Significant numbers of people whether youre talking about 20 people or 25 people, thats a significant number of people but it depends on where you come from. In certain states will have to take more time and getting open and they are doing now. Some states arent going fast enough. Thats one of the reasons we are successful have you called losing 80 or 90,000 people successful but its one of the reasons that we are not at that highend as opposed to the low end. That number has changed. I used to say 65,000 and now im saying 80 or 90. Ed chief White House Correspondent kicks off a brandnew hour and a brandnew week from the north lawn. The predicted number of deaths, the number of weeks ago had predicted 100,000 or more people would die from the coronavirus over the last couple of weeks, that number was revised down into the 60,000 level but now those models are picking back up again and with the president mentioned last night was on the highend of the modeling hoping it will come in lower than that. Protecting right now 72,000 deaths as you see there by august the 4th. On the issue of reopening, dealing with competing pressur pressures. A population increasingly angered by continued closures and worried about losing jobs and another angered at the prospect of reopening. The president was asked about that right out of the gate at the Lincoln Memorial town hall last night. Listen to what he said. I think you can satisfy both. I think you can really have it both ways. A lot of people want to go back, you see it every day, you see demonstrations all over the country and those are meaningful demonstrations. The administration also leaning toward that laboratory in wuhan china is the source of the virus. Telling that as many as three quarters of the 17 intelligence agencies believe that coronavirus escaped from that lab stressing it was a mistake. A secretary of state pompeo saying there is enormous evidence that the virus came from that laboratory and what president saying this about it last night. Going to be given a very strong report as to what we think happened, and i think it will be very conclusive. They make anything nefarious or that it was just a mistake . I think they made a horrible mistake and they didnt want to admit it. The president also optimistic last night about the vaccine saying it is possible that things go right but we could have a workable vaccine in amounts necessary to inoculate tens of millions of people by the end of the year. That would be an unbelievable accomplishment and how weve all got our fingers crossed on that one. Ed john roberts, thank you. He sandra blasting china for its handling of the outbreak. Beijing made a huge mistake is you just trying to cover up the crisis. Secretary of state mike pompeo suppressing important information. The fact that they kicked a journalist out, reporting they were silenced, shut down reporting all the kind of things that authoritarian regimes do. Lizs classic communist is information effort. Sandra lets bring in chief Political Correspondent for the Washington Examiner enjoins us now. Good morning to you. The president s reaction last night and just a moment, but first mike pompeo blasting china and that brandnew interview. Remember, pompeo was a former cia director so he knows intelligence, he knows chinese tactics not only in the virus but in years past but they have some expertise to talk about. U. S. Officials apparently now believe that china hit or destroyed evidence to keep the severity of this crisis a secret from the world. This is something that u. S. Officials have noticed for a while. A senator not too long ago told me that back in january, he was noticing the discrepancy between Chinese Government public statements, everything is fine and nothing to see here, and the increasingly draconian efforts that were taken to contain the virus in wuhan. That made his eyebrows go up and be suspicious of what was going on. So something definitely funky going on in china for quite a while. Sandra what was your take away from the president s words last night as you just heard him say he believes that china made a huge mistake and he has in the past without retaliation. What does that tell you about the u. S. s next move when it comes to china . First of all, the idea is not that it was done deliberately. Was not created as a bio weapon or Something Like that, but china was studying this virus in part to show that it had a worldclass virology capability, and by accident and it got out of the laboratory. So the question is what does the United States do now . The president has had a very delicate relationship with china over his entire presidency as he tries to get increased and better for the u. S. Trade terms with china. There were obvious things to do. The United States has funded the virology lab in wuhan. Certainly members of congress who want to stop doing that. So i think there will be a number of actions the administration will take. They may be kind of offending actions if china does not ask things are come clean perhaps becoming more serious. Sandra members of Congress Stepping forward as well, ted cruz and talking about some of the bills that he is bringing forward to combat china. Here is the senator. This week, ive got four pieces of legislation im introducing. In one of that prohibits the u. S. Government from conducting any business over any telecom or internet infrastructure that china owns or controls. Why . Because they use it to steal. That part of the strategy. Sandra bottom line, for the American People sitting at home, they hear the president in that town hall last night talking about a huge mistake that led to all of this on the part of china, pompeo calling it classic communist is information, the American People want to know if china will ultimately be held accountable. Final thoughts. And senator cruz just said, there were a number of members of congress who want to do that. There were so many different public concerns about this. Obviously, the first concern is the health of the American People and stopping the spread of the virus. The second concern is reopening the economy. I would have to say taking action against china is probably the third concern, but absolutely necessary once we find out what actually happened. Sandra byron, always good to talk to you. Thanks for kicking off our monday morning show. By the way, we will be having a brandnew reaction from the white house coming up here tomorrow. At the president s trade advisor will be joining us live next hour to discuss the plan to rescue the ailing u. S. Economy because of all of this. Plus, the renewed tensions with china. Will get his thoughts coming up. Ed meantime, more democrats now defending joe biden and made claims of misconduct. The dnc chair tom perez says Sexual Assault allegations from a former senate a would have surfaced during bidens vetting process for Vice President peer he compared calls to an investigation to Hillary Clintons private email servers saying there is nothing there. This comes days after Presumptive Democratic president ial nominee denied accusations publicly and called on the senate and the National Archives to release any complaint by the former staffer against him. Joining us now is a former utah governor, good morning. The dnc chairs say theres nothing to see here. Just like Hillary Clintons email server. Your thoughts . We would see more of what Hillary Clinton date if she didnt use bleach to destroy the thing. Something that i was keen to get after, but nevertheless, this is a very credible allegation and what its exposing above and beyond the actual allegation itself is the incredible hypocrisy by the media. There were some two dozen plus interviews that joe biden did that they didnt even ask them a single question. That was a terrible embarrassment. The whole me too movement and every woman is supposed to be believed as out the, its exposed how bad that has been and then given a couple of weeks heads up, i think joe biden created more problems that he solved by doing that interview. Ed its interesting because there were Many Democrats that we just referred to that are defending joe biden but there are some on the left who are not necessarily defending the former Vice President. Prominent voice on the left basically says democrats, its time to consider a plan b. Brandnew this morning. Tara reads allegation against joe biden demands action. A Sexual Assault is a crime unlike any other. Is hideous, unique and often manifests in ways that victims coke. Cavalier dismissal of this story therefore runs the risk of advancing misconceptions about Sexual Assault and its aftermath. She goes on to write, this is collateral damage. The democrats have spent the last few years championing the me too movement should be loath to incur good so does she just come up with this on her own or are there prominent democrats behind the scenes were getting nervous and starting to push a plan b . I think they were prominent democrats behind the scenes that know that he is a problem. He did not handle it well. I think we make a did that interview on msnbc, it was a fair interview. She asked good questions, but joe biden couldnt handle those questions are answered why he would open up the National Archives but not the documents that are at the university of delaware. He totally fumbled that and should have seen that coming. Of nobody understands better than democrats that joe biden is not the smoothest character in terms of being able to campaign it, answer questions, and be nimble enough. I would also say that tom perez, many of the things you can see on the video with joe biden happen after he became a Vice President of the United States, just roll the tape and watch this. Look at what a staffer for congressman jim hines headed in the in 2009. Surfaced in the hartford current in april of 2019 and her comments about what joe biden did to her. The stories democrats know are going to keep coming. One met very briefly, what would be a plan b . Do you think the dnc can do something at this late date and putting another candidate . They have gone through this process and have joe biden but i think a lot of democrats are having buyers remorse. I dont think theres anybody in the country that wakes up and says boy, if only joe biden was the president. Ed heres what he said. Peter strzok seems more interested in setting up an American General than he is figuring out what the russian generals were doing to this country. If they said to agents of over there without informing the department of justice. That is not the fbi that this country needs. We needed fbi that we can trust and when i read these notes its not the fbi i used to work with. Ed in 30 seconds, how do we fix all this . It really depends on attorney general barr and mr. Durham and what they find, and i do worry that the current fbi Director Director ray does not have the strength after two years to fundamentally fix this and give the American People confidence that justice plays out within the fbi. Thats the deepest concern. Ed jason chaffetz, thank you. Sandra . Sandra outrage over and arrested new york city as police try to break up a group of people accused of ignoring social distance guidelines. We will have a live report on that just ahead. Plus, florida beginning what its calling a smart and safe stepbystep plan to reopen some businesses. Where things stand next. I think its going to be a measured step and i think its going to be an important step for people of florida to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Fifty years ago, humpback whales were nearly extinct. They rebounded because a decision was made to protect them. Making the right decisions today for your longterm financial future can protect you and your family, and preserve your legacy. Ask a Financial Advisor how retirement and Life Insurance solutions from pacific life can help you plan for your future. That gives me cash back onesome new aeverything. Akuten thats ebates. I get cash back on electronics, travel, clothes. Youre talking about ebates. I cant stop talking about rakuten. Pretty good deal peter sfx [blender] ebates is now rakuten, sign up today. Home values are up, and Mortgage Rates are at record lows. Thats good news for veterans with va loans. Thats me. By using your va streamline refi benefit, one call to newday usa can save you 2,000 a year. Thats me. Theres no Income Verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Thats me. Put your va home loan benefits to good use. Call my team at newday usa. Ed at least one person is dead this morning after a powerful storm up to 72 miles an hour, one of the highest ever recorded in the national area. The strong winds knocked down trees and power lines leaving tens of thousands without power this morning, more rough weather in the forecast later today. Sandra florida is beginning phase one of its reopening plan happening today. All but three counties will allow seating in 