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Comes a warning not to allow the longrunning and horrible conflict to escalate. Meanwhile the defense secretary is making it clear that the us and its allies are prepared to follow up with similar military action in theory if needed. Clearly, the assad regime did not get the message last year. This time our allies made it harder. Together we send a clear message to assad and his murderous lieutenants that this is not they should not perpetrate another chemical attack for which they will be held accountable. We are now going to mike in jerusalem. What we can do is give you some of the First Independent satellite images of one of the damascus area. Targets. This is the target in the damascus area. The image is coming to us from a location identified by the general as the Syrian Center for Research Development production and testing of chemical and biological weapons. The before pictures are from 2013. The active pictures from today. They appear to show the three main buildings pretty much brought to the ground. That is a part of images coming out of damascus. Video on the grounds was piles of rubble with a facility labeled by syria as a Scientific Research facility is typically denied was used for chemical weapons with his inspectors visited the facility and claimed that syria surface air defenses knocked 100 missiles of the sky but the pentagon says that they are defenses were ineffective. Remarkably, the only casualties that we have heard of so far, three injuries at those locations outside of the city. Meanwhile there seems to have begun a new coordinated effort between israel and arab allies. What is reaction in the region . It really depends who you talk to. As soon as the sun came up after the conclusion of the strikes you had people loyal to the Syrian Regime out in the streets. They played National Songs dance in the streets waiting pictures of assad. One man claimed that. He mitigated the western missile for the Opposition Forces but the militia calls himself the heart of islam called the strikes a farce and citizen a strategy to save the people there from the brutality of the assad regime. If support from countries like turkey right now. Which the leader often is a harsh critic of the west. The israeli Prime Minister issued a Statement Today saying that the resolve of President Trump remains and israel remains supportive of the president. More specifically he said it should be clear to the president assad his disregard for International Law and provision of forward base by rand and his proxies in danger syria and the people. Back to you. Thank you. Meanwhile, President Trump saying mission accomplished. Meanwhile at a summit in peru, the Vice President saying that the missile strikes crippled that syria chemical weapons capability. The president was focused on the actual chemical weapons regime itself. And our hope is that syria and their patrons got the message. John roberts live at the white house with the latest. What is the latest, john . Good afternoon a beautiful the day like today the president is usually at the golf course but he is here at the white house staying abreast of development in the syria situation working the telephone as well. Speaking with theresa may and the french president emmanuel macron. According to a white house readout leaders affirmed the joint airstrikes were successful and necessary. To deter assad mother chemical weapons use. Unclear this mind the president thinking the uk and france and the men and women of the military saying a perfectly executed strike last night rethinking to france and the uk for their wisdom and the power of their fine military. Could not have had a better result. Mission accomplished. A lot of people have been noting the language of president george w. Bush said that after the iraq war and it did not quite happen. Officials from the National Security council at the white house this afternoon to they have a large volume of clear and compelling evidence that syria did in fact use chemical weapons in the attack in douma last weekend. Pacifically fluorine and sarin nerve gas. With a disconnect from the pentagon and the president will only go so far to say that they think that sarin could have been used. Told fox news that have a high degree of confidence it was used. Much of the evidence that theyre basing this on his documentary. Youre watching some of it on the screen right now. Video and photographs of the victims showing signs of asphyxiation. Also forming at the mouth and something called meiosis which is when you get pinpoint pupils, hallmark symptoms of sarin gas poisoning. Using a gas canister there on that bed. They are saying that the barrel bombs that were used some are still intact, they are consistent with past syrian weapons attacks. They also sent a helicopter was hovering over douma in the attack. And the Vice President who was traveling for the summit of the americas it says the upset last night strike will change the behavior not only of syria but russia and iran as well. Listen here. Our message to russia is that you are on the wrong side of history. It is time for russia to get the message of President Trump that he delivered last night. That you are known by the company that you keep. Russia responded last night as you would expect the foreign minister calling the attack absolutely illegal, unacceptable. Unacceptable. President Vladimir Putin saying he was an active aggression against a sovereign state. Any mandate for the un Security Council and in violation of the un charter and norms and principles of International Law here but the National Security council telling fox news this afternoon not they are pleased that there has been no outright conflict with russia. Expect the statements but there has been nothing more. Meanwhile russia is also claiming that syria shot down missiles last thank you what is the white house saying about that . The white house and pentagon both said that they expect the revised disinformation campaigns to be waged by the russians. Officials telling fox news that the Russian Missile Defense System that they installed in theory was up and active last night. But never fired. There was a chance of course, that Coalition Aircraft, the standoff for the most part but theres still a chance that even the missiles were Coalition Aircraft that have been targeted by the system. The Vice President that it was a chance that the president was willing to take. Listen here. We carefully examined the possibility of a response by syria or by its allies russia and iran the miscalculation the president made the decision to target the chemical weapons facilities having counted all of the cost and potential decisions. National Security Council officials tell fox news the fact that the russian system was up and running and did not fire is sort of, puts a realm of myth, this idea that russia built an impenetrable air Defense System in syria and certainly gave the United States and its allies a greater degree of for the next time they do this should they have to. But there certainly is hoping that syria will change their ways and they will not have to do this again. Absolute. John roberts, thank you so much. Russia was chaired by the pentagon says there were not told everything. They has the d confliction that was used in the department of defense as we did not tell the russians about specific targets. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general joseph dunford. We specifically identify these targets to mitigate the risk of Russian Forces being involved and we used our normal d confliction channels. Those are active this week to work through the airspace issue and so forth. We did not do any coordination with the russians nor do we we notify them. Someone who knows all about the logistics, a former assistant vice chief of staff of the United States air force and a former b1 pilot good to see you. Welcome. Good to be with you again. The attacks will really precision against the research lab and facilities but the effort to take out any of the commandandcontrol center. Or the infrastructure on this whole military. Do you think that was a mistake . I think it was very prudent. Last night was a very impressive attack. Americans can feel very proud of the men and women to serve in uniform who volunteered to go into harms way and they did an exceptional job last night. Precision attack has been reported against three chemical sites or three chemical areas. Again, it was very impressive, very effective and as reported by the pentagon this morning at 9 00 briefing in washington d. C. , the setback of the Chemical Program will be years. I think that is important. It was a very focused, very precise and with minimum risk and very effective. You think the interest is the message. Obviously there is this infrastructure for chemical weapons there. He can then be constituted but still, the message delivered. I