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City officers this week, now being classed as a case of homegrown terrorism. We begin with a fox news alert on that Tragic School shooting outside of seattle. Police now recovering a. 40caliber handgun from the high school cafeteria, the location police say a student identified at Jaylen Fryberg opened fire on classmates killing one, wounding four others, then killing himself. Were learning a firstyear social studies teacher reportedly tried to stop him. It appears the gunman was targeting his cousins. Dominic dinatale is covering the story. The impact on the Marysville Community being demonstrated by spontaneous displays of support. We can show you the fence around the school where the tokens of sympathy are being added. The town reeling from the events a mere 28 hours ago. Let us not forget that. The mood all the more somber as its emerging that perhaps the tragedy could have been avoided. The twitter account of fryberg punctuated with anger and emotional anguish in the months running up to yesterdays horror. It starts off with tuesday of this week, october 21st, he tweets this, it breaks me, it actually does, i know it seems like im sweating it off but im not and i will never be able to. And an indication he appears angry was two months ago, he writes, youre going p me off. And then he tweet, youre not going to like what happens next. Police are looking at those comments and questions asked why his emotional state really hadnt been taken more gravely. The authorities have now released the identities of those hes injured. Thats a development today. Andrew fryberg is 15 years old. Nate hatch, 14. Both of those guys were his cousins. One suffered a shot to the head. Another to the jaw. Theyre both in the icu. The hospital is short time ago saying nates condition is serious but improving. Andrew remains critical. Two of the female victims, doctors say the next few days are going to be cruung people a monitored moment by moment. They have a nurse at their bedside constantly. A doctor is nearby constantly. All the neurosurgeons have rounded this morning and will be here rounding throughout the day. But this will be a process. We wont know a whole lot more for the next two or three days. The girl fryberg shot dead, her names not been released. Appears to have been the love interest. He got upset when she turned her attention to his cousin, a complex family situation there. No doubt the police will be trying to determine from the families what exactly the nature of the relationship was there and how it came about. But, of course, it appears that both his former girlfriend and his cousin amongst his victims. It could be complicated to get any answers. So sad and tragic. Dominic dinatale, thanks, dominic. We have another fox news alert for you now, that new york city doctor turned ebola patient still listed in stable condition. He remains locked in isolation, said to be resting comfortably at this hour. Dr. Craig spencer returned from the west african country of guinea after volunteering to treat ebola patients for the Group Doctors without borders. Hes being treated at Bellevue Hospital in manhattan. This as tighter state regulations go into effect for those International Travelers who have had contact with ebola patients in three west african countries for those who arrive back here. Bryan has the latest. Doctors say that dr. Spencer is awake and communicating but his disease has entered, quote, the next phase and is experiencing gastrointestinal symptoms. Hes taken plasma as part of his treatment. Doctors expect his condition to get worse before it gets better. Hes been described as being in relatively stable condition. Now, earlier today, mayor bill de blasio here in new york city and the citys Health Commissioner visited the meatball shop in lower manhattan, one of three places dr. Spencer visited over the last few days, to reassure the public that the city is safe. Every action was followed up, each institution was cleared, the situation is normal. Spencers fiancee and two friends will remain in quarantine until november 14th as a precaution. Dr. Spencer arrived last week from guinea where he treated ebola patients as a volunteer with the nonprofit doctors without borders. During that week, spencer selfmonitored himself and lived his daily life, going to restaurants, a bowling alley, riding in subways and a taxi. Some suggested the doctor was irresponsible and should have quarantined himself. The mayor and the Health Commissioner today defended dr. Spencer saying he followed responsible protocol. But following dr. Spencers case, illinois, new york and new jersey have adopted strict quarantine measures, including the big one which is the mandatory 21day quarantine for anyone, including health care workers, who have been in contact with ebola patients in west africa regardless of whether or not they are showing symptoms. Now, earlier today, the First Health Care worker to be quarantined under this new policy arrived at Newark International airport yesterday. She was tested for ebola twice, a preliminary test at the hospital and the cdc did a test. She came out as negative for ebola. But were just getting a report out of the Dallas Morning News and she tells the paper that she feels like she was actually mistreated during the whole process. She says she didnt have a fever. It was merely a flush and that they didnt do a good job explaining anything about the process. So more to come on that, im sure. Absolutely. Thank you, bryan. Ebola is turning into a hot political issue just ahead of the midterm elections. A week from tuesday, the white house is boosting its response as the cdc implements