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Morning, a man called the Ottawa County michigan dispatch kplam claiming he had a bomb in his truck and he was going to blow up the coast guard station in grand haven, michigan. The sector field in grand haven began evacuating personnel immediately. Thats when a man crashed his fullsize dodge ram truck through the station security gate broke into a building, and once inside, attacked coast guard personnel. They suffered minor injuries. Now, the coast guard members subdued the 34yearold man until Police Arrived and arrested him. Bomb technicians have checked the truck and the station and have found no explosive devices thus far. The coast guard station building is now, quote, deemed safe but based on where the truck was located, residents at sandpiper condos across the street from the coast guard station are asking to shelter as a form of caution. The suspect made a threat of an explosive device and were currently checking the truck in the building for explosive devices. Now we just got information now from the coast guard that those condos have been given the all clear and they have not found any explosive devices there. This investigation is very much ongoing. The suspect is not from grand haven, michigan and they are now trying to determine whether he acted alone and what his motive was. Shannon . Brian, thank you very much. The situation now is more diffuse, and frankly, more complex in that terrorist organizations such as isil oral kid in or al qaeda use the internet. They continue to hammer isis in iraq. They have destroyed 56 in long state targets since a jordanian burned to death earlier this week. Connor is live with the very latest. Connor . Reporter those 56 jordanian airstrikes came in just three days, by far the fast and quickest tempo they had in five to seven months of fighting the isis coalition. Jordan says its part of their revenge and only the beginning. Were nowhere near the end of this revenge as well. Officials offering very upbeat assessments against the fight on isis. Nearly 20 of isis has been destroyed since the beginning of the campaign. Secretary kerriy saying today in munich that they are making progress against isis. We disrupted their command structure, undermined its propaganda, taken out half their Senior Leadership squeezed its financing, damaged its supply networks disbursed their personnel and forced them to think twice before they move in an open convoy. We are forcing them to change tactics. There are more than 60 countries as part of this antiisis coalition. Were also beginning to see other air countries taking action in the futile killing of the jordanian pilot. The ua which had dropped out in terms of the air campaign has re maintained efforts and theyre now participating in the air campaign. Were also hearing other air countries are beginning to evaluate and step up their participation in this campaign against isis. Secretary kerry saying isis has lost about 1700 square kilometers of territory but most of that is in iraq and not syria where the battle with isis and syria is far worse. In iraq you have kurdish and shiite forces. In syria, its a very different situation. The battle there against isis guys not going near as well. Isis has actually gained ground inside syria. Were live inside jordan. Reporter saying at this moment after all these years that we do not have a coherent strategy, full 360 degrees, to combat islamic terrorists. I think what im saying is the strategies weve had is clearly not working. That was former Defense Intelligence Agency Director lieutenant michael flynn, questioning president obamas plan to defeat isis. You want to ask you first about the Administration Last week rolled out its new National Security strategy including the call for strategic issues. We have to roll out a strategy for short term but also long term. We need to look at not only isis iran china, all those countries we need to address more forcefully but long term as well, whether its cyber security, technology, try to get ahead of the game. The media threat we have now with isis how confident are you in moving forward with what we are doing . The president said were doing everything we should be doing. There is still the question of using military force which would somehow force the administration to outline a specific strategy. Where do you stand on that timeline . We need to clarify the interstate, we need to support our partners in the area who are trying to help us with regards to isis. Thats not happening right now. Im happy to say jordan is a step forward again and its really hitting isis strongly. It was horrible the death that we saw, the really barbaric execution of a pilot from jordan but that just proves the point that this is an enemy we need to confront. We need to confront them with force, we need to be firm and we need to have an end strategy. That hasnt happened with this administration. Were looking at training and equipping and trying to get 5,000 troops trained from our partners. Isis already has 30,000. General dempsey told the committee in september that he needed a force of at least 12,000 to head this enemy off. Thats a strategy for the short term thats going to take a long time to see it complete. In the meantime we have some members of the coalition who want to fight isil in syria, but we need to be sure that we support them with night vision, with airplane parts with materials and the assistance they need. As far as this goes, there is a growing suspicion