold dechlt lgado was arrested at his home in napa. The known gang member and felon crashed into a woman leaving the woman injured. Cops found him hiding and arrested him for felony hitandrun. Hes looking now at new federal charges that could send him to prison for up to 20 years. We were going to take custody, do the case and present to the u. S. Attorney for prosecution but well remove him from the country once were done with him. While she said she doesnt like to see families torn apart by enforcement operations. He shouldnt have made those decisions. The city of oakland, ice Officials Say at least two of the targets remain at large, a honduran with multiple arrests for drug and child sex crimes and Mexican National with weapons and drunk driving convictions. In both cases, detainers have been repeatedly ignored because of sanctuary policies. Now, some legal analysts say if the Trump Administration looking for test cases to go after local officials who interfere with ice operation this is could be it. Thank you. Also breaking news this morning, special counsel casting a wider net. Bob muellers Team Reportedly issuing a subpoena to an unnamed witness seeking a trove of documents from top Trump Campaign officials, and the president himself. That goes back years by the way. Meanwhile, congressman trey gowdy arguing a special counsel, a second one, is required to look into potential abuses within the Justice Department. I have counted up almost two dozen witnesses that the Inspector General would not have access to were he alone doing the investigation so i think were trending perhaps towards another special counsel at the close, because of this unique fact pattern and because of witnesses outside of the reach of the Inspector General. Two things to deal with. Judge Andrew Napolitano standing by with the legal issues but first, the congressman is not alone in the requests. Good morning. A number of republicans in the senate and house are calling for a special council to investigate alleged surveillance abuse because they allege the Justice Department cannot investigate itself. The warrant is wanted for application, pardon me, for Trump Campaign, be declassified and made public. If were able to get the application into the public square, i think we could instill confidence in the American People that the fbi and the department of justice were biased against the president. They were making misrepresentations to the court and then well know which individuals we have to get rid of to really drain this swamp and restore confidence in the critical institutions to our republic. Fox news independently can confirm robert mulers investigation has been talking about this as early as november of last year. Critics of the special counsel say its more evidence a long with the wide ranging subpoenas that the investigation has gone beyond the stated mandate of russian interference. We also are learning more about the Inspector Generals investigation into the fbi, and Justice Departments handling of the clinton email matter. What is new on that. Fbi agent peter strok was told an irregularity suggested a possible breach but the bureau resisted a Damage Assessment according to two sources with knowledge of the matter. Fox news also told the Inspector General is reviewing the allegations. He was part of then director comeys inner circle who helped edit the statement where comey recommended against criminal charges for clinton and her team for the mishandling of classified information. The original draft said it was likely they gained access to the server. That was later change today say it was merely possible. Here is the statement from july of 2016. She also used her penalty email extensively outside of the United States, including sending and receiving workrelated emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to secretary clintons personal email account. The report is expected really at any time. Thank you. Now across the room, sandra. More now we bring in judge Andrew Napolitano, tough to decide where to begin. Theres a lot going on here this morning. Judge, lets first talk the muller probe, his team looking into the possible the mueller probe. Im aware of the criticism of special counsels because there seems to be no limit to what they do and there seems to be a tendency to want to justify their behavior. Im aware of that criticism because i have made it a long with a lot of other of our colleagues, but it would be absolutely misconduct in office if bob mueller overlooked Something Like this. My suggestion to you is that the guilty plea of richard gates, paul mannefortes Business Partner and the Deputy Director to the end of the campaign and transition official and frequent visitor to the white house, has proven to be a treasure trove for mueller and company and hes probably opened their eyes to other influences on the campaign about which they knew little before he became a cooperating witness. Just when the discussion started to be maybe it looks like Robert Mueller is wrapping this up, it seems like its only getting bigger and expanding. I fully agree with you. The American Public is now aware of the nature and extent of the russian network. New york times reported that over a thousand people were employed full time or part time in the caterers office, im making air quotes with my fingers because while he was a caterer, he was also running the sophisticated internet assault. The American Public is aware of the fact that the state department as a, has a budget of 125 million to combat this and hasnt spent money on it so there obviously is something going on with the russians and bob mueller is determined to get to the bottom of it but if he comes against the united arab emriates as being involved he has to investigate that as well. On the doj abuses, what do you think of trey gowdy over the weekend saying a Second Special counsel may not