Russia, abortion, nominating justices, tackling the national debt. Our own chris wall has did a sell star job keeping that train on the tracks on that stage. But they did finds time to get in some jabs as well. We have some bad spo bad homd we are going to get them out. There is no evidence. Whats really important about wikileaks is that the russian government has engaged in espionage against americans. That was a great pivot off the fact that she wants open borders. I didnt even apologize to my wife sitting right here because i didnt do anything. Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. He goes after their dignity and selfworth. No puppet. You are the puppet. There was a time when he didnt get an emmy for his tv Program Three years in a row and he started tweeting the emmys were rigged. Do you make a commitment you will absolutely accept the results of the election. Ill look at it at the time. No matter how hard fought a campaigns, that at the ends of the cam faint loser concedes to the winner. What im saying is i will tell you at the time. Ill keep you in suspense. March very john roberts live in las vegas this morning. Donald trump has come full circle in this Election Campaign ending this political debates the way started them 14 months ago. If the question he was asked, will you pledge to support the republican nominee. Similar last night. Will you pledge to accept the results of the election. He wouldnt say one way other other. A lot of republicans thinking that was a mistake. That he stepped on his message and he undid a lot of the good did during the course of the events. Earlier today Kellyanne Conway explained the rationale behind what trump said. Hes saying until he knows the results certified and verified, hes not going to concede an unknown. Al gore if you asked him sitting in this chair 16 years ago, would he concede the election. Reporter donald trump said at hofstra he would stu port Hillary Clinton should she become president. But the last couple weeks hes been saying the entire political system is rigged against him suggesting the vote will be rigged november 8 as well. Martha last night was the final debate. But tonight brings another big event in new york city, and they will be next to each other on the d air, s this on the dais this evening. They will be in the room together tonight in new york city. The annual al smith dinner. Its typically an opportunity for the two candidates to have a friendly roast of each other. But there are tensions surrounding Hillary Clinton after wikileaks revealed her Campaign Chairman and Communications Director were talking about catholics in derogatory terms. Calling it a bastardization of the faith and make fun of Rupert Murdoch for baptizing his children in the jordan river. Listen to what he said . Colorado springs. The remarks attributed to john podesta who is mrs. Clintons chief of staff are extraordinarily patronizing and insulting about catholics. If it had been said about the jewish or Islamic Community within 10 minutes there would have been a complete apology and distancing from these remarks. Im hoping shell distance herself from these insulting remarks. Reporter it will be potentially a different affair than it typically is. Bill it was a fast 90 minutes. Where is the election today . Charlie hurt, columnist for the washington times. Gentlemen, talk about some bad hombres, my oh my. You start, reverend. Where is the election today. They both had their best performances. They both turned in good performances and they both got better as the debates went along. They were helped by the fact they had a fantastically moderated debate. Chris wallace did a great job and im privileged to know him. Donald trump was showing signs of improvement, he was doing better, using measured attacks, and it was working to his advantage and then he said the thing about the outcome of the election. And you could feel the keyboard in every news room across the country. Bill you know where he was going when you talked to his sons after the debate. They want to keep the pressure on the media for 19 days. They made a huge error in judgment. Donald trump if the election were held today would lose by 12 to 15 million votes. Hes not close. He needs a change in trajectory. You are not going to do it grinding down on the press. It was the. It was the smartest debate. I dont think thats a natural element of trumps. He likes it to be wild and throw his hay makers. And wasnt able to do that last night. And he needed to do something to change the trajectory. I agree with chris that he didnt do that last night. And its going in clintons way right now. And unless he does do that bill neither one of you think last night changed anything. He didnt hurt himself. I totally disagree about the business about talking about the outcome. Hes a showman. He wants to keep people in suspense. Thats what he does. If you are running for president. I would never run for president. Thank goodness. Would vote for you and you would make a fine president. But the reality is when you are running for president , you must aim higher, you must do better. The fact is true there is Election Fraud in the United States. In the past there may have been elections stolen. The fact that you have a Major Party Nominee who talks flippantly like a showman about something thats dangerous bill the nuance missing from the answer is ask al gore in 2000. Would he have conceded. Then you zero into 53 votes from 16 years ago. Let me ask you this. What we have seen in the past is some of the gains donald trump made in some debates frittered away in the conversation that follows. If he digs in too or dose need to address this issue of confirming the Election Results or should he move on other points he landed and turn the conversation to that . He needs to talk about issues. But, you know, obviously what he said is catnip to the media. But at the end of the date doesnt matter to most voters. But when he talks about the issues he cares about and the issues that put him on the map, he wins people over with that, and he need to go back and do that for the next 18 days. Dose need to talk about this issue today. Get back on the record and say heres where im at . We heard 80 Different Things from his campaign surrogates. Unless he wants to say i didnt mean to leave any impression our electoral process is in doubt. If he wants to say that, then just shut up about it. Bill the first stop for trump this morning is delaware county, ohio. White suburban, College Educated female voters. Its the county equivalent of a panera bread store. Those are the Pumpkin Spice scented voters he need have much. Bill thanks so much. Can you guys shake hands . We did not see one at the beginning. There you go. Martha that makes me feel better. Thank you, guys. We are talking about donald trump getting a lot of backlash saying he might not concede Hillary Clinton. Charles krauthammer called that comment political suicide. Is it . We will talk too the trump team. Bill the candidates questioning political experience. Final day from vegas back in a moment. The itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout. Down came the rain. And clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. Luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. Water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. He got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. His sleep number setting is 25. 