She choked. She said are you accusing me of being dumb . Who would make a Statement Like that. If youll vote for one of these people, maybe crazy bernie, he seems to be leading. As we keep winning washington democrats keep losing their minds. Theyve gone nuts. This november were going to take back the house, hold the senate and keep the white house. [cheering and applause] julie even before the sun is up out west, crowds are building already in las vegas ahead of another president ial rally this afternoon. That is set for 3 00 p. M. Eastern time. Ed that is where we find peter doocy, live in las vegas as democrats make a final push ahead of nevadas caucuses tomorrow. Good morning. Good morning, ed and julie. Even though Michael Bloomberg isnt on the ballot in november nevada he is on candidates minds. I dont think he is moving the right way. The issue democratic rivals have with bloomberg now is he got in too late to put in the leg work that theyve been doing. He has 400 million into it so far and skipped the democracy part of it shaking hands, meeting people, learning about their issues. He thought he could waltz on that stage, put everybody else off and become the democratic nominee. Now rivals are starting to sound an alarm that the two 78yearolds in the race might not be able to beat trump but for different reasons. My concern is in a couple of weeks we could wake up the day after super tuesday and the options in our party have been narrowed down to Bernie Sanders and Mike Bloomberg. I think if thats the only two options we have heading into this contest against donald trump, were in trouble because most americans dont identify with the idea of burning the party down and also not happy with the idea trying to buy the party out. The Bloomberg Campaign revealed the billionaire has already spent 409 million of his own dollars on his campaign. President trump is zeroing in on money cant buy. How someone debates. President trump he choked. He is another one that is going oh, i cant breathe, i cant breathe. Dont ask me the question, please. I look at my wife, i said listen, its not so easy to do what i did, right . Not so easy. The president was in colorado last night. He will be here in vegas this afternoon because he doesnt have to worry about the primaries. He is focusing on general election twinge states. Ed peter doocy, thank you for starting us off. Julie fox news fallout. New fallout over reports russia is trying to interfere in the 2020 election in an attempt to help President Trump get reelected. The New York Times reporting intelligence officials warned house lawmakers about this last week in move that angered the president. Gillian turner is live at the white house with the latest. Good morning to you, julie. A Single Source here at the white house who was with President Trump the day that intelligence officials briefed lawmakers last week about russian meddling in the 2020 president ial election tells fox news now that President Trump is not and was not upset with the acting director of National Intelligence. Thats Joseph Mcguire, and does not blame him for this briefing as has been widely reported. Last week intelligence officials briefed lawmakers on both sides of the aisle including adam schiff on putins plans to interfere on the 2020 election. He said he blames President Trump. We want the Intelligence Community to tell congress. If reports are true and the in the is interfering with that he is again jeopardizing our efforts to stop foreign meddling. Russias plans to meddle arent news to lawmakers or the white house. Officials have known about them for months. But what was new out of this february 13 briefing according to sources. Was the Intelligence Communitys claim that russia is trying to interfere in the democrats primary as well . Speaker pelosi jumped into the fray last night also blaming President Trump. She said American Voters should decide american elections, not vladimir putin. All members of congress should condemn the president s efforts to dismiss threats to the integrity of our democracy and politicize our intel community. Just a couple hours ago on hour air one top contender to replace Joseph Mcguire took himself out of the running. Take a listen to doug collins. It is amazing to have the president think that much of you to mention my name among others to be in this position. Let me tell you right now i know the problems in our Intelligence Community. This is not a job that interests me. Right now acting director of National Intelligence Joseph Mcguire is on his way out. Rick grenell President Trumps ambassador to germany is on his way in serving as the acting dni until President Trump chooses a permanent replacement. Something were hearing will happen imminently. Julie thank you so much. Ed thanks. For more on this bill mcgurn wall street journal columnist, Fox News Contributor. Good morning. It seems like a familiar pattern. Big leak to the New York Times, the president is mad that intelligence officials are saying that russia might interfere with the election. Back to russia, russia, russia. The white house says he wasnt angry at the intelligence officials, angry that adam schiff was finding out about this before other people. He believes he will leak it and weaponize it politically and sure enough schiff is out there tweeting. Same with nancy pelosi. The president has a legitimate complaint. We expected the russians to interfere with different things. If they wanted to create mischief now we have the primaries. That would be a ripe target for them. The last time around as i recall didnt the dnc refuse to turn over its servers that were hacked . If were really serious, lets go after them. I think he has a right to be concerned. The idea that adam schiff is not going to do this. We had at least two of the intelligence chiefs, john brennan, james clapper, claim that donald trump was a russian agent. So there should be some skepticism toward these claims. Ed i spoke to trey gowdy pushing back against adam schiff for a long time. Last night he said if the russians really want chaos what they would do is backing Bernie Sanders, not President Trump. Listen to this. I dont know anyone who really thinks that russia prefers donald trump to win over comrade sanders. I dont know a soul that really thinks russia wants donald trump to be the president instead of the guy that honeymooned in russia. They gather information and make assessments and they give those assessments. Unfortunately give them to people like adam schiff who leak like sieves. There is a serious issue whether russia is interfering or not. Then the issue whether democrats weaponize that. Right. I think they have. In the past theyve done it. They dont want to get off the russian story. The russian aim to delegitimize our institutions. They succeeded in 2016 in the sense that this was a story, a president was almost impeached for it. Yet we seem to be falling into the same rut again. Ed was the chaos they were doing it or the reaction inside the United States . I think its both. They want to create mischief and distrust in the institutions, distrust in the president and i think theyve succeeded. They get a lot of bang for the buck. Ed another big issue the president is dealing with is roger stone, his onetime ally and friend who got his sentence. It turns out it is just over three years. A lot closer to what the attorney general bill barr was pushing for than the 7 to 9 years that the prosecutors who sfepd down in protest were. Was the attorney general vindicated . Not only was he vindicated, a lot of people owe him an apology. This judge, whatever you want to say about her, she is certainly no trump ally or Trump Nominee and her public statements and so forth. So she obviously thought the attorney general was correct. Remember, they are just guidelines. Judges can do what they wish. They are guidelines. I think a lot of people that impugned bill barrs integrity owe him an apology. Ed not expecting that. The president , the next question, while the process moves forward whether roger stone will get a new trial because of the political bias from the jury forewoman bottom line the president left the door open on a possible pardon. Listen to this. President trump im not going to do anything in terms of the great powers bestowed upon a president of the United States. I want the process to play out. I would love to see roger exonerated. I personally think he was treated very unfairly. Ed the door open on a pardon. The president would prefer there is a new trial and exonerated. Or the department doesnt decide to prosecute against him. Pardon is not necessarily for it is not for just innocent people, right . Its the power we give to the president to temper justice that you might think is in accord with the guidelines but just not fair. Its disproportionate. He has that power and can use it. It carries a political price, of course. I think roger stone did everything that they accused him of doing. Misleading congress, threatening a witness. I dont know how serious that was. I think he did it all but i dont think he should have been prosecuted. There is a lot of discretion. I think he is a victim of ed a lot of democrats disagree saying it will provide a green light to the president s accomplishes. That debate will rage on. Julie. Julie the mother of two missing Idaho Children will face a judge today after being arrested in hawaii. We have more on the charges, the serious charges she is now facing as authorities continue to ask where are her children. Ed plus an end to americas longest war could be getting closer. What secretary of state mike pompeo just said this morning about peace talks in afghanistan. Julie Elizabeth Warren changing her tune about super pacs and she speaks out against Michael Bloomberg. Well speak to someone endorsing her next. All the men still on the debate stage have a super pac or billionaires and the only people who didnt have them were two candidates. Limu emu doug [ siren ] give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. When you take align, you have the support of a probiotic and the gastroenterologists who developed it. 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I look and feel so much better. See me. Ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis. Julie secretary of state mike pompeo touting progress in peace talks with the taliban. He said both sides have been engaged in extensive talks to end the war in afghanistan. And the signing of an agreement could happen as soon as next week actually. Pompeo tweeting this. After decades of conflict we have come to an understanding with the taliban on a significant reduction in violence across afghanistan. This is an important step on a long road to peace and i call on all afghans to seize this opportunity. I said every president ial candidate no super pacs for anyone. Here is where i stand. If all the candidates want to get rid of super pacs, count me in. Ill lead the charge. But thats how it has to be. It cant be the case that a bunch of people do and only one or two dont. Ed about face on super pac money from Elizabeth Warren. She is being backed by a super pac called persist pac after previously calling for no pacs or Political Action committees in the democratic race at all. It comes after warren finished third in iowa and fourth in new hampshire. Lets bring in Alison Stevens who has endorsed warren. Good morning. Now, we heard that sound bite from Elizabeth Warren. She has known for many months that other Democratic Candidates had these super pacs. She swore off that money. Now of a sudden she is flipflopping, why . Well, i certainly cant speak for senator warren directly. I can only say that generally speaking, super pacs and other organizations are autonomous from candidates. I havent heard her deviate from the need to take money out of politics. But i will tell you when it comes to president ial candidates, my role is to represent the needs of people in nevada. I was elected to do so. She has represented those needs. Ed a big departure what she pledged all along. In the primaries she said among other things elizabeth rejects the help of super pacs and would disavow any super pac formed to support her in the democratic primary on her campaign website. We have to overturn Citizens United a Supreme Court decision. Our democracy is not for sale. In the meantime democrats should so moral backbone by refusing pac money. What happened to your candidates backbone . That is still posted and what she is saying. Those are autonomous. Ed youre right. It is still on the website. As you heard in the clip Elizabeth Warren is saying other people are getting that money, ill take it now, too. Another part of her website. Elizabeth doesnt take any money from pacs or federal lobbyists and wont give donors special