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Montecino complex is larger than City Of Los Angeles and Officials Say it may not be contained until september, President Trump seized on the issue earlier this week, the californias Environmental Policies have exacerbated a dozen large fires in the state right now. The President Tweeting that bad environmental laws are magnifying the fires by not allowing massive amounts of readily available water to be properly utilized, he added must also tree clear to stop fire from spreading, we are back with Dan Henninger, kim strassel and allysia finally, why are the fires as severe as they are . Well, they were pretty severe last year and started earlier this year, one reason high temperatures especially up in the north, heat wave, High Heavy Winds and a lot of dry vegetation after 7 or 8 years of drought. We had plus you had actually one wet year paul the Previous Year. The Previous Year which actually provided more vegetation over growth and so the fires have more fuel to burn. Paul okay, lets take the president s issues, the water, is there a shortage of water to fight the fire . Not to fight the fires but theres a shortage of water in california, huge shortage. Paul whats the problem . The problem is that environmental restrictions to protect fish mainly the salmon in delta where all the rivers in the north run in to. They are using the water for fires. The Pumping Restrictions very little of the water actually moves down paul where does it go . To the ocean. Paul they take fresh water that they could use down south and pump it out to sea . Pumping, right. Paul so what that does does not help the north but where it hurts creating further dry conditions in the central valley. And in the south land, Southern California where youve had fires, one raging in orange county, south orange county. Paul kim, let me go to you, i know you follow closely when it comes to tree clearing. Is the president on strong ground . Absolutely, ground zero problem of why you are having fires, by the way not just in california but throughout the pacific northwest, alaska, other places where going back 20 years the federal forest, the logging band in federal forest kicked off a trend, you see it driven at state level by very bad environmentalist policies, leave it alone approach. The usda did report in december, 129 million dead trees in california and theres government level to go in and really do any lugging, cutting, thinning, this is whats providing fuel for the fires when they get raging you cant stop them. Paul this is a puzzle for me, kim, and im a mid western and not a westerner, why Wouldnt Environmentalists want healthy forests . So why wouldnt you want to clear some of this stuff out so that it is less vulnerable to raging fires . Well, its the problem with most modern green environmental policy, it doesnt do much to help nature. It is involuntary belief that man should not interfere at all, you do not manage nature and let nature take its course but if you do that for instance, they are estimated in Sierra Nevada had four times trees in them as you would in normally healthy forest. We used to be able to have the massive fires that can just burn and clear everything out but we cant really allow that anymore given population and the devastation they cause, so your alternative is to go and manage them mechanically with cutting. Paul dan, jerry brown claims Climate Change and just about everything bad that happens on Climate Change, but at some point when do you take responsibility as a political leader, okay, lets say hes right and this is related to change in climate, the government has to do something. They do have to do something but jerry brown and the democrats, the greens have put themselves in a position where very simply incapable of moving and i want to pick up the point that kim was just making, one alternative to this is in vast areas of running controlled burns, you burn down some of the forest to clear the area, i mean, they are forests, they are full of trees, trees are wood and wood burns, but for last 100 years or 200 years or so, the country has set aside vast areas of the west and they have not and theyve been untouched as kim suggested, they are too big for the federal government to manage even if they were going in and doing that sort of thing and as she suggested, if you allow Logging Companies to come in, private owners, they would be responsible for keeping the forests in healthy shape. They are not healthy. Paul quick question, how much does the state of california spend on tree cutting . Very little relative to how much they are spending on the subsidies. They are spending 300 million on electric cars and given maybe 30 million on tree cutting. Paul so ten times on electric cars for subsidies than tree cutting. What the move signals about the administrations approach to both countries next. We are going to be continue with the international community, there has to be changes from iran. So you just walk around telling people geico could help them save money on Car Insurance . Yea,that and homeowners, renters, motorcycle and boat insurance. Huh. Thats nice. What happens when you catch a fish . Gecko whoa. Geico. More than just Car Insurance. See how much you could save at geico. Com. Im ok you wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. You can barely feel. With tripadvisor, finding your Perfect Hotel at the lowest price. 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Well, i think in general the administration recognizes a rule, that means any nefarious behavior that you do not punish, you have countries taking hostages, innocent pastor, been there 20 years, hes being accused of things theres no evidence whatsoever that he is in any way involved in anything nefarious there. The idea that he can be held hostage is pretty astounding especially when you consider turkey is a nato ally and i think trump has been very frustrated by erdogan on this and other scores as well. Paul but its going back, erdogan says im not going to give in and trump is ratcheting up saying he will double metals tariffs and you saw what happened with the lira, falling out of bed, so there may be global implications, how risky is this . Mostly risky to turkey and you would think that erdogan would do the rational think, okay, america is my ally, we are nato members, i cant be holding an innocent american in prison for years and i have to i have to do something about that or i have to make up with them instead of erdogan is moving closer and closer to russia and nato after all is meant to protect europe from russia predominantly, he is also undercutting american policy visavis iran, so he is best friendmie, unreliable ally and crisis is coming with turkey sooner than later. Paul interesting, you mentioned russia, the Trump Administration imposed ratcheting up sanctions this time for chemical weapons, nerve agent in uk, but here is the question, john, people are asking, the Trump Administration did this, how does this mesh fit in with the president s clear desire to have better relations with Vladimir Putin . Yeah, you know, whats interesting here is that trumps rhetoric has been with putin and policies tough, tougher than any administration we have seen, weve had 5 sets of sanctions this year alone. This is going to be very difficult for the russian economy, we are already seeing the ruba fall, we are seeing other problems with the economy and and in russia and more sanctions are coming, so policies are very tough, hes really insisting that russia begin to change behavior even while he in helsinki is having solicitous with president