be avoid. I think that congressman gowdy has a point, because the Inspector General of whose report Catherine Justice spoke a few moments ago, does not have viewers diction to interrogate people who have left the Justice Department. Theres about 20 people who left the Justice Department through attrition and, and retirement. One a forced retirement, mccabe and once theyre gone the Inspector General cant even bring them in to talk to them. On the other hand, another special counsel will be very much of a problem. Only two people who can a point one. Jeff sessions and rob ros ochlt nstein. One is recused and one would be a pointing someone to investigate himself because hes one of the people who authorized the applications after reading it and saying go ahead and present it to. When trey was talking about this he brought up the democratic memo, saying congress has proven itself incapable of investigating at booze. Really talking as a political nature. I think hes right and think of it, the big picture this. Is so unusual. You have a republican congress, investigating a republican Justice Department, and the congress is frustrated and stymied to the point where the head of that investigation is saying the investigation is useless. This rarely happens when the same Party Controls executive branch as the legislative branch. Fascinating watch. Meanwhile the sanctuary city, the warning that mayor of oakland gave to its residents. Ice Officials Say 800 Illegal Immigrants are still at large and may have avoided capture because of that mayor. Okay, so your typical illegal immigrant is a person who over stayed a vees , stays here for awhile, commits a crime. Is arrested and put out on bail. Ice wants to know when that happened so they can pick them up as they leave the courthouse, after they make their bail, and ship them home. The mayors warning in my opinion, was reckless, and dangerous. Dangerous to the people shes trying to protect because it produces violence, dangerous to federal agents. But it was not illegal. Because the statute does not prohibit warning, it only prohibits harboring. If she put the people in the basement of the mayors house, that would be a crime. When we heard the director of ice saying that were going to have the doj look into possible charges against her. That will be a deadend . I believe it is but i dont blame him. I share his frustration. His guys and gals are having to do extra work and its dangerous work because of what the mayor did but shes within her rights to do it. Interesting. Last thing i want to ask you about, putin saying russia will never extra indictment the 13 russians indicted by the u. S. For election meddlin meddling. The reason im smiling is because president putin is saying we wont extradite somebody for a charge that is not a crime in russia. Guess what other country takes that position . The United States. We dont extradite people to other countries for allegation thats arent criminal here. I think bob mueller made a point by announcing these indictments but he knows hes not going to prosecute any of these people because theyll never come here. Never, never, russia does not extradite its citizens to anyone, putin said. For once i think president putin is telling the truth. You covered a lot for us, judge. Always good to see you. Pleasure. Thanks. Certainly did. 11 minutes past the hour. President trump already pushing back after critics worldwide and within his own party slam his tariff announcement but the president , what hes saying today. And growing signs that democrats are on the rise in the state of texas. Could liberals turn parts of the red state blue in the up coming midterms and what does it mean for midterm season Going Forward . Karl rove, there he; hell join us straight ahead on all of that. Students on the march demanding safer schools. Well talk to the father of meadow polack, an 18 yearold girl killed last month in parkland, florida. The father thinks the, what the father thinks the focus should be and where. Im very angry this happened but it keeps happening. 911 happened once, and they fixed everything. How many schools, how many children have to get shot . It stops here with this administration and me. Kecking off the midterm primary season tomorrow and there are signs that democrats could be seeing a rise in the lone star state. Democrats leading the way in early voter turn out, up 105 from the last midterm elections in 2014. Republicans behind by nearly 45 , up is a . Karl rove is former White House Deputy chief of staff with president george w. Bush and a Fox News Contributor who is always willing and able to make sense of the numbers for us. What do you make of this . Are democrats on the rise in texas . Well, they certainly have a lot of enthusiasm going into the primary. Lets take a quick look. Im going to look at the 10 biggest counties. We have a lot of counties in texas. 254. But the 10 most populace counties in 2014, 253,000 republican early voters and 184,000 democrats. This time around, its 370,000 democrats, just over 100 increase, and 283,000 republican early voters, about 15 . If you get a look inside of the numbers however, theyre concentrated in some counties. Harris county, texas, thats houston, has three very competitive congressional races. For the democrats, theres an open seat, for the republicans theres an open seat and then one of the three texas seats occupied by republican congressmen man, won by Hillary Clinton, texas 7, the western suburbs of houston, and from there, the early voting went from 21,000 last midterm to 70,000 this time around inside the democratic primary. Similar jump in dallas with one of the three seats that occupied by republican, carried by clinton. Not as big increase in fob fort worth, tarrant county. The third seed won by clinton and then travis county, the little blue bury in the middle of the big red state, where im coming