new measures. Then the governors of new york, new jersey, illinois and now florida as bryan just reported, added even tougher guidelines. And peter doocy is covering this for us. President obama wants the rest of the country to look at the big apple and take note of the way they went about their business undeterred by the ebola patient isolated on the east side. We can beat this disease. But we have to stay vigilant, we have to Work Together at every level, federal, state and local and we have to keep leading the Global Response because the best way to stop this disease, the best way to keep americans safe is to stop it at its source in west africa. But republicans see things differently. House overnight Committee Chairman darrell issa may agree with the president that a ban on travel from affected areas would be inappropriate but issa says it would be a big mistake to downplay the situation. He asked w if this is an outbreak of people who dont have wills in west africa or if there were an outbreak on contested elections in africa, id say, hire mr. Klain. But its a medical crisis. Why not you . I really appreciate the vote of confidence and i have a lot of confidence in mr. Klain. We are learning now that an air force plane used to transport a sample of new york dr. Craig spencers blood from new york to atlanta will not be quarantined because the blood samples were handled by Hazardous Materials and the pentagon says theres no indication anything leaked. Peter, thank you very much for that update. Turning to bleak ebola numbers from the world health organization. They now say the number of ebola cases has surpassed the 10,000 mark in west africa. And they say of those, nearly half have died. Officials warn the numbers are likely to grow even more since most people in west africa have not sought medical care. Mali has become the sixth country in africa to report a case of ebola. A 2yearold girl traveled from guinea and has now died. Fox news alert, the nypd saying a hatchet attack against a group of four Rookie Police officers in broad daylight was indeed an act of terror. The suspect managing to strike two of the officers with that ax before being fatally shot. One of those officers is still in the hospital with a head injury. Meantime, in canada, the grounds of Parliament Hill reopening to the public just days after a gunman opened fire there killing a 24yearold soldier. The building itself is expected to reopen to visitors on monday. Now to the fight against the radic radical islamic terrorists in syria. The u. S. Military is stepping up its air strikes against those terrorists in and near kobani. Coalition planes air dropping even more weapons to help those brave kurds who are holding out. John huddy has this report from our mideast bureau. The u. S. Led air strikes have targeted isis positions, vehicles, weapons, artillery and also buildings being used for the storage and production of weapons. Now, a u. S. Air strike hit isis artillery in the syrian town of kobani where the fight between Kurdish Forces and isis militants continues. Were getting reports the militants have launched a ground offensive with the fighting concentrated on the southern and eastern edges of the town. And isis has reportedly attacked kurdish troops with mortar and artillery fire. While the Kurdish Forces have managed to hold off the isis offensive for a month, the question remains whether they can continue to do so if relief, more ground troops, artillery and supplies, doesnt come anytime soon. As far as weapons being used by isis, there are allegations that isis militants used chlorine gas on Iraqi Security forces and also shiite militiamen last month just north of baghdad. And if true, this raises serious questions about the use of chemical weapons by isis militants. Thanks so much. Egypts president says yesterdays deadly attack on a man at an Army Checkpoint in the Sinai Peninsula was a foreignfunded operation. Thats the news there. Officials there also vowing to take drastic action against militants in the region. The coordinated attack involved a car bomb, roadside bombs and rocketpropelled grenades, killing 31 egyptian troops. It was the deadliest attack against the countrys army in decades. No one has claimed responsibility so far. Theres been another execution in iran. This time, a woman, for killing a former intelligence official who allegedly tried to rape her. Iranian media reporting the woman was hanged for premeditated murder. She claimed selfdefense after stabbing that man in 2007 when she was just 19 years old. But the Iranian Court rejected that saying evidence shows, according to that court, that she planned the killing. The u. S. State department issued a statement condemning this execution. This as Iranian Resistance groups say the number of people being executeded in that count has only been increasing. Early voting is already under way in some states for the midterm elections. Control of the senate is at stake. The attorney generals named six more states where samesex couples are eligible for federal benefits. Plus, a report that hospital staff who once promised to help their patients are afraid to come to work because of one patient with ebola. Hes a doctor and even he didnt follow the guidelines for the quarantine. Lets be honest. So we have to do more. Its too serious a situation to leave it to the honor system of compliance. Thats why we created programs which encourage people to take their medications regularly. So join us as we raise a glass to everyone who remembered today. Bottoms up, america. See you tomorrow. Same time. Another innovation from cvs health. Because health is everything. That would be my daughter hi dad. Shes a dietitian. And