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Over the ban, and outside, mr. Trumps florida estate where mr. Trump is spending the weekend. Reporter its up to the 9th Circuit Court and it denied the administrations request to immediately reinstate the travel ban. In the meantime the state Department Says those with valid advisas from the 7 countries this ban targets may enter the united states. U. S. District judge jim robart suspended the travel ban friday. He wrote in that ruling that those challenging the ban would likely succeed and keeping the travel ban in place while the courts considered the issue would cause irreparable harm. In its appeal of that ruling the Department Justice argued that suggesting it was necessary to protect fashion stall security would constitute an intrusion on the Constitutional Authority over foreign affairs, National Security and immigration. The Trump Administration says it will continue fighting to reinstate the travel ban pass legal experts discuss whether to halt the executive order. The next level beyond that, the Supreme Court of the united states. Eric supporters and critics of the travel ban have continued their protests across the country and they are take together pairways. The president spending this weekend at maralago in palm beach where garrett is standing by with what we can expect. Reporter nearly 2,000 protesters hard down the road to President Trumps Maralago Club and to protect his presidency as a whole. As the protests were happening. The president and the first lady attended the red cross gala. This morning his Vice President echoed the sentiment that the ban will be reinstated. We believe the judge made the wrong decision. Well continue to use all legal means at our disposal to stay that order, and move forward to take the steps necessary to protect our country. Reporter democrats are all too pleased with the developments. And senator Dianne Feinstein said this is all a bit of karma for the republicans. We listened for months while republicans said that obama was issuing too many executive orders and exceeding his authority on executive orders. So, you know, what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. We havent heard from the president on twitter, but we are being told they are having meetings at the Trump International golf club. Later today he will have phone calls with International Leaders including the secretary general of nato and the Prime Minister of new zealand. Tonight like most of the country he will be watching the super bowl. But we can tell you he does make a prediction and you will have to tune in to this interview with bill oreilly. Eric that breaking news we are not going to report now on the fox news flannel . Reporter i wish we could. Arthel you have got to watch bill oreilly. He will go oneonone with the president in pregame coverage for the super bowl. It includes the exchange about russian path vladimi president r putin. Bill do you respect putin. I do. Bill why . I respect a lot of people, that does mean ill get along with him. Hes the leader of his country. Its better to bet along with them than not. Will i get along with him . I have no idea. Bill putin is a killer. There are a lot of kirls. You think our country is sow innocent . Arthel this aftermoon 4 00 p. M. Eastern time. Get more of the conversation on the Oreilly Factor monday and tuesday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern happening right here on fox news channel. By the way, with iran when they circle our beautiful december troir troyer when ts with their little boats and they make gestures she shouldnt be allowed to make, they will be shot out of the water, believe me. Eric that was President Trump during the Campaign Last fall threatening to retaliate against iran. The obama policy was to fire warning shots or use verbal warnings with a loud speaker. But now with iran testing Ballistic Missiles and the administration reacting by putting iran quote on notice, is saying its playing with fire. But despite that tehran remains defiant. One top iranian general was quoted as saying this. If we see smallest misstep from our enemies, our roaring missiles will fall on their heads. It would make america or any other enemy regretful of any incursion. With us is john bolton, former am balances doer to the United Nations and chairman of the gates Stone Institute in new york. A confrontation with iran seems inevitable. Do you think the Trump Administration can detain iran . I think they have taken early steps to demonstrate they are not attached to the nuclear deal. But i think iran has figured out elections in america do make a difference even if they dont in iran, and there is a new president with a different view of that agreement. I think what we have seen in the wake of the sanctions announced by the white house friday was iran continued its provocative behavior. I believe they may be prepared to make some kind of test of strength with the new administration. 