putin. Paul lets turn to iran, the third country who has seen tougher sanctions and this the president is disagreeing with european allies who dont like the fact that the u. S. Has imposed these sanctions and move this week to try to protect its own businesses and say you can do business with iran but is the president winning this disagreement with the eu governments . Yes, the president is winning, i think i think its distressing that our european allies are trying to undermine the president s policy, i know they dont particularly like President Trump but the policy is meant to create change in iran at the very least we should not be funding nefarious behaviors of iran, whether its supporting hezbollah or shiite militias, bashar alassad, the Houthi Rebels, continuing with missile programs, we know that iran in various ways was violating the iran nuclear agreement, jcpoa, the europeans have been trying to undermine our policies. They are not succeeding because europe is still relatively free, the government can cant tell the businesses what to do and the businesses are being told by their Compliance Officers and others, look, we can do business with iran but we will cut out from the u. S. Market and the u. S. Market is absolutely essential to us, the Iranian Market is not. Increasingly we are seeing european businesses saying we are going to abide by the u. S. Sanctions, we dont want secondary sanctions on us and we dont want to be cut out of the market, thats very frustrating for the governments but the government deserves to be frustrated because they should be acting with us to curve the nefarious behaviors of iran. Paul cliff, we dont have much time but let me ask you one final question what about iran,e u. S. Policy towards iran is not Regime Change, design today change behavior. Is that really true or do they secretly privately really want Regime Change . Look, they cry no salty ears for Regime Change to happen but if they can change the behavior of the regime that is helpful, if the regime says we have to cut back on overseas commitments to various Terrorist Groups thats useful, if the regime says lets sit down and negotiate a better jcpoa, thats helpful, if nothing else, protests in the streets and the iranians know who to blame, they blame their own government because they know the oil wealth is being spent on hezbollah and hamas and Houthi Rebels and others not on them and i expect theyll be infighting among the ruling rulers as a result of this as well. Paul all right, cliff, appreciate it. Still ahead facebook and use to be banning controversial radio host alex jones and setting off debate over social media and free speech. My bad. Im ray and i quit smoking with chantix. I tried cold turkey, i tried the patch. They didnt work for me. I didnt think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. 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Jones detractor say the move was longtime coming but others argue that its just the latest and not the last example of social Media Companies silencing voices they dont agree with and they are pointing to tweet by democratic senator chris murphy of connecticut who wrote this week, info wars tip of hatred that uses facebook and youtube to tear our nation apart. These Companies Must do more than take down one website, the survival of our democracy depends on it. We are back with Dan Henninger u kim strassel and Wall Street Journal Deputy Editorial Ciel kyle peterson. Kyle, welcome, lets talk about the legality, these companies, can they decide what runs on their platforms legally . Yes, absolutely. Its private property, the content is living on their servers and what facebook wants to do is specifically facebook sees itself at community, wants to be placed with teenagers and feel comfortable spending time and so what the way i like to think about it when youre on facebook youre not public forum youre on Mark Zuckerbergs open mic night and if you start Singing National anthem be prepared to ask to leave. Paul you decided to run oped on paper and its liablist, though, we are responsible, they are shielded from even that from those kinds of liable suits are they not . Yes, theres a lot that gave them immunity for that specifically for content, a lot of the stuff that goes on facebook, most of it is not reviewed by anyone before being posted, the user gets to put it up. Paul should we not have that exception in the platform. Thats a tough question, if you remove that exception you see how companies can operate because they would have to employ hundreds of thousands of people and do everything that possibly went up, they are trying to go after the problem with algorithms and reportedly theyre having some success specifically with getting the machines to recognize violent content and nudity and take that stuff down more automatically. Paul as policy matter, as a principle matter for the publishers you agree, you think they should they were right to take down alex jones . I think that honestly thats for users to decide. Internet is a big place and twitter came out this week and specifically said it would not ban out alex jones. Paul they hadnt violated twitter. They can feel comfortable having teenagers on there and if they want more free speech and they want to see what alex jones is putting out, they can go to twitter. Paul kim, what do you think as policy of facebook, as i recall you did a video linked to your book of all things free speech and it was in fact, banned for a while . Yeah, they claim it was by algorithm but a very odd situation. Look, i agree with kyle, they absolutely have the right to do this, theyre not common carriers, they are not required to just offer their platform for anyone no matter what their views, should they have, no, i have two reasons why, one it is going to fuel the views among conservatives that theres a disproportionate crackdown on conservative voices and thats going to further polarize the debate over social media and may come back and hurt these companies who even now republican congressional members are gunning for them. But look, also i think it was a problem how they did it, the issue with alex jones for a lot of people is supposedly that he publishes fake news but thats not why they removed his stuff. They did it because he said the content was hate speech, that is a very Slippery Slope and it gives these groups the ability to essentially censor the way the senator that you mentioned Tat Beginning was talking about, any views that they dont like under the very broad category of hate speech. Paul alex jones, dan, is a pretty particular voice, i dont consider him a conservative in any normal sense of the word, hes you a provacator He Spread Falsehoods and immigrants, he was sued and had to retract that and apologize to get a lawsuit against him dropped, he said falsehoods about the sandy hook massacre, i mean, if youre going to ban so i mean, that would be the argument they would make, hes not a traditional conservative and dont put us on the slipperyslope to say we are going to start banning ore conservative voices. Yeah, that is the voice the argument conservatives will make and they should make it, i mean, you know, info wars, theres probably part of the population out there that is susceptible to those kinds of conspiracy theories, they have always been out but this is a country of 325 Million People, lets say a Million People have attached themselves to info wars and alex jones is that a threat to the country . Well, it Wasnt Just Facebook and youtube that banned him, hes not been banned by virtually al social media forms linkedin, interest, apple has taken him off their ipod listings, the only real platform that hes on now is indeed twitter, so the question is, if you sort of where do you draw the line . I think chris murphy the democratic senator in the remark at the beginning let the cat out of the bag, people like him will push beyond alex jones and start including, Say Rush Bill Law as as pervayor of hate speech. Paul kyle, what about, this is a start to ban conservative voices generally . The question i would have for people making the argument in April Facebook had banned the White Nationalist Richard Spencer and did it make the news, not really. So the question i have is whats different now and the only difference is alex jones is pretty good at making raucous. You think they can make those distinctions . I think they have to. Its facebooks decision to make and their users can react when they do. Paul big apple declares war on uber voting to cast the number of ridehailing and would other cities do the same Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Where were changing withs . Contemporary makeovers. Then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. Who has the upper hand now . Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com. And other ridehailing services has grown including increase traffic, deep in Public Transit use and financial whoas in the taxi industry. So how will this affect riders and drivers and will other cities follow New York City . We are back with Dan Henninger, kim strassel and allysia finally, kim, let me start with you, Bill De Blasio took a victory lap and said to show we will not back down from any big company, why did he really do it in . He really did it to protect the cab industry in new york which they gave a lot of other reasons, oh, you know, congestions, people are not riding the subway anymore. Protecting complex regulations an medallions that new york issues and have kept the number of Cab Medallions artificially low to regulate how many cabs were there and got blown apart when the App Companies started coming in and has put a lot of dye stress on Cab Companies and there has been some financial fallout but thats called new technology. And the answer shouldnt be to now try to extend that licensing and regulation to the entire new field but rather to start over and deregulate and let competition work. Paul dan, is this going to affect congestion in new york . I know as a loyal new yorker, somehow im not seeing that . No, it is not going to fix congestion unless the city does managing construction projects. Paul what about the subways . Lets talk about the subways because its a big element here. Ridesharing in uber, lyft and cars like that is being used by people who are abandoning the subways and its not just the wealthy in manhattan, it is mainly middleclass workers, they would rather rideshare, have responsibility to fix infrastructure at enormous costs and if people pull away from subways they are going to erode further and i think the city solution has been rather than deal with the reality of the Public Transportation system failing, theyre simply going to suppress uber and lyft. Paul let me put up here the New York Post headline on friday this week transit apocalypse, Bill De Blasio, good socialist, good liberal, why would he care about the taxi cartel . Theyre big donors in city council. Paul break the code. [laughter] paul so thats the reason he does it, but i guess they want to push everybody into subways as well . I think thats exactly right. The last year you had decline in subway users, decline in revenues as well. Paul thats not because of the Ride Services as much as they are breaking subways are breaking down, 70,000 delays per month and that has not improved despite all of the billions that they are pumping into the system and so this is the rideshares are escape route, Charter Schools for transportation. Paul competition for Charter Schools for public schools. Thats right, they want to keep people in public system. Paul kim, what do you think the future is for Ridesharing Services across the countries and tens of millions use them and if youre new to city you dont know how the work subway and the cabs arent available you call uber, you call lyft, you get a ride, are other cities going to start to restrict this for the same reasons . Yeah, this is one of the Big New Urban Battles across the country because you are going to have other cities, the ones that are actively debating this right now as far away as texas to the west coast and youre going to have politicians who are going to want to do the union bidding them and protect their cabanopolies and have residents in the cities who are going to revolt and in the past the fear of that revolt has reined in the politicians and lost some of the prior battles against uber and lyft and seem to be plunging ahead anyway but this could reburberate badly and they wouldnt have cab industry right now. Change is coming and the Consumers Want it. Paul yeah, i think sometimes Bill De Blasio would have been a great mayor in the horse and buggy era. When we come back ten years after the 2008 panic, our own dan brings us untold story and alarming episodes of the 200plus year history of one of nations largest. Raise their rs because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. I enjoyed the process as much as my family did. Paul thats right, you got a good product out there, good story and good work so ten years after the financial panic, whats your biggest lesson . Well, i think what we see when we look over the 2century history is that 208 was not a one off perfect storm unexplainable unexpected event but the cull culmination and the bank going through crisis and contrast where it becomes the biggest tbhang the bank in the country, a rock that in times of Crisis Depo Sitters come and when you look at this bank, it was so strong before the government was standing behind it it would actually rescue the federal government at times when it was stress, Rescue Cities that were having trouble, after its almost amazing how quickly the bank deteriorated after the taxpayer safety net, the Federal Reserve comes in, the bank starts making really disastrous loans overseas, they opened a branch in russia in early 1917 and people can kind of imagine how it actually made money a few months before the communists took it over. Pretty soon they needed help from the government. Paul last resort, maybe implicit guaranty as well. The but going to 2008, do you think that citibank could have been less failed and would the Financial System have survived . I think it could have because i think that you certainly can do what the law said which is you seize the ensured depository and you pay what it costs to make people hold and that certainly would have been far less from the amounts the government spent both in terms of direct investment and the exposures guarantying so many of citigroups customers. Paul some say no harm no foul, it is difficult and you can be the obviously run the experiment again, you had the government creating all of the problems across the financial landscape in terms of driving all banks into the housing investment. Paul very easy to borrow Government Guaranty . So what we try to do with the book is to say not just look at 2008 and how little explanation, how little math how little real analysis but also how do you avoid getting to that point, how do you avoid getting to this moment where all of the regulators are i should say not all, sheila was a voice, all regulators taken as article of faith that america cant live without this big bank, that it has sob saved regardless of any real analysis. Paul hon that point, how do you prevent from getting there again . The banks are making a lot of money to start reducing the taxpayer safety net. You dont want to jar the markets, it wouldnt happen in 24 hours, it would happen over time where you start eliminating the explicit benefits and part of that is created in doddfrank law of 2010 essentially of cotification which is now clear that before the crisis instead of protecting the bank and depositors where Too Big To Fail banks paul every single politician, at least every democrat politician says Too Big To Fail is over. Its not over. Paul theyll be another big bailout of citigroup . You look at the history and once the federal safety net comes in, they ran into trouble in 1920, got federal assistance in 1930s, got in trouble in late 70s with lending to latin american countries, real estate crisis, you know, 2008 was not the first real estate crisis, i think once something changes we are going to have to grid our teeth and watch the awful bailouts again. Paul we need you writing editorials on the Financial System again. Yes, sir. 