access. Is she flipflopping simply because she is getting desperate for more money and needs the money from big donors . Again, thats your characterization and not mine. My focus here is on the nevada caucus and the needs of the people of nevada. So far the issues that are the bread and butter issues that people care about, the Kitchen Table issues whether they can put food on the table, afford childcare, environment we live in and a host of other issues are the things were focused on. She did a great job in the debate the other night and well see what that turns out to be in the nevada caucus on saturday. Ed in fact, she pressed Michael Bloomberg pretty hard on a whole bunch of issues. Seemed to score in that debate but money is running short for her. Your candidate, Elizabeth Warren and time is running short now. What does she need to do to get into the top tier . I think we saw it the other night. This is the time to take the gloves off and to really talk about those issues and to really draw the distinction. Iowa and new hampshire. Youve heard the conversation how reflective those states are not of the greater country. Nevada is a state that reflects the diversity of the full country, the United States. And so this is the time where you really have to show up. Senator warren did the other night and well see what happens on saturday with the nevada caucus. We have had historic turnout so far and so i think we have already seen she is moving up to the top tier and she are continue to do so. Ed alison, last question, though. You know the president has gone after her for misleading about her heritage. She is holier than thou on the big issues. Are you worried her brand is damaged by taking super pac money . Your characterization, not mine. Ed thats what she said. I dont think her reputation is damaged or holier than thou. Not at all. I think she showed she can be reflective of the values of people in nevada and the greater United States. Ed well be watching the caucuses on saturday night. Thank you for coming in. Julie stunning new video from the deadly shooting in new jersey in december. That Police Shooting at a suspect at a school. Ed a california man under arrest accused of using a laser pointer to distract a plane about to land. What the pilot had to do to prevent disaster. Sure cooker with tender crisp technology. The best of pressure cooking and air frying are now in one pot. And only the ninja foodi has tender crisp technology, so you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. You may never need another appliance ever again. The ninja foodi Pressure Cooker. The Pressure Cooker that crisps. Can you help keep these iguys protected online . . Easy, connect to the xfi gateway. What about internet speeds that keep up with my gaming . Lets hook you up with the Fastest Internet from xfinity. What about wireless data options for the family . Of course, you can customize and save. Can you save me from this conversation . That we cant do, but come in and see what we can do. Were here to make life simple. Easy. Awesome. Ask. Shop. Discover. At your local xfinity store today. Ed a would be victim showing up boxing moves as he fights off a mugger. Unbelievable. Police releasing video of the 77yearold man who had just gotten cash from an atm. Happened in wales. The thief trying to steal his card and money but man fights back. Throwing several punches. The crook taking off emptyhanded with a couple of bruised egos. Julie i dont know which is worse. Newly released body cam with police engaged in a gun battle with two suspects in a jewish kosher market in new york city. Watch this. Wow, that video taken by an officer stationed upstairs at a school of all places. Across the street from the shootout. It happened in december. Four innocent people were killed before the rampage came to a violent end. Laura engel joins us with more. This is the first time were seeing what things look like from the point of view of one of the many brave Officers Holding a gun trying to stop the carnage taking place inside that Jersey City Kosher market last december. While the video doesnt contain graphic content there is a warning it could be disturbing for some. You can hear and almost feel the shots being fired one after the other as the body cam of the officer doing the shooting from the window of a Catholic School across the street shakes and moves through the chaotic moments of the gun battle. You can hear the officer on his police radio talking with other cops about the possibility of taking one of the suspects down. Listen. I think he is down. I got a gun on the ground. No, he is still moving. Behind that behind the wood, behind the wood. It goes on. Other surveillance videos from the scene show the two attackers pulling upoutside the kosher market. One unloads shot from an ar15 style weapon into the store. The other the 12gauge shotgun. The couple who unleashed this violence are David Anderson and graham. Both killed in the shootout. The couple shot and killed joseph seals as a chance encounter at a nearby cemetery before the shootout. Three people were shot dead inside the store. The stars coowner and employees and a customer. There were seven videos released from the incident yesterday through the state open records law giving us a more chilling account what took place that day according to published report. The attackers had planned this event for months. Julie thank you. Ed fox news alert now. Uprising in ukraine over the coronavirus. Riots in the street over fears that outbreak is spreading. What officials there are saying and an update on the epidemic worldwide. Julie the battle between Michael Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders. Could bloomberg end up helping sanders win the nomination . Thats next. President trump mini mike. I thought he might come up. He cant, because he cant debate. He wasnt meant for it do you agree . It looks like bernie, dont it . Looks like crazy bernie. Thats what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who dont have a voice. We are people helping people. 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Im proud to be a part of aag, i trust em, i think you can too. Trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. So you can. Retire better. The real winner in the debate last night was donald trump. Because i worry that we may very well be on the way to nominating somebody who cannot win in november and if we choose a candidate who appeals to a small base like senator sanders it will be a fatal error. Julie thats Mike Bloomberg at his first post campaign event. Howie kurtz summing up his first round like this. Bloombergs awful debate performance boosts frontrunner bernie. Howard kurtz joins me now. You are basically saying i was at the debate and i stunk. This awful performance by Mike Bloomberg came after the media built him up as a kind of super mayor who will fly in with his cape and vanquish Bernie Sanders and clobber the president. It was a blunder by bloombergs team to let him hide behind his media machine and doing tv interviews. Like the Washington Post story on the alleged history of profane and sexist remarks to women. Discrimination suits. Instead he gets up there and tries to dismiss it as a couple of clumsy jokes. He looked unprepared. Julie bloomberg bombing did do bernie a favor you think. I dont think there is any question about it. The democrats i think missed a real opportunity. They trained so much of their artillery on bloomberg with the buildup that bernie skated. You didnt see much on the fact the 78yearold candidate had flipflopped on releasing medical records after having a heart attack. You dont take my word for this, sanders could have insurmountable delegate lead in two weeks. Super tuesday. The Buttigieg Campaign says that in a memo. I dont think the democratic establishment can stop bernie because he has trumplike appeal to his base. Julie bloomberg has a chance to prepare for a debate. Is it humanly possible to resurrect the damage he created tuesday night . He could do better next week if he takes debate prep seriously. He has never been a great debater, he was a very good mayor of new york city. It will be hard to dig out of that hole. 20 Million People watched him flop on that stage. Julie one person who needed to improve was joe biden and Pete Buttigieg and warren swatting at each other over the name of the mexican president. They needed to win over moderates in nevada and they actually might have just done sanders a favor there as well. It was a little uncomfortable to watch buttigieg and klobuchar especially when she said it was dripping with condescension, we cant be as perfect as you. Julie when you argue with somebody you never insult yourself when you ask if youre calling me dumb. Entertaining to watch. Not sure it helped either one. Biden had a pretty good debate. Nobody was attacking him. Julie nothing new and switching gears completely for an opinion piece in the New York Times to turn heads. I have to address it quick. Check out the headline. What we the taliban want. Who the heck cares what the taliban wants . Why in the heck would the New York Times give the deputy leader of the taliban this kind of platform. The taliban who wants to harm americans is now writing an oped in the New York Times. The times argument is the u. S. Is negotiating a peace deal with the taliban. Julie so we give them a oped . This piece is the leader of the Haqqani Network engaged in killing civilians. They just said he was a leader of the taliban. Interview the guy to provide context. Julie one of their own afghan correspondence he was given precious real estate to spew his views. I think it was a mistake. Ed the last diamond princess passengers who tested negative for the coronavirus are expected to leave the cruise ship today after being quarantined. There are 76,000 cases around the world. It comes as a fresh report as claiming coronavirus infected americans were flown back to the u. S. From japan against the advice of the cdc. Jonathan serrie is live with more in atlanta where the cdc has its headquarters. That report published in the Washington Post suggests that the state department decided to go ahead with plans to bring these potentially infected passengers back in a separate section of the evacuation flight despite some concerns expressed by cdc officials that these passengers might still be able to infect the other passengers on board that flight. The cdc has confirmed 10 of 13 highrisk evacuees being monitered at the university of Nebraska Medical Center are infected with more than a dozen other cruise ship evacuees have been taken to several other hospitals including this one in washington after showing symptoms or received delayed positive test results from japan. The tests are awaiting confirmation by the cdc. Ukraines effort to house more than 70 people evacuated from china met with violent resistance from villagers near a quarantine site. They set rod blocks and threw stones at buses carrying the evacuees who appeared unharmed. Police say nine officers and one civilian were hospitalized. Today chinese officials continue to express optimism as the number of new cases of coronavirus continues to decline in that country. However, china is mourning the death of a young physician, postponed his wedding to treat patients on the front lines of the outbreak in wuhan. Today iranian saying there are two dead from the coronavirus. Korean Officials Say the case count in south korea has quad rup eld in the past two days. Julie a bear on the loose in monrovia california east of l. A. The bear has just been wandering around a residential neighborhood and near an Elementary School. It has just been wandering around this driveway. There it is there. A huge black bear. Police are on the scene and keeping a safe distance. Ed have to grin and bear it for a while. Julie oh good lord. Ed all right. In the meantime, a semi carrying thousands of gallons of fuel overturning on a highway sparking fiery explosions. An update on the drivers condition. Julie authorities arresting the mother of two missing Idaho Children. Where are the children . Thats the question at this hour as desperate Family Members hold out hope they may finally get answers. You better Start Talking now. Maybe you can shave a year or two tell me where the kids are. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated. With an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression. Or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. 