0 there is any movement we'll take you there with the very latest. bill? bill: heather, thank you. meantime a scathing report on eric holder. house republicans claiming the attorney general deceived and misled them when he testified about his department's spying on reporters including fox's james rosen. now back in may holder, under oath, said this to the house judiciary committee. >> with regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material that is not something that i've ever been involved in or heard of or would think would be a wise policy. bill: however just days later we learned the attorney general signed off on a warrant to snoop on rosen's e-mails and phone records and including his parents in staten island, new york. elizabeth plan in washington. what was in the report, elizabeth? >> reporter: hi, bill. in the 70-page report house committee members accuse eric holder of tampering with the truth. he attempted to go around proper congressional oversight and accountability specifically during that may 15th testimony. >> they would tell the court as they did in the rosen case that it was, they had probable cause he was at least an ader, abetter or could conspirator in a espionage case and turn around and tell us we never had any intention proves cuting him. seems as though a contrived way to get access to the e-mails of reporters which is exactly what they did in the rosen case. >> reporter: they say rosen's holder's congressional testimony was suspect when. a warrant did approve rosen to be a suspect and allowed access to e-mail and phones in that original warrant. some lawmakers say holder is failing within his role in the department and they called the administration to make a change in leadership. bill: it appears to have gone to a new level. horse the justice department responded to this letter? >> reporter: yes. while the justice department previously explaining the investigation involving rosen never escalated into any prosecution they also responded late yesterday and in part the quote reads, the report was produced on a purely partisan basis. it is purported findings are contrary to the record and strongly disputed by many of the committee's own members. they went on to say the department has already revised its guidelines for investigating media leaks to protect reporters bill? bill: elizabeth, thank you. a little bit later on our program the chairman of house judiciary committee behind that report blasting the attorney general. that is bob goodlatte out of virginia. a member about house. he will be our guest live. do not miss that. meantime. 10 minutes past. heather? >> still could come, jay carney cornered on what scandals the white house thinks are quote, phony. >> whether it is about the attacks in benghazi and the talking points or revelations about conduct at the irs that attempts to turn this into a scandal have failed. >> so, do the families of the four dead americans in benghazi think that it's a phony scandal? we'll have reaction. bill: more stunning revelations in the irs matter. did agents snoop into the religious beliefs and background of the groups they targeted? a key congressman on the line that he believes the irs has crossed. >> we'll hear about that. plus a chilling 911 call. a woman trapped in her car as it fills up with water. >> i need your location. where are you, so i can send you help. >> i don't know. my car has flipped over and it is full of water. >> the desperate rescue and how this ended. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?