back when i wasnt eating right, she got me drinking boost. Its got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. Helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a delicious taste. Grandpa [ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. One twin would follow a prox advaanti aging regimendy. Grandpa the other wouldnt. Im not wearing nearly as much make up as i used too. All who use prox felt they looked younger. Just that natural, pretty, healthy, skin. Just like that look i love it. Their twin sisters agreed. She looks so much better than me. This is going to be the new way their going to tell us apart. Prox by olay designed by dermatologist proven by twins. Go online for a coupon. Olay your best beautiful. Music fans around the world mourning the death of a true rock a roll original. Jack bruce died today at his home in england. According to friends. He was the guitar player of the band cream. The band sold 35 million albums in just over two years also paving the way for psychedelic rock with classics. A family statement reads, the world of music will be a poorer place without him but he lives on in his music and forever in our hearts. Jack bruce, dead today at 71. Meanwhile, have you heard about this, u. S. Attorney general eric holder has now added some more states that the federal government is recognizing on samesex married couples. Arizona, arizona, idaho, north carolina, West Virginia and wyoming. The move comes after the Supreme Court decided to decline to hear any pending cases regarding samesex marriage. With mr. Holders announcement, samesex couples are now recognized by the federal government in 32 states. Another School Shooting in america and two more young lives gone. A High School Freshman near seattle opening fire at lunchtime. He kills one, injures several others and kills himself. Police havent determined a motive. But it might be over a girl. Tammy bruce is a radio talk show host and doug schon joins us. We have no idea of the shooters mental stability. Whats it going to take to bring issues surrounding Mental Health to the forefront in this country . Its been frustrating. Thats the question. Of columbine, certainly after newtown, that became the major conversation because its obvious that there are certain issues. Certainly at newtown. I remember the whole conversation. Im sure you did nationwide. And yet nothing occurred. And i think the problem is that if there isnt in washington some kind of significantt political gain by taking action, no action is taken. Theres only an interest if it suits a particular political agenda. And yet this is what we should be doing nationally and federally when it comes to education and basic standards and addressing each school and at least sending a message nationally about what is important on these issues. In addition to that, a few years ago, 25 of people 17 and under were on a prescription drug. Two years ago, it was reported that those on adhd drugs that are mindaltering drugs, that jumped 46 . So those are issues we have to deal with as well when it comes to drugs, prescription drugs and minors. Doug, what do you think is going on . First of all, let me say on issues like this, there should be no democratic and republican way of thinking. What we need to do is to make sure that teenagers, particularly those with troubled lives, do not get guns. Theres no reason for that. I happen to believe that we need a tighter system of background checks to prevent these kind of tragedies. But on a day like today, i think the answer really is to say that we need better parenting, we need better control of the legally available guns that exist in our society and we all have to pull together as a society to try to help those with serious problems. Indeed. Let me go to another topic to discuss with you two. The new York City Health officials are saying the doctor fighting ebola at Bellevue Hospital is entering the new phase of his illness. This is just coming in to fox news. But he is awake and communicating. Officials also say dr. Spencers fiancee will return home this evening under quarantine. Meanwhile, were now seeing reports that staff at Bellevue Hospital are reluctant to care for dr. Craig spencer. The New York Post says staff calling in sick and those who are working are terrified to enter the doctors isolation chambers. Doug, this is symptomatic of what . This is symptomatic of Something Else thats contagious in our society which is fear. We dont have the protocols to treat ebola. We dont have a clear plan, as Governor Cuomo was saying, to deal with the issues of quarantine. And i think given the degree of uncertainty that exists, we need leadership from the federal government and State Government to have a clear plan and strategy to prevent the kind of uncertainty that is here in new york and indeed arguably around the country. Tammy, whats your take on this . This is the problem is that you hear one thing but then you see actions that are the opposite. I think thats whats worrying like nurses groups. A week ago, a major nurses group said the cdc and the white house was lying to them and ignored them. These are the frontline people that have contracted the virus. Were seeing contradictory messages. If we see officials sanitizing the doctors entire route that day, on the other hand, were told that if youve got the hazmat suit on and youre following protocols, you wont be infected. It seems like what were being told is different than what the officials are doing and that does not breed confidence when it comes to the nature of whos going to be at risk and if we really are more at risk than what the federal government is saying. Doug, ten seconds left, you get