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It discreetly went to the center and she neatly dismissed to this person. Why here i missed the fbi on the question yet again, while the same courtesy of a preliminary briefing was not given to donald trump when had suspicions about his own Campaign Aides yet again another reason to wonder what all of this going on in this fbi investigation. Excellent. Kyle . Hollywood, specifically West Hollywood which they passed a resolution to have the Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star For Donald Trump to be removed. What if you think of his politics he is a television star. But its probably not going to happen because a Chamber Of Commerce that controls the stars, once you are a star, always a star. Even bill cosby is still there. Alicia . This is a mess to the oscars. In recent years they are way too long and most people have not seen the most nominated movies like the shape of water. Now they are condescending to the people with more adding a new category for best popular film. This feels a little bit like a Consolation Prize for viewers. Dan . I am giving a hit to socialism. For its entertainment value. We all know about cortez but this the editor of the daily cause websites as all democrats have to embrace socialism or be declared irrelevant to the democratic party. Days later, a reporter asked, the democratic candidate for governor, whether was he was the self defining socialist and he said are you kidding me . Thank you for watching. I am paul gigot. Hope to see you here next week. We begin with a fox news alert. A stolen plane crashes near seattle killing the only believed passenger on board. They described him as suicidal pew the Airline Employee who is not a pilot taking off from seattle last night with military jets quickly giving chase pew now this is raising questions about security. Hello Everyone Welcome to americas news headquarters. I am a mike emanuel. Right now, they are sorting through the wreckage looking for the cockpit and data recorders. The plane was seen doing stunts and in the air flying erratically before crashing into a small island. The fbi gathering more information from the scene. We are diligently investigating this matter. We will get to the bottom of it. We are doing so with a long list of partners right now. I have dozens of personnel at the crash site right now. I have 30 to 40 folks involved overnight. Interviewing coworkers and family members. Jeff paul is live on the scene with the latest. Hey, there. Were getting some new information regarding this commercial Airline Plane from the seattle airport. The fbi telling us that the air employee managed to fly for more than one hour. And eventually crashed into the island just behind us here before we where we are standing. We are also learning that they believe no security was compromised or failed. They say he is part of the ground crew would help direct plans to and from gates as well as unload and load planes. They say he had full access to the secure areas he was in but they are still trying to understand exactly how he managed to not only take off but fly for as long as he did. To be honest with you, Commercial Aircraft are complex machines. I dont know how he achieved the experience that he did. When asked about the employees ability to jump into the plane and take off Authorities Say it is not like driving a car. The Passenger Doors are secure but not exactly locked. The engine starts through a series of switches. While they do not know how he did it just yet they recorded conversations between employees and Traffic Control shed some light. Take a listen. I got a lot of people that care about me. And its going to disappoint them that i did this. I would like to apologize to each and every one of them. Just a broken guy. Got a few screws loose, i guess. Never really knew it until now. The fbi and Airport Authorities stress this is still very early on in the investigation. Less than 24 hours. They also not confirm the name of the employee who stole this plane but they do tell us he had been with the airline for more than three years and he did pass all of his extensive background checks. Mike jeff paul, still some of the questions. Many thanks. This is a fox news alert. We go live to bedminster new jersey where President Trump is at his Golf Club Meeting with 180 bikers made up of veterans, Law Enforcement and supporters. Members of bikers for trump. The new Jersey Chapter there and bedminster. And the president appears to be having a great time meeting with strong supporters there live in bedminster, new jersey at the trump golf club. We will monitor for any news but lets get to the top story. Ebony. Ebony and retired Lieutenant General davis a senior fellow military expert for defense priority. Thank you. Theres a lot of questions certainly at this point. Very early in the investigation. Let me start with something that you pointed out. Which is a Silver Lining here, despite the uncertainty around what we know so far, something that we do know is that we had Immediate Response from the us, north American Defense command within minutes they were able to really act and intercept anything that would have been problematic and cost american lives. Can you speak on how their preparation was so efficient . Yes, one of the big things i think is a result of the bad parts of 9 11, in that our civil responses have been substantially upgraded. Really, it was good news to me on a very tragic situation. But it does give us comfort if something terrorist or otherwise we had plans within minutes in the air. The system to acknowledge and alert them to get in the plane and in the air was literally within minutes. It is hard to emerge imagine. Also as your correspondent mentioned it does not appear they were any locks of security. He actually had the access. He just had some problems of his own had to work through and unfortunately had a tragic ending. Ebony can you talk a little bit about how our forces here were able to as you say, within minutes, really stepping into action into a situation that nobody could have foreseen. What kind of drills or other things they go through to be ready for these types of moments . Theres no doubt they have those kinds of Practice Sessions where there on 24 hour alert, they literally can go at any time and periodically will have exercises and no notice times to see how fast the pilots can go from there ready rooms into the plans and into the air. You see the results. As a military army guy, we used to have those things when we were in the cold war on the eastwest