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Washington. And im laura engle, thanks for being with us today. With just three days to go until the midterms, President Trump has a packed weekend of Campaign Rallies for republicans in tight races. Hell be on the ground for a rally in montana just over two hours from now. Our ellison barber is there where all the action is about to take place. Hi, ellison. Good morning to you, laura. So President Trump won this state in 2016 by 20 points. His Approval Rating tends to come in the polls by above 50 . Hes hoping to capitalize on that in montana and get voters to support the candidates he wants to see in washington d. C. The senate race here is very competitive. Real clear politics puts tester above his republican challenger. And republicans want to capitalize on the trump factor and theyre focusing on Big Picture National issues. Tester is trying to keep it local. We are seeing a dramatic expansion of our economy and jobs being created because as a direct result of those tax cuts that tester did vote against and he voted against gorsuch and voted against kavanaugh. I think that public land is important, our veterans of important, Government Accountability is important, all of the above. This is President Trumps fourth midterm rally in montana. Hes complained in the state more than any other. And there are no visits from former president barack obama or former vicepresident joe biden and thats intentional. Tester has been campaigning with the governor of montana and local actor jeff bridges. Hes spoke and number of times. And there is no restriction on the ages. We spoke to someone who is about ten years old who said he spent the summer with hir grandparents and is a big trump fan and we spoke to a former world war ii nurse here to see President Trump. When you ask people waiting in line whether or not they support rosendale for some of the republicans President Trump is here campaigning for, you get more of a mixed reaction. We spoke to at least one person who said they had voted and voted for tester although they liked President Trump. And others voted for rosindale and some are waiting in this competitive race. Thank you so much. Some important details there from ellison. In the meantime, voters from both parties agreed of the ahead of the midterms on something, they agree immigration is a top three issue. They obviously dont agree what to do about it. Garrett tenney is coming in how its closing in on both sides. Its an important issue for voters, but its not one that both parties are talking about. This is hitting home for President Trump using immigration and Border Security as winning for the midterms. And these two issues are ones that his base feel passionately about and thats why at almost every rally, the president is using this, and democrats open borders to give themselves for more power. They want to sign illegal aliens up for free education, free health care, what do they want . They want to them vote because theyre going to vote for the democrats. The white house says its working on executive action to change the rules for Asylum Seekers for next week. The president is taking aim the a the countries from which many of the migrants are coming. You know what we give to these countries . Hundreds of millions of dollars. Who honduras, and to el salvador, right . We have to others, we give hundreds of millions of dollars. You know what they give to us . Nothing. Now, immigration is an issue that most democrats are talking about on the campaign trail, but many are complaining about the president s use of the military and sending troops to help secure the border. Democrat congressman jerry nadler and a hundred others write to letter to james mattis saying this is nothing, but a militarization of the southern border and stoke is misleading fear of immigrants. And this debate is not settled by the midterm, but the midterms will likely decide a large part of how its going to affect them down the road. President obama went farther san said its no more than a political stunt. Thank you. Laura has a lot more. All eyes are on congressional races currently polling as tossups and many will determine whether republicans maintain control over of the u. S. House of representatives. One particularly close race is happening in new yorks 19th district where republican incumbent congressman john sasso will face lawyer Antonio Delgado. Weve reached tout to the delgado campaign and havent heard back. Thank you for being with us, congressman. Thank you, laura, good to be with you. Yours is considered one of the most closely watched house races in the state of new york. Right now the poll numbers so you are very close. Lets pull that up or our viewers, with your opponent Antonio Delgado which has him up five points. Right now how do you plan to close that gap . The polls are all over the lot, but they all say that the race it the latest poll that came out the other day said its a tied race 44 each. Im not paying attention to the polls because frankly were focused on getting our vote out. The important thing is for republicans, conservatives, right thinking democrats and independents to come out to vote on tuesday and were working really hard. Weve got a becoming economy. We have wage growth finally, the fastest wage growth in ten years, we have more job openings in the country than Unemployed People and i think if the people look at the status of the pocket book and see where the country is headed economically theyll come out and vote for us. A lot of people find the gap surprising. The president won there and youre aligning yourself with the policies. Why do you think this is. Its a tight race. The District Voted for president obama in 2012 by 6 points and voted for President Trump in 2016 by 6 points. Now, i won my race by 8 1 2, but this is a very politically divided district. The first republican district north of new york city. Theres no doubt a lot of have come from the district and voting, who are parttime or seasonal residents. The district is competitive politically and always has been. One of the ads that delgado has a deisnt amount of play, the ad by the National Republican committee highlighting lyrics from an album that delgado released years ago. And he apparently had a bit of a rap career. Lets listen to thfrjts i this. Im Antonio Delgado. I was raised to believe you should love your neighbor. Im an attorney while your campaign didnt run this ad, i want to make sh clear. You have joined in on the criticism that he doesnt represent the districts values. Your district is over 80 white, is this fair to point to that . Well, that, i think thats a really irrelevant to his rap career, to me. Whats relevant are the words that he said and the political views that he expressed. And keep in mind, mr. Delgado only moved into our district last year, hes never lived in this district or worked in this district, has any civic or charitable involvement in this district and he parachuted in. When he votes on tuesday its the first time he voted to are congress in our district. And people will say where is this guy and his views he said in a debate that israel is not a jewish democraty, he supports higher taxes and a Single Payer Health care system so his views are far Left Progressive views, very, very liberal, out of touch with where most people are in this district. Thats where hes out of touch. Ive seen a lot of his videos. Hes been out campaigning and obviously has momentum behind him. You have mentioned delgados short time of residency in the 19th district. Is that going to be a big issue for. Youve lived there what, 35 years . Yes, yes, maam. All right, what are you going to do between now and tuesday . Well, just going to keep working of the were knocking on doors, were making phone calls and look, this is a politically divided district as i mentioned, its going to be turnout. Turnout, turnout is the important thing. Republicans and conservatives and independents and some democrats who agree with us, theyve got to get themselves off their did you hauffs and in voting booth. Its vitally important that we get out the vote. This is true across the country. Republicans and conservatives and independent voters who lean republican and support the policies and the Economic Growth would he have, they have got to come out and vote on tuesday. We cannot allow nancy pelosi to become speaker of the house again. Weve got to leave it there. Thank you for being with us today. Thank