comey stuff and the special console and it's like we're not doing that anymore. we are going to go fast. we'll see a fast does any better. if you don't let the facts get in the way, there's a lot of democrats and republicans were instead we are process people. let's see what it says. i don't think it makes them pro or con anything but quite frankly you got a culture of instant gratification among some where it's like they want to declare victory now. they don't want to see the process run and quite frankly if we let go of the process, then i don't know what that leaves. >> neil: republican callings of yours in the senate, mitch mcconnell, susan collins come to mind. they are very concerned by this transcript that's been released by the president, what he had to say to the leader of the ukraine. forget about the impeachment, whether it warrants a high crime or misdemeanor. you know about the subject's, more than i. do you share their concern? >> first of all let me say he