border. We would have those where we would jump into tanks and move to positions. So i was very familiar with that. Once you get into the your mindset you can respond pretty rapidly. The American People should get a good feeling knowing that anything unusual that happens, we do not have to wait a long time. We can respond immediately. Ebony it is indeed comforting. We did see early the Press Conference from the ceo of alaska air as well as the fbi special agent in charge. They were fielding lots of questions. Lots of those questions about the issue of access. As you point out, not really a lot seeming to be out of step there. It was a 3 and a half year employee of the airline. They had ground clearance, someone who supposed to be a secure section. When it comes to the access component, nothing really looking out of step from your take . Right. And you know, this is just a human situation. You cannot prevent everything. You cannot prevent someone from having a situation where they feel like they want to take their own lives and they end up taking action that is completely out of character what they normally do. We have situations and we have to have Security Measures in place to keep someone who is not supposed to have access to get through there and those seem to be very in good shape. Just cannot prevent everything. But again, it is good that we were able to respond so fast. Absolute. Now the escalating tensions with nato ally, turkey. The president is one in the u. S. That his country does not answer threats after President Trump tweeted this yesterday. Ive just authorized tariffs on steel and aluminum with respect to turkey. As their currency, flies down rapidly against a very strong dollar. Aluminum will not be 20 percent and steel 50 percent. Our relations with turkey are not good at this time. Relations between the two leaders have soured over several issues including the detention of american pastor, who is charged with espionage. Let me ask you this, as you point out, this is not really an issue. It seems that things are brought to this moment because of the detention of this american pastor. But there has been a lot thats going into the deterioration with our relationship with turkey. Can you speak with specifically their handling of some of our allies and what is going on is syria. This is almost a long time coming. Almost looking for some kind of action a little earlier. Over the last year especially, with regards to our mission is syria we been back in the democratic forces, in their effort to retake the city of raqqa from isis. Turkey was not on our side here. I understand within their view, some of the kurdish elements, terrorists recently do not view it that way. But they were proactively and i mean militarily, attacking some of our allies. They were killing them when we were moving troops into the area they actually threatened that they might attack our troops if that was the case. In no certain terms they were telling they were going to take actions. And it did not matter what we were saying. We are seeing with the detention of this American City sin under very certain circumstances. He says he is Finding Fault with us and he wrote an oped in the new york times complaining and he did not mention one of the very many egregious things he is doing. I do not think he has a lot of room to complain about the United States. Ebony to that point, you point out and many other experts like you say would be americas best interest to have a better relationship with turkey. They are a nato ally. But to support what you just said, what would you want to see, what do you anticipate we could possibly see from the turkish president that would give us an indication that it could move into a more positive direction . Releasing this pastor would be a really good first step. It is relatively low. Erdogan has imprisoned over hundred 50,000 people of his own since the coup little over a year ago. And they have cut down press freedoms, they have imprisoned operatives. They are doing everything in the world except advancing democracy. We need to see a little bit more that there will be an ally. Just like erdogan will do what he thinks is his and his natural interest the President Trump will do what is in our national interest. Whether it is an ally or not. There are a lot of things going on in the last several years between United States and turkey that may be make us want to reevaluate how important it is to us. Ebony a reminder, we watching President Trump right now with his supporters in bedminster, new jersey. The bikers for trump where he enjoys strong support from a mix of veterans and military and other experts there. To the point of what President Trump is doing in our best interest, concerning the relationship with turkey, do you think that the tariffs the president Just Announced on steel and aluminum and things of that nature, do you think that will be effective in getting a little bit more leeway with the relationship . It remains to be seen. Erdogan was very firm saying they will not respond to pressure tactics. And we do have to be careful with some of those because it could harden the results and make them less likely to do things we want but depends on how long that goes and how much pain it causes. Already weve seen the lira is in freefall right now. The valuation of the currency is really causing them economic problems. And erdogan is trying to build up to about telling his people they should sell gold and sell other things and to purchase the lira. Im not sure will be well received but he is trying that. He is in a vulnerable position and well see how all of it plays out. Ebony we will wait and see, Lieutenant Colonel davis, thank you. Thank you. Mike I Ran Testfired a Ballistic Missile as the u. S. Reimpose sanctions i be lifted on the nuclear deal. Fox news breaking the story. This is the first test in more than a year taking place in a vital waterway for the passage of oil tankers. Kitty logan is Live In London with details. Hi kitty. Reporter hi mike. I ran testfired dismissal on friday. As part of a naval exercise in the area. But there are concerns it could be a message to the u. S. In response to sanctions. This was we believe launched within iranian waters also landed on iranian territory. Iran has since confirmed that he has been holding military exercises in the area over the past few days. It says these are intended to prepare for what it describes as possible threats but there was nothing to suggest that this particular missile test was unusual within the context of the exercise. These exercises appear to what they have done in the past. But the timing and the meaning, iran is of course angered about the Us Government decision to pull out of the iran deal, that was the deal in 2015. And that essentially limits irans nuclear activities. Tehran, the government is also unhappy about these new Sanctions Washington has decided to reimpose. It is economic sanctions put in the suit. Despite the relations, iran has rejected the idea of highlevel talks with the u. S. Saying theres no reason for it. Mike kitty logan, Live In London. Many thanks. Tomorrow on sunday morning futures, Maria Bartiromo speaks with ed royce about iran, turkey and other hotspots around the globe. Right here on fox news channel. Ebony this weekend marks one year since the White Supremacist rally in charlottesville virginia. That resulted in the death of one of the counter protesters. The governor declaring a State Of Emergency. The president says Quote The Right and charlottesville yoga resulted in death, division. We must come together as a nation. All types of racism and violence. Peace