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And that country comes together in part for the good of the country. Are you saying you are not prepared to comply with that opinion . I will tell you at the time. Ill keep you in suspense. Bill that comment is getting so much attention. What was the impotent on behalf of trump to answer that question. Rasmussen has new polling numbers showing trump has moved into a 4043 lead nationally. Mr. Trump was making the case hes putting on notice anyone looking to commit voter fraud or voting irregularities, its important that we have strong integrity at the ballot box and strong integrity in our elections. When mr. Trump, he talks about the campaign trail is a rigged system. This is something he frequently brings up. He talks about the inherent media bias and the rigged system we see in washington. The core doarts of power. Bill you did debate prep with him. Was that a planned response . Thats his position. Thats what he firmly believes. You dont have candidates concede an election before we go voting. Folks started voting early in self places. But until the votes are tallied. Al gore in 2000, concedes, unconcedes, and concedes again. This is to make sure everybody has an opportunity to get their voice across by voting. Bill Charles Krauthammer called it political suicide. What do you think of that . The media elites are falling into the hyterics. But what we into hysterics. One candidate came out and laid out a clear vision why he should be president. Last night was his best debate and my favorite answer was the answer on the Supreme Court. The strong understanding of the constitution. Talking about Supreme Court justices, the Second Amendment and the other thing we did not see from secretary clinton. She had all this debate prep time. She had no answer for this role her campaign and the dnc had in inciting violence in our campaign events. She had a terrible answer on the Clinton Foundation. This could change the election. Its clear a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the status quo. Mr. Trump offers a change, he has a positive vision. Bill she said the most important question of the evening is will donald trump reject russian espionage. His answer was we dont know who was doing it. He said he rejects and repudiates any effort. Bill he has no idea if its russia or not. He made it clear he rejects, repudiates any outside ininvolvement in our election. But what clinton doesnt want to talk about is what was being said in the emails that became public. The antipublic bigotry. The collusion between the state department and the f. B. I. And the Clinton Foundation. Bill issue number one is the economy. When wallace went to that topic what trump did was he pivoted back to the whole negotiations with nato, and i was wondering is that a missed opportunity in he eventually came around to the point where i said we are going to start the engine rolling again. Did he miss a moment where he could have driven home his own economic plan. Hillary clinton doesnt understand the economy. Bill did he miss that moment . I think he did a great job laying out his vision. You only have so much time in a debate. We have a strong tax plan. So Small Businesses can grow and like you said, ignite our economy. Get it moving again. You always look at debates and say there is something you could talk longer about. In my opinion its the best of the three and we feel good. Bill the handshake, the no handshake. Was that decided before the two went out there or were they playing off each other. The clinton camp didnt want to shake hands. Bill was that known prior to . I dont know how public it had been made. The clinton camp didnt want to shake hands. When Hillary Clinton talks about the low road and the high road, her campaign has been run can the low road from the beginning. Bill appreciate you getting up early. Jason miller from the trump team. Well talk to you again. Back to martha in new york. Martha here is another question that came up. Which one of these candidates is Vladimir Putins puppet its an issue that got quite a bit of attention as the two traded jabs over how to deal with Vladimir Putin. House better positioned to do just that. That coming up next as we wrap up our live debate coverage from las vegas. He would rather believe Vladimir Putin than the military intelligence officials who are sworn to protect us. Putin has outsmarted her every step of the way. I wanted to know who i am and where i came from. I did my ancestrydna and i couldnt wait to get my pie chart. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Just to know this is what im made of, this is where my ancestors came from. And i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. He said nice things about me. If we get long well, that would be good. If russia and the United States got along well, that would be good. From everything i see has no respect for this person he would rather have a puppet as president. No puppet. Its clear. You are the puppet. Its clear you wont admit the russians have engaged in cyber attacks. Martha that was part of the Heated Exchange Hillary Clinton and donald trump throwing insults on how to deal with russian president Vladimir Putin. This has been and hot topic between them for months. Kt, welcome. Good to have you with us today. How do you think he did on that . The one guy who did the best in all that . Vladimir putin. Hes watching that debate thinking wow, russia is an integral part of the american electoral process. As far as who did better clinton versus trump, in terms of clinton says that putin is trying to rig the election, so trump wins and trump is going to be a russian agent or russian puppet. I think thats absurd. And when tru hillary, putin knows how to deal with you. You sold him 20 of american uranium for exchange for a donation to the Clinton Foundation. I dont think putin cares who wins. If its true the russians are doing the hacking. Its to show he can do it. To show how powerful russia is. Its payback when america interest feared with his elections. Its a shot across the bow. Martha she clearly suggested that putin wants donald trump and thats why hes putting his hands on the side of the scale with these wikileaks emails. Do you think thats true . If this is the russians, why arent they hacking republicans . She said we found there were elements related to the russian government trying to hack at the Rnc Convention and they couldnt get through. We had better defenses. I assume the russians are hacking everybody. They hacked the the white house in the past. They are hacking the dnc. As far as the wikileaks. Not russian connection, but the Julian Assange connection. Hes trying to bring down and show corruption wherever it exists and they have gotten their hands on the democrat stuff. I have