Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Americas News HQ 20170924 20:00:00

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They have a First Amendment right to do that, but nfl owners also have a right to fire those players. Reporter this is all happening just one day after President Trump rescinded his invitation for Golden State Warriors guard steph curry to visit the white house. Now the entire team isnt going, but the hockey team that just won the stanley cup, theyre taking a different approach. Im talking about the Pittsburgh Penguins, they put out a statement this morning that reads, quote the Pittsburgh Penguins respect the institution of the office of the president and the longstanding tradition of championship teams visiting the white house. Any agreement or disagreement with the president s politics, policies or agenda can be expressed in other ways. And, in fact, President Trump tweeted about that very statement and praised the penguins for sticking by the tradition and coming to the white house regardless of where the players stand on politics. But, you know, all of this i hate to use the word distraction because, clearly, this means so much to so many people across in london today, others stood with their arms locked together. Marianne rafferty is live at the Stubhub Center and have you talked to fan there is . What are they saying . Reporter actually, we did. We talked to fans who agreed and some who completely disagree and think its unpatriotic, but they all pretty much said the same thing which was, you know, its everyones everyone has the right the protest if thats what they want to do, and its not going to stop them from coming to any of the games or watching on tv. We have seen displays like this of solidarity from nfl players around the country. Were talking about 100 players who took a knee today in chicago, the steelers bears game, nearly the entire team stayed in the locker room during the National Anthem in order to avoid controversy except for one player, alejandro villanueva, a west point graduate and army ranger, who stood proudly outside a tunnel with his hand over his heart. This controversy all started on friday when President Trump was at a political rally in alabama and suggested that players who protest by taking a knee should be fired. Get that son of a [bleep] off the field right now. Out, hes fired. [cheers and applause] reporter from nfl League Executives have been supportive of the players. Houston texans President Writing the comments made by the president were divisive and counterproductive to what our country needs right now. Also houston player j. J. Watt of course known for his effort during the Hurricane Harvey recovery, fans say that none of this is going to stop them from coming to the games. Right now as we speak weve got fans filing in behind us. The chargers chiefs game here in california set to begin in just about 30 minutes or so. Arthel thank you very much for that update from the west coast. Eric and from the controversy island both by air and by sea. Fema has already delivered 1. 6 million gallons of water, 23,000 cots and dozens of generators and food, and more is on the way. More than anything though possibly is the need to connect with loved ones either to see how they are or to let them know that theyre okay. With communications down across the island, that has been an incredibly heartwrenching challenge both for folks on the island as well as back in the states who have family here. Thats why so many people are now trying to make their way to puerto rico to be able to check on their loved ones. But with power out, air Traffic Control here at the airport is very limited in the number of flights that can come in, so folks are having a very difficult time getting to the island to check on their loved ones as well as reaching them by phone with the internet and Mobile Phones still down, itll be days before some folks are able to touch base with their loved ones. People stopping anywhere they can along the highways here if they see a Cell Phone Signal that they have it, they pull over just to call and say, im okay. Eric . Eric that is just astounding. And it is so overwhelming. Garrett, thank you. Arthel . Arthel Lets Go To Mexico now where rescue crews are searching through the rubble in search of any survivors after two massive earthquakes rocked the region this past week. Thousands of people are now left homeless. Jonathan hunt is in mexico city with the latest and, jonathan, i mean, how are those Crews Holding up, and are you seeing or have you spoken to any of the residents . Reporter its a tough, tough job for these rescue workers, arthel. This in the heart of Downtown Mexico City is the last remaining official Search And Rescue operation underway. The collapsed Office Building behind me is the focus of an intense search. The media kept at some distance for obvious reasons, but earlier today we were able to get a little closer, and take a look at this video. You can see just what a painstaking operation it is. Those highly skilled, very determined crews using basically just their hands to claw away layer after layer of rubble. They dont want to bring in heavy machinery, because that could disturb huge blocks of concrete and bring them crashing down on anybody who may, may still be surviving in there. It is a long shot but, obviously, they are not giving up yet. One of the crews that has been helping out in this effort is from the United States. The Los Angeles County Fire Department urban Search And Rescue team, i caught up with their team leader, chief dennis cross, and he told me there is still hope. Listen here. The will of somebody to live outweighs anything else. A human being can survive for a number of