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To create a block house autonomous zone. Im sandra smith. Ed and im ed henry. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Lafayette Park where they try to topple a statue of Andrew Jackson before Police Stepped in and use pepper spray to disperse the crowd. Protesters also targeting that historic st. Johns episcopal church, once again, spray painting bh a z on his columns in an attempt to imitate seattles top zone. The president plans to issue an executive order to make citys guards or monuments of these ongoing instructions. President trump i dont like it at all. I dont like anything thats going on now. Federal, ive stopped. Ive stopped federal. But the states are, a lot of the states are weak, people are weak and they are allowing it to happen. Its going over a little bit around the world now. They want to remove the statue of gandhi, okay. All he wanted was peace. They want to take down ulysses s. Grant. No ones stock went higher than his stock over the past ten or 15 years. Ed Gillian Turner joins us live from Lafayette Park. Good morning jillian. Good morning. Lafayette park right behind me, that is the statue of Andrew Jackson that was defaced overnight. You can see and all capital letters the word killer has been spraypainted on the stat statue. Protesters tried to topple it last night but were thwarted by police officers. It was a long night of civil unrest in President Trump so far is not happy with whats going down right on his own doorstep. Take a listen. Ed is a disgrace. Most of these people dont even know what they are taking down. We will do an executive order, this is a disgrace. In netsuite this morning he doubled down i got more specific. He says anyone who, the president also said this order is retroactive, meaning it can apply to americans who participated in protests and rallies in any kind of looting or vandalism during the protests that have swept the nation in recent weeks. Last night just across the street from where im standing now at st. Johns church, or vandalism. Protesters attempting, spraypainted across the churches column. The secretary of the interior, people protest lead to destruction tonight. Let me be clear. We will not bow to anarchists. Law order will prevail and justice will be served. All eyes on the Nations Capital are now on the mirror, Muriel Bowser. This protest is the very same area an end sandra that she christened black lives matter plaza, just about ten days ago. So this area is now being contested. Ed Gillian Turner, thank you. Sandra for more on all this, lets bring in katie pavlich. Good morning to you. A tweet from the president just moments ago on all of this. There will never be another autonomous zone in washington, d. C. , as long as im your president. If they try they will be met with serious force. We could hear from them just moments from now. But dig into what we saw in washington last night. First of all, i think its important to point out that its not just a liberal city. It belongs to all americans and they have the right to visit the city without fear of being caught up in one of these violent riots and protests. These violent agitators coming in just across the street from the white house is trying to set up their own a autonomous zone Taunting Police and trying to take down the statue of Andrew Jackson. Now the police seem to have actives stomach acted swiftly and preventing him from doing that but, they vandalize the churchs which was lit on fire. They sent the National Guard back, but at this point it seems like he is calling on these folks to be prosecuted handing down indictments and, we should believe that those laws should be enforced for unlawfully tearing down statutes on federal property. Sandra that video came out of last nights protests and that new autonomous zone, as it springs up there in washington, d. C. As you just mentioned, the attempt to topple the Andrew Jackson, he asked the president how we can move forward but still remember our history. Ed you hav president trume to understand history i do have to understand culture, so many can understand that and we can all hate that, but half of our country is named after washington. You have to remember the heritage and the culture of our country. Some of the folks that they are trying to destroy our magnificent pieces of art. Sandra in the washington Editorial Board also takes us on the writing Teddy Roosevelt gets canceled. That originated as a legitimate grievance. That will turn into a mob intent on willynilly eradication of chunks of American History. The argument that is insistent on erasing parts of American History that are good. If you are interested in racial equality, you dont tear down the Teddy Roosevelt monument in the city which was the first black man, he went on to be his close advisor. Book booker t. Washington, you dont tear down the statue and this is a movement that is very well organized. I think Tucker Carlson put it well last night when he said at the Political Movement thats very wellfunded and organized has goals of not just equality or moving forward to the country but rather tearing down the country from the inside out. He saw this at the beginning of these riots about a month ago when you saw the violent start, and to see it increasingly now as these autonomous zones keep popping up. I know there might be some controversy over the president saying these people will be met with force. These autonomous zones have become very violent and their victims are black victims so again this is not about equality, this is about destroying American History whether its a good parts or the bad and erasing it so people understand it. Sandra it looks like the top zone is coming to an end if you look at the recent comments from the mayor of that city who suggested we could see a summer of love. Now three shootings have happened. Ed the president will head to arizona this hour where he will meet with Border Patrol agents. Hes also set to tour, the president signed an executive order to suspend certain work visas through the rest of the te year. Any minute now, you can hear marine one on the south lawn. That marks the partial fulfillment of one of his Signature Campaign promises and his recent push which hes hoping will help him win in 2020. Heres the department of Homeland Security echo terry todd wolf. The president is coming down to commemorate the 200mile thats been constructed. Its a great accomplishment and a commitment that the president made to the American People to protect ourselves with border. After the president finishes touring the section of the south border wall, thousands of young people are going to be packed inside of the church in a state where coronavirus cases are surging. So much so there is a mandatory mask policy. I do not believe in event of this magnitude can be held safely. At the president has decided to continue with this rally. They are asking them to wear a mask, and its unlikely he will do that but, everyone else who does, that comes to more staffers after the campaign have tested positive for covid19. The campaigners say they were at that rally on tulsa. Fox news alert. Nascar is standing in solidarity after a nooses loft in the africanamerican garage stall over the weekend. How fellow drivers showed support for him. Plus, after the firing of Jeffrey Berman the federal prosecutor investigating President Trumps associates. House judiciary chairman jerry nadler says he is preparing to subpoena attorney general bill barr. We want the details on that, next. President trump thats all up to the attorney general, attorney general barr. Thats his department and not my department. We have a very capable attorney general so thats really up to him im not involved. These are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com a lotta folks are asking me lately how to get their dishes as clean as possible. I tell them, you should try cascade Platinum Plus the power of oxi. 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It follows a public viewing held yesterday. That follows after of Orlando Police officer became the latest turning point and a National Movement against Police Brutality and racism. We have begun the process issue for that subpoena, and we can eliminate his office budget. There are a number of things we can do which we will do. Ed the house judiciary chairman jerry nadler will confirm overnight that he will subpoena attorney general william barr of to after the abrupt removal over the weekend of Jeffrey Berman, top prosecutor. Tom dupree joins me, tom, good morning. Ed the first of all do you think cares because the democrats, it seems to me have been trying to impeach him from day one. I think he cares about the proper functioning of the Justice Department but i dont think he particularly cares about what the democrats will say. Its a bit surprising to me that the democrats are taking this aggressive posture. I think they have to know that by subpoenaing the attorney general they are inviting a fight, possibly one that was elevated to a federal court. Ed and on your point, jim jordan obviously the Top Republican on nadlers panel had this to say. The attorney general had already previously agreed to appear voluntarily back in march before you canceled the hearing, mr. Chairman, due to the coronavirus pandemic. They are and remain to testify voluntarily once a pandemic includes. Apparently there is no legitimate basis for you to compel his testimony at this time. I understand jim jordans point which he said, i want to come out there. But on the other hand have facts on the ground changed that would compel bill barr to come up earlier . Well, i think the states have increased by a lot. Obviously when the attorney general originally agreed to appear, none of this was on the radar screen that in the events of the last few days, the latenight firing of the u. S. Attorney in question swirling around, why the attorney general wanted to make a personal change at this time, i think that raised a lot of questions. Whereas the attorney, and may have change significant lease since that time. When you go back to 2019, he made a promise about not firing u. S. Attorneys who are overseen important investigations. Lets give you a chance to watch and react. If there was a possibility of firing the United States attorney, would you allow them to thereby stop an investigation . I would not stand by and allow the u. S. Attorney to be fired. But the president can vary the u. S. Attorney. There are president ial appointments. Ed accepted the attorney general break his word or did he have some wiggle room . I think he was definitely trying to create some wiggle room. And hes given the democrats a lot of the ammunition this was in fact the ongoing investigation. Its possible the attorney general, bill barrs attorney general, and Lindsey Graham is a big supporter of bill barr and the president , he is saying hs going to give the democrats they say. After processing those its always been the policy of the Judiciary Committee to receive blue slips, and as chairman i have honored that policy and will continue to do so. If it even Lindsey Graham is closing the possibility of the president getting his pick . The irony of this is the administration has taken a political head for the way this played out. And senator brand has said he will defer to the new york senators, and though it seems as though the administration has absorbed the hit and hopes to make a personnel change. Ed and tom dupree, thanks