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This is a bizarre and complex case, involves a tangled webs of adults, involves murder and unexplained deaths and most urgent now in the mind of Law Enforcement are two missing kids. 7yearold j. J. Vallow and 17yearold. They havent been seen since september. Lori vallow is there mother and refused to tell police what has happened to them. Vallow and her new husband disappeared from their home in idaho and in january turned up in hawaii. Lori vallow ignored an order to show up in an idaho court with her children on january 30th. Yesterday she was arrested in hawaii charged with two felony counts of deserted them. The grandparents were delighted at the news of the arrest. Very happy. Joy, joy, joy. We knew it was coming. We didnt know when. I know that they have put so much work into this. There is a lot more to learn in all this, julie. Chief among it where are those kids . We may begin to get some answers at lori vallows First Court Hearing. Were just hearing it is likely to happen in hawaii later today, julie. Julie all right, Jonathan Hunt, thank you very much. Ed for more on this lets bring in a criminal defense attorney and Trial Attorney david bruno. Thanks for coming in. Convoluted case. No murder charges in this specific part here at least not yet because we dont know where the children are. So what are the charges and what would you be looking for as a prosecutor . The charges are desertion of children and nonsupport of dependents. And these two children, 7 and 14 have been missing since september. In november, police went on a welfare check to check the 7yearold who has special needs. The mother vallow and new husband said the kids are with a Family Member in arizona. The next day they come back with a search warrant and the two are gone. They did not say goodbye. They left and theyve been looking for them. They found them in hawaii. So just recently there was a court order for these children to be produced in idaho for january 30th and she failed to produce the children, which led to these charges. But there has been a ton of investigative leads done already. There has been a search warrant on the idaho residents and in the hawaii condo as well as a vehicle. So to me why dont they know at this point with all of the search warrants and all of the investigations done, its troubling to me that police probably dont even know where these two children are. Ed so as a prosecutor what would you be looking for next . How would you find them after all the searches . Okay. Right now its lori vallow that is charged. We wont learn much today. It is an extradition hearing. She has to be extradited to idaho to face these charges. We wont learn much. Ed are they trying to squeeze her . I say squeeze the new husband. The new husband has nothing to do with these children. He is not the father of either of the two children. The fifth husband. He has his own problems. Because his wife died in october of last year. It was originally called natural, but they have recently exhumed the body because there are concerns about the prior wife. Her fourth husband was killed by her brother last year and there were no charges. So there are dead people all around. Last year there are two prior spouses are both dead. In my opinion lean on the new husband because he is out there in hawaii and been with her since september. He was present during the welfare check in november. He may even have his own legal issues if he was involved with the coverup and the desertion of the children. Ed less than a minute but as of an attorney when you then see this video that Jonathan Hunt just showed of them doing an interview with a local journalist and theyre kind of laughing and yucking it up and these kids are still missing troubling. There may be psychiatric issues as well. We saw a pleading in a prior divorce case where lori vallows deceased husband alleged that she claimed to be reincarnated and being there to assist in the next coming and things like that. There may be some serious psychological issues. Also my heart goes out to the family. This extended family looking for their kids. Ed what a mystery. It is deepening. Thank you for helping us try to unravel it. Julie twitter testing new ways to fight misinformation. The new system its looking at and what it could mean for your twitter feed next. Sas s tax,eaeal estete cretsts, lalar inntntives. And we have no way to integrate all that . No. But bdo does. announcer people who know, know bdo. With our moving and storage solutions. Pack what you want, we store it for as long as you want. Then, we deliver it where you want, so whether you need to move or store your things, pods is here to help you with flexible moving and storage solutions. Ed fox news bear alert. Were continuing to watch this big brown bear wandering see him there around a neighborhood just east of l. A. He just came out from behind that wooden shed on the right. Now you see him right there. This is coming in from our affiliate kttv. Were told there is an Elementary School nearby. Theyre keeping a close watch. Police in the street. So far none of them has attempted to get close to the furry beast. It approached a backyard and there was a barking dog. He is fine. The pooch seemed more interested in the bear in playing around and you see some more dogs there on the top of the screen. It looks like two dogs. They are a little excited. Bear taking its sweet time. The second day in a row that the bear has gone all around the neighborhood. Yesterday spotted on the very same street. Julie, it is getting a little unbearable. Julie i think we stay on this and watch it. Twitter reportedly testing a plan for volunteer fact checking. This should be interesting allowing users to identify misleading information posted by politicians and other public figures and then put a label on it. Carley shimkus is here with fox News Headlines 24 7 on sirius xm. Fact checking. There is a concept. A lot of discussion about fake news on social media when it comes to politics. Twitter is testing a way where users would flag misleading tweets by putting these brightly colored labels on them. And nbc news obtained an internal twitter memo that shows what that would look like. It shows a tweet from Bernie Sanders that says 40 of guns are sold without background checks and that tweet was labeled harmful and misleading. Another tweet by Kevin Mccarthy about the whistleblower given that label in the mockup. I could see it becoming a huge problem for twitter to monitor and constantly make everybody happy. Julie who decides which is factual and which is not . Theyre trying to figure that out now. This may not ever end up happening. They are still in the testing phases. I could see it being something where somebody would flag a tweet. Julie somebody might flag one tweet and not the other. There is so much gray area in politics. How do you get it right all the time . Something true to one party is not true to another. Julie twitter said were looking for ways to provide more context for tweets on twitter. It would involve community feedback. Misinformation is a Community Issue and looking at ways. Julie i wish they had an edit feature. They say theyll never do that. Once you tweet something you could take it down but you dont want to edit it after it has already been posted. There is also discussion about fake news in political ads. Twitter banned political ads. Facebook went the opposite route allowing all political ads. They say its important for us to hear from politicians. Julie it is free speech. You cant stop people from spreading speculation and false information. Thats the internet. Those brightly colored labels are big. Thats the same size as the tweet. It is like a big scolding how dare you . Julie great to see you as always. Ed new charges of Russian Election meddling. Intel community saying president putin wants to help President Trump win a second term. The kremlin released a statement dismissing it as paranoia. With a Strong Economy boosting american prosperity does the president need outside help . Labor secretary Eugene Scalia is our headliner and well keep an eye on the bear out in california. Ed lets get back to that fox news bear alert. A ground shot of this big brown bear out in monrovia, california. We have been staying on it. A pretty big bear near an Elementary School. Theyre keeping an eye on it. Well stay on it and keep an eye on it and maybe assign one of our cub reporters, julie. Julie one of our cub reporters. This will keep going. Ed this is a fox news alert. Top intel officials warning house lawmakers that russia is interfering in the 2020 election to help reelect President Trump. Welcome to a new hour of americas newsroom. Im ed henry, welcome back. Julie happy friday to you all at home. Im julie banderas. The New York Times reporting in a classified briefing last week officials apparently said that russia not only aims to meddle in the general election but the democratic primaries as well. The kremlin a short time ago calling the report false and quote paranoid. Meantime the president reportedly angry that democrats in that briefing could use intelligence him. Joe biden weighing in last night predicting consequences for whoever alerted congress. We are deeply involved with the Intelligence Community when i was Vice President. We knew it then. Theyve been vofrld and continue to be involved. I guarantee you they are involved. The fact is that i expect whoever did that briefing is about to be fired. Blake berman is live at the white house with more details. Good morning to you both. The speaker of the house nancy pelosi last night tweeted that members of the house will be briefed on Election Security about 2 1 2 weeks from now on march 10th. That tweet from the House Speaker came after that report from the New York Times the Washington Post as well that intelligence officials briefed a select group of lawmakers last week that russia is interfering in the 2020 campaign and trying to get President Trump reelected. Now there are reports that President Trump quote, unquote, berated Joseph Mcguire, the former acting director of National Intelligence for including democrats in that briefing including the head of the House Intelligence Committee adam schiff. However, sources tell fox that the president does not appear to be upset with mcguire. Now the president has since announced mcguires departure and replaced him with rick grenell. The president says he is considering congressman doug collins to become the permanent dni but collins told Maria Bartiromo earlier this morning that he wants a different job. Let me tell you right now. I know the problems in our Intelligence Community. This is not a job that interests me. Not one that i would accept. Im running is senate race in georgia. It is important to note mcguire was working on an acting basis for dni. When you are working in an acting capacity you can only stay on the job for 210 days. He was set to leave his post regardless in two or three weeks. Ed with the Fox Business Network you take a close eye on the economy. New Economic Data out this morning particularly on housing. Existing home sales, this one comes from the National Institution of realtors popped three minutes ago. A couple headlines as i get it on my phone. Home sales fell 1. 3 in january says the National Association of realtors. When you look at yearoveryear, a key figure, it surged 9. 6 . Existing home sales. Thats a big, big increase. I spoke with larry kudlow, the president s top Economic Advisor earlier today and tried to get his thoughts on whats going on in the housing market. Before i could fire off a question, he sort of jokingly cut me off and this was his response. Watch. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Whatever the question is, the answer is boom. Housing, were in a housing boom. Whatever the question is the answer is boom. When you talk about housing Building Permits it hit a 13year high on wednesday. Combine that with the new numbers that came across, 9. 