25 capacity indoors. Retail stores can operate at 25 of indoor capacity. Phil keating is live in key largo, florida, with what this all looks like today. Good morning. Good morning to you, sandra. Seven states are slowly starting to open society and the economy back up today. Florida of course is one of them in differing degrees and still with a lot of restrictions. In once again, breakfast is being served inside, you can sit at a table, a few people have done that, this is the first time in six weeks, dining is limited and that is the case for restaurants around most of the state. Floridas phase one means restaurants and retail can both resume in person business but only at 25 of capacity. In any outdoor seating must still be 6 feet apart. Elective surgeries can resume at hospitals. They remain in effect, no groups more than ten and masks continue to be encouraged. And what remains closed in florida or schools, bars, gyms, spas, and salons and visitors are still not allowed to visit their elderly loved ones at Nursing Homes and assisted living facilities. Republican Governor Ron Desantis says they will be three phases for florida to open back up. He says phase two will happen in weeks, not days. Not going to happen overnight but im confident we can get there. And so just hang in there and do your part. One major exception today are the three most populous counties in the state. The three with the most coronavirus cases. Phase one does not apply for miamidade and palm beach counties. Everything they are still not back open. A state parks to reopen today as do most beaches around the state, this is a live look at Clearwater Beach where walking, swimming, and exercise is allowed again. Marinas reopen on wednesday, this weekend was absolutely jampacked with voters, so many that by 10 00 a. M. Saturday, everyone who had waited in the long line for hours was turned away. Too many people, too many trucks, too many trailers, too many people in a clear indication that after six weeks of lockdown, floridians are really itching just to simply get out of the house, but Police Officers and sheriffs deputies are having to keep an eye on everybody as well. Sandra and we will keep an eye on that state as it continues its reopening. Great to see you, thank you. Ed meanwhile in the northeast, warm weather and strong people outdoors making social distancing even harder. An nypd officer caught on camera roughing up a man for allegedly not adhering to the cdc guidelines. A new york and six neighboring states are creating a Regional Network for buying and stocking the supplies and protective gear has the governors rolled of reopening plan. We are doing Regional Planning on the reopening because every state is going to every other state. We do something in new york, it affects new jersey, connecticut, delaware, et cetera. People are very immobile right now. Ed David Lee Miller is live with more details. Good morning. The latest statistics show that the statewide death toll continues to decrease in the 24hour period, that is the lowest number of deaths in 24hour period in just over a month. The number of hospitalizations is also continuing to decrease data starting today, this temporary Field Hospital set up in central park by a Charity Group provided additional bids for mount sinai hospital and is going to stop accepting new patients, samaritans purse and said their facility has treated 191 people and will continue treating those still in need of care for the next two weeks before the tents are dismantled. Beautiful weekend weather in new york proved too tempting for some new yorkers. The nypd handed out dozens of summons, most of the citations were issued at city parks and on the streets of lower manhattan, at least one officer try to enforce the rules and the incident was captured on the phone video and posted online, a man involved in the melee charged with assaulting an officer. New york city mayor bill de blasio says the investigation has begun, the behavior i saw that video is simply not acceptable. In both the mayor as well as new York Governor Andrew Cuomo are urging new yorkers to abide by the measures that are in place to try to reduce the spread of the disease. Listen. An individuals role is to act responsibly and intelligently for yourself, for your family, and for your community. Wear a mask. Thats the basic step. The body of a visiting paramedic who came to new york city to save lives is now back in aurora, colorado. A procession of emergency vehicles escorted to return the man who died from the virus. In the words of new york city mayor bill de blasio, so many people came to help, but paul gave his life. Ed so many came to help indeed. David lee miller, thank you. Sandra with mexico predicted to reach its peak infection rate this week, u. S. Border patrol stepping up surveillance at ports of entry. And why they are asking the white house for extra help. Plus, stock Index Futures dropping amid uncertainty over how fast the economy can rebound. Maria bartiromo is joining us for the opening bell that happens in moments. Would like to apply the same Free Enterprise principles besides the second half rebound, i think 2021 could be a spectacular year in the economy with the right set of policies. vo we could never do what they do. But what we can do, is be a partner that never quits. Verizon is the most Reliable Network in america and puts First Responders first. Giving their calls priority 24 7. We built it for interoperability. 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I will add in growing tensions with china which we just talked about as well. That is spot on. Remember, youve got 23 states, thats about 35 of the gdp opening up this morning, so this is a really positive thing when you consider the fact that there are many states out there that have been more impacted by the loss of livelihood than by the loss of life. So there are seven states when you look at a state like wyoming for example were agriculture, tourism as well as energy is so important. They have really been clobbered with the shut down relative to what weve seen in terms of the health scare. So there are a lot of states out there that i suspect will do very well opening and is 35 of the gdp but we will get a good sense of how this economy is handling the reopening, but the markets are under pressure this morning partially because of this fight between the United States and china. We have more evidence this morning and over the weekend of the bad behavior on chinas part from downplaying the virus to allowing International Travel to go on while they shut down, this of course cornering the market for ppe and that is it protective equipment. The bottom line here is that there is a phase one trade deal in place where china is supposed to buy 250 billion worth of goods from the United States. Anybodys guess if china is going to renege and dont do that right now. They were to renege, there will be serious consequences. Everything from more tariffs to investing in Chinese Companies, this is something that the president is thinking about right now because you have the five hundred billion dollar fund, this is 401 k money for military past and present. They want to invest 10 and that 500 billion, some of which actually make military equipment, so the question becomes do we want our military past and present investing their 401 k money into Chinese Companies building equipment . I dont think so. Sandra those are questions we will put to Peter Navarro, the president s trade advisor joining is top of the hour 20 minutes from now. Meanwhile, larry kudlow joins you on your show yesterday, and as usual, he is projecting a rebound in this economy, sounding very certain that we can step back from all of this. We had terrific growth in the earlier years, growing better than 3 . We will build on those incentives so that coming off of this pandemic, we can have one of the greatest Economic Growth rates in American History in 2021 next year. That is a possibility. Sandra we will enjoy that forecast for now and ask the white house top of the hour but to the news that warren buffer buffered, has sold off their entire stake in u. S. Airlines, the world has changed he said for the airlines. I dont know how its changed and i hope it corrects itself in a reasonably prompt away. When we sell something, very often it will be our entire state. We dont trim positions. What does this say about the outlook for u. S. Airlines . Its going to be a tough road ahead for u. S. Airlines, no doubt about it. And not just that buffet is getting out now because traffic is down 95 at the Major Airlines and it doesnt look like we are going to see a normalization anytime soon, that is precisely why the government invested in the airlines, gave them Financial Aid and then took warrens back. So the government has a stake in the airlines. With that state comes responsibility and changes. The government will say and has said no more stock buybacks, no excessive compensation. This is the other side of the coin when governments become a major shareholder in a company. This weekend on sunday morning futures, i spoke with ron desantis, the governor of florida as florida begins to reopen like the other 22 states, and he told me he was in the oval office with President Trump last week and the president asked ron desantis to come up with a plan for International Travel. Thats one area of the Airline Business that i dont think is coming back anytime soon. Can you imagine if we start taking flights from italy, from south korea, from all the hot spots across the world that have the coronavirus right now . So Governor Desantis told me he is working on a plan that he says we dont want florida to have this responsibility that all of these international are coming into miami and we have to deal with testing them. The testing should be done at the airport, it should be done in their country where if you test negative for coronavirus, fine, get on the plane. You dont, then you have to go back. That is going to be an issue that we deal with, International Flights are a big business. Ask Steven Mnuchin about it when he joins me on mornings and says that is probably something to think about longer term. He wasnt even sure if that would happen this year. So im not expecting International Travel to pick up this year at all. Thats one of the issues that Warren Buffett was looking at. Sandra got to think about that, the cruise lines and all of the above. When he announced they sold their entire stake in the airlines, said he is still optimistic long term but says nothing can basically stop america, so the longterm outlook for the economy he is still very bullish on. Great to see you on this monday morning, thanks for being here. Ed meanwhile, the curve flattening in many u. S. States, covid19 spreading fast in mexico. Now at Southern California officials asking the white house for help along the southern border for San Diego County sees a spike in cases, william la jeunesse is live in los angeles with details on a disturbing story this morning. Good morning. Parts of san diego are fine, its community is right on the border that are seeing this bike. Thats partly because of tijuana where the death rate compared to 4 in san diego. Called it a war zone where doctors or nurses lack the equipment and a 40 of staff are infected. You have mexican coming to work. We know that people are going over to baja to get medical procedures because of the cost of health care coverage. Up to 30 of hospitals on the border are testing positive for the virus compared to 6 elsewhere. Even though technically the border is closed to all essential all but essential traffic. A Border Patrol is turning everyone back who is entering illegally. Regardless of where they are from. A year ago, border detention facilities overflowed with 10,000 migrants a day. Today, that number is under 100. Knowing theyll be turned back, people just arent coming. Last may, agents apprehended 144,000 migrants at the border. Expected under 30,000. Mexico was expecting its infections to peak this week and its having a hard time. Have as many hospital beds and a fraction of the ventilators. High rates of obesity in the labor force that lives hand to mouth. A virus that knows no border. What youre seeing is the virus when it comes north to south, and so you are having more infections along the border because they are close to the United States and thats where the virus is actually much more dense. So its going across border, north to south and south to north. San diego Officials Say they want more border screenings and temperature checks for and quarantining Border Crossers as necessary. Ed william la jeunesse, thank you. Sandra states are spending millions on Contact Tracing, and now there is an app for that. How in israeli firm is using mobile data to stop the spread. I know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance that thats the last time. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal. I might be crazy but im not stupid. Having an annuity tells me that im protected. During turbulent times, consider protected Lifetime Income from an annuity as part of your Retirement Plan. This can help you cover your essential monthly expenses. Learn more at protectedincome. Org. Balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. What is Contact Tracing . It means making sure you get notified if youve had contact with someone who has tested positive for covid19. We will let people know before symptoms start that they could become ill. In the context of a very infectious virus, this is our primary tool for identifying potential asymptomatic spreaders. Ed ramping up efforts to track the spread of covid19 hiring hundreds and thousands of people do the painstaking work of Contact Tracing but now there is an app for that. Has Large Software that notifies users if they were in close contact with an infected person. Joining us now is cofounder and ceo of that app. Welcome. Thank you very much for having me. Ed we appreciate you being here because its important to get people back to work, how does the app work . Its simple. You download the app, it collects some information from your phone, and collect wifi information and gps information and when someone gets positively tested, it can share this information with all other users and then your phone is crosschecked in the last 14 days. So my you will get guidance for your next step. I think you should go get tested for selfquarantine. Ed it does sound simple when you explain it that way but naturally, people hear this and say okay, its collecting data, bluetooth and all the rest. So how do you do this from a Public Health standpoint and an economic standpoint to get business is going again so people feel confident to go back to the office whether it is in tel aviv or here in new york city, how do you do in a way that protects privacy . Sandra we will be asking one of the town hall moderators, bret baier will join us live coming up. Plus, hundreds of volunteers joining the fight against the coronavirus, how their incredible work is saving lives across the country. To bank safely from home. Deposit a check with your phone or tablet. Check balances, pay bills, transfer money and more. Send money to people you know and trust with zelle. Stay safe. Stay home. Together, well get through this. Pnc bank this virus is testing all of us. And its testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. So abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. And until this fight is over, we. Will. Never. Quit. Because they never quit. Ed in violation of state restrictions at the time. The church saying the worshipers were following social distancing guidelines. The Justice Department says the commonwealth of virginia offered no good reason for issuing that criminal citation. Sandra the nations Civil Air Patrol the five muchneeded ppe to the front line facilities battling covid19, members across the country volunteering for that mission. Eric shawn is live in new york with more on all of that. Good morning. Good morning. They have taken to the skies over america to face a common enemy, coronavirus. A huge squadron of airplanes across the nation that are listed in this battle and come from the Civil Air Patrol. It was created on the eve of world war ii too has a Civil Defense force but now it is flying missions and helping on the ground. When the battle against covid19, the patrol is an auxiliary of the United States airport. 66,000 volunteers, some of them are teenage pilot cadets. Mostly single engine cessna is now being used to transport covid lab tests, blood test, mass, gowns, food, and other medical supplies. Air Patrol National commander, a veteran air force Fighter Pilot and he told us their role during this crisis echoes the very reason it was created back in 1941. We have used aircraft to be able to transport covid19 test kits, to transport personal protections equipment. Whatever types of supplies authorities within the state needs to get from point a to point b in a timely manner. And thats what theyre doing in kansas and colorado, for example. The Civil Air Patrol is flying support to ferry blood tests from remote areas and they can do that at a clip much faster than driving. Tom seymour used to fly f16s in the air force and on the day we caught up with him, he was flying for Civil Air Patrol says no. It allows me to do something i love while giving back to the community and on top of that with the cadet programs, i get to help educate and motivate the next generation of aviators. The Civil Air Patrol also flies drones, usually the pilots conduct search and rescue missions among some of their other duties. Those continue even as they are also now flying against the coronavirus. Sandra . Sandra we thank them for their mission. Eric shawn, thank you. Ed now more than a dozen states easing restrictions today while michigan extends its stayathome order as the governors as state reopen, many businesses keeping the doors closed so what will it take to restart americas economic engine . White house Economic Advisor Peter Navarro is running. 4 the president and joins us live exclusively next. We did the right thing. We save millions of lives, but now we have to get it back open and we have to get it back open safely but as quickly as possible. Learn more at libertymutual. Com covid19. 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Newdays va streamline refi lets you refinance without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised and without spending one dollar out of pocket to get it done. It is the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. One call can save you 2000 a year, every year. To make the push to reopen the country gaining momentum, more than a dozen states today easing restrictions and President Trump predicting a Bright Future for america as people get back to work. Good monday morning, everyone. Welcome to a brandnew hour of americas newsroom. Im sandra smith. Ed the president endorsing a statebystate approach to reopening during yesterdays big fox news town hall town hall. The president saying seven states will need more time to get reopened but he thinks others are going to slow, saying we have to get the economy going again. The greatest thing we can do is get rid of the virus because then everything comes back together and you dont need stimulus once thats happening. We are going to have a tremendous year next year because of what we are doing in laying the seeds, talking with 30 million jobs that weve sav saved. Ed joining us now, Peter Navarro assistant to the president , director of the office of trade and Manufacturing Policy and has been running point for the president during the pandemic. Beautiful day here at the white house and its going to be a great week. Tomorrow, the president is going to get on air force one and fly out to arizona and whats beautiful about that is its a new n95 mask factory that honeywell is doing. And it is not only going to employ hundreds of americans, also going to protect hundreds of thousands of americans because its going to produce a bunch of masks and i love that kind of thing and also, another piece of news last week, there was a big contract awarded for the frigate up in marinette wisconsin, thousands of jobs they are. These are the kinds of things that are going to get america back to work successfully. On a spring day, finally going to start getting everything back into gear, and that is all for the good. Ed love the optimism as always. Quickly, i want to ask you, thats all good news that youre highlighting but last night at this fox news town hall, the president revised the death estimate upward to somewhere around 100,000 people. That obviously gets people wondering why he is concerned about where we are headed at the same time that there is this good news happening, reopening parts of the economy. So my question is, how do you square that that we are revising it upwards even as we are trying to get things going. The original death estimate was about 2 million americans dying in the absence of any kind of mitigation or containment, and the president took the very tough choice of entering into a mitigation phase in a containment phase that was a manufactured recession that we face and the estimates would basically take that down to 100 to 200,000 deaths. And that is a number that is still out there. We know what the numbers are today. We are just moving through time trying to simultaneously protect the American People from the effects of the china virus, killing them directly but its also through the lockdown indirectly kills americans through the economic effects with a higher suicide rate, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, and all that. But the president has been trying to do his thread that needle, and it is the most difficult decision that a president s ever had to make and this is where we are in the situation, but today, i think it is important to have a little bit of optimism here on a spring day as we try to get back to work. Sandra i want to move on to what happens next with china, but that was obviously a standout headline was the revision to the death toll in the United States, also with the president saying that he believes that there could be a vaccine by the end of the year. You are you working off of that expectation when you are planning trade looking at the economy still digging in for more ppe . Are you working off the assumption there will be a vaccine by the end of the year . The personal protective equipment may need as well as to set in motion all the things we need to make sure that they have the medicines as well. So thats where my focus has been. With respect to the vaccine development, the Traditional Medicine community historically has said it takes two to three years to develop a vaccine. We said we could do it faster in trump time. I believe thats true. You look at the smithfield factory in rhode island, that should have taken nine months. We did it in five weeks. You look at the ventilator factory that i visited with the Vice President on wednesday, we said that up in 17 days. I do think with the horse race going on now for the vaccine, for five different firms, we will certainly see where we are at. Whats important is that as we are doing the science at the Clinical Trials that we also have the production necessary so we have the pipettes in the needles and everything should we be able to administer a vaccine. Sandra what does this mean for china . We talked to Maria Bartiromo as the opening bell was ringing on wall street. She said one of the biggest questions for investors and wall street right now is whether or not china will have to renege on that 200 billion in American Goods that i promise to purchase in phase one of the china trade deal. Are you seeing any signs from china that they will not be able to follow through on that promise . No, but i havent been looking for it. That is ambassador lighthizer and sonny perdue lane in terms of that. Ive been focused on the supply chain. I think that whats important for the American People to understand very clearly is china lied, people died is the slogan and thats absolutely correct and there is this bigger issue that china spawn the virus and they had the virus for six weeks which allowed that virus to escape wuhan and infect the world, and then during that time, china hoarded an enormous amount of personal protective gear. They essentially went around the world vacuuming up over 2 billion masks. Those are the bigger issues around this context of what may or may not happen with the trade deal and i do think at this point, thats a much bigger issue. What did china know, when did they know it, did the communist party bleach the wet market to hide something, did they make scientists disappear from those labs in wuhan to hide something . Its a tawdry little thing and there was an article. Last week the Daily Telegraph gave a complete timeline of the Chinese Communist partys complicity in this and i would say thats a story that 60 minutes should have told and could have told, the New York Times and Washington Post in washington journal could have told and did not tell, everybody should read that article. Ed broadening out sandras point about this back and forth with china, how do you also as you want to continue those trade talks, i know its another lane there, but how do you also get those supply chains back to america that you and the president have been talking about pushed back on china even as you want to deal with them diplomatically on other issues, how do you get this going . One of the beautiful things is the power of the federal government for merging with the power of private enterprise. You look at the venture in kokomo, that is the top line but underneath that, what we saw was gm use its engineering and manufacturing power basically to