an emotional day for hunter biden who seen dabbing his eyes with a tissue earlier today when his eldest daughter naomi biden took the stand. naomi biden you see leaving with sunglasses and the black outfit on. she is hunter biden's eldest daughter. actually named for his late little sister and infant who died in that car crash in 1972 along with hunter's mother. naomi biden painted a picture of a clear minded hopeful hunter biden when she saw him late summer 2018 just weeks before he allegedly lied on a federal gun form when purchasing a gun. that's why we're here in the first place. naomi biden was in control on the stand and said she was nervous and entered in a soft voice and says she's well aware of her dads drugs and said things got really bad after her uncle died. yesterday joe biden flu in late from dd events in france to wilmington to sit in court only to turn back around to go to france tonight for steak dinner