6 yearoveryear is a pretty big spike. Ed boom, boom, boom. That might have to stick. A brandnew economic report from the white house touting strong gains for the u. S. Economy highlighting more jobs, better footing on trade and higher wages. New letter from his counsel of Economic Advisors the president writing these results did not come about by accident. They were supported by our foundational pillars for Economic Growth that put Americans First including tax cuts, deregulation, Energy Independence and trade renegotiation. Lets bring in our headliner this morning. Labor secretary Eugene Scalia. Thank you for coming in and good morning. Good morning. Ed the president has touted a blue collar boom. What does the new report lay out for us . It is a lengthy, detailed report by the president s counsel of Economic Advisors. And it really just confirms with all sorts of data and statistics what the president set forth in his state of the Union Address which is that weve got really an historic economy right now. It is a boom to quote larry kudlow and a blue collar boom. Were seeing record low unemployment, were seeing rising wages, were seeing more people come into the workforce. And were seeing wages rising and rising higher for people who historically have been paid less. So its really chock full of good news. Julie its great news. If you put the numbers across the board from the homeownership to labor force, put it on the screen compared to the Obama Administration. Manufacturing jobs, productivity, wealth, across the board everything is up. And you talk about this being a middle class boom and then you watch the democratic debate on tuesday night and you scratch your head because you have all these candidates that want to raise taxes, Bernie Sanders is now in the lead and looks to be taking a real gain in nevada. And you wonder why. Why would people want to raise their taxes when the economy is looking so great . What i welcomed was former president obama recently talking about how great the economy is doing. He tweeted about this just a few days ago and he is right. Now, where he got it wrong, i think, was suggesting that it is a result of the policies toward the workforce we had in the last economy. Here is one of the items in this report that really leaps out at me that congressional budget office, bipartisan, what they said in august of 2016 just before the election. They said that right now we would have 4. 9 unemployment and that we would have created 1. 9 million jobs. Thats what they were forecasting. Look. Were at 3. 6 unemployment and weve created 6 by 6 million jobs as a nation since the president took office. Were doing much better than projected. What changed . The president changed, policy changed. Ed we see some of those stats on our wall here, mr. Secretary. And there is good news. We cant leave out the fact that in the middle of this great country there are a lot of people still nervous particularly in farm country. They are concerned about trade wars and specifically the tariffs from those trade wars and the wall street journal had this headline. Dim u. S. Farm forecast extends into 2020. Farm debt and bankruptcies are expected to rise this year as low prices linger and no fresh government aid is expected. You know the president did send aid to farmers last year. There were some concerns how much that might cost. Give us an idea of the other side of the picture and concerns you may have about the middle of the country particularly farm country. I think its so important for people to understand that as strong as this economy is right now, the president is not satisfied. He is not resting content with it. There is more we want to do. And for that reason i think it is such good news that we kicked off this year with two major trade agreements, the u. S. , mexico, Canada Agreement which redid nafta to me American Workers and farmers and the phase one china deal which again is going to help u. S. Trade broadly. But among other sectors will help agriculture. And so were making were laying the foundation at the start of this year for another strong year. Let me add this. When i speak to business leaders, and this is Small Business or people running fortune 50 companies i hear the same thing which is we want workers. We need more workers. Thats the sign of just a booming economy. When we hear that kind of demand. Were trying to meet that need through apprenticeships by helping address the opioid crisis. Ed im glad you talked about that. They got audio of remarks. We are desperate for more people. Were running out of people to fuel the Economic Growth that weve had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants. He is talking about more legal immigrants to keep this economy humming. As you know, what Mick Mulvaney said in private is at odds with others in the administration have said publicly saying they dont want more Legal Immigration. We definitely need more workers in our workforce. Thats what American Business leaders are telling us. And one of the things you see in this report is were getting that. 3 4 of the jobs we filled last year were people on the sidelines of our economy. Among the good news in this report is the Labor Participation rate is going up. Now, as to immigration, look, we do have Legal Immigration programs that can be used to supplement our workforce. They can be value bl. But what were focused on above all is providing jobs for American Workers. Julie jobs are up 6. 55 million jobs added since the president s inauguration. Former president obama tweeted on monday the roughly 800 billion stimulus package he signed into law 11 years ago had paved the way for more than a decade of Economic Growth and the longest streak of job creation in american history. President obama is trying to take credit. Should he . Its nice to see former president obama acknowledging how great the economy is. We have a fabulous economy and we should welcome it. Why are we doing so well right now . As i said, when the congressional budget office, bipartisan, made its projections in august 2016 before the election, they predicted based on the way things looked then a very flat trajectory. Instead weve got wages rising faster now for lowerwage workers than they did during the Obama Administration and seeing unemployment for africanamericans, hispanic americans and others hitting alltime lows during this administration. So just the deregulatory policies of this president alone as this report says have been a major boon. Ed we got it. Thank you, secretary. Keeping the long legacy of Public Service for the scalia family alive. Julie another Democratic Caucus just one day away. Will nevada see more chaos like in iowa . Well be live in vegas coming up next. Ed senator Elizabeth Warren drafting documents that she says could help Mike Bloomberg after she slammed him at the vegas debate on alleged harassment at his media company. He can tell his side of the story but they cant tell theirs. This is an election for president of the United States and transparency here is important. Refi, you can refinance at near record low rates with no income verification, no appraisal and nothing out of pocket. There is our shot. This is our only shot to beat donald trump. And we have to put together a majority big enough not only to defeat him, but to send trumpism into the history books. Ed the democratic president ial candidates making their final push in nevada. Caucuses are less than 24 hours away. Can the democrats avoid problems that plagued the Iowa Caucuses . Julie first peter doocy is live on the ground in las vegas with a preview. Elizabeth warren is here in nevada taking a victory lap for taking Michael Bloomberg to task on the debate stage. Zbliet was my job to make sure america got a closer look at mayor bloomberg and came to understand that of all the people standing on that stage, he is the riskiest one for the democrats and be most vulnerable in a general election. Michael bloomberg has a really long record. So does joe biden. The former v. P. Pinning his hopes on a surprise in nevada and firewall in South Carolina is hoping the former mayor and former republican bloomberg is scrutinized the same way he has been. Even though he spent hundreds of millions of dollars, i dont think that the mayor of new york is in the right party. I dont think he is moving the right way. Candidates are now trying to counter bloombergs 409 million and counting super tuesday strategy. They cant just concentrate on the next contest nevada. Amy klobuchar jetted to colorado where she talked about being name dropped during President Trumps recap of the debate. I consider it a badge of honor that the president is finally noticing that im running against him and is worried enough about it that he is bringing it up in the very state that i am today. The democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders is trying to keep up with all of bloombergs ads in super tuesday states as well. Campaigning today in california. Ed and julie. Julie lets bring in our ateam marie harf, and of course Fox News Contributor matt gorman, former Communications Director for the National Republican Congressional Committee and melanie zan own from politico. Caucus goers are torn not only about whether they know which candidate will actually beat President Trump in the election but i would be torn about Michael Bloomberg saying trump won the debate tuesday night. It will confuse nevada caucus goers more. Michael bloomberg isnt on the ballot in nevada. He shook it up. He is not on the ballot until super tuesday. Record numbers of people in nevada voting already. Some voted before the debate. Whats clear is that Many Democrats are looking for a moderate alternative to Bernie Sanders and they are split on that and not in love with someone. Thats why pete and amy have done well. Bloomberg has been rising. They arent in love with any of these candidates and theyre getting very nervous about this question do you go with whats in your heart or the person you think can beat donald trump . Many of them are holding their noses and voting and saying theyll vote for bloomberg. Who knows if this debate will change it on super tuesday . Nevada has the potential to be a bit of a mess. For all those reasons. Ed all kinds of things. They are looking at this one and this one and havent fallen in love yet. Youre right. Here is the risk of putting up a candidate who they arent thrilled and excited about. The base could sit home. Look what happened in 2016 with Hillary Clinton. So i think thats what a lot of voters are wrestling with right now. Also the truth is we dont know who is the most electable against President Trump. You might as well go with your heart. Thats the thinking for a lot of voters ton ground. This would be great. Yoga barra said its getting late early. The wizard in the wizard of oz. It is how people perceive you. Bernie sanders, nothing is guaranteed but i would love to run against him not only because it would take arizona and georgia off the map and breathe easier in florida. Down ballot. Democrats would have to defend Bernie Sanders and his policies every day. We saw mark kelly in arizona do it. He struggled. Julie when we watched tuesday nights debate Elizabeth Warren came out punch because she needs this. Bloomberg was an easy punching back. The nba was off the top. I wanted to hide under covers. Lets play it. He said on stage no, just really a few jokes being told. That people hadnt been able to take a joke. And that but the people on the other side we think mostly women, had to sign nondisclosure agreements, which means they are only legally bound not to tell their side of the story. Julie this is what hurts bloomberg. Not only did he not agree to releasing the women from the ndas but they willfully signed those. Thats not true. They actually wanted to get out of them. He had an option an opportunity tr to make it right and he didnt. He used the term consensual. When he said that i cringed. It was not consensual. I dont know why he wasnt ready for a better answer for that question and the stop and frisk. The answer could have been am i perfect . No, were running against the misogynist in the white house. That would have been a better answer. My concern from the debate, a couple. Number one is Elizabeth Warren and a lot of other candidates train their fire on Mike Bloomberg. He is not the frontrunner. He isnt even in the ballot until next tuesday. None of them really except for mayor pete trained their fire on Bernie Sanders who is the frontrunner and would be disastrous down ballot for democrats. He could beat trump but he would hurt all the senate races you were talking about. I worked for jeb bush in 2016. He had marco cruz, christie going after each other and trump is laughing and winning primaries. Bernie is like our trump. Warren had a great moment but youre right. She doesnt need bloomberg voters. She needs sanders. Julie she was soft on bernie. More critical but the best hit on bernie is bloomberg said its a great country you can be a millionaire and have three homes even though you are a socialist. Ed to complete julies thought on Elizabeth Warren. Theyve released a picture on social media of a sample nda release that Michael Bloomberg could sign, release the women and there is a serious point. She is trying to make a political point. Abc news is reporting some of the women who signed the agreements at the Bloomberg Company do want to get out but theyre scared. Theyve signed this and dont know if there would be repercussions. Will there be a drip, drip for bloomberg. He will be in and strong but maybe there is drip, drip here. Theyre worried there could be a drip and undermine their ability to go after President Trump on some issues if they elect bloomberg as their nominee. The other thing with Elizabeth Warren to keep in mind. It is a political stunt. She needs fundraising