think the message was delivered. And again by nikki haley this morning at the un Security Council. They say the United States is still locked and loaded should assad try to employ chemical weapons be the hard part right now is what is next. In general, the commander of Us Central Command responsible for lessons attack has so that the hard part is in front of us. We need to look at other means. We need to look at other means in terms of all us elements of National Security and power. Diplomatic economic and financial and stabilization efforts as well. Can include the imposition of a nofly zone or is it too late for that . How do you tell these apart . I would not advise for a nofly zone. Particularly when you still have these on the ground. I would however, take a look at other instruments of National Power. Such as Stabilization Program to help with reconstruction, assistance and removal of icds. Remember we still have 13 million syrians without water. Many have been displaced from homes for 2 million are children. That is going to also be part of our effort which is the main focus right now to defeat isis. So we have to look at all of this, not just military. But we did see an impressive strike last night. An effective strike. I think it sent a message to the syrian, russian, iranian and North Koreans as well as other adversaries that may want to challenge this president and certainly this effort. One more thing if i may. Sure. Was significant is it also brought in a collision of the french and british presenters with different than last year . Last year was about half level of effort in terms of the number of tomahawk missiles and attacks and so forth. More complex, very precise, very effective. I think as we move forward, we have to got to look at not only National Power but Coalition Partners and those in the region as well. And moving forward what about assad . What does he do now . You have helicopters according to reports of scurried over to a russian base. We would not attack a russian base. The warplanes are intact but would they just say parked in a russian hanger that we do not attack because we do not want to get into a war with russia . Or does he bring them out and start this all over again . We are walking a thin line here in far of trying not to have a confrontation with the russians. The Vice President said earlier, they are on the wrong part for the wrong side of history. I think this send a signal also to Vladimir Putin. And he knows nothing but and respects power. We demonstrated that last night. As far as assad, he also will respect power and he will understand the consequences. The next time he decides to do something as atrocious as a chemical attack on innocent men, women and children. In terms of should we attack different targets . That is to be determined. We will get damage assessment, behavior of assad and the military. But that is again, a very broad playbook at the pentagon. We can call different types of scenarios and provide even more options to the present but that is to be determined. Lieutenant general, you know firsthand what it is like to be a pilot of a b1. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for your service also. Thank you. A quick programming out tomorrow Fox News Sunday as this plays out, she will be on with chris wallace. Talk about the us ambassador, nikki haley of course you can capture right here on Fox News Channel tomorrow afternoon. Check your local listings for the local fox station regular. We have a lot more news on this very busy saturday including Michael Cohen under scrutiny and with the Justice Department is nothing about the personal attorney of the president. Lawmakers also reacted to airstrikes in the repair and how this is all playing out on capitol hill and what it means for President Trump and future actions against the assad for President Trump and future actions against the assad regime. Russia has stood away. Assad has continued to kill innocent civilians good enough is enough. I think the president wanted to make that clear in conjunction with our allies the british and the french. vo lately, ive been selective about what i eat. This new beneful select 10, has 10 amazing ingredients avo with real beef, plus accents of Sunflower Oil and apples, suddenly your dogs a health nut. vo the old me woulda been all over that. avo new beneful select 10. 10 ingredients. 1 thoughtful recipe which is Breast Cancer metastatthat has spreadr, to other parts of her body. 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Lindsey graham saying quote we seem to have settled on and become table with being the chemical weapons holy spirit to those who believe the administration does not have a strategy when it comes to syria, i respectfully disagree. They do have a strategy and withdraw from syria as quickly as possible. Republican congressman scott taylor of virginia weighingin. I think he was anything he was measured and calculated and listen to his advisor. I think he has the right balance. In tone and in action. Question is now to discuss we have a former Senior Advisor to the Ohio Governor john kasich and managing director at mercury llc. Good to have you here. We are in the midst of this right now but of course we have to talk politics. What does this mean for President Trump politically . He campaigned on america first. Let the other Companies Fight their own battles. In the week of the attacks, or subsequent attacks in syria should they be necessary, does this move the president political needle towards the other side of the political spectrum broadening his base . Is a very interesting point. Does it broaden his base . Because it was a very limited strike and they were not boots on the ground, nothing like that where it is intervention. I think theres going to be issues with his core base, the folks actually have nothing for us to do in the world and however, when he does Something Like last night he does have an opportunity to look very president ial. An opportunity for republicans and democrats that have historically said the America Needs to be the leader of the free world. Free world. Even people of Chuck Schumer supported the action last night. This is a real opportunity for him to boarding broaden the base. And this is a cousin. I think it very clear with what the plan was. I am someone who has been very vocal about the third president using a 17yearold authorization. Use of military force. It absolutely should be updated. The president spoke about the effort there. If that is the case then yes, he should come to congress and congress should have the courage and the guts to debate this. With input from the executive branch of course in strategy and what is happening there. I do think he was right to do what he did last night. Okay. Also, House Minority leader, nancy pelosi tweeting on this for saying must come to congress to obtain a new amf. And ultimately hold lenny glynn accountable for the bloodshed he is enabled. I ask you, did the president need congressional approval to carry out this attack and any future attacks. No he did not. And the reason is because back in 2001, after 9 11, Congress Gave Broad Authority to the executive branch. They pretty much president bush and obama and now President Trump have used this authority for airstrikes around the region. Look, they are not wrong. Because they have this conversation with congress but they had an opportunity to repeal, replace this last summer and they chose not to. That is what congress tends to do. They have been issues and they say lets kick the can on Something Like this. Congress has the responsibility to declare war. The executive branch makes the executive branch much stronger. Here is my sense. I think this is an opportunity for donald trump to say look, i have had a lot of success with isis. He has not gone the credit he deserves. There is a lot of detractors for the president on a bunch of issues but isis is a place we can clearly point to in example and say this is where we have success. I know what im doing here. My team knows what it is doing here lets Work Together and put politics above, lets have a conversation about what military authority should have and lets come up with a Clear Strategy on syria. You think thats what he should have said to congress . I think he can do that now. Im short on time but i want to ask you, our troops are still engaged in a mission. How much does that affect each party at the pole . I dont think you have that much of an effect if it has limited interaction. But i think if we do escalate it will have a negative impact. I think republicans will have a bad year anyway so you have to do the right thing. Okay jay, we leave it there. Thank you for your time today. Thank you. They released a video showing the president assad walking to work with his briefcase like nothing happened. Did it defeat the regime upon us . A reporter and syria was out on the streets to get reaction from syrians. We will hear from her, next to request our goal in syria remains. Defeating isis. The 70 nations coalition. We will not stand by passively while assad, backed by russia and iran, ignores International Law. You might take something for your heart. Or joints. