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The president elect dropped a bit after bombshell in the speech. He will nominate general james mad dog mattis, in the speech. It came out in a bit of a surprise fashion. More in a moment. Bill more on the victory rally the president elect said thank you to the people of ohio, looking to unite the country with promise he describes as real change. People are constantly telling me, and telling you, to reduce our expectations. Those people are fools. Theyre fools. This campaign proved that the old rules no longer apply. That anything we want for outk . We will finally end illegal immigration. We will construct a great wall the border. You know what i call the American Workers . The forgotten men and women of our nation, and those men and women came out to vote. Martha remarkable in many ways. Peter doocy is live at the trump tower here in new york city this morning once again. Peter, was anybody expecting the secretary of defense nomination would roll out in the middle of that speech last night . Reporter. No, nobody. It was a big surprise, martha. About the time the president elect was getting ready to take the stage in ohio reports started to leak that mattis was the pick to run the pentagon. Trump took the stage and confirmed those reports himself. We are going to appoint mad dog mattis as our secretary of defense. [cheering] but were not announcing it till monday, so dont tell anybody. Reporter mr. Trump says that mattis is the closest thing we have to general patton. The crowd of thousands came to u. S. Bank arena there to be thanked by the president elect seemed to eat it up. A lot of remarks telling that i told you so, telling everybody in the crowd he was right the pundits were wrong about the election. That may be the things to come the president elect says will be a 10stop thank you tour. Martha. Martha well dig into the speech quite a bit over course of next couple hours. In terms of action where you are today, peter, who will join the parade in and out of trump you tower you expect . Reporter we knowname on secretary of state short list will be here, former u. N. Ambassador, Fox News Contributor john bolton. There is democratic senator heidi height camp is on the list. She leaves the senate to take that job, north dakotas republican governor would all likely fill the seat with a republican senator, affecting the balance of power. Floridas attorney general pam bondi was very early and enthusiastic supporter of trump in the campaign. Martha she was. Thank you, peter. Bill after three weeks being cloistered in the trump tower in new york, mr. Trump was not only in ohio but nearby indiana, the carrier plant there, celebrating the decision to keep a thousand jobs in the u. S. Rather than moving them to mexico. I want to let all of the other Companies Know well do great things for businesses. No reason for them to leave anymore, because your taxes will be at the very, very low end. And your unnecessary regulations will be gone. We need regulations for safety and environment and things but most of the regulations are nonsense. Bill carrier deciding to change its outsourcing plan in exchange for package of incentives on behalf of the company and state of indiana, after mr. Trump had a pledge on the trail to keep jobs here in the u. S. More on that forthcoming. c analysis, byron york, chief Political Correspondent for the Washington Examiner and Fox News Contributor. Byron, how are you doing. Good morning to you. Good morning, bill. Bill trumps greatest hits. The flag burning. A lot of media, whole arguing about no path to 270. And i think ultimately he was having fun with that crowd, to to go. Getting nostalgic for 28 days ago before the election. Look at trump go to number of states that mean a lot to him. Obviously, ohio, a bigger win than expected in the general election over the opposition of the republican governor there, john kasich. Look for pennsylvania. Look for michigan, wisconsin. These places that trump thinks of very, very fondly that helped make him the president. The other thing, i think one of the really important things that he said, you played it very early in the show, he said this is a very brief window, a very brief time to get things done. What he is doing here, not sort of rubbing it in, not just doing a victory tour, trying to build enthusiasm for those 100 days in office when he will have a very brief time to try to do a number of the things that he want to do. If his public support as soon in rally after rally, big crowds, a lot of enthusiasm, that will help him in washington. Bill it was not a sellout last night. It was disappointing to the trump team. They were there four weeks ago, midoctober, month 1 2. Apparently streets were blocked down. Bridges were closed down. Traffic was a mess in cincinnati. That may have had a factor. Well talk to andy card in 45 minutes to figure out how trump is changing his own life and getting used to being president the way things change around him. General mattis was rumored yesterday, donald trump confirmed it last night. Does he now retired, get a waiver to serve . Yes, i think he does. Because of civilian control of the military, there is a law that says a retired military officer like general mattics has to be out of the military for seven years before taking a big job in the pentagon. General mattis retired in 2013, pushed out early by the obama administration. And so congress would have to pass a waiver. Looks like they will do it. This is nomination getting a lot of bipartisan praise. You have republicans and others who worked for both administrations like bob gates, william cohen, michelle flournoy, a big democratic policy expert spoken postively about this nomination. Looks likes general mattis will get his waiver and he probably will be secretary of the defense. Bill well see what comes next. Byron, good to have you back today. Birmingham, alabama, byron york, thank you. Martha another big story today as bad blood bubbles between the campaigns. It is apparently still quite red hot between these two camps. Trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway and Hillary Clinton Communications Director Jennifer Paul my air palm marry, where the Campaign Managers get together and talk about what happens. This time though, their debate, over howc donald trump won erupted into an allout shouting match. Listen. Do you think i ran a campaign where White Supremacists platform. Look me in the taste and tell me that . You did. You did. Do you think you could have just had a decent message for the White Working Class voters . Do you think this woman who has nothing in common im not saying that how you won but campaign yes. 200 counties president obama and donald trump won, because of what you just said or people arent ready for a woman president , really . How about it is Hillary Clinton . She doesnt connect with people. They have nothing in common wither had. How about you had no economic message . Bill imagine the folks at harvard did not expect that debate to go that way, but it did. Playing out in real time. I think some of what conways comments reflect what president obama has been talk about a couple weeks now. She is exactly right not making connection with the White Working Class voter the it did not happen. As a result donald trump drove a truck through the election. Martha difficult for general palmieri it was a white sue prem civil movement, allowing them to have platform. A lot of people voted for donald trump would fine that offensive. Well dig into this. Bill there is a lot. This went on for quite a bit. Well play that for you. Much more on that. Clinton pollster joel benson, clashing with conway, arguing whether the president elect trump will take the oval office with a clear mandate from the American People. That Heated Exchange a bit later followed by a fair and balanced debate on it. Well take it on do. Martha who will emerge as the new secretary of state . Now that we have a secretary of defense, this question has returned to the forefront. They say it is down to four or maybe five candidates for that job. Former white house chief of staff andy card, will be here to shed some light on all of that. Plus there is this. He says, im going to negotiate a better deal. How, how exactly are you going to negotiate that . What magic wand do you have. Bill remember that are those words coming back to haunt the president. Soon to be successor struck a deal with a company in indiana that will make pretty nice christmas for about a thousand families. Martha first friday of the month. We have the november jobs numbers to take a look at this morning. It shows u. S. Employers added 178,000 jobs last month that puts Unemployment Rate at 4. 