it will involve u. S. Troops on the ground. There are a thousand in that region, but the idea of combat boots or boots on the ground being there, whats your position on that . Do you think it should be on the table, off the table, as the administration works through a strategy . We have boots on the ground. There is any number of them thousands in syria and also in iraq. Those people are in harms way. We need to be honest about that. But before i would ever ever commit to boots on the ground in combat, as i said, we need to have a strategy, we need to have a plan. Who is going to be out there in defeating isis and who is going to be there to take over that territory when we leave . That hasnt been determined yet. We need that longterm strategy. We make trying to figure out who are the best to equip there who are the good guys, who are the bad guys, those who are supposed to train the moderates in syria, even though many of them are attacked by assad who crossed the line, as the administration said, years ago. Its complicated over there. Its very complicated and its multilayered. If we are to defeat isis, which i believe we must defeat isis, then we have to confront assad. Confronting assad means we confront iran and how do we deal with iran with their forces not just in syria but with their ambitions in the area and around the world . Its multilayered and i havent seen any strategy come out yet from this administration thats going to address that. In the meantime we have the Nuclear Program of iran the negotiations over that continuing. Has the administration been forceful enough in that discussion . I think Congress Needs to be forceful. And im looking forward to having Congress Stand up, do our job and be able to approve the deal that is going to be made between this administration and with iran. This affects not just the region shannon, this affects us in the United States as well. Senator fischer, great to have you with us. Thank you so much. Thank you. We want to hear from you at home. Weve been asking on twitter what should be the next step in the u. S. Effort to destroy isis. Send it to me or leland. Well read some later on in the show. Boko haram went on the offensive again. They attacked the border town of niger. No word yet on any casualty figures. Diffa was one of the two border towns attacked on friday. Casualty counts, at least 109 extremists and four niger soldiers were killed during those clashes. Were learning more about bosnian immigrants. One of the accused is a mother of four. She appeared in federal court in chicago yesterday. According to the u. S. Attorneys office, all six live in the United States legally, and members of the bosnian immigrant community in the chicago suburb where one suspect lived reacted in shock. Theyre saying that somebody put up a whole community because of their choice. Everybody in this community condemns terrorism. All im saying is this is a land of law and one of the basic American Values is innocent until proven guilty. Prosecutors say the group used coded language on social media to communicate and that they also used paypal to ship supplies to the u. S. Postal service. Five of the most notorious prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, including accused 9 11 mastermind mohammad are going against a Coalition Group this week. President obama continues his move toward his campaign vow to close the camp. Likely the trials are likely to continue on the island anyway, and theyre skeptical the facility ever will really be shut down. Kathleen harris is live at Guantanamo Bay to bring us the latest. Katherine . Shannon we are six years into this promise of the president to close the detention camps which are about two miles from where im standing right now at the maximum security courthouse. And the administration has successfully cut the population here from 242 to 122 with 50 detainees cleared for release. But as we heard during congressional testimony this week, everyone who is left in the camp has some kind of connection to al qaeda or the taliban. The terrorists, the people who are in guantanamo, have engaged in a range of activities from being active on the battlefield to providing support functions to terrorist leadership. It runs the gamut. Reporter the first order of business when the five 9 11 suspects are back in Court Tomorrow is an sci investigation into the defense team of ra ramzi bin alshibh. He is alleged to be a member of the homburg cell where the 9 11 plot was strategized. One of the detainees refused the touch of a female guard and since theres been a block on female guards taking them to the high detention courthouse. They refuse to have female guards for religious reasons. The 9 11 suspects are also demanding the same treatment, and there is a temporary restraining order blocking female guards from transferring the men to and from camp 7, the high security camp to the courthouse about 30 yards behind me. And add to that there are now two gender discrimination complaints from female guards here at the base to the judge who let these blocks go forward. The bottom line is that though the Administration Says it intends to close these camps by the end of the second term, when you speak to people here at the base privately, what theyll tell you is that nothing is being laid no foundation to move these military commissions from the base to a u. S. Base. And they fully expect that these trials will continue to go forward even if the camps are ultimately closed, shannon. Katherine harris