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We have too many people who want border security. I cant imagine if it survives a veto. But i will veto it, yes. Congressman, great to see you. You just heard what the president said. Hes going to reto it. Do you expect the resolutions of disapproval to pass . Right now it looks as if the democrats have the votes in the house. They have 220 democrats signing on to the resolution. I will vote against it. Im not necessarily enthusiastic about what the president is doing. He has the right to do it legally and he is the commanderinchief. But hell be using defense funds to defend the border. This is clearly within his right as president and the congress should not be interfering with it. Eric what about those who say hes exceeding his executive power. The wall street journal says both parties dont mind stretching constitutional limits to achieve their political goals. Democrats cheered on Barack Obamas legal abuse on immigration and so much more. Constitutional conservatives should be wary of both. Democratic abuses of power are no excuse for republicans to do the same. What do you think . Im glad journal points out the fact about barack obama. President obama gave partial amnesty to dreamers. Im not cheering on what the president is doing. I am saying he has the right to do it under the legislation. To me there is enough of a link here using defense fund to carry this out and he considers this to be a violation of National Security. This is access across the border is weakening on defense and National Security. And using National Security fund to build a wall. There is enough of a nexus to justify this. He clearly has the power understood the legislation passed in 1976. Eric what do you think will happen when it will likely reach the Supreme Court . I cant speak for the Supreme Court. But i would think judges look at the statute will say whether they agree with the president s decision or not. This is his prerogative at president of the United States under the statute passed by congress. If congress thinks this is too much power for the president , they should change the law. The way the law is written he has broad latitude so hes doing it under the law. If congress feels that strongly by the, we should change the law, but not coming in retroactively and say it was okay for President Trump to do it but not President Trump. Eric do you think there should be some tweaks because of this . This will make us aware of the fact that there can be an abuse of power. In this case its within the parameters because its defense funds being used. There can be cases where it can be stretched. Probably back in 1976 they didnt anticipate the world we were going to live in in 2018, 2019, and 2020. They should tailor it more to the 20th century. Eric the military funds will be taken out of their districts and used for the wall. What do you say to them when they are complaining and they are rightfully angry the d. O. D. Funds in their districts being fund out to try and help build this wall . I can understand that. But if the president seize it as a National Security matter, conservatives should realize National Security does trump local domestic needs. If you are military based in your district, i understand how important that is. In the larger picture, you need to look at the overall National Security issue. I would hope in the coming budget we can find away to adjust it, republicans or democrats who got hurt by this. Long because of the new york experience back to 9 11 and before that for many years, we have known each other for 30 years, you covered these and dealt with National Security issues. Do you believe there is a National Security knowledge or crisis on the border . I think its a continuing crisis. This should have been done a year ago. Im not talking about a thousandnile wall or 2,000 mile wall. But there are key areas where its need. When you talk to Border Patrol people they say there are certain areas where a wall is need. They also need technology, more Border Patrol agents, use of drones. There are multifaceted offenses which is what President Trump realized when he built 130 miles of barricade along the border. This is such petty action by the democrats opposing the wall. Thats why President Trump is put in this position where he feels he has to put the barriers in. You can question the judgment of that. But he has the responsibility for National Defense and hes using defense funds for this. Eric critics point out the National Security, keep america secure act back in 2006 democrats voted for 600something miles of wall. Congressman peter king of long island, new york, good to see you, thank you. Arthel the crisis in venezuela boiling over as embattled Nicolas Maduro vows to block humanitarian aid coming into the country. Politicians here say maduros time is up. Lets listen to Lindsey Graham with maria bartiromo. Its not if maduro falls, its only when. Its just a matter of time. Its unsustainable. To the people of venezuela, the Trump Administration has your back. Arthel what are Opposition Leaders in venezuela saying today. Reporter the venezuelan people will not back down in their fight for democracy. But embattled president Nicolas Maduro is not backing down. The opposition was hoping the Venezuelan Military would turn on maduros orders. A few dozen military officials have abandoned their post. But so far the military leadership is sticking with maduro. We need to keep the pressure in Different Levels on the streets, use our National Assembly as the only elected institution in the country. Yesterday something happened which is very relevant. 