6 . It has ticked steadily lower over the past several years. Set a nineyear low right now, however the real unemployment number is at 9. 3 . That is about 15 million americans including those who have stopped looking for work. Some of the folks, i said companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences, not going to happen. It is not going to happen. [applause] tell you right you now. Were losing our, were losing so much. Bill that is the first headline from yesterday. Mr. Trump sending a message to u. S. Companies in the wakes of a deal to prevent carrier from outsourcing 1000 jobs from indiana to monterrey, mexico. Anthony scaramucci, from the trump transition team. Anthony, good morning. Good morning, bill. Bill when he talkses about consequences, what are they . What is the penalty if they take jobs overseas . I dont think the president elect wants to necessarily be specific about that, he is more thinking about the incentives, less on consequences. His attitude, the consequences will be economic harm to you by not adopting our plan and going with our incentives. If you see situation with carrier, theyre getting a 7 million break over 10 years, 700,000 a year, about 875 a worker. If you think about that in the context, that is very low price to keep the workers in place, bill, to create positive externalities, increase in income tax. Able to go to shopping malls, and local grocer, more disposable income. I think what president elect is really focused on you will have consequences. The consequences you will be outside of our market. You wont have your people here in our market. My guess is Steve Mnuchin and wilbur ross works with the president elect on tax policy and trade policies v. Yes, sir around america and around the world, america is open for business. It will be really smart to us to allocate, capital, capital goods and services and jobs here in the United States. I think that is something element tall why mr. Trump won. Bill got it. I want to be very clear about this in your answer you did not list a penalty for an american company. I did not hear that from you. How do we define a consequence . Again, the way i would define a consequence is, there is a cost benefit analysis associated with you leaving your american jobs here and manufacturing here or growing your business here in the United States. And if you look at the new tax plan and simplification and the look at the repatriation treaty where were going to reconcile the tax treaty and bring back trillions of dollars into the United States, if youre an american ceo and youre analyzing that situation you will say to yourself, wow, i want to keep my people here in america, i want to grow jobs here in america, build factories here in america, there would be a consequence to me, a negative economic consequence, if i move these things outside of the United States in terms of real economic terms. Remember, if we can, if we can take taxes from 35 to 15, bill, you will see 30 Earnings Growth for Companies Large and small throughout america. Bill i understand. I thought the one point he made that rung very true yesterday was carrier is now associated with a made in the usa, in a way it has never been before. Well see if other Companies Follow suit. Now president obama in june said about this very issue the following, just watch here. Those jobs of the past are just not going to come back. I am going to negotiate a better deal. How exactly are you going to negotiate that . What magic wand do you have and, usually the answer is, he doesnt have an answer. Bill anthony, hang on to that comment. This from the wall street journal. Politicians are rotten investors. Mr. Trump would help the economy and presidency far more folk getting progrowth parts of agenda through congress. You answered the part about the the wall street journal editorial today. What would you say to president obama from his message in june . I would say there really is, i agree with him on one point, there is no magic wand, someone will be in the oval office january 20th, has business acumen and skillset to understand how to get in a room and make a deal with other ceos. And so no disrespect to the president but i dont think he had that business acumen or that understanding of getting in there with the other ceos and making compelling economic case to them to create these jobs. You have to remember, when you have infrastructure, you get a great Multiplier Effect in the economy. If you keep jobs in the United States, bill, you get a great Multiplier Effect at treasury, in terms of incremental income tax revenue, but also in terms of consumption. One of the reasons were not growing well, we failed to engage the middle and lower middle class people into the consumption cycle in the economist. If you dont have enough wealthy individuals and government demand side pull in the economy to create that growth. Mr. Trump has great instincts in terms of understanding that. That is why our policies will be based on helping middle class families and workingclass people. Bill one last question, saw jobs number out 15 minutes ago. Unemployment rate dropped slightly 4. 6 . Number of jobs creates, not great, around the estimate, 178,000. Are you inheriting a economy, Pay Attention to the way im phrasing this, that appears to be on the up swing already . Almost reminiscent of the election of 1992 and bill clinton. It is interesting, people were talking about tumbling into recession. Every seven years or eight years our modern economic economy has gone into recession. So were sort of getting long in the tooth that way but i would say it a little bit differently, bill. I would say the top 3 of the asset holders have benefited from zero Interest Rate policy but the 97 of the wage earners have not really benefited. Even though we printed nice wage numbers last quarter were still below the 2006 number on wages. Theyre down 9. 4 . I think we have a lackluster situation going on in the middle class and in working class and i think those people were very responsive to mr. Trumps message, the president elects message. That is why they came out for him and brought him into the presidency. My guess well fix that portion of it with the legislative agenda come 2017. Bill will be a busy year. I predict well get back to the growth levels you and i would like to see for us which is 3 to 4 . Bill thank you for your time today. Im out of time. Anthony scaramucci, you as well, thanks. Martha. Martha the man some call mad dog is going to the pentagon. What does that mean . General james mattis is set to become the next secretary of defense if he gets through the process. The stories that you have not heard though about him and that perhaps his nickname does not really reflect, from someone who knows him quite well, general jack keane. Bill a baby born after her mother is pulled from the rubble after a tornado tore through her home in tennessee. Her incredible story is coming up next. 20 injured and one brand new life. So the lord works in mysterious ways. Nothing says treat yourself like red lobsters holiday seafood celebration. So try new dishes like the new grand seafood feast, and the new wildcaught lobster shrimp trio, with a lobster macandcheese topped lobster tail. Come treat yourself to feast fit for the season before it ends. Bill we have found ourselves a bit of a miracle amidst devastation of severe storms in tennessee. A woman gave birth to a baby girl after she was rescued from the debris of a tornado that tore apart her home. Rescuers had to walk three miles to reach the woman. Her home was thrown in the air and flipped several times. Very good news came out of this today, one of our hardest hit areas, one of our hardest hit homes, a new child came into the world. That familys house had been destroyed. They made it to