the last word. Rii think we really need to pull together and stand together as a society to conquer this. And with a divided election coming up, hopefully we can all agree on that. Stand together. Tam tammy, doug, thanks to both of you. Thank you. A recordbreaking supersonic jump on the edge of space. Coming up, what prompted another deathdefying daredevil this time to plummet 130,000 feet. Plus, the midterms are upon us and theyre saying the senate may change hands. But youll be surprised how few house seats are considered in play. What the politicians have figured out that affects all of us. This is going to be a big year for republicans. Were going to pick up senate seats, house seats and state seats across the country. If you vote for democrats, you are voting for candidates who are focused on creating jobs, getting the economy turned around and continuing to move us forward. Take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. Honey, you did it baby laughs receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. You drop 40 grand on a new set of wheels, then. 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New york citys Police Commissioner says thursdays hatchet attack on those four Rookie Police officers is an act of terrorism. One officer was hit in the head and remains in critical but stable condition. The other was hit in the arm and is now out of the hospital. That suspect you see there, officials say, was following online isis propaganda. A number of Key Senate Races appear to be tightening up with candidates digging in for the home stretch. Taking a look at what may be the five hottest senate races right now. In new hampshire, democrats are hoping Jeanne Shaheen can keep that seat. But scott brown is making it a tight race. The real clear politics average of polls has shaheen leading by 1. 8 points. But that does not include any gains or losses after the debate. Republicans in colorado are hoping gardner will win the seat over udall. Joni ernst is leading bruce braley. In georgia, democrats are hoping to gain a seat if michelle nun can defeat david perdue. But the winning candidate has to get 50 of the vote plus one or else theres a runoff. The runoff is january 6th, three days after congress is supposed to reconvene. Just imagine if the Senate Control depends on that one seat. Finally kansas where independent greg orman has a 0. 8 lead over pat roberts. Orman has indicated if he wins he likely would caucus with whichever party has the majority in the senate. Arthel . Molly, thank you. The senate they say may go republican and the gop could pick up a few more seats in the house. But most races seem to be already a done deal. Why is that . The Cook Political Report points out that of 435 house seats, 228 are solid or leaning republican. 185 are solid are leaning democratic. 22 races are now considered tossups. That, only about 5 of all the congressional contests. Swing districts have been dramatically cut in the last decade. What does that mean for us and our democratic process . Dan shea is a professor of government at colby college. He joins us now that waterville, maine. You go in and vote, think youre doing your part, but a lot of thee these districts are gerrymandered to go one way or the other. Yeah. In bill clintons second midterm election, about 150 races were decided within ten percentage points. The winner got less than 55 . Ten days from now, we expect that number to be about 70. There are a few, a couple of dozen tight races. But even if we extend it up to 55 , theres going to be very, very few. So, yeah, its a change and its something to be worried about. Your question about redistricting, i have to honest with you. A lot of political scientists dont think that redistricting is the cause of that. If redistricting was the cause, wed see that bump right after the new lines in the 2002, the 2012 elections. Thats not what were seeing. Political scientists are looking towards a different explanation and actually not redistricting as part of that problem. And what do you see the result of that . Seems many districts are either one way or the other. Yes. No doubt about it. Something is really happening. Two things, and theyre relating. Theres a hardening of partis partisanship, a purification of the party ranks. Republicans are conservative and democrats are liberals. And the difference between those parties is as wide as weve seen in decades. And theres another explanation related that political scientists are starting to talking about. Its called sorting or geopolitical sorting. Its when people move to ideological or to communities that are ideologically in sync with their positions, their point of view. So conservatives are moving to conservative states and regions and counties and neighborhoods. And liberals are doing the same thing. So were seeing the ho m of this some legislatures, in new york, 97 of the incumbents were reelected in 2012. Finally, dan, what does this mean as we go forward and as we have this metal ten days from now at the midterms as we face a new president ial election in 2016 . Well, one things for sure. Ideologically pure districts are going to send members to congress that they want them to toe the line. Im not sure well see a lot of compromise springing from this election this time around at the very least. So it seems the status quo in some places may be the status quo. Dan shea, thank you for joining us today. Thank you, eric. This weekend, we have a new Election Special focusing on the Colorado Senate race. And it touches on a concern for everyone. The path to the American Dream. All of the other people that are trying to make a better life for themselves coming from other countries