that, any comparison in a way that everyone can understand and plus the white house is slowly raising a radical agenda i guess our kids after disney woke and i go unfiltered and why it is time for the conservatives to draw a redline to protect the kids and is the slap heard around the world and can chris rock defend himself against will smith got one of the best fighters in the world who will join me later with some self defense as you don't want to miss. and since joe biden took office, hammer contains week bouncing from one crisis to the next any of the covid-19 pandemic, massive inflation, afghanistan, russian invades ukraine in the energy crisis, and yet all along the way, it is the little guys in the seem to get screwed the mouse and you know, the have-nots in society and why are we always left holding the bag after all of the connected haves do all of the damage it and the haves of the powerbroker really do seem to make the rules the rest of us are forced to live