days especially if they have a water source. If theyre in an area thats a void space and theyve got some source of water, bottled water, rain water as we saw in haiti, we pulled victims out of the rubble between 79 days that had a water source. We never give up because we know there are miracles. Reporter and this is a True International effort, arthel. Obviously, the mexican authorities taking the lead here, and they have very, very highly skilled teams but as well as the u. S. Teams, there are teams here from israel, from japan, from chile. So this is a Real International effort, a coming together to try to help the mexican people as best they can. But, obviously, with every passing minute hopes fade of Finding Anybody else alive. Arthel . Arthel still, heroes and angels hard at work. Jonathan hunt, mexico city, thank you so much, jonathan. Eric Republican Leaders have hit some roadblocks in washington in their push to try and repeal and replace obamacare and now, well, the list of no votes is growing. Coming up, well talk about the latest republican senators to say they may vote against the grahamcassidy bill. And the stunning war of words continues between President Trump and kim jong un. This as the u. S. Military takes to the skies in a show of military force. Well dissect what could be next straight ahead. Around here, im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. Heads up you know what, dont worry about it. My bargain detergent couldnt keep up. It was mostly water. So, i switched to tide pods. 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This coming after north koreas Foreign Minister delivered a fiery speech at the United Nations yesterday harshly slamming the president , call him, quote mentally deranged. And saying mr. Trumps tough talk on north korea is making a strike against us, he said, inevitable. President trump took to twitter basically warning that the north will cease to exist if it attacks the u. S. Colorado republican senator corey gardner, a member of the Foreign Relations committee, also weighed in on this showdown. We have a long ways to go to continue to ratchet up the economic and diplomatic pressure on north korea and the enablers of north korea. Our number one goal with north korea as it relates to north korea must and always will be Peaceful Duh Nuclearization denuclearization of the regime. Eric is that even possible . Gordon chang joins us from washington. First, gordon, what do you think is going on in kim jong uns head when he reads the president s tweets . Well, he does feel diminished. But what really concerns me, you know, weve had these threats from north korea to incinerate American Cities for years, and we even had those entertaining videos, but something is new. With the Foreign Ministers speech at the u. N. Yesterday, he talked about attacking the entire u. S. Mainland, but he didnt preface it with what north koreans have always said in the past. In the past theyve said, look, if the u. S. Strikes us, we will strike you. We didnt hear that yesterday from the Foreign Minister. And so that is a new development, and i think it indicates that there probably is a change in kim jong uns mind as he views all of these developments. Eric so your interpretation and analysis is theyre thinking of a first strike . Well, i [laughter] i dont think theyre actually thinking of that, but theyre talking about that though. And, you know, the north koreans parse those words very carefully. The Foreign Minister was supposed to speak before the u. N. On friday, he postponed. Obviously, the north koreans wanted to think about what his speech would actually specifically say. So i think that you have to assume that they chose their words very carefully. Now, to me, its incomprehensible that they would think of doing that, but nonetheless, when you look at that speech, you look at the placement of the words, youve got to be very concerned. Eric he basically called the u. S. The enemy, said the korean war was continuing, you know, hasnt ended, and they fear an attack by the u. S. , and they say their Nuclear Program is for defensive purposes. Lets listen to a little bit more of what was said at the United Nations. [speaking in native tongue] translator what else could be a bigger threat than the violent remarks such as pouring fire and fury, total destruction coming from the Top Authority of the worlds Biggest Nuclear power . The very reason the dprk has to possess Nuclear Weapons is because of the u. S. , and it had to strengthen and develop its Nuclear Force up to the current level to cope with the u. S. Finish. Eric there hes saying its, you know, our fault. Yeah. The north koreans have always said that, you know . Theyve had a Nuclear Weapons Program Since at least 1965 when kim ill sung, the founder of the regime, asked for technology from the chinese. They probably even had a program before that. This has nothing to to do with President Trumps words of fire and fury or the rest of it. And weve got to remember when President Trump said he would totally destroy north korea, this was his tuesday u. N. Speech, he preceded it by some very important words, and that was if the United States is forced to defend itself or its allies. So, you know, President Trump has been careful even though he uses bombastic language, he couches it in selfdefense. Eric and that is the north koreans arent doing that. Eric thats always been the u. S. Policy anyway, hasnt it been . It has been. And matter of matter of fact, ik at President Trumps words, and fiery as they were, they really were just a restatement of u. S. Deterrence policy which has always talked about massive retaliation if the United States is attacked. So in substance, they werent anything new. Now, of