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And hundreds of migrants marching in a new caravan headed to the u. S. Border. Our own Griff Jenkins is on the ground with them. Molly, the march is on. Theyre on their way to the United States. Theyve got a long way to go and theyre saying theres more than 2000 in this group. Well bring it to you live, back to you. Welcome to americas news headquarters from washington, im molly line. Warmer than boston, if we consider this warm. Four hours away now from the president s big announcement. Im leland vittert. Nice to be with you. And we begin just with that, President Trumps promised major announcement from the diplomatic Reception Room at the white house about a possible deal, perhaps, to make with democrats over the shutdown. Will the president s words be enough to end the partial Government Shutdown . Garrett tenney on the north lawn of the white house which has a lot of activity on this saturday. Hi, garrett. Good to be with you. At this point the white house is playing this close to the vest. Not a lot of details about what the announcement will be. We know about the shutdown standoff over Border Security, but other than that not a whole lot else at this point. This morning, the president was pretty tightlipped about it as well, the only thing that everyone should tune in. He did suggestle suggest hell be talking about the new group of caravans working their way north. Declaring an emergency for a border wall, hes not expected to announce that today. On cavuto live, mike round expects the president to present a compromise deal to end the shutdown today and to put pressure on nancy pelosi to make a deal in doing it a way understanding that the president is not dragging his feet. The president is at Dover Air Force base for the dignified tra transfer from the four americans killed. A three of the four have been identified. And that attack prompted a fresh round of criticism, and this morning the president defended that decision. I think its the toughest thing i have to do. You have to ask yourself, were killing isis for russia, for iran, for syria, for iraq, for a lot of other places, and at some point, you want to bring our people back home, but weve done a very were down to 99 . We have control of 99 and were hitting the rest of it very, very powerfulfully over the last three weeks. Now, of course, that defense has not staunched the criticism even from some republicans that the president needs to back off the plan of withdrawal of troops from syria. Well keep our eye out from the announcement 4 00 this afternoon from the white house. You and your team are working your sources to see if you can get any idea what hes going to say. Thank you. As the marches go on, womens march is expected to be lower than the original demonstration two years ago ago the organizers of the National Demonstration face some controversy. Our david spunt is on the scene here in washington. David. Well, hey, molly, good afternoon to you. This began about an hour ago. A lot of people proud to be here, flew in from all over the country and met some folks from florida, california even a person from idaho who said they would do whatever it took to get here. As you mentioned that crowd size, a couple of years ago we saw it in the high hundreds of thousands of people. Right now theyre expecting to be a little over 10,000 people, but the folks i spoke to today said it doesnt matter, that crowd size doesnt make a difference. Theyre happy to be here and happy to march for equality at home, equality in the workplace, and i have to tell you, not only do i meet many women, i also met many men here who say theyre glad to be here and stand side by side with women. The Controversy Incorporated with it, everybody kind of interacts with a lot of different people and just because you interact with somebody that has an alternative opinion doesnt make you wrong, it doesnt give you it doesnt make you something thats not valid anymore. Ive had so many opportunities here in the United States. My mother came here from the Dominican Republic with nothing and she accomplished so much. Its a wonderful country, im just here to represent women. A live look at the march right now marching down just blocks away from the white house. That controversy that they were mentioning, Tamika Mallory, one the cochairs of the organization has some ties to minister Louis Farrakhan with the nation of islam and hes been tied to antisemitic remarks and one backed out because of the relationship. And thats why they believe the crowds are significantly less than in years past. Pretty significant organizations there, taking a step away. Appreciate it thank you. Could President Trumps announcement today help move the discussion to help end the Government Shutdown going forward. Joining us is a member of the House Freedom caucus, and thank you for being here, we are appreciate it. I know its busy in washington today and can be tough to get over here. Talk to me a little what you expect from the president this afternoon at 4 00 . Well, im having a call. Were having a conference call, republicans with Kevin Mccarthy and so hopefully well be able to get more update on exactly what the president s going to be saying, but i have to say, im on the rules committee and so i have every day this week and last week, the democrats keep putting forward bills that are just political ploys. They know the bills wont pass because they dont have any funding for Border Security. So, i really hope that what the president is going to say is that hes reached some kind of deal with democrats. Unfortunately, i have seen over and over again that the democrats will not even come to the negotiating table. Its like groundhogs day. They introduce a bill that they know isnt going to pass in the senate. They put one date on it. The next day they introduce another bill. They know its not going to pass. They know its a political ploy. They need to get to the negotiating table, offer a counter offer. Republicans are willing to negotiate. The democrats are not. This needs to end for all of the federal employees. It seems like theres a lot of folks dug in on both sides. Weve seen some tit for tat going on and a lot of frustrated americans out there some who are not getting their paychecks. Is this where we hear about daca, the deal in tworks so lono is that what the president is going to speak about today . Republicans are willing to compromise. If you remember in the 2018 congressional session, the republicans put forward a bill that would have funded Border Security, but also would have allowed Daca Recipients to stay here on legal status. Unfortunately not one democrat voted for it, even though they say thats what they want. Again, the democrats are really digging in their heels. They will not even show up to negotiations when requested by the white house. I really think that the American People need to know that republicans and the president are willing to negotiate, but negotiation 101 is that you have to show up, both sides have to show up and they refuse to do so. When you talk about digging in your heels, it seems like the president has done that pretty solidly on the wall, but now hes kind of spoken more broadly about a physical barrier. Is that something that is important, not something thats up for compromise with democrats, who youre calling on to compromise . Well, Border Security is national security. So its very important. When nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer said this is a manufactured crisis on the border, thats absolutely false. Im from arizona. Border state. I visited the border. Ive talked to the Border Patrol agents and officials, i asked them straight out, do we need a border fence . They said absolutely yes, as part of a package. Its not the entire solution, but it is certainly part of the package and in the past, as you and others have said before, democrats have been willing to fund border fences. Whats the difference now . Were talking about 5 billion. That is 1 10 of 1 of the entire budget. I think its a vital part of the compromise. Something just happened in arizona a group of 376 Central Americans the ap number, came and dug under the barrier. I saw that. The fence, its not a fence, its a steel barricade, slots that go up. Your thoughts on that as you see our own Griff Jenkins with another caravan. Not only do we need a border fence, but we need other immigration reform. Closing up these loopholes cause our laws right now are incentivizing people to traipse thousands of miles to come across our border because they know that our laws have loopholes. So, thats why i sponsored, and voted for legislation