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. With exciting new dishes like lobdueling lobster tails. R. And lobster truffle mac cheese. Classics like lobster lovers dream are here too. So enjoy these 10 lobsterlicious dishes now. Because lobsterfest ends april 22nd. Oh good, youre awake finally. Youre still here . Come on, denise. Were voya we stay with you to and through retirement. With solutions to help provide income throughout. I get that voya is with me through retirement, im just surprised it means in my kitchen. Oh. So, that means no breakfast . I said there might be breakfast. I was really looking forward to breakfast. I know. Voya. Helping you to and through retirement. The Justice Department confirming the president s personal attorney Michael Cohen has been under criminal investigation for months. This comes at a federal prosecutor sees records from Michael Collins home and office earlier this week. Jenny is a former Justice Department prosecutor the attorneys are challenging the search warrant. Is this typical . Practice pretty unusual. The whole circumstance is pretty unusual. Typically eric you are the subject of Research Work you will file pretrial motions after you have been charged. You come to court and challenge whatever it may be. The constitutionality of the warrant, probable cause. Here they have already got an audience with the court. Challenging the seizure of records that relate to attorneyclient privilege. It is pretty unusual territory. Im sure it happened before but to get a judge to buy off on litigating this at this point is pretty interesting. There is interesting claims that can come from it i think. The reason is all happening here is the special Counsel Robert Mueller referred them to the Southern District of new york because they ran into information that was outside of the scope of the russia investigation. Can the us attorney in new york in turn give mr. Robert mueller information that he legally obtained here in new york . And can Robert Mueller fall that into his russia probe . That is the great question here. It probably is my tentative answer. It really starts to underscore an emerging issue here which is whether or not the independent counsel is actually just working in tandem. If there is a Southern District of new york having them do the work and studied the benefit of the information. I think if i was representing mr. Robert cohen for instance, i would be aggressively looking for information to show this was not just a referral, this was effectively an expansion of the independent counsel team. I want to show an excerpt from the new york times. Which says, mr. Trump called mr. Common on friday to check in according to two people briefed on the call . Depending on what else was discussed it could be problematic as clients are advised in not discussing the investigation. By way of the Michael Cohen case, is the president exposed to legal jeopardy . First of all for the phone call i doubt it. I have to think that there is attorneys hanging onto the phone to make sure he does anything particular i suspect the phone call was hang in there pal, sorry this happened and click. Lets wait a minute. Is there any way that perhaps, even it is not short of a conversation, is that sort of a wink wink to Michael Cohen from the president saying dont worry because what happens to you, i have the power to pardon . It may be intended that way. Again, we are really speculating here. You are a former doj prosecutor so you might know. I cannot say i know too many situations where i am a speculating on the president s phone call that i think it was a pretty carefully controlled call. Im sure it is something that even the most aggressive prosecutor could not spin into something that sounds like obstruction or the promise of a pardon or anything like that. Again, i doubt that it was, even if it was relatively spontaneous i doubt it was the type of thing that leads to actual usable evidence. The picture remains that they could get to a physician with a claim materials from Michael Cohen search warrant that can be used against the president someday. Obviously that is the source of the letter consummation at the white house. Of course. We may come back to mr. Common in a minute if i have time but i want to switch gears now to get your take on something else. I want to get your reaction on the new reporting on the reasons behind the firing of former fbi Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe. Your take on that . Its an interesting report. It is about a 36 or 39 page report with a lot of detail and what it says that mr. Mccabe on four different occasions comically under oath, lied about his role in a lake to the wall street journal that led to a story that was somewhat favorable to him. That is really the starting point of all of this. Not going out and saying things that were common to the benefit of the fbi in general. He was saying things that deflected from the issue about his nonrecusing. And that goes back to the fact that his wife had obtained Serious Campaign contributions. I think it is a sympathy in terms of the general flavor of the situation and that it was really helpful to him as a person not to the institution. And one quick thing that was interesting. Of the four times he was apparently dishonest, they call it lack of candor in the report. One of which was telling the Inspector General in an interview that certain things did not happen in the last interview. It is a strange territory. Certainly its a pretty difficult for the Inspector General to think favorably of mr. Mccabe when he is saying that your agents are lying about what just happened. So it becomes kind of an either or and it is not a shock that the Inspector General found that the lack of candor came down on mccabe for that. Im told i had to go. Another question but i will have you back to get your answer to that. James, former doj prosecutor thank you for being with us today. Good seeing you. And back to syria. People are waking up this morning to the latest phase in a seven year hold of the loss of will. The us led airstrikes targeting the us led airstrikes targeting three sites. Officials say were part of the chemical weapons plant. Plus people are saying some that they heard the huge explosions overnight. They were happy that the International Coalition launched the attack reaction coming in at this hour from the heart of the conflict. Joining us by phone, from syria, holly mckay who is reporting that some people have told her that they are glad the us is involved. Hello holly. Hi eric. Thank you for having me. What other people telling you and what is the situation . A lot of people, theres been so much anticipation all week i think people are finally glad some action is happening. So many people have expressed excitement and arent sitting at the edge of their seat to see what happens next. Im a little further and where this is a town that is quite nowhere the response was overwhelmed with excitement that the us was engaged in syria and finally people in the International Community care. And they would not be the next victim of chemical test. I think people underestimated how much the people really value having the us presence there. And people are still willing seven years into this more to fight for these people who have just suffered so much through the duration of this. People are really excited and waiting to see what happens next and they are hoping for more. Theyre hoping for something bigger and larger. We will see what happens. This is been such an overwhelming humanitarian catastrophe that the world is equally let this go on. Do they fear that it will be business as usual just after the last attack last year that assad was still continuing chemical and or other attacks. Continuing to decimate his people. Absolutely. There is a huge part of the population that has that fear. And they are critical of this in the sense that they want more. It is not enough. You look at the chemical weapons attack as a sideshow. This is a war that has killed possibly more than a million people. The un stopped counting these numbers. So the Chemical Attacks in comparison to this entire world is only very small. And so they definitely hoping that somebody, anybody, the us is going to see this theory and pressure the community to come together to the geneva conventions and try to bring an end to this conflict. Cuesta have any doubt . The russian claims and syrian claims and they say this is fake and it is not true and it was set up by the british and americans that there were no Chemical Attacks. That has been going on for so long since the beginning of i think people are just very used to it now. It is a certain moment for people that are in this environment. They are used to it. It is nothing new to them. It is something that people have learned to pretty much brush aside as the propaganda that it is. They are just hoping that there will not be another chemical attack. And that somehow, this can come to an end and i think the majority of the Syrian People outside of the loyal base of assad, they do not see the future of syria with him. The next step is, what is the next step for syria there hoping the latest involvement with the us will bring us to that conclusion. Eventually they say that would be the geneva process. Of course we should see holly, in syria this saturday afternoon, thank you. Good to hear from you and take care of yourself while youre thank you eric. Take care. We have some consumer news coming up for everyone. More than 2 Million Units of the Electronic Cigarettes being recalled nationwide. I will tell you what sparked the major recall in a moment. Onb onb because they dont relieve nasal congestion. Flonase allergy relief is different. Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. Flonase. This changes everything. 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The investor also pointedly blamed russia for she says was quote shameful deceit, denial and disinformation in the support of assad. We tell Security Council rejected resolution from russia to condemn the airstrikes. But there will be there be enough is enough to stop this . Let me start with russia. And with this is laughable and so hypocritical. They say this is quote an act of aggression against assad territory . What about the sovereign territory of crimea . Where do you think this change about russias involvement in syria . Russia since 2015, is not russia before 2015 because no russias part of the military security system. It provides the umbrella over the regime and also over the iranians and hezbollah. Things are very different now. The Trump Administration which is one year and two months of phases of the only in the region were allies. With influence and in iraq. Now russia will not let go of assad goodness say it bluntly. We hear the europeans and sometimes ourselves in the United States calling on russia to let go of iran and assad. It is not going to happen because i dont have any other alternative. What remains is a pressure. First of all on assad and to make sure that the russians understand that we not going to accept this behavior. What type of person would you suggest . Many have been debating issue that all depends on what we are ready to do. We could do much bigger than what was done over the past 48 hours. The reality is that the russians now are so embedded with the forces with hezbollah and iran that if you want to engage even the regime on the ground for further, we will be engaging the russians we know there are limitations. We do not want assad to use chemical weapons and they understand that but we cannot do more with the russians before escalating. What do you mean if there was an escalation . As i pointed out before, assad took the helicopters to a russian base. We did not take on any of his assets or infrastructure. Rules of engagement are very clear. It continues to be right now unfortunately. Unfortunately. If we engage with the russians militarily of course we can prevail in some areas and they can also it will not only be in syria. It could be in ukraine, mia, across the ocean. This is not something that two Nuclear Powers can afford to do. But we can do in syria is basically cut off the bridge between iran and syria and hezbollah. Weve been talking about it for the last many years. And this bridge was established after liberation. Of isis areas but only to see militia link to iran taking over. So we are defeating isis but we are inviting iran to take over and that was and is how do you cut it off . There photos of the iranians flying in cargo and equipment and people. Once you have the zones on the ground under the control of the local force that you were allies with then the airspace over that will be yours. It is very simple. The problem is that the gap between the kurdish areas and the northeast and the jordanian border, that gap is now being seized by the regime, hezbollah and the militias on the other side for iranians. I think this is a mistake. But we should close the gap. And it will change. Russians will speak to us in a different angle. Finally, there is a new coalition. Israel, some of the arab allies, some of the sunni nations that have joined basically against iran. What do you predict will happen . How do you think that this will end . Fortunately we have this coalition of with the president with their met with more than 50 arab aneurysm leaders but not all of them will be on board practically speaking but the saudi, iraqi, egyptians, it exists. The issue is losing leadership. You want to mobilize them with us when we are on the ground. The problem, we are not leaving them. We are not telling them what to do. Most importantly we are not cutting off the tie between iran and syria. And telling the arabs come help us. We need to begin here. Have a plan then go see the allies. We were successful in having french and british with this. At least in the operation against the chemicals of mr. Assad. We can do better. Thank you, of course the president and administration, they will continue and press again if indeed chemical weapons are used. Thank you. Thank you. Meanwhile, the russian president Vladimir Putin condemning the us led airstrikes on syria. Calling it quote an act of aggression. This is the white house sent a warning to moscow. A closer look at the Global Reaction still ahead. A message to russia is you are on the wrong side of history. It is time for russia to get the message the president delivered last night. That you are known by the company that you keep. Im calling geico right now. Good idea get to know geico. And see how easy homeowners and renters insurance can be. Hais not always easy. 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Ask International Action continues to pour in about the attack on syria last night. The british Prime Minister and france president both say this is a necessary response to the use of chemical weapons. Meanwhile russia branding is a tactical blatant act of aggression. We have more now with greg. It was important for the Trump Administration to portray these strengths as an allied effort. In fact, any tweet the president issued today, again thanks both france and uk for the wisdom and the power of the fine military. That is a quote. Close ally the president is in fact the french president , he ran to the use of chemical weapons by syria a violation of International Law and were the source of some of the missiles targeting the Syrian Chemical Weapons facilities. British jet fighters also in the sky targeting syria. They thanked the Prime Minister on the phone personally in the wake of a poisoning allegedly by russia of an exrussia spy and his daughter, theresa may tried to tie in both things happening in the uk and in syria. Take a listen. I have taken this decision because i believe it is the right thing to do. I believe it is an interest i also believe it is important to the International Community. To be very clear about this issue. Russia and the president Vladimir Putin also critical in their own turnaround of the issue . They call the strike a blatant disregard of International Law but he eric is that the Russian Missile defense work in check. They do not decide to get involved. There is action and activity in both sides. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Money managers are pretty much the same. All but while some push High Commission investment products, Fisher Investments avoids them. Some advisers have hidden and layered fees. Fisher investments never does. 