23409 necessarily military. Not that they want to provoke conflict. But they may want to see how far they can push. How much of this is mouth and how much is real. I think we are in a dangerous period and it calls for making sure we have got a strategy. I think iran will never live up to the nuclear deal. I think we should abrogate it immediately. But i think this will be an interesting couple weeks. Eric when you talk about a test, what do you moon . And what do you think they will do . They have capability in what they call the persian gulf with saudi arabia where there are u. S. Military units. They have the Houthi Rebels who fired an Iranian Missile at a saudi ship. They can unleash hezbollah and hamas and other terrorists. The central bankers of international terrorism. They have a lot of buttons they can push. I think because the Trump Administration is just over two weeks old, the ayatollah may see this as a relatively costfree opportunity for them to push the involve. They are doing that now with a Ballistic Missile test. And it seems to be allowed under the Iranian Nuclear deal, before the deal banned Ballistic Missile tests. Let me read you something from the actual resolution. Paragraph 3 of annex b of resolution 2231 calls upon iran not to undertake any activity related to Ballistic Missiles. Can you describe what calls upon means . Is that like pretty please dont do it . Its unbelievable. They are aloud under the deal because the Security Council changed that when the deal went through to conduct these types of tests. I have an ope i have an on the wall street journal on this subject. When the Security Council says decide or demand, it called upon iraq. This is like calling upon your children to clean up their room. Imagine what happens then. But there is also a kicker in the clause that you read because it talks about missile designed to carry nuclear war head. We know from the vienna deal and resolution 2231, that the youth and everyone else welcomed irans acclamation. It has no intention of acquiring nuclear weapons. So obviously their missiles cant be designed to carry nuclear weapons. Therefore the tests are legitimate. This is a case study of how bad the vienna deal was negotiated. We should strictly enforce the nuclear deal and have it wrong. Its like trying to nail jello to a wall. You made a point, the Security Council resolutions require iran. They give them 19 piles under the border of israel. They are allowed to have the Ballistic Missiles that can hit israel. You made a terrific point. You talked about reentry. Why is that so significant when the first missile they exploded focused on reentry. The iranians claim as do the north core rans who work closely with iran. They claim their Ballistic Missile programs are to launch weather and communications satellites. Obviously you dont need to worry about rehe triif you are trying to launch satellites. The point is to put satellites in space and keep them there. You need to worry about reentry when you are trying to deliver to a target. The fact that iran is testing reentry demonstrate what these missiles are for. Eric ambassador john bolton thank you. Well look forward to your oped in the wall street journal tomorrow. Arthel President Trump with a setback on his travel ban. The countdown to the super bowl is on. We are live in houston as htown gets ready for it big night in the spotlight. Im very confident my team the new England Patriots will take it home this year. They are going all the way. [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette and her new mobile wedding business. At first, getting paid was tough. Until she got quickbooks. Now she sends invoices, sees when theyve been viewed and tada, paid twice as fast see how at quickbooksdotcom. Eric antiterrorism police in turkey detained 400 people in the country charging them with alleged ties from isis. We are look at one of those operations in Southern Turkey just north of the syrian bored. Avalanches have killed 50 people in the last three days. Many more have been injured and 150 homes have been destroyed in avalanches that have continued in different parts of afghanistan. The iranian news media saying the country lifted its ban on u. S. Wrestlers. The report says the ban was lifted after federal judge james robart blocked President Trumps travel ban from iran and those six muslim nations that are considers terrorist hot beds. Arthel there is a twitter war after a federal Appeals Court denied the justice departments request to immediately reinstate the travel ban. On the sunday talk shows the tussle becoming a Major Political battle as well. Proper vetting is important to the american people. But there is a fine line here between proper vetting and interfering with the kind of travel or suggesting some kind of religious test. And we need to avoid doing that kind of thing. This president has not brought this nation together as he says hes work for his base. There are a majority of people outside of that base. And i think my best advice has been and i was able to say this to him directly, bless, mr. President , you have to bring this country together. What hes doing is splitting it apart more and more and more. Arthel lets bring in elizabeth harrington, a staff