you, laura. Well be watching on tuesday. Democrat arent going to let republicans gut your medicare to pay for tax cuts. Theyre going to protect your care period. Make no mistake, the republicans, theyre coming after medicare. Theyre coming after medicaid. Theyre coming after health insurance. All right, warnings from president obama and senator Elizabeth Warren about what republicans will do to your health care. Ask democratic voters what they care about most and the answer on virtually every poll is health care. In the final week, the g. O. P. Going on the offense saying, they, too, will protect preexisting conditions. For more insight lets bring in the dew Point Communications director for the dnc and proud finisher of a camp challenge. A workout and being with us. Exactly. Youve got the republicans playing defense a little on this. President trump tweeting out that republicans will protect preexisting conditions. Josh hawley up for senate in missouri, also running an ad saying the same thing. Does this prove that voters care about this issue . I think it definitely proves about voters care about the issue, but on the ballot this november is health care. You definitely said it and our Democratic Candidates are talking about it. Theyre talking about it nonstop. I think we remember in 2016 how there was this, you know, dems in disarray, dems have no message. Were there for health care, and fight for people with preexisting conditions and the fact that josh hawley is saying that he would protect preexisting conditions when he is leading the lawsuit to dismantle the aca is pretty hysterical. There have been questions about that, you might say. Sense that this is not only playing out on senate side, but playing out on the house side. President trump on the stump yesterday talking about the house. Take a listen. But if chuck schumer, crying chuck, and nancy pelosi and the legendary Maxine Waters take power, they will try to erase our gains and eradicate our progress. They will work hard and we will be fighting, it will be ridiculous, frankly. It will be bad for our country. All right, you have republicans where they wanted President Trump saying we might lose the house . I think that the wind is certainly at our backs right now. Were on offense. We certainly have the opportunity to potentially flip the house. Im cautiously optimistic how does this get messed up for you guys . It only gets messed up over confidence which you saw from nancy pelosi earlier. The only way we dont stay laser focused which is talk about health care. If we talk about what donald trump wants us to talk about, the divisive rhetoric and caravans at our border. Were talking about health care and well continue to talk about health care and hopefully flipping the house and maybe the senate, too. There were 25 house districts held by republicans that Hillary Clinton won in the general election in 2016. Dont need to tell you that, but its Proof Positive that there are millions of voters who voted for both president obama and donald trump. Have you guys done enough to reach out to them . We think so. The dnc and democrats across the country have been aggressively reaching out to voters. We learned our lesson in 2016. What is the lesson . We cant be a committee and party that shows up every four years. We have to organize earlier and all year round. Purchased 100 million cell phones of voters and updated them and you probably dont have a land line anymore and more texting and ive heard about this trend. Its pretty cool. You might have an iphone. So were reaching out to new and young voters and im sure youve seen the early voter turnout. You see this from the rnc party. Theyre spinning this too, why is it different for the democrats . The voting is up, surpassing the 2014 totals. In two dozen states. The democrats have momentum behind us. Theres enthusiasm on the ground. From andrew gullim, stacy abrams and theyre laser focused on the issues. Your mentioned florida and georgia where to president obama willen having rallies. And leland its 55. I always quit after 50. Good to see you. Special coverage leading up to the election. Media buzz, howard kurtz and look at the Media Coverage the last couple of days up to the midterms. Chris wallace talks to secretary of state Mike Pompeo Fox news sunday. Check your local listings for time and channel. Dont want to miss that. Coming up, dead heat in missouri three days before election day. Our talk radio panel breaks down one of the closest senate races in the nation. Plus, fired up. The Record Number of americans turning out early to vote. Well check in on what were learning about just who is showing up at the polls. And well talk to the dnc about their strategy to win control of congress. Why they believe Health Care May get them there. If there are endless votes to sabotage and take away your health care thats what theyd be campaigning on. You dont hear a peep from them. Ok everyone our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition. For strength and energy whoohoo greattasting ensure. With nine grams of protein and twentysix vitamins and minerals. Ensure. Now up to 30 grams of protein for strength and energy and im still going for my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. So if theres a better treatment than warfarin, im up for that. Eliquis. Eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. Plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis is fdaapproved and has both. So whats next . Seeing these guys. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. 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Police are still searching for a motive. An apparent insider attack kills one u. S. Service member and injuries others in kabul, afghanistan. Initial reports say the attacker was a member of the Afghan National defense and forces. Its believed the attacker was also killed. Police are investigating. In baltimore, maryland, two people are dead after a 50foot wall collapsed at an amazon distribution warehouse. Authorities say a storm rolled through the area late friday at the time of the collapse. The cause of that collapse is still under investigation. Listen to the spin from both parties and they will tell you theyre thrilled with the early voting numbers. We heard that a minute ago. The pollsters call this ebav data. Jeff is here to separate facts from that spin. Hi, jeff. More than 30 million americans have cost early ballots ahead of tuesdays Midterm Election, thats up significantly compared to the 2014 midterm turnout and now some are comparing the enthusiasm to the 2016 president ial election. According to the latest numbers, 28 states and the district of columbia have surpassed the 2014 early voting numbers. In states like florida, more Younger Voters are turning out who didnt vote in 2016. And open senate seat in tennessee is energizing folks to vote and Competitive Senate and governor races in texas, nevada and georgia are causing early voting numbers to nearly double what they were in 2014. Now, Elections Officials in states like minnesota say, it almost even feels like it did during a president ial race here. Normally in a year like this year, we would compare it to a midterm which was four years ago, but because were having so many people vote absentee, were comparing it to a president ial election. Were comparing it on match or the pace were on in a president ial election for early votes, thats unheard of. Now, in georgia, candidates are closely tracking folks who didnt vote in the last Midterm Election. 36 of the state 1. 