reporting live from Guantanamo Bay. Thank you. Now we go back to the fight against isis and the possible link between those responsible for the paris attacks. A woman who murdered a man may have been spotted in an isis video. Well show you a preshowing of that video of what appeared to be a scarred woman who is possibly hayat boumeddiene. Its raising questions of women in this organization. Is this an issue of propaganda putting pictures of women out, or are they actually part of the fight . Both. On the one hand they definitely need them for their propaganda machine. But who are they targeting . Not just regular women to make them into jihadists. Those who are jihadists have become jihadists by recruitment and ask to travel to syria and iraq. We have two controversies now, one in canada one in france about these two highly publicized figures but there are many. Either wife or companion or recruited in the family but also now you have a female recruitment agency, quote unquote, at isis and al qaeda as well. There are things a female terrorist can do and present in a different way than a male can. Obviously people arent scared in certain situations, they can go to other parts of a restroom and those kinds of things and not raise any suspicion like we saw in the eu. Females are indoctrinated in order to not raise suspicion. Women can support male fighters. Many tunisian women have shown support. I want to switch slightly in the sense of propaganda. We saw the picture of the jordanian pilot burned alive. No question about it that that was a isis that they put this video out and obviously the result of it. Do you think now as were about 72 to 96 hours after this came out, has this backfired on isis in terms of the resolve in the arab world . If al qaeda, or in this case, isis, had been doing this propaganda material out in the public, its basically to trigger the response by other jihadists both in iraq and syria inspire them. Inspire them and trigger them to action. Many of them are already inspired. We have been destroying jordanian targets and this is very important. My concern would be if jordanians strike and they are winning, and they are winning a lot of those targets, isis from inside jordan. I want to talk a little about what the jordanian response has been in the sense that the jordanians cant even put a picture out of himself in a military uniform. It was clear the message that was there. And also they put out their own propaganda material of planes writing messages on the bombs, the bombs being delivered, and it was all set to inspirational music, i guess you could say. Is there a way the jordanians can wage themselves against isis in this sense . Of course they can. They speak arabic, they know exactly the location of the enemy. And more importantly, they have the capacity on the ground. They can produce this material and they are. Now, at the end of the day do you think it would make a difference . It will make a difference in the sense that this may slow the recruitment of others. But the propaganda goals of isis are viewed as isis support. So the jordanians are for jordanians. We appreciate your time and input. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Still ahead, will the blockbuster success of the movie american sniper based on the memory of chris kilyle help with the accused of killing him . Also families of fires in the community. The wind is at your face, its difficult to stand, smoke is in your face, so it absolutely hampers efforts. You cant breathe you cant see. Were going to update you on that fire and the residents that were evacuated. Meanwhile, in new england, they are bracing for yet another battering as the storm bears down. We are tracking the storm. Shannon, we are going to talk about the northeast and new england. Already two feet of snow on the ground. How much will we see and when will we see it . Details coming up. Stay tuned. Americas news headquarters returns after the break. Im reworkin the menu. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and Minerals Antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition in charge™. You just got a big bump in miles. So this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. Sound good . Great. Because youre not you youre a whole airline. And its not a ticket youre upgrading its your entire operations, from domestic to international. Which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. From workforce strategies to Tech Solutions and a thousand other things. So you call pwc. The right people to get the extraordinary done. A raging wildfire went through 40 homes in northern california. It is estimated to be contained at about 65 . Meanwhile, new england is bracing for another big blast of snow. Some areas could getmileanhour footget more than a foot of fresh powder by tomorrow night. This is beginning to sound like a broken record for those folks shan. They may get into the top ten snowiest winters on record for boston after this week is done. I also want to point out we have moisture streaming in to northwest california. That will help with the fire danger, but all that moisture is going to lead to flash flooding and the threat of mudslides. But new england is bracing for yet another snowstorm right around new york south of the area. Look at d. C. , 59. Its springtime there. I think im going to head to d. C. But north of new york, thats where theyll get the jackpot snowfall. Its going to come overnight tonight, much of the day on monday and into tuesday. So