for coming on. Sandra marcus reacting to comments in the Trump Administration about the status of ongoing trade deals with china. For a look at what caused the roller coaster ride, Maria Bartiromo will join us for the opening bell this morning. Plus President Trump warning that mailin ballots will be Fertile Ground for election fraud. We will have a live report on that coming up. President trump i think this will be the greatest fraud ever. It will be a rigged election, if they do that, we went through world war i, and world war ii. People went out and voted. To each other and to other agencies. Built with and for first responders. Firstnet. The only officially authorized Wireless Network for first responders. Because putting you first is our job. Ed a fox news alert, the president has just stopped to talk to reporters on the north lawn as he heads to marine one. Hes celebrating at camp promise he made about building the wall. At least 200 miles of new wall. He will be in yuma, he will be talking to some young people after that. So the president in the meantime is talking to reporters and we will turn that tape in a few minutes. Sandra fox news alert from wall street. We are awaiting the opening bell 2 minutes from now. It stocks looking to recover after a wild night last night and if you were watching, the dow futures tumbled last night amid worries over the future of the china trade deal. There was a selloff in response to an interview that was done on the Fox News Channel with our own Martha Maccallum and peter navarro, the president s trade advisor. Is that moment on the story last night. Do you think that the president he obviously really wanted to hang onto this trade deal as much as possible and he wanted them to make good on the premises because there had been progress made on that trade deal. But given everything thats happening all the things that you just listed it, is that over . Is over. Yes. They came here on january 15th to sign that trade deal and that was a full two months after they knew the virus was out and about. It was just minutes after wheels up when that plane took off that we began to hear about this pandemic. Sandra okay so that was last night. Navarro then tried to clarify those comments and said that they were taken out of context. So as we await the opening bell this morning, maria, i know you watched the markets like we do. Certainly moved markets. My comments have been wildly taken out of context, they had nothing to do with the phase one trade deal. And that continues in place. Thats why we played a marthas entire question and his answer with it. Its hard to see how they were taken out of context, what did you make of it. We we are are in an economic cold war with china. Peter navarro obviously so, this market is opening higher, up 200 points right now, because of the walking back of that statement and the president s tweet saying, the phase one deal is very much in place but we are waiting to see the Chinese Communist party keep its promises. I dont have much hope in that so i would actually stick my neck out and say, its over. They are already overreaching and breaking promises in hong kong going back from the autonomous conclusion to now saying, we want to overreach in hong kong. They have notarized the south china sea, another broken promise. They are using this covid19 pandemic to gain territory. Markets are covering tuesday morning, and i want to read the second part of Peter Navarros statement because its important to their point. I was simply speaking you said to the lack of trust that you now have of the Chinese Communist party after they lied about the origins of the china virus as he calls it and forces a pandemic around the world. He also had immediately after that interview took place Jonathan Swan over at axios, he got on the phone and called jake larry kudlow, the president s chief economic advisor. He tweeted a comment just got off of the phone with larry kudlow and he said its totally false that china trade talks are up. The president tweeted, seeing the need to clarify those remarks because it was moving markets. The president tweeted this, the china trade deal is fully intact and hopefully they continue to live up to the terms of the agreement. It shows you just how fragile this deal may be. I think its totally false. At this point, we are seeing a massive push back of the chinese behavior. I spoke with the attorney general over the weekend, and they want to be the number one technologically important country in the world and they are stealing to do it, not only data about the military, but about agriculture, retail, medicine. They are trying to come up with a covid19 vaccine for the United States. There is certainly an economic cold war underway right now between the u. S. And china and this president has been the first to push back on chinas behavior. Theyve been stealing ip from us for decades and theyve been sending in researchers on a regular basis and examine the verb research is indicted. The president and the chairman of the Chemistry Department at harvard, with charles lieber, was arrested because he was accepting money from the ccp while also being on a grant of the u. S. , working in harvard. So this is not changing anytime soon, this will continue. We continue to see pushback, and i just dont see them. There was some truth to it. Come on. You could be hearing more from the president on that. We will have that. Lastly, its expected to free up more than half a million jobs for workers that are already in the country. Ultimately he says it could be bad for the economy. Final thoughts, maria . The Technology Companies are against us as well, because i want to diversify workforce. Its very difficult to discern who is here actually in an honest way to try to work in our companies and build businesses here. 45 Million People have already filed for Unemployment Benefits and there is a certain limited amount of jobs. The president is going to have to salvage some of this economy going into the election, given the fact that we had a great economy before the pandemic and now we are talking about a recession that we are constantly in with a massive contraction in the second quarter. We will will see growth in the third and Fourth Quarter but now he needs to preserve as many jobs as possible and i think thats what this is about. Sandra and we are told, we will have those remarks for everybody. Great to see them. And thank you so much for that. Ed in the meantime the president is taking aim again. They try to disrupt the 2020 president ial election. Critics say this is not possib possible. Its president ial primary election day. Eric, good morning. The president s warning that a Foreign Government could try to steal the election by printing false absentee and mailin ballots. Local officials here in the election board and others across the country say there are safeguards to try to prevent that. This is what the president tweeted yesterday saying, rigged in 2020 election, of millions of mailing ballots will be printed. It will be potential problems with mailing ballots. Right now, a foreign country could print up tens of thousands of the counterfeit ballots and be very hard for us to detect. It can upset and undercut the confidence in the integrity of our elections. Election officials and experts, they mail in and absentee ballots have numerous elections such as they are printed on special paper, have bar codes that attract them and the voter signature has to match what is in the Elections Office on file. It is a wellworn page from his playbook of deception and distraction and we will not stand by while donald trump recklessly undermines faith in our democratic process. The claim is false and simply ridiculous. This sounds like something out of get smart rather than an actual spy story. The idea that some Foreign Government could print millions of ballots and sneak them into the country with may be invisible ink to cast peoples votes for them, its absurd. Here at the Suffolk County board of elections, it is theoretically possible to forge a mailing ballots. Officials though clearly on this primary day, there arent any problems on this election. Back to you. Sandra and emotional and moving show of solidarity. Crew members joining Bubba Wallace and pushing his number 43 car down to the end of the line. That happened just one day after a noose was found in his garage stall. He says that the incident will not slow him down. Im proud to stand where i met. First timers right here from atlanta . That is so cool. The sport is changing. At the deal that happened yesterday, sorry im not wearing my mask, but i wanted to show whoever it was that you are not going to take away my smile and i want to keep on going. Speak and sandra the fbi and Justice Department Civil Rights Division has now joined that investigation. Nascars president says those responsible will be banned from the sport for life. Ed the president just wrapping up with reporters at the white house. In the attempts to topple a statue of Andrew Jackson. We will have the president s remarks in just a couple of moments. Plus dr. Anthony fauci, and we have strategies to reduce the spread of covid19 without having to return to stay to stayathome policies. Closing down texas again, it will always be the last option. No more nocturnal baking, or polar ice cap airconditioner mode. Because the tempurpedic breeze delivers superior cooling from cover to core. Helping you sleep cool, all night long. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, save 500 on all tempurbreeze mattresses. And experience your coolest sleep this summer, on our best breeze savings of the year. Sandra okay, as we mentioned President Trump departing the white house right now, and they will meet with Border Patrol agents there later today, and will also be delivering remarks that the students for Trump Convention in phoenix. So he was departing a short time ago and stopped and spoke to reporters for about 6 minutes. Of course, it was first asked about last night in washington, d. C. , and hes said we have stopped the attack on Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park and wanted to think the police. Numerous people are in jail or will go to jail, promise the president. He spoke extensively on that, and also talking about coronavirus testing so that the president hitting on a wide range of issues, lets listen to the president together. President trump we are going to arizona and we are celebrating, we have over 200 miles of wall built. And its about a recordbreaking four they will be doing a number of other things, making a speech to young people in arizona, and we will be meeting with some of the arizona officials who talk about their border and how strong its become, its become very strong. Last night we stopped in attack on a great monument, the monument of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park and i just want to thank law enforcement, they did a great job. We were working very closely with the white house, the secret service and some of our executives. They did a great job. Numerous people are in jail and going to jail today. People are already there but we are looking at longterm sentences under the act. We have a very specific monument act and we are looking at longterm jail sentences for these vandals and these hoodlums and the anarchists and agitators. I call them whatever you want. Some people dont like that language but thats where they are. They are bad people and they dont love our country and they