8 early million votes are from new voters or folks who didnt vote in 2014. Some states are seeing more republicans, overall nationally in states that require party registration, democrats seem to have the upper hand. 41 compared to the 36 for republicans, the remaining 23 going to independents and third party voters, but as weve seen in the past, Party Affiliation isnt how the person will vote when they cast their ballots. Leland well break that down with one of the Republican Data guys a little later. Jeff, thanks so much. Laura still ahead, as the Migrant Caravan makes its way to the u. S. Border, President Trump is doubling down on his stance that it wont get in. How the caravan is playing a role, a big one in the midterm votes. The democrats want to invite caravan after caravan. And you see, we have more caravans forming, you do see that. President trump has doubled down tough rhetoric on the Migrant Caravan as the group is moving toward the u. S. Border with mexico. Youve probably seen that. Hes use that go to make Border Security a key issue in the midterms. For more on ow the caravan are impacting the electionment well bring in from immigration policy, Theresa Cardinal brown. What a day to be here, days before. Immigration is an issue. Leland theres so much focus on this caravan and for good reason. Some of the information out there seems is correct, some is incorrect. What do you think the American People should be really focusing on right now as we head into the midterms as it relates to this issue. One thing i would say with the focus on the caravan. The caravan is not going to get near the border for several weeks, its not an imminent threat tomorrow or next week and we dont know how many will actually make it to the border. They havent made it as far as mexico city, theyre probably a thousand miles away or so from the border. Its not an imminent threat. Given the time we have and resources for the government theres an awful lot to do to process people when they arrive and not clear how many will get to the border. Last time we had a caravan it went from 1500 down to 300 at the end of the day. This caravan could also whittle away as it it gets closer. We may not be facing near what were hearing. Even though we see the images and large groups, this could be a different situation. Earlier this year when we were watching the separation of children and parents at the border, i was watching one of your interviews from earlier this summer talking about how you thought it could be dealt with, the large influx at the border and you said it would be a good idea to double, even triple the number of Immigration Judges and immigration courts. Do we have any update on that . Is that maybe a solution that could work here . Well, the Justice Department has added about 45 new judges. They probably could use another 150 to 200 at least just to keep even with the influx that they have of cases. But they havent really done a lot to the time it takes to get the immigration cases adjudications. If we could double or triple the number of Immigration Judges to adjudicate the asylum claims for maybe a fifth of the cost of military to the border, for example. The numbers that your organization has is fascinating. Youve reported theres been a decline, from november of 2016 to ayn of 2017, but then that trend reversed and went up increasing throughout 2018. What does that tell us about, you know, the pattern of policy and Border Protection today . Well, 2017 was an anomaly. It definitely had a significant decline in the number of people encountered at the u. S. Mexico border. A lot of that was to do with President Trumps election and rhetoric he had. Absent significant changes at the border and continuing push ba factors in central america, the numbers arent anywhere near they were under the george bush administration, 1. 6 Million People apprehended. Were 300 to 400,000. What has changed is now we just have data from customs and Border Protection, last fiscal year ending in september almost 60 those encountered at the border were family units, from the northern triangle region, honduras, guatemala, and thats a huge change. Whereas before it was single mexican men. Its a different population, seeking asylum, not trying to sneak across the border. Theyre presenting themselves. So, what we need to be looking at is what 0 our means to process and adjudicate those. We need to identify who they are, do background checks if there are criminals in the caravan, they should be able to do that and run those checks. But those who have a claim of asylum lets find rapidly adjudicate whether its a valid claim, if not, sent home to their country quickly. A lot of information how this is handled now and handled then and whats going forward. So thank you very much, Theresa Cardinal brown. Thanks for having me. Laura leland. Leland ask Republican Voters and theyll tell you immigration is the number one issue. What about the big donors who finance the campaigns as the arguments take place. Joining us from california. Thanks for waking up early, buddy. Youre raising money, talking immigration or talking taxes . I think were covering the whole policy set. Different policies motivate different donors. And really, the whole money flow has such a different impact if its early money versus late money. At this point all the money is about get out the vote. So its not even about policy so much, its about turning out the likely voters. Leland you talk about the places that are the tightest. Well go first to missouri where its neck and neck, tied in the latest fox news poll. Josh hawley raising money and clare mccast gill 33 million. In nevada dean heller, a sitting United States senator raised 11 million to jacky rosens 21 million. Ted cruz who you worked with, 29 million. 30 million. Bethea orourke, 70 million nearly 73 million. Whats going on . I think that consultants are making a lot of money. The first bite of the banana split tastes good, but after the third one its painful. These voters are in these districts, about 30 house races, about six senate seats theyre subject to saturation ads. The ad for the incumbent, the ad for the challenger, the pac ad. Special interest ad and no one is listening, these ads are tuned out by the voters. The most important money spent right now is get out the vote. Which is somebody knocking at a door. Somebody personally calling and the candidates know who their voters are and thats the efficient money at this point. When youre raising money, speaking of that money, how much do you say needs to be spent per candidate, per vote . Its a buck and a quarter. If its efficient. Look at the texas race, 100 million spent. 5 million votes maybe cast, thats 20 per vote. So this is far more than just the mechanics of get out the vote. The late ad blitzes are mostly designed to suppress the opponents supporters. So, the negative advertising goes on late, in the saturation blanket form and it may or may not make a difference on the margin. No one is being persuaded to vote between this candidate or that cad. Theyre being persuaded whether to show up or not. Leland we keep hearing that very issue, about show up or not, during the midterms. Were there a lot of fund big donors who, for lack of a better term, were sort of fatigued out by 2016 and unwilling to jump in here . On the republican side, its very unusual cycle. Weve had a nominee who said im going to sell fun and he did pretty much through the primary and a lot else from small donors. By the time he turned around to the donor base and help me in the general, a lot were sitting on their wallets and you saw them for the inauguration and since then raised money i think Something Like a billion dollars raised in the cycle. No one is short of money. The question is, are they spending it wisely. If you have a candidate that doesnt fit your district. Say bethea orourke in texas, doesnt matter how much you have. Leland who on the republican side is spending it the best . I think actually ralph reed. He has identified 28 million evangelical voters. Theyll vote 82 republican and spending a buck and a quarter to get them to the polls. Thats extremely efficient late money. Leland all right. Dan palmer in los angeles. Dan, i know youve got a busy four days on the phone ahead of you and celebrations on Election Night. Good luck, well talk to you soon. Thank you. Leland laura. Laura and still ahead, in the heartland. Well take a look at races in iowa and a dead heat in missouri, it comes down to the wire. Well talk with two political experts on this. Senator mccast gill is liberal left, response sore an open borders bill, voting for higher taxes. Voting against brett kavanaugh. woman wed been counting down to his retirement. It was our tresiba® reason. He needs insulin to control his high blood sugar and, at his age, hes at greater risk for lows. 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Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. woman we found our tresiba® reason. Find yours. vo ask your Diabetes Care specialist about tresiba®. Douglas were running dangerously low on beans. People love your beans, doug. They love em. Doooooooooug you want to go sell some tacos . Progressive knows Small Business makes big demands. Doug, where do we get a replacement chili pepper bulb . So well design the insurance solution that fits your business. Its a very niche bulb. Its a specialty bulb. We want to bring your attention to houston right now. Right now youre taking a look at the mother of senator ted cruz, name is elinore. Shes at a rally, and the senator and his mother are at the event. Cruz is 6. 