writer for the freebie con. The Trump Administration has to reply to the decision tomorrow. The president could take this to the Supreme Court which currently has only 8 justices. This could remain deadlocked leaving the 9th Circuit Court ruling in place. Does the president s ban have the legality to withstand scrutiny. It was not decided based on the constitution. It did so on the basis that public universities would be harmed by not as many universities or people on visas coming it was not based on whether this order is legally sound. The only ruling we have to go on is the District Court in boston which sided with President Trump and said this should keep going through the courts. But as for now it should remain because the president has a lot of authority for National Security matters. Really what this order does, its temporary. Its putting in place a more stringent process to review refugees and travelers coming into the country. On that basis alone i think President Trump has a good shot of succeeding when you are looking at the constitutionality of the order. Arthel wouldnt it suit the Democratic Senators to delay the confirmation of judge neil gorsuch and invoke the simple majority rule to confirm judge gorsuch . Is he fighting the right battle here for his travel ban . He needs to defend this order its one of the first main steps he has taken as president. Im asking you, there is the pending confirmation of judge gorsuch. It was never going to be easy for republicans to get republican nominees through with the democrats. You have minority leader Chuck Schumer saying because President Trump has attacked this judge in seattle, that they are going to suddenly treat neil gorsuch differently. Gorsuch was also confirmed unanimously to the lower courts. So its very hypocritical for them to say that trump has no respect for the law when he also nominated someone that got tremendous bipartisan support. Republicans have a good argument for pushing gorsuch ahead. If the democrats want to double down, the Senate Republicans should go nuclear and get this justice through because it will be beneficial to them in the long run. Arthel with the president having publicly encouraged senator Mitch Mcconnell to go nuclear, does that put him in a political conundrum directing the Republican Senate on how to handle the confirmation of a Supreme Court justice . President trump said from the beginning, its Mitch Mcconnells decision. So ultimately it will be Mitch Mcconnells decision. And when you look at before the court battle over the travel ban, the democrats didnt have a lot of good arguments for locking neil gorsuch because he has bipartisan support. He has impressive history and resume on the lower courts. So really i dont even think a filibuster could have happened before this latest battle over the travel ban because hes gone the so much democrat support signaling that republicans could peel away some of these democrats to vote for neil gorsuch. I think they might not even have to use the nuclear option. It might not be necessary. How is all of this playing out inside the gop. You see what Mitch Mcconnell just said. He does not seem to be hes trying to have it both ways. But he wants to support what president obama has done, but he doesnt want to seem like they are enforcing some of the rhetoric that President Trump made on the campaign trail about religious tests or a muslim ban. Even though this order is not that. Its 7 countries that have been on the watchlist for hot beds for terrorism for a long time. President trump in 2011 temporarily restricted travel from iraq when the situation was bad over there. I think Mitch Mcconnell, they are trying to draw the fine line. I think they should follow through with President Trump is saying, and signaling its within the bounds of the constitution. They will rrl thank you very much. Eric requires super bowl sunday and houston is getting ready for all that goes into this event. Well take you behind the massive security effort thats keeping tens of thousands of people safe. Remember this 94yard sprint for the touchdown . Mr. Dwight is here. I just want to find a used car without getting ripped off. Start at the new carfax. Com show me used trucks with one owner. Pretty cool. [laughs] ah. Ahem. Show me the carfax. Start your used car search at the allnew carfax. Com. vo do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day; rage, rage against the dying of the light. Do not go gentle into that good night. Six hours away from kick off on her own. All the action for the day. In the city of houston from the gold anticipation. Since the dozens of football fans already making their way to the stadium. There is of course an army of security, keeping a watchful eye on the stand, crowds and even insiders base. Tcc goes live outside the stadium right now in houston with the latest. Reporter hey, eric. Good to see you. It is pretty cloudy, you little gloomy. The sun peeks through at times, but fingers crossed things change before kickoff. I have to say it is electric. You can feel the excitement. Nrg stadium is right back here, holding