16 members from different forces decided to support guaido. Military forces which reportedly include cuban agents sparked violent clashes at other crossing. They are goinged to hold off on trying to get the aid across the border per until they can talk with their interest national partners. Watter steps does the u. S. As well as the International Community plan to force maduro out. Hes not leaving. Reporter Vice President mike pence will be in colombia tomorrow. Secretary of state mike pence would not rule out the possibility of military action. We are going to do the thing that need to be done to make sure the venezuelan peoples voice and there is a Brighter Future for the people of venezuela. In addition to those meetings taking place tomorrow, we are told they will be discussing venezuela. The situation and the steps the International Community can take together to force maduro out. Eric also special counsel Robert Muellers team filed a stunning and scathing sentencing memo on Trump Campaign chairman Paul Manafort. They accused him of brazenly violating federal law for a decade. He possibly could be sentenced for decades. Hi, david. Reporter as President Trump is in hanoi for that summit, there will be a lot of noise and news on capitol hill. You mentioned this Paul Manafort sentencing document. Michael cohen is going to be testifying on capitol hill. So a lot of news when it comes to the special counsel. This document does not recommend a specific prison time, but its potential that Paul Manafort could get a significant amount of prison time. The memo says manafort chose to violate the law, tax fraud, Money Laundering and obstruction of justice. And the foreign agents registration act. The documents claim he shared polling data with a group that has ties with the Russian Foreign intelligence agency. Muellers team originally planned to offer man for the some sort of out, some sort of leniency. But that went out the window when a judge found man for the lied to investigators. After it go to the attorney general, the question is, will it remain public . Will the public get to see whats inside this report . Kamala harris was asked about it this morning. I am an advocate for transparency and a public report. Certainly that we in congress would receive all of the supporting information, in a classified hearing or not. Reporter Michael Cohen will be on capitol hill three separate times this week. Paul manafort will be stearnsed in a separate virginia case involving tax and bank fraud. Eric Paul Manafort is 69 years old. How long do you think he could face behind bars . Thats the question people want to know. In that virginia case he could get up to 25 years behind bars. That will put him well close to 100 years old. As far as the dc case. Special counsel mueller did mention in the report that resaid civil could be a problem meaning they worry man for the could commit a crime if he was let out of prison. Will iran test firing a Cruise Missile during an annual military drill in the strait of hormuz. The exercise coming amid heightened tensions with the u. S. Woafort drawl from the nuclear agreement. Trey . Reporter the iranians test fired a Cruise Missile in the strait of hormuz. This test further raising tension between the United States and iraq. Todays test was significant since the Cruise Missile was launched for the first time from a submarine. At least two other iranian submarines have the same launching capability. Surface to surface missiles were fired and launched. More than 100 vessels participated in this weekends drills. The United States and israel continue to warn iran against provocative action in the middle east. The israelis and americans have spoken at length over the past several months about what officials see as aggressive iranian action primarily in syria. I have a clear message to the Iranian Regime that want to destroy israel. Israel will continue to act as necessary in order to block military infringement in syria. Reporter with thousands of iranianbacked troops operating on the ground in syria, the americans and israelis rory verbal threats from the Iranian Regime in iran could turn to action in the future. President trump is preparing for a second summit with north Korean Leader jim jongun. Coming up. What Administration Officials say they are expecting this time around as those negotiations continue. And could they lead to a potential denuclearized Korean Peninsula . Cordon chang our asian expert will be here on that. What kim jongun is seeking. Check prosperity and security. We are seek one thing. Disarm Nuclear Weapons. Disarm ballistic missiles. [cell phone rings] where are you . Well the squirrels are back in the attic. Mom . Your dad wont call an exterminator. Can i call you back, mom . He says its personal this time. If youre a mom, you call at the worst time. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. 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Secretary of state mike pompeo detailed what the u. S. Stance is heading into this summit. There has been no change in u. S. Policy since i have been secretary of state. Even before that when i was the cia director. Our objectives and missions are clear. We may not get everything done this week, we hope well make a substantial step along the way. Eric hi, ellison. Reporter President Trump is set to leave for vietnam tomorrow. Based on his tweets so far today the president seems confident this will be a successful summit. Senior Administration Officials told reporters the goal is to advance the four pillars laid out at the summit in 2014. Complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and recovering and returning the remains of soldiers missing in action. Chairman kim unequivocally stated he would denuclearize his country. There were other pillars we committed to as well. We have made progress on some, less so on others. We built up the worlds cowhrition to communicate to chairman kim that now is the time. Reporter President Trump tweeted he and leader kim jongun expect the continuation of the progress made at the first summit in singapore, denuclearization. Secretary of state pompeo says the goal is denuclearization, but its a big goal that will take time. If you look at concessions kim