from today, went from 20,000 four years ago to 58,000 this time around. Lets keep it in perspective. This is 6 of the eligible voting age population, travis county. This increase in dallas and in harris county, is 2 , equal to 2 of the total voting age population. Harris county voted early in the democratic primary this time around. So to sum that up, then, youre clearly identifying there are some spots in the state that clearly democrats could turn blue. Well, theres a lot of enthusiasm to vote in the democratic primary that doesnt necessarily guarantee that the state, that part of the state turns blue. I do think the level of enthusiasm democrats have this year, theyre not going to win any statewide race in my opinion, but they are going to nick away at the republican margin in the legislature. The republicans have a 9555 margin in the texas house. The republicans have seats at risk in the urban areas where theres high democratic turn out. Similarly in the state senate, 20 republicans and 11 democrats, republicans could lose a couple seats to the senate which would balls of the senate rules be very powerful for the democrats. We have a requirement that 20 votes are needed to take up something. So, if the republicans drop below that 20 vote margin they could be, have real problems in operating the state senate but i, right now, its localized. Lets look at it as an impact. Interest in voting for democrats, in an open race, in houston, and against, potentially against republicans in hillary district in dallas, houston and. This as democrats try to figure out what their message is going to be and theres obviously disagreement within the party with some moving so far to the left. The Communications Director for the texas Democratic Party is quoted as saying texas is the nations bell weather right now. Well, we keep hearing that from them every two years but in a way theyre right this time around. In houston, there are i think eight candidates in the Congressional District against john culverson the republican who holds the hillary district. The Democratic Committee came in and slammed one of the democrats, laura moser, saying she was too liberal to win the district. They literally took an Opposition Research package and handted out to everybody. Shes raced money and gained real attention among voters and has been enforced by Bernie Sanders our revolution. I think this probably helped her more than it hurt her. Well see whether it helped her enough to get into the runoff. Good stuff. White board and all. Kutzing through it. You bet. About that time. New report saying that the state department was given 120 million to investigate russian meddling and has not used any of it. What is that all about . We shall investigate. And schools in West Virginia closed for the 8th day because teachers are still on strike. Were out until this gets settled. We have students that understand that. We have legislators who dont. West virginia teachers on the picket line for the eight day with no resolution in sight. Struck a deal with the governor for the 5 raise but the state legislature capped the increase at 4. We have seen 4. 9 increase just in the cost of living since we got our last pay raise which was a one time bonus t wasnt even a pay raise. It was bait and switch and its not acceptable. Reaction there. The teachers in West Virginia are among the lowest paid in the country. All 55 counties announced School Closings today. One of the biggest stories in washington, the president defending his position to impose tariffs. Critics say this policy could deal a huge blow to the u. S. Economy. The president Standing Firm tweeting john mccormack. Good day to you on a monday. Boy, everybody is writing about this over the weekend. I think its important to point out these were words only. Nothing signed. No executive action pushed forward. What do you think he ultimately does . It seems like hes pretty commited to this. Hes had top trade advisors going on the shows defending this bun said there might be exemptions now for specific companies from the tariffs so for example, theyre issuing a report over the weekend that electrolux, a foreign appliance manufacturer is putting on hold a 250 Million Investment in tennessee sort of underscores there are winners and losers and the winners at least in the beginning American Steel companies, losers are people who might have jobs in industries that consume a lot of steel, so theres a big trade off there. Really does open the door when youre picking winners and losers. That dose open the door to what conservatives derive as crony capitalism. Thats interesting. I think its interesting when you see the political lines cut this way. You get some republicans saying, and some democrats in favor, joe mansion of West Virginia is one, said this sunday. I appreciate and respect the president s throwing tonight the table and throwing the gauntlet down. 50 of the steel produced comes from china. The United States is the largest importer of steel. Connect the dots. We shall connect the dots. A lot of the talk is that this is an opening bid. Like its a negotiation. Do you see it that way . Thats what the president tweet thd morning saying the tariffs would come off if we had a better deal through nafta. The problem with trade wars or little tariffs as they start out they tend to escalate. They tend to escalate and theyre not easily won. Both sides tend to lose so its interesting he pointed out that democrats are embracing this rhetoric. A lot of republicans will have a difficult time because they have a rrd for free trade and i think the messaging on tariffs completely undermines the tax bill message. You had republicans saying, theyre mocking nancy pelosi for saying a tax cut of several hundred dollars was crumbs. Now you have the president s secretary ross saying that you know if a car cost as couple hundred bucks more than no big