are entitled to an American Dream. Its not just a dream for america. Its a dream for the world. I think that they should specify who could come in and pay taxes like everybody dels. The aguilars are trying to expand their business. So they want a candidate who will work to make that possible. Fox news reporting American Dream on the ballot. Thats anchored by bret baier. Airs tomorrow at 10 00 p. M. Eastern time right here on the fox news channel. And the Vice President of a huge Company Going for a wild ride in the cosmos and even turns out to be breaking a record up there. Plus, well have this there are now reports of even new escalations in the battle against isis and the islamic terrorists near kobani, this as the u. S. Is trying to defeat them. Foreign markets. Asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. You know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. If you convert 4quarter p e of the s p 500, its yield is doing a lot better. If youve had to become your own investment expert, maybe its time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager. And black swans are unpredictable. A hi. Ty . Im new ensure active clear protein drink. Clear huh . My nutritional standards are high. Im not juice or fancy water. Ive got 8 grams of protein. Twist my lid thats three times more than me. 17 vitamins and minerals. And zero fat hmmmm. You bring a lot to the party yay new ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. Zero fat. 17 vitamins and minerals. In delicious blueberry pomegranate and mixed fruit. Two people are now in custody after a wild sixhour chase across two Northern California counties. Cops say a man used an assaultstyle rifle to gun down two sheriffs deputies. One died in sacramento county, the other in plasser county. Another deputy was wounded. A civilian was also shot in the head during the spree. That person now in critical condition. Deputy sheriff Michael Davis of the county Sheriffs Office was killed in the attack. 26 years to the day his father, also a deputy sheriff, died in the line of duty when his helicopter crashed during a pursuit of drug smugglers. Marcelo marquez from Salt Lake City was arrested along with an armed woman officers say was riding along with him. It sits behind a desk but boy, did he take a leaf. Alan eustace plummeting from outer space. He is 57 years old, the Vice President at google. His free fall lasted 4 1 2 minutes. It was part of a project to try and advance commercial space flight. The u. S. Led coalition launching new strikes against isis in both iraq and syria today while the Administration Says its investigating claims the terrorists have unleashed chemical weapons in what would be considered a serious escalation of fighting in the region. Lets bring in now captain chuck nash, a retired navy captain and fox news military analyst. This new report is about chlorine gas, talk to me first about chlorine gas. Whats behind isis using chlorine bombs . We tend to think of chlorine has something to purify water. They probably took over a Water Treatment facility in baghdad and then used drums of it or tanks of it locally to see if they could use it as a weapon. Now, its not weaponized. In world war i chlorine was used because of the trench warfare. And once you get chlorine, which is heavier than air, it settles along the ground. So in iraq where the real danger is going to be is probably not with them using this as a routine way because its too much trouble and its kind of dangerous for the people using it as well because the gas can blow back to the bomb throwers themselves, right . Exactly. It can double back on you, in which case youre going to be in trouble. But where its really insidious is were getting into winter now. Temperatures are cooling off. And if youre up on the high ground and you unleash that out of those cylinders and that rolls, that heavierthanair gas rolls down into a valley, you could kill everybody down there in an area whereas in the summertime, when you have all the heat rising, it tends to dissipate. I think you say that isis uses this as just another fear factor as well. Sure. Yeah. Just to intimidate people that theyre coming. Theyre already waving the black flags and brandishing their knives and putting heads on stakes and all of that stuff. This is just one more arrow in their terrorist arsenal to try to inject fear into the people that theyre trying to take over. Yeah. A word from secretary kerry is that if its true that isis is using chemical weapons, this would underscore the importance of the work that he says that we are currently engaged in and thus the need to defeat isis and it should change u. S. Strategy in iraq or syria. Now, captain nash, when juxtaposed with action, military force, do those warnings seem like empty threats or would this really be a game changer . I dont see how its going to be a game changer just because we want it to be. Youre going to have to change the situation on the ground. Without a dedicated and supported ground force supported from the air, youre not going to be able to roll these people up. We can say, we can talk, we can brandish strong statements in the United Nations and all that. But until you stick a ground force in there to go head to head with these people and then pound them from the air, youre not going to do anything more than talk. And were pounding them from the air. Were just not being as effective as we could be if we had a counter ground force to force them to densify is we could really hit them. Youre saying that ground force is a tool that remains unused, whats currently working in this war against isis . The intelligence that were getting is working. Were able to go and