numbers to keep her campaign competitive. She is seizing on the moments from the debate to keep it going. It is remarkable she is not going after Bernie Sanders who is the number one barrier standing in her way. They are letting him march toward the nomination. A warren supporter tried to defend that she has flipflopped on super pacs. She has been saying i dont take that dirty money. She sets a purity test for herself that she herself cant past. I would rather be biden than warren now. Biden has a mission. You know what he has to do. Win South Carolina and then take a gamble on super tuesday. What state out there that you could say warren has a path to the top two . Maybe massachusetts her home state, maybe. There is no clear path. Julie its hard not to laugh in the face of a socialist candidate who doesnt like people with money but hold fundraisers where you turn 2,000 a ticket. Come on. Bernie and three houses. Thats not the point. I will say this and what you were mentioning, the fact they went after bloomberg and raised sanders up. The real clear politics average for nevada right now has sanders at 30 . And biden at 16 . Tuesday night was an opportunity for joe biden to really shine but im not sure he did that. I thought this is probably his best debate. Julie he did well but could have done better. He is not an amazing debater as weve seen. He did well. His first answer said were talking about electability here. Im the one who beats trump more than you. He will make that argument. South carolina is his firewall. I see a path given bloombergs problems for biden to get second in nevada and do better super tuesday. There are real cracks in bidens firewalls. He is banking on support from latinos and black voters. He said he will do better. There was a poll that came out this morning from nbc and wall street journal Bernie Sanders and joe biden have the same level of support from black voters in the democratic primary. A huge problem for him. Ed what about bloomberg has another opportunity in South Carolina. There is a debate next tuesday. Bloomberg will bone up and spend the weekend getting ready. Well see. If he has a strong debate performance the pundits could say he is back. What reminded me the last debate obama in 12 and bush to an extent in 2004. Theyre rusty, glide in. Seemed unprepared. Julie obama came with energy. I thought at one point bloomberg fell asleep and then i thought he left the stage. You have to get in there. Absolutely. He was not ready. He did go after bernie a little bit but youre right. Will he come with not only research against bernie but an answer for warren. Julie come in with a fight. Or is he calculating these debates dont move voters . All he needs to do is do okay enough. Julie this is his first time on the stage. I the end to agree but it might be the argument. More voters will see his ads that he put all this money into than will ever watch a debate. Maybe what theyll see from the debate and warren screaming and amy and pete arguing and he can fade into the background. Ed bloomberg, weve seen him in critical states he is leading in some states. I did Opposition Research for jeb bush in 2016. What we learned with trump it didnt matter. He didnt go down in the polls, he went up. One plus one equals three. Does bloomberg have the same effect. Shake it off, poor more money or when the ndas come out drip, drip, drip does he drop in the polls. Ed President Trump counter programming the democrats rallying supporters ahead of tomorrows nevada caucuses. A live report on what to expect at the president s las vegas rally this afternoon. Julie despite Bernie Sanders surging in the polls there is a new survey which apparently suggests americans may not be so keen on his socialist values. We have dr. Bill bennett weighing in. Ed he not keen on socialism, bennett. President trump the socialist democrats are trying to destroy American Healthcare and trying to destroy your social security. That wont happen with me. Look, this isnt my first rodeo. And let me tell you something, i wouldnt be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. Its just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, its helped over a million americans. 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How about the fact that the leading democratic candidate embodies the ideology of socialism kamism . Bloomberg was right to mention communism. They are closely related. American people dont like it. Some millennials like it. Democrats do approve of socialism over capitalism by a little bit. But that just tells you how far apart the Democrat Party has gone to the left. How about fighting the russian influence when it comes to ideas . Julie latinos dont like socialism. They say socialism is a dirty word. Listen to this. Socialism is a terrible word especially in the latino community. They understand what it means. If most countries that talk socialism it is a notch below communism. Connotations there. I dont think it resonates well. Julie you have Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and others who hate capitalism. It employs a lot of these latinos. That would backfire. Im surprised are you surprised that Bernie Sanders is doing as well as he is considering the unions that also take issue with his policies such as medicare for all . He is having trouble with the Culinary Union. We need to do some homework. Youre right. People who experienced socialism and many latinos have, understand what its about. Socialism is as socialism does. In 1985 everybody talks about his honeymoon in russia. 1985 Bernie Sanders went to nicaragua to salute daniel ortega. Bad guys. 1986 he gave a speech in vermont saluting castro. I dont know if the Democrat Party is aware of the cuban americans in florida. But this is serious business. By the way, i went to nicaragua in 1987 at the request of president reagan to counter those ideas. But you are absolutely right. Many latinos who have experienced the boot of socialism on their necks dont want any part of it. We have a little time. Lets dig into this and find out what these ideas mean and what theyve led to historically and well see where the electorate stands then. Ed were learning about it. The International Secretary for swedens ruling social democrats says he visited iowa before the caucuses and was not impressed with what Bernie Sanders was saying. Here is his quote in a mixture of very young people and old marxists who think they were right all along. There were no ordinary people there simply from the swedish person. Even the far left in sweden is checking out Bernie Sanders saying we dont like that flavor, either. He is doing his homework. He went to iowa and now we need to do our homework. It is held up as the bottle, the swedes and denmark came up in the debate. People need to take a close look at that. The guy who visited iowa said it was like a meeting of the left. Were not the left. Were social democrats. Thats different. They regulate their economy some but they dont control the economy. Which is what socialism is. If i could just say a word about denmark being held up as the ideal. One of the things denmark has is a 25 value added tax on everything you buy. How do people feel about that coming their way . So lets do our homework. Lets talk to latino americans who have experienced this and then make a decision. Ed dr. Bennett he is getting away with it. Ed there have been Democratic Party officials they dont think he has had enough vetting. They maybe slept on him in 2016. Thought Hillary Clinton was a lock in all of that. You Start Talking about speeches he has given in the 80s and other meetings he has had but i want to flip it around on you. Are republicans sleeping on Bernie Sanders a bit . I get the polls that say people dont like socialism. Then he has a rally in tacoma, washington a few nights ago almost like a trump rally. We heard in 2016 democrats say well never lose to donald trump. Are there some republicans sleeping on Bernie Sanders . Yeah, there are some. And we cant just dismiss it at hand and say well, no problem. You have to explore this and explain to people what socialism means. When people are not taught the differences between things, they can swallow anything. There is too much gullability and there is too much of a media dismissal. Comfort that no one will buy it. Go to a college campus, you wont believe what you can hear and what youll see people thinking. Lets do homework. I will make this a feature of my podcast if i can get in a plug for wise guys well talk about it there. A great topic worth exploring. Julie it is. The majority of americans do not view capitalism socialism favorably. The majority, 57 favor capitalism. Something to talk about on the podcast. Absolutely. Why do people come here . Thank you. Thanks for putting me on before the bear. Appreciate that. Julie it was touch and go there. We understand there are people on the ground right now about to sedate him. You have your time in. Ed we would hate to interrupt the big cahoona to get to the big bear in california. I gave you the bare essentials. Julie President Trump in vegas today. Time to steal thunder from tomorrows Democratic Caucuses. We have Mark Meredith camping out in las vegas as well. Good morning to you from las vegas. The president will be hosting a rare midday rally today. The timing of this no coincidence ahead of the nevada caucus. A lot of people are skipping work to be here. You can see these people that have been lined up here are all hours of the day and night getting ready. Some people telling us they camped out here overnight. This rally, of course, follows the other two weve seen this week. The president making stops in arizona as well as Colorado Springs last night. During last nights rally the president had several different targets of his speech including the media, House Democrats as well as the 2020 democratic president ial candidates. What was interesting he brought up healthcare, an issue that democrats usually focus on and what he had to say last night. President trump washington democrats have never been more extreme taking cues from crazy Bernie Sanders, 132 Congressional Democrats have signed up for bernies healthcare takeover that would strip 180 million americans of their great private coverage that you want. It is interesting to hear the president bring up healthcare. Unclear whether or not it will come up here again. People have come from california, some that live in las vegas. The rally will get underway in a couple of hours and the president will head back to washington it is amazing to see how many people have been out here. It can get cold in the desert overnight but people fired up for what may happen later on today. Julie thank you very much. Ed secretary of state mike pompeo announcing an understanding with the taliban. How it could lead to withdrawal of u. S. Troops finally in afghanistan. 