Trumps worth nightmare. Instead he went to prison himself. We look at michael avenatti. The jury finds avenatti guilty again. Is pope francis a socialist . His alarming comments have catholics Around The World asking questions, me includes. One of the lefts favorite tactics iss the Label Misinformation or disinformation. They paint people as Conspiracy Theorists for people they dont like. Remember this tweet from just before the election about hunter biden . Hunter bidens story is russian misinfo. Intelligence officials say. Just this week we learned the New York Times is suing the State Department for refusing to release those very same emails from hunter biden. I thought they were disinformation. It turns out that tweet was the disinformation itself. Understand what happening here, folks . Psaki is talking about real disinformation. Seeing things that were once categorized as disinformation or misinformation is becoming an accepted narrative without the facts ever changing. Let me prove it to you. The left is desperate to silence you, dissenting voices and facts. Theyce moved on from what was yu be questionably a Censorship Argument too what is becoming a serious First Amendment problem as they incentivize this from government pulpits. Lets take a Trip Down Memory Lane during the pandemic. Lockdowns. We were told it would stop the spread of the virus and save countless lives. The factou that we shut down when we did and the rest of the world did, hayed saved hundreds of millions of infections and millions of lives. Dan turns out that was misinformation, too. Wasnt it . Check out this Johns Hopkins study showing that the lockdown reduced the deaths by. 2 . Then there is the vaccines, we were told they would stop the transmission of the virus in its tracks. If you questioned this you were called a science denier. Now we know the vac seens workw well enough that that vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinatedn person. A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus. The virus stops and it cannot go anywhere else. Getting the vaccine and taking that mask off. You are not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations. Dan looks like a swing and a miss for the experts. The rare breakthrough cases are pretty normalized. And the left has long ago shifted their talking points. Here isng the new talking point. The vaccine only prevents serious illness. Our vaccines work well for delta with regard to severe illness and death. But they cant prevent transmission. Dan then there is cloth masks. We were told for months it was pour patriotic duty to wear a mask to protect our neighbors. People were o band, me included for daring to say masks may not be that effective. Suddenly the media did a 180 or more like a 540 on cloth makes, and media echoed what conservatives like me said from the beginning. If masks work great, then why arent they work that great. Dont wear a cloth mask. There is no place for them in omicron. Dan i could fill the whole show with examples like this. Americans are a rugged breed. People came here as immigrants, and people who were born here just want to work and be left the hell alone. They want to go out and produce and i raise their kids and just get the hell out of our lives. They want nothing to do with oppression, propaganda or force fed government narratives, especially narratives that screw it up all the time. Thats why we are witnessing an open revolt against the gatekeeper of truth. Thet antivaccine trucker prott into the what . They are hardworking patriots telling the selfproclaimed experts, no thanks, well figure it out. Prime minister trudeau decided to throw the whole bag of isms at them all at once. This is from the parliament. Antisemitism, home phoneio, transphobia, together lets keep working toge make canada more inclusive. [buzzer] dan here is a look at all that antiblack racism and transphobia and all the other isms on display. [horns honking] any isms . It doesnt look that dangerous to me. You know the famous rally cry, workers of the world unite . Workers of the world unite unless you are a trucker who doesnt like vac seen mandates. Then forget t it. We have to do the editing for you. Why the shift now . Why this rebellion . Whats happening . What changed since the start of the pandemic when the leftist tie trants started stripping us of our freedoms. It just takes one person to get and start dancing before others around him are inspired to get and start dancing too. Eventually enough people start dancingly and they out number te people watching. Thats the trirks. There is a lot of dancing going on. Courage is contagious. And thats how real change happens. Joining me knew is renowned cardiologist dr. Peter mccollough. Let me get to this first question. These experts have been wrong for so long about covid, Mask Vaccines and Public Health measures. Do they have anybody to blame themselves . Fully accountable. Senator ron johnson held on january 24 a senate panel called a second opinion. We had dozens of leading doctors who take care of patients, nurses, patients and others. Johnson invited all these Public Health officials and nobody came to hear Expert Review of the data. Dan doctor, you have become a target. They tried to cancel you. What do you think is behind it . You are on the front lines of this covid fight. Are they just in a panic because people like yourself are not intimidated . Is there any recourse for people like yourself who have been attacked by the science folks . When i went on joe rogan, i had over a hundred scientific slides to prove for a major scientific meeting. I prepared a month for that. Rogan was perceptive, he was intelligent and asked good questions. And we reviewed all the scientific a data. Dan i have a series coming up, canceled in the u. S. A. You make an appearance in that. Why were they trying to cancel you . What was at the center of this fight . What concerned them so much that they felt the need to try to censor you . I think there was an overall plan to try to suppress early treatment of covid19 and have a whole variety of Public Health interventions that prepared the population to accept masks and vaccinations. Now