the hospital and gave birth this morning. Bill at least 11 were killed in the gatlinburg fires. Hundreds of buildings destroyed. The worst wildfire in tennessee in century. Wildfires and tornadoes with the storms. Been a biblical week. Martha he was choked up for a good reason. The they have been through a lot. That is one beautiful moment that comes out of all that. We wish them well. Its a tough situation. I asked one of the generals, said to i am, youre a good general. Yes, sir, i am. I said, so how do you compare to general mattis . How do you compare to mad dog . Sir, he is better than i am. I love you saying that. They love him. So were going to be announcing him on monday of next week. Keep it inside the room. Martha just one of the interesting moments from last night that nobody was really expecting. That retired marine general james mattis is in, as next secretary of defense. He will have to go through the confirmation process of course. Lets bring in retired fourstar army general jack keane, chairman of institute of study of war and fox news military analyst who knows all the players very well here. General, good morning. Good to have you with us today. Good morning, martha. Martha apparently he doesnt love the nickname mad dog , general mattis but his new boss used it last night with vigor when he announced him. Some will use that moniker against him and being overly hawkish. Is that true. Absolutely not. Certainly general mattis in the statements he made, is colorful military general, in tradition of very successful battlefield commanders who have, have a espirit about them and charisma and use that to help motivate the troops that is what we have, in that part of jim mattis. Likely some will use it against him and particularly some of rich language he used at times, listen the other side of jim mattis is very this. He is very cerebral, contemplative and thoughtful and quite studious. He has something in the 7, 8,000 books in his library. Theyre not there for entertainment or pass the time. He spent a lifetime of learning. I think, as, quasiintellectual, not in the academic sense we think of intellectuals, but in the sense of a man who made a mitt comment to continue to learn about life and about the issues that were all facing as human beings. That kind of commitment to intellectual honesty and intellectual learning is jim mattis. It is reflective in his decisionmaking process, it is reflective in contemplative methodical way we looks at issues and way he receives information when he goes through the decisionmaking process. Martha yeah. That is a fuller picture picture of the jim mattis American People will need to know. Martha we need a full picture and steed in history as you say, someone who reads a lot, understands a lot about the way the world works. Also someone according to reports will sit in a room and listen very quietly for a long time, and present his take and it is generally something that makes everybody turn around and pay a lot of attention. Does that line up with the way you see him . Absolutely. Interpersonal relationships, despite the moniker of mad dog mattis, jim is reserved. He listens and pays attention. When it comes time to speak his mind. It is done unequivocally and you have a clear understanding where jim is coming from because he is a straight talker and blunt and Everybody Knows that and everybody appreciates that. The president im convinced will have excellent relationship with him. We definitely have civilian control of the military here, commanderinchief, the jim will run department of defense, having been a marine corps fourstar general, actually still is a fourstar general. That will be healthy thing. It should be discussed by congress quite frankly because it is not done that often. There is merit here why is should be done because this country is at war. I think president trump, when he assumes that office, want to recognize the fact that in the last eight years although weve been at war we had a president who embraced that war, martha, never tried to win any of wars. He tried to end them and pull the United States out. In both, in both issues, iraq and afghanistan we have pending disasters on our hands as a result of those policies. Martha well, donald trump will have a full plate thanks to that. That friction over that issue is one of the reasons that general mattis resigned from the previous administration. It was also story i want to throw in here, weve got to go, about the fact that after he resigned general mattis spent over two weeks driving across the country to visit the families of those who had been in battle with him, who lost their lives in those battles and spent time with those families which i think speaks extraordinarily well of him. General, we will leave it there. Well talk about it in the future. Thank you so much for being here this morning. Good talking to you, martha. Bill teenager bring as shotgun to school and opens fire. You wont believe how this one ended. Surprise heroes of the day. Martha the election may be over but still turns out there is quite a bit of brad blood between the two campaigns. Does the president elect have a mandate to lead the nation . More americans voted for Hillary Clinton than donald trump. So lets put it in total context. Road to popular vote anywhere. Kellyanne, i premised my statement saying that. We won. You dont have to respond. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. And my brother ray and i started searching for answers. vo when its time to navigate inhome care, follow that bright star. Because brightstar care earns the same accreditation as the best hospitals. And brightstar care means an rn will customize a plan that evolves with moms changing needs. woman because dad made us promise wed keep mom at home. vo call 8444brightstar for your free home Care Planning guide. Martha so a few weeks later turns out the smoke is still definitely clearing after a postelection forum involving top aides in the trump and Clinton Campaigns. Clinton pollster, Joel Benenson and trump Campaign Manager Kellyanne Conway clashing at an event yesterday at Harvard University. Practically shouting at each other over whether Donald Trumps victory really constitutes a mandate. Listen you guys won. Thats clear. You won the Electoral College. That is also be honest dont act if you some popular mandate for your message. Tony will talk about wrong track number you and i just did. Fact the matter more americans voted for Hillary Clinton than donald trump so lets put it in nothing said the road to popular vote anywhere is where we i premised my statement by saying that. Guys you won. We respond. Seriously. Hold on. Why is there no mandate. You have lost 60 congressional seats since president obama got there. Lost more than a dozen senators, dozen governors. Talk about this election. How can you say there is no mandate . Martha reflects in some way the conversation that is still going on across the country. Juan williams is fox news political analyst and author of the book, we the people. Mercedes schlapp, former spokeswoman for president george w. Bush. You guys will not go at it like that or maybe you are. Well see what happens. Juan, is Joel Benenson right . Well, about the mandate . That is up to how you view it. His premise was, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote. It wasnt close. It is now building. More than 2 1 2 million. So that is pretty substantial, but in terms of the mandate, if you look at electoral map, it is not close. Donald trump just dominated. And i guess he is now close to 300 Electoral College votes which is a pretty strong mandate in my mind. Martha 306 is the last count. Mercedes, when you look at this, look at bitterness between these two camps what is your take . Thinking they probably should have had tequila shots and maybe had the conversation. Martha that makes some people mean. It affects people in different ways. I do say, obviously there is still so much emotion and i think for the democrats it is trying to, instead of being introspective and figuring out what went wrong, obviously the messenger, the fact that she was, Hillary Clinton was unable to connect with the working class, especially White Working Class in the rust belt and midwestern states, the message