upward of 70,000 football fans. The city of houston estimates 140,000 people or so have traveled in from across the globe really. One thing you notice as we have been here on the ground for the last several days and you walk around all of the events between the venue is, and extremely heavy police presence. Of course a mix of local, state and federal law enforcement. K9 units, metal detectors come the choppers come even drugs being utilized the security we know is paramount at an event like this. For everything the average i can see, there are even more tools and resources you dont know or you can bear. Behind the scenes, police are scouring social media, monitoring the internet for new chatter, talk of thread, terrorist attacks. The fbi tells us they are wellequipped to identify patterns of suspicious that could be and gather intel. If a red flag is raised from its investigated. The biggest challenge separating Credible Threats from hoaxes, but its a job they started in may of 2013 if you can believe that, when houston was selected to host this years game. Years of work leading up to today. Success for us if people were barely notice that we are there. The team i root for on sunday are the Unsung Heroes there looking like good times. Of course the feds say that the beauty of social media is that it is a twoway street because public can tweet in or post on facebook and a suspicious activity or things they feel need to be checked out. I really must say to keep all of the fanfare, the press, the players, all of the volunteers come in the staff, that is truly a team effort. I really is. Before you go, one of the most special moments of course will be when former president george h. W. Bush, 92 years old, and we are told he is fired up for the coin toss. That would be incredibly special. The mac is really neat to see that because when we were covering his hospitalization, i asked his doctor, is it feasible for the president to do this coin toss or even be here at the event itself and the moving target they would have to see. We understand hes well enough to be here today with former first lady barbara appeared that is certainly going to be special. Certainly hopes he gets a standing ovation. A good moment for sure. Of course, it eric and kasey kahne the super bowl is the biggest stage in a Football Player can play on. Most of us can only imagine that feeling under pressure that goes with it as well. Our next guest lived next guest lived it. Tim dwight plagued seasons in the nfl including time with new england an tim dwight was with the falcons during their last super bowl appearance against the broncos in 1999, where he famously returned a kickoff 94 yards. For the teams first touchdown. Looking good either way. I like to have been happening. Just a girl. What can i say. Tell me now, what are the guys feeling right now . What is that like gearing up for this game . Youre pretty nervous. The biggest game of some of these players careers. As a little kid, you think you want to play in the super bowl, the mvp and this is their opportunity to do that. Preparation life come the new england has an advantage. Theyve been here many times before. Atlanta is rocking could the defense playing topnotch. These guys are probably just relaxing in their hotel room, just going through their playbook of nursing plays confusing getting ready to put the biggest game of their life. New england has been here before. Atlanta has something to prove. Lets talk about this. When you make such a huge play in such a highprofile game, how does that feel . On the other side come when you make a mistake in the super bowl game, how easy is it to shake off . Its not that easy to shake off. Big insight is yours on to perform your best. When you make a mistake, its pretty hard. These guys will shake that off and do the best they can to remove it from the minute that. It is kind of hard. You have to reset yourself when something goes bad. When something goes good, it is super exciting. I scored late in the game in 1999 and not super bowl. Ill tell you what, it was ecstatic. Every single return we had that night kept getting further and further down the field. You guys are going to get one of these. One lucky other cut them was that. When youve got a kick or midfield like that, you should usually outrun and score a touchdown. I feel like you feel it as if it happened yesterday. I can tell that we are talking about it. Go ahead. I just came down here with all the fans and saw old layers last night in the last couple days brings back those memories on the excitement of the excitement up i was a rookie that year. I thought every year was going to be the super bowl. A tenyear career and never made it back. It was super exciting to be in this game and build a score a touchdown. Arthel i can only imagine youd be in a rookie in making that kind of play. It works out better for you. I want to talk you about this app youre telling me about cold calling up that that you are promoting. Tell me about it. I do a lot of charity work in the timberlake foundation for thought cap was thirdbase line. You go to a lot of these events that people are raising money for their foundations. Some people might bid on this auction item and not on this. A lot of money and theyre doesnt get put forth because someone outbid you. We came up with the top or you can donate into your charity of choice and send you free of charge. You can pay your charity or donate your charity on every purpose you make. So you buy 1. 