are not taking on our monuments. Other than that, go ahead . Did you have an executive order regarding the monument . President trump i will have an executive order. And thats a more uniform way. I want to also say this, if the state government, if you see them all over, in seattle, they are very weak. And minnesota, they might need help. If they need help the federal government is willing to help them. If these hoodlums come around, these are not protesters by the way, these are anarchists and other things. If these hoodlums come around and if the states cant handle it, we are ready, willing and able to help. After four days they finally called and we did a great job with the National Guard. Your campaign after the oklahoma rally . President trump yes hogan gidley, but not for that reason. As you probably heard of fox had the highest ratings in the history of fox. The ratings on saturday night for fox was the highest rating in the history of fox news which i guess is a long history. So its the number one saturday night in history. We had a nice crowd and despite all of the warnings and Everything Else that other networks were trying to do, despite the fact that we had some pretty bad people waiting there, they shouldnt have been, maybe some of the same people i just talked about. We had a nice crowd. An online, i heard the record was unbelievable. You should know because you should report it. When you asked your people to down, let me just make it clear. We have got the greatest Testing Program anywhere in the world. We test better than anyone in the world. And we have the most of them. By having more tests, we have to find more cases. We did 25 plus, 25 million tests. Think of that. 25 million. If you look at other countries they did 1 million, 2 million or 3 million. Big countries. We did 25 million. Way more than any other country. Therefore we will have more cases. Have a more cases sounds bad but what actually it is, as we are finding people. Many of those people arent sick or they are very little sick. Because of all of the cases that we find we have a very low mortality rate. Just about the best in the world. So that is the advantage of the testing along with other things. Remember this, the reason we have more cases than other countries is because our testing is so much. Other countries do very little testing by comparison. So we are going to do this here, right now, up until yesterday i think they told me, we are over 25 million tests. Other countries are at 2 million or 3 million. Heres what i say. Testing is the doubleedged sword. In one way it tells you you have cases, and another way, if you find out where the cases are and you do a good job. We are doing a great job, we have never been credited for it. We are doing the best testing job anywhere in the world. We are doing the best ventilators ive anywhere in the world. We are now supplying ventilators to the entire world. Countries dont have ventilators, they called the United States. Weve been doing a great job and have not been given credit for it. The other thing, the call to rally is incredible. Despite all of the ominous warnings, the crowd was wonderful. And what happens is, thats the biggest rating in the history of fox television, thank you very much everybody. Sandra that was President Trump departing the white house a short time ago. Thats a 200mile of the border wall. Trying to topple the Andrew Jackson statue. He wa we are willing and able to step in and help. He talked about the rally over the weekend and the update on coronavirus, and by having more cases it sounds bad, we have a very low mentality rate. The president is on his way to arizona and we will have continued coverage of his trip to yuma as the day goes on. Ed in the meantime, cant Michael Berkus sits on the house of energy and commerce which is holding a big hearing later this morning. We will dip in there. Good morning to you. And, and thats the volume of the test which has markedly increased over the last four or five months. Thats a good thing i think. We are going to test every resident of every nursing home, and as we know for multiple risk factors. Heres leora governor talking about what has been a rise in cases in the home state. If giving you a chance to react on the other side. Covid19 is spreading at an unacceptable rate in texas and it must be corralled. Not taking action to slow the spread will cause covid to spread even worse at risking peoples lives and ultimately leading to the closure of more businesses. Ed its wasnt a mistake then for the governor and other state officials to move so quickly to reopen . No, i dont think so. As we begin to increase the ability of people, we all knew cases were going to increase. Thats any clustering of increases, you want to be able to accommodate that. Testing is one of the rational rationales, but texas is a big state and its different in different parts of the state. We had a conversation with dr. Down in the lower Rio Grande Valley and the Community Spread, and that has increased. If thats something to pay significant. That will be what we heard from some time. All of that will be important in these communities, and what you dont want to see is the congregant living facilities which will subsequently be badly affected it because of the increased Community Spread in these neighborhoods. Steve linick you said Something Else a moment ago when you mentioned that a key factor here is in texas, you are trying to protect Senior Citizens and Nursing Homes, something that wasnt frankly done enough in states like new york here. The governor, andrew cuomo is facing criticism for that. He was pressed about it yesterday. I want you to react to this as well. Do you take responsible to for that order and the role he may have played in those deaths . There are republicans are politics. I understand that. We had more people die in Nursing Homes than anywhere el else. Its io, its republicans fault. The principal one is a significant loss of life that has occurred. In all of us at any level of government should be focused on doing what we can to prevent the spread of this illness, obviously provide medical countermeasures when they are appropriate. And learn from a brandnew vir virus. More information is gathered about the biologic behavior of the virus so i am grateful that Governor Abbott in texas is paying attention, and is doing what i would consider the right things on the ground. If you do want to protect to those people that are particularly in vulnerable situations that have no other choice where to go. Hes got some things right and some big things wrong. What do you want to press dr. Fauci about. Thats a knowledge and no one else can compare to it so we are all anxious to be able to get him in the committee. And its a fallacy to think that you could in early january to be able to predict and look over the horizon and see exactly whats going to happen with this, no one could have done that. Seattle said it will be dismantling the citys controversial autonomous zone as protesters in d. C. Attempts to bring that movement to the east coast. We will have a live report on all of it, coming up. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com veteran50year lows. Ortgage rates have fallen to but did you know that your va benefit lets you easily refinance to a lower rate . One call to newday can save you 2000 a year. With newdays va streamline refi theres no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Its the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. Call newday now. Sandra seattles mare warning activists inside of the top zone, that its time to go after a weekend of deadly violence. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Ed and abandon shooting. The violence and impacts on residents and businesses are not just at odds with the message of justice, we are working with the community to bring this to an end. Our autonomous zone has turned into a political disaster as some residents at protesters want her to resign from the what many see as an incompetent response to what has become a lawless area in the middle of seattle. A week ago, a mayor wanted to turn a bit up as office there is no scenario under which we can just send in police and clear people out but we have worked people working right now to deescalate, and tell people its time to go home. When mayors and police typically hold a press company on the main page. A reckless ban on teargas and foam bullets which she says let the situation get out of contr control. A life might have been saved if not for the circumstances created by pc legislation. But, there are also groups of individuals engaging in the shootings, rate, assault, burglary, arson and property destruction. And i have the Police Reports right here. Im not making it out, these things have happened. The great unknown, when can seattle reclaim the area . Protesters vowed not to leave until demands are met, discontinue comps and schools and drop charges against protesters. Residents however are fed up. Businesses are afraid to leave as crime goes unreported. This is my city anymore and i wanted back. This is great please dont make place. They were violent in the beginning. The bottom line is the mayor has asked them to leave at 8 00 p. M. But will not require it and police are not permitted inside it to protect people or property. Sandra activists also targeting the Nations Capital trying to set up in autonomous zone near the white house. That was last night in washington, d. C. At one point pulling down the statue of president Andrew Jackson speak to you last night we stopped an attack on the great monuments. And i just want to thank law enforcement, they did a great job. We are looking at longterm sentences under the act, we have a very specific monuments act, and we are looking at longterm jail sentences for these sandals and these hoodlums and these anarchists, and they are not taking down our monuments. Matt schlapp is here chairman of the american conservative union. So lets have at it. Last night it was difficult to watch. They attempted to topple that statue in d. C. , and it became violent. The president calling them anarchists and now wants to issue an executive order to make citys project like that. I think there has been a huge shift in our country, theres a way to go about things in a way not to go about things. And i think what most americans would prefer at this point, and which i certainly prefer, we wish that in an orderly way, we should not have been thrown off of their courses and purchases in public squares. I think you will have some problems associated, and including ulysse ulysses that g. On that last point, isnt that the key . Lets one thing to debate out, but when you have president Andrew Jackson, now Teddy Roosevelt statute here in manhattan is coming down. Where does this end . The first president to have a black man dined with him in the white house. The problem is, there is a process by which we decide who we federate and who we dont. This is a mob, this is a french revolution type mob and they will go after everyone. They will have pressure campaigns to harm anyone who dares to stand with trump, to harm anyone who dares to stand for our American History. Think about it. They are now saying that white needs to be taken down and his european mother. The us no longer has anything to do with the question of our birth, our slavery, and finally beat jim crow, it was a Republican Party who led that fight. We dont teach our history, we dont understand our history. And