itself, the fact that they were not able to sell their economic message, this is where donald trump was incredibly effective talking about the American Worker being that forgotten voice. Going into scranton, pennsylvania, and Old Industrial towns and talking about how he will rebuild and bring jobs back to america. That was a huge selling point. I think that Hillary Clinton unfortunately was unable to sell her economic message effectively. She ended up focusing on namecalling, on calling Trump Supporters racists, deplorables. That was personal. I think at the end why donald trump won. Mercedes a is not a mandate. Mandate is the economic message. The question was does he have a mandate. Youre arguing about the messaging. I think that was acknowledged yesterday, although in a critical point, Jennifer Palmieri said you know what . She is proud not to have run a campaign that was based on giving a platform to steve bannon and his altright views. That was a low blow. Martha let me jump in here. Kellyanne conway responded in kind feeling that was very unfair assessment, in her opinion. But i also think that, acknowledgement on the part of the Clinton Campaign that some of what came out in these emails painted them, perhaps, and painted the Democratic Party as an Elitist Group that doesnt necessarily connect with a lot of people in this country. I realize, Electoral College it was not really close election at all. The popular vote went the other way as you point out, but put up this quote from Jennifer Palmieri, she is one of the people that had very raw emotions yesterday, but perhaps they are such in part because of this comment she made that came out during the election. She said, i imagine that they think it is the most socially acceptable, politically conservative religion, she is talking about catholicism and conversion of Rupert Murdoch and others, their rich friends wouldnt understand if they became evangelicals. Look at catholic vote, look at evangelical vote ended up going very strongly for donald trump, so in part they need to maybe look in the mirror a little bit here, mercedes. Absolutely. I can tell you just speaking to many catholics in my community who were not wanting to vote for donald trump, once that email came out, it was a turning point for many of my catholic friend who were basically saying absolutely not. Ere concerned abe democrats inserting themselves, trying to change the tenets of the catholic faith, obviously for evangelical christians, talking about 81 voting for donald trump. That is a huge shift. There was a concern that democrats have gone too far trying to insert themselves. Mercedes, this is john podesta, this is Jennifer Palmieri, two catholics and you know, just a moment ago, martha was talking about these emails, you know, first of all, to me the evangelicals were going for trump anyway. I find it very difficult given trumps values. Why . I told you why. One thing those two campaigns agreed on, up at harvard, was the media, the media didnt think trump could win. And as a result behave undue attention to this email stuff and played up things like oh common. I dont think it had any martha that well talk about it more later. Juan well carry this over. Thank you very much, you guys. Youre welcome. Have a good weekend. Martha you too. So much to talk about. The event that you just saw, campaign for president. The managers look at 2016 at harvard. It is every fouryear event where they look back what happened. Generally quite congenial. Wasnt really that way yesterday. Bill more on that in a moment. Chris christie trying to make a run at running the rnc. Can he make a winning pitch and get the top job in the running there . Martha plus president elects Team Starting to come together. How does it look so far . Well talk to a man knows a thing or two about this, andy card, former white house chief of staff under george w. Bush, looking forward to getting his thoughts on the trump team when we come back. We pledge allegiance to one flag and that flag is the american flag. [cheering] from now on it is going to be america first, okay . America first. You didnt read your Car Insurance policy. You just stuck it in a drawer somewhere and forgot about it. Until a dump truck hit your pickup truck and now you need a tow truck. 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Bill here to shed light on the process, andy card, been there, done that, knows it. Former white house chief of staff of president george w. Bush. How are you sir, good morning to you. Good morning, bill. Bill mr. Trump is trying to figure out can he be comfortable with a former sworn enemy of nine months ago. How does that process evolve when youre sitting down, and trying to figure out whether or not you can pull it off . First of all victory is a means to having most wound healed. So, when you win, you heal wounds of the past, you move forward. The president elect to choose people in cabinet and white house staff and he respects and comfortable with even though he may have had challenges with them in the past and that relationship is critically important. I dont really want to secondguess the president elect as he chooses his team. I want him to have a team he is comfortable with. They serve at the pleasure of the president for the timebeing. If they lose pleasure with the president theyre gone. If the time being arrived theyre out the door. President should put people around them and should give the president the benefit of the doubt. Im confident that president elect trump does view his situation as one where he can heal the wound of the past and demonstrate to the country that he can move forward. But most important that he have people around him he has confidence in, that will speak truth to power, because he needs to have the truth spoken to him. Be party to a solution that he thinks very important that they may not have recommended that solution. This is decision theyre all on board. Bill i have a comment in a moment, i want to make this point. Mr. Trump told sean hannity he was very nice, meaning romney, in terms of his remarks afterwards. I get a sense to how mr. Trump characterizes their meeting together, to figure out potentially a level of loyalty. Do you think there is some truth to that . I think, im not sure donald trump is that worried about loyalty to him. I do think it is about loyalty to the president and the president s job is to protect the country. The people who serve in the cabinet are sworn to help the president , but theyre also serve the country. I think donald trump recognizes he needs lots of different people around him who have different views. Some may have been enemies in the past. Theyre allies trying to help solve the problems of america. So i think he is big enough not to have a Blind Loyalty test. I think he wants people to demonstrate loyalty to the Country First and then offered to help him do his job. Bill here is the bit about executive orders. I think what is very interesting about this answer, is about how hes trying to get others on the other side to be a part of what he wants to get done. Watch it. Roll now. If were going to be rescinding executive orders but i dont think we have to use very many executive orders because we have a congress that will go along with thing. I think democrats will join the drain, if you want to know the truth. Bill is there truth to that . Can he break gridlock that paralyzed government . I certainly hope he can. I think he has been given wonderful opportunity because of a real mandate came in the election was the people who are occupying seats of responsibility in government, whether theyre in congress or at white house or state legislative bodies or in governorships. And republicans did very well. President elect trump has opportunity not to abuse the executive order aspects of the presidency. Yes, i support a strong article ii, a strong president , i think there are far too many executive orders. I would like to see congress do its job, pass laws, rather than allow executive orders define rules and expectations of america. I hope he will invite congress to do its jobs passing laws he thinks are important, frustrate them by instituting executive orders sometimes go against the will of the other branch of government. Bill andy card, thank you for your time. Thank you. Bill im just quoting, i think a lot of democrats are going to join the train if you want to know the truth. Keep an eye on that. Thank you, sir, andy card in washington. Thank you. Martha Police Officers called to junior high classroom after a student fired a shot, you have to hear who disarmed him. Unbelievable story. That is coming up next. All the Police Officers pulling out assault rifles. I thought, this is not a drill. This comes that much real. There was a gun in my kids school. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. Martha carry story here. A Utah Junior High School went on lockdown after 15yearold boy fired one shot in the hallway. A potential tragedy was averted. His mother and father came rushing into the school to take action. Another parent describe what is her son told her on the phone. He called me telling me that the kid got, shot the gun off and his dad tackled him down. He was scared. He was freaking out. Martha correspondent Jonathan Hunt live in the west coast newsroom. Jonathan, what happened here . Reporter martha, it was just before the start of the school day when the parents of that 15yearold realized guns were missing from their home. They rushed to the school, just as Police Dispatch was getting calls about a shooter on the property. Listen here. With a gun at the junior high. Second caller saying there was active shooter under control. With a 12 gauge shotgun. Reporter it was indeed a 12gauge shotgun which the student fired one shot into the ceiling of a science classroom. A teacher and a student began talking to the boy. That gave his parents, who had already arrived at the school enough time to get into the classroom and disarm their son before any further tragedy occurred, martha. Martha what about the parents . What, what did they realize, now theyre really being seen as heroes in all of this i guess, right . Reporter they really are. The police inbound said were it not for them realizing their son was showing some behavior issues, were it not for them very quickly realizing that guns were missing from their home, this could have been a terrible tragedy. Listen here. To have this event unfold at a Junior High School and have no injuries including to the suspect is Pretty Amazing and the involvement of the parents played a big role as well as a teacher and even maybe student in a classroom. Reporter very frightening situation of course for the parents of all of the kids at that school. Everybody though just very thankful for the actions of everyone involved in it here. A teacher who talked to the kid, a student who talked to the kid and of course those parents. This really was a case of everybody jumping in to prevent this tragedy being much, much worse, martha. Martha what a relief. Jonathan, thank you. Bill in the end alls well, thank god. Mr. Trump taking a victory lap in the heartland. This is first were told of many stops as he continues to fill out his administration, and look whats back today . That is the towercam in the lobby on fifth avenue. So whats next . Chris wallace live on that on comings and goings, top of the hour. No extra monthly fees. This holiday, the real gift isnt whats inside the box. Its whats inside the person who opens it. Give your loved ones ancestrydna, the simple dna test that can tell them where they came from by revealing their ethnic mix. Martha donald trump making a victory lap in cincinnati. Welcome, everybody to americas newsroom. Bill that event kind of the donald trump greatest hits last night. That event taking a familiar tone as in trump called out if the media several times. He egged on the audience saying should i go on a little more. The script is not yet written. We dont know what the next page will read. But for the first time in a long time what we do know is that the pages will be authored by each one of you. Each one of you. Martha its a great time to be alive. That the script has not been written. Thats trump in cincinnati as he went back to take a victory lap. What did you make of all that last night . Reporter i have to say, it was awfully entertaining. Im not working. My wiefl and i sat there and watched it and laughed. I have come to a conclusion, the trump way is unlike any president elect or i suspect president i have ever known in my lifetime. Its his way, and he mentss goin and hesgoing to do it. The idea of a president interswreeng an individual company, im talking about carrier leaving, and trying save jobs. Obviously a president cant micromanage every corporate decision. But it was a real statement to all of those working class americans who voted for trump, im going to keep my promises and keep faith with you and put into place policies that work to your benefit. Then he had that rally. It was funny watching it. It was like there dwe like te dual speeches. The teleprompter speech. Then he would get bored and he would adlib and take shots at the media and socalled pundits who said he had one path to 270. You could tell the crowd in cincinnati loved it. Martha its completely sun conventional. The election was three weeks ago. Hes 7 weeks away from inauguration day. Here is president obama when he was in the same position . 07. The United States has only one government and one president at a time. Until january 20 of next year that government is the current administration. Martha thats the sold waive doing things. It doesnt seem to exist anymore. Reporter here he is saving a thousand jobs and hes president elect. He has no real power at all but he has all the power in the world. When he calls the chief executive of United Technologies and is the president elect on the foreign saying we have to figure something out for those thousand workers in indiana. The guy must be look at the phone thinking, i bert derek this seriously. Its the trump way. It will be totally unlike anything we have seen buffalo for good or for ill. But it will be Donald Trumps way, and i cant wait, as i suspect a lot of americans cant, to see whats going to happen next. Martha it will keep us busy for the next four years. I want to play this comment on the press. And we won it big. But then the people back there. The extremely dishonest prepares, said, very dishonest people. Martha i dont know if that was a ball spike or part of the victory tour or if well hear that at every whistle stop the next four years. Reporter how long it will continue and how far he presses it, and to a certain degree he was having fun with it when he talked about the pundits on the air on election night, i hope he wasnt talking about you and me, martha saying he has one path to 270. He goes boom, boom, boom, ohio, michigan were pennsylvania. I was thinking when was the last time we heard a president elect saying boom, boom, boom. There were wide shots. You saw people in the crowd turning and facing the press stand. That could be threatening and there is the possibility of that getting out of hand. S as long as its good humor its fine. If it becomes threatening, thats a danger. Martha Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway who has bench in the news this morning. Well show you a little bit more of that tense afternoon at Harvard University yesterday. Well be with chris and talk about the president s transition to the white house. Bill well play some of the sound from harvard. The emotions are still raw. A fox news alert. Surprise announcement last night. Mr. Trump made some news. He announced general james mat is will be the secretary of defense. He retired four years ago. Based on law he will need. Waiver to serve since sit has not been 7 years. Why did trump choose him . Report there are first all, i have heard on capitol hill he probably will not have any trouble getting that waiver passed. Trump said a year ago that he wanted someone tough as his defense secretary in the mold of general ma on for general macarthur. The rumors have been swirling for weeks that he would be leaving general mat is because he was not in lock step with the administrations thinking on iran. The president elect made it official last night. We are going to appoint mad dog mat idog mattis as our secrf defense. But we are not announcing it until monday, so dont tell anybody. Mad dog, hes great. Reporter he was once