in our country. dan: 100,000 more died since biden. you leave that all out that's amazing. >> why are you the way that you are? honestly every time i try to do something fun or exciting -- you mac it not -- dan: you're saying billionaire and millionaires don't pay enough what are top percent and income taxes through the top one percent pay do you know? >> i think you're asking the wrong question. the question is why aren't corporations and billionaires -- no. dan: you don't know. you have no idea. you don't know. >> people who are working on the frontlines in the middle of the pandemic are paying more. dan: just guess. what is top one percent? just guess. you have no idea. the answer is 40%. >> not paying a cent. >> you're suggesting although republicans ran against defunding police, they are defunding the police because of a bill they didn't support that mentions a police how many times did that mention the police and