pretty soon we will become history unless we stand up and say no more. Sandra i want to put this up on the screen, this is David Bernhardt who did visit during the protest last night and walked away saying this. I just left Lafayette Square were and other socalled peaceful protests lead to destruction tonight. Let me be clear we will not bow down like vowed to enter. And we could ask this of both of you, but to you first, initially with that top zone said it could be a a summer of love. Now we have seen at the protest and whats happening inside of that turned violent, was now three shootings. One deadly. And now she plans to end that. I think its about time, its long overdue. In new york when we had the occupy movement which also started out peacefully, that block became kind of an on the habitable zone filled with criminals. And at the mayor and police chief waited, and that had a built in favor in removing those people. I dont know where that the mayor is acting too soon out there but i think a majority of americans want to see peaceful protests and the overwhelming majority. They also want to see sharp and Quick Reaction to restore order. We cant have it with the covert virus. I want to add this in the m mix. And it, they moved it up at the home page a little bit. But why some institutions want to downplay the attempted tearing down the statues and some of the problems we are seeing . Well, lets face it. They called in these arsonists who have set fire to the st. Johns church just steps away from this monument. This is a crackup of this democratic socialist. There is a real crackup hes always a face of the democratic party. The base, this radicalized based on the left is trying to destroy the people who represent this party. Its a very uncomfortable mormon. But of very difficult conversation across the country. And where is joe biden and where is barack obama and joe biden their silences definitely. And so has barack obama that shifts the focus to the people as he calls im using to destructive methods. Ed all right, matt schlapp, judith miller, we appreciate your time today. Sandra great conversation. Ed in the meantime, we are awaiting the response to the covid19 pandemic. Anthony fauci end of the top officials from the cdc and the food and drug administration. Good morning tio. We will take a hard look at the Trump Administration response to the covid19 pandemic. The hearing will feature some of the Top Public Health experts which some of whom have become household names. Dr. Stephen hanh, commissioner of the fda and dr. Robert redfield, director of the cdc. In his opening remarks, dr. Fauci is expected to say, testing for the presence is an essential component of our nations response, and its importance is now further magnified as states continue in their various stages of reopening. President trump moments ago talked about the whole covid testing issue, and cases are going up in the u. S. , and everexpanding. Senate democratic leader Chuck Schumer says thats not the case. There is a lie sitting at the head of all of this. President trump wants americans to believe, and his administration has done such a great job on testing. And we you can expect plenty of questions about that. Ed at mike emanuel, thank you. Sandra ive seen that before. Speaking of the coronavirus, theres a push to increase manufacturing and reduce independency on china for prescription drugs and medical supplies. Joni ernst is a republican leading that charge and is our headliner. Plus Police Reform protests hitting high tech. Charles payne is up next on th that. I have huge money saving news for veterans. Mortgage rates just dropped to near 50year lows. One call to newday usa can save you 2,000 every year. And once you refinance, the savings are automatic. Thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Activate your va streamline benefit now. Dont sell any software to Police Departments which could make them more efficient, more accountable, which could help the general public. Look at all the things that we heard, they want no parts of it. My suggestion to them is they contact their local Police Departments and they say, take off 911, make it so i cant dial 911, because i want to live in a world like that. Its virtual signaling has to stop, its got to stop. Overnight we hear google, facebook and apple, they are all whining because President Trump wants to put a pause on important labor when we have 22 million americans unemployed. If you are going to talk the talk then walk the walk. If they really want to help, maybe take this energy, this righteousness and put it as of their fellow american. The other stuff will take care of itself. Sandra so no police contract, its titled. Take steps to address racism, its not merely an issue of words, and why help the institutions responsible for the need to be more effective organizationally. Google then has issued a statement as obvious, obviously that petition was made public saying this. We are committed to work to make a meaningful difference, and our employees have made over 500 product suggestions in recent weeks which we are reviewing. This is 1100 google employees that are circulating that petition internally, charles. Calling for google to and police contact. I dont like its going to go anywhere. I dont think its a legitimate issue with facial recognition that has not worked. If it just kind of gives the police this idea that if theres a black guy on eighth street, go get them . They still have to get the bugs out of that. Lets be honest. We are going to need technology and policing like we need in every other facet of our lives. We go from the box where we talk to the person commit to when you pay and you get to the food. We need the sort of things to be put in place, because it will increase accountability and it probably will increase the publics ability to monitor accountability. As far as walking the walk is a petition suggests, some of the hashtags, so my suggestions to these signal areas are that if you really want to help black people come help them get a job at google. Help them in their schools and, dont complain so much that when the president says we should have americans on this job instead of getting folks from other countries because we can get them cheaper. Sandra i should note that this isnt just the employees asking the company to do something, this is wanting google to do something further. Google had already committed 175 million toward supporting black businesses in response to the george floyd killing. Also the company says it plans to increase unprecedented people in leadership an end peer based of batch tracking deferring to security teams. There was a list that google put out but Police Wanted more. We appreciate it. Ed how this is affecting the relations between the worlds two biggest economies. Andrew jackson and ulysses grant, are they hurting their own cause . Joni ernst from iowa is next. I think its terrible. When we started eliminating history and start eliminating statutes, there was a time when things were different and things are different now. So we have to remember how we got here through the history. Sa winning vehicles . More than toyota, honda, and hyundaicombined . Subaru. Its easy to love a car you can trust. 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President trump we have to remember their heritage and the culture of our country, and you know, this is less important, but its very important. Some of the things that they are trying to destroy our magnificent pieces of art and they are ripping down things that they have no idea what they are ripping down. They started off with the confederate and then they go to ulysses s. Grant, well, whats that all about . Ed fox news alert, the president declares the vandalism of statutes after George Floyds death has gone far beyond targeting federal leaders. Ulysses s. Grant owned a but read him before leaving the civil war effort to end slavery in america. President trump this morning tweeted out reminders that there are laws against such vandalism saying he will sign an executive order soon protecting statues and monuments. Lets start a conversation or with our headliner, republican senator jodi ernst of iowa. Good morning. Good morning. Great to be with you. Fantastic to have you here. They are planning to act on a statue here, where it is us, call this end . Thats a very good question and one we would like to know the answer to. I think this has gone far enough. Going to restore law and order here in the United States and of course, we support protests. There are still some folks that are out there protesting, Police Brutality and racial injustice. But peaceful protest is what we are looking for. Dialogue. And that is the vandalism and wean to restore law and order and have healthy dialogue. Not what we are seeing today. Sandra we saw protesters marching through des moines, iowa, last night, this is obviously spreading to many other areas of the country as we speak, senator. What are the demands of those protesters and what are their intentions . Their demands, thats very interesting because we hear over and over again the calls to defund the police. Thats a liberal talking point, the ants out there to be a very provocative statement. Again, thats done through peaceful dialogue and actually finding solutions, Real Solutions to these very hard questions. And they are trying to be provocative. Lets have some real discussion, lets sit down and work through the issues. We are not going to find it by vandalizing statues, we are not going to find it by inciting violence in the streets, thats not how we will come to resolution. Ed it when we say how to move forward, we were told the protesters want Police Reform and democrats in the senate where you are right now have been talking about Police Reform bill. You and your colleagues led by tim scott obviously came forward with the bill. Breaking in the last few moments, Senate Democrats have not written a letter to rich mcconnell saying that your bill is not salvageable. What that means is they will filibuster your bill and to try to prevent the republican bill from even getting to the floor for debate and vote. Your reaction . Which is unbelievable. Iowa has led the way, our Iowa Legislature passed Police Reform a number of weeks ago and they did it bipartisan. It was unanimously supported through vote and signed into law by governor. Thats what we expect to see here and at large in part, the justice act that is being presented is supported by democrats. Data sharing, education, its focusing on deescalation efforts. All of those wonderful things wrapped up into a bill which would allow our police to do their jobs while maintaining the safety of the public. Why would the democrats not want that . And we are in an Election Year and the democrats dont want solutions by this republican led senate. They dont want Solutions Found by this republican senate. Its very provocative but why would they not come together when we have an 80 or better solution for Police Reform . Sandra i want to follow up on that in just a moment, and in some cases we have seen history destroyed during these protests in the United States. We ask about how we move forward, how we still make progress while remembering our countrys history. Remembering our history is very important, and it is a fantastic landmark for us to realize that progress has been made, and it only happens when we work together. Sandra im sure youve had a chance to talk to your colleague about this but