no doubt if they finds their way into republican emails those will be released to embarrass and influence as well. Lets play that. He advocated more countries hitting them, japan, saudi arabia, he said if we have them, why dont we use them. All i said is we have to renegotiate our agreements because our country cannot afford to defend saudi arain sa, japan, and so many countries. Martha april 3 he made a comment that contradicts some of that. North korea has nukes. Japan has a problem with that. Maybe they would in fact be better off if they defend themselves from north korea. Including with nukes. Including with nukes. Martha clearly he meant including with nukes in that exchange. I think he did it earlier on. Im not going to excuse it. It was the wrong thing to say. When i look at Nuclear Proliferation. What worries me most about the next four years is going to have to deal with two Nuclear Weapons he states. North korea with Nuclear Weapons and missiles capable of carrying those nuclear what he fons upon to if the United States. And iran is on the course to getting nuclear what he phones, and a Nuclear Arms Race in the middle east. What happens with all these things . We are gutting our Missile Defense program. Thats the only way we would have to protect the American Homeland is a Missile Defense program. But as far as Nuclear Proliferation which is what this refers to. What japan and saudi arabia get nukes. Thats something i [inaudible] how are you going to stop that from happening or defend against that if it does happen. I think clinton saying donald trump loose talk on nukes. And then trump saying you are the one who has not stood up to these countries. I think they both have an argument. But that hasnt solved the problem. I heard from neither of them what they are going to do to prestrength nuclearization in the middle east in the Korean Peninsula and how we are going to defend the United States from that. Martha whoever is in the white house will have heavy issues to deal with. Really important and incredible in many ways. Kt, good to see you. Bill who has the right resume to be the next commanderinchief. Donald trump says Hillary Clinton has experience but has done nothing with it. How did she responds to that charge . Well debate it when our coverage continues live from the strip in las vegas. 19 days from the moment america decides. She has been doing this for 30 years. Why the hell didnt you do it over the past 15, 20 years. You were have much involved in every aspect of this. Have much. This artoo unit must be delivered to the rebellion. Come on artoo artoo welcome to the rebellion. This is for you. Duracell and Childrens Miracle Network hospitals are powering imaginations everywhere. eeeeohmumohweh hush my darling. dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. hush my darling. man snoring dont fear my darling. the lion sleeps tonight. woman snoring take the roar out of snore. Yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. He hasnt spent his whole life being up on the stiej as a politician. Imagine if he was doing this for his whole life, he would be the greatest politician for the history of the world. Hes running because hes a real american. Unlike Hillary Clinton who has gotten rich peddling american influence. He hasnt. This is only a step down. Bill donald trump in the spin room. He came in there hot after that debate. He and his brother eric had the same message keeping the media honest. Thats what that comment was about with regard to the election. Mike pence had some comments about Chris Wallace. Ill share that with you later. Martha the strum sons have been the trump sons have been such forceful advocates for their father. They definitely put themselves on the political map. He was asked about that last night. He said its not about me. I think he was expecting that question from some. Martha very interesting from the spin room. Speaking of the issue of experience. While Hillary Clinton says she has it, donald trump says her experience hasnt served her well in the choices she made as a politician. Watch this. The one thing you have over me is experience but its bad experience. Because what you have done has turned out badly. The problem is you talk but you dont get anything done, hillary. On the day when i was in the situation room monitoring the raid that brought usama bin laden to justice he was hosting the celebrity apprentice. Im happy to show my experience and what i have done for this country. Martha joining me doug schoen and matt schlapp. That was a pretty good line from Hillary Clinton. I had a big smilen on my face. Donald trump had a great debate. I do think Hillary Clinton was ready, she is always ready, she studies up, she has her lines ready. I thinker time we are talking about her foreign policy, i actually think in the end its good for us. Its one of the reasons why a lot of voters dont want to vote for her. We have failed in the issue of radical islamic terror. Martha one of things he needed to do was expand his base. Did he accomplish that . He got part of that done. I think those who might have got be wobbly this would have reassured his base. Did he expand his constituency . I dont think so. Beyond that with the distraction of his potentially not accepting the results of the election. It created another distraction thats going to make it harder and harder for him to watch up. Martha how much of a problem was that statement . I think the winner last night was Chris Wallace. He did a great job. Martha no argument there. I think it was good he pushed donald trump. I think it was a legitimate question. I think its important that Hillary Clinton didnt answer the question as well. She did on the plane. I will equitable with that. I think its unfortunate the clintons negotiated no handshake. I think this is getting petty. They should be able to shake hand and look each other in the eye. The nation is very divided, and thats not going to be solved if Hillary Clinton were to win by the campaign she is running. Martha when you look at that, the handshake moment, its too bad, right . You look at this process and say i was looking at pictures of mitt romney and barack obama kind of a half embrace as they did when they walked into that dinner. They never had a problem shaking hands. It goes to the really divisive place the nation is in over all of this. I will agree there was a real standout performer was Chris Wallace. But the real loser were the american people. The divisiveness you speak of only weakens us as a nation. Politics is not a blood sport. We dont go forward as democrats and republicans. We have very real problems most of which were talked about. We have real problems and we cant take them on if we are divided. We all lose. Martha the sort of pushback in terms of the election and accepting the results of the election, i think there is an argument you could make that you have to always push back on the electoral process. We all understand you accept the final result. But we have seen a lot of elections in this country where its like wait a minute. I want to look at that county again. Then after that