last year that not would have only funded Border Security, but it would have closed these loopholes because these cartels down there are exploiting the women and children. Doctors without borders have said that the women that are travelling thousands of miles, one out of every three of them have been sexually abused. This is atrocious. This is Something Congress needs to fix. And i call on my Democrat Friends across the aisle to come to the negotiating table. I know that we can agree on things. So stop being so stubborn. Congresswoman debby lesko, thanks for joining us and all eyes on what the president will say later on. Appreciate the insight. Thank you. Leland pictures there in washington of the womens march that has gotten underway. Clearly not the crowd sizes that we saw two years ago the day after President Trump was inaugurated and they were overwhelmed and surprised how many people showed up then. And molly, this is not without controversy in terms of the organizers of the march on the views of israel and Tamika Mallory, an organizer, refused to talk about how israel has a right to exist and thats fractured the support for the womens march over the past couple of weeks and months as it has led up to this. Certainly nothing like the momentum that was seen immediately following the inauguration of President Trump, it was seen as the beginning of this and it wasnt quite clear exactly what sort of a platform would be. Theyve tried to clarify that over in the recent years and recent months, but at the same time, so many organizers made these controversial comments, have controversial friendships, controversial relationships with people thats caused a great number of organizations that were one point deeply involved in this or at least supportive to back away and back down. Now were seeing this much smaller crowd. Its difficult to sustain any sort of momentum with any sort of organization or rallies like this, so well see what comes of this in the coming years as they try to further clarify. Or the leadership. Even people like Debbie Wasserman schultz you would think would be at the forefront of this and a number of the president ial candidates, female president ial candidates who this would be sort of ground zero for them and their support, have been, shall we say, not exactly the forefront of the discussion about this. And here were looking at denver. So its worth noting the marches are going on cross the country. There are local organizations and they may feel differently in denver or des moines than coming to washington, more closely tied with the national organizers. There are different agendas and hopes why theyre participating in this. Leland well keep an eye on denver and around the country as the marches continue. More in just a minute. Big bombshell yesterday, back to back and then late yesterday evening, a rare public statement. Robert muellers team is challenging the accuracy of a buzzfeed report that claims President Trump collected Michael Cohen to lie to congress about a proposed trump tower project in washington. Doug mcelway is with us now and starting out the back and forth of the president s comments as well. Good afternoon. Good afternoon, this is one of the biggest blockbuster stories in history or bungled and it looks more like the later. The special counsels office refuted a buzzfeed piece that President Trump ordered cohen to lie. That would be sub borning perjury. Theres a characterization of documents and testimony in this office regarding Michael Cohens congressional testimony is not accurate. The way that the buzzfeed story was framed, it came from two Law Enforcement people who suggested by the story possibly to be from muellers own shop. I think for that circumstance, for the reputation of his own investigation, he needed to shoot it down. Buzzfeed tweeted we stand by the story and sources who reported it and urge the special counsel to tell what hes referring to. And there was criticism heaped on buzzfeed. Its clear the only thing that the special counsel disputes about buzzfeed story is the buzzfeed story, other than that its acts. And eli lake tweeted respect to ben smith at buzzfeed standing by his reporters in the face of a cryptic nondenial, the mueller statement is it not enough to back away. This morning the president weighed in en route to dover at delaware. I think that the buzzfeed piece was a disgrace to our country. It was a disgrace to journalism and i think also the coverage by the Mainstream Media was disgraceful. I think its going to take a long time for the Mainstream Media to recover its credibility. Cohen is sure to be questioned right out of the box about the buzzfeed story when he testifies before the House Oversight committee on february 7th. Leland. Leland we can imagine there will be a little more reporting between now and then. Doug mcelway here with us in d. C. And we bring in john. And we spent better part of the hours dissecting the Mueller Office statement here. Does it leave wiggle room for both things to be true, that this is a nondenial denial in the words of eli lake . I dont view this in a vacuum. Lets go back two or three days when the Senate Judicial Committee Held hearings on the nomination of bill barr and he was asked about mueller. He trusts him, hes fair and told the president that mueller is a straight shooter and i think that this demonstrated muellers first step back showing hes fair. I dont agree when people say its rare that they make public statements out of the special counsels office. Its unheard of. They have made zero statements regarding evidence involved in that investigation. So, i dont see this as a cryptic nondenial. The buzzfeed story said there are people from the Trump Organization and there are texts, there are emails that verify that the president told Michael Cohen to lie. There was a feeding frenzy for impeachment. Ive been there, i was part of watergate. Mueller had to come forward in fairness and say, no, thats just not accurate. Leland when you go back to the special counsels statement, this was back during Doug Mckelway page 70, the special characterization of documents and testimony obtained by this office regarding Michael Cohens testimony are know the accurate. You dont go back to sherman, but thats a relatively shermanesque statement i take it . It certainly is. And muellers office is not going to engage in a colloquy now answering buzzfeed. I think they made it clear, slow down and take a breath and the fact that they have never done it before makes it clear as can be. Leland does it create a problem for their office now . Weve seen so many leaks, primarily conceivably not coming from muellers office itself. And theyve kept it tight to the vest. So many innuendo. And does it create a problem theyve now spoken, you pointed out for the first time, theyve really kicked a News Organization in the teeth over their reporting. Now do they have to do it on every story they disagree with or otherwise people say, well, they didnt speak . No, absolutely not. I dont think theyre going to do it again. It does create a first of all, whoever the leakers are, that should be investigated. It doesnt necessarily come from muellers office. But it does create a problem. It creates a problem for Michael Cohen and called corroboration. Its almost selfevident that nobody can believe what he says. A prosecutor could say to the ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you dont have to take his word, but i have corroboration. Now that corroboration has been refuted Michael Cohens word is absolutely useless. Hes the one who lied so hes looking to put that off on someone else. Leland Michael Cohens reputation and longstanding ethics, i think, have always been in question. John, appreciate your time and your thoughts and obviously your service back in the day. Thanks for being with us. Thank you for having me. Leland good seeing you. Molly. Were keeping an eye across the country as the womens march takes place. Well have updates throughout the day. And a winter storm is headed east bringing heavy snow, adam klotz has the latest on that. Yeah, molly. It is a massive storm thatter woo looking at snow, currently falling from chicago to cleveland. This could turn into a real big one before its said and done as much as two feet in new england. 