lets talk about how we move forward and how we make progress in this country . Is absently correct. And i believe it as well. I dont care what country you are putting us up against, america is the greatest country on the face of the planet. I look at the country and the opportunities, freedoms and values that we represent and why others want to come to this granted nation and to keep it moving forward we have to have discussions about where we go from here, recognizing we have some blemishes in our past. And weve overcome some of those obstacles. I think that we can do this, and tim scott is right. Lets celebrate the great parts of our nation but lets learn from those blemishes in history. Ed its where do we go here from Police Reform . We talked about bringing people together, lets overcome. If you have democrats saying, and that theyve made some remarks saying basically before its even on the runway they are blocking this. How do you actually move forward when democrats dont even want to have a debate over your bill. We want to bring the justice act to the floor. We will call them out on it. We would simply say why dont we want to do it . They are standing in the way of progress and certainly we want to work through this. We want to come together, we want to do the right thing for our nation. So be it. If they are going to block it, allow them to block it and explain why they dont want to see Police Reform and why they dont want to see transparency, why they dont want to see us educating our police force to do a better job out there. I want to hear their thoughts on that. Sandra there will be weekly party lunch is happening to today. Expect some pretty pointed comments today. Not great to have you on americas newsroom, thanks for coming here today. I appreciate it, thank you so much. Sandra with tensions mounting over u. S. And china and traded, the senate Judiciary Committee will be holding a hearing today on chinas handling of the coronavirus which the president has sharply criticized. Rich edsons lie that the state department. Good morning sandra. There are several efforts to try to hold the Chinese Government financially responsible from the coronavirus outbreak. This afternoon on capitol hill, the senate Judiciary Committee is examining that very issue. In our efforts in congress to change the law to allow americans and the local governments to successfully sue the Chinese Government. Here at the state department, a high level meeting last week between secretary mike pompeo, it appears to have had a little effect on the contentious relationship between the u. S. And china. I spent today with my counterparts trying to understand why on earth the communist party is engaged. I try to understand that its ideological for them. Speak of the Chinese Foreign ministry responded saying secretary pompeo continued critical comments saying the only served to expose its deepseated mentality and ideological bias. We encouraged him to work to promote. Those hearsay our propaganda. A little more than extensions from chinas government. Now requiring chinas government and new service and daily and global times. They will register and provide more info about their operations to the u. S. Government just as if they were extensions of chinas government. Sandra, back to you. Sandra okay rich edson, live at the state department, thank you. Ed fox news alert, live look at capitol hill where the nations top Infectious Disease expert dr. Anthony fauci wilson testify along with other top officials in a big house coronavirus oversight hearing. We will see the cdc director dr. Redfield, also the head of the fda and others. Plus, after deadly weekend of violence, what they are now doing to protect themselves. We will hear from the head of the private Security Company thats been on the ground trying to protect people. The city will not allow for gun violence to continue the evenings around capitol hill. We will be looking at additional steps to ensure Community Safe safety. To help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com sandra the nypd is looking for the suspect who has attacked a sleeping homeless man with fireworks. I want to warn you that the video you are about to see is disturbing. The victim in this viral video is reportedly in his 60s and suffered minor injuries. New yorkers here new yorkers hear fireworks going off night after night and the number of complaints to please go through the roof. All this as protesters gather last night near the mayors residence in manhattan, honking their car horns. Mayor de blasio is a spokesperson promising a multiagency crackdown on illegal fireworks suppliers. Businesses need to open, many of them have barely survived of the covid shut down and they and their employees are ready to get back to work and should be allowed to do so. Ed is seattles mayor jenny durkan telling protesters on Capitol Hills occupied protests known as they call it, its time to go home. Dirk and saying the city will reclaim the three block police free area after two separate shootings of blood broke out over the weekend. One of them of course is deadly. Steve pen steve pena singing, or and ceo oh oh lane control. And its interesting, because weve been reporting on how your company has been brought in as a private Security Firm and, they gave up one station house if you well. So what have you been doing on the ground . Basically weve been doing, with the autonomous zone and Everything Else going on around you, residence, Business Owners and clients that we have around the surrounding areas. We have they are vulnerable, they dont know whats going on and the uncertainty of everything in the area, they still have been left kind of by themselves, and up weve been hired on with our clients that we currently have around the area to help keep those properties and residents safe. And no offense to your company, we actually need police and communities like this and i need to bring in a private Security Company. Basically im having to get out of the autonomous zone, but we can come in and bring them protection with the softer side. We are basically make those homeowners. We had a generalist on yesterday, he spent at least five days in there and talked about actually what else have you and your focusing on the ground, theres a lot of chaos going on, theres been reports of people carrying ak47s and, you hear a lot of bangs going off in the background and people just running around everywhere. Im glad the mayor made the decision to take back that area and get the police back in their department so they can bring some control back to that area. Because ed and pardon me, thats a mayor who said this was like a block party. What do you think about that contrast . I dont think they are seeing a lot going on down there. And we have an oath by our badge and we have to protect and ser serve. So, its just different times. So i was taking charge and the mayor taking back that area is a great step down moving forward. Ed in the final final moment we talk about the oath in the batch that we carry. What about those who think defunding the police is a good idea . I dont think thats a great idea at all. We all need a alt law order, but we also have to com come to terms with each other. And, its not about violence, about protection. We are not here to cause any harm or judge or anything like that, we are here to protect and keep peace. Ed we are glad you are doing that. Thank you for coming on. Sandra meanwhile, Outdoor Dining is back in new york city. We put the application for the open restaurants so that restaurants could use sidewalk space and to curb space to put in tables, 3,19 3,192 restaurans have applied. They are self certified. There are some restaurants able to stay open with limitation throughout the lockdown. Up next, how one neighborhood restaurant had to innovate to stay in business amidst the pendant. Your story, coming up it shortens the refi process so veteran families can save money by refinancing. Theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs and you can do it all right from home. Qrna you try to stay ahead of the mess. But scrubbing still takes time. Now theres new powerwash dish spray. Its the faster way to clean as you go. Just spray, wipe and rinse. It cleans grease five times faster. New dawn powerwash. Spray, wipe, rinse. Wherever you make go, lexus will welcome you back with exceptional offers. Get zero percent financing and make no payments for up to 90 days on all 2020 lexus models. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Sandra new york city entering phase two of reopening after months of lockdown. They did have to innovate to stay above water. Cal delport as his general manager of the bel air diner in astoria. Good morning and thanks for being here, to tell your story. I should say a say Astoria Queens for anyone who doesnt know so well, but your diner, he stayed open. But you certainly saw a dip in sales. They were down 70 yearoveryear. Now only about 40 down. Sandra sorry to cut you off there. And that is, you said we have a parking lot. Lets put up a movie screen and have our diners drive in, and they can adequately social distance, how has not gone for you. They sell out so fast. It was an interesting way to adapt for the changing times. You plan to stick with this outdoor Movie Theater . Absolutely. And we would like to offer that to the community for anyone who still doesnt feel safe, it may be, and we would like to be there for the community. Busier than expected. People are definitely coming out, and thats the use of the sidewalk now. Only eight tables, its a huge restaurant. Sandra its lots of restaurants are trying to get there of doors open safely. Its been difficult and we wish you the last. Thank you so much. Awesome. Thanks so much. Ed a fox news alert, top news officials, as soon as it begins. These are extraordinary times, and we want to thank the Extraordinary People in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. To learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit cosentyx. Com ed a fox news alert, as Coronavirus Takes Center Stage on capitol hill again as case spike in several states during reopening process, dr. Anthony fauci now set to testify moments now as officials warn against pandemics. Sandra good morning everyone, and sandra smith. Dr. Fauci joined by other top officials at todays Health Hearing come at a critical stage. Case numbers hitting in some parts of the country. They are pushing to reopen and are now turning into covid19 hot spots. Mike emanuel is live in washington with the latest on all that. The democratic majority, the federal government will continue to support americans by provided expedited Regulatory Approval for tests and equipment if necessary, and appropriate. And, there will likely be testing and working on developing a type of vaccine and medications to treat covid19. These experts have taken some heat because some of their predictions have not panned out. A medical doctor who happens to be a member of that committee defended experts earlier on americas newsroom. Nobody got that 100 right. They look over the horizon to see exactly what happened in the vaccine is the key. Testing is a doubleedged sword. In one way, they find out where the cases are. We are doing a great job. Anyone looking at the facts would conclude that we need to figure out whats causing these increases and put measures in place to limit this new spread of the disease. But President Trump does not look at the facts, or try to understand them. We