has given so far. Kim has released u. S. Detainees who shouldnt have been in prison in the first place. He decommissioned an old Nuclear Test Site after six Nuclear Tests he doesnt need any more. He has money from lax sanctions enforcement. Reporter senior Administration Officials told reporters there will be a oneonone bilateral meeting between the two this week. Eric everyone look for could be crete results. Arthel gordon chang is here. Hes the author of nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world. No doubt highstakes meetings like this is laced with pitfall and geopolitical landmines. For President Trump, what are they . People are saying this is the second summit and you are not getting concrete prop is out of the North Koreans. We need a complete declaration of all their missile and nuke sites and a firm timetable for disarmament. We are not anywhere close to that right now. We should be there already. Thearthel there are other plays at the table. China who is double dipping on trade. How does the president play his hand toward those countries . President trump should be putting pressure on moscow and bay jim and seoul. Secretary pompeo says our policies havent changed. Well, they have. We have relaxed sanctions. They are getting the money they need. Arthel sanctions on china, russia, south korea . Yes. You have russian banks that continue to launder money. We have laws against Money Laundering in this country. We are not enforcing them, arthel. Arthel i want to show a tweet from President Trump this morning. He says chairman kim realized better than anyone else that without Nuclear Weapons his country could become fast one of the great economic powers in the world. It has more potential for Economic Growth than any other nation. At what point does he confront kim jongun about human rights violations. North korea, chinese, they put their best diplomats on human rights because thats where they are the weakest. If you dough back to the state of the union addresses. The escapee raised his crush. We need to press them on all fronts, including human rights. Arthel kim jongun in the kim regime has been disingenuous for decades. Deceptive. If kim jongun wants to continue to operate on this platform President Trump has given him, how long can he continue the game of deceit before hes dismissed and written off. Thats up to trump. I think the United States has the means without use of force to get the North Koreans to give up their weapons. Kim gets a lot of his money from russia, china and south korea and other places and we have the means to stop that. Every dollar in the world clears in this city in new york. We have the means to stop those dollars going to kim jongun. Arthel you have china double dipping, meaning the president is dealing with them in terms of this trade war or trade deficit. How do you juggle both of those at the same time . You want china to come to the table on trade, what do you do . I think what you do is put a cost on the chinese. For two decades beijing has dangled this all ideas of cooperation on north korea. If we give them something else. And they never really help husband on north korea because they always support pyongyang not only dip make itally. But supplying technology for their missiles and nukes. We are putting costs on china which we should be doing. If the chinese want to us relieve them, then we can talk. Entice china into cooperation is the strategy we have had for two decade and its completely failed. Arthel you mention the word with fail, and it seems the first summit wasnt a success. Waption the point here. Why is the president meeting with kim jongun a second time in this glorified meeting . Kim loves it. This is what he wants. He wants to be legit minds and the president is giving this to him. What would be considered a successful outcome of this summit . We need the declaration and timetable. I think what President Trump is doing, hes changing the goals from disarming kim to wooing kim away from china. Their policies really only make sense if you think that its important to separate pyongyang from beijing. Arthel is south korea falling under the spell of kim jongun . The south korean president who is antiamerican and pro north korean web has been busting sanctions openly and we have been allowing him to do it because hes our ally. Our western defense perimeter is not off the coast of hawaii. Its off the coast of east asia, and south korea anchors the northern part of our perimeter. If south korea becomes part of north korea. Thats a possibility because he wants unification. They will were if he wants that to happen that means hes playing footy with kim jongun. Have much so. And hes supporting kim jonguns positions across the board. Arthel will kim jongun give up his nukes . Only if President Trump forces him to, and so far we are not forcing him too. So the d fiercin d so far we arg him to, so the answer is no. Arthel i enjoy talking to you about this topic its a complex situation. I like how you break it down for me and our viewers. Eric shawn . Eric an historic meeting with pope francis. We are live in rome with what the pontiff wants. The showdown in venezuela between disputed dictator Nicolas Maduro. That has turned deadly. We are hopeful the days and weeks and months ahead that the maduro regime will understand the venezuelan people have made his dayshi numbered. Irline purc . Everything. Hey, howd you get in here . Crosschecking. Nice. Whats in your wallet. Oh, cmon you have 4. 