5 real clear politics advantage over congressman bethea orourke. She said, look, it was 1950. I was aware of the world i was living in. She said shed walk down the hall in the office and men would stop here and say, sweetheart, would you type this for me . And my mother wanted to be able to smile very sweetly as she just did and say, i would love to help you out, but i dont know how to type. [laughter] i guess youre going to have to use me as a Computer Programmer instead. And its one of the things about my mom, she had the quiet, gentle, loving spirit, but her backbone is hard as steel and she does not shake. [applaus [applause] she shared another component of your career. A year or two ago, i took heidi and the girls and my mom all to see the movie Hidden Figures which if you all have not seen is a wonderful, wonderful movie. Its about nasa in the 1960s and features, focuses on three africanamerican women who were Computer Programmers and mathmeticians and helped the apollo program, ultimately helped john glen get into orbit and ultimately helped us get fot to the moon and its inspiring and until this movie most people did not know their stories. Laura there is ted cruz, hes talking at the women for cruz rally and hes sort of been interviewing his mother, asking her what it was like to be a female employee of an oil and gas company back in the 50s. We want to we wanted to dip in and share a little sound of that event for you in houston, texas right now. In just five days the people of missouri are going to retire far left democrat Claire Mccaskill. And youre going to send missouri patriot and thats what he is. He loves your state, he loves you as people. He loves his country, josh hawley, to the United States sena senate. Hes a good man. Hell be a star. Leland that was thursday, President Trump rallying for josh hawley in missouri. To give you an idea how important a race it is, the president will make his closing midterm arguments in missouri on monday night. No two better men to talk about this with than missouris former g. O. P. Chairman john hancock, the other side of the aisle, michael kelly, former executive director of the missouri democratic party. Theyre sitting there together nicely and now we will let it again. All right. First now, john, to you. Yes. Leland the president won missouri by 19 point. He is almost taken up residence in missouri campaigning for josh hawley. Why is this even a race . Its tight, man. This race but why . This race is tight. Because it is. Missouri is a state that, you know, we do elect democrats statewidement it wasnt many years ago five of the six statewide elected officials were democrats. Missouri is much more republican when you chop it up, but its a competitive statewide. Having said that i think that josh wins, but new numbers showed at race at 4747. This thing is tighter than me when we go out to lunch and the bill shows up at the table. [laughter] its tight. Leland well said, the fox news poll had it tied at 43 a couple of days ago. Michael, to you, President Trump has been showing up there every other day, it seems like, in missouri. President obama, who is on the trail, hes in florida, hes in georgia and hes making his way to indiana, it wouldnt be hard to stop in missouri. Why isnt he . Well, weve had joe biden, weve had lots of democrats coming into the state. Why this is tight. Missouri is a microcosm of america, it swings back and forth with every election and Claire Mccaskill is reflective of that state and views of this state. Shes always in a title battle. Shes in a tight battle again and the friend is going her way and Claire Mccaskill is going back to the senate for a third term. I dont think so. Leland you said she represents the views of missouri. Take a listen to her with bret bare. President democrats arent walking into a restaurant and screaming. I would not call my colleagues Elizabeth Warren went after me when i talked about tooling back banks and credit unions. I certainly disagree with Bernie Sanders on a bunch of stuff. And it was pointed out she took a bunch of money for an Elizabeth Warren pac. Michael, is that a problem for her . No, money is money in politics and youve got to get money from various sources. Claire mccaskill is an equal opportunity offenders when tit comes to the political parties. The republicans are mad at her and the democrats are mad at her because shes where john, most honest thing ive heard said on television is money is money in politics. And john hawley, two years ago ran an add talking about politicians trying to climb the ladders and two years later running for senate. That did not wear well. Well, duty calls, leland and he stepped up to the plate. Hes mounted a very effective xap. I think hes going to win this thing and it will be tight, but hawley by two is going to be my prediction in this thing. Leland hawley by two. Michael, a prediction . To tape. Yeah, i think that clare is going to win. Its a long night, and it always is. Democrats are fired up and coming out to vote and weve seen the intensity rise in the past few weeks, if i was a republican and josh hawley, no wonder the president is coming because its falling apart. No, were on fire, two parties are going on fire going into the midterm. In a state like missouri thats good. Leland and down in the rural counties, places he won by 60, 65 points trying to run up the vote totals. Gentlemen, the good news one of you will be wrong and one is going to be right on Election Night and well have you back. Im not buying lunch. You have to work that out on your own. Im happy to purchase, ill be celebrating. Leland i like that, agreement finally. Laura coming up, all eyes on iowa with several close races to watch, including the fight for governor. Our own molly line standing by with a live report. Hi, molly. Governors race, very competitive and also two congressional races were watching, details on those copy just after the break. St slice pizza lovers everywhere meet o, thats good frozen pizza one third of our classic crust is made with cauliflower but thats not stopping anyone o, thats good you might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Introducing the new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . To learn about their Medicare Options before theyre on medicare. Come on in. Youre turning 65 soon . 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The governors race is competitive. The governor there trying to hold her seattle. And there are congressional races, very hot tossup races. Its from des moines down to the Southwest Corner of the state. Incumbent congressman david young is chugging along across his district along with fellow g. O. P. Candidates on a whistle stop train tour. We joined them for a little bit of that ride this morning. And the democrat, a Small Business owner, its a tough challenges and promises to work with those democrats and republicans, considering herself an independent voice in the state. Well catch up with here in a couple of minutes. We are at the Iowa Democratic headquarters and theres a pro choice group backing her. And rod blum is battling to hold his seat against a 29yearold state representative who could become the youngest woman ever elected to congress. She, along with fellow dem candidates welcomed former vp joe biden to the trial earlier this week. That district is a true blue battle ground. They voted for obama and then voted for trump in 2016, but blum is being outspent in that race so its a competitive race. A lot the a stake here in iowa, including potentially the balance of power in the u. S. House of representatives, of course. Laura all right, molly line for us in iowa. Very interesting races, indeed. Thanks for being there for us. See what the weather does for turnout there. Leland americas election headquarters rolls on to florida where phil keating awaits President Trump. Hi, phil. Hi, leland, the trump faithful have been here since 7 30 a. M. Hanging out in this big field awaiting tonights big mega rally between rick scott, and the running for governor and these are the trump devotees here. Well be back with more coming up. When my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They were on it. It was unbelievable. