On his staff day in, day out. Thats not changing. Two question friday again. First congratulations on your first on air camera appearance. Thanks. Well see how it goes. Lets hold the champagne for a little while. I know you you said the president is neutral over the president of france. President obama talked about winners and losers in israel, egypt in its first election and japan. Will the president do the same with the two candidates in france . I would imagine that would be the case. Hes made a practice of reaching out to foreign leaders all over the globe. I would imagine he will do that once this election concludes. I would imagine that takes plac place. Going back to the president s executive order on the john sign mendment, nearly 20 years ago, congressman walter jones of North Carolina introduced the first legislation to repeal the Johnson Amendment and said at the time that it would take an act of congress. While the president s executive order tells the irs agents not to enforce it, the law is still on the books. Does the president support a repeal measure for the Johnson Amendment . Hes committed, i think, to religious liberty and protecting it and whatever that requires. I think this is the first step in a process. I dont think were taking anything off the table when it comes to protecting the rights of all the citizens of this country. What happened to the white house chief usher . I know that question has come up. She is no longer employed by the white house. Wish her the very best. Certainly hope for great things for her in the future. However, its not uncommon that you might have a transition of staff when a new administration comes in. Its nothing more than that. Wish her the very best. I believe the deputy usher will be serving as the acting usher for right now. The white house announced that the columbian president was going to come here. Also mentioned venezuela being a major topic. Venezuela has been a big topic. The president of argentina. What is or what are the president S Administration Major Concerns about venezuela . And what does he hope comes out of columbia in regards to assistance with this situation . I think the situation in venezuela, some of the acts there have been deplorable and certainly something that were monitoring very closely. In terms of specific movement or engagement that we have at this point, i cant comment any further on that right now. But something were aware of monitoring and keeping a very close eye on. The president said not susan rice had an invitation to testify on the unmasking of u. S. Citizens. Does the president think congress should subpoena here . Thats a question for congress, but i do think that its sad that she has chosen not to be transparent in this process and frankly not to cooperate in this process. We feel very confident that if all of this plays out, it will land on the right side of where we are. But i think its unfortunate for her and has really no bearing for us. [ inaudible ] gave a more formal speech about the potential peace process. I dont know if any plans for that have been made but well keep you posted. Ill take one last question. Let me just wrap it up on healthcare. Yesterday you said that it was the house wasnt waiting on the cbo. You gave the reasons why. Said you would like to see this happen in short order. They are waiting for the cbo to score this. Trying to figure out the timing of this. Is the white house okay with the Senate Waiting for the cbo even though it would justify the house. I think thats something for the senate to decide if they want to vote for that. Look, thats not something thats holding us back. I think we know the gospel pretty well. The cbo is not the gospel. Theyve been wrong before. They can be wrong again. You know, i think well let the senate make a decision on whrorpb they want to wait for that. We feel very confident on where we are moving forward. Thank you very much. See you on monday. Sandra all right. That is sara finishing up her press briefing, filling in for sean spicer. Topping the agenda, healthcare and a timeline for it. A lot coming out of that. Some breaking news. Bit of a surprise hearing the president , President Trump, just signed a little over an hour ago the bipartisan spending bill. That is news. We did not know that at this point. It wasnt an on camera thing, but Sara Huckabee just breaking that. The healthcare bill a big topic. Now it faces an uncertain future in the senate. Some say they won pass on the passage as is. Weve got john roberts joining me with the latest from the briefing room. Again, her first on camera appearance. There was some joking. Some back and forth. She said dont pop the champagne yet. It seemed to go pretty well. Some news coming out of that briefing. John . Reporter sara is no stranger to television. She was a surrogate for the Campaign Early on an certainly she has in recent weeks gone on television an awful lot in which most appearances i would say she faithfully articulates the president s position on a number of different issues. So, to have her hear not a stretch for her. Also probably welcome news for sean spicer. He is off doing Naval Reserve duty at the joint Chiefs Office at the pentagon. Now i think hes got somebody who is a good backup and will allow him, in the odd occasion he decides he wants to have a day off. But, most of the questions off the top here about the healthcare plan, where its going to go in the senate. Sara saying the president wants to see the senate be faithful to the over arching principle of the American Healthcare act as passed by the house which is to further the idea of lowering premiums while at