3 minutes this time,to yourself. Rn. This calls for a taste of cheesecake. Rich, creamy cheesecake with real strawberries. Find them with the refrigerated desserts. Tear up ticket. Find the cat. [ meowing ] mittens make it rain. [ cheering ] [ singing opera ] change the music. When i move, you move beep. Beep. Use the rocket. [ sputtering ] if only everything in life listened to you like your new aclass. Hey mercedes. [mercedesbenz voice assistant] how can i help you . Change color. Make it cooler. Play my music. The aclass. Arthel lets get back to the ongoing crisis in venezuela. Caches on the the border turning deadly yesterday. This is there are reports that dozens of soldiers from venezuelas National Guard have abandoned their posts along the border. Opposition leader juan guiado pleading for the u. S. To intervene as disputed Nicholas Maduro clings to power. Live in atlanta with this developing story. Brian. Reporter are the other would not be any humanitarian aid trucks making the right to venezuela anytime soon through the bridges that connect columbia to venezuela have been temporary closed by the president yvonne duquette appeared they are adding extra security after venezuela National Guardsmen under orders from president Nicholas Maduro lighting them on fire on the bridge. The trucks carrying emergency food and medicine had just crossed into venezuelan territory appeared desperate try to salvage as many supplies to the burning tracks as they could be at Opposition Leader juan guiado for blocking much of the debate and played with venezuelas military to join them. Today we saw how a man who did not suffer for the people of venezuela ordered the destruction necessary food for hungry people. The john doe and loyalty. Someone who burns food in front of hungry people. The man recognized by the United States and 15 nations as the interim president of venezuela said the methane needed the way through. Build a price president mike pence and other leaders monday in colombia appeared hes urging the world to keep all options open to achieve the liberation of venezuela appeared at least two people were killed and 7300 injured yesterday and numerous clashes on border bridges between venezuela and colombia and brazil. Tear gas canisters were dispersed on the civilians as protesters tried to clear a path by throwing rocks at maduro security forces, block and entrances into venezuela. President maduro broke diplomatic relations with colombia appeared he sees the u. S. Humanitarian aid effort as an attempt to overthrow him. Meanwhile, the Venezuelan Navy threaten to open fire and on humanitarian aid ship that came in and was on its way to venezuela from puerto rico. We know the ship is safe, but the aid has yet to be delivered. Arthel all right, bryan llenas, thank you for the update appeared eric Daniel Halper contorting editor, im in this crisis as a vivid reminder of hugo chavez at maduros path approach socialism as a sadly and tragically put their nation and the road to ruin. Remaining defiant, how do you think this can break . Is been a crisis for years in the making. People have been starving for a long time but its really sad. But now of course i take on a new dimension with an internal resistance obviously one who has proclaimed himself interim president and a gain support from america and many of our allies. The question of course is can he hold onto his own power within venezuela and what can the United States and other countries that seek to give legitimacy toward this interim president , what can they do to help him . A key moment will be tomorrow when Vice President pen is scheduled to meet with juan guiado in colombia and see where it goes from there and whether theyre actually able to substantively and substantially help him with this in his own country. Eric would you like to see the Vice President offer . So far the American Mind appears to be basically regime change in that sense. We dont put it in those terms and it seems a little strange because President Trump came into power saying that the United States insert themselves too much into Foreign Countries in terms of the United States military. I doubt they go that far. So i think there are limits even though mike pompeo and others in the administration has suggested the doors open. I think there will be an attempt to continue to pressure the regime and pressure are maduro basically out of power. They basically need a landing spot for him. Where can he go when he is in the fight of his life trying to maintain his power and stranglehold over the country. Eric how about moscow or tehran. Have a stranglehold over that country. Today pompei within the cuban agent as well as armed thugs are being used by maduros to attack his own people. At the same time hell field number yankee go home. Maduro has been launching not. He knows what hes doing. Hes trying to rile his troops in the succeeding as far as we can tell. Tree into which he got 50 nations, not just the u. S. Coalition of 50 nations plus demanding new elections and in some cases that he step down. But then he got this. When they reach you at the Democratic Center chris murphy is tweeting peered quote, part of this, democrats need to be careful about a potential track being sent by trump in venezuela. Sharing the humanitarian convoy sound like the right thing to do. What if the design of pretext for a war. Follow my logic for a second. There was evil knew i should pursue no one can defend what he has done to venezuela, but its quite a different thing to incite a civil war with no real plan for how it ends. Sounds familiar. Do you think the u. S. Is really siding with the war . What if the senate are talking about . This has been going on for a decade. 