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All right, live pictures now from phoenix, arizona of the beginnings of the womens march there. Obviously, a little bit earlier in phoenix, 10 24 a. M. There. Weve seen pictures from denver, colorado, from cleveland, and from other cities around the country. There is the National Womens march here in washington d. C. And then there are obviously womens marches from around the country as well. Interesting to note the difference between the National Womens march and those organized locally. Debar w ea ear Debbie Wasserman schultz of congress writing i must walk away from the National Womens march organization and join local marches, alive with bigotry we must demand the same principles from our movement as we do from society and also penned an oped in usa today effectively saying the same thing, talking about the difference between these locally organized groups and the National Womens march here in washington, that started two years ago with the election and inauguration of President Trump as the National Womens march has really been overcome by this shadow of antisemitism and bigotry against its leadership. Tamika mallory, one of the leaders of that, had a chance to push back earlier this week on the view. Her ties to Louis Farrakhan, an antisemitic group, and she says she doesnt agree with the statement, she refused to kind of dig in one one of the hosts asked do you condemn them. The womens march tried to push back overall and put out a statement saying the womens march fights all forms of bigotry including antisemmism, white spremmism, xenophobia, and ageism and theyre marching around the country and may have Different Reasons for doing so. A great number of groups who have chosen to distance themselves from the National March thats happening. The Jewish Council for Greater Washington severed tease and the law center, emilys list. Leland and even the dnc, the Democratic National committee, d Debbie Wasserman schultz once led. And the local groups now rebuking the National Group, the leaders failure to apologize for the antisemitic stance. You mentioned Tamika Mallory and linda shores criticized for at times very difficult views to be part of the womens march movement. Larger question becomes, can a house divided, which the womens march is appearing to become, continue to stand and continue to be really relevant in the national conversation, especially when you have major 2020 potential democratic dom niece or hopefuls, shall we say, and women themselves distancing themselves and president ial hopefuls in the attending. Senator kristin gillibrant who has thrown her hat in the ring, the beginning steps of the run. Shes not in d. C. Shes in iowa. Maybe multiple reasons for going to iowa, participating in a march in iowa. Leland it is perhaps even warmer in d. C. And its not warm in d. C. A big storm expected in the next couple of hours. Its warmer in d. C. Than it is in iowa right now. Molly yeah, and in a sense, many of those marchers across the country lucked out they were doing it today. Its beautiful. Phoenix, d. C. Lucked out. Leland phoenix is always beautiful this time of year. Molly but its steamy where Griff Jenkins is. Hundreds of Central American migrants are marching towards the u. S. And crossed the border of guatemala and the gates were left wide open there. And griff joins us now with an update live on the caravan and its travels. Griff, hello. Hey, yeah, its talk about temperatures, its 90 degrees or more here. The sun is beating down. Let me show you one of the ways the migrants are trying to travel because walking in 90 degree heat is absolutely brutal. This group is catching a ride here in mexico and you mentioned the fact that they came here through open gates. The mexican governor vowed, a new mexican president vowed he would control the border and offer work visas for those who registered, and which some have and some are on the march on the 2500 mile journey to tijuana and the final destination the United States context, thats like walking from d. C. To los angeles. Where we are now is where a lot of the migrants have taken to shade and trying to get rides. The taxis are offering a discount, but no one taking them up on that necessarily right now. One of the things that these migrants interestingly are aware of is the Government Shutdown and the situation in washington over the border fight. I asked some of them, including jorge santos, who is from honduras, what he makes of all of it. Here is what he had to say. Im not okay with it, with the president closing down the borderline and im thankful for the for the democrats for them to not giving the money so he can build a wall. Now, along this treacherous route which took 29 days the last time, theyre essentially just into the first day in the mexico march, the Health Officials and the local governments are trying to treat them last night in the first stop. They ran out of supplies, they were treating them for dehydration and blisters. And the numbers are going to grow because theres a caravan behind this one from el salvador en route and sunday a third is expected to be started where this one began. Molly, leland. Molly thank you, griff. We appreciate it. Tough reporting down there. We appreciate you doing everything youre doing there on the ground. Thanks, griff. Leland yeomans work by griff and his entire team. Right now its 12 30 eastern, 4 00 is the president s big announcement on his view of the Government Shutdown. Will he offer a deal to democrats . Will he declare a National Emergency and build a wall anyway . A lot of speculation. The president only said stay tuned for 4 p. M. Thats three and a half hours from right now. The president made that remark stay tuned, as he headed out for dover, delaware, and that is where u. S. Service members killed abroad make their homecoming in what is called a dignified transfer. Hes at Dover Air Force base and he met with the families of steven wertz among others, scott wertz, a former navy seal working as a civilian for the u. S. Department of defense, from st. Louis, missouri. And the group of journalists that travel with the president filmed the president as he saluted the casket coming off the plane that brought him home from overseas. Were waiting for that video that should happen in the next couple of minutes. The president , molly, saying before he left the white house, that this was the hardest thing he had to do as president , was meet those families of people who had fallen in service to our country. At the very beginning of the trump presidency, you might remember, he flew out to dover, also, to meet with the family of a navy seal who was killed in yemen at the time. He said that was one of the most profound and shaping things in his presidency and now, at dover again today on this very chilly saturday to meet with mr. Wertzs family as well. And also the families of the other three americans killed. We have we dont have the names of all three, but we have the names of two others. Special forces soldier jonathan farmer. And crypt logic technician, shannon kent, both in their 30s. Also with the president to meet the family members is secretary of state mike pompeo and shanahan. There will be lieutenant generals, admiral, so a large group of military officials also there on hand. I want to talk a little about the man on the screen though. Hes 42 years old from st. Louis, he was among those identified killed in the attack, one of the deadliest since the america entered that country. And his family described him as fearless in his youth. A personality that killed that filled the room and this was a patriot, a servant, a decorated navy seal and served eight years in the navy, pass a navy seal and leaving as a petty officer second class in 2005. Got a job with a Defense Intelligence agency in 2017 and thats where he was in his service to our country when this attack occurred. Leland the attack occurring and now responsibility for the attack climbed by isis inside syria. So the potential for the president here in terms of what the discussion of the syrian policy was, now watching the caskets of American Service members killed in syria come home, watching now the video of, i believe part of the rules here is that there is no audio of the service itself. That its only video so well speak a little about what youre seeing and speak a little about the people who gave the last full measure of devotion. This is quoting his aunt from the st. Louis post dispatch. He was always the type of person who wanted to serve his country. He had the mindset from the get go, this is what i want to do and this is what im doing. He was always more about other people than he was about himself. You see the official party entering the c17 now that brought the caskets home. And people who dont know navy seals, dont think of laughter and love, but he was the kindest and most loving person. Also worth noting that this is one family agreed this to be shown. And there are other families there being greeted by these dignataries and