there is 7 00 a. M. On monday up toward new york city just be aware on your commute you could be dealing with icy conditions and mainly a snow event for connecticut, massachusetts rhode island. A big snowfall event. Where you see the pink stuff is where we have our Winter Weather warnings right now where we could see easily a foot or two. Heres our latest gfs model looking at over two feet in boss bossboss boss boston. That could put us in the top ten snowiest on record for boston. We could get some of the coldest air of the season moving down toward the northeast. As we get into valentines day these are temperatures below zero, okay, so just be aware some of the coldest air of the season, we could actually set records for the northeast but you guys in d. C. , youre not doing too badly, so nothing to complain about, shannon. Come on down. Ill take you to my favorite froyo place. Im coming right now. Take cover. Thats the message to residents of a popular tourist area as the volcano rumbles to life. They also closed an international airport. Well tell you where thats happening coming up. And next, when it comes to the president ial race, all roads lead to iowa. The famous caucuses are about a year ago, but potential candidates are already hopscotching all over the state. Where do they stand this early in the race . Our political analyst is here to talk about it. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like mute buttons equal danger. That sound good . Not being on this phone call sounds good. Its not muted. Was that you jason . It was geoffrey it was jason. It couldve been brenda. The potential gop contenders are heading to iowa, no surprise but this time some of the names that have stayed away from the key caucus state will be there. Lets talk about it with pete snider. And this is this agricultural summit. I think its something new theyre doing in iowa, although that certainly isnt a new topic for them. Jeb bush, former florida governor, who is on top of many polls but hasnt spent any time in iowa, how is it going now . For those who say it might not play to his strengths, he does have an edge over the common core and other matters. And it really sets the tone. As weve seen time and time again, momentum begets momentum, and a lot of times people coming out of iowa are able to translate it to a victory going forward. Hes very comfortable out there speaking. We saw him in detroit this week talking about the economy, but as a potential contender in iowa, why did he wait so long . I think theyre trying to shorten the whole cycle. Republicans dont really get that option when you have 24 different candidates running right now. I think its the right time for him to get in there, and as we know iowa caucus goers like it squeeze the charmin a little bit. Lets talk about the gop who is your top candidate scott walker, Current Governor of wisconsin, tops the list, followed very closely by rand paul, and mitt romney says hes out. Let me ask you about scott walker. Is he peaking too early, or is this the time to lock in that support because we know donors are up for grabs and all kinds of things. Were in that primary where there is message money and also who your management is. So the talent is out there for grabs, so this early he needs to actually kind of make those breakouts to be able to get out instead of just saying who is the guy from wisconsin . He needs to have those markers put out there so he can start to grab the money away from jeb and also some of the Staff Members who are out there. It might be a little bit too early in the long scheme of things, but he needs it to be able to attract people to his campaign. And pete, now with mitt romney who is number three there, out of the race. Do you think with his visit jeb will move up or they are going to be skeptical because they havent spent time there . I think there will be skepticism. That said, i think he will bump up a bit. This is National Politics right . Every iowa caucus goer tunes in to fox news, but theyre also tuned in digitally, theyre reading every single morsel of this stuff. Well see who wins this coming week and the week after. Of course rick has famously visited all the counties taken up residence there, that was taken up by him. He was the last one standing with mitt romney. So iowa in that respect is very important for getting yourself on the map so well see. Any surprise for you that rand paul was number two there . Not at all. He has his fathers infrastructure. Hes a much more dynamic charismatic candidate. Hell abe force no matter how bad a week he did or didnt have. Hell be a force. He had some of the biggest, most exciting rallies that we saw in iowa last time. And hes playing to that. Rand paul has done tremendously well in getting his name out for the last few years. So now, asid people will be testing the charmin to see what wears well. What theyre going to see is can you perpetuate that momentum for continuing long time. Can i have a beer with you for a sustained many many, many months. Folks there are very savvy and they do want to talk to people one on one and meet their kids. Hillary clinton, no surprise, is at the top there. Very solidly 56 . Elizabeth warren says im not running no matter what at 16 . And joe biden whether hes going to get in or out, 9 . Is anyone going to step up and start spending time in iowa to challenge her . Not at all, but i think this is a challenge for the democrats. You need more than one quarterback like the nfl. If that quarterback goes down, and