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The United States and taliban have been engaged in extensive talks to facilitate a political settlement to end the war in afghanistan. Reduce allied forces presence and insure no terrorist group uses afghan soil to threaten the United States or our allies. Not clear what reduction in violence means . Details remain murky. Agreement is not a ceasefire. In a New York Times oped the talibans second in command said the withdrawal of Foreign Forces has been our first and foremost demand. U. S. Statement calls for reduction in u. S. Forces, not complete withdrawal. The taliban statement says both parties will make arrangements for the release of prisoners, structure a path for negotiations with Political Party of the country and lay the ground work for peace across the country and withdrawal of all Foreign Forces. If those talks between the Afghan Government and taliban that could ultimately determine if the two decade war with afghanistan comes to a close or if the withdrawal of some of these 13,000 u. S. Troops leads to a taliban resurgence. Ed and julie. Ed thank you. Julie fox news alert now. Day four of jury deliberations in the Harvey Weinstein rape trial as the man who was once among the most powerful in hollywood waits to learn his fate. The jury asking the judge a whole lot of questions yesterday. We have a live report from the courthouse next. Near 50year lows. One call to newday usa can save you 2,000 every year. And once you refinance, the savings are automatic. Thanks to your va streamline refi benefit, at newday theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Activate your va benefit now. One call can save you 2000 every year. Ed a 33yearold california man arrested for allegedly pointing a laser at a pilot multiple times. The pilot had to put the aircraft on autopilot until regaining control of the plane. Thankfully he appears to have suffered no lasting damage to his eyes. The suspect christopher larson, now facing charges of felony charge and federal code violation. Scary situation. Julie not smart. Fox news alert day four of verdict watch in the Harvey Weinstein rape trial. The jury asked the judge a whole lot of questions today. Weve got brian ennis on the case live. Well, before the judge even went into the courtroom day four of jury deliberations began with a verbal altercation between Harvey Weinsteins defense attorney and Gloria Allred who represents weinstein accusers, there was a witness tweeting about the case. The jury is hearing actresss testimony. They are rehearing it. Court stenographers are reading it aloud now. The seven men and five women of the jury requested to hear it yesterday. She is known for her role in the sopranos and pivotal in this case. The first witness in the trial and she accuses Harvey Weinstein of raping her in her apartment in late 1993 or early 1994 and while her allegations are too old to press charges of her own, she is key in determining whether weinstein will be found guilty of the most serious of the charges, two counts of predator Sexual Assault because in order for the jury to find weinstein guilty for that for allegedly raping a woman prosecutors have to prove that weinstein committed a prior sex crime. And in this case, that is her rape. Even if the jurors believe the two defendants if they dont believe this actress they cant find weinstein guilty of predatory assault. He will face a minimum of 25 years. The other charges he is facing two rape charges and criminal sex act charge have a maximum of 25 years in prison. All ears today on sharias testimony. Ed what youve been waiting for. Update to the bear alert. Monrovia, california. Video from earlier. The bear went into a garden to chill out. Julie animal control is on the scene finally. Not too close. We dont see them. We expect to see a takedown when the bear finishes his nap. Well try to bring it to you. Ed maybe just trying to get his bearings. Julie oh. Well be right back. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Tthe bad news . Ouyour patience might not. Ay. Depend® fitflex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. Because, perfect or not, lifes better when youre in it. Be there with depend®. Hi with the worldse first invisible trailer. Invisible trailer . And its not the trailer right next to us . This guy . You dont believe me . Hop in. Good lookin pickup, i will say that. Oh wow. Silverado offers an Optional Technology package with up to 15 different views including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. Wow. Thats pretty sweet. Thats cool. Oooohh thats awesome. Whered the trailer go . I love it. Its magic. I wanted my hepatitis c gone. 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Authorities just announcing theyre searching for a vehicle in connection to that case. Her disappearance was just reported this week but hasnt been seen since christmas. So far no explanation for the delay in reporting her disappearance. The f. B. I. At this hour now involved in the search for that 15monthold girl. Former lapd detective will join us a little later on this case. President trump set to rally supporters in las vegas this afternoon amid a report that the president allegedly berated his outgoing director of National Intelligence for briefing house lawmakers for talk julie lap three in for sandra smith. No coincidence the president is in las vegas on the eve of nevada caucuses. The appearance capping off a fourday western swing designed to offer counter programming if you will to the democratic nominating contest. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts is live on the north lawn. John. Good morning to you. Fox news is told that President Trump did not berate or otherwise yell at his former director of National Intelligence Joseph Mcguire over a briefing that the office of the director of National Intelligence gave to Congress Last week about russian interference in the 2020 election. Fox news is also told contrary to some published reports that mcguire was not in line for the permanent position as dni and was scheduled to leave the office on march 11. Were told he was not removed from his position because of that briefing to congress. The one source does say the president thought that mcguire was not robust enough in addressing political leaks of intelligence. Robert grenell will be the acting dni. A short assignment while the president nominates an individual to the senateconfirmed position. The president tweeting that he has four candidates in mind and will be making an announcement in the next few weeks. A lot of talk around here as to why the office of the director of National Intelligence gave a briefing to congress about election interference without first informing the white house of the content of that briefing. According to reports in the Washington Post and New York Times lawmakers were told russia is meddling to promote the reelection of President Trump and also meddling in the democratic primary. The president tweeting about that in the last 20 minutes quote, another Misinformation Campaign is being launched by democrats in congress saying that russia prefers me to any of the donothing democrat candidates who still have been unable to, after two weeks, count their votes in iowa. Hoax number seven. One of the concerns that the president and white house had about the briefing was that congressman adam schiff was in on it as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee he naturally would have been included but that he would weaponize the information against President Trump. After stories came out last night that President Trump drufrmd mcguire over the breezeing and thats not the case schiff said if reports are true and the president is interfering with that he is again jeopardizing to stop foreign meddling exactly as we warned he would be. Russia is denying any attempt to influence the election. They said saying in a press briefing today these are more paranoid announcements which to our regret will multiply as we get closer to the u. S. Election. They certainly have nothing to do with the truth. Last night the president said he was considering georgia congressman doug collins to be the new director of National Intelligence. But collins said this morning on mornings with maria on the Fox Business Network that he is not considering taking the position because he is running for the senate in georgia and is not interested in being the director of National Intelligence. Julie. Julie we cleared that one up. John roberts, thank you very much. Ed for more on this lets bring in chris wallace, anchor of fox news sunday. Good morning. How seriously should we take this report about renewed russian interference in our elections . We should take it very seriously. It was a briefing by a top official and the director of National Intelligence, shelby pearson, at the Election Security specialist at the dni and she was briefing the House Intelligence Committee and saying that the best information that the dni has is that one, russia is interfering. Everybody has expected that they would try to do it again in 2020 just as they did in 2016. And according to her briefing, that once again the russians are doing it to try to favor President Trump. I can understand where President Trump dont like it, especially the fact that it was a briefing to house intelligence which is chaired by adam schiff, who is not exactly friendly with the president. He obviously regards as an enemy. And not unreasonably so. But we should take the briefing by the dni as a very serious indication. Ed sounds like one of the president s concerns to your point is adam schiff would weaponize the information and use it politically and sure enough it gets leaked out and suggesting the president is not doing enough from schiff and pelosi. Weve been now talking about all this for a few years. What actually is our government doing to make sure that the 2020 election is not interfered with . Absolutely. And you can argue that the president as they say would you know, even paranoids have people after them. If the president is a little paranoid by adam schiff and nancy pelosi he does it with good reason. Having said that for the office the department of National Intelligence to brief congress and say weve got a threat to 2020 just like we did to 2016 and all the agencies agreed there was interference in 2016, thats something that everybody should take seriously regardless of where you fall in the political spectrum. We want to have faith in our democracy and want to have faith that an election is being conducted fairly and while there is no indication that the russians were able to overturn the legitimate results of the election in 2016 that donald trump was the dulyelected president they sure tried. Who is to say they wont be better at it in 2020 . That should be a nonpartisan issue. Ed absolutely. Meantime the president on the campaign trail holding the rallies shadow boxing with the democrats. When you listen to him at these rallies, chris, he seems delighted about what played out in las vegas, doesnt he, in the debate . Absolutely, and he should. Look, what does he want . He wants disarray in the Democratic Party. We sure saw that. I think that if there was anybody that the Trump Campaign was afraid of, it was Michael Bloomberg with this unlimited amount of money. He could actually have more money in a campaign than donald trump. But Michael Bloomberg was a flop in the first debate. Doesnt mean its over. He will have a Second Chance next week in another debate in South Carolina. But if he were to do as badly as he did in nevada in South Carolina next tuesday, i dont think i think he could spend any amount of money in the world and wouldnt be the democratic nominee. Now, republicans are salivating at the prospect of Bernie Sanders, the democratic socialist as the democratic nominee. I would simply caution them i remember a lot of democrats very excited at the prospect of donald trump as the republican nominee in 2016. That didnt work out so well for them. Ed exactly. Interesting that you talk about sanders. This from the hill newspaper. Rivals worry sanders building insurmountable super tuesday lead. Rivals are sounding the alarm and warning he could secure the president ial nomination on super tuesday if democrats dont align behind an alternative. One of the big challenges is this socalled moderate lane is filled up with everybody from former Vice President joe biden to Pete Buttigieg that you talked to many times and amy klobuchar, who did better than expected in new hampshire. All of them are saying theyre hanging in through super tuesday and not getting out. There is a big structural problem in terms of this for the democrats. The republicans have a lot of winner take all primaries. You can be behind but you win a state or two, a big state with a lot of delegates, you can catch up. The problem for the democratic race is they do it by proportional representation. So lets say sanders had 35 of the votes and somebody had 25 and as you say it could be split up in the moderate lane. You have biden and bloomberg. And buttigieg and klobuchar. You know, once sanders gets a lead, if he does get a lead. There is some talk, some prospect he could have a lead of 100 or 200 or even 300 delegates after super tuesday, it is almost impossible to make that up. We saw it with barack obama over Hillary Clinton in 2008. We saw it with Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders in 2016. Sanders gets a lead of a couple hundred delegates it could be very hard, even if the other democrats clear out, for them to make up that kind of margin. Ed final question. He could have a plurality as you know but not an actual majority and then milwaukee gets a lot more interesting at the convention. Well look, for those of us political junkies who have wanted to see a contested convention in our lifetime, this was a common thing in the past. It was one convention where i think there were 100 ballots, 100 separate ballots by delegates. Im not asking for that. I would like to see two or three ballots. We havent had it since the 19 50 s, since the 1952 Republican Convention where eisenhower beat taft. The last question they were asked wednesday night in the debate if somebody has plurality, more than the others but not the 1991 majority, should they be the nominee . Five candidates said no, one candidate, Bernie Sanders who thinks he will have that plurality said absolutely. You have the most delegates you should get the nomination. Ed opposite of what he was saying in 2016 when he was in second place. Chris wallace, well watch you this sunday and appreciate you coming in. Julie peace talks in afghanistan advancing with the