the same time maintaining coverage, particularly for people with preexisting conditions. There is some question as to whether or not the bill as written with the waivers will allow people with preexisting conditions access to health care. 8 billion was set aside in this latest amendment presented by congressman upton and congressman long to take care of people with preexisting condition. There are a lot of critics who say thats not enough money. Listen to what sara said about that. Well, thats not the only piece of it that has coverage for preexisting conditions. Again, the president wanted to focus on those that were most vulnerable. Thats the whole point of this bill, to lower costs across the bill not just those with preexisting conditions, but to create competition so you have lower premiums to give states flexibility. Thats the entire purpose of reforming this system is to have lower costs. So, yes, that would be the goal and certainly again the priority of the president. Reporter course, the other big president coming out of the white house today was the jobs report. 211,000 jobs created during the month of april. That was ahead of expectations. Expectations were about 185,000 to be created. That after a dismal jobs report back in march. The Unemployment Rate now dropping to 4. 4 . Sara saying she believes the president s policies in terms of rolling back regulation may have something to do with that, setting the stage for future growth. Keep a close eye on that. Sandra all right, john robert, thank you. As the healthcare moves from the house to the senate, Many Republican senators make it clear theyll scrap the house bill and create their own. Mike emanuel joins us from capitol hill. Mike what, are some of the things senators are asking as things shift to their side on the capitol . Reporter well, sandra,senat Congressional Budget Office estimate of the price tag and the impact of that house bill. As you mentioned, senators are talking ab writing their own legislation, hoping to improve on what passed the house. Some of the things well have to work on, for example, are the refundable tax credit. We need to make sure thats sufficient so that low income people can buy a policy. Thats gonna need more work. Reporter Mitch Mcconnell created a 12member panel basically made up of leadership, Relevant Committee chair, moderates and conservatives, trying to craft a compromised bill that would get through the senate. Democrats are not expected to offer much support. There are Ten Senate Democrats up for reelection next year in states won by President Trump and some of them may be willing to help, but their leader is blasting the house bill. Its unfathomable. We dont even know how the large negative impact of these changes will be because we dont have a cbo score. But does anyone imagine this amendment will result in more americans being insured . Does anyone imagine it would provide better coverage for americans with preexisting conditions . I dont think so. Reporter montana Democrat John tester, senator told fox he would be willing to repeal and replace obamacare or improve obamacare. So he is signaling that hes willing to sit down with republicans and talk ab the future of healthcare in this country. Bottom line, lot of senators are saying theres plenty of work ahead and they do not want to be rushed through some sort of timetable. Sandra thank you. So who are the winners and losers in this legislation . Marjorie cliffton is a consultant to the obama campaign. First off, i want to get to a couple things, brian, that we just heard out of that White House Press briefing. The white house saying they do expect some changes in the senate, but they expect the main pillars to remain. Your response to that . Maybe we dont have brian. Marjorie, did you hear me . I guess i did hear you. Marjorie, go ahead. Well, i think the foundational challenges that everyones having is related to the preexisting condition clause and then the alasctual cost. We think the republicans need three vote dissent coming into the senate, then they will not be able to carry the bill. Question is how a lot of these senators who will then go into reelections be able to defend things like cost. Previously what our bill had in it were taxes that helped sustain the preexisting condition and sort of high risk pools. Removing those mean costs are going to escalate. You mentioned the fact that the subsidies, or the funds that are available, the 8 billion to carry this preexisting pools are not going to be sufficient. So i think foundationally the changes youre going to see in the senate are trying to address the preexisting condition piece, which is a big concern. Just the overall cost. Those are the foundational changes made in the house. So how that floats through the senate i think is the big question. Sandra brian, weve got you now. Sometimes that happens on live tv. The New York Times goes on to analyze what they see as the winners and losers in this legislation. As far as the winners, they say high income earners, upper middle class people without preexisting conditions, young middle class people without preexisting condition, people opting out of insurance, large employers. Do you agree with that . I do. There are winners and losers. First of all, the big winner is President Trump because hes moved the ball forward. The house did pass a bill. So he can say hes moved the bill down the road a little bit. The biggest loser is, obviously, president obama, this being his signature item. But for consumers sandra interesting they left that one off the list. Were showing the losers. Americans just over the poverty line, Older