the whole thing is starting to unravel. Dan im sorry to hear that happened to you. We are going to drop those episodes on foxnation on monday. Canceled in the u. S. A. Remember when the democrats and the media asked like every day was doomsday during the trump administration. Trump brought the civil war and every day brings it closer and closer to ignition. Dan the economy is in the tank, we are on the brink of war with russia. Eric trump breaks it down. When we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. I remember setting up shipstation. One or two clicks and everything was up and running. I was printing out labels and saving money. Shipstation saves us so much time. It makes it really easy and seamless. Pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and its ready to go. Our costs for shipping were cut in half. Just like that. Shipstation. The 1 choice of online sellers. Go to shipstation. Com tv and get 2 months free. Cannes welcome back to unfiltered. It looks like crime is getting so bad in democracies the left is getting the nervous. Is the tide finally turning against his liberal agenda, then california . Joining us is eric trump. This topic of politicized prosecutors has hit your family personally. Justice is supposed to be blind. They are supposed to enforce the law, not take their own politics into the office. Your thoughts on this . I think a lot of people in this country have lost total faith in the legal system. We deal with prosecutors in new york every day, Letisha James said i am going to get him, im going to sue him, im going to take him down. You see what the District Attorney is doing in new york. You see d. A. S in new york. They have politicized prosecution of people they dont like. Thats a dangerous thing. When you have a society that loses confidence in the judicial system. They have seen it with mueller, and they have seen it time and time again. One thing this country that separates usha from third world countries Around The World is we have a rule of law and constitution that should be followed. Up to this point it has. It feels like thats eroding every single day. It terrifies me. Who you voted for could determine whether you get investigated. Everything democrats warned us about your father, president trump, is actually happening under President Biden now. Take a look at this. The inciterinchief is back. Do you believe the president has been an agent of the russians. Yes. Trump brought that Cold Civil War and every day brings it closer and closer to ignition. Dan international chaos. , we learn all these things, liberals warned us your dad was going to do are happening under biden. I hate to laugh because its scary for this country. Remember i hillary, would you wt that man with his finger on the Nuclear Button . The one president who never got us into wars. You have russia ready to take on the ukraine. Look at nonsense in iran. Look at at situation with israel and their next door neighbors and everything thats happening there. They destabilized this administration and the entire world. You will have hillary out there, and you will have biden. We understand foreign policy. I think the world has seen what weakness will do. We are suffering. The joke is on all of us. Your family has been the subject of ridiculous, endless witch hunts. Confidential emails emerge from that h someone in washington ned to engage vp biden saying that his position on the Burisma Board undercut the administration. The defense team never got ahold of thissm email. Maybe they were too busy investigating you guys for a imofl course or real estate operation you were in. This has to piss you off. The big guy, if you remember the other email. The big guy was getting 10 . If we have a comma out of place, they c will go after us. Im a straight guy no nonsense. Im the first one up in the morning and i work really hard. Can you imagine a world where Donald I Trump was commanderinchief and i was doing crystal meth and heroin and dating my deceased brothers wife, dan, i would be dead. They dont even try and stop it. Right now with joe biden as president , the guy is finger painting. Can you imagine if i was selling my artwork as an unqualified aist to unqualified people . I would be locked up for the rest of my life. Dan i cant imagine that. I would have to hack out with you in prison. Maybe you should do a painting for charity. The media would lose their mind if you donated the money. You dont hear about this guy. Dan no, you dont. I appreciate your time. Thanks for coming on. Coming up on unfiltered. You heard the idea of two americas before. Remember this . I want to be clear. When im talking about two americas. I am not just talking about the difference between the rich and the poor. I am talking about the very rich and everybody else. Dan that was a democrat saying that. We are living two different americas, just not the one the democrats think. My unfiltered take on that coming up next. Thats a pretty tight spot. Watch this. Of course your buick parks itself. Thats so you. Its just up here on the right. Of course you know where were going. Thats so you. I kinda got a sixth sense. And a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] theyre here. Hit the field. Warm up. You brought all these players in your buick. Yup. 