will hear what experts have to say as a beacon testimony any moment now. Sandra we will go to that when it begins for dr. Fauci. Thank you so much. Fox news contributor, good morning. I think it would be similar to the senate about a month and a half ago, and, we expect to see cases arise. Thats a vaccination status for Clinical Trials, im curious to see if someone asked them about that and with the statuses of the testing. Since you put that on the table, heres a president s day on testing. President trump just remember this. The reason we have more cases than other countries is because our testing is so much. Testing is a doubleedged sword. In one way it tells you we have cases and in another way we find out where the cases are. Ed ive heard one critic of the president say, thats not true. I think i use that phrase a couple of months ago saying the increase in testing is a doubleedged sword. I think trump is exactly right. The more testing we do the more positive so will have. If we were testing anyone, we would have no cases. He ended specifically in texas and arizona as well as other states, and they start x excepting adult patients. And the majority of cases tend to be in younger populations under the age of 49 even though hospitals are soulful and like what we saw in the northeast. This is because we are protecting our vulnerable and they are heeding the warnings regarding social distancing and probably staying home a bit mo more. More testing needs more cases, and we have lifted the stay these stayathome orders and still are circulating virus at home. We will see cases and it doesnt mean that we are headed down the dark and gloomy path we were a couple of months ago. We do have to stay vigilant. Stay vigilant. That will begin in a few moments, we will keep this conversation going. Dr. Safire, image of the vaccine and a promise to get back to that, operation warp speed act, something the president has talked about in terms of naming that mission is to move as quickly as possible. Where do you think we are . Let me tell you, one of the missions the president has had is the right to try legislation. He wants to make sure that americans have access to early medications that may actually save lives. Hes also been doing that with the vaccinations, and, and we see less and rapid time and the fda still has to approve it and they will not approve the medication unless that it is deemed that it safe and it will actually work. Therefore we know that there are some very strong Clinical Trials cap happening right now. We have the vaccination available, and, its still important that we still remember and respect some level of social distancing and Wearing Masks if necessary. Also if you are opening to get a flu shot, we want to make sure hospitals are not overwhelmed. That is one issue to why we were so overwhelmed in late february and early march because we were in the dead center of blue flu season which makes our hospitals run at near capacity. Ed something to keep an eye on as they say and remain vigilant. Its still a possibility for a vaccine. Dr. Safire, i appreciate your time. If you can see dr. Fauci there with dr. Redfield. We will go there live in the meantime. Sandra fox news alert, President Trump threatening writers with ten years in prison after a night of chaos in our capital. Declaring the area the black house autonomous zone before police moved in with pepper spray. Gillian turner is reporting li live. Theres been a lot of action so far this morning. Right now behind our shoulder, you see police are trying to clear protesters from st. Johns church. Of that church is just behind my shoulder as well. The socalled black house autonomous zone. President trump a few moments ago drop the hammer and he said these protesters are anarchists and they want to tear down American History. Take a listen. Speak to last night we stopped on an attack on a great monument, the monument of Andrew Jackson and Lafayette Park. They were working very closely with the white house, secret service and other executives of ours. The resident said hes working now on his executive order saying he would reinforce existing legislation to punish any americans who would tear down statues. President trump its a very specific monument act and we are looking at longterm jail sentences for the for these vandals, these hoodlums and these anarchists and agitators and whatever you want. Some people dont like that language but thats what they are. Overnight protesters defaced the statue of Andrew Jackson. Also vandalism at st. Johns church. And now all eyes Muriel Bowser will see if she can take any steps. In the area known now, they are overlapping with black lives matter plasma. We dont know if she will allow to stand on what she thinks of it. Gillian turner from washington for us. Meanwhile, a socalled chopped may be on the chopping block. They were known as a capitol hill organize protests after two recent shootings left one person dead and too injured. The mayor of jenny durkan says of violence is distracting from Peaceful Protesters opposing racial inequality and Police Brutality. We believe organizations, individuals and others continue to gather my capitol hill peacefully. They continue to disorder, violence and impacts on violence and businesses are not just at odds with the message of justice and equity, they cannot continue to occur. We are working with the community to bring this to an end. Remember she wants that it was a block party, no time for clearing out the Occupied Zone was given but the mayor said additional steps will be examined if people did not leave voluntarily. Sandra we will continue watching that. For the First Time Since the george floyd protest rocked minneapolis, we are now hearing from the Police Union President as officers, and who they are blaming for all the unrest. Plus, the Trump Administrations firing up over the prosecutor with house Judiciary Committee jerry nadler saying his committee will launch an investigation into the subpoena of attorney general bill barr. So could this require a special counsel . There appears to be no legitimate burden to fire him, but the President Trump and attorney general trying to remove him for a corrupt motive . Refinance with no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2000 every year. Call my team at newday usa right now. Gwdcd0zlojraw sir. 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Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Victory, who would give him something because he was the third precinct that the officers worked out of that were involved and that would quell the disturbance and that would take it as a victory and go away which was thought process we understood for leadership. It was a flawed plan from the very beginning and we saw it all the way through, that whatever logic went into giving up precinct back was clearly detached from reality because all that did was fuel the fire to make them come after our fifth precinct two days in a r row. The following night a curfew was set, but they describe a complete and total failure of leadership. Looting and arson was rampant across minneapolis. Now, following calls to disband police, the chief of police has broken off pollute contract with gun violence which has surged. Police with the unions that you dont need to disband the police but you need more cops. Ed thanks for staying on top of that. Mr. Clayton wanted to go back to new york city and wanted to keep him in government and therefore he was given up position at fdny. Sandra that was Kayleigh Mcenany explaining the fallout surrounding the firing of Jeffrey Berman. The federal prosecutor who is leading the investigation of President Trumps associates. Lets bring in andy mccarthy. Andy, great of you to be here this morning. Theres been a lot of drama surrounding bill barrs announcement, so what do we know about the nature of it, and whether it was appropriate . I think its largely much ado about nothing if you look at it closely. He was not a permanent fullfledged u. S. Attorney, and i dont mean to denigrate the job he was doing but he was essentially keeping the seat warm until he got a full appointed u. S. Attorney there. They have to wrestle with the fact that both u. S. Senators, the senators have an impact on the confirmation process. And trying to work with the democrats in congress. Clayton is a natural guy that they might try because he actually got confirmed as sec director with bipartisan support. So they probably figured they had a shot at at least potentially getting him confirmed down the road. I actually think this was what that was about. They actually offered him other important positions in the government. Sandra there are a lot of confusing details coming out of all of this. As far as side mourner, over the weekend he said it was totally inappropriate which youve heard from any democrats making the case. Now jerry nadler, chairman of the Judiciary Committee as you well no plans to subpoena bar over his firing, and he said he will immediately launch an investigation into the matter. Theyve been taking everything that bar doesnt blow his way out of proportion, they know the investigation and, he told Maria Bartiromo over the weekend that it could be by the end of the summer that we will at least hear something from durham. And as a result everything that the attorney general dies from here on out is going to be taken out of context and blown out of portion just like this was. He will have his own party to impeach bill barr. I dont think any quotes are premature, he certainly deserves impeachment. Again thats a waste of time because republicans and the senate dont look at that. What are the chances of that happening. Do you think impeachment is enough . I think he ought to be drawn and quartered. Its ridiculous to talk about impeachment in the context in the and it isnt even a fullfledged u. S. Attorney. And thats like the saturday night massacre which is belied by the fact that theres no reason to think the Southern District of new york has those kind of cases that would do that kind of damage to the president. Moreover, in barrs letter on saturday, he told berman that the supervisors and u. S. Attorneys office, if they think there is any, should immediately report that to the Inspector General who bar has authorized to do that already. Thats an obama appointee who worked in the Southern District of new york for many years. I just think that is a narrative that is designed for the purpose of trying to discredit the durum investigation down the road. It has very little to do with what we are looking at writing from us. The drama surrounding all that is a great analysis. Andy mccarthy, thank you. In the meantime, kentucky voters casting their ballots in a highstakes democratic primary to decide who will take on Mitch Mcconnell in november. Our panel weighs in on that race, some democrats will go down here in new york to liberal challengers, and that is next. This is the tempurpedic breeze. And its mission is to make sleep. Feel. Cool. So, no more night sweats. No more nocturnal baking, or polar ice cap airconditioner mode. Because the tempurpedic breeze delivers superior cooling from cover to core. Helping you sleep cool, all night long. During the tempurpedic summer of sleep, save 500 on all tempurbreeze mattresses. And experience your coolest sleep this summer, on our best breeze savings of the year. Theand we want to thank times,r the Extraordinary Peoplemer, in the healthcare community, working to care for all of us. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. 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Our workforce must grow exponentially, thousands of contract tracers are on board and being recruited by Public Health department across our nation. Bottom line, sustained investment in the Public Health system is an investment in the health and prosperity of our nation. Last, cpc has begun to bear for months ahead. When the next seasons influenza illness will occur simultaneously, potentially come up with covid19 increasing the challenges on hospitals, health care, professionals and the public. This fall before that seasonal influence has increased i encourage the American People to be prepared and embrace flu vaccination with confidence for yourself, your families and the communities. In this single act will save lives. Thank you and i look forward to your questions. The role of the National Institutes of health and research addressing covid19. The fundamental virus itself as well as a host response to the virus, the second is to help develop diagnostics and sis. The third is to characterize and test therapeutics in the fourth is to develop safe and effective vaccines. Speaking of the first, fundamental knowledge of the virus and what the virus is capable of doing, weve done a number of studies that have been informed how we are approaching therapeutics and vaccines. For example, the precise molecular structure of the spike protein which is that part of the virus, which actually gives it its name, coronavirus, because of the spikes that stick out from the virus. That is the way the virus binds to cells in the body. This has been precisely delineated by an ag nih scienti. Second, the receptor whereby the virus binds to sell in the body allowed to enter and cause disease. In addition we develop animal models. We do Natural History studies such as understanding the virus in different demographic groups. Second is a development of diagnostics and assays. We need and will get within a reasonable period of time based on a major investment in the radix program, diagnostics that our point pointofcare, simple, precise, sensitive and specific. At the end of fall and early winter wil will we will have the for wide distribution. Third, the deponent of drugs. Weve all heard of the First Successful randomized placebocontrolled trial of drug called brenda sever remdesivir d significant but modest impact on decreasing the time to release from the hospital, namely faster recovery. In addition this drug is now being used in combination with another drug that blocks the inflammatory response. We are looking at a variety of others. Convalescent plasma, hyper immunoglobulin, other drugs, monoclonal antibodies as well as other immunebased therapies. Plus it a moment of safe and effective vaccines. Really defining responses of the virus to diseases. If you look at the history it is generally vaccines up with a nail in the coffin of these types. We are now with public and private partnerships. And that harmonizes with each other, another was having multiple trials in which we have common questions which are being asked, common laboratories that are being attacked, and coronary secondary and tertiary end points. There are more than one that are moving on for various pieces. One of them will enter the phase three study in july. This is one that is already as shown preliminary studies in animal models that were developed. Although you can never guarantee the safety and efficacy of a vaccine until youve actually tested in the field, we feel cautiously optimistic based on the concerted effort and the fact that we are taking financial risk. Not and to be ahead of the game so that, when, when and not if, we get favorable candidates with good results, and a year from when we started which will put us at the end of the calendar year and beginning of 2021. I will then mr. Chairman and im happy to answer questions later. Thank you dr. Fauci. Thank you for helping with this pandemic. You are recognized for 5 minutes, admiral. I always enjoy our conversations, you call me anytime. Ranking member waldon, distinguished members of the committee, secretary s that i laid the coordination of covid19 testing efforts within the division of health and human services. Although i am no longer full time deployed to fema i am maintaining my role for coordinating testing. They are now averaging about 500,000 tests per day. We have the capacity to perform between 40 and 50 million tests per months. To address the Public Health challenges, we implanted a phased approach, and especially now during the opening with the need for testing which is the greatest. In early march we implemented 41 communitybased testing sites and locations prioritized by the cbc in collaboration with their state and local partners. These sites have tested nearly 500,000 highrisk individuals and served as prototypes that have been deliberated multifold. Next we have implemented further Community Testing especially for minorities and underserved. This federal program is providing testing at 611 locations, and moderate to high and a social motor ability. Federally qualified Health Centers serve 29 Million People and provide care to one in five of those uninsured. One in three and again to assure we reached those most vulnerable among us. To further expand access, we authorize all authorized pharmacists to order and administer covid19 testing, over 90 of americans live within 5 miles of the pharmacy. Again, ensuring widespread accountability. On june 4th using the authority, hhs released a new Laboratory Guidance lab reports must include demographic information like race, ethnicity, age and gender. Today i am pleased to announce the selection of Morehouse School of medicine as the awardee for a new 40 Million Initiative to fight covid19 among racial and ethnic minorities as well as oral and other socially vulnerable communities. This cooperated with the agreement, office of Minority Health and Morehouse School of medicine will develop and invent a Strategic Network of national, state, territorial, tribal and local organizations to deliver covid19 organization to communities hardest hit by the pandemic. In the first year of this agreement, Morehouse School of medicine will receive 15 million. This massive expansion of testing resulted in Unprecedented Demand for supplies, reagents and laboratory platforms. To meet this demand we secured this Global Supply chain through the military air bridge. We worked with manufacturers and collaborated with external partners to validate new technologies. We secured and prioritized scarce pointofcare test for state Public Health laboratories, the Indian Health service and other critical needs. Finally we as title iii of the defense production act to further invest in manufacturing. These actions and others have enabled our current efforts with states, territories and tribes to i would like to close by recognizing my fellow officers in the United States Public Health service corps. The uniform service that i lead. 4,482 officers have deployed to support the Pandemic Response including to the diamond princess cruise ship in japan, to our military bases repatriating americans, to our communitybased testing sites, fema and tasks sources, and to field hospitals across our nation exemplifying the care and compassion that all of us feel for those who have suffered during this pandemic. I think each and every one of those officers and their families, and on their behalf i would like to thank all of you in congress who are supporting our Training Needs and the establishment of already reserved core to supplement our ranks during future emergencies. Thank you again for the community for these remarks. Thank you, both the military and civilians who are out front and helping us during this crisis really appreciate all they do and we have to make sure we help them as much as possible. Last but certainly not least because the fda is just as important is dr. Hahn, or commissioner holland. Thank you, sir. Chairman, and establish members of the committee, first id like to start by thinking all of you for your support of the agency and the u. S. Government, it has helped a great deal in our response. The fda has a Critical Role in the federal governments response and we remain focused on our mission of protecting and promoting the health and safety of americans. President trump has requested and we have provided appropriate regulatory flex abilities to assure that the American Public has access to critical medical products, safe foods and a confidence that the government is taking measures to address important Public Health issues. Fda has used our Emergency Authority since the beginning of this pandemic and we have issued more than 100 emergency use authorizations for diagnostics, personal protective equipment and ventilators and other devices as well as other products. We have issued more than 50 guidance documents to help ensure that continuity of health care and safe food supply and we have put into place new initiatives to accelerate the development of needed products. Additionally, we have kept the American Public up to what they need to do to protect themselves and to contain the virus from spreading. We are now preparing for the next phase of addressing this evolving crisis. Its Mission Critical that the agency continue to be diligent in ensuring the safety of the products that we regulate and that we also put in place processes needed to ensure the protections that the public will need to. There are a number of experiences we need have gained over the past few months that have comic will form our plan. We recognize we must be bold in our decisionmaking and achieving Public Health objectives. Therefore we have begun of comprehensive realtime review and assessment of our actions to date to address the covid19 pandemic. The objective is to identify and address programmatic changes which should be implement without delay an end effectively it will identify and respond to Public Health situations. The major focus of this effort will be to identify what regulatory policies should be continued and accelerated and consistent with executive order 13294 signed by the president. Durable policy organizations on programmatic changes will be consistent with advancing the agencys Public Health mission and will inform our strategic priority is moving forward. One of the challenges facing the fda during the covid19 pandemic is how to ensure the timely review of medical products deprecation despite an incredible surge in volume and constraints on our ability to conduct insight and inspections. I am pleased to announce today that the fda has maintained the same pace, and they have maintained in recent years. We are on target to meet our user fee goals by taking timely action on at least 90 of brand, generic applications even during the pandemic. Additionally this work has continued at a time when a number of applications received in some centers is substantially higher than the precovid19 times. I want to thank the more than 17,000 employees of the fda for their incredible efforts, one that reflects the remarkable dedication and commitment to the Public Health of all americans. Finally, i would like to discuss what is top of mind for all americans, namely the work that fda is doing to facilitate the developer to vaccines and therapeutics. The coronavirus treatment accelerated program, we continue to work night and day to provide guidance and review proposals from companies, scientists