as the explosive disposal schools down in florida not far from pensacola. both of those schools there were four lord nationals around the entire time. not only do we have for national train with us but sometimes we have partners and countries involved that don't share information with each other so we have to go so far as to say this group of people can learn this much but this group can't. maybe will say south korea doesn't want to know this. it gets, located. it's not uncommon whatsoever to have foreign nationals in one of our schools learning and training. they're not exposed to everything we know we do but for example if we're going to sell planes to saudi arabia we would need to train their technicians how to work on them. train communications operators how to communicate with the planes and so on and so forth. when the president makes a deal to sell equipment or planes a lot of people don't understand this is a big part of it. there are almost always up to hundreds of foreign nationals