course, President Trump has used language which is more bellicose, but when you look at the substance, really nothing has changed. Eric yeah, Something Else that i caught in the speech which i thought was really a nugget, he totally rejects Security Council resolutions, rejects the International Law and the International Legitimacy of the Security Council and the nine resolutions. Lets listen to what the foreign minister said about that. [speaking in native tongue] translator the democratic peoples republic of korea is a responsible Nuclear Weapons state. We will take preventive measures by merciless preemptive action in case the u. S. And its vessel forces show any sign of conducting a kind of Decapitating Operation on our headquarters or Military Attack against our country. Eric finally he said merciless, preemptive action if theres any type of Decapitation Strike or attack. I mean, what exactly is he talking about . Well, its actually even worse than that, eric, because he talked about a preventative strike. You know, preemption is recognized that a country can preempt another country if an attack is imminent. He talk about preventative of which is not an attack because something is imminent, its to prevent your opponent from getting a capability or from doing something. And so this is even more provocative than we first thought when we started to listen to his speech. Eric raising the stakes to a a level that we havent Ever Pact Chi seen practically seen, certainly not since the korean war back in the 50s, gordon chang, thank you for your analysis this afternoon. Thanks, eric. Arthel as President Trump is getting ready to Board Air Force one in new jersey to head back to the white house, mr. Trump is doubling downed today on his demand down today on his demand that nfl team other thans fire or suspend any players who kneel during the National Anthem and calling on fan it is to boycott games fans to boycott games if they dont. How are fans reacting . Well have that ahead. Well have that ahead. My Insurance Company definitely doesnt have that. You can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ Liberty Mutual insurance. G new cars. Youre smart. You already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. 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Facing a full complement of issues that hell need to tackle including the announcement of his new travel ban, the nfl twitter war of words between the president and the nfl players and coaches and owners and then another attempt at the repeal and replace of obamacare as well as the situation escalating between the tension there in north korea and, of course, you have the natural disasters in puerto rico and new mexico, mexico city there, we have reporters on the ground there. President trump is addressing the crowd, looks like hes talking to reporters. Of course, we have a reporter there in that crowd, and when we get some sound from that conversation thats happening right now, well turn it around and play it for you. But again, the president is going back to, hell be getting on Air Force One momentarily heading back to the white house where hes got a lot to tackle. Well keep you posted on whats happening with the president. Eric obviously, he has a lot to say a because president s usually dont stand by Air Force One at the airport and have an extended type of News Conference or statement, but certainly it appears and you can see how hes gesticulating hes obviously, i would think, discussing the issue and the controversy as well as probably some other crises and being asked about it by the White House Traveling press corps. As we said, we will bring his comments as soon as we can get that tape from the camera or however we can do that, play the video for you when its played back for us. Well, you know, the president s condemnation of nfl players who kneel during the National Anthem is dividing some of the fans on the issue. Some players took a knee before a game, youre looking at the one in london. This was the jaguars versus the raichs. Ravenings. All members of the New York Jets stood proud, linking arms in some cases. Its been a mix throughout the league today. Bryan llenas is in east rutherford, new jersey, to talk with folks at a sports bar where the fans are. Hey, bryan. Reporter thats right, im at the Reds Restaurant and bar just outside of metlife stadium. I spoke to about two dozen folks here all obviously sports fans. They were, yeah, most of them upset by the manner which players are protesting. But when it comes to whether or not theyre going to boycott the nfl, not so much. Take a listen. No, im not going to boycott the nfl at all. Reporter what are your thoughts . Why, actually . Why, because i understand people have the right to protest, right . But you protest against a specific action. If you are going to protest for black lives matters, right, march in a black lives matter, right . If youre going to protest specifically, but dont do it at a sporting event. I just think its the wrong venue. I would never boycott the nfl because i love football. But i think the president should have interjected in it, he should have said something. Hes the president. Do i agree with everything that he says . No, i dont agree with everything that he says, but at least he shows that hes paying attention. I think it actually makes me want to go more just to show support for our players and try to keep the two issues separate. And once again, theres a lot on the president s plate right now and Whats Going On in the nfl should be, like, on the bottom of his list or not on his list at all. 100 . I mean, listen, im a veteran, man. Those guys are getting paid millions of dollars, and i used to get clash 750 750 twice a month, and if