Americans in most states, people with preexisting conditions, state government, hospitals and planned parenthood. Do you know who is going to be a big winner . Young people. Young people were tapped to pay for older people and middle aged people. Many couldnt afford their health care because their premiums went through the roof. All american, if their premiums go down, will be big winners. Obviously people who are a little elderly, theyre gonna pay more. The jury is out on how this ends up. The Senate Versions going to be far different from what the house passes. So a lot of it is in question. Sandra marjorie, last word to you. I would just say foundationally, were going to have sick an elderly. If were going to have everyone covered, weve got to have universal coverage and we have to make it acceptable to everyone. I think how we do that is the detail that we cant get to. Somebody has to pay. Obviously Healthy People thats an easy one for insurance companies. How they solve it, thats what well see. Sandra brian r marjorie, thank you. Thank you. Sandra a u. S. Navy seal has been killed in somalia. The first death of a Service Member there in more than two decades. Two other seals were hurt in the fire fight. The seals were helping the Somali National army target a terror group. We are joined live from the pentagon with the latest. What are we learning . What happened . Reporter well, this is only about 12 to 18 hours old, sandra. The pentagon still doesen know what went wrong. Clearly, something went very wrong about 40 miles from mogadeshu was this compound. They believe the alshabob base has been used by al qaeda syndicate to launch attacks on americans, the Somali Government inside somalia. The seals were with a group of kphoupbd commandos when they came under heavy gun fire in the mission that ended up killing the american seal. The president has been briefed on that. He spoke directly with general mcmaster earlier today. Obviously, we first and foremost want to express our deepest condolences and our deepest appreciation for all of the men and women in the military. Reporter the pentagon still doesnt know, they say, if this mission was a success or if they had to evacuate and end the Mission Early when they came under this very intense fire, sandra. Important to note, this is the First American combat death in somalia since 1993. Something we all remember, which was blackhawk down. Sandra if the seals were there as advisers, then how did this happen . Reporter thats a great question. Theres about 50 American Special forces operators in somalia. They have their own base. Theyre there to train, advise and assist the somalis. Typically they are supposed to remain at the last place of safety during these missions. So they fly in on American Helicopters with the somalis. The somalis go in first. And the americans are supposed to hang back. In the past, we have seen during thesed a vie and assist missions, special operators, being delta force or seals, run to the sound of gun fire, very bravely, when their advise and assist friends are being fired upon or in grave danger. Dont know if thats what happened here, but certainly for the pentagon, it kreu creates questions about when do Somali Mission end and when to American Missions begin. Sandra all right. Thank you. New jobs report did come out today. It was a big one, with some of the best numbers that this country has seen in seven years. Were gonna go live to the New York Stock Exchange and find how its affecting markets today. Plus, has the government gone to the dogs . Well show you how the fur is flying at the department of the interior with secretary ryan zincke leading the pack. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Your insurance on time. Tap one little bumper, and up go your rates. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . News flash nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Switch and you could save 509 on auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with youâ„¢ Liberty Mutual insurance. Sandra secretary ryan zinke is the new top dog. His federal agency is the first to allow dogs at work. Today marks the start of doggy days at the interior, a program encouraging employees to bring their pooches to the office. The intent is to lower stress and boost morale. Joining me is the secretary of the interior along with his dog ragnar. The viking name. It is a viking name. Sandra please introduce us. Today is the first day of doggie day. Hes about 2 years old. Havanese. Doesen shed. We call him the ambassador to happiness around the office. We had about 82 dogs here today. They got along famously. Its nice. Had one 27year employee, shes been here for 27 years. She said this is the most fun i have had in 27 years. Sandra wow. To you thats very important. Why . Well, some of its morale. Lot of Service Members, former Service Members, veterans that have dogs. Dogs are more routine than they used to be. And recruiting. Were looking at the next generation of young exciting doi employees and the millenials like dogs. We have to be competitive. I want the best employees at the department of the interior. Sandra there will be a measure of this. Right now the interior is ranked 11th in employee morale of the 18 large federal agencies in last years best places to work. Maybe this will improve things. What sort of response have you seen so far from employees . Well, its been overwhelmingly positive. Youre right. Were 11th, but were gonna be number one. Between the cabinet members. Were all competitive. We launched first. Our mission is to be number one. Sandra this is video from today. Other pooches coming to