always feeling this enormous loss. Were waiting here in a moment. We expect this final journey to be made and when that happens were going to take a pause and just watch that. We are not listening because theres no audio permitted. And theres no audio so well watch in silence. He had completed three deployments for the intelligence agencies in the middle east. Won multiple awards, a long list of achievements and the Navy Achievement medal. Defense service medals, rifle markmanship, pistol expert, and in the u. S. Military and Service Following as hes worked for the Defense Intelligence agency. Lets take a pause and watch. [silence] [silen [silence] [no audio] [no audio] [no audio] [no audio] [no audio] [no audio] [no audio] all right. Scott wirtz now on his final journey home from Dover Air Force base back to his hometown of st. Louis. Scott wirtz had been a navy seal, was now a civilian working for the Defense Intelligence agency in syria. You can see the van carrying his casket to the air force mortuary there and the salute of a grateful president , President Trump, along with secretary pompeo and others gathered there on a very cold and wintery saturday here in january to say goodbye. His cousin quoted as saying, he was the ultimate hero. Anyone who serves in the service, especially at that level, you have to have the state of mind, im going all in fon what i love, my passion, and that was him. Molly, youve made an important point that this was his third tour for the Defense Intelligence agency. He had been posted overseas in harms way so many times for a navy seal and now, as america continues to be in its longest war, there are so many people like mr. Wirtz overseas in harms way, who have been serving for so long now in these incredibly difficult environments, and mr. Wirtz now paying the ultimate price in his last full measure of devotion. You can see President Trump and the Party Walking away. Important for our viewers to understand based on the agreements between the networks and also Dover Air Force base, as well as the families of the deceased, while we do videotape this, there is no audio. So the footsteps and the prayer of the chaplain over the casket on the plane and images of the family watching their loved one come home, we do not show. Molly were looking at the picture of a patriot and servant who lost his life in service to this country. Scott wits, 42 years scott wirtz, 42 years old. He lived a full life. Hobbies like mixed martial arts and motorcycle riding and his mother and father are grieving at this time. The missouri governor, mike par son, a man from missouri, scott died bravely serving our nation in a dangerous part of the world and for that were grateful. Leland as are we. Well be right back. Despite the cold on the east coast, thousands here in the streets in washington, and also on the streets of new york for the womens march. The National Womens march here in d. C. And then events around the country called local womens marches. Jack Jacqui Heinrich in new york for one of those events. There are thousands gathering and also at another rally downtown. Its the Third Straight year that theyve gathered in protest of the Trump Administration and in support of womens rights and human rights. They want to dismantle systems that promote racial inequality and gender inequality. A lot of people are fighting for this cause. Huge Police Presence and roads shut down as the groups make their way through the city. There are competing groups in new york and one in in manhattan. And another downtown in the kwar. Both are fighting for parental leave, women dont have to choose between family and careers, and abortion rights. Freshman Congress Woman alexandria ocasiocortez is speaking at both and shes pushed voters to mobilize ahead of the 2020 election. Weve got the house this year and were going to get all the houses next year, including the white house. There have been some clear impacts since the first womens march in 2017. The biggest single day protest in u. S. History, a Record Number of women ran for congress in the 2018 midterms. 36 ever new members, nine members were elected governors, and 23 freshmen house member people of country and lbgt members. And some are mothers of young children. The Womens March Alliance based in new york claimed the National Group out of d. C. Demanded some of its Board Members be placed on the planning committee. That d. C. Group was looked at as one was linked to an antisemitic figure. And they promise the goals are in solidarity. The march is more necessary bus we cant be complacent. We cant say were one in five in congress. We need five in five in congress before we get complacent. There have been some counterprotesters, but theyre far outnumbered gathered here today. This is one of 300 marches going around the country. Leland noteworthy, Debbie Wasserman schultz among others distancing themselves amid the controversy you mentioned. Thank you. It coming up, the latest on the u. S. Troop withdrawal from syria. The new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. Means to fight the hardest battle, which any human being can fight and never stop. 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The president recently announced the withdrawal of troops sfr syria and we saw the deadliest attack, at least 16 killed, the deadliest attack since the american presence there in 2015. As we look at the pictures there, theyre looking to pull up here in a moment. These are of scott wirtz, 42 years old. A contractor over there working for the Defense Intelligence agency now, but had a long history of service in our military. Just, that loss to our country to see a patriot and servant taken and also your thoughts as this policy decision that essentially had been made. It doesnt seem to be walked back. Theres been some talk about the withdrawal being slower, but your thoughts. It reminds us how dangerous isis really is and clearly while were taken their territory, their safe haven in syria and a lot of the territory in iraq, the truth is, the pentagon and Inspector General believes its somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 to 30,000 isis fighters still in iraq and syria. 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Welcome to the journal editorial report, im paul gigot. The longest Government Shutdown entering its fifth week with no end in sight. The political gamesmanship is ratcheting up, House Speaker pelosi suggested the state of the Union Address be delayed until the government reopens, and President Trump responded by denying pelosi military transport for a planned trip to afghanistan. And with new polls showing a majority of americans blaming trump and Congressional Republicans for the shutdown, the president shows no signs of backing down. The federal government remains shut down because Congressional Democrats refuse to approve Border Security. Were going to have Border Security. Its going to be tight, its going to be strong. Were going to let people into our country gladly, but theyre going to come in legally. Paul wall street journal columnist and Deputy Editor dan henninger, columnist kim strassel and assistant Editorial Page Editor James Freeman. So, dan, tit for tat, so state of the union, the trip, i mean, this is not the finest hour for american political leadership. No, its not. [laughter] but its the state of our politics today. And, you know, we just saw the poll that said 56 of the American People are blaming trump and the republicans. But if you go a little bit deeper into these polls such as the pew research poll, what you find is that that republicans and democrats are totally divided on this issue. 