deal. You also have you know. He actually put a price tag on it, the difference quickly. A week from tomorrow. You have a special election in southwestern pa. You know whats big there . Steel. Is this part of that do you think i think it is. There are a lot of factors include ago scandal with the outgoing republican but this is steel country and that could play part. Eight days away. John, thanks for coming back. Nice to see you in washington. Thank you. Former white house communication director says morale is low at the white house and that rather than order general john kelly is actually bringing chaos. New reaction coming up. The Florida School shooting sparking an emotional debate over gun laws and the father of one of the victims says thats the wrong focus. Well speak to andrew pollock live. Afz fire inside of me that i cant explain. Reach out to me and my sons. Who buried their little cyst aer couple weeks ago. Let them march with you in dc. Lets get the right message across. Lets make these schools safe. Emotional plea for the sister, grieving father in the wake of the shooting. Andrew pollock and his daughter meadow, age 18, was one of 17 students killed that day. He said the mission now is to improve School Safety. Andrew is my guest. Hes in the florida city of tallahassee. Thank you for your time in being here and seeing you a lot on television. I appreciate you being here today. You just talked with lawmakers in florida. What are they telling you this hour that is new, sir . Right now im up here in tallahassee, im supporting governor scotts bill that he proposed, thats on the floor right now. Theyll be voting on in the next couple of days. Its a School Safety and Mental Illness bill. Its just a common sense bill to help protect our kids when they go to school. Its going to help the schools with hardening and help the police, help with Mental Illness. Everything in that bill that a parent would want their kids to keep them safe and the schools, so thats why im up here. I represent the other 16 families that they lost people, too. They also are in favor of governor scotts bill so right now theres a battle going on and theres a different agenda. These people that are voting, theyre opposing this safety bill and Mental Illness bill so right now i posted the list of the lawmakers that oppose making our kids safe at the school. Its on remember meadow. Com. I want to you go on remember meadow. Com. Look on my public page. Look at the list. If you want your kids safe you call those lawmakers and you hound them. You make them, you make them vote yes when it comes to this bill. That is what i have to say about that. Everyone is behind me. These people have a different agenda. Well see what happens with governor scotts bill. I dont know how many republicans in the house and senate there in to tallahassee support it but thats something well watch. The senate took this up over the weekend and part of what they did was they rejected assault weapons ban and expressed support forearming teachers. Now, you are not about changing laws but about strengthening schools first and worry about laws later. Correct. And others on the Opposing Side of that issue would say you had a guard there in the school. You had Police Officers respond and look what they did, which amounted to not a whole lot in the end so where does your argument go when you know theres an armed guard there the day of the shooting. Im about being productive and doing something that is achievable right now. What is achievable is everyone getting together and making our schools safe. So, just like a judge, when he goes to work and necessary the courtroom hes not worried about a gun coming into the courtroom. When you go on a plane, youre not worried about someone coming into the plane to shoot you, so we have got to get that mentality out there, that when we send our kids into school, theyre going to think about science, theyre going to think about math, theyre not, they dont have to think about someone stalking them in the hallway. So with this bill, what it proposes is, its going to stop at the front door just like a school or federal buildinging. Theres nothing in the bill about arming teachers. If governor scotts bill went through and if it was on the books a month ago, would meadow be alive today . Well, i dont know how fast the bill, it could get implemented so i couldnt tell you that. But the changes within the law would t. V. Stopped the killer. Oh, yes. 100 . What is in that bill, it gives the police the ability if they get called out to someones house if someone is acting not ration ral. If theyre called to the house and think the person is not rational they can go into the persons house, do a search and if theres any weapons in the house, they could confiscate those weapons. They werent able to do that before. You think this passes or not . Im up here, man, and if i cant get it done, theres something wrong because im going to try my best. I have got all of these people counting on me. Im here, im going to be at the floor. I know the guys that are opposing it and their agenda is not to keep our kids safe so remember meadow. Com. Look at the list. Hammer away everybody. Okay. How are you doing andrew. How are your boys doing . Im holding up. Im trying to get everybody on the same page right now. Thats my message. I want the kids, i want the parents of the kids, i want them to focus on School Safety right now and later on they can do whatever they want with gun laws but my priority is making the kids safe and i think a lot of people are starting to get it. They feel the same way i do about sending their kids to school next week. We want them safe. If florida can pass this bill well set an example for the rest of the country and then ill call out every governor in every state. Just like rick scott he went and did what he had to do. The other governors they have got to