25 candy bar. An extra 75 cents to go to 2 gets donated in your charity, which is a great thing. People can donate any amount they want. 5 a month, 2 a month. I do 20 a month. It shows you every time what you donated and how much you donated. Every month we give an update on the charity of your choice of what you connected to. It kind of keeps you engaged over a long period of time as well as a good cash flow stream to those charities. Every day they got money coming in instead of one or two events. A really streamlined things for people and gets a lot more people involved. String of numbers. Arthel very powerful. Who wanted you to give a chance to talk about your charity because its important, but im out of time. Oneword answer, which team is going to win . I played for both teams, but these are my guys today. Arthel the dirty birds. If you put that on, im going to have to show you this. Im not sure if you can see my lanyard here. They ate in the game, but there you go. How about that. Arthel 10, thank you so much. By the way, super bowl 516 hours away. Be sure to catch teachers 6 30 p. M. Eastern on big fox. Eric may be the same next year. He was a kid when he found out how to washington d. C. Politics could be. Judge neil gorsuch as a teenager with his mother had to resign from the Reagan Administration after a fight with congress. What is the legacy of that bruising battle . Or is that now prepares to face the senate next is some personal insight from one of the judges former clerks. A murder mystery that made National Headlines may have been solved. Newline permission today that investigators just released in the killing of a new york city jogger. We did a deep dive as far as intelligence gathering and found the 9 11 911 call from howard beach. From that we developed a profile did this all happened in the last 10 days or so. K . Only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months youre accident free. Silence. Its good to be in, good hands. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. 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Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ask your dermatologist about otezla today. Otezla. Show more of you. Arthel a fox news alert. Police make an arrest in the near city charter after her death made National Headlines. Authorities say charges are pending for 20yearold jamal lewis and i suspect in the murder shown here. The body was found in an undeveloped area near her home in queens by could not get. Her parents reported her missing after she went out for a jog and did not return. Investigators say the suspect left dna at the crime scene. Sources say evidence has been matched to jamal lewis who is now in custody. Vice president mike pence of a strong message to Senate Democrats. Nominee neil gorsuch should get an up or down vote on the senate floor. Explaining why he thinks gorsuch is the best candidate for the job. [applause] this is an historic time for our country. We are on the verge letter laid every affirming the supremacy of the constitution. Internation Supreme Court. We are giving a new voice to the ageold vision of our founding fathers. We are rededicating ourselves to the timeless principles that they claimed only a few steps away from right where we are standing today. What will happen at the Senate Confirmation hearing, a former clerk for judge gorsuch and also an attorney in denver. Welcome first of all. Republicans by president obamas choice, Merrick Garland. You think its payback time for democrats now that the tables are turned . I think that is going to be sent in the Senate Democrats are struggling with in the next few weeks. Theres certainly a lot of bad but im sure among democrats about the way that Merrick Garland was treated as Senate Republicans had by all accounts, Merrick Garland was a highly qualified and very wellregarded nominee. But the question Going Forward is going to be coming in now, do they have the political clout to block judge gorsuch even if they wanted to. A hard thing for them to stand against a nominee who is very widely regarded and well respected, particularly in the minority. The they could have 60 votes or maybe the nuclear option. Its the first time that america and we will actually be able to see what its like. Many of his views and basically get a measure of the man. Theres a reason judge gorsuch was unanimous that confirmed when he was put on about a decade ago. His credentials, his qualifications nobody can question. Beyond that hes a personable and warm man. The native colorado with a bit of western charm. Hes the kind of person who puts people very much at ease when youre talking to him. Hes universally loved by his colleagues both on the bench and in legal is