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Dont cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what its worth. Visit coventrydirect. Com to find out if your policy qualifies. Or call the number on your screen. Coventry direct, redefining insurance. Now back to unfiltered with dan bongino. When im talking about two americas, im not just talking about the difference between the rich and the poor. Im talking about the very rich and everybody else. That was former far left president ial candidate john edwards. Remember him, the hair guy, a 500 haircut . Talking about two americas. There are guys who cut their own hair and then those guys who get 500 haircuts. I grew up in the city. I was a city kid. How do we explain the two americas speech john edwards gave. But what he doesnt tell you is that he created it. They created the two americas. Look at major policy areas. Economy, healthcare, education, public safety. Where are economies struggling. Inner cities run exclusively by Garbage Democrat politicians who dont give a damn about people. They are the ones who ran these economies into the ground. In some of these cities they havent had a republican elected in four or five decades. An america where you can get a job and an america where you cant. Lets not forget about the healthcare. You look at the Health Outcomes in the cities where the democrats have run for decades, and you stand a chance of dying in one of these inner cities far more likely than in city whereas they gave a damn about healthcare and outcomes. Then education. You see these Public Schools in these inner cities. The kids have no shot. John edwards and the left want to talk about two americas. You are sending the america you run in these liberal cities. You are sending them to Public Schools that are a train wreck. A total train wreck. You are damning them to another america where they have no shot. Public safety. Bad enough that you can barely find a job. Bad enough that the schools are awful and the kids get no shot. And they dont want to give them school choice. But what about public safety. You cant even walk down the darn street. As shop cried rates explode in cities run by liberals for decades. Some of these places have not seen a breathing republican politician since the revolutionary war. And somehow its our fault . I say to the folks in these places, its your country, too. Maybe its time to give thal tesh tough a shot. You cant do any worse. Joining me brandon tatum, a former Police Officer and author of the tatum report. Americas inner cities being driven into the ground by these democrats and blaming it on everyone but themselves. I want to say, thank you for standing up for truth, being a bold man of courage. Because of bold men like you, our country does a better job. The democrats have completely destroyed that which they claim to defend. They are putting policies in the place in these inner cities. They dont want black people to be better educated. And they are doing the same thing in policing. They hate the police. They have disdain for Police Officers. They come out own Television Almost every time they speak and say Police Departments around the country are systemically racist. Then they claim to throw money at them as though its going to fix the problem. When you destroyed the character and morale on a Police Department you wont see your cities turn around. They cry about what republicans and white racists are doing. But they are the ones destroying the black community in america as a whole. Dan i ran for office myself three times. Didnt win. Thats why im here speaking to every one. I knocked on a lot of doors in neighborhoods with a heavy minority population. We have got to get out there and knock on doors and talk to people face to face. Its the only way to change minds. 100 . I have never a met a person face to face who actually disagrees with me. When you talk to people and you meet them in their humanity. They want to be safe and provide for their families. We mostly want the same things and i agree with you 1,000 percent. Most people get along just fine. I think thats the key to getting our country better. Dan well said. Thanks for your time. I we willy appreciate it. Coming up, The Rise And Fall of michael after senatey. Michal avenatti. Avenatti you are like the holy spirit. You are at all places at all times. Tony here from creditrepair. Com taking to the streets to talk about credit. Can you repair your credit yourself . Yes. Great. How . Uhhh. How long does Credit Repair take . I dont know, like 10 years. What . Are you insane . Whats a good credit score . Go. 600. Maybe if youre trying to pay thousands extra in interest rates. Cut the confusion, get started with a free Credit Evaluation at creditrepair. Com. Hes not only the attorney who represents Stormy Daniels. Hes Donald Trumps worst nightmare. Ar the American People deserve to knowno what happened with ths agreement, whether mr. Trump knew about it. I must ask the 64,000 question. Are you going to run for president . Im seriously considering running in 2020 because i think this is a unique moment in our history. You are like the holy spirit, you are all places at all times. A federal judge dismissed Stormy Daniels defamation suit against donald trump. Did you try to extort nike for millions of dollars . No. The suggestione is absurd. Michael avenatti is now a convicted felon. Dan michael avenatti, the media poster boy. Me remember hes going to take down donald trump . He was found guilty of wire fraud and aggravated nest charges for his dealings with his former client, Stormy Daniels. Michael avenattis image. He went from a convicted felon for attempted extortion to wire fraud. Do you think his appearances on the media hurt him in his legal battle here . I cant really speak to that question in particular. But i think the fact that mr. Avenatti faced three different indictments . Two different i districts certainly suggests that, you know, there was a concerted effort across two different u. S. Attorneys offices to go after him as aggressively as possible. Its certainly possible that the fact a that he had such a high profile made him such a significant target for them. These are two injuries here. These are two juries here. He even considered running for president at one time. You put your name out there, you have gothe all this dirty laundy behind you . The lesson i think is beware of the charlatans. Anyone with any sense should have known from the moment avenatti hit the scene, that he was a charlatan. The things he was saying were outrageous. Specifically about judge bret calf now, now Justice Brett kavanaugh when he said kavanaugh and on Thers Gang Raped Teenaged Girls in high school, but somehow no one ever heard about this. It was an absurd story. Now we know hes not just a charlatan webs a criminal. He stole money from his client stormyen daniels. While was telling here she wasnt getting paid, he was taking the money from her. Dan why would you go out in front of the media and make yourself this big public figure. He