step up. They have got to be pro active. Okay. We cant have another shooter. You dont want anyone. No doubt. My face is the last guy. Come back. Well see whether or not you find success on this. Thank you for your time. Thanks, bill. Today was the deadline for dreamers. Until the Supreme Court stepped in giving them a reprieve while the legal battle over daca plays out. Right now dreamers gathering to hold rallies on capitol hill. Mike is live in washington for us this morning. Six months after President Trump moved to end the daca program, where do things stand today . Waingt on congress to figure it out. President trump made reference to the young people brought here illegally by their parents at the gridiron dinner in washington over the weekend saying i love the dreamers. I really believe the republicans want to solve this problem, daca, more than the democrats and certainly faster. The president added, were all working together and i hope that something is going to happen. A prominent republican governor addressed the issue as well. We cant be taking these kids that have been or young people who have been here some of them for 20 years, and ship them out of the country for political reasons. Part of the issue is the house has an enforcement first conservative plan which if it passes, would not have the votes to pass the senate. So theres not an immediate congressional fix. Morale ease are expected today so you can expect plenty of speeches from democrats. A key democrat involved in the immigration talks says the president must help lawmakers get this done. Strong bipartisan bill that would have solved the status of dreamers was rejected. It got 54 votes because of the president changing positions and active lobbying against it. Until we know that the president will support some solution on dreamers, i have a hard time seeing how well get it back on the floor and get it done in times this year. Four immigration bills were put on the floor last month and all four failed. Immigration is one of those thorny issues where republicans and democrats struggle tol find a solution with major bipartisan support. Thank you. Also in washington, were waiting for the meeting at the white house, President Trump meeting with israeli Prime Minister netanyahu coming at a critical time, too. What will come of it . Well go there live. Plus, history in the making in asia. Why a visit from a u. S. Aircraft carrier to one country, is getting a whole lot of attention. First time since the end of the viet nam war more than four decades ago a u. S. Aircraft carrier is paying a visit to the country. The uss carl vincent bringing more than 5000 crew members into port. The visit sending a message also to china in hopes of curbing beijings ambitions in the south china sea. Check it out. Were waiting a big meeting at the white house, one hour from now the president will be greeting israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the white house. The two leaders expected to present a united front against the rising threat from iran as well as discuss the stalled israelipalestinian peace talks after mr. Trumps decision to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem. Lets bring in john sununu, the former white house chief of staff under george w. Bush and former governor of new hampshire. Thanks for coming on. Thanks. The fifth time these two will meet at the white house in a year. It is. Its a little bit awkward because the Prime Minister is liable to be indicted back in israel so theres that backdrop which makes it a bit awkward but suprisingly enough there is a Common Ground not only between the u. S. And israel but between, among the u. S. , israel and most of the arab world countries there and that Common Ground is the serious concern that everyone has about iran. The mischief iran is causing in yemen and syria and the unrest it always seems to cause in lebanon. The arab countries understand iran is the biggest threat and so that is probably the major topic of conversation. And also, because he mentioned it, before take off heading to the states, netanyahu is saying that he will be discussing the may 14th date of the embassy opening, u. S. Embassy opening in jerusalem and the possibility of the president traveling there for it. Well, i think the president has to be a little bit careful here. Most people that have been involved in this Peace Process over the years, feel that the giving away if you will, of the bargaining chip of the embassy moving to jerusalem, may have undercut a little bit of the leverage the u. S. Might have with israel. I think the president ought to work that hard, saying that having done what he did, he wants something significant in return that will be a strong encouragement to the palestinians so that this thing can be restarted, but if the president doesnt take advantage of what hes already done, things may go backwards rather than forwards. You know this relationship between the president and the israeli Prime Minister is getting very interesting. Not only is this the fifth time the two will have met at the white house, but they have, their relationship has grown quite a lot, and this isnt just going to be a meeting today. These two are going to spend a lot of time together, governor. Well, if something constructive can come out of it, if the president can cash in on having given the jerusalem bargaining chip away, the embassy bargaining chip away, then it will be worthwhile. If all it is, is a social interaction, and something where the Prime Minister can take back to israel, the fact that he had a meeting without giving anything to the u. S. In return, for having gained the embassy moving, then its a serious issue, serious mistake and a serious failure. Well see. The question is, what will the president get for the country for the u. S. Out of these meetings . I have to bring up Jared Kushner as this has been a