process everybody moves forward. If we dont keep nudging back, keeping it pure, it will disappear. Fox news has done a great job reporting on these videos where the allies to the Clinton Campaign are trying to wreak havoc on the electorate. I thinker person should vote. Dont listen when the media says the race is over. The poll that was the most accurate four years ago shows clinton many up 2. Everybody should vote. I spent a month in florida in the 2000 recount. Why do you think all of us from the Democratic Party and republican party, why did we go to florida . Because it was close and every vote matters. And we also there is subjectivity in elections. As americans lets have transparency and make sure the results have integrity. That starts with all of us voting and getting engaged because the results are important. Bill did the head of the dnc leak questions from before a town hall on behalf of cnn . She answered that question with megyn. What did she have to say about democratic operatives. And Hillary Clinton finally takes a debate question about the Clinton Foundation. Did she deliver in well talk to her team next live in las vegas. I am happy, in fact im thrilled to talk about the Clinton Foundation. This answer open discussion. The specific question went to payforplay. Hillary clinton defending a promise she made before congress back in 2009 to avoid even the quote appearance after conflict of interest between the foundation and her time at the state department. Emails that donors got special access to you. Can you say you kept your pledge to that Senate Committee and why isnt what happened and what went on again you and the Clinton Foundation why isnt it as in trump calls paytoplay. Everything i did as secretary of state was in further answer of our countrys interests and our values. The state Department Said that. A criminal enterprise, saudi arabia giving 25 million. Qatar, all of these countries. You talk about women and womens rights. These are people who push gaze off buildings. These are people who kill women and treat women horribly, yet you take their money. Bill she talked about the furtherance of american interests. Was that the case . Yes, you look at the work of the Clinton Foundation. Ill take that work any day of the week and twice on sunday compared to the Trump Foundation. They got an a rating from a charity watchdog. They have given away 89 of the money. The only foundation in this campaign that has been under investigation for any sort of improprieties or a quid pro quo is trumps foundation. Bill she tried to turn that back on him last night. There is no doubt people have been helped by the work of the Clinton Foundation. But if you are allowing Russian Company to the get the contracts for mining for uranium, how does that further american interests. Throughout this Campaign Donald trump has been cozying up to putin. He refuels to accept and acknowledge that russia is behind the hack all the intelligence agencies have found is trying to undermine our democracy. Bill the question is about uranium. This could be a National Security interest. The National Security interest is the republican nominee for president is cozying up to Vladimir Putin. And encouraging a hack into the dnc and the Clinton Campaign. I dont agree with marco rubio a lot but you look at what he said yesterday. Bill back to the question wall has said, did she keep her pledge. The work has been remarkable. It has been there has been no evidence found that there was any quid pro quo with the Clinton Foundation. The Trump Foundation has other investigations for the quid pro quo with the southern general in florida and he used foundation which he doesnt put any of his own money into the foundation. He has been using it to sell portraits. Bill there was a question about her comment about open borders and she said that speech was about energy. Was it . If you look at what we have on the border with mexico. We have energy crisscrossing both sides. We want to have bill i get, but thats not the what it was interpreted. It looked like she was caught redhanded whether its tpper. Fair trade agreements something you noise red hot during the democrat i can primary. She has been clear that we need comprehensive Immigration Reform and thats what she was talking about throughout this campaign. The only reason this is even coming out right now is because russia attacked the Clinton Foundation i get it, but it doesnt necessarily mights not true. Last question. Did the clinton team negotiate to not shake Donald Trumps hand . Im not sure what the negotiations were with their team. But one thing i will say, we had a great night. Hillary clinton had her best performance of the debates. She laid out her vision and the solutions she has, and thats what we are going to continue carrying on in the final days of that campaign. Bill adam hodge. Back to martha in new york. Martha last night donald trump faced the inevitable question about sexual misconduct. He addressed the avalanche of allegations last night. Did he do enough to put that issue behind him when we come back. P . P . H bill you no doubt noticed this. Hick rsh, donald trump dedlieng shake hands before last nights debate. And at conclusion. As they were introduced they immediately took their positions at their respective lecterns and the family members also took their seats without shake hands. I think martha thats a first. I dont know how it was decided. I dont know what went on behind the scenes. We heard rumors and reports about how this went down. The trump team, as you heard jason miller saying the trump team, thats the way they wanted it. Whether thats true or not, what we saw was they chose not to touch one another. Think about the fact whoever wins the presidency and the white house will have to spend time with world leaders. But they will probably shake hands when they begin the conversations around the world and it would be nice if they can do that at home as well. All right. Here is another interesting moment that will happen tonight. Hillary clinton and donald trump on stage together last night. On stage again together tonight. They are the features speakers at the 71st annual Alfred Smith Foundation dinner. There is proof the point of this dinner in a political sense is it brings together the candidates days before the election and asks them to set aside their differences. Here are pictures from 2012 where mitt romney and barack obama shared a friendly hello. There is roasting that goes on at this dinner as well. What is going on tonight . Bill i think that night is always filled with humor. I know you will be there in person so we can get a full report from you tomorrow. This is a humorfilled night. Its almost like a roast. A roast of both of them and also the process. Well see what we get. 19 days before the big day. Where will the candidates be starting today . What are the strategies in the weeks to come. Well talk to support frerls both sides including senator and trump adviser as our coverage rolls on. The highlights from last night and whether last night changed anything. This will be the great trojan horse. Wait