work. As i understand, this will launch in the form of two fridays in may and september. Is this something that could potentially be every day . Were looking at about how to do it. Certainly were gonna learn a lot from reports and then allow our bureaus out in the field to do the same thing. One size doesnt fit all. We know from whats happened the last eight years. Were going to be a little flexible. Weve taken some great strides. Were looking forward to it. Today was a success. If thats an indicator about the next one, were in pretty good shape. Sandra as we know, President Trump still does not have a dog at the white house. First u. S. President in 150 years not to. Vice president pence and his wife have two cats and a rabbit. Are you gonna urge the president to get a dog . Well, certainly with as much press as we got today, i think hes gonna look at it. The president is also very competitive and if he gets a dog, it will be a lot of fun. Sandra were looking at pictures of those who came to work with their dogs today. A very neat idea and fun for us to watch. Mr. Secretary, thank you. Thank you. Sandra all right. I wish i had my little dog, too, at work. Tsa issuing a new skur warning. Why theyre keeping a close eye on the nations Trucking Companies to prevent future terrorist attack. Plus one small step filled in one of the president s Signature Campaign promises, but whats next in healthcare reform . We still have a lot of work to do to get this signed into law. I know our friends over at the senate are eager to get to work. They are. man vo it was may, when dad forgot how to brush his teeth. woman vo in march, my husband didnt recognize our grandson. woman 2 vo thats when moderate alzheimers made me a caregiver. avo if their alzheimers is getting worse, ask about onceaday namzaric. Namzaric is approved for moderate to severe alzheimers disease in patients who are taking donepezil. It may improve cognition and overall function, and may slow the worsening of symptoms for a while. Namzaric does not change the underlying disease progression. Dont take if allergic to memantine, donepezil, piperidine, or any of the ingredients in namzaric. 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Its good to be in good hands. Sandra the Senate Intelligence committee announcing it will hold its annual world waoeu threats hearing next week. The top officials from six intelligence agencies will testify in an open session first before holding a classified briefing behind closed doors. The goal, to get an idea of current and projected National Security threats to the United States and its national interests. Fox news alert. Tsa issuing a new warning about terrorists using large trucks as killing machines. Thats after a series of similar attacks world wide. The agency now urging the Trucking Industry to be on the lookout for suspects who might try to ram vehicles into buildings and crowds of people. Chief intelligence correspondent Katherine Herridge live in washington. What do we know about the timing of this . Reporter the tsa confirms to fox news that the warning was sent last week to the trucking and bussing industries. It focus on the current Threat Landscape and points out since 2014, terrorists carried out 17 vehicle ramming attacks injuring nearly 700 people. The report also contains warning signs or so called indicators that may suggest a plot is imminent and what steps can be taken to disrupt it. Two months ago in London England a suspected terrorist rented an suv mowing down pe tkes trie i cant understand on Westminster Bridge killing five people, injuring 35 others. The tsa warned this style of lowtech attack can happen with no notice and in virtually any community, sandra. Sandra is this part of some sort of trend . Reporter the republican chairman of the Homeland Security Committee Told fox news that isis is now consistently calling on its followers to carry out attacks where they are rather than travel to syria and iraq. He pointed to the dramatic capture of a terror suspect in september who allegedly planned to bomb the new york city and new jersey focus on soft targets including transit systems before he was shot by police and captured. We saw this with, you know, the new york bomber whose guidance came from sheik imnami. Weve seen this happen in paris, london, using any means necessary, whether it was a vehicle or knife to kill in your background. Reporter so if i was going to bottom line it for you, what we see now are a growing number of se centralized attacks and low tech attacks. That will be the kind of issue they take up next week. That really is one of the biggest hearings of the year because its one of the few times you have everyone from the Intelligence Community or ic in the same room speaking publicly about the current threat picture and how the budgets should reflect that. Sandra very important. Catherine, thank you. Reporter youre welcome. Sandra gop senators face a challenge of creating a bill that can win 50 votes in that chamber. Well t senate will write its own bill. I dont think that the house bill necessarily predicts what is in the senate bill. And we have only 52 senators. There has to be consensus. If you need a scorore, its goi to take weeks to get a score. First you need a product, then you have to get a score. Sandra joining me now chief correspondent for the washington examiner, also phil kurtpin, president of american commitment. Susan, what does this look like when it makes its way through the senate . It basically starts from scratch for senators. Theyre not gonna completely ignore what the house has done, but they told me they will be writing their own