that here in denver and around the country. Hes a great boss, a very personable guy. He takes his role as a mentor to his young law clerk very seriously and hes got a loyalty to his former clerks that kind of followed them throughout the rest of their career. A truly sort of great person. I think a very friendly person, but also you would be hard pressed to find a smarter, more careful and more fairminded judge. Eric and theres a fascinating background with his mother appears she of course was epa administrator in the Reagan Administration. In buford super bowl li had to resign. There is a contempt of congress that sometime which some thought was very unfair. The New York Times today has this about your former boss. He was 15 years old and his mother was caught another showdown with congress but she was forced to step down. Neil was furious. You should never have resigned utilities out there. You didnt do anything wrong. He only did what the president ordered. He raised me not to be a quitter. Why are you a quitter . What do you think the legacy of his experience when he was 15 years old by his mother go through the meat grinder on capitol hill. What do you think that will mean and how it will bring that to the Senate Confirmation . You know, by reputation i know judge gorsuch mother had a reputation for being a firebrand and maybe sort of standing a pretty firm to what she saw as unfair treatments. Im not sure how well that served her during a contentious process. What i do know is judge gorsuch is sort of a very humble man. Its impossible to keep cool. Hes very personable. He doesnt go out seeking for soliciting controversy. I think throughout his confirmation process i would expect that he would be you know, its going to put on a very friendly affable face because that is just the kind of person he has. I think its going to be hard for people to find much ammunition to use against judge gorsuch. Theres no doubt hes a conservative. Democrats in congress arent going to like that. But theres very little other than that they can say about him either as a person are based on his record on the bench. Trade to fascinating see when these hearings occur especially considering his personal background and the troubles he had. It will be fascinating. Things are joining us with your personal insight. Thank you very much. Arthel everybody is waiting for the big game, but theyre also waiting for the commercials. Of course it is bigtime for the companies, hoping to get their spot, becoming the one that everyone is talking about. The commercials everyone is talking about the game. We will see who thats going to be, probably by tomorrow. Then i realized managing was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said humira was for people like me who have tried other medications,. But still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. In clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. 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Sixtyfive may get all the attention, but now is a good time to start thinking about how you want things to be. Go longâ„¢. Arthel we are just hours away from super bowl 51. The biggest event of the year for football fans. This big event goes beyond football as millions around the world to an end for commercials. A preview of what we can expect to see. Reporter for many advertisers commit chance to reach 100 million years is too good to pass up, especially when they add there a big part of the game date. Speeeight but the opportunity doesnt come cheap. This year the cost of the 302nd super bowl spot, five to 5. 5 million. Still looking good. The mac the ads will, conflict and lots of star power. Theres the return of headlights famous mascot. Man, youre a man. An appearance by tom brady and audi using a 10yearold gender defender to make a statement on the pay gap between men and women. What do i tell my daughter that her dad is worth more than her mom. Katie, katie. Reporter super bowl ads are held to a higher standard. The mac super bowl ads need to have incredible production value. They need to have good music, a great on brand message. They need to be often find our heartfelt or in a gene or entertaining. It needs to be an incredible combination of things do stand out. Great new diet pepsi. Is beautiful. Reporter over the years, standards have been memorable from Cindy Crawford pitching pepsi. To mean joe Green Trading his jersey for a coke. Apples classic 1984. Each in the traditional route this year, snickers will for the first time in history and hyundai during the super bowl. Does it for us. Eric 4 00 p. M. And 6 00 p. M. Eastern. Eric it is super bowl sunday. Welcome to a special edition of americas news hq. Ilan leland the dirt live in houston were some 70,000 fans at this started to make their way into the hottest venue in america. The toughest ticket in the world to root for either the new England Patriots for the atlanta falcons. Vice president pants we are told is heading to houston to watch the big game. Elizabeth, he will have slightly better state than we d

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