until you see what. What happens in the coming years. No, i picked the wrong Insurance Company. With new car replacement™, well replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. Liberty mutual insurance. Martha who can make the most out of last night. That becomes the most important question. Donald trump and Hillary Clinton putting the debate in the Rearview Mirror as they rev up their campaigns for the home stretch. Bill im bill hemmer, good morning. A brandnew hour right now. Both campaigns working to spread their final argument. Donald trump is inio. His running mate mike pence is in nevada and new mexico. Hillary clinton keeping a low profile. She is back home. She flew back home to chappaqua, new york. She and trump will share the stage with Cardinal Dolan. The Campaign Starting to marinate for millions of voters across the country. From last night here are some of the moments that possibly stood out for you. I hope that as we move in the last weeks of this campaign more and more people will understand whats at stake in this election. It does come down to what kind of country we are going to have. This is what caused the great migration where she is take in tens of thousands of syrian rks. In many cases isis, and we have them in our country. Wait until you see the great trojan horse and what happens in the coming years. Lots of luck, hillary. Thanks a lot for doing a great job. I will stand up for families against powrnful interests and corporations. I will make sure you have good jobs with rising incomes and your kids have good educations. I hope you will give me a chance to serve as your president. Policemen and women are disrespected. We need law and order. But we need justice, too. I will do more for africanamericans and latinos than they can do in 10 lifetimes. We are going to make america strong again and we have to make America Great again. Byron, good morning to you. We talked about the stakes that were there last night. Now they each have to take what they did last night and try to build on that. Thats something donald trump had trouble doing after the last couple debates. Do you think he will do it this time . Hes certainly going to try. E all know about. They are going to ohio, pennsylvania, North Carolina to try to make the case. I watched the debate with the focus group, a group of uncommitted nevada voters. And some of their reactions gave us clues as to what would work for trump in the future. When he talked about the securing the border they had dials that indicated their approval. Their dials shot up off the scales. When he talked about jobs and when he attacked nafta, the dials went off the scales. A good reception for trumps economic message and his criticism of Hillary Clinton saying she hasnt gotten anything done in 30 years. If trump is listening to that sort of reaction, i think thats what element a size in the next few days. Well get new polls that will show us wirt he has any shot of the this, byron. He has an uphill battle. We were talking about the deficit he has in the polls. Over 7 points now in the real clear politics average of polls. I looked at the most poll tile portion of the race. Between june and july he rose points. But it took him 0 days to do it. Now there is 19 days left in the race. Martha bill is there on the balcony. Bill the group of folks scored it a tie. You were with a focus group last night. Was the edge given to one or another. There were 2 people, 14 said trump won 12 said clinton won. Of course, the thing is what the press took away as the bombshell of the night is trumps remarks on accepting results of the election was not a bombshell with him. Its not that everybody looked up and went wow. What their reaction was. Some tried to defend trump on it. But most of them were actually critical, they were opposed, but they were puzzled. They said why didnt he just say yes . I think this is the one thing trump will have to clean up. Bill did they think it was a big deal or not . They did think it was a big deal. They said our system is the winner wins. You support the winner. They probably knew in the first debate trump answered that question before and said he would support Hillary Clinton. So we are in a situation where trump will have to go out and explain. You had you had jason miller on in the earlier hour and he spent time explaining. All the time spent explaining is not talking about jobs and trade and immigration. Well see how much they can grab control of that today. Back out on the trail in those battleground states. Thank you very much. Bill well move to another big topic. Chris wallace pressing both on the issue of immigration and what it would looks like under their administration. We have to have strong borders. We have to keep the drugs out our country. We are getting the drugs, they are getting the cash. We need strong borders, we need absolute we cannot give amnesty. I dont want to rip families apart and sending families away from children. I dont want to see you the Deportation Force donald has talked about in action in our country. I voted for Border Security in the United States senate. My comprehensive reform plan of course includes Border Security. Jeff sessions out of alabama. A trump supporter from the early days. We saw each other late last night. How did you score this debate . I think trump talked about the issues that are going to determine the Election Results last night very effectively. Immigration, a lawful system of immigration. Hillary clinton has a radical view by the. She says nobody should be deported unless they are convicted of a Violent Crime or terrorism. She said president obamas number of 10,000 refugees from syria is not enough. She wants 65,000. There is no way we can vet those refugees. That was a big one. The obamacare issue is big. Donald trump is positioning if hes elected we can change and eliminate obama care. I think byron mentioned trade and nafta. Those are clear, big winners with the american people. She is nowhere close on those issues. She has a radical view of immigration, open borders she said from her own mouth. She said shell push her Immigration Reform in the first 100 days. A full amnesty and citizenship for people who come into our country illegally well ahead of people who waited in line. I think trump won on all those issues and thats the kind of thing the polling data shows, investors business daily, the Los Angeles Times has it tied. Rasmussen has trump up 3. Bill donald trump said she fought for the wall in 99. Is that true in 199. Is that true in 1996. Is that true . She voted for a barrier at the border and it never happened. And she has never been a real advocate for it. She and senator and as a member of the Obama Administration has done nothing to improve security at the border. We talked about fences previously. Trump uses the word wall which drives the clarity of his message. But i really believe that she her philosophy was revealed in that secret speech to the brazilian banks. So that came up last night. She said she was talking about energy. I dont think thats accurate. Her policies reflect an agenda that does not allow