80 of republicans do want do not want a bill without funding for the wall. 80 more percent of democrats do not support a bill if it has funding for the wall which suggests, paul, that President Trump and nancy pelosi are not paying a particularly big political price with their bases. In fact, theyre gaining support to the extent they get dug in which suggests we are going to be in this for a very long time. Paul well, but okay, so there is some damage here. I mean, i a quarter of the government is shut down, were beginning to see even the White House Council of economic advisers raising the estimates for some of the damage to the economy. Yeah. Paul from uncertainty, from permitting, permits not being approved and so on. Is that going to raise the pressure on the president . To an extent. I think its still a temporary blip if this is resolved relatively quickly, the economy returns to its normal performance. But on this question of polling, its everything dan said is true, and on top of that i would say polls consistently show that the leadership of Neither Party is or very popular right now among the American People. But i think on the optimistic side for how we might get a deal, while we see this image of two sides very entrenched, most people if you dig down into the polling and you said how about we have more Border Security and we also allow people who are brought here as children to stay and we are more welcoming, in other words, border enforcement but a welcoming society that treasures immigrants, that is a big winner if these two sides want to get together. Paul and weve suggested that yeah. Paul about a dozen times. Well keep trying. Paul in the last two years. And the press has asked the president that. Heres my question though, why wont the president put that on the table . Because if he did, i think he would put a lot more pressure on nancy pelosi, because then her hispanic base are going to say, hey, thats a good idea. Why cant you give a little more money for trump for Border Security if we can legalize this problem . And these people are going to be if they lose the court case against trump on this, those people are going to be vulnerable to deportation. But trump wont put it on the table. It is frustrating. I think that issue of the court case is part of the reason there. He thinks hes going to win in court, so he doesnt have to negotiate on this. But if its good policy, why not do it now . But one thing he has implicitly put on the table with his recent press conference talking about this is more immigration of highskill, hightech workers. This is manager that Nancy Pelosis constituents in california have been pleading with her to fix for many years. He says he wants to bring talented people into the u. S. We need them, we can use their skills. There is the possibility for a deal. He really has invited her to work on it. Paul kim, what about the pressures building here from the fact that the government isnt open . I mean, you wrote last week about how the administration is using a lot of onetime fixes to make this work, but, for example, when do food stamps stop going out, those subsidies to people . When do other things Start Building up enough where you start to see some harm to people . Well, the short answer is right now. [laughter] i mean, theyre still continuing to implement some of these onetime fixes, you know . We saw this week, for instance, that they have now deemed certain employees at the state department as essential. Theyll be coming back to work. Thats a bit of a workaround. But those big payments youre talking about, food stamps, theyre now paid through the month of february, but theyre already going to have to start thinking about what they do for the next payment. All of these federal employees who are not getting paid which has, obviously, been central to a lot of the pressure going on with the president and mrs. Pelosi saying no one should be allowed to do anything in government, take trips or do states of the union as long as people arent getting paid this is putting pressure on both republicans and democrats. And i would say as a result we are getting some shift. This isnt totally entrenched in that we now have had a change in the conversation with both sides agreeing there does need to be some level of Border Security. The question is when do you negotiate that, when the government is still shut down, or do you open it back up . And thats the fight at the moment. Paul and i dont think you can understand this, dan, unless you with understand that donald trump thinks this is crucial to his reelection. Yeah, theres no question about it. I, myself, get an email if every day from donald trump the addressed to dan [laughter] discussing the politics of the shutdown. So theres a big question really of the extent to which which mr. Trump and nancy pelosi are driving this in terms of electoral politics. I would say the majority of mr. Trumps efforts are done to enhance his prospects in 2020. At some point, as kim suggests, theres going to have to be a deal. This cannot go on forever, but the question is when will either side break. Paul all right. When we come back, President Trumps nominee for or attorney general facing a drilling on capitol hill. What we learned this week about bill barr and how hell run the department of justice. Will it feel like the wheend of a journey . P working, or the beginning of something even better . When you prepare for retirement with pacific life, you can create a lifelong income. So you have the freedom to keep doing whatever is most meaningful to you. A reliable income that lets you retire, without retiring from life. Thats the power of pacific. Ask your financial professional about pacific life today. Got it. Ran out of ink and i have a big meeting today. 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Will you commit to insuring that special counsel mueller is not terminated without good cause consistent with Department Regulations . Absolutely. Paul that was President Trumps nominee for attorney general, william barr, in his Senate Confirmation hearing this week, vowing to let Robert Mueller complete his investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. Barr, who served as attorney general once before under president george h. W. Bush, promised to act independently of his new boss, mr. Trump, who has frequently attacked the department of justice. George terwilliger served as Deputy Attorney general in the bush administration, he was at this weeks confirmation hearing. Welcome, thanks for coming. Thank you for having me, paul. Paul so bill barr said i want this investigation to continue, i not fire him except for cause. Was that the right thing to do . Absolutely. I mean, i think at this point given the politics that sort of surround the whole question of the Mueller Investigation what bill presented and what that statement reflects is, you know, a steady hand that will be on the tiller of the Justice Department, assuming bills confirmed. Paul okay. So but heres my one question, if a president orders you as attorney general to do something, isnt your obligation to say yes . So if he said fire the special counsel, isnt your obligation to say, yes, i will do that or say, sir, im sorry, i cannot in good conscience do that and then resign . Well, thats exactly right. And perhaps a middle ground would be and, frankly, knowing bill and seeing how hes operated over the years mr. President , lets think about that a little bit. [laughter] paul right. Before it came to sort of that kind of, that kind of a pass. All right. Well, thatd be good counsel. All right. So what about this question of recusing himself from the special counsel probe because of the memo he wrote as a private citizen questioning this theory of obstruction of justice for having fired james comey as fbi director . Is that enough for recusal, as some democrats seem to suggest . It doesnt seem that way to me. I think its kind of a red herring, to be honest with you, paul. I mean, lots of lawyers have had thoughts and had discussions among themselves about a numb of legal issues a number of legal issues surrounding the Mueller Probe and the issues that its addressing. The fact that bill took the time to carefully put his down on paper and share them with people to whom they might be relevant i dont find particularly remarkable or disabling in any way. Obviously, when he gets to the department and gets a full set of facts and understands whats going on, his views on some of the matters in there may be affected by that. Certainly, you know, legal analysis is always a product of the relevant facts, and bill did not have the relevant facts. He assumed some for purposes of illustrating why at least one particular narrow theory of obstruction the of justice would be flawed. Paul okay. Now, another issue that was raised at the hearings is making the Mueller Report eventually public, and mr. Barr said, rook, i will do that look, i will do that as much as i can subject to the rules that relate to special counsels in the Justice Department, which democrats suggest would be somehow covering up. But as i look at this, its going to be very hard for him not to make nearly all of it public. Would you agree . I would agree to a certain extent, paul. You know, he promised transparency paul right. And he said over and over again i lean towards transparency, i want transparency. But there could be reasons why parts of that report could not or should not be disclosed. For example, if theres classified material. But in addition to that, weve all seen in the last couple of weeks that in a number of the pleadings that mr. Muellers office has filed in court there have been significant