u. S. And taliban reaching a seven day truce. It will go into effect hours from now. And if it holds, the two sides plan to sign a peace deal next week effectively ending americas longest war. Rich edson is live at the state department with more on this. The state department calls this a reduction . Violence period. The first of several steps designed in this agreement to end the United States 18 year war in afghanistan. Mike pompeo is traveling in the middle east saying challenges remain. The progress made provide hopes and represents a real opportunity. The United States calls on all afghans to seize this moment. Pompeo says these state department negotiations with the taliban are trying to insure terrorist groups cannot use areas they control like al qaeda did. The taliban says they want u. S. Troops out. Both parties will now create a suitable security situation in advance of agreement signing date and finally lay the ground work for peace across the country with the withdrawal of all Foreign Forces. Senior Administration Official says a u. S. Troop withdrawal would be in phases and based on the taliban living up to its commitments in this agreement. The official acknowledges there could be spoilers here. Factions in afghanistan who prefer to continue this war and keep fighting. If this Violence Reduction holds, the taliban and the elected Afghan Government would need to set up negotiations next month. The taliban has previously refused to sit down with the Afghan Government. The longterm success of this agreement depends on those negotiations. As for this signing of a deal next week with the United States and taliban, that is scheduled for february 29th. Signing according to a state Department Official will be the state Department Representative for afghanistan leading the negotiations. Julie and ed, back to you. Julie thank you so much, rich. Ed meantime, 2020 democrats facing a big test at their latest debate help move the needle . Karl rove will weigh in on their event on super tuesday. Julie the search for two missing children. Will their mother finally reveal the truth . Lets give us the story, give us where are the kids. Where are the kids . Julie 2020 democrats preparing for a big test. Three of them actually whether the nevada caucuses gets underway tomorrow. The next guest writing in the wall street journal the first of three big tests, nevada, South Carolina and super tuesday, march 3 right around the corner. Karl rove former White House Deputy chief of staff and Fox News Contributor joins me now. Great to see you. You point out three big tests that dems are prepping for. We have to talk about South Carolina and the black vote and the rally behind joe biden. Do you think it will send him into super tuesday with a win or that they will defect and doom his candidacy . The africanamerican and latino vote is a dying population for joe biden. Yeah. South carolina africanAmerican Voters will be a majority of the votes cast in the democratic primary and they have given him a strong lead in the primary leading into super tuesday. I think whether or not they deflect depends upon tomorrow in nevada. If biden comes out with a strong second to Bernie Sanders then i think the firewall in South Carolina will hold for him and he will go into super tuesday with momentum. If he collapses and runs third or fourth and if warren or buttigieg or klobuchar is ahead of him, then it could be very problematic for him. The first test is nevada. And there it is not just a test of joe biden. I think its also a test of harry reid. Not an accident last friday the states black democrat congressman endorsed biden. On saturday reid suffering from pancreatic cancer shows up at the early vote and says nice things about amy klobuchar, not so nice things about sanders and really nice things about biden and the next day another protege of his the state Lieutenant Governor endorses biden. Strikes me it is too coincidental not to have been the wiley amateur boxer orchestrating it. Julie you dont need to be a political analyst to know there was no coincidence there. Speaking of the latino and black vote and you look at nevada, how do you think sanders will fare . First of all you look at tuesday nights debate and then there is a lot of early caucus goers, early votes that have actually cast their votes before tuesday nights debate. Will it hurt biden . You believe he might have a chance of coming in second. The latino vote is very important in nevada for biden . Yeah. Sanders will do well. He did well there four years ago. There are a lot of ardent this is a test. He is in a fight with the most powerful political organization, the Culinary Union. If you wait tables, deal cards, serve drinks, if you change beds, if you work in the hotel and gambling industry in las vegas you are likely to be a member of the Culinary Union because they have a good private healthcare plan. Frankly, leading the debate was important but for sanders the really important part was that he was in an open war with the Culinary Union leading into tomorrows vote while early voting was going on, that fight between he and the union were at its height. He will do well. My gut tells me he will not do as well as he did four years ago like he didnt do as well in new hampshire. Got 60 four years ago. Less than 26 this time. Whats the relative strength of everybody coming out of tomorrow night . Julie one of the issues for the Union Members is how theyve been treated by Bernie Sanders supporters. That hasnt helped him. That was brought up at the debate and that is certainly not going to bode well for bernie but doesnt seem to be hurting him in the polls. I want to talk about Mike Bloombergs strategy. You sit out during the entire game and skip the first four contests. Pop in for a couple of debates. Another one next week. See if he prepares for that one. You try to bury the competition under a mountain of cash on super tuesday. What do you make of that strategy . Im a little dubious of him and more dubious after the debate. I had to turn in my column wednesday afternoon before the debate. I would have been more harsh on him. I dont understand why his people didnt say if you get hit with a question thats uncomfortable here is what you say if its warren or bernie. He sat there and came across as a cold, cold, bloodless technocrat billionaire which, you know, frankly there is a little bit of that there. He is certainly a billionaire. But no, its unusual. I dont understand why they made the decision we arent going to go in the first four contests, well rely on the paid media. Somehow or another felt obligated to gimme to rules to be in the debates. If i were them i would have said thank you, no need to change the rules. Were content showing up super tuesday with our mountain of cash. Julie maybe bloomberg should take a page out of warrens book and come out feisty. He has another performance like that on tuesday night and those 400 million would have gone to waste. Julie thank you very much. Ed all right. Karl with strong words with the next debate coming on tuesday. Can Michael Bloomberg rebound from his performance . Ari fleischer has advice coming up. Julie the mother of two missing Idaho Children arrested in hawaii. The charges she is facing and the fate of her kids still unknown. You better Start Talking now. Maybe you can shave a little year or two when you go to court. Tell me where the kids are. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. I need all the breaks as athat i can get. Or, at liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. 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The story of two missing children in idaho taking a stunning turn. The mother arrested in hawaii. She is now due in court facing several charges. The children havent been seen since september. Jonathan hunt has been following the story for us and joins us live in los angeles. Hi, jonathan. There are so many strands to this case. There is murder, there are unexplained deaths, there is possibly a doomsday cult but at its heart right now and most urgent in the mind of Law Enforcement are two missing kids. These are those two children, a 7yearold and a 17yearold. They have not been seen since september. Lori vallow is their mother and she has refused to tell police what has happened to the children. Vallow and her new husband chad day bell disappeared from their home in idaho and turned up in hawaii. She ignored an order of the court to show up with her children january 30th. Yesterday she was arrested in hawaii and charged with two counts of desertion and nonsupport of children. The grandparents are appealing to her to tell them what happened to the kids are delighted with the news of the arrest. Very, very, very happy. Joy, joy, joy. We knew it was coming. They have put so much work into this. The grandparents have a message for lori vallow. Honey, you better Start Talking now. Maybe you can shave a year or two off the sentence youre about to have when you go to court. All this, lori vallows exhusband was killed by her brother last july and chads exwife died mysteriously two weeks before he married lori vallow, around the time her kids disappeared. There is clearly so much more to learn in all this and that process will begin at lori vallows First Court Hearing maybe later today. Julie thank you, Jonathan Hunt. Ed fresh turmoil for democrats today after Michael Bloombergs National Debut on the debate stage went bust. The next debate is on tuesday. So what will it take for him to flip the script and bounce back from a dismal first appearance . Ari fleischer, former White House Press secretary, Fox News Contributor and been through a campaign or two. Ari, good morning. Good morning. Ed im not sure anybody was expecting. Some people tried to lower expectations. Didnt have much competition at new york city mayor. Didnt do that great in debates. But there was a wide assumption that was wrong that he was going to prepare and be ready for some obvious attacks. What went wrong . I think two things went wrong for the mayor. Number one, ive seen it in a lot of smart people before saying i got this. Ive been the mayor of a tough city and i deal with the nations most hostile press corps, tough opponents and im ready. They fool themselves. You arent ready until youve been in a president ial debate. He doesnt take questions at town hall meetings. The other candidates are getting a regular barrage of questions from citizens. It makes you think things through and shows vulnerabilities and you have to perform over time and get better. He doesnt do that. He doesnt take questions. So he stopped taking batting practice. He never took it and hit himself with his own pitch. Ed what does he need to do to fix it tuesday . He needs to shine. He needs to be articulate and come out on the offensive and needs to show why he is different from bernie and all the others. What are his ideas that differentiate him as a democrat to lead america . He has a play better defense. When he is attacked over nondisclosures and stop and frisk, what are his answers . Thats where he was woefully unprepared. One final little point, ed. Look your opponents in the eye. Mayor bloomberg looked into the distance and he looked above it all. You look weak if you cant look someone in the eye. Ed maybe dismissive that you arent even bothering to engage them directly. You also bring us to another important point when you say differentiate yourself from others on the stage. He did try to do that on capitalism versus socialism and take that directly to Bernie Sanders, but kim strassel said Something Interesting this morning. This field is not lacking in progressives. It is lacking courage. If mr. Bloomberg wants voters to rally around him he needs to give them a reason, not an echo. The point being that on a whole bunch of issues he is actually trying to play in the moderate lane but he is moving left further and further left on wall street reform and other things where he used to be more centrist. He is not showing courage, she says. Yeah. It is a great column and great point. Mike bloomberg if he had stuck to being a true conservative fiscal democrat i think he could have opened up a real differentiation with Bernie Sanders that would have done well in a democratic primary, too. But he didnt. He did what joe biden did. Abandoned previous positions that were deeply held. Why . The fear of the liberal socialist wing inside the Democratic Party. It is possible his apologies and his taking back previous positions will put him out of place in the democratic primary because it is not credible. You cant fix it. He already apologized for stop and frisk. He cant say im proud of the fact i cracked down on crime. The people who i protected the most were hispanic and black and im proud of what i did. He would