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. In two great flavors. President trump on the road where republicans say he can make the most difference. Laura plus, will young voters turn out for tuesdays election . Well ask our panel of millennials. Leland the caravan marching towards the border and some say that President Trump sending troops to stop them is a political stunt. Hi, rick. The u. S. Military has boots on the ground on the southern border and this is evidence of that along i guess last hour saint it was going to be a couple of weeks until the caravan alive. Im laura. Thanks for being with us today. In florida, they often have low selections. In a few races down there this cycle are as tight as you get. The senate race in the governors race as well. The governor potentially in trouble especially in the governors race. In pensacola President Trump is headed there to rally the base. Both races just absolutely critical, not only for florida voters but also who controls the u. S. Senate. Whoever controls tallahassee as governor is widely believed to be a big influence as to which president ial candidate can take florida in 2020. As you can see the trump faithful came out early this morning. Even though they cant get inside the airport hangar where tonights big rally starting President Trump will be. Hes in the air and air force one heading to montana. Last night he was in indianapolis. The second big Campaign Rally of the day. It was quite animated and very energetic. He was reveling in the great jobs numbers. Under republican leadership, america is booming. America is thriving, and america is winning like never before because we are finally putting america first. Yesterday in miami, equally animated and equally energetic. Former president , barack obama rallying support for gubernatorial candidate, tallahassee mayor ed senator bill nelson who is running for a fourth term. President obama versus President Trump, it sounds like a dream race especially amongst political reporters. They are in the state yesterday and today campaigning on behalf of the governor and Senate Candidates as well. Last night, there was a shooting in tallahassee. Six people injured. Two of them are dead. The shooter apparently killed himself. The mayor flew up to tallahassee but is back campaigning today. In a tweet last night he said im deeply appreciative of the Quick Response of the shooting at the yoga facility. No active gun violence is acceptable. Gillam, according to the politics averages ahead of the republican by 2. 7 . As far as the senate race featuring governor rick scott who is a republican and ending two terms as governor challenging bill nelson, who is going on his fourth term. They show nelson up by 1. 9 . Still three days to go. Leland will wait to see the effect of president obama down there as well yesterday. Phil, thank you so much. Laura as the Migrant Caravan coming up from mexico southern border continues moving towards the u. S. , President Trump is sending troops south to prepare for his arrival. Rick leventhal is in texas with the latest. It looks like you have a wall of barbed wire behind you. How is it going . Reporter the wire stretched here by the u. S. Military, some of the First Arriving troops here along the rio grande river. This is next to the bridge. An area thats property legal border crossing. You can see people from mexico committed to the United States. You can see some wire strung up there in case someone tried to come in illegally. This is an area that could be a destination for that caravan as it heads to the north. The section was completed by soldiers in the 97th military police brigade. Thats from fort riley, kansas along with custom and Border Protection agents. A lot of ground to cover here. We were down in fort bliss yesterday near el paso. We moved from there to here come about 800 miles just in the state of texas. These military troops are helping out Border Protection agents in several states including california, south of san diego, arizona and new mexico. They have to cover a lot of ground. Theyre not sure which route they might take. The caravan is more dangerous and potentially violent than others in the past. Thats why the department of Homeland Security asked for the military support. A couple thousand National Guard troops on the ground and at least 3500 active soldiers. There could be several thousand more coming. They are moving cargo planes and helicopters. Well be doing some surveillance but mostly a support mission to assist Border Agents on the ground to try to make sure if the caravan comes this way and if they try to force their way into america they wont be successful. Laura rick, a great perspective with the map to show how much ground you have been covering. Thank you. Leland alive that picture right now, former Vice President , 2020 potential candidate, joe biden in ohio. Democrats are vying for the governor c. John kasich is out after this term. Mr. Biden in Parma Heights there. Not only talking about richard running for governor but also sharon brown who is looking for a not for the senate. Will listen and. You got this to share in the benefits. You should do well. That party has been broken. I know they call me middleclass joe. Its not meant as a compliment. Its not that im not sophisticated. But i know why and who we are. When the middle class does well, the wealthy do very well in the poor house some hope. Folks in cleveland and in wilmington, my hometown in scranton understand. That is, middleclass is not a number. Economists who work will tell you middleclass means 52000 or 53000. Middleclass is a value set. Its being able to own your own home and not rented. Being able to send your kid to a safe park knowing they will come home safely. It means they can go to a local high school and if they do well they go on beyond high school. Six out of ten jobs in 2020 will require something beyond high school. Its been able to take your geriatric mom home when your dads eyes and hope you never have to have your children take care of you. Folks, leland former Vice President biden on the stone. You can tell by his voice how much he has been traveling and how much he has been speaking. President obama mentioned yesterday about his voice that he was out of practice. The Vice President has a few more stops and so does president obama before election day. There are 25 Republican House districts that Hillary Clinton wanted 2016. Something we have heard from obama and biden. One is the texas seventh represented by John Culbertson. We reached out to Lisa Fletcher, the democrat. She was unable to join us. We have congressman with us. We appreciate it. For a man who has been in Congress Since 2001, george h. W. Bush was the republican elected in 1966 and has been republican cents. Its been a close race. I treat every election as though i am behind. Its always important to run and run this year behind. The selection is especially important to texas, to the country. If democrats went district seven, nancy pelosi will be speaker of the house. This is one of the decisive races for the nation. I am working hard to turn out every republican vote to make sure that doesnt happen. Leland i appreciate the earnest effort in terms of running every race like your behind. There were times you want by double digits and times he didnt have a democratic challenger. Now you do in the race is either tied or some say Lisa Fletcher could have a slight edge. Why do you think that is . This is a different election year. People in the Southern District Hillary Clinton won by default when republicans skip the president ial race and Straight Party boat last time. That allowed clinton to win by default. That brought the democrats out of woodwork. The National Democrat Party Spending a record amount of money to flip the district and take me out. Thats not going to happen. I am reminding the voters of district seven that John Culbertson is the right person at the right time. Im the only for Southeast Texas and ive delivered to hurricane from hurricane harvey. I have a good story to tell and it is working. Leland part of telling that story is money. We look at the fundraising total, fletcher is 5. 