to all americans. Doug is live with the latest. Reporter we are standing here at ground zero. The exact point at which the writing broke out last year. What was then called lee park. It is since changed twice. One of several changes that charlottesville has seen in the last year. The mayor is mel gone. The city manager all gone. And the police chief that was there also now gone. We watched last year right from the spot, incredulously, as police stood idly by as the writing got underway. It was not just our observation but also the official findings of an independent review which was conducted this winter by former u. S. Attorney who found there was no unified command here. Insufficient space for opposing groups. Failure to heed warnings for other Police Forces in Portland Oregon and New York City. The dangerous White Supremacist members coming to charlottesville a failure to confiscate weapons, sticks, stones, urine bombs, coke cans filled with cement. The new governor of virginia, norton, paid attention to the report. He issued the State Of Emergency earlier this week which enabled him to spend 2 million to bolster Police Forces and you can see them in force across the city of charlottesville. Quite literally hundreds of extra Police Officers right behind me. Some of them standing by with riot gear. You also see some of the protective measures here. The Police Barrier here, 20 feet behind that. Another Police Barrier. Further income another perimeter and beyond that, a last perimeter surrounding the statue of robert e lee. Which still stands because of various court challenges. Early this morning there was a solemn ceremony at the university of virginia. A morning of reflection and renewal it was called. The University President said the White Supremacists that gather to last year were lost souls. Lets be clear. This group of marchers represented an extreme group of lost souls. Who want to reject our values and aspirations. They were involved in lets be honest yet again, by political climate, to foster the idea that the fundamental values may actually be up for grabs. Reporter we have not seen any sign of White Supremacists here today. Keep in mind even last year the numbers were very few. The call went across the internet, across Message Boards and social media to descend on charlottesville. Out of 300 million americans, about 300 White Supremacists showed up today, not at all. They entered through the same police checkpoint we did. Anybody visiting Downtown Charlottesville would have to enter through. Belongings i should say, examined very closely by police as was the case with all others. Later, a special Interest Group at the university will go to the university of law, the same place we saw the Tiki Torch March Of Last year to reclaim the lawn, it is largely symbolic gesture. As we said, there are no White Supremacists here today. At least not they are showing their faces in public. Back to you. Ebony doug mckelway, you did Fantastic Reporting There Last Year and today. Thanks so much. Mike the race of the midterms taking an unexpected turn after three time congressman is indicted on federal Insider Trading charges. We live with new developers. Plus sinners revealing close to 200,000 documents from Brett Kavanaugh work in the Executive Branch to welcome expecting the confirmation hearings next month . Our next guest joins us with his unique perspective, next. Motorcycle revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. 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This aboutface comes just three days after republican congressman Chris Collins held a Press Conference in his upstate new York District to declare that charges against him of Insider Trading and lying to the fbi are quote meritless. He defiantly said that he was going to continue to run for reelection in november. This morning, the three term republican tweeted a letter explain he decided to instead, bow out. Quote democrats are laser focused on taking death the house, electing nancy pelosi speaker and launching impeachment proceedings against President Trump. They would like nothing more than to elect an impeached trumped democrat in the district to do something neither a country or my party can afford. Ive decided that it is in the best interest of the constituents of new york 27 the Republican Party and President Trumps agenda for me to suspend my campaign for reelection to congress. Collins represents new yorks 27th congressional district. It is regarded as the most republican district in the state. President trump won this district by 29 points in 2016. After the indictment, there was some concern among republicans the charges would feel democrats to come out and vote. He was the right move. He needs to get out from under the cloud and protect that seat. Somebody needs to step in so we can hold the seat for republicans. It was the right move. Reporter a democrat, mcmurray waits to see who will be his challenger. He weighed in saying he says collins needs to resign immediately. The suspension is not enough. As for what happens next, an indictment is not enough to officially get collins name off of the ballot. He will reportedly probably have to accept a nomination for a Different Office and then a substitution by Party Leaders will be chosen as to who will the person that will be on the ballot. Ebony thank you. Mike Confirmation Hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Now set to begin september 4. The Senate Judiciary committee chairman, making the announcement yesterday after the Committee Received Tens Of Thousands of pages from cavanaugh is record. Some democrats ahead of a contentious Confirmation Battle say it is not enough time to review the judge kavanaugh long career. Activists are rallying to oppose his confirmation. Right now Chelsea Clinton had lining the rise up tour. Clerked for neil gorsuch and a former chief counsel, for the Senate Foreign relations committee. Great to have you. Thank you. Mike recent confirmation of sotomayor, the judge kavanaugh nomination, is there come claims about russian . Close out things appeared to the contrary. For justice sotomayor, and others denomination time to the hearing is 40 to 49 days. Like judge kavanaugh, will be 57 days. It is actually longer than prior confirmations. Mike you know the senate. Either you have the votes or you dont. Is trying to stall about all of the Minority Party can do in this case . It is about what they have because reality is that they express support for judge kavanaugh. Just a couple of votes away and there is at least two republicans and three democrats highly likely to vote for judge kavanaugh. Look like its happening soon. Mike what about the volume of documents that has a ready been produced for judge kavanaugh s nomination . More than any other nominee ever in the Supreme Court, hundred 84,000 pages, 2000 more than for judge gorsuch. It is a tremendous amount of information and there may be 800,000 pages. Mike how many do you expect to end up supporting judge kavanaugh . I think we look at the neil gorsuch confirmation. Joe manchin iii, joe donnelly and heidi heitkamp. Those are the three democrats that they really should be voting for republican initiatives because she is a red state. But has not done so thus far. We will see what happens going forward. Mike is a dilemma for Chuck Schumer . If those democrats lose he gets further away from being majority leader, right . You would think so but senator schumer hasnt shown anyone that is really build bridges across party is trying to make common cause. He has led some democrats on occasion and rarely, what republican and since the statement at