lets look back in 08, she was number one with a bullet and what happened there . So they need another democrat in democratic circles. My question to you there was sort of an announcement she was going to delay her announcement what does that say about what shes doing behind the scenes . Shes putting together her people she wants to propel her forward. The longer you can not be a candidate, the longer you cannot be seen in every single utterance in political parliament, the better it is, and people see you a lot more human, the lot more a grandmother. I think that is to her strength to be able to wait so shes not an announced candidate at everything she does at a political level. Its good to see you both. Thanks for coming in. Thanks shannon. Be sure to tune in tonight for a special election coverage. Seeing how theyre doing, hes taking a closer look at the current republican party. The hot property out there right now with wisconsin Governor Scott walker. Still more on that. You won the election in 2014 even with democrats gunning for you, really gunning for you. The lesson nationally for republicans is you can actually go big and go bold and you get results, and when you get things done voters actually stand with you. What they crave particularly in a time of crisis more than anything is leadership. The many early contenders tonight, 8 00 eastern. Dont miss it. Take a look at this. The fire volcano in southern guatemala spewed hot rock forcing the airport there to shut down. Authorities have already started evacuating people. Theyve been told to take shelter, wear a mask and also be aware of more possible evacuation routes. It seems like your average night out on the town. Well tell you why this party in particular is actually historic. Plus concerned the hit film american sniper could alter the outcome of the murder trial in the chris kyle case. Well have a fair and balanced debate coming up. But aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are ya . Good. Aleve. Proven better on pain. In a work, work, work world. Take time for sunday. Just know that your truck. Has a little thing for monday. When it comes to good nutrition. Im no expert. That would be my daughter hi dad. Shes a dietitian. 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You only know in a fire to get out, to escape and now ok you are outside and you are safe but what do you do now and thats where the red cross came in. We ran out of the house just wearing our pajamas. At that point just to even have a toothbrush that i could call my own was so important. You know it just makes you feel like a person again. Every 8 minutes the American Red Cross responds to a home fire or other emergency. You can help. Please donate now. Boy once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. One day, it started to rain. The house tried to keep out all the water, but water got inside and ruined everybodys everythings. The house thought she let the family down. They just didnt think it could happen. They told the house they would take better care of her. Always. Announcer protect what matters. Get flood insurance. Residents partying through the night filling the streets well past midnight for the first time in over a decade. Although city streets in baghdad are said to be safe, a bomb exploded killing nearly 40 people. They started that curfew back in 2004. The man accused of killing chris kyle, chad lttlefields trial begins this next week. Defense attorneys are wondering and arguing if the films massive popularity will impact his ability to have a fair trial. Lets bring in defense attorney donna schweitzer. This has to be a dream case in defense of the national hero. Sure, but the case is going to focus on the accused, and its a case about what should happen to the person who did these things. So you have a case where unfortunately, its a huge loss for the country, but really the focus is on the accused. Donna in the sense that it focuses on the accused the judge said he was not going to excuse any possible jurors because they saw the movie or read the book. Is that already setting up an appeal for the defense attorney . Do you like having that card in your back pocket if your client does get convicted . I guess the answer is yes to having that in my back pocket but i dont even want to be there. This case involves the american sniper, the most successful movie in the history of all war movies. That coupled with the fact that chris kyle is named as a state holiday. There is a holiday now in his memory, really causes the environment in this local community of only 40,000 where everybody feels connected to this man. Everybody loves him. Everybody knows him theyre sad, theyre angry and theyre going to want to bring him back. For this reason, they may even delay it until the movie got out of the theaters. These Defense Attorneys have an uphill battle at this time. The defense is going to center around the ptsd defense that somehow the man who shot chris kyle and his friend was suffering from ptsd, that he didnt know right from wrong, essentially. This is what kyles wife had to say about that defense. To use it as an excuse for anything heinous, in my opinion is hogwash, to use a nice word, you know. But yeah i dont buy it, and i dont think its appropriate, and i think its a very lame excuse for horrible behavior. Nicole do you think the jury will buy that defense . Well thats what this is all about. The fact that kyle is very famous is never going to change. And its not going to change for any