big role hes played inside of that white house, having just had his security clearance downgraded though. Theres a lot of questions about what role he will play in this Going Forward. What do you think . Well, i think hes got a secret clearance and i think that will handle virtually all of the issues associated with the Peace Process. I dont think that there will be a serious impediment there but of course, theres the optics of it and the fact that the two parties over there may think hes lost his leverage so the president is going to have to figure out how hes going to either reinstate that leverage for jared or figure out an alternative route for doing this. Having been a former chief of staff, i wanted to ask you about some reports that the morale is down inside of the white house. Theres talk about john kelly and his effect on the staff there. Listen to this. General kelly is trying to bring ordinary tore the white house but hes actually creating chaos bus its a civilian organization and i also know that the morale is quite low inside of the white house, so we can pretend it isnt. Theres a lot of people that will go unsourced, im confident enough to go on the record. What do you think about that . Well, obviously hes still unhappy having been fired by chief of staff kelly. I think kelly brought a lot of order to the white house. I think the white house always, the white houses always have internal issues. Theres just too much leaking from the white house. Its the one thing kelly hasnt been able to get a hold of but i think things are less serious in the white house than the press is trying to make it out. I think kelly has done a good job. Governor, thank you for joining us. Good to see you. In a moment what is being done to stop future russian meddling. A new report says theres a lot of money just sitting there. If thats the case, what is next . Live report is next. Seven minutes away. President Trump Doubles down on the controversial tariff plan. Why some republicans are worried about a backlash come november. Plus, dreamers on borrowed time as Congress Miss as big deadline. Theyre mobilizing march on capitol hill. United Airlines Announces a new bonus plan for employees, but it has some workers crying foul. Happening now. Top of the hour. State department allocated 120 million to counter disinformation campaigns from moscow and social media and so far its sitting there. Live at the state department, were on the story. What do we know . Good morning, bill. The state Department Kentucky up to 60 million a year to counter foreign propaganda efforts and attempts to interfere in american elections, sway american voters. It New York Times report says the state Department Spent none of that money across the past couple years. The Obama Administration in 2016 enacted into law a measure that created the Global Engagement center, designed to coordinate counter propaganda effort across the federal government. Senators chris murphy, senator ron port man, a republican and democrat, pushed this and hounded the Trump Administration to implement t the times reports the department and secretary tillerson hiring freeze hindered it and none of the 23 analysts even speak russian. A senior state official said senior Staff Members do speak russian or at the very least are experts at the center. The state Department Last week requested 40 million for the center and a Senior State Department official said the Department Already is assigning that money to projects. The Senior State Department official says were in the first inning of a 9inning game. Its a lot like whacka condition mole. Were trying to be a step ahead and while were developing things to stop this as fast as we can. The secretary is very committed to solving this issue. The secretary of state rex tiller son told us last month that its very difficult to preempt russian interference efforts, that the government, the russian government was already trying to interfere in the 2018 midterm election. Critics of this administration and all of the efforts to counter russian propaganda and other propaganda efforts, say its no match for what those governments are spending trying to interfere in u. S. Elections. More to come on this. Thank you. The deadline for dreamers arriving today, with no permanent fix in sight. Dreamers holding rallies right now on capitol hill. So, where do things stand now . The famed Iditarod Race underway in alaska, 67 teams with sled dogs taking off across a frozen lake 75 miles north of anchorage. The mushers on their way to nome, more than 900 miles over mountain ranges, frozen rivers, and dangerously terrain. The winner expected to reach the finish line sometime next week. A big deal. Sounds like a blast, right . Look at those dogs go. Frozen lakes and on and on it goes. Good luck, everybody. We had a crew drop in on us about an hour ago, highland elementary school, queens, new york. Lovely kids. They came to see smitty. Look at those lovely kids. Stayed with us for a couple blocks on the show. Fun to have them. Anything else . Did you watch the oscars . I did not. The pregame with e. i think the show ratings not looking so good. All right. Good to have you back. Here we go. We start with a fox news alert as President Trump says two u. S. Allies will feel the pain of his tariff plan, while also suggesting a way out for those nations. Right. Interesting times. The alert of the deal. Hello. Im john scott. Im melissa francis. Disumpired fears that it could start a trade wafer, the impact that is having on the stock market, the president is pushing ahead, blasting our trade deficits with mexico and canada, all while renegotiating the north American Free trade agreement, heads into the homestretch this week, and the president says that deal could play a key role in whether or not the tariffs are removed. The president

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