the same time, he really has not tried to work hard enough on the kavanaugh nomination. Mike estimate who work in the senate, softly with Supreme Court confirmations, how brutal do you expect this to get . Do you expect some of these democrats thinking about running for president in 2020 may get a little feisty . I certainly think that there is opportunity for grandstanding. We so that in the neil gorsuch accommodation. We were likely to see that again. We have come from history or justice antonin scalia, and others were confirmed by huge journeys in both parties to now we are in a contentious situation it shouldnt have to be this way we have highly qualified nominees like neil gorsuch and kavanaugh. Mike thank you. Thank you for having me. Ebony President Trump putting Andrew Mccabe back in his crosshairs. Why starting to get involved in a battle over the have the fbi is handling his Text Messages. And commander and the chief is he ready to wrap up is Working Vacation . Details on all of this straight ahead. And the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Join the fight with the Alzheimers Association. Istart at the new carfax. Comar. Show me minivans with no reported accidents. Boom. Love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. Bundle and save big, but now its time to find my dream abode. 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Rick leventhal is live in berkeley heights, new jersey. Reporter the photo op with the bikers was originally scheduled for outdoors but it has been pouring and raining on and off all day long. When the bikers for trump got to the Bedminster National golf club they were brought into a ballroom there. I want to shake some images from the meeting with the president. Very light and cheerful event the bikers were laughing and joking with the president , taking selfies with him. A very relaxed atmosphere. The white house is this group has nearly 100,000 members nationwide. Major Grassroots Organization that supports the presence agenda. There are hundred and 80 of them at the club today. In a tweet to present wrote hundreds of bikers for trump just joined me at bedminster. Quite a scene. Great people who truly love our country. During the event there was a moment where the president gave a shout out of sorts to the media gathered in the room. Then someone shouted a question at the president , one of the questions shouted was about omarosa, who was an apprentice store and worked at the white house for a short time. Next he comes out with abook highly president of the president. Here is that moment. Is a really like the press . Do you think the media is fair . Tell the truth i better not go there. I better not go any further. No gothe cameras were escorted out they chanted for more years. Another brief followup of short time ago outside where the bikers took some more pictures with the president and started and revved their engines for the president and then they took off. That event is over for the day. No other scheduled events with the president that we know of the rest of this day and of course, his vacation extends through monday when he the trip Upstate New York and them will be back at the White House Monday night. Mike does not sound like omarosa will be invited to the golf club anytime soon. Reporter i think that is a safe bet. Mike thank you, rick leventhal. Ebony meanwhile the president is threatening to intervene in a fight for Text Messages from former fbi deputy director, Andrew Mccabe. The conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch has been pushing the fbi for access to messages on his wife jills 2015 senate campaign. The president tweeted why isnt the fbi giving Andrew Mccabe Text Messages to Judicial Watch or appropriate Governmental Authority . The fbi says they will not give up even one. I may have to get involved. Do not destroy. What are they hiding . The president also criticizing james comey as well as lisa paige and others. Blaming them for hurting the bureaus stellar reputation. Joe known as now we have darlene, White House Reporter for the associated press. Thank you for joining us darlene. So much to unpack to the president is tweeting and often we can really see a lot of insight as to what is top of mind for the president through his tweets. It is a saturday morning and were seeing this what does it tell you about what hes thinking about . It says to me that it is another sort of public expression by the president of his continued and already well documented frustration with special counsel, robert mueller. And the investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. The Previous Report that you showed, showed him on vacation at his home in new jersey. He has bikers for trump come over, he is on vacation although the present would not call it a vacation. He calls it a Working Vacation. It is interesting to me that at this time, when the final throes of summer break, he is on vacation. Most people try to put these kinds of things out of their head and he gets on on saturday morning and is tweeting about the investigation. Ebony certainly. As you say, it is well documented the present has been concerned with really even frustrated at various points in time about the mueller investigation. But to my knowledge, he is not been charged with anything criminally. He is not been indicted of anything. Why do you think such concern around the investigation at this stage . As true he is not been charged with anything. He is being investigated by the special counsel or the special counsel is looking at him for possible obstruction of justice. I think one of the reasons, there are several reasons. One reason being that the investigation has gone on now for more than a year. The president is very eager to see it wrapped up. There is no indication that it will be wrapped up anytime soon. That is one source of frustration. In recent weeks have seen reports involving donald trump jr. , the president s son. Indications that the investigation may be getting a little bit close to home, close to his son. That is another source of frustration for the president. Ebony saytheres no end indication that will be wrapped up soon. The president s attorney, rudy giuliani, has been on a bit of a media tour talking about attempt to make some type of deal and things of that nature. What you think of the president s reaction to that type of narrative being out there would be . One of the questions that remain open right now is whether or not the president will go in and sit for an interview with robert mueller. That still is a source of negotiation that is something the president s attorney, rudy giuliani, has been talking about a lot on t. V. And in recent days trying to decide whether to do it under what conditions to do it. And so forth. Until that is wrapped up, that seems to be one of the big remaining pieces of the investigation. Until that is resolved, and either the president sits for an interviewer doesnt or a subpoena to come into an interview, we will not have any better sense of how much more or how much longer the investigation will last. Ebony certainly that remains an outstanding question. Now he was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in april when the ig report came out saying he was canned basically in a nice way to say he lied. Why do you think President Trump is bringing this issue back up now . Because for most people, from a political standpoint, darlene, Andrew Mccabe is not really an issue at this point. I think most would agree is pretty discredited. What is the incentive for bringing the issue back up at this point . Right, its a lot unclear to me why mccabe was