bill an trying to incorporate elements of the house passed bill into their bill. But it wont resemble exactly what the house has done. Its probably gonna look a lot different because youve got a smaller majority there and it will be harder to get it across the finish line even than it was several attempts in the house. Sandra phil, the white house was just asked this question. Sara Huckabee Sanders response was that they believe there will be some changes in the senate, but they expect the main pillars to remain. Yeah. I think in Broad Strokes it will be similar to the house bill. One of the challenges when you deal with healthcare, all the pieces are interconnected. Thats when they still have difficulty getting it over the finish line in the house when they started pulling on one provision it affected a lot of other things and started losing votes on the other side. I really think the key lesson coming out of the house was the way the macarthur meadows amendment broke the house. They said lets push them out to the states and let different states do different things. I suspect that idea of state flexibility as a way to bridge the divide that the phod rates and conservatives disagree on will probably be the template of how they resolve any remaining issues in the senate. Sandra senator mccain talking about this is all the fulfilling of a promise made to the American People over repealing obamacare. Listen. I do believe we need to reach a conclusion because we promised the American People and i promised the people of arizona we would repeal and replace obamacare. We take up legislation. They send it over. We have hearings and amendments then go to the floor and vote. So its just it should be treated as any other normal piece of legislation that is passed by the house. What do you think about the house voting before they get a cbo score . I dont approve of it. Sandra susan . Well, they cant. By law, the senate has to wait for the price tag before they can vote. I agree with what phil was saying earlier. This kind of dove tails with what senator mccain was saying. Broad strokes, yes. You can get agreement with the house. Mccain is talking about the promise and the pledge to repeal this that will motivate the senate to try to get things done. But the problem in the senate, as is with any legislative body, its the fine details that i think may trip up republicans. For example, in the house, there are block grants for medicade that will reduce historically the cost of medicade. Im already hearing from republican senators who are fearful who that will leave in the hrur fp. Theyre afraid some people wont be be able an afford coverage. There are people afraid of people ages 50 to 64 and rates going up. Even though they may agree with the premise of giving states flexibility. I have also floated senate ideas in the house. For example, some senators are talking ab giving states the tphresability to keep obamacare and auto enroll people in basic Health Care Pharmacy plans. Thats a big idea by senators cassidy and kol lynns. In the house, they hate that idea. This will be a heavy lift, no question. Overriding factor that mccain pointed out that they want to get this done, that may help. But as you just heard from the house, phil, Sara Huckabee sanders saying we want healthcare reform right not fast. Timing is still important. Heres what senator john cornin had to say. Quote, were not under any deadline so were going to take our time. What does that tell you . Well, you know, they dont want to be forced to act before theyve got a product that theyre comfortable with defending. That said, they do have a deadline here because theyve got a very full agenda. They want to move on to tax reform. They want to do an infrastructure bill. Theyve got an appropriations showdown coming at the end of september. So if they want to be able to get this done and feel good about it an move on to these other things, they dont have forever. Theres not a hard deadline, but they dont have forever. Sandra susan, let me get to what Lindsey Graham is saying. Quote, any bill posted less than 24 hours going to be debated three or four hours, not scored needs to be viewed with suspicion. Well, there you have it. Believe me, what he said is what i think a lot of republicans were thinking yesterday. I ran over an interviewed them as that house vote was passing. And they were responding with suspicion to what the house bill was. Let me quickly respond to what phil said. Theres a hard deadline. If they dont pass this i believe by september 30th, they cant use the fiscal year, fy 17 plan to pass it with 51 votes because they run out of time. It will be the next fiscal year. I think they are facing a hard deadline attend of the year. If they dont do this, theyll need 60 votes and then theyll need democrat, and that will be impossible. I think theyll get it done because they have to. Because obamacare is failing. Thats the back drop to this thats so crucial and so important. Democrats are really in denial about how bad it is. We keep seeing headline after headline state obamacare market place collapse, premiums continuing to go up. Thats i think what will get it done. Sandra phil, susan, thank you. Thanks a lot. Sandra jobs appear to be rebounding with the Labor Department coming out with the big jobs report, reporting 211,000 jobs were added in april. The Unemployment Rate dropped to the lowest point that its been in ten years. 4. 