replicate and then duplicate that so they could scale it up and more importantly the 700 components that go into that ventilator, gm was able to reproduce much of that supply chain so those ventilators became made in america products. We need to do the same thing for things like pharmaceuticals, we need to do the same things for medical supplies masks, and we are seeing that and seeing honeywell in these factories at the president is going to go visit in arizona. I was talking to a drug manufacturer just yesterday in addition to making drugs, they also have a little enterprise with a make masks for their employees. Senator rob portman has done a beautiful job there and nurturing the project now where we have 60 different machines that is going to be dispersed around the country and they have the bandwidth to recycle close to 1,000,000,095 masks. Thats like making them but making them here in america. Its so these are all the things we are doing with the supply chain to bring it on shore if we know if anything from this crisis, with 75 countries now putting export restrictions on the export of things that we need in other countries need that we need to have it here. So buy american is going to be the law of the land i believe soon and hhs and dod and the veterans administration, but we also need to deregulate so its easier for pharmaceutical manufacturers to be here, and we need to innovate. The secret is whats called advanced manufacturing, to have the starting materials go to the active pharmaceutical ingredients, go to the finished dosage form so we have the whole chain here so its not all around the world and Holding America hostage. Sandra its amazing to get a glimpse into that we have so many questions for you but limited time that we have left and today being the day that we are starting to see so many more States Reopen for business and americans go back to work well what can you tell us that the white house has observed in real time about how that is going so far . Every morning, i stated with a small group where we look at what the numbers look like, new cases and how that is progressing in different hot spots where they are and i think from a Task Force Point of view, and this is again outside my lanes well simply say the guidelines that theyve put forward are very useful to follow. I think theres still a lot we dont know about the virus, the rates of contagion, the asymptomatic people and things like that. But i do think that this is the time now to do with the states are doing in the states and governors are going to basically local control it and see your boots on the ground there. You look at ron desantis in florida, thats a textbook decision. He is keeping Fort Lauderdale and Palm Beach County still with more restrictive guidelines because of the density there and also the higher percentage of Nursing Homes and things like that which are prone to risk. So lets not forget, this is a war. Was a war that was started by an invisible virus. We are fighting that war. But i think as we move forward now, we are making the right choice trying to manage risk based on the information we have. Ed we only have about 30 seconds but i want to get into something very important from a National Security standpoint. You have an oped about protecting our electric grid. This is so important. The bulk power system which provides basically the lifeblood of our economy and our society and our culture is now at risk because certain components of that from abroad and foreign adversaries can hurt us with both hardware, problems, and software problems. So what the department of energy did his work in partnership with the white house to single out the genius over at d. O. E. , had a game plan so the president tsai in that order last friday and that will mean essentially the buy american approach to having electric grid here so that it will fail. What happens in new england as it can hurt florida. So that was a great thing and business as usual as well managing this crisis, those kinds of executive orders are the kinds of things that make us strong. Ed we are certainly grateful you came on. To make things for your time, peter. Her brandnew details about the Sexual Assault allegation against joe biden. What his accuser is now saying about her complaints 27 years ago. Fifty years ago, humpback whales were nearly extinct. They rebounded because a decision was made to protect them. Making the right decisions today for your longterm financial future can protect you and your family, and preserve your legacy. Ask a Financial Advisor how retirement and Life Insurance solutions from pacific life can help you plan for your future. Vby refinancing your va loan atl todays incredibly low rates at newday usa. Newdays va streamline refi is the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. You can lower your payments by this time next month without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised, and theres no money out of pocket. Call newday right now. n. Q9 staying connected your way youre just a tap away from personalized support on xfinity. Com. Get faster internet speeds with a click. Order xfi pods to your home in a snap. Or change your Xfinity Services with just a touch. All in one place. Youre only seconds away from all of that on xfinity. Com. Faster than a call. Easy as a tap. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Ed the Supreme Court marking the historic first right now hearing oral arguments by phone. They are available for all of us to hear in real time, its an intellectual property case. Our Supreme Court producer saying that Justice Clarence thomas has already asked a question in these arguments, very rare he does that. Lets step in quickly and listen to a bit of history for a moment. It is true that other courts have applied similar analyses and other places but that is because of the preexisting common law so for that reason, we think they continue control for the same reason but even taking these outside as i take your question to suggest even without a coming of this very basic trademark policy that has always been true which is been generic firms simply are not susceptible to appropriation by a particular business even when there are secondary meanings. The quintessential categories have terms, anything that remains true on the internet remains true in the brickandmortar world. Its always trying to make this balance between competition and Brand Recognition on the one hand and fear of monopolization on the other. Ed so right there, the case laid out by one of the councils who are going through it, the oral arguments happening as we speak before the u. S. Supreme court normally. We dont get to hear that in real time unless you are there inside the court but obviously, they are doing this by teleconference, all nine justices of the Supreme Court. We will continue watching to get a little more flavor on whats happening and how historic this is in the meantime, toss it over to sandra. Sandra the former Senate Staffer accusing joe biden of Sexual Assault tara reid now telling the Associated Press she did not use the phrase Sexual Harassment or Sexual Assault when she filed a complete 27 years ago. Peter doocy is covering the Biden Campaign for us in his live in arlington, virginia, this morning. Good morning, sandra. These are the words that terra reade claims she used instead when she filed a complaint in 1993 according to an interview she just did, she said, i talked about Sexual Harassment, retaliation. The main word i used was uncomfortable, and i remember retaliation. She claims when she went to a Capital Health Counseling Office to complain about biden, she chickened out and use the softer language. Joe biden claims he was never aware of anyone making a claim against any claims any record of this complaint would be in the National Archives but thats changed, so he is now writing to the secretary of the senate this, we had understood that the senate stores records from this office and from this period and the National Archives. The archives now state that the records wouldve remained under control of the senate. Accordingly, i request that you take whatever steps are necessary to establish the location of the records of this office and locate to a directed search for the alleged complaints and make public the results of this search and his partys leaders are satisfied with all of that so far. Joe biden has been very clear that this could not happen, he was forceful in that and hes been equally clear that when women come forward with complaints of this nature, they should be taken seriously. We dont know when he will be able to start hosting Campaign Events outside of his house but tom perez said this week and they do expect to have an in Person Convention in august in milwaukee. Sandra . Sandra peter doocy, thank you. Ed for more on this, lets bring in the aforementioned judge andrew napolitano, fox news senior judicial analyst and host of the liberty file, good morning. We were to find a document, we still dont know what the National Archives will find them at the university of delaware may or may not find the lets just say a piece of paper produced at some point soon that says tara reid went to the secretary of the senate and said allegedly i was harassed but did not say she was assaulted. Does it make a difference legally . It will certainly make a difference politically. Legally, this is moot because there is no statute of limitations civilly or criminally, so the import of this is is joe biden telling the truth, is joe biden worthy of the democratic nomination for president , is he worthy of the presidency . The version of these events as she described them the media in the past two weeks constitutes a criminal Sexual Assault, what used to be called about using his hands. She gave the version of that significantly down from that to the people to whom she gave the complaint, everyone is going to say she ratcheted up for a political reason and its going to be is she believable . If she gave a different version within days of when she says this occurred, then she did 27 years later. Ed so to your point, this is going to be decided in the court of public opinion, not a specific court. Lets shift to the Supreme Court. We teed up a moment ago and played a little clip. This is pretty remarkable, everybody is changing the way they work and how they live, even the Supreme Court. Now hearing oral arguments in a teleconference live for all of us to hear. Your thoughts . When you sit on a court, theres a panel of judges or justices, you ask questions of the lawyers for several reasons and one of those reasons is to age of the response of their colleagues. So you are not only they are trying to fill in gaps in the written word like what did you mean when you said this and did you consider that, counselor, you are also trying to find Common Ground with your colleagues on the bench. That is very difficult to do in this environment where they cant communicate with each other, cant pass a note to each other, cant challenge each other talking about the justices. Its just one on one or two or three in that period. So this might have a different outcome in the way the courts hear these cases if we have to stick with this procedure. Ed very briefly, you had said last week what happened with general Michael Flynn that if this cant be on the wound president should pardon and is basically saying the judge should dismiss the guilty plea. Very quickly, what happens next . It would be far better for rule of law and for general flynn if the guilty plea were vacated and the indictment were dismissed. That would be an act of justice. For some reason the doj tries to block that or the court wont go along with it, then and only then should the president step in and part in the general. That would be an act of mercy. Ed judge napolitano breaking all of that down. We appreciate it, thank you. Sandra President Trump meanwhile slamming the media at last nights virtual town hall and why he says he is treated worse than any other president before him. Plus, the white house pushing for the country to reopen as soon as possible has job loss and financial fallout continue to get worse. Special report anchor bret baier fresh off the town hall last night and here to way and live next. I think we are winning very big and then we had a horrible thing happen. Winning bigger than weve ever won before, and i think that winning ultimately is going to bring this country together. Theyre our neighbors, and our friends. But now, they are forever our heroes, too. And while theyre working to keep us safe, prudential is proud to provide over one Million Health care workers with benefits that help bring peace of mind in times like these. That family doesnt have to take out of their house. It relieves stress off of me to let me know im doing something good for the community, not just papa johns. Im doing something good for the community, our Retirement