3 million. You are at 3 million. I think we have the name wrong on our graphic. We will get that fixed. Nevertheless, i think the numbers are right. Give me a sense, why do you think that is . Why havent you been able to get the support from either the money or the grassroots . Every time ive had a well financed democratic opponent they always outspend and outrace me. Democrats forget that you dont count dollar bills on Election Night. That is why am focused on talking to republicans in district 70 encouraging everyone who wants to keep the tax cut going and protect the oil and gas industry and keep the progress we have made and the use of the economy is so strong. They have got to vote on election day and get out and vote republican. I encourage everyone watching the show today to turn out on tuesday. Email your friends and neighbors and go to the polls and vote straight republican. Leland weve heard the get out the vote message from both sides. This is what we have heard from President Trump. Number one, if democrats win, nancy pelosi is the speaker, someone who is toxic even among independents. Number two, the economy. Number three he said this. Take a listen. They say if i was on the ticket, everybody would go, it would be a landslide. Even the fakers say that and im not on the ticket but i am on the ticket because this is also a referendum about me. Leland is it good for you in a district that Hillary Clinton one for this to be framed as a referendum about President Trump . District seven voters understand that low taxes and a light regulatory touch work. The economy is strong in texas and especially strong in houston. This administration and the Republican Congress working together we passed the largest tax cut and that has led to record Economic Growth. People in district seven understand its republican, since fiscal policies. Leland congressman, i only have 30 seconds left come i dont hear you like many other republicans since our great districts throwing their rate fully behind President Trump. Is that because for certain voters in your district who you need, come election day, they are very happy with him and dont like him much . President trump grew a record crowd in houston when he came here a few weeks ago. If the people of district seven. Its a vote about John Culbertson. The job i have done for the district. The people in district seven know that i can be trusted. I will keep my word and to represent them as a freemarket republican. We know in district seven that low taxes and a light regulatory touch works. They know i have delivered for hurricane harvey. This is election about John Culbertson and the work i have done. Leland ill take that as a note to my original question. Good luck on Election Night. You have a long four days ahead of you. Thank you. Laura Vice President mike pence hitting the campaign trail today. Hes showing up vote for vulnerable republicans. He left washington a little more than an hour ago. Hes in route to a rally in wisconsin where he will campaign with Governor Scott walker. Walker is in a tossup race for his third term against democratic challenger, tony evers. Leland speaking of the Vice President , the senate race in his home state of indiana will come down to the wire. Poll shows republican mike brown and joe donnelly are quite literally neck and neck. Mike tobin is on the ground in indianapolis. You have the president there, the Vice President there, former president obama also in indiana. Reporter the president should be landing shortly in montana, only after campaigning here overnight. He left indiana this morning only after he fired off a handful of tweets. What about the rally he held in indianapolis last night. He wrote the indiana rally and coach bobby knight were incredible last night. A packed house in honor of mike brown for senate. Trump has made multiple visits to indiana. He will make one more. When the senate races as tight as it can be asking for one more republican in the senate. Hes a businessman east was in the legislature but campaigned as an outsider. Mike brown is typhon crime and he will always support our wonderful vets in our law enforcement. Our police. Joe donnelly is a vote to make Cryan Chuck Schumer the Senate Majority leader. We cant do that remix senator joe donnelly is the democrat, one term incumbent that said hes a moderate. He has voted with President Trump 62 of the time. He favored the border wall in his progun prolife. But he voted against brett kavanaugh. Trump wants him out because of the boat but in large part because of the d in front of his name. They are trying to swing the vote in donnellys favor in gary indiana tomorrow. They are saying his voice is getting horse. The Indiana Senate races getting so much attention primarily because it is so close. Both candidates have led for one time or another in the polls. Usually within the margin of error. The split right now is less than one point. Leland control of the senate could come down to indiana. Mike, thank you. Will check back in. Laura with many tight races both republican and Democratic Candidates are courting the ever elusive Millennial Vote for victory. Alexander wilkes, the executive director and Kevin Walling the senior Vice President at hamburger gipson creative to discuss the Midterm Election and whether candidates have been able to Court Millennials and young voters. A big deal for both sides. Welcome both. Thank you. Laura the way millennials have been talking into reading to get out to about making a difference has been very interesting to watch. Young voters traditionally set out midterms. This time, it seems like it could be different. How do you think it will go on tuesday . Youre correct. I couldnt be more excited to talk about this. In 2014 only 20 of Millennial Voters age 18 to make 35 turned out in the midterm. Now in early voting in states like texas where its up 500 from 2014, in tennessee up over 700 in the early vote. I think there is great news in terms of young people getting engaged. Its across the board. Republicans are leading the early vote in a tight state like florida where you have two key races. I think voters on both sides are really engaging in the election. Despite they get out to vote messaging, recent polls show less than one third say they will definitely vote. Over 50 say they are not familiar with congressional candidates in their districts. Is there a way this millennial momentum can be finetuned to get them going . I think its important to put early voting numbers and contacts. While millennials are voting in greater proportion compared to the proportion in 2014, early voting is more popular than it was in 2014. Its an older concept. We also know that millennials are still being outpaced by their older counterparts. I dont know if were going to exactly know how this number shakeout come election day, particularly because millennials are more likely to be undecided or independent with no Party Affiliation than older voters. Its more difficult to predict where it will come down. For republicans, the strongest argument we can make is the strong job economy thats out there now. This is a generation that grew up during tough times. We saw our parents lose their jobs. We dealt with record unemployment for the last decade or so. Now, that is turning around. Republicans to have a strong argument to make with young people. Laura kevin, i want to show the audience some numbers. We know turn out to sent always great to midterms. In the last midterm in 2014, 11. 618 million 24 yearolds reported themselves as registered, but only 4. 7 million voted. In 2010 the same pattern, only 5. 6 million voted. General election was strong in 2016 and 2008. What needs to happen to get these millennial midterm turnout numbers up. When you look at it you see the millennials are energize. Thats a great question. Thats at 20 . I reference that earlier. In tennessee for example, you have seen a 700 increase from the 14 numbers to the 18 numbers. I think maybe thats the taylor swift bump we saw with her encouraging folks to turn out. To register in get engaged in turnout. For for phil who is running in a tight race with Marsha Blackburn. The more we can encourage young people to turn out speak to their issues. We have a Strong Economy but its not the only issue that affects young people. College affordability, college debt, healthcare, protecting preexisting conditions we know republicans want to take that away. Parents were baby boomers and get older and have to engage more in the healthcare system, we want to make sure were providing those protections. Laura thank you for sharing your perspective on this. This is a big one to watch. Well see how they do on tuesday. Kevin, and alexander, thanks for being here. Leland the president will head to tennessee to help senate candidate, Marsha Blackburn. Check in with peter doocy as it is that enough to keep the volunteer state red . The race for governor in florida in a race for their lives. A former radio host with what is at stake. Well take a closer look at the republican strategy to keep the house and senate red on tuesday. Why President Trump might be right. Laura the midterm vote isha. Mike come down to several tight congressional races. We been talking about this as republicans work to maintain their majority in both chambers. Jesse hunt is here, press secretary for an rcc. We look at the gops midterm push. Its a lot to get through. I was going through your twitter accounts for the letter and rcc, americans are better off now. What other messages do you feel are important to get you to tuesday. Ultimately what were seeing after this Republicanled Congress both through the tax cuts and combating the obedient epidemic in human trafficking, voters care about pocketbook issues. The economy is as best as it has been in many years. We just saw jobs report release, we saw that wages grew the fastest level since 2009. People are content with where things are economically. Ultimately, we feel thats the biggest driver for voters in these districts. Again, nancy pelosi would take control of the house and bring it to a screeching halt in order to thwart the republican agenda. Laura a lot of people are what is your organization watching for . The nation will see kentucky six come into play. It is the district that closes the earliest. That has been a battle between what we have seen from a lots of democrats which is a bit selfish charade. Talking about their biography. You have amy mcgrath its the biggest part of the campaign. Amy has done an effective job. Throughout the campaign she can pick talk to yourself as the most progressive person in kentucky. Also in favor of lateterm abortion. I also worked till minnesota. Then you have two more rule seats, one in the Southern Tier minnesota, donald trump on both those districts by 15 points or more. We feel like we have one of the best candidates in the country. We feel like its a good pickup opportunity. When you look at whats happening with the rallies, we been watching a lot of them. Obviously we have a few more days to go. How much do you think the appearance of President Trump and Vice President penson former president obama and biden have helped . When you look at the states that need the help the most and see where theyre going what is it tell you . We have been appreciative of all the help that President Trump and the entire administration has given us. They have really done a tremendous job in helping maintain this house majority, the president has made trips to illinois and minnesota. Those are places where we have a lot of key fights and determine ultimately who controls the house. I think the president does a great job in motivating Republican Voters. We made a commitment ourselves, that totals half a Million Dollars and going over 15 markets. What we are trying to do is draw a clear distinction. Make voters understand whats at stake. I talked about some of those positive numbers. 250,000 jobs added. Right now, democrats are rallying around an agenda about abolishing ice and singlepayer healthcare. In battleground issues those topics are about as populars food poisoning. Laura we appreciate your time and perspective. Thank you. Leland President Trump says the blue wave might fail and congresswoman, Marsha Blackburn wants to be senator Marsha Blackburn of tennessee. Peter doocy on the trail, hello peter. Both voters have made up their mind. Marsha blackburn came here to the city of Franklin Family day to remind us to boats. I wanted more from my copd medicine. Thats why ive got the power of 123 medicines with trelegy. The only fdaapproved 3in1 copd treatment. Trelegy. The power of 123 trelegy 123 trelegy with trelegy and the power of 123, im breathing better. Trelegy works 3 ways to. Open airways,. Keep them open. And reduce inflammation. For 24 hours of better breathing. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. Trelegy is not for asthma. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high Blood Pressure before taking it. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. Call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,. Problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Think your copd medicine is doing enough . Maybe you should think again. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy and the power of 123. Trelegy 123 save at trelegy. Com. Democrats look to tennesseea. It would be a massive win. Peter is live in franklin as republican, Marsha Blackburn makes her closing arguments. Hello peter. Laura, blackburn volunteers have knocked out 1. 4 million doors here in tennessee. She has made her pitch to the state. Now, she is coming to places like this, Franklin Family day outside of nashville to remind people to go. This is kind of a hometown team. This is a reminder that tuesday is their last chance. We have had a great turnout in the early boat. We are reminding people if they have not voted that tuesday is the day they show up to boats. They really want constitutionalist judges, they want tax cuts permanent and the caravan heading through Mexico Company stopped. They want his campaign to be more than the discourse in his country. He somehow convinced taylor swift to support his campaign. Newer polls show a tightening of his race. He said my opponent has been in washington for 16 years and frankly it shows. They deserve better and i am applying for the job. President trump is coming here to rally for blackburn in chattanooga. He carries an Approval Rating of 58 . s thank you. We will talk to you soon. With that we bring in former head of data for marco rubios president ial campaign, scott, good to see. Marsha blackburn started off with confidence. Good reason for her to be . Tennessee is traditionally a republican state. But they definitely spent money toward the end and so he thinks they have a shot. She should be able to pull it off, but we will see. Leland republican seem nervous enough that theyre sending President Trump there. They are also sending a lots of money and spending time with surrogates. It should not be this close. Tennessees traditionally republican. Marsha blackburn has a good name idea and has worked hard for the state. Leland they have some deep republican roots. Put up your house and senate predictions. This is a consulting internal look, prediction of gop maintaining the house 5. 6 maintaining the senate, 87. 6 . The question, if the gop maintains the house, do they necessarily clean up in the senate if the gop loses the house . Is it worse in the senate . How correlated are the numbers . We dont necessarily think they are because of where the target ground battle races are. Versus where they are for the senate. It certainly could be. You could see some races in florida and texas go the way of where the house is going to go. By and large, the house is going to be won or lost in states like pennsylvania, california, virginia. Thats where will see some house races to be there way. 5 is very low, one in 20 happens occasionally. Leland occasionally pull an inside straight. The democrats have spent so much money the cycle. You look at the congressional ballot on d 70 plus eight. Leland even as a republican youre not that optimistic. Its not looking good. Not something i would bet on. Leland roar backer in california, you say the chance of him winning is 56 , hes plus two and one of the polls. Why is this such an important bellwether . I am from the district, some call dana roar backer pollutants favorite. Hes had one of the toughest primaries. He actually made it through the jungle primary. We have it at 56 . In Orange County this is Ronald Reagan country. If it looks like hes going to lose is going to be a bad night for republican. We keep hearing this spin from both sides of abe data as opposed what we can tell right now. Fair analysis who should be more excited, republicans or democrats . Democrats. Im pull out a couple of stats, in florida it appears the early vote share is roughly 63 white generally speaking is been white. It looks really good for the demographic makeup doesnt look good. And texas were seeing about voters who havent voted in 2016 but voted now. We think texas will be a total turnout of 8 9000000. That could be interesting and same in nevada. Put this in millennial terms. Republicans might be drinking earlier and not because are celebrating. Great conversation. Thank you. Laura we want to take you live in montana where President Trump will be speaking soon. He went voters there and a look at what the president is looking for. A tight race for governor of florida. Bringing out big names like former president obama to rally support. We will speak with one radio host on what voters are responded to in the sunshine state. If you turnout on tuesday to vote for this incredible florida ticket, i promise you something powerful happens. Change starts to happen inlaws were coming, a little bit of water, it really it rocked our world. I had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. 