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S. , france, and britain serving as punishment for a suspected chemical attack against civilians last week. Now the pentagon touting the operation success and refuting claims by the russian and syrian governments that several missiles were shot down. I would use three words to describe this operation, precise, overwhelming, and effective. All weapons hit their targets at very close to the designated time on target of about 4 00 a. M. In syria which of course is 9 00 here op the east coast. On the east coast. We have no indication that russian air Defense Systems were employed. We are confident that all of our missiles reached their targets. We have Fox News Team coverage for you now. Laura ingal at the United States and Jennifer Griffin at the pentagon. We will start with jennifer. We have new video from the pentagon showing that u. S. Navy submarine, the uss john warner, known as the sledgehammer of freedom, as it launches six precision tomahawk missiles from an undisclosed location in the mediterranean sea. This is the periscope video from that sub. Over 100 u. S. French and british missiles hit their targets almost simultaneously within just a few minutes. Despite being launched from assets deployed from the mediterranean to the persian gulf. 105 missiles destroyed three of assads chemical weapons facilities according to the director of the pentagons joint staff. Theres still a residual element of the Syrian Program thats out there. I believe that we took the heart of it out with the attacks we accomplished last night. Im not going to say that they are going to be unable to continue to conduct a chemical attack in the future. I suspect however they will think long and hard about it after based on the activities of last night. The french launched from the mediterranean. The guided missile cruiser uss monterrey fired 30 tomahawks from the red sea. Another 7 were fired. Over in the persian gulf, another destroyer, the uss higgins launched 23 tomahawks. Unlike a year ago, french and british fighter jets joined the u. S. , we now have images of that pair of air force b1 bombers that flew from qatar under fighter escort and launched 19 standoff missiles. Russian and syrian state media claim they shot down dozens of the allied missiles, but the pentagon says the russian guns remain silent, adding syria fired 40 surfacetoair missiles wildly into the air after the u. S. Missiles had already hit their targets. Syrian response was remarkably ineffective in all domains. Probably the best answer i can give you. They had no Material Impact on the strike. As secretary mattis said last night, the Russian Disinformation Campaign has already begun. There has been a 2,000 percent increase in russian trolls in the last 24 hours. Despite a lot of bluster, Russian Forces did not engage u. S. Or allied ships or planes and failed to protect the assad regime. That according to pentagon officials. Arthel . Arthel Jennifer Griffin, thank you. Eric . Eric there are strong and stinging words against the assad regime and russia today at the United Nations Security Council meeting. That was held to condemn the missile strikes. But russia had a bid for its own resolution to condemn those attacks and that came up short. After only china and bolivia joined moscow voting in favor of that draft resolution. United states ambassador to the u. N. Haley, she had a blunt and strong warning during the emergency meeting, saying the Trump Administration will not let up on the assad regime. Last night we successfully hit the heart of syrias chemical weapons enterprise. And and because of these actions we are confident we have crippled syrias chemical weapons program. We are prepared to sustain this pressure, if the Syrian Regime is foolish enough to test our will. Laura ingall live tonight at the United Nations with the very latest. What was russia looking for at that meeting today . You know, if this russia resolution would have passed, it would have largely been symbolic, but it also would have helped russias claims that there was not enough proof that a chemical attack had taken place that would have warranted military action. There was a lot that was said here today, very important, as the world watched the u. S. , britain and france launch that joint strike last night on syrias chemical weapons infrastructure in response to the suspected chemical attack by syria against civilians. Russias plans to call todays emergency meeting began to form. Now, during todays meeting at the u. N. , the ambassador of bolivia accused the ally tleed countries of being allied countries considering themselves superior to the rest of the world adding our three countries are acting like they are above the International Law. Russian ambassador claimed the evidence of last weeks chemical attack was fabricated and blamed foreign intelligence agencies for it. Translator todays meeting confirms that the United States, Great Britain and france, permanent members of the Security Council continue to put International Politics and diplomacy in the realm of myth making. And after several hours of discussions, that vote was taken, we had 8 against, 4 countries abstained from voting and then china, bolivia and russia were the only ones who voted. Eric theres some strong response to the ambassadors remarks from all three allies, britain u. S. And france that carried out the strike . Absolutely. You know, the three western allies wasted no time getting their side on the record. Youve heard some of that there in your intro. The British Ambassador also karen pierce defended the strike as a limited target and effective one. The french ambassador and the u. S. Ambassador also using language to get right to the point, that they believe the strike was justified, legitimate and proportionate. The United States is locked and loaded. When our president draws a red line, our president enforces the red line. Translator the result of this vote sends a clear message on the understanding by members of the Security Council of the circumstances, the motivations and the aims of our actions yesterday. Yesterday. After todays meeting the french ambassador indicated that they will be working on a new resolution that will work to address all the issues going on in syria, including chemical inspections in that region. Back to you. All right, laura, it is important to note that russia has vetoed 12 resolutions dealing with syria, 6 dealing with chemical weapons, and they certainly were pointed as the culprit. Thank you. Arthel . Arthel eric, meanwhile President Trump praising the military operation tweeting quote a perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to france and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine military. Could not have had a better result. Mission accomplished. Vice president mike pence expressing the same sentiment earlier today. Lets bring in captain chuck nash a u. S. Navy veteran and a formal naval aviator. I want to start out and ask you how big of a role did the navy play in these attacks . Well, it looks like the navy brought the preponderance of force to tell to tell equation, the tomahawk cruise missiles appear to be the preponderance of the ordinance. There were missiles fired from air force aircraft and the french and the brits have their own versions of airlaunched cruise missiles. All in all, it was a combined team effort. I think everybody did a great job. Arthel you know, Vice President pence said the attacks degraded and crippled syrias ability to conduct Chemical Attacks based on what we know so far, though, in terms of what was damaged or destroyed, have we completely knocked out assad capability to develop or acquire more chemical weapons . No, i dont think we have. And i dont think weve knocked out all of his stock piles. There is a former officer in the syrian Chemical Program who has since left the assad regime and is up in Northern Syria right now, and he claims that there are about 50 sites scattered around the country that contain chemical weapons, and those were not part of the inspection protocol, when the russians guaranteed the removal of the Syrian Chemical Weapons. So they are still out there, which brings us to the point, where secretary mattis said this was a oneshot deal. We dont have any further strikes planned. Theres a caveat to that, and that is yet because if he were to do this again, i think what we ought to do, really, is we ought to demarsh the Syrian Regime and just tell them flat out, tell their military generals, that the next time somebody does this, if you obey an illegal order, and its clearly illegal to International Law in five different ways to use chemical weapons on people, if you do that, then were going to decapitate the Syrian Military capability, and that means coming after those generals and those command posts, and then make it very clearly known that if you do that, were coming after you. So think long and hard before you accept orders to launch another chemical attack. Arthel if we go after the generals and the command post, in what manner should we you know, carry out those attacks . What can we expect in response because certainly if that is something that you and i are talking about, im sure that they are thinking that as well on that end. What would their response be in syria . And would that bring russia to the aid of syria militarily . I dont think it would bring russia to the aid because they dont really want to be involved in this. The only reason theyre involved is to preserve their position in the eastern mediterranean. They are not really that fond of assad. If we could negotiate some kind of political settlement, they would be absolutely delighted. The fact of the matter is the only reason we are in syria is because of isis. We do not want to choose sides in the syrian civil war. Thats not what this strike was about. This strike was clearly narrowly defined to interrupt and as much as possible shut down his capability to use these weapons