Plan with voya gives us confidence. Yeah, they help us with achievable steps along the way. So we can spend a bit now, knowing were prepared for the future. Surprise we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. Oooh, well. Im good at my condo. Oh. I love her condo. Nana throws the best parties. Well planned, well invested, well protected. Voya. Be confident to and through retirement. Ed this just in, the nfls of winningest coach and architect of the only perfect season in League History has now died at the age of 90. Confirming he passed away at home this morning, 347 career wins, Bill Belichick of the patriots not too far behind him. The statement from the dolphins is he was a patriarch of the Miami Dolphins for 50 years. He brought the winning edge to our dolphins in the city of miami and the National Sports scene. Our deepest thoughts and prayers go to marianne along with his children, those two sons coached as well various levels of football, 90 years old. We are so far ahead of any vaccine ever in history. These things would take ten years, i think we are going to have a vaccine by the end of the year. In ed that was the prediction from President Trump at last nights virtual town hall has he touted the countrys progress against covid19. The president doubling down on his push to reopen the economy saying it needs to be done as quickly as possible. So how realistic are these expectations . The anchor of special report and also moderated the virtual town hall last night along with martha maccallum, good mornin good morning. Good morning. Sandra great job last night, we all took a lot away from the town hall, particularly that moment, and i know that you sort of circled back and said by end of year on a vaccine and said yes because that was new is because weve been told all along this would be in the 18 month to two year or more process. Thats a stunning timeline if it turns out to be that. Obviously, he is saying he is hopeful thing thats what their goal is, but obviously that is faster than people had said, they were looking towards the beginning of next year and the question is human trials, how thats going to work around the world, who is going to be the country with the vaccine, also interesting to see the president say he doesnt care who wins that battle to get the vaccine as long as we get it. Obviously scaling up for 300 million vaccine doses is something or even 100 million. Sandra and the president talking about reopening the economy. From his view as soon as possible you heard him talking about it last night, the chief Economic Advisor went on sunday morning futures with Maria Bartiromo yesterday and he was really pushing the same thing while doing it safely. We have the federal guidelines as you know data dependence, got to be within 14 days, the numbers have to be coming down, the states themselves will have their own guidelines, everyone is emphasizing best practices in behavior, distancing. Testing is picking up very, very rapidly. Sandra so having so many of those States Reopening this morning and easing their restrictions and having spoken with the president last night, what is your take on how this is going so far . We try to hit this numerous times and viewers with their questions from around the country and we really did get a lot of questions from all over the country in a big crosssection of different folks with different concerns, but the biggest thing we heard again and again is this battle between the fear of going back to work in the Health Situation and they want to get back to work on the Economic Situation and where is the balance right now . I think you dont have a single state who has met the 14 day decline that phase one requires for opening. However, the phase one applies to county by county and in a lot of the states, you do have a large section of the state that has seen a decline or has been minuscule, so it gives the governors a leeway to make those decisions. The president is pushing to open, but he also at times last night sounded the alarm that we have to be careful and if it starts going the other way, we need to analyze that right away as well. Sandra will be watching it as the hours and days and weeks go on and see more from you tonight on special report, 6 00 p. M. Eastern time. Great job last night, thank you so much. Ed back to history being made this morning and the Supreme Court streaming live audio right now for the first time in history, oral arguments happening via teleconference, live in washington with more details. It took a pandemic for the Supreme Court to embrace updated technology. They were forced to do this because of the coronavirus situation, im the only live report are out here now what argument day. Thats because the justices are not in the building behind me. You take a listen this live audio feed. All persons having business before the honorable Supreme Court of the United States. We will here argument this morning. Lawyers making their case and nine justices all on a teleconference from different parts of the country, just an audio feed broadcast live on foxnews. Com and on cspan on tv and otherwise the freeforall questioning the justices this time speaking one at a time in order of seniority. This gives them an equal opportunity to answer and ask questions. Thats what Justice Clarence thomas did. He spoke today and asked some questions. Now, its the first time people can actually hear live arguments pair the general public would hear oral arguments the same day when bush v gore was argued back in 2000 but that was tape audio delay. Todays cases involving a Company Called booking. Com and whether or not you can trademark a generic term like booking. The Supreme Court will do teleconferences today, tomorrow, wednesday. Same story for next week, than they hope to have opinions by the end of july. Of course, they come back in the first week in october and still remains to be seen for safety sake if they are going to continue with this audio teleconferencing when they come back in october. Ed whole new world for private business. Sandra still ahead, recently approved treatment for covid19 patients heading to the hospitals this week. So how promising is it . We will be asking a doctor leading up clinical trial. But first, tom hanks helping some College Graduates celebrate despite the lack of Commencement Ceremony they had hoped for. What hes doing. We will have that for you straight ahead. Adversity came to town and said, show me what youre made of. 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You can lower your payments by this time next month without having to verify your income, without getting your home appraised, and theres no money out of pocket. One call to start saving 2000 a year. Every year. One call. Then, sit back, relax and think about what youll do with the savings. Call newday right now. Sandra with College Graduation ceremonies canceled across the country, students are missing out on that inspiring commencement address, but not those graduating from ohios Wright State University who received the words of wisdom from after tom hanks. The twotime oscar winner delivered a five minute speech during a virtual ceremony on saturday. You will be enlightened in ways your degree never held and promise. You will have made it through a time of great sacrifice in great need, and no one will be more fresh to the task of restarting our measure of normalcy than y you. You chosen ones. Sandra Wright State University tweeting out photos of graduates with their caps and gowns celebrating from afar. Ed that is awesome, some good news here as well, fda granting emergency approval for remdesivir to treat patients with covid19. While its not a cure, a National Trial find hospitalized patients who receive the drug were able to be discharged sooner than patients who received a placebo. Its only half the data and they thought the improvement was compelling enough and significant enough to actually say that they couldnt continue the trial as it was in the placebo arm had to receive the effective drug. So its a first step forward. Ed leading the trial of remdesivir your in the bronx here in new york where he is a clinical director of Infectious Disease and also professor at Albert Einstein college of medicine. Is wonderful to have you. When you hear dr. Birx say its compelling, it significant, our viewers wonder how compelling, how significant . Thanks, ed, and thanks for having this piece. The information we have so far is very compelling. This is probably the largest trial that will ever be done with over 1,000 people in it. So that gives us great confidence that what we are finding is real and will continue. The decrease in hospitalization as well as the decrease in mortality is very clinically significant to people with covid19 and their families, and it is quite convincing. We are still in the middle of analyzing this data, but we expect that these results will persist as we get more data in. Ed lets talk timetable because you sound very optimistic, couple of different tracks last night in that town hall, talking about a separate track of a vaccine, racing scientist to get that going. He hopes the president by the end of the year but also said he wants to see some therapeutics like this, whats the timetable for getting this inpatients hands . Patients have access to it now but its relatively limited, so there were multiple mechanisms to obtain the drug. One is through Clinical Trials and there are various trials going on throughout the United States and around the world. Another is suspended access, there is the emergency use authorization. They are going to be ramping up over the next week or two. And as they are able to produce more and more drugs, they will be sending more and more drugs out to the federal government, the hospitals around the world. Ed thats what i was trying to get out, i know it was being loot used in a limited way but widespread the timetable, so you think may be weeks that it starts really expanding, ramping up, and talk a little bit as well as you answer that in terms of how many days we are talking in terms of decreasing the number of days there in the hospital. Its about a few days . In terms of ramping up, the number of people who will be able to get remdesivir by next week will be hundreds of times more than have been getting it. So there was going to be a dramatic scale up. The issue is what is so much higher, that is the issue. So the ramp up is going to be starting next week more and more each week on the more by the end of the month, but it has to meet the demand and the demand is huge, so that is what we are going to be seeing over the next month, six weeks in particular it seems. This is what gilead says they will be able to produce, and i think i miss the second question. Question. Ed first of all, thats a very interesting way or saying the next week they will be a dramatic scale up. Weve heard all these different timetables, that could be reassuring and good news but briefly and under 30 seconds in terms of slowing down hospitalization, my understanding is a few days you might be in the hospital for an average of 12 days instead of 17 days, is it somewhere in that range . Yes, so the studies show that people who were in the hospital on average of 11 days versus 15 if they got placebo, those four days a very significant to a person with covid19, very significant to the Hospital System to allow people to leave earlier and hospitalize the next person is necessary, very significant in terms of saving protective equipment for Health Care Workers and that 11 days also we have to remember that thats actually a median, so half the people are getting out before 11 days, half the people after so many people are leaving after two or three or four or five days. But the meeting is 11. So if you are a very seriously ill, youre not going to get out in two days, but you make it out significantly faster than if you had gotten the placebo. Ed these are very hopeful signs indeed. And we certainly appreciate you coming in and explaining and breaking it down, thank you. Sandra . Sandra still so much uncertainty over the future of the American Economy as businesses remain closed and billions of people remain out of work. By one white house advisor is now saying the u. S. Could see historic growth with this pandemic is over. Its important to have a little bit of optimism here on a spring day as we try to get back to work. When dehydration gets real. Hey thats mine. Ill buy you a pony. Advanced hydration isnt just for kids. Pedialyte helps you hydrate during recovery. Sandra President Trump pushing to reopen the economy as soon as possible. Host of after the bell on fox business network, good morning to you. Always great to see you. So the dow is down 214 points as we start this brandnew week, and larry kudlow has remained very optimistic through this. Here he is predicting he is predicting a big comeback. Historic growth in 