4 . Lori rothman, been a long time since weve seen number hraoeubs that. What was the reaction on the Trading Floor today . Its a great question, sandra. Without anything else going on, if we received this stellar job report in a vacuum, you could expect gains to have been higher. But of course we have the French Election this weekend. Polls not always dependable so we have a bit of a wait and see here. The dow is only up about 20 points. Lets go through that jobs report. It suggests the economy continues to gain pho men mum. 4. 4 . Thats a ten year low. 211,000 jobs created in april. When you consider in february and march we had a revision lower, so fewer jobs were created than we first realized. Thats a nice offsetting number for that april nonfarm payroll edition. Theres another metric. This is the total measure. More a broad look at the entire jobs market. It includes people who have to work part time because they cannot find full employment. And even that number came down slightly. Average Hourly Earnings also rose. Youre looking at from this time last year, youre being paid about 2. 5 more. Not a huge amount but, hey, moving in the right direction. Workweek also rose. The average workweek for most American Workers is 34. 4 hours. Lot of stats. Look for this report monday along with positive corporate earnings, sandra, to really give the market a shot in the arm as we get past that French Election. Sandra i suppose i would ask, based on this looking like such a strong jobs report, analysts are giving this a thumbs up. Then you look at the market and the dow. Only up about 17 points. But its still sitting at very lofty levels, right . Still up there near record highs for the u. S. Stock market averages. Yeah. In fact, we are looking at gains for the entire week. Modest gains, but gains nonetheless. Youve got a market share thats very bullish. We had the press briefing with Sara Huckabee sanders. She was very optimistic about healthcare, obviously passing the house. This market is optimistic that the president s economic agenda is making its way. Things are getting done and that the economy is, as a whole, moving in the right direction. Federal reserve we heard from this week even saying, hey, slow gdp overall growth. Its not gonna last too much longer. Sandra i give the white house credit for it. Said the Business Community has confidence in this president and the president wants to kill more job killing regulations which, of course, wall streets a big fan of and the investment community. You know it. Sandra lori rothman, thank you. Another day, aout airline apologizing. This time delta after a family of four said they were threatened by the crew and kicked off a flight. What really happened . And a coal miner who confronted Hillary Clinton decided its time to get involved and take action. Why democratic senator joe manchin may have reason to worry when it comes time for reelection. The evidence that donald trump was able to win the presidency shows that people are tired of the same kind of thing weve had for years, the status quo is no longer accepted. The sunll come out tomorrow. For people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. 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Senate after Hillary Clinton said this during the campaign. Im the only. Kennedy which has a policy about how to bring Economic Opportunity using Clean Renewable Energy as the key in the coal country. Because were gonna put a lot of coal miners and Coal Companies out of business. Right, tim . Sandra remember that moment . That didnt sit too well with my next guest so he confronted clinton during a round table in West Virginia on the campaign trail last year. I just want to know how you can say youre gonna put a lot you come in here and tell us how youre gonna be our friend. What i said was totally out of context from what i meant. I have been talking about helping coal country for a very long time. I do feel a little bit sad and sorry that i gave folks the reason or the excuse to be so upset with me because that is not what i intended at all. Sandra joining me now is beau coply. He plans to run on the republican ticket to challenge democratic senator joe manchin. Great to see you. Thank you, sandra. Its great to be here. I appreciate you having me on. Sandra its amazing to think we are exactly one year out from that moment, that day, that you changed so much in that 2016 president ial race. What do you think of when you look back at that . I just have to smile and think about how god just gives us opportunities. We were sitting in a moment that was one of the darkest moments in my familys time, wondering what direction we were gonna go in. How we were gonna be provided for. Then we get an opportunity to speak to someone whos running for president. Sandra in that moment you slid a picture across the table to then candidate Hillary Clinton. What was that picture of . It was a picture of my three children elliott, charlotte and merit. The day before we got to meet her, i prayed and fasted and kept asking god what should i ask her . What do i need to do . I just kept coming back to show her your children. And show her the faces that are really affected by statements like we want to put a lot of coal miners and companies out of business. Sandra all right. Now youre setting your sights on the senate. What will your message be . Honestly, i just feel like im someone that the people in our state can relate to. Im going to be facing probably quite a lot of republican challengers in the primary along with if im able to come out of the primary on top, then well be facing senator manchin. I wonder how many of those people had to sit in an unemployment line versus the amount of people in our state that have. Or how many people wondered how theyre going to provide for their children the way that we had to . Honestly, i just feel like when youve walked a mile in someones shoe, you tend to fight for those people harder than possibly someone who hasnt. Sandra you openly supported donald trump. Hows he doing . I think hes doing well. There are a few thing heres and there that i think a few people would change. I would like to see his twitter account taken away from him for one. For the most part, i think hes tried to not be a politician. I think hes trying to live up to the promises that he made people, that he made on the campaign trail that got him elected. And i think that its a definite plus. Sandra all right. Coal miner who changed history last year during the president ial election, during the race. Its wonderful to see you. I hope your family is well. Good luck in your race for the senate. Thank you, sandra. I appreciate it. Sandra all right. Many thanks to beau copley. It turns out mr. Copley isnt the only person whos not a big fan of the president s tweeting habits. Theres a report that the president s twitter feed is dropping in popularity. During his first 50 days in office, 62 of his tweets got more than 100,000 likes. That dropped to 10 for his second 50 days. With nearly 21 million follower, its doubtful hell give it up any time soon. New trouble for the airline industry, with an entire family now claiming they were kicked off, booted off an overbooked delta flight. We have nowhere to stay. Theres no more flights. Are we supposed to sleep in the airport . You should have thought about that. Sandra how is this different than other incidents . All finished. Umm. You wouldnt want your painter to quit part way, i think you missed a spot. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. You want this color over the whole house . When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Sandra delta major damage control mode now after becoming the latest airline to face a pr rocket. The airline under fire after kicking a family off an overbooked flight. Family saying they were even threatened with jail time when they refused to give up their seats. William logeness is live from our los angeles bureau. What now, william . Not just jail. They put their children in foster care if they didnt give up a seat that they paid for. That was the threat that brian sheer, his wife and 1 and 2yearold got from delta after the airline oversold the flight from hawaii to l. A. Delta claimed under federal regulations the 2yearold could not fly in a car safety seat. Federal you an your wife can go. Your kids will be held. So well be in jail an my kids will be what . Its a criminal offense. I bought that seat. So delta was wrong. In fact, the faa urges passengers to secure their child in a car seat and delta policy agrees, saying for kids under age 2 they recommend buying a seat and putting the kids in a safety seat, which is exactly what he did. Yet the airline refused to budge, threatening to keep the plane on the tarmac all night long, if necessary. I watched the whole tape. He wassen drunk. He wassen disrespectful. He wasnt rude. Sandra unbelievable. Youre left wondering what really happened here . Is there anything we dont know . Well, you know, the amazing one part there is but the airline quickly changed the story. He bought the seat originally for his older son who flew on another flight. But the airline quickly went into, hey, its all about the safety seat, not whose name was on the ticket. They let him on the plane. Heres the amazing part. After he agreed to give up the seat and hold a kid for six hours delta said no. Said at this point youre on your own. Youre going to give that to someone else when i paid for that seat. Thats not right. I understand. You need to do whats right. I bought this seat. You just leave us alone. They got kicked off. Went home the next day. Delta apologized and offered them an unspecified am amount of money. Sandra thank you. Well be right back. Managing blood sugar is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. Soand its only happening here. Tuition at new york state public colleges is now free for fulltime students from middle class families. Which is amazing news for students and parents. But theyre not the only ones celebrating. With more new yorkers getting the education they deserve, new york businesses will have a better trained workforce to help them grow. 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The most common side effects were nausea, constipation and vomiting. Trintellix had no Significant Impact on weight in clinical trials. Ask your healthcare professional about trintellix. Sandra a six pack, a case of beer, a pallet . Whats next . One finish brewery offering this. A 1,000 pack of beer. Guess what . People are actually buying it. Its quite popular. This party pack contains 1,080 cans. Its made by combining five stacks of beer, each 12 beers white by 18 beers long. It sells for just over 2,300. That comes out to about 2 a beer. Up to you. Buy it if you want. Celebrate. Im sandra smith. Heres Harris Faulkner in for Shepard Smith. After a victory, republicans are getting ready for the next battle over healthcare in america. It wont be easy. With one republican senator saying it has zero chance of moving forward. Others say it has a bumpy road ahead. Well have updates from capitol hill and the white house. When Chris Wallace joins me, ill ask him how people feel about the changes proposed so far. Unemployment just hit its lowest level in a decade. What it means for our economy and your money. Are two of the planets most dangerous nations about joining forces . A connection with iran and

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