effective immigration to control to occur. Thats why the Border Patrol officers and the federal i. C. E. Officers are down there every day. They endorsed trump. This is no joke. This is a failed immigration policy. Heel make it worse with amnesty and infectionive enforcement. Bill you are on the inside of the campaign. Did the clinton team demand a handshake last night . Is that true . I do not know. Bill i also know you believe donald trump is going to win. Last last night. If the polls are 69 point difference be he close the gap . I dont think its that much different. And polls move. And thirdly, i think there is a group of people that havent been probably reached in the polling data. When you go to these crowds and see people who havent been to rallies before. Ask you look and a lot of people out there. They are hurting. They want somebody who gives them home. They can create an economy where their wages go up. Wages are down over over 100 a month. They want somebody that can do something to change things. For example, the right trackwrong track poll 31 say we are on pot wrong track. Bill senator, thank you for your time. Back to martha now in new york. Martha the first fox news anchor to moderate a general election debate. Reviews are in and hes getting praise. Bill donald trump said he might not accept the Election Results if he loses. 12 minutes past the hour. Are you saying you are not prepared i will tell you at the time. I will keep you in suspense. Im only in my 60s. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. 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Martha that moment goat quite a bit of attention and continues to this morning. Mike huckabee, good to have you here this morning. Thanks, martha. You watched him say that. What went through your minds. What was your immediate reaction. My first reaction was al gore 2000. Donald trump is the master of hyperbole. I thought it was pretty good eight. But he puts everybody else to shame. What he was doing was saying i probably will but im not going to tell you until we seat results. I dont think it was as big a deal as some of the media made it out to be. So many people at the National Level have their shorts in a wad over this. I think if the votes are there and the lose, he accepts it. But here is this point. There are two sets of rules in this country. One for the elitists and one for the rest of america. Most americans believe that. They know that, they feel that, they experience that. Donald trump was affirming that with his comment. I wonder hows going to manage the reaction to the comment. What we have seen in past debates is he sort of digs in deeper. So here you are saying heres what he meant. The Campaign Said here as many as what he amendments. In the past he said i meant what i said last night. Do you have any indication of what the next move is on this sound bite that will get a ton of play. Based on past history ill say he will probably stick to his guns and all his aides will run around trying to explain it. I hope he move on. Because where he wins with voters is when he talks about their issues economically. When he talks about those things. People are remind why they voted for him and turn out in the tens of thousands. He needs to not let this become a distraction and get pulled into this vortex of will he, wont he. Thats not the point of the election. His job is to convince people to vote for them because stark contrast between hillary who is a corporate insider, total elitist, somebody who is a globalist. Somebody who will raise taxes, somebody who will basically sell out the United States to foreign governments for contributions to the Clinton Foundation, thats in stark contrast to donald trump who puts america first. He sticks to that. I think he wins the election. Another moment that got a lot of attention was at the end when Hillary Clinton was make what became the final comment. He said loud enough so everyone could hear, nasty woman. Is that a good idea given what he has been confronting in the polls with women . No, its not a great idea. I have to constantly reminds myself that donald trump group queens. Hes kinds of a street fighter. Hes just a classic sort of new york tough guy. For those of us who grew up in the south where southern gentility means something, a handshake would have been nice, maybe a nice smile. But this was a fight to the finish. He said what he thinks. There are a lot of people in america who say to heck with gentility. We want somebody who is unfiltered, plain spoken. Because we are hurting, we are sick of getting kicked in the gut. If there is somebody who will be president who will put his foot out there and start kicking back, well vote for him. Thats been his formula and it worked for him. Martha crystal ball time. Look forward. Is this going to tighten . Donald trump is going to win the election. The day after the election, you will say huckabee, how did you say that . He will win because there are so many people in america who are going to vote for donald trump. They dont want to tell anybody because to do so the media will label them as racist, bigot, islamaphobe, xenophobe, misogynist. But they know they cant stand 8 more or 4 more years of the policies of obama. Martha governor, always a pleasure to have you with us. Thanks for being here today. Bill we note moderators are always a story for good or bad. How did our colleague chris wall has perform last night. Howard kurtz is our media analyst and howie is on deck next in vegas. Life and death. 600 dollars. Of abuse. Important step forward. The time is long overdue. Pharmaceutical industry. Passes bill the third person on the debate stage was our colleague and friend Chris Wallace. Hold on, this will end up getting out of control. I would like to hear from secretary clinton. We learned from the wikileaks that you said this. My crimes a hemispheric Common Market with open trade and open borders. The question. Thank you. Thats the question. The specific question went to payforplay. There is no evidence. But there is good evidence about the good work [all talk can at once] can i respond . No, you said things that werent true. You said aleppo has actually fallen. There are a quarter Million People still living there and being slaughtered. They are being slaughtered because of bad decisions. Bill howie kurtz watching there. Maybe not so many questions right there, but more moments with wallace and the two on stage. How did you grade it . Chris wallace did an incredible job. Thats not just my opinion. Hes getting praise. Howard dean saying Chris Wallace was fair. You you a how aggressively he framed the questions for both candidates. He led with the Supreme Court and got to immigration and gun control. Was an unusually substantive debate and that set a more civil tone. Bill people said there has been a vacuum on the issue in this campaign. So governor mike pence in the spin room asked him about how he thought Chris Wallace did when he said this. I thought Chris Wallace did a terrific job. I thought his questions were pointed and fair in both directions. But the contrast in the answers is