with regularity hit a lot of these tactical fighting positions. So were getting that and thats good because evidently these people are out in the open. Once you start seeing the bomb plumes going off and the smoke rising inside cities like kobani, that tells you that somebodys in there with eyes on the target because we would not be indiscriminately bombing inside of a city when you have friendly fighters in there, meaning the kurds. So theyre in close contact. Its blocktoblock fighting. But somebody is telling our folks and our Arab Coalition partners, giving them latitude, longitude, coordinates, gps coordinates. And theyre putting bombs on target inside kobani. Captain chuck nash, thank you very much. My pleasure. I want to remind our viewers theres plenty more on the fight against isis tomorrow morning when david vitter joins maria. Learning more about the death of a u. S. Marine who died two days ago in baghdad in whats being called a noncombat incident in the campaign against the islamic state. Hes identified as 19yearold Lance Corporal shawn neal. Officials arent providing any details on how he died or what happened. But this is now the second american casualty of this campaign. The first happened a few weeks ago when the navy says a marine ended up ejecting from an aircraft over the persian gulf. Officials presuming that that officer was lost at sea. Winter is fast approaching. Might be is good idea to try to upgrade your thermostat. If youre looking to save money on your energy bills, there are a lot of brands on the market. Coming up, Consumer Reports will be here to show us some of the best products to keep us warm. [ female announcer ] hands were made for talking. Feet. Tiptoeing. Better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. Xeljanz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. Tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. Tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. One pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. Ask about xeljanz. Even without methotrexate. Im just looking over the company bills. Up . Is that what we pay for internet . Yup. Dsl is about 90 bucks a month. Thats funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. Wow thats fast. Personally, i prefer a slow internet. There is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. Dont listen to the naysayer. Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. Utility bills are expected to rise as weather gets cloes colder. You can save money by upgrading your thermostat. Consumer reports find programmable thermostats in their issue. We have dan here. Good to see you. And how many of these Programmable Controllers did you test and what are we looking for . We tested 30 equipments and looking for ease of use. They used to be hard to program. Can you replace what you currently have . Do you have to have a digital one in place or swap upon out from the rottary. Old fashioned doyle. It is easy to retrofit. Okay, talk about why is this one best . This is honey well and top scoring over all thunderstorm stat. You cant see it, but it has a Crystal Clear display and touch controls are intuitive and easy to connect to the wireless router. That means, i can control it with my computer. Thats correct. This whole product and category is interesting. Half of the ones i tested have that capabilities. And you can change the thermostat and what does that do . Oh, it is not uptodate. That is gone away. It is really the programming. If you can get in the habit and lower your temperature ten degrees when you are out of the house or sleep, you are going to shave 20 percent off your annual energy bills. Did these do it automatically for you . You dont have to do the turning thing when you left the house. You said it once and forget about it. And moving over to the honeywell lyric. It is using the geo fencing type of technology. And it knows where you are and where your smart phone is accurately. When you are a mile away from home turn the heat on. I like that. That freaks people out. But we havent seen any sort of Security Issues with these. But it answered the question of can you program the from the smart phone. Only these two. They are wi fi enabled and to our best buy, 70. And you can see the tradeoff is not, you know, it is a much more basic design and it doesnt have the bells and whistles. Not Everybody Needs it. You can tell me on and off and what temperature to set it out and how long to set it there. It is nice and big and you can read it. Yes, it is clear prompts. How much can you save . If you turn the tempature down ten degrees. You have to get it up ten degrees when you are home. You crunch the numbers and save 150, depending on what your current costs are in the course of the year. It is going to pay for itself which is an important point. Can you have multiple of these in your home . No, unless you have zone. You have to have a fancy three level house. What about a fireplace . And thank you, dan. It is interesting. And thank you so much. And thats going to do it with us. Stick around Julie Bandaras is up next with the fox report. Well be back together at 12. At none, have a great evening. I am Julie Bandaras. This is the fox report. A teacher may have saved peoples lives when she intervened in a teacher. The First Year Teacher confronted the shooter when he was trying to reload. Four students have you wounded are in fighting for their life. Three in critical. After Jaylen Fryberg opened fire. He started to shoot without warning and possibly targeting his own cousins. The 14 year old who was voted homecoming prince turned the handgun on himself and died of

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