redactions from those pleadings. Presumably, those are there in order to protect the integrity of the investigation and not compromise further investigation. Those same factors may be present at the time a final report is written because there may be investigations that will be ongoing and referred to other parts of the department of justice. Paul and even if the attorney general decided not to release the full report, presumably congress, the house of representatives could subpoena it, and knowing washington as you do, i mean, thats going to leak. The whole things going to leak. [laughter] that would be my conclusion. Well, i youre probably right [laughter] based on empirical evidence of history. I would hope that would not be the case given the subject matters and rather that we would follow a process of law including concerning congressional access to executive branch documents. Paul well, heres another question i have. He comes in and, lets say, doesnt recuse himself. Hes now the attorney general of the United States. Mueller clearly reports to him. Hes not hes an inferior officer to the attorney general. Could the attorney general say, look, mr. Special counsel, youve been doing this itll be two years in may, its even longer if you go back when the fbi started its counterintelligence investigation. Lets wrap this up, lets get it out. For the good of the country, lets finish it up. Can he say that to him . Certainly. Certainly. I mean, one of the things that i think has become a bit of a misapprehension about the position and the role, the proper role of a special counsel under this regulation is that its totally akin to an independent counsel under the old statute that operates outside the Justice Department. Congress on a bipartisan basis as you know, paul, decided that those kind of independent counsels were really bad idea paul right. No prosecutors should be completely untethered from the Justice Department or untethered from supervision. I think bill would supervise with a light hand, but a necessary one where the circumstances so dictate. Paul all right. Thank you, george terwilliger, appreciate you coming in with that insight. My pleasure. Paul when we come back, democrats question bill barrs commitment to releasing the report in the trump russia probe. We sort the fact from the innuendo next. Not having a Good Breakfast can make you feel like your day never started. 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Despite the fact that there were some nice words at the hearing, we do not have the kind of strong and clear commitments to the report being issued and there being no interference in the investigation that are needed, particularly now with President Trump treating the Justice Department as he has. Paul Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer wednesday announcing his opposition to President Trumps attorney general nominee saying he is not convinced that william barr will protect special counsel Robert Muellers russia probe or provide congress with a full report on muellers findings. Were back with dan henninger, kim strassel and James Freeman. Kim first, do you think bill barrs going to be confirmed . Yeah, i do, although i dont think hes going to get hardly any democratic support. Look, Jeff Sessions only got one democrat when he was confirmed. These hearings went better. Democrats are dug in. I was very struck though, paul, that this is the first big confirmation hearing wed had after kavanaugh. They did manage themselves, behave better this time despite a lot of pressure from progressives to really take it to bill barr. This werent a lot of protests, there werent a lot of issues surrounding it because i think they know there was some blowback. They were aggressive but polite. All that being said, theres just too much they dont want they want to handle on this mueller issue, they want a stand there and appease their progressive base, and hes not going to get support from any of them. Paul hed have to come out for impeachment to get Chuck Schumers support, i think, dan. So lets talk about some of the stories in the Mueller Probe we keep reading about. The latest is a buzzfeed report that Michael Cohen was says that he was told by donald trump to lie to congress about potential Trump Hotel Deal in moscow. What do you make of that . I dont make too very much of it because the buzzfield report got attention because its presumably based on a couple of sources that had access to mueller documentation, emails and stuff like that. So presumably, the sourcing was good. If you have two sources like that somewhere in the intelligence community, the fbi, i dont think they would take the story to buzzfeed. I think they would take it to a more major media outlet if they had anything so strong. And the reporter himself has said he has not seen any of this evidence at all. But i think whats going on here is that as we get closer to the Mueller Report, the media in washington is completely invested in the idea that this is going to show that donald trump has committed perhaps a felony or crimes, and this goes back two years. And so youre beginning to see articles appearing suggesting that the Mueller Report is going to reach that conclusion. Paul all right. Another item New York Times reporter that the fbi opened a criminal probe of President Trump personally after trump fired james comey. What do you make of that . I make of it, it appears to be an executive branch thats out of the control of the executive. The idea that the fbi launching counterintelligence investigations against the president that they serve, this is j. Edgar hoover stuff. And, obviously, it was common in that era that the former fbi director in order to get leverage on politicians would dig through their personal lives , surveil them, and its highly disturbing to see that return. Paul that was, ultimately, subsumed by the Mueller Probe, took over this. Thats where that is now. Kim, lets talk about the bruceover transcripts. Bruce ohr transcripts. He testified to congress in august about what he told the fbi about the Christopher Steele memo and the whole fbi, the investigation about russia. What should we know about that . So a couple of important things. The first thing is that we now know that bruce ohr had a meeting with Christopher Steele and received dossier information on july 30th of 2016. And that he immediately told a whole bunch of people in the fbi and senior officials in the Justice Department about it. So the fact that it was that widely known about the dossier within the fbi and the department of justice but also so early, because this is happening around the time that they launched their counterintelligence investigation. So the question is did the dossier play a role in that . They have always denied it, they have always suggested they didnt even know about it until september. We now know they few about it earlier paul what do you expect bill barr to do regarding this element of the investigation . Which, of course, is separate could be part of what muellers doing, but we dont think hes going there. What would you like to see barr do . It didnt get nearly as much attention, but a lot of people, i think, were very happy he said he was going to take a fresh look at this, that he wanted to know what the department of justice and the fbi had been up to in 2016, and i think he will make an attempt to get to the bottom of that. We have a u. S. Attorney whos supposedly been working on it. Hopefully, id love to see mr. Barr get in there and give us a status update on where that investigation stands and let us know if hes going to take it any further and in what direction. Paul briefly, dan, one more item. A story that donald trump asked his interpreter to destroy the notes of his meeting with vladimir putin. What do you make of that . Well, its kind of apace with what i was just saying. If he did that, that would be disturbing, but you could come up with stories going back probably to harry truman where president s have done things that are disturbing in that way. Paul its odd, isnt it . Its kind of strange. But if you take a story like that, its so difficult to credit it in any other context that this other than this twoyear Media Campaign to discredit donald trump because of the election and because of the possibility of collusion with the russians. These stories dont stand on their own anymore. Paul some of the conversations he had including with malcolm turnbull, the former Prime Minister of australia, were leaked in embarrassing fashion. But, again, its all mixed in with this aura about the russian investigation. Were going to have to wait and see what happens. All right. Still ahead, calls on the left for higher taxes and wealth redistribution, but will soaking the rich actually pay for all of the ideas that the democrats are coming up with . Let newdays Operation Home help you buy a home with no down payment and not one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. With automatic authority from the va, newday can say yes when banks say no. So stop renting. Start looking. 