what was dramatic. In kril wallace we had someone who was finally able to ask Hillary Clinton the tough questions about the Clinton Foundation and paytoplay, and all the issues around her emails. Bill when he says the answers are we will are you dramatic. As a candidate, you have the option to take this question wherever you want to go. Chris wallace pressed the Hillary Clinton about open borders and lateterm abortions. Then he turned around and said donald trump your numbers dont add up. But when he asked the question that payment headline of the debate, the story of this debate. He didnt just say to donald trump will you accept the outcome of this election because trump had been talking about a rigged election even as his own people have tried to modify it. He said one of the prides this country is the peaceful transfer of power. He set it up. Donald trump said he would not, he would keep us in suspense. At that moment set up adroitly by the moderator. Thats the moment that matters. But kind of overshadowed with that answer. Bill wallace was determined. Sometimes he had to fight to get in there. He came to this question about the women coming forward. But in the dismount of the question he said secretary clinton paraphrasing, some suggest your husband has done even worse. I know the trump team was watching the monitor. And they were they had a sense that finally she is getting a question about this. But she was never pushed to answer it ultimately. And i know even though they are not talking about it in public or on television. They were disappointed that did not happen. And the question did not come back to her. This is hard to do, as you know. This would be the single misstep in the 0 minutes of questioning in trying to corral the candidates. Chris wallace pressed trump about it. And in a fair and balanced what i said i asked Hillary Clinton about your conduct. But when he let trump jump in and it came back to hillary she pivoted. She cant want to do anything about the bill question. She pivoted to his women. That was one where hillary was able to dodge a bullet. Bill i was one of a thousand lucky people to get inside the debate hall. Around 9 50, the hush in the room during that back and forth, you could hear a pin drop. Chris wallace ever clever are you waited to get to the more tabloid portion of the program. The country finally got a drilldown on issues that affect millions of americans. Bill hats off to Chris Wallace. Very proud of him. Martha, whats coming up. Martha donald trump and running mate mike pence warning voter fraud could disrupt the election. The republican ticket urging supporters to be their eyes and ears. Are they right to be concerned . Its not just a car, its your daily retreat. The es and es hybrid. Get up to 5,000 customer cash on select 2016 models. See your lexus dealer. Youre a smart saver. You find ways to stretch your dollar. 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Reporter their may be reason for concern based on anecdotal evidence like a report from three years ago citing the department of investigation was undercover officers were able dozens of times only getting flagged to stop 3 of the time. Martha how many ballots are found to be fraudulently cast in a National Election . Very few, but in the National Election, more than 129 total ballots cast, 943,000 rejected. Those were provisional or absentee ballots from assistedliving overseas. Number one reason for rejection was they didnt send their ballot in on time, had to do with signatures not matching so there is a system in place to catch inconsistencies and it has done that hundreds of thousands of times but alleging there are far more not being brought. Martha thank you very much. Bill later this evening donald trump and Hillary Clinton will be facetoface, the out smith dinner in new york city, every four years you can vote candidates to attend, a night filled with humor and fun. Cardinal dolan, the archbishop of the Catholic Church in new york city coming up, comments a week ago found in the wikileaks emails about catholics and certain people including the chairman of our company Rupert Murdoch chose to baptize his children in the jordan river. Now Cardinal Dolan has reacted to those comments, reflects on this. Extraordinarily patronizing and insulting, had some meetings with secretary clinton and found myself in admiration of what she said about christians throughout the world, i am hoping she will distance herself from these insulting remarks of her chief of staff. Bill a former strategy director to david cameron, leslie marshall, fox news contributor, good day to both of you. A short commute for you both. That is a touching moment. When you have a room tonight, not quite sure how this is going to go. The point is there is no profound what this is going to do is shine a line on the most incendiary thing we have seen too many hundreds of things in wikileaks, the casual way peoples faith was insulted in those remarks is revealed and it goes to the whole argument with the basket of deplorables, the attitude towards so Many Americans on the part of people involved in the Clinton Campaign is patronizing and dismissive and could reinforce you have this out of touch looking down their noses at regular everyday americans. I looked at the emails of everyone on the Trump Campaign, my mom said dont write anything you dont want blown, one of the issues i have i agree with you we were talking about of this had been another one bill these were not the words of Hillary Clinton. To defend or apologize. I have a staff, they are not my children, they are adults, maybe work for me, their opinions are not mine. I could see her saying make an i dont think Hillary Clinton should be making an apology for something her staffers said in an email in response to others. Very staunch catholics are not already favorable especially after the debate last night when she was specific. Bill if he believed another with the disorder was insulted there would be an apology. It is not personal to Hillary Clinton but when you look at the culture emanating from wikileaks it says something about the attitude of the clinton establishment. It has been together so long working together and back to that, it says something deep about how they feel about issues, and simply does have the opportunity to be discussed because they are complicated and there is lots of detail. You chose catholicism because your friends will accept you and if you choose to be evangelical they would reject you. I have a whole different religious backgrounds. One of the things i love about our nation, my favorite part of the constitution is the first amendment. It covers freedom of what we are doing right now. If she were to Say Something to make an apology, lets be honest, it would fall largely on deaf ears. People would say they come out with an apology tomorrow or at the dinner tonight, never said they should make an apology. Bill we will see how it is handled tonight. I will never put you guys in a basket. When we say these things everyone in america could end up in a basket of deplorables, bill, chelsea, comea aberdeen. Martha