be unique in the Democratic Party if he did that. Now the only thing unique about him is his money. Ed final point here, there is another dilemma for Michael Bloomberg at the center of the race, his campaign put out the memo this week trying to sound the alarm bells if you look at the map after super tuesday Bernie Sanders could have an insurmountable delegate lead. On the other hand they are now lobbying other socalled moderates to win them over. It may anger the camps more. Politico has the story bloomberg plotting brokered convention strategy. Back stop to block Bernie Sanders by poaching supporters from joe biden and other moderates. A play for a candidate who hasnt won a delegate or appeared on a ballot and could bring havoc to the convention raising the prospect of Party Insiders delivering the nomination to a billionaire over a progressive populist. The specter of taking it away stealing it from Bernie Sanders again, the perception but also how can a bloomberg supporter go to the biden folks and say hey, you ought to come over to us, when they skipped the first few contests and biden has been out there slung it out for a few months . Well, lets just state the facts. If they get to the convention and no one has 50 there will be havoc at the convention and everybody will try to be poaching everybodys delegates. I have no quarrel with that. Thats a sound strategy. One of the things bloomberg has thought if biden collapses bloomberg wanted to be the alternative and settle it at the convention. Dont forget there will be an element of democrats bloombergs money can save us. They might hold their nose at some of his positions but they sure do like his money. Ed appreciate it. Have a good weekend. You, too. Julie australian mom and 9yearold son going through hell. The mother posting this video on facebook. You may have seen it on your Facebook Page after her son had been bullied. This is the effect of bullying and what it is doing. I want people to know how much it is hurting us as a family. I want people to educate their children. Julie that message reaching comedian Brad Williams and nearly 100,000 followers on twitter. He and the boy have dwarfism sparking him to start a gofundme to send him to disney world. Theyve raised 250,000. The boy has been invited to walk this is so sad. To the rugby league. Watching a child get bullied like that. It is just children in general. To watch any person beat up on an innocent child and one with a disability or with a birth defect is just horrible. It just comes down to the parents. Do some better parenting and make sure you teach your children, whether they are little or teenagers to not beat up on people who are less fortunate or different than they are. So heartbreaking. It is. But also maybe something positive. We talk about the bad parts of social media. This case people are rallying around this young boy and getting him to disney world and showing him there are people sporting him. Julie i hope it makes change. Kudos to that mother. Good for you for that bravery. Ed a truck overturns and bursts into flames. Julie a massive search for a tennessee toddler missing for nearly two months. Mark fuhrman joins us next on the mysterious case and the growing effort to find the little girl evelyn boswell. Were trying to determine all the facts. Why there was a lapse in time there in the child being reported missing. 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Witnesses say they pulled over to help out the driver. I slowed down and i saw the actual semi on fire. And then i looked to the front of the semi and i see a man on fire. We tried to carry him down. Getting closer and closer and the second explosion went off. And like smoke was hitting us and i was like just praying god, please let me get out of here so i can go see my baby. The driver is reportedly in Critical Condition now at a local hospital. Julie time to go beyond the headlines now as we explore the search for a missing tennessee adorable toddler. Authorities released information earlier about a car possibly connected somehow to the disappearance of 15monthold evelyn may boswell last seen two months ago. December 26th. A statewide amber alert was just issued this week nearly two months later. So far there is no explanation for the delay in reporting her disappearance. Thats the big question. In addition to that, where is she . Questions and concerns grow about evelyns whereabouts . Mark fuhrman is a former lapd detective. Great to see you. We have new information about a vehicle apparently that police are indicating that there were some people traveling in a gray 2007 fourdoor bmw with front end damage with a tennessee plate of 3m96w9. Perhaps people in the vehicle have information in the disappearance of little evelyn. This amber alert wasnt issued until wednesday which was two months after her disappearance. What do investigators have to go on . Well, when you look at this whole situation you have a toddler that cannot leave upon her own power. She is not going to walk out or hitch hike or go with friends. So she has to either be abducted or transported by a caretaker or parent. First order of business is who was with the child december 26th when she went missing . Who reported the child missing . We know its a Family Member. The mother or the father did not report the child missing for 56 days. So even at 56 days, the mother or father werent coming forward. It was a Family Member. Now we go to this bmw. It is obvious the investigators have connected the vehicle somewhere around the house on or near that time or they have information that somebody that might know where the whereabouts of the child. They arent saying that the child is with the people in this car, the whereabouts of the child, where the child might be. This is really disturbing across the board. Ive never seen any investigation regarding a baby that is missing, possibly abducted, possibly murdered, where you have so Little Information out and that indicates to me the investigators themselves have information that they are working on and a certain premise in their investigation. Another thing that is another thing thats interesting is there is only a statewide amber alert. Not a nationwide. Even though they are 100 miles from virginia, there is only a statewide. Now we have a vehicle involved but still only a statewide amber alert. Julie it should be nationwide and we hope to get the entire nation looking for this little girl by showing tip lines and we will in a moment. Get out a pen if you have any information. Ill have that in a second. Little evelyns father is active military based in louisiana. It is still unclear who last saw her, where she was last seen, who reported her missing. Here is how this looks, okay . Because by all accounts, you know, evelyns parents are involved in the investigation but its been two months and its not just the parents that could potentially be culpable here. People have Family Members that had to have noticed a toddler was gone for two months. It could involve a lot of different people that could be held responsible, could it not . It could. Family members certainly have knowledge of the child but they dont live with the child. The mother and the father. We havent even heard if this is an estranged relationship, if this is the natural father, if this is a stepfather. We really havent been told any of the working actually the working dynamics in the household, which is really unusual. And i agree, the family, the mother and father probably are involved in the investigation but the way that that is stated is interesting to me. Usually its they are cooperating. Well, there is no doubt they are involved in the investigation because they didnt report their child missing for 56 days. So i suspect there has been a series of polygraphs given, theres been interviews. And right now i think that they are looking at this as a possible homicide investigation, not a missing child by Family Members or friends. Julie lets pray she is okay. She is beautiful. We have the number for the sheriffs office. 4232797330 or the Tennessee Bureau of investigation. Any information at all, even if you think its not super relevant, please call those numbers and hopefully it will soon become a National Amber alert to get more people in on the search. Mark fuhrman, thank you very much. Thank you. Ed Major League Baseball kicking off its exhibition season today but the astros cheating scandal still looming large. The incredible lengths one catcher on another team is revealing he will go to in order to make sure the astros do not steal his signs coming up. Va Mortgage Rates have dropped to near 50year lows. Newday usa can help you refinance your mortgage and save thousands a year. I urge you to call newday usa now. h the better question would be where do i not listen to it. While im eating my breakfast. On the edges of cliffs. On a ski lift. Everywhere. Download audible and start listening today. Thats it. Im calling kohler about their walkin bath. [ sigh ] not gonna happen. My name is ken. How may i help you . 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There might be a surprise there . Its all about sign stealing. The first chance the public, fans have an opportunity to have their voices heard. I think we might see creative signage. We saw it after a steroid scandal. The game doesnt involve the astros people are angry from players to fans. Including jonathan lucroy, a longtime catcher. He knew it was going on for years and made sure the astros didnt cheat on him. I knew about that two years ago it was going on. It recently came out but everybody in baseball that played against them we were aware of them doing those things. It was up to us to outsmart them i guess you could say. Which is hard when you have a Computer Program that breaks your signs. Normally you might put down one finger for a fastball. They say it might be three or four fingers to try to trick the astros. Like you stay up all night studying for a test and go to school the next day and realize while you are trying to focus some clown is trying to look at your answers who didnt study. How do you feel about that . Ed pretty frustrating. Interesting were seeing the impact on youth baseball. Which is heartbreaking part of it. Little league teams are dropping the Houston Astros team name in the wake of the scandal. I wanted the play for the yankees in the little league. That was my team. Weve had two communities in Southern California said theyre banning the name astros for this year. Now in western pennsylvania, a man who joefrs sees 20 different little leagues has told the people who run the leagues the astros name is off the table. We want to protect our players from embarrassment or getting ridiculed for wearing the team name. Really great point. If youre a kid wearing an astros, why should you pay the price . Ed we went into our news vault and decided to find out whether or not young jared max played little league. It was the lions club. It was a pretty big game. Ed that might have been where your interest in sports started. Before this is over some astros players wish they were punished by the commissioner. They will hear it everywhere they go. It wont be easy. Ed appreciate it. Julie. Julie the democratic president ial hopefuls going for the gold in the silver state. Their final pitches to voters ahead of tomorrows crucial caucuses. Do you realize how many different taxes we pay . Sales tax, different pos systems in all seven countries. And online sales . Thats a whole other system. And different regulations. Therererealal eate e crits,s,. And we have no way to integrate all that . No. But bdo does. Peopopleho k kno knonow o. For everything that i give, i get so much in return. Join our family of home instead caregivers and help make a world of difference. Home instead senior care. 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We need you on set right now. This is a fox nation greenroom. Fox nation and Entertainment Service for the good folks over at fox news fox news. Ed this just in, they are literally poking the bear, is fallen asleep, making sure they are okay in his neighborhood, julie. There had been a pause in our coverage. Julie outnumbered starts right now, have a great weekend. Unbearable jokes. Harris fox news alert, democrats facing highstakes test over 24 hours now and the nevada caucuses a kit officially kick off, early voting already underway in a state closely watched for its highly diverse electorates. Bernie sanders leading with nearly double the support of joe biden, followed closely by Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren. This as political reports that Mike Bloombergs advisors are privately trying to poach supporters to unite behind him and

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