you cant stand for the National Anthem, get the hell off the field. This wasnt about trump, this was about the cause. Now it turned from the cause to everybody uniting for the injustice or against the president. Reporter obviously no doubt the talk of nfl sunday today, but ultimately they say the biggest thing that bothers most folks is they just dont want to talk about politics, religion, any of that, especially on a day where they just want to concentrate on football. Eric . Eric i guess the jets won today too, so for jets fans unfortunately. Im a dolphin fan, but, yeah. [laughter] eric sorry. Next time maybe. Reporter take care. Arthel and the saints won too. Anyway, moving on. For more now were going to bring in judy miller, adjunct fellow, pulitzer prizewinning reporter and fox news contributor. Judy, hello. We have lots to talk about, and we start here. Do you think its time to take this offline and off of twitter, you know, take it to the oval office for a discussion about what started this, which is, you know, which is what the players see as social injustice . Look, i think thats a subject, arthel, that clearly is on the minds of those players. Thats what led to this protest, the taking of the knee, thats what prompted donald trump to lash out. Its just very unfortunate, i think, that that his response to that protest has divided the nation yet again. Threequarters of the nfl players are black, and threequarters of the audiences are white. I understand the way many people feel about this issue because it is disrespectful to the flag to kneel, not to stand during the National Anthem. But lets remember this is not about the flag, this is about what the flag stands for, and free speech and the right of Free Expression is one of the most important values that that flag stands for. And im just very sorry that donald trump had to keep the spotlight on him. I think in part to distract americans from his Foreign Policy and domestic policy failures whether its the impending failure to pass the repeal of obamacare or his embarrassing war of words with the north korean dictator which is also dangerous. This thing has gotten way out of hand so, yes, we need everybody to calm down, but we need to stand up for the right of free speech which is what most of the players and their coaches and even owners who supported donald trump have done now. Arthel well, youre right, the president is very smart when it comes to driving the news Media Coverage and taking it to where he wants it to go. Meanwhile, i want to ask you how do you think white house Chief Of Staff general kelly will discuss this war of words between the president and the players happening, you know, so publicly . Look, i think that john kelly, general kelly is responsible for bringing order out of the chaos that was the white house and the policy agenda, but he cannot control donald trump, and hes not going to stop him from tweeting and dividing the nation through his tweets. Lets just remember this lebron james, maybe the most popular and talented athlete in the country, supported the players, not donald trump, and he has twice the number of twitter followers as donald trump. So in a popularity contest, im not even sure donald trump would win this one. Arthel well, when you talk about pop a lairty is one thing, but when you talk about president ial history, how will it treat President Trump on this development . Oh, i dont think we can possibly say yet. We are just at the beginning of this administration. Even, arthel, i think we all have to say it feels as if hes been president for a long arthel you know, im sorry, judy, i meant just on this particular issue when we look back on on this, how do you think the president will be presented . Well, i think it depends on what happens. I mean, if people start boycotting the nfl and football, maybe the president will be able to take a victory lap, so to speak, using another sports metaphor. But if he doesnt and if fans just say we want to go watch the game and we dont want to hear about politics, then he will have miscalculated, and he will have misjudged where the American People are on an issue like this. A. Arthel so, i mean, this is quite i think its safe to say its quite shocking to many people watching this, just the whole engagement and how its happening and how its gotten to, again, pardon the pun, to kind of a locker room level. Right. Right. Its really disturbing. And i think that, you know, one thing im reminded of is the owner of the new england patriots, robert kraft, who supported President Trump arthel absolutely. And thanked him for being there when his wife died. He said donald trump called him every single week to find out what he was doing at what he called the lowest point in his life. Where is that man . Where is that donald trump who was able to reach out and be empathetic and bring people together . Because since hes become president , hes just been dividing us. Arthel well, you know, judy, lots to talk about. Were short on time here but, of course, the flag and honoring the flag is very important. Social injustice is very important, so we have a lot of absolutely. Arthel really crucial issues that need to be discussed and, you know, acknowledged. And hopefully, begin to find some resolution. Judy miller, we have to leave it there and thank you for your analysis. Well talk to you again soon. Thank you very much, arthel. Arthel thank, judy. Eric a few moments ago we saw the president talking to the media. We dont have the tape yet, but we do have some of the comments. The president said that this, his call for the Football Players to be fired, in his words, quote had nothing to do with race, but instead respect for the flag and for the country. And as for his friend bob