community. There is not going to be any better place or a better time. The jurors are going to face the problem of having to decide fairly what should happen in this case, and they should look only to what theyre hearing in the courtroom. And thats what theyre going to have to do follow the judges instructions. One of the big issues here donald, theyre grappling with from the judges perspective is the interview that ralph gave to the texas rangers. Apparently he said he wanted to apologize to the families, and the texas rangeerr asked him, did you know that killing these two men were wrong . How much is that going to play to the position of an insanity defense that did he know the difference between right and wrong . It depends on whether the jury believed he knew right from wrong at the time he did the shooting. Posttraumatic stress syndrome ptsd, has symptoms such as flashbacks and weird reactions. In this case the defense is going to say when he was at the shooting range and he heard those shots being fired he had a flashback, he thought he was playing in selfdefense. I dont know if the jury is going to buy that but thats the defense and the unfortunate thing is these jurors may not hear that defense. They may be so swayed and so overcome with the loss of chris kyle that it may fall on deaf ears. Let me say this, that defense, by waitthe way, has mixed results. There were Vietnam Veterans in 1998. Well see how it comes out in the coming days. Opening arguments set for wednesday in what is undoubtedly and uncontroversially a horrible tragedy. Nicole and donald we both appreciate your time. Thank you both. Still ahead, the red carpet is rolled out for the biggest music event of the year, the grammys. Well have a live report right after this break. [alarms blaring] ohhhhh. Whoa whoa whoa whos responsible for this . . If something goes wrong, you find a scapegoat. Rick. Its what you do. Ahhhhhhhh whatd you say . Uhoh kelly if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Rick. Dont walk away from me. Ahhhhhhhh [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. Wow [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbells chunky soup. Its new chunky beerncheese with beef and bacon soup. I love it. And mama loves you. It is musics biggest night. The industrys top stars are headed to the red carpet but we are already there working the red carpet and we have a preview. Michael, big night tonight. Reporter big night. That is right. The last couple of weeks its been about the movies and tv and tonight the center stage is different. And despite that sales are down but three performers tied for the most nominations Beyonce Pharrell and sam smith. And i know this keeps you up at night, and will beyonce, the most nominated woman, finally get the one award that has eluded her, and since sam smiths performance he has taken this industry by storm and everybody is talking about a clean sweep for him tonight. If not, the best new artist of the year. One of the best parts of the grammys aside from being so unpredictable is the performances. You have madonna, katy perry fresh off her super bowl performance and more lowkey this time out im told. And im told about the grammy moments, with seasoned veterans with newcomers and this collaboration between Kanye West Rihanna and Paul Mccartney mccartney. Who knew . That is a great mirroring of styles and different generations maybe for those on the other end of the spectrums, they are introduced to the others. And you dont have to miss any of the grammys. Well be here. And well have more coverage tomorrow, who wore what if anything. And we thank you for handling that for us. Well see you in the morning. Nothing to add. Coming up, carnival season. Coming up, to the stunning sights and sounds of rio. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. Now. I use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. A team of mountaineers discovered parts of a plane that went missing years ago, in indys in 1960. The accident killed two dozen people on board, including eight players from a chile soccer team. They havent released the exact location because they want to avoid it from becoming a tourist attraction. And we asked you about what should be done to stop isis. Send in the marines. And some say we should stay out. And kent said the u. S. Should give jordan all of the support it needs. And it is party time down in brazil. Thousands were out in the streets in rio for a carnival celebration. Many were wearing colorful costumes and drinking and some not at all and doing samba dancing. It is all party time down there. It started in january but it officially began on friday. You were there but i suppose you werent doing that. I was there on a Missions Trip but the people are wonderful. Dont we wish we were there right now with that weather. That is all for us here in washington. Fox news sunday is coming up. Have a great sunday. Im chris wallace. Jordan escalates its war on isis. But what is the u. S. Plan to defeat islamic extremism . We see isil, a brutal, vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism. This president is sitting on the sidelines putting our allies at risk and allowing radical islam to run while throughout run wild throughout the middle east. Well discuss the threat and the need for a coherent strategy in a rare sit down with the former director of the Defense Intelligence agency, Lieutenant General michael flynn. Its a Fox News Sunday exclusive

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