asked the greatest danger coming from the middle east to which general mat igeneralmattis, iran, iran, ir expect him to be unafraid of reasserting the u. S. Tint middle east. Reporter morale has been lifted after a feeling there have been too many restraints on the war fighter. You go to afghanistan to slap women aaround because they dont wear a veil its a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Martha he took with him on deployment the writings of marcus aerelius. Bill Jennifer Griffin from the pentagon today. Martha knowledge governor Chris Christy setting his Chris Christie is throwing his hat in the ring to take over the head of the rnc. Reporter an interesting bit of angling by the governor of knowledge. He started running for president in addition to being governor. Failed at that and was a serious contender to be the Vice President ial nominee. Just lost out to mike pence. But instead two advisers told me hes have much interested and has thrown his hat in the ring to be rnc chairman. The problem is there are other strong candidates, and various people in the president elects orbit are not interested in christie getting the job. Reince priebus will be the white house chief of staff. Hes pushing the niece of mitt romney and mercedes schlapp, a Fox News Contributor. She is somebody steve bannon said he might be interested seeing over there. You see two republican women there. There are some in the trump camp that think it would be good, especially with some of his struggles, he did better than expected, but some of this struggles with female womenv to have a woman leading the party. Bill donald trump, paul ryan putting the campaign behind them, but not before explain where they stand today. You called donald trump a racist. Know i didnt. I said his comment was. Im not sure there is a great deal of daylight between those two definitions. Martha a lot of law feeling out there. Nearly a month later the trump and clinton team sat down to talk about what happened in this campaign and it was not pretty. If providing a platform for White Supremacists makes me a brilliant tactician i am glad to have lost. Give me a minute, david. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. Then i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. To me, relationships matter. Ive been with my doctor for 12 years. 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If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Bill today marks one year since the deadly terror attacks in san bernardino. What a day. We are all he learning more about the motive of the killer farook. Sources are saying he was angry over having to attend a plant tory christmas party. Martha donald trump mending fences with former goes as he transition to the white house. As you may remember he and House Speaker paul ryan were at odds over the course of the campaign. But the speaker says all of that is behind them now. You called donald trump a racist. No i didnt, i said his comment was. Im not sure there is a great deal of daylight between those two comments. But he called you ineffective and disloyal. Have you patched it up . We are fine. We speak he day, and its not about looking back in the past. We are way beyond that. Martha joining us now former massachusetts senator and Fox News Contributor, scott brown. What goes through your mind when you watch that exchange with paul ryan . They are smart pragmatists and understand they have an opportunity to change the direction of our country and the only way they will do it is to work together. Now you have the house, the senate and the presidency there is a great opportunity to do a whole host of things, tax cuts, obamacare, dealing with National Security and defense. Of course, they are not going to focus on what happened then. Well focus on what they can do in the future. Martha for someone who has been loyal from the does it bother you when you see folks who ran away after the access Hollywood Tape and all that went down, does it bother you to see him allowing them spots many loyalists would like in the administration . No, because i think he will choose the best person regardless. Similar to what Abraham Lincoln did. Because he did not, nor does donald trump want people who are always going to be yes people. He wants different ideas to challenge him on a daily basis and work through the thought process to get the best product. Im not upset by it at all. Im encouraged by it. Martha i want to listen to a little of we had to say. One of the networks said, why, he put on a billionaire at commerce. Thats because this guy knows how to make money, folks. I would like to put a guy on who failed all his life, but we dont want that, do we . Martha there were a lot of laugh lines in that speech. But some are look at the cabinet and saying drain the swamp . I dont know. Wall street guys and billionaires. Donald trump has become known as the blue collar billionaire and embracing success, right . Of course. You are going to penalize people who have done well and prospered . Who better to put in a position in commerce as donald trump has done, somebody who has made money and knows how to move our country forward and commerce forward. I have men and women in the cabinet who are successful. No different than president kennedy. He had the richest cabinet prior to this. President obama has millionaires in this cabinet. Im sorry, people make money in our country. If somebody was broke and they were the best person he would put them in. Thats just another way to chip away and discredit him, and i dont think its work. Martha i have got to ask you about this. I know Veterans Affairs is something you would like to lead. Elizabeth warren who beat you for the senate spot said if scott brown is the nominee for Veterans Affairs he would put his heart and soul into how to support veterans. What do you think about that . I think its a new world. You have people coming together on both sides. You have seen speaker ryan and donald trump. Elizabeth warren and i dont agree on a lot. But i was thankful for that endorsement and word of support. She called me last night to continue on with that conversation. And we spoke very plainly about our differences. We have been trying to mend our fences behind the scenes. There is more important things in life, our families, health, our country and our veterans. Martha im curious what she said to you about donald trump. We dont talk about donald trump on the phone. Question talk about our veterans. Martha she hasnt warmed up to the president elect. Thats a larger thing to handle. Martha Chris Christy was potentially going to be Vice President. Maybe cabinet position. Doesnt look like thats going to happen, and rnc is potentially a place for him. Your thoughts on whether he should be the person to do that and what happened with him. He did the rga very well and raised record numbers as evidenced where we stand in governorships. He has done a remarkable job. He did a fantastic job being an advocate and surrogate. When he came out and made that endorsement. It was critical at a time when cruz and rubio and others were beating him up heavily. I thought he stopped any kind of hemorrhaging or deterioration of trumps support. There is a role, he knows everybody, hes raised a ton of money and he has the right message. Bill did you note the moment of by tar moment of bipartisanshk out there will . New details about the california mother abducted after a brutal experience. Some are raising questions after the husband speaks out about that publicly. Whats he saying and what happened to her. And where was she . She was bound with restraints but was able to summon help from a passing motorist. I will confirm the suspects did brand her. I love the general. I could probably use his name and he would come forward. By said to him, you are a good general . He said, yes, sir, i am. I said how do you compare to general mattis. How do you compare to mad dog. Sir, hes better than i am. I loved it. Bill donald trump recounting a conversation that may have swayed him in the direction of james mattis for secretary of defense. The pick came as asurprise to just about never the room, including his staff. For more. Stlt colonel ralph peters is here. He also has an oped describing what kind of