10 years ago there was a flood of the people at the hotel trying to get out. They were signing up to go to australia. In the Democratic Party here, theres obvious distrust of donald trump. There is that element of the democratic response. The other element is as the democrats become more and more leftwing and more and more socialist, they see you know, they see this fight and venezuela visavis themselves in this attack on socialism as an attack on themselves. I dont think their policies go that far it doesnt quite work out that way, but she seen the reluctance of some democrats. Bernie sanders to go as far as they got maduro is not the legitimate leader. I think it has to do with him calling himself a socialist and maduro calling himself a socialist and then being eye to eye in that regard it obviously the policies are more extreme and are maduro. I do want to suggest otherwise. They see themselves in this fight and becomes more and more complicated. But you know, the democrats dont have power as far as Foreign Policy goes. There are people like marco rubio and Lindsey Graham who are sort of going much further than where the Trump Administration is willing to go at this point. Look, internally as far as the United States goes, theres always going to be criticism and i dont think chris pervy sort of speaks for too many people. Eric willacy bradley senator rubio right there with the demonstrators. The pope celebrating a mass to conclude firstever summit on how to prevent clergy sex abuse. Nearly 200 catholic leaders took part in a fourday discussion there. Correspondent lauren green. Morin. While the tone and tenor of the summit was different, it is not agreed as to whether it was a success. The pope and the bishops are wrapped up in new changes that would be put in place with a long list. Of course corrections. Will do all we can to bring justice and healing to survivors of abuse. We will listen to them, believe them, walk with them. We will ensure that those who have been abused, who have abused are never again able to offend. In its final word, pope france is to with a vengeance of divine judgment. Yuri janowitz made within the church issued and emerge even a single case of abuse was already in itself represent an atrocity. That case will be faced with the utmost seriousness indeed and people who have justified anger come in the church sees the reflection of the wrath of god. Despite the strong words against the scourge of abuse, reaction from the dems with next. Brought out our message to the world and i think that weve shown how in port and the voice of survivors is in this issue and you know, that we have something to say and that we need to be engaged with this issue by pope francis and the vatican. Four days to come up with a piece of paper. Useless things that would take 15 minutes to write. This is the church we went to believe them . The victims also say that they are really cautious about the language about combating youth like sanctions and zero tolerance. The real work is to take what theyve learned here back to their country. True trimmed their big story. Glad youre covering it. Eric a deadly tornado has ripped through mississippi. Well take a look at the dangerous weather that they say is on the way. Plus the crash scene described as total devastation as investigators have made some tragic discoveries at the site, the amazon cargo jet 757 went down yesterday. Some only call when they have something to sell. Fisher calls regularly so you stay informed. And while some advisors are happy to earn commissions whether you do well or not. Fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. Maybe thats why most of our clients come from other money managers. Fisher investments. Clearly better money management. This is the allnew its beautiful. Beefy and mean looking. Its the strongest, most advanced silverado ever. The cab is bigger than the last generation. Its the first truck ive seen make you look small. But thats not all. Whoo oh my. Whoa the silverado has more cargo volume than any competitor. Very impressive. 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Reporter this image you are looking now does make to be one of the last pictures of the plane. Its a boeing 767 builtin night the 92, operated by atlas air on behalf of amazon. Investigators say the crew departed Miami International airport. They rush over to help them is on wreckage. Clothes, shoes, everywhere. They do not know how anyone else could have survived this crash. Turning deadly in mississippi in the nasty weather is not over yet. We will have a forecast coming out. And it really shows. With all that usaa offers why go with anybody else . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. It was funny because when we would call another insurance company, hey would say oh we cant beat usaa were the webber family. Were the tenneys were the hayles, and were usaa members for life. Get your usaa Auto Insurance quote today. Triggered deadly tornado ripped through mississippi now more Severe Weather on the way. Meteorologist adam klotz is live with the weather and the very latest. The very Start Talking about is currently running up along the east coast. The chances of it turning into tornado is a little bit lower for today, but if you live far enough north, your experience been an entirely different way. Theyre a blizzard warnings across portions of the northeast stretching into the upper midwest. All areas especially in Northern Michigan and across portions of northern wisconsin. And then this entire area, wind advisory, watch is place as you let to cost up to 60 miles an hour its been a huge rainmaker. A lot of flooding with the system even though the storms moved on through. But with the win on top of soggy ground, trees come down and you end up losing power after storm has moved to your area. Otherwise they concern is going to be at the system continues to spin in the north winter storm watches and warnings and everything in the red are areas were talking about blizzard warnings. Visibility to a quarter of a mile. When that 35 miles an hour. Snow beginning to pile up in these locations. We are in the tail and the system, so i do think we clear out a pulldown on the backside, but think should be looking clear across much of the country. Arthel very good. Thank you very much come adam klotz. Eric and i will be back at 4 00 eastern. Hope you can join us. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. Does this sound dismal . It isnt. Its the most wonderful life on earth. Mike and jen doyle . Yeah. Time for medicare, huh. 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