new questions whether a top democratic official leaked the questions for cnn town hall to the candidate Hillary Clinton. What she said last night to megan kelly next. A lot of those emails, i have seen so many documented emails, at 2 00 in the morning that i dont even send. Martha we are back, donna brazil, interim chairman of the dnc face tough questions about whether she leaked cnn town hall questions to the Clinton Campaign the day before the town hall happened after wikileaks emails reveals he raised concerns about certain topics that may come out and gave the verbatim version of the question almost exactly the way it was red the next day, raised a ton of eyebrows. You are accused of receiving a debate question before they partnered with tv one and you had this question on march 12th that verbatim was provided to cnn the next day. How did you get that question . I did not receive any questions from cnn. I will not sit here and be persecuted because your information is false. Podestas emails were stolen. I would not give them the time of day. I have seen so many doctored emails. Martha lanny davis, welcome, good to have you here today. Always with you. Martha i want to put up another piece of emails, you can see this on screen. It says subject, it is from brazil to the Hillary Clinton campaign. From time to time i get the questions in advance. What is your reaction to this . A couple reactions. Number one, wikileaks is controlled by the russian Intelligence Service. Anything that is contained in anything that goes to wikileaks that comes to us cannot believed on its face and ought to arouse a lot of concern in america that we are letting Vladimir Putin and his Intelligence Service conduct this investigation. My second reaction is i believe donna brazil, she says she did not receive that information. Martha there are two issues here, the fact the russians hacked into this which is a concern to every american. Excuse me from interrupting, donald trump would not repudiate it and i dont know why. Martha when you look at the content of this, that interesting interview and discussion with donna brazil last night, hard to defend herself, she never said that is not my email, never said that, never wrote that, she never said that. She didnt because nobody wantss to encourage or validate what could be made up lies. Martha sounds more like an umbrella excuse that the russians did it but what i am not hearing from any of the parties is that is not my email. I never wrote that. I am not hearing that from any of these people. The email leaked by the russian Intelligence Service, one of the lowest of all know people on the planet, but that is triple hearsay. I believe donna brazil and dont think anybodys email is coming from the Russian Secret Service should be part of the dialogue. I am truly sorry mister trump didnt take an opportunity to at least repudiate the russians for doing what they had done in securing an American Election for the first time in history. Martha the reason this is relevant, it paints a picture of a cozy relationship between the Clinton Campaign and the press and this exemplifies that. I wont dig into any of it. I dont think there would be a level of embarrassment and backpedaling if there was no truth to them. I agree it is problematic, nobody wants their privacy invaded by the russians, doesnt change the content of what we are seeing. We usually have some common ground. In the case of anyone receiving information theoretically, giving information to a candidate in particular town hall, if it happened on the Democratic National committee or the republican National Committee through the ages it would not particularly shock me or what i be concerned about it because lets at least agree that the big issues that happened last night that we should be focused on his for the first time in American History we have one Party Nominee not committing to accepting the result of the democratic election. Martha what what about what al gore did at the encouragement of the clinton you are an intelligent person. The florida recount was ordered by the republican secretary of state due to the margin of votes and that should have happened. Donald trump could have said that but he didnt. Martha we will be right back with more, thank you very much. Did you know your business doesnt have to suffer from slow internet . Comcast business now offers blazing fast internet speeds up to 250 mbps. Over 6 times faster than dsl. Get internet for as low as 59. 95 a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Did you know sharing wifi with your customers could leave your business exposed . Only comcast business offers wifi pro. Two separate networks one thats private for you, and one thats public for your customers. Upgrade to wifi pro for only 19. 95 a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Bill in three hours, darn right we are leaving. From all the folks posting this, really impressed with it. It was 25 days ago, debate number one, think about in 25 days. It is truly extraordinary. Martha fascinating to virginia and st. Louis, ending in las vegas, running everything and and a little bit of a tear in your eye. Overall the damage was not too bad i would say. In st. Louis, these are big events and they take it to embrace, and they wanted to show off a firstclass operation, educational institution. Martha they all handled it in a great way so we will see when you get back here. In the meantime the candidates are busy. No grass growing under their feet, they are on the campaign trail 19 days until this whole thing is over. Are you looking forward to it . Will you miss it . We will be right back. Ibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. 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These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free decision guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go long™. Martha 18,000 emails leaked for wikileaks, raises concerns about hillarys comment on wiping the server, wiped it clean, the daughter says i watched the video hillary in vegas talking about wiping the server, scarier than i expected because her hostility reminds me how mom can be about technology and other younger people have parents like that. It continues to come out. Bill the irony is that happened 13 months ago. The plane left last night, we will see her later in new york and you will be at that dinner. We will get that up in a matter of minutes. We will see you tomorrow in new york city. Thank you. Fox news others, the flames are flying in the 2016 election with the third and final debate in the record books. It is good that you are not a major president ial candidate. You might not have made it through the debate but good to have you back. Hillary clinton taking the day off after a spirited debate by Chris Wallace, donald trump is in ohio holding a rally 90 minutes from now. Both candidates landing powerful blows last night, mrs. Clinton deflecting questions about her familys Charitable Foundation and trump refusing to say he will accept the result of the election

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