general mattis would be . He would be a great secretary of defense. Beyond the fuss about his name mad dog and the call sign chaos. Hes a man of great intellect. Great strategic visionary. But more important even than that webs a man of admirable character. Of great integrity. I go back to victorian terminology and call him a noble spirit. One of the great things about jim mat is who im privileged to know slightly. He didnt seek this job. He was happy doing what he was doing behind the scenes helping our national defense, helping our marines, reading his books. But called to serve, i think he will be a voice for balance, for a rational and toughminded approach, and he will do more than anyone else to fix up policies in the middle east. Thats strong endorsement. I first had the opportunity to meet him in kandahar, afghanistan in december of 2001. In the early days of the war on terror. He ran the initial footprints in afghanistan. Refused to dean interview for four weeks, sir. Would not go on camera. He does not like the nickname mad dog. He only says it from those marines who have served under him. Not those on the outside. No one who knows him calls him mad dog. Thats for the consumption of young marines. On the battledfield hes as tough as they get. When you sit down with him. Hes one of the most impressive listeners i have ever encountered. He will listen and rinse and listen, and glean whats important. Sort the wheat from the chaff. Hes not in your face or a showoff. Hes the most unwashingtonian guy i can think of. Hes the real thing. Above all webs a man of integrity and he would never go along with anything that would harm the United States. Bill trying to round this out here. You believe hes approved. You believe they will change the law and change the waiver. Im sure he will get the waiver. Bill how is the pentagon and the u. S. Military different under his command . What should americans here and abroad expect . You expect the military that goes back to the business of preparing for warfare to defend our country. But one thing im sick of this thing of the hard left twoongt deny retired military officers the privileges open and rights open to every other citizen. You will hear some noise from the left on capitol hill when he has his confirmation hearing. But here is a guy who doesnt want to go to war, but if hes forced to, fell fight to win. The last 16 years, bill, it hasnt been the generals who wanted to go to war, it hasnt been the generals who started conflicts and i am he to youou conflicts and interventions. Its been inexperienced people. Jim mattis, general mattis looks at the World Without rosecolored glasses. Hes a great student history. He understands context. I think you would see rational, wise policies he recommended to our new commanderinchief. Bill thank you, ralph peters in washington, d. C. Martha a campaign clash at a postelection event. Top aides not mincing words when they sat down and talked at University Forum yesterday. Tie would rather lose than win the way you guys did. No you wouldnt, respectfully. How exactly did we win. Go for it, jen. Oh no, that looks gross whoa, twhat is that . Try it. You gotta try it, its terrible. I dont wanna try it if its terrible. Its like mango chutney and burnt hair. No thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. Just try it guys, i think we should hurry up. 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At ctca, its all about what you can do. I feel fantastic now. Exploring Treatment Options is at the heart of how we fight cancer. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more about our Treatment Options at cancercenter. Com lung. Appointments available now. Bill its getting ugly at har varpd. The Campaign Teams of donald trump and Hillary Clinton butting heads. Its usually cordial. But this one took saturn. If providing a platform for White Supremacists makes me a brilliant tactician, im glad to have lost. Im more proud of Hillary Clintons altright speech. She has the courage to stand up. I would rather lose than win the way you guys did. No you wouldnt. Respectfully. Thats clear today. How exactly did wee win. Go for it, jen. I would like to know. We did it. Bill morgan or da ortagus. The wounds are fresh and raw and they played out yesterday. I supported jeb in the primary and it hurts whenever your candidate lose. Especially badly. So i have some sympathy for the children and campaign. But was more troubling waltz emotions and how it played out. They dont fundamentally tunss r why they lost. If they continue to call strum supporters white stre supremacis they will continue to lose. I totally believe donald trump won because he ran one of the most xenophobic nativist cat campaigns in modern american history. They stoked every racist, fear of the other. They continue to do that today. Bill take responsibility pore the loss first. They still dont get it. If you look at what happened in the Electoral College. Hillary clinton lost states like wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. She had trim the amount of resources and funding and experts. But they lost because it didnt matter about resource and funding. It mattered about the message. Bill they are saying you are just a racist and ran a racist campaign. If they continue to say that they will continue to lose in the next 2 to 4 years. They ran a classic xenophobic campaign. Classic nativist, preferring Indigenous People over others. They stoked they have to take responsibility for stoking fears. Not because they won, but a bitterly fought campaign, divide nation. I dont think donald trump has any interest in bringing people together. He could have said, lets move on. Bill well see in time. Just a little bit more from harvard. Watch. Do you think i ran a campaign where white yo supremacists hada platform in do you think this woman who has nothing in common with anybody, she lost 200 counties president obama won and donald trump just win. Its Hillary Clinton. She dont connect with people. They have nothing in common with her. You had no economic message. Bill thats what you said, bernard in your first answer. This is what barack obama said in his exit interviews. Failure to connect with people who feel they have lost the connection with their own country. And you are hearing that statement come from the first woman to successfully run a president ial campaign in Kellyanne Conway. She spent her life and energy the past four to five months working on this. Its all about the message. When you look at the Electoral College. Yes, Hillary Clinton won more of the popular vote, but they didnt send her to wisconsin where or the key states. The Trump Campaign outplayed the Clinton Campaign who supposedly didnt have any of these experts. Trump is our tt despite the fact he won millions less votes than Hillary Clinton. Now he has to bring the country together. To not recognize a lot of people oppose his effort to try to change what it means to be an american. If you listen to what he was talking about. Hes trying to change the definition of americanness and saying to a Significant Group of white people, dont worry, i have got your back in so far as the people who dont fit that stereo tippic white anglo saxon definition of americanism, we have to be afraid of you. Bill tim ryan wanted to unseat nancy he localsy an said our problem is we are putting everybody in categories, you are white, brown, black, hispanic, asian. Whatever you are, you are gay, you are straight. We have to get away from that. Thats what tim ryan was saying. That was his message. And you have to be along economic concerns so you can understand what people we are feeling internally. I do agree with that. But i dont think donald trump used that. I think he muche dramatically used the fact what it means to be an american culturally than economically. I disagree with your guest because i agree with president obama who has been talking to president elect trump and helping him through the transition in helping bring americans together. Lock her up is not a way to do it. Bill he didnt say that last night. Bernard, thank you. Morgan, thanks. Martha thanks, you guys. The world is watching as italians will vote on a Major Political every even dumb that could send shock waves through the Global