kraft who has been at the white house with him celebrating the patriots super bowl win and who has been a big donor to President Trump, he said he likes bob very much, does like him, but that he had to go where he had to go in this controversy. So the president having some comments on the football controversy. Well bring you the video as soon as we get it. He also talked about tax reform, very optimistic about that as the president heads back to washington. We continue with this controversy and with all the rest of the news, it is a busy weekend as fox news on this weekend continues in just a second. Dont go away. In the navy. I do outrank my husband, not just being in the military, but at home. She thinks shes the boss. She only had me by one grade. We bought our first home together in 2010. His family had used another insurance product but i was like well ive had usaa for a while, why dont we call and check the rates . 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Whats in your wallet . Arthel this is a fox news alert, we now know the name of that suspect in that Church Shooting outside of nashville, tennessee. 25yearold emanuel cadega sampson. And what we know so far is that one person, at least one person is dead, several others have been wounded. Officers say the gunman first opened fire in the parking lot on a woman who was walking out of the church service. In fact, you can see his suv in the video there. Its the Dark Blue One with the doors open. Again, Emanuel Sampson then entered the church and fired off several rounds, wounding six people and pistol whipping another person. And he reportedly shot himself after being confronted by a church member. Now, we have a part of the 911 Police Radio Audio from around 11 30, 11 25 central time this morning. Lets take a listen. Active situation, i was going to roll to that, but sounds like theyve got the guy at gunpoint on the ground. Arthel so Emanuel Sampson, 25 years old. Hes in the hospital and, of course, this is a quickly developing story, and were going to bring you the very latest as we get it. Eric and now to the health care bill, grahamcassidy. Well, it needs some serious help or or revision if it is going to pass the senate. The deadline for that simple majority vote is september 30th, and thats less than one week away, and gop leaders had planned to vote this week, but several republicans are now putting that in doubt. As you know, senator john mccain has come out saying he will not vote for the bill. Senators rand paul and Lisa Murkowski are leaning against it, and just this morning senators Susan Collins and ted cruz said they likely will not vote for the bill either. Im concerned about the impact on the medicaid program. Im concerned about the impact on cuts and coverage. We already have a problem under the Affordable Care act with the cost of premiums and deductibles. And finally, im very concerned about the erosion of protections for people with preexisting conditions. Eric Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Americas Health insurance plans matt isles joins us. Whats your view as it stands now . Sure. Thanks for having me, eric. We have some serious concerns about the current state of the legislation. Were very concerned about Eroding Protections for preexisting conditions, the impact it would have on coverage and the potential for millions of people to lose coverage, the impact on states and medicaid and really the ability to implement this program in the timeline thats envisioned under the legislation. It would create chaos. Eric but the gop sponsors say its a great improvement over obamacare, that itll stop the premiums from going up, and its needed to try and protect most americans. We actually have a different set of fixes that we think are important to address obamacare. We think itll be important to fund the socalled costsharing Reduction Payments that allow low income individuals to afford their care. We think there could be some more State Flexibility with guardrails in place to allow skates to get waivers in place place states to get waivers in place more quickly. We also think you could push down premiums by, say, 15 or 20 if you put in place a socalled Reinsurance Program, and that would a make the market more stable and bring plans back to the market which would help choice and competition for consumers. Eric whats that, when you talk about a Reinsurance Program . What do you mean . Sure. If there was additional funding to take off the pressure from individuals with very High Health Care expenses, what weve seen in the market thus far is that, unfortunately, we havent gotten the young and healthier people to enroll, but if we were able to push down premiums, we could take that pressure off and maybe find a way to attract a younger, healthier mix into the marketing in addition to providing preexisting condition protections and keeping those in place. Eric you represent 1,300 Insurance Companies that sell insurance to us so, you know, what are you hearing on the ground . What are the folks telling you . Because we see it in our insurance premiums. Sure. Theres a lot of concern particularly in the individual market. And we have to remember that thats a relatively small portion of the market, only about 6 , but its getting almost 100 of the attention because of the challenges that weve seen there. But theres a concern about really certainty in the marketplace. Its not clear about the costsharing Reduction Payments that im mentioning. Theyve been month to month. Getting some certainty in place and thinking about a bipartisan fix, for example, some of the ideas that senators alexander and murray have put in place would probably be a better start in the short term. Eric what do you like about