2021. Here he is. We had terrific growth in earlier years, even the beginning of this year we were growing up better than 3 . Those incentives will remain and we will build on those in the senate so that coming off of this pandemic, we could have one of the greatest Economic Growth rates in American History in 2021 next year. Sandra so what are you hearing . Private economists are probably more divided than that it but they are going to be more optimistic and try to cheerlead this economy through it as much as they possibly can. On friday this week, we are going to get smacked in the face with a terrible piece of Economic Data when the jobs report comes out for last month. Going to find out that we lost 20 million nonfarm jobs in the Unemployment Rate according to economist estimates will shoot up above 16 . That will be a report if it comes in that way like weve never seen before. After that, there will be some rebound in the latter half of this year. The debate is about what it will look like. Everyone keeps using letters. Will it be the vshaped recovery like every kudlow was talking about, may be a u shape that others have talked about, a w where we might get some fits and starts and talking to people like Small Business owners or economists and the like, the fits and starts argument is gaining some steam because what you see is even when you open up businesses in certain states, a little bit tentativeness from consumers. Some people jump right in there and others are more tentative that they will be a slower recovery and the hope is that you dont see a resurgence in cases. Thats where you get the fits and starts. But people like larry kudlow are going to be optimistic. We will get a recovery but its a matter of how strong it will be. Sandra we all do want to see the American Economy recover. You saw what it was before this pandemic hit so we will see the dow is up 206 points this morning and he is now talking about eventual tax rebates for some businesses so they can continue to see those paychecks coming as we start to see these businesses reopen. Final thoughts, ive got a couple of seconds. I would just say the headline for President Trump with brett and martha last night from an economic point of view is to push for the payroll tax cut saying that he wont sign more stimulus unless he sees it so thats another big component of this. Sandra thank you so much. Ed the senate meanwhile, fox news alert, returning to the hill today. Nowhere near a deal ontr coronavirus. We will talk about it. It drop. Nce whes and they just dropped to the lowest in newdays history. Refinance now. Theres no Income Verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2,000 a year. Refi now. Ed we will talk about it 30 minutes from now. In doing that we look forward to that. Meanwhile, michigans governor doubles down on staying at on stayathome orders while blasting armed protesters in her state. Some of the outrageousness of what happened at our capital this week depicted some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country. The confederate flags and noos nooses, swastikas, behavior that you seen in all of the clips is not representative of who we are in michigan. Sandra those protests also raising concerns for other reason. Here is dr. Deborah birx, white house coordinator. It is devastating to me personally because if they go home and infect their grandmother or their grandfather who has a comorbid condition and they have a serious or very unfortunate outcome, they will feel guilty for the rest of their lives. Sandra michigan just topped 4,000 deaths from the virus and is now americas thirdlargest death toll. Ed meantime, President Trump making a bold prediction about a covid19 vaccine in his wideranging virtual town hall last night on fox news. Welcome back to americas newsroom. I met henry. Sandra good morning to you, ed. Im sandra smith. The president blasting china making it clear the u. S. Will be selfreliant on medications in two years. Also predicting that a vaccine is now just months away. President trump endorsing the statebystate approach to reopening businesses while taking aim at the World Health Organization for its handling of the pandemic. The World Health Organization has been a disaster. Everything they said was wrong. We built the greatest economy in the world and then one day they said, sir, were going to have to close it. We have to get it back open safely. This country needs the vaccine, and youre going to have it by the end of the year, i firmly believe it. Ed Fox News Contributor and host of the guy benson show, good morning. How do you think the president did their standing below Abraham Lincoln and trying to bring the country together . Ill make a very superficial point to start, the visuals were absolutely stunning throughout the evening, and seeing the president sitting there in the shadow of one of our greatest president s being asked questions by brett and martha but also voters around the country, it was an incredible program. I really enjoyed watching it. I think the president for the most part was pretty crisp. I saw an abc News Reporter earlier tweeting that he is hearing from democratic sources that they lost the president in these settings and it reminds them that he is going to be formidable in the general election. He likes these types of settings and of course the town hall style debate typically in the fall between the two major party nominees. So i thought it was a fascinating, i think a lot of questions were very good, and i think the president made a number of bold predictions, and also i think for the most part make sense when it came to talking about the reopening of the economy. Ed lets get into those bold predictions for better or for worse. On the better side perhaps is this notion of made in america, something that animated his campaign in 2016. And he got to your point about democrats being worried about the president in this setting, heres what he told brett and martha about made in america. We are bringing that whole supply chain back. We can do things here and then you dont have the transportation problems. We are taking care another reason i got elected, and some people dont like the sound of it, but i said im sorry, its called america first. Ed that plays right into what animates his supporters which is this idea that he alone was willing to take on china long before we knew that they were lying and covering up the virus. He was particularly tough on china last night. He also sheds some extra light and insight into how he feels about what happened exactly at the onset of this virus. He had access to intelligence that you and i do not, so i thought that was interesting. When it comes to the point he was making about supply chains especially for drugs, youre going to see bipartisan support for that. I am a freetrade guy but when you talk about National Security and you look at what we are going through right now and you realize that a country in china that is actually quite hostile to our interests in a lot of ways lying about what happened, blaming the u. S. Military in a completely on a factual way, if we are reliant on that country for components of our drugs and large elements of our health care system, thats a very serious problem moving forward, and it needs to change. For him to lean into that would be the right thing to do policy wise, also politically and uncontroversial and would garner a lot of support. Ed for better or for worse, that might be the better side, the part where he leans in on the media animates his supporters but sometimes backfires. Watch this. I am greeted with a hostile press the likes of which no president has ever seen. The closest would be that gentleman right up there, they always said nobody got treated worse than lincoln. I believe i am treated worse. Ed you see the president s critics this morning saying lincoln was assassinated. Im not sure that the line the president should have gone with on a number of different levels. We understand that he is unhappy with the press at large in their coverage of him, i think some of that frustration is warranted, i think they are extremely relentlessly hostile about him all the time, but its also a two to tango situation. The animosity is mutual and i think bravado like that seems over the to a lot of americans and also could strike some people as whining. Ed i quickly want to get to our last topic here which i saw you on social media talking about this, something that outrages a lot of people, samaritans purse comes into new york city and sets up this Field Hospital in central park to try and save lives and here they were on the front lines and youve got the democratic speaker of new York City Council basically saying we are done, i dont like your views, so lets get you out of new york city. Corey johnson saying this. Come of this group which is led by the notoriously bigoted hate spewing Franklin Graham came at a time when our city couldnt in good conscience turn away any offer of help. That time has passed. Their continued presence here is an affront to our values of inclusion and it is painful for all new yorkers who care deeply about the lgbtq community. So here he is saying get out of our city even though samaritans purse helps so many people. Your thoughts. Thanks for the help, bigots, but now get out. Is intolerance and action. I disagree with the leadership of samaritans purse on a number of issues including lgbt issues. The fact that they came in and addressed what seemed to be a very pressing need, lack of hospital beds in new york city in the middle of a global pandemic, human beings helping human beings i think was obviously a humanitarian act and something that should be lauded, and to immediately as soon as that threat seems to have passed to go back to this woke identity politics where you are not welcome in this city, only people who agree with me are welcome in this city is a really bad book. Edwhen that guy benson, you g in. Sandra florida entering the phase one of a threephase plan happening today, easing restrictions on elective surgeries, restaurants, and retail stores. Bringing back some normalcy to the sunshine state. Phil keating is live in key largo, florida, with more this morning. Hows it going there . Theyre doing some business, people are really excited. A lot of floridians are really itching to get things back open and return to some normalcy, but its still going to be a full way is a way to get back to how we were back in the beginning of february, but it does mean that most restaurants in the state can now have in person dining like right here at herriots in key largo open 39 years. Its only been taken out for the past six weeks but today customers are again allowed inside to eat breakfast and lunch. Customers like James Carlisle jumped at the opportunity. Most state parks are also open today as well as most beaches, this is a live look at Clearwater Beach swimming and exercise and getting some sun is allowed again but with social distancing still enforced. A Beautiful Day on the gulf coast in several ways. Floridas phase one means restaurants or retail can both resume in person business at 25 of capacity. In any outdoor seating must be si6 feet apart. Social distancins remain in effect and masks continue to be encouraged. What remains closed in florida are schools, bars, gyms, spas, and salons. Visitors are still not allowed to visit with their elderly loved ones at Nursing Homes and assisted living facilities. A major exception for the state of floridas phase one are the three most populous counties in the state with the majority of the coronavirus cases. So miamidade, broward, and Palm Beach County, everything that is shut down stays the same for now. Beaches retail and restaurant still not back open. This weekend was absolutely packed with voters, so many lined up that by 10 00 a. M. Saturday, everyone sitting in line simply was turned away. And in Palm Beach County, a big flotilla of protests cruised down to President Trumps maralago. Some calling it a. After six days of lockdown, a lot of people are ready to get out. As for when the florida would go in and kick in phase two of reopening, no timetable set on that yet and the governor has said in the past that it wont be days, it will be weeks. Sandra . Sandra will be watching all of that very closely, phil keating, thank you. Ed meantime, italy starting finally to emerge from its longest lock down today after the country was ravaged by covid19. But italy is not opening up completely. Amy kellogg is live in florence with more details. This was the First Western country to get hit with coronavirus in the First Western country to go into such a lockdown, so there was a lot of trepidation about how it will go now that some restrictions are being lifted. The Prime Minister told battalions the future is in your hands, 4 Million People are going back to factories today with masks, social distancing, all of that mandatory. Train stations today for the first time have a bit of action. Temperatures were taken, Self Certification documents checked, and then tickets checked. Only then could people get on their way. Cemeteries were open for the First Time Since lockdown today, and people could have small funerals. In this first part of phase two as theyre calling it, people are allowed to visit relatives up to the 6degree. So distant relatives even come in people with whom they have stable relations of affection, i. E. Boyfriends or girlfriends, but still, no one is allowed to just go visit friends. They will be further lifting of restrictions in about two weeks time if the curve does not flatten. Ed amy kellogg, thank you. Sandra brandnew developments this morning on the Sexual Assault allegation against joe biden by a former staffer. What the senate is now saying about his request to release any complaints filed against him by the woman. Plus, secretary of state mike pompeo blasting to china for its handling of the coronavirus saying beijing intentionally downplayed the threat of it. General jack keane will be here to break it down next. Its a terrible thing that happened to our country. Came from china, it should have been stopped, could have been stopped on the spot. They chose not to do it or something happened. Either there was some confidence or they didnt do it for some reason and we will have to find out what that reason is. Can bec. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. While most of the world is being asked to stay inside, there are people out there giving it their all. So, to everyone who is helping keep us safe against covid19 day in and day out, all of us at amgen say. Thank you. Is there any suggestion it was anything nefarious or just a mistake . I think they made a horrible mistake and they didnt want to admit it. We wanted to go in, they didnt want us there. Even world Health Wanted to go in. Not immediately, and my opinion is they made a mistake, they tried to cover it, they tried to put it out. Its like a fire, they couldnt put out the fire. Sandra President Trump they are at the fox news town hall last night blaming china for the worldwide spread of covid19. That is now infected more than three and a half Million People. The president claiming there is significant evidence that the virus did come from that lab in wuhan. General jack keane is a retired fourstar general and now chairman of the institute of the study of war at a fox news senior strategic analyst. Always good to see you, good morning and thank you for being here. What can you tell us about these rising tensions between the u. S. And china when it comes to who knew what and who conveyed wet when they knew it . Is certainly a growing consensus in the world today that china not only covered up the origin of the virus, covered up that it was a human to human transfer, not even permitting the International Scientists to come into their country to share any analysis, wouldnt even send out samples of those same international sciences, and then in permitted domestic flights throughout china initially and encourage International Flights and this is most troubling, when they finally shut down wuhan in the province, all domestic flights were shut down out of wuhan city but International Flights continued throughout the world. And so consensus is china covering up initially and then spreading an epidemic should be held accountable. All that said, every nation will have to reassess their relationship and some will conclude because of their economic dependence on china, they are going to remain silent in terms of accusation and accountability. But more are speaking up, even to include two dozen countries in africa which have significant relationships with china, europe and Southeast Asia and the pacific nations at large. Sandra Associated Press out with a brandnew report yesterday, reports china head virus severity, ap reporting that the dhs believes china was intentionally downplaying the threat so that they could stock up on the needed supply. President trump went on about this again in the town hall last night. I want to play that for you and get your thoughts out of it. Here is the last night. They knew they had a problem and they were embarrassed by the problem in the case could be made, they said this is going to have a huge impact on china and we might as well let the rest of the world because weve had a great year against china prior to the virus, but heres the thing, we allowed this to go into our country. We allowed it to go into other countries. Ed your thoughts on that, general keane . I always think there was an economic side economic sightedness with china and certainly the evidence that you just cited proves that. They knew that as a result of the epidemic that they were suffering that they would be Economic Contractions so very early on they knew exactly what the facts were and they began to buy up all of that ppe as you indicated to take care of their people and significantly deny others the access to that and now selling it back at absolutely scaled up prices, the second thing is they knew it would contract because of the epidemic they were suffering they knew that that was spread to those countries and they wanted them to have similar if not greater Economic Contraction than what they were having, and that is outrageous. I believe its criminal on the accountability is coming. They committed to 200 billion of purchases of American Goods, whether or not they be able to follow through on that, always great to get your thoughts, thanks so much for being here this morning. Good talking to you, sandra. Ed the senate returning for the first time, ready to go to battle over the next Coronavirus Relief package. What needs to be done to get both sides to come up with a plan, a leader in the senate joins is next. We ought to focus on this crisis, on this economy, on trying to get people back to work and not clouded with multiple other outside issues. Lets focus on helping the people in coming together in a bipartisan way. Heres huge news for veterans with va loans. Mortgage rates have dropped to all time lows. By refinancing now, you can save 2000 a year. And newdays va streamline refi shortcuts the process. Veterans can refinance with no Income Verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call could save you 2000 a year. Women have a right to be heard and the press should rigorously investigate claims like this and i always uphold those principles but in the end in every case, the truth is what matters and in this case, the truth is these claims are false. Sandra joe biden vigorously denying them Sexual Assault allegations against him by a former staffer but the senate secretarys office now says it cannot legally comply with his request to release any documents related to para reade. This all coming amid reades interview with Associated Press where she said she used softer language in her complaint which led to the ap to tweet, tara reades as a Senate Report you filed against joe biden didnt refer to Sexual Harassment or assault, but reade later tweet tweeted, the headline was quite misleading. I filed the intake regarding Sexual Harassment and retaliation but that was articulated on a form in 1993. I filed with senate personnel, perhaps joe biden knows where that form is located. And while Top Democrats are backing biden, Ronna Mcdaniel the Republican National Committee Chairwoman is calling them out for a double standard. Hypocrisy has been appalling and we need to do some self reflection as how kavanaugh was treated versus how biden is being treated right now. Sandra the voters will be hearing from joe biden next hour when he will be holding a virtual town hall. Ed meantime, the senate will be back in session today amid a hot debate over the next round of coronavirus aid. President trump says any bill must include a payroll tax cut to get his backing. I want to see a payroll tax cut on both sides, a very one because that is going to really put people to work. We are not doing anything unless we get a payroll tax cut. That is so important to the success of our country. Ed joining us now is republican senator and chair of the congress under. You are no longer at home, back to work and ready to go, good morning to you, sir. Talk a little bit about the payroll tax cuts. President has been talking about them for some time, so far they have not gone along. You are one of the 30 million who unfortunately tragically are now unemployed because of this virus, if you are not paying into the payroll tax system, youre not really going to get a tax cut, are you . There are 30 million americans out of work today and thats why its so important for the senate to be in session because they were things that we may need to do to help those people still legislatively. The president makes a strong case for a payroll tax cut, he wants it included in the next proposal. What we need to do needs to be targeted, temporary, and specifically focused on the impacts of the coronavirus. So is come back to debate all of those components, we need to make sure that we are taking care of those people who are out of work today to no fault of their own. What we may need to do first is take a look at the paycheck Protection Plan and it may need additional money sooner than later. Ed so you may want to tweak the Small Business loan, some people not getting it and others have had Success Stories with that money running dry but my question about the payroll tax cut, how do you help the 30 million or so unemployed when they are not paying into the payroll tax system . I want to see a specific proposal from the white house. Those are my concerns as well because you want to make every dollar count and while it could help people that are working and help the employers, you need to make sure for those 30 Million People they have what they need. That to me for the folks i was talking to in wyoming, we were successful in wyoming. In all of the of momandpop businesses looking for those paycheck protection loans as of friday able to get those. The president has been talking since day one of this pandemic on the issue of a payroll tax cut. I know its something hes passionate about. I want to see the specifics before im ready to work on that. Ed tell us where we are in the negotiations in terms of getting money, billions more to states and local governments. You and others have made the case that we cant be bailing out states who have been fiscally unwise in recent years and use this pandemic potentially to bail them out. On the other hand, you heard governors in both parties saying i might have to lay off cops and firefighters and other workers, critical workers in your state and other state unless i get some money. How do you balance that out . Less than two weeks ago, the states received 150 billion, much of that has not been spent yet. I think the states need more flexibility with that money in terms of how they spend that, but thats different then an additional amount that nancy pelosi has asked for, a trillion dollars and a lot of that is to bail out state Pension Plans that have had decades of mismanagement, and i am not for that or are republicans for that at all. What they are talking about is Liability Reform to try to give some protection to our Health Care Workers, are Small Businesses that are trying to open to get the economy going again so they dont have to live in the fear of lawsuits, and you may have seen some of the ads, its astonishing. Sue the Nursing Homes, sue your boss, the list is long, and we can have our Small Businesses or Health Care Workers living in fear of those lawsuits as we reopen america. Ed its a big issue no doubt, tax is always a big issue especially in an election year. Heres how the president framed it in the town hall. My ambition is very quickly to get us back to where we were, and i think we can do that very quickly. Or not if a democrat comes in and raises taxes. They want to raise everybodys taxes. We are doing the opposite and the payroll tax cut is very important for getting people back to work. Ed so talk about how quickly you think this economy can bounce back in the last minute we have. Wyoming is open for business again. We reopened on the first, people are out and about doing things sensibly come a socially distancing people or doing all the things of the guidelines would suggest, it is safe for us to open, the white house has outlined a threephase plan, we want to make sure we have enough tests and Health Care Providers and facilities can do it safely, smartly and the quicker we can get the country back going again, the better its going to be for all of us, certainly better for the economy, weve been hit by both the disease and economic plight for this country. And we will get through this. As Ronald Reagan used to say, our best days are ahead. Ed back to work on the hill, good to see you, sir. Well see you soon. Thank you. Sandra