Economy much like we saw during the brexit vote. Voters will vote to amended the constitution to give the people wore power. We have amy kellogg live in milan, italy. Hi, amy. If he steps down, the fear is italy could descend into a fair amount of chaos at a time when some of this endangered banks are in desperate need of foreign investment. Just one chamber of parliament will be responsible for passing legislation. Thereby in theory. Many lump it with the aseason dens withthe aseason dance ap and brexit. He looks rejuvenated, excited. Look, after all, donald trump is only 10 years younger than i am. Maybe i have got another chance. I think seeing donald trump is like an emotional botox. Reporter this no vote is supposedly a protest vote against renzi. But renzi is trying to change the system. Martha well hope the voters are paying close attention to the issues. Amy, thank you. Well watch that one over the weekend. Bill donald trump is emotional botox . The husband of a woman who says she was abducted and beaten is speaking out. His reaction the moment he learns she was released. Martha a highspeed joyride broadcast live on facebook. Is this a good idea . While show you what happened. Unbelievable when we come back bill here is what in the to do on the road. A 20yearold rhode island man Live Streaming himself on facebook. His joyride did not last long. He suffered serious injuries after crashing into a garbage truck and concrete barrier. Authorities are investigating and could in all likelihood bring charges. Martha new details on this abduction and release of a california mother. This is such an extraordinary story. Sherry papinis husband speaking out about his horrible ordeal. My home phone rang. I pick it up, and it was a very mixed emotion, it was my wife screaming in the background, yelling my name. Martha will garcia is a private investigators who worked pro bono for the papini family during the search. She went out for a jog before thanksgiving, self days before thanksgiving. And was abducted. She says. And she was taken by how did she describe people who took her before she resurfaced in the video we just heard him talking about . I dont know she described it prior to her being released. But its believed that two Hispanic Women abducted her near the end of the road where it intersects with the old oregon trail. Martha she was branded, she was beaten. She was found bruised on the side of the road by a Good Samaritan who spotted her. And according to the reports she had chains around her waist, and she was concerned people would think she was a prisoner who broke out and wouldnt want to stop and pick her up. Thats a good assumption, yes. Martha when you worked on this case, what did you think about what happened to her . You claim it adds up in your mind given whats going on in that area. It does. We often work volunteer on these cases and we did in this case. Normally we search for missing, abducted children. This was the reverse. This is two children who lost their mother. So we monitored for a couple days then headed up and we were contacted by other family members while we were en route. We were assigned particular types of searches and we would report back at the end of each day initially. Martha tell me what guess on in that area and why you think its logical she would be abducted. The interstate 5 corridor is a high sex trafficking corridor. A lot of young ladies and some boys also go missing from that area. And i believe it can be attributed to the sex trafficking trade. I have worked that area for quite some time and we know there is a large influx of Mexican Cartel sex trade. Martha in those cases what usually happens . Do they hold the person for three weeks or make the trade and move on. Why would they have held her for thee weeks then dumped her. This whole story doesnt make sense. My suspicion is once she was abducted she became such a high profile face that it would voo have pu itwould have been a o her captors to put her out on the street to work. I believe or suspect thats why she was so badly beaten. These people dont like to lose money. They try to make moneyer way they can. Once she became a liability, i believe they didnt know what to do with her. The beatings and hair cutting and that type of actions began and continued throughout the duration of her being held captive. Martha i want to play another sound bite from the husband. Lets play that. Then i get the phone, oh, my god, honey, she is screaming, i love, i love you. Oh, my god, you are here, you are back, where are you . Then the phone gets taken away from her super quick. Martha you said this whole case doesnt add up. What did you mean by that . This isnt normal circumstances for this type of abduction. Either she would have turned somewhere in some other manner or they would have kept her in the sex trade had they been able to for sometimes months, sometimes longer. And they do bounce back and forth. The corridor runs from portland to los angeles. That whole area is sex trafficking route. Martha how do these two women who are described, how did they get away . Dont know. The sheriff is holding what information they do have tide to their test. Now that she has been recovered. They have a timeline and information she is able to provide. There is technology out there that should be able to track them as well. Martha bill, thank you very much. Bill decade after the apollo 7 mission. Plans to go back to the moon. Jon coming up on happening now already. Two parents being hailed as heroes after taking action when they realized their guns has disappeared. Katie couric urges a federal judge to toss out a lawsuit against her. Why she says a misleading edit does not constitute definition in a documentary. [ ] bill a new mission to the moon to the old site. Nice to see you. I did not realize there is a contest sponsored by google, millions of dollars on the line to get back to the moon. Whats that all about . The foundation tries to encourage private companies to aim big and make the next giant leap in all kinds of technologies. Googht has put up 0 million for this private foundation for this contest. They have their own rockets and rovers. This is a complete robotics. Bill there is millions on the line. I think about jeff bezos and elan musk. Its companies, teams of amateurs to show that we can return some sort of new lander on the moon. So far the most recent one has been china. They had their rover on the moon a couple years ago. This would beat nasa and china with a private team which could set the stage for private use of the moon, mining, entertainment. Bill a road trip. Well see how it goes. Martha stick with Fox News Channel for more on president elect trumps transition to the white house. I find thats a great cause, and i want to support it. avo the subaru share the love event has donated over four Million Dollars to help the national parks. Get a new subaru, and well donate two hundred and fifty dollars more. Put a little love in your heart. If youre approaching 65, nows the time to get your ducks in a row. To learn about medicare, and the options you have. So if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, they help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. So dont wait. Call to request your free decision guide. And gather the information now to help you choose a plan later. These types of plans let you pick any doctor or hospital that takes medicare patients. And theres a range of plans to choose from, depending on you needs and your budget. So if youre turning 65 soon, call now and get started. Because the time to think about tomorrow. Is today. Go long. Martha thats so nice, right . Beautiful woman. Beautiful white house in the background. Lovely tree. I never understand why the tree is iconi cra im getting christmascy. Bill we will watch you on monday. Jenna start with big headline today president elect donald trump revealing pick of secretary of defense but theres a spring attached. Hello, welcome to happening now. Im jenna lee. Jon im john cot and we are watching trump tower. Mr. Trump announced that hes nominating general James Madison for the defense secretary post. General mattis nicknamed mad dog by the troops he commanded is

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