had all these appearanced in front of the media knowing the closet door was going to open. Thanks a lot. Really appreciate you. Celebrities have a long history of putting their feet in their mouth. H. Wait until you hear the latest from susan sarandon. Dan welcome back to unfiltered. Time for hot takes. Outrageous stories you may have missed this week. Joining us, Fox News Contributor lisa boothe. Actresse. Susan sarandon. Havent seen her since bull durham. She is being slammed after posting a disgraceful tweet comparing the officers at Jason Ramirez funeral to fascists. Thisf is just part of the cultue rot we are living through. What i would like to say would probably get me fired. So i will stick with the p. G. Version. These progressives like susan sarandon, she thinks she knows whats best for communities she doesnt live in. She has been part of the dethe fund police. You have had minority communities become more unsafe as a result of this antipolice hate. Now you have more slain Police Officers like jason rivera and. Let me get through the story here. This new bill in iowa, they are pushing for Public Schools to require live cameras in classrooms. Lisa, totally down with that. Lets see what teachers are teaching our a kids. If there is any Silver Lining in the covid craziness, its parents being exposed to what their kids are being taught. Parents have been witness to the craziness, the liberal indoctrination happening to kids across america. But in some respects we already have cameras in classrooms. How many kids have these . Theyho have cell phones. So many teachers have been fired because they pushed this nonsense on kids. Or per rated kids. In k some respects we kind of already have it. I think there should be Transparency Andtr parents shoud know the crazy their kids are being taught. Dan i dont know when transparency became such a crazy thing. We know why. Dan we know coming up next. Ise the pope socialist . Many catholics, me includes are are wondering after his shocking statements. We know cloth masks dont work. What about pantihose . A mask study you have to see to believe. Shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and its ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation tv and get 2 months free dan dan pope francis has been known as a transformative figure and leads the Catholic Church differently. Isnt that a good thing . Is he a socialist . He made comments like this about taxes, must favor the redistribution of wealth. Here to react is Fox News Contributor raymond arroyo. I had so many after i covered this own my podcast, so many priests and members of the church reach out to me about pope francis and social media misinformation. Your thoughts on this. This is a spiritual intervention tonight. Thats what im doing to help a friend. The popes views on immigration and taxation are personal opinions. His Job Description doesnt cover of any that. Thats all extra. We catholics and those in the media elevate papal opinion to the level of dogma. People ask me, is the pope a socialist . In 2016 during the president ial election, only one president ial candidate was invited to the vatican. You you know who that candidate was . Bernie sanders. They invited him because the bishop who ran the thing said his views are analogous with those of the pope. I knew Pope Benedict and john paul. They had a personal animus been communism and socialism in their bones. Ar but all of that is irrelevant. The pope is here to protect faith and morals. Thats what he should be speaking on, and thats what we should be rinsing to. Politics, immigration, fashion, the marketplace, all of that is a prudential judgment. You can listen to it and take it with a grain of salt just like your opinion or mine. Dan thanks for your time. I appreciate it. It has got me concerned because the church means a lot to me. Stick to the dogma, you cant go wrong. The opinions, put that aside. Time for our lightning rounds. Story number one. The hypocrisy on the left is getting ridiculous. See this photo with Eric Gar Krety and garcetti and magic johnson. Here is garcettis excuse. I wore my mask the entire game. When people asked p for a photograph, i put it here and hold my breath. There is zero chance of getting infected from that. Dan maybe garcetti would feel better if he wore pantihose with his mask. Scientiststs say putting pantihe over your head, over your mask will make your mask more effective. Do we need another psa here. Dont rob banks, breathe. This is ridiculous. And dont Wear Pantihose over a mask out in public. Next story. Biden was in new york city on thursday to address the rising crime issue. Instead of addressing policy, he blamed the guns. A life cut short by a man with a stolen glock, a magazine with 40 rounds. Thats a weapon of war. We always bring the receipts object this show. We told you how the left loves to weaponize language where we said this. If you dont have a word or phrase just make it up. Assault rifle or better yet, weapons of war. Didnt take long. 7 Days Since Last weeks show. They do it every time whenever they dont have a point to make. We know the left loves their lockdowns. When they cant use covid as an excuse, with its only a matter of time before they have to move on to their next crisis. Coming next, Climate Lockdowns . I saw this Story By Kristen Tate and said dont give them any ideas. Aoc is probably pontificating about a climate lockdown. Facebook made history this week and it was not for something positive. Their stock dropped 237 billion. Probably the gdp of a lot of countries Around The World in one day. Facebook, you have got to pick a side. Do you want censorship or free speech. If they pick free speech their stock will go back up. Before we go, remember you can real the dan bongino show 3 to 6 eastern. That does it for us tonight on unfiltered. Well see you back here next Saturday Night at 9 p. M. Lawrence welcome to Lawrence Jones Cross Country on this show we take you on a journey of the good, the bad and the ugly. We go with the story takes us even if we may disagree on the outcome. Lets go Cross Country. Thank you so much for

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