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Many have said these races really illustrate the polarization of american politics. So much at stake and razor thin margins. What you and your listeners make a former president s obamas appearance and how do you see things going on tuesday . There certainly was enthusiasm within that room. In terms of the reverberations around the state we dont see it. You have this isolated pocket in certain circles where president obama still turns it out. The enthusiasm you see when President Trump comes out is at another level. Early voting, its always been a critical component. What has the trends been . What number stick out on that and other items . Im gonna hit you with a few things. Not a lot of people talking about it. There are 30,000 fewer registered democrats in florida than 2016. You have 51000 additional Republican Voters. In early voting we already have turnout that is 66 higher across the state than the entire early voting totals from the 2014 midterm. Were seeing record turnout. In terms of democrats advantage which they typically have, its only a 10600 boats through yesterday. They had a 36000 vote advantage in the midterm and a hundred and 65000 in the general election. There is plenty of room for optimism. I want to talk about the puerto rican population this is a group that tends to vote in favor of democrats. But rick scott has gone out of his way how will that factor into voter turnout. The biggest mistake people make is saying hispanic x. Hispanic in south florida in particular means about 30 different things. The caribbean islands, the cuban when youre talking about Puerto Ricans you mentioned Governor Scott in particular. Something to watch, bill nelson has not committed to statehood for puerto rico until the last couple of months when it seemed like the thing to do. Governor scott has supported puerto rican statehood. Another thing is run d santos has already reported it he indicated that he would support what Puerto Ricans would do in a referendum vote. They had two boats in puerto rico. That might be a big surprise when you take a look at how Puerto Ricans are breaking. While downloading they might be voting for some democrats, Puerto Ricans might be breaking right this time. Laura also one last question, what is the tone of your listeners and the people who call into your show. How are people sounding these days . It is allowed. There is a lots of passion that i have seen in Midterm Elections. A lot of the volume is what we have seen in 2016. Passions are running high. A lot of the enthusiasm and negativity is they are each and every day. Laura we know that with talk radio. Brian, thank you for joining us today. Great to have you. Leland it is a tossup in arizona. Martha on the rights, alecia is live in phoenix with a look at the battle for one of the state senate seats. Democrats have the opportunity to pick up a seat in arizona. Republicans are determined to hang on. That story is coming up attention to detail, and Customer Service are critical to business success. Like the ones we teach here, every day. And Customer Service are critical to business success. And i found out that ima from the big toe alian. Of that sexy italian boot so this Holiday Season its ancestrydna per tutti order your kit now at ancestry. Com the new Capital One Savor card. Earn 4 cash back on dining and 4 on entertainment. Now when you go out, you cash in. Whats in your wallet . Leland arizona will electitd tuesday night. After bruising primary the republicans are having a tough time putting this one away. Alecia is there an estate, is that donald trump wanted 2016. Hello. This is an incredibly tight race. We could go straight to the politics or the fox news poll. This is a likely voters. Republican congress drink congresswoman is tied. Both Congress Women are campaigning to get the last batch of folks to turnout on tuesday. She could be the first democrat to hold the seat since 1995. There is a lot of lot of pressure on republican make sally to not let the seat flip. In the governors race, the incompetent ducey is enjoying a wide lead over david garcia. Early voting official ended on friday evening. Many counties have opened up Emergency Voting Centers this weekend for those who cant make it on tuesday. This is one of the largest voting jurisdictions in the nation. Election staff are receiving troubleshooting training. Not including what was turned in on friday, the arizona secretary of States Office at 1. 46 million ballots had been returned. Thats close to 20 of registered voters. Republicans clearly lead but an official says if you come buying the dams and the unaffiliated which is what the democrats are counting on, they have reason to be hopeful. Many republicans here have a history of showing up on election day. You combine that with a huge get out the vote effort here this is expected to come down to the wire. Will we even know who will win the senate race. Leland alecia, thank you. Laura after the break, more trouble for trump critic, alec baldwin. What charges hes facing over a parking spot. I wish him luck. When we were dating, we used to get excited about things like concert tickets or a new snowboard. Matt whoo whoo jen but that all changed when we bought a house. Matt voila jen matt started turning into his dad. Matt mm. Thats some good mulch. Im awake. But it was pretty nifty when jen showed me how easy it was to protect our home and auto with progressive. [ wrapper crinkling ] get this butterscotch out of here. Progressive cant protect you from becoming your parents. Theres quite a bit of work, cause this was all this was all stapled. But we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the International Fellowship of christians and jews. There is an emergency food crisis for elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union. This is a fight against time. What were dealing with is coming out, meeting someone whos 85, 90 years old, cant get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. And thats where we come in. We are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. [voiceover] for just 25, well rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. In ukraine, theres no supper network. They dont have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. Theyre turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish Holocaust Survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. What i pray is that you wont turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. [voiceover] with your gift of just 25, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. Leland movie star andoutspoc baldwin said he didnt punch anyone. He was charged with assault and harassment following the alleged incident. The man was treated at a local hospital after being punched in the jaw. His tweets bring up so many questions we dont have time for. Fox news is your place for complete coverage of the Midterm Election all weekend long. Will be live with 8 00 p. M. Eastern tomorrow night. And our special Election Night coverage kicks off at 6 00 p. M. Eastern on tuesday night. In case youre missing the reminder, turn back your clocks one hour. You are going to need the extra hour of sleep to deal with the craziness that will undoubtedly ensue on tuesday night. We have reporters all over the country. We checked in with some of them today it was great. Now americas news headquarters continues now. We start with the fox news alert. Were waiting to hear from President Trump. This hour as he holds a rally in montana. The president making a final pitch for republicans has immigration looms large in the final days leading up to the deadline of the midterms on tuesday. Hello everyone, welcome to america news headquarters. President trump crisscrossing the country. Theyre making immigration a focus on the campaign trail. There

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