in the future. Were not picking sides. Were not trying to embarrass the russians. We are in there to get rid of isis. And were in there in this strike to stop his use of chemical weapons. Arthel to your point, captain nash, in the midst of all of this, the u. S. Continues to emphasize were not calling for regime change. So i ask you, will this open the door for diplomacy . It could, but i think the assad regime until he really steps in it and when i say really steps in it, if he does this again, first he got 59 cruise missiles. Now he got 105 cruise missiles and everything went after the chemical weapons. The next time i think its going to go after the people who make the decisions to use the chemical weapons. And we ought to clearly put them on notice, we can do that back channel through our intelligence community, to let these generals know if you get that order, you better turn it down. And then if you turn it down, and you think they are going to come after you, the Syrian Secret Police are going to come after you, then maybe you all ought to figure figure out how you are going to get rid of assad. Arthel pardon me, how long would you say the u. S. , u. K. And france should continue these airstrikes . I dont think we should continue. I think as secretary mattis said, one and done, for now. Right now as we speak, the uss harry s. Truman and five other warships are steaming toward that theater. Now, that was a regularly scheduled deployment the navy rotates forces in and out just as does the air force. We are rotating new forces in there. They are fresh. They are coming. They are fully trained up. And theyre coming for the next six months. We will have them in theater. So we will always be ready to do it, and like Ambassador Haley said today, when our president draws a red line, he enforces a red line. Arthel i need one word answer, captain nash. Okay. Arthel if it is that president putin responds to power has President Trump displayed enough at this point . Yes. I think right at this point yes he has done what he needed to do. And that is look, i told you once and you paid a price. I told you again, you paid a price. You do it again, man, are you going to pay a price. Arthel captain chuck nash, always a pleasure to talk to you. Thank you. My pleasure. Eric those alleged chemical weapons sites in syria that were destroyed, that after the airstrikes were launched on the order of the commanderinchief. President trump is causing some controversy today with that decision, by making it without congressional approval. So how will that impact his presidency in we will take a look at that coming up. Plus what would be next for syria and our country and the allies, if they decide to take military action another step forward . Clearly the assad regime did not get the message last year. This time our allies and we have struck harder. vo at pro plan, we believe nutrition is full of possibilities to improve your pets life. We are redefining what nutrition can do. Because the possibility of a longer life and a better life is the greatest possibility of all. Purina pro plan. Nutrition that performs. You can switch and save time. It pays to switch things up. [cars honking] [car accelerating] you can switch and save worry. You can switch and save hassle. [vacuuming sound] and when you switch to esurance, you can save time, worry, hassle and yup, money. In fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved hundreds. So you might want to think about pulling the ol switcheroo. Thats auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. Termites, were on the move. 24 7. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. Eric top story now, the u. S. Britain and france launching those joint military airstrikes overnight to take out three Syrian Chemical Weapons facilities. President trump calling that operation, quote, a perfectly executed strike. But you know years before he was elected to the nations highest office, the president was often critical of u. S. Military involvement in the middle east. Heres a tweet from 2013. Quote, we should stop talking, stay out of syria, and other countries that hate us. Rebuild our own country and make it strong and great again, usa. Well the president now vowing that he will not hesitate to authorize another strike, if Bashar Alassad deploys chemical weapons against his own people again. This morning, the United States ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley said that the president is ready. I spoke to the president this morning. And he said if the Syrian Regime uses this poisonous gas again, the United States is locked and loaded. When our president draws a red line, our president enforces the red line. Eric steve nelson joining us now, covers the white house for the washington examiner. Steve, you know, some have said the presidency can change you. Some are saying President Trump is changing the presidency. It is a sober responsibility, when you walk into the oval office, you sit behind the resolute desk, what in your view has changed the president s calculus in the way he deals with these responsibilities . We can recall that president obama also built a reputation as a noninterventionist as a candidate before taking office and keeping u. S. Troops in afghanistan for eight years and funding a secret cia war to topple assad that reportedly had a budget of 1 billion dollars a year at one point. President trump and his administration have been arguing that this targeted strike on syria is going to serve as as an effective deterrent. There are of course questions about the evidence, the legality, the wisdom of the strike. Almost 90 members of Congress Asked trump to seek congressional permission first. But the Trump Administration is arguing that this is a necessary action that its limited, at least as long as theres not another incidence in syria. Eric yeah, i mean, he launched that attack last year, and assad didnt listen. Apparently there have been at least dozens of Chemical Attacks since then. What do we think or do we think this attack will change assads mind and actually will get the message across . Well, theres always difficulty with attributing these chemical incidents. Secretary mattis said in february that the u. S. Still didnt have hard evidence that the Assad Government was responsible for the april 2017 attack that prompted President Trump to launch airstrikes again. So theres that one complicating detail. You know, its quite a thing to be bombed. I imagine that assad would not want to have that happen again. But this war has been going on for a long time. And its difficult to predict where its going. Eric that is for sure. I mean, its been such an overwhelming humanitarian crisis, take 500,000 if not more lives. So astounding. In terms of the chemical weapons, we werent supposed to be here. Let me play you a sound bite from john kerry, back in 2013, hes standing with Russian Foreign minister lavrov announcing the deal in which they said that syria would renounce and get rid of all of its chemical weapons and that russia, russia was going to be the guaranteer of that. Remember this deal . Its like, you know, monty hall wouldnt make this deal. Lets listen to what kerry said. The principles that the United States and the Russian Federation have agreed on today can with accountable followthrough allow us to expedite the elimination of syrias chemical weapons. We have committed to use extraordinary procedures, under the chemical weapons convention, for the expeditious destruction and stringent verification of Syrian Chemical Weapons. Eric so what happened . You know, its perhaps noteworthy to recall assads fox news interview from 2013. He said that serin gas could be made in your kitchen. The two chemical weapons that were allegedly used in this attack were chlorine and sarin. You know, i guess russia even if they did ship it out of the country, it is possible you can make it again. Its thats a difficult problem to address. Eric they even allegedly the reports say they have even more that we havent even touched at all. Speaking of russia, what does this finally do . What does it do finally to the russian narrative . The president hasnt criticized of putin at all until a tweet the other day. And i want to play you what was said today, the Russian Ambassador to the United Nations, when he came out after that meeting. He does not look like a happy man. Heres the ambassador. Which is very sad, not very conducive for any [inaudible] from which continuously which continuously telling us. First we have to sort out the political and dangerous military situation we are in now. Eric what does this do to u. S. Russian relations . The relations were already pretty poor. The white house circulated a fact sheet not long ago with all of the various expulsions and sanctions that have been announced against russia. Its hard to keep track of them all. Its unclear that the relationship is going to get a whole lot better. But then again, trump, you know, he says at almost every opportunity that he would like to get along with russia. He just says theyve made it difficult. Eric by supporting assad, that certainly is true. Steven nelson of the washington examiner. Thank you. Thank you. Arthel the Justice Departments Inspector General releasing a major report, a scathing report on Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe revealing his lack of candor. We will have a live report on that, just ahead. Plus, concerns over syrias remaining chemical weapons, despite the successful u. S. Led missile strikes. Congressman mike koffman is a marine and army veteran. He is joining us next to discuss this. We have attacked the heart of the Syrian Chemical Weapons program. Im not saying they are not going to be able to reconstitute it. Im not saying it is going to continue. This is dealt in a very serious blow. This has dealt them a very serious blow. David. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Thats it . Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. 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Arthel joining me now is congressman mike koffman, a member of the House Armed Services committee and chairman of the military personnel subcommittee. Congressman, thank you for being here with us. Thank you for having me. Arthel if i would start here, if you would, what is your assessment of the strikes . Were they effective, and what would you like to see in terms of a military response Going Forward . Well, it was effective in terms that it was a limited measured proportionate strike for syria having violated violated International Law in terms of it using chemical weapons, and the president of the United States had warned them about a year before, and they crossed that red line, he did a limited strike at that time. This strike was increased from the previous strike, focused on Research Production storage and commandandcontrol facilities, directly related to assads chemical weapons capability. Arthel Going Forward, whats next . Were getting reports as you well know that theres more. Theres still capability of their stockpiles and capability of producing more. Now what . Theres no way to, you know, from the standpoint of airstrikes, particularly airstrikes from a standoff platform, to do away with all the chemical weapons or chemical weapons capability. We would literally have to have forces on the ground to be able to do that. The point was to send a very clear message that he had crossed a red line in terms of using those chemical weapons and using them against civilians, in violation of International Law. So if you he does it again, there will be another proportionate strike which will be greater. Arthel so clearly the u. S. , britain and france, no one wanted to get into a conflict with russia. But if russia continues to stand by and support assad, with his chemical weapons use, how does that impact or change the military strategy Going Forward . Well, i cant imagine that russia would want to have that level of risk. I think they were probably complicit in this particular attack. I think the question is, what is this administrations overall policy towards syria . And the fact is they need to lay out a coherent strategy. Is the strategy that which the president said recently in a Campaign Style rally, where he talked about that we will be out of syria soon . Is that the strategy . We really need to have a strategy. The situation in syria could ultimately pose an extraordinary threat to israel, our ally, in the region, with a growing presence of iran. So we need a strategy in syria, and the administration owes it to the American People to come up with one. Arthel and the administration has said this is not about regime change. At the same time, the administration, the president says he doesnt want to advance our plans to assad or president putin. So how do you do that and let the American People know whats going on at the same time . Well, we have to have a strategy for a postisis syria. And again, the administration doesnt have one. I think if the strategy is to withdraw american forces, then as the president has stated, then thats the strategy. I dont think thats particularly a good one, but the Administration Needs one. This is that is really separate from this particular action that was done specifically with our allies, with britain and france, to deter the further use of chemical weapons, which has broader implications because its not simply about syria. This is about the International Community and that we simply dont want chemical weapons used anywhere. Theres a convention for which the United States as well as syria, as well as russia are signatories to ban the use of chemical weapons. Arthel right, but still assad is using them, and Vice President pence is saying that listen, the u. S. And allies are ready to take additional action in a sustained way. I ask you, congressman, as a veteran of both iraq wars, what do you say to people at home concerned that our troops could be getting drawn into a Protracted Mission in syria . Well, thats why we need a strategy, an overall strategy. This is one element, sort of apart from it in that were going to strike in fact if he utilizes chemical weapons again, and it will be proportionate, albeit probably increased. I certainly hope that this changes assads equation or thinking when it comes to this. The fact is that the assad is winning on the ground in terms with the support of iran, in terms of eliminating the position of elements on the ground, and so this attack was unnecessary from a military standpoint from looking at assads, you know, growing capability in terms of dominating the country. But so but we need we need a strategy as to what postisis looks like. Look, if iran gains a great foothold in syria arthel or russia. Or russia, but certainly iran, and poses a threat to israel, and israel is drawn into a war, it could very well draw the United States into that war. Arthel if were going to back israel. So we need to take preemptive measures now so that doesnt happen. Arthel yeah, it is still definitely a complicated situation there. And congressman, while i have you here, and finally, i want to switch gears to cia director mike pompeo. Do you have any reluctance about him getting confirmed as the next secretary of state, or do you think hes the right choice for the position . And has your opinion changed in light of these new airstrikes on syria . Well, mike pompeo is extraordinary. I served with him in the congress. You know, graduated number one from his class at west point, harvard law school, then into business, and then to congress. He has a great rapport with the president of the United States. I think and he so well articulates the positions of this administration. I think he i think that this president has assembled an extraordinary National Security team with, you know, mike pompeo, secretary of state, nikki haley at the u. N. , with john bolton as National Security advisor, and with james mattis as secretary of defense. I think this is going to go down as one of the great National Security teams in history. Arthel we will see what the senate has to say before we get to that point. Congressman, thank you very much for your time and thank you for your service, sir. Thank you very much. Eric back in washington, shockwaves, that the department of justice Inspector Generals investigation is out and concluded that fired fbi Deputy Director Andrew Mccabe leaked information to the media regarding the Hilary Clinton investigation and then he died about it then he lied about it. The report also claims mccabe lied to his boss who happened to be fbi director james comey. Garrett tenney tonight live in washington with more. This report concluded that mccabe lied to investigators four times, three of them under oath about his role in a leak to the media. According to the igs report, mccabe was upset about a story in the wall street journal claiming he ordered the termination of d bureaus probe into clinton investigation and suggesting he had a conflict of interest due to his wife receiving more than 600,000 from democrats for a 2015 Virginia State race. The ig notes that mccabe then Deputy Director of fbi had the authority to share information with the reporter but only if certain conditions were met. Instead the report states we concluded that mccabes decision to confirm the existence of the Clinton Foundation investigation through an anonymously sourced quote in a manner designed to advance his personal interest at the expense of Department Leadership was clearly not within the Public Interest exception. Mccabes attorneys are aggressively pushing back on this report. In a statement, said in part, in the full context of this case, the termination of mr. Mccabe was completely unjustified, and the rush to fire him at the goating of the president was unworthy of the great traditions of the department of justice. President trump touted the igs report on twitter, though, saying doj just issued the mccabe report which is a total disaster, he lied, lied, lied. Mccabe was totally controlled by comey. Mccabe is comey. No collusion, all made up by these den of thieves and low lives. Those attacks comes as the former head of fbi has a new tellal tellall book. James comey will be here with our bret baier on special report on april 26th. Eric . Eric we shall be looking for that. Thank you. Arthel what is the next step for the u. S. And its allies . We speak with a top member of the Syrian Emergency Task force, next. There is clear information demonstrating assads culpability. The pictures of dead children were not fake news. 