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James, i dare say when de blasio says the wrong hands, he means thee and me. [laughter] everyone not on a public payroll, in his view, counts, i think. [laughter] hes not trying to hide it, you know, straightout socialism, here we are. Paul yeah, thats kind of where we are. Now, lets talk about this. Would the 70 , the 90 rate above 10 million do what they say it will do, which will Fund Social Programs that they like . The green new deal, for example, more higher pay for transit workers right. Paul unions and the rest . History says no. We had the 70 rate before Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981, we had, as you mentioned, the rate over 90 in the 1950s, and history says people dont pay it. They wont work and give over almost their entire paycheck to the government. So they figure out and spend a lot of wasted time designing Tax Strategies to not pay that rate. The economy grows very slowly because instead of creating things and inventing things, people spend their time trying to shelter income. Paul theres really a lot of economic evidence on this for second earners in a household. Marty feldstein of harvard has done this, for example. If you pay, you have one worker, say its the husband in the household, pays 50 . And then his wife goes to work because she wants to work, wants to contribute, and if her income is going to be 50 or 70 , shell say, well, thats not worth it. So you get less work from those second potential earners. Yeah, youre absolutely right. And i do think its also important to point out this is not just going to fall on the rich. Aocs green new paul thats alexandria ocasiocortez, for short. It is. She actually says explicitly that the government needs to take this over because even if all the billionaires and corporations poured everything they had into the green new deal, that wouldnt be enough. Thats a good indication its going to fall on working families. Paul well, yeah. If youre trying to purge the economy, dan, of carbon energy, thats a big undertaking, and youre going to have to subsidize a lot more than we do now. Every other alternative kind of energy. Yeah, no question about it. And, you know, thats what happens with subsidies. But, you know, going back to the 70 and 90 rates, we live in a dynamic economy, and people do not just sit there and allow 90 of their income to be taxed away. Effective tax rate back in the 1950s when that was happening is estimated to have been, actually, between 3550 . Because to have a 70 or 90 rate you have to have a lot of tax avoidance schemes, loopholes, you open up pandoras box of ways, people can find lawyers and accountants to hide their income. Especially Capital Gains and dividends. If you raise the capital rate like that on Capital Gains or dividends, people simply hold on to their assets and dont realize the government gets less revenue. Paul yeah. Taking a capital gain is, essentially, a voluntary exercise. You can hold the as asset, decided to sell it when you want. When the rate is higher, you hold them for longer. That has economic effects because it means youve got more lockedup capital, and you cant cash out and invest in maybe another new idea. Bad for growth. And just this idea of the fair share a argument. The top 1 of income earners in the United States had been paying lately about 40 of federal income taxes. The top 5 had been paying most of the income taxes. The top 1 are paying more than the bottom 90 combined. So you paul this is under the current tax code. Right. Paul let me just stop you right there. Thats pretty progressive. Yes. [laughter] all these claims about inequality, what they typically do is they do pretax calculations and prebenefit calculationings, and thaw say look how much inequality there is. Its a myth. Paul but the argument is in the 50s and 60s we had 90 tax rates and 70 after jfks tax cut, and the economy was just fine. It was great. So tax rates dont matter, essentially, thats what theyre arguing. Well, i dont think thats true. And ill point to new green deal light which was the obama stimulus, tens of billions of dollars going into these green boondoggles, and i think the case in point was solyndra, defaulting on the loan. Youre seeing money going to risky projects that private investors have taken a look at and said not worth it. Paul can this happen, dan . 70 . Because i think it can, and heres why i think you get a new recession, democrats running the government, i think theyre going here. I think thats going to be something they want to do. Some of the leftwing tax analysts ive realize have said 70 would probably kill the economy, but they would go for 50 paul top rate now is 37. Exactly right. And my view is, look, had a demonstration effect. Do you want to live in the obama economy or do you want to live in the trump economy right now in seems to me the answers pretty obvious. Paul still ahead, british Prime Minister theresa may surviving a no confidence vote in Parliament Even as mps overwhelmingly reject her brexit deal, so whats next as the u. K. Heads toward a hard brexit from the European Union . I believe it is my duty to deliver on the british peoples instruction to leave the European Union, and i intend to do so. So now mps have made clear what they dont want, we must all work constructively together to set out what parliament does want. Paul british Prime Minister theresa may survived a no confidence vote in parliament this week a day after mps rejected her brexit deal by a recordbreaking 230 votes. That defeat shrouding the u. K. s path out of the European Union in uncertainty and increasing the odds of a hard exit as the march 29 deadline approaches. Wall street Journal Editorial Board member joe stern berg joins us with the latest. So, joe, look, i mean, a humiliation for president , and t the parliament votes not to oust her. How can she survive this . Well, i think she survives because no one else here in london seems to know what they want from brexit. I mean, the underlying problem is there are actually a lot of different ways that britain could leave the European Union, a lot of different potential trading arrangements, and all of those have different costs and benefits. Weve seen this week theres no agreement for theresa mays preferred plan, but there also isnt yet any agreement for anyone elses. So were now in this limbo where individual members of parliament seem to be talking to each other trying to figure out if someone can form a coalition that would have majority support for one plan or another, and all the time we have this hard deadline in march where its going to happen paul so may is now going to go back to brussels, looking for more concessions. Is she likely to get any . Well, i dont think she is, because one of the problems this week is she proved she really is going to struggle to deliver votes in the British Parliament for any plan that she would negotiate with brussels. I think there is a willingness in the rest of the European Union and especially in some of the National Governments in berlin and paris to reopen negotiations with britain, see if they could find a withdraw out of this. But theyre only really willing to do that if they think they can come up with a deal that theresa may could get through the parliament here, and thats the real problem. Paul okay. So she put together something, a proposal that said i think i can get and votes and then went to the e. U. , for example, on the irish question, keep an open border between ireland and Northern Ireland which is part of ireland wants to stay as part of the e. U. , Northern Ireland as part of the u. K would that help at all . I think, you know, there is agreement that they need to keep that open border, and this is related to the 20yearold Peace Process paul right. In Northern Ireland. So, you know, thats an instance where both sides agree they have these commitments to that Peace Process, and yet no one can agree on what that means in terms of the actual trading relationship between britain and the rest of the e. U. After brexit. And, again, i think that theres a lot of confusion here in london about what kind of solution to that problem and what kind of solution to a lot of other problems would be acceptable to british politicians, and