that plan . Sure. It would provide some certainty by, again, Funding Payments and giving states a little bit more flexibility. It would be a good first step. There are other ideas that we think could be put in place to make the market more attractive for younger individuals to come, but we need to start and get that stability now. Eric do you think that, you know, lamar alexander, republican of tennessee, and patty murray, democrat of washington state, i mean, that is being touted as the bipartisan fix. They pulled it for grahamcassidy, but that may be back on the table certainly after next week, especially if grahamcassidy goes down the tubes. Do you think some republicans could join, more republicans could join alexander and murray, and thats exactly what we may see in the coming weeks . Its hard to know how the politics of the situation plays out. What weve really focused on is getting a Policy Solution and bringing a fix so that the American People who rely on coverage without the help of an employer through the exchanges really have more choices, theres more competition in the market and we can make a good First Step Towards getting stability over the long term for this group. Eric thats certainly what all americans need, try to get a fix on this. Matt eyles, thank you so much. Thank you. Arthel roll tide, a republican battle playing out in alabama pitting senator Luther Strange against judge roy moore. A live report on the tightlycontested runoff. Thats coming up. Yes. So let me ask you this. How does diabetes affect your heart . It doesnt, does it . Actually, it does. 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Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and Difficulty Breathing or swallowing. Do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. Other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. Taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. So now that you know all that, what do you think . That its time to think about jardiance. Ask your doctor about jardiance. And get to the heart of what matters. Days away. Senator Luther Strange and judge roy moore facing off to fill the seat Attorney General Jeff Sessions left vacant. The contest becoming a test of President Trumps political clout with his endorsement of Luther Strange, and peter doocy is live in huntsville. Hey, peter, whats the latest . Reporter arthel, i just spoke to senator Luther Strange who told me he thinks he got a little bit of a boost in this runoff race because President Trump made his comments about the nfl and players kneeling for the anthem at his Campaign Event on friday. Do you think that him making that point at your event helps you . Does it move the needle in your direction ahead of the runoff . Oh, i think so. Our supporters are deeply patriotic. They respect the values that the president represents and what he stood for at that rally, and i think thats going to make all the difference. Reporter we caught up with strange at the irondale cafe which inspired the movie fried green tomatoes, and he says he loves the nfl commentary from the commander in chief was the headline from the Campaign Event, because he says he couldnt agree more with the president. Strange also says he doesnt really mind that President Trump gave himself an out on friday night by saying even if strange loses, he will come back to campaign for the challenger, judge roy moore. Strange says he thinks the president was just expressing his position as a republican. The challenger, moore, did tell a crowd at a Bluegrass Festival last night that this race matters because if he loses and senator strange holds on to the seat that he was appointed to when Jeff Sessions left, it will let the socalled establishment from d. C. Know that they could come to places like alabama and buy votes. Moore is pitching himself as the conservative who will best represent conservatives, and the president s former chief adviser, steve bannon, agrees. Bannon is going to be here tomorrow night with phil robertson from duck dynasty for a final Get Out The Vote rally on the eve of the election. Strange is countering that by having Vice President pence come here to birmingham for a rally of their own, and staffers tell me that they are expecting several hundred people which is a huge crowd ahead of a race like this. Arthel . Arthel all eyes are there in alabama, peter doocy. Thank you, and we will be back with all the latest news at the top of the hour, so stick around. Stay with us. member that accident i got in, with the pole, and i had to make a claim and all that . Is that whole thing still draggin on . No, i took some pics with the app and filed a claim, but, you know how they send you money to cover repairs and they took forever to pay you, right . No, i got paid right away, but, at the very end of it all, my agent wouldnt even call you back, right . No, she called to see if i was happy, but, if i wasnt happy with my claim experience, for any reason. Theyd give me my money back, no questions asked. Can you believe that . 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The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which can be life threatening. It may cause shaking, sweating, fast heartbeat, and blurred vision. Check your Blood Sugar Levels daily. Injection site reactions may occur. Dont change your dose of insulin without talking to your doctor. Tell your doctor about all your medicines and medical conditions. Check Insulin Label each time you inject. Taking tzds with insulins, like toujeo®, may cause Heart Failure that can lead to death. Find your rhythm and keep on grooving. Lets groove tonight. Ask your doctor about toujeo®. Share the spice of life

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