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What else can be done . With us now is from the Syrian Emergency Task force. Thank you for being here tonight. First the reaction of the airstrikes. I want to start off by saying im so thankful and grateful for all the American Service men and women and those of our allies that took this important measure of the evil perpetrated by the assad regime and its support of iran and russia. I want to thank the president for taking a Decisive Action and in showing leadership where it was much needed and taking the step, but at the same time, i believe that more should have and can be done. Eric like what . For example, i believe the president s initial instincts was to go after the entire chemical weapons capability of the assad regime and the possibility of grounding the air force. I think that was the right thing to do. I think the president should trust his instincts. Ambassador bolton was also in that direction and Ambassador Haley and others that understand whats happening on the ground. Unfortunately i believe the delay that was made based on general mattiss sort of risk averseness that was really not necessary in this way, sort of caused this to be less of a powerful of a strike. But i think we should keep the pressure up and we should leverage this with a comprehensive strategy that brings an end to the killing in syria once and for all and we need to confront the iranian threat in syria. I cannot say enough how dangerous iran is there. We have worked hard. Even my organization supporting their efforts against isis and in confronting iran and i can tell you, iran is a much bigger problem for the International Community. Eric how do you get them out . For example you talk about taking out the warplanes. They were over at a russian base. You attack a russian base that could potentially be seen by moscow as an act of war. At least they are there. They may stay there on a russian base now because they know if they sneak out, we potentially could get them. What do you do about that . As you talk about the iranians, i mean, you are not going to get wedge the iranians out of that country . Well, i would like to say first of all in syria unlike iraq or elsewhere, syria is a country its people that despise iran, even though some that are loyal to assad regime, see iran as a foreign occupation. Assad regime is no longer a government, it is an iranian militia on the ground. As far as we can do, there are six runways that are used to kill civilians that are not in civilian areas that the assad regime uses. Thats something we could do that could be very helpful and grounding and shutting down the air force of the assad regime as it does this. Were not looking for a confrontation with russia. We are not looking for anything that can come to but what this regime understands is the credible threat of force. Right now the regime thinks it can have a military victory. It has had one for a large part because of the russian irgc, hezbollah iranian support that its had on the ground. But if the regime understands that the United States and its leadership role is serious about a political transition in syria, and that we back negotiations and back a comprehensive strategy to end the killing with a credible force, i think we can sit down at the negotiating table again. Eric you are talking about the geneva process of course. Let me show you some video. Heres what the syrians put out. Propaganda. There he is in the peoples palace, walking to work alone like, you know, thats propaganda, like he doesnt have a care in the world, carrying his briefcase. It is so funny ive been there, when you go to these places, they have the best food, and these security guys are in these cheapo leather jackets. They want to talk about america. They asked if i lived near central park. They were asking me about our country and they want to come here. What is your message to assad . Do you think he will ever be in handcuffs before the world court as a war criminal . I want to tell you one thing that we have worked on is weve helped support syrian defector who worked for the assad regime who took photos for the government of assad, 55,000 pictures of men, women, children, and elderly christian, muslim, kurds, arab, that have been tortured to death by the assad regime and documented by the assad regime. As a matter of fact, that sits as an exhibit today in the u. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum which i invite everyone to take time and go see. Based on that evidence, that is as powerful as any evidence we have had in recent history of war crimes, assad and his horrible war criminals and his supporters will face their day in court, even if that may take a long time. We will never stop the fight for the accountability. And the propaganda of the assad regime, iran and russia is the usual. First of all, not a single missile was able to intersect our missiles that we hit there. Russia did nothing in terms of reaction, neither did the iranians. It is important that we confront the iranian threat in syria as we finish off isis, and we remind the International Community that the United States is still here, a leader in the world and that assad will face accountability and justice in the near future. Eric thats certainly your hope. Thank you very much. Thank you. Eric we will be right back. A phone ping gentlemen, i have just received word the louisiana purchase, is complete instant purchase notifications from capital one. So you wont miss a purchase large, small, or very large. Technology this helpful. Could make history. Whats in your wallet . I thought i was managing my moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Then i realized something was missing. Me. My symptoms were keeping me from being there. 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And our executive producer Jennifer Williams is raising limb to become a service raising him to become a service dog. They provide service dogs free of charge to adults and children in with disabilities. Jennifer is in our control room. Theres a picture of her with spike. Anthony is here. He is one of the many cci volunteer puppy raisers. So hi, anthony. How are you . Arthel tell us, spike is 10 1 2 months old . 10 1 2 weeks old what do you need to do to train dogs to be service dogs . We give the dogs basic socialization and initial training, try to teach them not to eat things off the table so they can grow old enough and mature enough to start their advanced training with a professional. Whats the advanced training because its different for them to be able to help people with disabilities . Depending on their needs, they will learn how to pick up dropped objects, open and close doors, they can go to the fridge and get you a drink. We are talking about hearing dogs, for example, they can alert you to sounds, your environment and your name, things like that as well. This is free of charge. 100 free of charge. Find us online at cci. Org. Arthel thank you very much. That does it for us. Kelly wright is up next with the fox report. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. I had a very minor fender bender tonight in an unreasonably narrow fast food drive thru lane. But what a powerful life lesson. And dont worry i have everything handled. I already spoke to our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. Which is so smart on your guys part. Like fact that theyll just. Forgive you. Four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. The United States, france and britain responding to last weeks gas attack in syria. Launching a flurry of missiles that the pentagon says struck at the heart of the regimes chemical weapons program. Im kelly wright. This is the fox report. The u. S. Says the coordinated effort with its two allies fired off more than 100 missiles by air and sea, hitting three targets. Officials are characterizing the strikes as an overwhelming success, leaving no reports of civilian casualties, while crippling the governments ability to make more chemical weapons. The facility is a core site for them. As you can see from the graphic, it doesnt exist

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