thank you, ed. An update on a teen killed in a crash last year. Lawyers for the family say they have documents that show the u. K. S Foreign Office is involved in a coverup to protect the driver who is the wife of an american diplomat. Benjamin hall is live in london with the latest on that. In fact, its a widely that she is the wife of a u. S. Intelligence officer in the implication now is that she was tacitly given approval by the British Government to return back to the u. S. To avoid bad headlines. At the time of the crash last august, admitted to driving on the wrong side of the road after leaving an air force base and being involved in the collision that left 19yearold harry done dead. She was allowed to leave the u. K. Two weeks later having cited diplomatic immunity. Ever since then, dunns family have been trying to figure out exactly what happened and new evidence obtained by their lawyer is believed to show that a senior diplomat for the british Foreign Office indicated to the u. S. Embassy counterpart by text message that although the u. K. Didnt approve of that departure that the u. S. Should feel able to put the next flight home. They just want to get to the bottom of it all. We must get the truth for harrys sake. He was a good lad, and he deserves it. Formally, the u. K. Continues to request the extradition who always said this was a terrible accident and in fact said herself she is desperate to return to britain to meet his parents so that she would not surrender to police custody. At one point last year, tried to arrange mediation between the two. They refused to meet in a neighboring room. We now gather that the family are proceeding with legal action pretty civil. Sandra okay, Benjamin Hall following that story for us, thank you. Ed meanwhile, Police Searching for two women dressed as frontline heroes stealing packages left for delivery. He wont believe this, straight ahead. At novartis, we promise to do our part. As always, were doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. If you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. Were here to help support you when you need us. Take care, and be well. 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Sandra as colleges from coasttocoast remain empty, School Officials are scrambling to figure out plans to reopen in time for classes of the fall semester. Joining us now, former education secretary and the former president of the university of North Carolina who joins us now. Thank you so much for being here. We have some really important questions for you as so many of us are battling School Cancellations and questions over whether or not some of these College Campuses will even open in the fall. First, what are your thoughts broadly speaking on what we are going to have to do to make this work . Its going to be a real variety of things, public universities to small privates to institutions that are located within the citys dittos that are very remote, so its going to be a lot of variety for people to sort through and figure out, and what im hearing is people are being quite creative about it, they want to get students back in school but everybodys going to have to adapt. Sandra i want to read to you this political headline because its getting a lot of attention. College choice, it reads in the headline, reopen and risk of virus spread or face financial ruin. Financial woes of billions loom as campuses stays shut especially at small historically black colleges. Talk about that, margaret. They are no different from businesses or local governments or anything, all having to balance finances with Public Health and that is certainly true. Those hbcus where many of the folks in that population have other underlying conditions make that a more challenging situation, but the good as many of those institutions are quite small. They will be able to deal with populations more easily than flagship institutions with tens of thousands of students. Also, many of which are in urban areas so there is more capacity, they will be in pretty good shape. As i said, its going to be a little bit of everything going on from very large institutions in the urban areas to small and Rural Communities what the capacities are and lots of variety. Sandra theres a lot of ideas being thrown out there. There was an oped by Christina Paxton who heads up brown university. She says colleges must reopen in the fall. Heres how to do it. She says it wont be easy because the path to get students back on track, hiring education will crumble without it. She is saying test in separate. She lays out her plan there but meanwhile aside from colleges, thats a big problem but what about the elementary and middle and High Schoolers out there who were sitting at home homeschooling their kids across the country right now wondering when their child can safely go back to school because only talk about reopening the economy, mom and dad have to go back to school too. All fits together. Back to work, i should say. So we are going to have to figure out how to give time and space and very creative ways. Most of our students take at least one online class now. But what im hearing is that institutions are clearing out their largest classroom so they can do in Person Learning in a socially distanced away, having the larger classes online, going to need to use our older teachers through technology, we are just going to see a lot of variety but i think we can do it, educators are creative and what we know for sure is that you can never take learning away from students and this is a great time to learn and to invest in yourself particularly with unemployment, its a great time to be in higher education. Sandra of course, that education is investing in our future as a country so its so important that we get kids back to school and get them learning again as they continue to learn at home which we are all finding is a big trouble as well. Thank you so much for your time this morning, hope to have you back again soon. Ed good stuff there. In the meantime, if you did not have enough to worry about, the internet is buzzing about this creature seen for the first time in america. How the murder hornet got its name. People are buzzing about it. Get it . Thats next. Because we are an essential business. Helping you solve your changing communication and business challenges is our commitment. Were in this together. Show me what youre made of. So we showed it our people, sourcing and distributing more fresh food than anyone. Our drivers helping grocers restock their shelves. How were helping restaurants open popup markets. And encouraging all americans to take out to give back. Adversity came to town. So we looked it in the eye. And it wont be us. That blinks first. To make it ready for this, frightening species of insect has been spotted in washington state. Is known as the murder hornet. Is attacking the northwest. There long stingers with toxic venom could pose a risk to people here at home. Joining us now, fox news headline 24 7 carley shimkus. Say it we dont need one more thing, the pictures are scary. Unfortunately, i come bearing only bad news. At over 2 inches long, they are the Worlds Largest hornet, and they recently surfaced in washington state. Their scientific name and have been given the name murder hornet for two very ominous reasons. They enter what is called slaughter phase where they rip the heads off of honey bees bodies and can kill up to thousands in just a few hours and they do so to feed their young because they are meat eaters. The other reason is there stinger is long enough to puncture through a beekeeping suit. They are more venomous and they can repeatedly sting a person. As a matter of fact, 50 people per year year in japan died because of these hornets so its like the plot of a scary scifi movie. Sandra so japan sees over 50 deaths of the year from them, how they made it over, some experts are quoted this morning that they came over on a ship somehow and word from some experts quoted in this piece that they could make their way to the east coast and the next two to three years . So scientists arent exactly sure how they got here but like you said, some people think it could have been through cargo on a ship. The department of alcohol to and is currently on a fullscale mission to stop these things. The goal is to kill them, kill the ones that are here before they can reproduce but experts are thinking it may be too late and they could travel from west coast to east coast across the country in just a few years. So if you see some, youre looking at a murder hornet. Sandra the killer hornet, whatever you choose to call it. Ed meantime, some very sad news, passing away at the age of 90. More on his legacy is next. And well be here to serve you for a hundred more. Hey thats mine. 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The winningest coach in the history of the National Football league. Coach for 33 years. When he started he was come at that time, the youngest coach to get a head coaching job. 33 years old come with the baltimore colts. When he did over the years, with johnny unitas, earl morrow, all the way through dan marino. Don shula was a great, great coach and a wonderful, great man. Ed we are showing video of him at the white house in 2013. Later years, he was getting around in a scooter and whatnot. A legend, not just in miami but, as you say, around the country and turns that his legacy. You got to know im a bit in your broadcasting career because he did some games together. Talk about that. He would come and join us on nbc, on the years that he didnt make the playoffs or went out of the playoffs. I got to know him back then. I was a very young reporter when i started covering his team. In his later years, after he retired, he joined me on monday night football on westwood one. He would do his segment of the show every week from miami. The insight and knowledge he had, though instantly provided, he was just a great guy. I got to go to his house and play golf with him many times. Socially, vacationed with him. He was just a wonderful guide. He stayed in touch with all of his players. He was a mentor. He was a teacher, and he was a friend. He was a guy that put his arm around you. He was never at a distance. If somebody needed help, he reached out and help them. This is a tough, tough day for as wife and his children. Its a tough day for all of us who cared about and loved coach shula. Ed i can hear the emotion in her voice. In the last 30 seconds or so that we have, whenever tom brady and others are close in recent years to maybe having a perfect season, after they had the near miss, you would see his players popping champagne, calling each other, doing what they could. They were proud of that undefeated. He was. Coach shula was my partner. Tom brady is now on westwood one, but the giants beat the patriots and the renovated season. I was sitting with coach shula. He didnt want to see his record broken, and he wasnt shy about saying it. It wasnt that he didnt care for the other team, he just thought what he and his team had done, he wanted to have it stand the test of time. So he was happy to see that loss. A lot of people thought it was ungracious, a lot of people thought it was untoward, that the dolphins celebrate. But that wasnt what it was all about. It was more about celebrating him and his team and what they accomplished. It was a moment of pride for them, and he goes to his grave having that record. So, i guess that accomplishment has withstood the test of time. And he will withstand the test of time. He will always be looked upon as the gold standard. V7 a very difficult time in this country, obviously. We want to also pause and reflect on don shula, dead at the age of 90. The big picture here, a lot of people dying right now and struggling. We are all thinking about all of these brave souls who have passed on. Jim gray, we appreciate you being on. Sandra, just to kind of closing out here, weve all been thinking about sports and getting it back, getting the american psyche back. Football is a big part about, obviously. Sandra absolutely. Always good to hear from jim gray, as well. Coach shula will be missed. Ed, thank you, and thanks everyone for joining us. Well see you again tomorrow morning. Outnumbered starts now. Harris more states are starting to be open today from coronavirus shutdowns, including most of florida, which is entering phase one of its reopening plan. This comes as President Trump is calling out virginia and criticizing some states he said were not reopening fast enough. Watch the president. Certain states are going to have to take a little more time and getting open, and theyre doing that. Some states, i think, frankly arent going fast enough. You have some states virginia, they want to close down until the middle of june. A lot of things that they are doing, i really believe you can

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