the heck out of the working class and middle class, and that's where real money is so if you want all of this free stuff that bernie is offering aoc is offering you can have it in america but working class will pay massive taxes and so will the middle class. >> that's why liz warren won't admit to raise taxes on middle class to pay for socialist health care. the president is framing 2020 as capitalism versus socialism and venezuela versus united states and other side is giving out quote unquote free stuff how do you think strategically you win that argument? >> i think that ultimately a lot of people don't realize what social pism is. they think they're going get a kinder gentler and need to be reminded of the history of social pism and there's no world xeample,e, because they're pointing to scandinavia isn't socialist and has policies that berniers octobers to so all alog people have been sort of fig mothering saying well sweden