so theres a lot of shadow boxing going on right now where the rest of the event u. Also is still trying to figure out what they can offer that would be acceptable here in the u. K. Paul and the people who want to remain, theyre maneuvering to try to have a second referendum, certainly a lot of them are. And kind of call the whole thing off, right . And some of the polls suggest that a no vote, remaining would now win. But what does that say about the respect for the voters with, and is that likely to happen . Again, i mean, this is the big problem that they have because, you know, like it or not, british voters did vote in the 2016 referendum that they wanted to leave the e. U. , and, you know, its perplexing that a lot of the solutions that you hear to this problem now, you know, especially here in london and in the parliament involve somehow just asking voters to, you know, send some other signal that might be easier for people here to implement. That could take the form of a National Election to elect a new parliament with, you know, new members and new leadership, could take the form of a second referendum. But yet you also have the risk asking people to continue voting over and over and over again until they deliver a result that the Political Class likes just deepens a lot of the tensions and social divisions that prompted this vote for brexit in the first place. Paul and that leads me to ask why not just go to a hard brexit . Thats what the people voted for, give them what they voted for. Therell be dislocations in trade and otherwise to, but then youd put the onus on the government, okay, renegotiate with the e. U. , u. S. , whatever you want. Out wouldnt be easy, but at least youd then follow through on what the voters said they wanted. Well, that is where were headed, frankly, because were facing a hard deadline in britain because on march 29th under the e. U. Treaties and the timing of this process britain is not going to be a member of the e. U. Unless someone can agree on an alternative arrangement. So a hard brexit at this point is the default, and that will end up having the effect youre talking about. Itll mean more accountability for politicians here in the u. K. And in the e. U. To figure out specifically what kind of future trading relationship they want. But it also is going to involve some accountability for the voters who voted for brexit who are going to have to live with some of the consequences even if they decide they dont like them. A. Paul quick, dan, whats the u. S. Interest here . Well, the u. S. Interest is that we contributed a lot to the rebuilding of europe after world war ii. We made that commitment if after the war because we understood that we were economic create going to be integrated with europe. Fast forward after a lot of growth that has happened in the subsequent years, and you have a lot not just brexit, but euroskepticism across europe, and it is in our interest to try to hold that Community Together because we benefit economically from it. Paul okay. Thank you, dan, joe. When we come back, backlash is brewing after Procter Gamble tackles toxic masculinity in a new ad for gillette razors. Our panel weighs in on the controversy next. Everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. Whats in your wallet . Whoooo. Did you know the exact same hotel room. Can have many different prices . Thats why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. 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We cant hide from it. Sexual harassment is taking over its been going on far too long. We cant laugh it off. What i actually think shes trying to say making the same old excuses boys will be boys. Paul were back with dan, james and jillian. First of all, who do you think Procter Gambles aiming that ad at . Well, i think the target audience is millennials, which is kind of funny, because when i look around, theyre mostly bearded men. [laughter] i do think its this College Campus segment. If you look at universities all over, theyre actually doing seminars for men where they can cope with their toxic masculinity, deal with their competitiveness and become soft and tender men. So its a popular idea, for sure. Paul all right. So the American Psychological association has also issued new guidance to members of the profession also aimed at suggesting that when you deal with male patients, you need to address this issue of toxic masculinity. What are they recommending . Yeah. So theyre saying, again, that competitiveness, dominance, aggression paul those are the words they use . Those are the words they use. Paul competitiveness aggression, dominance, all the things that are sometimes good in men. That these are largely harmful, and that the remedy for this is for psychologists to recognize sexism, recognize privilege and aggressively and proactively take on places where discrimination happens in the system, everything from dealing with men oneonone to taking on criminal justice reform. So its definitely got a social justice push finish. Paul and does this have any binding impact on psychologists or not . So the guidelines themselves are aspirational in intent, thats what apa says. But i think one thing to note is they do accredit College Psychology programs, and there are a lot of states you cant get a license without going to one of these programs. Also federal government, some agencies only hire from apaaccredited paul look, we dont want Sexual Harassment, we dont like bullying, overly aggressive men and all of that, but i guess the question is, is this Political Correctness infiltrating itself into medical diagnoses . Yeah, i think it absolutely is. You know, sometimes aggression in men is a good thing. It drives them to protect vulnerable people. This is an overp sip myification, and i think its part of a broader attack on men, and its part of this neomarxist idea were seeing in social justice politics on campus where the argument is anything thats strength is inherently oppress i have. Paul is this the reason donald trump could possibly if, against all the odds, win reelection, dan . This kind of cultural viewpoint pushing itself on what erica wrote for us this week is, in sense, biological instincts . Well, yeah, exactly right. What the American Psychological association has done is issue a bunch of political opinions. Its antiscience. Its like eugenics. And the idea is the people who disagree with you are going to be defined as neurotically disabled or mentally ill because they dont subscribe to your opinions is simply a political strategy. Paul yeah. I mean, thats the way it looks to me. Briefly, jillian. Yeah, i think soy. One really interesting point here is that advertising agencies, theres some polls that twothirds of them feel pressures to put out a social justice or political message, but consumers dont like it. Highrisk, for sure. Paul we have to take one more break. When we come back, hits and misses of the week. Choose glucerna, with slow release carbs to help manage blood sugar, and start making everyday progress. Glucerna. Time now for our hits and misses of the week. Start us off. A hit to andrew wheeler. They did a rockstar job at the Senate Hearing confirmation last week. Environmental militants. They did it not just to get rid of it but to send a message to the next person. He gave that full defense. You dont have to shackle an economy to make an met environmental progress. This is a hit you would never know this consuming much of the America Media that americas policies are rejected everywhere around the world. It is now inspiring other countries places like china even. My hit of the week goes to Meghan Mccain for taking on the womens match march founders. They did not want to include women who were opposed to abortion. The greatest of all time. She called them out on this. I think it is right out of the list. You hold those opponents into their own rule book. Rulebook. And i think its great. Half of the sponsors have now dropped though womens march. Jack vogel had the mutual fund. I think they may be that reason that you may never see socials in the United States. Be sure to tweet it to us that is it for this weeks show. Thanks to all of you for watching. We hope to see right here next week. We hope you are having a great saturday warm inside with us here. Much of the east coast waiting for a big storm coming. They are set to speak to the nation this afternoon from the white house. Fox news has learned that he will be laid out the braces and the basis for some new legislation that could lead to a largest longest Government Shutdown. There are live pictures. Minutes to go before a

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