in his tweets today. You know he has been angry at mccabe. He has had several tweets since taking office. Mention the fact that mccabe s wife that won in virginia accepted some Campaign Funding from someone whos close to Hillary Clinton and that has been a source of frustration for the president. He seems to think that by his wife accepting the money that somehow, it tainted mccabe against the president. Mccabe was overseeing the Justice Department investigation into Hillary Clintons Email Practices when she was secretary of state. I know the Judicial Watch has been trying to get a hold of a large Text Messages and also emails from james comey, james comey and Andrew Mccabe were very close. It is sort of a tangled web. Ebony a good way to put it. Absolutely, that would be the case. Thank you so much, darlene superville, thank you. Thank you. Mike more democrats distancing themselves or mansi pelosi. If not her then who . Right now, it represents a diversity of viewpoints. As you know, numerous districts have numerous perspectives and viewpoints among constituents. So you just walk around telling people geico could help them save money on Car Insurance . Yea,that and homeowners, renters, motorcycle and boat insurance. Huh. Thats nice. What happens when you catch a fish . Gecko whoa. Geico. More than just Car Insurance. See how much you could save at geico. Com. 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But the present who clearly wants to keep republican majorities in both the house and senate is urging democrats to back her endorsement on twitter. Democrats please do not distance yourself from nancy pelosi. She is a wonderful person whose ideas and policies may be bad but who should definitely be given a chance. She is trying very hard and has every right to take down the democratic party. That she has veered too far left. Gemina we have Don Calloway A representative and finder of Pine Street Strategy appears in the president of District Media group and host of a podcast. Great to have you both. Thank you. Don, what do you think of democrats saying maybe i wont support her if they text back majority in the fall . This is the epitome of inside baseball. You have to remember that this is saying will not support nancy pelosi is essentially campaign promise. When the vote is taken it is a private in caucus vote that will look a lot different once the members get elected and get attuned to the reality of how powerful nancy pelosi is, how much she assisted them whether they like it or not and how much power she has over crucial things like Office Budgets and staff and so on and so forth. I predict you will probably be the speaker in january. Given if democrats win with around 230 seats. If the margin is a little slimmer, to 18 to 220, then the caucus will probably go to someone who can be a gap speaker and building more consensus but all signs point to despite rhetoric right now, nancy pelosi will still probably end up on top. Mike beverly, your thoughts . Do republicans want to keep running against nancy pelosi . Of course. And the tweet by the president is to control into a new level on twitter. But the sarcasm within the tweets i think Doesnt Just Rain True for republicans but for democrats. What we know about nancy pelosi is she is extremely wellknown, liberal, San Francisco democrat a part of the establishment here when you mix that with that she has made gaps in her talks. Shes become toxic to democrats. I understand why they run the ads and understand why some have said we would not vote for her for speaker of the house if we are elected in office but of course if democrats win the midterms. Don and beverly have more questions for you. Lets hold on for just a moment. Stay right there. If not nancy pelosi for the next democratic speaker, then who . We will be right back. Keep it comin love. If you keep on eating, well keep it comin. All you can eat riblets and tenders at applebees. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Feeclaritin and Relief Fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Something important. Its not going to be easy. Quicksilver earns you unlimited 1. 5 cash back on every purchase, everywhere. Actually, thats super easy. My bad. I want to play for you republicans to repack ad and get your reaction to it. Felt liberal politician paul davis is added again. This time he is running for congress and this time he is not alone. Now nancy pelosi if a vote for paul davis is a vote for nancy pelosi. Mike beverly, is an effective line of attack . I think so. Nancy pelosi is a gift that keeps on giving to republicans. I understand by President Trump sent out the tweet today. Here is the thing. If democrats to win midterms and we have a long way to go before we know and i think she does make it tougher for democrats to win. I think she remains speaker of the house heres the reason why, and don was saying this earlier, she is raised hundreds of millions of dollars for democrats. They shall be strong within the d. C. Establishment the liberal elite. Democrats have to ask what they are standing for moving forward. They need to discuss what their messages beyond the antitrump and also running into problems with Young Democrats who want to talk about socialism. I think they are coming to kind of a fork in the road on what direction democrats should go. I think nancy pelosi will definitely stay if democrats take the house. Mike don your for missouri. What is your reaction to the ad . It is typically what you are seeing across the country. In every competitive house race. It is not a lot more creative just because it is a tennessee candidate. You can switch out paul davis name for any republican on the ballot. In missouri, ragnar will say that is a vote for nancy pelosi peer whether or not its true i find it lazy because it takes away from the merits of the individual candidates and it is interesting it is an easy attack because barack obama is not the president , we do not control the senate. You have defined one person you can crystallize as a villain and that is nancy pelosi. It is ultimately the price of leadership. I do agree with beverly that nancy pelosi is extremely powerful. Whether or not the candidates are repudiating her as the next speaker leader of the democratic caucus, she is still supporting them behind the scenes. She still directing money toward those campaigns because she understands The Big Picture is about getting to 218 in her caucus. I think you ultimately end up as the neck speaker. If shes not, it will be a very interesting Enterococcus Battle to see who could potentially replace her. Mike and of course House Democrats have been led by nancy pelosi, those who have been around for a long time. A lot of under folks are chomping at the bit for their opportunity to step up into leadership roles. New voices, new faces. Thoughts on that, don . I would never discount jim, certainly nancy pelosi and have been steady rivals for a long time. I think jim is someone who can step in and bridge the gap and have support of the caucus. I do not think it will be ryan. He put out a bit less time to try and unseat nancy pelosi. Armand looking to mr. Clyburn and potentially sanchez to graduate into the leadership you my money would be on mr. Clyburn. As a strong speaker if not nancy pelosi. Mike that is all the time we have. Don calloway, beverly hallberg, thank you very much. We will see how it all plays out in november. Ebony that does it for us. The news continues at the top of the hour. Mike stay tuned Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Arthel we begin with the fox

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