and researchers who are developing therapies. Let me be clear, the data and science will dictate when we will have safe and effective treatments and vaccines for covid19 as dr. Fauci just mentioned. Toward that end, the fda is using every available authority and appropriate flexibility to facilitate developing and testing. We have not lost sight of our solemn responsibility to the American People to ensure our decisions related to all medical products which are based on science and data and that is a commitment that the American Public confidences in. I ensure that the fda will provide expertise, and whatever else is needed. Thank you, and i look forward to your questions. Thank you commissioner holland. That concludes our openings from the witnesses and now we will move to member questions. Each member will have 5 minutes to ask questions of our witnesses and i will start by recognizing myself for 5 minutes. Now you know that im very critical of the president for lack of leadership from the start of this pandemic, which i think continues. And of course its difficult because you work, in theory, for the president. I feel that many of you on many locations actually wanted to take more leadership and the, as commissioner hawn mentioned, fully cognizant of the data and the science. So its difficult because i will issue questions about the president s lack of leadership, and i know its hard for you to answer that, and its not consistent with good Public Health, such as encouraging thousands to attend a public rally, and so its sort of like there are two versions of reality here. One is th the president s and ons hopefully yours, based on data and science. But i want to hear from the experts. You are a trusted voice and have always been candid with us in the American Public. Give us an unvarnished view of where we are in our fight against covid19 quickly if you can. Thank you very much for that question. It really is a mixed bag. We have a large country, we are very heterogeneous, and if you look at how weve been hit, weve been hit badly. Weve had two and a half million infections. In some respects weve done very well. Its been hit extraordinarily hard and has done very well in bringing the cases down and using the guidelines that we have very carefully put together in the stepwise. In other areas of the country, we now cs disturbing surge of infections that looks like its a combination. One of the things is, its an increase in Community Spread which is something that im really quite concerned about and you know that that has been something that has been in the press over the past couple of deep days. We are going down from 35,000, and now we are going up. Thats very troublesome to me. Ive said this over and over again, you have to have the manpower, the system and the testing to identify, isolate and Contact Trace it in any effective way so when you see those increases, you can understand where they are coming from and do something about th them. They will be critical in our ability to address this urgings that we are seeing in florida, texas and arizona and in other states. They are not the only ones that are having difficulty. But unlike mr. Chairman, its a mixed bag. Some good and some that we have a problem with. Now im going to have to ask about the president because you talked about testing and how important it is, and, at his rally over the weekend the president says, and i quote, you can have more cases and i said to some people, and this morning he said he meant that. Do you agree with that . Does that make sense to safely open the economy . Should we be limiting the number of tests rather than insuring anyone that meets the test can get one and you dont have to mention the president , i did. But tell us about the testing . Your microphone is not on. I as a member of the task force and my colleagues on the task force, to my knowledge, i know for sure, but to my knowledge, none of us have ever been told to slow down on testing. That is just a fact. In fact, we will be doing more testing as you have heard from admiral gerard, not only testing but specifically identifying people in the identify isolating Contact Trace but also much more surveillance if you want to get your arms around and understand exactly whats going in Community Spread. So its the opposite, we will be doing more testing, not less. Let me ask the same question of dr. Redfield. Do you agree with the president on this, do you think we should be testing more people . You dont want to talk about the president , just tell us if we should be testing the people. As dr. Fauci said all of us have been and continue to be committed to, and weve made a marked improvement and have a ways to go. In doing so, we are looking at ways that can really substantially enhanced testing by potentially pulling samples. So right now as gerard said, we are trying to continuously enhance testing. Thank you dr. Redfield. I recognize mr. Weldon for 5 minutes. Mr. Chairman, go straight to the question. I will just ask each of you for a yes or no answer. Dr. Redfield . No. Yes, sir . No, sir. Lets go to some other issues. Dr. Honig, you created a website i believe on the fda site dealing with convalescent plasma and antibody rich investigational therapies that may help fight the virus. Whats the status of the research into the effectiveness of convalescent plasma in covid19 . What do we know right now . Really important question from therapeutics point of view. As everyone here knows, you take the Natural Immunity from a person who has recovered from covid19, those antibodies, and administered to a person who is sick. We have partnered with barta and hhs as well as the clinic to develop what is called an expanded access program. We have safety data from over 25,000 patients who said this is a safe therapy in our preliminary and we continue to look at the information. If those data hold up we will have potentially under their weapon in the armory against covid19 pending those final results. That will also feed the development of monoclonal antibodies and Something Else called hyper immune glob ergonomic globulin which we can pull that plasma and give it as an ejection to people. Its a good news story right now and we have to wait for the final data to come in and we should know very shortly about that. There are also several randomized trials, and dr. Redfield cdc has developed a new test to simultaneously detect two strains of influenza and covid19. How does the cdc envisioned its combined test to reuse . Its important, as i mentioned this fall we will have influenza and covid at the same time and the cdc has developed a test for the Public Health system of and parallel Public Sector now is also getting advanced of elementary so to facilitate, a timely diagnosis of these two cocirculating pathogens. We have been working with companies to actually look at that. I would just agree with my colleagues, we are all concerned about the possibility of cocirculation of influenza a and b as well as covid19 when it comes to flu season. And both at point of care and laboratory and often that is leveled after we know facts that we didnt know at the time when things started. Its really great if we have hindsight in 20 20 vision. I want to look forward. What is it that you need from congress that you do not have now, to have america ready for the fall, what should we be preparing for now for the fall . I dont care who wants to start. But im down to a minute to answer dr. Redfield . I think its of note that the cdc has been able to disburse 12 billion to the states to help prepare their covid responses and thats an unprecedented amount of resources. I would only ask that we could make a Sustainable Investment as opposed to a sporadic investment as opposed to what we will have. Dr. Fauci, what do we need to worry about, what dont you have . Just to reiterate what dr. Redfield said, we are extraordinarily grateful for the unprecedented amount of supplementary funding that that the congress gave, and made it possible for us to do the kinds of things we needed to do on an emergency basis. I said to this committee literally many times over the years, we forget things when we get distant from them. We are going through at a terrible ordeal right now and we need to have in place the stable type of support, and hopefully this will end sooner rather than later but we need to establish a system so we are prepared for future outbreaks. Thank you. Mr. Chair, i want to express my thanks again. But let me get to the point. I was involved in the ebola in 2015 and dallas, trying to lose some of the policy options at that time if you see over a fiveyear period, with gotten all the lessons that we are trying to have did. I would say some of the biggest limitations, and i know everyone is working on this, is the National Data structure. And im trying to understand who is on an icu bed, and how much you have left. We got through this early not by systems but by people working. And we promote vaccine confidence, to make sure that people have the right information about safety and efficacy, that we order enough flu vaccines because we really need to get everybody vaccinated this winter. One thing that minimizes our problems if we get everyone that flu vaccine, thats one less virus i could kill 20, 30, 50, 70,004 potentially even be a coinfection with covid. Thank you for the support. One big point is, what we learned during the epidemic is we have access to information issue. We learned we need to collect realworld evidence just like a doctor would do an emergency to form decisions and change the moving forward. So your support would be greatly helpful. Now we will move to our members based on seniority, and i think our next few are virtual, so just reminding you to unmute if you dont do so on your own. I will keep reminding you. Next i want to thank you, mr. Mr. Chairman, for holding this. The subcommittee holding the hearing on the rationa the dashy troubling. Extremely outrageous. An article from earlier this month. Dying at the same rate at white americans, at least 13,000 would still be alive. 35 to 44 from coronavirus. 90 times the rate of white americans. The institution of racism and discrimination, certain racial and ethnic communities are suffering more than white communities. I think i know i didnt hear it quite as clear as i wa want, but i think i know what the congressman is referring to. So, when you are looking at the Africanamerican Community in the Minority Community in general as a demographic group, there are two elements that make it much more difficult for them and why they are suffering disproportionately. One is the risk of infection because of economic and other considerations, the jobs that the majority of them would find themselves in does not allow them to protect themselves by looking into a computer and doing telework. Most of them are essential, having to mingle in a society in which the virus is circulating. So right at the getgo, they have a greater risk of getting infected. And then we know from a lot of experience now that the situation regarding whether or not you have serious consequences, hospitalizations, incubation, complications, and a death related very strongly to the prevalence and incidence of underlying comorbid conditions, which are clearly disproportionately more expressed in the africanamerican population than in the rest of the population, and that particularly includes hypertension, diabetes, obesity

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